lafourche parish, louisiana - request to join ice 287(g) program

CIlAIG WEBRE SHERIFF Ms. julie M)'tn A s s j , W r t ~ ~ a r t 5 b of lLafourcbt ~ f t t C t of tb t ~ b t t i f f April 30. 2008 U.S . tmmigration and Customs £nforc;ement 425 I S t . NW . Suite 71 00 Washington, DC 20536 Dear Ms. My .... " N/t.TION/dLYACCREImw ·' n'lIBODAUX (985 ) 4G-22S5 GAWANO tS85) 708-2255 LOCI<I"OAT (985j S32.22S5 FAX (98.5) 447-1854 1 am contacting you to let you know the Wourehe Parish Sheriff's Office would like to panicipate In ICE ACCESS. 1have bad the opportunity to review the ICE ACCESS fact sheet and am particularly interested in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. [a m also interested in partnering with ICE for me pllrpose of iwwting ICE Delain . . . in a I\rtore expanded jail. I'\fC spoken with TeE's Local and S we Coordinator, Tim Pendecgraph. on several occasions about the ACCESS program and our desire to increase OUT participation with ICE as our jail space grows. I am also eager to discuss these proposals with Trey Lund, the New Orleans Field Offico Director once my travel schedule as NSA President slows down. Jim's office suggested dw: th e following information may be useful as you consider our request l.afoutehe Parish's c.urrent population is approximately 100,000. A future expanded facility could serve as a regional facUity ( T e r r e b o n n ~ St Mary. Assumption. St. Chatles and St. James Parishe s) incrcasingthat popula tion figure to more than 350.000 people. Our rated capacity is currently 241 and every bed is filled every day. Roughly 8% of our jail population is believed to be foreign-born at any given time and we do utilize ICE LESe. Currently 62 of our 369 sworn officen are assigned at the Detention Center and you can find out more about our agency at our website at www.lpso.oet. With the Regional Facility cooc:epl in mind, we would of coune coordinate to ensure the entire Southeastern Region of Louisiana was represented in any 287(g) train i ng. We have a growing imnrlgrant population because ofthe need far construction workers post hurricanes Katrina and Rita and a booming energy economy in need o f more offshon: workers. Circumstances have become a natural draw for workers from other countries . I look fOfWatd to hearing from you and stand ready to answer any questions you may have. P.O . BO X 5608 THIBODAUX. LA 70302 W W W . l p s o

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8/14/2019 Lafourche Parish, Louisiana - request to join ICE 287(g) program 1/2


Ms. julie M)'tn

A s s j , W r t ~

~ a r t 5 b of lLafourcbt

~ f t t C t of tbt ~ b t t i f f April 30. 2008

U.S . tmmigration and Customs £nforc;ement425 I St. NW. Suite 71 00Washington, DC 20536

Dear Ms. My ....


n'lIBODAUX (985) 4G-22S5

GAWANO tS85) 708-2255



FAX (98.5) 447-1854

1 am contacting you to let you know the Wourehe Parish Sheriff's Office would like to panicipate In ICE

ACCESS. 1 have bad the opportunity to review the ICE ACCESS fact sheet and am particularly interested in the287(g) Delegation of Authority program. [am also interested in partnering with ICE for me pllrpose of iwwtingICE Delain. . . in a I\rtore expanded jail.

I'\fC spoken with TeE's Local and Swe Coordinator, Tim Pendecgraph. on several occasions about the ACCESSprogram and our desire to increase OUT participation with ICE as our jail space grows. I am also eager to discussthese proposals with Trey Lund, the New Orleans Field Offico Director once my travel schedule as NSAPresident slows down.

Jim's office suggested dw: the following information may be useful as you consider our request l.afoutehe

Parish's c.urrent population is approximately 100,000. A future expanded facility could serve as a regional

facUity ( T e r r e b o n n ~ St Mary. Assumption. St. Chatles and St. James Parishes) incrcasingthat population figureto more than 350.000 people.

Our rated capacity is currently 241 and every bed is filled every day. Roughly 8% of our jail population isbelieved to be foreign-born at any given time and we do utilize ICE LESe. Currently 62 of our 369 swornofficen are assigned at the Detention Center and you can find out more about our agency at our website at


With the Regional Facility cooc:epl in mind, we would of coune coordinate to ensure the entire SoutheasternRegion of Louisiana was represented in any 287(g) training. We have a growing imnrlgrant population becauseofthe need far construction workers post hurricanes Katrina and Rita and a booming energy economy in need of

more offshon: workers. Circumstances have become a natural draw for workers from other countries.

I look fOfWatd to hearing from you and stand ready to answer any questions you may have.

P.O. BOX 5608 • THIBODAUX. LA 70302 • W W W . l p s o

8/14/2019 Lafourche Parish, Louisiana - request to join ICE 287(g) program 2/2

Craig WebreSheri ffLafourche ParishP.O. Box 5608Thibodaux, LouiSIana 70302

Dear Sheri ff Webre:

JUN 18 2008

Office o/SIOIe and Local Coordination

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

425 I Street, NWWash ington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigrationand CustomsEnforcement

Thank: you fo r yo ur letter expressing Interest in the 287(g) Delegation ofAuthori ty programoffered by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

As the largest investigative agency within the Dcpartment of Homeland Securi ty (DHS), ICE ischarged wi th protecting national secunty and ensurin g public safety through the aggressive

enforcement of federal inlmil,'I'ation and customs laws across the more than 3.5 million squaremiles that make up our great nation. ICE recognizes, however, that we share the responsibilityof ensuring publi c safety with over 775,000 state and local law enforcement officers. One wayICE addresses thi s joint goal IS by building partnerships with state and local law enforccmentagencIes (LEAs). To facilitate these partnerships and work more closely with our state and localcounterparts, ICE launched the comprehensive Agreements of Cooperation In Communities toEnhance Safety and Security (ACCESS) program in 2007.

ICE ACCESS serves to provide state and local LEAs like yours an opportunity to partner withICE to specificall y combat the immigration and customs enforcement challenges of theircommunities. To accomplish this, ICE ACCESS offers an umbrella of scrvlceS and programs toassist local LEAs with interior enforcement issues. Thc 287(g) program that you r letterreferenced is only one such component. Other programs that fa ll within the purview of ICE

ACCESS include: the Customs Cross-Designa tion (Title 19) Document and Benefit fraud TaskForces, the Law Enfo rcement SUppOIt Center (LESC), Operation Commumty ShIeld, theCriminal Alien Program (CAP), Fugitive Operations, and RapId Repatriation. Please findenclosed a copy of the ICE ACCESS Fact Sheet for more infonnation.

It is through strategic discussions and efforts such as these that strong partnershIps between stateand local law enforcement agencies and ICE can be developed. Combini ng Federal, state, andlo cal resources has proven successfulm safeguarding the public. I have requested that the localICE ACCESS liaisons work in coordination with yo u to detennine whi ch ICE ACCESSprograms will best meet our joint needs. The local points of contact for ICE ACCESS arc: in theOffice of Inves tigations, Program Manager (b)(li); (l!)(z)(c)at (504) 3 ~ U Q ) ( ] l ( Q in the Office ofDetention and Removal OperatIons, Assistant Field Office Director at (504) 599-




¥ S heriff (ret.) Jim PendergraphExecutIve DirectorOffice of State and Local Coordination