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  • 8/13/2019 Land Pooling


    / 8 TH E GAZEITE O F IN DIA : E XT RA OR DIN A RY [P A R T 1 1 S l . C . 3( ii) 1ii. ( f s ~ ~ ' 3i1J{)~~ ~ ~ cF ~ ~.fctm.~ l CJ) m m m ~ c m

    ~I J n C : I T c f I T ~ ~ Bcftl ff i r h fm r GlllQ f)ClI (3H36H1rnJI) lTri mrvr ~ r h 3liCi1NI Ci1 U9fd41~ul c)J ~ fct~~ ~ fctm{ fc lmr cF'~ tR ~ fc ttJR ~~I

    [ft -;;1-130361l1/2007-~-V]a n q ; ; f f f i ~,31l-~


    NOTIFICATIONNew Delhi, the 5th September, 2013

    S.O. 2687(E).~ Whereas, certain modifications which the Central Government proposed to makeinthe Master Plan for Delhi-202] as mentioned hereunder were published in the Gazette of'India, Extraor-dinary, as Public Notice vide S.O. No. 990(E) dated 18-4-2013 by the Delhi Development Authority inaccordance with the provisions of Section 44 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957 (61 of 1957) invitingobjections/suggestions as required by sub-section (3) of Section ll-Aofthe said Act, within forty five daysfrom the date of the said notice. . .

    2. Whereas, objections/suggestions received with regard to the proposed modifications havebeen considered by a Board of Enquiry and Hearing, set up by Delhi DevelopmentAuthority and also approved at the meeting of the Delhi Development Authority.

    3. Whereas the Central Government has, after carefully considering all aspects of the matter,decided to modify the Master Plan for Delhi-2021.4. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 11-A of

    the said Act, the Central Government hereby makes the following modifications in the saidMaster Plan for Ddhi-2021 with effect from the date of publication of this Notification inthe Gazette of India.Modifications' .S.No. ChapterlParal Sub-para of MPD Modifications

    2021 Introduction, Major Highlights of

    the Plan, S. No. 20, (a) Land PolicyThe land policy based on the optimumhe land policy would be based on the

    optimum utilisation of available utilisation of available resources, both,resources, both, public and private in public and private in land assembly,land assembly, development and development and housing to be as perhousing. Chapter 19.0.

    2 3.0 Delhi Urban Area, Para 3.2... The immediate urban extension ... The immediate urban extension couldcould be in the zones of J to L, N P be in the zones of J to L, N & P (I&ll).(1&11). The land required for urban In order to aecomodate the additionalextension, will have to be assembled population, the land required for urbanfor planned development. Considering extension, will have to be assembled forthe ... planned development as per the landpolicy given in Chapter 19.0.Considering the ...

  • 8/13/2019 Land Pooling


    I: j J T f H-~ 3 ii] 9

    19.0 LAND POLICY3. A new Chapter 19.0Land Policy is added to the MPD 2021 as under:

    The large sc al e Land Acqui si ti on, D evelopm e nt and D isposal Polic y of D elhi approved in1961 is stil l in operatio n. H ow ever , lan d ac qu isitio n an d p lan ned d ev elo pm e nt h as n ot k ep tpac e w ith the inc reasing dem a nds of urbanisation during the last f ive decades. Moreover,the process of acquisition is inc reasingly challenged by land owners due to low.c om p ensation as c om p ared to the m a rket value. T herefore, the new land polic y is based onthe concept of Land Pooling wherein the land parc els ow ned by individuals or group ofowners are legally c onsolidated by transfer of ow nership rights to the designated LandPooling A gency, w hic h later transfers the ow nership of the part of land bac k to the landow ners for undertaking of developm ent for such areas. The policy is applic able in theproposed urbanisable areas of the Urban Extensions for which Zonal Plans have beenapproved.19.1 Guiding Principles

    1 . G ovt. / DD A to ac t as a fac ilitator w ith rninim wn intervention to fac ilitate and'sp eed u p in teg rated p lan ned d ev elo pm e nt.

    ii . A land ow ner, ?r a group of land ow ners (w ho have. gr ou ped to geth er o f th eir ownvolit ion/w ill for this purpose) or a' developer, hereinafter referred to as 'th e D eveloper E ntity (D E), shall be perm i tted to pool land f or unif ied planning,servic ing and subdivision / share of the land for developm ent as per presc ribedn or m s a nd g uid el in es.

    iii . Eac h landow ner to get an equitable return irrespec tive of land uses assigned totheir land in the Z onal D evelopm e nt Plan (Z DP) w ith m i nim u m displac em e nt.

    iv . T o en su re sp eed y d ev elo pm e nt o f M aster P lan R oad s an d o th er essen tial P hy sic al Soc ia l In fr as tr uc tu re an d R ec re ati on al a re as.v. T o e ns ure i nc lu si ve development by adequate provision ofEW S and other housingas per Shelter Polic y of the M as ter Plan.

    19.2 Role ofDDAlGovernmenti . Declaration of ar ea s under lan d pooling and preparation of Lay out Plans and,S ec to r P la ns based on th e a va il ability of physical infrast ruc ture.

    ii . Super impositi on of Revenue m ap s on t he approved Zonal plans.111 . Tim e b ou nd dev elopm en t of i denti f ied lan d with Maste r Plan R oads, pro vis ion of

    Physical lnfrast ruc ture such as W ate r Supply, Sewerage and D rainage, provisio nof Soc ial Infrastr uc tu re an d Traf f ic and Transportat ion Inf rastruc tur e inc lu dingMetro C orridors .iv. DDA shall be re spon si bl e f or e xt er na l dev el opm ent in a tim e bou nd m a nn er .

    v. Acquisit ion oflef t out lan d poc k et s in a tim e b ou nd m a nn er shall on ly b e tak enupwherever the persons are not com ing forward to partic ip at e in developmentthrough lan d pooling.

  • 8/13/2019 Land Pooling


    1 0 TH E GAZET TE OF INDIA; EXTRAORDINARY [P A R T J I . _ - S F .( :. 3(ii)]19.3



    Role of the Developer Entity (DE)Assembly and surrender of land as per policy in the prescribed time frame to bespecified in the Regulations.Preparation of the layout plans/detailed plans as per the provisions of Master Planand the Policy.Demarcate all the roads as per Layout Plan and Sector Plan and get the sameverified from the concerned Authority within the assembled area and seekapproval oflayout plans/detailed plans from the DDA.a) Develop Sector RoadslIntemal Roads Infrastructure/Services (including watersupply lines, power supply, rain water harvesting, STP, WTP etc.) falling in itsshare of the land.b) DE shall be allowed creation of infrastructure facilities, roads, parks etc. at citylevel subject to approval of Competent AuthorityReturn of the prescribed built up space/ Dwelling Units for EWSILIG Housingcomponent to the DDA as per the policy.Timely completion of development and its maintenance with all the neighborhoodlevel facilities i.e. open spaces, roads and services till the area is handed over tothe Municipal Corporation concerned for maintenance. The deficiency charges ifany, shall be borne by the DE at the time of handing over of the services to theCorporation.

    ii L



    Land Use Distribution:The Land Use distribution at the city level for the urbanisable areas in the urbanextension adopted for this policy is as under:

    Gross Residential: 53%. (For every 1000 ha of Land pooled, the grossresidential distribution provides approximately 50,000 DU's for EWShousing.)

    Commercial: 5% Industrial: 4% Recreational: 16% Public Semi- 'Public Facilities: 10% . Roads Circulation : 12%The Recreational Land Use does not include green areas within the various gross

    land use categories.The share of city level remunerative land to be retained by DDA shall depend onthe categories/size of land pooled under this policy. DDA's share in Residentialland shall vary between 0-10%, Commercial Land shall vary between 0-2% andentire Industrial land of 4% shall be retained by DDA.

    19.5 Norms for Land Assembly/Land PoolingThe Land Pooling Model proposed for land assembly & development with DeveloperEntities are as follows:

    1. The two categories of land pooling are Category I for 20 Ha and above andCategory 11for 2 Ha to less than 20 Ha.

    11 _ The land returned to Developer Entity (DE) in Category I (20 Ha and above)will be 60% and land retained by DDA 40%.

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    [\ lJ1T I~ 3(ii) J IIiii. The Land returned to Developer Entity (DE) in Category II (2 Ha to less than

    '20 Ha) will be 48% and land retained by DDA 52%.iv. The distribution ofland returned to DE (60%) in terms ofland use in Category

    I will be 53% Gross residential, 2% City Level Public/Semi-Public and 5% CityLevel Commercial.The distribution of land returned to DE (48%) in terms ofland use in Category II will be 43% as Gross residential, 2% City LevelPublic/Semi-Public and 3% City Level Commercial.

    v. DE shall be returned land within 5 km radius of pooled land subject to otherplanning requirements. ,

    GrossRes lden tW

    Table 19.1: Land Assembly Pooling Model

    la nd P oo led f or th e illu str ative exam ple is a ssum ed at 20 Ha for C ategory I and 2 Ha forCategoiy 1 1 . R es ld en ti al B U A i nc lu de s 1 5 % o f B U Af or E W S H ou si ng. C alc ulated at m axim u m density of 1 000 persons per hec tare of gross /'eSldentlalland anddensity for 1 5% FA R reserved f or E WS c alc ulated at unit size of 32 sqm . C alc ulated as per M PD -2021 norm s of 3 sqm per person for fac ilities.

    19.6 Development Control Norms:i. Development Control Norms under the policy are:

    a. Residential FAR 400 for Group Housing to be applicable on netresidential land ~hich is exclusive of the 15% FAR reserved for EWS'

    'Housing. Net Residential larid to be a maximum of 55% of GrossResidential land.

    b. FAR for City Level Commercial and City Level PSP to be 250.c. Maximum Ground Coverage shall be 40%.d. Density of 15% FAR for EWS population shall be considered over and

    above the permissible Gross Residential Density of 800-1 000 pph.e. Adequate parking as per norms of 2 ECSIl 00 sqm of BUA to, be ,'

    provided for Residential development by the DE. However.jn c a s e of(' the housing for EWS, the norms of 0.5 ECS/IOO sqm of BtJA lObe

    provided.f. Incentives for Green Building norms as per MPD-2021 to be applicable

    to Group Housing developed under this policy.

  • 8/13/2019 Land Pooling


    1 2 - THE GAZETfE OF [NDIA : EXTRAORDfNARY [PARTII -SEc . 3 (ii ))g. Basement below and beyond building line up to setback line may be

    kept flushed with the ground in case mechanical ventilation is available.In case not prescribed, basement up to 2 mts from plot line shall bepermitted.

    ii. Sub-division of gross residential areas and provision of facilities (local and citylevel) shall be as per MPD 2021.

    Hi. Local level facilities to commensurate with the density specified at 19.6 (L) (d.)above.

    iv. Tradable FAR is allowed for development. However, in case of residential use,tradable FAR can only be transferred to another DE in the same planning Zoneshaving approvalllicence of projects more than 20 Ha.

    19.7 Other terms and conditionsi. Land Pooling to be permitted as per this policy in the urbanisable areas of entire

    urban extension for which Zonal Plans. have been approved. However,development along TOD corridors in these areas will be as per rOD policy.ii. In case offragmented land holdings coming forward for Land Pooling in the same

    Planning Zone, land shall be returned in the vicinity of the largest land holdingwithin the same zone. If there is any shortfall/variation of land in any zone orcategory due to site conditions, the DE will be entitled to the entire built up areapermissible to him in that category on the land returned, even though the actualland returned to DE may be lesser than due to him.

    iii. EWS Housing unit size to be ranging between 32-40 sqm.IV. 50% of the EWS Housing Stock shall be retained by Developer Entity (DE) and

    disposed only to the Apartment owners, at market rates, to house CommunityService Personnel (CSP) working for the Residents / Owners of the GroupHousing. These will be developed by DE at the respective Group Housing site /premises or contiguous site.

    v. Remaining 50% of DUs developed by DE t~ be sold to DDA for EWS housingpurpose will be sold to DDA / Local Bodies at base cost of Rs, 2000/ per sq. ft:as per CPWD index of2013 (plus cost ofEWS parking) which shall be enhancedas per CPWD escalation index at the time of actual handing over and can bedeveloped by DE at an alternate nearby site. Necessary commercial and PSPfacilities shall also be provided by the DE for this separate housing pocket.

    vi. The EWS housing component created by the DE shall be subject to qualityassurance checks, as prescribed in this regard by Govt./DDA. The fmalhanding/taking over of this component shall be subject to fulfilling the qualityassurance requirements.

    vii. The DE shall be allowed to undertake actual transfer/transaction of saleablecomponent under its share/ownership to the prospective buyers only after theprescribed land and EWS housing component is handed over to the DDA.

    viii. External Development Charges and any other development charges incurred forthe city infrastructure shall be payable by the DE on actual cost incurred by DDA.

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    [ WTIJ-~ 3 ii)] I3

    19.8 Framework for Implementation or the Policy1. The detailed Regulations for operationalisation of the Land Pooling Policy

    including process and timeframe for participation shall be framed separately in atime bound manner. In order to make the Policy people friendly and transparent,the detailed Regulations shall be 'put up in Public domain for inviting views of thestakeholders giving 30 days time in the newspapers and web site since it involvesdevelopment through participation.

    ii. Creation ofa dedicated Unit in DDA for dealing with approvals of Land Pooling. applications. The option of outsourcing of the scrutiny for legality of applications .and online submission of building plans to experts may also be considered.

    [No. J -1 3036 /1 I I2007 -DD-V]A BH IJ IT B AK SH I, D y. Sec y.

    ._ _ _ Printed by the M a n a g e r , G ove rnm ent of India P res s, Ring Road, M ayapuri, New Dclhi II0064and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-IIOOS4.

    _ _ _