l£a^pact[^b umomait 1 to hbsp bspital at ]...

r— fcflSeturri. ■or Railroad wjnibn^kay H .« n w m ) N Moy 22 (U.R)—P r e s id e n t ' S l l a t a f the thrcc.ym-o\d railroi ^K j^w ill return the lines to their p: « t the papers signed.- , , told-hU news confercnce tl; ^K ^M ttltd,u it was last night, back ^B*^iti(JTiopr’thnt^nilroBd“lnbor‘a’ ■ S ^ - » b ld e by-thejttilway-lflhaE until August. 1950, when M r ivert a nation-wide strike, ^ ---------- ^ prniaed his ai SteelmftD^wh oil the proposal the rail eettlt g l Strike Is ; s ”3 ni ' 1 brousht tc fc in g Slowly «n B m - Bittit- The dUputo ove. on »a TW wtUemen l^ K L ^ u t^ c t bs.il<. tniulBted Into the CIO OU lwiffu»ge of co »l D“ « r “ 'f* eontr«cU. provl I^K T m em a uUmaU" to vige tncreuu v ^ K a JW rd or the orKlntl medUte lump btci: *t work- from («00 to «1.: alUanenli between neer*. conduetc ^^LiW unlouuidoU com* iiieM payments roadi about <10C Method Vard vortcen. '^■oErasIs nated plant<b7> n j; an hour, t Hid the union of about ce -tfd It'i Ttry cumber- wm get j ^^bidUxlMtiT-wlde bar- „iote than lhelr ;B,Prt(«iU«uldb* over „,j. ,H L iDoeue ceiUne of IS asre'lm^l by to® *•«« October. 19M. « _^*jjjWrinjprovliig ac- changes In the d ............................. 11 I' I nnu of'Ute raU ” .ectlonj of . ts ilre T rK * ro?'forrin“ “ S cS 'iM jfS « |S K B S m ^ H iV V v Irw ^ lU n g the procesa woul Hverai dafa." pHess and Dn fcm ts Lead-F ^^K lvore drivers have appeared in ^■Mturgu-of-drunken-^fiving-and-r ^fc3B«irWorgaTTFTwl!rTBlTa,-arres S ».B. Thursday, appeared before .^»«iPSUDhopfr-at-{K;46-a.mnnra^cha .^Shtpleided guilty and was fined $10 ^ ^ hope directed i ^■ili Plnimo license should M 'li ^ iillMI'i— fcnnrerssFT n , Frook aelUU} ^Bvl rinilAm * California, plead leaa.drtvlng tai. i f, M cosU In Twin ^ ■ t~ A ’0fA'7\T“ v Q Tburaday mom VjL 1 y license waa senl u.'^ CaUfomla driver’ ™ parent* he u«e a Callfo th".“ ;, TV- v'i" be IS tte <ie,ih of hta James O. Bark he wpported hli north. Dieaded a f c T ,± 'T .' "STslIn at*^A§ miles Elm atreet north. «lwt he Uved until court Thuraday, 'HNrchattj v.^ *'* ** w*'* •*« tlUUon um I)e puRhaaed a Clifton Adklnsc Mulhwest fined and sentei uwd ibtre u„m dnyjng charge In •^W ^ ia n ^ . be tnjajtd '>MM haa beea i .^E^^^^*.t.8prtiiBdal« .Adkinson,. Who for a rail- the charge, was i SO «1»1 Jud#* Stanley L« ^ ^ ^ ^ t j .D t a h , On Dee. «ntence would 1 L, Kidd. payment of the ^e*m ^ . t h c . « . r l y n<^p>ld-unUI-W Ub iraodfather. In addlUon to ^E f t d ^ •M ‘he-llnt tence-Judge Lem In the »KU penalon for one Utit4 drlvtnc u d Uqut *7 fl»e sons Bn« m s :- tlned Ad^ W JI BanddiMH.?'' tiiied liootod cc ^ B * “y*ndehilartn “ “rt when *•“ I* held at i reckleaa drlv ^K^'jSivrh'siv^ «IU> an wcldent. ""’•rrL- fe'S'tS ^ K ^ O COIXIDE----- -BALT LAKB C ^ ■ tL .1^ ^*r a in . Bracken S; S5S ttver.- wmSH-proMlW ^ ---- .-- ^ ZM~W I m ■ " !li ---- 1: -- A„ itK iam aj(,w»p8p ,r-s iriiD u e ^ ' - ^ oads as l£a^Pact[^B President Truman, pleased ■old lailroikd *wage dispute; to their private owners as V \!n|H K M Vl/^W l ference thc dispute could ight, back in 1950. . way_labac-act..\vbich-had- ', when Mr. Truman seized ide strike. The President' ised his Assistant, John R. elmqn, wHq m m e . up .with. proposal that resulted in settlement. IB agreement signed at the J«lle. *, (ult), m, te Houaa shortly before mid- UCUIr;AtDSM It brought to a close one of the a n i.t ti New York < est and most bitter Isbor-man- frtm pbotompbera' nent disputes In V. 8. history, dej, Arjie. reUied. ' dUpute over wages nnd work- LtCUIr lerrrd with rules began three ycnrs ago, --------- --------------- ReCroMtlTB P a r -w __ uage of collecUvo .bargaining racu. provide for retroactive »v » J Increasea which win bring lm- U -m /v-i ^ Ute lump sum payments of I III If i »«00 to »1.100 to 150,000 engi- ' J ' s. conductors and firemen, RUPERT Mav ?.iT'asi«s.*‘"" ird wQAers. who now average individuals for hc >an hour, will get *n increase ig not roine to do I bout 3<14 cents an hour. Train . . TrlnW. .n J!«= » will get n n centa an hour 8 conges, ^ than thclr present average of ‘ Oe resolution 1 Ray Bobbins, Den « . nm “ r ‘“ 'f"’" '?* ber. 1953. also makes several unless the ige» in th<? cornpllffatftl warklny gO^l^iO-dO-SOmctl ;,s's.s‘!s;r !?».s f ■ ■■‘- : White pouse g rie ig ^ ^ R s-S c^ B wQtUr* > l least ^ _____________________ funds for the Wact oi T \ ___He laid the bureau Drunk srss's ___ North Side project di idcParadfeSSiS ipeared in M agic Valley he^*send“ wepaM*t 'ing-and-reckleaa-driving^ of»ciah,rtguM»pg- SlTai-arrestcd-by Jerome atto red before Justicc of the iw S n n r a ^ c h a r g e - o f - d r a n k e n - tie ippfOTBm rth e te J fined $100. Juaticc Stan.. aOoMcwamitiMon a Bdirected that her driving S*"hi^i?fdCTeit use should be suspended »ibiy would b» aceei one y&iV.----------------- :— “ proTH.,. - aok QellaUy, Twin Falls and — ;---------- r- BasebaU! osU In Twin PalU police court nday morning.—Hla" drlvtr* ------nro»-*T and Ul M was sent to the state de- NATIONAL Ll ment- of law enforcement for — ............ — ------- ay revocaUon. ClndnnaU _ 0 M 000 18 court warned Gcllatly that BroeUyn ___ 000 030 tould not drive hU ear ^flth HlUer, Smith and I .0 license plates while he used a bine. RuUierford. E 'omla driver's llceriaeT nor could aad CampaireUa.------ i»e a California license If he ___ _ ntd to be an ldala> ieald«pt. Bt. U u la ----- .OM000 mes O. Barkley. Wa Elm rtreet New York — 010 020 h. pleaded g%illty of running a Staley, Werle, B aIgn at Addison avenue and » « ; Kennedy and V street north. Atralgned In police mn nnr t Thursday, he paid a fine of ^ and 13 coata. City officers,is- the clUUon Wednesday, Ifton Adkinson. Nampa, who was S ^ o n s and Mpata. i and sentenced on a drunken nn nnn mg charge In Ooodlng last Sat- --------“ ® J haa been Ttlea&ed twm Jail. “ S~‘i -rrT-il^.ir? ikinaon..who..pUadrt .guilty charge, waa lined *100 and sen- -j^nd ga-,,. ed to 30 daya in Jail by Police c h i j ^ __ _______ le Stanley Lee*. Judge Legg said BosKm ___________ ence would be suspended upon fcilppsteln and Edi nent of the Hne. The Hn» was ,„d g^, addlUon to the fine'and sen- AMEBICAN LI e-Judge L e n alao directed sus- ion for one year of Adkinson's Boston _.„— ...........................in« and Uquor Uee&KS. . OKvttand- — ---- Idge Leg* also reports that McDermott and Nli nt Adams. Shoahone. pleaded a^id Hegaa. I •y la Ooodlng to leaving the v New York at Chicai tra!l“ o^AdaTOMra«er-*lrttk Wuhlnglon J ise was obtained, however, an.d |V \ tAti -’ n C caught In P ^ rield . Judge Legg U . IN. JiyCS »5 1 Adams W and W oosti- p .. j liW tod cosU Monday th Jus- J, court when he pleaded guilty Toireo. May U W -eckleas driving in connection Uont otflecn are eyeln erroneous.____________ ^ igislatureCall SoundedinU tah r S “J lS l-N»w9pBperteiTlnj'---------- _ ______________ TWIN FALLS ________E nQ uglllsE nougli-^ 'MlIe.S, (Utt), a n d Ka^ c. 4, daogbters ef Hr. aod Mn. A»hmU«^ ^ * '“• 7*»r-oW l»«« New York CHy sboard the Ifner AmeHea. Alter aeV Pbolorraphers' eatoeraa, the children broke into lean ifim^iate Sction ( Project Is Demar tUPERT, May 22— A Chamber of Commerce m congress to tu m thc North Side tract ovcr ividuals for homesteading if tho burqau of ri lot going to do a n y th in g with the Innd has been |_daho's congresaional representatives. 'he resolution w as compiled by A. C. DeMary, Bobbins, Denzil Lee, Bob Clark and Jnmes . seeks relinquishment of the land by the bureai :ion unless the b u re a u i s -----------------------B eatlr€ la :veral months ago Lawrcnce Ij'll. ~D * rin, Rupert attomey and north JL1U 3 Jt\6S] islry could have tho land In A a A luctlon m six w eeks U Uie iV l A ffC ' ' ■»u would rellnijtilah its hold. O :iu oltlclals counter that ll SURLEY. May 22 - hJ take tomldcrable tim e -and Ociecla Lewis OtUey. 8 M to tum the land over to ot 8:30 ajn. Thursdav tlt-pai!ierT(5r3igntga-aaihi{: rmalnuilned It would take an ness, of congrey before , the bureau Mrs. OtUey was born 1 lellniiulsb its in te re st in the o t DciveyvUle. Utah. I ----------r '■l.-.r.,. _______ Albloni»lUri*fT»eeat( lived-then-nnm~ner' Red by J. « J M [ ilu ^ ^ b U Q r Fred H. Ottley on Ngi S - a g i i e u V ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ * (he Logan LDS tempi B Fael/lc the marriage ahe had bn1 au now Is asking far federal of Elba. Is for the Wact on » homestead Mrs. OtUey w u acUvi h ------------------------------------ ohurchrh*vWs-«jttd" I said the bureau haa proposad of stake and ward Rt oprUUng tm.OOO to complete for more than 30 yea [ on 3000 seres of th e Minidoka had held prominent h Side project during Uie next oUier ward and lUke c ,■ TTils would make 7,000 acres During World war I sl y—fer—imtnedlate--hoeeeteed of-the- Red CraHs oig JogrJarvls dwiareri.---------------- toW-area-Sba-aUo-was la bureau auggestcd realdenU BeauUflcatlon club In t send telepams to Washington lief solccty. iali_itauMllDK_the_BPProiirti SuwivlngjrtJitt-li 1 uIAhe-lundr^ expand.-tlfttl- tt>ugnt»«i Mn, Ttg ent of Uie project. Sen. Henry P o rte d ; M«, Celecti fshak has said the issue cannot Idaho Falls; Un. Aliu ^ P e S ^ U ie senate appropH- d « U ;;^ ^ _ H u U .. 3S cccamltiee on a b u la of com- and Mrs.. Thlna.Sha •lal dereloptnent b u t if changed Waah.; four sons, Lewi •'l^i.Tderelopa,ent It po,. Elb: would bd acMptfd .and ~ - ^ Lewis, Kuna. 3J graadi ...............ai-great-grandchiidren. a s e b a ll S co res ___ ____ chapel wlUi D ls h o i •Frow AT and ur-Heporia — Thompson oHlclatlnr NATIONAL LEAGUE . be maTln.Uir^i ...........— --------- B.-H-E der-the-dlre«lon-of innaU __OM 000 300— 7 I I 1 mortuary. Friends mai lUyn ___ 000 030 J;U— 8 10 1 mortuary on Sunday Her, Smith and Bcminick: La- ottley home In Elba i . RuUierford. Eraklne. Black Monday to time of the Campanella......... ........ - - - ' ' ' ^ ----------------- xuia _ _ 0M 000 000-” ” 1 Storc m ''S m alfy!*' Werle!' '’^ k c lm a n "and DEIT13ged 1 ; Kennedy and Weatrum. jeromb, M?y » - ;a.-.rssst^sis^“r & r--!!!SSS=3 ;! SiS=..^HA- £S.sr.2iK ------ - 50— 3 «»oke, however, and .j*VS--Si'.ri.: Sp .h . “ »« Ot. i<iaire. ____________ ^ r h itf Bird-tald It ti «MERIC*N LEAOUE SA T .1 m SS“ 3_ ______101 000 6— 2 8, T. Davis Is owner 0; PiMui- ______ i o l 000 0— J mg- J)ennott and Nlarhoa; .Lemon ?Si..|oMOT .po..p»r«i TVHecei uhlngton at Bt. Loula. alght. .......__________ -W€dn€ Nf^Eyes S o v ie t _ R u i l d u p S d H l r A s a ttir nttntrw .u vn^ n >KYO. lia r U MV-UnlUd Na- ; offlcen ar* eyeing auspiciously from Kansas City, Mo, lldup ol Soviet strength in Aala “we jnjoyed a full pn iM. of_Uie dMgtf th a t Hiw^a ^ ^ gtanley Brora. »• p» U»“ “e^rt»-artiplanning from„about #:» te .af mori than to keep.Chlnese and Ura. Brown aald both b K o w loldier* w dl supplW raeepUon wen ums, ammunlUon and vehl- ^ ^ ^ a w m , Korea Js Juat aa lllce- mot as Kurope. - . 1* owned by her son-ln r w e r whlS controla Korea Jenkins, who moved h. iSS^U Japan-and Japan. U^a TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, THURSDAY, MAY : ...................... 1 ~ ’-BUSLEy, Msr'z’i of insanity, was dec! HiblB'Blnde'Judgo'Ki ^.Ward!fl.gamty_trii of a crime the gr The jury did jury box to render ed verdict_that..Wa “suffering from th( sanity he wae suffer time of the crime If*® wmniitud w. imeHea. Alter aeren! Haabca state hospital at I broke into tean wWle th e ir and directed that h ----- -------------------- ------------- UcnerTOiftaday m{imin Poaed of Clarence Ma ition on ■ -assets . Jensen. Mta. Hajells H )emanded s aal , _ ... The panel Irom whic 01 Commerce resolution drawn was the saa» ?ide tract ovcr to private in tie murder trial u 0 burqau of reclamation ’’ Innd h.. boon forwarded SS?«.“ wS ives. atand trial on a charge \. C. DeMary, chairman. The jury decided tl •k and Jnmes A. Felton. “ ’’'S S e ^ t! by the bureau of rccla- c„o to proceed, in sui ------------------------------- - original sanity trial ai ^IrClaiins^ purpose-io deterolne "V __ e n t sanity. Iba Resident it Age' of 8 0 ^LEY. May 22 _ Mr*, Abhlo SeiecUon of tho Jur a Lewis Ottley. 80, Elba, died morning took only a fe 10 ajn. Thuraday at the Cot- Twelve Jurors.._w.e»_Sl 5^Uatl(>Ti^tEgrr-biIa{-«t .Jurs=liox-aiul-Proaeeut NeUson asked only thre . OtUey wasb6rn0ct.80,1B11, Defense Attorney Her iweyville. Utah, shfl c ^ e to H. Ottley on Nov.i.O,J||iJFat ogan LDS tm p I a .S ^ K w >ge rfie had been a resident ^w ui2Ji“s? u |^ e to k “ I.-.J -- p ._ - r . OtUevwasacUvRittthe U>S --------------------- arh*vws-«md-ann«5lfltsa' Tl^ O ike and word Relief aocleUes I 1*11111311 »51 lore Uian 30 years. Bhe also laiiaaaxa 1-/1 held prominent poslUona In /% £ rwJrv ."s-ius z_St«el::Se WMHmaTOK. MW Jld; Mrs. Celecta Haroldscn. the court* or the congrt Falls; Mn. Alice Hall. W en- away h lspowerto^J Mi*._EUa_HulL ’Tpin t»«iii, indmtrieLln_»JJ«tlsnal klra. Thina Sbk’w PiUlinan Under flueaUonlng b: .: four sons, iiS i OtUey and “e aald he d ^ not b^ Ottley. bolh Elba: Fred O tt- heront c ^ U tu tl^ rlj iUfleld, Dtah. and Henry O ti- In the steel ca; finhfltlrli flnn liii llii tTi iiii thli . Kuna. 3J graadtund^en and «» PnaWd-to abide at-grandchildren--------- preme court- declalon-oi eral services wlli be held a t I'l* new* confeijnc 1' “ fui^BrihSp’j^ 'n i^ ^Sut™ 'a rin ‘’.^»-ceS ^ r H easS « ‘?^rt ary. FVtends may eall a t the t«ni thi a ^ on Sunday and at tho » management ai r e i n ’vferom e ii«“as;ssis: )am agedbyFire E E B sK 'D l OME. * „_n-U, w »r S S 3 . moke damage was caused to Tbrni QntaUn laho ^parunent store, hfere Umea rtporter . m. Thursday. Extient of th e matter uo to tha Pr«ic :e has not been determined. S^lly the lame ianguagt *’**?!, J>y Mr. Tniman aald nobodj WM Blackmon, Fire from a Prealdent .. th □Ibb Bird said Uie fire started rlghta grantod him undi teof ol «« bulWlni in a 25 aUVuWeti, ■foot storaroom to w hich-flro "Thai means the eour it«r damage was confined. T h e asked. ............ bulIdUig w u fUled with Nobody, the Pr**Sd« , however, and conslderabla firmly, damags to merehandlsa J# Mr. Tnunan aald he li ed. greaalonal enactment of {..BUd'Mld-lt-took-liremen Ttrlng-the-Fretidenfi burs to eiungulsh Uia blaza thorlty to deal wiUi sUUu be Uiinkt started In a deak. mental induatrlea. B( Davis Is owner ol the bulld> thought Uie Uw ahouU _______________ . .. proTtaion for ■elaure. ^Heception JReported W^dMsfeyjKansas ( vIslon.recepUon in Twin F alla night program waa tht uhl was qiilte good Wednea- lit ajfpr n,« pictuni*' am a td.^ A i^M Ju waf received u ra . Brown aald die Kansas City, Mo, program orlgtnatod at 1 fnjoyed a full program," aaid Mo. . Stanley Brora. Sll Serenth _.And Uia-J. B.'Blng; rnorUi. The program la a t^ anjoyod a-t«lavlalon sh about #:» to after ».P.jn., Jrown aald both, pletura . a n d B»niatad?iS^-'«omp. . recepUon were generally bare and rtpatra and t U lha plctuit waa "tuoed a. radios as a a«tt ot 1 M tsj-. Ui»n 0»« Bound ^was they ha aha explained. - »«>• 30-laeH acreen set sAwnuld-tliettW lslon-^ ed by her son-in-law,-Duana unUl Wednewl s. who moved here recentlr Mrs. Bingham aald t ^ t Lake, City, brought 1a«(«d.lroiii:A;90-to abot wlth him Vafh^y th«n mil Itl JUULlnOtudtd-* m Nine )AY, MAY 22, 1962 JudgeO K To Hbsp LEY, Mar'24-r5cnrl Ward, 26, Almo, who i lity, was declared insane Thursday, afternoo ide Judge KalCs’E.^LoU-e, in h is charge .!fl.Banity_trialJfl.flii_aftermath of-the murd ne on tho grounds of insanity another trial iury did not leave thc ----------------------------- X to render its direct- -f-k -■ y^n ist_th8t..Ward.atiJLi5- ing from the same in- W -i :e wae suffering at thc r the crime." Judge - immitted Ward to thc wV Ji ■ oapital at Blackfoot * '* , S' WASHINGTON, « th* ..I charges againut the B61VB m a y b . i r o f f l Clarence MatUiews and But-the former B irs- Haselle Hobson, Carl I, Leonard King, Harold i /~^ West-b nel Irom which the Jury C l was the same panel used T V lurder trial and Uie pre- I aslty Ulal. In Uie tlrst J_^J.OlJU lal tho defense tried to ■■■ ,t Word was too Insane to BONN, Germany L* n»“er and the west, enough to stand trial and holding up the )wa ordered the erimlnal a n a m a d e prepara SS” ‘*'trial*and^e rae 10 determine "Ward's pres- nauer and vsestcm 7. w hat allied troops I <">» «“ “‘i mana bava agreed t 1 the Jury that declared defense. 11 aane enough to atand The foreign minlstars retary of BUta Dean Ai m of tho Jury Thuraday ish Foreign Secretary A: took only a fey momenta. »nd French Foreign Mli uror».._we»_S*lle4-lQ_U» -Sohumaa—are-eipected --aod-ProaecuUtt-Motman -to y -io r -ltaaS-aettSeB isked only three quesUona. remaining points in the Attorney Herman Bedke ,t* igS tag ot Man^y. _jm.e.pact wlllgiTe.Wi Neilson jnadaa-tnoOen-for - '^ ‘h- tiw. ■ nleo tne mouon. «lened It nin*t Im rat ..W .aP^S.C«l.,.i) or_Britalru_IlK»eJ^ m an Sure ^ , naUon W est European a rowers m- teel Seizure tNOTON. May a 0JJ5— **^?h ’ s or the congreaj can fiSa N"tJj«wal*r«aly. Lra SS.g.nS'gg ^ queaUonlng by reporters. — ------rrr— = a does not bellare Uiis in- T T a v t l v 1 f v i / l nuututlonal right of hia U f i o T lV fillC I In the steel case currenUy mlaed-to abide by Uie-m- Ijllo W flU urt- declalon-on ateel -a n d ....................... ......... ;S»u“ '£S*^TSL‘! — -S een -in urt decision. reald Retura Mills PORTLAND, May, .3: J if the court decidea ‘he bera of tho AFL Motor h*va-Uie-power-to-aelae Ptoye* unlon-wlU-idta- would tura the miii« hack to accept *n agreement nanagement and.se« what land Oreyhound lines ■ to work Monday, uman. however, tald re- A tentative strike set and pointedly that nelttier reached h ere Wednesdaj a nor congress could take Ing wlU) » federal m« n the Prealdent his Inher- aublect ta acceptance bi under the consUtuUon to tbe membera. periee If suA a (tep 1* if approved, the agr to protect the welfare of put busea back ta operal n. ____ _ PorUand and Salt Lak« Tbree Qneatlottf lUy. P“ ‘ ^ Terms are almllar to i employe*. They include a fs Uie President replied ^ deal wiUi sUlkes in timda> earlier ttrtke settlemen induatrlea. Ba laid he .Another-atrika. aUn i Ji« Uw ahould contain a a«alntt Oregon Motor i for aelaure. ____ : . aerrlng Oregon dtlea. ported Good fo r Ari nsas Gitj^Show^eo gram waa tht flnt they'd eelved oa channel fou e to tum Lake 01^. ................ ..... jlcturel” am Mclalmed.. • Inr'to' ree«lTe more'p ■own said die thought' tha neither would baaard i le-J. H.-'Blngham-famUy FSf rtelavialon show a f their ” y»yn^ t V.*™” 181*Ui aTcout eart. Bing- recepUon au iperlntendenCal the~Am<I^ Jk-tnj-ana-^ontinued"w SK . aS KSifSr'Sa?: “K Jf'lS n»gut beceuae It was a Celu I n g ^ Mdd U» pKgtaa oaatlng eompany progi un4d0-to about BTSO-p.Tnr OoltnnWaratiSten E 8i dad-aboKlnijBateh'bTl)e<- ia-'X aLr-H e-«a|ilii«t ____ iliae Irrigated Idaho Counties ' ^ Ai4ll Bintn *t CImUtloa AmccIiM Fma >ad UalUd r r w les^W^d:^ Qrd€Fs^li bspital at ] , Almo, who WHS acquitted last week on a chat Jday afternoon by a civil court jury here. Tha iis Charge to the jurors, directed ouch a verd of-the murder-trial here earlier this month. another trial must be held to determine the sdGharges^di Warning, Ridj 3HINGT0N, May 22 (U.R)—Gen; M atthew B. 3 againat th^nJ.^.¥i6tiori8.add op to-'-'a mo m ay be plotting germ and gas warfare, th e former supreme U.N. commander in the g- the-lhN.-anny stands “proud, defiant and est German Treai disputes Are Seti IN, Germany, May 22 (fP )—Chancellor Kon and the western allies solved their m ajor fina olding up the West German peace contract ea ade preparations for a week-end visit fron foreign ministers. and western representatlvea agreed in ptl ilHed troops In Germany would get from the irks a month the Ger- -------------------------- -E. oreign minister#— tJ.-8. Sec- __ O f BUte Dean Acheson. Bnt- DMA-wara il Ign BecreUry AnUiony Wen U reW S . . V rich Foreign Minister Robtrt ______ _________ ^^Boardl it must ba raUfled. by Uie The aepat* hanking enate the parUaments fertaally. recanunended druJl««e-^-Wa.t-Cl- aria. negoUatlona for Uia PUMlo -Ijioel aS^pped < Ion treaty to set up a aU- <<• recommend aetUemez Vest European army anagged management dispute*— 9 nufflbv of yeara the pact l<Ung wage board did I run and over interim regu- c***- te-aovam.J»enah foroaa la —Ofgantaed-Uber, Indus negotiators hoptf to Iron ^slmemb? ut over Uie week-end la commlttee-approred bU UK. »lierB the air Tnrelgn aled-to-eome-vp-ler-ae a-ro f .France. Belgium, The aoon___miB, Italy, i«uanB0Qrg~i^ ,»» ~Z Brannan aererely at tht •ly End to sS ‘u«“ '<»“t:SS:S :nrr •■¥ ricultttre department He .lo TV ( l i A ,ifU l ^ unfounded* aUtemei ^ Brannan waa In I ieen-in-A iea UIND. Mty .JJ.il-M m . »W"r t u . mu co" “ HSS? ^ eyhound Ilnea and go back J"'**- ^ Monday. ***“ . dangen laUve strike setUement wu » “0«T. h e re Wednesday at a meel- _ , Early Gooc iroved. the agreement will a back ta operaUon between I « id Salt U k . City Mon. qoodWO. May V * almllar to those reach- »r w ith Pacifle Oreyhound .. Tbn include a 6H-day jtln g In October, with a J- k . m r Uln. A « 1» J £ S 2S 3iS !S i SStSSiSIs 5^»Sr*.Ji‘r,'S “ ■" “ST’ 'M: * After ber arrival in thl «npioT« ^^r^W j^aay-tn aa yeara. She waa a S^^truT^unsettted. U ^ Owto*. two jrttSw one aUter. Rebeoi or Area,. sy^eceivedrSSra « channel four from Ball . , —^ ^ ___ H i^nin' ?s3rs?^„*g " Postpoiiwl Joalln, BuW. ate had cx- K o'aSm ^S^’ttiria i lUy .KOOd jtc«BUon-on hli day; -- • - - ad-«ontteued-well after #-p. favdraile'ahd'announo i^pragram^tia reoalvad dem ent- WedneKlay t t waa Uie sane aa Uie on* the third time the to Ilo Twin Falls and was com- called off alnce it wi im aUUon WttAf, Kanns •cheduled for laatH iiin b , on channel foflr. date was set . It was a CelumUa-Bread* NXWSORK.lfaySU 7 ' ' ’ : ------------- FINSrr~ ^ EDITION. __________ PRICE.» cm UmoMait it Blackfoi : on a charge of slaying his mother on the j here. Tha verdict nf tha jury wa» th e only i ich a verdict be rendered, la month. Understate law'if a-petwn-is-ac Tnine the defendant's present sanity. AddiiptoBig tidgwayAssei itthew B. Rldgway said today false eon I to.'.'ft ttonamental waming" that-tiio red; are. - ler In the far east told a house and senai flant and confident of its capability for ---------------------------plishing any nU ssion 1 V p a tV -HiTSf^Bchtw what those m ade last 1 rx iii 1 Defense Secretary Ro ^IS tttlP n >^«TeU told newai k ^ C tl/lC U gemi warfai* chargea hurt reds against the UJr. may ellor Konrad Ade- nualn propaganda haa be najor financUl dis- ‘ Upofr to the en« ontract early today ‘“ ‘V i u ir-*-»-<«Tr visit from the big if the reds e re r do U ed in principle on S^Sure?to^^SnUi5*1 fro m the 860,000,- retaUation. ----------- -------------------- Rldgway declared tha ■ . __ ______ glrm the ccmmuQl»t8.a U 'C 1/ l£ u t setUement" In K orea. Bni X ipoase hu been-vldmM fl wars I Iv^V* Ooncemlng tbe xedT gen TTO. W C J. Chargesl U d g W L ^ a ^ l ^ lai/cfPlftns TON. May a » - MaUona commanc aL.hrawad.today^er-a -y id eettlemeat of union- . tSS'SST tS *,S "4s°SS'to wi^i. . laliw tniliia., ^ U.i i ^member board P’« »P«» *1»®bratoi et I dj' mjints" Uulfriilhti.B nator km.' B , Mo, Rldgway blamed Uta a d Agilcultme Oeu'etory gwaan-4wice-tal>ra oo-t erely at the start ot a batnd, Titttpemtive venoi the aenaU agriculture ic«tbM4 » vm« a. cy 1 acUvltles of Uia ag- _ _ ----- =— -• S^ .f f l S ¥ e n d e H -€ a IslW in n et O'Connor, managing SnS^*wi^^S3 Essay Goi «fore_jUMLJffluse—u o t ... ........ .•' JviUea eommiuee. Be- WILDER. M a y » (Sped Velde. R., BL, caUed bara Kelson. WendaU. la I ely dangerous to Uils wlow to .. Ofaage-antHlw A a erie Gooding ch er D ies2.S ! i r „ “S i:.S S servatton taialnc lor aba M ay. » - M n . BUaa. tBg." er, 84, pioneer aohoot Mlsi KeUon*a w s a y h a s le Oooding area, died to ttie National O ru c e b ng Memorial hospital for naUonal p rlM toiaUt ight. Bhe alao wil) receive tha < waabomKov.H.'lMl, awanlofnoo. leb»„^«d-eemHHhe— MiilMiii T m K * rtimi HMindjiaQa«tos«ruia':i waa married to Aihn 160 hi eash. Stlo ITJlaon. -what now li-Qofdlng- ii-t*art Blaor-jrloa«r-» ledlnWM. W ineafir^ rrival In this areaMta. Jn^tnUu-ooaleaiwi e a achool teacher and Heidnreleh. V. 0 . aoQ « She waa a membar of ty a g ^ and X4$er X. Qp shuicli and Uie SocUl vMly «t-Idabo>. oteBS) i oneaon.s.w.Dwyfr. ^ .......,-r^^— Sentence o i l ^Vicea wlQ be Kdd i \ 6iV6Il fOF S urday at Uie TMap- HUBlNBSRa, OeiBuu 1th the Rer. D.li. Bob* ov-Pvt-Jobn A Vim BirBsrlalwm'M'nKIe' ■raFSaTSaSnatiSe cemeterr. ........ laieed to'death today' fi -- -------- ---------- Ing two OeRBana and at) R ntnn T psf ca^ .■ ......... ; p o ii^ 0 energy obam ls^in- V i J -.1^' f'J-iS 5^.ra*jrpS: fedneaday night It was — - f Vmfr ■Sll Ime the teat had beea _• .ftSJgg tin,.m j t VU orlglnaUy WASqOfCISOw^ilN rlaat-Ihuradiy.Henew ^ jWD to^ iSSw^ •■■SZ iSM jS iSSS IQN . UCE 8 CEITO ____ BHI an-—1 ioot-i| ier on the grounds ^ j|||B nnly nym pm jewnls-acquitted ------ sanity. |H || Bisr a sserts I false conununiat - la t^ e rods Uieui« . W H i and senatejolni ability for accom* )«||9|| f nUsaion It might . | P yg d." tries' echoed-some* ??1WB made last w ^ by iW H cretary Robert A. h H * told nawamen tb a . BSB chargea hnrtad by tbe ■■■ the XlJr. may, as com* ganda haa been tn tba H n r to the enemy*a own U BrtaHalten I ever do laandi gas sn to m .’* Rldgway. too, . be tilnung. at laronpl eclared tha tr. N. has n.Korea. Bot their re^ IBM he xeda* gens warfare aW B y. Vo--demnt of tba |H | ma command 'h a * eca< and t^ -^ weaa-^- Or* bearlnf'dom't^.^ ^ Idea' ' ..... It to which onwnnailrt > to fateyiM ; le bratni e t tluei, wbo ^te*ea^W TOui lell Girl M llllll I III w ay Contest , iCar s (6peelal>-4aiw^ WendalL la tbe Idaho; -flO -4|»-AiBeric«r-Hant— le&iant waa Bade hate . AUredRl8ia.laotnR~' » Btate Oraoga. n>a ......... m tbe.aDbJeet, -ooo. - - B i^ lor ahBndart )tr« - k*a essay has beea ant' lal Oranca to eoopate ‘ ' priMa toiaUaK.tlQ,oaD..- n««m tha state ealh .............. MifeB^XlcBEBWr,--was^'-— «tos«r ana«m.M >a.^- .^ ^^1 stlo iraaoa; CaUwen; er-arisaar he-ocnleaiwany«MD;.- V. 0 . aril eoaytittton-’ dxW dabo>. ateaaieB' iceefBeaffi I for Soldier Mth n a n s .and ctealtnf tbalr- im- esmx m a ^ ^ >1^

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Page 1: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

— r —

fcflSeturri. ■or Railroad wjnibn^kayH .« n w m )N Moy 22 (U.R)—P residen t ' ■ S l l a t a f the thrcc.ym -o\d ra ilro i ^ K j ^ w i l l return the lines to the ir p:

« t the papers signed.- , , told-hU news confercnce tl;

^ K ^ M tt l t d ,u it was last night, back ^B *^iti(JT iopr’thnt^nilroBd“ lnbor‘ a ’ ■ S ^ - » b l d e by-thejttilw ay-lflhaE

until August. 1950, when M r ivert a nation-wide strike,

^ ---------- ^ prniaed h is aiSteelmftD^wh oil the proposal

— the rail e e ttltg l S t r i k e I s ; s ” 3

n i ' 1 brousht tcf c i n g Slowly

« n B m - Bittit- The dUputo ove.

on »a TW wtUemen l ^ K L ^ u t ^ c t bs.il<. tniulBted Into

the CIO OU lwiffu»ge of co »l D“ « r “ 'f* eontr«cU. provl

I ^ K T m e m a uUmaU" to vige tn c re u u v ^ K a J W r d or the orKlntl medUte lump

btci: *t work- from («00 to «1.: alUanenli between neer*. conduetc

^^L iW u n lo u u id o U com* iiieM payments roadi about <10C

Method Vard vortcen.'^■oE rasIs nated plant<b7> n j ; an hour, t

Hid the union of about ce -tfd It'i Ttry cumber- wm get j

^^bidU xlM tiT-w lde bar- „iote than lhe lr ;B ,P r t( « iU « u ld b * over „ , j .

, H L iDoeue ceiUne of IS asre'lm^l by to® *•«« October. 19M. «

_^*jjjW rinjprovliig ac- changes In the d .............................11 I' I nnu of'Ute raU

” .ectlonj of .

t s i l r e T r K * ro ? 'fo rr in “ “

■ S c S ' i M j f S

« |S K B S m^ H i V V v I r w ^ l U n g the procesa woul

Hverai dafa."

pHess and Dn fcm ts Lead-F^ ^ K lv o re drivers have appeared in ^■ M turgu-of-drunken-^fiv ing-and-r ^fc3B«irW orgaTTFTwl!rTBlTa,-arres

S ».B. Thursday, appeared before .^»«iPSUDhopfr-at-{K;46-a.mnnra^cha .^S h tp le id ed guilty and was fined $10 ^ ^ hope directed i^ ■ i l i P l n i m o license shouldM ' l i i i l lMI ' i— f c n n re r s s F T

n , Frook aelUU}^ B v l r i n i l A m * California, plead

leaa.drtvlng t a i . i f, M cosU In Twin

^ ■ t ~ A ’0 fA '7 \T “ v Q Tburaday m om VjL 1 y license waa senl

u.'^ CaUfomla driver’™ parent* he u«e a Callfo

th".“ ; , T V - v'i" “ be I Stte <ie,ih of hta James O. Bark he wpported hli north. Dieaded a

f c T , ± ' T . ' "STslIn at* A§miles Elm atreet north.

«lwt he Uved until court Thuraday,'H N rchattj v .^ ’ *'* **

"® w*'* •*« tlUUonum I)e puRhaaed a Clifton Adklnsc

Mulhwest fined and senteiuwd ibtre u„m dnyjng charge In

• ^ W ^ i a n ^ . be tn ja jtd '>MM haa beea i.^ E ^ ^ ^ ^ * .t.8 p rt iiB d a l« .Adkinson,. Who

for a rail- the charge, was i*® SO «1»1Jud#* Stanley L«

^ ^ ^ ^ t j . D t a h , On Dee. «ntence would 1 L, Kidd. payment of the

^ e * m ^ . t h c . « . r l y n<^p>ld-unUI-W Ub iraodfather. In addlUon to

^ E f t d ^ •M ‘he -lln t tence-Judge Lem In the »KU penalon for one Utit4 drlvtnc u d Uqut

*7 fl»e sons Bn«

m s : -

tlned Ad W

JI BanddiMH.?'' tiiied lio o to d cc^ B * “y*ndehilartn “ “rt when

*•“ I* held at i reckleaa drlv^ K ^ ' j S i v r h 's i v ^ «IU> an wcldent.

"" ’•rrL-

f e ' S ' t S^ K ^ O COIXIDE----- -BALT LAKB C^ ■ t L . 1 ^*r a in . Bracken

S; S5Sttver.-

wmSH-proMlW^ ---- .--

^ ■ Z M ~ W

I m ■ "

!li---- 1:--A„itKiamaj(,w»p8p,r-s

iriiD u e^ ' - ^ oads as l£a^Pact[^BPresident T rum an , pleased ■old lailroikd *wage dispute; to the ir p r iv a te owners as V \ ! n | H K

M V l / ^ W lference th c d ispu te could ight, back in 1950. .

w ay_labac-act..\vbich-had- ', when M r. T ru m an seized ide s trik e . T he President' ised h is A ssistan t, John R. elmqn, w Hq m m e . up .with. proposal th a t resulted in

se ttlem en t.IB agreement signed at the J«lle. *, (ult), m, te Houaa shortly before mid- U C U Ir;A tD S M It brought to a close one of the an i.t ti New York < est and m ost bitter Isbor-man- frtm pbotompbera' nent disputes In V . 8. history, dej, Arjie. reUied. ' dUpute over wages nnd work- LtCUIr lerrrd with

rules began three ycnrs ago, --------- ---------------ReCroMtlTB P a r -w __

uage of collecUvo .bargainingracu . provide for retroactive » v »J Increasea which w in bring lm- U - m /v - i ^Ute lump sum payments of I I I I I fi »«00 to »1.100 to 150,000 engi- ' J 's. conductors and firemen, RUPERT Mav

?.iT'asi«s.*‘ ""ird wQAers. who now average individuals fo r hc > an hour, will ge t *n increase ig not roine to do I bout 3<14 cents an hour. Train . . TrlnW. .n J!«= » will get n n centa an hour 8 conges, than th c lr present average of ‘ Oe resolution 1

Ray Bobbins, Den

« . nm “ r ‘“ 'f"’"'?*ber. 1953. also makes several unless theige» in th<? cornpllffatftl warklny gO^l^iO-dO-SOmctl;,s's.s‘!s;r !?».s

f ■ ■■‘- ■:

W hite pouse g r i e i g

^ ^ R s - S c ^ BwQtUr* > l least ^_____________________ funds for the Wact oi

T \ ___He laid the bureauDrunk srss 's___ North Side project di

idcParadfeSSiSipeared in M agic Valley he *send“ wepaM*t 'ing-and-reckleaa-driving^ of»ciah,rtguM»pg- S lT ai-a rrestcd -by Je ro m e att o red before Ju s tic c of th e iw Sn n ra^ ch a rg e -o f-d ran k en - tie ippfOTBm rthe te J fined $100. Ju a tic c Stan.. aOoMcwamitiMon a B directed th a t h e r driving S*"hi^i?fdCTeit use should be suspended »ibiy would b» aceeio n e y&iV.----------------- :— “ proTH.,. -aok QellaUy, Twin Falls and — ;---------- r-

BasebaU!osU In Tw in PalU police courtnday m orning.—H la" d r lv tr* ------nro»-*T and UlM was sen t to the state de- NATIONAL Llment- of law enforcement for — ............— -------ay revocaUon. ClndnnaU _ 0 M 00018 court w arned Gcllatly that BroeUyn ___ 000 030tould not drive hU ear ^flth HlUer, Smith and I.0 license p la tes while he used a bine. RuUierford. E'omla driver's llceriaeT nor could aad CampaireUa.------i»e a California license If he ___ _ntd to be a n ldala> ieald«pt. Bt. U u la -----.OM 000mes O. Barkley. Wa Elm rtreet New York — 010 020 h. pleaded g%illty of running a Staley, Werle, B

aIgn a t Addison avenue and » « ; Kennedy and Vstreet north . Atralgned In police mn nnrt Thursday, he paid a fine of ^ and 13 coata. City officers,is- the clUUon Wednesday,

Ifton Adkinson. Nampa, who was S ^ o n s and Mpata.i and sentenced on a drunken nn nnnmg charge In Ooodlng last Sat- --------“ ®J haa been Ttlea&ed tw m Jail. “ S ~ ‘i -rrT -i l^ .ir?ikinaon..who..pUadrt .guiltycharge, waa lined *100 and sen- - j^ n d ga-,,.ed to 30 daya in Jail by Police c h i j ^ __ _______le Stanley Lee*. Judge Legg said BosKm ___________ence would be suspended upon fcilppsteln and Edi nent of the Hne. The Hn» was ,„d g ,

addlUon to th e f ine'and sen- AMEBICAN LI e-Judge L e n alao directed sus-ion for one year of Adkinson's Boston _ .„—...........................—in« and Uquor Uee&KS. . OKvttand- — ----Idge Leg* also reports that McDermott and Nli nt Adams. Shoahone. pleaded a id Hegaa. I •y la Ooodlng to leaving the v New York at Chicai

tra!l“ o^AdaTOM ra«er-*lrttk Wuhlnglon J

ise was obtained, however, an.d |V \ tAt i - ’ n C caught In P ^ r ie ld . Judge Legg U . IN . J iy C S »5 1 Adams W and W oosti- p . .

j l iW to d cosU Monday th Jus- J,court when he pleaded guilty Toireo. May U W

-eckleas driving in connection Uont otflecn are eyeln

erroneous.____________ ^

i g i s l a t u r e C a l l

S o u n d e d i n U t a h r S “J l S


_ ______________ TWIN FALLS

________E n Q u g l l l s E n o u g l i - ^

'MlIe.S, (Utt), a n d Ka^ c. 4, daogbters ef Hr. aod Mn.A » h m U « ^ ^ * '“• 7*»r-oW l»«« New York CHy sboard the Ifner AmeHea. Alter aeV

Pbolorraphers' eatoeraa, the children broke into lean

ifim^iate Sction ( Project Is Demar

tUPERT, May 22— A Chamber of Commerce m congress to t u m th c North Side tract ovcr ividuals for hom esteading if tho burqau of ri lot going to do a n y th in g with the Innd has been |_daho's congresaional representatives.'he resolution w a s compiled by A. C. DeMary,

Bobbins, Denzil Lee, Bob Clark and Jnmes . seeks relinquishm ent o f the land by the bureai :ion unless the b u re a u i s -----------------------—

B e a t l r € l a:veral months ago Lawrcnce I j ' l l . ~D * rin, Rupert attomey and north J L 1 U 3 J t \ 6 S ]islry could have th o land In A a A luctlon m six w eeks U Uie i V l A f f C ' ' ■»u would rellnijtilah its hold. O:iu oltlclals counter th a t ll SURLEY. May 22 - hJ take tomldcrable tim e -and Ociecla Lewis OtUey. 8 M to tum the la n d over to ot 8:30 ajn. Thursdav tlt-pai!ierT(5r3igntga-aaihi{: rmalnuilned It would take an ness, of congrey before , th e bureau Mrs. OtUey was born 1 lellniiulsb its in te re s t in the o t DciveyvUle. Utah. I----------r ■'■ l.- . r . , . _______ Albloni»lUri*fT»eeat(

lived-then-nnm~ner'Red by J. « J M [ i lu ^ ^ b U Q r Fred H. Ottley on Ngi S - a g i i e u V ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ * (he Logan LDS tempi B Fael/lc the marriage ahe had bn1au now Is asking far federal of Elba.Is for the Wact on » homestead Mrs. OtUey w u acUvih------------------------------------ ohurchrh*vWs-«jttd"I said the bureau haa proposad of stake and ward Rt oprUUng tm.OOO to complete for more than 30 yea [ on 3000 seres of th e Minidoka had held prominent h Side project during Uie next oUier ward and lUke c ,■ TTils would make 7,000 acres During World war I sl y—fer—imtnedlate--hoeeeteed of-the- Red CraHs oigJogrJarvls dwiareri.---------------- toW-area-Sba-aUo-wasla bureau auggestcd realdenU BeauUflcatlon club In t send telepams to Washington lief solccty.

iali_itauMllDK_the_BPProiirti SuwivlngjrtJitt-li 1 uIAhe-lundr^ expand.-tlfttl- tt>ugnt»« i M n, Ttg ent of Uie project. Sen. Henry P o r te d ; M«, Celecti fshak has said the issue cannot Idaho Falls; U n. Aliu ^ P e S ^ U i e senate appropH- d « U ; ; ^ ^ _ H u U . . 3S cccamltiee on a b u la of com- and Mrs.. Thlna.Sha •lal dereloptnent b u t if changed Waah.; four sons, Lewi • 'l ^ i .T d e re lo p a ,e n t It po,. Elb:■ would bd acMptfd .and

~ - ^ Lewis, Kuna. 3J graadi — ...............ai-great-grandchiidren.

a s e b a l l S c o r e s___ ____ chapel wlUi D lsho i

•Frow AT and ur-H eporia — Thompson oHlclatlnr NATIONAL LEAGUE . be m a T l n .U i r ^ i

...........— --------- B .-H -E de r-the -d lre« lon -o finnaU __OM 000 300— 7 I I 1 mortuary. Friends mailUyn ___ 000 030 J;U— 8 10 1 mortuary on SundayHer, Smith and Bcminick: La- ottley home In Elba i . RuUierford. Eraklne. Black Monday to time of the Campanella......... ........ - - - ' ' ' -----------------

xuia _ _ 0M 000 000- ” ” 1 S t o r c m ' ' S malfy!*' Werle!' '’ k c lm a n "and D E I T 1 3 g e d 1 ; Kennedy and Weatrum. j e r o m b , M?y » -;a.-.rssst sis “r &r--!!!SSS=3 ; ! SiS=..^HA- £S.sr.2iK

------ - 50— 3 «»oke, however, and.j*VS--Si'.ri.: Sp.h. “ »«Ot. i<iaire. ____________ ^ r h itf Bird-tald It ti

«MERIC*N LEAOUE S A T . 1 m S S “3_ ______101 000 6— 2 8, T . Davis Is owner 0;PiMui- •______ i o l 000 0— J mg-J)ennott and Nlarhoa; .Lemon

?Si..|oMOT.po..p»r«i TVHeceiuhlngton at Bt. Loula. alght.

.......__________ -W €dn€N f ^ E y e s S o v i e t _

R u i l d u p S d H l r A s a ttir nttntrw . u vn n>KYO. liar U MV-UnlUd Na-; offlcen ar* eyeing auspiciously from Kansas City, Mo, lldup ol Soviet strength in Aala “w e jnjoyed a full pn iM. of_Uie dMgtf th a t Hiw^a ^ ^ gtanley Brora.

» • p»U»“ “ e ^ r t» - a r t ip la n n in g from„about # :» te .afmori than to keep.Chlnese and Ura. Brown aald bothb K o w loldier* w d l supplW raeepUon wenums, ammunlUon and vehl- ^ ^ ^

a w m , Korea Js Juat aa lllce- mot as Kurope. - . • 1* owned by her son-ln r w e r whlS controla Korea Jenkins, who moved h. iSS^U Japan-and Japan . U^a


......................1~ ’-BUSLEy, M sr'z’io f insanity, was dec! HiblB'Blnde'Judgo'Ki ^.Ward!fl.gamty_trii o f a crime the gr

The ju ry did ju ry box to render ed verdict_that..Wa “ suffering from th( san ity he wae suffer t im e of th e crime I f * ® w m niitud w .

imeHea. Alter aeren! Haabca s ta te hospital a t I broke into tean wWle th e ir a n d directed th a t h

----- -------------------- -------------UcnerTOiftaday m{iminPoaed of Clarence Maition on ■ -a s se ts

. Jensen. Mta. Hajells H

)emanded s a a l, _ . . . The panel Irom whic

01 Commerce resolution drawn was the saa» ?ide tract ovcr to p r iv a te in tie murder trial u 0 burqau of reclam ation ’’ Innd h . . boon forw arded S S ? « .“ w S

ives. atand trial on a charge \ . C. DeMary, chairm an. T h e jury decided tl •k and Jnmes A. F elton . “ ’’'S S e ^ t! by the bureau of rcc la - c „ o to proceed, in sui

------------------------------- - original sanity trial ai

^ I r C la i in s ^ ■ purpose-io deterolne "V __ e n t sanity.

Iba Resident i t Age' of 8 0^LEY. May 22 _ Mr*, Abhlo SeiecUon of tho Jur a Lewis Ottley. 80, Elba, died morning took only a fe 10 ajn. Thuraday at the C ot- Twelve Jurors.._w.e»_Sl 5^U atl(> T i^ tE g rr-b iIa{-« t .Jurs=liox-aiul-Proaeeut

NeUson asked only thre . OtUey wasb6rn0ct.80,1B11, Defense Attorney Her iweyville. Utah, shfl c ^ e to

H. Ottley on Nov.i.O,J||iJFat ogan LDS t m p I a . S ^ K w>ge rfie had been a resident ^ w u i2 J i“s ? u |^ e to k “

I.-.J -- p . _ - r. OtUevwasacUvRittthe U >S ---------------------a rh*vw s-«m d-ann«5 lfltsa ' T l ^ Oike and word Relief aocleUes I 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 »51lore Uian 30 years. Bhe also l a i i a a a x a 1-/1held prominent poslUona In / % £rwJrv ."s-ius

z_St«el::SeW M Hm aTO K . MW

Jld; Mrs. Celecta Haroldscn. the court* or the congrtFalls; Mn. Alice Hall. W en- away h l s p o w e r t o ^ J

Mi*._EUa_HulL ’Tpin t»«iii, indmtrieLln_»JJ«tlsnalklra. Thina Sbk’w PiUlinan Under flueaUonlng b: .: four sons, i i S i OtUey and “ e aald he d ^ not b ^Ottley. bolh Elba: Fred O tt- heront c ^ U t u t l ^ rlj

iUfleld, Dtah. and Henry O ti- In the steel ca;finhfltlrli flnn liii llii tTi iiii thli. Kuna. 3J graadtund^en and « » P n a W d -to abideat-grandchildren--------- preme court- declalon-oieral services wlli be held a t I'l* new* confeijnc

1' “ fui^BrihSp’ j ^ ' n i ^ ^ S u t ™ ' a r i n ‘’. ^ » - c e S ^ r H e a s S « ‘? ^ r t

ary. FVtends may eall a t the t«ni thia ^ on Sunday and a t tho » management ai

r e i n ’v f e r o m e i i « “ a s ; s s i s :

) a m a g e d b y F i r e E E B s K ' D lOME. * „_n-U, w » r S S 3 .moke damage was caused to Tbrni QntaUnlaho ^parunent store, hfere Umea rtporter. m. Thursday. Extient of th e m atter uo to tha Pr«ic:e has not been determined. S ^ lly the lame ianguagt

*’**?!, J > y Mr. Tniman aald nobodjWM Blackmon, F ire from a Prealdent .. th□Ibb Bird said Uie fire s ta rted rlghta grantod him unditeof ol « « bulWlni in a 25 aUVuWeti,

■foot storaroom to w hich-flro "T hai means the eourit«r damage was confined. T h e asked. ............

bulIdUig w u fUled w ith Nobody, the Pr**Sd« , however, and conslderabla firmly,

damags to merehandlsa J# Mr. Tnunan aald he li ed. greaalonal enactment of {..BUd'M ld-lt-took-liremen T tr ln g - th e -F re tid e n fi burs to eiungulsh Uia blaza thorlty to deal wiUi sUUu be Uiinkt started In a deak. m ental induatrlea. B( Davis Is owner ol the bulld> thought Uie Uw ahouU _______________ . .. • proTtaion for ■elaure.

^Heception JReported W dMsfeyjKansas (vIslon.recepUon in Twin F alla n igh t program waa th t uhl was qiilte good Wednea-

lit ajfpr n ,« pictuni*' am atd. A i^ M Ju waf received u r a . Brown aald dieKansas City, Mo, program orlgtnatod a t 1fnjoyed a full program," aaid Mo.. Stanley Brora. Sll S e ren th _ .A nd Uia-J. B.'Blng;rnorUi. The program l a a t ^ anjoyod a-t«lavlalon sh about # :» to after » .P . j n . ,Jrown aald both, pletura . a n d B »nia tad?iS ^ -'«om p .. recepUon were generally ba re and rtpatra and tU lha plctuit waa "tuoed a. radios as a a«tt ot 1M tsj-. Ui»n 0»« Bound ^was they haaha explained. - • »«>• 30-laeH acreen set sA w n u ld - tlie ttW ls lo n -^ed by her son-in-law,-Duana unUl Wednewls. who moved here recen tlr M rs. Bingham aald t^ t Lake, City, brought 1a«(«d.lroiii:A;90-to abotwlth him Vafh^y t h«n mil Itl JUULlnOtudtd-* m

N in e

)AY, MAY 22, 1962

J u d g e O K

To HbspLEY, M ar'24-r5cnrl W ard, 26, Almo, who i lity, was declared insane T hursday , afternoo ide Judge KalCs’E.^LoU-e, in h is charge .!fl.Banity_trialJfl.flii_aftermath o f-th e murd ne on tho grounds of insanity an o th e r trialiury did not leave th c -----------------------------X to render its direct- - f - k -■ y ^ n ist_th8t..Ward.atiJLi5- ing from the same in- W - i:e wae suffering a t thc r th e crime." Judge - immitted Ward to thc w V J i ■oapital a t Blackfoot * '* ,

S ' WASHINGTON,« th* . .I ch a rg es againut the

B61VB m a y b .i ro f f l Clarence MatUiews and B u t- th e former B

irs- Haselle Hobson, CarlI, Leonard King, Harold i /~ ^West-bnel Irom which the JuryCl was the same panel used T V •lurder trial and Uie pre- Iaslty Ulal. In Uie tlrst J _ ^ J . O l J Ulal tho defense tried to ■■■,t Word was too Insane to B O N N , Germ any L* n » “ e r a n d th e w est,enough to stand trial and h o ld in g up th e)wa ordered the erimlnal a n a m a d e p repara

SS ” ‘*'trial*and^e rae10 determine "Ward's pres- n au er a n d vsestcm 7. w h a t a l l ie d troops I

<">» « “ “ ‘i m a n a b a v a ag reed t 1 the Jury that declared d e fe n s e .11 aane enough to atand The foreign minlstars

retary of B U ta Dean Ai m of tho Jury Thuraday ish Foreign Secretary A: took only a fey momenta. »nd French Foreign Mli uror».._we»_S*lle4-lQ_U» -Sohumaa—are-eipected --aod-ProaecuUtt-Motman - to y - io r -ltaaS-aettSeB isked only three quesUona. remaining points in the Attorney Herman Bedke ,t* ig S tag ot Man^y.

_jm.e.pact wlllgiTe.Wi Neilson jnadaa-tnoOen-for -

' ^ ‘h- tiw . ■nleo tne mouon. • «lened It nin*t Im rat

..W .a P ^ S .C « l. , . i ) or_Britalru_IlK»eJ^

m a n Sure^ , naUon W est European aro w e rs m - teel SeizuretNOTON. May a 0JJ5— ** ?h ’

s or the congreaj can fiSa N "tJj« w al* r« a ly . L ra

SS.g.nS'gg ^queaUonlng by reporters. — ------r r r — =a does not bellare Uiis in- T T a v t l v 1 f v i / l nuututlonal right of hia U f i o T l V f i l l C I In the steel case currenUy — „mlaed-to abide by Uie-m- I j l l o W f l U urt- declalon-on ateel - a n d ....................... — .........

;S » u “ '£ S * ^ T S L ‘! — - S e e n - i nurt decision.reald Retura Mills PORTLAND, May, .3:J if the court decidea ‘he bera of th o AFL Motorh*va-Uie-power-to-aelae Ptoye* unlon-wlU-idta-would tura the miii« hack to accept * n agreementnanagement and.se« what land Oreyhound lines ■

to work Monday,uman. however, tald re- A ten tative strike setand pointedly that nelttier reached h e re Wednesdaja nor congress could take Ing wlU) » federal m«n the Prealdent his Inher- aublect ta acceptance biunder the consUtuUon to tb e membera.

periee If suA a (tep 1* i f approved, the agrto protect the welfare of p u t busea back ta operal

n. ____ _ PorUand a n d Salt Lak«Tbree Qneatlottf lUy.

P“‘ ^ Term s a re almllar to i

employe*. T hey include

a fsUie President replied ^

deal wiUi sUlkes in timda> earlier t tr tk e settlemen induatrlea. Ba laid he .Another-atrika. aUn i Ji« Uw ahould contain a a« aln tt O regon Motor i for aelaure. ____ : . aerrlng O regon dtlea.

ported Good for Ari nsas Gitj^Show^eogram waa th t f ln t they'd eelved o a channel fou e to tum Lake 0 1 ^ . ................ .....

jlcturel” am Mclalmed.. • I n r ' t o ' ree«lTe more'p ■own said die thought' tha neither w ould baaard i

le-J. H.-'Blngham-famUy F S frtelavialon show a f their ” y » y n ^ t V.*™” 181*Ui aTcout eart. Bing- recepUon a uiperlntendenCal the~Am<I^ Jk-tnj-ana-^ontinued"wSK.a S K S i f S r ' S a ? : “ K J f ' l S

n»gut beceuae I t was a Celu I n g ^ Mdd U» p K g taa oaatlng eompany progi un4d0-to about BTSO-p.Tnr OoltnnWaratiSten E 8i dad-aboKlnijBateh'bTl)e<- ia - 'X aL r-H e -« a |ilii« t


iliae Irrigated Idaho Counties '

^ Ai4ll Bintn *t CImUtloa AmccIiM Fma >ad UalUd r r w

l e s ^ W ^ d :^ Q r d € F s ^ l i bspital at ], Almo, who WHS acquitted la s t week on a chat Jd ay afternoon by a civil court ju ry h ere . Tha iis Charge to the jurors, directed ouch a verd

o f-th e murder-trial here earlier th is m onth. a n o th e r tria l m ust be held to dete rm ine the

sdGharges^di Warning, Ridj3HINGT0N, May 22 (U.R)—G en; M a tth e w B. 3 againat th ^ n J .^ .¥ i6 tio ri8 .ad d o p to-'- 'a mo m a y be plotting germ and g as w a rfa re , t h e former supreme U.N. com m ander i n the g- the-lhN .-anny stands “proud, d e f ia n t and

est German Treai disputes Are SetiIN , Germany, May 22 (fP)— Chancellor Kon a n d the w estern allies solved th e ir m a jo r fina old ing up the W est German peace c o n tra c t ea a d e preparations for a week-end v is i t fron foreign ministers.

a n d western representatlvea agreed in p tl ilHed troops In Germany would g e t f ro m the i r k s a month th e Ger- -------------------------- -—

E.oreign minister#—tJ.-8. Sec- __ Of B U te Dean Acheson. Bnt- D M A - w a r a i l Ign BecreUry AnUiony Wen U r e W S . . V rich Foreign Minister Robtrt ______ _________

^^B oard l

i t m ust ba raUfled. by Uie The aepat* han king e n a te the parUaments fertaally. recanunended d ru J l« « e -^ -W a .t-C l-a ria . negoUatlona for Uia PUMlo -Ijioel aS^pped < Ion treaty to set up a aU- <<• recommend aetUemez V est European army anagged management dispute*— 9 nufflbv of yeara the pact l<Ung wage board did I run and over interim regu- c***- te-aovam .J»enah foroaa la —Ofgantaed-U ber, Indus

negotiators hoptf to Iron ^ s lm e m b ?u t over Uie week-end la commlttee-approred bU UK. »lierB the air Tnrelgn aled-to -eom e-vp-ler-aea-ro f .France. Belgium, The aoon___—miB, Italy, i«uanB0Qrg~i^ ,»»

~Z Brannan aererely a t tht

•ly End to sS‘u«“'<»“t:SS:S: n r r •■¥ ricultttre departm en t He

. l o TV ( l i A , i f U l ^ unfounded* aUtemei ^ B rannan waa In Ii e e n - i n - A i e aU IN D . Mty .J J . i l - M m . »W "r

t u . m u c o " “ H S S ? ^eyhound Ilnea and go back J" '* * - ^Monday. ***“ . dangen

laUve strike setUement w u » “0«T.h e re Wednesday a t a meel- _ ,

Early Goociroved. the agreement will a back ta operaUon between I « i d Salt U k . City Mon. q o o d W O . M ay

V * almllar to those reach- »r w ith Pacifle Oreyhound .. T b n include a 6H-dayj t l n g In October, with a J- „ „k . m r U ln . A « 1 » J £ S 2 S 3 i S ! S i

S S tS S iS I s5»Sr*.Ji‘r,'S “ ■" “S T ’ 'M :* After ber a rriva l in thl

«npioT«^ ^ r ^ W j ^ a a y - t n aa yeara. She waa a S ^ ^ tru T ^ u n se ttted . U

O w to*. two j r t tS w one aUter. Rebeoi

or Area,.sy ^ece iv ed rS S ra« channel four from Ball . , — ^ ^

___ ‘ H i ^ n i n '

?s3rs?^„*g " PostpoiiwlJoalln , BuW. a te had cx- K o 'a S m ^ S ^ ’t t i r i a i lUy .KOOd jtc«BUon-on h li day; -- • - -

ad-«ontteued-well after #-p. favd raile 'ahd 'announoi^pragram^tia reoalvad d e m e n t- W edneKlay tt w aa Uie sane aa Uie on* the third tim e th e toI lo Twin Falls and was com- called off alnce i t wiim aUUon W ttAf, K anns •cheduled fo r la a tH ii inb , on channel foflr. date was s e t .

I t was a CelumUa-Bread* N X W S O R K .lfayS U

7 ' ' ’:-------------“ F I N S r r ~^ E D IT IO N .

__________ PR IC E .» cm

UmoMait it Blackfoi: on a charge of slaying his m o th er o n th e j here . Tha verdict nf tha jury wa» th e only i ich a verdict be rendered, la m onth . U nderstate law'if a-petw n-is-ac Tnine the defendant's present s a n ity .

AddiiptoBigtidgwayAsseii t th e w B. Rldgway said today f a l s e eon I to .'.'ft ttonam ental waming" th a t- t i io red; a re . - • ler In the fa r east told a house a n d senai f la n t and confident of its capability fo r ---------------------------plishing any nU ssion 1

V p a t V ■ - H i T S f ^ B c h t wwhat those m a d e la s t 1

r x i i i 1 Defense S ec re ta ry Ro ^ I S t t t l P n > «TeU told newaik ^ C t l / l C U gemi warfai* chargea hurt

reds against the UJr. may e llo r Konrad Ade- nualn propaganda haa be n a jo r financUl dis- ‘ Upofr to the en« o n trac t early today ‘“ ‘V i u ir-*-»-<«Tr v is i t from the b ig if the reds e re r do U

ed in principle on S^Sure?t o ^ ^ S n U i5 * 1 f ro m the 860,000,- retaUation.----------- -------------------- Rldgway declared th a ■

. __ ______ glrm the ccmmuQl»t8.a U

'C 1 / l £ u t setUement" In K orea. BniX ipoase h u been-vldm M fl

w a r s I I v ^ V * Ooncemlng tb e xedT genT T O . W C J . ChargeslU d g W L ^ a ^ l^

lai/cfPlftnsTON. May a » - MaUona commancaL.hrawad.today^er-a -y

id eettlemeat of union- .

tSS'SST tS*,S "4s°SS'to wi i..la liw tniliia. , ^ U.i i

^ m e m b e r board P’« »P«» *1»® b ra to i e t I

dj' mjints" Uulfriilhti.Bnator k m . ' B , Mo, Rldgway blam ed Uta ad Agilcultme Oeu 'etory gwaan-4wice-tal>ra o o - terely a t the start ot a batnd, Titttpemtive venoith e aenaU agriculture ic«tbM4 » v m « a. cy1 acUvltles of Uia ag- _ _ -----=— - •

S ^ . f f l S ¥ e n d e H - € a

I s l W i n n e tO'Connor, managing

SnS^*wi^^S3 Essay G o i«fore_jUMLJffluse—u o t ... .........•'JviUea eommiuee. Be- WILDER. M ay » (Sped Velde. R., BL, caUed bara Kelson. WendaU. la I ely dangerous to Uils w low to

■ . . — O faage-antH lw A a erie

Goodingc h e r D i e s 2 . S ! i r „ “S i : . S S

■ servatton ta ia ln c lo r a b a M ay. » - M n . BUaa. tBg."

er, 84, pioneer aohoot Mlsi KeUon*a w say has le Oooding area, died to ttie National O r u c e b n g Memorial hospital for naUonal p r lM toiaUt ig h t. Bhe alao wil) receive th a <waabom K ov.H .'lM l, awanlofnoo. leb»„^«d-eem H H he— MiilMiii Tm K * rtim i

HMindjiaQa«tos«ruia':i waa married to Aihn 160 hi eash. S t lo ITJlaon.

-w ha t now li-Qofdlng- ii- t* a rt B lao r-jrloa« r-» led lnW M . W i n e a f i r ^rrival In this areaMta. J n ^ tn U u -o o a le a iw i e a achool teacher and Heidnreleh. V . 0 . aoQ «

She waa a membar of ty a g ^ and X4$er X. Qp shuicli and Uie SocUl vM ly «t-Idabo>. oteBS)

i o n e aon .s .w .D w yfr. ^ .......,-r^^—

Sentence o i l^Vicea wlQ be Kdd i \ 6 i V 6 I l f O F Su rday a t Uie T M ap- HUBlNBSRa, OeiBuu 1th th e Rer. D .li. Bob* ov -P v t-Jo b n A V i m BirBsrlalwm'M'nKIe' ■ ra F S a T S a S n a tiS ec em eterr. • ........ laieed to 'd ea th today 'fi---------- ---------- Ing two OeRBana and at)R n t n n T p s f ca^ .■......... ■ ;

p o i i ^

0 energy o b a m ls ^ in - V i J - .1 ^ ' f ' J - i S

5^.ra*jrpS:fedneaday night I t was — - f V m fr ■S ll Ime th e teat had beea _ • . f t S J g gtin,.m j t VU orlglnaUy W A SqO fC ISO w ^ilN rlaa t-Ihurad iy .H enew

jWDtoiSSw •■■SZiSMjSiSSS

IQ N .

UCE 8 C E IT O ____ B H I

a n - —1 ioot-i|i e r o n th e grounds ^ j | | |B■ n n ly nym p m

je w n ls - a c q u i t te d ------s a n i ty . | H | |

B is r a sserts If a l s e conununiat -

l a t ^ e ro d s Uieui« . W H

i a n d s e n a te jo ln iab ility fo r accom* ) « | |9 | |f nUsaion I t m ight . | P y g d ."t r i e s 'echoed-some* ??1WBm ade last w ^ by i W Hcretary Robert A. h H * to ld nawamen t b a . B S Bchargea hnrtad by tbe ■ ■ ■

the XlJr. may, as com*ganda haa been tn tba H n r to th e enemy*a own

U BrtaH alten I e v e r do laandi gas

sn to m .’* Rldgway. too, . be tilnung . a t laronpl

eclared th a tr. N. has

n .K orea . B o t their re^ I BM

h e xeda* g e n s warfare a W B

y. V o - - d e m n t of tba | H | m a command 'h a* eca<

a n d t ^ - ^ w eaa-^-

Or* b e a r l n f 'd o m 't ^ . ^ ^

Idea' ' .....

I t t o which onwnnailrt > to f a t e y iM ;

le b ra tn i e t tlu e i, wbo ^ t e * e a ^ W T O u i

lell Girl M

l l l l l l I I I I way C o n te s t ,,iCar s (6peelal>-4aiw ^W endalL la tb e Idaho; -flO- 4 |» -AiBer ic« r-H a n t—

le& ian t waa Bade hate . A U re d R l8 ia .la o tn R ~ '» B ta te Oraoga. n > a .........m tbe.aD bJeet, -o o o . - - B i^ lor ahBndart )tr« -k*a essay has beea a n t ' lal O ranca to eoopate ‘ ' priMa toiaUaK.tlQ,oaD..- n « « m th a s ta te ealh

..............MifeB^XlcBEBWr,--was^'-—« to s « r a n a « m .M > a .^ - . ^ ^ ^ 1 s t l o i r a a o a ; CaUwen; er-arisaar

he-ocn lea iw any«M D ;.-V. 0 . aril eoaytittton-’

d x Wdabo>. a teaaieB '

iceefBeaffi I for Soldier ■

M thn a n s .and ctealtnf tbalr-

im- esmx m a ^ ^ >1

Page 2: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula


"^RidgwSyS^s' U.S.Wamin;

In Red Qai

d e u i ^ ’ n d nctlaton.

............... -KanlUMeJSin___ .Ha us«rt«d Uut Ui> U. K. U

propos»la provldB the bula fo aeltleinenl “on equlKbls terms."

-----"Ac«ptance~fe-wJ«tlon,-««tlon’WcmittntiliiKrenitiiMIItJei K orei; U how the rtjpohjlblllty Uio Mmmunl<t Icidert," Rldft

Thli WM h li only nferenee h is 3200-word ipeech to the p

-Biblllty ot rentwid Itrga-Ktls s

th e recent e»plur« bj cowmui prisoners In the Koje laUnd c«nip Brig.-Ofn Pruneli T. Dodd, t

gnuit«d lor Dodd's teleue. Mi wngrejimen hive deminded Inv

TI'' tltiU oni of the entire Ko]» ■ffi Mel Commliit*

tlL- RJdfw»y h»d met tirller tot WlU) the »en»te forelin rclatli

| B | | ---------comsnt£c«"to-<iiftU(r-nir-nFirnBlfftiment u Oen. Dwlght D. £la«

P W •— -hower't-iuceewor u -AlUnUo pi l y A ' ' coRimtftder lit Europf,R U f The Importinca tonjrtssloiK M I leaden allAcbcd to RldK 'ay's n H B I dress wk< underKored by the fiH p>--------- th a t-b o th —ehambtn-lnwmiplH 2* work on major blllj to permit t H l f Joint meeting.H M f The house wns cslled Into b«ssIiB M i two hours e&rlJer thin luual In o n n d e r to b«gIn'Votlni an the W,80( n | 000,000 foreltn aid blU before hea I m f In s Rldgwftjr. The lenite was nes U SlI tog a vo(« on the long-debated Isu i i ____ m lm tlo a lilU.

Formal appearance* before Jot BSR KMlotu of house and sena(« b p i l . tradlUonalljfrMen'ed-forPieilden

o r rltlUng chiefs of etat«.

W Plans Noted for p — Five-State MeeIg fi An «U »at« I S0» member* froiijn k Idaho, Mont&na, Wyoming, Ool(m rmdo' and Utah will ictend tt: H . )toek7 Mountain reilanaliehablllUW tlon eonference June 10 to 20 t ■ H ' X«ke lodge In Yellowitone park, r<■ H ports R. e. CuUer, emplorment anH f l aeeurlty agenc? maniser here.I B ! The tlve-itat« meet wtll be base■ ■ e a the thems ‘lUhibUJtaiion;W B - __ M obtllntltin-Atttfc^RthnblllUUoE w perU wfU dUcuu topiu concerrH | Ing treatment and training for thn aoverd; disabled rehsbllitntlon cerW I te rs , employment for the disableH « s d menUl rehablllUUon.

| | l l ' tu c h ineeUng in thli at<a, accord w l l Ing to 0, C, Dlckerton. Bolsa, sec

retary-treuurer c( the tegloni y , ' : . fT ou^_____________ _

f e l2 Soldiers Held__lyj- On Check Counl” ! iBTeetliaUon on a Jorjtry charg '■ • m ie j ara .fiaymoBd M. MeOandlei

i j - • charged wlto attempting to paw U cheilc, and James R. Slmmoni, Mi

I I I I The lnen were aneited Thurtde■ I 1 momlng by city officers after MtB l I Oandlus allegedly at(«inpt«d to pai■ l i l a ISO check a t the DeLuie Mote■ ■ lodge, TSI Main avenue west. Th■ I I I nsen may be charged here or turnn f l ed oter to nUlItai? authorities, eli.

Ml CEcagoUansTV, H trr -K a d io atiHeatings■ l i ------ dmOXQOTXUy » un-TalevHlai■ I I ftntl radio broadeuts of city oounel9 «mm« « 'n» tnriayW TtMcouacirvotedUtosyestania]I f t dJBT to prohibit broadeuts and up<I II r«c«r(Uiiga of crime committee aes-| i | | - aloae s t wlUch witnetsM

I b««ln hearlngi Mondey. Hie <cun- fr—--_«5U ;a « [ r K r t2iBl-nibSMro»B be Is-I - ____ BUed for_« per*OM_»nd firms, in-p cludlnc nlgbtdiib, tavern and hole]

I j l I — T h e H o B p l t a l

| l \ VUlUng houra at'Maglo VaHe?i l l Uemorlal hospital oe from 3 to '4H r -------* a a 7'16'B j>.-ni7—S i ---------------n , ADMITTEDU " Hazel nollon, Mrs. Charles Mellon,^ Robert Rahkar, Ron Pltu , Mn. LeeI I ; MUler and Lawrence Wheeler, all H*,: Tw in ralla: Mrs. Joe Prett and Mra. H I ; OtU Estes, both CaiUetord; Mrs. H F ; VlrgU Worcester, Wer; Mrs, Joe

Kallsek. Murtaugh; Mri. Olenn Mo- Caalln, Haielton: Marguerite Drown,

■IF! Slmberly, anil Mrt. Nat Boman, | | r ~ BuhLlU i: DI8MI88KD

• ••• Mm. Darrell BmlUj,- Mrs ' Bert 4|S, •" 'i daughter, Mrs. MarlonS K .. B am ett and son. Mrs. Olenn Hanee I I , - j n d da^hU f and Mn. oitnn-Jen- w i l l . kins, aU Twla Falb; Mri. Jamei n | l I Suchanan and ion, Mrx. Veroor a |L ; Lasser and aon and U n Weslev A

l» h —i l t f m . and Mrs. H *iv?/^^oSfaSd‘ M i l

nl: W eatherM f I rrem tnp and AP Report* f f l j t l Magle Valley-Falt tenliht. aa ■ I j , FHday wilh riilBg tefflperUure m f i -------- L oK _ loaU h(jB ttr.U _hU h^da

I ?H L l MirtlMiTil

l r : i ’

f r :

m - - ' - . — f l n o « - o r - « M n j u m — ^ The I m l • ( Saakt r tn r waa -l»*m ~ - r ^ v n a » f - M - t b n n i 9 . t ^ n t w n mUi---------- fihoahona faUB .(i«N.feeaa4 feet •!p - . p i lV ,« n r tbe frlnk), 1

^ - /

y S ^ 8 “ Hi

a m in g ' [I . ' ,

id Oaimof the n d nego- ^

leJS in___ . _ ^ _ a N .t the U. K. true* 5 -----------the basis for a 3

iltsble terms." arel«tlon.-«e*aa». ................... ' arem cim im es'in ■ - - — respcnjlblllty of ■»

uders," Ridgway f fo w s ix daj/s w llhoul a

my reference In!«ch to the po.1- VallCV.large-scale war- 1 1 — ............... I

iS H iH f J o y K e b u E ^. T. Dodd. “n<5 r » 1 • T .Reds m Last 'demanded Inve*- f r n p i «m Koje aff.tr. K o r c a t i 1 a l k

et earlier today MUNSAN, Korea, May M forelin Vica Atlm. C. Turner Joy In his

h ljh t D. Elsen- delegate today rebuked th? red* u -AtUnUo paot fom ia in i the Korea armlJlle* Ulks

as-a ‘'stall to repair ;our shattered I congreaslonal forces."> nidpcays Rd- "There U nothing left to nego- ■r«l by the fnct tloK—th e rieclBlon Is In your hands,"w -Intemipted the-atlmlral-deeiafed.— ............—i to permit the Joy, upon completing hlsUrepsred

BUtemfjjt. strode frora the Pan­ned Into eesslon mumjom conference t«nt. Hh action iin usual In or- threw the communist delegation In- on the }S,600,« to a /lurry,

)1U before hear- Oeneral Take* SeatMaJ.-Oen. WlllUm K. Har-mg-debated lm-

,«t„. >“ '« «>« N. ohlef, <iele8*te’«-Hat “" I aureeeted a recesi vmUi pWday.

5 forSeSS ^ce”enVd'''SfS t=5“,*eS“n! “ *I t lasted 39 mlnutei. Harrison

— — said N orth Kortan Qen. Kam Hin T A r attempt to reply•U l U l to Joy in what Hanlion called

Ite Meet ....member* from ■’o? «tlnging farewell

/yomlng, Ooio- “ »« «!»«* have made Uielr last con-111 altend the <^u<on on the repatriation of prfs-onal reh ^ U ta - oners ot war Issue—last road-block le 10 to 20 a t ^ K orean truce.'itone t)atk re- •^oy was the last member of theTinlonnent'antl original five-member allied team

t will be based I* commandanth.S.uoSrJ a ; / -S E S Four'People Ask

Permits to BuildI u<a7accord- tolaling ttJM in estimated eSsla' ion. Bolsa, sec- havo been fUed at Uie clly hsll, re-

the regional port-ii Mrs. Constance j . Lelscr, city clerk.

-------- -The-Pftctory-Radlo-flerrlce-com--n p l n P**'y P**"" construction of a 33-byl i C l U ---------3fl-Ioot.. addlUon .to .- tn e . preMS*-Ar building. EsUmaUd coet Is (3.000.;K W ) U n l J. R. Vartla, J3J Second street WUB;"soldleni -easv propo»e» Bi9vln»''a'«Mdence-

forstry charge to hls a fld reS^ 'K Sff it wallime"M. MeOandless, P> i«d over a MU basement. Costtins to pass the ^ 41 JOO. . .fllmmons Me- Constrticllon of a li- ty 16-foot

, Duimwu.. betlroom U planned by WUIlam Car-Mted Thur«lar l ^ J r T ^ n V i l n u l - s t r «

SiTpUdto Charles Shark, 73« Second avenueM ^or pl*” ' construction ol a front

m e wwUTOe stoop at a cost of tiw .

Sheepherder ffirt

- I , ’ > RUPEHT. m r aa — EmlUo Rb-fearings-on-TeleviiUm enU tiofipltal wltiTshock and bruise* of city councU received when his horse fell on him fti nnM .m f ln egttny-nopp 18 miles corth-cfLtoayestaitlay Mlnwolui. \

A I*mb darted from a buih and t«Ufy. W ght«ned Uib sheepherder’* horse.

iT'The 0“ ‘op *'’*■ ^ 'mmS bV“ -- lt* -Jee t-the . horse-kicked .Ilecoado ,nd firms, in- jO 'th e *>»<». _ • em ahd hotel The sheephertler drew hli revoiv-' ‘

er and fired several Umes to attract ' I m the . a ttention ot- Uie camp tender.- ‘

. ] « . ! tender calmed the horse and 'n i a l ......... carriedTRecondB to m etyrA n-w n-- -... I ' bulance wae sent from Rupert to J

Mailo Vaney th e Injured m in to Uie hoepl- | i^rom a to * ^ ___________________ ^ ^ I

buioM.iM, Joins Air Force jItu . Mn. Lee 8ROSK0NZ, Uay 32-^tanley X. IWheeler. aU Strunk, 17, son of Mr. and Mn. Tlpp *

•rett and Mrs. V. Btnm k, Shoahone. h u tnllsled »lUelord; Mrs. for rour yeors In Ute TJ5, aWorce. <er; ^ Joe He U en route to Parks airforce buers. Olenn Me- in California Jor basic Ualnlng.fuerlte Drown, ______

V a l le T l . Funerals i

Mrs. Marion I _ - . I ».„W O D IN a^JM neraljtrylce0.1or f

I r j a m e a Ellaibeth M. Dwj.er will be *M a Vernon 2 pm. Saturday al the *

4ri. Wesley A. Thompson chapel with Uie Rev. D.LDilUa Brown- ofllclaUng. Burial WU be H:glnla Lea HUl, made fn Elmwood cemiiefy.” ' *7 Wood, Qood- ------- ' **

BDRLEY - Puneral serrtcei for J— — . Abble Ctlecla 'Lewis OtUey

herJ . Henry Thompaon olflclatlng.

iP Rtpert* Burial wiu be made in the Elba It tealiht, a ad cemetery.

tefflperalures. —(L hith Fri.i>r- ■ BDRLEy-agrvitM ir,j H r n im tempetatnre a t Sg»n will be held al 2 pjn.

Saturday at SUrrh'* perry LDS ward with Blihop J. Weldon Beck

KirtiMiTii officiating. Prlcndi m a; call Prlday JSis. Mln. I ta . »nri ..ntll th . -------- J5 Saturday at-Uie McCuUoch funeral _ n i> home. Butlsl will t>e made in Uie " l l I V i Mam.otial p u k . |

I I - SUITS . .■8 « '■M -------- -------

— ^ U R N f f 0 1-32y-MjiB-Ay«nne-Eoi

M » j. 1 <■ 'v r ' ' . > '

rwhw Hts Id iahb ’s' MinC”3are ty Plying ^ , .

P r o blem s Are S i r e t l i»y t*air

S y ■ WASHINOTON. May M (Bpedal)\ —Mining problems affwUng IdahoS were dlscu#»ed this w«k by Metals

Director Howard Younj of lhe de-—a- --------- tfiise-nra ttrla la-prtw urem ent-ad-

3 m inistration nnd Stn. Henry Dwor-a shak, the solon reported.

N S .- __ _ _ ■ "Ytning aald he Is sending a teamor iB tmng—< »perta~-to-«»end-tfae sniaJl ' ■(jpcrivtors’“ fonferenc*' at

'S w ithout a Mackay Prltlny," Du-nrshak com> n our Maglo mcntcd. "He intends lo do every-

thing hc can to assist the smsll pro­ducer* In getting higher produc-

~ ............. UOB.■‘i'h e Id ah o a n expresiea-rfgretthit

U I V C S Voung may have to return to prl-

1 vot« business as pre.ildent of Amer.

T o o f - ■ 21nc company. The veteranJ jc t9 l> mining m an took over his gortrn-

- _ m ent post la«t August when dluaa-lafactlon w ith the former difenM

I J l l J . C t l lV m lnerat.1 administration brought M » M M t- formation of tho DMPA.

ner Joy In' his Ytaung pKdlc ledJn^me

S e V 'th e ^ s » o ^ t h o ” prlc« drop from IB . armliUee ulks “ n ta to-lB-centa.a.pound. ihOuJd.' your shattered recover I t conUols on lead uie are

relaxed.! left to nego- "T he currcn t weakness of lead is 1 In your hands," larReiy tho re-’iult of dumping by1.— ............— foreign prtxiucerSi'- Dworshak-de--Ing hlsTjrepsred clared later. "The DrltHh hsve even rrora the Pan- exported from their cvn jtockpJJe to t«nt. HI.1 action get dollarx. Thl.i.is the Ume.lhat t delegation In- our governinent should be buying

domesUc prt>ductlon. when the price :ea Seat Is down, no t waltlns unlll AmericanIlllam K. Har- >*“‘1 producers have been forced to af, moved over *hul down."■,<leI»t»te’*-M*t - ■

K s s ”■ Stolen Auto Is Recovered by 3

cdfed Police on JaunteUoo" — ....... '■Inglng farewell seem* a pollcemsn's work Is

their last con- never done, even when he leaves nation of prts- hi* home city ortwanty.•last rosd-block fiherlK Jesse Carlton. PoUce Chief

Howard O lllette and Cassia county member of the Sheriff Saul Clark were returning T allied team from a cIvU defense meeUng a t k« July 10. He Portland Wednesdsy. They heard a e commandant stolen car broadcast on the police cademy a t An- radio. A fow minutes later they spot-__________ __ ted the car.___________________:------— , ■ ......... T liey -stoppM - I7i» e t r r OUJrttoa A o l r grabbed the trio's only gun and •C A S a covered the occupsnt. while Clark :

to Build 5S,pl'.“ •“ “• ,ilkaDQlkatlons About th a t Ume an Oregon ' istimated cSjG' ■‘W RTfnrppTaTffrwnBrRsnersttlnif le clly hsll, re- strnngera holding up a man.! J. Leiser. city >0 slopped to find out what was '

going on. B u t he couldn't llnd his ' )-Barrlc*-com- badB *-and-hU -cai-ha«l_tio-i4dlo. . Ion of a 33-by A fter the Oregon sheriff had Identl- I the preMtn- t**"* himself, the three local of- ' :ost Is'»3000 Ticcr.s-explained-about the-jtolen

Second ’street 8“ ''® prisoner. * i»''a'«Mdenc«- ..........w ■------------------------------ ^

PoliceiiFGood!ng= ] ■ li-hr 16-foot Probing Burglary j-y _CQOX>mg>-Mfty 22 --Q M dlM . . *Ue«t. Colt is police are InvesilgaUng the theft ._ . of a 33-cent slot machine from the , ^ o n d avenue Drlveln -Sportohop here between Uon 01 a front 4:30 „ d 6 a. m. Thursday. Emerw Parko Is owner of Uie shop,

T he theft was discovered by Dave .t|> H u r t Adams, m erchant policeman. Adams II i i irt fhn hiillrimg hurl nm, hrrn rn- Jn t_ H n r a < k . t e r ^ a t 4:30 a . m. but that when he

— DnlUo Re- had been completed. Entrance der for John wm gained by breaking a window t^ _Rupet»«ei» i a ^ f^^tf-e^^le building--------- 1■ckandbruUe* I n addlUon t4-the13tit mechlne. Irse fell on him which was almost empty, a box con- Imiles porth-cfL Jatnlng-« 0 In change wm u ^fn.— «

[students Taking | Examsfpr Draft 1

BOISE, May 23 (flWfdaho college !ew hll revoivj- *‘«‘'«nt« wht> missed the two prevl- ?mes t t attract ou» OwUflcatfon examlnstfons ,caniD tender- sharpened the ir pencils for a crack 1

h# horse and today. •*itetyrAn-wn-- — Brlg.-O6n.-John- E..-Walib. atate .. im Rupert to (•l«otive service director, said only to the hMDl- those studenui who didn't take the

test in December, MSI. ot last April. 0— _________ ara «illglble.____ _ .. ............ .. e;Pyij-Afl •* belnf_glven at Boise ^C O rC e Junior coUege. the University of ” IJ-atanl*y X. Idaho, the College of Idnho. Idahoand Mn. Tlpp S tate college. Ricks college and p

h u tnllsled N orthern Idaho Junior college, p UB, airforce. Coeur d'Alene. "

»airforce bue --------------------------- a

Business Sold cl l l e y BOHL. M ay S 2-7he Buhl Ksnf-. *' ware atore. which had been In UteJ S Rugg family slnce-'lfl^, hu-been ’— ' sold to a corporation composed of H al services for Jam ei b . Pence. Theodore R. Pence M vAw will ta l ’“ ol e r Womack. Tt\t u ie oi irdsy s l the *** announced Thursday morning, pi 1 the Rev. D. T he new; atore will be known U « Burial WlU be lhe Buhl Hardware and pumllure w oiiefy. . *torflrTfte~*twrfrair*tafMdHy tUS' O

Ute J . J . Rugg, faUier ot-Mayer J, tr I serrtcei for J- Rugg who died last year. ='Levis OtUey — — , —n. Monday a t t \ 1 'r •<>n*'oma -Dog 8 LifeI In lhe Elba LAKE CITY nj.R>-Mri.

. . . . “• Norman E. Jorgenson, member of the £xchange dub. argued dor-

firSV-' :* W r t d « i ^ Jortenson. “Theylay call Prlday houie Vlth muddy.atiha.sentlw f w t they w l U the food Isn't .JuUoch funeral a M tn«7 «• down and» mad* in Uie -«*«»» »U arenlng.-

'S $»7.50s * * * -S' ' IIN ltU R E M A ^k v e n u ® -E p 8 t7 ^ T — - ^ r T w jn - F i i l l t -■ l i A i ’j , , * . . ! ! - ! I i ' , r • ,

■ - i :

T IM E S -N E W S , TW]

ms Are ^^ -------- a o w l ln d - l ^ » - T » lB - J a l l i girlI - a v r i t i v a ttending Brigham Toung unlrer- U J M. a u . ^ ty , has Joined Uie BYD chapter May M (Special) of V calcare, honorary sen’lce or-aff«cUng Idaho ganltatltjn.week by Metals _ . --------

oung of lhe do- «en*o Poatponedrt>eurement -ad------aS a .p lc iilc echedujed Friday bytn. Henry Dwor- «Whth n in th graders oTUlSxirted ChrlsUan church has been1 sendln* a team Postponed., wW beH o-aH «id-tha d la a is y l. dg<U irta>rtSim(tir»ChyJ..-fonferenc*— at hour thie w«ek. — ----- — -------

ConTentlonrttfTesmaS S^L W -hljhar woducl •Pending 10 daya in Portland, where higher produc-. ^ .tle n d in g the national bank- - - 'f-m ™ ™ ,.. «»■ ccaTcnUon.-'lheL-afe_e)ti>ectea

to -re tum to T w la Palls UiU weck-) return to pri-aldent of Amer. _____

« » » • • •Mf- * " ‘1 Ed'»»rd Skinner

have returned from Roswell. N. M-, foraer difenae visited Uielr son, Alr-Vf .h . man a /o Edward W. Bklnner. Jr..

1 0 Uio DMPA. BtaUoned a t WaUer air forceJl the convena-

I drop from IB G raduation S rt i-pouod..ihoujd. —Eva-M ahnkon,-Tw 1n-raU * red., on lead uie are jg n t attending Nebraska SUie

Teachers collcge, Chadron. Nebr.. kncss of lead is wUl. parUcipato In gradimtlon ex- of dumping by erclses May 29. Bhe Is receiving a-Dwor*hak-d»- ss-degiae-la-eaucatujn.----------------rltHh hsve even -------own ittvkpiJe to Otilce lo O m s

the Ume,lhat ’n ie T w in Falls army and airforce 3uld be buying recruiting office a t H i Main avenue when the price east wlU be closed Prlday and Sat- unlll American urday, according to M/8gt. Paul H. been forced to Marshall, recruiter. Personnel will

be attending a meeting In Sslt Lake ____________ City.- . . _ .

toTfl Pair ia O radiiatei f l Charles Robert Humphries and

i«1 k « f 0 Robert U hler will be graduated from•U UV O DUh B U te Agricultural college at

n Jaunt J: M S S llmajoring in agriculture ^ucatlon, and Uhier, *on-of-Mrt- R. C. Dhler,

msn's work Is 1* #peclallilng In soli physics.'hen he leaves !ty. gu tfoned a t Alamedam. PoUce Chief Leon M. Lowe. Jr.. naval airman. Coisla county apprenUce. Ia stationed w ilh . airwere returning transport aquadron No. 3 a t these meeUng a t naval a ir ataUon, Alameda, Callt.. They heard a He Is the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Leon

on tha police Lowe, 360 F ilth avenue west. Thelater Uiey ipot- squadron opcraUd the 80-ton. four-_____________ englnea Mara seaplane trom Ala-> «r,-O U Jftto metJa io Honolulu,............................. .................................... -only gun and it. while Clark Recm ller Blated

Uie man for T /S gt. E. M. Cummings, Salt Lake City, a rea woman murine recruiter,

I an Oregon ^l^g ''w '7 man^ Mu^iJyrioia^r^c^^uliTrrWomrn In-'out what was terested In enllsllng In thc marineuldn't llnd his <=‘' " obtain further Informa-hn-i r.Hu tlon from Sergeant Cummings strifri^ rt ■Ul~m^rlne“ rbcr^Iltlfl^^^SlIO^^^^!'■hree local of. “ aln avenua. cast.ju t'the-jto len *,-7 ,--------- ------- — -. ■^ p r i s o n e r .

--------- •Mdgic'Vntiey'M tmorlBl'hosrltBl-to' tot: a tid ••MfB~ ArtinirAitdriit->tra~

j O Q l n g — M“ inJT ir8T -B yron 'T fngh tr-a ll I ■ I Twin Pall*, and Mr. and Mrs, Vlr-k U r C l S r V «'l W orc«tar. Pller. Sons were ( „ y bom 'W ednesday to Mr. and Mri.II- ^ UMQing. .Senjamliv-Jtoberts. Tain r n l l ^ ^ o l _ Jng the theft j^r. and Mrs. James Buchanan. :hlne f ^ the p,ipp_ Mr. nnd Mrs. William here between nm pcr. Twin Fall*, are parents of a 1

Ihursday. Dmer daughter bom Wednesday.he shop, ■ . Jivered by Dave f , 1

Local Firm Wins ,I nnt hern r n - ___ __________ _ n t ■ 'ro jea =

eted. Entrance Contracts for plumbing, heating | :lng a window and electrical work on two schools lildlng.- - In Ca.iper, Wyo., have been awarded , "Sot'mechinT to D etweitsi-B ros.i'^rnt-, aeeording , ply. a box con- lo word rcccived from the board of nWM u t f n — education .---------- -------- ■ 4

The eonuat.1 fur plumblngi heal- 1 , , Ing anti venUlaUon for a new Junior

I K in o * hlghKchooi building a t Casper totals i m i l ^ , 179,148 , .hIlB electrical work on the

) r D r f l f t 1w *eleetAcaVVork*w tiie MIdwMt - jv jc r— I,;— elementary-sohool a t Casper.totals 1

I exaralnsHons t111 for a crack Rjiey S. Champliii - “ d S Paid-Final Honor jIdn't take the Funeral services for Hlley B. < . ot last April. Champlin were held Thursday aft- ,

ernoon a t the Tw in Pall' mortuaiy viv»n «« n«i.. chapel w ith the 'Rev.' 'Herman 0.' Unl«>. ,v m cT o t/lcU U ng . ,id ih T tri.hn Edn* O raham was soloUt and ‘ l l ? . ; . !^2 orgaaUt was Mrs. BUnley PhUllp*. '

,n S p m « * r « r . w t r . U m W. Y .» ,inior college. Robert E . Llghtfoot. Uonel A. Dean.

Jasper H unt. Herman Dodion and ------- A. J . Becher.0 U Concluding services were conduct- Ij O IQ - - th e Twin Fails ceinetery.

1 ^“n in*mi Home on Leavej l , hu-been • W OM PlELn. May W -Morine Pfelcomposed of HaroifJ B. Perron, son of Mr. and

lore R. Pence Mrs. V. F. Perron. Richfield. Is homeck. The u l# on JenvfB K fr completing field tele-day morning, phone school a t the marine corpsbe known u recruit depot. San Diego. Cslif. Hend Fumllure ''IU report to Camp Pendleton.tafiedUy tH9' ecgaraiae.—e a llf ;, i er addlUonal• ot-«ayer J, training. Lyear. J= .

i i f e A I R L I N E P Ct nj.n-Mri. Mow Op«a li (

- S K I L L E D M E

R a t e T«on. •Th.r / . J ® ^

S M — ^

----------------- T I C K E T A N D R E S E RH BMnntnto-Sii :,50 ■

I , INTI31V1XW1N0 WSDHX6W P .. Applj )» yim

______ U N I T E D A I R L I N E S I

J -------------------------------------


F S ii^ N e w s ia ^ B n e l^ ^Trade Nam* FQed

tiB -jaU i-g lil _J9ha_B^5iiiM,..TwJnje»Ila.JilBd.» roung unlrer- certificate at tn d e name 'Wednes- BYD chapter day for Turley’* I<ounge. ry senlce or-

CerUflcal* ol trad e sam e for the Kirby Company of Twin PVlls was

ed Friday by filed Wednesday by Jamea W . Sial-fi3ers“ oru i« - llngn^TwJn Palls.- ------- -------------•ch h&s been ---------lenlfl wJll be Eami D e g r e e _________imrtav w.hool "—Theodore'llaii'y Ryanrawn uf Mr,

m w J r T r T c r ^ B r w m : S a i v - B his &8 tf ^ M io agrlM lture June 9 from Cornell tm lven lty , Ithaca,

. Frailer are N. Y.jrtland. where ---------atlonal bank- Harrlagt Lleenae* a n expected Harrlaie Uceiuea w ere -issued

iis this week- ■wrdn«diy-t3Tawnrt»m*ByrBUMr and LilUin Martlndale. Hagerman. and Louise Hall and D uane BeU. boU) Twin Palla.

»ard Skinner . ---------OTWeil. N. M., Mansy .fliolen - . - - - - - - • - • - leir son, Air- Oscar Pierson, Dougiaa hoUI, re-

Skinner. Jr.. ported to city police Wednesday Uker sir force Utst *as U ken from his bill­

fold in his hotel room Tueiday

blUi and IWO tfi bills.n- raU*. red.. ---- --------------------------------------------sraska SUie Olrtb Announced adron. Nebr.. Word h u b«*n received by, Mr. aduntion ex- and Mrs. William J. Morteil, route 1 receivlnK a l^o. Twin Fnlls. of the b irth ot a n son to Uulr son and daughMr-ln-

---------------- liw .-H f.-inaM rr.W itiianr-A TM or-tell, Santa Monica. Calif. ,

’ and airforce . _ , ---------Main nvenua «^fram Set

r ta ^ n d Sat- An Interview wlUi Second Lieut. /B B t^nul H BeU. recent graduate■,rfnnn»i V li <>' Candidate school, con-. K t J k e cemlng Uie OOS program and re- , in Sslt Lake ^ heard a t 4:18

p. m, Saturday over K TFI. UeuUn- ant Bell is the *on of Mr. nnd Mrs.

mnl,-!.. anrt S33 M ornln*aide. drlre,S'S; iS ™“ _______ ■a l coUege at m.T

Conti’ol Nearre educaUon, _

ph^ait.” * ^ In Koje Row,laval airman General Says

4*‘i t ISLAND. Korea. May 33 UT)m .i . Jim es A. Vnn Fleet *ald to-M TjTnn the 80.000 stubborn communist

on rlo t-to m K ojc island 80 Inn 'four- ‘hofHy ’'’>11 be "under complete con- . AU Irol wlUiin Uielr compounds."— ^ -T h e U. lthth army commtnd^

. visKed th li prisoner ofwar camp No, 1, where die-hard

, , c , it Lake rfdj two weeks ago selred and held inefSauUcr* ‘1'* ^«mp commander a s hostage

PWriiiv and hours.Sg, n H A few hours a fte r Van Fleet left . Women in- Knje "K"hrlMnfr"nttcnTptcd-wres--- i thc marine notorious compound 78ier Informa- dragged back forcibly byMnmilngs s t »«»■'■ PfJ^oners.■JtSlIonr^'J" —The-redveteUorv-thelr-owo-guard*

Inside the enclosure to prevent ahtl-communlst POWs from flee-

..............Ing, The man who attem pted to sliprjiursday at- through the barbed wire w as one ofl-hosrltBl-to lhe red*,- ow n-gu»rd».-—----------- •Alldrllt-atra- -TftirtfT-ttJ-new conimim der, Brlg.« “WnghtTTi'l' qen-B(iydon-L- Boatncr^the_KoJft. 5d Mra. Vlr- camp is "certainly fast approaching

Sons were adequate' security.** Van F lee t said, :r. and Mri. ------- ---------------------

^ a ^ a ”n^ — ApDear-in €ourt—frs. William Gordon Lucas. Twin Pails, was parents of a sentenced to 30 dnys in th e county

day. Jill Thursday morning w hen he ap------- , - peared in Justice court a n d pleadedj i ; . guilty of disturbing the peace-I r i n S He was arre.tted with Delbert

^ r n i P P t Hailsy, after a W ednesday dlstur-^ a -v -j4 ^ M T)ih ^ t a t thg uw i eigtr gtorgr n i ' Ing, heating shoAone street south, two schMis wiieeicr pleaded guilty to Uie

een awarded ^jne charge In police court. He waa t-r»eeoTding i*nifncTd-t3-3n-daya in ^ ih e ^ if f - the board of jti\. but-commitmcni-wSa-wIthheld------- . *ad-h«'n-4j-relcflied to-ieAV«-ior-nbltwi-heai- Hevgda.----------------------------------------s new Junior - - — - —rasper totals T-* | • f - i *Parlung Finesthe Midwest City police collected »18 tn bonds ;asper. totals for overUme parking Wednesday.

Posting »i each were Mrs; Roy w........ ............. Fyke,-Pearl-Eagar.-O eonre-Berer,

Elma Yeoman. R obert N, W, BalleU l l P l i n Mn. Mr*. J, p, Sykora, Jackson W. YT Allred, W, C, Pierce, Ju d P e ttyHonor ««»Te. C.,Norri5. J -W . Stalllngs.-L-

* A. Abrahams, Mra. K a t h l e e n Beverly, I. LoughmUler. Mra. Jewell

KSt “SHerman 0. Disturbances In North China after .^1. 1.» .nil ‘he second century A. D. resulted iw In mlgrauona to Uie apuU>.


Osteopathic Physician

i a v e-MttrinePfe: Dr. .Miller's anJ -m «#.Of Mr. and eld. Is home »iiii«.g field tele- ------ OPPICE H O U R e -lorine c o ^ # to IJ - a n d - a to 8 . . . Dally

Wrfn.«Ur E..nlaai, T.H t« » P.M.

.INE POSITIONSKow Op«a il b'lllnala

■ L E D M E C H A N I C S ________ _____

Rate $1.86 Per H ourW .SW W i.^r'.C M 's;

T ^ n h ’n '^ ln i , aw iwtwr>. 6thw trpm---------- ”

•' Mil h»M * « ycc ta i ClaM Ba4la T d .. .

D R E S E R V A T I O N A G E N T SSMrentnto-Sii rnnilaa an*


*>pi7 )a y«M« t» a*


------------- ___ ::__ Jghpnt-ZMQ____>r inur*!*w >y AppMBt * ■ ;-*

■ \m a ___________________________

J u d g e O rd e ra .-------- ' Almo Man to^ w ^ „ ? S r a t e H o s p ita l i

irnm t ' t n Ob«) Ithe verdlet of the murder tria l

! sam e for the jury and the deposlUon of Dr. j . O . ,rwln Falls was Cromwell, luperlnUndent of th e ^lame* W . Blal- s u te Hospllal 6oum at Blackfoot, .------- ---- ----------which was adjnlMtd_into ovidenco j

In Uie murder trUl. again waa a j r- milted into evidoace. During tho ,

s j& s f c iu s i ia - * ^Tlciilture June the prosecut1im:“ ~— ------------------- ,'s rilty , lUisca, Richard 0-Kell. court reporter, |

read the testlhionf of Dr. Victor H . Simocek, piychlatrlst a t .Blackfoot. , •flven during Uie.murder, tria l and ,

w erc -iisued it. too.-wu admitted Into evidence , X»m*ByrBunir ■rinina»rinBmtnr-TOe-<'«elng»-ttn-: lie. Hagerman. Ward's cau while he was ■ pa tien t jI D uane BeU. *t Ute veterans’ hospllal a t Sherl- |

dan. Wyo, In 18S0, were admitted. , All of the lesUmony Thursday <

- - - -iBoming apHd tha t W ard baa a < spilt personality and harbora delu- 'S o s o fp e n e c u W

PresenUUon of evidence waa eom- ;

'• Lowe gave his charge to tho Jury i-------------------- Uld dlrfcted-the-rerdlct.--------- -----------eelved ,by_ Mr. . .

Russell Counting On Delegate A idl

' WASHJKOTON, May M (Uweerj.Richard B. Russell, Oeorgla, count-

R«-or5H Tj.Mt ed on Nortli Cirollni to . previd® ‘ n a d i u him wlUi a hig bloc ef Democratlo

school con- convention delegates today. 1,eram and re- NorUv CaroUna DemocraU wera iheard a t 4'18 acheduled to m*ke 40 naUonal con- 1^ U e u to - w u o n d.l«*tea with « v o u a - :' Mr. and Mrs. the second lant*st aouUtem ^elega- ii lo ts ia e .d r lr t. Uon-attodaj-'s state conyenUo^ 1

On Uie Republican ilde. Ben.--------- Robert A, Tafl, Ohio, headetl in to iT South Dakota to campaign for votea :N e a r * pnmsry. I t ■will ho i' Taft’s last primary test and hla

K o w . - against Cen. DMght D. EUenhow_er, ' *’ 9 his chief rival for the OOP p resl- :

II S a Sr... M.,« M 3 Honor Medals

To Be Awarded icomplete con- WASHINOTON, Msy 33 (AV-Tho npounds." medal of honor, the nallon’a h ighest mv r ommind . decorallon for bravery, will be a prisoner of awanted~pojtftuf7fdtJ»Jj’ to VlTBB’ ■] here die-hard army enlisted men and a n officer I •Ized and held kilted in Korea. 'T a s hosUge The delense department a n - I

nounced today that Army Secre tary ' Van Fleet left Frank 0, Pace, Jr., will present th e mptcd-wres--- ■med»l»-tO'tiei[fr-ot-lilit^t-t*'*-#<»urr compound 78 heroes at a Pentagon ceremony n sx t

;k forcibly by Monday. 'The soldiers lo be honored a re ,

ar-owo-guard* Capt—Ed?raid..C. ,Kny*ow8ki,_37, j ! to prevent Cicero, JII.7 Pvt. BllUe O . K anell,/s Trom flee- 30, Poplar Bluff, Mo.: Cpl. Jo h n ' em p ted toeilp Ea3ebtfger.-jr.,-22.-Holiand,-M leh.. : Irc waa one of and Pte. Herbert K, Pilllaau. 32, ..----- ------- -------- Walanaa^.Oihu-.liawalL._______ .. ,Tmnder, Bilg .« --------- ■ - -------- ac r^ th c -K Q jt n S E D ^

r’ SaS ^ ^ 'cha ge'of lelnr ^V > O U r i— •dnmk-and-dlsoTderlyr---------------------in Fails, was — , . . _ _In th o county ■ M B ^ WI w hen he ap- ‘ 5 'I a n d pleaded W " i | ,

wlUi i«ibert j2 ^ '

lesday dlstur-r s T s ta r e r n t - ------- [— :=’t v — [!n - "

lullty to Ul# - ‘

_ 'jn rthB ~c ig- ' ' i

{ o ^ a av4-te-- -....................3 ‘ ............ iA~twJ~tlUieii b a fellgw~wTtP~ i

— — would behave Just tba * a ae If

Fines. ^ i•18 In bonds

Wednesday. .> Mrs; Roy w .Jeonre-Berer, -------------------N, W. BalleU

1, Jackson W., Ju d Petty-. StaUlngs..L. ........ ' ' l mK a t h l e e n '

r. Mrs. Jewell j K .O. BaUey.

h China after .. D. resulUdth e aouUj. ^ '

MENT Is h to n ^ ? | H |'lysician f

• ' i . . /■ \(uiiitan . u a ^

a n a . - -8 . . . Dally «iv~

:I0 U> ( F.U. *Wiam tITT __________________________________

'UC frd ln ^ S h i^ K . ^ \

W rE N T S - - ; ------------ = - * ^ g g | r


n» a iA ft__

= y . - . ~ T ^ ■ ^ ^

I SeOT“Today^ “to I----------------- J :wind toulng Ed Benoit'* neckUa

jiver-ona JtouIder_.. J:.HUl carry- _ J M .la J L Ing full lost! of packsges . . . Flock

0. youngsters Uned up for novles,. . . good evidence Uut sehooi la over '

rder tr ia l . . . sUvers and Helen Porter- » ' Dr. J. O . jidd looking over election calendar

. • • • leanJn* »»»lMt uUllty J '• pole “ Pl»y‘ * “*> ^ovmenco 6 evtral_cnw *UU painted up «a ■

„ 7 ~ ^2" afUrmaUi of senior clasa day . .“ . V« f t o t i - b l - uhlomed I rc c i^ t^ ck M

jiS'lie’5rTl«r"aJter-runnlnr-t)TCT "■ *■ - mtik battle'. .'.Kanuscouple sdmir- ,y»w rt«r, in j i j j j j color photo* in city hall Victor H . . . . Ramp a t bus ItaUon belnt used

a* parking area while bus strike t r t ^ and conUnues . . . Youngster making evidence mighty effort to restrsln yawn.,.. . Pr

«5lng»-ttn- -BngHr7«lloTr-Ki»w-h*ftn'xoinxrr '®''■ pa tien t Ityle attracting attenUon In cloth- Pf a t Sherl- ing jtoro dUplay . . . Neighborhood S.* lu tted . ChUdren with Uiat "what-can-we- ^ Thursday do-now" look after fin t few hourstd b u a of.. »uinn)er vacaUon flndi themora delu* caught up on aU their playing . . . Pr

And overheard: "Bgl don't consider L<waa eom- ™ahing right down and buying a Mr w u a u - I V a

-Truman Supports- |■ All Demos in Bid „

WABHINQTON, M*y 33 W — b! , A 5 /1 President Trumsn said today ho• 'A lU --w o n ld -b e happy to campaign for a

(lB_6en, any of Uin announced DemoeraUc fca count- prejldenlJ*} cacdldatw, Including anr.’pr^vld* S*n. E*w* Kefauver... . - . „smocratlo The chief execuUve denied a re- R' y. port that he was "not very «n-• U wera thusluUc" about Kefauver. aaying r>nal con- he would be happy to campaign io t r I vot«a— ths Tennesseean u will as any n ^elega- other ot Ute I>emoe»ta seeking th e renUon. presidency.d e . 'B e n r Despite Mr. Truman'* eocmnent,idetl Into the impression it widespread In Ctfor votes Democratic circles that he would int will he prefer some olher candidate. ar and h la The President said lo reiponae to

itloi^ race -a question that he doe* not know hcienhow_er, whether Oov. Adlsl Stevenson. ll l l- at3P p resl- nols. can be persuaded to change hla M

mind about accepting Uie Demo- dicrating nomination, as detlred by Bi

J . many party leaden,

irded Search for LostTrio Is Stopped

w lir be aEATTLE, Wash,, May 23 (U.PJ— t3—m res- •Coaat-ffUMdameB-ab*Ddonf4-Kxlas' n officer their search for the bodies ot th ree

ot seven persons aboard the sloop en t a n - Prelude, missing In northern Puget *“ Secretary “ “hd since eunfliy nlghl. esent th e At the same Ume, the cou t guard

i M ^ e x t N^Name, with kree fleVtile peraonsaboard, was nearly a month overdue

lorert «r« on a voyage from Honolulu to '' ' ‘wski S7 Seattle.■ Kflneii* ~The-M.{oot-Prelude-dU*ppeared — 'Dl Johri ‘ W-mlle return leg of a cruised Mleh from_Orc**,_W»n(l.tO-BelUnghftin. _

Wash. Veteran mariners believed iiaau, XJ, the vessel struck an unchsrted,reef......• ard-*»nk.~*................. ...................... .V

B 'oaieT-Dr'fourjJuiingeTr-were

1 ' f w ^ ^ e a t e n e d !?i By Crash Flames ^

^ LOWELL, Ind., Uay 33 (UJO —Thirty cars of a eg-car freight were «

n derailed todsy, and alcohol In alx Plank cars burst into flame, th rea t- ^

I enlng the business section. 1_J^------------- a.umlng.alc9lnlJlt>y«lH g ffn - th t J

|l sUeets and in tt gutters betore vol- ‘

'“•Li control with loamlte and water aome p four hours after the derailment.' ”

into kindling'; by'Sirtfl.irelght .ciir*, 'S s a but most of the lire w u oonfl&ed

......... .. to a n ^ a y iy t Ut* erotflcg-oZ-Indli.-»eItJW-Trttp- alia highwayT ----------------------------^•awe If ----------------:--------- i l


Final Day*

F O R M F l l


...time to’discovery_ 3 . Sweeihci

A ilouhding, . . tb« dlffer«nce «Corset Oeptiunent’s ik illed fit!

I figure. And now, during Formfitgive you,ipecUl •Itentlon. S o t In a Life Br« proportioned to (1)

i H B m cup *iie, (3) your leparation—yr. j l ^ B - | l - “ -<aroo» rrtifrO in llro r-F o t»d* II

broutljr ileck'yet Blorlouily con ll the Idei] time to complete your

H T / M Founditiom by Fonnfitt

Oonnilt our - - ^ ^ - M R S r G b M

Idaho Dp]

t l* . ,

Is M arked*lUlLcarry-

ir-iSS „«W amsT™ol la over O ^ m n e e ofen Porter- featund tlL1 calendar °L T»lnnst UUllty ^u rsd ay noon „mnle* . . . legion hall . “ <*•ed up *a . Speaker1 day . .” . Vemcm Pstth,

ning- overpie sdm ir- ^ John o*ins, li>uI city ha ll i '* “ »e lanj,belntused ^ | o r of lhebus *mke “ *>»Uon.:r making Special jum,yawn.... . President

tn"eoinxrr ^r«*mery.'In cloth- production rnan»^^

ghborhood T»)nkt-can-we- rnenibertew hours chairman. ^ndj them Two nm ai«mwlaying . . . prior to the dairy^L?” ^ ®'I consider Leiter K. Boabuying a Motors compti,“ ^ ^ H

Clawson, ownwof— stnjEtlon

today ho President 0 *

3emoeraUc followed Uje r L : , r * * ^ B including special m„ti„, X ^ ^

commlltee also lied a re- Running, chalniuii very «n-

Herbert L. Col, Claimed by DB*

comment, -OOODma. MiV a i i H -ipread In Conner, Burke, Hi.he would ing hospiui ■late. an Illness at four tSS H n eiponse to Mr. Conjier n s t n iK pnot know homa Sepu 14, itoi r,L Ki:nson, n i l - a t Burke. 8urrltin<change hla Mrx. EsUiir Con&erhe Demo- daughten, \lriitiii ittlred by Betty Jesn Onurr (k U ^ F b

The body u btiiii h— Thompson mortusry to V t^Ei]

, services and bumi'8 1 -------------------

)pped Sentenced tofc■ 23 (UPJ— Pfrry H lc k m in .W a i^ tl ned-today J'Ald_aJlntj}LS2laiiu^K!!“ of K ' f * «'■?'«;'« ftw i X iUie sloop f“ yJ» ‘lT h u n a i , in « t5 R

l”eirg'‘?n:Ti‘n‘J2S ^o u t guard 1”'.^“ '=

molulu to by the cout ' an expired

U appeared--------------------- ——

^'lu^g'S^-JIoosetoM®*arUd‘ rM f of^MowV w llU t!eS ''lM7 .V r ^ » <gerr-w ere pUM ^ r ^ ,uie l u ^ ^ E

;nedlaitf6S 8:30 pJi. rrldsy.


l-oi-U tdh. np

^ Ot

IDqysLHurry- |

M F I T WEEI Eatthe t?

d a h o Dept. Sn ^

m Ul

’isco ver y o u r ' ^

S w e e th e a r t o f d J

difference « coniuItSfonTUN ■* ik illed fitter* ein'nai* aring Form fit Week, th*;’«tentlon. So come b t ’Tnjktioned tc (1) your buiHl**. lepanUion—wide, medium «

lorlouily com6irt»hlt

of Ufe


Oon»ult our a j m t ■ *M R S r


Tou won't want lo bI« ItJ f M wkdco dufUfl

Page 3: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

P r o v i (

. Misdford hM ciMlricU tor« U u t wiwho m ^ » •« of lh*m. TJU

IntUU I f . not dK flclt to mtki

' T * * * *

^ A tto rn e y Inv Toys--for G ram

M fcto the homa ol her he decided the 1 ^ » »nd Mrs. J . H. pushing It, m

be We taking iv tour Weal toy Patric ,t » county ffttr for Thst wa* thi

K l^ '- l y . end of two we.jiv4 hu built » f e r r U he hed-producj

round, m o t o r toy. the merry.^ n c t »<arehllght nnd on a record pl

***,'Ws laifl » poo! of water, and one stemj^ituniiar ■shcro

kap»rnitlie simplest lt«m,Mide of a discard- ">“"'< ,‘0 ‘he I

TtoW‘tht nnd nut mtt- Ro» Along.” E« lie llfht can be turned one defect—th fSnliiiMOlanlni! Mopped I W oteUr PatriclB Ju tt i Blandford'sij n, Pilrtcl*. 19 months, la Boes back to

and Mrs. A. L. used to makertKlat*rlf, But the toys ;

t e to , . i n s'landfardr»ss« 3"";the more hum

i f f i e r C l a s s e s problem.

0 Start Monday he^*^"^ M W _ ^ l ^ l ^ »OttoS-of-Ql.

^ B llsh wUlnt te isdor high school Blandford unni ~ to awlm acroM

tri&iUsh. world Uterature. foot of iho UdiB tmture, tj-plng n rd M steps. *o tomnment will be of- "Maybo a mailE tet, JkPjone In lerta ltd «is«i puUty witlbnrkllitersturv. says. But his «> »in tonlinuo for a eix- *>«U 4 b1 ncukr ercdit u l l l _£Iandfoid..u

S^«« tl°n s asM *111 be held Friday”t ^ w r c o “ u 6 t ' l t o ®"‘"<lford aays'

B g tE e p o r t^ -S S ?City Personnel ,

d f t l t s n ^ for Ui»

’ ute Msy™4*tq t S « Confe;S T ? . ' ' . ' I ' m k s e n . m.

u .. r “s a “''

«»< mum, .1 tii, uSi. t nwn«- |n4«ho and Kill be .trnln-

t E . 'S ^ & d ^ a n a U v ;

FBOM TRIP iD F Bln. U „ a _ 8 « n illu » , “

* WP CITYJUtt.MMtt'wSlS (s's.'™

f e w» m v i

"n JA L B E B S l.iljM W i iB more t h u two tbmaaad W<

"AWIRrOATiWAt ll " fOR r u v o R i

® ^ 0 « n ’n«l


Provided AU-These Toys

< < -p>‘.

rM B I

I tor« t t a t would b« enTled by nesrly aoy adult. IncJni of them. ~BlanilI«rd,-TwIn-FaDa atComey, iiaHed eo ticiilt to make the eleelrlcal toya. ' (Staff photo*efl|raT

* * * * * *

7 I n v e n t in g E lectrici G ra n d d a u g h te r , H e !! decided the k»d>to work too hard difflculi. Ke had tcishlng It, Why not make nn dec- «cver«l iimtj bccleal toy Patricia could Just wntch? woulda't line upThat waa the beginning- -At the elfo tt of wire dldr.d of two weeks of evening irork Equipped with at had-produced his first electrical wheel Is tel to eplry. the merry-go-rauna. Mounted of the motor nibbli1 a record player motor the toy ber tubing edge onsts sU wmovable wooden men Blandford s»y« Hid one stem looking genUeman th a t one of the i blue whcm BlandfOTd calls -'iht. on the ferrlj whee

anager." II whirls round and drunktn ticphsnt.und to th# tune of "MerTlly We petu that the dcciill Along." Blandford saya It has leaturtd four drunk le defect—the music haa to be reduced the oUtertad-CTnk ^ - . . - ....... .................... decoiatlon-oaTnrBlandford’a woodworking hobby merry-go-round, b «s back to cJilldAood_when.he four-eyed Jellows t ed to make wagons and carts, wiih cati. squltrei Jt the toys for Patricia are his auch.■st venture into mechanUcd iilny- Malcrlals tiitd

w fo i-u ,. . h a . p i . i a - T g r i S ' ' d S B m Kjuld be w/lllng to call the venture pebbles ordinarily Ilshed and prepare to re tu rn to aquariums. Blandfo e more humdrum world of doll the horse race tracl

no t—lo i— cme hoiscs trum-ii'PlnlJ oblcm. cars and plnne.i,Th»-<iarft-devii- uian-fa' impmfeii. v n n sim w trK dice ! says. thumb t&cks and alWith a tap of a button a t the Improvemenl of 'ttom -o f - the- ladder ' DrtnJSBiywirteT'Is m ta -B T n n n il» t»> ri~and aoars mecli-5hrzi^--loy j 'wn Into the water in splendid mamiams:~ BUt~he

■es he do? He.jUsl stnys’ there. He’s w rl of Un It’s a hard nut to crack bul noUon of a large

awlm acroM the_jwl, run_to _tte ;__ .-------------- ■'—ot of Iho ladder and'cllcnb up the ■■ aateps. • ------------------M r s . - A

P u U O n 61ys. But his wife malntaliu a doll _ P r a l c A « i mso would be more In order. — r r a i S B S ISlasdfoid. uys he'a open tn all ii n i i iiiw i .im ggestlons u to how to Improve n t t i o dcvj's beluivlor.They make look complicated, but f andford says the mechanical gad- ts were easy td make. The darenm<mired^irtvo~eT{BlnKSTcfitt tn a tin mcn v ^ cproqna~Wn~ med-two weeki-Juat beeauM all —

ed. fUte ferria wheel was the most 1 -.o------------------------------- -------- ---t

O o n l e r e n c e S e t t Z T ^ SHANSEN. Msy »-Q uart«rly con- rence wlll be held at-the-Hanaea immunity Methodist chureh a t 8:30 n . Friday. Ths Rer, CecU. O. H ere laa good tu n annan, Ooodlni,,wm.be.Jn.chai« _AJ_jC8pn._& t-0Q the absence ol Dr. P. W. Werta. M arjarlne for P

no Is HI. The departments wlU give Nutrition, Econom elr reports of the famoui a nNext Sunday the regular Fellow- lovo the dclic*le, ;> Ip-dlnner, wlth-the men-of the

ja i& rssP E T U N I A S S S ^ t ’i S u

m-«TOahli5«»S£^ - hSIS*K.iS"T(Sack ol ParUlan lAUodi?)

j W W i A y , ' ’

tbo«aadW«>(emn a«ked, m l U f m ' M i J . k M

SR I i.ire oven-mellowed.-hatb rinnyou«ath» tt twurlahment tf»mUyc<toorcoiti . rfbwl— ' •— '

I O i l « • • » •

; " ‘ I ' . r i ■■ 1

ase Toys M ore “Ps


r r r f l t t ^ S i S S S y B B e H B ' IRe' nation iI '^ a a H jE W p i CaVfonila today de.i

■ ", some coeds. policc»«- ; . f , . i-.V ‘r. thoritlc.1 lo St>-mle tl

• Many of the latest’ 1 ^ *un but others wo. . j^ , rV ip a jS 2 M lence.

The worst brawl W - was aC-tne'tJnlVerslI;

where a demon^irai ‘Tust for Inee" ended

And s l th e Unlver y * f I 1 J ' t J r Tr e e ■ etudcota.u«iorout«lI T u f lo r a s bombj nftcr hurling

'•sSTv^a a l pollcc pntrol mrs.»trniiR'e fad. li

3 K : 4 ^ Invade womei-sndnarG ntlfsnh sei Rarment.1, began sev but bccame uldcspre

In the Oklnliom Norman Wednesday 3,000 male IlnRCrio from le

The crowd ou

and pollcc Iron- xowniv f6 r~ ~ R n ^ T-weia-arrested.--------

Louisiana- Btate i clals used chlvalQ* ni

■ servlee act-- to tep'

any adult, InclBdtniJiec.siaDS- . - mty, lUHed ea the loy proiect

* *

ilectricalr, He Insistsfftculi. Ke had to make tho wheelveral times bccause the wheel . ^ ^ H SluUa't line up right. The flrat fort of wire didn't work a t all. 1Equipped with a fan motor, the leel Is u l to spinning by a shaft the motor rubbing against a rub- ^

r tubing edge on Uis wheel.Blandford says It Isn't hU fault a t one ot the six animal riders I the ferrls wheel la a four-eyed Tjnktn elephant, i t Jujt so hap- . n s that the decaU he purchased •atured four drunken elephants. Heduced the oUter three to mere _____coiatlon-oa'tnr'platfonirunJSefrry-go-round. bul one of the T 'ur-eyed fellows holds equal place ._ i3 |lh cats, squirrels, nbbliA and chMaterials tued In the circus ^UlJ,n){ntja{ige^Ul)tJiftlL-frc0L i icorded -tecord t^layef m otors'to ~bbles ordinarily restricted to Huariums. Blandford's pebbles line ■ ' .c horse race track. Hc hu utUlzed - ■ ATscs-trijm-n'plnbnirinacMne.-toy------ ■ --------rs and plnne.i, flashlight parts. M - ■irlitrtiltf’lr tf uecorauoiis, nwnlng, ■ -umb t&cks and all sorts of decals. tmprovemcni of the dare devil ,.niiigiytfnrEe'hls laifttark in the' ......clianizcd toy _Jleld, Ulandford ^ T " ^ Jnlalns:~ BUt~he does have Just ]__________ ^

i e ’s wrl of Unkertn^ (With the |Uon of a large rat fUled with :

— H r s . - A I C a p p |P u t s O n B l u e B o n n e t ^- P r a i s e s F.N.E.!

" G arber ""

B ab yA ll V a r ie tie s

= ^8 ^0 u m rr~ S tztr:

^ H A V E R ^ S - ^

S E C- ' 1 ........ .

- |- PEAhte re ltagoodnnotlonfm a Mn.

-------- BUT=futntion. Economy! Like the wi/e . _ „r the famous tairtoonist, you will P e f c r P o n.VO the delie*te,;unny-i«et taste 2 0 - 0 z . J a r . . . .LVB Bonnbt addt to aay-foodl- -- ---------- ------------ou'll also appreciate its aouriib- len t No other apread tef broad ii

-Marshimi. WONM^OI

_____Pork & I— — --------- -------------------- --------------- V A N CAi• a p 5 C r r s * » » < .- .. . N o, 2 !^ — .— - • ^ 1 — C o n s _____ ___

; ^ u c E D

- a p p lr M u s s e lm o n 't

There'« B tlB L ,

V Ertj BreUifa

I f / / /W f - — —— - V B D B tB T

V EoABoay GV Bw ley Drii'7 . f . C A 8 T (Jp f« m .

/ ------ » P ECLO** ««», I _____ - ■ V .Sh^w*! Maa

' •• i . ■ • '• n •

. ‘ _______________ ^rniES-i

ore “Panty Raids” Repo As^Newesf Cgliege" F a'd'By The AsMelaleti Prr«i ‘ Dean o f Men Arde

onila today de-'ijille efforts by «f>tcr th » -^ r ia aorml coeds, police* and college au- O '"- H. Mlddletc

ties to st>-mie them. dent, appealed to th e rmy of the latest forays were all in but others wound up in vlo-

Panty sorties aprcai c worst brawl Wednesday night dale EU nfonl unlvei nt-tne-trnll'erslly of Oklahoma '^ to , Callf.. where nicl e a demonMrallon lobcled a chief counselor fo r m for Inee" ended In an egg-toss- "I’m dtailluslonr t t

d a t thrUnTverslty of Qeorgla than thnt." a ta .u ^ io rout«l by tear na» and —At sQmC-BChOQla.-C. w nftcr hurling rocks nnd eggs the rnldera by lockln 5llcc pntrol curs. and drenching undlee strniiRe fad. In which college water.

invade women’s dorailtortes -But n t - th e .Onlvcr w en tT fanh~ eara r 'o rm rderr Tilittla, aa^ lim tu a e H tj lents, began scversj weeks .go raiding qunrters occi Kcome widespread this week, verslty a thletes n n d s

the Oklahoma 'Vrangle at wear from M errill Oi ian Wednesday niRhi. about of the football team , male Btudenus msde off wllh Whnks causing the

rio loot from IB womeriV dor- Bom?' psycholoBlstii rles, Uon. growing ou l o f fic crowd got oul of hand snd tlllty over aome unu; officers called on state troop- may be behind IL

and police from three nearby Other persona b la m r-Tor"~RHp. Tft-jivc sluSenis lever, sex or a desire-arrested.--------- ----------------------------- — ^ ^ilsiana- State university olfl- Sulfuric acid Is cor used chlvalQ- nnd tho selective Dnlted S tates a t the cc act-- to repulse dormitory 167 pounda per yen r t Iers. . woman a n d child.

i f c E HrM-ir-ndtfMCMKc

; I ' - 90od l<»lur*dwhiU reo''*b uylna sboul lh«M U A«C H*twoV.


j^ ^ ^ e g o ^ M ilk - --------------------

| — 4 - S . . . .6 k - - - M

! Early Gorden, > ^ _ ^ ^ l _ _ N o . J 0 1 Cm____

ERBER------------------------------------------ — DEL--W

B a b y Cereals PRII V a r ie tie s \ 7 c

■}AVER S-€RAPEFRyiT--------------- MtfKESECTIONS A P

EcT?s°..... ._...... . Cans ■

PEARUT“ y ~ C O F F— B U TTER I ---- IGADELt»efc r P o n C O - W ^ r lp o r Reg.L^-pz. J o r — ..........

Vlorsfanmliows ^ 'p R U N I/O N D ER FO O D . 12-Oz. ■

2 0 0 - . M ed ium Size « ior J k y C 2 ?ounds_.,.~...,.t

*ork & Beans O L IV I— VAN CAMPS LIBBY'S3, 2!^— .—- -----Smoll-Rlp«- <in s ............. No. 1 Size—....................... d


usselmon'i Clearw.oter *y. 2 Cans ...... <mXXi No. Can ^.... 4


There’s An I. G. A . StorBCBL , t CtETKltS

V Ertj BreUibs V DIetrtoh M ercantU*• _ _ J? riL E E . _______ .1-^

Bd b IC T V filer M eat C o r n e rV E o M m y GrMMT * OOODINOV Barley DriTette \f 3. C. P a in te r * C n ,

V o •TTlTeo* 8«Ttee Hl-Way M *rkei

P *C lO _ » M CH m LD______ i ; -------V ShaW i Marfcrt ---------y Hpe f ^ u m t t r tT - - ^

- ■ 1' 1 'i', V , ' V ■■.


•tv:., , ----

R e p o r te d Event Is Pla r F a d Gains. ... «- *1 <l»y program will 1Men Arden O. Ptench gm u ty so al the Bhi

Bit, «m.rlto«ftiiea tnt«e auewbting to ,vtw , -gtrU- dormitories. Lieut.- ^ t ’a meeting ot tl y H. Middleton, L30 pre.M- i^ |o„ Monday night ««led to the men's ch valry, uie group were Instru rd around the dormitories ,i jg »jn. that day « t

hall to go In a group sorties apread even to se- lery. inford univenlty al Palo ^io.»ddUton to-suJd f.rwherc Rlcliard L- Balch, the Memorlfll day pro iiwelor for men. aald; ,|on Monday centerec liltlusloncd and disgusted, uoy Bcout program, b>.OiMifvy|iiiiEiLWEitWt{tr p iiI r i» ‘I5ioK»i;'3ZUl *•'■ Legion and auxUlary.?C-8choal3..fnedi hanumd -The^group dl»eu»»« ;ra by locking Uielr rooms ihe present . buUdl ichlng undie.hunters wllh arosse, Harry Stoner

Bob Haddock and C , the .University .of Okin- cj,oa Jr_ were appolnti -l•I^^»tudeHU^i^EI4t^<n>f g«5t cpmmltle^^niS: qunrters occupied by unl- Scoutmaster at a later thiolcs nnd swiping under- csrlos Berrlochoa. J m Merrill Oreen, Imlfbnck arrangements for Bum; otball team. of the organlxailons. *:causing the crate? ' proilmately 22 men fi

psychologists say fruslra- and several from F vlng oul of friction or hos- Dietrich who are Inter ■r aome unusual situation, tog part in a Junior Li jehlnd IL program. Attempts wllpersona blame it on spring Jocsta_R_»»ch_and_a c or a desire for publlcici’. (tram. The next regulir

^--------- beTitldWBeptemberrc add Is consumed In the i ■.tales a t the rate of about A number of dlffei as per yenr for every man.' colored lights. If »eca tnd ChUd. _________ produce white light.

xl t«in4 l<»lur«i ilunnj <M Don McM Wtak' txd CSOtU reo''* pUw^ yeur tke<i(»g lit. b)n lo •*« Om ■yina sboul ih«M prad^s Pcf<j*Y Frida/ mru #»• AtCN*twwV. ■


■ . R icg ^ l::3 9 c- ^KELLOGG'S


n a V l ey .-s /

" \ FRENCH / ^ ^ - D R E S S lN C y ^ —

- D E L -MONTE------- --- -------------

PRUNE JUICE -Q u a rt __ __ . ^ C j «

-. — ^ t 1 e » , ^ d c h --

- — M U K S m AN‘5 — --------- -

APPLE SAUCECons*?........ ..... . 15 c

!^O F F E E ^y ^^ » iilSIGA DELUXF B t r XNCO AMER

o r Reg. ■ ! No. ? 4d-~Con ------- . O / C " 4 COJ.S .......... ^


~ Llpfon'i 4 5

ILIVES-. •L IB B Y 'S - l a w . j t

ll L..:23c-

i ^ I C K P i S e w lI p i M I V C d Del Uoate, n i ^ ITS.

“a'„_....,23c 2 ,., 33fAMjST-BJgROflRESSiyjEU

,. Store Near You . ^.« K v n ftT j g .

MercantU* V FeedlMK_ V Meachm yeeaauri _

a't C o r n e r

« 8B08HONS n t ^ * Cw^ __ V KeeBoay Msrtrt '

-=^*TW IN FM X 8--------r:-------- -M u k e t ' V Jaae* reelllMr

V Wahl's FMd C«at« « ----------------- —V-iWby** -HUM--------

•„ -.1^ - . - _ , ^

y. " • '• --------

JiLS, IDAHO . ____________

nt Is Planned |$350 Raised ii r-Legi6ri,-VF-W- i-nctnt-imKWn-MV ^3K0NE. May 33-A Memo- the Twin Falls chapter or program will be held at 11 War Molhers, ll is reportly SO al the Bhoshone ceme- lUrry Barry, c&matlonLihe. Americon. Lcgion..*nd jBan,-_,------------------

- - The money will Ue umeeting of the American veterans hospital In BoMonday night members of help needy families of v(

.up were inst^cted to meet pointed out. Mrs. Barry- jn. that dav a t the Memorlrlgo In a group to the ceme- F " ' ^ --------------

IdUton to-BuJtlng-plana for -------------------G Gmorlfll day program, discus-londay centered around the [n ouicout program, building re-a-ssSSers& iiUiSi'tM rtKr j---------f t s rand auxUUry. D Kwesent . buUdlng..- Francis - A I 1

Harry Stoner. Herb Love. A L . L ,laddock and Carlos Berrio-r, were appointed to the Bo? _______________ .ymmlttee. U iey WiirielecTaaster at a later date. ’ — .s Berrlochoa. Jr.. will make iments for Bummer-activitiesorganlxailons. There are ap- II.tflH 'ately 22 men from Bhoshoneiveral from Richfield and T\ who are Interested In tak--t In a Junior Legion ba«baU fn. Attempts wUl be made to □R_H>»ch_and_at*tt_the_BtO--_________________rhe next regulnT meeting win ....... ...I ln-Beptember:----------------- --------------------------mjmber of different pairs of M llghU. if aeea together. wUl

» white light. ______ __________


wichMk"»«d CSOeCK WASHIrcCtOJrs (..wlH

an-ABE- uncotn RM . . . l«tko '

B^ BENJAMIN nWiaUNr~r>^--J g , - . ^

QunRttUAitTn (I I ^

j l ^ -------------------------------------------------- — -


T o m a t o e siou _ _ /___ ____ L l .r —."—. .." __ _________J.......

/ ^ — J —MARLESICEUBED, c o l o r e d

M a r g a r i n e_______ ! ^ ^STOKELY'S-......................... :—I p e -------ORANGEnHH€E-g

aTR U SIP-------- DEL- A/IONTE. 46-OZ. CAN '

j r i p in e a p p l e ju ic eDEL MONTE. <6-0Z. CAN



t L ....- 2 9 c I1 ^ ORANGE J V f - i I " ' S M PEKOE s , „ , . Volmclc.

P ^ T E A o > ^ nges,j

I 2 1 e CUCUMBERSr ~ : r r * ^ _ .f lo ,Ua, Funo SH »n,

i d __ 6 5 c -Cilip,-S»IUJI«»U_;— "LETTUCE, P,

n e a p p l e ^ Fm li,C rlipB unck 'ate, a u ^ Ks. 1 m t f CARROTS .

for 3 3 c ; t ■ ■ P r t o Siibjl




»atar «M>--— j i Ki a m M


aised in Sale p ^ o ^ r ^ S ^ 'S m S . 'SMSOwas risiied'lh the stations for-teopei»«

TOh s»lfsT>ori3o«d“ b7 *“ • lls chapter of American ~ ~~~ s, 11 Is reported by Mrs. PlCKEb •, camaUon sale chair- ^ A K LB ^ Hay

y wiU be u.-«:d a t the 0*Uey cemetery,ipital In Bolae and to -------------------~amilles of veterans, ahe Dghl travels about Iw) Mrs. Barry -»ald Amer- a second.

-CORRECTIONin our'Thursday odvcrtiseme'nt

ALL W O OL SUITS--------— —p r tced at — -----------

M 2 .0 0 to »49.50we listed in o size range of 34 to 38

This should hove reod

S iie s 35 to 46

► ll


^ A pple Butte......__25

a n d B is c u i ts M a d e V ^ithBISQUICK VU a r ^ P k g . - - g . i i T : ? ^M Mk U Wur C£ K # r 4*UciMa k*« U«Ui MT>N 1“ W M V t**t3T F m AnMMUr.’


>es . . 2 f o r ^

r i n e . . . . 3;

R e F ^ ^ E H E E z E E EAMOE and o R A F E ro n r r b l b o >OUNCE OAN

.--CAN' -JUICE .....................■ CAN ___________’

JICE.............. .

y V a len e lo a , S u n k i« t ■ j

GES. P o u n d . ■ ■ ■ : ■ ■ . . . II

MBERS flSIlMn,------ ----------------------------.Ith -I)

-------- ----------------------

CE, P o u n d ......... I,

rices Siibjeet.to D ally Mgrkiat Chcngw

N T r t^ W M E P ^ O A - g l lO lg

\ \ J \ ^ ^

___ PA C T THTtieW ' j | J

Ustheis « ifni«a th * | H H** n B B

>AT ncKEb *

<etery, .-/ ' I m f l

vels about IwiOOO iofles

) N - - - - - - r H

i f c s a iUITS' ■ J

0 1134 to 38 --S E )

___ M

3 r ^ ~ " 7 | : l

i^ ,^ L = | i n

j e d - ' E m - , , :

(utter y „2 5 c I

^ 117 g«n. . .

*«U U WUr ckaa ^ H |H thnUi MnN wllk I A»MtU«r.’

'------ :------------- — WM|ANJ_________________ M B

o r 3 5 < r = 1

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. 3 ^ ^z : i TSr— _ 2 6 « ^ W


■ E M

^ J 5 c - I— i « h J 5 ^

^ 1 9 e \r 'Chonaw - ■' ■, •^-gnoiUis—— - I

Page 4: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

iili IIH i / d i p i

■ r i ^ i £ b l " '? h t T W K ! ^ * 'p "■aWTvdu MMiid e!ui,B«ll mitW Api

*" I- '- H ythrr*"-^ ' I I III ' — ■ ‘ —

i l t S S i J f S 'J T J t A '- r A r t mR[]t naiwSir iMu* ot tfeu »>p<r vsnoiiil l« Bi

P ' T H E KOJE INCID: T h o t c n n s ng rced to by Qei

jjlj o rd e r t o o b t a in th e rcleaso ot[ | l , fro m c o m m u n is t prisoner® ’ ^j jj j! I s la n d a r c p ro b ab ly tho fine;If'l p r o p a g a n d a .since the_K oreanH n Cof s o n a c tn b w Je d g ed p aatBfl ■■BI (3sh■ea ri'ltlc■■CaWp P omlM . cou ld t o e l im in a te f u r th e r vlt w j —flurcd p r i s o n e r s th a t In th e ful HljV a n t ic i p a te h u m a n e trca tm en lI H | n a U o n a l la w .__R T T fie c l e a r Im p lica tion rilnnl: H i th e se t e r m s Is th a t th e prlao Bfflj a t K o je h a s be en a contlnuoii P l l v io le n c e - a n d t h a t u p to now t H c a p tiv e s h a v e n o t be en ge tting M f lld c ra tlo n .HUj I t I s I n d e e d tru e t h a t th e re h E r — *hed - d u r i n g - p a a t r io t» - a t - Ki M g u a rd s f i r e d on ly w h en a l l o P f h a d f a H e d t o re s to re o ld e r . E « (

p r iso n c a m p o ffic ia ls h a v e ei eelvea I n t r y i n g to re sp e c t pri

Q n T h u s I t g lv e j a com plet p ic tu r e to c o n ce d e even tem p( t r e a t m e n t w a s com m on.

Sj, - C o lso n w e n t fu r th e r , H e s • " fo rc ib le s c re e n in g o r any rea:

W o n e rs" a t K o je . T h is suggesti H th i r d - d e g r e e in q u is itio n b a a t n u w e b a v e s o u g h t t o ( ln d oi H w ish e d to b e re p a tr ia te d . B u t n luff a t a l l t o In d ic a te su c b Is t n A n d W h a t r e a rm in g of prL® - ^ ln te i l jQ 7 _ J f f lL j» _ « h r _ e < ! _ o U r

Sate substantliiiei! any aam issi ■ | a n n ln g captives and shoving t: M eombat.9 A 'm a n ’s l l f e w a s a t a t a k e a n d Im w ith t h e p r l a o n e rs u n d t r dure: m — le iu l c 6 n c e fT a B le '' lH a n g e ~ c f l I r a n g e d D o d d ’s re le ase w lth9u t i ,p ■ tam p lnK w h a t a p p a re n tly wi ^ — l l s t o f c o m m u n U t d e m an d s deUi

' ed t o c m b a r r a s s 't i s .—!;:!-------- D o d d T i lm s e i t c a n n o fb e -ftb sj!i b la m e * ln t h e 'z n a t t e r . Since he ] jij .- ..4 n a d c q tia te - c te c a u tlo n s pi

B it w h e n h e a p p ro a c h e d th e comK l __ T o s a y t h e w hole p e ifonnonr v i r t o " p u t It" g e n tly . W e neeff,' J.-.. n o o b l ig a t io n to h o n o r Cblaon'a

u n d e r d u re e a . B u t ve ry l i t tle ■ [i{ ^ f s e t . t h e m a d e - to -o rd c r p: y ( ! h a v e g iv e n th e reds, n in ' I n I t s t r e m e n d o u s urge t o Iti [((( g rea s f r e q u e n t ly e m barks o n soi [HI Ish e x c u ^ o n s . B u t he re i s a l | j c rie s o u t f o r th o ro u g h inquiry. U l— o i^ c a m p -a d z n ln U tra t lo n -a t-K < 4 p — e u c lM ip p a r e n tiy - ln e o m p e te 'n t i iiy a r a r e I n s t a n c e , o r Is I t typ ica l o III o f c a m p s I n t h e K o re an th e a te i n N o d o u b t t h e a rm y and th e di B jh -r P a n tj ig U j^ to - th e l^ iaVMtlgeI I i a .h a r d iy e n o u g h V W lie h 'w e sG I j — Bi»rt p y n p a y a n r i i t m a ch in e , i t be Hi te r o / b r o a d g e n e ra l concern.

III . _ G E R M A N P E A C E CONIn W e s t O eiiiia iiy 's 'app roT B l'D f '^II' tractural relationship" peace trBT western powers—now expectei fri— «nd"of -May—will-lay aulcc-f III . on the Washington doorstep, .1.1 This peace cgJitract must be rU!! n. S. seh(ite;^T1)e..»atter of iHI sldered tm portatt^ If the RusslIjil beaten to th e punch In their i

. fen s lv e .----------------— — ---------['I W ith c o n g re s a anx ious to adjoi

| | , n . 8 . p o l i t i c a l conven tions In JuIL' be s o m e I n c l in a t io n to le t th e QU rid e o v e r . I f congress .Is call<■:i,. sp e c ia l a e sa io n a f te r th e conveI t : r a t i f ic a t io n m ig h t b e effectedl i B u t I f r a t i f ic a t io n .I s de layed tli:fly 1853, a n d th e ,lo b .l5 .I e f t fo r th e il r m ay b e t o o la te ,llj: T h e t im e - ta b le on rallflca tlo i g i - _ .■ese.-peaciB t r e a ty glvej-som 'e '.L;: how a lo w ly t h e se n a te sometime B l s i g n e d a t Bann t; te m b e h J a p a n accep ted th e trein i l b e r, a l t e r t h e U. 8 . congress h; Hfi; S e n a t e fo re ig n re la tio n s cor H tk— ta g - b e g a n - J a n . 22. T he aen s t | | l ^ . - t r e a t y .M a rc h 2 0 .a ad I t w e n t tn U p '2 8 . I t w a s t h u s a th ree m onth n p A l o t c a n happen - in - th a t tl Hj. A m e r ic a n o fllc la ls a d m it th jljl!, s la n s w o re s m a r t th e y w ould a [ | i o f a U n i te d N alJons-auperriJ

u p a u n if ie d O erm a n gov. ■ H t ' ■■ w o n ld t h r o w for »• ba d ' los n|>j p o w e rs ’ p l a n fo r a h g l a n c e

G e r m a n y .

B lf FEEB LE THUNDWflri— . —W ; A ve r e U -H aW m anr-m B ttf Rl ' " m in i s t r a to r ," U try ln g h a r d t< l i : : : . . . . l i a r d T b l t t e n o ld p o lit ic a l cai l i ■■ o t h e r d a y I j e r e ite ra te d t h a t ! I U . c a n d id a t e f o r th e D em o cn t lg n o m lz ia tlo A , a n d a dded for I I --- - t h a t b e f e l t h e r a u ld Uck elthe n d r a « x ie ia l 'S b e n h o w e r .■ L . '. .: . - H i u x tn « n I s a n U ble feU ov a W o f p a b l l e . • e m o t . S u t t b e sp ffl : - nomuUly ' n a s|S ’ w ii^ A C Is(bo rD I s b a r

cf^i - - « t p t ^ S h ^ i r f t r » n 4 - ^ ^ f r W I m d » ^ » g T oar. A ^ the «ff«

e '- . • 1'-.


T U C K E l!

.H. M t • W ASHINQTON- ,.—*■» 4h>4uMi-iU^i.jiii.--------A ltude-to ’M d-h li-i

5w b " -• l.M cepUon 01 Stn. Rot; T j.!jj

- - - - - - j.!:ji’•** a M S i w ^ p y M M

s s n{.{■a

--------------------------------------- "■ w er lr eriir tl « m of tevMUst vIi ^ VMtlF. >US M pgbllik*] Cm Ik*T g«r..llH to g«. W-m. mko Oti^ T«c*« JO

B»enho»er''J»ct!on —*-i*° :------------- h e could not ovoJd

•JE INCIDENT have been dlatlnctl d to by Qeneral Colson inJ rcleaso ot General D odd ^. r l . o n . r . ' h .n a . K o i; S S . T t ' t T iy tho fines t fuel fo r r e d support. « T aft Md;he K orean war began. unbreakable c linch .: f d ^ d - p a s t - l n s td n c e s - o f - * iw p rp ro m w e a-to -d ra u -h e-f u r th e r violence, and a s - 7s or loo delegatest in th e future they could nnd if MscArthur f t r e a tm e n t under in te r -

ta iled to put the ►itlon n ln n ln s th rough a ll would beVvcti a nut th e prlaoner com pound forces. .I continuous shambles of “ ‘fIP to now the communist are^^ot ?iween getting humane con- porter* to another <

cnvUaged here mayh a t there haa been blood- «_E«««^ower men. _ rloU^at-KoJe, but army. ^ when a ll other measuresI o lder. Evidence Indicates , lU h « T . e W ndea t h .m - “respect prisoners’ rights. aTalt-Elienhoverd*a completely erroneous Oov. John s. Pine,even temporarily tba t 111 w . M art^ j^ M aw trio undet certain cl

„ . Oovemor Rne U tther, He aRreed to end WndJy on MacArUiuo r any rearming of prls- with Sen. j»mes !Lis suggesta some, sort of ^ow r, and leema to l Itlon baa been going on «to find out If prisoners <Jeleg*t«, dependln*

lated. But there is no th- throw them to TaJt.X sucb Is the case. moment la the ballo' Ing of prisoners can be cHAUCE-penniyishred of Information we -ike" *«a "Bob" mi iny admission th a t wo are- 1 shov ing tlitm back In to “ « S im m ,

or Insure a deadloclc. t s ta k e a n d hence we d e a lt aw aiting Uieir tum tinder duress. B u t It is a t

se wlth9ut almply rubber- him a fomiidable ii jarently was a prepared . o r eliminated unUl i ,mandsdeJlb«rately.draft-_ -U>e ^ o p i r o ^ r to........--------------- - ------------— TrPO f^-rA -M ae.*in o f b e absolved o f 'so m e u m e a a io ie iauy i r . s ince h e obviously took i iio n s ;.to . p ro tec t ..h im self . . sd th e compound. T h e JuadamenUlp e ilo n n au c e w as a m ess easte rn - (ovemor>se

" W r n e e a T o f 'c o ^ a e r r e e r lor Cblaon’a promises made Tei» little we can do'wlll -to -o rd c r p r o p ^ a n d & 'v e '------ jsn u ra d a re i i - to -

M acArthur forecaitI urge to Investigate, con- aarks on aome pretty fool- sawnhowrr. in Ma here is a situation th a t vlaible, miliury and

gh Inquiry. How has prls-i t l o n - a t - K o j e - f ^ l e n - l n ^ r S J ^ S M 'W ^o m p e ten t* an d s? -ls -K o je - - l i S r ^ a K A W r ^I t typ ica l of ou r h a n d lin g h ia nock from now o

•ean th e a te r? B U iis rs - B e p u b ir and th e defense d e p a r t- loned Mveral aaUriem in v a a tlg a U u g ^ u tth a L . if t>> nh - e r w r s f c t f ^ l n g th e ^ cW n sJ tJ if iC Q m e sjL in a t^1 concern. ~ tu iderdcc" aad th« "----------------------r o r the la tte r laniACE CONTRACT «»« >aw Harold U

w expected Ijefore the TT T W i i ; O ity a-nlcc-fresh-problem- - V - 4 r - J I * - W - 0 - 'doorstep, . s a l a b t in c *:t m um 6e r « in « ( by th o ” , “ " ‘2 " Jn a l te t o t .p n d la c o n - S S , i h S pS il™ ,I the Russians are to be defensive everywhereI In the ir new peace of- more effective means

_____ ____ ___________ by t ^ IwuM o f rejweous to adjourn iwfore theitlons in July, there may body's vote m ncoto let the Oerman treaty senate member's llvliess Is called back Into OoiumWa. where he i■ the conventions, U. 8.be effected before fall. this means rent, i delayed till after lahV l, ' numerous’other'costs

eft for the new senate, it

ratification of the Japa- n o t% * utlvej. some'.lndlcaUon o f ritaelf ajji^alprivllai te sometlmei moves. Thla • “ i „ . - r - ,8.an.Frant!aco.lR3t.Bep-_>ted th e treaty in Novem- exacting and member congress had adjourned, by reason ol having

!latlons committee hear- *tat«» fr»<iuenu; ^ f f f i t ^ U I e d - t K e - d lt went into effect April addlUonal cost to lh hree months’ Job, Bui we atrongi* ob1- in -tha t time in Eurone **> aeeompiishini18 admit that il the R « : « «ney would accept the Idea. . _>n8-auperrjs^ election to o n e vole rm an government. T h a t “0 “ '' fottiathen h - r - b t td - io sy^UiB wester n u , . 10.

M r. Foster Ihen'clt

.E THUNDER ' p^eent^ofjBe^iim'i

ing h a rd to 8ouna"like'V oUtlcal c a^a igM r. -The * te d thatT iels an alUout Americans voted tn

DemocMtlc presldenUal 'added for good meaaure S J t ^ u S t oMvSt? Id Uck cither senator T aft wer. ber of Vote* mad*b l .< e U o » « M . h l th ty p e B u t t h . t t otken a a n attempUng t o - e u e iru e e p U o n a i« b o m I s b in l ly conrinciog. trMdon rides soudi; h V M d - o f f - t i - th e 'm B t le cret-^aUot-la-Ua-^ S T u m s e l f«libe.«n?Ct.l8J0m ethlng. -He-i» lnat««j.-« *hU--------- ------------------------------ I»«vetU-lBdepandm

.V! ■' l l 'V ' ' ^V

JC K E R ’S N A TIO N A X FraiRLIG IGASHINQTON-aen. Douglas MaeArthur’s a t- < le_U3»’*rd_lils.po4alWflJicimlD»t!oD U

loa or Sen. Robert A. Taft. Ohio. T he two have•*ompI«l« understanding as to tiielr ‘— strategic altemaUYes.

R W £ r 9 H Although UaeArthur has only two delegktei eommltwd to him oC the

® - ‘' ' -ra prMenlBomBnt, lhe le a r exlsta th a t y,uunyTUDplMgea' men and women- would be eager to VBle for him. If a real opportunity dneloped In the

i»i| ^^TiL.-T^cp tln n n In _ ^ R S ^ ^ V x u Q lf t t ' in o - D c tn l t .-w o r e - th a n -a — •

vear altar tals recall. tesUfy to .the . o], appeil oChU-p«iMrtftnC7->nilrhls- views on natlona] affairs.

If he Is permitted to address th*<*r Taeta convention,and JUwould beextrcjne- ^a

rould oot ovoJd mailflj a pro-Taft speeoh. In j of the tenor of his platform utterances. T hey been distinctly anU>Eisenhower. ^It

VISION—MacArthiir's present poslUon Is th a t |m '111 not oppose Senator Taft, but th a t he ta no t y , Illng to txcome the beneficiary of the O h ioans ' ort. If T aft and Oeaeral Elsenhower fall Into aa j,oi eakable clinch. I t U unierstood th a t the senatorTs-MscArthur te-«y-«U>*r-posslbmty,-a»aiimln*. _ iinnnt miika the grade._________ . ______ .- topractical terms, this means that. If T aft needed r 100 delegates to give him the necessary «M, If MacArthur could influence th a t number of mmlttfd or uncertain votes, Uie general would git them over to Taft. Hut If all their joint etforta

1 to put the senator orer the top. M acArthur 1 l>e given a run for the nomination Dy the T a f t

w l "Ifs" enter Into Uil* convention prospect the most powerful and appealing convenUon ^

e* are no t always able to transfer their aup* . r r* to another candidate. The kind of a “deal" aged here may not be latlsfacUiry to many *raft aeahower men. who might fear It would preelpl*Rich a dlaastroua division U would m ln (he O O PJTWnber. ............~ ------------------------------------ ’T —General UaoArttu:'* ftlend*- reW on th ree sntlal Republican leaden to reinforce hi* csttise, it-mlnute. pre-coBTsntlon developments indicate ' :t-Elsenhower deadlock. They are H erbert Hoover,John 8. Pine. Pennnlvanla. and Rep. Joseph

rartln, Jr., Massachusetts, i t could be aa effective ^ Jnder c e i^ ln circumstances, *■'vemor pine Is the key man. He Is fcnown to look *• y on MacArthur. Ha has had some differences Sen. James !L Duff, a leading E3aenhower pro- ‘UO r, and seems to lean toward the pro-Taft, O nindy

Is believed he eeuM swing SO or U Pennsylvania ates, depending oa his final decision, i f he sthould r them to Taft. It would come a t a n opportune ^ ftnt la the balloting. ^ANCE—Peiuuylvanla will vote a t a time w hen fur

and "Bob" may be nmnlng neck-ond-neck In he

atlon, which the Bsenhower-Dufr spokeamen woibeen claiming, might nominate th e senator, I

sure a deadlock. I t might affect delegations sUU tiein g their tum a t bsl In the llrs t inning, pre- stang a sudden selection. pai**h«i>-U>at "Ma>i>woul<l,gsl. hli fh a n ce- A m lJte Ja*.Mfflcisnt scattered Wt reserve sU ength to make wha lomildable figure, who cannot be discounted maIminated' until the final gavel baa sounded and gtnIQP goe* forth to UtUs, ______________________•Of>-<'A-MaeArthur-address-In l« n c h Ig « T -t:^ ; reSia a gtneiaUy unnoticed paragraph on forelS i- wn-rs, although It fumlshed the rea l tlpoff tor «hiwaonal and pollUcal hosUUty lo h is fellow-of- au;'Oentral-Stsanhowar.'..-.......... .............. ...................shi0 fundamental ''isolaUonlsts," ou t fonner far rec m . govemor-jjeneral charged, a re . those who tloi rtrtfate-Atnertean-arTM-and-money-on-Kuiop#.- —^1 neglMtlag Uie threat to world peace nnd w f :lty In Moscow's program for ovemmnlnR the gh< it: ■ doi •M raddresr-to-conim r-Biore-thwn-a-yesn- ago.- - Vrthur forecast that the sweep of history wouldI (hat area a deCslve batUeground In the struggle. een freedom and dictatorship. n>uenhowtr, In MacArthur's opinion, representa tha e. military and pollUcal symbol o f thU short­ed polley. And unless "Ike" accepts the advice en like Dewey, Dulles, Duff and Lodge th a t he q imMl»»-TrumiiPAaiiion.luinflimB-or:thisT3mli=_ ■8KAPE'* lauiuiianderToay-have-MacArthnr-on- ^ eck from now on.IXETS—Republican sharpshootera have .fash - i several aaUrieal bulleu to aim .a t W. Averell . ^

fy-wui label President Truman’s supposed fav-Ifl b»«t nff p»" Hfh iim/> ^xtog" aad the "btrtloot boy of Wafl street.

the U tter lampoon Ui«y should etve c red it to harlate Harold U IcKea. who so chazacterixed moi all Wllim. in lhe IMQ camaalni. « . waa thepolitical bon n o t of that dull a ffa ir. ^

, ----------- _ . . solv


«ngress were deliberately trying to destroy Its ge with th e American people In this crtOcal when parllameinary government ts on the

slve everywhere It could hardly have contrived a “ effective means than thU tax stea l Juat voted dolis'house o f repFesenUUres. aoe

bill which went'through with a~m lnlm um o f evl slon and a voice vote, which mean* th a t no­

vote waa recorded, provides th a t a house or I member’s living expense* In the O lstrlct o f — iWa. where he spends the bulk of hta time and

his family usually lives, are deductible from come for tax purposes.I means rent, meals, laundry. llg h t , 'h e a t and reus other costs of living. Including ren ta ls for nenu In swank hotels, are deductible. I I ia esU*, tha t th e average congress member will save a year In this manner. Of course theae Item s'are I* .e*empi.for the_rest.of_us,.CflPKrcsaJiJrotlng. .... R.H>edaLprlvllage.beeauselt€arthej»wer to do

would no t object too stxenuously If congress were «-lt«lf-*noUitr-*alaiy Increasei-for-the Job is - - ng and members are put to additional expense ason ol having to go bick aad fo rth to their staW ** th ls^ ttoe. when ___^

fU ltd budget would.be.the best-Ume, b u t the Jonal cost (o the taxpayers would be *mall. ...........J

we strongly object, and we UiU* m oat-peopls « to aeeompllshlng thU by subterfuge, by itpeclal 1

We'd call It petty larceny bu t fo r the * a t i tU n 't peuy^nampa Free Press............. . .

O f« VOTI IS tUrOBTANT Jr tptefaithejs fouyit for the right to vote—but '

e h ^ a n . Clrte MrnnSttee? U w c s ^ ^ P ctS " ' laremiy we d o a t r • i;. Foster Ihen'clted some facts which ehould make :

VVt*?*!® “***'■ * « < * n i‘election. M . e ^ f B e lg lo ^ ellglUe votere-went M tbe polls,

1 In toe last British elseUon. Other nallooa have » « w e r e c ^ - .B u t oiUy:#! uer--cent-of e ii^b le - rlcans voted tn the presidential elecUon of 1«8,* an eaay aUbl to uy that Just one vote-doesn-i - « .M why taU Us*.t»ub}e lo .vlalt th e polJa. ttj*U that one vpta caa bi ovejwhelmlnBly important. Poster deacrlbe* cast* ohere a very smaU num- of made hUtory. A* an example. In ISM e* Blaine lost New Totk au te by much lesa-than- - - vote per precinct. Had he carried New Y ork he Id hav* defeated Clevelaod and became President, icb ucepUonal case* to one side, every American lom rides solidly on th* rtght of franchise. Theit-baUot-la-th*-«re*t*st-d*f*ns*-a«*inst^yr*nny------_d<n*ed In tbe .tangled history of m ankind; No wboi:fatirifr>«*»'e*n » a - h l m M ^ good cUlieh.* lnatead. -a shlrker-of the worst possible kind,- tta lnri»p«ir.fl»in.feltnirlsa. _

' ' - ' 0 V . .

N A L --------------- — n H

IG POT E S h o t & S ^ - s

possible ex- " " tB two have by[ as to tbe lr > i ' i -■ mei

CRISIB AT.rlLER Jouas only two j,eld olf on this UtUe Item 07

^of * to «l‘o* ilJ■ to simmer down to a quiet boll, con PtoBamjTffiau-flrymrtoiBnnrerriler

jr hliH' If a already know about It because ng wd m tne |n ,,gine Uiere must have been itah ri.ptiftni« In f^niiiisinVIt rrnlnit Iftii'* *"*1 *""" -hPfl

-T h t-ia ir -w e - iw srtJ ri 'trK -^ .^ J. sass *5 -“ ’. '- OhUds stilJ wam't-spesklng to her pro

cy.-anilrhla- huslSHar-eH«rtol<J-ti5^ut-Uie-ln^ m o .. cldent and mentioned tha t relations of '

iddreas Oi* , „ e somewhat strained. (In inter- In jeextreane- national diplomatic circles, that a r« “ aeaiia.two_«9im{rK» are r ig h t on th eippea?An«r, the of a shooUn' war!) moi

Mrs. ChJJdi ssid FHrnd Husband nnd nces. T ney tnformed her he was going to do a ta rj

bit of hoeing to keep the weeds i i ■ . down. Yep, l is t’s right. He'd Just Bta

>n ta tn a t imished his bout wlUt the hoe wnen vesi , ho ta not_ Child, jiepptd out to see what wltl

he was doing. He'd ]u«t flnUhed th e sU in to an ^oelnj up Uie last of her flowers po* Jj« senato r jn ^ u rctch o{ border. nav..asaitm ing. —UAfid-Uie-flowsrs-wsrscomlng-up

~essa^ «M, ^he writing of poetry can’t be

taught and most of it can't be rcivd *nt «7f o m 0 “ '' P«nc'l»l'arp«ncr polnti pj.jrMacArthur . . .y Uie T a f t HONEST, ANW AY t-®.

. Dear Pot ShoU:' Mr daughler, IJ, ealled up a boyc o n ^ U o n j^H hs telephone to invite him to Ci thcir^ aup;; a Camp rir* Olils party. I t waa her te n

* ^ ^ 4 first experience of a boy and girl verj ^ y T O t p ^ y Jhe was nervous durlag m er la p rec ipu eonversaUoo which went some- and 1 the O O P uitog like UiU; pub

-------------« id tn» otfiera 1 oalledTip on '. - n couIdn't-»o- PJJday -n igh t _ to .1 le*a

thought I wonld iik you . . I tts IndlcaU " “ *■ hanging up, her mother * 3* ^ t ^ « V corrected her on Uie ethics of tell- . t ■B J ^ h Ul® ‘I* * « Of n Choice, telling her never, never lo gres

aay a Uilng Uke Uiat again. . th o wn to look Daughter replied, "i guess he wm com

strsi'ff-.rs.'sss?.'” s

BOEBIB D IFFIIieN T ^oooortuno Dear Sir; bun

Most of Uie antics of Wonder Ouy. ^ ev now more than 5 years old. aren't

;lme w hen funny anymore. Nearly cverythUig ggu id-neck In he pulls results In the request from le easte rn - rMr*.—H0P0lejr«SH-^Kav»:::J^f«W- spokesmen words with your son, will youi?’e senator. But with Wonder Olrl. it's a UU «aUons sUU Uo dllfcrent. Stie s rljh i a t thc cute leacnlng, pre- stage, 18 months. Jier favorite th n

pasUme, boUi indoor ond outdoor, tro l

h to make while we^c having our meal, but m etdiscounted makes the rounds of the table beg- ofunded and glng whatever anyone will give her. b e t

Some, or the gags used to dls- T----------------tracther-from-food-gst-xmexpected — UllgalT -CCT-: TfJltCI.--pBf-lfac«nn-. TOU can t l- hCEjn foreign- wnys manage-to sneak a lew bites shetlpoff for while Uie better half aiks her what fcnifellow-of- dUferent tj-pes of animals ''s a y . m o;

--------------- She always.ansKcra.wlUi tbe cor- b u tormer far r e d eound. or a reasonable imlU- ^hose who tlon. — e t t lui-Kuiop#.- —unlil-you-gel-dow n-lo-4u>rs«. -of-j peace nnd when a-^ked what s horse "soys.- gun inninR the ghe answers only by JogglnE.up and .n ro

down. • omj,-yesn- ago.- --------------- Julniuy Hupple g rw ----------tory would . . .tie atru«gl* —Even loafing Is getllng to be loo C

mush trouble. Our lon /er says. a n t esenta the . . . sclehU short- WOBTHV PROJECT . aidethe advice Q«ar Potso: t h ate th a t he _someUme sro there was a brlet bad:thlST3mli-_ mention "In- reur colutnh of • a — A rthnr-on- is s u i 'c T ^ o w asn 'tliav ln^m uch" ‘nnli

luck.alUx'discipline, mainly bccnuse fUU

W ?A v w li ^ w r S v ^ m 'I s s ^ t ^ u b l e n t our

r'iiMnltfe?- ^°’ '- « l f f ia W : :^ t= lH != : i i r j t t t r Msed fav- tommon. All ot which .iliould give ^■ Hrh m o/. ^ m ^ pe a .gg |a

I c red it to hand eould start a school to teach kzacterixed molher* the proper and m ost effec- L wa* the Uve use of a isrlst.

■ The dlsclpUne problem mlghl~be- . . solved if mothers could lasso tho

E1 5 r i small fry. hojtle them (ind admin- “ > JR .. O - lster_Uio_proptr tre«tment_ln .the jQ Z tnMl approprlste plaee.

lestroy Its I M. Beat

s* o'n*^^‘e FAMOUS LAST U N E ^ ontrived a • The wile doe«n't think ahe-s lust voted doing a geod Jeb of parking unlit ‘

she boancM Ibe frost tire off Uia nlmum“ o f eiuli.* - T U utt no- GEmCMAN IN THS com house or FOURTH ROW fere

jjs trlc t of- -------------------------------------- :-----------------

SKtHBSEC^wS^h eat and ......................... . ...


A L L D A Y *re s s wereJie-Job Is- — - - • - - - -------

1 “ M lX M ysiK . - - <i

t, b u t the M odel 10 Mix- jn«m«ii ...........matler fasilheex- - \> r - r 'C r ^ ' lo

sat. neonls e lu s iv e la rg e r n l w" n

er, bigbtt, iair- V I **' _but textured caVti.

“TPiSr “ ^SSarrnm im fnr^s's.'rss'SHTs'.ss; s

lection, M rvery tin t . Shuu itself Y # lA il f«i I t t e polls, o f wl«B eoffw ll done, ini

of «ll0 ble - JMW*«a<lout. ~>a o t 1« 8,

! ® i ^ J G C C O O K E R - ' c J

le. In ISM » - ^ ^ r o y p u l i k e , i ,1 lesa-than- - ' •womatleally; « tw Y ork he VtTT soft, ocdiilm. hard « r - ^ “ “ im s ld e n t . o raaydeim iabcm eni I c i ^ " - m _ ..ae.

^ T S a m o n d ^ H o rble k in d ,- I - .49 M i l i T A v ^ . E p r r ~ ~ ~

^ v , U m v I-

TIMES-NEWS, TWIK5, t w i n f a l l s , i d a h c t

= ^ H O W TH IN G S AF

^ PEGLE^rSI n the Cosmopolitan magaxlne for * a rl

■ f V M ay, Sen. Joe MeCarUiy answers a dl^ ------th o- *»liule -pselc of-Uea-aboci-hla — M

anU-communlst crusade circulated Yorl by the communists In our govern- cbai

‘ m e n t a n d o u r ^ ^ ^ — whe Journalism a n d H ^ ^ H | I H Bovc

tUe Item h7 Uielr allies, thee matter C h e s n t l - . « n U . a sItet boll. communUts. B earvcrFiler --2t4a.«(VUi not. b a i .. because In s tha t the Eng- heattve been Itah press a l s o . ^ ^ H ^ ^ H Sk tt andJeog. -h»jOaUea.fpr the4i ^ ^ ^ ^ H trali

J- aasssa^paekage . n f S H ^ H l E : g to her propaganda. Thl* explC-theln- Tnrarur U is t-* a a ie .^ M ig jB E M h is i relations of their reporters ca'sIn inter- In this' country u , Uiat a r« Infscted wlUi V «am kFsal«. . righ t on th e tame dishonesty Uiat taints=!?------- m oe t--o r-|E 5 -v7sa iiW -T raK aiu “ rHusband n n d cojiupts most of the commen-

to do a to ry on Uils subJecL e weeds i n England, as In Uis United le 'd Just s ta te * , this crooked csbal haa In- loe wnen vested the term “McCarthylsm' see what w ith a sneering Implication tha t all flnUhed th e Individuals MeCarUiy has ex- ^

■ flowers posed sro persecuUxl Uberals whohav e suffered much for noblo Ideals. " ,

. Imrauolty Uiat every lying black- ‘ ” gu a rd of Uia Roossrtlt-Truman 1.;. consplrso'. has relied upon In aland- ^ ,

r points citiojns ^ss been con- ^strued to prove that his charges a re false and would collspse If put

^ to th e te,t-»f-a jury trill. - —ip a boy • * * , Utte

him to Congressional Immunity was writ- red w as her te n Into the constitution for the emu and girl very purpose ot excusing honest s during m en from tbe expense, vexaUon ,— It some- a n d ucrlflce of time from Uielr , ,,

publle duties that would b* Imposed aUedmp on them by teonndrel* abusing the - - - ^

v.ii’ ‘mother « Jawjult. 'of tell- . T h e same rogue reporters empha-

or third *u u ig McCarUiys reliance on con- never lo gresalonal Immunity have ignored 1. th o fact that a large roster of pro-I he w u communists ahd worse In senaie and ;ause he house hsve Invoked Uie same pro- ther. tectlon to publish fslse charges “

.ogsdnst good clUaens.Falls) Many of these rascals have In- ,

_ sertod pro-communist stuff In tha Congresslonsl Record and dumped

^ bundles of franked envelopes in the ^ le r Ouy. jje w York headquarters of evil po- 1. nren t „ the coasplratora “ L',°erytnuig could put the burden of Uielr post- •st from age on ,he taxpayers.

---------------------- — ....... . -g^ t;s a UU McCsrthy’s piece In Cosmopolitan can: thc cute leads off with Uie frank proposition dent fnvorlte th n t the only wny to deal with dose outdoor, tra ito rs Is to treat them rough. My in tl «». atiU -OnlY. crltlclan-Ot hla oiKnlng 'stftte-. of C eal, but m e n t is Uiat he concedes th f f some U h n ble tieg. o f the friends of the enemy have 11 five her. be en Innocent dupes. " tJioto dls- They are not. who

ucpected — IX-Sl»anor.Roosevslt.Is-asj.-Ue-as -Witt can s l- h n ^ a ts f iia te d following say sh i Is. ew bites sh e can't plead stupidity as a d w -RE^ .er what fense for her declared faith In the — s ''say ', m o s t notorious traitor In Americani e cor- li l6tory,AlgetJU*s,-.............: im lla- T h is gabbling old mtnace must be

— e ttlie r * f « i or acansclous associate # ' -4 u»rs«. -of-reds.-Bhe-ean’t-be-belh-and-her- - f —

"soys." c u l t to be jtuck wlUi the IL.i^ and -propoiiuoa Uiat since she Is almost .- |- -

‘ omniscient sh* Is therefore culp»ble. l _

> be loo O ne satndard smear the anU- ^ lays. a n tis have used against every con- •T ,.

aclentlous fighter on the American py , : . . a ide would havo the people believe

t h a t precision and emphasis are a hrlet b a d taste.

r-m iinT stt-ourta-D rflV B -tn iftnB ------r'm uch" -nnlon-racketr-w hich-now -har-ltB-------bccnuse fU tby lingers on the naUon's throat. ''

w na Inlc.sted with communists and • n t our th e lontst type of criminals, I

spelled out names and specified c

= p r i t t t r n iogi went up tna tMorning t h e ' traitor* were gallant tighter* vn cow* fu r 'th f l ilgiiis uf luuir (Uie laltniy o teach Murray. recenUy adopted by ait effec- v rau p of Catholic propagandists,

v a a loud in this outcry) and tha t

a n d relatively ImpotentRdmln- then Murray has claimed H in the s r e a t credit. for kicking oul the V

v e r y rats he-lormcrlrdelended,-‘Itie - S. Beat A P I/ has Just Ignored a rosier of ■

100 dominant crooks In its fold. HE VThen 1 write as I do of t h t Snk she's Roosevelt woman I bass my remarks ■lg uniU proven InformaUon. 1off Uia . . . 1-------------- Tt»-evldence-lias-been liard-to ----- 1

THS com e by, such as the shocking Inter- ' IV ference In the attempt. of Mrs.

iiSeiSn i a p o r ^ S s )NSTRATEDSATURDAYin; - SaSeSm SS.TOASiii^ -------- aUl-voa^gisTlTPB ■ — ■------------

/ jaihtbread.Dread VT - ^ ^ ' ' lowers itself aulp* f i k

’ maticsUy, no lev* j i f f | *

2 ^ 5 i raises ^ I f sIleDt* f { ^ 0 . ly , w ltboat p o p . - V » U B r

■ p lag 'o r baoglog;

w f n r “ ^ i ® a s i n « o i i i i « r t R -------------__' H ea is quiclitr— ^

in s la 30 seconds

9 M W H « a t lU g u ls tg r ,^ _ ^ r - ^ g l j—

IKtB ' cS«i5aWWAm(l»KI«M a i.,, 4 d ,ll. Be:

M l : S : S - ™auloina'ically^ — J“»

ill I f Noconfuiion. . ^ ^ pl*'M'aKlns, o r delay bttwetowafllet^ —aervu4peopU w idioe*bakia(i ^

! ; H a r d ^ r e _ C ^ ” —Phene 2 7 3 ____

■' . j _ ' ^


:r ’S a n g l e 1tor r u l MlUtr to » • W '”»'»» '> »

SS.S T o , i .iiT “I”!,’'" • S i ; nS"B M s sB W O M rj. B,,.■ ■ ■ B l . her-

S * U f r j? b " ta the navy* physical

; ^ ^ g h ? i ^ d W^d ignore La Bo- f O a t

. . ' T l- lujbert Stripling, of the oommlttee nxK

s . t u S ’S f B o S ' j s . s - I ; -IB United , naval commission for her

!«S.£= - i s r — d « « . <«£n toa t all ^ butts a* a yard-bird in Uie

^ S w . W hen Uie war ended, hbenemies tried to ship him to Jspan . ""'li

>blo Ideals. ^ VMn hlm olf Uie communists. i l ^ o t^ a t T:^>ey-^ a -ba-w onk l.be Invaluable

^ black- “ ’g^ipung said lhat was strange a t-Tniman ^ ' ^ ^ t valuable hadn't been able ”

seen con- three years of ROTO atacbool. The plain fact U Uiat ho ^

^ had been ahangbaled to keep him ^■ — froui’ turning up Hiss and a wbol*

U tte ro fF rllx Frankfurter's Harvard w is writ- red hols planted all over the «ot- ^I for the cmmenUg honest . . • ^

Three New York <awysr» tried lo — intimidate John Olavln, the lawyer —

I imposea Miller. Two were law part- —ttslng t h e j i o o M v e l t . - I r . Tha “I f ll. th ird w as-an old family friend of — Inf to .fll* Hoosevelts. Not one of Uiem — , represented any cU«n: who w u * ”I empha- ^ the case, ___

^ ^ e n why did Uiey butt in? Why — B Jinored tjjg g];j womsn's secretary sum- —

mon Olavm from Albany down to — enate and apartment In Greenwich village _

P™ ' and threaten him wlUi disbarment ~I Charges proceeding,?. , Oh. but this Is no way to speak

of a great and gmclous lady. NoT j r in t u 1 ^ 0 heU It Isn't. These are facts, not 1 J dumpM ^insubetanUaled generaUUes. I didn’t ' ws In the the facts. She did. She msdef evil po- tjjjgg and hundreds of other farts

which completely refute h e r elsp- heir post- jj.^p nobility.

Joe McCarUiy Is so right he hurts.............. . -K rhT T O T ffrT iu rt-I5S il-T tH »K

mopolltan cans. Klgh-school and college stu- roposltlon dents, especially, getting poisonous leal with doses of Ues from bltur mediocrities DUgh. My in the classroom, ought to get copies Ini state- of Cosmopolitan or fmd them In thet^ s o n iB ’ U B reiei'arfd-renrthB ieU T fcw flr-----------emy have Then they can call the tum on

tJio poor, paltry time-serving slobs who have been doping Uielr minds

M M -Wlth-sncer9_»l^nt_:;M.(«arthyto..:^ — H

*a dw - -READ TIMES-NEWS WANT. AD8. ® th In the ..J J - ■American .

i S i S\ » w w c « i i r « i v i l r ------------

American f |'le believe I n n i « i i «

V o s f >i-th ifthB ' ••. — '.r-----------------------------

I's throat. nlsU and mlnals, I specified a E H H I H K l ^ S

fighur*ne-Tfimirpted by • l a M H S g J ?agandlsta, and tha t

> claimed' out the

nded,-‘n ie -ro iu r of

0 of t h t \y remarks V

hard-to -----Ing Inter-• of Mrs. ^



h •-

srtR -.....

1 »fl- g-<iabardine-SIacks---- Boi


K m 7 0 0^ Regular 8^75 , / . O p ________

These sUcks ars firmly woven ' Adul 3 ^ # - . .o f *0% virgin wool and Mr. WiS J l / Justroua rayon. Full doutl* - nleal

pleats. -W i^t M to Jl. .gj“ ;

Z ki^ '- r ____


>M P rog ress Reported 1 E B ridge-P ro jectg i. f t- Protrea* on two c i ^ projeota 1s reported b “ *“ elty manager.

J m “JJJI” a 105,000 bond Issue to r Ui* S c p a n s lo ^ ^

Approximately Uiree weeks wtll be requin inJli: of manholes -at th e Intersection of EifSUi-* ^ boulevard and a t Plve PolnU norUt Pormi *

for Ul* ElghUi avenuo east manhole. Young A malUple arch brtdgre on iisurire * r« t n,

^ been opened to traffic. Cdnslraction of sld irmgr *ta**-soon .wiU-complele-lhe_proJect^Tiv» h r s dent* of Uie Willow Lane annex as nectss^ ' shorten tha distance to schools for chUdien

S Oakl^Rewd^nts T Ri Travel, Entertain k™

OAKLEY, May 22—Mr. and Mn. churchBaroldBrmgn and chlldrfin,,Biimaa. !«!!«_:City, are'VlslUng M rs. James Lowry crownir

” u and August Larson. csfrtf/i” {“ * Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Oarrard. Helen ]' Qrangevme, are vtalUng rolaUves Marjwi„..v here. the chi

Mr. and Mrs, Alvln Larson and EUten" r,® son were In^ Pocatello Monday. Patrltls ; J t Mrs. Olive Harper, S a lt Lake City,?P“ Is VlslUng h e r daughter, Mrs. Pree-" i lu man Whittle;____■ OAKI

Fay Teenies has beeH'Uk'enTo the ITTxlnlveterans h b sp llan iT B alfX a lfC lly sctiool 'for medical attenUon. He was ac- boyi urcompanled by Mr*. John 0. SUpley. non Ui

XI at __________________________ _________kt he I: ,. him 1 .... ' _______ ' -whole I

tor- .

ed to llkwyer ^ j



i On a partfarts ■

iJ's w ti* to teach fhe ''W t" fi_ -------------- ^ £ M C t^ ,^ t l ic u |4 r i /_ if -y w -

' stu- o thers . If they lesrn fp ieep <ionow leave <, ||t}le time behveen ciMples no t to interrupt vKen the line I:Jl t h e __________ line manners" will be as oood 1m on ners" . . . and that meani b«H»i»lo*» ^or everyone else,


APa. W W a w B I I M I I I I I B I I I I M i i l l l l

^ j m r n ' - — » — E - « s «

Vesf Assortment-Save c

R ayon S

- ~ 2 f

---------'Neatly-______ with fou

Crease i

__ ommciidi

... "" i f l H W r -----f■ -

--------Boy*^ C o o lS o n i m t r '---------- ^iD ratc T ro u M rs ^

S 3.^9en .Adult-tailored acetate'-rayon. ^r . With conUnuoua waistband, «'!» - pleated front.'x lppered fly. '

•81* colors W aist 05-30, ' ^

C C R D C — - 4 0 3 > A o i



"ported b y v t n ^ ; * ^ ^ *

■roJ^to Ut II. WH u . . ^iwdisen-svfimE.'W,Scpanslon ot the i.**

n o ^ Pormi hsv. lanhole. Young iiUflee narth mm b. slmctlon of sidSi^** ^m n*KMBl— u »

s,"" a y ts I

a Mn. church In JUtWwi*?* liiffiim. Leslie . . rLowry oro?ming of tbe

csfrtf/s were CsnaeB irrard. Helen Base, Bhirl^

r “e City, - ___Pree- C O U B iIcnT ’

Tb the:ro«y- -„ s„ i as ac- boys under the

B R -

3a rty linefl:h fhe "kidt" to uie lha u b rl/_ il - .y W -^ ;* .if« - t;n f t^ ,j^ ^ H asm fp ieep calii leatoAsbfy b r i iC ^ H ma between cslli, «nd are c a n t r ^ ^ l whan the line li in uie, thair

at meani baHtr tarvice f o r y M i r f ^ H

- S a v e o n E v e r y P i J ~

lyon Sheen t a i G ab a rd in e^o iL

-- - — J :p « |, -....-,.....S 7 J > M

~ 'Neatly “ tallored-casn! ® - w ith four pl«ats, b e lU ^ ^ i

SM -Inseam 30-32. Dry cloE*,__ommii£idfid.____________B _

— —

_______ 2.98_M

-4 d 3 M o In ^ jii»“ PH0NES8« »

I ;

Page 5: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

of Re

f e G a W j Z l ^ ^WBtin&ProtestiS*^.:a nio, Miy K t j v g t e t i Sm ige-the-titgrI UUon Oiimber ot Com* to l ^ t ChancettlftTBitrtroiiUtig r t U. fl. ou» » c en lc -a tU Ul itintd support lotl»y route to Yello'umitiburiChimMrofConi- mlnj added •>:

SPITuring Our I FREE SEWJh^ do ALL yonr

> WP

( i t .y ! ! S r ^ wmoof i l>

------ fcm C H M IN TSy^^

I L j— ..

*1 '

of Reservoir ResnUs in '

- ^ a » « v :R a e f e £ L ^ .„ ,. >J

» g ^ i S S W E f c J ,v f » ' - r


» • - Joined th e , A*hton iroup In hnl never held a ixitight. . ' — ---------------- rlt*i«<-Askt«rljOBlAlloa H uiim lng, president of Uie pnpavil project.' itont*»iabcr,«ald.tha»tB tebl«h- - A*ht«v delegate* t commlwlon Is pimuilnc to mlulon urgues the i 7ig«:the-titgiiwttr7»ortm)fAsntoij w UiortcrtrelBht- l ^ t Chance, eliminating numcr* Uity explained, wou

acen lc- attrac tions along Ute Int * number o t sc te to Yellowstone pirk. Hem- ihrtt villages, more lg added .>hat the commission pie ind many {arm!


m SiS S S bSPECIALFEAI!)ur Big Anniversary

VJNGDEMONly o n rse w u ir

f U t ~ ^ — ADLWg SE\M K • THUI

' “• ALUln m - ‘

DUR________ SATU^MACHM---------------- - - - ------------- (W W '1

^ Mr. Moore wil__sewing WITH

I " • y j ^ S S ^ Q h H , " ««sist you wi

IINTS //(*//.■• ij* //*;. ■ ^

_________ !______________ t i m e s -n :

jldts in Trout Roundnp—

- lilp emU MdD<U were lU uUn culler«a(cr »t FUb creck x

- Carey etrrled Ibout from the mcrvolr

^ ^ H H M n j |n 8 g ~ 4 v a to puddln «nd pools i Two pb

. . . »hoir voIunlMt* ntitl_ Hi' Tlt relumed lo tbe re*c

boltom thowi pi , tnniferrlDt nclled , l"ic>“ U for ibe trip

KserToIr while anoUi Unun nelllDt eperi

’; <H ‘bo* Uoat wtliblos poundi were reeorcn or 'lhe eaitem bro<

lo lhe m e r Atk pouDds. More llu

W‘ were ured. |Sl*ff ei

shoshone, Hay meetlnE of Odd Pell Tuesday night at th

denree work » Arnold Kennedy tnd ]

never held a hearing to obUln ■ f n ^ ^ M | n not-tohton-ljUftliieMiiien un UiB,

«htm delegstea^ldHhercom- lion argues the new rou te would stiortcrtrelBht-nrtles—Bnt-thtsry explained, would mean bypaas- , . ^ ^ 7a number o t scenic attractions, »U»il*i Swici.Whlii

ce villages, more Uisn 3,000 peo- lr#"«-Vlnl,j.t. Co.,md many forms.________________________Sol. Dliirlbi

N ^ i K 9 = T O N I G i

EATURE____mary Celebration!^ONSTRATION


Mr. J. Clyi^ Moo_________F n g f n r v R f i p r f i ^ p n l f l t i v fM %Vw«wB w F



• THURS. AFTERNOONS.• from 12 N o o n U> 9 :0 0 P .M .

rm T D S r^F R ID A Yfrom -9:30 A .M . h» 9;00 P.M.

ZsHHS^JWRmng:- - - f r o w ' 9 : 3 0 ^ ^

Mr. Moore w ill dem onstrate how you can do A Bcwing WITHOUT a n y attachm ents .._. and w s s s i s f ^ w ith a n y sewing problema you m

- Sewing M achine D epartm eat-S ire*t FIi

^ I 0 I p 1 rsT>i

TIM ES-N EW S, t w i n FA LLS, ID^

i n d n p — ----------------------------- -

■ ' ' S \

Car Mattresse T K e y J i i ^

iip eooU and loDc-haadled

tier’ «iU ‘ w«k"*M*’ ^ e J f l w W O F l t ^E tT lIcr at FUb creck reaerrolr nearrey earned ibouuDOi o f-n ah ---------------------------m the rrtcn'oir Into immll idln *nd pools e l w a ttr la ' ^ .ebrusb. Two photo* a t top F f 'm . «. IW volunleen tieltlnr flJh to b« M —umed lo tbe reaerrolr. Photo f j gboltom thowi part of group nsferrlor nelled tron t «lnto :keti for ibe trip back (o tbe errolr while anolher ta an con­un nelllDt operation. Rain- _ r Iroat weliblog op to tbree A indt were reeormd while aonie - - - M t-the eaitem brook trou t re- __________M Jned lo Ihc rcierrotr weighedt pouDds. More Ibao 6.000 trout m K Utt uTCd. (8l»ff eogrsTingt)

— lOOF MEETSfOSHOHE, May SS-A regular ting of Odd Fellows was beld sday night at the lO O P halL i degree work was done for 3ld Kennedy tnd Paul Brownlee.

iflilid Statdi.WhliVy B«.B Fioof >«a(.VInln«t( Co., Inc., Naw York

Soli Dlilrlbvlori

N I G H T ! =

afion![ I M S

le Moorei s e n i o t i v e - ^ — ------------

i-BEtAIR—^CHINES400N & EVE.P. M. g t S j J ^ S S N

>AY ^ ^ ^ 1) P.M. ■ r a ^ ^ g

m m s r ----------- H b S B

r you can do A LL y o u r g |iP ||B |H E & B pents .._. and will g lad lyoblema you m ay' h av e . ^ ^ S j | [ | ^ ^ B

ent—Sirett Floor

m M

“ T H E n K E S S O N ^

lis Car Shipment o f Simrr attresses_was__Due_MoQths iey Just Arflvea7 And W< □nt 'Em —

O . . . They're Yours, C

Get 'Em a t N ear Coi

312 COIL






5 0 N t ^^

of Simmons_MoQths-Ago=____"Ana We~Don'f

rours. Come and 4ear Cost Price...

0 . 0 0 H i5IL

M M O3 E T R




------ TfRMS

1, ' J ^ _ “I \ \.


^ E i i



»HONE 1295


• « M S - A S LOW A S ivv

m $ S M



IffiHralQI....S f l H E f f i W i | p


95 J

N L Y -


S .. . ■r i . M

PACT n y i j H

Page 6: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

T r a i i a i iH i l s , U .S .B u d g e t^

L liJ B e n e f iL C u tsI WASHWOTON. M*T a I f l -' Prealdent Trumtn. hs: doecn't b iov "frhat In Sun BIU"

« m p a ii ll thinking iilwut, ttnicfc • • m ew I t UlB lefl*Utor* lirt nlghl

to r cutUoc hU budget and detetting '■ bill to InereM* »eJ»l weurity

— ^^M ^iddrm JieX Q rB jJO Q jolun i U ct hwpCUl wortwi for th« vntcr. ens kdmlnlitrktlon, Trumin uld.

I "I USI talking u a cltlKn o{ the U nited ' Btat«i and as a nttran."

Ng( CaodllaU

*7 am not a eaodldaU (or o(fle« onfl 1 f ” ff"- tfl*of a ll tho pwple ot thi. country.”

H8 eald that when the M-tnlled econocny bloc In ccngreu decided tho vetiran* program wm loo ex- petwlw. It lopped oit «S/W,000 of th* money needed to run the hoe- pltala. He u id he hopei the senate will pu t It back becauae If It doeen’t Jt will be "jiut loo bad for lhe vet-

— H etto rritopX tn -----------H e artrtfld-liB_iroum w t

prlaed If the houie wouldnt prefer to aee the eut reeMred by tho *en- Bi« BO that membera could |o home and aay they tried to «t»e money and the eenat« «rou!<l notIM ibew.

Dlaouolng the.poatoKlce.depart- ment, he mid It had an tamenie deficit. Therefore, he uld. he uked congresa to make the peopfe pay who have been enjoying a ''(ubtldy" In the mailing of maiulnM and newtpapera — including tone he thought the pubUa ouflit not to

a ^ the ■‘atSek macaxlne) and a lot-ot Sundsr Dercpapen" ar* b*> Ins c&rrled along by subsldiutloti.

CoDgrcH ISSI voted three pro- greaalve 10 per cent locreaaei in oecond clau m»ll-iBtor*PPl7tnf-to

U h - newspspera, magazlnet and oU erJ i P « “><llcal ______________

sii Final Rites M 3 I For Mrs. Phillips

BUKU May M—Puneral lervTcea for Mra. DlM&eth Ann PhllUpi wero heJd a t 9 a jn . Wednesday at the Buhl LD3 church with BUhop Will­iam K . Potl4 oKlclaUng.

Prelude and postlude iau»Io waa played by Mts. R A. Oarleon. a aolo

:— wng-by-Mary-^^hnwn and InnKt:- tlon offered By Elder A 'L : Peter- aon. The obituary waa given by Blahop Potla.

Mualc vas preiented by a lextet. HeU Hutthinaon. Loul» Johnson.

------B hahib ' UOt t i . - iru iu a - r faiid yMiarlyn Pember and Ann Blaylock. »nd quartet, Orace Blaylock. Della

I Hoffman. June Baggett and U ura fu , H unt. Speakera wer* Elder E.

-BraolaHorBntl-Elder-F.-I».-8oh«nlt U ;- - vuX ttader. Stella Wood, Benedlc- P Uon was read by Elder Mitchell m - Hunt. Jr.E lli Oravejld# a e i^ es wera held et B a " — ^«i3qf p a . ~ w ^ « ^ y-itnhg ndnh-

r U l invpcatloh waa given by Lea Shaw ; k sd grave dedication by E. £. Ander-

Mn. Speaker waa UyroQ Crandall. {>' Pallbear^a wen WUIam Hutchln-

------»oJV-aeia*a_Edredgfc.J.-MuJunt.»i l k l 1107 Wood, Paul Hunt and Ray u n Clark.

II Last Rites Slated M ForJnhn Garfieldl l | — Lv »new Y om f mbt m mp-p<in>r«t,'?! •errlow Ior John Oarfield, 39. aI I I lorm er Juvenile dellnquant who roee | | l to moTle atardem aa a tough guy,

i n Memortal chapel hero. ' 'R | ~ ' Q l« ie W d fir^ f trd a T iJ '* -W U t : I I I a ttack In the apartment of actress ;

F = ^ ? e |A s s £ i 5 SI of feeling Ul when they retunud I tram dinner Tueaday.I . MlM ^ t a e y aald the actor had '

I «nd said aU be needed v u a few | i Ijours eJeep. He retired to th« bed- ! j room. MUa Whitney uld, asd she <

I couch. ,j . - -W h e n -a h e tried-to. avtkeo-hlm i yesterday momlng, MUs WhitneyI .....aald he did not respond. She calledj a physician who pronounced him ] dead.

1-S----------- -------------------------------— ,

[J Application Filed ! ii To DissoWe Firm ■Bij AppUcaUon for dUsoIuUon ot the tP i Twin Fallj Kotor company, inc.. tBit waa filed In dUtrlct court Wednee-l a day. Ia f l T he corporaUon operated the Tvln| t | TaU»-Mot«reompany prior to July,f l j U U . when ihe automobile agcncy I r l «aapuichas»dbyEnos6chl{tletandJt.'l J . O . Rolh.

• Members cf .{he cerporsUon

Ml I n addlUon lo dissolution ot the M|- eoiporatlon. It la asked that theHI '*■ Tea»l*» “ d RIIU L . Teasley trustees to close out tba U -------corpotatton’H a is iM M ._____ Z .

I } - - - - N O W - f f i l , -

| |

■ B v - -

l l |^ ~ W jtv R m K U jB lL

ALSO — :— fS ; "ffOkfHWtST I I I : . T BU U T O KY^-


Twin Falls Biad_____ JK L IX ___ i:i- keei

f I l l i - a KILOOVOLED- - ( i i i f BIKKnV— U i 3 . »A»0 tkaiait «lftl«taa, !CDS . ly a Ifl - TBUMBAT.

about, struck -ino •!>•«»»• Atumtr ’ Hi • J i ,* " ’' riT iit nlghl — ii r??H m i.Ulddetostlng «:<)« rioaxr BaMbU* Buli«^ s l aeeurlty

iJJOfljolUHi ___ :____ROU.T_______iniS

S m fn 'aS r* { '^ gVi.** iH l S S j I S;iU«n of the i,M Hoib-, roiK« famiT

.u i« omt. ;i!j fc s»!•JlitJteJlH* J iw cirt THO Alin. CI..I.

the so-called ,5,30 •>(, 7 , atorr nto n«w. p tu decided lei > C tm i’f Calndt? ISilO 'llom>nr> II VM loo ex- m w 9'“’* ^ 1“ *® t-ti

«s/w,Mo of } |;^ ri?« keeprun the hoa- m u ‘PmI H»nr«» 11:M ‘Uctf Dr»k« e» the aenate p " - . , .ilflt oestn lj|S3 pn"AiiP

- i i i i’S P

iS iS iS 'S - i i i t Sis»e money »im •nithird Di.m»-ia otw <;.i

.!«.• J i S . ' , ' i f s . ' i i ” K " . " 7 i S Kl‘>e«,.depart- u;(ii.Zllailfra.fr«lls_____!Ufl5_LCr.y_ii=i«an Immense " ■lid. he asked _ _ ^

.K ir Plans Being Com]■isilnM and _ t . ^

un;. ” For Boy Scouty«»"- « « w s* B«» Seoul circualo anc

^ i h ~ 1 te held a t 8 p jn . June fl a t PronUer var l a c ^ e a ^ Held, reporta Charle. D. Mills, gen- an.

■* Me*! n"jJ0rBi uls-/ro7rM hi operaUng viUiln the Bnske the

_ _ river council will paniclpste In I____ demonstrating varloiB phsses of ear

J A lr l scouting. T ickets went on tale U oF Tw 1.C1U dsy. pO!

TTiemc for th e show Is "ScouUng’s thr I I I U I U S Trail to citizenship." Further plsn- to

!ral servTcea nlng of the erenc vlll be made by era PhllUpi were committee w orken a t 8 pjn. t^ay. u r sday at the PoEUng ol th e colors will be car- wli: BUhop Will- ------------------------------------------------ Ul*

: . u i . M a n Fined $100 _X)nIaquoiLCount .'S;

^ .Ivfn hC RUPERT. May S 2 -C la re n c e toll given By Minidoka, wa-i fined IIM and 1

$7.60 costs nnd sentenced to 60 tloiby a lexUt. day* In JbU Wednesday by Probate conM Johnson, judge Jake WoU when he pleaded Milu - r ra i id ^ g im tr^S -a fliin rii^aartg -rM itB rr- rwin Blaylock, r b e JaH .aentenee waj naptndtd Hu;

on paym ent of the'fine but Juflge' Wall aald tho suspension waa on tha slo«* “ condition Scales’ behavior ts good. «he . ,-I». 8ohrok —TneKlerflcjUi3-tiB(J-T)l*«d*d-tnno» J « jl, Bwedlc- »nd a Jury trial waa set fot H'l ler Mitchell ijVednesday momlng. After the Jury

wea Impaneled the prisoner asked •era held e t to chnnge h is .pies. *.n h e n o r th —T h e jury'-lmptaeled for-Scalts ^irUtah,-------^ll-eerve.aW-.a<^p.mr-I>rid«Mr»-«i* ^by Lea Shaw tria l of Porter Flint. Minidoka, on E.E. Ander- a chUKe of contributing to the de-

■on Orandall. Unquency of « minor.»m Hutchln- • -------------------------- - jfr"

Protests^ounded- 5’ — On Tuna Tax Bill ssI f l lB U ' TOKYO. M ay aa njJD-The Amer- tee• » , I J lean Cham ber of Commerce In Ja- f

appealed today tp^ American “ n

efs-to-help-kBHhe-tuna-ieri/f-^im i w ml »h« before the u . E. senate, Noitou»h 'Chftmber President Sterling Plsher Slo

It nim im n caMed Vice Presiden t Alben Bark- A. 1

propoBed-actlonjftliesJoubi -TT I of .fTr«< J “P»nese minds tha t the Onlied I I r«-h? - ^ 5 fltatia.wiU cQaUnuftJa-reganLsym^

p ^ ih etica lly -^apanei* .* c o n a « l» —I IT returned Pfoblemj and therefore result In _' severe In ju r; to Amerlcan-Japanue ' B>,actor hadv u a few PresW ent Truman, Secretary of 18S( to the Acheion, Secretanr -of he-d, asd she Commerce Charles Sewyer and con. M

Weed Association — Will Meet in July fr

__ MERIDIAN, May 23 MV-Tho an-_ nuai-iaceting-or»«-I<!«iaTfoxloui

I'l p H Weed association vlll be held here . v end 30. Howard Roylonce, S‘ F i r m <«ocIallon secrelstj', announced. sm ' •*• a l i l l Methods of weed control, cuUlva- Uon of the tlon and chemical'tre&tmenla will . pany, inc.. be discussed. Crt Wednes- --------------------------- ^

READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS. sl the Tvln —■ —lorbite agency

DUAL ENTERTAIN!o«U cn^^~ -------- ----------lat-Program—at S:8t

lUon ot the T8 E S W

1 ^

m m - —

P H B 3 r tl PROOWM \ ^A T «.M ONfV J ■

P I f Now Ploying '-MfITTXTiVfTTI I......... ■

dig Radio Schedules ^I ' KEEP K T F I AM-FM

- n iW K O O O T otE B j- { i m t a i ^ n . - t - t a o ^ —.. •rns xNSO TllUUlfAr" ' ■ TBtlEIPAT ..... j

(jM T bilm H *|i< WItfca ^

** raroaT ijjjj

! t '00 *GnM '(oI»nb. Hfw« *■ , huilliiO tI I B«lkt4»* Sllwa

I ESS iliiSs'*'”" s?- ----- - -»i**-iOir i fiim a il-------JUI

I I i ' i S i‘ ii!

m s •UtlltlUr r«0 .Or. P»ul tooll:«e K«» sit KllocrcU <limb*k*41911 -Aill* jKkMB M m 4rOe sW«lcom< Tiifdm iiOO •U.iiltli 4iJ0 .Lor»rM Jmm 'J '''n u U»tI> Tlir. 4:10 iN.wi ol World Ttll« •Vht eV T** ’ «j« c lu *'*■j!«'jLiv“o-r-?fSirinu Mel

i i t S S ; ! l " ; £ ' K 7 r . . n , " «!1OtM <;.l r..I. »;1J .NIoe-flflMn Fln»l Iho

joios Ku?i(ifij in|c|a mei

tig Completed Here p' y' Scout Circus June 6 jUted for me rled out promptly a t t pm. withof postwar maued flags: Following will be akili

w t circualo and perfortnance# demonstraUng tI a t PronUer varioua ocUvltlea of Cubs, ScouU k „ i. Mills, gen- and Explorers. Work of the various

groups a n d the games and fun theyiils“ /nsn M have wJU be dlspliyed bV troopm f ^u t

the Bnske the council. nrtlclpste In In addition there will be a pag._phsses of eant directed by Mrs. Charles Mills,n sale U oF Tw lnTSns: On'Uie-W arihia Ui4’ix :

position groundo, visitors vlll pass ji.,«-'ScouUng’s through tenta with booths set up •urther plsn- to ahow displays of Scout skills and y .,'be made by crafta «« welf a j equipment neee*- 'pm . today, u ry to scouUng, and vlslUng troop* . ,

wUl be car- will set: up « model Scout camp at----------------Uie field.

Any proceed* from the Clreua WlU 'h i o n *’* applied to ecouUng programs fp iU U mroufihout the cmmcU, Mr. MUi ]^J■ P j i i i n f “ W- however. Uia ahow Is being ^- l ^ u l i L *U8*d-prlmarily.to.prestnt.*coutInj , ■"C la r e n c e to the public. “ 'led IIM and The entire affair la under dlree- “ “need to 60 tlon of th e scout council, aeneral' by Probate committee members working with

he pleaded MUla Include WUUam Rappleye. . ^5-riBllt8rr~ T ^ lu PaUa, pren a m rT»«eie-JCT'»ettf ^a mjpenita Bupert, p ro m o U ^ and t l o k e t i ; >ofe but Juage R»lph H arria, Twin PalU, concei-i waa on tha slona and arrangements; Bob Bra-■lor ta good. «hear. T w in Falls, publicity; Leslie » "iMdtd-mno. Joa*a,-X »iln -Falla ;_V em ^el4fln .waa set fot Burley; J . H. Williams, Rupert, andfter the lury Bnerson Pugmlre, Hagerman. gen-isoner asked '*‘‘1 committee members.

Special p ro ;« tj director* Insiuae q ,for-Scalts JtoL.fleverB.. Rupert..mualCL-P«>e

a a rl- iirta th* 'rlf die Olsh. T^vln_Palls; announcing;• Warren Barry .Twin Falla; colors and

ftrnnd finale; Paul Warberg, Ts’ln f 1 Falls, parade; L. Z. Barlett, Twin ,

n n P n — Pii(j,-safety:'Elwoocf-M*Mnerr-Twin -5i Falls, display U nt; Uoyd Roberson.

g v K i l l demon.-trsUon camp, and Dr.Geoise O A X J l i l acholer. Tw in FaUa. food eocnmlt- —The Amer- tee. •neree In Ja- Act directors Include Hugh Nei- " 0 American *on. Kimberly, Cub themes; Pred sajDnal-lfsd* Club,-Jerome.-Cub games;-.Hcrrlek -*! lft-4ariIf-U!l rtmfc. .tpm m f Rf«»t rOtlH - Clnrlr ^

Noble, Burley. Ecout games: Charles l ^wUng Plsher Sloan. T w in Palls, pioneering, and -----Mb«n Bark- A. 6 . lA raen, Twin Pnlls, exploring. ^

3 3 S \ ^ y l m 5 ? 5 2 - ~

-KacefoFGoiTgress:—in-Japanese " B o iS B , ■M B S'"aa~W ~Jam es-ir ’

Hawley, Jr.. Democratlo candldat« f f .

S r o S a iy ^ «S oX 'ld 'today^ iri« ''“u n U k ^ “lecretaJ7 -of h»-wUI'be • candidate UUa year. . . . er and con- W. H. (Pete) Jensen, Downey,

m Q sron»ri«~tJir-onnn>em o«W 8 “ f

ition «" J u ly i G o o d b y e H e a r tb u n i l C“ i ^Heflo TUMS! -I S . S


r E R T A I N M E N T T R E A T IProgram- a t B:80 and lO iit , -

TSE Sjippy,

!---------- ---------- C A R T O O N A ND 1I L A T EST M O V in O l ie

m m ^ 4


^ 2 Libel Suits— Li ^ Ksmissedby

~"-€ourt DecreePOCA-IXLIX), May 32 <JV-Two of

" 1100,000 dam age sulu againstJou rnal nnd leaders

„ • of-a move to recall two Bannock «*!;uit rftfftJt. _ county commissioners ^ere dismiss- ' ^

*d by District Judge Heary''Me->i.W »«rr Quad* Wednesday. '’lr .i>n«k.aisk. —McQuada sustained, a dem'irrerto

libel action b rought by Mrs. Loura **"------------- Qougbr-the-ooinmUaloner.-aod.her.

. husband. A. C. Gough, and upheldrfiiUoV’ ‘h® rtght of a newspaper to report n «

acUons of publle officials. lo*inis't CiiUo* The suite, brought by Mrs. Oough ty I'!, m k _ and Commission Chairman aeorge cow,"n*r W. Allen, ■■c^a:rgcd th a t thtlr good W,'uncuz____ nime^ and rgputivtlona were dam- *1».r"‘ -nm. **ed In a slory Jn which UiTJSlU^ ‘oWI

Kod ™ *^l reported th e two commlMloners bullwalked out of o. heated public hear- liIng on the county butlgel. gor

SJIiw Later In th e day Judfie McQuade froilul took a similar nctlon In »n Iden- low• ‘»ed by Commission »le(

Chairman Allen. »«,t World Two other sulC-i, cach lar *100,000 to

ere pending »galnst ths Journal. M8“ a EdiiJii— iHrD“P4ynterrPocnteiltj,-Bna-John eon

- McMahoni -Poootello.-------------------- call>3 In making hla decision Judge Mc-

?n7 r*cnnr Quade quoted from a previous case cooifinn Fin»i lhat "every citlzcn 1ms a right to • h1"’“ "*"- comment on those ' n c ti ol publlc softtnrt.« "" men which concern him as a citlien *JJ.

tary a cloak for mnllcc nnd slindcr." f 1 ----------------------------- hon

^ D i n n e r - D a n c e S r t n

a n e o g y L o c a l C o u n c i l

w K o S 'S O f K . C . J u n e 1 1 ^monslTftUng jh e council o f th e Twin Falla 'ubs, S ^ U Knights of Columbus dceldcd a t a • the various Wedneaday-nlght meeting lo hold a

n dfun they d ij,n„ dance Ju n e 11 a t the Turf Ajy tro o p n f

Hay O'Donnell was selected to L pl*" entertftlnm ent. At theJ” '?* “ ‘“*i dinner. Orand K nigh t Lloyd LeClnIr — mta Uie ex- „ p o rt on council actlviiles for

t t . p . . t y c . r . f .; uifi 5 A blood donation to ’the Magic /j

Valley Memorlnl hospllal b»nk by llln. ‘he group waa se t for Tliursday »jimt cam“ a t members vol.

. -I.,.,.. «riit Report on th e sta te Knlghta of , Columbus convention held last week 1__. iK?^iSs *"tHt.scouta« to conitnic t a BViiinaslum for the mrt»r Hlr^. b l Joseph's ch ildren 's horns, Cul- = I? ^ S desac. -Next year's i tn te confercnce ,rkin» ^ th »‘ll be held a t Coeur d'Alene.

I^*pploye. Th“ del'eS^ ' «

ills conceit Next council meeting s t which■ Bob Br«. J8J2-1053 offlcera will be nominated Iclty; Leslie scheduled for June 4.ra_LNel4fln. 1 ■ ■ — 1 ___

S K * ’.™ L e s s C o n f u s i n gf ; , . POMONA, Collf., May n I f t -

. DoroUiy Jane Warwick lot her-maiden-nilm o -back tod»y_«m-

Michael B u rr Sm ith went to Mperlor court to win U>e tljh t to

s be known #s Michael SmlUi w ar- wick. He M id so mnny Smiths

W afoM d-K ft-w as tind-Df-gct‘- - - Ui’8 olher people'* bUb. corres-

od e o c ^ t ! jwndence and phone calls.” jjls wife agreed. Now her nameHuBh Nei. >»married. T heir soi), Paul War-

■es; ilcrrlek SmlUi. 14. becomea Paul _

ies: Charles L ,. Ieerlng. and — 1 -

THURS. & fri;I g r e s i D A N - D A t t E V ------------ ^

—JO A N N E rD R U --------. candldat« B D I I ^ CUkeiy that ■ ' F l k ■ i x l u r tUUa year. ------- ------------------------------------------------», Downey, ^

ST7 LO OTS" ”t b u m l

m ^ E N D S ^ O N I T E -D A N N Y KAYE .

I © ! — ' D IN A H SHORED A M A A N D R EW S


i T I D O R O T H Y L ^M O U R

— — i i P H E ^ M S O I --------------

m e COVERED"0 1 - ■_ _ _

- THURS. a nd FRI.

a K M G w l i

CONTINUOUS SHOW FRIDAY —— — I------------ P R O M a:oo-pjt.— ^----------

tg—. LivestockMarket - 2 r , Reported Strong;

Cattle up Slightly■1 /1 C t . / to Mcenu higher a t the-Tw in P*Us PV-Two of Uvestock oommlulon company ti le - -ju aialnst Wednesday. A good dem and w u wendjfaders shovn far light S teen and eow* wlU) )o».

Bannock helfet* Steady. • nore d to to - C»“ ’« “ I'Wo ^-M8- IJ iW » 1eary''Mc- feeder-calves. »*re s a u x a_ A n d _ |l m t

emuirerto Oood to o lce steer* brought fnjm offl lira Laura ^ ttl.75, czmmercUl . t o row are

and her B^d 't««ra. »M-M to ,»30. wUUty per nd w he“ sW .'»K rM -m rg53 ff-T o~ < *o7ce k l i to MDort heUer*. 130 to M1.7B. commercial to woi

low good heifers. $31i0 to $30. uUU- ul< ['rs OouRh ty helfera, U4 to ISflM. commercial Job in aeorge cowi, » a « to »35. uUUly cow*. « « fou thtlr good to-»a, tanner* and' cutter*, *16 to 1 lere dam- 119, commercial buUs. t3S to <31.‘>8, the ■WrjSUr^ -tmiltrbolbr4».«Ho-»*W<HuMUlght —I ralMloners bulls 150 to t » . Calibllc hear- lo lhe stockers and feeders cate- ho

gory good to choice steera ranged d t: Meouade fmm Ua (o S33.&0. commercial to Air sn Iden- lov good, U4.S0 to *26, Holstein

ommlsslon steers, t n to M8.16. poorer grades, St.119 to »33, good to cholco helfera »29

ir *100.000 lo « iW , common Jielfcrs. *39 to 1 Journal. »38.M, steer calvea, $33 to *38A0, , ana-John eommon-quallty. »37-to-»aa..b*Uer. — __________________cal«S. ..«8_to_J34 vealers. _*Sl,to J rJudge Mc- »33M. ‘lock cows, f l 8 U» t33. feeder vlo5a case cows, i » to JJO.» right to • No Iambs were offered. Top on fat ol publlc sow w u »n.60. top on fa t hogs,

s a citlien *21.50. Horses brought from $i.SO ~-oorunen* to4itO.------------------- :____________ . ■IsUndcr." A ipeclal horee aale v a s en- ■— nounced for 1 p jn . Saturday. ■

Srt Hummin birds have been ob- H • I Ber\ed to fly as faat as an automo- ■

i n C l l bile uavellng 80 mUes on hour.

n e 1 1 p

J E R O M E <1lo h o ld a ' I

' A n t o T h e a t r e ."'Tm ENDS TONIGHT Id LeClnIr ______________________ _ ■

[viiles for '* T " ^ ->.-MnrorM»rT>^im= - - t STEWART CftANCIR -

ha Maglo K .. « ? SIMMONS |

n n h u T E l r A i . y * ‘ Jlastweek ___ »u^ui.»riiiuTe«i.«titA if L .Id Knight _ P L U S - :

r r s -"B E D T IM E -...oniercnco FOR B O N ZO " I : c a r t o o n ^:_delegate

st which — — r;^ lomlnated

n ^ her

day—aU- _____________

right to U> War- Smitha

■ o f - g c f - -------------------------corres-

a Paul _ ____

— I CTUCI_ p ^ i o n a

ij------ - — a n J -m a J ------------

= r r : :

jT ~ tKe ty ra n t •- l p £ ----------

Rl; M - G - I

^ " ----------—

i \ s £ s s « \ ,

I j 1 - ^ .H i V - r ' ‘5r5Sr^ .....

m - t o d a yMil M — - <000113 OPEN AT MlW

rg. t w in fa lls , IDAHO0 ______________________________________

rket 2XJ)ffice9-Q£_. Id Wire Service ^

—0penin5tate »a paoy sile - -b o ib e . May M'lfl-Twenty-UiTW! m ^ waa wS o t Union olflcea,-handling a I eow* WlU) 3Md ef slUhUy more t ^ h*U of

nomah-are open In Idaho despite Ot .048. U ght a naUon-vlde atrlke of th e Com- tlve

“gi'fflrSerTm. BoUe Sl~ought from otflce. aald «io»e ornceTfUaisawing ^IMlTto-fow an>-b*lng-»aantd.b7,JU BtiT {soii j» _ lBO. wUUty peraonnel and some of the employea. need ‘To“ cRo7« atf-«flisjOTM J’»re-ne»-retun»*<l-to. y imerclal " work iS to . Boise «^flce, C a r ^ ^ ) *30. uUU- Mid, but 18 other* are back o n Uiett „ p e »m m erclal Jobi after being out ftom th ree to , f cow*. »W four weeks. . . aUtym , *16 to •Megiami ate b«ng accepted a t 8 to *31.‘>8, tiie following olflces;

i f ,

— s; hS;ilrd a ^ ^ to Air J\Jrce Base, Nampa. Payette, ^ I Holstein Pocatello, Pfe3ton.R erturg. Rupert, wmm r e r ^ d M St- AnUiiny. Hun VaUey, Tw in FaUahelfera »29 “ >d Welser_____________-7- SESTENCeV

RUPERT. Miy 2J-A lta Davla and C irl-8oTeTison-bolh-RupMt,-w*r* — .**nt*ae«d-ta-nlnfi_5laya e a ^ In the_ __

»2a, feeder u i^doj-a eounty jail for being In-_ , . toxlcated in a publle place. They Top on fat apptu-ed before Police Judge Archie'frem *4.« N lsbe t^e^ ---------------------------

v a s en- ■ W frday. H . - V * V ^ 'M I

been ob-n automo- I H i M l l tH H B M l M M I I lM S


' h A I K I f ^


j l

y i - G - M p r e s e n t F 3 0

W t

= \ —

I \ S T A R R H

--b-ROBERT TAYLOR • In . \ L E O G E N N * „ j P E I

\ S tr m l^ r h lO im LEF. H AIilNt^dBsti01 \ - . n . . . J «,«tl., No„i br IU.

,1*1 \ i , M E R V Y ^ R O X p h ^

— ^ ^ JUM.O.M P ARTS......................

I A T !

' Idaho Polio Panel ;e Making Plans for ^

Possible Epidemic Kl i e —BOlBS,-ltty ai-Cf>«.nuho-s4)l*ii., t> ,_ . nine e«nmltt«a 1* rapldlr complet-

Ing pf*p*r*tian* lo combat a poa- alble poUo epidemic thU lummer.

e<plte David We«kf. Tdaho repre*ente- Com- Uve for the NaUonal Foundation _

for Infantila ParalyiU, reportwl ■ Bolte -all— the-foundauon'e- em entncy — V ;oBing ^8(lu!pRi(st-vil] beeheeked 'io 'u to -M - v iw ii J»Jmni<dl»{«ly_»»aJUbIe_wheraTer. _ ■ iloyea. needed. ■

' "Wlile **» uCT~)dM whafc-Dje- ■— ^ a r t« Bununer monUu will bring, p ast j f * “ '* f enperienoe Inilleate* that we m uat la . '

be prepared lo meet any eventu- . aUty.“ Weeks eald. “WhUe five *uc- •**

” oesslve year* o f , high polio l a d - _ | | , , dence bas severely taxed the foun- _

rtatinn’i reaourccs. It Is felt t h a t _____we ar* now better prepared to m eet

Home emergency than at any Ume in» n t . , ou r M .M .- __________________Lupert,FaUa

3 Houra of F ine E n t

g = J ^ I S S J ^ W ^ PAGEAI

1 ^ S A T U R Ir MAY 24 .


Magic Valley's loveliest a-----^young-woraen-wiU-compe

MM Twin Falls’' title, in addi |T H scholarship and a chance at M title.

^ .. _ Sponsored

S f . -"t w in f a l l s l k

j | ' ’ TICK ETS'A T“ r a E ~ D O b R Tf y LION S C L U B ME — 2 ____________________________________

::oLoi^ BV _______ ■'


1H(N..JRK.BEH»HAN.SOKTH tEVJEW J No««| br itnr^li 0<MLtMl«

4 Q Y _ P 'iJ .f« 4 h S A M Z IM B A L IS T _

3uM.0.MPi<h.i..' ’ • ' “

.'•M A T T N B E S n ------ EV EN IN O -A F


toFm i c I ■ I i j J 1 1 - j t j B

l i r l . - A l l N e f f p ^ l B

S i Z 1 ~ S i - 3 8■ m eet

F ine Entertainment!


URDAY I8 : 0 0 P .M . p

TW IN FALLS ■ »OL AUDITORiuSoveliest and moat U b t d B iU-compeU^for -the -“U i |K !, in addition toa $250.«H chance a t the "Miss

lonsored by




« w e e p in j


e u c b u b i i H

o n tb e i m

6 umj'ilJ C/7?wi7By~CSiOf Uc E ^

I^^ L = z3 ^ ao i/aae iU ^------/n-A-Ps/«fOf:

.... orn,

,!ST_ .......' “ ■■■------------

F R ia B a t t n b e s T t t #

Page 7: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

^ A ^ e _ l 8 " I B

I H [ * i * £ > ■ T<i«rftn of B V

the? live up develop Ui«

" ' ^ S ’ «“2 /S 7 o n ly by d»y in v , , ^ 5fli» p‘*”” !l

•T -w per no'"'' • B«eort n rU t i t ^ e T A l r c r t f l now ^ ^ .M eS bho'^f ootiotry u c*tn

?c«JW> 0’“«- »tae» 19H >loat

,u „ ;-s i i , ‘oS

^ r , . ‘. ! : > “ S s , ‘s r « " i r, tf Itui 9f oper»Uoii. ^ ,y jj ,

i i , " w‘ W b°"'k *'*“*■ '” 'ww m»d« ^ f ‘"8 wMk.

^ “ ™i„ > » « * " £ ; : ; 5 ™ a » ?«j tt . OCTrM . Or. , 8

^ tillw ltw n the DMt “5 l ^ „ , e l will b« re- VISIT B.*rfute*t. **fMt, mo»l •HAOERMAN. jraonrtiTUble torm «f U rsr Lsrnr' Birl

Nev., .spent Wed) ,*art«aT O «“ a r 'w e n a* jr-vu iun* -it iainuie_CLty;.Arnold hoins.

^ 5 ^ 2 ^ 5 5 5 5 5

t H V 3 R \

Oimed Foods--UICE

-----------2 _ i,^ 5 e_i S P A R A G iJ S -----------------^

5 S _ , = ^ , ^ 3 5 c = S U E R K R A O T ------------- ------

^ S ? T = n = = = = = : : : : ^ M c - - =


;^ c r " _______ i _ „ i O c '

EAS ______________S - - . ^ . _ - ------- 1-1 c — ■


_____ 2 45cW C K E R S

_____ 2 h 3 7 cR A P E F R U I T

---------------3 „ , i 9 c

I N E A P P L E ■ 4J

:-23c .. _

‘tr a w b e np f berries I o i

H nillor pA^VOCar j ~ w m c j ~ - C d a w ~

; f c : l 9 e GrapelM N ^ n k tm d tm

- t l b .n w i>

H a v e 1 5 ^

S ^ M IX fw B b A ~

________________________ A u t a R e g i

B«eort n ru tn lla n ef priTmtelj mraed »nt<imol)IIef no «• r«ICMed br u tlo n t] Indoitrltl conftrenc, bo.rd. • itiotry u c*tnp»r»d to M.I penon* per ew in jois i aee 19H >loat with Uie tremendoui Increm ot ■ntoraob

S - S o S a - ' a i ^ i H a n t e ^nlelioa. Bugene. Ore.: Eugene i j.ounond, Don Duvall, A. 5 . Cut- A f i T m rr »tid Wiyne Kennedy, »11 Tft’in ^ » -v v .i.m ii i*. B«#M WllUime WM present May n ~ -

lk. OrnnKC fonducted liIo n thin es RoUrr member* n?Bht” Orange e present at the meeting. Pres- " ‘|T ‘; , . „ . , J . c » . u . . g^fp";

___________ the Salmsn river he_ The neii meeting

VISIT BXPORTED change meeting a(:A0ERUAH, May 23^Mr. and June 8. On June 30 i 1.-Larry Dirlogl,- Cherry Creek, honor graduates wit■., spent Wednesday and T hura- the Orante hull.__-VU lU n*-at-U » B et Barlogl ---------------1

.......... •-................... n g A P T7MEB»NgW

:^ fcA = g F e lr

r l f c - = ? = l F ^ S "1 3 .4 1 c

45c --------MIRACLE Wy ad Dresi

49e Quart

1 . - “I

leirieS iH noiJES for canning cose>vocados Rftoboi

' e a r t O ^ ~ t=

rapefru it " CARRO

7 jH t a a ; . ^ P » . - ^ T r ± d i

6 7 e : H | j g | | g | | g

■_____________________ t i m e s -n

i t a R e g i s t r a l i o n -------------------—

a »ot<imol)IIef now lU nil elow (0 «J,»00,0M, aceordint ( >fer«« board. ThU mean, there 1. . c r fo^ ever, w p r ew in JOIS. ThU neWKhm ihowi rapid ria* of aulo re«e of antotaabUto for etery penon In the U. 8, darliii

l a n t s A r e ' S o l d R e s e a r c h S I

A t G r a n g e M e e t O n S p u d )UHL. May 13-The home eco. MOSCOW. May a

nge ronducted lu annuil plant disease, will get » a t the Orange meeting rriday research a t the Univei

>t. Ihli summer. .wayne Machacck jpolte on 1 C. W. Hung*' trip taken by teveral men lo Pathologist a t the unh Salmsn river headwaters Union 'Pacific rallrc t e « » l n ieeil^ w m T a n « - M M l p had ^ e n , n?e meeting a( Cajtleford on to look Intoe 8. On June,30 the Or»l»# wlU d t s ^ WM*SSSmr“ or graduates wllh a banduel at

HMK-TOB “ ° " ■'

: l e w h ip C huck Dressing49c I

OCjf PRE! €U|h4 J ^ € O Ccose'2.89 SAR

[ f fO b a rb — COFFEEa -

SRROTS S ’.??™.'j T i ' i t : : i _ : ^ 1 0 e M a k M c «

- - - — —

E S S S E H l B l a s t K o

I j i l l M i y i i f f l ^ R e d S u ]8BOUU Korea.

Americanbomber* btaated a turlnc u id «upply cen North Kor«M?_caplUl,c

Korean war^ PlnpoiDt-bomblng..tr

dusk reduced at between Pyongyang ar po, itl c o u t port rubble. At least 84 damaged a s the plan *%undredf of flfth air force reported —R eperta-from all—»»i (n the strike were not an a ir force upt

^ ^ ^ M N E A WawsCBflft! the raid was not quite , 1 9 » '

'.OM, aceordlni (0 Utest fig- J" ‘ha‘ raid 165 bulldh r for every 16 per»ori» In tht “troyed. pld riaa ef aulo rtgUtrelloa Eight factories and ihe U. 8, dorlni um e pwlod. pl*nt *ere deilroyed---------- - - ■ -_=r-;__r jiKir#lr-BttaeS,-But“ t________- — tefuted-to-dUcloM . whi e a r c t i S l a t e d•» r t I Relays o r Jcta nn( I n S i n i i n l l i a P 9 S f k driven plane.^. acrecncc J l l o p u u U l s c a a c Bnbrcjets. slami

^COW. May 22 W —Necrotic rockets, nApnlzn nnd - a ■comparttiyely-neff-ld»ho bulletirlnto tlie area ui sease. will get some thorough w ki » . t t l , . o i. i„ r« „ ot u m ™ r w ■ r,y.ri N»vy sm o ld e r* . Mar]

, £ . « t « ? “. X X , a " ; r i « « » o r /Pacific railroad research “ ">“ V “» t

hip hnd been granled Oene "When we went back on to look Into the disease, ond and th ird mlaalom Hungerford uld the new Ueut. Jam es L. Thomi

was causing some trouble tonlo,- Tex;. n h e t« waa southern part of the atats. i t a n ^ g w here we had

I 'lfU 'n s a virus dlieiae ciaui* fore.dccept.a few buJli tem al brown itreaki in lh« We had trouble flndins _____________________ hit.* _____________

J .- - —

ig j^ ^ G ra p fr

g > « 0 l e n w r

tu rk e y s iZhuck Roasts ip

5 9 ^

»l(icedl Bacon CS? Ib. 3 9 / r

ipSislERVES iS€OOKffiS:rgSl£!S SARDINES ;;-XcCOFFEE ’ - '7 0 * ] .A lr w c y /F f t ih 1 lb> Plig. # W I

uzama ET^ »Hn. 38< , i a k : a " c L ' * ' “ ~ ? - - 4 5 ? f :



' I . - P l a i i e s — I ^ W o r k ^ o n - S c

i s t K o r e a nprm’tment program ha;

B U S U p p t l G S w K e ? r “Sl!w ^^m ^aUKQKa m . / m W - ‘ Pro’ln* faclllUes. Tl

a ?d AmtrM“lIn “ gh^J;: '

?,,S^^ca^tS? K o n g i ’anLag t^ lo io<Ui~ In one of «nd light remalir i e r of l ^ g i e a lra tU cM 01 tne

^ n * U « ..r ro n i . i lM T i.la .X “ . - ^ M L Z ? ^ 'ced a t leasl 117 Bulldlnn bulldini>yongy»ng and Ohlnnami ,n„llment will require

th® P """‘t least 8i Olhers. « r e t»o claurootns.a s the planes unloaded * cyclorama wlU be

; o f tana of bomba, lha jj,, uncoln school audlorce reported. arinklng fountains will - fr« n -B » —«nttMnT0lYf<l- it-Uie-rrKrBnhl-tJtrtJtl;-Ike were no t In yet. tiul venulallon systems willI a ir force spokesman f»ld In laralorlei. All bulldirr a s not quite as Inrge as routine maintenance wo) aaaault on Suan. blgscit ----------------------m ber aiinclt of the war. 1 > ^ n <ild 165 buildings were d c V l S l t S K C p i

FILER. May 23—M:actorles and one powrr du„1j went to Pocatere dealroyetJ In today* b r tn B h n r mB ttaes,-bu t-the 'ftlr fcrte bwk-tSrVwfitL_dUclQ»e. w l i a i _ * a ^ . . -M rrw rt-M rs.-JacS M. factories h«d produced, children are vacatlonlnor jc u and propeller- ington and Oregon,

ine. . screened by Amerl- The Rev. nnd M rs. E•cjets. slammed bombj. have relumed from vlsl;apnlm nnd machlne?iin Worth. Tei.; Clovis. N,u tlie area uiiiil iiUiliifsttr iwnorows;•ere F-8« Thunderjets. p . ----------------------IK Stars, F-51 Mustniig.v Came:* wlUi one ftum]rnldcr*. Marine Corsnlrs fd lo have been one of ttillan Meteors. Some pl- to be domeatlcnteta s many as three trips, ~ . . ~.

S r r S M * o m ,™ J i d '» t b n . G E O R G E R S (les L. Thomns, San Ah- OPTOMETBII

n h e t« waa nattm»-l«fi A niln ls c^onti h e w we had atUcked be.t * few bulldlng-tran.es. , rhen* UW > U * youble flndins anything to ' Twta FaU*

a p e J u i c e g T o J

m o n a cieg ^ 2?-Cream-SBr4

WAFFLES KT*, - iWARGARINEias""^ \ PeanuiB u ttflija j^ r- T ^ E V E I i ACE a .T « r - 2

KOOLADE sr : '

/ay Guaranteed MeaU . S . G ra d * A , ' ' W

S - .T jb .llT---------FA N CY — READY FpR TH E P A N5, FRYERS 1

C heese9f! HflL. Ib .4

> .......... . 3* m « ^ a n a w l e i r '~ :------------------ fi e ^Pounrf-Paekoge.r.™ ...-..;;..;........-.;.;; - - A

T«mp«t» _ tn o n 1 N o . »/4 C o m ..................... - I

« < r | apple sauces^ H ighw oy N o .3 M C a n '

IjB 'N«w IcoMmy Size wa15qis.N0NFAtHUI

= = w y t i i a w ^

-7.— .— r r - —.T ,


ton-Schoolg- FarmYiwth-^ Buhl Scheduled Plans for I. May 33—A summer lm- SHOSUON& May 23 ~nt program has been plan- munity dance and carnlvBulU wtio u I 'trffietaU in llnff -sftermndef<he ipamuvaIr policy oL maintaining and north .ahoihone ra m ia>g YaclUUM. The board of , Proceeds will bemet Tueaday especially te ‘ “ >“ 'd by met> summer program of lm- »ttend camp a t Payint and maintenance. ^ Date of the cojincluijo rew iring In conduit “ later. J t wt rem alnder-of high school, i n ^ e aomMschi^JjuiMii

r f f i ! 2 ? T S X S : 'also win be neeeisaiy.ta A15!LL^

^ now -lib rary-roow at~ tne Mr<.-Ajrtle^Jone«.-iiatn] school building, increasednt will require transfomi. « » ^ r e , « t lib rary room Into

orama will be Installed In _.v, „“ vk. , — ;--------oln school auditorium-. New ,5 <"*u.fountains will be Installed “ /J .

r n n i . . i .™ i d « i in n n - tm ron system* will be Installed ----- ■irlei. All buildings wlU havenalntenance work. i v n i s f a o m------ - . DRESS Eilts Reported;. May 23—Mrs. Florence / ^vent to Pocatello Wednes.brtng_her_BrK id;dau»liier.______ M ____M ' - ^ -

rt-lSrs.-3«cSr-ltanwy-KitS --------are vacationing In Wash- A

nd Oregon. i r £ » ^ V K %ev. nnd M rs. Ernest Trapp { .*» Tumed from vlslUng In F\jrt 1 ___r e r; Clovla. N. M , and t l _________

1 wiUi cne hu m p a re btUer- \More“Goi•e been one of the flrat anl- t>e domeaUcated.


Analyila Contact t«nie*\ U M -' U «-H a ln Nortb........ W - M -

■ Twta F » 0 . W ^ ^

m mBewitching

^ ^ PLAID GINi ■air, / * PRINTED Nr s o r . - - - P l t t N T E i n f .

• W l id W is i r - . C - - * - v b l v e r a y :


'A.«j^j"L/\xi.n_nj-i_rLj-.nf» ^ Bensatlonal valuu . ««n a t the price! Some w it” -------- m~~~ Z J C hala, some with cflno

'l in e petticoats, so m — 2 3 c — full-all_jMl^All-ool

~~ o^»- ^ I'i-

igiBoot Aaal. 4idepj Mow. * / ^ _________________ ________

r 2 9 > !

4 3 ^ ' - - = 1

( M e a t s ______ _

69£ mt TH E P A N . B a l ^ ’

l b . 49/ r W r : ; : 3 9 c O f cn i^ 5 < r .= J |B

12c ■» c r - : T n r —o .3 q jC a n l i p

I i * « - » . • , i r

Size-wakes M ^M JIU UC!« r ^ ® ^ : : z ^ : : Z T Z

I for DanceMay 23 ~ A com-

< and carnival will b«<hf »paiiauvahtp-Trt- tftg — ^ --------.one ram ier's Onlott eeds will be placed In used by members who amp a t Fayette Lakeste of the carnival will -IHW i. laler. .It will be held

: £ S S S i - - ~ . : A W « ; £ H J a m i E «at Tueeday nlght'a f ja ■ m m.trs. Albert O lapB .W d 3 A L . - a ^ 3 n J |lone«.-"iiatnitmtK— — -*** ^ " , i p - W J C Mrarroert’ Union m eet-' C O N C I N 7 I A T 11 eM a t 6:30 p, m. Junenes school. 8U d« aa ^ i _ 1. e shown. * Wondetful for wuh< --------------------Intt dlshea, a tk m jok

“ . I ' . x r ’s . s r s s . " ' *i-oi-tU-i>ody. — - Pngn t ann n a nriin t .


J “GoodPickin’s ’’in o\

W ^ k

taking New

ID G IN G H A M W ED N Y L O Nv t e i t b e m b e r g ~ I K H ^ ^ M'Z>


value et Some w ltb

with coats, s o m alIpal^All-ool-----------a to IS._________

_ PLAYWEARj | ^ ------------inifr’Most Exdtta8^ S ^ t i o n i n IV tw n

* and the best valu

H alte ra___ 1.Pedal

H r Pushers_...1| R j ^ ^ s h i r t * ; i

S h o rts .........1

^Bzz3l^«9rz~^ lu its . .

. Play Suits ..S

..................Choose yoor «ntir«

^ ------ '~ariectIoMComparison .'ntil pnve

■ ■ P * OUP PL A Y W E A R VAIW m ...... - . : . ; l e a d i . . : .

\ . ... i


f ^ . s n m n jH |

i W f f i l M E d 1 = 4 1

S O A A J ' i J MN 7 1 A T I 9 ~ - r

WM•tful (or wuh* ^ 9 | M, mahsi TOW ; ] - n R K r* and ehlo* j____ ^ ^

t - L E S S I - ................

’s ”in our f l

. H

EAR Iosi-Exdtinf ------ '-^Min in TownI 'te bett vdtt$$ft ^

e r s ^ . . y i ?

.........1.W " ■........1.00 I

« . ■ . ; . 5 . 9 9 ■

S u i t s . . 2 . 9 9 I t s . . . ; 1 9 9 . ..... m

w n r «nUr« p la y - ■ ' ‘ ‘ ' H

I .iW A t t f H 3 r b f w U T 7 r Z i? ^ B o n . 'M l p n v « . a » t : .. t rWEARVAIjra^:C^;::^-

‘ ?


Page 8: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

H 5 w a r 3 E v e n r Q P r e s e n te d foiIp “ Sctegl Papif f i j f SlfOSHOI^B. May 2S—Ttit BCl Bl'Jil d tu presented ihe l u t auem

program of the yeitr Tue«dB7 nfl BLK oo°i‘ -At tho high school Awa -------WUF' nrweiitga gtuJen u - b r ^------- tthpol teaehera, ' ___ .

| H L _ _ .T#)tInK.ptirt.onJhe_progrnm * TTltflui. h ertlfi-Mnry l

^ ■ ~ " P t 6 k . feixjrt on the senior snc Carol Burns nnd M nry Ixiu Pi

■ fjT f clarinet solo: pharle-i Stout, coi|il<>' letters: Evolrnn H olt. cln« «ffijJi) Miric aarm cndlo nnctNnoml ImMf J li nulc duct: £U a.C alltlna. clnsiJg £ ii ; , tory:, Alicla .Lcto, nccoydlon k

I . Eddie Ktnaey. cla.13 propnewyt^eg tfk i mu, Tocsl solo, accoaipanledBIT jil Hsvard Knowle.i: M erl Eden, (nI n J well nddress, ond M ary OuenecHR }ji;l Jack Trenkle, Eddie Klnwy. Me8 P fl Oumendia,' Mnry Lou Peck. IU I’i Culklns. Jam es Dayley. Jack MorJ p |, Allcitt U te . Jerry Hill. Curtlj We

h ; worth and Charles Stout, who pI (IlM (cntcd a skit.w U -------- ------ / iw v d t-C lT c a -.-------

P H } | for lhe progrnm, wns Introduced lu ll j Wayne HewJlt. senior class pre

Iffilj 6upU Camden 13. Meyer presentg g | awarda to M ary Dcnc^Wllltant», el:

ma OclkrlR. Leota Whitehead, che H i J«(lPrs for Junior varslly let B H awards: Oaydenn Brnwn. Olorin ZB il l . asd Mary Dene WlUismj. chei B w leader* lor «cnior varaJSy. Jei:■ m . — awarda---------- -— ..........................n M Coach Paul Ostyn presented bui i s . haU letter awards to EdcUs Klns< B fj Mert Bden. John Love. Gcorgo Mir o n -------- rittr-Jennl«-W ll*on.-T*d-Burs«H k ____ Dale WHUams, Elwln Webb aK j Melvin Fletcher; M erl Eden a

u Zddle K insey, received recogoltlj j^ L aa co-captftliM Ior basctjall and M a n ' Eden rccelvcd a certlllcate for m nTW (landing work during tour year*m \t, • ■ tperte.-...... ......................... ........||3 l! MDste Award!ag i Mualc awards wore-presentedI t i i Howard Knowles, Instructor, to Ja

et' Bate. Sharon W ilson, Shnnn ■ H Wilson, Annette Drlakel, Elear ■ H Knsvles, D iana Lete and Mnry L M | Webb, first mednl!i,H Janet Peck, MoUle Peck, HariMB Tanaka sn d Lois Strunk wiM j awarded second m edals; Nnoml I ■ I eu, Marle aarm cndln . Irene Tar ■ B ka and Mnry Lou Peck, third mtE g ? ........ ■Btoaad-EddlfrTKingeyr-fotirth rae<l^ R | ^ Etudents who had perfect ntten B ll toce records lost semester wero L; ■ 1 } rj Barney. E arl Brownlee. Ted Di B n PhlUlp Cobeaga. Richard Drm i —•>—.-k(Ur-Uail—£d£n.-^t<ilvla—ElAtch M t i Blanley Hughes. Oeorge Mem [Nil Tnnnka. JoAnn Baer. Robei

BancroJt. B etty Bollinger, Jnn illk ! Boulware. Keoln Brookbank, Ca■ j^'______Bunts; Mftrtcnp Cnrmwny, BemJte CaseHWlW ColeraidlirDlUrBffiUJ------- Driikell, DlKle-Edwards? MiI f! ,! • Qucnechea, Virginia Ouenech n iT chfUtlne OucrrtcabEtln. Bee n k i Owln. Ruby Hnll, Arlene Komn n ---------Janlee Mricpatrlclt.-Allcla-Lele, B,H l l tliri MOrr‘*. ■•»*"«> T>i»rV, Mnry \

■ ■ peck. MolUe Peck, Alice So'renj • • Margla Sweet, Irene Tanaka, Ze

II ■ • Warburton and M ary Dene VUj^t!

Dl John A.-Elison’sIII Bim'al Rites HelI H . BUHLBT, May 32—Puneral *ei I I I lce« for Jo h n A. mison were hi H t --------Tuadar^t-tlW -M nlta-IiD a-ehtffiW f ---------T Thnmp.

AffkiaUQg. Prayer a t the mortue

H I _____ fiy Mra. Mniirlnn Bnndqy. InvocI B tlon was given by S h lrli^ M. BarKB Blsbop and Mrs. Thompson, accoi

I■ I 'UMfflMnled by Mrs. Sanders; caiHi t n duets and Clifford Totman tccompftnled by Lova Tolman. siu

S l were itven -by Bishop-EphraimII UUkr and B ill Thompson paid |{ tribute, speakers werc Ellhu BeecIl l «T H»rny Wolnnp ntirf Cynit-Htmt.I t Benediction was offered by LewisH ■ . Ounrell.----.-- - • -i r Burial was made In Ihe AlnHf eeaietery. Lano CUson. son of tlf l deceaseo. gavv ttie im veslde praye

High priests of t^ e church we honorary pallbearers. Active pal

w - ..... - bearer* were Irom tha -h lgb . priesDP quorum. T hey were Frank Lc9L WUIlam B arrc lt. Joc HepworiBH Hennon Taylor, Pred-Oarttner urai Onon Sanders.U | Flowen were under directionI * the ReUef spclety. Thoae asststli■ were Mra,-Slimh W ight. Mrs. Oloil H >1111. »(ra. Estclla Hnll, Mrs. Irei ? J Udy. Mr*. Alice Ncddo, Mrs. Jui n Nedds, U rs. Sharlotte-HiicchUoI I Mn. Jennie Lee, Mrs, Nina Barre: ■I - - Mra. d o e Sanders. M rs. Ethel Colt: H Mn. Mftdw Wake. Mr*. Lana He

t e i . . . HQ»7aoiinjL,“ r . “ “ * r '* ' "IT

lit Events Related■ I I iOaiOK. May, 33 — Mn. Ml■ 1 ______Anita .1n><n«rm h«.■ I > . liter completing he r achool y.l i .. .....ftt M&rldlnn-......... . ............... .S i Mrs. Iver, Bradley. Ploche, Nl a ' Is vUiUns-her-dsi:ghttr,-Mts. Ki ■ I : Anende.U f - Ura. -t;ee 'Hammel and dilid

and Mrs. Bussell Wllkliuen and 1 I H Ploche. Nev., spent last week.I I I . , ,.TltlUi^ M r. and Mr*. Keith Amg

E ! ‘‘Z t " ^ V d c i i u n T 'C l e a r i e T B l _ _ _ S e r v i c e S p c c i o lB E K ,f.T. ,£QMgUSrB,f?HKCK-lTP_

and Clean>Op on VprlihU a: U ;;! Taaki. o m week ^ a <H h j ABly. apecJal ( e r 2 * ^ !H | l Miy -------------------I I I ' S p e c i a l i n e l u d e $ — >^ M l ...........Obeek a n d G rease Bearings.-^ --------Check‘• n d OleMi Armattjra—

OttAD A rm ature Bniahea H | COeui BoUer BnutaMB O h ^ M id Oil fVIieetoI n O t)c^ F in e O O Bpeetlaiv------

O M K I t a n i : . : - ____.

^3 f Jy t«t ^V»tTMMl{l«W«X beekA adU ile tii'iB M l'..____ _

n PACn iM BT

!venf~ M a c tim e i :ed fo r f-"""?

' 33—Tilt Bcnlor I last assembly' Tuesday after* . .m ^ KBch9ol,_A>tyds • ' W K s

.e_progrnm werei«3Uir-ilaiyj:«u ^ m ma senior ' s n c t k r • ■ ' . ■ ' i i Maa: in ry Lou Peck, -'.‘B Bes Stout, comic :olt. cla.« will;id-Nnoml Infas. 1-Iklns. clnssJils- .^accordion solo; F V i S i l ^ r ' 'prophe«»y:-Jefry —I ■ " i j '■ ccompanied tiy •Jerl Eden, Jare- •. - 'S -:ary Ouenechen. I > ■ •' '•W .• Klnwy. Marie .'-■v J I F - ' 'Lou Peck. Ella f jg '' *?;'Bcy. Jack Morris, l i t •. ' ,' ,11. Curtis Went. B l | ^ —Stout, who pre-


s Introduced by lor class prcjl-

,feyer• Wllhnms, class V

:iltchcad. cheer- 'vnn.lly letter ■

nwn. Olorin Dill :'iUlamj. cheer- ....... ...........____ ________________ 1varsJsy. Jelwr ---------— ................. ................

- — DonaJd.May. a Lo« Angele* mac:presented bow- be ued t« beat roale lte a t the gaaI EtltUe Kinsey, aay* the machine b e bnllt U oaed te. Gcorgo Mer- »ot beea winning. Then, relying .—T«d~Surg«u. Uioe.numben. Ue_said he and friIn Webb and pUylng. May aald h ii inllUl beU a:erl Eden aad each lertng w ager.-So ia r.-h e aayi

SJ,31S53 „ * * * , * ,

i 'S Pro G am blers IVM an S u re He

tw c to r,to Jan - ^08 ANOELES. CnUf., Mny 3JI w i 5?^^° ftiiJ-PTofesilonnl gamblers muy not

rlakei, Eleanor m vcntor Donald Mnyand Mnry Lou ,, ^e hoa perfected a gadget

o 1- Tl , i j »'!■ help h im make a profitStrunk were 000 grubstake"

SgiKBa-SSlfSiSSM ter«ero S r . » Las Vegas. Nev., gambling housomlec.Tcd b SJ- ‘" "-‘"rt hours last.wcek.. Richard Drts- «n<l-iiUiln-Jlatcher. The gadget l.i n small l»x with aleorge Merritt, 13-key calculator and alx mcicrs.I Baer, Roberta May says the mnchlno can detcr-.lllnger, Jnnlce mine which' sets o f numbers on aookbank, C a ro l--------------------------------- -— — —■rawny, Bemlco

Sf ™iS; ^inT T -R eturns-la Qucnechea, i i • ! t r - 1 » .Ss. Guilty V e r diet

. T o n a^ X tw i sullty Wednesday altem oon by sw T dUlrlct court Jury of selling Houoi

ary Dene WH- „|,hout a .state Uccnse. Judge Kale;______________ Lowe set 1 p. m . Saturday as thi, i -------- J-------- time for-»anw ocia«.----------—l l S O n S ^ du trlc t courl> r w r w Mondsy, The defendant _woa ar- T A Q H P l f l In M arch and reserved her

H . pies when arraigned In probate—Funeral serv- court. Later she -pleaded Innocent*“ >' * '™ Ji'Id when arraigned In district court.ta-IiD a-etw rehr---------- --------r

TgsTScfionTJrged"OifEmpire-Appeal~B 0 i5 B rH 5 7 "2 3 lifV-Thi Bots4

mpson. accom- Chamber ot Commerce todny urged ««1'* ‘ rtJon on “» Empire A ir JJnej 1 BlU Moraftall,- reqiieJttotJiB clv llneransutlcs bi^rri

Sanders;^ »anr /or renewel of Its operaUng license. ■^n,nn Tnn“,’ Chamber d irectors aent wires to

y and t'ribml urging the action, nnd

•ed bv Lewis J ®l*o reported lo th e o o n rd ^ o f dl- « by Lewis Bemesch.-OfficerIn Ul# Almo W o r ttw * P o ru ana regtenal

5?. Mn of th« cflle* of the San STaneiseo ordinance aveaJdBiir*y» ^ May 37 tos church were “ * ^ r factories In this

la-hlgb.priests “ *™- _____________e Frank Lee. .

I-Oantnw and Hatchery Output Tdi uoncr Near April Peak^ “M r ^ u i y l “ “y » (fl>-Idaho hatch-»ll Mrs. I?eno “ T production In A pril was 1,050,000 do mS : JiUlat«-H«t:hlSn:; NlnaBarrait >nent of agriculture reported today.

^ » I K - - ■n»» tecord AprU ha tch W 5 1,190:* ■ It*. Lana Hcn^ *“ >” *•Uler, Mrs. Flo,y.

Edited*'I WEEKENI— Mn. Maye , r , , i i i i i . i i


el and ^ i iy r e n l l W a a h a W e C o t t o n s . S Sizes

a. Keith Amtnde.

C l M n e y ^ ~ n o u s TS p c c i o l C risp , c o o l d r caaea f o r suCHKCK.UP co ttona a n d D rint«._ A . u p r iih u aM choose f r o m .

* 2.95 . — ...........N Y W N

Annatt>r«"r-"-~ —J i i s t - A r r iv e d 'n 'b ra n i ^txahea of love ly n y lo n b lq u sc s in

coJora a n d s ty l e s . ' s e t lo n t---------- — - «♦><

- j l o S A NI I B S M A IN I

c lim e" v s 'R o id e tte ^ ^ ------

• i t .

M Angele* tsaehlalrt, dlspUya a machine he eUlma lelte a t the gambUng Uble* ef Las Vegaa. Nev. H ay 9 bnllt U oaed t« keep iratk ot which Dumber* haTe Then. relylDg ea tbe law at averagea. he beta on M id he and friends made abont $M a a hoar while i i inllUl beU are U e a lt. lie double* th e bei a fte r So iar.- lie say*, ii has watked. (AP wirephole)Ir • * * * * *

biers May Scoff, but , lire He Can Beat WheelCnlif., Mny 32 roulette wheel are due to s ta r tmbiers muy not coming un. and.nll he hns to do la toor Donald Mny bet on thtm.ected a gadget Tho ioiesi average comings h e ’amake a prodt had with the dcvlcc was *50 nn hour.

0U14 get a *10.. gay, M«y. and he’s sure he eould do much better If he could give h is

raochlnlst hns braln-elilld a "real test."ng machine de- May walche* several tuma of aictte wheel, and w’J'fel betore he begln.i betting h lm -i take ISoO from jfif. When the bairfitops-oiva-num-jambllng house ber. hc punches a key on his tn a -ours last .week, chine and sets a computer. .

'•It woilu strictly by the law of

-SE«sy!H-;r#5g.'o??>"-TiSrlino can deter- reduces the elemcnl of cliancc by numbers on a ellmlnntlng trom consideration col-

umns nndsectlnnj tha t already have

h |1 t * T | a ---------- Mfty-r«<ird»-18-or-2ajp ln i.Q nJila .— mnchUie. and,by then, hc sjiys. ."X

V . I f know the columns and bcctfon.i th n t V hnve not hit rccenily. and I Mart to' ihtm,-Thc mnchlne keeps track

May alM uses the old -'double-up- iimin? and-Ket-even" system. doubUng hla

s l J Z beU esch time he !o, c«. 'Jaiurdav as i e «>’ ^ns Vegas Rambling halls.aturday as the i,ave not ebjeclc<l to hU roeelianlcnl

n du trlc t court haven't had ’loo much money’ to'ndant _was ar- put." *--- ------Id reserved her j „ tio.OOO grub-.

I" »'“ '''•" *>' snys. "I 8" 'g . s r ‘ ______

n irged HBondsDef^ted—* 1 REXORQ, May 2J </P>—An u n o ffl- ,

“ A P P B a l (1,5 j43»,ooo school election in d is- lifV-The Bots4' W cnn-B iirtle fea ted bj 14T votes::ce todny urged A two-tliirds mnjorlty. was neccs-inplre A ir JJnej «uy Ior anproval, Rexburg votersronsutlcs beard favored th e -to u e -b u t- ru ra l-a rs a*■eraUng llcensc. voted »8»lnst i t Tne-nraney-would

sent wires to have been' ilsed to provide a new,6 action, nnd building la Rexburg nnd repolr'n t t o Btnatcri schools >t Hibbard, Archer andIker' and Rep. Burton.

Happy ¥ThlBWWlien-Backache-

ril Peak H £ S S S s S £ Sarge*{ /o r any U««ii •ntwMJiair Ur n>iiii«ii».<t>r-D ..a -depa rlt .reported today. roTU-l»i»iKiUii>iinc,(liidB>Tt<iU«u4ei. Itch W*5 1,1S0:‘ -tw»(ht*»tl*«w.O«D«m’«PilHt(.dji»l

A rTTtJMaimt

i i t i m f A L U E S

M M ER SKIRTSCottons. Swing Styles.erns. Sizes 22-to 30 waist. I ' •

•eaaea fo r tiumnier In sViPr r ' l ^ I Tim ta . : . A .InryR aHpflinn.tn.... ,..___

rLO N B L O U SE S^fc r r r s 'b ra n d -n c w c o lJc c tio n --$ ^ % . 9 9 n blQUsea in a wide choice of

S A N A S i i ^.S3 M A IN AVlBNUi; W EST _____________

_________ ..___J___..

; ------ Seniors’Filial \I Events Listed ’


SHOSHONE. May 32-Bnccnlaii- vreate services for «ie ^5cal Wsh eschool graduating clss.« will bc held na t 8;16 pm . Sunday at the Lincoln d•chool auditorium. Tlie Rtv. Bert c -Ar-Powell. flhosbM?.and R linm id:»•JtcmMtst-inlnUitcr.-wfU -apealf^on -education and relislon. C^ j^ e r e w4IT bv I he-blBli 0school girls- trio. Howard KnoilcX T music Instructor, wiU lead the group and Naomi Ineas will be aecompan- Ut and will play the prece.«lnnaland rccesilonal. The Rev, John W. >Tu«teic3i_Shoshone,j!ulor_of_the ePlrst Baptist,church, will give the Ji Invocation and bencdlcUin. ' "n

Commencement eierclses will be E

Bc aure lo alwiyi have ade First Aid lupplicj on li.nnd. 1’.

---------------aHention-»nd-car« of « iinjury often prevents .my

1 ^ diilicully.~ § But remember ahould any t

M Net. May /V wrioui trouble develo.lu m b e n ^ T e ^ your doctor without delay-

J h e ° £ * ^ i” ^ D rugs wirii n Reputoh'i

but "Wheel p i l l l l i l P i lho3 to do la Ul I J d e e n e x 1 j

: comings h e ’a U Bo* 300 ■ Mas^S O nnhour. IB ■ Hsure he could W X A c ■ ^could give h is W O fo r O # ■ M

turns o f a H M VIS betting h im - ops-oR-a-num- -ry on his tn a - f lputerby the i . « ol B ™ . . T „ ■ «icd, --The m a - B T O I L E T ■ M^ o tT o tn i f i ie - - ■ — i- w j f a f c j — of chance by ■ T | C C | | E ■ . ■

slderatlon co l- B l I J J W C ■ ^ it already have B 1 7 c ■ ] ^7(1 .p l^ , »n M , _ W ^ I * ■ If l!D. he sjiys. ."X f f ^ , ~ B Vd bcctfon.i th n t ^.a n d I Mart to {[^■^MfT|T|TnTT1^^OT| 1 ^ne keeps track IU iM M lU ^llM lU il||pB |^I,gt#.r thnn l.hB _

lid "double-up^ ” B -------- f O c 'C o n ------ f l — B»“ i SHIHOU. I L •

his mechanical m SjoB Waxich m o n ^ ' to W j ! far

*10.000 grub-. B — M Jth e n k | | | g p B H

f^teif—(P>—An unoffl- K « n«r« DIAL Soap M l MlejKlBy-showed---- {■— wHh'purcnKJ'of—lection In d is - ■ ■ ■1 by 14T votes: ~ [ • — D ial-Shom p**—B U r r r - B Ity was neccs- V I Htexburg voters ■ « « Valoe £ J ^ W H it- ru ra l-a r s a * —B — Dal y—— B . . . B -Rianey-'would ' B ' ' . B B irovlde a new[ nnd repa ir [mllWiT||Tj]|||]TTTIi^m^^

Archer and __

hlB Day lache—

'M ‘i i IH 8 .01. <•'. 9 5 1 1 2■ 5 . - 5 9 . ^ ■ ■


= = i - B

S I Formula 20_________ L H I M C r e a m S h a m p o

" IHB 1 -^hr. o T T S

( l | . 9 9 H

' « • « ■ T I D Y s p r a y ^raKOTeBDiisHi ...............< 0

s- P i i l p l i W

--------------- I — F o c i r o # - I O — w M - ^

I"W !!P « L :M :

O P ^


. I he ld a t B:iS rm . Monday .a t tham n i ----- auditorium _JU«L_Pr,_Burl9n_iK _*•**“ * D risgs, superintendent ol the-atate . , I school at Qoodlng. will be apeaker. ,I S t P f l P'*!' Iaot.v.%-a th e procesatonal and reee.vlimal.

3—BnccAlnii- will be made by Camden B. Meyer, ' ^5cal Wsh auperlDl^ndent ol schools. He also '

will bc held WlU present th e graduating clnss for « the Lincoln diplomas a n d Leonard Daugherty, '

e Rev. Bert chairm an of Uia tward of trustees.nd R linm id--W IU ,jjiiie-lhe j r t te n u u o n j- -------i^ '- ^ iF O n - ^ T ^ y e r s wi&Tw-jfflB-brthe-HeT.- -

c . a . Shnlclee, Bhoshone Assembly I te^lhB-blRh o f.O od-eh u rch , and W, F, flttaB- ^ ird Ki^^ileX ■EonrShtshoneTLDe cKuteK.- ------

J‘'a«o'm^pan^ CLASS ENTEETAItfEDprece.wlnnal HAGEKMAN. May 23 — Mr, and fev, John W. Mr*. Roy Jolley entertained tJjB *utor ct the e igh th ,grade graduating class at a ndll give tlie jvlener and triarahmallow roast 8»ti »IcUSn:---------iinlny e ieiiliig.-^e -tea eh e T .- Mra.- *:lse« will be D an Leach.- nlso waa a guest. d

; g J S B gilwtys have adequate

y.nd-car« of « m inor-------prevents .my future 1

J T H U R S I:r ahould any Bign oftrouble develop, ace UmliOnnii’m

K-ithout delay. Fot Seller j^ ^ ^ M p h o t o t . . . n

ll a R eputoH on ,


4 WOODBH a:spirin

J■ m Laundry Aid ' Big 9Sc ViH y I S ’ D O T 'S B E A C I

— E!S®V~t ^ ' =H a i t r i s . »'r a i iS ■

C R E A M - AYTINAL2 \ i - Multiple Vitamins

— N o w W ith B l2 A d d « d !

^ % ^ B $ 1 . 0 9 M u lt ip le V ltB m Io» n - ^ B g -. lu b le j ted 'YPe ' - _ ..^ -Iw -l

a U S s t ~ '~ " 6 9 c O r l l* - A n t is e p t ic uia 2 0S h a m p o o 4 3 ,. D e o d o r . n t P o w d .T fV 2 r i!» ’5n‘£-fs;t7725!

■ 9 8 c ■ T a n n tiK « 'P o v > i< «

p g l B -JSSSi£SSSi«.l-J

30• y g e SAVE29«

0— ■■— dS [ J B . BURMA. fl^forR

-SHAVE . RiUy—^ ^ 8 — T w e-rise - lB b fe -j

fflO ._______________________________________

Meeting Planned I

. i ! f day and Snturday a t Three Creek .

s £ 5rd Dauihertv vada.Id of Sistees Mr, and Mr., ^ h n W. Jonea willtU tJonj,-------attend-the-Satunt^T *»»»«»•....... —

ionAsMmbly M ore C o m fo rf W e e rr tij

.tertalned to# JuJi"h„rtS'ui»ra i\rmn m u.« iW tMi Ing class at a Nmroft>i>ii- No BUBiinr, no n . pu9

-teaeher.- Mre.- in r rtT /i^ R g TH-enar -at «»> a guest. dniftocT- A4»»tUMn>««»t-______ ■

rffU R S D A Y , F R ID A Y , SAK o " r . r 102 M AIN AVENUTor Seller O o p e r t f f Of* W a f g r e e n ' s •

photo-finishing :

: S 0 A P i ^ 3 g

X T A P E R j S J ^

O D B U R Y H E ^

• - ( t i t f

• " ' I e a c h ' t S oBALL------BRUSH-BUy_s^,

U S9 • , ------F Jn » W lJ iM 9 v th -W iT : D - *2.89 CAUOK - R

p ic n ic JUG m t ,_ f/Hie-.ir. 0 2 i m v

' -------4 B rStays holer cold. | | £

.e iG -« .H i.. Ull. ■ V i ta m in s . , , , 5 pn-mQ ^1» 2 Addddl BJSKET ^

Ip le V lt« m lii»1 V T „ m h l » , .

♦ ’ ■ ■ • __t'i.Aiiiu,uaDiedkdDI*“7-A n tisep tic — --------- ; ■'* 9 tar Q&C S a n d w i c h B a g s• . . . . A ' " * * 1 » t poekeI3Q.now;..r a n t P o w d e r

------- Z f r S S ^ - --------- 1 2 £ - P a c k - o f - ^ lI- • • • *• ' ' Hoaeymoon Biond. WO

j i i i i j ' m

F in « Pennaaheen. R

— D Ie tln r - A id ------- B l -----------------------

n“* " ’ f i NewToi H " ^ ] i i i , y ^ W -Refill K

■ ■ o t . t o I — B B •- -

' t ........ ■ ••-•••-t--— — ^.._w

ned National Official siSTi S" To KllTariVIM 3

f ^ v BOISS. May aa M >-H . Premont tht AldetMn.NewLondoo. C onn , preil- Ne.

ft ot th« NaUonal Puneral Dlrec- Uo: ^5™ “ tors asiocUllon. wUi address the

Tam-rmiwn-piTW tarrTa^SM «i^^catUemen 4 = :

TE L E V Ironea will » * t a ▼ Ion-.... — —Televisior>-will-soon-be-in- - -j»olleg..qqd,,frechnidQnsjfi|^ *_ Train Qt hom e in yotir spore I

F O f i D E I

: - S S p h o n e 1306, 1 ____ MR. ROBl

dot'* ( d t l k . ______ ____________■a«T-at «a> [


m 2 z ^ g

.1 1 0 ' K ite2 ) ........ .... • First 7!n

— •Slip-inCtt•Briidtii

» — R itfu p T r tr f - - -■ P fa * :! -* : M a s t e r c r a f t w l h P h t ,

'J-siWr—-y33- - -i,fcomst_ _MOLESK

3 3 c Ph,.ide

2-IHI cW. 3 J 1 9 '

imblers : A ... O Ct- M e i W G i f

c h B a g s o . r t f i R * T W O C E L L I30.no* . . . i I* * F L A S H L I G H

.iS p : 'lSl"23sheen. A Super B u y l ' {Limit 2 pis.)


cial■■m m SSlsf";. Premont theinn, preil- Nedrj', hji, ■:ral Dlrec- Uonal iiw ^ . ,Idress the I

L E V I S I O N ^

yoti, spo,, Iim.


1306, TWIN FALU K!tB.AO.BJNS0N, ^ ^ - ^

P h

^ c h e n s j

mi Phenyifgni QuIn^^K:

T i lE E Z O N E l b f C o i 'i i r ^ ^ ^ B ^

t°LO? S L

Page 9: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

^ r k e t s ^ a i

"S:£s~}Ju_lb lapiart. lUiilri ch«ic« lie-tt'

------ rOBTl&•*<*■ .. 1 PORTLAND. M«7 J ± . P.ITI. m .tu inn, .

«' S j S m^ E tiH ,, itMiri cholu va in^ K » . ^ •i«l I'"'**"*’ Iloo ■•Itfcit JM: I

—I rr«‘: rb2>.lbi!‘?rcS‘.id*''i.oo"g^

•" <»«• «" food to p

■ • f l U " ’ 15; ',1‘rn’ l^ • **N r^*

S S ;Soulh«rn

K v 'f j r '^ .s r 'J ■»-;:™. ■ _----------• to n AK

B r»'lf** •** ” '• ANOKLta. Ml

K«?tm Vl'.wVl'*«'; cr 'JP f°f • I7,W-M.«j eiWn pi

> ••■- '1

I r l I s p i i s si - K i i f f s S m ;™m m W - 1** t S s H "“ VSf'un* »7U «'«•«'«M ikf. iirfo-i

r rS'rit it'* Co'"'*'’" 'ixi 1

t i p " IIF 3ij 11^ Ti«j,‘ ’i,^ r^

B * U&brHlll. ’ i

En I ' **'"f B " ill’ T«Ilf-.'^‘’ « ' t Ciiic/

H b j MJ| ,'f°d*/*‘-5J

H y mIJ W.l«5ri'rw IJ 'i m'rt7ll'’m»? }?:t:cxiii; ««I A»u> 4* n<icl>l bulil 2e.»-ZI

K | U Wai Unlra 40 r>ln< '» lan 12.MJD.

P l i E s r 'H l<4 'Ii‘i lUlNHAS

' i i a l ? « :^ K M h i Mruir I. W. • ^ ,*•"•

^ ^ = “ = '| | | Potatoes'K * — j;j‘; CHJCJCO, Miy":2*■ 1= — = r - : : ; i r - - 5';4 lloirilliblL. ” !.... -o—---------------- - .i^nrHtt -lnht; dfcn

fc^verages cStlo’ml'/ lonr

iScT s^vs ij; !ij JsL »'-a,“H:.''7i';i

I B*mo<li. iTipdiura S.<X

■Wit Falls r s S S S S p M f l S e L ^ E = H E !

bj- th# Twip A. \ F u tu :■ « « comnilulotj com- (CoMeb E. W. 1 P * j C g g ^ . e t o .p ;,

B ___I21.M lo 132 40 *------- «5.« to HJ'OO T ^■OVIIIDES

■ j r ~ — ra w to IM-so - “ ueatSasR^ c o i t e i tu ,« to 119.00 li.»i.i)id. «tf.r.d .■ : -------- --- to IJTiO u/*^V *"T '■ - ---------- top "■** '■|Slin?,'SS‘ PCm — >».00 toa UM l i t crfttrx) m

t ^ e d ,,'„ r .“ f ; * g s - £ , r i „ «K " ! ^ ‘ «yfaye«th A _ ...... ...........woo;

l i w “V* Owrge iK * !S tl :m iii -^ L

B S i ‘n ''“,‘s r ^ ' '’^ g “J>Uik. AllonicyR ore 5 o 'r ^ itT I-« iV

I Twin Falls Market

E y = S y i a

£ « a =^ --------rl:--.co!M;oo BUTTtX:

r'5i.O'-iiW - ‘ o lM i’S 'aM tSv■ BCO PC

E i^ i . t n ^ i ««i.i ■

I " ■•''■'■ ^

^ ^ ^ 2 2 . 1962

u a i u U i n ^ * * * * * « •

liivestock _ GraiI',?-. S r ^ “'’'"-vutimr «w» iM o.u.eo; iiim i>t»hi,

colWf ball* M.tMl.OO; ciIth Ih. «■, l,IJI IjU’i^U 7<; b«Uk«n U lawar: iswa UraM ■I'm.i un

------ fOBTtAKD------------------ U.u' ^ u ^ ' i / J f V - - - . * - ^ J“‘l' «°0<

bulil ii.9o-r.oo: <ii>« laub i. til . > ifiw i.iii1 cholu v«Im UJMtflO. " ^ “r ’-J 't I.H'..I ■•Itbit JM: »o*U» lU xtr: cbolct j.I.V ''"'- , .‘ tele. l.:04»,'

s; ,ri,„M.\si;".i-S: &■; >!.':,• m;-.SAN FRAKCISCO iill'i

,.’S!."S'.’iSi”.a7/™".'.: ,.?;'■ ;.;' "": S - i . s - : . , J i ;“ - " - ^ £ ■ ■ ? ? 1-' ••l4bk KO: ilM Jri tho(c« Ito-tio o tu '° ‘ *'•

1011 AKGELU----------------- B „ ------ ---------^ ''H -ANr.nLC.1. Mar M (FSMNt- M> - h

* . * ' ■ " ' • • ' “ ' ■•'■“ ■■' " . r ; v . r i “£ ,. ulibl* IMi Itw e*rlr.«Ale> lUul;: [J j‘ h .«MSl,;.;.v.a_ SM.ue th. buUbtn «JO.JI.IO; IS.“ ’iS': ,Va J II.JUI u.

DENVBK «.OC!<:'s; ‘i ’ ,i|« '”i /VER,^M.7 ( tJD -C .lll. 4«: JliVijil'M

i iS S f S ^ S - f S i E;"Sii;£|«Smock .l».r» and o Itk M.OOJI.M; KJ', " '" “ •‘-“ -‘J.

.iflv-sssriv !fe.”."'t,"i fc'ii'i. "Si> 1M.U0 IS.; «t.OMI chQlc M..

g f i f S H ! £ « r^Mtterand

Ch~i>: r„id, A In.f 4 . J,«M; »1th M: («l IM r. .Intl. diW« ((ij.iiljwith Ul. wt.Ii . rm kFti. dfrllna; Kea.; Grid. A l.rr. *8i:o*::;r

. M . : ; ; 0 .10*00.tl :»J«-3J.KI; Ulllllr .nd com. U.rln I'odr- 11 iwA M«. S1.00-14.H>i .locker. >nd cti.n,.. .Inf. T«“rd.i

It d ; 1 .1

CHICAfiO tt ^o“.''(.V*'“ ),u“.“''p,i;mt,s«m'3%;fE*S7!;'s Ei™r^ r‘ir s ^wvt.hli: olJitrwl.» ,

I ti” i'itl':9‘“ h~i[ ':i.’ '.r . .nr4. ir.BfltfttfB af«..Ty t.s -

M |S 'S ^ * A n a c o H d i i E : „;ss 1 Expansion

_ANACONDA.ll0Dt..5 t® choK :4.(»>.'j».ooi choic* hilidr AEncontlii Copcer 1J.96.J3.S0. - pany will spend J28S.O

kJinhas CITT expansion prosram, Ch u s c ^ v P' Ktlley ot tli ^ i l i^ , f ; : ; - U - i ! i ; i r r - - c w I I ilUKlor*.[old.Jtodtlioldta .^ io n - ;} ; tvB ’i.fi; n d t tu Ing an Bnuunl m>rtlnp !«■ i’h.‘n‘V60 h«d • orir-. .k«.,> AC”«!” ..I.TI .nd hlft;™ . "rc l. OOO.OM Oil the Chuqulcti3.0M; ..ty UKl. Milan: oo. project of the Chile

.1 »» . Co'"*!*® •!>«» *»I company. »«,000,000 oi nura projcct In northwi

)tatoes-Onions.---- --------- I projcct, and S27.SOO,(XIO

CHICAGO mcnti tn brai? mlllvjco, M.r :i ( irn - potato .r- Anaconda hop« lo iIt! trick ( I : tJ, 8. iWpmtntt production from 623,00'l«-ii»Vt'r'd;S'.T«'lStf ' S irt r t :in-I9Sl'-to' i;00cu»a.00(-------------------------------------------leWr-ll-fllso-hopw-lo-lI,r*i'i’. pro<lucllon 60 per ccnt,

duce IM,000,000 iwiincl. IMiM tlOO lb«,)!'Al»baina Tri. » yilir once llT !tnm .r

lupi.lla ilb«r.l. d.m.iKl /.If, -------------------

Hi CaliforniansTidelands I

umbo .’.rV t* : CiHfcrnla Y.llo. WASHINOTON. MbJ|i ''!>n° i ;’*‘ Calllomla otflclali urei

i7‘rnrtiurs.^io:"mmrr«^ TJiiman todai’ to Jlgn'tI.II to m iiuni. j.ool c rr .u i Wu oil bill to Clear up a ■'»','K'ir,a'v;i!;i k i '„t.s •“"'■■'"‘rm:-f«-4«T-ArlTOT.-y.lhTw-».r. ^ 0 * ----- - j- r---- i.— .-HRiium s.O!i.!-«i f .- I.W. They tuid In a brief

_ ,■ ■ ■ , , .White House thnt the ■ . . J • fefl«r*l ln trr« tin th re

> lt tlO a n a u n i o n n torr procimmed by i

J F u t u r e s - S ' t o S ; ™ . ™M f E. W. MeBflb«rt« ma4 prbperty rlshta.■ ^ . gifc«.P Mf . .a g a i t J > « L ^ ^ c m ift. AUi.-qp ^

KovniDES ONIONS “ ’’day. but told reportc « uSid ,"t J. . lllUB hope Ihc Preildent

ueciMiiSR O.VION8 the bill giving Callfomli^ANuT bT*OKIOM ■" * “ ■ Kin'*': ^bid. ofr.r.-t at I2.U: oo ••!■. mUe limit. The bill also

ocrosBli POTATQSS Texas and Louisiana o'U t at J«.1>; BO Ml*, the otl-rlch lands Olf thtNOVEMDltli TUBKEVS The Pr*»ldent called tl

T.au bery In dayltghl" In skid. ef(.n^ . im i IW pall*. Baturday, and Drown sn lij, ./ir ,t« ” t ;« i » M l- . man opparent:y hadn't i-------------------------- ' poslUon.

WOOL --------------------

mV?n,#7 'm*"! F B I 1

Match U H i Mar iT<.*i ,gent« held » fonner prii»M m ~8W:----- -tlve-nnd-«-ntghtehib-alnii

• N ^ n . i . ‘--------------lhe 1100,000 robbery at t — ^ ^ -----1—------ ~ Point. R. I . naval «lr »t

O-men (irresled How

a TImej aquaro rejlauri BEANS , found on Hildebrsndt wa

k 1 ------ ---------------- JI-?!!"’ . ; a* part of the loot.dMlSTeMtidv--------- " At Ihe same time. FBI>a.t<,..UB<. u Plante, J7. at West-V

UVB POULTBT ' „ i„ In connection wilh ihi

—— ---------------— ’Jl bert on » gorenunent iVSa H M te D*l«, who ring. Inen4 c w w I phSS wlch .Village night spol. w

BiranxrAT u • material wilneu. 6II , o . n „ t HUdeUjMdt imUI

--------T ^ ' - .....-;^-~

iKMi£°i"T-S’SS5 Gunfire Exch:r a l r S T s . '..'•■"•I' x o m . m a . mw"

A n.hii* .... -------------- -- Iv Troops along the PortugmA,bro» j ------------- . cammiinht ChiM-toder.

* ■ — ....- r r j ^ .?^e-K oh»;ob»n-.era_B ,— — -■---____ : z : ^ u . It u kn Uolaled jxehaoi- r ~ 7 - ------------ ------------- border pitrda and not a

t«»4. iiatHi . — ■»»«•«*« chlnMt Tedt. _______

1 1 i H ; ;'■ ■

r r r ~ j B a ttle S la t

V . . .----I^3iru. srGrain* f'®'' Sd

lh. -Ind iana 's Par«nt-T«.‘“’n o! Kim. .olhuiU.rn tor .or. Cl*tl°n. opponents of JetcV°iV.“ « •"•'‘'' ''I* ' •»*"''»r education, today pledjed «!.,. ' M.n c«r.ir.« cio.«i cut [ng canipalgn aimed a '• II.II.1 .h„i „„iii lh, »,i„nr« the wcl plank from tt

*i ck««i ni.i«, ki,(,„ Jol, J ja«« T lo tc il tj. Jleckroiu, *••1') hi««r. Ju iy r " ”>n ”f the-?nrrni-Tpnc

x r r r a s i■- --cAftrCBAnr?-------:i r t r = -Bentnirmrm or6«nifnlI ^ r> . “ ><> l>>’ lhe national urt i^5'vU(l.'.T « “• • mutlc nt a mtetlng Wed

, I- Lyim Esch, president•7 ni,n,in.ii o..itin« i.;! .« : fr»rt central coUege, will a

meeUiig,TABLS- - —........... - nej«ft TteMTuiIi;CAr.O. M.r 11 dll')— At ...

Or.. c Ic , n,“ {tn?0ft ji; ; M s\ j.st i.ssii convention here, deltgil •io> ^J51‘ ‘■e-'olullon by the 1

u r i I t i ’ 2J t \ Broup urging n poll o( U ' ship on the fcder»i aid

i« .r I'lJI; i'Jf?,' similar resoluUon siibroli1T0(; i:'!-; l;:?^ four locnl delegate.i *ss

by voice vote Monday. ’:i ‘ - ll- ' "'Ve lost the [iut

___liifi__ ______isiii__ les _ iald ,.'Jbunn., in our elforta until the I

_ i . ; i ' i _ u L _ i i i u _ i a : _ tlie PTA have acomroll 1 i.i» 1.04!, i.5» ‘aclcrmliilng ILi polfcltsV

., KANsnrcftTcRAi.s 9 Wanting Vol«'i'As cm '. u,r 21 Wj-Whc.t: A new Vork pastor-i

g"- j clared last night Amerl h.»MS',,;^;.C.a—r - i - i i ia i^ i® .cl’angeJhtlr.thinking l< i ".' -'•'a I IMHi I" i:-4S’iN. ttic future of our country i l '•>■ i.' 'TSi'Tr^®'.' P«“ lblliiy of world petciI S’o ‘i T.iiiw .M wiirt j Dr. Kortnan Vincent :

lo Ii.-cr:

utter and Eggs-M.r 22

;]^l^'|Jj,_A^I'«lf^*'-43; »i»d» A

- t — w w e r - t a k e -' V,’”m‘T V ' ' >s™' i V

aconda Eyeing Ixpansion PlansICONDA. ll0Dt..'5rliiy.22-tU.Ri=r______ ___ A i l / , | 2 r iuacondn Copcer M lntoj com- ,'*• ' ■ ■ ' u t o J will spend (28!),000,000 in tts - — ^ ^ '1 slon procram, Chairman Cor-

jr*.iold.jtodtholdersJjere.clur7.------LflauimlmteUnc.-----------------------»m ,ey said ACM ttill spend $110,- J f w ew ) on the Chuqulcnmnta sulfite « C « cy» t of the Chile KxpIoraUon p MODERN ny. »«,000,000 on Its alum l- | Mnn.So»*r irojcct In northwest Montana, • EV),000-an-thfr-¥tflngt»n, We r . . ----- ^ A ' —p|V '~" ~ "lit copper mine.? devejopment. ft 5,000 on thf freiiter Butte t, and *27 00,000 for Improve- \ J /tn bras.? mlllv * ,

conda hop« lo boo.st copper :tlon from 623,000,000 pouncl.iII -tO' l;000aa.000_ponnds.1n ■..-:r-.-.~ — : .— -rr lt-*l«)-hop«-lo-lncr»aA<i-*lno. --------------------------------

M,000,000 |wiind.?'of aluminum ^ _ TJ once ll gcu inirprojcctTOlI- —

ifornians Seek \v l /jffM delands Bill OKiHINOTON. May 22 W —•nla officials urecd President • / f n C ^ S J ^ ^ . n todaj- to sign “the Udelanar to clear up a "»ut« of con- uncertainly f tnd 'w e ll-n iB n -----------

’ sal'd IiTrbrllf'flled a t theHouse thst the-param ount D UI ln trr« tin the-'offahore-ter-......“T T . ^ . ;proclnlmed by the eupreme U Q Mdeprived CaUlcttala. .Texas . V * ' ' * ’lublana ol "security'' lh Uielf ty righti.omla AtiT.-Oen. Edmupd O . ___ ____met wliti Mr. TTuman yea- j ' . ’.v:. - .but told reporters he had . .................. , ■

ope the President would sign , ' . ./ / ■.I giving California ownership r - / / ■ erseft lands out to Uie three- ■■- - //■ •. - - - mil. The bill also would give - ' 'and Loulslani ownership of >•., / /■rich lands otf their coasta. : ~ ^ YPresident csllcd the bill “rob- ; ;I daylight" In a spetcli last - j ,...,r-„r,;, -— ■:ly, and Drown snid Mr. T ru- i .1 |>parent:y h»dn-t changed-hla | _ p ..^j- -.

"S e izes-to ------I Navy Robbery i .v -f . -

YonK, May 22 lUJCh-TBl I. . - fheld a fonner private detec- ^ [ i j. t I 1 ti:

0,000 robtery at the Quonset ' , v “v ^a. I . naval a lm u tlo n .- .......... -- --------------~ c - - r - r ^m arrested Howard. Hllde-

U, and Olorla, Dale. 90. ay while th»y were catln* a t .•s square reslaurant. Woney =,n Hildebrsndt wa* Identified .............. ■**of the loot,

;e aame time. FBI operai^M 0 « V I < l f itte, 7J. at West ■W»rwlck.-«T — - W W f l O -i Bitinectlon wim the. bold dny- - -• . -

:__Sm glaJt a gorenunent reser^'aUon. ale, who slags In a Or*«n-lage night spot, was detained Hoppei

£ _»•"! '»* »»•"-•■■■•■ - : ----- _ , -m Losts longer! Alloy-sttfire Exchanged th row ah! Handies groi 3 KONo! Mar «' W -'pe~d- ilh-W-a-S5n-hBj5Falong the Portuguese Macau- '.k t China bnnler exchatigad - -

~8 Tedt. __________________

__________ ' TIMES-NE TIMES-NEWS, T W IN P A l l S , IDA)

ttie Slated ' Rupert Groc i T T lT r - I s - E a i d e d'1 1 U . O . A i d RUPBKT, May 22-Pot n , Ume In 10 days Pood

For Schools

Ion, today pledjed a contlnu- Tl

r i v s s s . 's r .^ S S F s ?t thrPurrni-Tfncher-rrdenn'

T ? r s s “college, will address iho _ ■ i-w i

Inquest O r d e•MKrdaya-ton^ludlng-husI------------f n - P n i t n - r - :lectlng of the nsUonal PTA i l l . l V U a U i <tlon here, deltgitea rejected ffT. ANTHONY. Mny :'lutlon by the Indianapolis Inquest has been ordc«urging n poll o( the member- death o t Qeraldtne Butt1 the federal aid (jutsllon, A wa* killed in • Iwo-c:resolution siibrollted by tha Sunday momlntr, Premo

cal delegates wss Toted down MUton Hansen announce:e vote Monday H ansen said the Ingui

lost the [irjt sklnnlsb,” quested by State P itn»n said, ‘'but wj will perjlat Newman, elforts until ihe membera ofA have a cortfoUnt rolce In J a c ^ o l—Marble—CoUeelaliilng Its polfcltj." New York CUy. made U

Warning Voiced tlon In a specch a t the <en York putor-author de* slon.last night Americans m ust "Americans need to i-thelr.thlnklng Wlbelleve.in a r t of living,-’ he addedure of our country and In the O r. Peale recommeility OS world pescc, Americans lum to Chrl:kortnan Vincent Peale, pas- help.

PO W ER-TA K E^F?~|—f l new! Ju it tightaa I ^ o n e - b o l M o o ^ e h ! ^ '^

NEW IMODERN ... •M an-Sovtr )

—■ /- ■

^ ^ i i £ i O T i F Q B i ^ l z MONTH ON SEARS EA!

(U iigl coriylni

I j x r i ... tJFFII : :

^ g s j ^ S , ^ ^ T r w

>oyi(UBradley.-22-Foo ingle Chqin EleyjliM

onger! Alloy-steel weor points a r e rust>reststant h! Handles groin, eor com , bo les, bags of f«ed. i fh 'W a g o rrh t^ iT 'tr f ln S p O rt u n i t o n c l 'm o to rn i

3 : . . . . .................: :

L tS , IDAHO_______________________

rt Grocery M o ra l Deci Raided AgainT( May 22-P o r Uie lecond J - S .T % .B S c l l i C 10 days Poodland mar- — _ _ .ghway 30 Ju-it inside nu- f ' U j i i t n UllmlH was raided Tuesday I t i . t . /U .

SbSss '"

cheese. Re dlscoverM the Slew, Sort Oai. M T.W am. Wednesday - f , , « r » i decay creep «h«n.ho weht to work. tu t gure way througl ----------------------- , from th e little white ho

;st Ordered ..■Road^’atality “ Bm“ '^ s p i t4> the *iktrnONY.'Mny » t n - A n -"devll’a aide." he told P as been ordered Into Uie delegates from Uiroui Oemldlne Butler, 15, who country, 'T h e church 1 in a two-car coUlilon march suid is winning I lomlnft. Premont Coroner Y eqth Aids Chm

"Everywher< young >y State Patrolman Ben church." he said............................ ...E igh t__i-tiundred__an

commla.sloners, rtpresei Urble. Colleglats-church.. cburcb's-3sa-prcibyterles. . City, made the obseri’a* dred.s o f o ther church 0 speech a t the closing ses- here Io r th s eeneral asj

church’s suprem e govern; ans need to relearn the Anderson told fellow Int.-' he added. lans th a t th e ir church, \ :ale recommended IHiir 'tluough n dark pericS 1 tum to ChrliUanlty for e.013 membera In Uie 1»: ______________________ a net totfti o t 273,«8 In

kRS EASY PAYMENT P Ulual cariying ehorao)

i f

— : Pw 3 0 M— - HoiJi 3.

usl-reststont cleor CnhimlM il » m I.>ags of fged.Eqip.Jnd motor moijnt. — Xr ”i?i!n»!*TLlj!!!:Lj

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _

•al D ecay Car Is Dama^

S f c oJ iu rc h M eet \r o w c . - ^ - 22.iB-.A.rud. m d .i ..(n ic k .d n Y e a _ b ;^ Ickneas" bUnkets mjich of FTanklln. 3 ia Third sivet

Ufe. the moderator of the «>'l‘<l'»d «t » :3 » »Jn. Wed lan Church tn the V. 8, O'® block on Blije La) }day. vard. ev. Harrison Hay Ander- P-*"- Wednesdaj ;»ao. .told- the o p e n i n g . 8*^1 ch -j-W lh .aw iual geaatal ctjBded with a c sj. .IhaL U irjplrlluat-alduuu ^»KItS«Tff.-:3TO.M:BfiIe1l , tog" shrouds education Oachter car waa being l» t

a tlrlvf wav.____• z r “ L - 77- ---------------- ~A ear belng-tlilTen-fr«BBMW, so r t liain . Second avenue eaat bj

m l decay creeps Its slow Thometa. 262 Eighth kTe ; way through Americ* colUded with an au to c little white house on the Kemi O. Lincoln, n juta J , t

reet to the White House In The mishap occurred » town." he said In a prepirtd Wedneiday. ' ------_________________________ Btata DOllee InvMtlgat^ri;splt« the sign* on the dent a t deadman’s curve. Ide." he told Presbyterlu Filer on highway SO. a t I

trom throuBhout the Tuesday. I t Involved & 104 •T he church U on the driven by Roy W. All. Bu

id is winning thit>ugh."-- IBW Mercury driven by foq th Aids Chnreh KlsUer, Filer.L.h#r* voMnir mrn Ofllcers snid the Klstlei

rneH ‘^D res«uInB '** the

th e seneral assembly, the ' ’ supreme governing body. BEPOR'raD AWO)n told fellow Presbyter- SHOSHONE, May 33 - jhelr_cjuir_ch..whlch went Anilnu.-reported_ta_l»-AT ft dark period ot losing an air forco base In Oeo nbera In the l»30's, gained taken to Mountain Hom U o t m M i In tha mO'i. Tuesday by Sherlft E >rl <

t o d a y ”!ON THIS GREAT t

Iss-:,"' TRAIUi I / / ' / / ...........

.ONLY 10

S w -o B -o ^ » - ln - l« a i r / y !< up, no danger o t sllpi

w T / z } r —knife speed la «ftall< f f p H V ^ I l M f j l , , release can be reset , - 1 ” * t * ellmtM tes -flnlahlng

^ J f i J bU at4ndtrd t n e t o n

' P e r fo rm o n e t-P ro v i

-------\ — ONt Y=10«' ^ K e w 4-bar ylsliUnB r

, ‘ Rakes eSH-lnch « ^ t

. ‘ V . • S 'y frees trac tor for oUier 1 ! ^ — ^ together-buy :eni togi

37.00 A “ p - N T p l a n ;

Tandem Dl!

-------------P a . l J B ra d l iy h f T y J t^ iM llh-F tn ttrG rew th l--------.Aijgle ate*

jj Aba anOlable In 8-foot

4riak IMIr w r •• b«»<

P o w ir M ee k F o u n t a i n s T roet6 r> M eunt«dM— HolJ i 3.G dfent. I ™ '

TWpIe V-belt pow er d release le u Bowca-*wi

P o W ^ ^g K T d ffM


Damaged More Coppei

L t o S d eU.S. Supp]

IHvea-by-ZilwanLn. ■nr’.ni.TiinT.iii ■■ 7 i.? s wX“ .T,s p.MdTSE’s s ;

s a . ’5s!,r.£sssiWednesdaT an auto produdJon roUlng

S’tS f S ' S S S K S K S Sdrlra i-frw a-a-fw aie P S B e T ^ 's E Ip S E S rS m nue eaat by Dorothy “ *>' *•Eighth avenue east, “ le govenunent yesterdaj' i an auto driven by ^ foreto demands - parti

In. route J, Murtaugh. Chlle-for higher prh ccurred a t B:18 pm. eopper. MobllltaUon offtcla

- ------- they hope-Uili WUI caOM-InvMtlgat^ri an f<H. resm ptlon of the liow ot lan’s curve, north of l*Porti^ ray SO. a t II;45 pjtj. YesterdaylaeUonwtllcneai rolved a. 1040 Ponttao celling prices for primary W. All. Buhl, and a « >»™“ »nd ndriven by Ivan A. Uttle effect-.

. prices U. B. consumers pay, (

stop sltm before «n- Tbday’i w u the Uilrct reles ilghway. All went copper from Ui* ai

onto a county road stwkplle'for producUon pi l*a-by-tJie-llirnu-of -Th»-go?enunent - withdrew ^Ideswlplng It. Dam- ton* ■**« August and anothei ar" WM estu n iT tin tt **n^fom-B«plenibef-th»ui

cember to cover lasses cau___________ etrlkes and a decline In ImpolTTa> AWOL ---------------------- --

May 33 — Alonzo World production of electr id-ta-tW.AWOLJCOZl. estimated at iJMQJMO.OQQ.Ofl lase In Georgia, was watt houn la 19S1. Thl ntain Home alrbase States produced U per e« 'cnft E a r l Olaytoa. Russia 70 per cent________


N tw D avid Brad tay Powar T o k t^ H >

M h in dmowi ........._ 2 9 9 .j

LY 10% DOWNI Juat .one. b«H attacbea.jraver .takitPff te tr*e:(arl ^-o»-ln-^ea>-^hao-»^mlnu^««l-^^he e'a ne totrtea^ ' )ger o t slipping. Bmoottaly cuU even beavleat bay eed la «aally adjustable to meet all eondlUm. Ou u be rese t from tractor seat. U m sqntr* e 'fln lah lng o u f endil Draw-bar Utcli puU* a o f

rd traetora.

in e a -P re v a d O ovld Bredlay

DE.DELIVERY RAK ______ 3 8 ®.Y=10%“D O W N iS ^ S ^

ylsldlns reel geU more hay with lev-leaf ahatl

' g a s ;t a - . s r jir for oUier Jobs when you needitm orti pM rwoi )uy :ein together, get the best!

e m O i s c H a r r o W i 256Foot, 1 8 -In c h D iscs - U X

.Angle steel-walghl boai.--V ntlte tren-inw tBi* lie In 8-foot aise, w ith U

s r M o v r e r a A « f |r .M o u n t* d T yp* . _----------------------------- . —>lt pow er drive ror imooth openUeo,.'Bprti».trii». . so w e r cwiog clear o f obrtadee. - .^ W jg ^ ia ]» # i I I III.................I............ nil i i l l U i ^ ^ l l ^


Copper W | u Out of ' s S . Suppliestoas of oopper toda r . i s H I

eglo stockpile to keep luctlon roUlnt tffltti i lR H H coming la a t newlr J lC I I H

.efj^kee, -

yesterdaj' gave In cnandi - particularly . f l B W ror higher prlcea to r H M B llluUon officials eald 'III will caQM-“r»t)W .......t the liow ot o o p w

acUon will cnean high- “i w l S■es for primary copper f|M|;:!,]9u brass and wire but M r ^ l i

T lltUe effect*. 00 th* . - J l s l | l g insumers piy, otflclale

' the Uilrct release in a er from the atrateglo

lent - wlU?drew"^«55»------- jl|||RJst and another M.OOOplenber-thnugh-D e^--------iver losses oauaed by decline In Import*.

ucUon of electrtdty le-lM0JMfl.OOO.OQQ, itUo^---------la i» i . T hl um tad :id U per e«Bt awl

S S s i Ig t e a m i H

liowk M 9.95 I- - M l

mrMiiiilli m Hmiu U hi s y r iT M tF U * . W m

>eondlUnai. O utto>bar I m sqntra earoeza— ' . dtch puUe a o « e r-< U i

R A K E ^ J- B i

S V « 0 0 M

^ 3 0 ^ J

Page 10: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

OES Matrons' Program ToFd

For Saturda'I— pluUKtfeiOC.-

. fp rlnc meeUnc SBturduy Ln Alb of the SauUi Cenlnl .DUtrlct S iit tro c u tssoelaUoa h i t been ; Bounced. The Mulon will open « • luncheon a t 1 p. m. »nd

t - -_nrogT un-ftt 3 p. m , wULieature. -ks .weleooMub? M rt.B cul«h Pla

^M rirEaiirH oyssnrP iratrw iu-* tt)« r««poaM and-mu»lc-gui be p

------ MTlt«HJ7-MPr-lE«-0chu*j>b*ok.-Jpert, aololit. and a guanet. Dole Outlercz. Lily Pocu. OeNeal Hich and Caiole Turner, all Declo. ^ KftUiertne Bryan U dlreclor of

iM 'j _ quartet.ffl ' l.<kPrlel Beaman, Declo, wfll gW i j --------» -w x i in e and KimMlnt art/>-iSi ,1' Janice Brewerton and Uarla h

} | Aahcr. both Albion, are plann hWHi U ra. Schucpback abo will'Rive w] ; ]’ reading, A memorial wrvlce will ® f l - - wnducWd by Mrs. Morgsn.|ijl I ■ Officers of the dlJtrlct assoclatml !'i are Mrs. Edith Morgan. Paul, pr( IjK i I dent? Mrs. Florente Cnlg. Ooi iBl (I Ins. vice president, and Mr». Tiosi m K iii— M arsh. Paul. *ecreiMy-lr«a»urer. B f l l M n . Jack Snider. worUiy niuli

l i —Chadbum. proBram ehtlrman: M

■ n o J . H . Mahoney, luncheon, and M BlM> Emmett CrysUI. lavorg.■ W l Fo5i mntrona of the Order

te m —S ta r— will—attend—fn ■ S ' HaBerman. HaUey. Shoshone, Wt ■ n i deil. Ooodlne, Jenm f. Suhl,.PU ■ n Holllater. Twin FalU, Rupert. Bv m r ley and AlM^o. ^ ^

W M ethod i stljroup H H olds Ceremonv P A f First SessioiRpIIi! b h o s h o n e . ' May 33-lolUaU' aB';:. eeremonlea were held for memb« 9 9 | of th e young marrtrd couples FI

m g M club of the Methodlit chur » , ftt the f ln t meeUng of the sea»SI t:‘ Saturday n lgh l a t (he lOOF haU. D Fi Club executives were In chargeUS!l< the inlUatlon. Officers are Mr. ai f l lc t jora. Oeorge Young, pilots; Mr. ai U t M n. Bill K em er. co-plloU, or Tl

preaJdents; Mr. and Mn. Paul Od ^ 9 ham . navlgntors. or secretaries; ^ n and Mrs. Ray Oyer, Ull gunners I n treaaurers; Mr. and Mrs. F ^ d Rol H j chaplain.^, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo

a rd Daugherty, airline hoet«8>et. i H i ' O ther members of the club d R f l . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kemer. Mr, a:n | P -------rMn7TeUbcrtr:Kem«rr-Mrr«wl-Mj U l Robert Cheney and Mr. and M B IL Clayton Peugh.{ n i l T h e tables and chairs are setM f f repreafnt the ahape c t a plane a HW >'cxvwueJ foT utHiiatlot^trf I f l l are covered by dues collected t |1 | Ucketa.

M r. and Mra. Floyd Henry, al I I) ' members of tho club, will move ■ _ . Arizona June 1, It was announci n ' -----ljt«lre*tuncnLs--were-Mtvcd-tiy-t

H Itu T h e next meeUn; will be a fompicnic lu the^lty^rk^JuDB 3J.

m ^^^B irthdoy '-F eted 'HEYDtm N. May J2-Mrs- O'

-I C roft enUirtalnca Ior her daui. ^ . i te r. Janet, on her ninth hlrthctp t - anBlTersary Saturday. The guests il l l l l j __ tended the mallne«.-.BUh«_PurU i l l theate r tjefore returning to I■ II I Croft .home for gmnts and rcJrc?B l i l m ents. Mrs. CrotC was aulitedl i l Hr*. Reuben Weber.I n l * •* ¥I H I CBABIVARI FVTES COUPLEI f n i ” ■ aj^Hft -afl iTMri ,Ff*ff-------"KrM gUiTt a were honored-a»-en^>l

fashioned, charivari by a group

| R | refreshmentf we| | | | ! M rred by the'M eth'vena.'

m M orion A^ortin Hr T ’oTfefri

mil__________________I i_________

I_R9093lW' I<t-w

1^: tyin^M inM ii.

lli :- T b a moat flattotng collar o( tUW i' ' caUM I t frsm ei your fae«-2ooki H i I z- - p n t \9 MTOM th« Ubtit Fatten ■ I Bborter la walstr fuller to fit ]■ I B - . fifu res v l th no alteration proble H l l " Sa ir 'C X tnake .'■ ■ . P a tte m BMU: .Half alxM 1 — ' ' U a . 19H. S0H. B H . UH. 1 M l —— r.-na>U i««-4K -raidi of ai*lDCh fat ■ n . - ; 7 U « ea>r*to-UM pattern gives i n fact f i t Cdnptet«..UlU5tral«d . ■ a - . c h a r t ahow nrou w err atm . ,IN I ---------v-0B pd‘«UrtF>OW<MDltlnc«dDfl fl|' ■ y i - M t t a m to g

■ P.O . k e w T ’d u S t o 16. n iP I

I —

iI j ' ■ " -T r


l-rons' ' B r id e - E le t t •

^ r l r d ~aturdaylaaofttf^oc..tli(i turday Ln Albion ml .District Past

h u been u « n will open with p. m, and the . wULieature. tha .Beulah Pierce,

nrnrairwui-giTe u«lc.vm be pre- 9chue7baok.-»u^ guanet. Dolcra

. OeNeal Rlchlns ^ ^, all Declo. Mrt.I dlreclor o( the ■.‘y.

Declo, wfll gire '~ r '~ 4 'tnhllnt art/i by ..and Maria Mae V - W B / M « j fn. are planned, ■ . |EK i j»lso will'Rive a .. v—>1 service will be DIXIE L rE BAIIEZ'Morgsn. . (BUff engraving)

strict association * * * *gan. Paul, presl* , , , , , _ _

Wedding Day Set -£S“Sm -By^Dixie^'BoileyIliSronn'Chairman; Mrs. Twin Palla, announce the approneh-

cheon and Mrt *"8 marrlaRe of the ir daughter. Dixieyor, ' - ' Lee. to Edward Nell.ien, eon o( Mr,

the Order of »"d Mrs. B ert Nellsen, Filer.I—altend—from Tho- couple plmis to bc-Bmrrlcd.Shoshone Wen* •luly 16 In the Idnho Pal&i LDSTie. Ouhll.nifr, temfile.J, Rupert. Bur- The bride-elect attended Flier

Ktiools and Tw in Palls high school_ • _________ and has been active In the Filer

i r \ ‘ branch 'of Uie LDS church, HerO l U U p llance, a g raduate of Filer high

remony S"'' “ """Shower Is Held

For Mrs. Braunb h o s h o n e . Mny 23-Mrs. Her-

L tfvlS- Braun was honored at a pink blue anoTfcr a t- th e home'of

■ Mrs. Adolph Braun. Out-of-towntSd *•” '5 Mr.n. Wesley Mella.

, niin.; Am Owdlng; Mrs. Herrnati Schroedcr,Mrs p iiil o iii . Arnold Schrocdcr and Mrt.secretaries- Mr Buhl; Mm. Dela Ul??imne'rs“ ; Po‘thast. Tw in Falls, and Mr*. Urs. pyed Kohl, Lawrence R anda, Shoshone,tnd Mrs. Leon- Mrs. Irvin Brnun wns In charRCne hoetesses. of making th e favors nnd hoste.ises f the club are were Mrs, Adolph Brnun, Mrs. Dcn- Cemer, Mr, and nie Everett nnd Mrs. E.'A. Brnun.•r-MfrWl-Ml*. --------- - -

. r : T : i C are of Yoof a plane and ,v i / - nlen-oJ-ihe-elub — ,---------- r---------------- Byt_ANGBea collected as I r " ---------------------------------

There la magle In counting 10 be- lyd Henry, also fore speaking. I f 10 Isn’t enough b, will move to tojive you tim e to think calmly and was announced. ncVsnnely, count aome more. One Is -»etved-by-llie «c!derm-«orry-f<.f-wIint-he-dld-notr ' I,; V . II often j a d nbout sometlilnswill be a family ih ,t dipped oUt when he waa iiot rk June 3J, under control.

* I t is not wise to allow had tem--'"Feted--

23—Mrs. Olen high levels of IntelUttence, If allow- for her daujh- ed to do the ir uork . Thc mind must ninth birthday have th a t HtUe inatant of time to

y. The guests at- overcome th e older, lower group of >--Bt_(.h«_Purlet b«ln cella- th a t know-IIUI^^bout ;umlng lo the the 'h lghenn len igcnce that orders Its and refrenh- calm, strong control and pence, was aulited by Count 10, count It ngnln, before

speaking under th e pressure of 4i\- ¥ ger. Anger Is polaon lo mind and

re s COUPLE body. I t destroys him who harbors4ft-aflir-Mri,-p.- 3tr--V":—.---.r--— rr------r-—= —iored-«fr-aa:«Id- —It—ta—n«v«r- am art to say th r by a group of smartest thintc th a t rises to your danrJnir were tonffue. Hold It. The clever tavlnit.

sahments wue P i r m iu il le to ii .- Uie-gliarp watd-ot- ren*.' ridicule. I« a two-edged sword. I t

TTOonda th e ^ o n o —who tue* I f by y(/>«4.tr% bringing h a te upon him while It r ^ l U l l l l l wounds the senaltlve mind of the~ ------------= ■flnw t^trilt«s=B«tw»^t=th*=othef-r n feUow have the la st word and go

off happy th a n to let your worst self oul In m eanness. That'for your

I *1 ahouid le t hlns get away with----------- ---- ttiit-atutl? S tan d Jlk» a aSnny and

‘--laka It? N ot me. I 'll give him as -------------------gsaa'W h6'*«hd< ana beiter.” ' '

1 i W y n e c i o c K A f f p o a /

film y J. I i _ p r in t—f

I M s h e e r

w b in tm a rt half size /

^ f ig u re flattery ^

d S - * 9 9 5 ' :

J collar o( aU be- ny en d i p . . .(aihlontdf o rf la tr .ry e n d d « lg r> « J»

tull«r to fit your fh th« h a lf llz a flgurt wllhout > eratioa problenai _ o!i«ro!lMi. Birtton ffOnt with | ^ f alxM 14H, 0 g roeafully flarad lUrt. j^ IiW U rSt • I• UlU5’tn l«d Kww yatep . , m i l In c tfu forj U a i a | r t t t ^ ■ - r r a r

gsaewim. . J w n

Elett • Former Leaders g g a W -Feted-atM eeting_

Of OES C hapterBURLEY, May Z 3-Past matrons

aod past patrons n ight was ob.ierved by Evergreen chapter No, 40. Order

Ttf-EMKfii -s ia r ,-n t- tlte - n iettlng Monday evening n t the lO O P hall.

Orand officers Introduced were A. K. Clayton, worthy, grand patron; Hope Clemons, grand organist; Genevieve echodde, grand Esther, and Clara Miuu>ey"nnd'M arjorie ■Klink. B iaaitnprneM aU vea.' poru. Clouier, worthy matron of Cosmo- pSIEn'(:hapt«rNijr3«r<w»il»».--was

east, o ther vteltora were Marion™ McEntlre and Je.'islc Edgiir. Lake.

. "■ view chopter No. 71. AmericanFnlls; Dorothy Frohm, R ulh chap-

r : • . ter No. 3. PocntcUo, nnd M yrtle Tuf.------- —j , ner, OoamopoJltan-c/!«pt«r JJo. 3j;. _ _ i i i__ _ Ooodlng. '_____________________ _

3 ” *" t y Gertrude Peckhardt. presiding

- J tronsan^pMl pntron.i. Elcnnor Ras.BAIIET muMcn, rcpre.scnllnK the P a s t Ma.avlng) . irons ae.*oclBtlon, p resen ted .. thetl A chapter with n^ tablecloth.

^ Following the tnecllnK, n programC a f Blven by the ofdccrs o l ITio

/ u y J C t chapter In honor of post mntrons andpatron.v. Thc Uicmcwoa "School

^ 'D O I l e y ■Diyr'~W67tIiy‘ *r.Iiilroh-—acrtJUilft- PrcWiarrtt ua-i llie Icacticr; Worthy -Patn3m,tncS-Crmichr thr-prlnclpal.- Past matrons nnd pnst pa trons were

daughter, p w e vWUfiR niumnl. School girls an- proprlaiely nlllrcd In short dresses,

en, ii)cr. „,i,i „nKicW. werei f D ^i-S abln.'M nrlcn-C lnytonr Ere-

nno ta io i ,uo Parsons, Eunice Bates. Emma11 ICnodle, jfaWc LoU. M.iurlce Oro-

attended Flier hwkcy, Edwlnn Dunbar. Edith»lls high school Wright. Mlnrtetl* Pullman, Haielle•e In the Filer Hobwa and. Dorothy.,0'Bryiu?._____\ f w w tvhfh S*"** “n<* recllatlon-1 w ere givenrnvJ^ n ^ “ hoo! glrl.1 ond th e y were■toyed in Twin historical fac ts . Plv«

of lhe glrb prokcnted past matrons- * — ---------and-patrons w ith glfta fro m theL J _ | J worthy mntron. A nuarte t. Maryn t i l U Lou Mnnn, Jeanette Schwntgler,

15 Beulah CroucH' dnd Doris Babin5. b r a u n emi in honor of the niumnl.

„ „ Following th r school sesKlon. Mar-s^ M rs . Her- jg^e Kllnk showed slides of the

V * . InlemnUonal Enstem S tar temple- «>« Of in Wa-ihlngtan, D. C , whleh she and

w Mr, Kllnk visited rccenlly. Bcfresh-•Wesley Mells. ^^rved by Beulah

nat^ScnroMCT, crouch, chairman: Mock Crouch.'I V HunllnRlon. Emmn Knodle.ahl, Mw. Dela ^srla Lowe, Mary Lou M ann and,11s, and Mr*, ju^y Hanrel. Ccnterplcces o f tuliwoshone. decorated the tables and tli« themewns In charge of school dnys wn.s fcnturcd.

s nnd hoste,ues if. h.•nun, Mrs. Den- Thc rhr>-jnnthcmum probably hasf. E.'A. Brnun. been known'for 2.000 yenrs.

of Your C h ild ren___ Ry ANIGELQ PATR|_____________________

counting 10 be- If you do you will be like him0 Isn’t enough whom you would despise. Is that link cslmly and a good Idea? Love Is w h at makes ne mor^One Is people Iovt\ble. T o 'be loved one

bout somelliing word here, n selfish action (here, len he was iio t a personal rem ark tha t cnrrles a

barb. Is la scniter hate a n d hate allow had tem- bllshW the spirit of the h a te r and iwillgimr«,jiitoi- :tha-4i>tad.:.JrapOTite-gently-lf yaa.,1 hold them to speak at all, c an ’e every word be- gence. If allow- fore yo\i let It fall." was spoken by Thc mind musi a wise old poet who knew well whai tant of time to he vng talking nbout,lower group of ^o day passes wllhout lla Irrl-

'? » ! i«i» iauaa'<.zre£_Jub:_tajncl.-odi’.’5_rn«L nee that orders ,tig# j n j rub ours. Temper •ol and pence, nse, and the sharp ward.s press to : again, “' ‘ore our .longues. T hen wc co u n t ten. pressure of an- jhen we keep silent and pray for n to mind and to be living. m who harbors ^e a M ilquetoast?” Non-

je n sft'T ^ -lt-a -iiff'see -w n iif i tMt

; rfsej to your p,f ^nlmly and hold control ° >'®“rself. No weakling cnn do

dged sword. I t Loy* , , greatest force ‘on “ 0 . “’“ earth, n overcomes fear and de-hlm while It ^ j t ^

•■'21 Me. And don’t forget 19 TOiint 10 r m i n i « « l h n r . « w - ----------- --

let your worst — ----------. Thai'for your 1K j£f» I wp ■ r.ooH »>oo% of w r tkWi- T — a a n v - t u s a 'a t a s j ; a a aget «W»? with l,(o™,Uon. Dr. P .trl .ic liln . tl« «lo, fa a nJ/inj, and jj, To, obuj. ,

V ^ ^ /

ilmy .m n t—le e r

J f size I I ’WWHa[i \flattery \ \ {


gurt wllhout>n fiont wilh ^

on novy16H10 UWr --------

•S * * ''C E IIO C ~ m a i n AVE. W K T — PHONE 2860

I'l |. . ' ‘

. Calen”d ^ r nMeeting. I . —I _OLENNB PERHY - Cardo club ^napTer wm meet Prld»y with Mrs, Clara

-P ast matrons Caae as hostess, •

J*No“ ^O^O^dtt Women of’ ilie* M6o« will Jiold , i-th<^-Tnettlng- -lonnaLlnlUaUoa.cerexaijnlfs a t_ 8 J lhe lO O P hall. P-m- Prlday m the M ^ hall. 1

^ n d ^ vaU m - The Bultl Highway Kensington ; ,nri o r e ^ : club *111 meet at 7 ?. m. ,Friday , T a n d Esther, lhe home of Mr., George W att. 1

^ U v e ^ ^ D o n i Swaimjllght for T*;m Falla stake ; ^ of C < ^ ^ ^Befwve Otrts win b e '^ I d a tn ;3 T -• 5??h2«ltagr.WM p. m. Prlday in the 1^ 3 stake lab- :?taie<t4n-ih9 imadfi...A_.fl(ince,.wlli .follow the ,

wire ■prWfrainr-Bor'Scmits- and-parenU r •,Edgar, Lake- of Beehive GlrLi ore Invited to a t-

71. American **nd.

?d M y r t l e ^ f l Dan McCook circle. No. 3, Ladies hiiot«r H o 31' of the Orand Army of the Repub-

Ue. will hold a memorial service a t .

imrrt tecosla?’ churchr*The Rev. C. H-. t-i-nnnrR n. Yadon Will be In charge of the

worahip. Member, of other patrioticp“ . ' . S S U, atU nd.

nr«<rT.« HAOERMAN-A public breakfast -will - « «rv*d-by-lhe Methodist

matron! Woman’s Society of ChrlsUan Scrv- m r« A«” l c h ^ »« ffom ’ ‘0 “• >"• 28 In the ohureh.-11-was..annDuncCd. Bt_the, nrt?f.r W?rthv last W6C3 meeting. Officers will

Jchool girls an- . , ^ , ,ankicur ’e M is s Tanaka Is

-Chapter-header.M.iurJce Oro- SHOSHONE, May 23 -lrene T an -

■unbar. Edith aka was elected president 6 f theUman, Haielle high school PHA club a t a specialO’Biyiu?,_____meeting In the home economicsins w ere slven rooms Tuesday momlng.md th e v wem Other officerfc are Ruby HaU,cal fac ts . Plve prtsfdent; Dina Lequerica,I nast m itroM treasurer; Vivian Moore, seeretjiry;ifta fro m thJ S t r ^ .fluartet Marr parllamenlarlBn; Naomi Ineofl, hls-e ^ hw nealer torlan; Marsha Adkins, song Jeoder.

Doris Babin >‘" ‘1 Brondcn, chap tc rniumnl mother.I sewlon. Mar- M” . Colette Farrar Is teachcr nd-slides of the ^**or fof sroup, Oall Brnndcn

5 S tar temple <» retirins presldenl and Mrs. How-w h lchsheand ard Knowles, retiring c h a p t e r■nily. Refresh- mother. „ „ „I by Beulah . V . ,S',;!; S S : Bridge Playedou M ann and BUBLEY. May 32 — Mrs. B, L.jlcces o f tulips Pence was hostess a t a dessertand tli« theme bridge parly for membefa o f thenturcd. Bon Heur Bridge club. Mr*. LenaV Taylor won high score for th e clubn probably has and Mrs. a W, Tnylor. h igh forI years. guests, Mra. A, H. Clayton also was

I The club meets sgalu May -30 a t the home oI^Mrj^O.^H, Toolson.

___________ ____________ E n t e r i o i n--------------------' BURLEY. May 22- T l ie Jay-C -1 bo like him Etlea enterUlned Jaycees 6 a tu r-splse. Is that day wilh a potluck dinner a t thes w h at makes lOOF hall, Mrs, CIU Llewellyn andloved one murt Mrs. Alvln Neftger were In charfrei( !^ ii t-* -h a ra ; of—arrangemcnU. Six cootesta n to.

action (here, fo r the "MIm Burley” contest,that cnrrles a sponiorrt annually by the Jaycees.late a n d hate were present. Following dinnerthe h a te r and dancing w u featured.gent ly - l f yaa. ’-----------------------------------------■very word be- Failure of the 1845 potato crop Inwas spoken by Ireland stlmulsted heavy InunlRra-inew well whai lion to the United Stales from th a tt, country. Ithout ila Irrl-!mcl.-odi'.’5_rn«L ------------- ■ 11 =ours. Temper

ward.s prc.>a to .Bc co u n l ten,

and pray for

etoast?” Non-

L’SSuS- - — Y rid hold coniwl I t f / likllng can do ^ M I M

lest force "on ' 2 ^ 1 , ^ ~ W ~ n

r . s i s w l i U / * '

g j S g S — ^.........................

LsiaUnn.OalH.ir ______ _________________ t g

^ MV /P w --- / / ffi®M l / f u l ■ /fcM

— J m f ^ S W "

F l ■; 4 ^ W

---------- Ar-S/W fl-PfoW -sH pover-fop:;| n | B ^ with Shopts to m a t c h .......

M ^ E 3 B - B- Sonfprized vo t-dye d D e ni

. ____Jocket

' C . The C atalina S w im '.S ^ it

... D. Terry Ja ck c t a r u&e os-6<

s . J e rry S h o r ts .............. .. ......... T e rry .H a lte r .......................

. SP O R T SW E A R . .

.V B .-W €S T --------------------------- r --------------------------



— Recitals PlannedFojlMhV_Series_ I

S S ™ By Music P I p ls jMra. TeaU Bellini, pianist a n d !

musle Instructor, will present sev- e will ^old eral students thi* week-end In th e | i«n)f»_<‘t_ 8 OM l_U ir«_ifcltalj_pHhe_«prU ia.s« haU. aeries. {

Barbara Jo Winter, will be fea- 'Kensington tured Jn a prtgmm m m. m - 'm .,Friday day In the BelUnl iludlo. She wlU I

eorge W att, be assisted by Ross Hiller, flutist, >- . and Ross.. AiriDgi£n._acco[npanlii^ J

Falla stake (or two-piano numbers. 1Wd a tn iS T -"- A two^ianrfrieclUJ a t.« --jc^ja. JI stake tab- Sunday will be presented by N an Ifollow thc Soden, Mary Sue Slmmoni, Pau l I

;n d -p « « h u r -eK ck^na-A m niw nr Aw m u ir a r - 4ulled to a t- tis t will be Mr*. i:tali Long, mezio- I

soprano.The final recital of the series w in !

0. 3, Ind ies b f given by Miss soden and Arrlng- 1 the Repub- ton a t B p. m, Monday, lh e publio1 service a t invited lo 'ittenB:--- ---------------- '

Rev. C. H. denta were presenUd by Mr.. BeUlnl | rge o f the in a recllnl Sunday afternoon. Par* ) ier patriotic Uclpating were Danny Hartley. K y- 1 to a ttend , lecne Thompson, J o h n Affleck,

Myma Rae Wills, Marcia Measmiui, lc b reakfast Linda H ogg a n . Buddy Small,

Methodist SUphan Hoggan. Qordon Nielson, IsUan Serv- Anne Clark and Miriam Breckcn- ay 28 In the ridge.iCCd.Bt_lhe, _junlnr_iroun.puplU-parUdpaUn« _ Ifficers will in • the Monday evening program . n folfowlog were Joan Hunt. BererJf Hansen,

'S isan RoberI«>n,'OiylI4-BlBUn£)Mr 1 Maren Paynter, Lorlta Black, Q ail •

_ l _ MUes. Anne Shirley, Ann Hof. Maryl■J li> Jo Fox. Stephanie Oowan, SaUy

I Bne Peterson and MLw Winters.;eader ----- in f - .----------in” !™; Women's League , “™'mS Holds Breakfast :

BURLEY, M ay '»—The CathoUo 1 Ruby RaU, women's league sponsored a M ay 1

Lequerlca, breakfast Sunday mooifng *t Ute ‘.se c re ta ry ; parish hall honoring lhe Knlor h igh (xJis Strunk . Khool graduates ef lh* parish, th e ir £Iheafl, h is- parcnU and claw advisers. I

song leader. Honored guests were Mr. and M rs. cn, ch ap tc r -Homan-Trojs. Mr,imd-Mr». O . R . J

Reardon. Mr. and Mrs, R. M ahar. Jteachcr nd- Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Rowlan, Dr. and ‘ 111 B rnndcn Mrs, John Davis and Kathryn Davla. { Mrs. How- Dan Reordon, Dee Kelcher. Je rry I c h a p l e r and Jim Rowlan tnd Dale Bauer. J

grnduate.^ {About SO other guests attended, '

dfcorated w ith ' y c C J : bouquets of orchid and white lUacs.Mrs. B, L. Place card, of shells marked each '

a dessert place. "wfa o f the • * f

“'ih.“ S Talk Featured :r. h igh for BURLEY,Mny23-’rheHomc im - on also was provcment club meeting i l the home < ___________ j>L-Mrs..EdlLi_Larsea.Tfa4-alt«ndcd .M a y -30 a t by 'M fir'M afjarif Ollieapl*, home ,

, Toolson. dcmoastrntlon agent, who talked on , ‘•New Methods ot Dry Cleaning,” ,

n- - -Roil-CTU-waa-answertd-wlth-kltchca

________ hmt.s,_. . .. , . _riie Jay -C - Following reiresiunenls, piatB were j ces B atur- dLscussed for the ne« meeting which j mer a t the wlU be held June 13, jiwellyn and j----------- - 1

— 0 ^ - H o u s e — -'s’ nLBR. May 23-Mrs. S a rah ,

Wygal.' 103-ycar.old Flier resl- ing d inne r be honored at an open

_____________ house. Mpnday at _ he home of_ .tato crop iny ^immigra- 3 (a 4 p.m. ,


i i

^Ipover iofr.-:r.:z...:......... .........®( m a tc h .......................................... 3,95

t-d y ed Denims.•:T:98= :-p r dQrpirsK>!?f- :: ■— j -:nn --------..................................... ............ - ___.'4.98

Swim .s^ it ........:9,95 “

or U ie os-Beoch Robe.............;_.7.95

.............. ............................................3.95............:....... .........


1' .............'= = = ~ - i ------------—^ ________ ^I V ■ ' ■■■ ■ .

. ..J


nned Engaged , U

planish'and present sev- k-end In theLm e_.prU ut. ^

< m. F ri- fdio. She WlU dueIlUer, nuust, [ • ; * * . iT i.accftnponiiit

nted by N an tnolunoni. Pau l bdAB BUiig-a r— cbl

mezzo- cm

Jie series w in P cla:land Arrlng- yy ■. ■ J T T ^ r ^ .g ^ golr. The publio > 1 ^

y M ^ B e m o r f ' “bIvtemoon. Par* f . . faS K llc l t n ; leyHartley, K y- guiRLEY MAE BERKENMEIER

. . . whose ennienient la Sgt

am Breckcn- ? “„ ” j W nerkenmeler. H«ellon. „® Tbe’ wedding I. pUnned lor lhe

.parUdpaUn« rm ort. (Sialf enira tla il_______

■erJf Hansen,.'"■iS”S M other Nominee ’

Presented Scroll S. -------At-Spring-Party S

) n n i HAILEY. May a-M em bers of■ U y U tS Civic club held Uielr annual ■

lakfost ;rtSa‘" : ‘. i r s . sTh# CathoUo afternoort. M», Floyd Wilson -pre-jored a Mny sided and Mrs. Joseph W.Fuld actedmlng t t Uus as mistress of ceremonies. Joan 1leK nlorh lgh Cooper, accompanied by Joanne hai■ parish, th e ir Beymour. sang and Mary Emm boiJ n . Nicholson gave a pantomime danc*. rleMr and Mr*. Honored guest was Mrs. WllUam thid-Mr*. O R . Buhler, the club’s mother of the Wlt R. M ahor. year, who wos presented a scroll to«lan Dr. and « n t by Mrs- LorenK) Hanwn, state hoathrro Davla president, and a life membership In —e E Jem ^ lhe Mother's -association. QuestsDale B a u u ’fere Mrr. Joe AstorqUla, Mr.- GrantDale Bauer, g o^bum. Mrs. E. E.

..(-nri-rt Brlncgar. Mrs, Robert StnilhersM u^ th ■‘nd Mrs! Frederick Povcy,

I „h lf- ],i,c8 Annual rcporis were given and officers were Inslalled hy Mrs,marked each

I president; Mrs. Floyd Wilson, first, vice pre.sldcnt: Mrs. Paul Eberly,

'U r P n sccond vice president, aftd Mrs.Lena Hnrrls, sccrcUnry-trcasurer,

he Home im - v^ji^on and Mrj. u n Cope-g at the home honored for perlecl at-

teDdance:rA)K>-h«norcd-were--Mri- —I Harris and Beatrice Friedman,

tho Ulked on membej-s of the charter orgonlra-~ i-1th v "*hr'n

‘ STpIaraVftft- m eeting ' c7™ e'’dub*^i?ilf^ neeUng which Moy 20 a t the home of Mrs, Janies

McCoy.------------------1 * * *

3use____ Eete_BriderEiect_ _Mr, Karnfc SHOSIIONE. May 22-ElU CalltT w . r ^ .1 Ins woa honored a t a bridal shower

I . t .n Saturday afternoon a t the ho;ne ofL. hrn,«‘ n^ Clnrcnce Gehrig. Mrs, Leonard

- Daugherty waa co-ho*l«M, Mit. Ray -■Waiw)trwBB-ln-«hBrB*.«t-Bamia--

#1)1 be from Calklna, daughter of itr, andMrs. A. D. Calkins. Goodlnn. is a

-> senior * t Shoslione high school __

^ = —FalWft-are-ot}en-til 9D,m. Frida

it 's all

— — = i i e v ^---------A-htand:

“ * # '7 ® ' . 'famed e. — -----------------sefriU-tl__ _____________________

/ '«** ,1 ' ' ” )___ !__________

\w l 7 .1

\ C . ........ ......... I f l | :

...............i ■ ' \"3jSi

% GIB-------- ---------------- ________nn8 ,j:Jo t;ft.aiy iic» t

"■4.98 wn. _.=. .< . uei..r..uTnitii,i, I, u »ii.«MM»

:9 ,9 5 -------------------- *KTBR-Ui.-.il .„w ,w ^

„ 7 .9 5 . . - - - - - E N '

..3 .9 5 Catalina i

.-.1.95 - - “MiBS-Universe”

= = = f i ! f f c * 8 v r . y o u r F o g f tio n S f o r p ;

KO -

U. p . Old Timers An A uxiliary inT.F, f

—Holds-FrrsTMeer SEt i - V 3 T he newly-organtod auxiliary of ed a

the U nion PacUlo Old Timet* club Sund: No. S l beld lU first meeting Mon- Mn day in the Idaho Power, audltbrlum. the c

35iraerved the Union Pacifle railroad Ilr>i for ao yeara or more are eUgible, !«or

U rs. J. B. vSlade, prealdent, eon- der 1 dueled the bualnesa meeUng. Mn, Reiu, E. D . Byrne reported lhat the men-. Ootoi elub now has more than IOO mem- l* rt.-M em bera decided lo-m eetjit « p .m ^:the-lblrdTW oi>dky.fif,u» m onth. The next meeting will Ik beld-June 18 with.Mra. 0, J, Rugh,nf gjy toLem ing board aa hostesses, /H i

C ards were plsyed during the so- <>7 ^■ R ^ clal hou r with prliea al pinochle 'I'U! r \ e K going to Mra. L. D. Roberta, high; ^ h ri4 M m M n. J . B- Slade, low;'cana<U, Mrs, Myrty 9 t f - C. I,.-will/am*, hlgl«,.*od-Mra. B, J. Lent £ y . -Da’ddaon, Jo h , _a _sp«w prl«_K u .Mrs.W T Y given to Mrs. P, A. Osterhout. Bur- Mrs. ? i i ley. Members from«Builey and Klm-MEIER ntlcnded. _ , _ . Rcfreshmenla were served by the10 Bgt. officers, Mrs. Slade, president; onnuin Mrs. B . P. Link, vice preridenl; Mrs, Bl « n a n - Davidson, secretary; Mrs. L, D. LD3 Wr. and nobert«.- treasurer, and Mrs, M, W. ‘l»ki jjcllon. Hennessey, historian. uidt '®f ^ I/. Mrs.

— -Lruncheon Meld - S '-------- B U R L B Y ,-M ay-M -M H ;-Irefie {f'''

IC C M undy was hostess to lha BFB club «"•^ j l at th c home of her cousin. Mrs.

r O l I HaUle Daven, A luncheon was fol-, . lowed by bridge, Mrs. Corrlne Ter- r‘artV hune-recelved-high prlxe-and Mrs. - Hnben of J- T . Peterson, cut prlre.

annua Th® of tin? rwrn ^ 8 summer months,Saturday ^ * , * 11* .allTd € o u p le Marries I t

a Joan BLISS, May a -B e tty Wlcken- to tJoanne hagcn. Bits*, and Dougiaa Hlnen- At

y Emm bothem, Ticton. W wh, were mar- ih#le danc*. rled Monday In Elko,-NeT.- She la seheWllUam the daughter c< Mr. and Mrs, Ira even

• of the Wlckcnhagen. The newlyweds plan Ity.a scroll to leave this week to make their

on, state home In Washington. Rz^erjhlp I n -------- “

Quests rs- Orant

fmiuicS Ladies!ren and by Mrs, decker Iswn- first r • J K f » i.■ Eberly, F r i d a v N i Q n tftd Mrs. ’ ^surer. M ay 23;n Cope- rlecl at-

u preal- _________________

W J = = - ^ 3 T 3 S 3 S E E•s, Janies Honoring MHS. L. L. LANODON, Ii

ect____ _ E R E E J S i Slla Cttlk-11 shower ■ • SALT LAKE *B ^0 "® «i MAGIC VALLEY 'LeonardMn. Ray — - ................... - ................. •* o»inellme *lanua-----------------------'h ir uncf • -——......... -ii Iiiw.j u a You Are Cordially hv

.m. Fridau

n o - W o r k i n ^ a

H e w - ^ g y - ^j3mnid=new-C^llfomiQ^5tyl m ed'G atoH np-.. . Gome in e^-^he-oe\^Lam vflJs,—

I]_..dhaP iWl .__ i __I n H B P n %'

G IR L S !

I i l>Bl>>niUlDUrDtUoMl Btadia S m a " ~

*i »1I.«{»«,I(^»4.Wp te.C»llfml*:t i < - =-•:. ■ -•nlr wwW.wM, b«(iutr coalMtl


ilitia Sw im SuitsJ n iv c r s e ” ^ B e a u t y P a g e a n t ” ;—

- CM»*ni*r«4 hr

on iS<ore


idltbrlum, the ccrpm n n i .? . .^ ^ 9,

s U B i l■M. Mrs, Rel'ton

g WIU Be J '« * I number by t h ^

« the SOIpinochle 'I'U- Pattlclpaunj

rts. high; 6«hrelber, Mr* v i ^ * a su , Mr.. Myrtle Ander«n

. u . B u r - M . . H e l t ^ C * ^

Travel to CqiU nl; Mrs. , HOSHONE, W.y W ' s. L. D. LD3 primary ollicen rs, M, W. «»ke union meeiinV.TSj

“'>i»y were Mrv R. * ‘r? Mrs. Jane HUI. Mm ' i ?

1. IA llc e - S o r e n » e n ,-W -r o ^ leld « '’.M rs,V em 6nuri.felrt;-IrefieBFB club Merthan J. DOif J uln. Mrs. “ f«n ond L. T.I was ffll- * *"rtne Ter- • , t>,and Mr^ -HrojeGt Plonr

main dut BHo“sHONE, M.j 3.gam dur- „ Home e S i

■Hto- A«i.'il£-"‘a '.S i, . S ' £ f . rlake their * « « _________ READ TIMES-NEWa W4J

. M ; ^>TES'“ N 1 O T ^JAYCEE~PARK~.. LANODON, Idaho’s Molhtr « Cx 1

■ All Ladies W ill Bc« __ Admlltcd-Wlihout-Chofs*.

4>LT LA KE*B EErvsV ..............1C VALLEY COWBOYS

■•'Oainelime *;15...................— ‘

^■dially Invited toAitaT


uL^C ^ala ilna

W W ■ tm"

m i Q ^ s t y l e d - l i n e J y

C o m e in t o d a y o f i J

a l s . ----- :--- ;-----—

of you C atolino

f le«to k e n to

t _ ” — , h i s " M l » ^ B eauty

'^SD A Y . hay j:

Page 11: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

louse Action ft^lsir^t So]

Br BOB L E feB IO ilt' if.r 22 m~Gov. L e n J o r d a n s i

that tho 1953 le g is la tu r e ‘'nreaent rc jr rc ttab le d ls s e n

; . H7oiirtment’' I m o t co rrcc t^—alscrsaidThe Y l 1 to r e i n s t a t

^ ■ i .TTflfi r Q l l I w h o se d ism i K8 ^ ® s e rv a t io n o l" ' r ^ R p f l t un& n lm o u slj

m e r i t s y s te r

/■ Q *A 2 ' -rAfl O I " ^ Th# councir,

• . . T) tn - B uA -dlT K tor Him ftllf- M\m th a t Emm

ce ti:^ c u --0 i


^ |V|1_3 S 0 controv«r«y, I ( 1 authority th» t

The govemoi 1 UUoiu *l»ned

!g s ..S p tr KreUer t a m t .

Biafl3Dn»-« p a In demoung Dl2 WO lOfr-l ♦ 1 dlscharBlng Dr fiHMcKW**": Udo, Ugatlon of■ 2 PM*n. poUclea.

J_ —-------- ------------Th»—InvesUfHL^ARSO charges thnt dcu Uir a JUn v»ll«y ahould tStlour-U tiliuw ut « plemental feed: jts i Surs w I'>a “I# ‘’A» a m atterJ-lo, to a mWs opening „ „ id , -then, commission for4__ om 000 000-0 4 0 of removini? thi_(COlOO0l . - 9 S udijtion over r, 8*;»rt M»'on«. petitioner* nowilWUioD. _____;'^8 I TCnd 11::------------ t- t:— — tm o f-c a7inor~BIBUVtRS J , admlnlstrntlve liS0,ltij2Ji<^A 3.n:n (,{ ^B a, Brenm Innlni gRve has ask

i J vlctoiT o u r legijiatunnjUn«KO'''l«‘r»Unt ,mn be »bollsh(

5 B 1 *Me« express«(

i-itn tr.a mlMlon mnnoB =— •——----------lame:—Aa ’ i n r

e r M a n a g e r„ , the preaent rc

rns-Evers—^ tiire'tikCe. -m- 1 Jordon snld C

nYMcndcuItr.-liij n WV-Minager ««>«»»• »a.ito'» b«tn getting bad Ul om The gohdnluIb-tol-Mme mose forw»rdo

• gome commlssu ara«tEteri, llie Detroit The Bovcmor ilopt (or climbing out of B»n'» commissi tnUirie cellar, non’tbo «Her an InltUt jirloriometime. Nobody tha t "all maitc: i fal h5« m»ny dayt or and game wertO -u ._____ - ........... con tro l.o t.the

•i!=&jfi®!ai£WiiBiidc4 ^ pfg»g.r... *:ai SF ith’wiblnanexhlbl. trlng lng nBout I Aprtl il. Doctors told commission Invi taiij bt m ay lo play In py tm en t'a wtoi

ilw iefm any g»mts by ray following tl a.*jfci. mljse* thf speedy voted S-2 to rei So. !lu tork this iprlng

S a « ^ e r « e » n d n ^ « S e V t i F C l

55;:’.?r s Golfers 1 S a X ' Z S t W J B r i t^ p i W b c a wftk and NEW YORK.«w»«k.of nioTf,“------- tm t-ln -w hlte-j6

----------------------- sage.t-ond Oil a t

iiWflkinsoR SErs'iJ-tnrBesTBall seven gl

iieyaLBuhl___.a re BoctJand.^ mitl c V m p lWglb«tballtoun..m tnt

tlWl tiiinerj wert Ken Th« Playeri r<311 Blileld* *ha flsfeau DoroIJi

Uli Joe Bill Robert- Am«rto*n wom«® ehamplotii k« « S4-yeM-old I15 n«nk aiest de- ''allt«. O rerO tti2>« tu! and Jick Nel- van, Or*nf». Cwp«l)illi,Bexe»itard- Cleveland; Mar ■fae»htn.hL ■7T: - - ------------ --aad-PoUj^BUej

S e le c ts 'N e w ' i r r ^ t

Sc h o o l C o a c h

to lucceta nm The PhUadelbh W ednesday.oiii

raool, Bouihworth raBnBBcr Bill 1

“•« :inn m JiHMviUe. off the atoty.• The newipap

• X , 2,. " ^ ' ^ 1' »t aaylnB he haifrom atoinach altoSB

« 11 oetio, Burley ••me way w«'i *® hu' feel th a t l e a n

— .nsffm eiuaiel.

S^ats i sH i t t e r

•'5£'i? ■'’« Broken ! f t& S 5 ;T ee n V N

T »«v.r hews of TORONTO. < n«w Ujth A rt lUt«muT«, :

" S 2 2 k M tamur*'* ip

t \ I »iW. " I ’d l ^ e

iiTO, 18»*

3R T G A C T ill-S e e k -H iiuio n if Year Solved. ^ nesday that AfagI

iB IO il t’ ' .. ...... .. but tl" ''y\-;ir''liavJ o r d a n s a id W ednesday he -E «fp t tor a 1

ig ls la tu re “ ta k e app ropria te f 'w o i r j , the wai b le d is s e n a lo n in th ? atate ot co rrocted . Tho Eovemor - S l ,B crsaidT he^hireT io 'B iithority •" ‘i -t riiimb’c'ih.-v,

r e i n s t a t e K a r l Drcaser, !!'*[lose d is m is s a l a s gam e con- juiy 'i " a te n r v a t io n o f f i c e r w aa upheld dropped to normal i& n im cus ly by th e sta te ” in, said thero : e r l t s y s te m council W ednea. 5«ar and the hate, y • li.K mony logal sizerhe council’s recommendation to The b « i bets for lA_<llrector_T._B._Uurray »>ld IIihetiE.n will be-i »t tfl^ Em m ett coneervttUon o»|. lltll said, n e believe lit " iif li of Iniubordlnatloft-to and—UockcT'-reseiI BUperlor officera, by Mr. D res--------------------------

own ndmlMlon, Justify hi* db-

rhe sovcrnor. In a letter to Louli rrrono. Dresser'* .a llo tn ty .. lald :uch aa X a m concerned over «.Ufoctory soluUon to this preaentilroversy, I can find no statutory Athority th a t would pennlt » e to UM tate the offleers named Jn the ff

rhe governor was referring to pe- — --------------------ona algned by U9 iportsmen ^tlag th a t Drcaser ba relasUtedJ lh a t n o y d Dillon and Pred 0 1 1 0 1 ^ 1 , ?eller be rea to rrt t« their praviouige acale. ^l ie fish and game commlulon I | y \ | f ^ v TMay 3 approved Murray* action U P l H , Vdemoting Dillon end l&eller andcharging Dresser after an Invei- t„ .atlon of game management r e so lu tioicles. Sportsm ens club!Tje-lnv«UBaUon-ffr«w:-out-of ia>'C ti-In-a. sp e cirges thnt deer nnd elk In Oardtn club re p re sc n ta lley should hnve been given »up- ■■-mental feeding, ____As a m atter of foct," the govern- T T Vaald, "the voters established a 1 T IT d C timlsslon for the distinct purpose _

x “:'o"4r''',:i5r:'z,'/r,S; For W aiItlonera now ask me to correct.As I rend tho statutes, the gov-srrcaTinor-BnMr'Trilo-^Ilher'ihenlnlstrntlve o r the policy prob. p „ , r .n in p h ian of m e commiMion. Ag yrt, n™ lVono has asked mc to recommend

“b ^ s s ^ ' pigiyay,^'L" ™p“ t«°sa!“l' h m 'n o 'd o l t t ! S ' t th e legislature will want lo < Into the whole picture of com- _jlon mnnnBcmeiit ot fi.ih nnd P*^?' ' “•*

5 to correct whatever U cauilng Brosdcajtlng^comp present rcgrettnblc dlssenjlon Wf'

hall recommend lhat the next slitu fe 'taE e appropriate aetlon.: ordnn snld Gorrono had told him. .p

‘r ln g 'n iT ^ p en T o f D r^ e " “ '^ i^sal. would no t consider the pe- "y,, “ “75M. The governor said they are ‘ ®

” - Fhe Bovcmor noted the flih aridle comml-'islon was established ,n•r_an InltUtlvc vote in in a and p ^ cc d s- ■

t5ient?a wtoUrVeedlng p S r w «,» UIW M ofC«ed , tuinniUiluu r epfiroanaw w r * following, th e inve.tlistlon, but ^ “ fhlera, snari

ed 8.2 to reta in him a. director. ‘----- . ^ ••:« ~ 7 T •---- - ter-W«lcotf5-«hnn:s v ^ n r t i^ & p - olfers Set Sail „,“e;”,SS;w Sl.” or British Play

:ted States CurU* Cup golf t*im «nl* Athletic con ___ be m iaf|ed-»nd_X

siT.‘s °JS.“ “ r ”

H i Chadwiclj^s c r s y ' ’" ”™"'”." Set Swim Ihe player* range to age from M- 'D a f n r A R p l rr«UDorolh.-Kliby.AUant4,the J J C l O r e X v c l ertoan women'* champion, dow NSW YORK, Mas 24 -year^d Orace de Mosi. Oor- C h idvkk .hon^ to ll*. O rerO ther* tre Pat O'Qulll- iplrlng.twimmin^ r I, Orange. Oonn,: Claire Doran, mer with four m veland; M arjorie Unduy. Deea- iwimi. then retire JU.;.-MM.Muiny.-BnlUndFVt. Uoai.--==— - — - ;-Pol>y-mteyr->ert-w<aUi. T n . Net w n t« i t w ith

channel both ways.eyer Laughs Off s i iuttmgLEeports„HILADKLPHIA. May 'J J t « - Florence heid out a > PhUadelbhla.Eveol&g Bulletin o t paper tUUdnesdayqilstedfllisburshFiraM tslnu..............nnger Bill Meyer as indlcatlnr sho wanta lo »wl would quit bu l Meyer laughid from Catalina Islan

h e ^ n e w m p er quoted Meycr U the record of 18 ho ing he had suffered from a set by a man 28 yea

rhe w ar'w e 're losing now T dont endair waters of the th a t I can tnke It indefinitely.’ July « ihe h o ^ * ‘

rhen Meyer learned of the etory. the Shrnlts of O

ire you Xellows knew about 11,1 T Ted w ith a Philadelphia ne«P»- W ,1 I | a M g y jnan th lj morning and we klddtd H I « 1 C 'c and forth atwut the club, £ T O

rokenSpecsRuin:enVNo»Hitter-ORONTO. O nt^ May M lU f^ 2 ' frot

Itam ura's ipictaelw * * " .• “•** t . r ,

X X S . . r " " _ I l . i . - u a r tK l . lS !

.'-M -’S ff l S.-"! “ISf

rCT IF F I ^fiirPr^arsLGocfear When Highr a '» le y .. jn ll , . fourth-^ ^atrlc t goofl, w t h 't h r aami ’etvlKJT.-for , th»^»U t« fuh-and vallliT-al 'WIHffifft ne denartment, predicted Wed- rejtrvolr wUI provlC Iday that Magic Vnlley ang’ei-a he ulil, ^» J* rT roo tt-T tsn tn rrw r*T W r: 'T rB nw eH T -esen l • they Will have Io eralt for It. flahln* wlU b« fair. E«ept for a few stresmi anil tJ:*t li U carrying eri’Olrj, the w aters are s.ilnj lo sm^rat of water, ri high and dirty which will make *1 h'^rht which Is a. '•'r-B generallv poor." he ana. ,ihe PHt. sereral' y Jt once -ii» w. te r geta ■loivr. Biibltit and Clear_L 1 In riiliub’c sh.-v')'!" he corilin i-il sl'tiUi produce got 5 «hoi.ld htve nne of our ocll-r opening day.'f '. rle prcdlc'ed thnl by aro ird Hill believes there y I most watersheds should have flshinj a t the Upoi 'l>Pfd to normal levels. and Pah.^lmerol rivhll, said there Is o'good Carry- luile good. The Snl r of fish In all u a ters (ro.-n ln>t Its lilbularies will bi r and the hatcheries are plant- m bid as some of thf many K-gal Size fish He !iid tha t some of

■he best bets for the opening day on iht main strent letnsan will b e -a t-th e reservoirs,- e)«rtrrtip-beIow-Cl- 1 aald. He believes th a l Flih creek The Dig and Llttl l-jJaekcT—reservolni 'BhouJd ‘B« thUijuta farTcTfthe

•portsmen Ask Cc )elay Silver Creeln a r e s o lu t io n to th e s ta te fish and g a m e c >rtsmen3 c lu b fo rm a lly reque.sla th a t th e s c h i cd .-In-a . sp e cia l-T u esd a y -m ee tin ? ,-c a lled -n t S b r e p r e s e n ta t iv e s unanim ously agreed on th ------------------------------------------- emergency c lo su rf' V

T r a c t o c l and game depart)t o -7 1 advisable to re-bpio r WalrOtL The reason for thU l TT r t l l - W l l , vealed by elub Secrcts

Hlt-ADELPHIA. May JJ Wl- hu deprived th motcr Hcrmnn Tnylor announc- Porlltin of their n a t VVwinpsdny o- tns.OOO television- -oinipWcljLjtlpedjiuL Mge had t>een slKncd for the

f_mn’ld—lit Bryweight t uie- —UiuUr-Moh-«lrounuit between champion Jersey Joe >»» easy prey 1coll and clinllenEcr Etcird wme^uenUy the sui

exhiuilcd. Until nei le 'pscl was Blsnrd between jtfo" theInf-nnrt-co-promoler—Iniernft- .slieam.Kould be.need al Bovlng elub. the N«Jonal until completely fishi

“ / B r c ' i . u d " ™ : ! i f » v S b “ s “le Phllndelphln nrea will l»te ir tiitrT fly ia rrtddM ,- '----------"

.n n .u n .^ n ; , ^

natlon-wlde TV became of de-

^ ^ « ^ 'll« T t h e a ,s .m lthe^U cy cf

ler will get 30 per cenl of the ^= r r r ; ;

10 president Jim NonH hinted . --------------

S K s:;ss.-"„ 'S i s i r S iS r -:hlcchlo demanded more than unanimous vole of % m m ofCeced by NBC, q j ^ B. Murra)Ider agrrfnuinta-S 'llh C harts _I fighters share equaiiy in an ^ -m r i eeds. including- TV. - tnd- • lhat ■ - f-|> | « p - p - Ins that w ith a *175,000 TV of- J

^ ‘ l T ^ . ! ! ! ! ! r K joo^uyurd' T t ^ r .0 the police Athletic lesgue. T W O l l T i r ! eanllme » t PleasantvllI?,. N, J.. . " n *t , g g ? r t y . i r s : “ - H h o t o .t 1 1lal* ftld^ '-T cU x Docchlc^lo -.SSATTLE, May 03 t»Louls-too," He went on: • odS llyo flhe 'bM«b -thlnk-lI-W alcott and Charles. thsM parta,-• c*t«hi aatlsfled with Louis ss their Beattie university ru r ee for referee; the.Tenwyl- rare double play a f h a Athletic commission should Here'* how .th e ■ati.fii.ri an d LouU tliould ^ reached home plat* IFd;—■------------------------ ...■ . . . de«<l-heat-agauv»t^€know It would be a thouisnd- oo«»ge, ^ ^ ^ cenl Bopulnr choice with the Pitcher Bob W ordie a iL ,_ - _______ _________ - When Sd 03riBa-pQ l

_________________ It slipped through 1

ladwick Wants to t Swim Mark S,r"„“* “SS., if ore Retiring ^

»'■ — S K " " , ,

i r ? . ! f H o p e C a p t u

- B r i t i s h J i m;"s siVi^;L,rrp’i.‘;a

“ j i . s s :‘k :40 mlnuis her'flnt »el-«ver Bril

i io ■” >« n-year-old Atr

17 water* of the w e i m ^ u usuilly tU ld B r it15 lhe hopes to be sw to ln * iS;i.uM -

1 hM^been {^i^nli'‘ ty m .“

i i i i j f o j ^ t s : s S S s l .d e r s - F r o m ArmyW YORK. MAY S3 M»-Wllll« by U. 5, *port«wrlt«n

oenUrfleldar (o r th« Ntw gay Isufhter when she ' Giant* received orders Wed* wardi too far In a cha iVld'feport for arm y duty May port lounge asd feU fla m DaMrs were sent te the, Mturten brought-five [ f ly eh m r from hU heme In teren p*ln of ihort« 1

S ^ * ‘uagua xookle of the

It th a t. on.tn^W K^

_____________________ TIMES-1

IS H AND G.ilGpod - Eishlngl High vy aters SubI, »lth' t h r T l v e f W U l be cai iT -ai.-W iin ifhs—iB k e n t i r f l laual voiumi of wate njoir wUI provide faUv fishing, generally ^ r on the

rBniiT6ir>Men'olr;'HUl addMr s'i& i?toD ~^d^ibiw n; WlU be fair. He pointed out if the weather become ll is carrying an exceptional days before the ope

i nt of water, reaching » feet plains thli would rel i^pht which Is a .record h'gh for thaws at the headwat p t« . several' year*. _H# . said « number of sireams fit_and Clear.Lakes , r e ie n c l a .clsar-up^JUlUramin Id produce good catches on wlrUer's oiowfall was

«>»?• In 36 year*,II believes there should be good HUI explained tha nj a t the Upper Lem hl rtver snow thawi were n Pah.^lmerol river should be the overflow Monday

! good. The Salmon river and at Fish creek resen’o tlbuiaries will be high bu t not mum three-foot waU c Id aa some of the o ther etreami. spilled over lhe dam ’ lid tha t some of the tributaries ranee wlUch happen lhe main strenm a re already tdded. Ordinarily thirrup-below-ChaHtsr^---------- ■- -not-gTtat-enough-to-e Dig an^L U tle W ootLrlYtn. gO-av«-tbeslilc.vihlcl ioulti f v k of the Boise and Big this case,

sk Commission tc Creek Opening1 and g am e commiBslon the fourth district . that th e schedu led June 4 opening of Silver c g,-calIed-ntShoshone7lheT :lub*rh5ard"of^ii agreed on th e following resolution: “Movergency c losure bo imposed --------------------------iilver creek u n til t h e fish T > „ - £ , i o IVT*- game dep a rtm en t deems J \ l l S S l a J.Tl« sable to re-bpep.” . . « y ye reason (or the recniest. re- I I o ' I ' k H d by elub Secretary Floyd SUva. i - ' t U . l V A i U l Lit heavy up-stream pressure y~vi • j '(oreed-aU-thB-prot«UTCTnosa - H l v m n i r ^ ' l aujing the w aUr level to drop. ' “' V ^hu deprived the fish a, main ije w YORK. May ' on of their na tura l food and Russia ihort In the K laielyjiipedjaui.any. pro Uctlve. -piofr-the-e«»iete-mi

potent "dtrk horse" 0. dw-woh^ilfoumataneee-the-fWl- -gnmesrwn’em berom i Inll easy prey to anglers, and pic eommlltee warns.

-wc » . b.,n 1,s.-.'-r.ivr;STwf"S?!£

p r . ‘Srp'f=,“;f.“h-e eporl«men-aubmllted-B-iee*--reswutloh condemning the ‘*“"'.‘" “‘' ^ 3 ® ° ‘™'Ifin ^ j r n p a s . r lah t*— TUmlon staled, •■that It Is ogalnit •“i ? " * :)f!t Intercsu of the publle and fonh. The Mviets coiut the policy of the fou rth dis- **‘*s nungory tAssoclnled Bpdrtsm eni club to °"®Jon-th*“purchase of trespsii any-dlf^ertnc^-1 by Indlvldunli or groups for ’That's Juit how 1purpo^ of affording private dtrk we are tboul RuI of privately owned fish and nel and Busilan ati, and In such case* wo recom- aren’t giving out m udUie dojure of the a rea tf- but we know, from e

1,- hear, they are glrdlrrlng-the , m ecU ng.-the—cluS. p r e m e j^ l .”------jly_endorsed th e fish a n d gnmeiiislon'a woric and ISsuM a nesaman of JenklntowrImous vole of confidence to prary secretary of thetor T. B. M urray. i,ur swliomlng federa

i t c h e r T a s s i-------------- — D — ------^lymplo-oommlUM-n

w - i n i P m t e :'*“ L u .u w e e k '; ; ; i ;, m ied .th it Ruuta la 0

iotdl< im sb—ITTLE. May 03 OPf^-In « top S h “t i J ^ i i 5 r o r i h e -bMeban -* e« o n -la

V* “how‘ lh e (ln>t P[J«Bd home plat* In an lU-tlmed competition, took (our c -heat-agaUv»t^8e*lU»-P*elfle

;tier Bob W ard was on (in l 'Sd O Briea-poled > lo ag-fly, -

pped through on outfSelder'i C ^ ' A U f B I I t. ’The runner had to wall I’Brlen overtook him. Ir rounded th ird together. M l & s j J r in gave W ard aa occasional ts they hekded fo r homr.' S U a Allld for tbe pUte togeUier,

ir one comer M d one fo r the MOKgKl L**tCatcher Dick B odl»nd got „„„ *

both with a- single sweep ot ’ ' • {t

i?d?t 'h 'd l f f H ----------final score w m Beattie” ^ - ’ L*c?c“vA tLif------- !•t-lt. SealUa^Paolfte-O.---------- g g - . u r ^ ^ r ' !

^Wimbledon olSffsSifl pe Captures tish J in c y ------ -IDON. May aa I* — rreck le- „ —Mturein Qonnony, 8*0 DWe,'America'* top contender for „ledon tennU honor*, boundetf ........... 0}ltne -Itiasdojr.jiliht a o d woo ciikifo ,„ •i t »el—over British reporU n. S"',*''"?** — r--------- !17-year-old American worn- ------- ------ - i

itUonal tlUe bolder on lv id Bo>ud____________1<ew York frosli and omlllng-- PituiKirth — — 1 Kgv luvEly'ljiMi>;*"BnthtiiM ' ' 'liiE iic iH i v> ually elold BrlUsh Press as- y,o n ............... " ' ' cM tiM i________ I

- .... " j

* f i i “o f . f r f l i » ^ a e * ; - ^ r U *h« on* o f tbe am uon* -V ”ive smashed th e ir s ilen t way rAciric coast l; ory in reeent years." . ~ *reen-U1>bW “M ig h ty - Mb' " ■ »5. sport«wrlt«r»—broke lnt« i<c.iir««»4 _______ jt

ufhter when she Upped back* <<a r n a t lM --------- ]too (ap In a eho lr in th * air* K ..!*****------------*Siingeaad fell fl* ton th« -floo r. ...... {-en brought-five dresse i and a»«™m«(e ------------ •

““.— , . 1. . .. I i '. . . 0»nW IT,-M ay 3S )

TLamxa..LBAGIIB______ nu(k|...IMtnia..Tlg*c-ATELLO. May 33 (/tV -Ploa- who hurUd a no-hlt, 1 «ue presldaet'^J.P . H *iU w « iM tJT U W lday .-a i!^ nees um plri P e ta D onatt h u ga««nanti to Uiat vie

luery, Oi|U*&«U C*UI> < , - (e« u a oad*.


) G A M E DKmg:TH^tRamM 5 Subside «T(toiumi of water nnd yu r be ' ’ ^^me vi» 8 ! ! g . 'S l i W f J L * ! ! ! :in eould change appredahly C ow bo^-rtlam hoiff weather becomes cooler a (ew four-game home itani Mfore the opening. H e ex- Cowboys send Lee BIc thla would retard th e snnwat the headwaters and cnuar ,,,^^1." Opposition wll .ber of tlrsam j to -d rop and- By-tJi4-B01ie Yitlki, up^ lU lU ram indsd -t^ -past. - rndar-n iB ht Tomzi» mowfall was U;e heaviest um Morones

explained that tho heavy _____thnwi were responalble for r i l j ertlow.Monday-nnd.Tuesday. . .1 1 C T A ^ C 1 creek resen’olr. T he maxi- X l & V / i O hree-foot waU ot w aUr whichs»"'hC rtl 1 sses

Ortlnarlly the splllnge l.i

Mheside.vihlch happened-in. — D E T Rp i T , May »*, vou sly m te n t on 1---------------------------------- ran his hitless str

Wedneaday. Ther Ictics spoiled i t wit

---------aingle-in the seve, ^ \ The Tigers won 5-

£ . ' r ^ E r ‘VanDermeer’s 1938 re

...............mg two atiftlght no-h----- ;-------------------------------- Cmclnnatl Bed*. Hs ■

on to jS S ;day. retired Perri*grounder 'to lead ott

■ fl f l f inning. But Hllchcocx m flrit pilch cleanly b

■Cf nnd the 3,718 paid far th d is tr ic t A sso c ia t io n '« t hi* coi■ g o i s i lv o r c r c i k t e d c - S ‘.5 5 i S t ‘l S " hSard o f l J i r e c to r s n n d walks and a one-run 1

;ion: "M oved t h a t a n Phiiiey.-------------------------------------- Cy Young, Boaton, i

lean league record o f :

ss iaM ay B eZ tripled across the fU

rk H o rse i n r.r,h?c'. sa '"»kees a 5-1 win over

r ^ m p i c - G a m e s - - r e i ^ ^ ^ s u m* .* .. ne>'nolda, compleUa

YORK. May J l—Don t sell con.s*cuUve game fo t) Ihorl In the HeUlnki Olym- tory, scaltered live ; [IS—fiovleCe—mty—prove—the- -Chlcflgo’jr Bce'souUipn •'dsric horse" of the summ er a i Cleveland Early w-member uf-t he-PrOretynt*- ■ sH k i'n tfcir’pfovH nmlllee warns. the Boston Red Bo* ahave been Informed th a t land Indians won tl

hns hsd 3,000 sihletes u n der scries opener, S-1. W

JlyrtS IS -T U aa^ Kii^Rltter T^^O ejV aTn^V -l^i?We blow they ore deter- Jim Hegan h ll a tto mske a tremendous snow- off Ray ScurboroughpollUcal reasons. ‘nnlng nnd. as it dtwe know that Russia U (or the

tin* the Olmplc programs nsurance, I h ^ ad(jN j(l5s)llts^untrtefcd:KctUJ:.

Poland. Hungary and so -me Soviets could sh ift a th - “-om Hungary to Russia, for ”, e ^ d n o ^ e woul^kn_ow_.^ertnc^ a SU-vlctory over ihiI's Juit how much In the se n a ta rre are alwit Russian p e ^ n - jh e tflumph, creditd Busjlan strength. They satchel Ptilno in rci flvlng out much InforroaUon

• n p*fly»iTiiipftrf Ti>f 1 _hiiai»- lyn the J?oflgcri oct an of Jenklntown. Pa.. Is hon- major league record w;tcretary of the World Ama- the f ln t Inning on tvliomlng federation. H e waa aiaggerlng J«-l win c.-OlTODla swimmer In 1908, clnnatl Reda. Taenly lhe orguUarardl U lat-spoit^rganltallon and h is been an jg men In suctesalon a-oomml» e« . a e m ^ r-e ln o e :fawe.~TwelTtr nui»‘» tr

IhU week we have been no- pitchers, tilt Ruuta la osslgning four Chris Van Ouyk las ng Judses, lw» diving and straight hits, two lo i q jiulu JuilgM tu the Wett uliig, as lie-coa red - tlymplej. T hat seem*-to-b« -vlctory-by-scattertnjnoBgh lh»'Cdurit6 ^ Ie -p l* n - -hit*.---------------- ~> n i^ n g . ftiti ________JJuke Bnlder. hit. thl

ie 1018 game* at London of the reconVbreakln umroQ j lg h t o u t o t eight tack that included 1( M gold m e d o i n n w v r a 'r -walks-and-two hli-bal Uon, took four of seven t l t l ^ ^Morgan Inter hit two fomen’i doas end lost ou t Itf w lU rt man on base. oIo,' won by Italy. A homer by Dixie Ho' h it of the season, rulnei

A‘ Philadelphia. Bo [ n i l l I I U I g m working toward hU thiIflSyiN V y nu'X r">even"l/I’ ^

PhlUle* turned back► Pituburgh Pirate* 7-ini' I = sem park. Roberts hasn't

riotigia LXAGUi slon since he was tbe_____ __ S *• v V Phlilles' tSU opener.

H -_______ I u :# » H At New York, lefty.----------------- 11 ,54 H won hU 10th ttralght fl------- -------- !t iS s as the Kew York 01

, Cllr---------I J . - » « ------- .r r^ b lt W.rt.r. «>« QlMlt* With (OUT h^

till iSdim 4-11 itiiiiiinn (UB- afternoon game, r.ik («m iubi.)-4i r« .u i io Ko»l0’*oatl*r#<l elghi ,1, 1. . second triumph of the|gn.»li.»ii .1 M4(I« VsUw over Uie cord*.


NATIOHAL LBAGUK th e Brooklyn Dodgert. ........... — W -' ir Pit. C F ------- ' -AMgMCAWtt*

I I H yu-ZLl-* —

----- . * II .«M 1 pbltssdphu--------- «e««i

r = E l ii si ■!!! S 5 “SSLF“ '“XiZMKiU L iidu .

. -------------.L iU rtifH —S M

. . 1

f 6 R - : D E A I

a--F^.i ii! i»i ,: . . w 8 B i E i - - - a n I M A !

» ™ d i o » g e m k «t GoS ' « _ - “ j

rUd a no-hlt, no-run 'gam e

f f f i i n a - s a s s : i d a h o ' h

ad*._ ____ ^


DISUNITY (iain Chases Co Ladies M gh t”ne song, same verie. Rain, Bd l ^ e C ity In the opene tw’o-coniecuilve shulouts th o t*tne se t-to. W th the I

same home stand.'Tonight th e h iff^^ e^ o u t^o f oys send Lee Blckel to lhe hUt S ? " i t i n d ^ c o u l d Friday nlghl will be “ladles' contention with the te ." Opposition will be furnished • The ladles' night bii4-B0Ue Y itik j..................... first such sttempt atlarTitghfTominy 'i'BombJort this SfcaYTTfirCowljo

Bill Morones tgalnsi S a lt It w o n t coit the women

igers Win as True [isses No-Hit Eff(STROIT. May 22 '</Fi—Sneedballing-Virgll-Ti ly intent on p itchiiiR iiia sccond stra igh t no his hitless string to 161- innings for th e Deti neaday. Then Billy llitchcock o f tho Phlladei spoiled i t with a onc-out ------------------------- --e -in the seventh inning, o m. ! ? • Tigers won 5-1. K e t U m T 1ras obvious that the JJ-yenr- _

is Demamermeer’s 1938 record of hurl-TO atlftlght no.hlttera-f[jr th e Imall Reds. He worked slowly V X X i C A . l - i

pilch cleanly lo left center ^he 3,718 paid fans g r»ned. Matthews, a formerck* lost hU control In the won a lO-round1 inning and was replaced by I*7ne in PorUand MLltUfilleliLallcr.glYlng-Upawo. J ia tth rw s’ msnager,—,and a one-run tingle to Dave lil 'l Tuesdsy he exp

y. within five days a coYoung, Boaton, set the Amer- <Hbt between Mattheweague record of 23 contecuUve Marciano fer aomeUm» Innings in U «, mer.:^CBgo plleher Allle Reynolds L ayoe's manager. I1 across Uie first run and said Wednesday he t1 the second In a <-run sev- contract with Hurleyvhlch gave the New York Yon- Hght,

’ u a " “ • '’■ ™ “ » 'Yir.igry

nblds, compleUng his seventh 5 * 5 ? ® . " " l i * w™ :uuve game lot Ws loutlh v it- ^scaltered live hlls to beat

Iprtrace souuiptw. BlllrP^erce: “ “ --------------------------Cleveland Early Wynn and 'And Matlhewa Is | • q a a —pfovH mu6i r fo f H cx'W llhU ntrdayi'br oston Red Sos and the Cleve- i<on In every commis: Indians won the two-game the union. I hed Jack opener, 6-1. Wynn, aed lted anew conUaet, w hich’

Ills flflh vlctoiT, was re.icued by a number of the O irela In'Uie clifiih.- ' commlMlon. before Iht

Hegan h ll a two-run homer day. H e ’ll hsve troubli sy Scarborough In the sccond of th a t COTtnet { and, as It developed, th a t - a deal Is a deal :npugh for the Indlnna. F o r havi.glvenHarrjr.and., mce, thw addM three more fight h a d Layne beate ® the, expense of day/-_______ _

St. liouli Bid 'Hudson walked w , vMustangs L

to-glve-the-si. LouU-Brown* - p i g ^ n |< o - - A - H f jtlctory over the Washington A 1 « * J v l D , a U I

I triumph, credited lo pitcher TO S6SCh 16 el Pnlgo in relief, broke a wrr.T tmob Mont. J of four consecullvo lossej-to- BlUtnis M ustani

enators by Uie Brownies thU j^ur p laye« and add, . r nasday—lo-reoch-a^Jj

lc Do?gw J l T n c wB^e'TnTdAlOallndT

"J r V e ^in*. “ e ' tn^ i‘’t ^ n ^ n‘h r ii if in y " i i .o^tf'leldir 1 ^ . 1in In suctesalyn reached f irs t 1) , ■

______________rg »-«i-un7-Trat-ar-ronr gj, p

Is V an Ouyk lashed oul fourht hits, two to Uie big. In - .y '? .

y -br-scattertng-five Cmcy, Hollywood opUan. ~

a.Bnlder. hlt.the-only.homcc. Bvm Us i-XmUJ reconVbreaklng Inning a t - J?^ki"'...s. ' am mslhat Included 10 hlta, seven ?. ?— ~ ~ S n JJJand-two hli-baUmen..Bobhjc. H n^o and Orwei.Hin0 Inter hit two homers, ench _ _ _1 man on base. national lea imer by Dlxlt Howell. hl« (Irst rin t Oj«t the leason. ruined Van Cuyk's H r-y a rk H Z H H e o o «PhUadelphla. Hobln Roberts, b.imTnd Y.ir^ ' g toward hU Uilrd SQ.vlctory Ct.lc.ao at

In a row. chalked up w in st. Uai* _______ ico »r seven a* Uw HiUadelphla n« Y«k «I turned back U>e h*pl«M kcS , .irgh Pirates 7-S a t Bhlba Yi.n.Robert* hasn't lort * decl- ‘■•«!«a4ti ------ - »« oie

nee he wa* tbe loeer to Uie1' tSU opener. NuihsU and B«WUJ| Van ClJew York, lefty. Dave . Koala tV i.v ,-v ------------ ms u,s lOUi ttralght from St. Louis i-hM ^^Shi.-rril'M O «I Kew York Gltnts slugged ovkioa >bi1 c>rut°ui Be ?ay “_a_B_-l »luropli.(t«_*n ^ i t in a day-night double-

......... .................m ts with four bU*. 9-0. In the S m S S S ^ S S ■on game."I'coattered eight hla for h is 1 - 1triumph of the *ea*on, both S \ ■

te card*. ■ ^ m Mgpttt-dreppwl-tnnstuiorouc-

plaee. a half-t»me behind ooklyn Dodgen. -- » i« B C » j{ t f * c t r t --------- — -------------- » —'«> ' ew OM w - i 11 t ^Ml aa< B<m( ri«M. aMphu--------- eee«e«ei»-i 1 x S A L E »jiiSr in«i%Jtkr*iJ*ui STARTS

i S S s = « ™ ™ « ^ - r -a < o o -A ja .—

I > R : D E A D a n d U S E L E S S ^A M W A I S -------- ----------


c o w n® A H 0 „ « D E “^ A L L O W - C O . -

- - , - 1 -------

rC O N T IN HCowboys Hon ht” S etJiid ffiIn lhe opener ol a three- eren a tax charge. AU U: o. WlUl the local* In sUUi do Is walk through U i 1 he-TOnimf»g»,-thfw-«n« •'-A rw trrJflB l T fttnn rc 9ut of first and only a lonnei has designated out of Ull flnt, division. Langdon to be their hor itand could put Uiem in Mrs. Langdmi recenUy « WlUl the leaders. as Idaho Mother ot Uii

les' night bargain .1*.the placM second.. naUonally

- r o r c L b o / S ^ ^ l eagu»~ Tst the women a penny, not where Wednesdoy night

■ ■ — ralnoute were registered—, - BUUngs was called beca

1 r U C K S - - Ponrt for Uie same reai*■ * V i .V 'i l .U At u,,T l P £* I| j ' - ^ 4 - y - v M - r one-run defeat as the <H i i io r t; M L T r j * , v n . r . . ■ S f f l S . S ' :t r a ig h t no -h it gam e, again as the game near 5r t h e D e tro it T igers a n i allowed (our nuu in h . f h i i . i . i p h i i , A t h - “

field a fte r day-long ra I ? * 1 ened postponement of th

i m r i s f h t rail® O'*0 ' ' •' runs In the f l » t inning. 1 n next three Innings It vemanaed »»*’ Knudjon.

besled newcomer Emerson ___ y O re if r*U*. during Uic

L i S V n P . I" the B ttL I C A . u a y u c after IAKE cn % -M ay 33 t* _ *4nneed aa.B dd ia Oall !'* manager said Wednes- »'•*»<* ^

. lu a , «

1 a lO-round decision over ta n d ln l Hints ai PorUand Monday night. ThenL ««7 Sctm*Iiltieoj

dty he expects to sign to put Schnoldt acroii e days a contract (or a manager Rub KltUe relli eea Matthew* and Bocky ion on the mound to I for someume UU* sum- J S

a.1. L.k. C ltr ------mmanager. Marr Jenson, KnoiSn t iI k

nesday he has a signed U b - .Sd’ L.ndint.“‘ rlth Hiwley (or a relurn ^ M4h.‘ yaiiTwiti

hsppy to hear lhat MaURU"l<rTlgmTloe^THr^ ..... - ~ -------------, even i( It means fIghUng PDA HIRES COBOOB^ lln and Marciano wlUUn D ETRO rr. M ay JJ « of two montha,'' Jenson cuUve committee ot U_____111

■PP"VM _ »•;n tr day* or face suipen- Piwuuitr r i 'M ‘■CMwwii

T.S 'SfS'u.r.^Q. Before tne Jlght Mon- niast valuabla nlmvsT In have trouble gelUng oul u i i j e in S s K

n tn e t •" _ll a deal and I would

i'Karry.«ndi>aekai«tum Layne beaten them Mon- _ .------------- - - — — — O n l y -

angs Lop Four C B E A M irsrAddOne—: UfTUC jach 16 Limit ^ . ^ e s y *□8, Mont., May JJ-M-H. - 6 *-’ • VIgs Mustang* lopped off / A J!n and' added one Wed- f I h U N M - re a c ^ a - J 8.pUy*r.|lDilt —

. Al o"olli)^wbm’ tton!" ~ avia, M. Y., class D Pony .

'took on pUchej tti* . mond O'Connor, a rliht*)m Waco, Tex., eltsi B

o p t i o n . ........................2]jH|||B||H||toMU.i-x«ii4*,.yi*>*.u4-------^ | P | M | | U | | |

i O rw w i.a in i '^ f liil a i .LfmnTHi

SAVKI iz = i 5 S i S i f i i l t ! ! < M r“C M a m "g ivu al

i!SljJ‘“.*if-w‘iU £; youpnmbim K tia u ckx quality

JSt'J?i~? 5 i f t" H b 6 rr7 o * -6 « « N VmrdV^^iiui JCHeNtrr o u r , 1NC.1

^ ■ 1-OONTAOf US irO> TEOOPWO n jg l^ j w S ! ^


Some; iicharge. AU they have to ^ H | throush thl gate*.

W W T f ttn r rc o w ix jn w r^ - '^ M 9 designated M rt: l l ' l i . '0 be their honored gueit' h H dmi recenUy wa* selected Mnther ot Uie Year and l l W l ond..naUon«IIy. as.MoUiu .H P ^

____ ________________ jlMMeer league oeUon "else- T ! j | dnesdoy night two oUicr fcre registered. Ogden at ,M |y as called because of rain a t Idaho Falls was pot^ • * «

.t Palls Uie luckien Sail ' Bees received another 'iMM efeat as the Oreat Palls ■ounded Ibtffl deeper Into ;a-j|iy

s ]ed~4-i'afier seven and lings;- b tm h e y -v e tte B R r^ -^ ^ B h e game n e am the end d foiU' runi in Uie bottoa

ns -W4if-played oE rrw el‘ ' ‘| |H ^ ' day-long rains-threat- 'onement of the contest.'alls scored on u n e a n ^ e f irs t inning, and t s f l S i1 Innings It wai a tight. lob" Knudion. Salt Lake. xom er Emerson Onzlcker,1*. during thnM tnnlngs.Kth. Uie B ra got Bea icrosa after h* deuU ^ <n .£ddi» Ootenian'a.dn*Mred on a doubts itteL or* nm * la the itxtb g iv i—■akers whal looked Uks *

sat PU ls went to town venth. 'niey loaded Ih* flH iy h succeulre alngle* by w j i l ] nm. Hlnei and iM trth < K ||I 7 Sctuialdt Koied all t t a n e _ _ i0 s l itnasr-BnVirlBoin lingled ;hnald t aerou. and Bee iub KltUe rellered Bnod- e mound to pu t oul tbi

t-ndlnn___t^lM ralb Mt|KM«t.,iaia.

ES COBOOBANIT. M ay » w v-T ha «x«-

nom ent numager, a t pro- Urectorof thl A isodatto’s I t bureau. ‘

SS le*pl*yer\ thea .tn 1M>. IM I and-lH I...-----

— j O n l f c , ^

I t E A M O F


~’ t a s t e l ^ 3 ^

iHy . / . 7

an" g iv4t ; -m tu m .........t.quality ..V,

_____70X OkAIN NtDTIAt S^tIT^ .-:^''• t rro a r,iNC.KT.C.



Page 12: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

—JEighth G ra d e .-Pupils at B uh]

——€e^EKp^oma' BUBL, Mtr 33—one hundred ai tlxt«ea ellbth grade iradUKtes we

i‘ prfaentM *llh dlplociiM by Dr. W. MeDrtlney |t»duaU on exe

' cUtt In the Buhl high acboo] aud jo rium W«dn«d»y night. . .

TJOJTTif! HlCKael 'JOWJS, AlT -— AHwi?8aB»«r«tBw, n<nnr Afcin

Dslorei Anderton, Nadine Anken p«rrel ATcry. D on n a Aup u t i

■“ " 'J i m nowman, sn ir • ley Buell, LuclUe Burnham. Dc«

OHdwell, Ralph CMibeer, DuaJ celson , Detly CarpenMr, Dl*

w J l ... •ChlshMi..Dorene Clarlc. WllUa Bn:,^ m .o innri. Ch«ria Coad. Loma Cflffi I .Jej. Clcll CoUlni, llB nnahX ee ^ uil: II Ptollla Denney, Snndra Dowd. Pr

i Etibera. Bulh Edmoni, A lbert Erlcl BIe Ir « a . Bererly EweU. Michael PUhe Ifmil Denald Freeman, Conrad Putre RW;": 'Carol Florence, _HMI 1' Dale Fox. Oen# ro*. rH ct Ol Bfk 100. Janet Olandere. Dorlcn Orcc^ 0 ] eusan HUble. Alene H unt, llfi? , Harmon, Nonna lUgedoni. Dom8 i H | -------Ban*en..-Wllma.Harrftl. .Bob HI)■ i be*. Zarleen Hltcheock. Ajm HuJa■ R --------Wcaiey-joner-Betty-J«>Wn»'-Ka«

Johnson, Mplly m e Jullon. No^ ■ y l l J»ek»on. Bhfrley Kelley. T en y LotB B h -ton. K e J t h ^ U iB U ' . Welda Uvely. Ollford MorrUo:n n ....... ijlw «s McFulin, Kathleen-MeBro■ i l l ' :»ey, NaeDtne McMurdle, Bhlrli ■ w ! Muon. Clyde McClain.B b DatreU JfcRobcrM. Arlene Mn:■ U .tlo.JlaunyUnrtlB.ThereaaM M tJrH I dale, Dick Munger. Anna Mae Ml ■ l l :a . U u t MUIS. eharon NeUoM ------- la v ifl Wip)W, Ved»- Nrt8oti,--BlH b I orr. D»Tld Plere*. Charlotte Poni h 9 | Beul« Ana Palat, Ruble Jo PalaB H -IU ]ph-Pttenon,-D oaa)d~Pat«sw^ John BeynoW*, BaymontJ R oWb« s

DtTld Runyan. Carolyn Relaer. B w r o tli Neola Smutny, Virginia Btrou<jE li ' Jim 8U*esberry, Larry Btewar im :.: J la 6l«w»rt; Jlm anrlTBT. K elt P M Bhark. Helen Behlevs, A l b e r I«P1 Behlewe, Dee Savelber?.

Oerry Sargent. Ray Btam es. SlUa

® rii 8tfaw*er, Tiiiman BkaggB, Bettiixu!' Mm Short. Zelma Swayze, Rob«im TM*r. Patflcl* Todd, L arry Thomp■ I ton, Richard Van Zant«. M aty WaJ■ I cott, Wtyn« Walden, D alton WllsoiB i Dewayne WIIm d, Jama* W lUoa an n i Barbara Welse.

H Man Overcomes fflr==^Ext6iisivrIiijiiry= m Of Plane WreclH I --------- lOWDOH. M w -ja (U ,R L ^qenH |iy ntigerald. CaUtomla textile nan v1 | » - ...... f tt t a rer. wu l i t j n - a i i y M a - O iI U l i many tU years ago. fivery. bone 1 f ^ B his body except his spine wm brok

. cn. He was laid he would sever wai

1 ^ ■ 'T cant lwfleaUoyed m u «ft«lljil^jV: , be said and.hs.fought back .__..

Hla answer i^ tr a v e l . As he gre •liHl atronger, he shuUled between hHBm------l« tll« 't)uslh^ ‘tfi tos-AnsTrtes'-ar

hosplUls Itl'.-Brllaln. H e hoppt

, -Uble 37 Umes. - J - ' "The miracle man," th e BrIUj

--------presa-eallrt-hlm.'J'Mri-IndeatruotI m iU U Tony FlUgerald can see. He wall■ I 11l | | | . Tonotrair he .Is gains home '■ H I Log Angeles "for good.”■ p l "I am completely recovered," FIUU I H__ rerald said. "I was 60 years old yeif f f ) f • • fenlay.ltls~yw onagM

ffll Inffian Protection l i Urged by OfficiaK B ■pn n n ’m ir t^ May 22 (iT V ^e g i n te keep Iniiaa wornen away iroc

H I - »ea were urgtd by Georgs L aT atts U tribal TelaUcDs supervisor /o r thI Indian oHlce In Portiaad . 0 «

u U _ -c tf lc lii. |o_ discuss _trea tm ent -6li ------- IndlaM tim Port Hall rMrviaUonU------- ^l*VaUA-»aia -Ji#_hope» -PrcaliilliII ofdclali vUt attempt to curb w ha II iw .tem ed “ettfolUng’' of Indians

| | Everybody , I

« ORDER Y■ j f i ----------------G A K - E S - A ,H j R E G A R D L E S S CB . F R O M T H E S M A L L ^

H i ’ Bay From a Hoi

2 1 8 m m A V E. ^ U T H


ra d e ^ Girls’Stater

yloraasTaduates were nas by Dr. E . duatlon exer- I achool aud l- ( i't-’AlWlS, ■ AlTln Qosar AUftztd; idlne Ankeny, a a Augustus,

iowman, sn ir*:mhain. D ean •beer, Duane

D ixie WUUam

rs Dowd, P hil Erick- FUher,

inrad PutreU,K A Y ctotiG H —

• • • d*n*hlw cf Mr. and Mnk ^ .> n L 0 » w Ckmfh. Dsiellon. h u been

d S ? S »y ih . DU<m c c m n n .^ % 'o b h S - n“ r «Job. U«e M «dahlp cJob of k ‘a m HuJm Creeniroo«.-th« rronUer O ranre,-

K a ien fliwelfon War Mrihei*. P r tr ty -

r T erry L e w the Americas Utloa anslllary to£eith lAlUss, reprei*nt naulloD «( O lrtf sla tefd Morrison, In PocaUllo next msnlh. She hasleen M eB rot- been acUfe In dr*m«llcfc.wa» yellXdle, Bhlrloy leader, s membef «f the Pep elob,

y-Teens and choni* and waa eaArlene M ar- tbr tU lf ot the whool annoaleresa M artin - and paper. Erltoe nail haa beenma Mae M il- ielected as' alternate. (Btaff en-aron NeUen, graying)_______________________

arlo tte Pond . _ _

51i°.£SS; M rs. Langdonad RoW asan. _ - , ,

F e ted by Q i ibir lT B T f^e im Mrs. L. L. Langdon. Idaho Mother re, A l b e r t ot 1BS3 and runnerup lo r American ’■ Mothera honors, we* the honored

“>e Twin PalU Lions club a g ^ , BetU e “ 1* regularTVedntidiy in e c t tn r- ay ic,’ R obert Mrs. Langdon ipoks brKHy on a rry T hom p- highlights of her Irlp to New York 8. M aty W aa- City In connection » lth the Amer- a lton W ilson, lean Mother event. ' t W lUoa a n d pi^ns have been completed for

th# Mias Twli> Falls contest. I t was------- aiuiounced by Oeorga Baker, conteatkm < :ka commlttM chalnnan. The contest M l I C a »ui be held Baturday evening tn th#r _ 4 „ _ - , — -Twin -galla-hlgh school, luilltnrlum. [ n j U r y — A *260 cbUege-khoJarsKlp win Be U / r o n l r P * ^ " ^ •** winner. Baker said.W r 6 C l £ Club members also were reminded

(Ura — a e r r ? registration for the annual■J.» tnrm anu. Ll6T»-clnb-eonTenUtm-at B m rV aller CTsh tn fT rrt Mav 30 and 81 h u been closed,Tery bone I n Approximately t i members at- n e waa brok - tended the noon luncheon held at Id never w alk th# Park hotel

baT“ *^'^ Reminder Issued between h ia For Safety Week

i-A njreta-and •-ijbiaE,’'''tt«r^ar-W .lD ^resrdent H e bopped u^rry S. Truman and Agriculture

jsa s .^ s s s n ~ fi l ----nr.T,nan r^.an operating winded Idaho tarmers today .th a t

July 50-20 iTM t»cn proclaimed * th e BrfUsh naUonal nRin'nTely week. 'i-Inde«truotl- —•njB-PresldcnmirTOl-Kich-Idaho

tu rner to exercise greater caution see. He w alks in an Intelligent etiort to cut down

unnecessary fsrm casualties, ilns home to C. O. Youngitrom. associate dl*

rector cf the University of Idnho-j overed." n t z - extension service, appointed Owen rea rs old yes- K. Brown, extension -agricultural ulTrt*stai.‘“— *nglnew^a«-:oljalnnw»-of-the ual*

programs on fam safety would be a c t i o n condi*ct«d^______________

^ g S u r p I u s i o n ^ ^~RetKw teatvIrF:

rge L aT a tU , n>AHO FA U A UB^ S3 in—The isor for th e w«h» PaUs city govetnmen* ended ortiaad. O re . th# fiscal year April So with a « » . - o c a t^ o a ty : WO ituitflUir myiU g. W.- FBuiilng rM tm ent .o f aald i^ a y .

rM rviaU on. A flnal cheeit df e»p«jdltii«s for e s - P rcsliillo 'Ui»-last-{Ucat resr.staa«ed_Uie.cia 0 curb w h a t *pent »1,453,S»7 for the 13 months,

o f Indiana, or go per cent ef the budgeL

idy Buys Buddy'sFamous


J I ^ A K E S?fe=J5feA nnH etsffldet::

J ★ Weddings

^ ★Binhdoys~ I ^ ^ They

£ ..LOOK GOOD ..‘.ARE GOOD ' ’

TASTE Be t t e r

t j u u l i l i / l i q j f M l i i d s [

)ER YOURS NOW!i K - E S ' A R E - A L L - e A K E — . - . > L E S S OF S I Z E O R S H A P E , S M A L L E S T T O T H E T A L L E S T *

m a Home-Owned Business!

y^^flsfryS hop—L ^U TH PHONE 2215

ater .Baby Feeding by ■ ■ l^ Tops Oddities t

By Valted I>re«A vsiiUe Ixuifllt, a»-an'«f»-

flee of price eubliusuon agent, Bi s to le a $a,000 diamonit ring from a ^ Brooklyn housewife ytiterday but o fed her baby before karlng.

T h e soft-spoken thleC bound Mrs. A nJU U ken, 20. to s chair. Then D !?* •w»nn»d the IB-monlh-old chUd’a J

.................. «>itp be be- 3g a a to

— A iWHWngtOT,^D.-^C..-r«ppHai>e»’ i i t a r e bere Is'giving ID pounds-of “a sir lo in steak to anyone who gives b one of lU refrlgeraton a lO-day ^ t r ia l.

I n X?uluth. Minn-, farmer John t B4a4.kclL Wim LLjjjvJ"up today-be- -e cauM neighbors let tils hoOse bum t dow n. He said (hey nouM not get o f f a party line and let him call t

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ th e fire department. H□B ■ I n Cleveland, O.'. an embarrassed t Cr. and Mr«. departm ent store official s&ld today e on. has been h e will offer a IIOO renrd for the *i on Comniu- r e tu rn ot a can opener sold to a ahlp d o b ot customer for U^S.Uer O range.--- T h e spokesman a ld -the-go ld - o en , r r t r t y - pl»ted_dlamBD(I-Bnd-ruby_8tuddnl. S ebeluhs and c an opener, used for advertising anslllary to purposes, had got mixed with boxes ■

; O lrtf sU te holding regular openers.1th . She has • • -• tllca. was yell . Rufus Roper testified .In a Bavan- tj h e Pep elob, "' " ' "and was on hool annoal>11 has been ■ ■ i g - ^ m T « * .

Cdaho M other - ' • for Americanthe honored ^ Y w 1 1

Its Lions clubly m e c t tn r - ----- a briefly onto New York . f -th the Amer- V ^

ompleted for »ontest. I t was ■ • W C3aker, conteat ■ In IThe contest \ ' W ora.

venlng tn th# ] f

rsK lp 'w lir B o '“ .A '.................Baker said. V .rere reminded

the annual ^ / , _ _ X I X Beaat-B m rV aller — ^ V - e s t-n closed, ^ -'V ■ / ^ dennembers at- V V l heon held at_ _ _ _ _ j r M E

isued ___r iy Week \ \).E «>rM rdent...........- i --------d Agriculture l m - »■>*

r>. I M B H I A I n v■8 today .th a t I J | | ^ s jmn proclaimed 1^ A O etweek. ] ■ : ’J-each-Idaho ---------Heater coutlon I ^ V ■ n > A 1/t to cut down •■ ■ i — ■ V * yylalUes. I f | Wassociate dl- I f . g V

ty of Idaho's I ' f ' 1Minted Owen i p ^ I ^ S S. -agricultural A ~ J B H i-^ f .th e um .

ety would be ’ iT «

f. S2 ifl—The A Bomen* ended i i \ «y t h a ta w .- \ VW f - 4 l )

endltiires for ' > " i ’ » . I > T Wi» e d _ m e .c ia ___ __________ _______ '- r ■ i t M - /9 13 months. \udgsL______ . L 1 B l i


s I 1 1 In

___ mu'«_

GABARDINE SLACKS.'U U Smooth tlnlsh, crease-resUt

. dlnea . . . In ths colors you

E T T E R palrs^-29 to U.

' e d i e n t s ^ bu ^ er* 1ayML'*CMU^T style where! Ohocae youi% in eaay or grtyl See these lomorroi

— . . S O F T ^ l l CANVAS S Ii p j r Man, here’s real eomfortl 8<

Il e s t :’ » v v . : i \ r ! r s ; ' ’a s

a p — . TINE 2 2 1 5 ____________ W I

: ; ........... ... r _____■

ding by Gentle Bandit Idities o f News Events IPre« a a h . da ., court yesterday he had I

SET st IIt ring from a t« pay a lawyer who hod defended ytrterday but h l « in an e«rller^bu«lary case. M

ef bound Mrs. Lawyer Alen J. Davis returned a I t chair. Then book U> the Detroit public Ubrary I nlh-old ChUd’a yesterday with a worried look on ■ iw-llUl*-boy- h U faw, . » bad been overdue for ■«t»Q be be- 34 yeai»-and 37 days.- . B

Davis. 48. .figured he.owed the• lib rary t l ( ? In penalties, but lhe - tCr-appUanee* '^^^^^riani-aald-ihs10 pounds’ of T m tten off long»gfrai>*-U»sw would>ne who gives be no charges. The book waa ■a n a lO-day “Youth.” by Joseph Conrad. d

Ind iana sU te map makers failed ■farmer John to note tb a t th« JPM census show- ■

-T iir^ay -be - -ed.-Angola. Jnd...-had.cllmabd. o?«r. .■Is hoOse bum tb e S,000 population mark. ■pouM noC get Angry Angolans demanded that ■

1st him call th e hUhway department stop lhe ■presses printing 415,000 new sUU ■

• . . m aos #nd Increase the il*e of leU 1 embarrassed te rs marking Angola from slx-to- ;Ial s&ld today elghU polnt type, or 3/73 of sn Inch, e n rd for the T hey were obliged. a ner sold to a • • • .

Republican officials saw a “good "Id-the-gold- om en” -todsy -In a-dlseovery-near -»ruby_8tuddnl. ________________ , , .. - fir advertising Excavators unearthed a tu.ilc of p:ed with boxes a n ancient mastodon-an extinct a•rs. “cousin” of the elephant — under e• the-hom e of Mrs. Olive Raymond - • d.ln a Bavan- tn nearby Aurora. B

■Swim Suits—^ f o r a l l t h e f a m i l y • .

« W O M E N 'S ONE PIECEJ W In brllUnnt new sunshine col- , 9■]r ora. Sleek fltUng . . . styled to «f look perfect . . . wet or dryl -

l ^ v W o m e n 'i Tw o-Tono K nit> I X Beautifully atyled In the nCw- JH ,9 —■—— est —color—combinations,—Blen— ^ —

& , ^ dBMr.ln^ fir. Made for active A A------v e s r T B ! ta aa u Jg:--------- -------- —

V M E N 'S BOXER TYPE _^ Zii smooth, lustrous rayijVi sot* , 9W in .-D ee p elastic w aist. . . with " ■1 ------ -draw strlnK , Choose from new

colors. etencll deslgw. 38-42.

’“ S R I . S ' O N V p ffC E ^ A ~ 9^ k _ ^ _ I n wonderful, new colors. Wld# " B

slfoulder atrops for oeriect f it .. ^ O et her* early. Size* 7 to H.


> 7 l-uittous, r a y o n H I . ?i • • • c’uU- ■/ 'or better ■

I b s o ^ 9 */ designs. In eummer colo

^ i- 3 . ................................. 91


T O W y g ? -r X I ^ aa tin twlU ■1 | \ T z T S s ^ ^ * ^ .-.wlthelas- ■

iw ' ■ J~-X *’’* ® ** 'I JR -B O Y S'B O X E fL T T P

k M - \ - In shiny rayon • » 9SlThtdfc. T * *

■ L 1 d l l *'sns that won't ■f t ___■ .

t TODDLERS'________

^ . f o r M i e n T ! ■ ■

H i f l R A Y O N CH E C K POLO SHIRTSCool . . . easy-Uun- ^ ^ . 9 8

W SM H dering, h a rd ly ' a n y •K d h Q I ironing needed. These Wfl are th e popular, new fiul_— gaueho-style,- tool Choose from sev- - ^ - enl-aewTMlors.— 8 ---M---L;— . .. ~

C o t to n P l i i t a S po rtt Shirt*A In bright, new colors, to . ■ , 9 8 ■ \ make you th ink that Sum- ■ >

___ mrr'« rrnlly h rre l—So.easy__ M l______■ t t ' \ t o w ash and iron, too . . . *

- ' just touch up the collar with a cool B p t ironI . sizes S -_Mj;_L, _ _

IE SLACKSv M . 9 8lh, crease-resUtant rayon gabar* M m the colors you w an t to wear with ■ ! ■

t> ■ , . sPOft coaCsl'-T heyfe tool,Md perfec t for warm weather. Youll want

^ V u u i ? r w f ^ u ^ * w w ^ i ? ! ~ m ~ .Myoui% In eaay blending navy blite 4 these tomorrow. 9< to 44.

I CANVAS SH O E S - m .7 f i ~reU eomfortl Soft rubber and cork .m % h comforuble. ventilated canvas up- ■ ■ i ^ Uts la ’em th ia summer. Wins or

• T w in Falls J


’ ; ..... ' '

ndit Coining to Area J vents>aul. Bflprt .Sa nightclub «

defended ,iT fc u t . »

returned a „bUc Ubrary > ' Ued look on Y,iverdue for ^

..owed the ;>but lhe % -Z ^

Uw« would —book was : f /

ikers failed W l y v ^

limabd. aver.

that i w

SF:fS M B w r n a . ^ ^ Jof sn Inch. . . . »»d U» Texas Ptoyboy* a n 4

sehednled to appear In Jerom# a t d aw a “good ® ^ M»“ ^ 7 t® P«»y »«r • “ .jvery-near -heneflt-.|iQiiai»f*d-b7.1ha .j« r« iaa i ,___, _/UDlot.-Ctu>mtKi_iiL.Cofflmerea_a*- a

a tu.ilc of part o t a drive to ralie foods for a' .an extinct an ath letic field a t Jerome. Tbe b nt — under event will be held a t tbe high e Raymond -school gymnaalora at 9 p. ra.'^ _________ Monday. (BUff «ngravlag)________ «

milv • . • 3 p ie c e c a b a n a' Crisp embossed cotton

with "sugar-whiter B h lrt. . . matching bre

'col- ,98 2-Pc. C heek Scd to J dryl '..— ^ 0 , ^ . ^ . , — ^TA JR D -Y -D E hU M lH

ElosU; topped, boxer < Sanforized denim, In i

J l 98— I

COTTON PLISSE D.Colors to take your bn

7 -weiLr everywhCT-thlsTsi

b"*4z ^ COLORFUL COTTO___ _____ _ Bold wlUj lace and emb

" toiiicirrow , . 71n airih Vld# O ’® ® summer. Blz/s 32 to 3!

■ ” ----------- ‘ -E o s y - t^ M o te ir


ty o n ■r.79 _ _ _ _ _ _iiasu. 1 better ■

n'tH;imer colon, SuiHmer'S B(r aw!BQpQii<

DENIM JEANSTops of wear . . . ws:

;' TRUNKS Kids love to wear 'em .----------------- ----- — — tovss ths-way thsy tars-. t tk s ■ l O f l . . — — a»'..t09l-.JV«-bav»-sUc

ist, Bli:e3 8 to 10. __ ^ -

B O X K ^ T T M . . D A I I l I s H ^ w '"rayon • » 9^ _ __ Just like mom's and dsdIt db. ^ 8 lfls'. -Brlghf.TjflghrcoIiwon't I youngsters love to wear

■ --------------- T W Itt-S H O IlT S —S ' Ofle ' ?r girls. DunbI

------------ W - • boy* . . . iia rp colon Inglrta. sues for all ages..

___________ “ “ GIRLS' 3-pfECE su iYou get a sundress, a bol

„ . . . In gay summcr eolo i « f f - bossed fo tu n -ah d ’pl^ui n j i Sites 7 to 1 4 .- ...............


2a q Oay cotton . . . styled

•“ » White with Jrllly embm:

launder . . . cool for suiSizes 7 lo 14..................

rom sev- - Blsea 1 lo ft.

i ” . _

1. . <»i W O M EN 'S ALL- - NYCON S tI R ”

3.00Jull want Tw o n e V styles . . . nylem

w ith lace o r «y«Ut t r in w -Ia - • . . . . — — w h lu - o r p U i t Hurry to t o . -


1 ” ^ 8 7 0 0 ~■ New s«ason styles . . . in eoJ-

o a shell be sure to Uke. Won. M H I M k derfu l values here. Hurry lot

ills S t o i ^ ^ “ 1


A r e a J e r o m e J a y c e e s L i

! M T o l R a i s e l t l M e8 I B JEROME. Msy 33—As th e flrrt slep lr ■ OOO^lnance an athleUc field a t Jeron

n m t u « of the d a n « WlU b* the mual ■ M hla Texas Playboys. The band la recog K )i« or vfstem music.

Jerome high school's track ahd baseb ths horns folks th ia spring because no batebaU games and...trBck meets- were

H Ukewlse, there are m faclllUes for con _ Bob WUls and b is T e g s Playboys wfj

■ ■ a bang Ten y » r* oTTuttlag records ■ have esUbllshed th e p j u n m the na | M . Thg; h s ^ c u t more than 1.000 records.

m Q u e e n C a n d i d a t e s ! 1 !

D - i W i l l B e S e l e c t e d2 ..,.; MOSCOW, .ilay 23 .1^ — Oandl- 3

itttes’foTtHeTflrnDineecnntng-cjneen wr • • wlJ] be selected thia week a t the thi

tJnlverslly of Idaheo, sa} *•»« Por tlie first tim e the present for f graduating class will have a hand pet

■“ In 'selectlng the roynlty, fo r the Oct. I Ptoyboyi a n 4 celebrntlon. Twenty-two canal- pel n Jeroma a t dites will be named by the men'a SU

«... . Uvinj group.?. mi pUy fer a ,b|i the Vandal football team no

.lha.Jar«ia*_ -rtl|-Ktect - f lre-fln » U e te -« n d -th e - 1 !offlmerta_as- <]ueta-nllLbe-ialcked.ln_an.ttll-malt.. ito le faoda for all.campus vote shortly before ga: lerome. The homecoming. thi i t tbe high — — gei a 9 p. m .' Rome's coIosscum v u firs t open- >vlpg)________ ed In 80 A.D.______________________ ^

r I I I '* . *" «tinimoio • * I T S c o l o r tw itc h o b o u ti

CE CABANA SETmbossed cotton In a vorlety of colors, combined A lugar-whltel" Set Includes fuU-cut cover-up M . . matching bra . , . matching shorts.

:-Pe. C heck S e t ............................................................ 3

topprt. boxer s 'Im I slde' t i p ^ s l ^ e 'v ’re'Ized denim, In a good variety o f new, sum- lors. Sizes 10 to 18. ^

Cnce-Lengtlr-Shofti ....................... ~ .......................... 1

ON PLISSE DAZZLE SHIRTSto take your bresth away! Tlie ahlrt-blouse yfiu'il ferywliCT-thlsTsammer . . . -wlth-arerythtng.—82.38.—

RFUL COTTON MIDRIFFS ^lUi lace and embroidery trims. Choose several ■ 1 5w , . r i n a inhriiew ebrors y o u i r w a n f t h I S '- ^ B r. BU/s 32 to 38, ' . - ^

;a iy -t» -M dN irS ra T ops .............................................!

imer's Best B o y irH G irrsA JEANS[ wear . . . wsshablllty. i f n ok-e lo wear'em . . . mom ” I J t ' '

i[ ^ o .h a v a - . lH S -V .llp ^ ^ .^ ^ ^ ^ „ pZZ3!^

r i t ' ............. „ . . ; i .6 9 2 ' ' * ® I ~ j S

•Y*' ...................

LE SHIRTS ^e mom'a and dad's. Styles for boys or «r!ghf,“bflghrcoIors- Ui»t------- T" a n - ' — r r ' . ^ g g mers love to wear - I a H ? '

t-8 H 0 R T S — --------- ■----------W J I Hs pr girls. Durable cotton twil] fo r the i .. shsrp colon lo demln for the O Q -« s for all ages.__________ 7 0 C tr - v ;- . : - |! j» a «

' 3-pfECE SUNDRESSES { U l H '. a sundress, a bolero J i^ e t and shorts gay summcr colors. Easy-tubbing em- cotton'ahd’pl^Ue.-' ' ' j ^ F K T *

'M ID R IFF SIton . . . styled like'peasant blouae*.vlth frilly embroidery trims. Easy-to- ■ •■ ■ f

.... 1.59Blses 1 lo e.—____ 1J» . ■ i i m/ ^

l l l U H W I I U M i i l B I I I I W .

I ALL- W om en 's Royons i m ~ — P A N T r e S ~

D 49c. . . nylem in long-wearfng rayolT knit.I t r in u i - I a - • Elastte-waJst-style, band or[urry to to«— '—clssttc .leg^srau u lo .white « r .r''to 43. pastels, a - M ■ L._________]_

S 'T I d e l u x e ~ r a y o n ”3ATS PRISCILLAS

Q ^4t49 1 0 4 x81

w ith double-full, B-lnch ruf- . . . In eoJ- flej. .Sm ooth rayon marqul-

oUke. Won> i«tte la w hite or pastel o r ". Hurry lo t deep tones.

i Q i > ^ J F rij

^ _____ : V . .

10_____________________________- ^ ees Launch Drive Se 2 l M ^ F i e l t f f t e i f f Rlflrrt slep In a campaign to raise some BO.- Ices

etd a t Jerome.-the Jaycees have schedu le a heldMKlajr~«t-4he-high-Mtveol^'«ymnasluai,— :------ turnbe the muslo to be played by Bob WilU and °f t m d Is recognized u the leader in th e Held ' ‘cii

RupK ahd baseball teams didn’t .appear once for M because no faclllUes are available here. AU ing meets- were scheduled a l opponents' fields, ed lUes for community baseball teams. jia \‘layboys wfj* selected to jJ aU & e OrlVfijRlih. ire t ng records and,playing over radio networks Ore ' as the nation's leader for westem music. it.090 records., _ ______ __ Mb>

• - - ■ - ' " ‘ Wsj

t e ^ Montana Senator S' eted Wants Reeleetion• Oandl- HELENA, May, 23 m S t n . Zales , irtjneen wr-Ecton'nicd-tJBticceed-hlinseix-on' 7:*^

a t the the Republican ticket yesterday,ssylng he ’'wUl continue to work Jr'"

present for the best interests of all the a hand people of Montana.” ‘‘y

the Oct, Ecton listed as his slogan, on the canai- peUUon filed with Secretary of " r

e men's stale Sam Mitchell, ’'government must be thc people's servant and

all team not their muter.” , '

ill-mnit. i ta tcm en t.l^L ^ cjnustJ ilop jnQ n^before gaging the future and destroying f ij,

Uie opportualUes of the younger davgeneraUon. are

st open- "Wc cannot continue to buy pros- wlcperlty tlirough war and bloodshed." mn

ly tu m m ero b o u ti ^ ^ 9 A i

il.98mbined M M / % .up A | ,

.................. 3 .98 / i / ? : ^ j ,


3 . 9 8n kiiit. Water repellent..wlad~iwlst- and or a n t- 17 bright,: new-=celof». .fhite o r ^ - SanforltedI They're • wa*h-

.— .. able. .....


^ ^ 0 . 0 0 7 —

n a r^ i* * " **** • . •'*11 flrrt . qualltyl -31»se a re . a l l .w o o U ,

istel or . . . In a good aasortmwit ot sizes and colon.

F r i d m g D I ^ ^

n e BO.. Ices for Mn ^

aiU and °f the h e Held flcinting.

i s s - g>r



3 “ , S r i ^ '

’ nmsDAY. , ■

Page 13: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula


A c re s r v p ■ ^ ^ L a u d - j ^

B H lttld Wednesd&7.of th« K j f l f f H g

■ i r ^ L T u T to th e -im d - - | f l H ; I x ^ »de^»*® Wmter.

• p " » " * IE^Wb

K S r ^ r i o file ft CtslmH n B '1‘ M «u- u vet- '^ K > * ^ J r L i preference, to I ^ ^ H I I

■ ■ ■

f t X s ^ o l H h

^ n i f S l a t e d -ZlfeSS« 0 » l u § - » “'---------------- - r« = n i f irw !«

Ui »n— A * ^ P » rtIn thB «»in C8MU county ---------------------

fof summer vnca- ^ , , ,I Original

^ K ^ ' ' , ' ^ 1^'^undny n t the ( 1 IV 6 II OOODINO. M.

■ & r A ? s a

K f “..MB «»»■ K »- g ;! tf? S n B B.Bd,ie]».: «"■'=«» »“■ , .^ s , .? 's rK '_^^Mr«r<>v Bt th r chalnnan with

s'tlrlcs. nndM« 9 d2 w 1 district board K>n « chorl.tcr. ■ S r S ^ n t tho dlplo- — —, ^ E r lifbih E™le V isits■ ^ , 1 ? ! pjn. Wednesday SPRINODA^

B S ftto Jg W lu a llo n exci- O ttUBnd°cilf | K t , hJd for senior and ^l ,„

« " K " 5

■ s r s s s r s i■ 1 Icr lolar and eighth

>t • program con- with Lcwli Crii tbe LDS churcb the dlplomu.

B—■ t- \

a 'b e caB se it

] = ■ ■ * * : I r^sss-


| ,^ S K 5 a - | - ^ j g _

w Mg ^ ^ B o x s t t o h ; ; .1^ 1 , 1 I

jIAT g . 1°°^

_____ Trum a n Makes ?

6caUliv.FTCiUtst.Infflu.iaUodiic«* Q u. Mmhtw I iperinteoacBt af the U. B. m J IIU ^ undeaiT IouI ^ bi smninr e n l^ t r u li F S n k P*ce fcenu,), „crtta ry

tr( In the ■cadem]'’i ISOlh ann iversary ctkbradon. (Jl J----------------------------------- ----------- -----

iriginal Song Is Program Given a’fConcerf „ ;i.* sr;,ri

3OODIN0. May 25-The QoodlOB 16- pujills pUor UlRti scnwi tnoros -presented and puppet she

orlBlnal tong. "Crilers of thc school.«n,'^-«impojed-b3r-Mr».--Luetta - Ttit! flrat -part' 0•Ight. Oood}n« elcoientary tench- consists ot muslca.a t thc sccond annual coihmunlty ^ Inliin w May. Meg-8unday alt«nwoD at th* Oood- M tn tri-d a y .-T h # -• Orange nail, - th e ir puppets for thi>aJe Conard and 01«nn OribWo At tho em Iho blind department of th c ? ' ' ' lie School for the Deaf and BUnd,yed a banjo and accordion. ----------------

3S.»°“i S ” S i ' S Campus WiIstlng. and Mrs, Harold H endcr- ^. « cborLtcr. S p e c i a l “ I

V isits Listed id a h o s t a t e oiPRINODALE. May 5J-M r. and “ cld s, E. D. Jones have returned to r-diniomi"Wand, callf.. after vWtlng re la - of^ih, ?ia'

iS 'B ro n ^ n a n d L u A n n M a n - K ' S h i d S « «, Logan, Utah, have been visit-

as--n.-Maniiliig.- ......... union buUdins.'

Jamcj Brasjllcld h Lcwli Crilchllcld preaenting fo r a BS decree in g ' dlplotnaj. » untion excrcl«4 Jon

iS S ^ S S \\

— ■

And ClbROJrmako's homo germ centers sanitary,

TnrnM . i " n i t 's *o.«qiy fomoV»bI ^ -------------a o a - i tn e n m u r f o c i i

I " '. : / W = fraitiondw itlta ryw itlI p ~ ~ |~ ~ g ^ r - p * Uiadlnreutin*cl«inlr*

T fr J ^ m \ s = d ( a f#et*.aofoxr»A #m M• - r 3—

L 2 ^ n Q j 3 i l i U ‘b y public htolth oull i K ? D irvcflocuonlhilobal

n a iI .... , .1 . .■ ^ - ■ r ; .■ ' r l jT ~



‘ C«.:M illhtw a BWp«y (rirht)-<fl M»I.-OetiTTredS

fnlM), iccretarr'of anay. Tho Presldenrw rn^at r tfltliradcn. (AP wlftphoto)

Program Given jHurts flAZELTON. May » - Mrs. Bill HANEEN.May22-IWhLslxthgradolcacJicj.jindhPJ- o«V’«< » broken toe e

of 16- pui)ll.s ptejcntea a pro- unloadlns a tnick am and puppet ahow Monday eve- f 'f " ' '’- * 'B Dt Ihc school. toot. ._________

Unit ta May. Mother'a day ^ d . f ” horlwntiii; those.b£ri-day.-Th#-«mi<I»n-^«l*- liSSL-------- --------------

puppets for the tecood part of *ho*. At tho ead of th# pro-

m. tach parent was presented -----------------------—h a.May basket.

ampus Wife Gets W ^g K Special “Diploma” K f l f c Z SDAHO STATE COLLEQE. 7oca-0,-.May 32—Mrs. James Srass- d. nupert, was awarded a tpccinl 3loma" by ^Jr^. Car! W. McIn-1, «i/c ot the Idttho-SUtc college _ . ildcnt. tor helping her husbandreceive his degree from lEC. r l l v 6 Sourletn c a m p u a wlvea were irdetl "diplomaa" at n><clnl jrad -

• t h iimcs Drasjllcld It a candidate a BS degree In gfolojy a t grad- _ m i lion exercises June 3.______ # pKI I

______________~ T » T / q

: x o c t

r - - . FIR M , RIPI

\ ' y GREEh

^ r r

M f r - T Osan'. p rlotpx'" __f, I,V«V"“' I - ■. • n o 'K V . 1

n t e c l M " ' I ^ 0 m m ,

y , g e r n u > I

id e rw H re m I -

ir, IrM I ' If r * l 9 « f I \ w f f n

pt”'!?.—I — — y ^ d ^ ,

eshom e sanitary, tool..•qiy fo moV» bolkoon “k tienm urfoM rbrlgh t,----- -- —— *—ond un lta w with CloroxI mlnrovt!Mc(Mn{na,Clorex _

aofoxl»A#mMf*ffitl«nt ______—13IIiFontiT3n<r.-:7a^^“ • -----------------------------

h H /V ffk g ^ . . . :

- J I E B jF o m i i y H a p H h t — - - ;

__________ __________ ■ TIMES-N

ctiou — - USDA-Pi On Mel

WASHINOTON. M Bu«s a re riytns and '

. ' ' way In from all dlrectl' Comatoea, rutabagas, 1

and other crops.^ ' ' departm ent cJ warns tb a t tbe pestL s c i b i \ / B a t i B f f i m i ^ a 3 .e r e r .lb U .Kl ^ l K i X n S H n ^ ; ' yearlnm ostnireaa

country. To I m^ ^ ^ ^ ■ E £ ^ 3 | h k £ ; , _ combat tb e men- \w .

.inTmW fci trfent haa • p tln t r t - f l— Kino booU ets on i^K

1'v'. ■ j s S B E B t B klUers. Theae may Y

be bought by maU f. .. (nm th e govern- t-. ^ ment prin ting of- 'J A nee lor » a lh a irH I

m any the Japanese beetle rlQUs challenge.. Tbey force abou t the mlddli after suiruner d( disappear toward th

These little bugs c. TaI.-GetirTred«ek“ A ri f i I5 ir ‘T'applylnff D D T or cl P i te trN .-¥ r-M r.rW < l-iy ^ - U o n H n -th e -« J l-^ U It waa a t Weat Point to Uke *>« planta w im DDT.

effective In fighting — beetle, th e departmen

tho whole nclghborhHurts Foot e c ,^ " >n ' ’Ih t---------------------— - . Tho -booklet qn-bei

NEEN.Moy22-R.O.Yflkenrc. cent*.I n broken toe Saturday while Out In th e west thtdins a truck at Lyle Jones’ vll has been a aerlous.i. A large piccc of iron fell on Somehaw I t has founot. the eaat.-SclenUstssa]----------------- ----- come our way under liflukes of the tails of vhales or hitched rides In ball

;rlzontol: those of fhbcs ver* Dletdrln and chlorda .......... ‘ I h ilt U\» ,d*

Prices Effective i


" • r A T U i a ) 'A T IIZ !~ ~• SUNDAY

r j 0D cqy~G R0W N '.......... FIR M , RIPE, S W E ^

StrowberriesjlGREEN J


ritK^RASS— —---------

r o t t r M

p l




OA-PubEshes New Ad n Methods to Fight Ii«*HMAN W. N ir n niJi »«rleuUur*-Ii»u«-HiU INGTON. May S3 (UB— "FtoUoi? InstrucUons 1 flytng and worming lhelr wlien using these n rom all directions to eal our cartful not to Inhale en i, rutabagas, cabbage, com. titles at ono Ume. Af u- crops. in-wtlddes. w ash youilepartm ent ot agriculture fully. Keep containen b a t the pcsia wtU be as tctlals plainly labeled e re r.lb U .E S :^ ^ H K S S P l lha reacb.«f cbU dcau ,jost-mreos ‘ foods," -----------------un try . To ^^Ptfhaia^the best^an-

a • pr l nt r t - f l — Tioorch imiTta -iuKn ! oUets on cost b 30 cents,o f c ro p - r . ■ , . ^ 1 ’/; Another weU-knowii

t by mail . boxwood leaf m iner. ! govern -»•. new leaves after hibcm;n tlng tha winter In dead Ifi

ny areas.uese beetle Is the most ae* i M f 1 ■ ■ | 9Lllenge.. Tbey WlU appear in}ut the middle June andiummer of destruction willr toward the middle of v 4 1 A ]

l it tle bugs can be curbed tn? D D l^or chtordiineToIu*the-»oll-or-l4t«r-b?-»pray----------------------------------a w ith DDT. Traps are not 4 f

In fighting tho Japanc.ie pie department says. uuIdu buv'im flle neighborhood -gets to- I . *U» ii.i« i lI the fiBht. ' " ™ . IM klet qn-beetles costs IS : Vflflam>Fmll 1^

th e west the alfalfa wee. ^ " • ‘ * H:cn a aerious.peat for years. U

It has found Ite way to ........V-Sclentlats say It may havo S;'.ir..'ys*t> - ^

w a ; under lls own power, d rides In baled hay.1 and chlordane sprays are

-depattetentlof i M f H — i

_________' ______________________ i—=—

M 1 5 S U 1

1 0 0

H H r a H H

•ASTib63g g g s i a


----"...... ...... ’- ----------- ' -r—-.... --A

lew -A d v ice ---“SnTSsysr--?Donald Parker of tha dep

' I g l l t l u S C C t S * ^ a t 'eaierplUart will o numeroui this M»«>n. H

aire m u a t -thU-warnlnKi.— howew . that loTgrt o fO 11? InstrucUons c a r e f u l l y precaution, anyway, a using these materials. Be chemical killers, not to Inhale excessive quan* "Shua tbe old method t ono tim e. After u.ilng tho Ing out the nests." ho ei Ides, w ash your hands care- often does damage to th« Keep containers of the ma- At Dellavllle, Md..- »clc plainly labeled and out of conducting a number of e cb.of cbHrtMM Cd aMaiLtrem various t y j ) e « f«

They, are concentrating o ips the best all-around book- Ing new types of non-b su}’s.-la.autamarc..farm .and klllera-wllh-phosphonis 1 -p w u - t» -on«>-CTHed - m n a ; C lB u 0 5 V B :^ ie d : jS TTnspctSTnKfTUSJases." Tho than olher methods In 30 cents. tests, but lo.lar eommert ier well-known and active been restricted b«ause 0 tr of m an 's labora is the ger to humans - aomet: d leaf m iner, which alecks These soIuUons up lo thU i-M after hlbcm atuig ihrough be handled only by train ' itt t.la -dcatL lcam p-S ew n ill Jhesdsatuu^K k tu-m



^ O F F H

Pl . LIBBY.'S __... .' .

poR iet

----------^ - N 0 - 3 W -------- :—^ CANS FOR.................


-----------s l { - T Z ^ . -3 0 0 rC O tfN ^ r::z= n :

------------------ ::------ ' . ' —

| j ^ -----------— ^ E R C F S ------------- =---------------


l y U L ________ THI


- — — — H > E R - t O A F T 7 : r T

6 3 * ------39e CO'- -1... ^ — O .t0 0 Z E l4 --------

- A ' R l i PRICIERS— 3.1 0 » cSJ'uT

: 3 9 c s‘f S ' ^ . 5 9

" T .........< t "i - ~ ii i ~ ~


jrayj’ ••tu deatr. j _ t h ^ took w n s ol itKi4aaS_l: ■istia note comes from Vou ean aUU jo after • Oj er ot tha departm ent of iwatter, and It k a t »p in«t

plUart will not be so and*’w otma^f?tt»*e»l^«!Is season. He l u g g e s t s , ____________ ___floTCTt r t t r « r t t t r x -CW flM rdnfi-W a-firel^ anyway, aad apply In IMl._________

old method of burn- nests." h e eays. "T hat unage to the trees.’*

Md.,- scientists are number of e ipertmenU us tyl>ea pf twclfToarh n tricentratlng on develop- M v v S y « » B es of non-toxle Insect f l V A H

methods In laboratorylar commercial ua« b a i ^ . A ■ - ! I I I I JX) because o t tbe d a n - ■ I 111 I l l | | f lns — aometlmea fa ta l. H H jU I

su-**lt t ts -n o t- to -o w - —

6ois i

EE ^^"7^

= = m

' l l I M ^ #n u « w V u I v c

= z z z : 4 s 'P (— - - - .....\......... - .yr'rHEJDU-TGH-GIRU

UCERY-T H U R S D A Y -------------

IRIAD— FRIDAY------------- -

o o l n sn i H ■■■■ T H I R f t - J P B B - t& PR IC C D O ZE K 'm ~ W K m m -


ii^off Uw p ^ te liUBto " ; f l B H

— S H

i P E p __ —


Page 14: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

J^URSDAT, M A T t t , 1981

■ m ___1 __A C (10U -,- iUFUBV**:-. —: —■ M L CM RtguIrMn p (. CoteU TuH Bh I. n*U Nirroir v1*v

I I :.‘ 5 X ' i i S r■^tl. K WrIK ii. Ancient Roffium - J j - £-*''** p . f r rI ^ H t IL T tn ............ M. D»Tonr«4^ ■ L ComKIlttloa (>• PrnnouB

OOWN|p n * plm i L Itupid p«rwa


H - B O A R D I N G H O U S E

i p THIS PICT0I5E A v i^ -iTi.'.! AIU OOG. WITH DOESh■ I YCU PeePlN© /M6I4TII? l l 1)4 Faaw THB GAtAEl i F 5 lD S / - - • 5 ^ ^ A S 0 ^ 4 \ c ? R Swr; TRIP6 66M f?O08ERnKil’ —.5M6EP •D O G ^ ( FAPBi! 1$ HERO WMILB j / TAUVH v.bUTWAUKlf4(3/ flHWr IB f ^ iT H w e '< U po t


. . I

i | UFga-fclRE THAT- r i — " i" — ^

Mj'. 'I t ’s a check from A u n t 1■jl . . . ahe m ust have know n I m


Lll!’—•• - --------------- 1 - h|{ i: . WJToistupgtH n \ { c m

II 1 M U .;;t’»&0iN«T0 V V .ULI : UAKE A WOMEY PWTO *“~ 0 ^111' TD L)» IN UV CtMPAWM, J

I Cfll ER!IiI I '

t t . 1981

7 . ^ T 'T !iZ T ~ .T '—~T',~i------ *

ITOir [ I S l H i I wL B S w I IL A T clpjW]nA|P)idT |e lE ^

[t aJ bIb t ie iT eB s g p l J

| ^ l ! ; j l : : r r n i r r g o i u i i M p a r ^ i o M ^ ^ |

i » s r . “1 JwiramlB*

^ ^ — “ 1, Stpiml** ' ' U. BJ*.

z z s z z z z ~ ~ ^tL EttlKkl.ltw

« cr»aM»wT» *— — — 1*- Anj mookif^ _____ _ 1 _ »>- Aael.nt tw».Ifc ^ JT ..... ------- whMl.4--------- -ctnrloir ,— S f ^ ? r H — ------------ i

I — ! i i | i c : - .

= P ? “ = ¥ -IffisK......^ 1 |--m ! : P ^ “

l O U S E ■ M A J O R H O O P L E I



THAT------------By-NBHfift^ f

m A u n t M argaret for your b irth d ay m ow n I needed a new hn tl” L



f^0M,6C0PMS&»( ' ) \ r ITOtDVOO W ]----^A-tLL UAVB-TO • - •i- ISUOUtP ^ -n

\ f CHANCE W n£U>.. WAVS 60Ni ^ nJ l V ✓ wopmNo A™ f/’-' ~ VWTBRP*’..PA16M, 1 V |iy

| K ^ ' | i n * i ' l

m m

_____________ :_____:____ ^ • — - -


f i Ns I I F i r r

^ 5 ^ E r r

______ ________________-THE-UFTER._____

!S :r SIDE-GLANCES------*■ j——

“ ■ ^

3 P L E

A30K/, ^lE R C -t V * / / ),DeAD^ V I / I


■ - - . . “Ifuse^'tiTbc.lhe first Sreaa'T aCST::;^ - nowadays they ccrtainly are akl

i±£EEdl CARNIVAL...:_____ Bj3H fiR------ ------------------ -------

irthday \' Cf.

"Sometimes you have to tnke a parents realize they are wasting


AY ^ By-W lLiM m ^ID-IOO ■|lil[!j|lllll|f ve&-cuo3eTlfc Y

y \ r EKIOUSH/ GIVE N fi l I


^ L ^ ^ r T I ' 1 r" i m piu.y/ I \ IB “- y f | S \ i L

c^ i/m S r J t W K ^ ' A

-UFTe r :-:_____________- - E .

E S " * -------- B ^ A L B R A I T H ^ ^

n r \ ^

& M II c!

t v a ^ R * I " A

I W ' ' Ij f i / ■ / ’?{ A

— ^ ~ ......

_ _ i z r i v S I - _ j>_ • 9 A I ET f i t ”a« T aa 'T puroh ‘W i ld f ifc 'in ^ b u t ' ^ ' ainly a r e sk im ping on materials 1"

:______ ^ y _ D I C K T U E N E R B: - . - m T \ % -U '

r r r r r T T K « • •

r,d4."' : J__I* ®- \ r ---------- ^nTn-» " -j— i ^B '

••• 1 : :' • s

/ ^ \ W S l ^ u

7 a :

-------------------------------- — I oave to ta k e a lo t o f lessons before your o are w as tin g th e i r nroneyl" q '

H^ - - Y -


^ u H k " E-

N~ - - ------- - E


i M S • - freATH-^WH«r.l».<I(-'n«»-t*.A-lS_ , jnceM B 'iT veenjF fi)6<jppLvi£PT

m i V CALLS rr/J AMrt^yWOVkTHB wi u f f i J SHALL


? r ^ f - W « W«l» -WSt-------------“-S O THIft'ft- TWf*<OCWai IWC

Hfto *WVT K«mu> AV\. CA

A 'u T ff li te ^ v o ^ o rS S T ^ i^o cn renc« and poies,R3 [still dnec r t — one te g re c o g riz e d ^ unnotk

' '1


_ UlGAU-'VOBlMWUnMy' l u ' vJ Tj OUTSIC*.through rfSUABUV

fA ______ = __ NlMEX»^AWMlNCE5ffJjJ6K6_/!•I I TAKE MAH KANRAN’ O U R A

V A T>WvS5P^^!^’v»WfB TTsI? L sggijsj'yissr- sa i ^ ^ k * ^

1 0 ______________________________ ■



I J t yy^' - :-----


cM Treu V N9irRE / m ^

PA V«.VTt '5ft\0r - y o w a iw p y---------1 [ { w

iOKki DKVS. f«*> ^\msH ‘- J «v» r n i » Av'L ■ sw »G 9 w m R s , i ^


rWeU.wailTTf'itisrft sia xtr«t7Hnj(adi«ecan Wallet, can<fi<Jat« fer ies.TO slillcJretnpubfic- f o f the Third Wardl 1 ized-^ unnoticed, f VfeHetl m jm

"^1 f iJe '-'^STTteX A Fkvi'^ A r ? I TKY>N' PKOFV 0 'T'PO...ISUiN GA4. ON AW fWl.l4H / “tBRPEW It


1' nJ l . •! I oVlECk WITH THE SUPEftU 1-1 'l~' OP MOTOn VEHICLES-SEE /; re 10, r’O) IP THEY HWE AMf Dooe r :POiiCEy . ONA MISS FRCNCH — itL

»gwi • _ ,^ = i ■■? _

- '*■* r - ~_ j \ l a A

^ ■ j j T O I F I y y j a

— - B B i E 2 C T ^ T ( v i S M H ”

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' ■ A*i^l-Tl-MILUON H - {

f m

.C y / ^ V v ^ __ NMA0B

\ •Teraon------- i |:« w s I

^«BOW »W T>^fiU iG l Y IP E F / ---------r a

lO U

W W PK U ftlf-.A JgP KK3T T l TVHaTfl tCHOCKJET- —lE S V B -A ------T ')- 'r r ,^ - ( S in '/

OPf 0' 1 -MTM -iOU 6LrV*«. NO VVn«“o % '? . ’s g p u , » n ^


ARUOH M r^iO- K 7 'e« l-‘‘-‘>’T B E T T W ^ J 1 ^ ^

BW51R-flO«NG®“^W B U rw »^("’H H - WMINt>-.60MB\BVEB tr O Q f - B H CBAZ/CU&e.W i K T l jK

' •jviuT'.4 r .l III

H F I B y*

A W N c ^ i n g C t e S t i n i B S ^ r a ^ f r « wWiciW,eh.

^Keczix?/a d S sR a ^K

if n K1.

)ULD — -.y^H A C E A I g ; g r ^ ^ f > g

cw eg a j T m n H T p S ^

Page 15: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

Loan „j ' *“ T lw tea l

B S J i f i n S i ' O l C Q tum rt/rom fllUr ,»_Miho firm- m TCMI-Loul

K i i t f from t te B>«ellng « a i rniUir i1 1 o n the « r d blsBoprl

s S r S r f '

tx)-Diiiof>'oiord tiMl* be«: vancTOMl.iyoJJ

■ S ! S ^ S “ ™ S - “ . . „ „ t ,H 7 t !«•** tlon olllccrs wcB r ■■—.« iM t> ipW th8 J'lKht. ITwso re;

■ |(IW *S Jr . then turned Christine D#y. B L t ~ ^ till lllll Fyrsh. eoumelloi

■ * - »«Dtl0D Of Its «!» '« '

A Graduate! - At-Dccl

H f o m e I n s t a l l e d U»nue'l o!m«rez,■ » * " . , , Hunt, Raisell InpB , i r y.T *" - Wtahlngton Brd, norrnce Pen■Snffcrawmirp 't "fti rci rrtiipriiV m ebool Uonday nwnL aimonwin. WlUlaa^ i^ a ta c tn ra e V M A U M jgyjg^ Robert■ fSto Buptr. fourtt dis- ^„k ,.

f e v S s T S i i S it s S w £ ^ « . - . 'A f'™ ” '^E»Uri.A.LM0Iien.Mr5. « o » '^ E m nncnuM; Mrs. J ' C,■Sciiiip; < '1 Events F

d™ h, M.t " n r ^ " ’r(5m ie» Mond'tty

K u a Weilej Bill, health; vUlllng Mr. and N■ s f liM w a u d Mri-Archie PW.g . r - — Urt. Allan MU- Harper Buel has^E ^M ^nd publicity. ver. Colo, »Il*r vB - 'r ~ toduilMl the rending bere.B 5»S «fin J7T ir* .'^ 0> « ^ — ■■fibLCuuda. Tlalin sclco Flaying cards an BiidiWUcoinl). Kcompan- come Irom Asla,.b M f a Qib Bcrcn, and vocal tlM b«Uevo the E( ■toijnBUg»r.»econipinleU them. ,f c K v a u ^ :e 7 g n g t r . - ■■■ = ~

l e r D r i v e - f o r

■eyJslagging i f f i P M■ D r u v 'a - llti.. Pred■ CuU ccuntrcommandrr■ iBBlcth. Canccr society.^ ■ bttper ceot of the quota ^ E n s ty ti l l rufUidT v"^ E a e r a j l i i e w d ie M l^

H a l ts Ihelr collection. O N IY Z E N ITO U A l l

p . r T i S■taB or to Ura. Rulon ilr R s i irv * B o tt f * 4.p<..'l,n.n To

IlDationHeld» n « l T e d dlplomu rrl- * ^ C H I T M B t t The ccmrntncement w ! — M n i deUtertd by ProSate ^

K y ^ n to lto .W U .. i S f t T^ a g , elerfc o( the ichool v m K» ^ / a e i ^ L _ C i i a o |n e

Knidtr. Veteii ..lA W .o rt.1WJAY«TU»

.._McCi66ryB -tterlcK F c

I ' Planning ahoad cos KtnI K ^ « BepraparedforguMtaw■ J fclBond4lUlard.Senre

1 ^ rS racK M i

S s l B O B R B O S ^l r ^ l w h i s k e y U

)SXluirch.Has— H ~~ Sunday Services

J«Y . M*y aa — Sunday eve-iw lcea t ta tu r td O tortB Kljk- ______“M ■ *iJB*ltei. Tto leueiiily’T E rM'from filling «n LDS mlulon i^ ^ B L % We TcMi-LouUlan» miaslon, The |----- —!ng « s i under ttu direction or T ^ B B Brtrd blshoprlo -KlUi Verd Miir* I I B * Bconducting. M

^-f^iWDrrtSnn>nd Robert Whitby. They were - ”» Thlj Eiiiited.lo the Prlm»ry prejJdent, *IH be |•Ijtu rirW ieeeinr*y-M r«.-3e|ir tPBr-errurj;itf^ T tn 'to rfn n w sH w a -tin ss r - ^ h^ ^ V j h i -l4hOt>'01oyd Mechum for ad- ' ' - _______Bnmt .lnto Ui» Aaronlo priest- - i -----

leaics for primary organlu. olllccrs were given Sunday ^ ^ H g ^ H K r

:. These released - wer« Mrt; i_33iur.son._j)rcslrtcnti_jiirfl., tine D#y. and M rs. Jt»n 1. eouniellors. 6uit«lned u mrs were Mni. Jean Pyrah. Mlent; Mr*. Blanche Pntterson,Mrs. Mary Dllarotlh, couotel. ' ______and LouUa Sm lth.'secretvy. W f M M k

aduates Listed ■ |H || |{ |i tt-Dcelo SchoolsC i;O ri- IS F « — ofrWgtmcnool-tnchHlB-BlUlB'An*- —--------------—------n, Jerry Bailey. Barbara Frle.v - £ ^ t kjel Outlerez. Fred Hawker. Earl it, Rauell Ingrnm, LeChn Leon>

SE '£H pSS"feSSfl!,';r - - i i Mnson. WlUlam Bteveiu. Roland ir. Robert T^ler a n d Olen

h'th grade Kraduates f tn Jerry - rton. L oo Anderson. John . Darlene Chrl.itopherson, Carol H H:tll, Joan Dayley. Dennla Dny- j f l ^ HJacqueline Engstrom, RelerTei, - L tn 7 m if le ld . 'DeniiU ----- — ^ B Hn. Dale lieooanL Ronnie Uea- , ^ ^ ^ Hr. James Morrison, FaC rtcK --------- ^ ^ ^ ^ H>e],Cleone ’Pjirke. Connie Pres-.Vallace Rlchlna, Carol Schrenk.:U Stevens, Verlon Sutton, t Baxton, K eren Seamons, Rob« tevem, PeU Weelca and Joe

Events ReportedTRIOH, M ay 22-Co]. and a. J. Kunzmnn and srandsona {onday for Reno. N er.. after g Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Mur>

per Buel has returned to Den- J 1 H &;olo, after vUltlng hla family ^ ^

ring cords are believed to hsvefrom Asia,.but come author)- - ^ Hellevo the EgypUana Inve n t e d ____


PE R M A P H O N I i i i rv * B o t tc r y Sw itch

T on*ig o r tip V olum » C o n tro l

Al’LANy-’riU K IK ^O T A i’!;

T E N Iff* H IA R iN O , 5 * < ~ A ID S

. «l Madrrul* Ulia C«tl ► AY RETURN HIVltEOl ■

iCteeiy Drugs _________ome, Idaho ' Thone 133 m^mJa tte f lo iF o r All A i a r " ' J Q

M d c m iO T O flied ay l for guB9ti w ilh flavor*; lla rd .Serv»U ton lgb tl

ft 5^ N 0J50! n i l 1 This beautifu'" - “ ■ \ sa tiona lA nn iREY I th an one houtI « « a \ 'broken buttoi

W ashes white

__ ___________________ _________ t i m e s -n :

a n d

^ r n V A Hr* -'n )rrn r^ iin t? H S B W irrfc ~ — — « i ^ — -t L«l! Thlj EuQbred H ere- M M Calf will be glTen la a o m e ______ m

PMring AnniVersc

E A ^ S P I


<0 DOWN PAYMEN-is beau tifu l E a s y S p in d rie r with d ional A n n iv e rs a ry Sale o ffe r! Tw ,n one hour. P o w e r rin ses clo thes c iken b u tto n s o r b e n t bu ck le s . . . ishes w h ite r -w ith gentle, thorougi:

___________________A p p liM c e ^ P o T O

‘ ' ---------- ------- 3

T IM E S -N E W S , T W I N r V ^ L S , ID j

A N D Y T S o ^

i n g i d ^ 0 | f f 6 r I

V A L U E S O N E >

tW O -PiE C E ^O Y C I

B O t E R a S U

I n " B o n a V e l a ’’ . . . A m «

F i n e s t I ^ i n e n - W e a v e B

- - ..... * -Emftanent Cns i s ^ n c e

'P e r s p i i m i o f T R .

• Sunfast

• Guaranteed Ur | | p T tionally Washa

H T.------------------^ Y b v e n -o f Im p cD o m e s tic Kayo:t6

In smart colors of lusgagi blue, navy. Sizes 10 to 2

niVerjdry Sole Only!


iisg■ > y i t h y o u

- " - ^ o t c r v r A S FR e g a r d l e s s o l

o r C o n d i t i

z = 5 b z z z z r r :

IT M E N T .^ ,30^M os.to'ier with deluxe fea tu res. . . a t t >ffer! Two tubs do a weelrt was! !s clothes cleaner. Spins d ry . . .: ackles . . . .whirls out 25% more !, thorough washing-actionl____

ees—Domstairs Stdire “ '

y s T f l U R R Y ™

for Newtm thB M E V E R Y E V E r

^ O Y C E " ~ /

r S U I T 1 ^

. . A m e r i c a ’s

e a y . e J l a y o n ! _ _ T 3 j |

nent Crease Re- —;e

rati6n“ Resistant“ i


iteed Uncondi-y Washable T i

roJ Imported' and” ~ -itic Rayon Yarns

6 • *<•8 of luggage tfin. beige, DOUI

by Mou(>izea 10 to 20. 95% cotton.

rayon aatln I o l colors.

_________________________________ 2 fi% wool...._ ;__________________ __ -7 2 x 8 4 ,- ,S c

" I --------R c g - ^72x90.- 4-1

» I ■ Y eU ow , p ll

--------------- ^ - - R o g r ^. ------------------------ -7 2 x 9 0 . Ix

M ER ::|^Am

i t h y o u r f l | H |

r W A S H E R T " Z

d i e s s o f A g e K y ^

C o n d i t i o n / K S B

— --------------------------- ------------ — %

iosvtoPoy5 . . . a t this sen- “ lek^ wash in less_^ . . . no more ' CheeHt

5% more water!. Sturdy i. - ■ NewDe

—-— - -original

".'■■!■.... c~-^ ■


n d iB e t f e r 'I F S H .sdlTldualf wera d

E V E N T F U L S g T r -' u n l w o T c S u

O = O ^ C t 0 « ^or-tffii-B a fi,

, yaU* ehamboiIslaUv* action


from tho U been aaked to

o t passlns su^ 'H ^ H ^ ^ B - w n r m K T a V Tr y » W ^ ^ ^ a t l o n a l hotel t

M m g m Jllona and fln<Ur

- • w J \ A |"t^ *’t-u ■ ' M A -J wtM .. ^ H . . ^ L . - V lUoo. the d irt

onaorlng the trls^ ^ ■ H H I H | H | | | H H I Boys' state th l

™ letrich TrilO H .M aysa—M

- tD E N VlBtTOB B ^ ^ C J B ^ n K w . ~ 23^M rt. J a

5^**"- 0fturtmiii— ^ t t

9twi M ISl .c i '" * * " * * '

5 A V E ^____________jiM^m= z5 0 < k i50c^

Reg. 6.94 \ ^ DOUBLE BED 81^ Sg

. . by Mount HoyaL sr. wool.95% eotton. 73x84. Luxurious | M M | | ^ H P P rayon aatln binding. Your choice oS colors. ■

Reg. 9.40 Northwg!'„t?'Bi!uri. - 7 2 x 8 4 ,- ,S e lc c t^ ro m -b e a u tif i^ * * ’' * * ^ ^ ”^ ^

-^leg-fe97-WESBvt^^^72x90.- 4-ineh Bsttn binding.^ w /> m m >».>< YeUow, pink, biu?, grey,

Reg. 8:4^ t > MA'7 2 x 9 0 . • Lflve1y-ravon-blnrfiritt..-t.t--= j-j

w e igh t. Large selection of ( ^■ right mfactOT*

'<k«f^itttuua<tq.... .. ........ Ighw In Bhrt,

o»h................A n n i v e r » r y D

FLEET^^ ■ t y g r « » l g

B f” i f r I !i” m II

i^ in c o 9 i

KNTCPAIA^ChecH these many o!*^^®^'^ Sturdy double bar ftJ 'New Departure coa^DEDfe~PI

•-original ow nersliipr-J® ^^;;^- — -------------- » r f

SPromdte^ N o T rK p a i

iroaioU further dertl- • o XT’ le northside trut I? lA l l tK V eluals wero dlscuued it V A U U U M 8 hamber of Oomsierce JL * ■'';da at th. National c b S 7 , ? S 'iVm tm r,. lh# Twin L??2151*i«w ktUneas « sr of CcnuHKCo n u t f f ^ W J V llevM tn incKaj ey dlreetora to eip reu rata wouldMl* TntfPTai '

U t. Twin Palli, urged 7 ^ “ ®’ * o u ld li*'

s ' s s ' s s w S S f f l s s rtvo action needed to when you havehald# land to prlrat* Wu don’t think a ta

•elf S0 mueh.from th s three eham- “It’s catching. My oirentn aaked lo study ttii n«PPy f «m. to ho and hla

passlns such legtsU- * t»>>y. Urge famlllea har B « r 8 V T p j n . JUHi love-DiU-lfrtcUon."m al hotel to compare Only S3

a ad findings and to FonUlne U only 3J . buth e proper method ef his pretty wUe eloDcd who lr p laa to oongtM. I9 in Boston. Slo

u , . .« bought dlapera forn .? ' “ <* *'* Th» oldest, rring the tr ip ot a Bur- [j ,^3 thn vour»»Mt

•s' state th is year. mc^'ths .UIl‘ cSo/?n'lf*r “hfT T T r r r r _____"W«. Jun.jike .children;r i c h T r i p s <»medlan. -WeTo lud----------------- ^ ---------- aWe (« supuort'a 'larjrw ittM ay 33—M r. aad Itrs. Not New.0—aed-fM nUy.-Vale, -W hen-th»-e l*h lh-eh lld n i In D te tilth . WMie, ronlaSn# dltln 't 10Its. m oyd Oa(« and usual Hollywood custom o A n . Beaa Bates rialted Ing his publicity man. Hi B erb Brown-Jn-OhlUy by.-Bow-lt Imt newi-mnyri

Ho oUiet luminary In ab-------------------- ness h u c lu U e n ^ t^ o .r VlBtTOBS ' recotrl. Runoera-up a re

r.sj'ssss'is;’ sss.S m ^ S T bI J S ' « a ™ c w w ™ _ ^

H A IfflIH .M ay»-T heA........ ^ B lowihip iroup o t the it««>

mtmity churcli met Sunday--------- with Mrt.-Prarlc-WeUa lead

A t M r / M M the slniiplraUoa and th e dl a tM> AJ» **''**' Bandettaa waa

n r ^ M T M l . panliL «n .R a lph a im m oi ---------------

W i 9 i 4 u , . » r ' R . a T p . , . , ' ' i C I Z i «fAr M«« iM t

Twta FaUs T ttln an ~n ItM t Oen>p«i7

tl. UU-H. u . i» Block : V '^ H ^ l y v V f V.rn'etr I M i VlaUm L. I

w h f B - l h * J itn

^EDomfMJEO ito d tn i p n p o r a .vn fon itd fnm -------—ftniM . .T )nl ~ h t mfactOTViD W — ord^,*m«9rii ,jafuuo*ion<>» in B h r t, W m t. piiiia»

nr c o A i f t o s t s e o


1 ^ ....... y

' n c H n mI H S W B N l X B l T ' '‘ '" " ".y-w-.BMB

r a p a p f ' \ j f f l j l

l a n d T f a W '■ « i

o u n g s t e r sOD. M ay » an ~ M M i i k Fo&taln«. th e l7o. :IH B M V buU nen « t tn e l t l iL M n J y ^ H ivea an InenaM In t l» ^ ^ H H lh rata w ould e n t th a '

I A ould havo m ar* ~ ^ H Hih e jc a u iid - la o i if f B R r e t i- ^ ^ ^ H lerlsJon. radio and pJ«> W B t l l I you have ■ l a m n H H on’t think a to u t your* f l9 H

lg. My oirent a a v how ■' ®!0 ho and h la wife had e famlllea h ava mnin - cnotT" . -, I jOnly S l t '9; only 3J. b u t ha and H ‘i He eloped When both ]■[>(

Boston. S ince ' ihaa i|?! 'It dlopera for tw o girls l i t The oldest. y ninW, jr., UJjfc 10 youngest. Alma, I ^j.Si, coos In h e r h lsh chair, . ;H Ia like . c h l l d r e o r - a h ^ . - : - 1 |H B I. ‘ We're lucky to b tTt-a-larRW-<ffmUy.“-------^ ~ ^ H Mfot Newa■eighth -eh iid -m a - 'T O — - H M I n« didn 't idO tnt the iKid custom of notify* iclty man. H e flguree

imlnory In ahow tmil*lU e n ^ th o n>atain*lera-up a re J<aur«en ^ B H:d-iUreetor Jo h n 7ar> - - - ^ B Hren Znoutha to feed,g and Eddie CantorI chUdron apiece. ^ H H

>UP aSBTB— -------~ H Htay 2 2 -T h e A dult n u I of the H ansm Oom* l H H | H met Sunday OTCBlnt f f l S n inlc-WeUa leadlnc botJJ------loa and th e dUcuaaJcn,___ t f i lK Bandefson waa accom* UfawHi lalpb aim num a m u b* f l | 1 f j l

ta te T r a m f e n i l l ^ H ton rsrtiV dcd byPaUs T ttln and K w BrtOon>p«iy H H

.V V 'n ,. WIr.ii I t! I w u B w u ^ i i

iJi VlaUm ---- " I B B■ B B

« 7 '4 I . aad e t e k ?


Page 16: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula


V "GooH Use oF B' ~ U. S. L o a n I Funds Note■ BOISE, M tr 23 W ^ I d ih o tu H *n htTe bomnr«l » 7 « ,< u from■ . ftrmon homt ■ d m l n l i t r f t t i

. Uirough tb* K tbo ru ra l r th»hill■ tleo oorportUOD (lnc« 1038, s r«p■ . to ih« conwT^llon'A tw&nl or dir

n KtilJ.MMlebyTDlih-Td.tSoFM m ■- - r t t w t^y- ^ ia rtBiTetitfimi lPBr'rB b u I309.DW In ftuebi. nU ouUUin - ls i In lomi (o fM m ert. Ua tM ' Jl wt4 on k Mund financia l ba<lj IB ctui* inttreit en th e lo tn i ti i■ erulnt I t t p e t te r r a te th tn i

R—H , , over lg the F2M, w hich makei tH lotni u d collecUons and repoH - to (tie boun) of directors of the «

***Sin«'''ihf Inccption of Ita ent projrun, MsKleby reported, the FI h ts iQuicd (artnrrs In Idnho t l 436.3i3, ol wlilch UO.423J01 ot t prlnclpal h u bctii repnyrd.

----- FFA4)fficers-in-J e r o m e I n s t a l l e

------------ JQIOME, i u r 22-— ;-Wft5hin#tiPTA held 11* last oicetlnft of tl j-e«r I t thf icIiDol M onday nlgt. NCKly (Iccusd oltlccra w ere IntUUi by Uri. caliln H trp c r .. Xourth. dL trlct pMJldent.

Inittlled were Mra. R . B. Ctrtoi preildent: Mr>, Victor C am c«l. fin

■ vlcc prealdeot; V era RomiLBln-----------e«ond-TlM prMldtnt; Urt.-W ayt:

SldweU. trtMurer, a n d M rt. Ver: eulllvta, Mcreur7. M rs. X «rtn Can eds, PMlrtnt president, waa p« tented with » p ttt presldent'a pli

A rtport of the a ud iting commJI tee we« made by Jo h n Stelle,.J(

i f k chairman of the committee.■V ataiiriinf commlUccs for the nji

year were fliraed by Mrs. Onnor They include Ur«. A. M o Oben, Mri L. V. nuebel, programa; Mrs. J, C Mewer, membertWp: M r. and Mn Al bOJplUUICy; M rt. J. 1 Snowmen, courtesy' M rs. R en t Jftck

......ton tod M r*.'Elmer Miller,—ho:uncli: Urt. R. £■ Farts, tooa inoUiert; Mn. W etler Bull, health Mrt. Leon Hutchlaon a n d Mre. Arehl< Ltnt>, Bitftilnet; -Mrs. Allan MU'

Of t poem TfTliwn by Mrs. Joht Hayes by Mrt. Canada. vloUn selec- tloni by Anita Wllcomb, aecompon- l»d b; Mrs. Oib Boren, and vocal sulDTDyCiJtiIjn Sligar, aceenpanled

:-------- - fcy-liq'iBethtr.-Mrg.-Poylff-eHfn—

CancM Dfrve~f6r “ ~ 7 Burley Lagging

-BDIUCT; May Mr*. Pred•• UldU*. Cault county commandci

_____ for. .the Anierlciin -C an ce r tosletfireports only 80 per c e n t of Uie quoS for Cttsla eounty bas been retched.

have completed the ir quotas and___jf7->inv»i (n callectlfloa.

deUnjuency I t la rs e ly within--------- <Ji* fJty, .h* _________________

Mrs. u id ltv urget » n worken to . . eomplele Uielr ennvftssea and turn

their money over to Jeannette Chamberlain or to M rt. Rulon Gtoker, city etmpalErn chairman.

— ^ G r a d u a t i o n j B e l d -EDEH, U»y 2 J - 'n ie E den elehUi

irrade class receUed dip lom at Prl­day eventnit. The commencement=----- ffsafcu 'iru dJHWHd eyJud|« Theron Ward.

------------- piplflm4j_wcre.pres4snUd-by-Wll----------- U«l-UtUiiurr-ot«rk-ol-»he-flehool

board, U> Floyd Ayers. Catherine Bauer, j t e Bltck, O la lr Bodily, noy Brtxey, Brenda K enner. Velma Uwhorti, Leon Lewis. AUen U n j,

------ Bonlt... MtHbCZ.Archy Petenon, BandiB Fetencn, Mtrilyn K«ke{t, .LCD, Frlce. John Hoyjton. MtrUn. Schw ab. Richard

___ Bchwtb, Rfibert Severcnce, Hay-Jnond Skelton, Edwin SmlCh; Mors Bmlth, zoland T an n er. Wanda Thornton tnd WUm* Y o tt.

i f l f f Pkm zB | ? S Bepn

• J E > W Be

nS S ai

f \

^ p u g j f B g ^

- - r®- ■ I ■

^« H U A B D ■' Hrr.—------------------------ ■ ^ e r«

....... . . ■ ? £ :

) f “ i C T S T I u F a n H a r ' '

J S u n d a y S e r v i c e s-------- OAnK. May_a3.—_BUnOoy-fiYf. _

. 1 n ln t lerrlfet featured Oeorge Kirk- n t f ^ n ' “■'O u speaker. H e recenUy » . i^ a .V 'U l u b ml»*I«n 'ho farm- In the Teui>LouItlana mission, l^ e from the meeting wat under tho direction of ■ r a t i o n the wara-blshoprlo w ith verd Mur-(hahmt*. dock conducting. ___,,a report Cet'flflcaTes of g rad u a e fo tT ^ m or dlree- rrim try '^ g i ^ _ w L ^ ^ Aditni.

aioTHA" TWU^r ih ln^ry'^si^^’amniDtnr.u tttaad- Pyrah, who In turn prea^Hle^Ttheia Ha ttld to BUhop Cloyd Mecham for ad- ba tltbe - vnncemcnt into-the Anronle priest- , >1 Is tc - hood. Ihan ex- Relcucs for prim ary orRanlta- f

tlon . olliccrt were given Sunday '[ p by the night.

n twned Chrljtlne Day, ’ and Mr*. Jean tket tha Pyriih. counsellors. Sustained u

reporU leaders wero Mr*. Jean Pyrah, the cor- prMldenl|-Mrs. Blanohe Patterson,

nnd Mm. Mnry Dllworth, countt]..J entire lors. and Loul.ia sm ith , secretary, the FHA ---------------------------

fVS; Graduates L isted — -----3,'t J)eclo_S3joDlsin —__ ;DEQU);.Mar_2a--aaduatM-ef« * Declo hlih school Include DlUle An-I I l n J derton; Jetty Dailey. B arbara Frits, l U c U Manuel Oulierez. Fred Hawker. Earl

Hurst, Ruuell InRrnm, L etha Leon- -m'rtrnorfnce PcnrodrB yron Peter-

, L u, ton, Helen U Prlc l Scaniont. PoUy n.V.ii.S Simonson. Wlllfam Elevens, Roland

Taylor,. Robert Tyler _and_ Olen

Caraan graduaU t are JerryII Andersdn. L e e Anderson, Joha nilntn. Borlz, Darlene Chrlstopherson, Carol

Cantrell, Join Daylcy, Dennis Day.v S S ley- JtegueUn# Engstrom, ReUr

n c S ! Outlerei, Larry H atlleld , Dennli. Jlbsoa. Btle.Leonard. Bonnle-Met>f a r t n . »ln8er, Jamet Morrison. PatrickjDimlt- Novosel. Cleone Parke, Connie Prea.lie. Ir ton. Walltce Rlchlnt, Carol Bchrenk;,

■’ Patricia Stevens, Verlon Sutton,ie new Orant Batton. Keren Seamons, Rob-Jnnon. ■*‘'l '‘B««a»,-Dell~Weeka a u a “ Joe "n,Mr*. Wolf. _________________

Events Reported; j i c k - DIFTRICH. May 22—Col. andr,—hei Mraj'W* J. KuBzman a n d grondflona

tDom left Monday for Reno, Nev., afterleaJth: VlslUng Mr, and Mre. Palm er M ur.

**:^an>erl!uelha«retuTTiedtoDen. rer. Colo, after vlsltin« h it family

«aihg ' Bw er-^------ -— =— ^ ^ ^ ----- ^ -John ---------------------------

selec- Playing cards are believed to have mpon- come /rom Asia, hu t tom e authorl- vocal Uet believe th t E m U a n t invented

wnled -th em. , ---------------- —


tched.r s s r a : ------- ^ ----------- ■”

_ A M 1 T X I H I T H C I V E S YOU T H t S i l ^

* Ix c lu i lv a P E itM A p H O N i Rulon -k R a ttrv a B a t te ry S W itch

i t 4 .F o iltlen T on* C o n t ro l

-^ftO T A fH lN B^SU M R -R O T A i*^ -

H I A R I N O i

S : —lerlne _ _todlly, <*n»toW». ^?elma f .i r . c«u


S McCleery DrugsMdra — J*fonerIdth®-------Ph«*fr-183 —randa BoH«rle» Fer All Aldi

tP k a m ln g o l iM d c a a ta n t lM d a r l . SBe p » p « iB d ior guesK w ith f l o w :M Boad&LUlani SeiTftU to n lg U i

strm gbt f g B bobmoS \ I

^ " LftBO:c‘QilPABy^ lOU]ywiLW..T(^HTU^K«

I « « ‘nr ~-m Ing I-oH This ***^7 ~ —

ia"Uiein' n * « n tv -n ( it n i : ^ for ad- '


Sunday --Mrs.

Jeanled u J g ^ 1Pyrah, M m ^ hi t j ^ J - '

etary. ‘

id ■ ■ ■ ■ f l l

atM-ef___________________________________Jle An- a Frits.

I Leon. .r m lkPeter- ------------- ----------------------------------------- pouy

EtolandOlen .

> Jerry John

I. Carat s Day.

Rei4rDennli»-Met. ____

afterM ur. '

I Den-family ^ ■ - ^ * * 9

have v H i jS r


I f l



__________________ • • A


I-■ i

- - — i - - . - y : j l <* >— . .— — — __________/ y M o d e l iw !

NO DOWN P/This beautiful E a sy Spin sational A n n iv e rsa ry Sal(

^ th a n c n e h o u r .,,P o w e r j in broken b u tto n s o r b e n t WpiHes w hite r .w ith gent

J T Z r ^ ' Z — ^ T ^ l f e l i a

SJS J _ ' ' '

__________ TTMS-NEWS, T W T N FALLS, IDAHD ___________________ iboBSPAT. MAT« . 18Bg__________ * “ ■ , , TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO

-- ANDY I S^sT H U R R Y I^nllV ^fK elasfT w o D o n ^ Aijderson's Gigantici SlIrAnniversaryiS^: ings! Shop for New^ond Better BargainrAttrTHROUGH^he^TOREiMOItl for YOUR MONEY n VALUES ON EVERY EVENTfUl FLOOR! HUNPPFftS OF UNADVERTISED SPEClALSi _ ^i ^ g = ^ J g E N T l t - 9 j E > O f e ^ ^ 6 I ^ ^ H U B S B A ^ = H l i B ^ ^

■—-------- ---------- •_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ __________ tiMUt legltlaUnW— B MB Wm — InteresU.i n | n n v A BBSH ^ Commltteet''JXSsSr >>«n have bean

c T r j r r # , < / / / F y / / ' A W / 7 f g T r \ T ^ Vk ^ ) i 3 W / } j r r / / / / ^ a . c r uA - ^ - A a "A' Y M A J Y- . t ~ A. I a- a ~ ^ T - ^ -i

proved ley boy to

i f _ :____________ _ . '"'^ I Dear CuBtoiherj Yon are Ck>rdially“In v ite d ^ » Alt«) d xrar B irthday i \ ■ ----- .; ' I -T- _ jl —ntpnUOHrlT W O -P IE C E " J O Y C E " ^ ^ ~ S A V ™ U R I N G " A N N I V E R S A R Y ~ D A Y S ! ------- P W C a a ) ra t« ® W 5 6 t1 rA n i i iv e r s a ry . . . Friday E venirrB irth^---------------------------------- — -------------------------------- ------------------ ----

k ____ ^ _____— ^ - — — — t r i I I T ___ - — Sp€cioJ[G aij« i Rgt»i 1 J o t n ? nn day fak e w ill b e cut a t 6:30 P. M. a n d served hroughout th e ___________ F R I D A Y M O R N I N G _____________

K B O l E R O S U l l ^ fog. S9e Brats Hou Nozzles..................................... :....33c . , . , ^ ~ “ " F A P Y R I R D " V p E r i A L f ^ ' . ^» __ __ Sq,*! Pofoto S o 1 0 0 Mr. George R u th a r t, who is ce lebrating h is 19th yt g m th A nder- __________ C A t v l OIK. IJ j r C V j I A U . _________ ^ Ebra■ I n “B o n a re la ” A m e r i c a ’s H r W r i K r O j ... . “ '’“ •■•■••■■ ..........® son’s of Tw in F alls, will cut the cake. S e th is ijia u tifu l cake, a « C « l« O . ^ r t •» * I A A M f t k J I Y I u K S i :■ i n £ O n a m a . A m e n c a s sturdy P itch F o rk ................................................1.00 replica of o u r s to re .T^baked th rough th e courtesi of Albertson’s O n S o l e 9 : 3 0 t O 1 0 A . M , O N L Y ! ^

r i n e s t l y i n 'e n - W e a v e K a y o n . Garden CulK votors.................................. l.OO Bakery. I t w ill b e on display on A n d e rso n ’s Main Floor All Day. _ _ ?Si“'s l ,w

. P e rm a n en t Crease. Ee- ’ ^ ^ A n i r ^ n r y V d u .I Hay K n lv « ..............1.00 Friday. . W O m e i l ' S W 'distance . G arden gupplies-S trO et F loo r ^ “S„V'"f c .r .'« m M . M . M . A I

______________ _____ __ ■ cream will be served .through.courtcsy Of Young’fl Dairy. t W 'm W ■ a ^ j• P ersp ira tion Resistant I ‘ ' I j I ^ I E I I ^ V I 1 - - t . J 1 M_ and . . . WE HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN THE KIDDIES! We Jn e their favorite Ice W B i m ■ ■ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ff i «

r< J! i. I cream for them I Albcrteon'fl icc croom will be served to them in mr Appliance Dept. B* S u n fa s t ' ^ U S f A U Q V S ' . . .courtsay of Albertson's Food Center. q 4 C A A ' < t m U I '

G uaranteed Uncondi- _ - PLEASE A ’T T O W o UR M W D A Y P A R T Y A TO H E L P V Htionally Washable C A \# E I D l AKII^ET* CELEBRATE OUR 56th ANNIVEESA [IY! I « t n M f « ■ ■ H R (A■ f ^ SAVE! BLANKET---—Dom estic Rayon Y arns I A Y A U I / A Y C A I E l All styles in f in e s t 100% wool fabrics. H uge selection

■■ -- --------------------- — ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ of-colors;-S ize3^-ta>48. .

1 " tL f\^ MONTK H O L D S YOUR ' -------: ' -....- ..... - - - ■ ...-- j Q C B L A N K E T -T IL Z ... - - - l a t e x F O A M R U B B E R ^ 4 ^

In smart colors of luseagc tan, bdsc, DQUBLE^BED B L A N K E T - H 0 g , 4 , 9 8 &blue, nnvy. Sizes 10 to 20. 8 8 ' t - * « X - - Genuine Latex Foam Rubber filling with patterned cover of j F O m /0 t ______ ______ ______ ^ ....... Limited quanMty. Senaational An- ___ W ~ ^

F a s h ions-M ezzam m e________ Reg. 9.40 N o rthw ood D O U B L E B L A N K E T ^ Q Q D om cB tics-S treet Floor i ^ H i'2£rrr. nfcti .qn n

. - ____ 7.2x84. Select from beimliful decorator colorS;______ ~ H — ggOk

.................................... . ............................ ' f ~ — ~ T S ~ S ^ ~ — ------------ , ^ 1 1 - %-72XD0. XOfo wool, 65% rayon;2Qrc-cotton. C n A ^ ltfv l P lIv rf lA C A T R a VC H "'*_ . - / ^ - _ | f Only60c^own. - ■ ^ • w d p . o c i a i r u r c n a s e i . D o y s . ■

i g A n n i v e r s o r y S a l e O n l y ! 8 .49 PUMA B L A N K E T 1 ^ l^ P id m re d i ro m le f t to r ig h jy Mr. G eorge Kanoy. Albertson’s C ake---------C l f l D I M V I ] r < D f % D T C H I R T C ------------- m T ^72x90. Lovelyrayon bindinjt. 12fc wool, 88% rayon. 4-pound ^ % | | | | 'nprnrnt-nr . . . M r. Aft, Rurt,, Albfift'son’s Bakery ManajCer . . . M r. ^ W I T U t I E I V | *«”r

Y~ C ~ f l l l L l ' P k D T C I l ' - ----^ -- „ ” ^ ^ m m U

d P I N U K I C K - B lanhets - S t r e e t Floor____________________ ' T W n H U M n P E D 6 I F T S I^ -~ " ........................................ "'■— ^ I W W n U N W K E I J W i r i O ! ro m fo r te b l ||u m m |r w ea r. N eat_ahd t o W j a t - B B

~ ~ ~ ^ A n n iv e rsa ry D o y t V a l u e j J o y j ^ J u n i o r S i z e M a n y V a T u o b l e ! a n d O F e W f o r F u n ! .Boys’ D epartm en t—Street Floor I I

- E T - E C T l A f l M ^ ' --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------

^ ■ L E C T I ^ F I N ^ J I B I I ^ C Te“ LTtto«^i^lB"»fnner?‘”™ B''temSB” cik"i^^^^ „ ' ~ If l V ^ H U I ^ Girl Bakery, using the finest of ingredients. They ire proud of eir accom^shmen 9 # . a ^ * A * W\ t Hil ■ 7 1 . 1 — ____ and we are proud to extend thia invitation to you to share Jn our Mth ANNIVERSARY S f lV e D u r i l l Q A n f l i y e r S a i V D O V S l ' ' ■ _

^ yL ■ ■ W I U V . f t U f V .... ..........--------- CELEBRA-nON.- See you Friday, 8:80 P. M ............................ - , ^ U T « fc T M ril iy J - i l l n i T W f ^ w i / . ^ ________

I W w ^ R e g . 7.75 G A R B A G E C A N

-----® — -------- ^____ -w ith y o u r— -T --------- ' i J ^ F J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ O F T H E M A N Y G I F T S ^ __________ ^ _H andrdippedJnjm oljten_zinc. Rust-resistant f t f t I ^ B- i f /M n U/ACUED B ^ a a t t e f c J i . ~ _ Dorothy Gray "GoMen Orehid” Set B«r-B-Q piuiic M e s.i. . *• „ a te r tight. See th i s A nniversary savings B P ® ^

i “ ^ O U D W A SH E R U l l ^ y i i 9 c.ly ■T.ru■^c,l.gn.„^T.leumS.. value today a t Artderson’s. « B f t IR e a a r d l e s s o f A a e '' ■ J B B u^ I b I Aquamarine Miat and Atomher All*Sllk Fi«hl<ma»ii “ • ^ H

_______ J ’ - F 1 m | 9 B I ■ Ew'"WMie Shooid.ni" Spiuh schnb«ch B.npoiiii^ Housewares—D ow nsta irs StoTC' ------- - B = l ^IDEL IWS 'i o r C o n d it io n 4 5 D Anjellque "BUek Sulin" EnBemble Sehab«ch B r ^ u i E«Tin» Set ________

' ■ ___________ _ 1 ^ Ellubelh Arden "June Genuiiiim” 8o> P«PP|^ . ' ~ B - ^

M P A Y M E N T , : . 3 0 M m . f o P o y : _ Hml. Bishop Lipstick & Oinipleiion Glove Men’. Hollyii^ 8l«rl* leW P L i J W ^ B W ^ G ' S U P I L I E S j B l ^

3y Spindrier with deluxe f e a t u r e s . . . a t this sen- i ^ ~ jop lre ir™ ^lS eh ir^ iM * B ^ rSei a ® > " ' * ^ ~ ~ ~i r y Sale offer! Two tu b s do a week’s wash in less - . ' . io-Piee.H.m.rt...,hiinChi..Bi«ter8.t- .M e n . iW D . ^ ....

■ ■ ■ ™ C heck these m any o iits tan d in g features at th is -v a lu e price! • Glivimired fitting. - W f m - - m A ^ 'V ' j | M | X i r " ""•=b e n i ^ j ^ , . w hir]§_ouj^^^ _ --Stiftayraduble baM ,.toe’- ^ ^ 4 h l i i n - : ^ a t d _ J d ^ _____ i l « g l l f a ni mMti A v r » « , « Soii pIp. fltti,,,.________________ M M M i T / j r kM. M T t y y ™ ,

th gentle , thorough w ash m g actionl ------- N ew Departure coaslpr b ra k e . ■ G uaran teed -fo r-d u ra tio n o f 1 .:_^

^ A M i a n c e g - m ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ [ 7 ^ r ^

_ ---------- — . ■■■----------- iT

______________________ - w

S t o P r o m o t e - No" 1 P ap P i l d a i

i-tajram ota flathtr m w U ___ q x T _ ._,___ot U u aorUuldt (n o t br X f n i l f lndlTl'lufcU’ne red lieunedit ■■lajr ohjirnber of oommercB ■_--.,I M onday a t the KitlontJ J ' S l ^ p T O T O . ^ Unc room.«iU U ve« from th i Twin --" 1? . fy *

“ ■ 'y .v ' r 's . y . a a a g - a ’i a a B s n s r » £ r sI norlliiKIe Jiud lo pOwte

ittees tro tn ttu th«a cham- ^ cetehl'n*. U y i IS beaa u k e d to iludy the "*wy I am. »0 he an :lM nf ™»wln» weh le*Ul»- * “ by- l."B « fwnlll ly will m eet a t 7 pm. Juns 1oi» *iia-»IIcvlluji."■ N ational hotel to compare on ly 8Inloiu a n d fUvUnfi and to Fontaine Is only 3 ipon Ui« proper method ol iii* pretty mUo elopi Df th e ir plan to eonir**- vere le la BosU* elegole*. Ihry're bou«ht dUpei MlUon. th e dlrtelon ap- u ,a gix toy*. The old iponwrlng the trip af a Bur- j, ^ < j ,om, to Boys' a u te thla year. montiu, eUU eooi In : —------------------------ “We Jart W w chiM e t r l c h T rips— iSi— JrT S(UO H rM »yaS-«r.*»«lM r*------------------N ot.H n

L ew is v u l (unlly. Vale, When the eighth e vlslUnK In Dietrich. route. Fontaine <Ud:tnd M rs. T \o ji Oic« »nd utual Hollywood cut I and M n .' Beas Batei vlalted lot h ii publicity mi L M n . H erb B foaaJa^ailU r t7.,B2F.No other iiiniiniiry ' sue h a i challenced


. ^ * tnunity ehurch met Ivlth Ura. Frank Wel

t g f H i m r A r f H the ne«t uader.

I Re.iE.toU1f t ) t m 4 f ( ^ t i k t t M f lA fetn a tta i r s

T « ta F a lb T — I T m rt Ooa

;■ f e ' S S - s•" IrTl* 1*. ^ 1

■ • .• ■ • • .;-S A K ® K U - '■

b u r n « d BLUE B U Z B

“oB dtn -w h tirH ir-W n ivrti >ow. Thty toow ' l l M | S a g | it'sWASHCOondOftlEO ~~ ’~ W B K | ili b mod«m pnpoKH -. ^ H n B Hmi pl«w» ond ---------c « |fy b ( « N M . . . iM t- -

^rfM -rtahrm txivi* to i> t— W>a lfe f« » w n .w » o o tli

p 5 i i

1 ^ 3 t ofa ^n g L a S m ^ ■ p j B

m mmw j b r tiN M it i . f l | H B 9

H l f i u i l l■ W t i i J i a I I B K ^ ^

K N M N t C O U i n n Wt a i U u a r , m i r - ~ j

M M v n t n ^ ^ ^ B

PapaoT?^'‘‘ B ilond Hag ^ ^ B

OOD. i U t »Yask FoDtklo*. Ok* K ^'

lte rM -« f la e fq i^ tiS S > ■Hith n t« « o ^ m t t u

$ .Q i f lm 7 i i E r o f f l r B 3 E z r ^ ^ Ben you h a re a l u n d on 't think about youi-

I ln r U y Bient lai^ bow :, IQ he and Hia 'Wtte h a d ... rse famlllea h a w mor*

Only a Is only 33. b u t h t and wUe eloped when both ^^B □ Boston, Slnci _thvi < h t dlapert fo r tr e cUti «. I l ie oldest, FTuk. Jr. th e yoimfeit, Alma, t

U COOI In he r blgh chair. ^^B : Uk«- chlldrm," iim u i jui.-TWVra -Iport a larse famOy.'* ■ | ^ ^ B

le eighth ch ild « u tn -talne <Udn't follow tha ^^Brwood cuitom o t » e U ^ - ' ^ ^ Bibllclty man. H e fliurM ^^B:haUenced th e ronialD* ^^B [nnem-up a re UkurMO. and director John Par- ••even -mtmtIu~to-(eed.------^^Bu n t Eddie I ln ChUdren ap len ,

.BO CPH EETfl * '- - ^ ^ 1

ireta met B uodsr m ti ta f - prank Well* Iw dtn i boVk raUoa and th a dliettMlw.1. Sandenoa m i u n m -1. R a lphB im roaniT ffllf - - ^ ^ Bader.

E ctoU T r a n t f t nm attai r u n M d t i k t la FaDs TIUn mA r m t O eapnay


^ S T S v s k ’bs B

’ Dnd I Jl. O. BrUM t*IMt W* 14. - ^ B---- , T i , ■' ''^BSMto*ll I ^ * • r tS S u w * * •..-.H

^ o lie N iia i fY f l

bI s H


B .- .^^ B


^B - ^ ^ B

L----^ ^ B




Page 17: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

~—Blaine^Area—— SbilDish'ict

— - P - a d i ^ e l dCAREY. Mny 23 - Carey nreit

rcildenu met In Csrcy Tuesdny atternoon to dlscu-u^the fonnatlon ot > toll con-wrvntlon dlalflct.- The

when brousht (o a Tut*. i O. O. Younmlrom, BolM. Kcrelary

____ flf-.aHL Hole conacrvmion Mrvlce,outlined tho *Uw ncceiurv’toTSTm" ‘

____iildata :nM t-8£cpU “to hol4 an election and polnl«l out thn t. two-thlrd« msjumy ij needed. ; Tho 31 dlltrlct^ In Idaho covcr 33,• j 000 tarnu nnd M per cent ot tho jocrenfte, hc snid.............................. .....

IT ths referendum li pnsacd by |

appointed by the slate until another election can be held to elect three supervisors.

Other toll con. crvatlon men at the mcelinn were Jny Thannum. ns- soclnte con.-von’atlonlst trom Boise: '' Luther Jones, comerraUonbt nt Twin Fnlls; Dlclc Bufhler.PocnWlIo. presldenl of the stote Mil conser -n-

_ tlnn .iiprrvUnni ns!mlntlgn:—Hob , t- Prederlckjon. OoodlnR, vicc presl-

_ dcnt_cLJhe_nssflclflUan._anil_Jlm. Wheeler, Hailey, Dltilne county agent.

Th»»num said Iho dl.'Wct ha* no power to Issue bonds or leiy Uxes

mllense from the counly commls- aloncrs. Fnrmers nre not forced to lake part In Uie praRtani. fic linlif.

No action was tnlcen on the pro------posrt'boundnilw of the dlstriet but

It wai felt thnt the proposal would have more chance of tpiirOTal If tho northem part of the county was exe]ud( d.

OfficerlTnstalleH^ At PTA Meeting

B0RLEV, May « —Tht Overlnnd PTA held lt4 Jnst mtcUng of the year Mondny a t thc Overland school.

Kutallatlon of officers was held w ith Mrs. Milton Cntlos, past presi­den t of the Miller PTA In charge. Officers for 1B53-16S3 who were _ Installed are Leonard King, presl- ] den t: Eldred Wnke, vice pre.ildent: _

-------MrTr-LronBrd'KlnE.-sttittarr,-nntlMrs. Thomas Etherlnglon'i treas- j,'

Tlie evening was opened with He community singing followed by two j" piano solos by Bteven HoBRan. The p'l; Overland school was prestnted with m<

— »• new- muflrr-rfcoMliW-mncntnj.' The recorder was purchased with money raised from n^oi«retU ^re-

^ The home room mothers prc.ientfd * '-------^»-l«n(^er»-wllh-a:box-atJuind< .h«

Cerchlefs In nppreclatlon for their t . efforts during the year.

______ The newly Installed president___ »poke. nsking for the conllnued co^ IN

operation of thc group whi;n PTA ;........ activities are lesuacd IQ SepUm- k


^ E D S ^ h f ^ te n c e = ^ S Slated for Carey S

CAREY. Mny 22-Quarleily con- i-; ference for Un Blaine LDS slflke

------- wtU-b»-heM-ln-Cftr»y.-fln Sunday,P reildent VftJdo Benson announces. {J)j A s Visiting speaker and representing th e general nuthorltlM of the

I church. Elder Alma Sonnr, a mem­ber of the assistants to lhe 12 ntwis- j>u ties, will bc present. Oeneral ses- —

r .—--»ten»~ccnferenct—win be-heid--ln .•*.? --------tll»-Cawy-«h»p>l-at-10-«a. and —

I ■ O n Saturday two meetings will bB held. At 2 p.m. Elder Sonne will m ta a r i‘:>i tljejuLitli of ll -BI« n ^< nd —i

“m e sefond meeting Saturday l« acheduled for 8 p s i. In Bhoshone .

^^l^e «ake."’'”'""’'’' ^.B raU l h a i completed Its la th »d '

w id Unnl olrstrlp of a strln* lend- — ing i rom Muimm un tin Aiimwn f J r _ •outheast.to Blo-de J»neifo.;-.__ ^

____ iE G ia J k t tV lR T i « M E N T S _KOTICE rOR PUni.ICATION OP TIME TobAPFOiNtRD rnn heaiiisu pbti- —


. TWtW TAilLs COO.STY. fofm J n iE HATTFJl o r tiic DIUOLn. kkk

--------jnON-OF .TWJH-J-AU.* JIOIOB TO. S«tA COHPOIUTION. Ille•ntluJTcUrtluy . iOli, In »Wf« nUUd ».««•. bidd

--------— - J O I N T R E P O R T -0FROM JANU

M p s i j j 1 1

— ‘•ns'.s

E uE x I vF z E E : - H S-ii• ------------

KolIUltr vm iM ________ ’.joiil

" - H H s s k E E E E ' f i i ■cUm A « 1 ___________ _

SB. s ___

___ j.T«.«t^ z r r ^ i.mo.m

s .n l!


e a - ------------- ------------ H a z e l t o n B o

I’ict W B~ ■:'jH

Carey n m ---y Tuesday W M ■ ■istfict.*ThB .. ■ . . a f • HBJ W t »Ao

e.tecrelnryon nervlce, W - - ^Er^K-TSTm- r ^ T f l h w a J T i T __ 1.^:9'iut-stcp.U ^ — r g g lpoini«d ou t M i i M l o r H n f i rIs needed.

ene or uie | H R '. J J

passed by i ; |S

anotherelect three U JB>n men al a K S g B B M ^ ^ A B Hannum, ns- 8 ^ 1rom Boise: •w S B ff lW a M B M M K ta s a ii® bH b lUonlst nt '“ ■’' t BROWN,PocaU}}o. ¥ * W ■ ¥1 coTuervn-.tlan;-T)nb -------------- n<iiilcv presl- ------------ B n

le county ^ — ------'Ic thuno andIe\7 Uxes ■ ■ ^ K ' - - y * . a- ; ]}„in. rc<iue!it ’ . Mai• commls- ~aidforced to by

I. hc snlif.1 the pro- HHfc . judi.IKflet but /<rclisal Would forr3val It tho kett>unty was and

eting . i f l H i ~Overland r,',",'',',,

lg the Koiio'nd school. Jt>A(i

held presl-

S , ; " S JAV CBUMBINE - ,

5 . S S : l-tSA L ADVERTISEMtNTS 'V lMrr,-nn£lI'i trens- (.'"m "f *'

ned withd by two -f T.ln K.D..

iRan. "nie ni.r" V.,r hr.*i?» ihr1 >i7iV

ised with v,_ ,oi«relta^re* T, w, KTlv'cHs. “

------- I I ■■III • iwpjirpre.ientfd tor T»ln liili

for their -------------'Va,'

S I S I’l lhi;n PTA statk u.m”]SepUm- ebtat k ok' coiia ann STiinniLU nX »


Unounccs. JN* I r «h»iresentlng % i h *“R,h"fKj , ruww

n'mc!lr ? i‘i Li"“"^Pubiuh! '^ka’i!

-heJdii-ifl W O T i^ -ro it. ruuucAT«i.v-iif m rTTWE Arpotyrro mnv. ii. IK TJIE PlioilATv: COUIIT nr m r f.n3

»gi Wfl T»’'-v W LU. s r lr e

ta la th «d*''SlirA^lr*’r " .|„ T u i’.'^tt"u'^^i n lend. iicr/i.r;i, “ ,;V M aV11'"*"“ t!uutn, '"ra'lj'/ if'I* [Iri

: "■• - - ’“ifff'r'',.'"**' »»»••' «Bd matMl itmt. ausuirENTS *• '” »• inln.T........... ...... ................. «A»V_SAU«.V... ; S ! ^S' ;S F « . , u . °"> I K '

’»’S£ K.T.cE'iKKWSSia™"' Sffi

>!ssotu. i Z s / n t , " ' : ’ ‘ ^•inB TO. w ir r . .:h* »bor. Sthooli, A%op7 “l mM ?win?l rDli''UM ;i ‘ll: . . .u .

P O R T _ O F O P E R A - T - I O N S J ^ ^ iosr JANUAR-y-Wr-ifiBa.-'Po -APRimsn

n«M!ro)Br OdJI.iuI

tsJiuiis - iijjjii]

IMiljs'lt llSMtJ at'i.tll a ! - - - ® - s S i i i - -

-».i» i l '« ’ •*■** 5.M1.M. ------ .. " ’ ijlll

— iH lH tJ. cs-oj “ •;? li5«. M.us .‘.m.tl

z m L ■ , ■ : - C “ :M —■ ts i ! . f f i s

! : K S -s .u u i ijw tei frJ iJ

■' . ' " i i : S •“■“ 'ill-■■•Kg-— -■aa - ......... .Ha;

' ■■ ■'' . ' ' ''';■. ' ' . ' ■'• ', " I V


f - ' = L . , . 3H k i B -TT ^ W l - ....... tuncl uie I

REED PERKIN8 , ^¥ i f t f J# If, Mra.

- ™ . . .will r«n r«cM Il.MlUn .1 J ”--------; Dot* 'a U U a t D«Ue next monUu

-----------Brown-U the aon-or .Mr. and M n .'k W. W. Brown, Perkins l» the tanH ------------or M r.-arit-M nir- M.--M.-J*trkln*--B ; ■.•( and Crunuine U lhe wn of Mr.

.i; and Mr». O e o r g e Cromrine. f lV . Orown Ja t>elnf sponMred by (he > t<| V - .Mason, and lOOF, Petklns by theH l r ^ -Ain«»tftH -E»f»in-«nd-CnimrlnB-------xU BB' by Die IJo m club. Thr latter Is g l F - - p r» iilen t cf K fA , It f stpdent „ {■*.’ . judte and a ttorney nnd played couni'

tofitball a n d baaktlball. The _ >i-soV fortnff playeil football a h d 'b a j. ' ketball and wa« • aludent Judge «nd attorney. He w u an effleer r .n c f lhe JiMiJor claa.^. PtrkJns i t a inember of Ihe achool band and oil! oi

j r . i ’Jwffi .eharua_(S latf.u iczav liiii]._______


m ti l i M ., ». !?■- _ NOTICE TO CKEOtTORB a tN TllK l-HOllATi; COUIIT OK TWIN mivi ----------— I'AI.I.S COtI.S’TV. STATK OK IDAHO ,l,...i>.'^ENTS ' r " ' ’

l i j

, , . ijt« ! W .r :i. }ss:. rabiutTry r.r.” * _________ J[- ‘■•. .‘illENrnERRtll, ------

------- 'f^}\ivrrtip7z~r}7i^---------- IN-Tl^^^-" B'onATB-^w"»r^OK-- —jjtc',, „ KAI.I-S COIINTy, STATK OK IIIAIIO. Noll.11. If. IJSJ, iU THK MATTKK OK TllK KSTATE OK ,l.nrt

NELSON.^^Dsi KMrtd. ■‘ ^ '’TICBhK HKRCTT RIVEN 1., Ik, SimV l-s. STATK ui„Vt.i«nM,_-R»y>«„na,-Ch>r«' n,nB«tt. lonlil

STunniLu T.tu"th* QFvitcr- drteuf'^ In cnhlMl them wTh Ihp ftltorVi

;;nimrTjr i.i,r7i:^i^.r-^iirTrrT7<~ m w h

Uw '®‘ ’*'•II H.itlllr UaIcJ tiilA lAlh ilay of Uir. I5i2.

I’ I.*"-'* _______HAYMONJ) «».<m<jK ll>.KNrr,|hi^tr»M>f ^ N r l » r n , _ U S l u l

S-OTICE o r riiiVATK sai.b ok "'(ik'' O f Tij J.v *

®*,y .""*'■•** I" « id BcoMrtr "III N ■“ r:Sj '"“‘’jK t to-th. t u n .nit IX THI■ l«l Mmi. AMeuratflt. to b« ]»vW .nd DAV:

» i K5 : r - i % m a E ' “ S S a 1

:«h m j . ’i hid. *** “Ih iftio.! ,hu ,e,‘h Mm . m». Ihli'’w

£ := " ■ ' - A 'B f f s '™ " "■ ■ c s s - K v S ' S ”' ”’' ”* -im « til, rnbll.li. Mnr i ; . 2», J u b V T W . 'p .w ia

SfS IN F TOJDS O F TW IN FALLI■ A p m m s ' i s i K r E D T t r iN C L T O iV E iT s

f i K K ■ I ' i s ^ S , { - • -

■ "IPl l i ■"Fii'i “i i ’P ■ f i i

- 3 ^ . - ----------------- — liis i—

“ '■juh • ‘•|!|m

^ '

H | | U — liiiiii---------------

, t S _ ‘‘g* ••~ " i iliM.n ~ ' II...II I n n

M . ^ t1S.tll.tl U jlt

V a .M M **“ ‘•1* - ru n * " —

I'BI " ' ' '*'«««''

" ■''■iilj; ■ ■ ■ ■

’ * i i ■ ■ . 1 1 ’

_ :!S - J i -n ,«m r.H ii.«w,7>t.72

_:____ _______■ J

MeetingsJHeldJby-Ji! Two 4-H Groups „.s

BUIUXY. May 32 — The Eight Balls 4-H clut> and Five Healthy Oardnen *4-H- club met Saturday

H. W. Maggart. , - T t"^Lillian D arrlngton warln-thtirKe frrr n

ef the Eight BaUs mccUng, The girls baked bread, cinnam on rolls and a i,

® i i S S « r r 5 3 ^ - £ S l !member reported on whnt ehe eoo- in : sldered In be the best school lunch served during the week. A discus- ‘

- - -f . J ducted a t Easley Hot Springs In--rrtrTsai June;-------- -------------:------------- -------------

\ The health lesson for the boys 'N Jiclub also was b u e d on schoollunches. Joe ..H arrU demonstralcd . ctlj the mnklng of two different kinds N"' of -toast.~Th«-8ro u p -m nde.a lour. of their gardens.

The two. groupa will meet May ‘i-. .* 38 at the home of Mrs. Masgart.

tlKTURNB HOME , RCHFIEID. May 23 — Mr. nnd k. h,,I Mra.Elina Flavcl hnve returned from fijrt ..i(«« .1 Biieno Par'f- Collf.. where Mrs, Fla-. M VJ] jpent uio w inter. They were ac- ,t monm. |.en,p„n,p(j h«ro by the ir daughter. » * th e ^ ~ M rs'ltSSFl'KSffootTnnd lhrcc-chlir

n of Mr. ngy^0 tIM E 8 -NE\VS WANT ADS, CI.AS; r m m r ln e .-------------------------------------------------

1.EGAL A D VERTISEM EN TSCnunrlne- ~ K onc i:~ p r~ B * i.B o f m m m -----—

. ' i sS ' - h :

B offieS cJumIdns la a niSthntn'ol Twin Kntl. Causl;. M.h.,.

lAZEl-TON, ’ 'u i :J,''l.>Tn»n'. SuWI.U <!;« *'lEXU Cl k * 'u « ‘*’l ' S Ml I

m5 t.rt;“ llilt* U u ^ Snd'c'f H*~k ’s ' ! ' "

^TATE^OK C^'il'r, iH .'ho''b*7«i'^f^.’’ln T«JB. Ihit

rrr, ftdmln- t.» l..ue<l, C. Ju>,iift.in j

Id dKrunJ, idJktloTi.l Bupn of 11.00 for rMordln* the

Jd'VdiSl’Jli Mpri‘ili‘* t“"."‘ >1“ ' ,'ilni! 'lUA_j‘l!> oV-_ l>UN;n ^

Mir »■ IS. 3». Jun.---------Kf>TIC«-T<V-r.«KO»TORS---------- iiflju

illH *'’l?SOWN _ AS >in^ ■IK UlAIIO. '” Uollf» 1« h«rrtr Blvrn hr Ih. unJfr- •"■I >> ;STATE OK .UnH riMulor of die rjUl.^ot^ Clfra.nc« J«l •'=

^ Uf c\t

L S £ £ S' nKKNTr, SjT* <*r*lf."i;i,lr.ri. >1r>u«i“ ih.ll *

II nf l.ih.1 rutlUh; Mn».S.,U. 55. _______ not

AI.B OK (IK TWIN KAl.I.S, .>;TAT1.; OK IDAHO, f.ll or K.' TATK OK LYONAL f . TAVI.Oit. of .«K

IK III.MKI. s!.‘k^*l. '” 'ml,y el.fn l.y Ikf unJ»r- d.ll.tn UAIII>IAN. >l.;n..l .,lmlnl<tr.lrii of Ihr nUI. of i f foil -ItKHMAN. I.ron.l V.-Ttrl'r.-dc^-^l,-!^ <(<*.«t.dll<in UUx-t. ENT I’Ell- of itlll'.U~iici.i..ii'l'.vlna-<T.lni.- i r . lu r -------------niniiff-SM»«M,"ta axiHBii iM unnijm ir dmw-‘Eji.I. nt ,Urr th? fl™t^?uhll't«llon of thU *“ J J 'h i

'l 'n Si?f.Vy>.7'n ^ i n* FtlU.*(-QUn‘> jrTwInliKk A. «. lS«IJop^tB. Irintnctlon of Ui.bu.TMM

S 4 s = = ^ a | g a ™ ™ ! s Sll p»»»rtr p JJ h


id proMTtf II. Blll.r, dKtunl, to the ciedltcrr. of nkk i ind.nlrnH >nd •■] p«nanj.h*rinc.<l«lma isilnit tht Equlut < to .nhltll^^thrm •!* -btM>«nr Build' »t*u?*tht fljil prbll«rtlon'’of ” 1. "oUe«. *11111101iBdtntinH ts tha Mid Robtrt E. Smrll., •dmlnUtn- D.t. ; to r.}«t lor, at IIS Cut J.ffri»on SirMI. HoU., of M.r

Ihlj b.ln‘j^ t"^ ji |« ®or'thMriuiZ: r . ' Plliil * 1»—I0 .''n ;j. ' ■ fSEATTll.n of Ih. nOIIKIlT K. SUYLIK, A'Ini:

; j ‘~ “ , . '5 "

' I N F A L L S C O U N T Y , T W I N F j!t,USIVE;"AS FOLLOW S, T O .W IT :''q U A [

w!uoS; c i TciL 'fnu7e.*"oo^U°^^M rf II Co. Trro . W.l.imi.t.r III

' " S S S ' f H S ' S '

- E l E E i i i EA '-11 - § |j |p £ & S

:» 'i,t»,*i “ } i j:if 'v i iH rM S v ^ iii

» ' 1 - ' £2i r £ ’£ " '^ S U r^«» « t.......Butr Atrtltor. l.lnus"S” 'i1 Arl I W "

* Auilllot. Nulonil Total Bmttti _

’ — i l l t ! |------ ’ b«ttb7-«rllfyOi«l (Hi-ikS.. .i.ini.m i.

— ---------- STATE OP IDAHO', i'

--------- -j>uH urrH irf;« . u i t "


l e g a l a d v e r t i s e m e n t s

* NOTICB 'V ^oups r. nh'^KUi'^d pm“ie Eight fiut>«r S«nk..‘m .r. Id.lw. U »ntllM I'y

<° • ll» an tb* nutatnobll. barclnnllfr V Healthy rin rlbH for du. lod unMM .lo ran mdiatiu^sy | „ 1. , ,),.r,«. nnd Bor. Ib.n . l i t ? d.n , , »r Wrt h.». fipiTfd i lKt. .uth thnrgw n .r . -i d

IthBrge fnr'ru tr-ir^n iJr'w u^r xinT i. irhe girls • ' A- “ •• »■> Tucd.,, „ ,Jlls^»n<l Aulo-n'ohi;."'to b« .old I. dxrlbod U

me eoo- in i.m . «f Morir Mmioti. ixSdrcM — ol lunch unViio«ii. —

discus- v'tnKIAKD <lolr. ~~7, ____--------------------------------

r lngfln--------------------CReptToitahe boys tiik kudiiatb couut ok county

« hool riTATF*'oK'’cHAiaS*lmAKAC:*D°; , nstrnlcd . ceased.......................................... codIt kinds No'K* U h.rrfir *l».n br th« naJ«r. -ui- a lour.

of .>kI .11 p.nnn. hm«inr <l.lm. *»lnit ^ ;et May Jl"' ‘‘'" • 'h ’' w'thln 'four "raSiiih. *

led from fijrd'for ihp trmn..ellon ot th« bualncM mjg. Irs, Fla- _ i5i"fefe ac- / , / louis C. jiranac ,aughter. Aummi.untor of th« Fi«i»t# »f _*lii rce-chlli---------------oiriff-ltnti«f.~*i«»»««t hi'k.n_______ a S

ENTS crsVHAiI’ohicATioN school bo iu v

JSTT —NOTWB-W-HiWfcUVIcivCN-lliit-ti. -.PM ^ jToii.i or Tr>uiMj-6r ci,w< n B«h*orpiw TAL?

? In^ii.i'.n Sfho™'lloui« *1 H.M.n. Id.ho! H.‘l

S r T ' € n r ’i D ‘\ 3 d i i;S ,?;i'Hk 'vVaon V,-T,w.4 In.tlnfi uf 11.000.00 n««h, rumb»rwl ffont« t-Y ^f IjtuJtfj-buU^acl^te. ahfll^bCTr ------

iln"T-lt ( i" t 'd ;? .% ? 7 « « p “ m" ? u'W i r . . . b 555J

!uUM t.*!. lul .nurllitd prlnrl;*l n.rment m.- L.V turlnt .nd b.ln* p.jr.hl* »t tfi« «Ttilr«tlon «=

1 !." n™?i,’I.'?r\ctl"pr« u ‘iuch'7mMnli

■J'on *lh- wlth^Ch.pIrr SS, M.bo Sculon t-nwr, ” P' !’’j,ll,i!iil d . l i 'm J. .UietM«r[* .Wnx" jiubjwt"’!" CU^

tdl'n! lh. T i'rMnc?l'il"*f »»'

‘tr t} .'" ’ ' a'm llijl"muit^*bf u1I?ond tlon»l.^e«1rd, DiiTi

COIINTY iliha. M Adifrllt^."__ . , ___

iiSiirt! of Idiho.-o rwiilml br 8~Uon ^-aU. luuiln'n,- idiho Oode, .tid .ublwl" to lU r«04lpt Cf >y„

lti ?;oln[ oI*|^l“ r In."U|r“nr.?^Sl»l.‘of 'iSlho.'bj

rru v l ruotl'f«Ul dcpoall -wtli--------- -b. errditVd lo th, po™h..^rr l-llhou r.f . “ *»COUNTY- n?“dr,'.r°d'^ 'th.‘WccM.'M*bldd.” 7h.l'l. I-------IDAHO, f.ll or nnlfct t.> fiirmlct. th. purth.i. ----- 2

:AVI.01I. oj tln lr / j‘ r Sl


ATc’oF '17101lED. >1. d.ll'frr' I'lll b. mad« cl... -------1 tiadn- "bfH u tMOMtrd. ' l~ ~rf'KHiU pw rJ ? ’ -MiiSr.;'-rcr<Wnifr^o»wonS!Ilton ot nkk .nd D.»Mn. AtUirnr;. nt L.<a. f**'■ lut tht tkiQlUblr nulldlrr, D<n«er. Coloiado,kith tb. voca. opinion, tot.thrr with th. ptlnl«d

nonthi bond., vlll b* tarstatiail th. tmrchutr: , : S . i . h « . < o .{' IdlbJ " ‘c iu i'a &bMl DUtTktJfo^

- T i t i. .E.UU -LVLWOHES. .U».- Pub.. M.r.H, K, « ; Jun. »■ I8S1.------

:W I N F A L L S , r o A H O ^'IT :" ^ Q U A R T E R L Y .................................. “ pjh

SOUflCCS ^ mT mVb

’■ T ? 5 S ; ^ r J . w “ * 1 v

-i f f J f5 ^ ' l i i;7‘i

l iL r . . H.roMni I und ........................ . '<'«.« "rSf'I

, ___— Y j l z l lS “1 — I LEGiptl srh,..ii, li.i. ,.f ii,.,k. ■ .......:....._ u !« Konc

i S S F — —

S I «h«% .

Fetal Rnmr. ________ _ 2.I3S.7I tlon fo

■fa . t r S

'■M• • '■ . . . »

- I- ■ ' ' . JS5S


S ^ i i S i Sw a n t a d l ^ ^ T E ^

‘ThTt? d‘.n (B—< •• J n —

r r S S * '

f-.'SS- r-..“= 4 y { - ; S 4 : ^ a S = n ? ~ |3 s j j j S r a . :

' bTOBLl.MJ i«» tu-iiM - J '- ■—

IS— “" " ““ “ ‘■ 'r S ? J S L !

Z ° lZ . J S^ ^ • 1 i : ; .™ ; . :» . •■ ."•• i- * s “ “i*_e«dl|ori u ito-aimum........ ............ -r.nn»r,

z ' L V h 5 # ; !Ihl. nolle. 2 m tii*«a«l»' «” “ ' S ' v

/ t h T S SPECIAL NOTrCEST*^bu.ln«.

r H i r . sBth*orwi-- TALEK l ’ihyrp £

"o"iS*Ei*-“3 *” '• ' ~ _____st' C l ^ B Uiurwin Fill* Ol.mooi. C.B.ru,yuir'JtsV t i m>»rcd frem -----


h‘7m «n,l BEAUTY SHOPS ¥haincu iuT E ^^r^^

!ubJ«t"’!o COMl'Ul.rt: I'J *jv.ncr<l "

'f ik ™ ' CHIROPHACTORS‘U‘. cjll;

wrETlIirlf? *di’r^*hn>ut"'”s.'iurJ.'!'‘l,rif“ l'Ie ^ 'i'ihl''.'111 s>,ih. 11,-... .M.--------------

------- LOST-AND-fOUND--------

“eJ uc. i" ' :>ni.si” °"' ° ' ’’ jlojj’’”

I T u r r

j—.................. ......................... . I

fsO IlEWARD----------- - J ^id^DLHrki In(,.rm.ll..„ I..,lln, I. I',. ‘ ‘rltklm

H I ^

« n ! r ; |,r S IT U A T JN S WANTED

[rIcC*".!! AlfL!'‘jr,7rr,!‘!n!'"’‘' ’ ‘~ °°* CT lh»n th.lr O’PKLL Nururr S<twL Child «.r.~C» ^__

^PE^£rrri;.;• "■"-niTTHmHr ¥lil.lermln. ^ ?.»-ll. Wh!l»..uocrnjful elr.ninr- Kr.. ailniii.. STO-K.* I HaI '

H i S g j B s a a ^ ^

Coloind homfc'JtlrthllCTn t i d.r PHONE J513.H _______

CH*'" . ._ I^HELP WANTED—fE M A L ^

) EXr’£:'kiaJcCi7..i!..w. ai.:.i, m p,,«n

K. . ! ' “S..r:'‘; , ,y‘ ^ z m n • S 'S , r S S

.ii?' : c.nU ■jir ^ t."iw‘7.V'h','! r'.l liuUEItN

|i,1«S, I No ehiidri-n. smrr.l , « •«*«»•J i l l A

Ii)0,.«> ,0 .H,I ii; .,,^:rin<,.n„ I ., > 2 S KUUH:

for local dflvlnj. (lul tl i..., '. . ,4 Z «ll< *»■■ PlJi'il.V.ii’fkiliVc’;'.';


— nU- t ^ ^ l r

LEGAL ADVERT IS E M E N fr " - S ! !laltl KOnCE {**‘ 1 '|;*TI<I\ KiiH~v;^ UDUiiiiii

; S- . , K j s s , a ; : s " n ; ; v « ^

E" ; •nd*lJiU.-K»U.I''jr,V'T ss* ’*? ®*Tv^i-'

SON. - ;^om .rf .b . .Uv. C-‘r^,V ,~ n .1Tr~.urw Ijw j. 8 5 H H

do-a^tr. ‘* 7 i« u S

«“ ” • 1. li. * SSL!'.


W^rjTyi., KIJ. Ip 1..! t.\ -laf. ,laT«

I ‘** WoDKRW-’, h e l p w a n t e d — m a l e

i t ' - ^ i-)Vt5USr“i’ b”.^M''l^i‘ u'll"Adj“ ” 'E2lI"' MUinUNExFwilEjJijEU liiUl.tor — top -wttn. «3r«n bo

hou.., milk, bonni. llll. CmU*- »— . ^ ’ bllAL.lADn hind, m.riM or ilnil.. W A N T

. Uaki: 120 d.ilr. S.II lumliMu n.n« n a V y ' ki

g)^ ' w LuWc tnirk—i;' d.ltr.Tir.. .a j rhon.‘’'’s. m.k. llchi i.rrU. rtp.lr. on .ppll.ncw, ------------

I. Wt NKtD t sood <i9fTlucH »rrhouM ,------------_ |°wm.ri nnd .lio 1 n«^^ra.a ^ w^Utt

" Ji«S«l*^Ti*n^F“ 'rT lr^ Sho'ld**h“ M!S” * ^Wrulr lfa. ° ?.A*,™l‘...SU"'^**' IDA

fcAl'tltlHNCKD Urm li.iid -«llb .m.ll _— biTw' ' ' * T ^ ' *!^iJi'd?"°irrk 0™=i

j g - , L S i l H Z i S 3 S ,r,' ';win r ., . , I ^ •■■1trr C sn U se

3 OR 4

lii TO BELL PAPERS __ ON THE STIIECT , , ,— Should Be 12 Or Over . *1


— — L e m^ HELP W A N T E D - -------------'V; MALE & FEMALE ---------- JJ

;*J‘ Men & Women 17-35 —*'*,nd SurUoi ..l.ria li:0 p»r noaUi u j— n, OB»r>ur .rrnu >(Irr u.lslns. LII*. -----

! r .d ; rn r .‘“ -z3 f-'ifs'irV itrT ir^'jTRAINED AND i’LACF.O, NEED SIUIIE. IUl (Tid. .dur.Ilon .nd tood

on. InlrrmnunlAlo Sthool.. Boi l-A.


~ UUSINKSS tiulWlns .nd piop<rt» for nnlor . .lc Khan. ^ ^ HO/V

k?;:~i^wh;.. 1-AWrlNi

Ko k 'saLK; Smill t.fi, t*B tiindl. b«r. ^ * n ” J _ _ ,^ ._ i^

--- SALIUFlCt^’firoul'tk ..'le; Cl'«b .r.,1 c f .1 -'L l»foV *.?^ii!!2l'r^'K— — TWD

KOK -SAl.lj: n^«-ln, <•>< .nJ (ouriuln,* aiVti'nV.Mitoi 'ilJxl'l«uV.''il’.Soi™ ------------n h.n.ll., ________— -■->r-|T.^A^.»d«v ^»* !w»t-,|UB»oa, . . ce u

— I COMMrRCIAL BUII.D1K0 ] (• Id..l offlc.^or .m.ll

l^oouJf.'SVM Klrobe '*lto«’4.F-.mln.., nuhl 4U-B IDA

^ T - "." ..:= r= -pKo-sr-s

1 r NEW H

Z . • S E RVICE STATION =— Major on Compnny Products R jo^nw"'

^ ' mH ilciiiil... raoa. m or ~ _ _ _ _ _

1*1 '_________ s-uu>uui

"EiSi?rT.‘T i a ^ ^ “EiSi-w.i-fliu-— moi.l on Hlsh»r> M >ad tl. H nilt *•*'""» ' _W«l_:of Ho.plt^ Vod«^ _ ^ROOM jr “ ^ ' _ | g g

• PJion. Hl-W. «K«it (.lOTdiT* COTn"’ !- MOUtKN

^ ^ fU R N IS H E P

p . .Ircplni tuoi. ‘1»> lo. It) tib ■

TC t i 6 o V > 'i '0 r ^ '- . ’“ T-Vrm’r '— npM 6HViirpV^^n^ FINAL V

j:i* I HUOMS. nod.rn: sl>**«d pcichi .dulu, <,h houi

5 - s rX.KUUM modern .p.run.at. til Main trrni». Bi

Ji; ^Nomi^acroa twin Sanr., - - ^ •houw. Pbon. in't-W,________ ~

fZ roU^e^AMB«|^j{T, la. t t i Jnd O-

g ' f g . ‘■ s. "■ p = ^

™ *''K*nh'T-ho'n.'lo"*"'*' *** ” **

i t S " |

I ■ Is S 'T . s t I K ^.',"ra^ ■—utu -ljI iB Borih, •

— — ' ’ _ ~ U N FU ft NISH e g A P T S ~ ^ c iio ic i

[2 r UuOU.'l. UtW .iMUIa ir.ltr .huur. « Hoami

* 'SF 'offlSr s ■ r a " - . ; a s , - '.“■■■i K!-£v

!S uf'cSTf rcn-w. ‘ *' °** 1 '; ; - UNPU RN lSHEP-H O U SES— -------- .1



e FU R N ISH E D HOUSESn a iiA oakta-JL .rj; :,:.;r.:w» ---------------^ IN monUL ^ n .Sth zmi-J. Twin'"Fall.. ** ' *^°__ UuUk^KhT loom turm.liM bow*-SMnrr. Twin K.Ih. M.ho ________

SWALL modoin Iwo... <uial.bM. Jnigalr.

— I"'

^ W A N T E D TO RENT. LeT s E _____ ^

Jran. rbon. JUS-M,NAVY--]»XI^Ulfi:it d..lm f..>ta;Sn.

I«- ho».. UffurnUheL 1'tmaB.t.t J..l«n.__ i»m t lor Ibrw jr.r*. rhon. tn » a. tn. ________W to r j ju.-:Jasca»r i — ' —-----------------rtdZ »_i>U—*.«EUKOOM ( n w fw-«» t n .............i'»- nionlh. 2 rhll.lren. wfll tralnrd; bn..^ bans boa.* brokm, a)w.)> p.r. '»L 7SJ rh o n . ssi or Ct of ;:t<.w,


E ----------- ------ SLOANS- ------- - . —_ Compl.j.^^^

ID A H O F IN A N C E CO.f ;

------------- s%-noiiE-to*?r3-------------------

! ; ---------------- A.k anr Eflullabl. a i« t abcul oar—1 Olaa.


—-. .Orptwi-a-JtK^W -dKt------Ph0B« Ul- _ —.


~ Mo'derh HomesAcreages and Farms

WnraAL'BEiO^HENT WlTviLECB— L e m A . C hap in Agency-


; ------------------------^ RAKZ. VAN. HCX\J?^ PAflSENCER CAUa. ^A H O'• C-DRIVE. Inc.^ CAST f iv t- ro iN is atavicT—. . . . . . .— - raONE HM

^ H O M E IMPROVEMENTSFAINTlHCl'.nil t.'pTrlnJ. K,» ™iln,.,„L

;^d ■•"■I’l"- »'■«__________

'*W.llp,p<i: '’.w p h l ix' t t firoiT*.Phon. 2ISi-J___________________

^ r ADD.* cool. SUilMEn REDnOOll-W. 1. IN THE DASEUENTTJJJ I Wo hata all tti. mat.tl.U | bwW «p , -

i-.—---*^*-'upTo ai-Mimtht-io'Far ' ' '— -----------— 1----- KW3CRSON-liVi<BSR-00.--------------- —^ I I'HO.WE 11 . . .

- . '■Ceuieii f Color-^AIl colors- ---------

I Crmcnl Klnl.hini Tool.


^ - PKo^r i u a r - z ^ ^ n } « r > i i i iT O - . . .— ^

H O M E S JO R ^ ^ S A L E ~ ~

>n i- qKDnOOW rnodrrn □ r-uEUKoou nrod«",

^ -----------

; o v ^ H 3 s - i i r a J " s i : —

’* i-Koox itrny __Klmbfrlr aflfr « p. w.

fb ' u'e MOVtbi »•..»■. bulldlnr. Wrll

__ PhoBf 08>I2-J3. r.. K- Younc._______«•• >«KW »-tmttwsnv fcotn*. 'i l lutOKt. lullhaacidEnl.. .hardwood floori and InUM--eS ■ llnolwm. ja59 Mapla Avtnut Phon.

“ • ! . ,« '• l i i— ear or irall.r K-him aa down pvmnt.'®°' T»rmi rhoft. MOP-Jl-___________— V m A i. w»-.i;s~u:7in.|^ io,j>i"i7in.iiT

____— PHcr'l5,»OO?Vl',0«^Dwn. bil.Mf l«rm*-ilu, <th hou.. .oulh UWr c»mp._______.— i.UBDllUOM «.-lern hi-«*,

j- . a. 'bobinson*acehc? '^ .fnttv la , ,_ . t t i lUla A « tV«. Tri. IH

~ ~ ---- r55j I MOOiailN IIOMK ON ACHE

J u .t within Cllr- Slok.r, fiiraac. and . , ,EH a lt ton'AW®''*'—

^ ^ i ■lo.. .~ .^CIIOICE HOMM

^ j i s s E S a /E s L i | |

rE UpaUlr* Bank 4 Tr«t ni»a« tOlI

~ ------- - l o v e l y h o m e - - - - , : ' ruT : ______ _..A .?>ne

------- -n e n t which ba. runiruamin .M.iwa

~ T W I N F A L L E tJ ? A L T Y& I N S U R A l f E CO. _________

^ -n»-W aI»'X *i>nui-pil|| . ., ,


Page 18: l£a^Pact[^B UmoMait 1 To Hbsp bspital at ] ioot-i|newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · lot going to do anything with the Innd has been ... 3S cccamltiee on a bula

rpimcil Okays : Buhl’s Budget Fund for Year ;

BOHL, Mny a-D uhr« anniioi ap- ' prcprlatlon ordinance, amounting to ' »1M,47»£0, plMtd Tuwday night b7 the d tr council No pro­testa lo thfl propoffd budget were rwelTfd a t the mMtlng. The only

.fn-tK r^W t'O T g posed budget wm the Intluilon 6T *250 for a director for five band con-

'certi In the city tWa nimmer, --------------ThV^Bnmiwl-fife'Wwrt■■ -cblvedsflllelnetUnKiTnsrrwereaO

tire* ia the.city during UiB.yw w d three false nlntms, The rural llr« truck responded to J3 fires In th«

The city cleric w u Imlructed ta notlfv CnrI Kitchcn, Boise, tha t

------------B u h r^ rT o 'teg lri-cod lfy tng Its-ordlnancci In the fall. Mayor Tom Smith, Po:ieo Chief Hirrold Johnion nnd ccveml of the councllmen an ­nounced they plan to attend th eKftfcty council meeting In Ooodlng next Tuesday.

Ths council took stetu to divert contaminated water In Eleventli Ftrret Intn the tnink line Mwer and n bUldlng j>crmlt~Fa-Uw<d-t<»' Frank Olctzcn to add a room to

~ his home aniTsHngl!! thsT»I K W e.<itlmatcd co.st ot J7U.

The state department of law en­forcement notified ths councll tha t

________A_TeDfeatmatlte of the_8itt.^ WlU.

Rafdlng paniclpntlon In electricn* Inspectfonj R-ltJi Tuln Falls. ?T}n>- berly. Jerome and Flltr, Cost to Buhl will be MO a month,

- - touU-Mocnln-demoniUated-aJC-iuicltntor, Tho board decided to Join with the Buhl Red Crosii chapter in imrchB^lng It, It will be housed * t the fire station. Tlie board also vot­ed to coaitruct tlx bleacher unltA

— a t the athletic field at Ml each.

Vacation Jaunts, Visits Are Listed

-------HAOERMAN, U«y-31.'-.Rl»at7nRockcy, high achool music Instruc­tor. b spending the summer vaca­tion wllh her fomlly in Oerman- town. O,

Before vWUng his lioms In Deoa- ■ tu r: 111.; John lUrt; mathemaUcs

and aclcnce teachcr at the hlgn Rchool. will etudy on hli master’s degree a l the Utah State Agrlcul- turivl college, Logan.

Mr. and Mrs. Frink Slecn and

Okla., where Sleen wiU'complete his wotk for his master's degree In American literature at the Unl-

tlonlng this montli in the mlddlc- wMt. ■niey will visit relatlres n t

........- macpfiidcnce,- M6TMt?rt-TttUttiinfrhome through North Dakota u id Montana. , .

W. G. Tuppec Included Mr. and Mra- C, W, Jlolt nnd granddaughter, Lee IIoiL^er, McCnll. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Cieament Prince and,, ..... Krtnt Ty\ii *np or r>Tl.

n vacation trip to Ulati and Call-

Mrs. O. O. Brown and Mra, Gert­rude Wagner left Monday for Mos-

---------------------- -ORdUPMEeXBPILER, May 22—The young adult

group of the Methodist church met Tue.-iday a l the home of Mr, nnd Mrs. Gary Bean, ^ r, and Mrs. Ert- wnrd Brown were In charge of the

_______ progiam_______________________

Buuuric acid la male frotnhydro^ gen, oxygen and aultur.

HowId jt

/.H av*M oi.orC ohratf ’ H-----put In one flan and tb*

aame amount of any q . . other wbltkty in anotber i]

— wi'(/iou( Jtnoirintf M w hhh il whJdi.

----------— r-BS-YOUR-OWN-WH!SI«Th« b<9 d l lh n n t t in whi*k<dlfrerence in tu te . T bat’t w h

. coIveiTKeKiTeiod your p i___ _____ ______ We;fft,iiirB ymi will ,p f r fg ;

----------- V a u n a o t h t K t M U a w i r ^from b ite , btan or it in t b y

------------------U ng '-« t low temperature.—

B u t don 't take our w ord and m ake your own choice*.

— -Calvert C■ - - 'Y i

T ";-----------xttV D O B B N iT ipO T -V H iarf^


Lays H o t Lunch. Plans V jjyp* ~ M a d e m Xerome n

JE310ME. May 22-Mrs. Warren\ T _ K ay s WBs named ncnetal chalrman X c a r Ptosram for tha Ai.•r.!r._...... y.«'- « the.jmaUneeUne. tho>annualap- o ' season of the Uncoln PTA ,wuntlngto M ondoy night. Foliouin* a discus*I Tueaday ®‘0 n on the imt limch program.

itlusIon eT" “ HSoI'ClIniprhe rcsim tlanot Mrs.S con- Q 'o w Andru, a , Hcep led and Betty Wllllama waa ■

rn- clootcd and Insiollcd tn . ^ 1

O roiip alnglnit was ltd by Maurlne HAnOrua * lth Mt3. Cecil Durront I t ■

.'Z r In Vh« Scout Billy Dick led ■ires Ul m o pledge of nllcRimce. Emory ■

T “ ylor,..!Lew_.Ercaldui...ffho_cx.. _ j._^Ifylng Its- preaaed appreciation to me retiring I hn,ljyor Tom officer* for their «foria for the paal nelg ,ld Johnaon year.cllmen a n - M ra. O. Peterson « u In eharge weifattend th e o f th o profrram nnd presented alx nein Ooodlng a tudcnU Irom Phyllu Jscolacn’e bliic

physical education cluj. Two akltaJ to divert w ere presented, II Eleventn ________ ■ rfoct; Mwer and f n »

a^m l2 J« ro m e "F a m iIr I”s “ "a

- ^ o i f o T e d ^ f P i ^ l^ b lof law en- JEROME, May :2-Dnployea of

th e aol! conscr\alion senlce fromnM ’ln,Falli,J«rom«.-fili~hBnf,-Oood----- ^

. Jng nncITTazeTiou held a plcnfc Sal-''I elecWcnl u rd a y evening at the'Jerome city ’awj, JiJm- p a rk In honor of Ifarold Harris andr. Cost to fam ily . Hsrris has been transfer- ‘he

re d to Aberdeen. ' Justta te d - i^ - — M r.-and MrsrHamrwrt-prestiiU' heWIded to Jo n ed a Rift from the group and a prldchapter in photOKrarh album of ii| employes ------housed » t -with -whom he has worlted in this W?

yi also vot- a re a . LuUier Jones. Twin Pails, dis- ^icher unlU t r l c t conscrvatlontst, presentedII each. aw nrds - to y . Dale Munk. Jerome.— a n d J . Boyd Price, Ooodlng. for

i „ 10, years of service wllh the U, 8.U IS ) deportm ent of agrlculiure. r Harris was honored a t an PL l S l c a a ttem o o n party Mondsy al the ■.%

ho m e of Mrs, Jnck Harrli Bhe was -.RM alyn preacnM d . with, a _gift..£njm .thadc Instruc- g roup . Eveo'one present autograph- Kimer vaca- ed a lunch cloth which was also ”1 German- presen ted to her. m

IS In Deca- _ I t l.n believed thnl South Ailatlc ^ lathematlcs people began migrating eastward C<

the higtt acro ss the Pacific about the time P -n is master's o f Christ. ^te Agrlcul-

~ ^ -A tte n tio m Fer's degree .t the Unl-

= = F I « Pf f F L Y I N G ^i . and Mra- . —...... .................... ...........................

. Will he lp you snve y o u r ; Prince and dam age. .Call us fo r f re e f ie

.......Ins’ done-whert you nced It—

Mrs, O ert- from w heel tracks. AppMcati.y for Mos-

^ C A t L z NP h .n . 0 H 6 J 5 , B.KI,

)f Mr, nnd

Buhl Municipc■' ^ ' > u h i : ; . d ;^

[ ( r j t i d g e ^ h i s k e ^

___Sniif ..ana' J f

I eailyrorwi . BwalloK c

,rv.rt ’ ‘ «llh* ------- ' ■ ■

lotber M M' ' m m I

WN W H I S K tY - W P tH l- ------ ------■ --------------

[.•ta « h l* e y v ij» a I* th» B l^ T bat’t w h y i t wUl pay yotiS O -u ee d X es teJ te aL h ity cS — — ^ 3 1 - - —lo d your j j r c s c n t brenoi------------ — g B i. ..{II P>^,Pf r .ii1 v * ft became [ C w a t | . H f e

ia protected or it in t b y “ v a c u u m distil*

e our w o rd f o r it ., qomparc iwn choice.

a r C l M l l a i s e s O o f i■vnthanywhawwlt*"”^ '

1 J M i > » M " 1 ° ° ' • “ »

J2 , 1053

V i t a m i n - H a p p Y H e i

f n To Wonder Aboul. chairman By HENRY McLEMOnE rfrugj,,? ilL J J !! ' '“ “'" in s as good for you u the thi

thoy «r,-euppo,ed to te r ...... - - I t a(" a d i i ^ * ^ *'°P' « • otherwise I'm th rc ta . *■’ 1 program money I should be saving lor "" “P'1 i s h con- ° «1“V- If they are I II tnch J

■ ■ H a g H B j a i h e poor hou-e in “oi F eUng M n. the h e a l t hle.u

m th e p f ^ . 7 " ^lanotMrs. - I m a n ever arrive _ _jyw aaac- ■ there In, and nMams WB3 they’re not. I'll co R |

ly Maurlne I slinply caiuiot[nirrant a t ^ ^ ^ ■ ^ K ^ ]J H r(sU r( iC a m !m ]n ly Dick led looking my B

'p rc S c B t H Ir " “ , r “ ’ ------1-discovcm i-tnn “ ■ j lhe retiring I hnd spent more for vitamins at mr H i i or the post neighborhood druggist than i hjJ

for book.i, tenn li balls, .lu.-ipenafr!In eharge w rlsht.jininB devices, blooded cjt.’ - -

r . S , ' „ ' ; ™ -Two sklta ,

I wish a doctor, or a irro\)p ot f -j •__ doctor.^, would let me know il lm W t

spending my money wl.«ly or foci. AI v | e ' «niy-'"T 'o r"w hn 'ri h£\Ti5'ent'onV vliamlns In the last couple of mr«P i o n i A n'5UlB-T5RV6n^ftirh-d6xMrH.f,.,...fl------CL I t l l l l , table suit, a diamond horscilioe ri niorM „t ’' “ okpln. and n player plono with ji j

lonf.-oood- - ^ g r ^ J c v e r _ ^ ^ 'b ^ a - v i t a a l n ------ 1

erome city '0 '"'= other m en like to he the Ilt<i ' ’Harris ond ncros.5 a new bridge, f like to bc. transfer- the first to take a new vltaniin,

Ju sl as other men tnke pride in --.-irfprestiit- tw ins’ seen a t-flrst nlghtls I taHslUp and o Prlde In being t^e first man 1ft »I employes ' ■ '—— -----------

eastward C«vrlatsi drtTiri...(rlla<l]r ifrilti the time Perrine notel Phone Ui»

i t i o h = ^ F a r m e r s ! ^ " “ ~

F R E D ^S r^^ ^ IG^ERYICE -

snve y o u r a lf a l f a fro m weevil IS fo r f re e f ie ld in sp e c tio n . Dusl>you need It— h o de lay w allihK fo r .................. .'io -dam oB O -to -h fty -and -eo rn igate s------ -------eks. A p p lic a tio n g u a ra n te e d .

CAL.L NOW------”196-J5, Buhl, Doy o r N ig h t

^imicipal Airport-B U H W -iD A H O — -------------------------- - --------

i l s k e y - ^ u f r ^ —

_ 2 s n U f jm « J i r B n d .f « ------------------------------------■ro.na. Taate It criti-’ eaity for»moo</>n®“ -BwalloK c*rrfuUy ‘o . gjiid*e Its freedom frombit*, bum or itini. -

V ................................. ■ '

I n

i t l —^ H l-3 * - T o i lB lh a o th # r w h I ^keylntheumeanalyt- ic^wty-lhenplckthe

B m # one that i—Uf t»st«^ M f w / bettertoyou.

h■ __________-


s s G o w p a r i^ n — —H ie m a jl f f l t ! ' ^. m n w w m . m v m w m u a c oy . HT.C /

■ ■ . i ' 1 ■ r n I


pp)LHeniy Starting- ;r About Pills’ ValuelOnE rtnigstore when n new vitamin hits that,’.Mor you u the thelvcv pills fo:............... ' I t a5f''n-f"Hiaftcr wHnrthe vUo- ailment:throainc *•’ for. I ko for one thal helps fcning c

invlng Ior "" stomach Just a.? quickly fts prcclatic1 11 inch * “’® *“'■ 'h a i cures nn eamche, nn llie• hou-e In “"i PO'"‘vo th;it If they put out a lo.?. UchI th le .u 'l lam ln tha t helped relieve the when In

• — ------- ^ r

and ll lot. I'll CO

S Sc h e c k i I I 1 I ^

April, ___»em t-tnii I w « . f ' 1

an I hidu.-ipen(lfr!.odcd c t- ..................... .

*" / / : irroiip ot tA J^K i n ^

■ of >c.\r«, ________-----------------------------------------------------------1


l l , ............looe a w J -

— I t m - H B

1 I I rM'il■t. - ___________

a ------ -------


C O L l

• Top to’Fteor Storage-7.!• P orcelain ' Endmel One-F• All Shelves AdjustableJ• Save Extro Now-Durinc

! S e a rs , R o e b u ck and Co.; 4 0 3 M a in A ve. W . i.Tw in Fflllt. tdflhfl , ,

I I P lease send me Information on the

f I i N A M E ______ ___________________/ j , (PletiaPrl

- J i BITRECT OR BR _________

i c m r ........... ............... .......................

T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O

_ disappointment o f nol being picked overbldd l g f _ ,ua.Khllc.mtchhlltin8.Lcouldn'i.»alt Jnmlc0 lo go buy myself a Jnr of Ihtm. Also. ' _ _ Looking Ihrough tho n'edlclne *n shoot

U v 3 cnhlnel thla morning, I discorered convinil1 hits that|’.»mong others, I hod vllimin through

Pl'lLJor. ” »' o r j^ a s ln a ^ _whl?h_CvUo- allmcnl3:T?lngrnKTnT.he cats, jUf. star,helps fcning of the eyelashes, lack of ap- ■*m» (Uy OS preclatloa for WaBncr’.i music, bltea questionmche, nn Ilie wrist by cornered nnnadil. try w«oul a lav Itching of th e shoulder blades presentre the when In bed, nllergy to ciurled eels, I who ntv

R t l .* !

C - l U S T y ^ --

^ ___ \ .

c , _ _ 1 ........


IDSPX. f 5 9 sy S.Ob D ow n, 8 .0 0 M on th en S ea rs Et

- lUsnal ewrylnr chwfi]

orage-7.7 Cubic Feet nel One-Piece Interior Ijustoble lor-Every Need w-During Sears Record Doys

C o.

■maUon oBthe new.Coldapot .Refrigerstar

... (pTetu Prlnt> ' ’ ! .......... - -

------------------- ------- S T A T E --------- .

picked overbidding a t bridge and televlsloa meo and i»'t.»alt rainlci-------------------------------------- mouUi-JUBem. Also, vitamins which would help out the heicdlclne In shooting the gorge o t tho Cold- im t Thanrr>r..^ lUeviale nauaeo at political mentio

cm inlioi.., .n a l .,lp »ou to U. i i o m i ,rilimin through three acts of a play in Valley roraglnanr which Olivia de HavUland Is the lt,3#nl{L

8t ^ ■■■■ ' ■■ fore he >of ap- •■‘m e only reaaon I ever would pioneer**e, bltea question vitamins Is th n t this coun- have to Yrmndll- try was founded and lifted to ILi K-3t befoibladu pre'entj>eak^^b£ iTici^n^^ women I am qull


; | j | ^ - T O K

i N T t l ] .*1

I B- - p . . _ - ^ ^ ^

f< H • You'd F r V ^ i * More fl-

------------------ A J » - _ * - F u H .w id

I I^R Now you’ - - in M b u y - t h t s -

S T \ S I K Record D| » ^ v '------- — t h e ^ a l t a e

h ■ bor want?

i|^ .'■ Sgqrs stoi

m o N - $1;ES IN TOWN

P-OX-'J9 . 9 5 - . -B

th on S ea rs Eaty P a y m e n t P lo a earrylag e h « g « ) _________

Regular ' H H rd Doys 179.95

1iw«t«r IZ Z I ” " PHONE ■

1 i 8 6 0 - ^ ^ —------------- - , extra la v ln g t

newt a b o u t t h e -■ -------------:------------------ - t r e a t C o ld ip e t.......... Refrlg aro to r

a meooDdwotnenvboUnaMAt'FIy.- lastiinc" the'_ ttouUi.Jumped oato-tha-rock-wiUu- gftloo,-«i><>p out the help of Ihem, and a t their nlzed that II. t o t ThanksglTlng dinner there waa ra th e r weU.,1 no mention ol the lltUe pills. an P - a an<It . If Oeorge Wtihlngton took one at » o t alrplooin Valley rorge.hlstory-doea not record I do wlah«. Jt.J>#nl{LBwnejievfr loolLone.bti. ttil4-Woul<LJ

fore he shot an Indian, and ' the n n d tell me d pioneer* who opened the weat didn't Jaiow how r I- hare to hafe tro D-ie's and one «ome In the t-i K-31 before hitching up their oxen. Orounda t r n I am quite sure Uncoln didn 't for. s tead at the If t l f t^ m ii iu w iii* idlMiiii iw fniil tr'BTOwB.i

BIG G lA N T^FA f^


► m$5 D0W I4 — $9 .50 M O H T H e n S e a n E

(U*nU Cotrylnr Charte)

Big 7 Cubic Foot Fam ily S ize M You'd Poy 229.95-if ca rried reg More than 25 Ibs. o f fro re n stoi -Fuil-widtktryegedrfltor- foiL-vege» T o p to ^ ljw a tw a g e fp t low you save-you ta k e hom e $31 uy-thts-greot-new -^oldsoQ t-du :ecofd Days! Nq wonder yo u r neii ■ne^aloBbiirfeied a\ S eu is l'N o wt; or wonts to join you when you bu

eorS Store!'r:z~~:-:.4~:9 f f —DOWN O N “A N Y -A

3 ■ U P - . T O - ^ 0 0

$10 Down on A ppU anets < 24 MON TH S TO I

.1 ; . ,-K:

le « u ln f a » - emaaM^ttiaa T ^ ^ r l ^ B ---- ------------nlzed that PaMok Benrj no < S % '' ' ra th e r well-known apeeeb «U&5 a n P -S and a B47, n o t airplane. .^ 7 ..:

I do wlah u y docton «bo HMI - -

Know how nice it wouldbe togoime In the Yonkeejttadluis orlHjb - '-^^ ^1Orounda from the tr»adita>id'l&« " s tead of the blBochew.

O A L ^

^ M I L Y l l Z r l


► 9” .I e n S ean Easy Poyment Plon.......ring Charte)_________ ____________J

^ Size Model ~rried regularly ozen storage space toiL.vegehibles=---==.-==j'■*?e^fiardr----------------io m e $30 extra when you.1

in^y^u buy

A H Y -A P P L IA N C E ^ " i iB ■ Q ^ ^ Q Q ----------------

lia n e e s Over $200 —IS TO PAY ^ . i n

P h w i 2 8 j O ^ ^ ^ J

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AFT_ D on 't fall

f l^e Inrgesl m u st be i

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til^R L Y ROAD

ake s Fin C o m p h

S t a rA N B <

P F IR N ^t fail to a t te n d this a rg esf s fo c lc 4 t i M o gii

be sold — everythin lional choirs, bedroi s, table lam p s, mqti ;_too nu m ero u s to li

J e n m ^C A S R

member; only c l o s e ^ O h i s J

ck of furniture

FTERNOC:ould d ispose o f thi Is in Idaho th e privi



.... - '

HSIDi■inal Pr< p le te S t


I this Gigantic 10-D - M a g i e l ^ t e y _ j i t l ^ irything goes—noth ii bedroom~suite s, din , m attresses, springs s to list.

I S t U r C O N T R

>n>y 10 days fh is J in e ^I t u r e a t T T T v ^

d O NS ato f this g igantic stoi e privilege o f buyinj

B E R , W E rH IS I S Af f I c T e q u ip m e n t A mHSIDE

r a

I r o s t i c ^ S to c k c


10-Day Auction a n o t Y our Owh^PrlcisI no th ing withheld, s, dining room siiit( p rings, carpets,, ropi

aa t 1:30 -

ic stock to deolers buying home furnisi

ITE A R E Q ; A X O TA ]



a n d El

nVY. M aC E D A I t Y r ^ *

>n an d buy fine fu r Prlcis7 W e ore" q u i ti ;ld . Davenports or

su ites / dinette se ts room size rugs, t

IO % = d o w n ^ ih e ^.UC3 — EVirilers bufpire?er to urnishings at your

1 Q U IT T I t:a l c l o s


t w in I'ALLS, IDAHO

mmo n to Lie E q u ip ir

10^ a v 2 3 i

except Sundi

rENINGSie fu rn itu re and floi i q u ittin g business, o rts a n d chairs, so fi te s e ts , end to b ie s ,c ugs, th row rugs, am

4he-bqianeeHft:T1(rENlNGSer to give our many y o u r own price!



j q u i d ^»fnentl

3 r djnday—3

j floo r coverings fr iss, o » d ftiie"sf s o fa b ed s, rock<

es, c o f fe e tables, f I , a n d t h o u s a n d s

H f t ^ h n o n t l i !MIS a t 7:3(nany c u s t o m e r s (!

J S I N E S S ^ ^

r!!;t io nIfl


• - _______ Tmmspiioir w falls J

lote It r i

ings from ^ ftiiif stock B rockers; Ifl

jles, floor p lands of p

> n t h s I

ii:30 I

ie r s and f c

5 S ^ - - |
