la'pe muzio clem-enti io:ooo oo - co. bo

s A VAT. VALUABLE STOCK IN TRADE OF THE LA'PE FI RM OF MUZIO CLEM-ENTI & CO. - - x bo io ":o oO oo - engrabtlJ .:1 .r Jreae P ortion of 1rltich rt rr C''i'!Jri:;lie. In the Catalogue "; 11 be found among otht'r h i!( hly popular CLEM ENTI 's bi TRoO iiCT ION T o T ll £ ART OF PLA vLsG oN THE P•. ,:-.o F o RTE ; APP EN DIX TO DITTO; GRA DUS AO PARNASSUM, 3 P R ACTI CAL HARMO:"'Y, 4 Yols. ; HAv o:-; ·s CnE.\Ti o:"', SeASO:"'S, 1 '2 S YMPHO NIES, and Mo zART 's DITTo, , \OA PT £ 0 DY C L EM£:'1/T t; Voc Al . liARMONY, EDITED nY HoRSL EY, 6 \' Ois.: WRAG G's FI .UT E PR E c EP- TOR; C oo n 's S t:'i GI XO TUToR; A XD O'THEn 'J:Rt:ATISRS ; N LE BouQUET, 2 ·1 No s.; S EL ECT A IRS, 12 Nos.; FA:-I'I'AaiAS, 13 N Qe .; Soc tAL P 1EC£s, 6 Nos .; M: oz AnT's M£LODIBS, 3 Yols. ; MJ>u>on;ls ' or l>JFFER6T NATIO:"' S 1 &. c. &c. nnd . l::"'"P l.J BLISHE D . . .... T. HE I NSTR U ltlllN T . .. . , CO!C S IS'I' OP Cla ri -nets, Flutes, l. y X ic holson, &c. Fi fes, Fl ageolets, DrtliDS, T ambourines , BOJ'I'l Kat Bqles, Harper' a lmpro.ed; Captaha Bigt?a . , _ . Cavalry Bupes aa4 Tnunpeta, , fT'lOlim (01te by ROGE (UUS), T ,•nm- 6, al!d fT''IUimu:ellos, •• ' - TYltat Flute, Violin. G- uitar, a11<l otw CaR¥, o•a HOMD•J!D A. TWEH f i auaMB . QP .. ;. o &ed1, Mo tdh Pi t·t:ts, Bau.-, T ,mi Hif arul all ol ber • • Tr a!J e, • • # . B • . W A- 1:$\ll ' A.'T 'iril ·ro wN ·s R oo M, " coNDt:d' sTun"''', BO ND Oa v; J 4NpARY · 1835, following Day s, AT F OR TW EL\ 'B o 'c lOCK P&Ec lSEL Y, ).fay be on d,. Mood:a y poe<eding Mornings oi l' ale, pri<e lt. 6cl. at tbt plu.ce of Sal.r, the Aurtivu !d: m, arul at tb.: Olli«s ol - MR. WATSON, J. u.-t ioneer, Il omc ' A. gt'IIJ , trlld k:pprllivr., 19; CHEAPSIDE.

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Page 1: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo





x bo '~ io":ooOoo -engrabtlJ j\lu~it ttlatt~-

.:1 .rJreae P ortion of 1rltich rtrr C''i'!Jri:;lie. In the Catalogue "; 11 be found among otht'r h i!(hly popular Work>~, CLEMENTI's biTRoOiiCT ION T o T ll£ ART OF PLA v LsG oN T H E P •. ,:-.o F o RTE ; APPENDIX TO DITTO; GRADUS AO PARNASSUM, 3 \"01~. ; P R ACTICAL HARMO:"'Y, 4 Yols. ; HAv o:-;·s C n E .\ T io:"', SeASO:"'S, 1'2 S YMPHONIES, and M o zART 's DITTo, ,\OAPT£ 0 DY C LEM£:'1/T t ; V o c Al. liARMONY, EDITED n Y HoRSLEY, 6 \'Ois. : W RAGG' s FI.UT E PRE c EP­TOR ; C oon ' s S t:'iGI XO TUToR; AXD O'THEn 'J:Rt:ATISRS; N ICHo~·a LE B o u QUET, 2 ·1 Nos.; S ELECT A IRS, 12 Nos.; FA:-I'I'AaiAS, 13 NQe.; Soc tAL P1EC£s, 6 Nos. ; M:ozAnT's M£LODIBS, 3 Yols. ; MJ>u>on;ls 'or l>JFFER6T NATIO:"'S1 &.c. &c. nnd .

l::"'"Pl.J BLISHE D ~L\:"'"USCRIPTS . . ------------~---.... T. HE

• I NSTR U ltlllN T ~' . .. . , •


Clari-nets, Flutes, l.y X icholson, &c. Fifes, Flageolets, DrtliDS, Tambourines,

BOJ'I'l Kat Bqles, Harper' a lmpro.ed; Captaha Bigt?a . , _ ~ . ~pes; Cavalry Bupes aa4 Tnunpeta, , fT'lOlim (01te by ROGE(UUS), T,•nm-6, al!d fT''IUimu:ellos, c~ ••

' - TYltat ~\'ins; Flute, Violin. G-uitar, a11<l otw CaR¥, o•a HOMD•J!D A. TWEH f i auaMB. ~ ~ QP .. ;. o

& ed1, Motdh Pit·t:ts, Bau.-, T ,mi Hif llamm~n, arul all olber artid~s ~dc'flwiiA t~ • • Tra!Je, •

• • • #

. B • . W A -1:$\ll ' A.'T 'iril ·rowN·s RooM, ~ "coNDt:d' sTun"''',


Oa TuE~DA v; J4NpARY · t~ 1835, ~ following Days, AT ~EVEY FOR TWEL\'B o ' c lOCK P&EclSEL Y,

).fay be V~l on d,. Mood:ay poe<eding ao~ Mornings oi l' ale, ~ pri<e lt. 6cl. ad~, at tbt plu.ce of Sal.r, the Aurtivu !d:m, arul at tb.: Olli«s ol


J. u.-tioneer, Ilomc ''IIJ, trlld k :pprllivr., 19; CHEAPSIDE.

Page 2: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


1. The highest bidder to be the purchaser ; but if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be put up again nnd re-sold.

2. No person to advance less than one penny upon the plates; nor }C!JS than one shilling upon the miscellaneous Property.

3. Tht> Purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down immediately 25 per cent in part of payment.

4. Purchasers not exceeding £100 to pay Cash. Purchasers exoeed­ing the abo\"e amount to ply £100 in Cash, and APPROVJW B~ at three months will be taken for the remainder.

5. The Plates to be remo\·ed from the Warehouses, No. 26, Cheap­side, within one week from the expiration of the Sale; the Lots in the fourth Day's Sale to be removed fr0m the Sale Room on Saturday the 17th.

6. Any error or mis-statement in this Catalogue shall not vitiate the Sale, but an allowance or compensation shall be made, as th~ caae may be.

7. UJXHl failure of complying witll the above ConditiOD.I, the money so deposited in part o£ paJment, shaD be rorfeite<l, the Lob UDCleered within the time a!o~d ~sold by public or private sale; and the deficiency, if any, together with the charges attending web ~sale abaU be made gOQd by the defaulters at this Sale.

Gentle-11~en rvlw ctm110t attend the Sale, may Aave tlaeir Conmtissions faithfolly executed,

By thrir Obeclimt ~nt, T. H. WATSON.

. .

FIRST DAY's SALE. Tuesday, 13th January, 1835. SEcotm Do. Wednesday, 14th do. do. THlllD Do. Thunday, 15th do. do. Foona Do. Friday, 16th do. do.

Page 3: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

C A T A L 0 .G U E.



The Number of Years une.1pired of tlte Copyrights will be stated at the Time of Sale.

The Number of Copies to each Work will be annow1ced at tile time of Sale, when the purchaser f!f the Plates will be at liberty to take or r~ect tltem at tile rate of eight shillings per ltuudred sheets.


J 1 BEETHOVEN's •• 3 Sonatas, Op. 12 • · •• 59 r c 2 ATTWOOD •••••• Airs from La D ame Blanche, Books I and 2 .. .. 38

Ditto from La Vestale, Bks. I and 2 . • .. •• 43

3 BoNTEMPo ~ ••• 2 Airs with vars . Op. I5 •• 43 Ditto ditto , 18 .• 43

C 4 BuRRow Es •• •• Airs from Cosi fan Tntte, Books 1 to 3 .. ..50

5 CLEM E:-11'I's .... 3 Sonatas, Op. 8 .. ..22 D itto 3 ditto , 9 • . • .36

6 BuRROW u's •. Airs from F igaro, Bks. l, 2, & 3 47 Ditto from l domeneo • • I6

] ..-C

7 CLEMENTI 's •• • • 3 Sonatas, Op. 21 . . . .41 3 ditto ,, 22 .. ..35

C 8 HARRts Airs from I Fuorusciti, Bks 1 and 2 • • • .42

_j KALEBBEN~Ea, Essais, Book 2 • • • .20 ··~ 9 CLEM ENTI 's •••• 3 Sonatas, Op. 33 •• ....._ • • 32 .• ~ 2 ditto and 2 Capriccios, Op. 34 37

.... ! C 10 BEETHOVEN •• •• Sonata, Op. 111 • . • · 22 ··~·:~ CLEMEN'U •••••• Sonata to Kalkbrenner • 22

: 11 CRAMER .. .... 3 Sonatas, with Airs, Op. 12 .. 52 3 d itto do. , 35 .. 47

Total 59










Page 4: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

, LOT Plates Total

C 12 KAL.-un E:\NE n, 1st Fantasia '' II pleut Ber-. ~ aere '' . . . . . ... ll

/~-- 2nhd ddo. " FPria che l' l"?bPle~?o " 1153 __., 5t o. " emme sens1 e •.

11th do. " W e're a' noddin" •• 15


13 Du ss~:: .- ....•. 3 Sonatas with Airs , Op. 31 •. 43 6 ditto ., 28 •• 27

C 14 KALKBRENNER, Grand Quintett, Op. 30 •• 48 · 15 HAtGH •••••.•• 12 P~tit Pieces , 32 •• 31

28 Familiar Airil, &c. • .26 -e 16 MoscHP. LE;> ..•• Fantasia on "German Grena-

• ;L./.f,_;/,/ u..-r:> dier's March," Op. 68 •• 12 PERF. { Fantasia from Ricciardo •. 14

17 HAYD~ PotPourri, with Spanish Airs 14 Sonatas-Passions, Op. 45 •. 45 3 ditto , 58 .. 60

C 18 Rru •• Trio, P.F. F. and Vo . Op.63 •• 17 Grand Quintett , 74 •• 40 5th Sonatina • • • .12 6th ditto • • • • • • 10

19 Hoo K 6 Sonatas, Op. 54 . • ..27 H ERZ • ••••••••• Exercises • • • .16 Koz£LUCH ••• :3 Sonatas, Op. 3 . • • .48

C 20 KAt.lf.BltENNE"R, Concerto , 85 .. • .126 2 1 MAzztNGn ·I · •••• 3 Sonatas ., 2.. • .25

C 22 Ao .uls Adeste F ideles • • • . 7 Partaut pour la Syrie No. 1 •. 5 March from Mose in Egitto 2 .. 5 Gentil Annette • . 3 •. 5 Waltz in Freischutz 4.. 5 Fra tante . . 5 •• 5 G iovenetto Cavalier •••• 6. • 5 II ne soot plus • • 9

~ 23 MozART •••••• Quartett •• •• 35 •

C 24 BERTINI •••••• 3 Nottumos, Nos.-1, 2, and 3 •• 19 Bt.EWtTT • ; •••• Barney Brnll.aghan. . • 7

Rondo from Abon Hassan 8 Jessamine Cottage . . 5


70 48





91 126-. 25

46 35

- 39

Page 5: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

5 L OT Plates Total

25 PLEv EL •..•.• 2 Sonatas, Op. 7 . . • . 22 22 C 26 CtrFTO!'I .••••• Barcarolle in Masaniello 17

.,... Airs in La Stmniera • • 8 CuTLER . . .••••• C'eat !'Amour • • 7 32

27PLEYEL~ ••••. . 3 Sonatas, Op.21 o• 69 69 C 28 Conn1. .•.• ..• . • Airs from Cock Robin, 1 to4 •• 12

R oyal Charlie 6 Sw.iss Air and Gallopade 6

CARNAnv .• •• . • Banks of the Neva 6 C IANCHETTINI .. Hommage a P aganini 10 40

29 PL EY EL ••• o .... 3 Sonatas, Op. 24. Dks. 1&2 .. 111 Ill C 30 DE MA SARNAU .La Grazioso, Op. 6 • 12

F1 ELD ••.•. ••••• Pastorale 5 .Grand ditto o. 12

. . lst Nottumo .. • • 6 Come again, come again 10 45

31 PLEv EI. 18 Easy Pieces • . 20 4 Sonatas • • • • 19 6 Rondos • • • • 17 56 . .


Mark!'!t Chorus, No. 1 Barcarolle , 2 Castanet Dance , 3 Fishermen's Choru~, , 4 .. Favorite Duet , 5 Aria , 6 Neapolitan Dance , 7 Favorite Duet ,, 8 Chapel Chorus , 9 Prayer · ;, 10 Cavatina ,, 11

· Ballet D ance , 12 33 P L £'· EL ••••• : • • 3 grand Sonatas, Op. 35

C 34 CRAMER.· ....... Hanoverian Air · · ·:. MEv E s ...•. ; ; .. Here's a Health · . • HoLsT ; : • •••• , • " Ciel Pieto!!o," in Zelnrira

" Sorte secondarmi," do. March · do. " Cara deh attendi/ ' · do.

.. 5 •• 5 .. 5 .. 5 • 5 •• 5 . . 5 •• 5 .. 5 •• 5 . •. 5 •. 5

.. 66 12 11 5 6 7 8

60 66

\ ..

Page 6: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT Plates Total

35 STEIDEL T ...... 3 Sonatas, Op. 35 . • 54 6 Sonatinas, , 50 • • 32

C 36 HoLST .•..••.• EAsY RoN nos, 1 to 12, lst Series. No. 1. Tyrolean Air • • 6

2. Scots wha hae • • 5 3. Sui Margine • • 5 4. Le Vaillant Troubadour 6 5. National Waltz •• 5 6. Di Tanti Palpiti 5 7. Dulce Domum •• 5 8. Dunois the Brave •• 6 9. Di Piacer • • 5

10. Bolero from Tancredi •• 5 11. Maid of Valdarno •••• 5

.../ 12. GipseyChorus • • 6 ,..... 37 BEETHOVEN •••• Sonata,Op. 47 • • 17

Fantasia • • • • 14 c 38 IU.LK.BRENNEB .. Le Tribute ala Mode, Op. 75 11

Di Tanti, with vars. , 83 42 /.. 39 BEETHOVEN •••• Trio, Op. 1, Nos. 1, 2, & 3 •. 104

C 40 KALKBRENNER .. God save the King • • 16 -- - ~~ n· · 15 / / /_,; • r. 1 tto • . . . _ '/.' '~ · l-n.c(..C4\L.. .Jt,..-Rondino, Op. 3'2 • • 11

I 41 BEETHOVE~ •••• S~nata, Op. 90 • • 16 tJ.. a-~ ~<- D1tto, , 110 • • 24 Battle of Prague • • • • 15

'o C 42 LoG.lER B~gle Andante • • 8 ~- . Sp_~ish B<?lero • • • • 5

-;> Mihtary Air • • .. 7 LEx~ •••••• Diverto. on Dances • • 6

ditto from L'Orgie • • • • 6 9th Bagatelle • • • • 9 Italian Air.. • • • .6

43 C~EMENTI ...... Sonata, Op. 41 1st from, ,, 21 ••

C 44 VoiGT ••• ;. •• La Poule Le Carnival de V enise

ADAMs ••••••••• Le Portrait •• CaA~ER • • •••••• Les menus P1aisirs VoiGT. . . • •..•. Life is but a Summer


•• •• • •

• •

• •

13 17

7 7

11 13



64 ' . !' t

31 /

53 104 ~






Page 7: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


45 CRAM ER ... . .• New Nottumo. Op. 64 •• DussEK .. . . .. . Grand Sonata, Op. 5 ••

2nd ditto, Op. 12 •• ~ 46 MEY ES ••• • • •• Soave Imagine ••

Giovenette Cavalier •• .- - / , -' Oeetto Amabile ..

Plalu 13 12 16

\._.../. /(;:/AQ.A~-< ) / D ivertimento . •. J ( / ,f./ March from II Croctato ••

Gaily singing . .

·1 8 6 R 7 8 8 Ah si di mali .•

47 DusSEK . .... . Fantasia and Fugue Qoartett, Op. 53 ••

• •

• •

•• C 48 PEREZ • •• •... Introduction and Air ••

C LIFTON . •... Prendiro qoel Brunettino PEREz ... .... Fantasia from Cenerentola KALK BRBN.N ER.Polacca Rondo . • • •

l1 35 8 6

15 12

49 Garth •• •••.• Favorite Lessons, No. 1 from Op. 2 • • • • • • 4

G Di • ' th II p RIFFIN . • • • • • Yertunento WI . ray Goody.. •• ••

HAIGH •••••••• Trio, "When Wars alarms" I ntrod uction and Polacca

13 9

11 ()50 Ptxis •••••••• Fin ch'han • • 15

Ballade Ecossaise, Op. 96 • • 14 Concertante Vars, P.F. F.&. V.

Op. 106 • • 22 7 51 HAYDN •••••••• Sonata Op. 40, by Logier •• 26

H u MMBL •••••• Grand Trio, Op. 12 •• 31 --C 52 P oTTER •••••• Brilliant Rondo • • • • 11

RAWLIN GS •••• La Mescolanza, Nos. 1,2, 3, &4 31 '1(,53 MozART •••••• F antasia, Op. 11 •• . 23 - Sonata in~ No. 10 • • 26

C 54 RAWLINGS •••• Minstrel's Harp • • 14 List to the lively Guitar • • 7 Coming through the Rye • • 9 Swiss Boy • • • • 7

55 MozART •••••• Sonata, O p. 19 • • 15 Quintet, P . F. F. V. &. Vo. 17







5 1 ' ;






Page 8: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo



, c o6 RtES •••••••••• Barcarolle Market Chorus D i P iacer Alexis • •

• •

••• •

• •

Plates 14. 12

.. 12 .. 12 . .

57 PLEYE L • • •• •• 1st Concertante, new edition 13 2nd ditto, 2 Vios, Ten. & Bass 19 3rd Ditto, Vio. & Bass . • 15

C 5R P ERRY •••.• • • Scots wba bae . . 8 Snuff Box Waltz with Varia-

tions . • . . 5 Voi G T • • •• • •• Spa nis h D ance . . 6 S o LI S ••• • •• • • Int roduction and B rilliant Rondo,

Op. 13 • • .. 8 59 STEID E LT •• • • • Sce na and Variations, on Rus-

sian Air . • 21 Le Berger et son Trou peau 9 Fantasia and Variations, " N el

cor piu" . . • .19 C 60 HARR IS • •. •••• Un Offcrta alle grazie 11

VALEN1 IN E •••• Marseilles Hymn . • 8

I I Bee's Wing •• . . . . . • • 6

. 1 .<f ,/....__.-..... • .L~aby • • • . 7

/ ___.) Fatry Song .. • • •• 6 · Glorious Apollo · · · · · · • : 8

61 Dussn.: •• •••• •• Concerto dedicated to Miss Collins. Op~ 22 • • • 51

C 62 VALENTIN& •••• Waltz de Freres Bohrer . . .•• · · 7 WEIPPERT •••• 1 never cast a Flo.wet . . . • • 8

Non piu mesta • • • • 8 L'Exquisite : ~ · · • • 8

W E BSTE R •••••• Rondo Polonoise, . o·p. 1 • • 12 :1 63 D ussEK.; ~ ••••• Concerto dedicated · to Mrs. V i-

dall, Op. 49 · .. • .89





' 46




' Nos. 1 to 12 . • . 359 359 · 65 VIOTTI •••• •• • ·.Concerto in G, adapted by •

. . Dussek • • . • .50 50 C 66 OvERTU R E .. .. T wo Blind Men •• 13

DnTo . ... . .. . .. Zaubertlote, Burrowes 16 29

Page 9: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

9 t.O T

(./ 67 P lates Tl!inl

l~ BEETHOVEN . •.• Rondo, "See the Conquering

Hero" • • • .18 Thema • • . . • • 7 Air from Le Nozze di Figaro . . 14

. .J C 68 BAcH's •••• ••.. F ugue, P .F. Duett, by J acob 15 B EET HOVEN':s •• Grand Septuor, P .F. Duet .. 47

69 CzERNY's •••••• French Air with Var. ..16 CRAMER ••• ... . Rousseau's Air . • 6

Air from ll Flauto . . . . 7 Corn Riggs are bonny, with Var. . • 2 Copenhagen W altz, W ebbe • • . . 4

C 70 BuRROWEs ••. • . Non piu Mesta, P. F. Duett 9 Chorusses in Fidelio, do . . 19

CLARKE •••• . . . • P.F. D uet, dedicated to Miss Howard.. . . • .33

71 FIELD . •.••••••• Chanson Russe, Var. T\fo Airs, Rondo ••

• • 7 7

Fall of Paris . • • • • • • .3 Flowers of Edinburgh, . . Butler •. 4 God save the Emperor, • . Clementi • . 7 God save the K ing, . . Beethoven . • 7

C 72 ARTHUR's ...... 2nd Serenade, Flute Solo 14 FoRDE's ... ..... 3 Flute Solos . . , . • .4 HARGREAVE's •• Ah perdona, ditto . . 15

3 Airs, " Ye Bank s, &.c." 5 LINDSAY's •••••• Melange, Carnival of Venice 13

73 C LEMENTI •••••• P. F. Duet from, Op. 6 • • 13 adapted, from Op. 21 • • 15 ditto, ditto, Op. 22 . • II Instructive Duets, Nos. 1 to 5 23

NICHOLsoN's . . • Recollections of Ireland Fl. and P .F. • • • . 24

Fall of Paris • • • • 1 5 Polonaise . • 19

75 Fall of Paris, . . • • Major .. 2 FI ELD's •••••••• Duet on Russian Air • . 9 GRAEPF ••••••• P. F. D uets, Op. 14 . • 9

Duet with Pinkey H ouse .... 23 3 ditto, Op. 15 . . 39

1-39 62




5 1



Page 10: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT P lat~:~s Tot ul

C 76 Gon~7 :~§·,:~·F. D uets from Masaniello,62 .7~-yr-4-bks . . . . .

77 G~;LtNEK :-:: .. ·~~~er Chorus, Rondo . . . .14 w altz in Der Freischutz .. 12 Roc.le's Air with V ar. . . 4

C 78 KALKBRENNEB •• P . F. D uet , Maeb.el's March 9 W altz . • • 9

King William the 4th's March 5 LoctER's . • .• •. . Fugueand2Canons, Op.1G .. 16

79 HANDE L •••. .. . Harmonious Bla~.:ksmith, Rondo 3 W oELFL . ••••• .. Hark I hear .. 6 HAY ON •• • • • ••• Air with Var., Op. 89 . • 12

:Minuet • • • • • .4 W oELPL . ••••••• Heigh o . . . ••. 6

Hark the bonny • • 3 C 80 Nt GHTl NGALE •. H'm P erche, P .F . Duet • . 13

Overture to La Clemenza, as ditto by Wilkins 11 ditto to Messiah, ditto McMurdie .. 7 ditto to Euryanthe ditto Burrowes .• 17

81 HAIGH • • •••••• Rondo Hallelujah Chorus • • 4 LANZA •• •• •• • ditto Here awa'. there awa' . • 9 B&:JiZ •••• · • • •• ditto 0 mon eber Angus~~.. 10 B.eeTaov EN • •. • dit~9 Hope told a flatte!ing Tale 5 BuNTEN • , • • •• ditto Fall of Paris . . 7

C 82 Pix ts ....•• . Overture :lS P. F. D uet . . 19 Duet, Op. -112 • • • • . • .27

83 B uTLER ••••••• R;ondo, I'll gang nae mair to yon 5 Rtzs ..... ...... dttto, Introduction and Rondo,

Op. 64 .. ..11 CuxER ....... ditto, Irish Air . • 10

C 84 Rt ES • •• •••• ••• Triumphal March , P. F. Duet 11 . 7th Sonatina, ditto • • 11

Gute Nacht, ditto • • 13 85 CtANCBETTtNt •• Italian Airs with Var.,

Nos. 1 & 2 . . 34 C 86 Wun ........ 2 Duettinos • • .. 12

WI LJt INs ••••••• Sola, ·Sola Don Giovanni P. F. Duet . • ' Finale to Jupiter ditto ••

15 17












Page 11: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

3-0 T

~ 87

ll Plates 1'otal

KtRMAIR ••••• • Airs with Variations, Nos. I to 27 . . • • 143 143

C 88 LEPP LER •• • ••. . Quadrilles, La Donna del La go 6 LING .•. .•.•• .• ditto, Les Brillantes . . 22

ditto, Easy . . 5 MouN SEY's ... ,Ditto, Brunswick · .. 8

Waltzes . . • • 10 51 89 BuTLEn •.••.•. Rondo, R oy's Wife • . 6

Ro::\IBER G's ..... grand Waltz • Vienoaise .. 7 HANCE • • .. .. .. ditto, Russian D ance • . 9 Duss EK •••••• • •• ditto, Rule Britannia • . 13 STEJBELT ....... ditto, Russian Air .. 12 47

• C 90 WEJPPERT ••.• Quadrilles, Sets 1, 2, 4, 7, 9,

17, and 31 . . • . . . 54 54 91 WEDBE ••..• ••• R ondo, German Air • • 7

Ditto, Military Rondo • . 7 CosTELLow .... ditto, White Cockade • • 6 HANDEL .••••. Overt. Acis and Galatea • • 4

ditto, Alexander's Feast • • 3 ARNE •••••••••• ditto, Axtaxerxes . . 4 3I

C 92 Harp Music ••.. Rondo, • • Meyer 10 Suono Din din, • • Tuttin 5 'Viii you eome, Whitcombe 10 White Cock ade, .Miss D ibdin 6 31

93 W EDE R • ••• •••• Overture, Der Freischutz, accpt. E'l. and Vio. . . • • 13

EoE LM AN ••.•••• Ditto, for 2 Vios, 2 Cors. and Basso. Op. 4 .. .. 16

SANDERSON . •• • ditto, Elfrida • . 7 HAND EL ...... Ditto, Esther.. .. 6 42

C 94 BuRROWES ••..• Airs from D er Freiscbutz, arranged for Harp &. Piano, 4 Books 106 106

95 HAIGH ••••••. . Airs from Haydn's Symphonies, · Nos. I to 3 .. • . 53 5J

C 96 HoLST ....... . Storm Rondo for Hp. &. P. F ... 26 Overt. t(t La Gazza Ladra, do .•• 17 43

97 RossiNI ...... Overture, La Gazza Ladra .. 11 ditto, L'ltaliana in A lgieri •• II

WEB ER ....... Ditto, Jubilee . . • .15 JOMELLI. .. . .. Cbacone • . . . 7 44

r. 2

Page 12: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

12 LOT Plates

(' ~~ BL EWITT's • ••• Organ Service, Nos. l to 6 .. 55 99 S TEIBELT . . .. Overture, Pastorale : .10

HAN DEL .. .... D itto, Saul . . . . 6 Ditto, Samson . • . . 5

R oss1 N 1 •• •••• Ditto, Semiramide .. 23 < C 100 NICHOLSON'S LE BOUQUET, Nos. 1 to 24 . . . . . .•. 343

101 :MA RCHEs .... March in Woman's Will, Davy 2 ·Duke of York's, . . Eley 2 D itto, New Troop . . 4 D er Alpine Sanger, arranged

by Godbe . . . . 5 Grand March, . . . . 3 March in Blue Beard, Kelly 4 P russian March, . . Berger 3 Zauberflote, . . Mozart 2

C 102 Cit A\" .E:s's ... . Quadrilles, 16th and 17th sets 11 Crociato . . 15 ditto, 24th, Interrupted Sacrificel3 ditto, 25th, I Fuorisciti . . 7 d itto, 27th, Isidore de Merida •• 8

(' l /~ 103 MozART ..... Airs with Variations, Nos. 1

to 20 . • • • 143 - - · C 104 NtcBOI.SoN • .• Bolero, F. and P.F. . . 17

Au clair de Ia lune, ditto 25 105 KozELUCn . .. Duets for P.F., Op. 19 . . 15

ditto, Op. 29 . . 18 LEWIE GoRDON P.F. Duet, • . Haigh 9 ?.IARTI ="I .... Overt. to Henry 4th, Dnet.. 17

C 106 Sou. ....... " P er piacer" for Flute • . 15 .. " Occhi miei'' • . 7

' V!tAGG . ..•• P ollacca . . . . 2 107 .MozART ....• Symphony in G. P. F. Duett,

by Wilkins . . • .43 Ditto in F. . . . • 39

C 108 WI!. ISS •• •• ••• Catalaniana Fantasia . . 18 Fantasia, Di tanti . . 9 Fontasia . . . . 12 ditto, Op. 51 . . 13

'l'ulai 55


43 "' ,j/Ant







Page 13: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

13 LOT Plate~ Total

109 OvERTUREs ... Lodoiska, ns P . F. Duet, . Haigh 11

Le Nozze di Figaro, d itto 11 :Messiah, ditto, Ha igh • • 7 La Gazza Ladra, ditto, R ossini 21

C 11 0 W E!SS ...... Boh~mian Melodies, Nos. I and 2 . . . . 21

Tyrolese, ditto, 2 Nos. • • 20 111 P tEYEL ••••• Grand Due t • . 29

Pr~t~sinn W ~ltz, Duet, Haigh . . . 7 R1 Es •••••• • • • Triumphal March, Duet •• II

z. c 112 GABRIELSKY .. 3 Flute Trios, op·. 55 • • 42 · · 3 ditto, Op. 56 • . 40

ll3 AUI El DA •••• Waltzes • • •• .. 4 V oiGT • ••••••• Alli<1nce, Lady Murray, &c ••. 3 B EETHOYEN .. 12 W altzes .. .. •• 9

13 ditto and 6 D ances •• 13 B oHRER •• • ••• Berlin ·W altz • • • • 3 B o MT£MPO •••• Waltz • • • • • • • • 3

C 114 SANDERSoN •• Airs for the Violin, Nos. I to6 •• 43 . . . . . . 115 V oiGT .... .. .. Comet Waltz and Duet •• 3

CtEl i ENTI • .•. Dances . . • • • . 12 '7 C ll6 LoGIER ..... . Military Music, Op. 7, full band 39

Irish M elodies, ditto Op. 8 •• 60 117 Four W a ltzes from R ossini and ·w eber, 2 sets •• 8

G allopade Quadrilles • • • • • • • • 6 Ne"w Stop Waltz • • • • • • Godbt: 5 Les Elegantes, Contra-danses. . • . Herz 17

~ C 118 LoGIE R ••• , , • D ances and Quick Steps, Military Music, full band .. 23

Italian Pieces, ditto . .. •• p.'J

ll9 M ozART . ..... 3 FavoritE' Waltzes .. One Fingered ditto ••

Muller, 3 Waltzes • • • • • • • • New Comet, Circassian, &.c. Waltzes .• P as de Trois • • • • • • • • Polish, Offenbach, &.c. Waltzes .. Prince Leopold , d itto . • . • . .•• Princess Charlotte, d itto . • ••• Queen of Prussia, ditto . • . . . .

.. 3

.. 2 • • 7 .. 3 . . 4 . . 3 .. 3 . . 3 .. 3


4 1



35 43






Page 14: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

14 LOT Plates 1'otal

C 120 DERWORT's . . Airs for the Spanish Guitar, Nos. 1 to 8 . • • . • . • • . 17

Depuis long terns . . . . 2 Sou •......• . 5 Italian Canzonets . . . • 9

6 ditto • • • • . . 9 121 Eighteen easy Voluntaries •• • • • .26

Handel, Cuckoo and Nightingale Jacob 10 Organists Pocket Companion • • • • • .19

__ C 122 DE BERIOT's STu.DtEs · FOR THE VtoLIN, Op. 9 • • • • . . • .23

123 TRINX •••••••• 18 easy Voluntaries •• ..'28 WEBB"E, Jun ••• ditto • •• • • • • • • .12

125 Charmant Gabrielle, Harp Rondo Naderman 13 Coolun, ditto .'. • • • • • • • • . . 4 Irish Air with Var. • . • • • • Dermott 5 Doo·r Clapper, Welsh Melody, with Var. •• 7 Go' George, with Var. • • • . • • • • • • 4 Grainacbree, ditt() • . • • . • • • • .• o Minuet, ditto . • . . . . Krumpholtz 3 La ·Harpe Couronne, ditto • . • • . • . • 7

-- C 126 COOKE'S SINGING TUTOR • •• • 94 127 Pruasian. March, Harp Rondo • • Berger ~

Pyrenein ditto ditto ditto 5 Romberg; Prelude, Var. and Rondo . . • .II Vaudeville di Figaro, Var. • • • • • . . . 4 Weippert, Original Air, No. I, Op. 58 .. 5

V oulez vous danser , 2 • • 8 Gary owen • • , 3 • • 6

e 128 ELEY's ...... VIOLONCELLO TUTOR •• 84

129 DusaEK ...... Duet for Hp. and P. F. ..20 M~~IN .. , ... ditto ...... ...26

C 130 CLIFTON's .. • British Melodies, Vol. 2 •. 36 Ho•sLET's ..•• Collection· of Canons , • • .:42

' ' . . 131 DETIENNE .... 6 Flute Duets, .Op. 53,2 Bks ~

6 do. from Pleyel's VioliRDuets25 132 KauTH . ..... 3. Flute Duets, Op. 10 . 22

d1tt0 , (5 .. 23







46 (','




Page 15: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

15 LOT

-vC 133 Plates Tutu/

VOCAL HARMONY, A CoLLECTI ON ol' GLEEs AND MADRIGALS.' comp.iled from the most celebrated English Authors, with a variety of New Pieces, edited by Hox-SLEY . . . . . . . .674

6 volumes, NEw EDITIO.l'i. C 134 GLEES .••••.• . Under the Greenwood, Clifton . . 8

When shall we three, Horsley •• 7 Wave thy fair head, Me Murdie 4 When cold and dripping .• 11

---il35 GEBAUR ••••• • 60 easy lessons Dut ts for the Flute, Op. 31 • • .. 41

6 progressive ditto, Op. 32 •• 27 e 136 Purday's Sacred Harmony . • • • • • • • 60

137 1\1 u LLER ........ 3 Flute Duets, Op. 20 .. 23 3 ditto , · '21, Bk; 2 .• 3

C 138 BLEWITT .•••• • Opera, Black Eyed Susan · . ·. 1$ BoiLD-IBU .... ditto, \Vb\te Lady, arranged by

· . Cooke ••• ·•· · · · · ••• ;81 139 ROMBERG . ..• •• Set of Mozart's Airs u F lute

Duets, 2 Bks. • • , . • • 24 Duets, Op. 62 . . .. •. . .36

c 140 SoNGS ........ Be silent DOW • • . roll -Bow Church ~teeple . . • • 3 Bright Eyes ·.• • • · 6 Bright Star of Love • • • • 4 .Bridal .. · .. .. 6 Broken Flower . • . • 6 Bay of Biscay • • • • • . 4

141 VIOTTI •••••• 3 favorite Serenades, arra11ged as Flute Due~s by Oianella .. 25

Wa..tJSt S KY •••• 3· Duets, Op~ 42 • • • • ..25 C 142 SoNGS •••••••• Faded Purse ... • • · · • • • 7

Fairy Song .. • . .. .. 7 Fair Rosalie ·•. • • ·3

. . . · Farewell, thou • . . • • • 6 First Dawn of Love • ; • • • • .4 From the F ields . . . . 6 From Glorious . . . . . . 5



{!, 68 60 /







Page 16: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

16 t OT P lates Total

143 D aouET •••. .. VariationsonGodsave the K inglO ELeY ••.• • ••. Flute Sulo, Beaufort Reel .•• : 3

· 4 Var. ou Rode's Air •••••••• 10 GAnR IELS KY •• 3 Waltzes • • • • • •.• 14

C 144 SoNGS •••••••. Hurrah for the Girls .. • • 7 If Music be the food • • • • • • 4 I have flown from • • . . • .• 5 I 'll ne'er desert thee . . • • • • 6 I met him in the lonely •••• 6 I never cast a flower . • • • 3 1 bid you farewell • • • • • • 6 If every Man's • • • . • • . 4 If you a Highland . • . . • • • • 3 Irish J oiner • .. • • ... 4 Jessamine Wreath • . • • •• 4

145 VJoTTl •••••• Violin Concerto, Letter A. 59 146 FoDoR ........ Duets for 2 Violins . . • .49

_ {/- 147 KR EUTZER .... Ditto .. .. . • . . 35 KaoMMER •••• Ditto, Op. 20 . . . .26

. ij 148 PLEYEL ...... Ditto , 37 . . • ••• 49 RoMBli'.RG •••• Ditto , 4 • • • .31

· 149 V lOTTI •••••• Ditto " 5, 2 Bks. • • 60 150 •••••• Serenatas, Op. 23, 2 Bks. • .49 151 BanAL •••••• Duets for Violin and Violon-

cello, Op. 19 • • .. • . 25 H AYDN •••••• Ditto , 77 • • • .33

Lf' 152 BEETHOVEN •• Trios for Vio. Ten. and Bass, / Op. 3 • • • •• 34

Ditto, Op. 4 • • • • ..59 153 PLEYE L •••••• Trios for 2 Violins and Bass,

Op. 41 • • • • 32 D itto, Vio. Ten . and Bass,

Op. 11 .. • • ..25 154 VtoTTI ...... Trios for 2 Violins and Bass,

Op. 20 • • • • • •.. 43 155 B&BVAL ...... Solos for the Violoncello,

Op. 40 • • . • ..26


G4 59 49

tl 61 / .-t,

80 t. 60 49




Page 17: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

17 ... ,,. Plates

156 BREVAI, ••.••... Duet for the Easy Study of the Cleffs, Op. 25 . . • • 25

cf 157 LINDLEY •..•• VioloncP.Ilo Duets, with Airs, Op. 8, 2 Bks. . . . .49

· .j 158--Hu GoT •.••.. 25 Grand Studies for th e Flute, Op. 13, Book 1 . . .2:3

D itto ,, 2 .. . .21 C 159 SoNes .•... ... Maid of the Mountain .. .. (j

Maid of Abbotsford •... Miller's Daughte.r .. Minstrel's Harp . . Miss Briggs . • • • . . My true Love . • . . My Rose . . . . Mary, meet me .. Margate Steam . . . . Mary loving thee ..

. . 4

.. 6

.. 4 • • f)

.. 6 :;

• • v •)

• • <) , . . ()

160 Tu1.o u ........ Fantasia, Op. 16 .. . .20 WEJPPERT •••• Lindor, Op. 69, No.2 •• 20

C 161 SoNes . . ..•.•. P eter Peppercorn . . 4 Poor little Love . . 6 Poor Heart . . . . 6 P oor J osslyn . . 5 Poor Corydon . . 5 Poor Jessv . . . . 6 Pat was a · darling . . · 3 Please Ring the Belle • • 6

162 HARGREAVES .. FluteTrio,dedicatedtoAubrey 17 HAYDN •••••. Trio, 2 Flutes and Bass .•.• 13

C 163 SoNGS ••••.••. Sweet choice • • 6 Sweet is thf' • • . • 3 Sweet Rosalie • . 7 Sbakspeare's Epitaph • • 3

164 RosELLr •.•..• 3 Ea'sy Trios C 165 SoMes .. ...... Chapter of Wants

A wreath I wove Ana1ization Love's like a Summf'r

• •




19 3 7 4 -I




-~~ /





18 HI

Page 18: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

18 LOT Plates Total

Brought forward . • . . 21 I love thee • . Blewitt.. 3 Why is the Dream . . • . 3 Dear Sally, I love thee . . 3 Come again Blewitt •• 5 Kiss, dear Maid . • • . 5

166 KAsKOWSKl •• 6 Variations for Violin • - 9 REEVE ........ Introduction and Thema, No.2. 11 RosQUELLAs •• Airs, No. 1, Vio. Ten . &. Bass •• 6

D itto P.F. . ... 5 Andante, No. 3, Vio. Ten. and

Bass •••• Ditto P.F. • •

7 13

167 RoMB ERG • •• • Violoncello Duet, Op. 9 • • 49 168 BEETHOVEN .• 2 Quartetts, Op. 18, 2 Books 145 69 •••• 11th ditto for 2 Vio!l. Ten. and

Basa, Op. 95 • • • • • • 33 •

-lt-~70 MoZART ••••.• Quartetts, dedicated to -J'Jt..-'~n.., ·.:./ /h-'/' - Prince of Wales, 3 Bks .

the • • 237

171 PLEYEL ...... Ditto, Op. 3 .. 92 172 •••• Ditto. 12th Set, King of V Prussia • • • • 179

X' 173 BEETHOVEN •• Qaintetta, Op. 20, 2 Bks. 45 , 174 •••• Ditto, No.2 .. .. 47

175 PLEYEL ...... Ditto, dedicated to the King of Prussia, Bk. 1, Op. 9 49

176 HaYDN ... "Overture in parts, Sorprize •• 45 Ditto Mihtary .• 48

177 MA RTIN t .... Ditto to Henry 4th .. 32 178 E LEY .. .. .... MilitaryMuaic. Op. 6 .. 134 179 • • • • ••• Ditto, 10 Divertimentos, Op.

11 . . . . ... 106 180 GunAa Mustc, Aurora che sorgerai • • 2

Di tanti palpiti Bricchio 6 Marches, Alfs and Rondos 5 Mourt's Minuet Cabrera 4


51 49 :

145 ·' '

33 I

237 92

179 45 ~ 47


93 32



Page 19: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

LOT 19

Brought forward . . . . Rosquellas' Spanish Sonus

Plates 17 6

Sola's Quit not yet e.

Sor's Fantasia . . 7 Voi che sa pete . . N uske •. 3

181 Piano Forte Tutor, small . . 21 PASQUALI .• .. Art of Singing . . 16

182 F ife T utor • . • • .. 19 Flagelot ditto Flute ditto

Green .. 15 • • • •

• • • • . . 17 183 Hautboy Tutor . . . • Parke .. 26

Hints to young Composers . . Marsh . • 9 Singing Tutor • . . . 2 1

184 Violin Tutor, Jousse's improved . • • . 23 Ditto • • • • Barthelemon •. 41

185 OPERAS .. • .•• The Beggar's Opera . . 30 Doctor & Apothecary, Storace .. 34

186 Love in a Village . . 62 Macbeth • • • • tocke •• 29

187 Out of Place • • • • Braham •• 53 Padlock • • Dibdin .• 41

188 Buntin~'s Antient Music of Ireland . • 53 Cherubmi, 10 Italian Canons . . 15

189 HIMMEL ••••• • 6 Canzonets . . 19 JACKSON •••••• Elegies • • .. 42

Canzonets, Op. 9 . . 26 190 CA LLCOTT .• •• Glees, Catches & Canons, Op.4 66 191 GLEES •••••• .".Adieu to the Village . . 3

· Adieu ye Streams, Atterbury.. 3 Adieu blest Shades . • Miles •• 7 Adieu ye Streams . • 3 A Shepherd lov'd . · 4 A happy Grove • • 2 As I was a going • . Callcott. . 6 Acruelfate •• Aylward •. 2 Awake lEolian Lyre Danby •. 8 Abelard ab ! why this .. Callcott 8 Allomt t'nfans de Ja parti . . 5

o 2







9 1



87 66


Page 20: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


l OT


Plates 'J'utal

G I. EI.'.S········Delightful scenes in which .. 3 Dear are those bonds .• W ebbe 4

Drink to me only . . • . 2 Dull repining Sons of Care

Callcott . . t> Edith of Lorn Dr. Clarke •• 11 Elegiac Ode on W ebbe, Horsley 11 D itto t ines on an Infant .• Major 5 Father of Heroes . . . . 9

W3 --- ••• ••... Hark the b onny . . • . 3 Here's a health . . . . 3 How should we mortals . . 4 How merrily • . . . 3 How great is the pleasure . . 2 Hand in Hand . . 9 How sweetly could, Stevenson •. o Hail ever pleasing, Dr. Alcock • .4 HailMusic .. W ebbe .. 8 H ark the Lark • • Cooke . . 6

194 - -- . • • • • ... Life let us cherish •. W eb be .. 7 Let the sparkling • • Roche • • 3 Long from Earth . . Horsley •. 13 March now • • Cooke .• 9 Merrily over the rolling

Gladstone • • 2 Midst silent shades , • Smith •• 3 Make haste to meet A m e .. 11 Make there my tomb • • 5

195 --........ 0 heavy change • • 5 0 could I flow • • King •. 5

. . .

Oh ! bad I Allan Ramsay's •

Stevenson •• 5 Oh! where is the joy •• Sola •. 6 0 happy wedded youth Shield •• 3 0 heed the moment •• Major •• 7 0 happy fair . • • • 3 On softest beds • • . • Berg • • 5 Oh share my Cottage Callcott . . 3 0 whiter than the Swan King •. 6 Oh ! thou swE'et Bird .. Atterbury 3

5 1



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. .


GLEEs • ••• • ••• The Nightingale •• The fairest Flower •.


7 3


Thyrsis when he left me Callcott •• 7

The Nightingale who tunes 5 'Twas you Su • • 2 Take, 0 take those lips away 2 The fairest Flowers Danby •• 3 'Tis Night • • 4 The Stars of the Night, Bennett •. 4 The Weird Sister • • King • .4 Take, 0 take those lips Barry .. 3 Thou pride of the Forest

Callcott .. 4 _ To all lovers of Harmony Nares 6

I ~7 ---- . •••. . .• We be three poor Fishermen 3 When Arthur first in Court . . 4


While Fools their time . . 4 When Sappho tuned . . 4 What shall he have • . 3 Where the Bee sucks • • 14 Would you hope • • Danby •• 2 When Winds breathe Webbe •• 5 Where 'ere you tread . • Long . .4 W ho rides on that Meteor

King .. 7

M.ll:LODIES HAR)(ONIZ£ 0 BY WEBBE, No. l My Mother bids • • 6

2 The Silver Moon • • • • 6 3 The Moon had climbed • • 6 4 0 Nanny wilt •• • •• 6 5 On that lone bank •••• 6 6 Marked you her Eye •• 6 7 Now the dancing Sunbeams •• 6 8 Behold the sweet Flower • • 6

10 When first you courted • • 6 11 Farewell to old England • • 7 12 While the Lads • • •• 7

13 Go gentle Gales . ... 7 14 Far from this throbbing •• 7 15 Believe my sighs •• f)





Page 22: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

22 LOT P lates Total

199 HAN DEL .•.••. Hailstone Chorus, Duet Haigh .. 2 Hallelujah ditt o ditto ditto .. 4 Ditto ditto Trinks .. 5

HAYDN • •• ••. The Commandments . . 18 K ENT •••••••• Hear my P rayer • • • • 6 HEMPEL'!i ..• . Sacred Melodies . •. . 28 63

200 Mus a •. ... • Cathedral Chant Book . • 46 Psalm Tunes • . 31 77

201 P AEil • ••••••• 6 original Italian Ariettes 4 ITALIAK S.oNos.Batti Batti • . M ozart . .4

Benedictus • • do. 4 Care D onne . . Paesiello .. 8 Crud a Sorte . . Sola .. 1 0 Caro mano del . . do . . 9 Crudelle sospetto . . do. . 6 Cruda sorte . • do •. 19 64

203-- - --Donne mie la fati Mozart • . 8 Dimme ben mio Beethoven.. 4 Donne Donne . . P ozzi .. 10 Dica pure ; . Haydn.. 5 Dove sei • • Handel.. 4 Donzelle semplice Gluck. . 8 Da questi • • Salieri •• 5 Deh resplendi • • Grisich. • 2 Dolce mi parve • . Mazzinghi. • 6 52

204 ------Lungi dal car.o • • Sarti •• 7 La Rachelina • • Paesiello.. 7 La Donzalette • • 9 La Donna che • • Cimarosa •• 11 La mia barbaro • • Isolo 5 Lamia Dorabella • • Mozart •• 9 La ci darem • • ditto •• 4 Lungi dal • • Clifton.. 3 La donnache • • ditto •• 6 6 1

205 ------Non piu Andrai Mozart •• 7 Non temer . . Guglielmi.. 9 Non vi turbate . . Gluck •• 5 •

Non temer . . Bertoni . • 8 Nato io son . . Salieri . • 5 0 dolce concento M t 6 ozar •. Odi I' aura, Duet Beethoven • • 6 Ochietto, do. . . 9 55

Page 23: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

23 LO T Plates

206 ITA LIA N SoNcs.Prendero quel .. Mozart.. 4 P apa . . Catalani . • 4 P er pi eta ben . . Rosq uellas. . :r Per fida, Trio . . 6 Quando sara . . Grisnich. • 7 Qual analante . . Marcello. . 7 Quel bricconel . . Sola .. 17 Qual analante,

Arranged by Clifton H 207 ------Troppo e grave . • Guglielmi 8

T'intendo • . Beethoven. . 4 Tu che accendi • . Rossini. • 8 Una voce poco fa ditto •• 9 Uu soave gentil . . 12

208 F a ENCH Soto~cs.De Ia main tu • • 3 Depuis longtemps Boildieu. • 3 Elogio dos Fantisimos . . 5 II pleut bergere • . 3 Le canon vient . . 3 Lorsque dans un tour . . 2 La Troubadour • • • • 3 Le Serment Francais • • 2 Le Vail1ant Troubadour • . 3 Mon coursier hors • . 2 Moo ~re j e vi ens . • 4 Moo honneur dit • • 2

209 So Nes, DvETs, &.c.An excuse for drinking D ibdin •• 3

And did you think •• Ross •• 4 Another Glass, Duet Shield •• 4 Anchor of Hope • • Monro. • 4 A prey to tender • • Hay~n •• 3 A poor little Orphan E~drn. • 6 A ro~e was impeaned •• 0 Moran 5 Arethosa. • • • • 2 As yet frOm ilty eye •• Beethoven 6 Ah mom and 'En •. Mozart •• 4 At

1the peaceful . • Shiild. . 4

Auld Robm Gray • • 3 A old Jaog syne . . 2

Tot a/





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24 P lates

SoNG s, D~:ETS,&c.Coolun .. 3 Convent Bell . . Attwood . . 3 Crazy Jane . . Davy .. 4 Cuckoo • • • • Arne . • 2 Daddy Neptune . . 3 Days that are gone . . Clarke •• 7 Death Song of Ch<>rokeelndian 3 Desponding Negro • 3 Descriptive Shooting Song,Shield4 Description of a Sunday

Sanderson. . 9 Distant lover . . . . 3 Durandarte and Belerma . . 4 Dusky Night . • • • • • . . 2

------Friar . . . . Reeve. . 3 Flower that blows Mozart •• 6 Gallant Sailor oft . . Linley 4 Gin living worth . . Clifton. . 4 Gipsy Girl . • . . Hook. • 3 Gift of the Gods . . Arne .. 4 Glasses sparkle on the board

Geary .. 3 Go Zephyr and whisper •• Himmel 4 God save • • Camaby. • 3 Go George . • Storace.. 3 Go gentle sigh . . Whitaker: 3 Go forth my Song . . Clarke.. 6 God save the King . . 3 Great Britain still . . Shield. . 3

212 ------1 have a silent . • Webbe .• 4

. .

If a body • • . • Sanderson. . 3 If in that Breast • . Cramer. . 4 If stormy o'er • • Clarke .• 5 I have a silent • . Clifton. . 5 I have a little • • Ware.. 4 I have a heart • . Davy .. 3 I am Monarch of all .. Miller. • 3 In the each joy . . 3 In merry Sherwood Reeve •. 4 In Infancy • . Arne. ~ 4 Inconstant . . Mozart. • 3 Inform me • • Nicks •• 4 It was Dunois the braYe Meves 3





Page 25: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

25 J. O T P lui e:; 'l'ul nl

2 13 S o NGs·, D e ETS, &c. Little Bess .. Arnold .. -l Lil y and the Rose Carter. . -l Love will find . . Whiiaker .. -l Love ut first sight . . Hayes .. 3 Love I y Nymph . . Costellow. . 3 Love's Herald . . Kemp .. (j

Lover . . Beethoven. . 5 Lovely maid see round .. Mehul :! Loud blew the wind .. Sanderson :.! Lullaby . . Stor::tce. . :J Let gay ones and great, and

there was a jolly . . 3 Lucky Escape, new edit. . . 3 Ma chere ami . . Hook . . 4 Mad Tom • • • • • Clifton .. 7 53

214 -- ---- - i\Iy heart's my own . . . . :J My Dolly was the fai rest .. J Never doubt I love K emp. . ;"j

No Flower that blows, Linley •. 3 No ' twas neither shape .. 3 No, no, no . . Hook .. 4 Now all in preparation, Storace :.! .Nosegay . . D ibdin .. -l Nosegay Girl . . . . :J Nobody coming to marry .. :~ 0 dear, what can . . . . a O'er many a weary Davy . . 3 Of plil!hted faith -Storace. • 4 Oh! Nanny •. Trioks •• 3

215 ------Pence Table Attwood • . 4

. .

Plough Boy Shield.. 3 Pleyel's German Hymn • • 3 Poor Shipwrecked Boy

· . Whitaker. . -l Poor Mora• a Eye Meves. . 4 Poor Mary · . . Sharp. . 3 Poor Jack . . Dibdin.. 4 Poor Tom . . dit to. . 2 Ditto . . . . ditto .. ~ P ostman . . Reeve. . 3


Page 26: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT Plates Total



Brought forward .••.•••• 32 Pray Goody • • . . 3 Plunged in a Gulph •. Clifton •. 4 Poor Prince Charlie • • • • 6 Poor Jack, new edition • • 4 Race Horse • . • • 4

4 SoNGs, DuETS, &c. Spirit's Song .• Haydn •• Stage Play of Human Life,

Reeve •• 4 Sun Flower . . Shield. • 6 Sweet Minstrel ditto. • 4 Sweet are the stolen Kin~ .• 4 Sweet is the balmy, M•Murd1e J Sweet Robin . . • . 6 Ditto • . . . • • 3 Sweet passion of Love, Arne. • 3 ·sweet Gratitude •• Sanderson •• 7 Sweet Peace . . Ware •• 3 The Storm, new edit. • • 3

------The tuneful Bird . . • . 2 The tired Soldier Clifton •• 3 There came to the beach • • • • 3 There the silvered Storace •• 3 Tnere's a difference . • 2 There's nae luck • • . • 2 This lock of dear Shield. • 3 This poor wounded heart, Hook 3 Thou soft flowing Avon, Arne 2 Thou dear native Clarke •. 7 Thy song has taught Roche .. 4 Time has not • ; Mozart •• 3 'Tis Love holds . : St~ibelt. • 2 'Tis not Love . . King. • 3 To arms . . Purcell.. 3 To Anacreoo • . • • 3 Together let us range, Boyce •• 5

218 --~ .. -:.--When thou art absent, Shield •• 4 When Nicolas, duet do. • • 3 When you tell me • • • 3 When first this Davy •• 3 .




Page 27: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

27 LOT P iates Total

Brought forward ..••.•.. 13 When the chase Arnold. . 4 When William at Eve, Shield .. 2 When forced from dear Hebe,

Clifton •• 3 What tho' the day s tay ..• ... •• 4 W hen hidden to the wake . . 2 When first you courted. . . . 2 When Britain first . . . . 2 When I beheld . . Haigh. . 4 When first at sea . . Davy .. 3 When l hung on your Arm

Whitaker •• 3 When the hollow Drum, Arnold 4

End of the First D ay's Sale.

. .



Tile Number of Copies to each WOTk will he aTlllounctd at tlte time of Sale, VJhen the purchtutr of the Plates will he at liberty to take 01'

rl'ject thma at the rate of dtSIII shiUiHgs per lumdnd Jleds.

LOT Plates Total ' L ~, 231 BEETHOVEN .. 2 S~uatas, Or:- 49 • • .. . . 16 / 2 dJtto . . .... 63 . . ..24 40

C 232 ATTwooD ••• • Airs hom O'pEerfest, 4 Books .. 74 74 233 CLEMENTI • •• • 6 Sonatas, Op. I . . • .27

6 ditto , 2 . . • .45 72 .E2

Page 28: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

28 LOT .PI at es '1 'ul u I

C 23-~ Bcnnowr.s .•. . Airl:' from La Clemcnza di Tito, 2 n ooks . . . .28

Ditto from Der Freyscbutz, 3 ditto . . . . 57

235 CI.F.)tENTJ •.• A Sonatas and Duet, Op. 12 . . 57 ( : ~::lli - - ...• Sonatas, Op. 36, fingered .. 27

2 Capricc ios , Op. 47 . .46 23i .. •. MosicalCharacteristics, Op.l9. 29

~ c 238 MosC HELES .. nonbonniere Musicale . • 17 R 1 cs .. . ....... 3 Russian Themes • . • . 29

239 Cu:: ~IENTI ••• • 6 Sonatas, Op. 25 . . . .55 3 ditto . , 27 . . .'.59

C: 240 ..•. Fantasie on " Au clair" .. 14. GRIFF!:-; •••••• Divertimento, No.6 .. 15

Sonata to Clementi, Op. 10 .. 19 ' ,241 CLot E:-<"ft •••• Progressive Lessons, Op. 36 30

Sonatas, Op. 37 • • 41 ? r :2~2 KA LK BREN:-i en , Fantasia, with Jager

Chorus, Op. 71 • . 19 Sonata, Op. 40 . . 18

243 Cn A)If.R •••• • • 3 Sonatas, Op. 37 •• 45 D~.;ss£ K ..... . 3 ditto, ,, 13 . . ;j8

- C 244 LoGIER ...... Sonata, with Bl~ ~lls .• 19 -1" Ditto, With S!. 'Patrick's D ay,

·., z;~ · : Op. 7 21 245 DussEK .••. . . 3 S onatas, Op. 31 • . 4.3

3 ditto, Op. 5 1 • • 45 C 246 P EREZ •• • ••• •• Sonata to Kalkbrenner • . 23

Rn:s ..... . .... 31st Sonata, Op. 45 . . 9 247 H AYD:S .... .... 6 Sonatas, Op. 13 .. 46

6 d itto, ,, 14 .. 44 C 248 SoLIS . • • • . •• . Fantasia, Op. 30 • . 8

Progressiv ? Lessons, 6 Nos. 13 WE B BE ....... Airs from Zelmira .. 24

Ditto. P reciosa, 2 Bks. . . 32 240 HAY DN .... .... Sonatas, Op. 10 .. 56

Ditto, , 7:3 • . 44

85 57

73 29





37 ;






---1 I


Page 29: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

29 P lates

C 250 T .oc 1 E R • • •• • • Concerto, ded. t o th e P . Regent 65

251 K oz ELUCH .. .. . 3 Sonatas, Op. 6 .. 67 3 d itto, ,, 2 1 • . 60

C 252 AnA MS • • • • • • • Capriccio, and R ussian Air 9 D ' un bell uso • • 14 W hen t he hollow D rum • • 13

.,;_. 2a3 M ozART . . •.•. 3 Sonatas, Op . 2, Bks. 1 & 2 137 C 254 M E N DELSOHN .. Caprice .. .. 16

B ARLO w •.• • • . Th ere's nae luck • • 8 Rousseau's D ream . • 6

RI ES • •• •. ..•.• Baskyrian Air • • 10 /, 255 P LEvE L .. .... Sonatas, Op. 14, 4 B ook s 159

C 256 CA LKIN ...... No.1 Le Troubad our d e T age II 2 C eluit qui • • 9 3 C e .q ue j e desire • • 8 4 Marlbrouk • • 9 5 II est trop tard . • 9 6 L e S erment F rancaise 10

j> 257 PL EYEL •• .... Sonatas with Scotch Ail'l'l, 2 Bks. 116

C 258 C LIFTON •••••• Grenadier's March • • 12 M .E v Es ........ D anse F rancaise .. 7 A n A !\IS • • ••. D eh Prendi .. 16 B uTL ER ••• • • • Duncan Grey • • 5

? 2~9 p th Q 149 v LEVEL ••••• • 6 Sonatas t o e ueen ••

C 260 FI EL D • • •.•.•. R ondo from 5th Concerto •• 12 Twelve o'clock • . 8

V o rcT . .•. • . •• Finale in Rob Roy • • 5 KALB: BR EN NERFilles do Hameau .. 12 M 6: E V E S .. . .... French Air ..

261 PLEYEL .... .. 6 Progressive Sonatas, Op •. 32 35 Diverto. to tbe K. of Prussia 54

C 262 F RANKS •• • • •. Les Oiseaa CbaDti'De .. ·3 Nos. 18 ~

G o DBE .. .. . ... Panorama Wala .. o Roasi£UOI·cfo. • • 8 New Stop do. . . 6 Alpine Stmger"s March • • 6 Rondo de Ballet, Savoyard's

Waltz . . 6

( Ditto, P ied montese Ai r 6

Total 65


40 159



116 0

40 1-!9 /.



Page 30: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

30 P fates Total


263 STEIBELT •••• 3 Sonatas, Op. 51 3 with Airs, , 75



21 41

C 264 HoLST •••••••• Che smania Ricciardo che veggo

• • ••

6 6

Quanti dubbi · Qoalsara •• Sarem per aempre· Serenade, P .F. &. Fl


• •



5 6 6

16 265 BEETHOVEN •• Grand Fantasia • • 67 266 HoLsT, EAsY RoNDos, 1 to 12, sEcOND SERIES

No. 1 Nabel · . • 6 2 Le Retour Heureux . • 6

I 3 L' Amour filia.I . • 5 ' . 4 La Reconnoissance 5

5 La Danse • . 6

6 Les Montagnes Russe 5 7 La Masquerade . . 5 8 La Guirlande . . 5 9 Le depart pour Ia Guerre 6

10 La Societe agreable 5 II La Foire . . 6 1~ La Garde Imperiale 5

t 267 BxETnovEN •••••• triq's,O.p,7q,-2Bks •• 69 C 268 KALKBB.ENNBB.,Rondino, Op. 89-· • • 11

. Andante, Vars. - • • 11 Fantasia, Poor little Love 16

. . . 269 BoMTEMPO •• Fantasia, with Hope told 12

BuRRowEs •• Sonata, with Scotch Air ! • 20 CLEMENTI •••• Ditto, and Toccata, Op. 1~ 13

/ C 270 KALKBRENNER,Moz~t's.Waltz, Don Juan La B10ndma · •

13 15 12 Pastorale Rondo

271 CLEMENTI •••• 2nd, 4th, and 6th

Cit.AMEB. •••••• Grand ditto, Op. 23 c 272 LING •••• ••• -Ai!, F~y~cbntz

• Peasant's Dance Sylvan Nyinpb Caledonian Air

• •

Sonatas, from Op. 2

•• 18

• • 11 . • • 13

• • 22 • • 9


45 67


37 55

55 '

Page 31: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

31 Plates Total

273 DussEK ....•. Sonata,Op.24 .• 10 Ditto, ., 27 • • 12 D i tto,Op.37 ,arranged byCramer, 17

C 274 RAWJ&J>i66 .... Le.,.e's like a Summer • • ~ J ME vEs ....... HLuntsh~an'sd_Chorus . . 1


., ,( / aug mg ttto .• ~~--~- Ah, come rap ida . . 7

.. __ ::.:> Bella Immago . . 7

275 Duss EK ....... Elegy, Op. 61 .. 18 Sonata • • . . 13

F1 ELD .•• ••• .• Fantasia, Gnarda mi • • 12 C 276 KALKBRENNER,Masquerade Minuet • • 7

MARsH •••..• Cease your funning • • 8 MAYSE DER .... Introduction and Vars, Op. 44 11 Rt ES ••••..•••• Mold avian Air .. 9 VoiGT •••••• • • My Soldier love • • 5

My Love is like the red • . 5 277 HAYDN ........ Favorite lesson in · C .. 6

Capriccio " · • • 13 Sonata, Op.J)~ ,., . .. • 23

~ 278 PIXIS ........ Melange, No.1 .. 16 ~ Ditto, , 2 . . 14

Ditto, Op. Ill .. 14 _ 279 HuMMEL ...... Scherio and Russian Rondo,

,_., / No. 1, Op. 107 • • 12 c., c.-A'.../-· La Contemplazione, No. 2 13

Aria &:. Hungarian Rondo, No.3 15 C 280 PIXts ......... La Valse, Op. 104 • • 14

J .7~/ Rondo a la Polacca, Op. 107 15 J ::::> Caprice Brilliant. . n .108 12 f'\. 281 MozART ...... Sonata in B .. V:;·ob. from Op. 7 15

Trios, P.F. y.ttVo. from Op.l9 15 ... ;.. . . . . ~,J.,i-~ C 282 RAWLINGS • •••,~~~ll'- •· '

lt::)~-t· • . .:-1 ~ --• • ••• 6~- ---· uissesse·au bord • . 8

283 MozAaT ...... Qu.Utett, P.F. V. T.&. Vo. 29 PLEYllL ...... Sonata' in B. .. 19










Page 32: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

LoT Plates 1'utal C 28-l R1 e s ..... .. .. . 6th Fantasia, a Ia mode . . 19

Introduction and Russian D ance l7 German Song • . 7 The Streamlet . • I:S [) l

28.'i PLEYEL ••.. • .• Sonata to the Queen, No.1 26 S eYBOLD ..•••• La Chasse • . 3 STEIBKLT .... Fancy Sonala .. 18

C 286,.Rr£s .......... When shall we three . . 10 Adeste Fideles • . 14 Mermaid's Song . . 10

' 287 CoRELLt's • .. .. Concertos, Nos. I to 12 56 C 288 SoLIS .. .... ... Recollecti ons of Dibdin 21

Scu l.' ~._E ...... Swiss Air .. 10 CL £ )1 ENTI •••• Sprig of Sbille~ab • • 13

289 D ussEK .. ..•• Concerto, dedicated to Mrs. Hyde, Op. 27 . . 54

__.C-;-290VALENTHiE ... TuVedra i .... 8 •

• 1 Tu cbe i misere .. 5 /~K Qual anlir • • • • 7

Guaracha • • • • 8 29 1 HA NDEL •••••. 6 Concertoa, Nos. 1 to 6 •• 46

C 292 WEBB E . •••••• Geqnan Air • • • • 7 · La mia dorabella • • 9

Airs from Preciosa, 2 Books 32 293 VtoTTr: ••••••• Concerto in A • • 50

C 294 Overtures .••••• Heart of Mid-lothian, Erskine •• 12 Isidore de M erida, • • Cooke •• 10 Man in the l\looo, • . Blewitt •• 11

C 295 Rvudo.~ •••• •.•. Bay of Biscay, . • Wesley •. 11 Bath Waltz, . • Little •• 5 Burton's Rondo • • 3 Costellow's Juvenile Lessons,

Nos. 1 to 12 . . • • 33 C 296 ~Iarchu ••••.• Bolivar's Triumphal, •• Cooke.. 5

Carnaby, Funeral • . 4 Kalkbrenner, Le Colporteur 7



2S '. f • •

4~:· .

48 50



William the 4th's, . • Corri.. 6 . 22

Page 33: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

33 LOT Plate~

297 R ondos •• ..... . M ili tary Rondo, . . Cramer .. 7 There was a jolly, Jitto • :1 Devonsh ire Minuet • • 2 Duncan Grey, . • Butlt>r • . 5 Dussek's Air . • 5

. E gyptian Rondo, . . Butler • • 2 - C 298 BEF.THOVEN .•• Symphony in C . P.F. Duett,

by G riffin . . . . 31 3 W altzes, ditto • . i

B uRROWES .... Airs fromEuryanthe, d o., Bk.l. 17

299 R ondos •••• ••. • Capriccio,Op. 8, . . B omtempo • • 15 G avotte de Vestris, • • H crz .. 10

rc 300 CLE)IENTI •••• 3rd Duet, from Op. 14 . . 21 Praise of God . . 7 H eavens a re telling . . 9

301 R ondos . .•. . .•.. I was the boy for bewitching 'em 5 I will not chide, . . Solis .. i

. R ondolet to, Op. 4 • . Lin~ . • 12 La Belle Catherine, . • Corn . . 4 La Noce au Village, .. .Moyne •• 26

~ C302 GonaE . . ..•• AipineSanger, P .F.Duet .• 6 '4 New Stop W altz, ditto . . 8 ~(, M oz ART ..•... Symphony inC, ditto, Griffin .. 37

303 R{lndos ... ...• • My ain k ind d earie . . 4 Diverto. to Mts. Cox . . 7 Nightingale R ondo and Duet 3 No child, no, . . W oe Ill 6 No Flower that blows, •• Cramer 6 Of Noble race, vars. . . 3 Off she goes, . • Cballooer. • 4 Persian_ Air, • • Costellow • 9 .

C 304 LoG tEa ••••.• Grande Sooate a quatre matns , . Op. 19 • •• • 33

Ditto, Walb . . 9 42 305 Rondos.. • • ••• Siilce thett rm d oomed, .. F ield 4

Si$ters, • • Burrowes.. 4 ~~Plough •. 3 A~J& w1th V ar. Nos. 1 &. 2,

Steibelt. • I 1 R()ndo from L'Offraode, ditto 4 Ditto, ded. to B uonaparte, do. l l Theme Allemande, Ka lkbrenner 9










/ ­( /

Page 34: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LdT Plates Total C 306 Overture to Caliph of Bagdad, P. F. Duet, ::f/~

Watts •• 23 ··- • • ·-· 16:-n -- 3a:_

~o-, r\... A Cl' fi 6 ... vvertures . . • . • . rtaxerxes, • . 1 ton •• Anacreon, • • Cherubini •• 14 A vance et Retraite, •• Henrich.. 8 Blue Beard, • • Kelly.. 6

C 308 R 1 Es •••••• • • Grand Duet, Op. 135 26 Introduction&. Vars. Op. 155 17

309 Overtures • ••• • • Elizabetta, • • Rossini •• 10 Euryanthe, • • 17 Harlequin and Oberon, •• Reeve 6 Overture, No.1 • • Haydn .• l6

C 310 RoYSHELL; ... When shall we, P. F. Duet 11 SoLls ........ P .F. Duet, Op. 21 • . 12 TAYLOR... • . P arla Spiegar • . 15

Fra tante • • . • 15

311 Overtures . . . •. • II Turco in I tali a, . . Rossini 11 I I Barbiere • • ditto 7 Interrupted Sacrifice, •• Winter 7 II Croc1ato in Egitto. • • Voigt 12

C 312 Wtu:tNs ...... Finchan dal, P. F. Duet •• 5 Giovenette, 'ditto • • 5 V edrai carino, ditto • • 5 Batti Batti, ditto • • 7 Non mi dir, ditto .. 9 La ci darem, ditto • • 5

• 313 Overt ures •••••• La Clemenza di Tito, Mozart •• 5

Lady of the Manor • • 6 La Buona Figlinola,. Piccini.. 4 Le N ozze d i Figa~ ••• Mozart. • 8 Lodoiska • . Kreitzer •• 6 M ose in Egi llo, . • . . Rossini •• 6

C 314 M.AJo:a's ...... Telemaque Quadrilles . . 7 PAGANlNI •••• Quadrilles, lst set .. 5

Ditto, 2nd • . 5 Harlequin Quadrille$ • • . . .5









Page 35: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT P lates Total 315 Overtures ...... Sylvana, •. Weber .. 15

Tbe Tank . . . . Voigt. . 7 Turk's Overture • • • • 3 Wild Man, . . Reeve.. 5 Wild Islanders, . . RusselJ •. 5 Zauberflotte, . • Mozart •• 8 Zelmira, • • • . Rossini •. 10 53

C 316 Quadrilles •••• Red Coat, . . Craven .. 6 1st set, . . Reinagle. . 7 1st ditto • . . • Salmon .. 6 2nd ditto, . • . . ditto 6 25

317 P. F. Duets ••• • Duet, .. Adams .. ll Battle of Prague • . 15 Beaufort Reel, • . Eley. • 5 Duet, Op. 6 . • Beethoven •• 15 Marches, , 45 ditto 13 59

C 318 BERGER •••••• Pastorale Rondo, . . Taylor •. 7 Boc usA •••••• Recollections of Wales • • 14

Le Arive d'Otello • • 9 Ades te Fideles • • 10 Voi cbe sa pete . • • • 11 51

319 CoLLIZZI •••• Theme, Op. 11, P . F. Duet 35 CosTELLOW •• Duet • • . • 6 DAvy ......... Plough Boy .. 11 DussEK: •••••• Duet, 3 hands, Op. 50 . • 9 61

C 320 ATTWOOD ..... Pian. Piano, Hp. and P .F. 31 Giovenette . • 17 48


D u ETS, 21 Nos. . • 120 120 (.

C&ALLONER •• Divertimentos for Hp. & P. F. 3 Nos. • • • • • . 45

-"'c 322 .

X323 MozART •••••• Overture to Don Giol'aDDi, ' 15 P.F. Duet •• • • to Zaaberftotte • · 19 Quintett in D, Op. 3 . . 19 53

I C 324 HARP&. P.F.Mosrc,()Tert. Il Barbiere, Holst •• 21 diUo Cenerentola, do. 22

13 56 ,;

Parlo ma tu ben, do. F2

Page 36: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo



36 Plates

Mo ZART ••• . .. Symphony in B. Op. 60, P.F. D uet • • . . . . 13

'- < Ductt, Op. 14 . . ..31 ~. C 326 W £su Y •••••• 12 Easy Pieces for the Organ •. 22

Introductory Movements •••••• 10 :3:!7 Overtures as P.F. Duet.!, ll Tancredi Rossini .• 13

{)ccasiooal Groom bridge •• 13 .Fidelio .. . Hummel .. l7

h C 328 N ICHOLSON, SELECT AIRS FOR THE FLUTE, Nos. 1 to 12 . • 130

329 S)JITH .•.•••• ls t nnd 2nd Sets of Duets •. 30 STEIBELT •••• Rondo from the Storm, Duet

1 by • • W ilkins .. 19 f ·c :!:30 XJCHOLSO :\" 'S FANTASIAS FOR THE

FLUTE, ~os. 1 to 12 . • . .236 331 CLEME:STI &Co.Waltzes, No. 11 .. • . 3

Cu:~tENTI •. . . Ditto, 2 Books • . ..56 C 332 Ross tr;r .. .... Airs from La Donna del Lago,

arranged for Flute & P. F, by Sola, 2 Books . . . . 68

333 HA :\CE ...... Polish Walu .. .. 3 HIMMEL, ..... 2 Minuets .. • • 4 HoPKINS •• " •• 6 Quadrilles • • • • 1 La Caroline Waltz • • • • • • 3 Le Pantalon, L'Ete, &c. • • • • 3 Le Hazard Waltz • • • • • • . • 5 Les Gendarmes Quadrilles . . Lieven •• 6 Landle's Delight • • . • • • . • . . 2 Les Delices de Berlin . . • ... 9

C 33-t \\r llAGG ••• ••• SO LOS POR THE Nos. l to 5


• • • • 22 . ~:\. 335 ' -~r'

Dances • •.• ..•. P as de Trois •• Sa~o . • 7 Slave Dance · • .. • .. 5 Scotch Quadril1es, 2 Sets .• 10 4 Waltzes and 2 Dances, Stoepel 6 Stop, National, &c. Waltzes . •.• 3 Waltzes, Book 1 Steibelt. 13

C 336 Wt:Iss ....... Studies for the Flute, Nos. I to 5, and Bouk 6, 2 Nos. . . . . 71


44 2. .

3<) . I . - ' . '

lt •• J . . , . . / 43

I3o /.:/


236 !:r







Page 37: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

37 LOT

--337 Plates 1'otaJ

Ru S!'\E LL •••••• Voluntaries Book

for the 0l'gan, • • • ••••

1st •• 50

C 338 WEiss •••..•.• Italian Melodies, Nos. 1 ud 2 21 Swiss ditto , 1 and 2 21

3.'39 CARDoN •••••• Sonata for the Harp, Op. 19 •• 17 DussE K •••••• Ditto ditto , 37 •. 17 KR U MPHOLTZ •• Concerto a Ia Camera •• 19

C 340 FLUTE TRI Os •• Hargreave's Select Airs •• 15 Wilkins, 15 Scotch and Irish

Airs • • • • • • 20 Weiss, Pot Pourri . • • • 14 Ditto, Op. 49 • . . .10

341 Harp Rondos .. La Biondina, nrs. Naderman 15 Lango Lee do. • • • • 6 Lebon Roi Dagobert, ditto

Naderman •• 15 Lindor • • • • • • • • 4 Favorite Air . • . • Major.. 8 Delaney ChalloDer Murphy.. 6

( -G 342 PElLE's ExERCISES FOJI. TRB VIOLONCELLO 32 343 BoiLDI£U .... Harp Duet • • . .22

Ditto P olonaise . . • • 33 C 344 Militar!J Music, God save the King, full Band,

L>gier •• 20 Sacred Music, do. do. . . 56

345 N ADER:MAN •. Harp Duet, Op. 25 .. 31 WEtPP&RT .... Tbema, No. I . .. • ..18

C 346 Military Music, 2 Pieces, Op. 13, from Sterkel's Op. 36, full Band . . Logier • . 33

Fugue&. Ca.non,do.Qp.l8 do ... 2 1 347 DKVIENNE •••• 5 Easy Flute Duets, Op.l8 .. 17

3 ditto, Op. 64, 2 Books •• 45 Jt C 348 CLEMENTI, PRACTICAL HARMO:XY,

4 vola. • • .. 5-!6 349 HARGBEAv ES •• Pot Po~uri, Malbrouk, Fl. Duet 13

HonMElSTER 6 Flute Duets, Op. R do. 23 3 ditto -53 . . 1 S3

50 '




54 32 '



6:2 )

546 .


Page 38: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

38 LOT Plates Total C 350 ATTWOOD ••.. Short Introduction to the P.F. 15 15

351 KuFPNER ••.. 2 Flute Duets with Di Tanti 27 MozART •.•..• 3 ditto, Op. 74 • • 25

1 _,§~

_, /C 352 CLEMENTI, GRADUS AD PARNASSUM, /~~ · ' · 3 Tols. .. .... 265 265

353 PLETEL •••••• 3 Flute Duets, Op. 32 •.•• 24 3 ditto . • • .•• 23 47

C 354 MoLLINO ••.. Guitar Tutor . . • .12 GvTTERI DG E •• Clarionet ditto • • • .49 61

355 ScHNEIDER •. 3 Flute Duets, Op. 32 . .49 Ditto , 55 •. 21 70

o C 356 WRAGG, IMPROVED FLUTE PRECEPTOR, /~l -'t 19th EDITION • . 58 /-'fit'

357 DEviENNE ••• • 6 Solos for Flute . . • .57 DIABELLt •.•• Amusements for ditto, 2 Books 24

C 358 GLEEs ........ Bacchus, great Bacchus .... 7 Blow, blow thou . . • 4 Crown the passing . . . . 7 Come to these scenes . • 8 From blushing mom. • . • • .10 Fill all the glasses .. .. ..I 0

359 GABRI~LSKY •• 6 Airs for the Flute • • . • • .20 6 Themes • • • • • • • • .16

C 360 SACRED Mustc, Achieved is the glorious •• 4 2 Sacred Songs Cramer. • 7 CLARKE's Psalms, 9th Set •••• 36

361 K<ERN ER ...... Mozart's Bird Catcher, Fl. Solo 8 Paesiello's Nel cor piu .• 9

KoHLER •••••• Var. on Di Tanti .. .. 5 NrcHoLso:s .•• LieberAugustine .• .. 4

C 362 HoRSLEY .... Psalms • . 63 363 BERBIGUIER .. 3 Flute Trios, Op. 70

C 364 Sacml Mtuic •• WEBBE's Psalms, P. F. Ditto, score .. That I may dwE'll •.

.. 49 • ••• 38

. .69

.. 3





26 63 ...::



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j 365 KuHLAU •••••• Grand Trio, from 3rd · Concerto, 3 Nos.

Plates Total grand

-•• 49

C 366 SoNGS •••••••• A bumper of sparkling, Clifton •• 6

Ah! County Guy, .. Gisbome.. 5 ... .. ~-.

Adelgitha • . • • 4 Alleyne More, • • Horn.. 6 And must I bid .. .. .. 6 Another Hour, • • Nelson .• 6 An not Lyle • • Parke.. 3 A rosary of Stars, • • Blewitt.. 6 As thro' life's early path,

Clifton •• 5 .. ~7 ALDAY... • ••• Violin Solos, in C minor • • 21

,. · · ' BoRGHI ..... Ditto, Op. 1 .. 34 C 368 So Nos •••••••• Care fly far, • • Attwood •• 4

Captive rival • • Cooke.. 4 Carol for May Day, Attwood •• 8 Cheerily as the Lark, •• Field. • 4 Come &o the Highlands, Blewitt 6 Conversation between the Mo-

nument and St. Paul's • • 5 Come to me gentle sleep,

Nelson •• 6 Cupid has eyes • • 6 Cupid hear me, • • Cooke. • 8

369 RosQuELLAs .. Air, .No. 4, Vio., T. & Bass 4 Ditto, P.F. .. .. 5 Pot pourri, Op. 5 • • 35

C 370 SoNGs •••••••• Give me again, • • Voigt •• 3 · Go fickl~ Heat, .. Topliff" •• 3

Good Night, • • Meves. • 4 Groves of Pomona, •• Barnett •• 8 Grace thou darling, • • HaiKb. • 5 GYJ>ftiea' Sereade, • • Roche • • 6

371 VroTTI ....... Violin Coucertoe, Nos. 13, 14, and 17 .. . . 104








Page 40: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

40 LO"T Plates Total

C 372 SoNGs •••••••• King and the Jac_ket!;, .. Diewitt 6 Lass of Humberstde . . 3 L. A. W. . . • • 3 LaJy the silver Moon, .• Barnett 5 Let the Night darken, •• Topliff 5 Like a Vision, • . 5 List to· the lively Guitar, Soln •• 3

373 HENNING •••• Violin Duets, Airs from Freyschutz ••

HoFPM'EISTEa • .3 ditto, Op. 4 •. C 374 SoNGs ••••• ~ •• NervousFamily

0 bright in every grace, ••

45 16


Horsley:. :3 0 Erin the Land, .. Clifton •. 5 0 breathe not a word,. . Howell 6 0 my Love bas an eye • • 6

. Old Beau, • • • . Parry .• 5 0 Tarry, 0 tarry, . . Horn •• 6 Oh! Pilgrim, say, •. Nelson •• 5 Oh! do not say farewell,

Clough •• 6 37.5 M ozART •••••• Themes for2 Violins, Nos. I, 2,

and 3 . • 15 PuYEL ••••••• Violin Duet, Op. 13 •• 33

C 376 SoMGS •• ~ ~.. • Oh ! if thou wt1t not, •• Barnett 5 · · Of all the Girls, • • Blewitt.. 3

Oh ! wbate'er my fate, Cooke.. 5 Oh ! look from thy Lattice,

Topliff •. 5 Oh ! had I courage, •• Baxter.. 3 Oh ! not when hopes, •• Meves 6 Ob ! ne'er can I forget, .. Smith 3 0 look but on that fairest form,

Sola •. 5 Our gay Constitution, •• Blewitt 7

377 Sc11Wurn:L.. •••• Violin Duets, Op. 4 • • 25 C 378 SoNGs •••••••• Queen of Fragrance • • 6

Quit not yet, . • ~ola •• 5 Ditto • Roche. • 5




~e: 48

42 25

Page 41: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

• I.OT


Pla/1'., Brought forward ........ lG

Red Red Rose . . 7 Remember the moment, .• Cooke 7 Roval Tar, . • Hom. . 6 -R osalie, . . Graeff. . 5

--...l3>+7~9-'V lOTTI •••••• Violin Duet:;, Op. 6, Bks. 1 &. 2 51

.. •

C 380 SoN G~ Ta nd W C k ~ "' . . . • . . , rry a oo, . . oo ·e . . 0

Tell me not, . . Blewitt .. S Tell me pretty, . . Attwood .. R There is a sweet, . . Meves. . :~ There was a time, . . Roche 3 Time fli es, • Cooke .. !j 'Tis the Season, . . Clifton .. 5 ' Tis that dear, • . Sola .. 5 The Flowers, . . B. Taylor .. 6 'Tis the Season, . . . • Sola. . 6 To distant climes, . . Roche .. 4 'Twas sweet to look, .. Robinson 3 Take heed 'tis leap year, Blewitt 7 Very well I did it • • 3

- - 381 VtOTTI • • •••• • Violin.Duets, Homage al' Amitie 38 C 382 SoNG S ••••••• Who'll buy a Heart, .. Blewitt .• 8

Why did I e'er, . . Sola .. 3 Why should I blush, •. Harroway 3 W ith Love frauf,:!;ht eyes, Clifton 4 Woman •• 3 What's a Conundrum, •• Blewitt 6

- b 383 LtN DLEY •••••• Duet for Vio.& Violco. Op. 5. 35 MozART ••••••• 3 Duets, Vio. &. Ten. • • 20

C 384 SoNGs ••••••• KattyO Lynch, .. Blewitt •• 4 Beam on the Streamlet • • 5 Charlotte toW erter, Mendelsohn 6 Hassan the brave, • • Clarke. . 9 0 whistler•aoa-111 eome . . 3 0 ne'er .can .I. • • Smith.. 3 Sh.ould Jtoses be . • • • 4 Take, Oh! take, . . Sola •• 4 Soldier's adieu, • • do. 3 No more shall beauty, •• Topliff 3 Sweet are the Hours, •. Thomson 6



41 51

71 38



Page 42: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

42 Plates

385 LINDLEY ...... Trios, Bassoon, T.&V . Op. 7 15 MozART • •.... Trios . . . . 36


L.j- 386 VtoTTI •••••.. Trio, 2 Violins & Bass, Op .l6. 44 j - 387 . . . •.... Ditto, Op. 2 . . 53

388 CRolicH .•.... Theme with Vars. Violoncello S olo . . . . 12

D uP oRT •••••• Romance, Violco.with P.F.accpt3 LINDL"EY •••• Solos, Op. 9 . . 25

389 ELEY . . . •• •.. Airs from Hnvdn, Mozart and Rousseau, Violoncello D uets, 2 Bks. . . 38

• 1 Country Bumpkin, ditto . . 7 /A ,...... I '\ ,.---

~890 LI NDLEY ..•.. • \ Tioloncello Duet, Op. lO 48 · --- 39-l \ ' lOTTI : • •••••• Violoncello Duets, Op. 6, 2 Bks.48 - z~ 392 BnTaonN . •• 3 Qoartetts, Op.69 • . 110

393 HATDN • . .••• Quartett, Op. 76, 2 Bks. 113 39-! Pu:YEL ••..• . . Quartetts, Op. 1 . . 59 395 ..•••... Ditto, Op. fi . . 69 396 VtOTTI. ••••• •• Quartett, Op. 22 . . 68

-~397 BEETHO:VBK's •• Quintetts. Op. 127 • . 49 . ---,698 DittO, No.·4· • • 43

f .

• • 399 WtNT'Ea ••. . ; .Overt. to Zaira, as Quintett.

by Addlson . . 20 · 400 HAYDN ••...•• SvwPaoNIEs; Nos. 1, 2, & 3,

Op. 5 1, in parts • • 120 401 J[ilitary Music •• Eley's Marches, &c: Op. 8 114 -!02 ------. .. . Ditto, collection of Sacred

Music, 2 Bka. Op. 12 . . 216 403 Treatises . .•.•••• Accompaniment and Harmony,

. by Jones . . 47 Bagpipe Tutor . • 15

404 ----'--· .•... Flute Tutor, . . Jousse .. 19 · · Ditto, • . Parke •. 28

SpaniRh Guitar, ditto, in the Spanish Language • • Martinez 26

405 -----•••••• Aprili')s Modern Italian method of Singing . . 53


s1 .A 44 &c 53 h


45 48 -4: 48 ~(

110 A 113

59 69 68 49 4 43


120 114





Page 43: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo




Violoncello Tutor Ditto,

• •

• •

OPERAS ...... Farmer . .

Plates .. 19

Ti lliere' s •• 29

Haunted Tower 408 ---•... .. .. Music in Macbeth

My Grand mother

Shield •• 40 Storace •• 73

Evans •. 24 Storace .. 34

409 ---...... . Pool' Soldie>r Shield . . 29 Stol'ace. . 21 Prize . .

410 - --• •• ••. .. Rosina •• Shield .. 38 4ll D uss E K ....... Canzonets .. .. 27

54 HAYDN ....... Ditto, 1st and 2nd Set . . 412 JAcKsoN's .... Canzonets, 2nd Set, Op. 13 26

29 MozART .. .... Ditto • . . . .. 413 EvANs •••••••• Collection of Glees .. 111

GLEES .... .... Bl'eath soft ye winds . . 4 By music minds.. . . 5 Begone dull care Atterbury . . 6 Bleat. Power Paxton . . 10


Beauties have you seen, 5 voc. · · ·r Evans •. 5 • •

Ditto for 3 voc. do. 5 Che vi par . . . . 9 Come Shepherds, Madrigal 6 Come gentle eve . . 6

41Q ---•••.• . •• From the Fair . . . . 4 Farewell to Lochaber . . 2 Flora now culleth . . 7 Fair -_nd young . . . • 6 Fill, fill away . . • • 3 Follow, follow me . • 6 Farewell thou bravest . • Percival II Fill the Bowl • • Dyne. • 3 Give times •• Storace. . 3 Father yom- ~;~ buds • . 2 GenUv 'bear· me • • . . 3

• . . 416 • • •••• , • Hail return of D ay . . 8

Hail to the matchless Q ueen 8 ·now often have I seen, Web be . . 3 It was a lover . . Stevens . . 3

.. ~ 2



1 I 3


50 38



00 I ll

Page 44: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


1.\IT Plates Total


Hrought forward . .•. .•.. 22 ln pleasure's lap • . . . 5 ( n Friendship's .Mask . . 2 I t was the Nightingale King .. 8 I marked not eyes, Stevenson. • 7 If happy we wish Callcott . . 3 In guilty night . . . • 8

G t. J:: .:s .. ... . . . Music the fiercest griefs 6 My pocket low Web be •• 6 Merrily bounds Clarke •• 12 Melting airs Hayes •• 2 Music bas power Danby 6 Now, jolly we'ere met . . 6 Nymph over the sweet fair 5 Non Nobis D omine . . 2 ~ow I'm prepared Webhe .. 6

41~ ---.... ... . Ob thou where'er Calcott. . 6 0 salutaries hostia Danby . . 4 0 Venus Regina Cooke 8 0 sweeter than the sweetest

Major .• 3 P eace to the souls Calcott •. 5 P oculum Elevatnm Arne 3 Round the hapless Andre 5 Red Rose Simms, jun . •. 3 Sigh no more, Ladies, Stevens. . 5 Since life is not life . . 2 Sweet Music • . . . 5 Stray not to those distant scenes 4

419 --- .... ...• Thrice happy they Horsley •• 3 The Nightly W olf King •. 3 The fragrant painting W ebbe. . 3 Triumphant love Calcott •. 6 Tho' from thy bark do. • . 5 Threnodia .. W ebbe .. 4 The sparkling beam do. . • 3 Three times three Ste\·enson .. 5 The Wooden W ails . . Arne 6 The Arrest of Elopement, Comic

Quintette . . Shield 4 To me the \Van ton W ebbe .. 3 The Truant • • )lajor •. 6





Page 45: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT 420

Plate' Total GLEES .•.•.••• Where weeping yews, Ireland •• 3

We'll drink and never, Alcock. . 3 Wben:Beauty's Soul, Danby . . 11 Where are those Hours,

Spofforth.. 10 What to the Valiant •• Stephens 4 When Nicholas first, Shield.. 3 When Bibo thought fit . • 4 38

421 VocAL DuETs, WlTH A PuNo- FoRT.E Acco~tPA:\DtENT No.2. Rest, Holy Pilgrim,

Phelps.. 4 3. What Virtue promp~s,

Ktng •• 5 4. To-morrow and her

Works •. Webbe 3 5. Have you not seen ••.. do 4 6. While fame is young •• do 4 7. 'Twas within a Mile • . •. do 6 8. Vows are but breath,

King •• 4 10. Say bea~teous tyrant .. do 4 12. Do not call it sin .••• King 3 14. By the roses do .. 5 15. See where the falling Day,

Clifton .• 5 47 422 Sacred Music ... Here shall soft charity .. . Boyce 7

Holy, holy, Lord God .• Handel 3 Hush ye pretty • • Trinks,. 4 I will arise and go . . Marsh.. 5 Let us rejoice . • • . 4 Lord of all power • • 2 Ditto .. Clifton .. 4 Lord as the Thunder • • 3 My little William's early Prayer 3 My song shall be -of mf'rcy. • • • 8 43

423 •.•...•• o come let U8 worship • . 5 0 Lord Lave. mercy • • 4 0 Lord our Governor • . 3 0 J..ord who has taught us • . 4 Ten Commandments,. . Keys.. 2

· The Lord my pasture . . 2

Page 46: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT Plates T.fJtal Brought forward .. .••••. 20

The Lord's Prayer, .• W ebbe. • 9 The H eavens are telling,

Burrowes •• 8 The praise of God .. 4 Vital Spark. . • 6

424 Sacred Music .• • 0 them that tellest .. 4 . . 0 lovely peace . . 4

The smiling dawn • . 3 Yemen of Gaza . . 5

425 Ita litzn Songs •• Amare tacere, • . Paesiello •• 9 Ah se perdo . . 13 Ahi lo tropiede,. . P aesiello. . 6 A voi torno; . . Cherubini . . 7 Ah non lasciarmi, . • Mortellari 5 Ah se porro, • • Storace. • 5 Ah chi mi, ~rio, . . Mozart. • 5

426 --- • •••...• Con lin moto, • . Mengozzi • 17 Che fa i1 mio, Comic,

. .

Beetl10ven. . 5 Ditto, serious . • do.. . 4 Che vi par, . . Sarti . . 9 Chi mi mostra. . . Paesiello . . 5

· -con -queUe tue, .. Cimarosa . 22

427 - - - · ·---~ ••• ~ more un. l.adroncello, · · ·Mozart,.. 6

E TOi ridete . . do. 5 o Eh via Buffone, Duetto, do. 3 Eceo ilJ>remier, • . Sola . . 4

·Era felice un di, . 0 do. 3 Elena oh tu . . 10 Fin ch 'han dal, Aria •. Mozart 4 . . Fra tante~ . • Cara1fa .. l0

428 ----•..• L' Usato ardir • • Sola •. 6 Languir per una bella, .• do. 14 Le depit jaloux, . . Sola • . 4 Mamma mia . . 3 • •

M on iamo mia, . . Anfossi .. 1 0 Mille sospiri, 0

• • Sola •• 12 Misere -~rgoletti, . . do. • 4







Page 47: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

47 LOT Plates

429 Italia~~ Songs .. Oime dove mi, . . Haydn .. 16 0 momento fortuoato • . 16



. . . Oh quanto 1'anima . . 4 0 Statua, Duetto, .. Mozart •• 7 0 Pescator, ditto . . 2 Patriro mi saco . . 4

--- •••••• Resta ingrata, . . Mortellari •• 11 Ditto, . . Sacchini •. 10 Rendi o caro il, . . Sarti. • 7 Se possono, . . Tarchi. . 8 Son prigionier1 • • do. 22

~-- - --••.. .. Un Segretito, . . Sola •• 14 Vi no Vecchio, . . Nauman. • 3 V o .So1cando-, . . Vinci. • 4 V edrai carino, Aria, .. Mozart. • 3

. .

Vorrei di ti fedanni, .. Sterkel.. 3 Voi che del dardo, . . do . 3 Venga avante, . . Sola •• 10 Viva tutti . · . • • • 2 Voi ehe· sa pete, , • . Mozart 3

432 Fmzch Soogs • ••• Notre meusier cliuge . . • 2 · Partant pour la Syrie . • 2

Portrait channant . • 2 Pauvres J acques . . 3 Quand le bien aime • • 3 Quand-Voiseau vas de la cage .• 3 Rose d' Amour . . 4 Tom 1~ Jouts, • • Delayrac •• 3 Triste raison j'abjore • • 3

· · V1t1Se jolie daitse-- · . • 4 433 Songs, ~~~~t:Awaywith melancholy, •. Mozart 3

· · · A. man to my. mind~ . • Cutler. • 6

. .

. .

• •

. . . . .

Alone for y:ou,· . .... Major. • 3 Barcarore·Soag;, . ~.. Auber •• 3 Be2on~ d&lh~h; .· . . 3 Believe- Ill&' I auei) . • Logier 4 Beggar Girl, • ~ W ebbe. . 4 Beedle of the Parish, Sanderson 3 ~low high. blow low, .. Dibdin .• 3 Bltre Bells of Scotland . . 4

7'ota •.





Page 48: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

48 LOT Plates Total

Brought forward ••..•... 36 Blue Bonnets, • . 3 Bound Prentice, .. Sanderson .• 3 ·Blow, blow thou • . 3 Bird of the Wilderness, .. Clifton 3 Boatmen shout 'tis time, •. Nicks 4

434 Song!, Duets, ~c.Edward and Emma .. Coatellow 2 Encompassed in an Angel's Frame,

Jackson .. 3 'Ere around . . Shield. • 2 'Ere · Laura met Percival.. 5 Erin go bragh . . . . 2 Farewell my long Blewitt.. 6 Fair Jessy . . Clarke .. 10 Fairest Flowers . Haigh .. 3 Farewell to Lochaber • . 3 Farewell sweet Maid Logier. • 6 Fare thee well Mozart.. 3 Far from me . . King .. 4 Far, far from me Horsley. • 3

435 • , .... Great Body . . • • 3


Great tree of . • Shield.. 3 Grief's a folly • • Weber. . 4 Gentle 7outh tdl me • • • • 3 Greenwtch Pemioner • • • • 3 Have you forgot King •• 6 Hark the h91low Smith . • 3 Hark. the Raven Mozart. • 4 Hark the distant • • Davy 5 Haste, lovely May . • · . • 4 Had I a heart • . • • 2 Henry cull'd the fairest flowers 3 Henry's Cottage Maid, Pleyel •• 4 He's quite the th~~ •• Nicks .• 4

· ·He's low down wrutmg, Hook. • 3 436 •••••• It was at the .. Davy .. 3

I've kissed • • Shield.. 3 I was, d'ye see, a Waterman

Dibdin •• 3 I was called knowing •• Reeve. • 4 I was tlie Boy . . King •• 3




Page 49: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo



49 Plflles 1'utal

Brought forward ...... 16 In love should there meet .. 3 Jane was a Woodman's, . . Hook 3 J oily young Waterman •. Dibdin 2 Julia to the Wood Robin

Spofforth .. 4 Kitty of the Clyde Reeve.. 3 Kiss • • . .. • Jackson .. 2 K iss . • • • Spofforth.. 3 Kiss, dear Maid, Webbe •. o Know ye the land Clarke. • 7 49

437 Songs, Duels, ~·c. Maid of Athens Horsley .. 3 Match Girl • • • . • • . . 3 Mad Tom • . Purcell. . 4 Maid of the Mill Shield .. 3 Maid of Lodi . . . . 3 Mary of Castle Cary . . . . 3 Mary's D ream . , Relfe .. 5 Mary's Warning Beethoven 5 Mansion of Peace W ebbe . . 4 May we n.e'er waiat Davy. . 6 Marseilles March . . . • . 4 Merry Old Maid . . Hook. . 3 Midst the loud . . Nelson .. 3 Miss Wrinkle . . Nicks .. 4 Milk Maid • . Shield • . 3 56

438 - .- ...... OhsaySimple .. Arnold .. 3 Oh Nanny wilt.. Carter .. 3 Ditto, duet, • . ditto. . 3 Oh ! how wild Attwood. . 3 Oh! come away Shield. • 3 Ob ! come ye • . Horsley • • 2 Oh ! what a charming • . 5 Oh! where is she • . • • 3 Oh ! the moment • • • • 3 Oh ! happy. tawny Moor, Arnold 4 Ob ! wander no more Hook . . 4 Old England for ever . . 3 Old England's a lion Shield .• 3 Old Towler • . do. • . 3 0 Logie o' Buchan ••.• 2 0 Memory thou fond Nicks .. 4 5 1


Page 50: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


439 Plates

Songs, Duets, ~c.Remembrance, • • Beethoven . • 4 Reclined on R osa's brt:as t . . 2 Roy's Wife • . 2 Rosa and Henry • . 4 Rose's Legacy, • . 5 R oast Beef of Old England •• 4 Roslin Castle • • . • 2 Robin Adair, (as sung by

Braham) .. Rule Britannia • • •

4 2

440 ---••••••• . Say not that minutes, W ebbe, jun.4 Saw ye my father . . 2 Sailor's Allegory, . . Carey. . 2 Sailor's Song, . . Himmel. . 3 Scots wha hae . . 4 D itto .. .. 3 Season of Lol"'e, • • Hindle . . 3

441 ~- .••.••.. Tak your old Cloak • . 2 Take theN osegay, . . Dr. Arne •. 3

. .

Thus for Men, . . Reeve . . 4 Tear, .. P ercival.. 5 Tell me god of soft, do. 5 Take back, take back, .• Gilbert 3 'rell me on what holy ground,

. ·.. Camaby .. 2 · The Briti•h Lion • • • • 2 The Billet Doux, . . Shield. . 3 The Bliss that is, . . do. 3 The fairest Bowers, • • Ansill. . 4 The flowers of the forest,

Hook •• 3 The Goddess of the Mountain,

Shield •. 3 The hardy sailor, • • Arnold •• 2 The heart of a woman, •. Davy. • 2

442 ··---........ To Julia, • . Roche .. 6 To-morrow, • • Reeve •. 3 T o sine; of Love's passion, - Haydn •• 3 True hearted was he, • • Ross •• 3





Page 51: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

51 LO'T Plates 1'otal

443 Songs, Duets,

Brought forward .. , .••.. 15 'Twas on an Autumn Day • . 3 'Twas within a mile, •. Hook.. 3 'Twas tbua a Shepherd,

Sanderson. • 2 'Twas early in the Month,

Phelps .. 3 'Tis not wealth, 'tis not birth 3 Traveller benighted . . 3 There was a jolly . . 3 Tom Bowling, arranged by

Clifton . • • • 3 'Tis better to sleep, . . Long. . 5

8fc.When awakened, .. Attwoood •• 3 When Myra bloom'd, •. Burrowes 3 When pensive, . . Kelly .. 3 When Bibo thought fit,

Schroder • . 3 When friendship, . . Shield •. 3 Where the Bee sucks, .. Arne •. 2 When allaH the lover, . . Roche. • 7 While tbe lads, . . 3 Whilst with Village Maids,

Shield .. 3 Whim of the Day, .. Hook .. 4 Whither my love, . . Paesiello .. 3 Why with sighs, . . Guglielmi . . 5 With lowly suit, . . Storace. . 3 Ditto, • . Trinks. • 2 Witb eagerness, . . . . Haydn. . 6

End of the ~ Day's Sale. . .




"' .I

Page 52: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo



The Number vl Copies to each Work will be announced at the time qf Sale, when the purchaser ol the Plates will he at liberty to take or rtject them at the rate qf eit5ftt shillings per hundred sheets.

LOT Plates Total 459 no~ITE:\lPO .••• 3 Sona tas, Op. 9 . . 87 87

C -t60 ATTWOOD .• ••• Lessons . . 15 BEETHOVEX •. Trifles • • • • • • 14 B u RROWES •••• Airs from_ Euryantbe . . 20

461 CLE!\JENTt. •••• 6 Sonatas, Op. 4 • • 27 3 ditto, , 7 . . 26

.f- C 462 Bt:R RO\\· Es .. Airs from ZauberflotE' , 3 Bks. 41 463 CLEMENTI • • • • 6 Sonatas, Op. 13 . . 69

C 464 •.••. 12 Monferrina.s . 25 3 Sooa~, Op. ~ . . 61

•.... 3 ditto, Op. 29· • . 39 3 ditto, , 32 . . 44


R"' C 466 R 1 Es .•..•.•. 40 Preludes . . 20 15 easy Pieces • • 14

-!67 CLE .\JE.:-Tt •••• Sonatas, Op. 40 • . 49 CoLLIZZ! ••• • 6 ditto, ., 8 . . 20

C -!68 HAIG H • •••••• Introduction and Polonaise 9 Parody on Overt. to Lodoiska 9

469 DussEK •••. ... 3 Sonatas, Airs Russe, Op. 14. 29 6 ditto, Op. 19 . . 36

---*Cr~--470 K .uK.BRE.:-NEB,Duet, P.F. &. Vio., Oh Nanny, Op. 49 . . 36

.f71FIELD ......... 3Sonatas,Op.l .... 44 3 Romanzas . . 12


53 4l~ 69





36 &c..


Page 53: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

LOT c 472

Plates Total LoG IER ........ Strains of other Days, Nos. 1

to 5 • • . . 44 44 473 HAYDN ....... 6 Sonatas, Op. 17 .. 53

3 ditto, , 40 . . 48 101 C 474 RI E.S •••••..• 40th Sonata, Op. 81, No. 1 17

41st II 2 17 42nd 11 3 21 55

· 475 HA Y DN ........ 3 Sonatas, ·op. 75 . • 49 3 grand with Airs . • 48 97

C 476 K ALKBRENNER,Concerto, Op. 61 . . 91 91 477 KozELUCH ..... 3 Sonatas, Op. 23 .. 46

3 ditto, , 24 . • 55 101 . /,IC 478 MoscHELRS .... 3rd grand. Concerto • • 111 Ill (!_

479 NICOLAI •••••• 6 Sonatas, Op. 3 · • • 67 6 Fav. easy Lessons, Op. II 48 105

C 480 AnA~ts ........ Di tanti palpiti .. 15 Quanto e piu belle • . 13

LoGIER ........ Admiral Benbow • • 9 PERRY ........ Ah perdona · . • • 7 CosTELLOw ... Angooleme March and Waltz 6 50

481 P LEYEL ...... 3 Sonatas, Op. 23 .. 71 71 C 482 CosTELLOW .... The four Sisters, Nos. I to 4 12

CALKIN ...... Diverto. a 1a Polonoise • • 14 Aria alia Inglese • . 13 39

483 PLEYE L ...... 14 Sonatas, Book I • • 40 12 ditto, ,, 2 • • 40 80

t> C 484 CnA ULIEU •••• Vive l'ltalie, Op. 102 • • 10 Vars. Brillante, on Air from -..4-r-'//U.

Dilletante d'Avignon, Op.l03 12 Rondo Brillante, Op. 105 10 Rondo Capriccio, Op. 117 •• 14 46

485 PLE.YEL ...... 2 S~oatas, ~.30 . •• 39 3 d1tto, Original WJth Airs 65 104

C 486 DE BzaioT •••• Souvenirs a Ia Muette • • 20 DE PINNA . • • •• 0 what nu.merous . . 7

An bonf:st country . . 8 With eagerness . . 8 43

Page 54: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

54 LOT Plates

487 RIES •••• . .•.•• 40 Preludes . . 20 STE JBELT ... .. 3 Sonatas, Op. 18 • . 40 Pupils' Daily Rxercise • • . . 7

C 488 FIORELLI ...... A irs from Ninetta, 1 to 6 .. 18 Airs from ll Pirata, 1 to 4 • . 12

489 VJOTTI ........ 3 Serenatas, Op. 24, Bk. 1 & 2 80 WEBBE, JuN ... Preludes • . 10

C 490 HABRIS ••..•••• March & Chorus in Masaniello 10 Ma chere Lisett~ . . . 10

i Saw ye Johnnie . • 10

491 BEETHO VE:-1 •• Sonata , Les Ad ieux • . 17 I ntroduction& 15 Vars. Op. 35 21

C 492 Ho wE LL .. .. .. D iverto. P.F. & Fl. Op. 16 12 HoRSLEY ..... R ondo to Miss Houseman • • 7

Introduction and Rondo, a la R!lsse · • • 12

RIBS •• •• · •.•• ••• Introduction and Rondo • • 11 493 BEETHOVE:-1 . . . Grand Trio, Op. 11,

P olonaise •••• Sonata, Op. 26 • .

• • 22 9

14 C 494 KALKBBENN ER,Rondo Villageois, Op. 67 13

Fantasia, Op. 68 • • 25 495 CLEMENTI • ~ •• La Chasse, Op. 16 . • • 10

. Capriccio~ ,., 17 • • 7 Sonata, , 20 • • 11 Ditto, ,, 26 • • 10

C 496 KAU:BBENNER, Les- Charms de 1a Waltz . • 10 Military Rondo, Op. 62 . . 13 Grand Waltz, Op. 63 • • 11

497 CaAMBB •••• :.Grand Sonata, Op. 26 .. N ottunio, Op. 32 ..

--..C 498 KuLL.MAR K • • Blue Bonnets •• . ll Cielo mio labro ••

P as de P olichiuelli • • Ah che forse • •

24 14

La petite Catcciense •• Rondoletto Dame Blanche

9 8 8 6 8 9

499 DusSEJ[ ••• , ••• Sonata, .. Op. 43 Farewell ditto, , 44

19 •• 29








~I 45

; -38






Page 55: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

55 LOT Plates C 500 LIN o .••.•••• La Brillante • . 22

Anacreontic Fantasia . . 14 MEvEs ••••••• L' Amiable • . 7

501 FIELD ••••••• 2nd Divertimento . • 19 Quintett, P .F. 2 Vios. Ten.&:. V. 18 Exercise . • • . 9

s C502 MEVES . . . .... All'idea .. 10 My Lodging . . II Within a mile . . 8 My ain kind dearie .. 8 Regna il terror . . 10

503 HAYDN ••••••• Sonata, Op. 78 . . 20 La derniere Sonata . . 18

C 504 PERRY •••••••• 0 my love is like . •• 7 OsBoRNE .••• Brilliaut Rondo • • 15 OPERATIC AIRs,No. 2. Batti, Batti, •• Clementi 8

5. Carpet Weaver, Potter 12 8. Andante, •• Bomtempo 15

~ 11. Pace Caro, •. Meves •• 7 .J(rlJs HuMMEL •••••• Capric~ · • • 17

MoscHBLES ..• Fantasia on Au ·clair, Op. 50. 20 . j C 506 Pxxxs ••••.••• Robin Adair • • 25

We're a noddin . • 15 y Ranz des Vaches, Op. 94 15 l~\---~~7 MoZART ••••.•. Trios, Nos. I, 2 and 3, from

. Op. 14 •.

~8 PI XIS •••••..•• Fantasia with Vars., Op. 110 Souvenirs a Ia Sontag •• Weber's last Waltz ••

81 14 10 14

509 Pnv EL .•.... Quartett arranged by Clementi 20 Serenata, V. &:. Vo. . . 31

C 510 RA WLtRGs .••. La Belle Bergere • . 16 The Loadstars -' . • 17

511 STBIBELT •..• Somiti~ ''Coquette . . 13 Gra~~d ditto, Op. 18 . . 29

C 512 Rn~s • • • .. ... Rhioisb S~ . . 18 Ain from Griselda . . 13 Rondo from II Seraglio . . 11




~ 47 {/



37 ~



38 0 51




Page 56: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT Plates Total


513 DussEK ...••. Concerto, Plough Boy, Op. 15 41 Ditto, , 17 34

C514 R ocaE ....... OfalltheAirts .. 9 R tEs • . : . . . ..... Scherzando . • 11 B t;TLE R ....... Roy'sWife .. 6 LI NG . ......... Robin Adair .. 8 RtE s ......... Russ ian Sailor's Song .. 10

515 DussEx ...... . M ilitary Concerto, Op. 40 60 C 516 CosTELLOW •• The Four S isters, 4 Nos. .. 12

B uTLER ••••• There's cauld kail . . 5 WEBBE •••..• The Soldier tired . . 8

Silesian Waltz • . 8 Tu aLE .... ... . Celui qui ~ut .. 8

517 STEIBELT •.•. Storm Concerto . . 78 C 518 VoiGT •.. .•... Le petit Tambour . . 6

Giovinette Cavalier . • 3 All' armi, from ll Crociato . . 3 March in ditto • . 3 Airs in White Lady . . 7 Buy a Broom . . 7

519 R ondos. . • • .•• Ah s ure a pair, . . Lanza • l 0 Air in Blue Beard, •• Steibelt •• . 6 Ah hyd. y nos . • 4 Manly. Heart, .• ~ Beethoven •• 14

C 520 ~a •••••• A vance et Retreat, •• Henrich. ~ ·s , Don Giovanni, • • C lementi. • 9 Ditto, P.F~ F. Vio. &. Violco •.

· B ul-ro~es .. 16 u-' 521 CzERN Y •••••• Rondoletto, Op. 215 • . 14 Les Charmes, , 55 • . 11

1 Rondoletto, ,. 74 • . 13



44 60




!A~~ I

38 (/

251 ~c. 523 CLEMENTI &. Co's . CoLLECT ION OF RoM nos,

. · Nos. I to 60 . • 345 345

C 524 A_tttDOOd •• : • •• FatJorite Airs {ram n Seraglio, . arranged as P. F . Duets 92 92

Page 57: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

57 Platf.> 1'utal

525 GELIN EK ..... AtRS WITH VARIATIQ~,; . Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 11, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 37' 38, 42, 43, 44, 60 and 85 .. 252

C 526 BuRROWES • Favorite Airs from Der Freischutz,

') .-) ·) -· v

arranged as P.F.Duets,3 Bks. 51 51 527 KAr.KnuENN ER,Allemande . . 9

Rondo in C . • . . . lO KATZERs ••••• Theme . .. • l-1 33

c 528


CoR ELLI ...... 4th Solo, as P . F. D uet, by Haigh .. .. 10

CosTELLow •. 3 juvenile Duets, l st set . . 19 . 3 ditto, 2nd . . 22

Rondos, • •••••• La Pelerine, • • ·Cos tell ow . . lO La Colombe retrouvee,

Von Esch .. 3 LewiE' Gordon, Logie o' Buchan Lovely Nancy

. . Butler .. 4

MozART .••••. Ai'rs with Variations · ·nitto, No. 49· ' ·



• •

• •

4 4

12 11

C 530 P. F. Duets . .•. Jager Chorus, • · Harris • . 15 Les Elegantes, easy, .. Craven .. 11 Duo. Op. 76, . . Kalkbreuner . . 61

5:31 R ondos , • •••••• Plough Boy, . • Clementi. • 4 Polouaise, (Viotti) . . Steibelt •• 5 Poor Jonas, • • D ussek. • 6 Pur.cell's Ground . . 5 Poole's French Air as Rondo 7 La Douce· cbante • • 6 Non piu Andrai, . • Pixis •• 13

. 2.9 532 LoGIER ...... Grand March, P.F. Duet • 11 2 gran.d Waltzetl) ditto .. 13

MEV£S ••·· · ··DiPiacer, '_.,ditto •• 11 . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ~ '" •' ... 53.1 llonth ••••••... There's ~-:l{i(!k, and Kate of

.. 3 Steibelt .. 10

Aberd~en .. T ink a Tink, . • . Vive Henri Quatre,

K alkbrenner .. 14 Invitation to Waltz, •• W eber •. 10





37 •

Page 58: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT Plates Total C 534 PooLE ••••.... 12 Airs, as P.F. Duets . • 25

PoTTER ••..•. P. F. Duets, Op.8 •• 29 54 535 Overtures ••.. •• Caliph of Bagdad, .. Boildieu •. 12

Cosi fan tutte, • • Mozart. • 6 Del Crescendi, • . Cherubini •• 21 Overture, • • Ditters. . 6 45

C 536 RIEs •••..••• Return of the Troops, P.F.Duet 11 Polonoise, Op.41 ditto 13 3 grand Marches, 1st set, ditto 21 March, Op. 140, No. 1 ditto 4 49

537 Overturf!$ • ••••• Symphony in D. . • Haydn •. 12 Ditto, a Ia Reine de France, do. 15 Henry 4th, . . Mar~ini .• 15 42

C 538 VoroT ••..•••. Airs from La Dame Blanche, as P.F. Duets • • 13

W l!.BBE •••••• Adeste Fidelis, ditto . • 9 2nd set of Progressive, ditto 21 43

539 OvERTURES •• II Pirata, • • Bellini .. 10 Idomeneo, • . Mozart. . 7 II Direttor, . . • . do. 5 II Seraglio, • . do. 8 ll Tancredi, • . Rossini.. 7 lphigenie, . • Gluck •• 8 45

C 540 Quadrille$, /,;c. · • • Blewitt's Fanchets Quadrilles 13 Challenger's ht set • • 7 Cbaulieu's 6 Waltzes, Op. 113 17 Corri's, 3 ditto, Duke of Devon-

shire • • • • 6 43 541 Overtures • ••••. Men of Prometheus,

Beethoven •• 15 Occasional Oratorio, •• Handel.. 6 Otho, • • . ditto 4 Otello, • • • • Rossini •. 11 36

C 542 Quadrilles, ~c .•• Gypsies' Dance, • • Voigt.. 3 Les Elegantes, • . Herz •• 6 Les Capriccieuse, 3rd set, do. 9 La Dame Blanche Quadrilles, •

Giroux •• 7 Plaisirs des Dames, 1

· Kalkbrenner •• 11 Oriental, . . Klitz. • 6 SultanA, . . do. 7 49

Page 59: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

59 LOT PlaJes ToJal

543 Marches •••• •• Blucher's • • 3 Bugle March • • 10 Coronation March, •• Topliff.. 3 Grand March, . • Cramer •• 7 Chichester Volunteers March 4 27

C 544 SoLis ••••..•• • 6 Waltzes .. 7 Quadrilles . . 7

ScHuNKE .. ... 3 W altzes .. 4 W EBB E .. ..... . 3 New Waltzes • • 3 W EsT • ••• •• ••• Syh ana Q uadrilles •• 7 28

545 BoHRER ...... Berlin Waltz, P.F. Duet •• 5 . BoMTEMPo •••• Lord Wellington's March, do. 11 C.tMJDGB ••••• Grand Mardi, do. 7 HAI GH ........ Chorusses in Macbeth, do. 13 CHERUBINI ... Overt. to Anacreon • • do. 23 59

C 646 HarpMusic .... Bird whose song, • • C raven •• 7 German Song with Vars .

Taylor • • 7 lst Fantasia, • • Hunt •• 10 2nd ditto, • • do. 10 Dlue Bells, • . do. 7 41

547 D usnK ....... Overture as P .F . D uet .. 31 D uet, Op. 48 • • 33 Duet by Cramer, Op. 50 • • 9 73

C 648 Harp 8r P. F. Mwic,Overt. to ·Preciosa, Attwood •. 18

. Ditto to II Crociato, • • ditto. 24 42 549 H AND EL •• •••• W e praise thee, P.F. Duet •• 9

Water Music, No.4, do. • • 4 Coronation Anthem, do. • • 7

H.a.YDM ....... Chorus, (Creation) do. Haigh5 Overture in D do. 15

H ANCE ••••••• Nightiagale do. 11 C 550 CaALLON ER •• Duet for Hp. ~ P.F., Op. 30 2 1

Gaun ••••.•• Ditto, Op. 22 .. 32 V 551 MozART ...... Pieces, Op.28, P .F. Duets •. 21 [""\_ Quintett, d o. Wilkins .. 25 ~ C 552 A»UlS •••• . •• 6 easy Voluntaries . • 17

3 diuo .. .. 14 6 O riginal Fugues . • :25





1 lj' /;


Page 60: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

60 LOT 1'/ates 1'otal

5;)3 Overture~ . . .... P. F. Duet, Blaise allll Babet 13 Ditto, Lodoiska, Cherubini •• 17 30

55-! BAn 1-.: •••••• ; • Ita lian Melodies. Flute Duets •• 23 GAnRIEL~Kv •. Duets, Op. 52, 2 Books •• 48 Loc; I ER ....•. Ditto, Irish Melodies •• II

- ~-. 82 .

555 Overture to Semiramide, P.F. Duet, Godbe .• 24 24 C 556 PLEYEL ...... 3 Flute Duets, ded. to Wragg •• 24

WRAGG ...... 3 ditto, Op. 5 . . .. ..13 37 557 PLEY EL ••.••. 3 Duets for P.F. Op. 20 •• 47

__ ---C--558 NI CIIOLSO!'i •. Waltzes· • • • .16 Pot Pourri, 2 Nos. • . 34

.'i59 ST EIB E r.T •••• Rondo, Le Retour de Zephyr, P.F. Duet • . 5

SoR •••.....•. 3 Waltzes, 2nd Set, do. • • 7 -' WEBBE . ..... 3 easy Duets with Airs •• 13

WINTeR ..•.•• Overt. to Tamerlane, P.F. Duet - Cb-'-5GO NICHOLSO N .. SOCIAL PIECES, Nos. l to 6, 4

137 137 u SGl Dances .....••. Country D ances, Nos. 1 & 2,

Craven .• 8 W alb in Der Freyschutz Duet,

. · · Voigt .• 3 Ecbo Waltz aDd Duet do. 8 Em.peror of Russia Walt~, do. 3 French Quadrilles, Bks. 1 to 4 35 57

C 562 S o LA ...•.••• Flute& P .F, Rousseau's Dream 17 Ditto Di piacer • . • .10 Ditto II Braccio •• 20 47

5()3 Dal(ces ....•••• Le Rossignol Waltz, Godbe •• 8 l'tladrid and D. of Oldenburg

Waltzes • . Voigt.. 3 F our Dances Maz.zoni •• 5

MouaT ...•.• W altzes, Bks. I, 2, & 3 •• 24 ' Do. with Fl. Accpt. Bks. 4 &. 5 24 64

C 56-l WEiss •••••••• FANTASIAs, Nos. 1 to 6 •• 84 84 565 Danas . .•.•••• Swinton's Reel •• . •

Sheet Dances, Nos. 1 aud 2 Ditto Waltzes .. Violin Dances, l 8.'31 ..

. . 3 •• ·s . . 3 . • 4

Page 61: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

61 I.OT Plates 1 'utal

Brought forward . • ...••• 13 Ditto 1833 • . • 4 \Valtz from Preciosa, Voigt • • 3 W eber's Last Waltz • • 3

W rLKINs . •• •.. New Quadrilles, Bks. l &2 •• 21 49 C 566 W~;rss ••• ••••• Le Troubadours, for the Flute,

Nos. 1 &. 2 . . . .2 1 Spanish Melodies, Nos. 1 & 2 .. 20 41

567 Voluntaries •.• • Selection from Handel, Green, &c. Bks. I &. 2 • • • . 59 59

(; 568 Baow .s •••.•• Fantasia for the Flute'. HARGR EAVES •• Minuet, Don Giovanni • •

Diverto. Irish Air ••

•• 10 . . 6 . • 9

569 PE RCIVAL .••• Grand Sonata for the Harp •• 19 STEID ELT •.•. Concerto, ded. to Madame

Krumpholtz . . . • 10 Harp R ondos •• Aileen Aroon, with Var. • • 6

Allegro and 2 Airs • • . • .10 Ar ~yd y nos. with Yar. •• 3

C 570 MAY SlWER •••• Introduction and Vars. for the Violin, Op. 44 • • • .15

R ondo, Op. 46 . . • .25 .57 1 NAD ER)!AN • •• • Fantasia and Tema, Op. 38 .. 17

DE Tlii.ERRY :.Harp Rondo, Nel Cor Piu •• 9 PLEY EL. • •••• German Hymn · • • •• 5 Preludes and Overtures for Harp •·• • .11

C 5i2 l\t tLtTARY M usxc, Bolivar's Slow M arch, full band.. • • · · •• 17

Bolivar's Triumphal . ditto. · · · · ditto • • .. •• Cooke 5

Airs for Kent Bugle Harper •• 22 Ditto from .Der Freiscllub. do. 5

573 D ussn: ..... Duet for.Hp: iad'P.F. Op. 26 18 Grand Duo, ditte> , 69 31

C 574 MILITARV Mus1c, Music in Macbeth, full band,







Logier •• 37 Onrt. to Zauberfiote, do. do. 24 61

575 BERBI&UtEB • • 6 Brilliant Duets for Flutes, · Op. 7, 2 Bks·. • • . 48

2nd Collection of Operatic Airs 26 74

Page 62: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

62 .1.o·r Plates C 576 SpaJush Guitar Music, Come to me gentle . . 3

I uever cast a Flower • • 3 3 Cavatinas • • Sola . . 11 4 English Songs . . do. • • 7 Misere Patgoletti • • do. • • 7 The Evening Sun has • • 3

577 D £VIENN:& •••• 6 Duets for Fl. and Tenor •• 25 0ABJUBLSK:Y •• 6 favorite Polonaises,· Op. 9 •• 7

Airs from Freischutz •• 26 C 578 CLIFTON's •••• ExERCISEs, Nos. 1, 2, &. 3 •. 35

579 Hon~rEISTEK, 6 Airs for Flutes • . • .11 KRASIN SKY •••• 3 Duets, Op. 5, Bk. 1 & 2 •• 36


Ditto in the Spanish Language 51 Al'PBN DIX, 2 Parts •• 125

581 MA-NCINELLI •• 24 Easy Flute Duets •. 23 MoNzA~ I •••• 12 ditto, Op. 12 .. 15

C 582 RosQUELLAS •• GuiTAR TUToR • • 46 · 583 PLEYEL •••••• 3 Flute Duets, :Bks. 1 &. 2 50

. $C 584 LoG I~ •· ••••• Preceptor for the Kent Bugle 30 BENNETT •• ~ .SiRging Tutor • • • • 31 DoBEGINts •• Ditto • • • • • • 10

585 'fuLou •••••• Aria, for 2 Flutes •• 7 VxoTTI •••••• 3 Serenataa, Op. 26,2 Books 56

C 586 Jouss:& •••••• Dictionary of Music 587 DsnEJfNB •••• 12 Grand Solos for Flute, Book.

. I, 42; Bk. 2. 38 • . 80 C 588 MELODIES OF MOZART. PoETRY BY


PaoK TBB Scoa&s BT CLBMEI'(TI, 3 vnl&. 589 Gu.IOLLA ••• • GraDd Solo for Flute, Op. 43 • • Zl

HBLZ •••••••• Qaadrilles for 1 or 2 Fls. 7 HoLLllBA .... 6 Solos . • ..36

, t.; C 590 M£Lo•us. OJ' nn•••aNT NATIONs, PoETRY

BY TaeKPSO», ST•u•.aoNL&S &. Accoxl'TS. BY CLEXENTJ •• • • • • • ••• 62

Cunoz.; •••• 3 Glee& . . . ..18



58 35


.:J!k ,


38 45 50

I~ 71





Page 63: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

63 LoT Plates

591 WEIDNER •.•. 3 Airs for Flute, Op. 11 . . 20 Introduction and Var. Op. 3:l .. 18

WRAGG •••..• Polacca . . . . 2 C 592 GLEEs •••••••. Maid ofToro • • . . 9

Merry Month of May •• 8 Mirth and Social • . • .14 Now the bright, • • Cooke •. 6 Of all the Airts, • • Logier. . 5 The King loves the Queen •. 10 Three merry souls are we • . 7

593 DssNOUES •••• Trio for Fl. Vio. &. Violco. 49 G.&BlUELS.,:Y .. Grand Trio, Op. 34 .. 17


VoicE AND P.F. • .201 Do. IN 12 srNGLE NUMBERs •• 123

595 MozART ...... Opera,Zauberflotte, Flute Trio 52 C 596 Sacred .Music •• Humanity • • • • 8

Heavens are telling, one voc. Burrowes •• 8

I beard a Voice • • 10 Praise of God, • • Burrowes.. 4

- J 591 CoRELL I •••••• Violin Solos, new Edition, improved by Clementi • • 67

C 598 Cherubiai ...... Palanodia, Nos. 1,2, & 3 •• 66 599 V IOTTI ...... Solo for Violin .. 49

C 600 SoNGS •••••••• Bees' Wing •• Bacchus Bowl •• Barney Brallaghan •. Barney Bantling •• Be happy to d.y · •• Believe me the spell • • Beauties' wiles · • •

5 5 4 4 6 6 6

601 BoaGill ...... V~oliaDeeta.: ,OP.3 •• 26 D1tto; 2all ·&et; . :Bks. 1 & 2 • • 46

C 602 SoNGS ••• H• •• Does the ·~our •• ·Darby Me Cune Doctor 0' Toole The Dream Even.iJJg Sun

• • • •


603 KROMMER •••. 3 Violin Duets • •



5 3 4 6 6





324 52

30 •

67 J 66 ~ 49 /



24 50

Page 64: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


I .. OT Plates

C 604 SoNGS, &c . .. .. Hearts' Id olntrv, . . Sola.· 6 He's j ust like, · . . Madd ison .. 6 Heigho Cupid, . . Blewitt .. 5 Henry's Buy a Rroom . . 4 House of Common:>, . . do. 6 Honey Moon over, • • Cooke . . 8

605 KnoM MER • • ; • :3 Violin Duets • . 50 C 606 SoN c s, &c ..••. London Shop Windows . . 3

· Lorenza to Jessica, •• Clifton •• 6 Love wakes and_ weeps,

Me Murdie .. 3 Love's a little darling, •• Blewitt 4 Long Summer!>, . • Roche. • 6

--'0'607 Pt.l::YEL ••• ••• Violin Duet, Op. 15 . . 45 · Ditto, ,, 18 . • 44


C 608 So!'cs, &c .. .. . Savoyard's Holiday, •• Cooke .. 4 Sailor's Lullaby, · •• · Cooke •• 3 .Say what can, • • Solis. • 3 Shed o'er the cup, • . Blewitt.. 6 Signior, Signior (Duet)

Cooke .. o . Shooting Stars, . • . do. 6 Sonnet to Benevolence • • 3 Smile of early love,'.·. T. Cooke .• 5

· Sorrow ·has tlie . soothing, . · · ·W elkins •• 6

. .

Spirit of Love, •• . . Sob.. 4 Ditto • • Cutler •• 4 Swiss Boy's lament . · · · • • 5 Swiss Market Girl • • 6 Sweet EUen, • • Cutler.. 3 Should all the W orld, •. Hom.. 6

609 VIOTTI ........ Violin-Duets, Books 1 & 2 .. 75 C 610 SoNGS, &c ..... Wake Lady wake, .. Meves .. 6

. .

Wery ridiculous, .~ Blewitt .. 5 W ery pekooliar, • • do. 4 Wl,la.t shall I do, • ~ . Ho~ley. • 7 What a happy, . . Cooke •• 6 When Beauty courts,

Attwood •• 6 When liberty first, •• Topliff •• 3


39 50

70 /; 75 {A


Page 65: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

/ / /


LOT Plates 1'utal .f~ 6 11 Yl OTTI •••••• •• 3 Violin Duets, Op. 18 . . 31

D itto, , 21 . . :39 70 C 612 SoNGs, &c ..... When the Sun, • • .. Long. . 6

When a Man's a little bit poorly, Blewitt .. 3

When shall we three, . . Horsley 5 ·where may sweetest, .. Graeff .. 5 W idow Mahoney, .. Blewitt.. 5 When the bright M oon, .. K litz 4 Willow Bough, • • . • Horn .. (j What woke the b usied sound,

Barnett.. 5 39 613 YANJEWICZ •• • 6 Divertimentos with Airs . . 17

3 Duets for Violins, Bk. 1 • • 25 42 C 614 So Nos, &c .•••• Young love stole, .... Meves .• 6

Yet a moment, (Duet) • . 8 Yes believe me, .. Carnaby .. 8 You k now what, . . Cooke •• 6 Yes Mary Anne, • . Meves . . 3 You softly spoke, •. Robinson . . 6 Young Collette, . . • • Horn.. 6 You love rot>, dont you ?

Blewitt. . 5 48 615 Pt.EY RL •••••• Duet for Vio. & Violco, Op. 12. 25

R oMBERG ..... Ditto . . 13 3 Themes V ars. Vio. & Violco. 23 61

c 616

f 617

Moral So11gs, words b.!/ W. F. Collard, Music by Clifton

No. I. Sensitive Plant •• 2. My Pretty Anne •• 3. Awake 0 Sleeper •• 4. Pure Heart • •

4 4 4 4 7 5. 0 the eye that is · ••

6. W ~cle.z,i~ Minstrel •• 4 7. Their·Of GOodness . . 6 8 . .. Tbe,dear delight . . 4 9. The Swan • . 4

10. Tbe Nightingale • . 4 . 11. The Weather Glass . . 4

12. 'Tis a &weet thing . . 5 Pt.£YEL ...... Trios, 2 Vios. & Bass, Op, 16,

Bks . I and 2 .. . -01




Page 66: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

66 l.OT Plates

12 9



C 618 LING .. .... ... Serenade, Op. 17 •• ADAMS ••• .•. .. A rose tree •• SANDER SON .. Maid of D erby • • B unaow J,s .. .. Overt. to Figaro, P .F. F. Vio.

and Vio1co. . . 15 ··£ 619 VIoTTI ••..•.• • Trio, 2 Violins&. Bass, Op.17.5 l

C 6'20 H ARRIS •• •••. Overt. t o the Freebooters • • 12 ATTWOOD •.•. D itto, O pferfest . . 11

D itto, White Lady • . 19 C 621 Goo BE ... ... . Ditto, Tancredi, Duet .. 13

D itto, Italiana in Algeri, do.l8 622 Y AN IEW ICZ . ... T rios, 2 Vios. &Bass, Bks. 1 &. 2,68 · 623 PA XTON •...•. Easv Solos for the Violoncello 19 . 624 HoFF:\! A !'I •••.• Violoncello D uet, adapted by

Lindley • . 10 LtN DL:SY •••.• • Violoncello Duets, Op. 6 • • 30

625 PtEYEL •• •. .. Violoncello D uets, Op. 36 27 ELEY ••.. . .• . Rode's Air with Var. . . 7

626 BEETH0\"£:"0 .. Single original Quartet, Op. 62.42 D itto ada pted • • 19

627 HAYDN .•••. . 3 Quartetts, Op. 80 . . 50 83rd ditto • • 13

6'28 PLEYEL ....... . Quartetts, Op. 2 •• 92 629 • • .•.• .. Ditto, ded. to the Prince of

Wales •• 79

- 630 V lOTTI .. • . • • • Ditto, S erenataa, Op. 25, 2Bks.97 .· G3 1 DEETIIOV EN • • Grand Q uintett, Op. 4 • • 40

632 Mo ZART ....... 6 QutNTRT.TS •• 202 633 Ot:ertures iu Parts, Harmonious Blacksmith. with

Vars, • • Eley •• 21 Symphonies, Nos. 1 & 2,

H AYDX •• 57 y. 934 HAYDN •••••. SntPHONY IN PA RTs, Op, 52 148 635 M ilitary Music in parts, by Eley, 2 Books •• 45

C 636 Hanoverian Quadrilles • • • • 9 Tuo:\IPSON's •• Ditto • . • . 7 HAYDN •••••• Military Movement, Hp, 8t P,F,

by Graeff • . .. 12

48 ~ ' '/

51 uc


31 . 68



34 I ' · tJ.(

61 7 ,.._ o

63 92

79 97 ·a 40


78 148 45


Page 67: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

67 LOT P lates T otal

637 ELEY ••••••• ; Quick Ste~s, fo! Military Band, &c, far Fifes, m par ts, Op, 9 13

16 pieces, ditto, Op, 10 . • 56 638 ••.•.••• Airs fQr Band and Kent Bugle 32

3rd Collection of 24 Marches, in 5 ~rts • • 36

639 H ooK .••••. . •• Guida de M usica, Op. 37 • • 25 M AJOR •.•• ••• Little Hannonis t • • 16

640 Treatises •• • ••• Clarinet Tutor . . 16 Drum Major's Assistant . . 4 French Horn Tutor . • 21

641 •.•.•. Harp Tutor, •• Bnrthelemon •• 40 Hautboy ditto . . 22

642 •• ••• • Solfeggio, . . Trinks.. 3 Thorough Bass, .. P asquali .. 30 Violin T utor . . 17

643 OPERAS ....... Artaxerxes, .. Arne .• 60 644 •••••. Highland Reel, • • Shield •• 46

In Ide and y arico, • • Arnold •• 46 645 •••••• O scar and Malvina, .. Reeve •• 34

No Song, no Supper • . 40 646 • • • • • Timour the Tartar, • . King .• 47

W aterman, . . D i bd in . • 33 647 E vANS ....... . S ix GLEEs .. 42 648 GLEEs ........ Come live with me, .. Webbe .. 5

Charming Maid . • 6 Could a man be secure • . 5 Charming Maid, . • Sale.. 6 Come Shepherds, • . Arne.. 4 Come away Death, •• Webbe,jan. 7 Cuckoo, • • Whitaker • • lO D ame Durden • . 4 Dear Father, • . Webbe • • 3

649 • • • • • • • Gathering Violets . . 7 Go happy shade . . 3 Go rove my Chloe's . . 6 Go dimpled Boy, . • Busby . . 7 G.o. gentle breeze . . 1:!








9, .. . .. - . 74

80 42


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. . ...


65 1

.. ..

68 P lates Total

Brought forward ..•••.• • 31 Go idle Boy, • . Callcott . • 5 Gypsies' Glee, • . Reeve. • 6 How merrily we live, .. Este •. 3 How sweet is the ,·oice,

Himmel •• 2 How often have I seen, •• W cbbe 3

GLEEs . ....... ltwas i{Night, .. Clarke •• 7 I ne'er loved one, • . Hook . . 6 I sit by the mossy . · • • 8 Keep good time and tune • . 3 Let's have a peal • . 3 Lightly o'er the Village,

Spofforth. • 8 Let pleasure here, . . W ebbe .• 4 Life's a bumper, •• Wainwright •• 4 Let us cheerful souls, .. W ebbe •• 3 Let happy lovers . . 10

---••..•••• Now round the board . . 3

• • : ' ~

New Years Gift, • • Paddon. • 5 No right but the present,

Webbe •• 6 Ne'er trouble thyself, do. 6 Nightingale, • • • • Weeks •• 3 Now the brigbt, •••. Cooke • • 6 Oberon, • • • • Hook • . 3 0 Delia bow divinely . . 3 0 LoTe ! bow swift . . 4 0 Mistress mine, • . Stevens •. 5 Of all the brave Birds . • 2 0 thou sweet B ird, Atterbnry .• 4



50 6.j2 ---....... . See, see how July . • 3

Sans un pen de Vin . . 4 Serene and mild, • . W ebbe . . 5 S ince Beaut.y, • . do. 6 See with joy, . . Callcott . . 4 See smiling from the rosy east,

Spofforth •. 8 Sweet Gratitude, .. Sanderson • . 7 ' fhe Hammer, and there stands 2 The Pilgrims, . . Shield .. 4 43

Page 69: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

69 LOT P lates Toial

6.53 GLEES····~···Upontbepoplarbougb •. 3 Vera questa Li barti. . 3 Vulcan contrive me Evans. • 7 V oglio andare • • • • 3 Whann Battayle Calcott. • 4 When Daphne died • • • • 6 While I listen . • • 5 When l go up . . • • 7 We be shipwrecked Mariners •. 4 'Vine, wine, wine . . • . 2 Wjtb my jug in one band .. 3 What is life and all its pride .. 4 51

654 . ..••• When the Muses • . • . 11 While fools their time • • 4 We be Soldiers three • • 2 Y e gentle Muses . . . • o Ye spotted Snakes . . . . 6 Ye Woods • . . . 2 Yea, beauteow; Queen, W ebbe 3 33

655 SACRHD Music, Adeste Fidelis, 3 voc. • • 3 Ditto 2 do •.• W ebbe 4 Advent and Easter Hymns •• 4 Angels ever bright • • 2 Arm, ann ye brave, arranged by

Trinks .. •• 4 >< Six Sacred Songs,

BEETHOVEN •• 16 · • .,. Coronation Anthem, Handel • • 4 Gloria in Excelsia . • • 8 God preserve the Emperor,

Haydn •• 3 Martin Luther's Symn • • 4 52

656 - •••••. Magdalen Hym~ ~~' 1 to4 66 66 657 HANDEL'S SONGS, A saLacTED CoL-

. J.ECTION oF•. wiTH 2 PoR-TRAITS, 2TOJs. • • • • 403 403

658 ITA.UAN SoNGs, Ah, fuggi Mozart •• 2 . Ah, per mi non Rauzzini.. 5

A dolce aif'etti Anfossi. • 5 Ab cbe nel P aesiello. • 6

Page 70: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

70 LOT Plates Total

Brought forward • • • • • • 18 Ah tormar Cimarosa . • 7 Ah, che sa, Trio Paesiello • 4 Ah, il mio Sacchini •• 4 Ah, voi • . do. 4 Ab, mia cara P aesiello. . 2 Adelaide • • Beethoven 10 Ab, Perdona, Duet, Mozart .. 4 53

609 IT.u.u.N l$oNGs,Chi dice • • Cimarosa. . 6 Chi dice mal . • Mayer •• 5 Crudele • . Mozart •. 5 Crudel perche . . do. 4 Deb prendi . • do. 2 Deh Vieni, Canzonet do. 3 Dalla sua . • do. • • 3 Don Allavia . • do. • . 8 Di piacer • • R ossini. • 8 Donne I' Amore • • • • 2 46

660 •••••• Giovinette che fate Mozart •. 5 Gi ovinette Cavalier Sola •. 5 Giorno d'Orrore . • • • 9 Ho Capito Signor Mozart .• 4 Ho perduto • . • . 7 11 mio ben • • Paesiello • • 7 In questa Beethoven •• 3 11 mia tesoro • • Mozart •• 6 11 Pastor • • Sterkel. • 3 In qnali eccessi Mozart •. 7 56

661 ----•••••• Meta de voi • • • . 5 Madamina • . do. • . 7 Mi Manca Ia voce Rossini •• 23 Nel Silenzio . . . .10 45

662 ---•••••• P ompa del Vago Sola •• 8 P er Valli . • • • Clifton •• 2 Pour toi • • • • Sola • 4 Per questa • • • • Mozart • . 8 Prudente mi Frederici. • 5

• Per pi eta • • Bianchi • • 9 Pace caro, Duet Martini. • 4 Per vivere . . Per.. 4 P er pi eta ben Mozart. • 9 53

Page 71: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT Plates Total 663 ITALIAN SoNGs,Se qualcum mi dira Sarti .. 3

Sui Margine . . • . 2 Secondate Aurette Mozart. . 3 Soave sia il vento (Trio) do. • • 6 Su 1' Aria . . do... 3 Scendi nel piccol Sola. • 5 Sento clio . . Mozart. .10 Si perche . . Sola •• 14 46

664 French Songs •• A Set of 6 French Songs, Sola 7 Ah vous diraije • •• • • . 3 Bocage que I' Amore . • • • 4 Belle Rossini • • • • 2 16

665 •••• C'est !'Amour . . • • 3 Ditto • . . ••• 3 Creurs sensibles • . • • 2 Collinette au bois • . • • 3 Chante Civique • • 3 Ce que je desire Boildieu •• 2

Celut qui sut toucher •• 2 D'Artois • • • .• 2 20 . .

666 Songs, Duets, !fc. A chieftain to tbe, Buting . . 6 Across the Downs Storace •• 3 Adieu my dear country Roche • • 5 Adieu to the Grotto Nicks •• 3 A flaxen headed Shield •. 3 Ah ! could Man dane • . • • 8 Ah ! whither Morpheus, Clarke •• 5 Ah ! well a day Shield •• 3 A King in times Beethoven •• 5 Ally Croker • • • .2 Alexis • • • • • • Pepusch •• 5 An honest country girl, Haydn •• 6 53

------Bold D~oon • • • .2 Bud of the Rose Shield •• 3 Bonn~!aJr- ari.aaged by Clifton 3 Bacc ~an- Soi:lg Major 3 Black Eyed Susan, new edit. . .3 .. ·' Blow, blow thou, arranged by

Clifton . . • . 3 Cease sweet girl Roche • • 6

Page 72: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

7:2 l.OT Plates Toto!

Brought forward. . . .. 23 Cease your funning .. . . 3 Chapter of Knights D ibdin .. 3 Come ~f you dare Purcell .• :3 Come dear Maid Weber .. 7 Could I call back Gifford .. 3 Could a man be secure •• 2 Contented Man Beethoven •••• 3 47



BALLADS, CANZONETS, TRIOS, GLEEs, AND ELEGIEs, the Glees harmoniud from selected Melo­dies by W ebbe, and the Italian Airs adapted by Shield, 2 vols. 406

669 ANCIENT A N o MoDERN GLEES, 4 Books, 4to 266 C 670 HAYDN •••••• La Chasse for Hp. and P.F. by

Graeff • • • .15 ATTWOOD •••• Overt. to Preciosa as Duet 19

Ditto to White Lady do. 23 C 671 MA YSEDER •. Air with Var. Op. 44, in parts 22

LH BARRE ,\ ND DE BEBIOT's Souvemr, Hp. Duet • • • . 20

C 672 WEDBE ••• ••• Airs from Nina. Hp. and P.F. 10 · · · · Ditto, from Bandel do. 13

673 SoNGs, DuETs, Stc. Paint and· wearily, Arnold 4 · · Paint heart ne-t-er Sanderson .• 3


Fill yow- Glasae5 Clifton • • 5 Flowing Bowl, new edit. . .5 For a' that • • • • Craven 6 For tenderness formed, Paesiello 4 Forget me not • • Mozart .. 4 Forget thee, no Molineaux •. 3 Fountain and Flower, Webbe •• 6 From aloft the Sailor Storace •• 3 From Night till Mom, Duet • • 3 Fresh and Strong Arnold. 3

674 ------How.stands the Glass •••• 2 How happy ihe season, CarUaby 4 How sweet in the Woodlands 2

406 266





Page 73: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

n LOT Plates Total

Brought forward . • • . 8 ~ow blithely laughs Davy .. 3 Hope thou Nurse • • • . 2 Hope no more Burrowes •. 6 Hope told a flattering Tale,

arranged by Clifton •• 3 Home of my heart,arr. by Phelps •. 5 Hymn of Eve, do. Clifton .. 2 How blest the Maid •• • . 3 How shall I woo her, Williams . . o I care not for . . Davy . . 3 If you would • . Shield .. 3 I fear .I should • . Voigt •. 3 I'll bid theE> · • • . • Sola .• 4 50

675 SoNGs, DuETs, &:c. Kn~w'st thou the land, Beethoven • . 4

Knitting Girl . . Haydn . . 3 Lark . . Shield . . 3 Land we live . . Reeve . .4 L'Adieu • • . • Jackson •. 3 'L;ivender Girl • . Reeve •• 3

· ·Lad of tbe Clyde Parke .. 3 Let angry Ocean Storace •• 4 Let fame sound Shield •• 4 Let not age . • Giordani .. 3 Light as thistle down Shield •• 3 Life let us cherish Mozart .• 4 Little Faruiy · . . Nicks •. 3 ·Litfle Farmer's Daughter,

· Whitaker •• 3 Little Tafllioe Storace •• 3 50 .

676 'More happy than Monri: .3 Morning of Childhood •• 6 Moulines Maria Moulds •• 3 Moorlarut'Mw · Clarke .. 4 Mulbefry -Tree Reeve .. 3 Multiplication Table . . . .4 My Native Land •• Storace •. 3 My Lodging . • . • Clifton . . 3 My dad was . . Reeve •. 4 .My father was a Tinker do. . .3


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Plutes Brought forward .... 36

l\Iy father's house Shield .. 3 My heart with love Reeve .. 3 My throbbing heart do. . . 3 My .Morn of Life Giordani . .4 .My love is far away. Stevenson .. 4

SONGs, DuETs, &c. 0 my love's like .• 3

. . . .

. .

0 not in these circles Clifton •. 5 Once h~ppy in'·a..... Reeve .. 4 Onward chtef •••• Davy .. 2 0 range tr:ee • • • • • • . • ;j 0 strew the sweet . . • . Ross •. 3 0 say was it love Phelps .. 4 0 tuneful voice Haydn . . 5 0 what numerous charms do ... 4 0 what comfort . • • • • • do . . 5 Old Maid .•.• Halley •• 4 Parting sigh •••. Costellow .• 4 Pastoral Elegy •••..• Jackson .. 6

-------Since then I'm doom'd . . 5 Sigh no more ladies Stevens • 3 Silent T-!ars • . Davy .• 3 Soldier's Adieu . . . • . • 3 Smile of Affection Clarke .. 5 Softly rise .0 southern Breeze, . · · · . . . . :_ Boyce •. 12 S'oft tears of pity Whitaker . .4 Soldier tired, new E-dit. Arne .. 6

Somehow my spindle .. 2 Spirit of my sainted Sire •• 4 Spirits of the unfatbomed, Davy 3

6i9 ------- The language of love, Jarvis .. 3 The manly heart, Duet, Mozart. .5

. .


' - . .

The mute gray fields Clarke .. 6 The night was dark Linley •• 3 The Oak of our Fathers,

Sanderson •• 4 The ray that beams Hook •. 4 The ro~e has been washed,

KnowJe •• 2



Page 75: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

75 I.QT P/ales 1i•lal

· Brought forward .. ;. '27 D itto •. Webb~;> . .4 The Rose wh en dews Cherubini .. 4 Tlw ready Swain Haydn .. 2 The request . . Vogler .. 3 The S t reamle t Shield .. 3 The Sapling Oak Storace .. ~ The topsai ls . . Arne .. 3 The tuneful lark Sanderson . . 4

6HO So~c:s, DuETS, &c. Until fifteen dull years, W are .. 3

Valentine's Day Spofforth .• 4 Village Maid do. . . J Vive la bagatelle Hook .. 4 WatersofElle Clifton .. £; Water parted . . Arne . . 2 W ake Maid of Lorn Clarke . . 6 Wapping OIJ Stair:; Percy .. :3 We be de merry Shield .. 3 West Country Bumpkin, Reeve .. 4 Welch Harper Smith .. 3 What shall we have • • .3 What delight gives Haydn .. 5

{s~ I - ·- --- - ---- With all my soul .. Roche .. 5 Within these sacred Mozart. .3 Withered Rose Clarke •• 4 Winter Nosegay Horsley .. 3 Wolf . • . • Shield . . 4 While the Lads, new edit. • .3 Y arico to her lover Himmel. .4 Ye streams that round, Storace •• 3 Y e Banks and Braes Davy •• 3 Ye gentle folks • • • .3 Yell ow-haired Laddie •• 2

. . Yo ong. , ».lli(Jik:' ·at . llae Vale • :, , ..•. ;?, , • • Horslev 3 0 ~ • • -~ • • ' • • •

Yorkshire,Concert •.•••• Reeve •. 3 . . Yes I have loved the Mins trel,

Major •• 9

End -of th.e Tltird Day's Sale.



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Tl1e Number of Copies to each Work will be annow1ced at tlte time of Sale, whe11 the purchaser of" t/U! Plates will he at liberty to take or reject them at the rate f?f eit;M shillings per hundred sheets.

LOT Plat~ Total 700 SosGs, &c ••••• Parliament Man .. 3

Still I was in love . • • 3 Dear Rosa I'm thine . . 3 0 clear that cruel doubting 3 Ah County Guy • • 5 The Rose had been washed . . 4 Love wakes. a:qd, weeps • • 4 While I s~t tliin¥ng . . 3 28

701 · •• •• ;ri~.riQ~jng n.~'!'• . .. 3 The. ~;of, our· happiness 3 Days . . 2 Sad is the heart. . • . 3 Married Man's fare • • 2 SaP.ling O.aJr. . . 3 Captain Stump. . . 3 Dear ·M!lid~.,how bright • . 5 The Streamlet • • 2 For love was still • • 2 28

702 NtxoN .. . ..... R ussian Air •• 3 Neapolitan Air .. 4 Were a noddin • • 10

. . . French Air • . 4 MADDIS.OJ'I •••• German Air • . 4 SA RTtN 1 •••• •• Venetian Air . . 3 MAYBBlCK .... Sicilian Air .. 4 32

Page 77: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT P 'a les Total 703 (~uadrilles, ~c . . Les Carrillons, • • Baker. . 8

6 Waltzes, • . Peile .. 11 Lord Me Donald's Reel • . 6 25

704 Overtures, ~ .•• Oscar and · Maivina • . 7 Lodoiska . . 4

VoiGT •••.••••• Pria chela lmpegno . . 3 MA Y.BRI CK •••• Favorite Rondo . . 4 CoPELA l"o •••• March . . 4 Hebrew Rondo, no Title . . 3 Rondo for P.F., ditto . . . . 5 30

705 Y e spotted Snakes~. Glee • •. • • 6 No longei'tlie sound· • • • • 3 Granby; the brne; . Duet • •. . COGke •• . -3 D£viENNE •••• PotPourri for the Flute . • 8 20 .

706 Opera .....••.. The Prophet . • 45 45 C 707 Before Jehovah's awful throne, arr. by Clifton .• 4

Come up the Hill,_ • • Wade •• 6 Hear me, oh hear me, . . God be. • 6 Huntsma•s-t1bon.s; . . Sola.. 7 Maid·,of Valdamo;. . . Field •• 4-Ditto; . Duet• • . • . ditto 4 31

C 708 SoNGs, &.c . ..•• Lover's Address, . • Logan .. 6 Molly Carr, . • Phillips.. 6 Och· in Ballycrag.. Town,

Cutler •• 4 0 1er Vale and Mountain,

Sola •. 4 Love's doubts • • Cooke •• 9 Lo..e's ~; • . do. 7 36

C 709 •••• Love ·~'6;e~; .··. Magrath •• 6 0 not ·wbm·ho~ . • MeYes.. 6 0 remember. Wfteir. • • Cooke. . 5 Of aJl · tbat·e'~: • . Barnett.".. 5 22

~ • • 'lo I

C 710 •••• O _morning JigJit,. • • Cutler •• 2 O'h ! · wllait• a· wa.yward.

Barnett .. 3 Papl!ian Fro~; . . Roche . . 3 SUD or Cloud'S, • . Sola •• 5 Wllen tbe·.lli,. . . Smith • . f) ' WO.nllr's Charms, . . Alee. . 6 2:>

Page 78: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


LOT Platrs Tutal C71l HAYDN .•• , •• ORATORIO, THE CREATION,



wouos, bv S. WEBB£, Jun. . 202 202

C712 --- ...•..•. THE SeAsoNs ARRANGED FOR VOICE & P.F. by CLEMENTI;

'( : "trl 'h' • ,.

4 Nos. • . 192 192 /2.


713 Vocal Music .•.. Dibdin, Blow high, blow low, arranged by Clifton

Off we go • • ditto The Island, . . ditto True courage, • . ditto Poc.r Tom, . . ditto The Whig Gallery, . . ditto.

714 " L I I . h h I I . -----.... ove y woman . . w1t t t'e.. m a . Bumper!!! Bacchanalian Song, Words by Empson, Music by Stansbury

F~well thou deu Country, •. Stansbury Emily, Glee for 4 voices, • • Cutler There is an Eye, • • Akers

715 - ·---•••• •• If like thy Lute-thy heart should be," an answer to my Heart and Lute,

Akers Take these sweet Flowers, . . ditto The Response, . . Cutler My Lady Love, . • ditto How I have loved thee, as Duet, by

Clifton, Melody and Words, by W.F. Collard

716 •.•• The Wreath of Pearls, a Ballad,. Haigh My Mother used to say, • • Percival When the Moon stands on tiptoe, Duet

arranged by Clifton 717 RIES, (Ferdioand),.Grandes Variations, Concertantes.

am une danse Espagnole Le Fan­dango, pour le P .F. et Violon

Page 79: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo








Harp ftlusic,~c • . Die Wiener in Berl in, Rondol~>tto for Harp, . . Holst

I dole• pensieri di Caraffa, .ditto, do. Grand Fantasia en pot pourri, for Hp. &

Flute,in which is introduced the cele­brated R omance in Teobaldo e Isolina, &c. &c.

Quadrille.5 . • •• •. 3rd set by W. Calk in 2nd set by Aken;

MEv E llBI::ER •• • Aria, D'una Madre dispcrata, from ll Crociato, arranged for Hp. & P .F. with Fl. accpt. by Holst

BELLINI ••••... Cavatina, Tu vedrai Ia sventurata, with Var. for Harp, by Holst

P. F. DuETS .•• Introduction and Norwegian Air with Var. .. .. .. Haigh

Ditto and Air, "\Vhen wars alarms," do. Grand Duet from II Crociato, •• Taylor Bridal Song, Freiscbutz, arranged by

Cutler WEI PPERT (Neb!on),First Capriccio for P. F. with fa­

vorite Air, from Herold's Opera Zampa

PA an v ......... Song and Chorus, (< His name will never die," performed at the Dinner given to Clementi

Go DB E •••••••• 11 Graziose, Air with Var. WE 1ss .•...•••. Introduction & Troisieme Theme Varie

en style de Fantasie pour F1ute avec accompt de P. F.

724 MILITARY Music, IN PARTS, BY ELEY, No. 1. March Moderato

2. Cavatina 3. Harmonio11s Blacksmith 4. Di Piacer 5. Duet in D.oo Giovanni 6. Zitti, Zitti, piano, piano 7. Sbort Troop

God preserve the Emperor, and Portu­guese Hymn, for 2 Violcos. by Eley

Page 80: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

80 LOT

725 Duet, (Finale) from 11 Crociato, as Duet for ·Hp. &. P.F. Fl. accpt,

Duet from La Dame Blanche, for 2 Violcos. Farewell, (Words by Lord .Byron), Duet, for 2 Voices,

by Akers 726 AM OPERA, I M PIANO FoRTE ScoRE, BY C. E. HoRN/~ J


727 The patent Type Blocks for . publishing the BEGGAR's ·0PE.IlA

il28 Ditto. for .K.alltbrenuer's Theme .Allemande Bwrowes, O.vert. to Ia Clemenza, Duet Kirmair, Manly Heart


.729 .Ditto for Mozart's Air, No. 21 or 49 C~erny, .Bohemian Theme Cbaulien, Tyrolean Air .0..-lblt- to.U :Berbiere

. 130 'Ditto'for ·Meseheles, :a.ondo in B b DittoinG

·Di~to in D ·731 Ditto for Bunten, Weigl's. Swiss 'Family, · Duet

Rondinos, lst and 2nd set 732 Ditto for Beethoven, Sonata, Op. 53

· Chaulieu, Overt.. Il.Barbiere, Duet 733 Ditto for Cardon, Ah vo~ dirai je

Czemy, Ah come rapida Herold, Air de Danse

734 Ditto:for·Czemy, Impromptus, Op. 36 . ,•Pay~r, , Rondo, Militaire

.. Ditto, .Brillante •

Page 81: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


8 1



740 Three Military C Fifes, l B key ; 4 do. 3 tips; 5 tipt 5th Flutes, l B key ; one do. 1 silver key; and one B ditto, 4 brass keys

741 One plain B Flute, 1 key ; 2 tipt C Flutes, 4 silver keys; and 5 ditto, I B key each

742 One tipt Cocoa 8ve Flute, silver key ; one ditto, 4 B keys; 4 Piccolo Flute, one B key ; anti one ditto, silver key

743 One large double Flagelot, brass keys 744 One ditto, silver keys 145 One tipt Colinet, silver key ; 2 tipt Flageolets, l silver key;

one do. 2 silver keys ; one do. 4 B keys, and 3 others 746 One Walking Stick Flute; one Flute Flageolet, 4 B keys 747 A CuaiNaT, 14 B keys, Muller's patent 748 A ditto, 10 silver keys, Gutteridge's Patent • 749 Three ditto, 16 brass keys, ditto 750 Five ditto, 10 ditto, ditto 751 Five ditto, 10 ditto, ditto 752 Five ditto, 10 ditto, ditto 753 Five ditto, 10 ditto, ditto 7 54 Six ditto, 10 ditto, ditto 755 One ditto, 13 B keys, and one ditto, 14 ditto 756 Olte palmi Clarionet, 7 elastic plug lreys 767 Two plain B ditto, 5 keys; and 2 E ditto, 5 do. 758 Two do. E ditto, 5 keys; and 1 tipt F do. 5 do. 759 One tipt B ditto, 9 keys; 1 E do: 9 keys, and 1 patent

C ditto, 6 do. 760 An Ivory Concert Flttte, 7 nlver keiJs, and silver tip!, Nichol­

son's improved potent 761 A Cocoa ditto, 7 silver keys, ivory tipt, ditto


Page 82: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

8.2 LOT

762 ONE RoYAL KENT BuGLE, 6 KEYS, HA R P ER' s 1:\lPBovEn

763 One ditto, ditto 764 Two ditto, ditto 765 T,,.o ditto, ditto

766 One ditto, 7 keys, ditto i67 One ditto, 7 do. ditto 768 One ditto, 8 do. ditto 769 One ditto, 9 do. ditto 770 One ditto, 9 do. ditto

771 One R oyal Kent Bugle, 6 jlat keys 7i2 Oue ditto, ditto

773 Two ditto, ditto 774 One ditto, 7 ditto 775 One ditto, 'I ditto •.

• •

776 Two Captain Rigge's Bugles 777 Two d itto, ditto

778 Two ditto, ditto 779 A fine toned Violin 780 Tlwee CatJalry Bugles 781 Three ditto . .

782 Three ditto 783 Three ditto 784 Three E b Bugles 785 Three ditto 786 Three ditto

787 Four ditto

788 A pair of French Horm, wit It m!Uler CToob, ·by Smith 789 An inked Violoncello 79() ·A n.NE TONED VIOLONCEI.LO

791 A HANDSOME HARP L uTE, in case

792 A Spanish Guitar, in case 793 A Flute Organ

. . •

. .

Page 83: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

83 LOT

794 A Bird Organ in mahogany case, plays 8 tunes 795 A purfied Violin by Furber 796 ·An inked do. and a purfled foreign ditto 797 Five Kitts (2 purfled) 798 One brass side drnm and bag 799 One wood ditto 800 A FINE OLD VIOLON CELLO

801 T HREl:: R oY AL KENT B uGLES, H ARPER's htPnovEn,

• • • • • •

• • • •

802 Three d itto 803 Three ditto 804 Three ditto 805 One ditto 806 One ditto



807 Two Caplaill R igge's Bugles 808 Two ditto ditto

ditto ditto 809 Two 810 THREE

811 Three 812 Three

CAVALRY BuGLES ditto ditto

813 Three di tto 814 A purfied Tenor by Furber 815 A ditto by ditto 816 Three purfied Violins 817 Eight inked Violins

• •••


• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• •

• •

. . • •

6 E. E\"S

6 ditto 6 ditto 6 ditto 7 ditto 7 ditto

818 One tipt C Clarinet 6 keys; one G do. 6 keys; and one · E do . .

819 One do. E do. 6 keys; and 3 F ditto 820 Two E do. 6 keys ; and 3 B ditto, 8 keys 821 Three B ditto, 8 keys; and 2 ·C ditto, 8 do. 822 Two tipt B Clarinets, 8 keys ; ~nd 3 C ditto, 8 keys 823 One E do. one F do. 8 keys each, and one B 10 keys

? ){ -

Page 84: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo


82-l Ouc n do. !) keys, one do. 10 keys, and one E do. 6 keyti 825 Three rosewood Clarinet Cases, and 4 mahogany do. 826 Six rosewood ditto 827 An inked Violoncello 828 Two Cavalry Trumpets S29 Two ditto 8:30 Four ditto 8.'31 A pair of Concert Trumpds with slides 832 Four Bassoon Trumpet Tops 833 A Cocoa Concert Flute, ivory tipt, ·4 elastic plug keys 834 A Cocoa 3rcl Flute, 8 silver ke1JS, Nicholson's improved p4tent 835 ONE l'vhLITAnY TA~IBOURINE, with Dell 836 Two ditto without do. 837 Three Ladies Tambourines, 16 inch 838 One ditto 16 inch and one 14 im:h 839 Two ditto 12 inch ~40 Two ditto 12 inch 841 Two ditto 16 inch 842 Two ditto 16 inch 843 Two ditto 16 inch 844 FLUTEs. An ivory Concert Flute, 8 silver keys, b'y

Goulding . 845 An ivory ditto, 7 silver keys, Nicholson's improfJed


846 A Tenor Flute, 4 silver keys, and tipt, by Nidwuun

847 A Box Wood Concert Flute, 8 elastic plug keys, by Nicltolson

i48 A ditto ditto by ditto A49 A RICH TONED VIOLIN, BY ROGERIUS 850 A ditto by KLoTz

851 One Ebony double Flageolet, silver keys !:!5'2 One Box wood ditto

Page 85: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

85 LOT

853 One Octave Bassoon, and a Tenor Roon 854 Two Octave Pitch Pipes ; one 5th do. ; 13 Pandean Reeds,

covered ; and 18 common ditto 855 Twenty-five Pandean Reeds, covered, and 8 common do. 856 Two plain rosewood Harmonicons, and 5 mottled ditto 857 One tipt Concert Flute, Boxwood, 1 silver key ; one

Colinet Flageolet B ~eys ; and one Flute Flageolet, 4 s ilver keys

858 Three Metronomes 859 Two RoYAL KEMT BuoLEs, 6 Jt £ 1' 5, HARPER's IMPRovED

860 Two ditto ditto 861 Two ditto 7 keys, ditto 862 Three CAVALRY B tiG L!:S 863 Three ditto 864 Three ditto 865 Three ditto 866 Ttco CmJalr!l Tnnnpels 867 Three ditto 868 Three ditto 869 A pair of Concert Trumpets, with slide . 870 A Kent Bugle, 9 fiat keys; and one Harper's 6 k.ey'd ditto 871 A mahogany Canterbury 872 A ditto 873 Aditto 874 A small mahogany What Not 815 A. rosewood ditto

. .

876 A rosewood Double Harp Desk - · - - · · · 877 A mahogany Canterbury; and Muaic Stool · · · 878 Two Harp Desks 879 ROffWln Violin Stri•gs, 5 Bundles 1st; 8, 2nd ; and 20, 3rd ; .

total 33 Bundles

880--- - - - 33 Bundles, 3rds

Page 86: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

86 LOT

881 Two BuNDLES oF PniNTING DEMY, at per Ream, Printers perfect, 21 ~ qrs.

882 Two ditto, ditto ditto

883 Two ditto, ditto ditto 884 Four ditto, ditto ditto

885 Four ditto, ditto ditto 886 Four ditto, ditto ditto 887 Four ditto, ditto ditto 888 Four ditto, ditto ditto 889 Four ditto, ditto ditto 890 Four ditto, ditto ditto 891. Four ditto, ditto ditto 892 Six ditto, ditto ditto 893 Six ditto, ditto ditto 894 Six ditto, ditto ditto 895 Eight ditto, ditto ditto 896 PIANo FoRTE WrRE, 10 Packets of No.12 Steel, 5lb each

at per lb. 897 • • • • • • •••••••••••.• 10 ditto 12 do. olb do. 898 .. ... •..........•..• . 10 ditto 899 .••••••••••••••••••• • 10 ditto 900 · ••••••••••••••••••• • 10 ditto

................... . 10 ditto

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 10 ditto

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II ditto

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

5 ditto 5 ditto 5 ditto 4 ditto

12 do. 12 do. 12 do. 12 do. 12 do. 12 do. 11 do. 11 do. 11 do. 11 do.

901 902 903

904 905 906 907 908 909

• • ... • •••••• & • ..... .. . 25 lbs. No. 12 Stee~

· · · · · • ............... 28 lb. 12 do 910 .. ......••••.•.•• .• . 12.Ubs 911 ........... ....... ... 23Jb.

11 do. 10 do.

5lb do. . 6lb do.

5lb do. S·lb do . 51b do • 5lb d().

5-lb do • 5lb do. olb do • 5lb do •

at per lb. do. do. do.

Page 87: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

87 LOT 912 PIANO FoRT£ WIRE, 6ilbs. No.9; and 5!lb No. 17 913 ............ ..... ... 5lbs. No. 16; 5lbs. Nos. 11 &. 12;

5 lbs. Nos. 15 8t 16; and 3~lb. sundry Steel Wire

914 ..•.•••••••.•... , ... 20 lbs. of Brass Wire, in Boxes, at per lb.

915 .................... 20 lbs. of ditto do. 916 ............ , ...... 23 lbs. of ditto do. 917 .................... 25 lbs. of sundry Brass Wire do. 918 .•.•••..•••••••••••• 13 lbs. of white Brass W ire do. 919 .................... 71 lbs. No. 13 Copper; 8lbs. No·. 14 920 .................... 8lbs. No. 15 Copper; H lbs.No.16,

do ; · l.!lbs. No. 17 do. 921 A large quan~ity of Steel Wire, at per lb. 922 A ditto, ditto do. 923 SIX SECOND 924 Six ditto 925 Six ditto 926 Eight ditto 927 Nine ditto


ditto ditto ditto ditto


929 Six ditto BuGLES ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto

930 Six ditto 931 Six ditto 932 Six ditto 933 Seven ditto 934 Sundries 935 Ditto 936 Ditto 937 Ditto 938 Ditto 939 Ditto 949 Ditto


Page 88: LA'PE MUZIO CLEM-ENTI io:ooO oo - CO. bo

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Mr. WATSON!t4•',j.~ '~ ·o_r .... . . . tltiu ' Ae is

P"9.,il~for &Ie tie Val.iable'Pi.VIled·Si()ck belongilig to tire ldJe, ..Htwa C?f ~ &r Co. (JtOt CORtciiJeed i1t this Cidalogile) i" W.,hi~li ttJiJJ k foOd tlu Opere. of Ha''/(L•. Mozart. Rom'Oerg. Beeihot>in, &s*i, SptJhr, Aukft BJJUti, Pan-,· Clu:rubim. Gluck, Winter. . . . ~. Wdcr, ~c:. 6!c. aPe ColJedio,. of .Dwu, Tri03, Q!fllrldl•,. . . . • ~jt 1 .._. u; n ·fi•· ••• Wer;b com~«ua atA tAe .&~. ~ td de 6c hlifl# jilr tie roucfJiWHce of pmate indittidtulls m . . well o• tlte Trude.

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