largest customers managing up to 10,000 linux and unix servers 25+% of opsmgr installations are...

park the future. May 4–8, 2015 Chicago, IL

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Page 1: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Spark the future.

May 4–8, 2015Chicago, IL

Page 2: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Platform Vision & Strategy (7 of 7): Linux on the Microsoft Cloud PlatformChris PhillipsMichael Kelley


Page 3: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Cloud Optimized App Platform

Cloud Inspired Infrastructure


Cloud Consistent Service Delivery

Page 4: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Microsoft Azure Stack

Operations Management Suite

Windows Server System Center Microsoft Azure

Cloud Inspired Infrastructure

Cloud Consistent Service Delivery

Cloud Optimized App Platform

Overview Sessions

1 Azure ConsistentService Delivery OverviewMonday 3:15 PM | Room S106

2 Datacenter VirtualizationOverviewTuesday 9:00 AM | Room N227

3 Networking OverviewTuesday 10:45 AM | Room S101

4 Storage OverviewTuesday 1:30 PM | Room S102

5 Security and Assurance OverviewTuesday 3:15 PM | Room S101

6 What’s New in System Center for ManagementTuesday 5:00 PM | Room E351

7 Linux on the Microsoft Cloud PlatformWednesday 9:00 AM Room S104



StorageNetworkingCompute Security




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Cloud Consistent Service Delivery

Page 5: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Microsoft Azure Stack

Operations Management Suite

Windows Server System Center Microsoft Azure

Cloud Inspired Infrastructure

Cloud Consistent Service Delivery

Cloud Optimized App Platform

Overview SessionsAzure ConsistentService Delivery OverviewMonday 3:15 PM | Room S106Datacenter VirtualizationOverviewTuesday 9:00 AM | Room N227Networking OverviewTuesday 10:45 AM | Room S101

Storage OverviewTuesday 1:30 PM | Room S102

Security and Assurance OverviewTuesday 3:15 PM | Room S101

What’s New in System Center for ManagementTuesday 5:00 PM | Room E351

7 Linux on the Microsoft Cloud PlatformWednesday 9:00 AM Room S104



StorageNetworkingCompute Security




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Windows Guests | Linux Guests | Applications

Page 6: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

AgendaLinux at Microsoft: business overviewLinux in your datacenterLinux in the Azure public cloudLinux in the broader Microsoft eco-systemWrap-up

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Microsoft Linux

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Microsoft Loves Linux

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Azure IaaS has runLinux VMs since“day 1” in 2013

Many enterprises and service providersrun Linux as a guest on Hyper-V

Microsoft is committed to Linux


Linux is a real business for Microsoft

Linux drivers for Hyper-V available since 2010

We’ve been at this for a while

Linux and open source is a fundamental part of what we do

System Center manages hundreds of thousands of Linux/UNIX servers

System Center has managed Linux andUNIX servers since 2009

20+% of VM hours in Azure are Linux

Page 10: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

DevOps and Release Mgmt

.NET Core

Big Data and Analytics

Microsoft Azure

System Center


Accelerating engagement across

many Microsoft product

development teams

Broad and deep Linux and open source investment

Page 11: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Private, public, and hybrid cloudPlatform engineered with commonalities for flexibility, consistency

Developmentcode once, deploy VMs anywhere

Managementunified view across premises

Identitysingle sign-on

Virtualizationbuilt in, not an add-on

Data platformanalytics and storage spanning clouds





PLATFORMHeterogeneousLinux is a 1st class citizen alongside Windows

Page 12: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Your datacenter reality

Microsoft “gets it”

You operate Windows workloads

You operate Linux workloads

You just want them both to run great

You want the simplicity of unified systems management

Your Datacenter

Page 13: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

“Winux” datacenter investments

Compute Network Storage Assurance

Huge and continuing investments in compute, networking, and storageInformed by our Azure public cloud experience

Ships as Windows Server, Hyper-V, and Azure Stack

That’s our core datacenter infrastructure

Foundation for Azure as well

Almost everything we’re doing accrues to both Windows and Linux

Your Datacenter

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Linux-specific investments in compute

Linux runs great on Hyper-V

Sophisticated Linux guest features

Standard management interfaces

Microsoft-written Linux Integration Services (LIS) for full Linux guest integration

Core management integration: shutdown, time sync, heartbeat

Generation 2 VMs with secure boot

Networking performance near bare metal, with vRSS and TCP offloads

Dynamic memory

Online backup of Linux VMs: no downtime

Virtual fibre channel

Hyper-V Manager

System Center VMM and Azure Pack


Your Datacenter

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Engagement with the Linux communityMicrosoftdevelopers

Linux communit


Linux kernel main

Customer servers with Hyper-V

Microsoft download center

LIS for Hyper-V

LIS for Hyper-V

Customer in



Linux distro w/LIS

Your Datacenter

Distro vendors

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Open source operating systems: FreeBSDRuns great on Hyper-V, like Linux and Windows

Your Datacenter

Serves as a base OS for virtual appliancesNot seen as a general purpose OS for enterprise workloadsAppliance vendors are quickly migrating from physical to virtual

Engage and participate in the FreeBSD community

Microsoft recently made a committer to the FreeBSD kernel for Hyper-V support


Page 17: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Linux systems management: today

Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers

25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX in addition to Windows

ConfigMgr penetration growing quickly

“We are running SC OpsMgr to monitor

our Windows environment and now we are going to try to implement

UNIX/Linux as well.“

“We currently have SC OpsMgr

monitoring our Windows servers

and our UNIX team would like to leverage OpsMgr for their servers.”

100,000’s of Linux/UNIX servers managed by System Center

Your Datacenter

Page 18: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Linux in System Center: increasing momentum

Linux/UNIX In OpsMgr

Initial development

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20152014


JEE in OpsMgr

Linux/UNIX in ConfigMgr

Linux Endpoint Protection in ConfigMgr

Linux in VMM

Linux in DPM

Apache and MySQL in OpsMgrShippingPreview

Your Datacenter

Page 19: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Linux-specific investments in System Center

System Center provides a unified view• Common infrastructure manages Windows, Linux, and UNIX• Single console and operational procedures for Windows, Linux, and UNIX• Linux and UNIX capabilities are a standard part of the product: not an add-on

Linux/UNIX agents are open source

Windows Linux UNIX

Windows Linux UNIX

Windows Linux

Windows Linux

Managing a broad range of Linux configurations




(Any hypervisor)

Private Cloud


Public Cloud(Hyper-V)

Your Datacenter

Page 20: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Linux systems management: open source

Operational monitoring of open source LAMP stack Apache Web Server MySQL Database

Tomcat JBoss/Wildfly

Operational monitoring of Java application servers

Plus Oracle WebLogic and IBM WebSphere

Your Datacenter


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Linux systems management: PowerShell DSCPowershell DSC for LinuxConfigure Linux OS’s; manage installed packages, file contents, services, users and groups; etc.

Detect and repair configuration drift

Manage Linux configuration with familiar PowerShell interface and DSC syntax


Linux in a Microsoft



Commonality across Windows

and Linux is most important


Commonality across Linux

environments is most important

Use your favorite open source tools

Your Datacenter

Available now!Download from the Microsoft download center

Source code available on GitHub

Page 22: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Customer case studies

Granite Construction Florida AtlanticUniversity

Hostway Korea

Cornelsen Verlag

Allianz Australia Ltd.

“Having first-class Linux support in our Hyper-V host

servers gives us great flexibility … within a

common private-cloud infrastructure.”

”What’s nice is that we can manage our entire

environment, including Linux-based virtual

machines, from System Center.”

“Instead of maintaining two virtualization environments [for Linux and Windows], we

can maintain just one, Hyper-V.”

Your Datacenter

Page 23: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Demo:Running and Managing Linux in Your DatacenterMichael Kelley

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Public Cloud reality

Microsoft “gets it”

You operate Windows workloads

You operate Linux workloads

You just want them both to run great

You want a single management interface for both

Public Cloud

Page 25: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

New worldwide datacenters and infrastructure

Hybrid Services:On-premises and Azure together

New PaaS Services

Azure investments: for Windows and Linux

Huge investments in new Azure capabilities

Public Cloud

New IaaS VM Features

North Star: new features work for Windows and LinuxNew VM sizes: “G” seriesHigh performance storage: “DS” seriesAzure backup of VMsAzure site recoveryHPC workloadsVM extensions for scripting, regaining access, OS patching; etc.

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as a Service (“Iaas”) VM

Azure IaaS: “Give me a VM” Public Cloud

Windowsimage fromthe gallery

Linuximage fromthe gallery

Upload yourown Windowsor Linux image

Communityimage fromVMDepot



UbuntuOracle Linux


Page 27: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Azure is an Open Cloud

Dozens of .NET and PHP CMS and Web applications

Bring your own

Via HTMl/JS, cross-platform and native

Ecosystem ProvidedLanguages, Dev Tools and App Containers

CMS and Apps




Microsoft Integrated

Operating systems

Ubuntu, SUSE, OpenSUSE,

OpenLogic CentOS-based

Oracle Linux, CoreOS

Bringyour own



Public Cloud

Page 28: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Azure: big compute and HPCMore broadly accessible, radically

easier, and more cost-effectiveEnterprise ready infrastructureChoice of VM’s—commodity to high-performanceIaaS and PaaS, Windows and LinuxOn-premises, hybrid, and cloud-onlyChoice of job scheduler: grid engine, LSF, PBS, etc.Azure Batch provides job scheduling as-a-service

Public Cloud

• Media transcoding• Rendering• Image analysis and

processing• Builds• Test execution• Fluid dynamics• Monte Carlo simulations• Engineering stress analysis

Existing scenarios

Small orgs with no on-premises servers

100,000’s of VM’s:Do things not previously


New possibilities

Managed Scale Elastic Pay for use

Linux drivers for Infiniband RDMA

in A8/A9 VM sizes coming


Page 29: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Now Azure is offering some services on Linux

Azure PaaS: services running on Linux

Standard Ubuntu Linux images used in Azure datacenters

Configured to meet Azure security, and compliance requirements

Internal Azure operational tools now handle Windows and Linux

Public Cloud

Historically, Azure services have run on Windows

WebApps, HDInsight,

Machine Learning,Batch, Azure AD,

DocDB, SQL Azure,etc.

Azure Operations




Page 30: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Azure SDK and ScriptingFor Windows: PowershellAutomate Azure activities from your Windows computer

For Linux: node.js CLIAutomate Azure activities from your Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X computer

Public Cloud

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Video:Throwback Entertainment

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Demo:Running and Managing Linux in Microsoft AzureMichael Kelley

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.NET on Linux

Full stack server• Runtime (.NET core 5)• Compilers• Libraries

Heterogeneous• Windows• Linux• Mac OS X

Visual Studio Support• Debugging and

deploying to Docker on Linux

Extensions for other IDES/editors• Sublime• Emacs

Open Source• Microsoft committing to

GitHub repo• Contributions accepted,

tested and fully supported• Close collab with Mono

community and Xamarin

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Visual Studio


Team Explorer Everywhere available since 2010Linux clients can interact with Team Foundation Server (TFS)Get/put source code, run builds, do check-ins

TFS and Release ManagementDeploy to both Windows and Linux computersIntegrates with ChefIntegrates with DSC – for Windows and Linux (preview)

Integration with Git repositories

Visual Studio Code: editor for Linux and Mac OS X

Page 35: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

Microsoft Azure Stack

Operations Management Suite

Windows Server System Center Microsoft Azure

Cloud Inspired Infrastructure

Cloud Consistent Service Delivery

Cloud Optimized App Platform

Overview SessionsAzure ConsistentService Delivery OverviewMonday 3:15 PM | Room S106Datacenter VirtualizationOverviewTuesday 9:00 AM | Room N227Networking OverviewTuesday 10:45 AM | Room S101

Storage OverviewTuesday 1:30 PM | Room S102

Security and Assurance OverviewTuesday 3:15 PM | Room S101

What’s New in System Center for ManagementTuesday 5:00 PM | Room E351

7 Linux on the Microsoft Cloud PlatformWednesday 9:00 AM Room S104



StorageNetworkingCompute Security




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Windows Guests | Linux Guests | ApplicationsRelated Linux Sessions1 Compliance and Patch

Management for Linux and UNIX in Microsoft System CenterBRK3471Wednesday, 10:45 AM

2 What's New for Build Automation in Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio OnlineBRK3726Wednesday, 10:45 AM

3 Java on Microsoft Azure: What's New along with Tips, Tricks, and ToolsBRK3480Wednesday, 3:15 PM

4 Deploying and Running Linux and Non Microsoft Solution Stack on Azure BRK3725Wednesday, 3:15 PM

5 Managing Linux and Windows on Microsoft Azure with ChefBRK3722Thursday, 9:00 AM

6 Introduction to Microsoft ASP.NET 5 BRK3735Thursday, 10:45 AM

7 Managing Linux Workloads in Windows Server, Microsoft System Center and Windows Azure PackBRK2464Thursday, 1:30 PM

8 Cross-Platform Continuous Delivery with Release Management to Embrace DevOps BRK3736Thursday, 3:15 PM

9 Virtualizing Linux and FreeBSD Workloads on Windows Server Hyper-V

BRK3453Thursday, 5:00 PM


Linux Application Monitoring and Management with Microsoft System CenterBRK3458Friday, 9:00 AM

Check Out


Running Linux in Microsoft AzureBRK3452Friday, 10:45 AM

Page 36: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

SummaryMicrosoft Linux

Microsoft is continuing a broad and deep investment in Linux and open source

Microsoft is committed to running and managing Linux in your heterogeneous environment

Page 37: Largest customers managing up to 10,000 Linux and UNIX servers 25+% of OpsMgr installations are monitoring Linux and UNIX

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