lastochki/icye-russia work profile 2018 - 2019«volshebniki» (ccd «volshebniki») is located in...

Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019

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Page 1: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range


Work Profile

2018 - 2019

Page 2: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

List of available projects: Youth and children:

▪ Waldorf Kindergarten

▪ Samara Jewish Kindergarten Makkabi-Lauder

▪ Centre of Creative Development "Volshebniki"

Disabilities And Special Needs:

▪ Samara public organisation for the disabled people “Parus Nadezhdy”

▪ Public organisation “Down Syndrome Association”

▪ Samara City Public and non-profit Organisation of Disabled People Using Wheelchairs "Desnitsa Association"

Youth Work:

▪ Lastochki office

Animal welfare:

▪ Animal Shelter “Nadezhda”

Page 3: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Waldorf Kindergarten

The project is open for ICYE, STePS and EVS volunteers

Project aims:

The first Waldorf School was established in

1919 in Stuttgart, Germany. Rudolf Steiner

was not only the author of an idea and school

head-teacher, but also the founder of a special

pedagogical system, therapeutic pedagogy and

medicine, and a whole spiritual school. The

main idea of the Waldorf pedagogical system is

that childhood is a unique period in a person’s

life: it is impossible to consider this age in the

same way as adulthood. It is very important to

give children the opportunity to develop in a

natural way, according to their age and


Today there are 30 Waldorf Secondary Schools

and 60 Waldorf Kindergartens in Russia.

12 years ago, a small group for younger

children was established as part of the Samara

Waldorf Secondary School. There are around

100 children aged 2½ - 6½ years old in the

Samara Waldorf Kindergartens now. All of

them are brought up with love and care in a

warm atmosphere of joy, music, songs,

theatre, stories, and festivals.

The services provided by volunteers contribute

greatly to the creation of a loving atmosphere,

which is so important for these children’s development.

Page 4: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range


▪ Age 18-30.

▪ Motivation and desire to work with children;

▪ Strong communication skills and responsibility;

▪ It is obligatory for volunteers to have creative abilities (e.g.: toy-

making, knitting, crocheting, modelling, etc.);

▪ Previous experience of working with children is welcomed;

▪ Basic knowledge of Russian is required.

Volunteer‘s tasks:

The EVS volunteer will participate in the everyday activities of Waldorf

Kindergarten, including:

▪ Work with children, this may include playing games, toy-making,

reading, painting, music, modelling, theatres, etc;

▪ Assistance in preparation for holidays and festivals;

▪ Assistance to the staff in everyday work;

▪ Think up activities for parents (music,needlework, etc.).

Typical Daily Schedule:

Monday–Friday: 5-hour working day (can be adjusted during the project);

Saturday–Sunday: days off.

8.30 – 9.00 - assistance in meeting children;

9.00 – 11.10 - participation in morning games, musical performances,

rhythmic games with children, assistance in toy-making (all toys in Waldorf

Kindergarten are made by children and teachers);

11.10 – 12.30 - walk with children;

12.30 – 13.10 - preparation for lunch, lunch;

13.10 – 15.10 - assistance to the staff, which may include preparation for a

fairy-tail reading, theater performances, watering the flowers, cleaning, etc;

It’s also possible to work during the second part of the day;

Every day is dedicated to a different kind of activity or festival. The

volunteers' tasks and schedules will be adjusted accordingly.

Page 5: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Samara Jewish Kindergarten Makkabi-Lauder

The project is open for ICYE, STePS and EVS volunteers

Project aims: Project activities:


▪ Spoken Russian is obligatory at the very least;

▪ Motivation and desire to work with children;

▪ Experience of working with children;

▪ Leadership skills;

▪ Age 18-30.

Volunteer‘s tasks:

▪ Organisation of workshops (language, dance, sports, handicrafts,

theatre, etc.);

▪ Active participation in the activities of the project;

▪ Organisation of outdoor activities for children.

Samara’s Jewish Kindergarten Maccabi - Lauder was founded in

Samara in 1995. The aim of the educational program is

the moral and psychological development of children.

The children are taught to respect Jewish traditions and customs.

To provide an educational program that meets the particularities of the

children's ages and develops their mentality and skills according to their

abilities. The methods are very diverse. The main forms are teaching

through games and visual material.

Page 6: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Centre of Creative Development "Volshebniki"

The project is open for ICYE and STePS volunteers

Project aims: Project activities:

The Centre of Creative Development

«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide

education and a safe space for children of a wide range of ages to spend their

time while their parents are working. The CCD «Volshebniki» started in

November 2006 and has two branches which are located in nice, safe areas of

the city near big parks.

The teachers there care for and educate about 80 children aged between 1 and

15. The children generally have demanding timetables from their state

schools and come to our Centre in their free time for 3-4 hours a week.

We offer the children a safe place where they can use their free time

productively. One of the aims of our work is to support children with learning

difficulties and disabilities and to provide good-quality education to children from

low-income households. These children are taught for free or for a small fee to

cover the cost of the staff at the Centre.

Volunteers will work with children aged between 2 and 15, mainly in after-

school (/after-kindergarten) groups. S/he will help the children with school

projects, organise their free time and lead masterclasses in accordance with

his/her abilities and interests. S/he will

also participate in organizing different events for the children and for the staff.

We are willing to offer our volunteers the opportunity to learn how to

organise leisure time activities and we will also show them different methods

for working with children of different ages. We would also appreciate help

with languages activities. We want to give our volunteers space for their own

activities and ideas.

Page 7: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range


▪ Age 18-30 (flexible);

▪ Knowledge of Russian is welcomed, but not essential;

▪ Motivation and desire to work with children, strong communication

skills, power of observation, responsibility;

▪ Previous experience of working with children is welcomed.

Volunteer‘s tasks:

▪ Preparing small activities for breaks or free time between lessons;

▪ Preparing different events;

▪ Playing with children during breaks and when the teachers need to

work alone;

▪ Assisting teachers in the classroom and following the lesson plan;

▪ Helping teachers prepare classes and workshops;

▪ Acting as a responsible adult and maintaining discipline;

▪ Interacting with children through games, songs, drawings lessons and


▪ Having direct contact with the children;

▪ Being a role model;

▪ Helping clean up the class room, playroom and corridor after sessions.

Typical Daily Schedule:

Monday, Wednesday

14.00-20.00 work with children aged 5-14

(school preparation, arts and crafts, foreign languages, robotics, club for

teenagers, work with children with learning difficulties);

14.00-15.30 preparation for the working week, briefing and meeting for staff

and volunteers, work with office equipment, printing out worksheets for the

children, preparation of craft materials for the children, rehearsals for shows

and festivals, preparing and organising visual aids and hand-outs for the


15.30-15.50 afternoon snack;

15.50 -16.00 children’s meeting;

16.00-16.50 helping the teachers with classes;

16.50-17.00 dismissing one group/greeting another;

17.00-19.00 helping the teachers with classes;

Page 8: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

19.00-19.50 participating in the meetings of the club for teenagers

(robotics, workshops, board games, teatime);

19.50-20.00 (20.15) tidying up after the working day together with the


Tuesday, Thursday

(10.45) 11.00-17.00 work with children aged 2-8 (early development, school

preparation, English, lego workshops);

11.00-11.45 helping the teachers with early development classes for

children aged 2-3;

11.45-12.00 games with the children, helping to care for and supervise the


12.00-12.40 helping the teacher with lego-construction/art workshops;

12.40-13.00 games with the children, helping to care for and supervise the


13.00-14.00 helping the teacher in groups with children with special

developmental needs;

14.00-14.20 tidying up after classes;

14.20-15.00 lunch break;

15.00-17.00 helping the teacher with classes for younger schoolchildren.

Friday or Saturday

10.00-16.00 work with children aged 4-10

(preparation for school, arts and crafts, study of a foreign language);

10.00-10.40 helping the teacher in arts and crafts classes;

10.40-11.00 games with the children, helping to care for and supervise the


11.00-12.50 helping the teacher in school preparation classes;

12.50-13.00 games with the children, helping to care for and supervise the


13.00-13.30 helping the teacher with classes;

13.30-14.00 lunch break;

14.00-15.50 helping the teacher with classes;

15.50-16.00(16.15) tidying up after classes.

Page 9: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Samara public organisation for the disabled people

“Parus Nadezhdy”

The project is open for ICYE, STePS and EVS volunteers

Project aims:

Project activities:


▪ Age 18-30;

▪ Tolerant and responsible;

▪ Motivation and desire to work

with disabled children;

▪ Basic knowledge of Russian

language is welcomed.

Volunteer‘s tasks:

▪ The volunteer will participate

in the general activities of the

Samara Public Organisation

Samara Public Non-profit Organisation for Disabled People "Parus Nadezhdy" was

established in 2001. It is affiliated to the Samara Regional Public Organisation of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled.

Their mission is to provide integration for disabled children in the region of Samara into society and to promote the ideas of an independent life philosophy and a social

approach to disability.

The main goals of the project are to protect the rights and interests of disabled children, to provide disabled children with equal opportunities to participate in all

spheres of social life, to integrate disabled people into society.

▪ Providing disabled children and

their families with social and psychological support

▪ Organizing and conducting conferences, seminars and lectures

on the problems facing the disabled children

▪ Cooperating with other public organisations dealing with similar


▪ Revealing children’s creative and intellectual abilities

Page 10: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

for Disabled People "Parus Nadezhdy";

▪ Communicating with disabled children at the center or at home

twice a week, providing them with moral support and physical


▪ Working with children. This may include reading, drama, sports, etc.

Revealing their creative abilities is important;

▪ Implementing a club for children, the aim of which will be to tell

them about the history, culture, customs and traditions of the

volunteer’s native country.

Page 11: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Public organisation“Down Syndrome Association”

The project is open for ICYE, STePS and EVS volunteers

Project aims:

Project activities:

The activities of the organisation are focused on:

▪ protecting disabled children’s rights;

▪ participating in expanding laws and other juridical acts related to the

rights of the disabled;

▪ providing psychological support to children and their families;

▪ consulting families on the questions of disabled children’s rights;

▪ providing information on the rehabilitation and medical treatment of

disabled children;

▪ creating a library of specific literature;

▪ make up seminars and training for parents and specialists;

▪ think up leisure time for disabled children.


▪ Aged 18-30;

▪ Motivation and desire to work with children with Down syndrome;

▪ Tolerance and patience;

▪ Creativity and new ideas;

▪ Knowledge of English and Russian is very welcomed;

▪ Experience of working in the spheres of psychology and education is

also very welcomed.

In our country the diagnosis "Down syndrome" turns out to be a verdict which leads

to the loss of parents in most cases. Nine out of ten families reject their children immediately. And only five of these nine live more than one year. Only 10% of

children with Down syndrome live in families. The rest of them are raised and educated in orphanages.

Some families did not want to put up with this situation and decided to establish a public organisation of parents and speech therapists. The mission of this

organisation is to protect the rights of the disabled as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Page 12: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Volunteer‘s tasks:

Volunteers will help in the kindergarten where children with Down Syndrome

attend alongside other children without the condition. Tasks will include:

▪ One on one support for children with Down Syndrome;

▪ Supporting the kindergarten’s teachers in the carrying out educational


▪ Aiding children’s development through a play;

▪ Helping children with practical tasks such as changing and eating;

▪ Leading activities on topics that interest the volunteer and are relevant

to the project, e.g. musical workshop, session about home culture etc.

Typical Daily Schedule:

▪ Monday – Friday from 08:30 till 14.00 (an hour lunch break);

▪ Saturday, Sunday - days off;

▪ 08.30–12.30 – helping with breakfast, playing with children;

▪ 12.30- 13.30 - lunch break (helping the children eat);

▪ 13.30- 14.00 - assisting the staff with tidying, planning the activities of

the next days.

Page 13: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Samara City Public and non-profit Organisation

of Disabled People Using Wheelchairs

"Desnitsa Association"

The project is open for ICYE, STePS and EVS volunteers

Project activities: Project aims:

«Desnitsa Association» cooperates with

the local government, profit organisations and the media to achieve social programs

and to adapt the environment for disabled people and break stereotypes about

disability. We also collaborate with Russian and foreign non-profit

organisations to promote ideas of independent living, as well as a social

approach to disability and to unite forces

with everyone who is interested in the establishment and development of the

voluntary movement.

Our target groups are disabled people of

different ages and with any kind of disabilities, including disabled children,

their families. It also includes NGOs and the wider community.

Project activities:

▪ providing disabled people with legal assistance, advocating their

legitimate rights and social benefits;

▪ providing services for disabled people to achieve their overall


Samara Non-governmental Organisation of Wheelchair Users Desnitsa Association was

established in 1997. It is affiliated with the Samara Regional Public Organisation of the

All-Russian Society of the Disabled.

Their mission is to help integrate disabled

people in the Samara region into society and to promote ideas of independent life

philosophy and a social approach to


Main goals of the project are protecting of

the rights and interests of disabled people, providing disabled people with equal

opportunities to participate in all spheres of social life and integration of disabled people

into society

Page 14: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

▪ raising awareness of disabilities in order to secure the civil rights and

observe the legitimate interests of disabled people.


▪ The volunteer must be interested in the subject of disabled people.

▪ S/he should be motivated to participate in many different activities

and willing to take a lot of initiatives him/herself.

▪ S/he should be patient, creative, and enthusiastic.

▪ S/he should be willing to work with the disabled and it is important to

create new activities based on his/her experience of intercultural

education. Desnitsa would like to cooperate with other organisations

with similar activities of helping the disabled and fighting for their

rights and inclusive education.

Volunteer‘s tasks:

Example of weekly activities:


10:00-13:00 - Participation at the general staff meeting: weekly report on

the activities; volunteer’s report on the problems in the families of the

disabled people visited and discussion of the possible ways to resolve these

problems; planning the coming week’s activities; general information about

the activities of the organisation, tasks of each participant,

14:00-17:00 - Work in families (assisting disabled people in their every-day

activities, such as shopping or housework).


10:00 –13:00 - Work with the families;

14:00- 17:00 Work with the families.


10:00 – 13:00 - Assisting the staff in the office;

14:00 - 17:00 - Assisting the staff at the preparation of events planned by

the organisation.


10:00 – 13:00 - Work with the families;

14:00-17:00 - Organizing activities for the disabled (visiting theatre or



10:00 – 13:00 - Work in the families;

14:00-17:00 - Assisting the staff in the office;

Saturday and Sunday – days off.

Page 15: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Lastochki office

The project is open for ICYE, STePS and EVS volunteers

Project aims:

▪ to assist the development of youth policy and youth movements in


▪ to promote the region of Samara to young people and to youth

organisations all over the world;

▪ to motivate and unite young people from various cultural,

political and national backgrounds.

Project activities:

Samara Regional Non-governmental Youth Organisation "Lastochki" was established

in 1997 by young members of the United Nations support group in Samara. In

November 2001 the NGO "Lastochki" was accepted as an Associate Member of ICYE

Federation. International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE) is an international non-

profit youth exchange organisation promoting youth mobility, intercultural learning

and international voluntary service.

We see our mission in the promotion of international volunteerism in Russia by

means of our long- and short-term projects.

The volunteer will work hand in hand with the Lastochki staff and assist them in

their daily activities in the office. The volunteer helps the staff in issues linked to

international youth exchange and voluntary programs such as public relations,

quality improvement, project management, crisis management, partnership

building, etc. The volunteer will be involved in many working processes like

planning, assisting, participating, etc. The volunteer will assist the staff with

managing of trainings for long term and short term volunteers coming from the

programs of the ICYE Federation. This will enable her/him to gain experience in

the running of international youth activities. The volunteer's learning and service

experience will be documented.

Page 16: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range


▪ open to communication with new cultures and learning other

languages which are very different from the volunteer’s own;

▪ creative, friendly, energetic and ready to adapt to a new environment;

▪ a good command of English as well as PC literacy (Word, Excel) will be

of use

▪ at least basic Russian is required.

Volunteer‘s tasks:

The long term volunteer will support and assist the staff in the following


▪ make and conduct trainings for long and short term volunteers;

▪ internet research on possible fund raising;

▪ updating Lastochki National/Work profiles as well as Lastochki web


▪ and social network pages;

▪ assisting the Active group in creating a regular Newsletter;

▪ assisting in the development of Lastochki posters and information


▪ helping the staff to organise meetings for local volunteers, mentors and

host families;

▪ general office tasks.

The volunteer will be working in Lastochki’s office, interacting with the

staff, active members and most local volunteers we have. The working

hours will be flexible. Normally it is 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday. We expect the volunteer to be creative and responsible, and we give

him/her lots of freedom in making his/her own working schedule which may be different from the standard working day. The working languages

are Russian and English. The volunteer will be supervised by one of the staff members. Lastochki will provide him/her with a mentor outside the

Lastochki office. The volunteer is very welcome to propose an individual


Page 17: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Animal Shelter “Nadezhda”

The project is open for ICYE and STePS volunteers

Project aims:

Project activities:


▪ experience of working with dogs;

▪ volunteers should not be afraid of needles (or they should be willing to

overcome this fear);

▪ a knowledge of basic veterinary principles would be very welcomed;

▪ any practical skills in the treatment of injuries, intravenous therapy,

vaccinations and sterilizations would be very welcomed;

▪ good communication skills;

▪ ability to use a hammer;

▪ practical skills in reconstruction Knowledge of Russian is very


The animal shelter “Nadezhda” (Hope) was founded in 2011, and it looks for homes for abandoned and homeless animals. At the moment, the shelter

houses 130 dogs and 30 cats.

It aims to treat and train these animals as well as to raise awareness through

local events and the media.

The shelter provides necessary medical help, treatment for fleas and worms,

and vaccinations against infections and rabies. Females are always sterilized. The shelter also interacts with the trapping service to remove puppies and

dogs with owners from the compound. We use both online and printed advertisements, as well as outreaching work in villages, to help find homes

for our animals. We also work actively with the media: our animals have been featured in newspaper articles and television reports.

Page 18: Lastochki/ICYE-Russia Work Profile 2018 - 2019«Volshebniki» (CCD «Volshebniki») is located in Samara and aims to provide education and a safe space for children of a wide range

Volunteer‘s tasks:

▪ Dog walking and training;

▪ Assistance with medical treatment;

▪ Organizing social and awareness-raising events;

▪ Assistance with building maintenance and reconstruction;

▪ The shelter’s staff members work from 10.00-17.00, but volunteers

can start a little later, at 12.00.