lathyrism allahabad 1884

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  • 7/29/2019 Lathyrism Allahabad 1884



    O F T H E




    A N ' D E D ITE D B YF . H. FI S a ER, H .A., LO N D .,

    AN DJ . P . H i:\V K T T ,B O T H O F T H E B E N G A L C I V I L S E R V I C E .

    A L L A H A B A D :P S O V 1 . N C E S A N D O U D H C y T l S . V K I S I P B E S S .

    1 8 8 4 .

  • 7/29/2019 Lathyrism Allahabad 1884


    MEDICAL. V " ' "^T he mortality from fever in the whole district du ring 1SSO was 20 2 perthousan d, the provincial averag e being 23 11 . In t l e city of Allahabad it wasonly 16-8.D r. Jones, formerly C ivil Surgeon of Allahabad, writes : " T he diseases

    of this district are those prevaili ng gen erally over the province, and in-deed over the greate r par t of In dia . T he chief of them are interm ittent andrem ittent fevers, diarrhoea, dy sen tery , and colic. Skin diseases of all kinds ,especially those of a para sitic cha racte r, are exceedingly comm on. V enerealcomp laints, rheum atism , ulce rs, diseases of the eyes and ears, form a v erylarge proportion of the ailments of the district. Chest complaints are very gene-ral in the winter months, and th^y are not unfreqiient at all seasons of the year,particularly phthisis and bronchitis." T he only endemic disease tha t I know of in this district is paralys is ofthe lower extrem ities, caused, it is supposed, by eat-N nmerous cripple in . 0 . , , . " .south of district. in g ka sa ri dal \Lothyrus sativua). I t exists both inyo un g and old, and does not ap pear to be benefitedby trea tm ent. I t is for th most part confined to men , but exists alsoin women. *I t prevails almost entirely in two par gan ahs , Brah andAleja, where kasari ddl used to be extensively cultiva ted. T he poorer culti-va tors are the mos t afflicted w ith it. I t does not app ear to affect the ge ne ralhea lth or shorten life, as some of those atH icted have been suffering for m anyyear s. T here are instance s of the affection con tinuin g for 50 years or more. I tis the locomotive functions only tha t are deranged ; sensition is unaffected. T hefunctions of the bladder and bowels and those of generation are also unaffected.Its geographical not confined ta this district, but extends to the ilirzapurand Banda districts and Rewah (where also it is attributed to the same cause),and prevails only in localities where kasri ddl is consumed. I ts characterist icsare those well known in other countries as a special paralysis, the result of thecontinued use of Lathyrus sativua, and there can scarcely be a doubt that this isits true cause. T he disc ontin uanc e of the use of the g rain does not cure it.Some perman ent change in th e nervous t issue seems to take place. 1 am not

    J T h e d i s e a s e i s t h u s d e s c r i b e d b y D r P e a k in i n t h e j f o r t h - W e s t e r n P r o v i n c e s C e n s e s K e p o r t ,1 8 8 1 : " T h e i n h ab i t an t s o f B ra h am i K .h * i r ag a rh a r e a f f l ic t ed \vT th~7 v e r y p r ev a l en t an T s e r i o u a fo r m o f n e r v o u s d i s eas e , a ' s p as t i c ' p a r a l y s i s eh a r a o i e ru ed i - y a pe< iu l< a r g : i u : t h e f ee t ap p ea r jt o c l e a r t h e g r o u n d , h i l e t h e t o e s fi ud u U t a e l e . m f v t y i m q u a l i t y , f t h e g r o u n d . T h e b o d y ji s b e n t f o r w a r d a n d p r o g r e s s e s w i t h a U C K I U k i n d it m o t i o n ; i i e l o ^ s , w h u h a r e s i i u i n l yb eu t f o rw a rd a t k n ees an d h i p , b e i n g c l o s e t o g e t h e r , e s p ec i a l l y a t t h e k n e es , n liie - m an n e r . .an E n g l i s h l ad y w h o s e d r e s s i s w e l l t i ed b ack ;. i h e t o es a r e s l i g h t l y i n i u r i i e d ; : h - rt - i s u ji n c r eas e d r e f l ec t i o n in t h e t en d n s o f t h e m u s c l e s a f f ec t i n g l o c o m o t i o n . T h e ii sea. se i t d u e t o ac h r o n i c i n f l a m m a t i o n o f t h e l a t e r a l c o l u m n s o f t h e s p i n a l c o r u , a n d i t s p a i l i u i ' ^ v h a * b e e af u l l y d e s c r i b e d b y C h a r i o t a n d E r b . I t i s k u o w n a s ' J i r b ' s s p a s t i c p a r a l y s i s ' a u d a s y e t u ot r e a t m e u t h a s h u d a n y b n fi c ia i e f f e c t . "

  • 7/29/2019 Lathyrism Allahabad 1884


    ALLAHABAD.aware of any pathological examination of the special nervp. having been madewith the vio'.v of determining1 the nature of the lesion. T here is an asylum 1ibr the helpless and hon-el'^s from the disease at 31eja, and their generalappearance is that of health v, well-nourished men. T he disease generally occurssuddenlv in the rainv wi.-on. and is not accompanied with active symptoms ;excepting a slight, pain in the knees and loins, and tha t only when an attem ptis made to walk or move. About 4 per cant of the population of arah andJJIeja were affected in 1.861.>fT here are ten G overnment hospitals and dispensaries in the Allahabaddistrict, the names of which are given below. T hetable also shows the expen diture incurred on each oneospitals and dispensaries.during the year 18^1 :

    N ame of dispensar/.

    C!olvin H ospita l, Js t class sadrD riranj 2nd class branchKydganj ditto ... wKatra dittoGovernment Press branch, 1st classC T I HospitalFhlpur Sa d class brandi .. . mHundia 1st ditto .Brah 1st dittoMeja 1st ditto

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    ... ... ~ . . . . . . .

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    Tota l

    Total expendi-ture in 1881.R s. a p .11,865 1 4937 I 61,046 11 41,161 3 226 0 76,131 7 2738 12 107a o 41 15 I86 7 S 1

    24,938 10 7The patients treated at these dispensaries numbered 62,8^2, or 427 per

    cent, of the whole population. T he number of operations performed was 2,862,of which 209 were classed as major operations. At the C olvin H ospital 1.90major and 1,533 minor operations took place. In- door patients are receivedat the C olvin H ospita l and the C ivil H ospital. T hese amounted to 1,188 in 188 1,and are included in the total number given above, all the rest included in thattotal being out-door pa tien ts. T he eye hospital in th e city, founded by D r.H all, and the Liste r H ospital near the railway station, may also be mentioned.They are entirely supported by private charity and municipal grants.'Kept up by the charity of the local rajas and aud-uoiders under the uupervision of theansildar.

  • 7/29/2019 Lathyrism Allahabad 1884


    A L L A H A B A DT he principal proprietary classes are B rahm ans, R ajputs, Knrm s, andLandholder and ten- Mu ?ilm'ins; all those own mo re than 1,000 acre s ofa n t s - land. T he princip al cultivatin g classes are, in theorder of their importance, Brahm ans, R ajputs, Ahrs, Ku rms, Kehhs, K ewats,K vath s, Musalmdiis, and Ban is. T he difference in the soil and the climate

    of the north ern and southern p ortions of the tahsil affects not only the num ber,bu t also the condition of- the ten an try . I n the north , with rood climate andsoil, we find a dense population, ample comm and of manu re and irrigation, highcultivation, and fairly well-to-do cultiv ator s. I n the south , on the other hand,the poorness of the soil necessitates frequent fallows ; irrigation is, as a rale ,unobtainable, except in favoured spots; holdings are large, crops scanty, cul-tivation slack, and the cultivators badly off.T he earlier settlemen ts of the tahs il were made with Ll Israj Sinh ,who was ruja of M anda at the cession. InFiscal historv. . ,Israj bin h mo rtgage d the whole tansil to MotiC hand, a bank er of Benares. O n I sraj Sinh 's death, he was succeeded byhis son, R udr P artb Sinh, a minor. T he Government revenue was thenranch in arrear s, and the Board of Co mm issioners took the property u nde rdirect man agem ent. In 1219 fasli (1811- 12 A.D .) the revenue of the tahsil wasraised to R s. 2,95,025, and from 122 ) to 122 I fasli (A.D . 1812-13 to 1816- 17)the dem and was progressive, risi ng in the latter year to R s. 3,36,604. T hetahsil still continued under direct management, the raja being allowedR s . 2,000 a month for his ma inten ance. T his plan was adhered to till thefourth set t lement, when engagements were taken from Rudr Partb Snhfor R s 3,38,72 5. U p to the end of this settlem ent there was no comp laint ofover-assessment; but the raja, having become extravagant to a degree, and hav-ing neglected his large and valuable estates, was found hopelessly in debt whenMr. Mo ntgom ery began the fifth settlem ent in 1838. T he history of the firstyear o this settlement was a long list of sales, farms, and attachment for arrears.In 1856 a thorough revision was ordered by Government, but the Mutiny put astop to the work, and it was not concluded till 18^0, when, as already mentionedin P ar t II I ., large remissions had to be m ade. T hese remissions amounted torevenue, Rs. 34,721,or 105 per cent ; and mlikna, R s. 7,374, or 15"5 per c en tThe effects of this salutary revision became at once apparent in the decrease offarms, and in the absence of attach me nts or sales for arrear s. O f the cur rentset t lement full detai ls are given in P ar t I I I . , under F I S C A L H I S T O R Y .Meja.The tahsi l i stat ion of parganah Khairgarh; is a small vi l lage, 28miles south-east from Allahabad. Lati tu de 25- 8' -3 G" ; lougitude S2 - 9' - 39 ".


  • 7/29/2019 Lathyrism Allahabad 1884


    GAZETTEER. [Mufti-k-purwa.] 203Population (SSI) 1,412 (0"3 females). I t has an imperial post-office, a first-class police-station, and a first-class branch dispensary (",612 patients iu 1SS2).Its importance is due to its position, almost in the centre of the tahsil, and con-nected with all parts of it by uum etalled roads. H ere is a poorhouse main-tained by the chanty of the local rajas for the wretched cripples so frequentlyfound about here [vide p. 132 ], T here is also a fine tank made as a faminework in 1878, and fed by a sacred spr ing at the foot of a temple, round aboutwhich a considerable fair is held once a year.

    MioharV illage in parganah Karri ; distant 20 miles west from Allah-abad, and 11 south-east from Manjhanpur-P U . Latitude 25 -2 4 /- 40 // ; longi-tude 81- 32'- 54". P opulation (1882) 2,8*9 (1,408 females).Mirzpur Chauhri.Small parganah, lying to the north-east of par-ganah Soron, and forming part of tahsl Soron. Jt consists of only 44 scat -tered villages, two or three of which adjoin the border of the Soron parganah,two or three others adjoin that of the Sikandra pargauab, and the rest form agroup entirely surrounded by O udh territory. T he total area according to thelatest official statement (1881) was 18'9 square miles, of which 1U'5 were culti-vated, 1*9 cultivable, and 6 5 barren .. T he area paying Government revenueor quit-rent was 18*2 square miles (10*2 cultivated, 1"8 cultivable, 62 barren).The amount of payment to Government, whether land-revenue or quit-rent (in-cluding, where such exists, water-advantage, but not water-rates) was R s. 23,754;or, with local rates and cesses, R s. 27.932. T he amount of rent, including localcesses, paid by cultivators was R s. 38,1 63. P opulatio n t,18Sl) 19,178 (9,745females). For further details see S O R O N T A H S L .

    Mirzpur Chauhri.V illage in the parganah of the same name ; dis-tan t 28 miles north-no rth-east from A llahabad, and 15 north-east from Soro n.Latitude 25- 47'-3 0" ; longitude 82 - 3'- 20 ". P opulation (1881) 1,016 (519females). It 3 the parganah cap ital, aud has a local bzr, with an annualtraffic of a value estimated at R s. 2,300. T he place is noted for its manufac-tures in wood. Elliot says in his Glossary (p . 325; :" T he taluka of Mir-zpur Chauhri was formerly in the parganah of Jallpur Bbilkar in iluik-pur , the rest of which sarkr is in O udh. I t has been included in. Allahabadsince the time of Madari Lai, mll."Mohanganj.See G O H R .MotganjSee ALLAHABAD CITY.Mufti-k-purwa or Pura Mufti.V illage in parganah C hai!; distant 11miles west-north-west from Allahabad. Latitude 25 -2 8'- 49 " ; longitude81-43 ' -3". P opulation (1881) 1,746 (914 females). T here is an imperial