latihan soal biologi tes sma rsbi

Direction: Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter a, b, c, or d on the available answer sheet! 1. Which of the following is not a natural phenomenon? a. volcanic eruption c. sea waves b. nuclear war d. typhoon storm 2. O: Understanding the data P: Analyzing data Q: Making conclusion R: Recording data Based on the information above, arrange the scientific research steps in the correct sequence. a. O, Q, P, R c. Q, R, P, O b. P, O, R, Q d. R, O, P, Q 3. Which of the following is not the general characteristic of living organism? a. eat c. movement b. reproduce d. feeling hungry 4. - Live on land or in water - Cold – blooded - Dry and scaly skin The above characteristic describe a… a. reptile c. mammal b. amphibian d. fish 5. Which of the following is not the part of microscope? a. Eye piece c. Mirror b. Fine adjustment d. Slide 6. A statement about a problem that can be tested is …. a. data table b. hypothesis c. science d. variable 7. Factor in an experiment that can change is …. a. data table b. hypothesis c. science d. variable 1

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Page 1: latihan soal biologi tes SMA RSBI

Direction:Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter a, b, c, or d on the available answer sheet!

1. Which of the following is not a natural phenomenon?a. volcanic eruption c. sea wavesb. nuclear war d. typhoon storm

2. O: Understanding the dataP: Analyzing dataQ: Making conclusionR: Recording data

Based on the information above, arrange the scientific research steps in the correct sequence.a. O, Q, P, R c. Q, R, P, Ob. P, O, R, Q d. R, O, P, Q

3. Which of the following is not the general characteristic of living organism?a. eat c. movementb. reproduce d. feeling hungry

4. - Live on land or in water- Cold – blooded- Dry and scaly skin

The above characteristic describe a…a. reptile c. mammalb. amphibian d. fish

5. Which of the following is not the part of microscope?a. Eye piece c. Mirrorb. Fine adjustment d. Slide

6. A statement about a problem that can be tested is ….a.       data tableb.      hypothesisc.       scienced.      variable

7. Factor in an experiment that can change is ….a.       data tableb.      hypothesisc.       scienced.      variable

8. Living organism is able to detect and respond to changes in its environment.a.       movementb.      sensitivityc.       adaptabilityd.      nutrition

9. The function of a mirror in microscope is …………….. as ………a.       allow light to go upward through the diaphragm, the specimen and the lensesb.      support the body tubec.       contains a magnifying lens you look throughd.      hold the microscope slide in place


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11. This statement is suitable with scientific method ….a.       formulate problemb.      suggest a hypothesisc.       collect the datad.      carry out experiment

12. Part of microscope that function to focus the image under low power is …..a.     coarse adjustmentb.    revolving nose piecec.     low power objectived.    fine adjustment

13. The correct proper handling to the flammable substance iis ….a.       keep away from fire and heatb.      avoid direct contactc.       don’t eat, and drinkd.      avoid inhaling the vapour

15. Respiration of living is connected to process of getting energy in this case, oxygen is needed for reaction ….a.       reductionb.      regeneration c.       adaptationd.      oxidation

16. We will do the experiment about the movement of guppy’s operculum. The guppy’s will be put on the water which have different temperatures ( from 270C until 400C ), from this experiment the conclusion is ….a.       the higher the temperature of water the lower or guppy is operculum movement.b.      the lower the temperature of the water the lower guppy’s is operculum movement.c.       the higher the temperature of water, the faster guppy’s operculum movement. d.      the lower of water temperature, the faster guppy’s is operculum movement

17. When we do observation of cells, we use a microscope, to regulate the light quantity of microscope we can …..a.       change the flat mirror intob.      control diaphragm or regulatingc.       put the microscope on the sun lightd.      make down and up of condenser

18 When we turn down the objective lens by using coarse adjustment you can see the object from ….a.       slideb.      upc.       downd.      all side

19. 1. Look through the eye place, open diaphragm2. Adjust the mirror until you can see the light most3. Place the microscope on a plat surface4. Place the slide on the stage5. Turn the microscope to the low objective

From the sentences above, a good way to use a microscope is ….a.       1-2-3-4-5b.      3-1-2-4-5c.       3-2-1-4-5d.      3-2-4-1-5


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20. The way to learn the varieties of living things can be done through ….a.       classificationb.      taxonomyc.       identificationd.      reservation


Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter a, b, c, or d on the available answer sheet!

2. Factors that influence the transportation process from the soil to the leaf is the….a.       root pressure capacity, stem capillarity and respirationb.      stem capillarity, respiration and transpirationc.       transportation, root pressure capacity and respirationd.      root pressure capacity, stem capillarity and absorption capacity of the leaf

3. Hydrotropism is important to plants in order to…a. keep away from sunlightb. absorb water and minerals from soilc. make the photosynthesis works fasterd. release oxygen from water

4. Which of these gasses is released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis ?a.       oxygenb.      rare gasc.       nitrogend.      carbon dioxide

5. Photosynthesis can be proven by the presence of…in the leaf. This is tested using the….Choose the best words for the blanks.

a.                   protein, iodine solutionb.                  starch, iodine solutionc.                   starch, millon’s reagentd.                  starch, benedict’s solution

6. -Bread –Rice –Potato –FlourThe food class that is found in the above foods is…

a.       fatb.      carbohydratec.       glucosed.      protein

7. Which one of these organs is not part of the alimentary canal?a.       mouthb.      anusc.       liverd.      heart

8. One of the following helps to support the human body weight….a.       pelvic girdleb.      pectoral girdlec.       backboned.      limb bones


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9. If you read a book on a very low table, then your backbone bends forward, this condition is called …a.       normalb.      lordosisc.       chyphosisd.      scoliosis

11. The outer part of plant organ that has function to protect the inner part of plant is …a. epidermis b. sclerenchyme c. collenchyme d. xylem

12. If cell guard loses water by osmosis. It will ….a. broke and losing its colour c. be swelled cellb. flaccid and shrink d. grow faster

13. The plant has nictinastic movement is ….a. Lamtoro b. Mimosa pudica c. rose d. banana plant

14. The flower of 4 o’clock will blossom at 4 o’clock because ….a.       the temperature surrounding the flower increases at 4 o’clock b.      the pressure in flower sepal increases at 4 o’ clockc.       genetic factord.      the light intensity is higher than before 4 o’ clock

15. Catabolism is the process of ….a. synthesizing a complex substance c. removal waste substanceb. breaking down a complex molecule d. formation new cells

16. The following organism are heterotrophic organism, except ….a. palm tree b. cow c. snake d. human

17. The internal factor that can influence photosynthesis rates is ….a. metabolism c. light intensityb. water content in the surrounding cells e. temperature

18. One of the example of the reflex movement is …                                              we go to school on foot                                             if you are hungry, you go to the kitchen and take some food to eat                                              our eyelid always blink periodically                                             if you thirsty you go to the kitchen and take a cup of cool water to drink

19. The part of body as a production place of red blood cell is …a. liver b. pancreas c. bone d. brain

20. The joint can move from right place is called …a. rheumatism b. dislocation c. cramp e. muscle injury

22. Exchanging gases into plants body like carbon dioxide and oxygen happen through the …a. lenticels c. cell wall b. stoma d. root hairs

23. Factors that influence the transportation process from the soil to the leaf are ….a.       stem, capacity, respiration, hairs rootb.      root pressure capacity, stem capillarity, respirationc.       root pressure capacity, transportation, respirationd.      absorption capacity of the leaf, stem capillarity, root pressure capacity


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24. The stem of bean plants clamber up other object such as upright a piece of bamboo or wood when the edges clamber up other object. The movement of bean plant above is categorized as movement …

a. Photo taxis c. Tigmotropism b. Hydro taxis d. hydrotropism

25. Root of the plants are unable to absorb organic material, instead, lusted absorb inorganic material, such as micro and macronutrients. The minerals below that include into the micronutrients are ….

a. H2, O2, Zn, Cu c. Mg, Fe, Ca, Bob. H2, O2, P, N2 d. Mg, Bo, Zn, Cu

26. Green plants use the sun energy to produce carbohydrates through the photosynthesis process. The complete of photosynthesis process in reaction is Sunlight energy …

Sunlight energya. 6CO2 + 6H2O ------------- C 6H 12O6 + 6 O2

Sunlight energyb. CO2 + H 2O ------------- CHO + O2

Sunlight Energyc. CO2 + H 2O ------------- C 6H 12O6 + O2

Sunlight energyd. CO + H 2O -------------- CHO + O2

27. Our skeletal system consist of axial and appendicullar bones. The bones below that grouping into the axial the axial bones are ….

a.       Hands, sacrum, and legsb.      Skull, sacrum, and ribsc.       Coccyx, ribs, and legsd.      Vertebrae, ribs, and hands

28. Our seating habit may cause a backbone disorder, If our back bone can also bend to the left or right, the condition is called ……

a. Scoliosis c. Chyphosisb. Fracture d. Lordosis

30. The break down in soluble large molecules of food into the small soluble that can be absorbed by cells is called ….

a. Mechanical digestionb. Digestive glandsc. Metabolism d. Chemical digestion

31. The plant body has some most important main organs as follow ?a.       Root, stem and flowerb.      Root, stem and leafc.       Fruit, seed and flowerd.      Flower, stomata and cortex

32. The root zone which has function to absorb more water from the soil is called… a.       Epidermisb.      Root hairc.       Vascular tissued.      Endodermis


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33. Stomata as a respiration organ of the plant is usually found in…a.       Rootb.      Stemc.       Leafd.      Flower

34. What kind of plant diseases that usually attacks the leaf ?a.       Rose flour dewb.      Mosaic virusc.       Rust diseased.      Bacteria

35. The movement of plant part (organ) to certain direction is usually called ?a.       Nasticb.      Tropismc.       Taxis d.      Nistinastic

36. What is needed in order that photosynthesis process can be going on ?a.       Sunlight, chlorophyll, oxygen and waterb.      Sunlight, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and waterc.       Sunlight, chlorophyll, carbohydrates and waterd.      Sunlight, chlorophyll, oxygen and carbon dioxide

37. What kind of photosynthesis result which is needed by all living things ?a.       Oxygen c. Nitrogenb.      Carbon dioxide d. Sulphur

38. The hinge joint can be found at…a.       Headb.      Elbow c.       Neck d.      Wrist

39. The digestive tract of human being as follow:1. The mouth 2. Small intestine3. Larger intestine 4. The oesophagus5. Stomach

The correct arrangement of digestive tract is as the following:a.       1,2,3,4 and 5b.      1,4,5,2 and 3c.       1,3,2,4 and 5d.      1,5,4,3 and 2

40. The function of food in human body is the following:1.      To produce energy2.      To reform new cells3.      As food stock 4.      To dissolve vitamin B and C

From the statement (above) the function of fat is?a.       1 and 2b.      1 and 3c.       3 and 4d.      4 and 2


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41. In non vascular plant, such as Chlamydomonas (an example of unicellular organism) the gas exchange also occurs in ….

a. Lenticels c. Membrane of cellsb. Stomata d. Cuticle

43. How do the stomata work ….. ?a.       If the guard cell gets water from osmosis, they will become shrink and stomata will openb.      If the guard cell loses water by osmosis, they will become flaccid and stomata will closec.       If the guard cell loses water by osmosis, they will become turgid and stomata will closed.      There is no relation ship between the conditions of guard cell with the stomata

46. An example of taxis movement is ….a.       The roots of orchid plant move to wards wet placesb.      The movement of green algaec.       The stem of bean grows at first then go clamberingd.      The closing movement of the leaf blade of Mimosa pudica

48. Green plants are photoautotroph, because they are ….a.       Depended on the autotrophic organism for their energy and nutritionb.      Able to make organic materials become inorganic material by using the light energy c.       Able to produce organic materials by using the fight energyd.      Not able to produce them selves the organic materials the need by themselves

50. Your seating habit can cause a back bone disorder. When your back bone bend back ward because your table is too high, this condition is called …

a. Lordosis c. Scoliosisb. Chyphosis d. Normal

51. The routes of water and solutes from soil to root xylem consist of two types they are …a. selective and non selective routes c. Intra cellular and non selective routesb. intra cellular and extra cellular routes d. extra cellular and non selective routes

52. The movement of water in the root goes through…a.       root hair - epidermis – cortex – endodermis – xylemb.      root hair – xylem – endodermis – cortex – xylemc.       root hair – cytoplasm – casparian strip – xylemd.      root hair- epidermis – cytoplasm – xylem

53. The “cot” in monocot and dicot refers to the number of ….a. floral parts c. root systemb. main vein d. cotyledons

54. Carrot is one of …. organ in the plant.a. leaf c. rootb. stem d. flower

55. Chloroplast is used for …. as … is used for cellular respirationa. transportation, vacuole c. photosynthesis, mitochondriab. photosynthesis, cell wall d. respiration stomata

56. Nistinastic movement occurs if ….a.       The plant roots make a bending movement when it touches other objectsb.      The movement of the stems which bend toward the lightc.       The flowers which blossoms in the afternoond.      The leaves which close their surface at night


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57. The bending movement of a plant stem caused by phototropism …a.       cannot move back to a previous conditionb.      can move back to a previous conditionc.       can move back to a previous condition but it needs a longer timed.      can move back to previous condition if the humidity is decrease

58. The sources of human food are …a. soil, water, and air c. animals, air, soilb. plants, soil, and water d. plants, animals and water

59. The carbohydrate in green plants is made of ….a. Protein c. amino acidb. lipid d. inorganic materials

60. The carbohydrate in human food is made of …..a. Soil c. airb. water d. plants

61. The main season for people all over the world suggesting that Indonesia should maintain its tropical rain forest is because it …..

a.       produces the wood for the whole world b.      produces the oxygen that is essential for the world c.       is rich with fauna d.      is dispersed all over the Indonesian archipelago

62. Humans and animals can get by themselves the things produced by green plants, except ….a. Water c. proteinb. carbohydrate d. oxygen

63. Green plants get organic matter from ….a.       Fertilizer that come from animals faecesb.      A process made by themselves with help from their chlorophyllsc.       The soil while absorbing the water d.      The air through the stomata of the leaves

64. What purposes of growing Hydrilla in the aquarium with guppy fish inside ?a.       The water becomes clearb.      The fish become happy and grow fastc.       The fish become familiar with the water flushd.      More oxygen from the air becomes dissolved in the water

65. C,H,O and N elements are consumed by green plants in big volumes, because they are ….a. micro-elements c. macro-elementsb. easy to gain every time d. available in big volumes in the nature

66. Our body can stand up because of the existence of the ….a. muscles c. skinb. skeleton d. joints

67. If our hand unintentionally touches a very hot object, automatically we withdraw our hand from the object, because our hand …

a. can move automatically c. uses reflex movementsb. is controlled by our brain d. is a sensitive organ

68. The skull and vertebrate are considered axial skeleton, because they are ….a. A .hard bones c. constructing the body axis

b .large sized d. protecting soft organs


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69. Cartilage mostly can be found in ..a. a baby c. an adultb. a youth d. an elder

70. Lordosis is rarely found in …a. a baby c. an adultb. a youth d. an elder

71. Secondary roots are produced by cell divisions in the …a. root cap b. pericycle c. tracheids d. root hairs

72. Stomata open and close due to changes in ….a. turgor pressure b. internodes c. capillary action d. translocation

73. The response in which roots curve toward water is called …a. geotropism b. photoropism c. hydrotropism d. tigmotropism

74. Leaves show one kind of nastic movement when they ..a. open and close b. fall from treesc. turn yellow d. grow forward sunlight

75. Cereal grains can be stored for long periods of time because they are….a. small b. dryb. high in carbohydrates d. one seeded fruits

76. Legumes are useful in crop rotation because they help supply ..a. weed killer b. nitrogen compoundsc. irrigation d. seeds

77. Energy for muscle contraction comes from …a. osteoctytes b. myosin c. ATP d. actin

78. Muscles that work in opposition to one another are called ….a. skeletal b. oppositional c. antagonistic d. haversian

79. The enzyme ptyalin in saliva begins the digestion of …a. carbohydrates b. fats c. proteins d. minerals

80. Heart and blood vessel disease may result from a diet high in ….a. protein b. polyunsaturated fatb.carbohydrates d. saturated fat

81. In unicellular plant, such as chlorella, the exchange of materials happen through the ….a. Cell wall c. Nucleusb. Cytoplasm d. Cell membrane

85. When we chew boiled rice much longer it will taste sweet it’s because in our saliva consist of enzyme …..

a. Ptyalin c. Pepsinb. Renin d. Trip sin

86. The change of oxygen and carbon dioxide in lungs happens in ..a. Trachea c. Larynxb. Alveoli d. Bronchiole

87. Which of the following statements is not characteristic of the white blood ?a. Have nucleus c. Constant fromb. Through out capillarity d. Vagosite


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89. The mammalian organ which is most similar with function to the contractile vacuole in an unicellular animal is ….

a. Skin c. Intestineb. Liver d. Kidney

90. The part of the nervous cell which receive of the stimulus is …a. Dendrite c. Axonb. Nucleus cell d. Cell body

91. You can see the parts of the root from outside to inside at transversal section there are …a. stele, cortex, endoderm, epidermis b. cortex, stele, endoderm, epidermisc. epidermis, endoderm, cortex, stele d. epidermis, cortex, endoderm, stele

92. The transportation process of the plants are done by ….a. collenchyma and schlerenchyma b. xylem and phloem c. cortex and stele d. epidermis and endodermis

93. Which one below is not include in etionomous movement ….a. tropism b. hygroscopic c. Nastic d. taxis

94. Euglena movement to the light is the movement …a. negative phototaxis b. positif phototaxis c. negative phototropism d. positif phototropism

95. Part of the leaf structure which photosynthesis are being done in it, that is ..a. upper epidermis and lower epidermis b. palisade tissue and spongy tissuec. cuticle d. stoma

96. The result of photosynthesis are…..a. Carbohydrate and oxygen b. carbon dioxidec . water vapour d. chlorophyll

97. The skull and vertebrae are considered axial skeleton, because they are…a. hard bones b. large sizedc. constructing the body axis d. protecting soft organs

98. The human body need … to get energya. movement b. eating c. breath d. grow

99. Which one of these below as a food energy resources ….a. carbohydrate, protein, and fat b. carbohydrate, fat, and mineralb. protein, fat and vitamins d. fat, mineral and vitamins

100. A digestive disorder because eating little food which caused extreme weight loss to the point of damaging vital organs and even death, Is called …a. Anorexia nervosa b. bulimia c. maag d. intestine infection

101. The dicot and monocot stem look different by transversally cut because …a.       The veins the dicot stem are spreadb.      The veins in the monocot stem are in the ringc.       The veins in the monocot stem are spreadd.      The veins in the monocot stem are in group

102. The factors that influence water and minerals go up to the leaf are mentioned below, except….a.       transpirationb.      capillarityc.       root powerd.      leaf power


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103. The movements, which are influenced by external stimulus, are …a.       taxis,nastic, and autonomousb.      taxis, hygroscopic, and endonomousc.       taxis, nastic, tropism d.      hygroscopic, nastic and tropism

104. The stem will move away from the earth. It is …a.       positive phototropismb.      negative tigmotropismc.       negative geotropismd.      positive nictinastic

105. Photosynthesis process produces …a.       oxygen and waterb.      oxygen and glucosec.       carbon dioxide and waterd.      carbon dioxide and glucose

106. From the activity the students get the data below.The ….. 2 minutes

PlaceSunlight Dark

1st 78 102nd 85 123rd 90 14

From the data above, we can conclude that …a.       photosynthesis process will happen faster under the sunlightb.      photosynthesis process will happen faster in the darkc.       photosynthesis process will happen slower under the sunlightd.      photosynthesis does not need light

107. If your elbow extends it means …a.       biceps contracted and triceps relaxed b.      triceps contracted and biceps relaxedc.       biceps and triceps contractedd.      biceps and triceps relaxed

108. The connections between the bones of the skull are categorized as …a.       synarthroses b.      diarthrosesc.       ball-and-socket jointsd.      pivot joints

109. When iodine is dripped onto starch solution, the solution color changes to …a.       brownb.      purplec.       dark red d.      dark blue

110. The passage of food in the digestive tract is…a.       mouth → stomach → oesophagus → small intestine → large intestine → anusb.      mouth → oesophagus → small intestine → stomach → large intestine → anusc.       mouth → oesophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine → anusd.      mouth → oesophagus → stomach → large intestine → small intestine → anus

111. On the plant root, you can see …a. stomata c. hair b. chloroplast d. glands


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112. Transportation process in a plant is …a.       influenced only by the rootb.      influenced only by the leafc.       influence by the root and leafd.      not influenced by the root and leaf

113. Endonomous movement in plants occurs because of …a. an internal factorb. a factor related to temperaturec. a factor of salt contentd. a factor of height

114. Nistinastic movement occurs if …a.       the plant roots make a bending movement whenever touching other objectsb.      the movement of the stem bends toward the lightc.       the flowers blossoms in the afternoond.      the leaves close their surface at night

115. Human and animals can get by themselves the things produced by green plants, except….a. water c. proteinb. carbohydrate d. oxygen

116. The carbohydrates in green plants are made from …a. protein c. amino acidb. lipid d. inorganic materials

117. Our body can stand up because of the existence of the …a. muscles c. skinb. skeleton d. joints

118. Cartilage mostly can by found in …a. a baby c. an adult b. a youth d. an elder

119. Most digestion occurs in …a. duodenum c. liverb. stomach d. large intestine

120. In the …., hydrochloric acid is added to the food mass.a. mouth c. large intestineb. stomach d. small intestine

121. On the plant root, you can see….a.       stomata b.      hairc.       glandsd.      chloroplast

122 You can see the following from the transversal section of a stem, except the …a.       hair for absorbing waterb.      epidermisc.       pithd.      cortex

123. The root function as the following, except…a.       absorbing water from soil c.       for strengthening the plantb.      as a place for photosynthesis d.      as a tool for transporting materials that dissolve in water


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124. The excretion of the result plant metabolism in water vapor from is called …a.       evaporationb.      transpirationc.       guttationd.      transportation

125. In unicellular plants, such as Chlamydomonas, the exchange of materials happen through the …a.       lenticelsb.      stomatac.       cell walld.      stem

126. The transportation process in a plant is …a.       influenced by the root and leafb.      influenced only by leafc.       influenced only by rootd.      influenced by stem

127. The transportation process of water and minerals from the root to the leaf done by the …a.       xylemb.      collenchymec.       phloemd.      schlerencyme

128. Factors that influence the transportation process from the soil to the leaf is the …a.       Root pressure capacity and respirationb.      Stem capillarity, respiration, and transportationc.       Transportation, root pressure capacity and respirationd.      Root pressure capacity, stem capillarity, and absorption capacity of the leaf

130. Such element bellow that are highly required by plants are …a.       Na, CI, O, Cub.      C, H, O, Nc.       H, S, Ca, CId.      CI, S, Na, O

131. Which one of the organism do not require sunlight to synthesis organic materials is …a.       Chemoautotrophb.      Photosynthesisc.       Inorganic materialsd.      Chlorophyll reflects

132. We can stand up because we have the …a.       Muscular and skeletal systems b.      Skull and backbone c.       Appendicular bones d.      Cartilages change into hard bones

133. The vitamin not use for growth is …a.       A b.      Bc.       C d.      K

134. In the ……hydrochloric acid is added to the food mass.a.       Mouthb.      Stomachc.       Large Intestined.      Small Intestine


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135. Carbohydrate are best obtained from …a.       Milkb.      Meatc.       Grain d.      Eggs

136. The part of the plant is used to enlarge the absorption are of plant is …a. root b. stem c. leaf d. root hair

137. Which tissue of leaf has the most photosynthesis process ?a. Epidermis b. Palisadec. Sponge d. vascular tissue

138. Cell has function to close and open stoma is …….a. guard cells and neighbour cell b. Epidermis cellc. Sponge cells d. Palisade cells

139. Which one belongs to tigmonastie movement ?a.       The movement of root bending toward the earth centreb.      The movement of stem towards the light c.       The movement blossoming 4 o’clock flower in the afternoond.      The movement closing Mimosa pudica leafs

140. The movement plant organ caused by a touch / stimulus or pressure is …a. Taxis b. Tropism c. Tigmonastic d. Geotropism

141. Which one of the following statements about osmosis is incorrect ?a.       Osmosis involves the movement of water molecules onlyb.      Osmosis can only take place with a permeable membranec.       During osmosis, water molecules move from a diluted solution into a concentrated solutiond.      Osmosis cannot take place without a partially permeable membrane

143. Which one of the following substances is carried out by phloem from the leaves to other parts of the plant?

a. sugar b. mineral saltsc. water d. oxygen

145. Amoeba, a unicellular organism, exchange oxygen with the surrounding by …a. osmosis b. transpirationc. transfusion d. diffusion

146. The following can be seen on the transversal section of a stem, except……a.       Epidermis c. Cortexb.      Root hair d. Vascular tissue

147. Factors that influence the transportation process from the soil to the leaf are……a.       Root pressure capacity, stem capillarity, and respirationb.      Stem capillarity, respiration and transportationc.       Transportation, root pressure capacity, and respirationd.      Root pressure capacity, stem capillarity and absorption capacity of the leaf

148. The transportation process of water and minerals from the root to the leaf is done by…..a.       Xylem c. Phloemb.      Collenchyme d. Sclerenchyme

149. Endonomous movement in plant occurs because of……a.       An internal factor b.      A factor related to temperaturec.       A factor of salt content d.      A factor of height


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150. If you put a drop of red ink into water solution on a glass surface, the red in will spread all over the solution. This phenomenon is called…..

a.       Dissolving c. Mixingb.      Osmosis d. Diffusion

151. The movement of plant bellow as positive geotropism movement is……a.       The movement of leaf toward the lightb.      The movement of root toward the waterc.       The movement of a plant organ toward a more humidd.      The movement of root bending toward the earth centre

152. C, H, O, and N elements are consumed by green plant in big volumes because they are……..a.       Micro-elementsb.      Easy to gain every timec.       Macro-elementsd.      Available in big volumes in the nature

153. The parts of the leaf as a place of photosynthesis process are……a.       Lower epidermis and upper epidermisb.      Palisade tissue and spongy tissuec.       Spongy tissue and upper epidermisd.      Palisade tissue and lower epidermis

154. Nictinastic movement occurs if ……a.       The plant roots make a bending movement whenever touching other objectb.      The movement of the stem bends toward the light c.       The flower blossoms in the afternoond.      The leafs close their surface at night

155. Look at the statement bellow….1)      Temperature2)      Stomata3)      Chlorophyll4)      Intensity of the sunlight

The external factors that influence photosynthesis process rate is….

a. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3b. 1 and 4 d. 3 and 4

157. Which of the following is an example of diffusion in a plant?a. Carbon dioxide from the air moving into a photosynthesizing leafb. Ions moving into roof hairs against a concentration gradientc. Sugars in phloem moving from leaves to rootsd. Water in xylem moving from roots to leaves

159. Which one of the following equations represent the chemical changes which take place as a result of photosynthesis?

a. Carbon dioxide + Glucose à Oxygen + Waterb. Carbon dioxide + Oxygen à Glucose + Waterc. Carbon dioxide + Water à Glucose + Oxygend. Glucose + Oxygen à Carbon dioxide + Water


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160. Where do chemical digestion and absorption of food occur in the human alimentary canal?

Chemical digestion Absorptiona. Oesophagus Colonb. Oesophagus Stomachc. Stomach Liverd. Stomach Ileum

162. Which molecules are produced by the digestion of starch and of protein

STARCH PROTEINa. Glycoral Amino acidsb. Glycoral Fatty acidsc. Sugar Amino acidsd. Sugar Fatty acids

163. The acid liquid in the stomach containsa. Pepsin and Mucusb. Bile and Pepsinogenc. Maltase and Pepsind. Lipase and Tripsin

166. Factors that influence the transportation process from the soil to the leaf is the …a. Root pressure, stem capillarity, and transpiration pullb. Stem capillarity, respiration, and transportationc. Transpiration, root pressure, and respirationd. Root pressure, stem capillarity, and respiration

167. The diagram below show the arrangement of cells inside a leaf of a green plant. Which labelled type A, B, C, or D contains the largest number of chloroplasts?

a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4

169. Which one of the following equations represent the chemical changes which take place as a result of photosynthesis?

a. Carbon dioxide + Glucose à Oxygen + Waterb. Carbon dioxide + Oxygen à Glucose + Waterc. Carbon dioxide + Water à Glucose + Oxygend. Glucose + Oxygen à Carbon dioxide + Water

170. Osmosis in living organism may be described as the net movement across a partially permeable membrane of …

a. Solute molecules from a weak solution to a strong solutionb. Water molecules from a weak solution to a strong solutionc. Solute molecules from a strong solution to a weak solutiond. Water molecules from a strong solution to a weak solution

172. What are the substrate and end product for the action of the enzyme lipase?

SUBSRATE END PRODUCTa. Amino acid Proteinb. Fat Fatty acidc. Fat Starchd. Protein Amino acids


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173. Guard cells are located in …a. Vascular tissueb. Leavesc. Rootsd. Bark

174. Xylem is plant tissue which …a. Transport organic food materialsb. Regulated the size of stomatac. Absorbs minerals from the soild. Conducts water upwards

175. Which is the correct order of structures through which food normally passes in the human alimentary canal?

a. Oral cavity, oesophagus, pharynx, stomach, large intestine, and small intestineb. Oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestinec. Oral cavity, pharynx, stomach, oesophagus, large intestine, and small intestined. Oral cavity, oesophagus, pharynx, small intestine, stomach, and large intestine

176. The root hairs to absorb water from the soil by process …a. Diffusionb. Osmosisc. Cohesiond. Adhesion

179. The closing movement of the leaf stalk and leaf blades of Mimosa pudica when to touch is called …a. Photonasticb. Hydronasticc. Thigmonasticd. Nictinastic

180. The organism that produces organic substances from inorganic materials by using the photosynthesis process are called ….

a. autotrophsb. heterotrophsc. chemoautotrophicd. photoautotrophic

181. Part of the leaf has more chlorophylls are …a. Palisade tissueb. Spongy tissuec. Upper epidermisd. Lower epidermis

182. Type of the joint t elbow is ….joint.a. Hinge b. Glidingc. Bullet d. Rotating

183. A bone disorder because of chronic TBC and making our body bent belongs to what is called …a. Osteoporosisb. Lordosisc. Chyphosisd. Scoliosis

184. Nutrient is absorbed by the lymph …a. amino acid b. Simple sugarc. Fatty acid d. Mineral salt


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185. The function of … is to break down starch into sugar in moutha. Proteaseb. Pepsinc. Tripsind. Amylase

186. The root functions as the following, except …a. Absorbing water from soilb. As a tool for transporting materials that dissolve in waterc. For strengthening the plantd. As a place for photosynthesis

187. The tissue that cannot be seen from a transversal section of an old stem is the …a. Epidermis c. Collenchymb. Parenchyma d. Schlerenchym

188. The excretion of the result of plant metabolism in water vapor form is called …a. Transpiration c. Guttationb. Evaporation d. Transportation

189. The excretion of gas in a plant is done by the …a. Stomata, cortex, and cell wallb. Lenticells, Chlorophyll, and cortexc. Chlorophyll, cortex, and stomatad. Cell wall, stomata, and lenticells

190. Endonomous movement in plants occurs because of …a. An internal factorb. A factor related to temperaturec. A factor of salt contentd. A factor of height

191. Positive phototropism occurs if direction of growth of the stem …a. Is toward a place with plenty of lightsb. Is toward a place with little lightc. Gets fluctuating light in a daily periodd. Gets new growth light in the dry season

192. Green plants get organic matter from …a. Fertilizers that come from animal faecesb. A process made by themselves with help their chlorophyllc. The soil while absorbing the waterd. The air through the stomata of the leaves

193. C, H, O, and N elements are consumed by green plants in big volume because they are …a. Micro - elementsb. Easy to gain every timec. Macro – elementsd. Available in big volumes in the nature

194. The skull and vertebrae are considered axial skeleton because they are …a. Hard bones c. constructing the body axisb. Larges – sizes d. Protecting soft organs

195. Most digestion occurs in …a. Duodenum c. Liverb. Stomach d. Large intestine


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196. Spread transportation will be seen on horizontal features on stem …a. Pinus c. A spruceb. Coconut d. Sweet potato

200. The correct statement for striped muscle, smooth muscle and heart muscle is …

Striped Muscle Smooth Muscle Heart Muscle

a. Fibre form, has many nucleus

b. Work automatically

c. Slow reactionautomatically

d. Shape like bobbin, has many nucleus

Shape like bobbin has one nucleus

Work under control

Fast reaction

Fibre form, has many nucleus

Same as striped muscle, work like smooth muscle

Work under control

Fast reaction

Shape like bobbin, work like striped muscle

201. The example of variation on one species is …

a. Size of body and how they multiply b. Size of body and skin colorc. How they multiply and habitat d. Skin color and type of frod

202. The tissue which is transport the water, mineral salt from root and transport the food from leaf to all body is …

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.4

203. A students changing the data of his research result and cheating yhe data of the other student. This is not suitable with science attitude …

a. Accurately c. Objectivesb. Diligently d. Curiously

204. One way to recognize the bugs is …a. Has six legsb. The skeleton made from tornc. The nerves arrangement like stairs lined. The legs are three pairs and have phalanx

205. To cross two types of plants, people should know a branch of biology that is …a. Anatomy – Physiology - Sanitationb. Botany – Anatomy - Pathology c. Zoology – Anatomy – Pathologyd. Botany – Ecology – Sanitation

206. The tissue of the root that functions to store nutrient is …a. Dermal tissue c. Collenchymas tissueb. Parenchyma tissue d. Schlerenchym tissue

207. The sperm movement to ovum in the fertilization process is movement in the plants that is categorized in …

a. Geotropism c. Chemotropismb. Phototaxis d. Chemotaxis

208. The bending movement of the humerus is categorized in …a. Fibrous joint c. Ellipsoid jointb. Elbow joint d. Pivot joint


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209. The raw materials that are needed in photosynthesis contain …a. O2 + C6H12O6 c. H2O + CO2

b. H2O + C6H12O6 d. Chlorophyll + sunlight energy

210. Enzyme that changes protein to amino acid is …a. Ptyalin c. Trypsinb. Pepsin d. Lipase

211. The gas exchange in the lungs occurs in …a. Bronchus c. Bronchiolib. Alveoli d. Pleural cavity

212. In blood, nutrient in carried by …a. White blood cells c. Serumb. Red blood cells d. Plasma

213. The process of breaking food down into small molecules is called …a. Digestion c. Absorptionb. Ingestion d. Metabolism

214. The essential minerals that are needed by the human body contain …a. Calcium, copper, fluorine c. Calcium, iodine, zincb. Potassium, sodium, calcium d. Potassium, iron, aluminium

215. Hemoglobin has function to …a. Transport nutrient c. Transport amino acidb. Transport oxygen d. Transport water and mineral


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1.    Look at the following picture !

The coupels of the congruent triangle are …A.    ( i ) and ( ii )                                                C.  ( i )  and  ( iii )B.    ( ii ) and ( iii )                                               D.  ( i )  and  ( iv )

2.    Look at the following picture !

According to the picture, we can see that triangle ADE is a congruent with triangle CBE since they satisfy condition …A. side , side , side                          C.  side , angle , angle B.  side,angle, side                          D.  angle , side , side

3.    From the following shapes, the uniform pair is …A.    Two rectangles                                     C.  two isosceles triangles     B.    Two right triangles                                D.  two equilateral triangles

4.       Look at the following picture !

The correct statement according to the picture on the right is                         A.    ST : PQ = RS : RQ                    C.  ST : PQ = RS : SQB.    ST : PQ = RP : RT                     D.  ST : PQ = RT : TP

5.    Look at the following picture !

If both triangles is uniform. The length of KL is …A.    6 cmB.    8 cmC.   14 cmD.   15 cm


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6.    Uncle  wants to measure the  width of the river by  sticking rods     at Q, R, S, and T ( as in picture ) such that S, R and P construct a line ( P is a point across the river ). The width of the river (PQ) is …

A.    17 meter                                                  C.  26 meterB.    19 meter                                                  D.  34 meter

8.    Look at the following picture !

A photo is put on a carton  40 cm x 60 cm in dimension. On the left, right and upper side on the photo, we have space 4 cm wide. We put the name on the lower side.If the photo and the carton is uniform with each, the area of the carton available to write the name on is ….

A.    160 cm2                     C.  320 cm2

B.    240 cm2                     D.  480 cm2

                                                     9.    Under the sun, the shadow of the tree is 15 m long.At the same moment, the shadow of Rudi 

is 150 cm height and 3 m long. The real height of the tree is …A.    3 meter                         C.  5,5 meterB.    4 meter                         D.  7,5 meter

10.  Look at the following picture !   We were given BD =4 cm , and AD = 3 cm. BC = ….                                            

A.    5 cm                                C.  8 cmB.    6,25 cm                           D.  8,25 cm

11.  The area of  the cylinder lateral is 440 cm2  and a height of 14 cm. The radius of the cylinder is …

A.    10 cm                            C.  5 cmB.    7 cm                              D.  3,5 cm

12.  A can of drink is in the from of cylinder. It has diameter of 2,8 cm and a height of 10 cm.The volume of the drink is …

A.    63,6 cm3                       C.  61,6 cm3

B.    62,6 cm3                       D.  60,6 cm3

13.  We have a cylindrical height 15 cm and cylindrical wall area 1.320 cm2. If  =  , the diameter of the drum is …

A.    7 cm                             C.   21 cmB.    14 cm                           D.   28 cm


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14.  A cone has a height of 24 cm and a circle base radius of 7 cm. The lateral area is …A.    246 cm2                       C.  528 cm2

B.    278 cm2                       D.  550 cm2

15.  My brother buys boiled peanut in a vendor. The seller wraps it with the conical shape of paper that has a cap radius of 5 cm and a height of 15 cm. The volume of the cone is …

A.    235,5 cm3                   C.  392,5 cm3

B.    382,5 cm3                   D.  1.177,5 cm3

16.  The area of paper that as the lateral of cone is 753,6 cm2. The slant height is 20 cm. The radius of the cone base is …

A.    8 cm                           C.  12 cmB.    10 cm                         D.  16 cm

17.  A ball has a diameter of 14 cm. The surface area 0f the ball is …A.    2464 cm2                      C. 88 cm2                      B.    616 cm2                        D.  44 cm2                      

18.  A sphere has radius of 9 cm. The volume of the sphere is …A.    339,12 cm3               C.  1.017,36 cm3

B.    678,24 cm3               D.  3.052,08 cm3

19.  Look at the following picture !

We have a sphere filling up the cylinder.The ratio Vcylinder  :  V sphere  = …

A.    3 : 4                      C.  2 : 3B.    4 : 3                      D.  3 : 2

20.  Beside picture shows an object made of hemisphere, cylinder, and cone.Volume of the object is …

A.    1.665,67 cm2

B.    2.566,67 cm2

C.   2.665,67 cm2

D.   2.666,67 cm2

21.  To define Army’s blood group, a nurse takes three drops of her blood to examine.The population from of the illustration above is …A.    Whole Army’s blood                     C. Whole human’s bloodB.    Three drops of Army’s blood        D. One drops of Army’s blood

22.  The data is presented as follow  : 6,3,2,4,3,4,9,4,1,7  The mean of the data is …A.    4,2                                  C.  4,4B.    4,3                                  D.  4,5


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23.  The data of the student’s age from a certain organization is presented below :14, 12, 13, 13, 15, 16, 12, 14, 15, 13The median of  the data is …A.    13                                    C.  15,50B.    13,50                               D.  16

24.  The data of 10 basketball players height ( in cm ) who will play a games is presented below :170, 175, 172, 173, 175, 176, 175, 177, 180, 178.Its mode is …       A. 173                                  C.  177       B. 175                                  D.  180                        

26.  Results of Mathematics test for 20 students are as follows :3,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,8,9,9,10,10The correct statements are …A.    mean = 6,5 and median = 6                                C. mean = 7 and median = 6,5B.    mode = 6,5 and median = 7                                D. mode = 7 and median = 6,5

27.  The mean of the art test score from a certain group of student consist of 5 students is 75. After a new member join the group, the average turns into 73. The art test score of the new member  is …                        A.  63                                      C.  73                        B.  70                                      D.  74

28.  Observe the following table of frekuency

Score 5 6 7 8 9Frequancy

4 8 14 P 2

                                  The average score of data is 7. The value of P is …                             A.  12                                    C.  9                             B.  10                                    D.  8


The mean of the data is …                           A.  6,8                                  C. 7,1                           B. 7,0                                   D. 7,9



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                   I.No Answer No Answe

rNo Answ

er1 C 11 C 21 A2 B 12 C 22 B3 D 13 D 23 B4 A 14 C 24 B5 A 15 C 25 A6 C 16 C 26 D7 B 17 B 27 A8 C 18 A 28 A9 D 19 D 29 D10 B 20 B 30 D


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I. Choose the best answer to give a cross (X) in letters a, b, c or d on the answer sheet is available!

1. The smallest part of an element which still has its initial properties is called … .a. Atomb. Moleculec. Electrond. Element molecule

2. Below s are the names of element, except ... .a. ironb. goldc. carbond. water

3. The molecule shaper of plastic.a. Isophreneb. Sucrosec. Polyethylened. Fructose

4. Magnesium has 12 electrons. The possible electrons configuration of magnesium is … .a. 1, 2b. 2, 8, 2c. 2, 1, 2d. 2, 8, 1, 2

5. Energy of a body because of its height is ... .

a. W. tb. F. Sc. ½ m . v2

d. m. g. h

6. These are four examples of energy forms.1. Light2. force3. Sound4. Work

The correct statement are ... .a. 1, 2 and 3b. 1 and 3c. 2 and 4d. 4

7. Look at the data below!

No Force ( N ) Displacement (m)

Work ( J )





Correct statement for work is ... .a. 4b. 3c. 2d. 1

8. Pay attention to the figure below!


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F2=15 N

F3 = 25 N                F1=15 N

Look at the figure above. If the object moves as far as 10 m, then the value of the work is ... .

a. 150 Joulesb. 200 Joulesc. 250 Joulesd. 660 Joules

9. A car which mass is 900 kg, has energy of 180.000 J. The velocity of the car is ... .a. 20 m/sb. 40 m/s c. 200 m/sd. 400 m/s

10. A lever which power arm and weight arm are 4 m and 3 m respectively, can lift an object of 600 N. The force that is working on the lever is ... .

a. 450 Nb. 350 Nc. 200 Nd. 150 N

11. Pay attention to the figure below!

If the weight of body is 1,200 N and it is pushed with force 400 N, then the length of the inclined plane is ... .a. 12 mb. 6 mc. 3 m d. 1.5 m

12. Look at the picture below !

Mechanical adventage of picture above ... .a. 2b. 3c. 4d. 5

13. When we are in a car that suddenly stops, our body will be pushed foward. this happening can be explained by ... .

a. Newton first lawb. Newton seconde lawc. Pascal,s principled. Galileo law

14. The formula related to Newton 2nd Law is as follows ... .a. S = V.tb. a = F/m c. Σ F = F + fkd. Σ F = T + fk

15. A tyre that is continually used will go thin … .


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a. Contact forceb. Gravitational forcec. Friction forced. Actin – reaction force

16. The correct statement on force is ... .a. Force cnnot change the shape of the objectb. Force has value but does not have directionc. Force changes the object massd. Force is a pull or a push

17. Force is something that can cause changes in ... .a. Phase and shapeb. Movement and shapec. Mass and movementd. Mass and weight

18. Look at the figure below !              F2 = 10 N  to the right             F1 = 5 N to the left             F3 = 15 N to the right

The resultant of the three forces above is ... .

a. 30 N to the rightb. 20 N to the rightc. 10 N to the rightd. 10 N to the left

19. Look at the figure below !The position of egg number 2 in the salt solution show that the weight of the egg is ... .

a. Less than the buoyant forceb. Greater than the buoyant forcec. Equal to the buoyant forced. Depend on the volume of the fluid removed

20. In an enclosed space, there is 4 m3 of gas which pressure is 2 atmospheres. To make its pressure becomes 0,5 atmosphere at a counstant temperature, then its volume must be changed into ... .

a. 16 m3

b. 8 m3

c. 2 m3

d. 1 m3

21. The following are the characteristics of development in organism, except…. A. it has qualitative propertyB. it has quantitative propertyC. it cannot be measuredD. it is found in reproduction by flower

22. The internal factor that is influence growth and development of organism is….A. HormoneB. Nutrition C. TemperatureD. Environment

23. At the complete metamorphosis, the larva will develop to be….A. morullaB. nymphC. imagoD. pupa24. The change of body characteristics that is undergone by male and female teenagers is ….


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A. the hip enlargesB. the voice is louderC. growing hairs in armpitsD. undergo menstruation

25. The damage of function of body organs that is undergone by human is in the period of….A. ChildhoodB. TeenagerC. Old ageD. Adult

26. Notice the data below1) Take a bath daily using soap and warm water2) After defecating, wipe the anus area from front to back3) Replace the sanitary napkin as frequently as possible4) Consuming food and supplement at the high dosage

Some tips and information on the way to keep cleanliness and hygiene during menstruation time are shown by numbers ... .

A. 1), 2) and 3)B. 1), 2) and 4)C. 1), 3) and 4)D. 2), 3) and 4)

27. Pay attention at the figure below.

Organ that is composed the limb bone is shown by number ....A. 1 and 2B. 1 and 3C. 2 and 3D. 2 and 4

28. Notice the data below1) to protect internal organs 2) to form blood cells 3) to save minerals ( calcium and phosphorus)4) to give a shape and support our body

Based on the data, It shown the function of ....A. cartilagesB. musclesC. jointsD. bones


Pay attention at the figure below.

The disorder of bone that happens due to incorrect habitual sitting as shown at the figure is called ....A. scoliosisB. kyphosisC. frakturaD. lordosis


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31. The process of breaking a big molecule into a smaller one that is helped by enzyme so that it can be absorbed by cells is called ....

A. extra cells digestionB. intra cells digestionC. chemical digestionD. mechanical digestion


Pay attention at the illustration below

The digestive glands is shown by numbers ....A. 2-3-10B. 4-5-11C. 5-9-10D. 9-10-11

33. Pay attention at the illustration below

Rickets is the nutritional disorder characterized by skeletal deformities. It is caused by lack of ....A. mineralsB. carbohydratesC. vitamin DD. Vitamin B

34. The correct reaction of respiration is ... .A. C6H12O6 + CO2 O2 + H2OB. C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2OC. CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2

D. O2 + H2O C6H12O6 + CO2


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36. Look at table below.

No Stomach Respiration Chest Respiration1 developing stomach

cavity cause diaphragm change

developing stomach cavity cause rib position change

2 developing stomach cavity cause rib position change

developing stomach cavity cause diaphragm change

3 developing thoracic cavity cause diaphragm change

developing thoracic cavity cause rib position change

4 developing thoracic cavity cause rib position change

developing thoracic cavity cause diaphragm change

The differences between stomach and chest respiration is shown by …A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4

37. The definition of respiration air is … in usually respiration.A. lung maximal capacity B. air that can be out C. air that can be sipD. air that enter out lung

38. The function of erythrocyte is … .A. to kill disease germ B. to carry away oxygenC. to carry out carbon dioxideD. to freeze blood

39. Look at table below.

Num Characteristic

Artery Vein

1 Current direction

To heart From heart

2 Artery wall Thin and no elastic

Thick elastic

3 Beat Can not feel Can feel4 Valve One at near

heartalongside artery

The true difference between artery and vein is shown by number … .A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4