latime live chat annapaquinjune30

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  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    3:49 PatrickDay: Hello and welcome to our live chat with Anna Paquin, star of HBO's

    "True Blood!" We'll be starting in a few minutes. This chat is moderated, so there

    will be a slight delay before your comments appear on the site.

    3:50 [Comment From Tom ONeil]

    I'm here, let's start the pah-tay

    3:50 [Comment From Randi]hey

    3:50 [Comment From Casey]


    3:50 [Comment From Doc88]hi there

    3:50 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]


    3:50 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    Can't wait to start

    3:50 [Comment From Keysha]


    3:50 [Comment From Vanessa]


    3:50 [Comment From Jason]

    Love the TV show, and now reading the books.

    3:51 Tom O\'Neil: Anna will be here soon. She's really lookin forward to this chat

    3:51 [Comment From tulip]hello

    3:51 [Comment From Shadaliza]

    I am ready3:51 [Comment From Darrell]


    3:51 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]

    This is going to be insane.

    3:51 [Comment From tulip]yipppeee

    3:51 [Comment From Randi]

    im on 2 diff chats lol this one and Peter Facinellis

    3:51 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    Hey Shad, nice to see you here!

    3:51 [Comment From Crystal]


    3:51 Tom O\'Neil: BTW, this is the SECOND live chat that Anna Paquin's done with The

    Envelope. She did one two years ago when she was Emmy nominated for "Bury My

    Heart at Wounded Knee." Nice to know that we didn't scare her off.

    3:51 [Comment From Casey]

    OMG! Someonbody send me the link to peter's chat!!!

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    3:51 [Comment From Bonnie]


    3:52 [Comment From tulip]is anyone ere on the east coast?

    3:52 [Comment From Shadaliza]

    Hi Debbie, good to see some Billsbabes out here3:52 [Comment From Randi]


    3:52 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]

    Yes, I am

    3:52 Tom O\'Neil: Of course, after facing down vampires, I imagine that nothing scares

    Anna much these days

    3:52 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]I don't think she is easily scared!

    3:52 [Comment From Crystal]

    I was here for the last one, Tom

    3:52 [Comment From Casey]anybody here from canada?

    3:52 Tom O\'Neil: Welcome back, Crystal

    3:52 [Comment From Doc88]

    yep, i was here the first time anna chatted here

    3:52 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    lol Tom, great minds think alike

    3:52 [Comment From tulip]i've been to canada

    3:52 Tom O\'Neil: You, too, Doc88

    3:53 [Comment From Doc88]tnx :D

    3:53 [Comment From Keysha]

    I have never participated in this before.

    3:53 [Comment From Casey]

    can't wait! I'm soo excited =D

    3:53 [Comment From Vanessa]

    It is really cool that she takes time to talk to her fans, not a lot of stars do that

    3:53 [Comment From Crystal]Thanks

    3:54 [Comment From tulip]very cool! ;)

    3:54 [Comment From Andrew]hey Tom, I think True Blood has a shot at breaking the vampire curse

    3:54 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]

    Just don't call us Billbangers, cuz that just sounds wrong

    3:54 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]yes Vanessa, very cool that she cares about her fans

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    3:54 [Comment From Casey]

    I agree

    3:54 [Comment From Randi]i havent participated in this b4 either

    3:54 [Comment From Nique]

    I'm so excited..This is my first live chat ever...3:54 Tom O\'Neil: BTW, Anna is in the running for TWO Emmy races. Not just best

    drama actress for "True Blood," but she may be nominated in the TV movie race for

    "Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler," about a courageous woman who saved Jews

    during the Holocaust

    3:54 [Comment From Casey]

    this is so strange for me to participated this

    3:54 [Comment From Nique]This is so exciting!!!

    3:55 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]

    ooh im so siked! haha

    3:55 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]I was lucky enough to meet Anna at the Irena Sendler Premier!

    3:55 [Comment From Juan of a kind]

    Anna is hot and is only going to get hotter!!!

    3:55 [Comment From Vanessa]Me too :)

    3:55 [Comment From Casey]

    i feel like running around the house

    3:55 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]

    ive never done this before...

    3:55 [Comment From Keysha]I am hope they get the accolades, they deserve.

    3:55 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]

    DralCoffin, are you here?

    3:55 [Comment From Anna]me too

    3:55 [Comment From Anna]

    im excited

    3:55 [Comment From Casey]anybody here excited?

    3:55 [Comment From Andrew]

    why are emmy's and golden globes so different - she won there

    3:55 [Comment From Keysha]Especially Anna and Nelsan Ellis.

    3:55 [Comment From Liz]

    Hello! I justr found out about this!

    3:55 [Comment From Vanessa]


  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    3:56 [Comment From Anna]


    3:56 [Comment From Randi]i am!!!

    3:56 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]

    heck yes! (:3:56 [Comment From Juan of a kind]

    Go Anna!

    3:56 [Comment From Nique]

    I don't think anyone is

    3:56 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]


    3:56 [Comment From Casey]whoot!

    3:56 [Comment From Vanessa]


    3:56 [Comment From Randi]lol

    3:56 [Comment From Anna] excited alright

    3:56 [Comment From kelemenmarc]hy

    3:56 Tom O\'Neil: Yes, Anna won the Golden Globe last January for "True Blood"

    3:56 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]So do we ask questions when she comes online?

    3:56 [Comment From Megan]

    I'm not excited. I'm ecstatic!3:56 [Comment From Nique]

    Man you guys are really fast..

    3:56 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]

    i think so..

    3:57 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]Yes, how does this work?

    3:57 [Comment From Edward Douglas]

    Hey, Tom... I'm actually at home when you're doing one of these (for once)

    3:57 [Comment From Anna]

    and stephen said"is that where the batteries go"

    3:57 [Comment From Gerard]

    Anna, what is it like to work on something so true to a fan base of the books?

    3:57 [Comment From Casey]

    i hope my fingers can type really fast today

    3:57 [Comment From Anna]lol

    3:57 Tom O\'Neil: yes, wait till I welcome her and I'll ask the first question or two, then

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    instruct her to pass off to reply to your questions

    3:57 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]


    3:57 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    I am sitting in a Starbucks LOL

    3:57 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]lol Casey im with you.

    3:57 [Comment From Gerard]

    oops sorry

    3:57 [Comment From Casey]thanks BrinnyMarie

    3:57 Tom O\'Neil: Order me a double latte, pls, Debbie

    3:57 [Comment From Guest]

    Just watched The Squid and The Whale, Anna rules

    3:58 [Comment From Vanessa]


    3:58 [Comment From Anna]lol

    3:58 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    coming right up Tom

    3:58 [Comment From Stacy]i'm so pumped

    3:58 [Comment From Drew]

    She is my favorite actress. I love her in True Blood.

    3:58 Tom O\'Neil: What service! TX

    3:58 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]

    no problem. (:3:58 [Comment From cassie]

    im all the way in sydney australia to witness this im excited

    3:58 [Comment From Keith]

    she is great in True Blood

    3:58 [Comment From Casey]oh a strawberry lemonade for me Debbi

    3:58 [Comment From Lee]

    Guess I should get cable now, only watch Hulu

    3:58 [Comment From Stacy]

    i loved her as rogue!!!3:58 [Comment From kelemenmarc]

    i love her so much

    3:58 [Comment From Randi]

    very creat

    3:58 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]

    im in Texas

    3:58 [Comment From Casey]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    heck yeah

    3:58 [Comment From Randi]


    3:58 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]

    Yes she is! So fantastic as Sookie

    3:59 [Comment From Anna]in cali

    3:59 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    I think she looks great as a blond!

    3:59 [Comment From Vanessa]I am in Miami

    3:59 Tom O\'Neil: Anna will probably chat with us for about 20 minutes

    3:59 [Comment From Nicole]

    Has the chat started?

    3:59 [Comment From Casey]

    every night when true blood is on i run around the house screaming out the show

    3:59 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]she plays an awesome as sookie

    3:59 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    in Seattle

    3:59 [Comment From pammie]Albuquerque NM

    3:59 [Comment From TrueBloodDotNetLiz]

    She looks fab as a blonde - I agree.

    3:59 [Comment From Drew]Iowa: representing the Midwest

    3:59 [Comment From Shadaliza]I am in Italy

    3:59 [Comment From Katherine]

    Yay i love Anna!

    3:59 [Comment From kelemenmarc]

    Sookie the most interesting character who i ever seen

    3:59 [Comment From cassie]

    wow it seems im the futherest away woohoo

    4:00 Tom O\'Neil: That's what she's planning anyway. Don't know if she can hang withus any longer

    4:00 [Comment From Keysha]I am in Hotlanta. aka Atlanta, Ga.

    4:00 [Comment From Anna]1 more minute

    4:00 [Comment From Vanessa]

    thats cool

    4:00 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]She'd probably look fantastic if she dyed her hair green, Woman is gorgeous

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:00 [Comment From Casey]

    in British Columbia

    4:00 [Comment From cassie]i do to casey

    4:00 [Comment From Doc88]

    Italy here4:00 [Comment From Randi]

    im in Tallahassee

    4:00 [Comment From Drew]

    OK, 20 minutes sounds good. Can't wait!

    4:00 [Comment From Gerard]

    I am in NYC

    4:00 [Comment From TrueBloodDotNetLiz]Illinois, repping the M/W.

    4:00 [Comment From Lee]

    Can Anna type or is she hunt and peck?

    4:00 [Comment From Animal Lover]What is the most daunting part of your role in True Blood?

    4:00 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    wish I were in Italy with you Shad

    4:00 [Comment From DeeDee]Hi, everyone :D

    4:00 [Comment From Melinda]

    I am in North Carolina

    4:00 [Comment From Megan]

    In Ohio

    4:00 Tom O\'Neil: Please don't storm this board with too many comments and questions,making poor Anna dizzy

    4:00 [Comment From Jason]

    I just like saying 'Sookie' for some reason!

    4:00 [Comment From Anna]

    20 minutes is good enough

    4:00 [Comment From Anna]

    i love her

    4:01 [Comment From victor]i am in los angeles

    4:01 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    lol chloe

    4:01 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]Chloe- totally agree with you. haha

    4:01 [Comment From Jakeem]

    There are times when

    4:01 [Comment From Crystal]

    NYC here.

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:01 [Comment From kelemenmarc]

    I'm in Hungary........

    4:01 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]-- Southerner

    4:01 [Comment From Nique]

    Im in good Ol' LA4:01 [Comment From Lee]

    Representing far West Texas, Marfa to be exact

    4:01 [Comment From Vanessa]

    love NC

    4:01 [Comment From tulip]

    Me too Melinda

    4:01 [Comment From Stacy]i'm in new jersey :]

    4:01 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]


    4:01 [Comment From Casey]can't wait

    4:01 [Comment From TrueBloodDotNetLiz]

    And too confusing for us, Tom.

    4:01 [Comment From Drew]I hope she gets the double win.

    4:01 [Comment From Bonnie]

    I'm from Long Beach, California

    4:01 [Comment From Stacy]

    i have a feeling that wont be possible Tom haha

    4:01 [Comment From Scott]So is anna on here right now?

    4:01 [Comment From DeeDee]

    Mississippi here

    4:02 [Comment From Katherine]

    L.A. here

    4:02 [Comment From Kelly]


    4:02 [Comment From Lee]all this chatter is gonna make the poor girls brain bleed. Blame twitter

    4:02 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    We seem to cover the world!

    4:02 [Comment From Melinda]where in NC tulip?

    4:02 [Comment From Drew]

    And Anna is from Winnipeg.

    4:02 [Comment From Jakeem]

    To me, there are times wjem Sookie sounds like Holly Hunter. Are you channeling

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    your old movie mom?

    4:02 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    I hope the show gets nominated

    4:02 [Comment From kelemenmarc]

    Drw me tooo I HOPE

    4:02 [Comment From Randi]lol

    4:02 [Comment From tulip]

    isn't technology great!

    4:02 Tom O\'Neil: Remember, this chat is moderated, so if things get too crazy, ourmoderator will have to hold back a storm of posts

    4:02 [Comment From tulip]

    north carolina

    4:02 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]ok great

    4:02 [Comment From Melinda]

    What city, tulip?

    4:02 [Comment From Katherine]

    Tom is she here yet?

    4:02 [Comment From Nicole]

    When are we starting?

    4:03 [Comment From kelemenmarc]


    4:03 [Comment From Randi]kk

    4:03 [Comment From Nique]

    where is she?4:03 [Comment From Shadaliza - The Vault]

    we'll try to behave

    4:03 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    Tom are you able to slow things down?

    4:03 [Comment From tulip]raleigh/durham. how bout u?

    4:03 [Comment From DKL]


    4:03 [Comment From Stacy]

    okay people better not send tons of posts cuz i really want to talke to anna as i'm sure

    everyone else does

    4:03 Tom O\'Neil: Anna's name will pop up on screen when she arrives ... soon

    4:03 [Comment From victor]

    well let her sing in!!!

    4:03 [Comment From Casey]i think this is going to be an insane chat

    4:03 [Comment From Megan]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    I'm so excited, and i just can't hide it. lol

    4:03 [Comment From Melinda]


    4:03 [Comment From Katherine]


    4:03 [Comment From pammie]I agree JAKEEM, she does seem to be channelling Holly Hunter!

    4:03 [Comment From Alex]

    i just found out ryan kwanten is australian and i'm still weirded out by that

    4:03 [Comment From tulip]cool!

    4:03 Tom O\'Neil: Anna might be nominated against

    4:03 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    we already have an anna here, is it first and last name?

    4:03 [Comment From Stacy]

    shes gonna be on in about an hour right?

    4:04 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]Megan - i love that song!

    4:04 Tom O\'Neil: Holly Hunter ("Saving Grace")

    4:04 [Comment From Nico]waiting...

    4:04 [Comment From Insanity]

    I'm beyond pumped :}.

    4:04 [Comment From Edward Douglas]That would be ironic.

    4:04 [Comment From ElRamuuusa]Argentina here :)

    4:04 [Comment From Megan]

    BrinnyMarie me too

    4:04 [Comment From Casey]

    i'm starting to run around the house again

    4:04 [Comment From Alex]

    what movie was she in with holly hunter?

    4:04 Tom O\'Neil: Yes, Edward, it would -- glad y ou could join us

    4:04 [Comment From cassie]

    lol alex why r u weirded out ryan is actually from the same city im in right now4:05 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    Well I also hope Stephen Moyer gets nominated as well

    4:05 [Comment From Melinda]

    Hi Shad!!

    4:05 [Comment From Nicole]

    When are the Emmy nods announced?

    4:05 [Comment From Lee]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    wondering what Anna is listening to these days

    4:05 [Comment From Katherine]

    Anna will win against Holly Hunter. Anna's character is so much more dramatic andcomplex.

    4:05 [Comment From pammie]

    Anna has the BEST scream! Do you all agree?4:05 [Comment From ElRamuuusa]

    When is this thing starting?

    4:05 [Comment From Drew]

    Just like the Best Supporting Actress in 1994 (Holly was up for two that year andwon Lead)

    4:05 [Comment From Edward Douglas]

    We'll see how long I last.. I'm not big on the live chat thing :)

    4:05 [Comment From ben]

    maryland is here to show its support for vampires

    4:05 [Comment From Drew]

    Alex: The Piano

    4:05 [Comment From Alex]

    i dont know his southern accent is so well done

    4:05 [Comment From sara :)]

    is this working?

    4:05 [Comment From Casey]

    omg anna paquin is online on facebook!

    4:05 [Comment From Anna Paquin]hello

    4:05 [Comment From Carole]

    That's not what ironic means. Ironic does not mean 'coincidental."4:05 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]

    His accent is very good, took me by surprise too

    4:05 Tom O\'Neil: Hi Anna!

    4:05 [Comment From Alex]

    so is stephen moyers though and hes a brit

    4:05 [Comment From unkie469]

    I'm in Palm Springs, would love to see her at our film festival

    4:05 [Comment From cassie]well anna actually grew up in new zealand ....and stephen moyer is brittish

    4:05 [Comment From sara :)]


    4:05 [Comment From Heidi]Im in the OC

    4:05 Anna Paquin: hi this is anna

    4:05 [Comment From Animal Lover]

    Wish I could stay. Anna you rule!

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:05 [Comment From Casey]

    yup sara is working

    4:06 Tom O\'Neil:


    4:06 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]wouldn't it be cool if both Anna and Steve were nominated and won this year!

    4:06 Anna Paquin: thank you

    4:06 [Comment From Anna Paquin]


    4:06 [Comment From Megan]Yes, Anna can scream and cry like no other.

    4:06 Tom O\'Neil: First question. When you, being an Oscar champ, first heard about the

    concept of "True Blood," were you skeptical about doing a vampire show? Or didyou think, "Hey, that looks like fun!"?

    4:06 [Comment From cassie]

    anna doesnt have facebook its a fake

    4:06 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]its probally not her.

    4:06 [Comment From Casey]


    4:06 [Comment From tulip]


    4:06 [Comment From Katherine]

    Hey anna

    4:06 [Comment From Anna]hi

    4:06 [Comment From Melinda]Hi Anna!!

    4:06 [Comment From sara :)]

    hello :)

    4:06 [Comment From tulip]welcome!

    4:06 [Comment From kelemenmarc]

    hy Anna

    4:06 [Comment From Oscar]hi anna!

    4:06 [Comment From Nique]

    Hi Anna, I love the Show

    4:06 Anna Paquin: i pursued true blood so when i heard i got the part i was thrilled

    4:06 [Comment From cassie]

    hi anna

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:06 [Comment From pammie]

    Hello Anna, you have the BEST SCREAM!

    4:06 [Comment From Randi]Hi Anna!

    4:06 [Comment From Shadaliza - The Vault]

    Hi Anna4:06 [Comment From Lee]

    Hey anna, what are you listening to these days music stuff...

    4:07 [Comment From Anna]

    hi anna

    4:07 [Comment From Drew]

    Woohoo! My question is how does Sookie's telepathy influence the character?

    4:07 [Comment From Stacy]hi anna!

    4:07 Anna Paquin: i do scream a lot on the show lol

    4:07 Tom O\'Neil: Wouldn't it be ironic if you're nominated against your "Piano" costar

    Holly Hunter ("Saving Grace")????

    4:07 [Comment From Darrell Y.]

    Hi Anna, did you know Stephen Moyer before True Blood or did you become

    romantically linked while filming season one? Any talk of marriage? :)

    4:07 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]hi Anna

    4:07 Anna Paquin: loving fleet foxes and fiona apple

    4:07 [Comment From Heidi]Hi your work

    4:07 [Comment From TrueBloodDotNetLiz]

    Hi Anna. Welcome!4:07 [Comment From DeeDee]

    Hi, Anna! thanks for doing this.

    4:07 [Comment From tulip]

    Hi Anna! So happy to meet you...virtually of course

    4:07 [Comment From Nico]Hi Anna, welcome.

    4:07 [Comment From Playbill]

    Anna, we love you!

    4:07 [Comment From Katherine]

    Hello Anna!

    4:07 Anna Paquin: that would be an amazing compliment be in her category

    4:07 [Comment From Eileen]

    Hi anna-an honnor!

    4:07 [Comment From Megan]Hi, Anna

    4:07 [Comment From ben]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    Anna, we lov e the show!

    4:07 [Comment From Casey]

    dude its so her

    4:07 Tom O\'Neil: Anna, just grab the questions from those poppin up and answer which

    ones you want

    4:07 [Comment From Insanity]Hi Anna! I ue Blood.

    4:07 [Comment From Casey]

    i have anna online!

    4:08 [Comment From Doc88]hi anna!

    4:08 [Comment From Roxana]

    One of my favorite of Anna's performances is in the 25th hour, esp. her XTC trip inthe nightclub. Now a vampire, it is clear she can travel into several types of

    characters. Anna, can you define any similarities in the characters that you choose to


    4:08 [Comment From Green]Hi Anna

    4:08 [Comment From Bonnie]

    hi ana

    4:08 Anna Paquin:

    ok will try to answer as many as pos

    4:08 [Comment From Krista]

    I thought she wasn't supposed to start chatting until 8pm

    4:08 Tom O\'Neil: Are you aware of the Curse of the Vampires at the Emmys? Even

    though EVERY TV critic in America fumed at the Emmys to nominate "Buffy"Sarah Michelle Gellar, she never got nommed, poor thing. Maybe Emmy voters are


    4:08 [Comment From Heidi]

    this is confusing stop saying hi already!

    4:08 [Comment From Katherine]

    Moderator there are two ANNA PAQUIN on here

    4:08 [Comment From Alex]

    this is the only vampire show or movie i've ever watched and loved

    4:08 [Comment From Keysha]hu

    4:08 [Comment From Send]Does Alan Ball have a large input to your character?

    4:08 Anna Paquin: i am not aware of any curse

    4:08 [Comment From Melinda]

    And may I just say Anna that you are so beautiful!!

    4:08 [Comment From unkie469]

    Anna, you gave one of the best Oscar acceptance speeches

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:08 [Comment From Casey]

    looks like i'm going to be running the house anymore

    4:08 [Comment From Nicole]Hey Anna! great job on True blood.

    4:08 Tom O\'Neil: You'll break it, I have a good hunch

    4:08 [Comment From Ashley]Hi Anna! I love the show and Sookie!!

    4:08 [Comment From Jackie]

    Did you pursue True Blood b/c you're a fan of the books?

    4:09 [Comment From Alex]yay fleet foxes love

    4:09 [Comment From Heidi]

    do you own any pets?

    4:09 Anna Paquin: alan ball is pretty much god as far as our show is concerned so thatwould be a huge yes

    4:09 [Comment From Juliet]

    hi anna, my friend wants to know what the fake blood tastes like

    4:09 [Comment From Oscar]

    Anna! What's it like filming those intense scenes where you have to scream in pain

    for so long???

    4:09 Tom O\'Neil: You've been in the Emmy game before with "Wounded Knee." Nowyou may get nominated twice, including a bid for "Courageous Heart of Irena

    Sendler." But you may have to send some vampires after those "Grey Gardens" gals

    4:09 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]radiohead Anna?

    4:09 [Comment From Vanessa]

    Do you watch any tv shows? If so, which ones?4:09 Anna Paquin: fake blood tastes like congealed gooey jam that has been pureed

    4:09 [Comment From Scott]

    Anna Paquin, did it take any type of coaxing did it take for you to do the nude

    scenes? Is it something you were looking forward to doing?

    4:09 [Comment From Donna]Hi Anna. Are you going to working on any projects during your hiatus from True


    4:09 [Comment From Freddy Mac]Can you write about the impact of winning an Oscar at such a young age had?

    4:10 Anna Paquin: i'm really just focused on finishing season two awards are not really

    on my mind

    4:10 Anna Paquin: i have no prob with the nudity

    4:10 [Comment From pammie]

    Is Sookie one of you favorite characters? She seems complex.

    4:10 [Comment From Anna]anna how is working with such a diverse cast?

    4:10 [Comment From Lee]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    just remembering you were in Hurly Burly, how crazy was it to act with sean penn

    and kevin spacey and all those guys?

    4:10 [Comment From Shadaliza - The Vault]Are there any characteristics of Sookies that you wish that you had? Or you are glad

    that you dont have?

    4:10 [Comment From Carole]Hi Anna, what are you working on during the hiatus?

    4:10 [Comment From Keysha]

    Are you guys done filming, this season?

    4:10 Anna Paquin: i knew what i was getting myself into lol

    4:10 [Comment From tulip]

    im not a native of california, but have to travel there quite often for work. what do

    you think of california (west coast) in comparison to the east coast (NY)

    4:10 [Comment From Julie K]

    Since you pursued the part - are you a fan of the book series? Are you reading ahead

    to see what's in store?

    4:10 [Comment From kelemenmarc]I love you so much. have you ever been to hungary?

    4:10 [Comment From DeeDee]

    what's the best thing about working with Alexander Skarsgard?

    4:10 [Comment From Drew]How does Sookie's telepathy influence the character?

    4:11 [Comment From Edward Douglas]

    Anna: So how has it been doing a regular show? Have you been enjoying itmore/less than doing movies in terms of regular schedule, etc?

    4:11 [Comment From Nique]

    Hi Anna, Are there any other films your working on?4:11 [Comment From Nico]

    I loved you in Fly Away Home. Any good memories from that film?

    4:11 [Comment From ChloeOBrian]

    What attracted you to play Sookie?

    4:11 [Comment From Insanity]

    If you could be any supernatural creature in the True Blood universe, what would it

    be and why?

    4:11 [Comment From Stacy]have u read any of the books? if you have which are your favorites?

    4:11 [Comment From Casey]

    if you had to choose vampire or shapeshifter?

    4:11 Anna Paquin: aaaaahh sorry i'm not able to read and type at the same time....

    4:11 [Comment From Ashley]

    Sookie is miine

    4:11 PatrickDay: We'll slow it down a bit.

    4:12 Tom O\'Neil: yeah, patrick, good idea

    4:12 [Comment From Teddy]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    This is insane

    4:12 Anna Paquin: sookie gets to do so much cool shit. she is in action scenes,

    romance, drama all of it

    4:12 [Comment From Edward Douglas]

    Tom: Dark Shadows was nominated for a daytime Emmy... does that count? :)4:12 [Comment From Jackie]

    did you pursue True Blood b/c you enjoyed the books?

    4:12 Anna Paquin: its really like i get to play every possible "type" of female character

    on one show

    4:12 Anna Paquin: i read the books while trying to get the part

    4:13 [Comment From Leiana]

    Do you film in New Orleans?

    4:13 [Comment From Guest]alright i'm leaving. nice to meet you Anna. Great Work!

    4:13 Anna Paquin: we have filmed in shreveport

    4:13 Tom O\'Neil: you're right, Edward! So there's true Emmy hope for "True Blood"

    4:13 Anna Paquin: we go to baton rouge next week

    4:13 [Comment From Nique]

    Don't you want to Kiss Sheriff Eric.. He's so Hot

    4:13 [Comment From Katherine]Anna did you get a chance to meet Ms. Sendler while filming THe Courageous


    4:13 Anna Paquin: sookie is not eric's biggest fan!!!

    4:13 [Comment From unkie469]What's coming up for you in the movies?

    4:14 Anna Paquin:

    ms sendler had already passed when i came onto to project so sadly no

    4:14 [Comment From Rob L]Hi all! Well done Anna on what appears to be an even better second season so far.

    Just wanted to throw that in the mix.

    4:14 Anna Paquin: right now my whole world is true blood

    4:14 Tom O\'Neil: That's a good world

    4:14 [Comment From Shadaliza - The Vault]

    Are there any characteristics of Sookies that you wish that you had? Or you are glad

    that you dont have?4:14 Anna Paquin: don't know what the hiatus will bring just yet

    4:14 Anna Paquin: glad i'm not a telepath

    4:14 [Comment From Randall]

    When are you going to tread the boards in NYC again? Us theatergoers would loveto see you do another play.

    4:14 Anna Paquin: wish i was naturally tan and blonde

    4:15 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    Anna, do they clear the set when you do the sex scenes?

    4:15 Anna Paquin: i would love to do another play asap

    4:15 [Comment From ben]i arrange my sunday schedule around TB. There will be a third season, right? I

    cannot live without this show!

    4:15 Tom O\'Neil: OMG, you're not a true blonde! Stop presses!4:15jessicagelt: I'm shocked, too! Hooray for hair dye.

    4:15 [Comment From Crystal]

    Anna, how do you feel that Trick 'R Treat is finally seeing a release? And will you be

    doing any projects once Season 2 wraps? Like a film or perhaps another play?

    4:16 [Comment From Vanessa]

    Do you watch any tv shows? If so, which ones?

    4:16 [Comment From Lee]

    oh dear the poor girl's brain is gonna explode

    4:16 Anna Paquin: the funny part about sex scenes on tb is that there is usually some

    kind of special effect fang/blood gag at some point so it kind of odd when you are

    lying there all naked and someone has to run in and insert fangs or blood.....

    so kind a clear but we have a lot of essential crew

    4:17 [Comment From tulip]

    any special plans for your upcoming birthday?

    4:17 [Comment From DeeDee]

    You were terrific in "Walk on the Moon"... did you enjoy working with Diane Lane

    and Viggo Mortensen?

    4:17 Anna Paquin: trick r treat was such a blast to do. my mate mike dougherty who

    wrote and directed it is amazing and twisted and i'm glad people will get to see this

    film4:17 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    You are not alone in not being able to read and type simultaneously!

    4:17 [Comment From Casey]

    sooo many questions.....

    4:17 Anna Paquin: thank you debbie

    4:17 [Comment From Anna]

    what was the first thing you thought when you read the script of true blood

    4:18 [Comment From Heidi]does sookie have any tattoos

    4:18 Anna Paquin: i didn't have much to do with viggo but diane rocks!!!

    4:18 [Comment From Claire]

    Hi Anna. Did they ask you to go blonde for the part of Sookie? Or was thatsomething you brought to the character?

    4:18 Anna Paquin: no tats for sook but i have a couple

    4:18 [Comment From Diane]Is there any particular actor or actress you would like to work with in the future?

    4:18 [Comment From Lee]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    godbless her for the patience to endure our badgering. Still wondering what it was

    like working with the cast on Hurly Burly

    4:18 Anna Paquin: sookie is blonde in the books so hbo did a major makeover

    4:18 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    Anna, do you still wear your Billsbabe Shirt?

    4:18 [Comment From Ashley]sookie is the best!! i love her friendship with tara. that picture of them as kids was so


    4:19 [Comment From victor]

    how is anna's real life what are your hobbies, dreams and goals

    4:19 Anna Paquin: hurly burly was amazing and intimidating and such a massive

    learning experience it was a master class in acting

    4:19 [Comment From Green]

    Anna, you've probably been asked this question a million times over, but were you at

    all aware of the impact the show would have? There have been several vampire

    shows over the last decade, but none of them as popular at True Blood (of courseBuffy has become an institution in its own right), do you think the show will have a

    lasting effect?

    4:19 [Comment From Danielle]What has been your favorite scene to film this season? Have we seen it yet?

    4:19 Anna Paquin: bills babe shirt and i like to work out together

    4:20 [Comment From Heidi]

    its HOT in Baton Rouge

    4:20 [Comment From Melinda]

    No, No, NO...only kiss Bill!! LOL!!

    4:20 [Comment From Rob L]Is it weird that there are so many non-American accents on set Anna? (You, Stephen,Ryan)...

    4:20 [Comment From BrinnyMarie]

    do you get to go to Dallas?

    4:20 Anna Paquin: well it was like mosquito soup this time last year in shreveport so i'm

    guessing we are in for more of the same in b.r.

    4:20 [Comment From AAM]

    Were you familiar with Alan Ball's work on SIX FEET UNDER before pursuingyour role on TRUE BLOOD, and in particular, his gift for multi-dimensional


    4:21 [Comment From Krista]sookie and sam are SO meant to be together...

    4:21 [Comment From Casey]

    would you choose shapeshifter or vampire?

    4:21 Anna Paquin: i have seen every episode of sfu at least three times

    4:21 [Comment From Andrew]

    Anna, how involved is Alan Ball with the show? Is he there for every episode?

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:21 Anna Paquin:

    alan is a dream to work with/for

    4:21 [Comment From Lou]Anna, I've always enjoyed your work, but I think you're doing the best stuff of your

    career on "True Blood." How do you like the HOB show schedule where youbasically work half the year and have the rest of it for outside projects?

    4:21 [Comment From Katherine]Will you and the cast be attending Comic Con 2009?

    4:21 Anna Paquin: alan is involved on every level of every ep from start to finish

    4:22 [Comment From Heidi]after playing Sookie it would be good to switch things up and play a nun

    4:22 Tom O\'Neil: aren't you just a LITTLE BIT creeped out by Alan's fondness for TV

    shows about dead people???? haaaaaaaa

    4:22 [Comment From Misty]I am glad you play Sookie..Thank you!

    4:22 Anna Paquin: comic con true blood panel is july 25, we are ALL coming

    4:22 Anna Paquin:


    4:22 [Comment From Ashley]

    what is it like to work with your real life boyfriend

    4:22 [Comment From Megan]

    You look great in both colors.

    4:22 Tom O\'Neil: Nothing! Nothing! The Walking Dead are really KEWL

    4:23 [Comment From TrueBloodDotNetLiz]

    Tom: LOL!4:23 [Comment From Heidi]

    You wear blonde very well

    4:23 [Comment From Vanessa]

    Do you watch any tv shows besides true blood?

    4:23 Anna Paquin: steve and i have a pretty ideal set up as far as personal/work life

    4:23 [Comment From Pam]

    everything's so damn sultry in Louisiana-does the humidity bother sure helps

    spice up the scenes with the glistening bodies!

    4:23 [Comment From Alex]

    Are you an Eric or a Bill fan?

    4:23 [Comment From Lou]Anna, I'd love to know the name of your colourist. Your blonde is stunning!

    4:24 Anna Paquin: BILL ALL THE WAY!!!

    4:24 [Comment From taloson]

    Hey Anna! How has HBO responded to the show thus far? Do you know if they planon many seasons?

    4:24 [Comment From Keysha]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    You look beautiful the way you are.

    4:24 [Comment From Nique]

    What do You want to happen between Bill And Sookie? Marriage? Kids if possible

    4:24 [Comment From Melissa1118]

    I'm dying to see who they cast for future characters like Quinn & Alcide!

    4:24 [Comment From Casey]Anna, did you watch Alex's music video with Lady Gaga?


    IN LOS ANGELES/PLANET EARTH. (i may have spelled that wrong)

    4:25 [Comment From Heidi]how do they make the fangs pop out

    4:25 [Comment From Vytas]

    How do you stay fit? Yoga? Pilates?

    4:25 [Comment From marcie]Do you have a myspace account or are they just posers?

    4:25 [Comment From Lee]

    anything you feel you've sacrificed given fame and notoriety?

    4:25 Anna Paquin:

    the fangs are on a plate that gets put into the mouth and then they do a cgi effect to

    have them pop

    4:25 [Comment From jordan]Hi Anna, Any odd encounters with vampire fanatics?

    4:26 [Comment From mary]

    I love your body of work. You have made Sookie an Icon. \When do you have time

    to work and read scripts for Paquin Films. How are scripts submitted to your

    production company?4:26 Anna Paquin: i work out A LOT!! yoga pilates boxing anything that involves


    4:26 Tom O\'Neil: the popping action is a hoot

    4:26 Anna Paquin: I DO NOT HAVE A MY SPACE ACCOUNT!!!!

    4:26 Tom O\'Neil: So, in other words, don't mess with Anna ...

    4:27 Anna Paquin: um yeah i'm pretty strong....

    4:27 [Comment From Casey]

    do you feel a difference with tv and theatre?

    4:27 [Comment From ElRamuuusa]

    I want to know hoe it feels to win an oscar at such a young age, I mean at themoment maybe you didnt realized how big it was, but then one day you were like...

    WOW!!! ???

    4:27 [Comment From Mike]Do all of the actors hang out after filming? Who is your BFF on set?

    4:27 Anna Paquin: acting is acting no matter the medium

    4:27 [Comment From Jen]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    Were you surprised when you won the golden globes? you deserved it

    4:27 [Comment From Carole]

    How do you like living in Los Angeles these days? Or do you really only get to workwhen you are here?

    4:28 Anna Paquin: the gg shocked the hell out of me, i don't ever expect stuff like that

    4:28 [Comment From Misty]Do you wish Bubba was in True Blood. Since he was a big part in the books?

    4:28 Tom O\'Neil: Did you have an acceptance speech ready at Globes? Just in case?

    4:28 Anna Paquin: i love my life in los angeles

    4:28 [Comment From Carole]Are you interested in other aspects of TV/film - writing, directing?

    4:28 Anna Paquin: no speech

    4:28 [Comment From Jen]

    yeah they pull off those southern accents real great considering they are european

    4:28 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    Wow, episode 2.03 was torcherous for you! What was all of the foam in your mouth?4:29 [Comment From Pat from The Casitas]

    just wanted to say thank you for taking the role--it's my husband and my new fave

    and a great break from our B&B here on the Central Coast.

    4:29 Anna Paquin: alka seltzer

    4:29 [Comment From Cynthia]Hi, Anna, I so much enjoy your great performance on True Blood. Do you know if

    HBO has OK'ed a third season?

    4:29 [Comment From pammie]

    i would love to see you onstage- are there any characters you'd love to play?

    4:29 Anna Paquin: no official word on season three. so please keep watching and keep

    your fingers crossed (YES THAT IS A SHAMELESS PLUG)4:29 [Comment From Jordan Catalano]

    ooooh, good question: can vamps father children?

    4:30 [Comment From Alex]

    would you like to see Rogue in her own spinoff movie?

    4:30 [Comment From Melvyn]Anna, what young actress do you admire right now?

    4:30 Anna Paquin: i'm not sure if they are able to do the baby thing

    4:30 [Comment From Storiz]

    Sookie is great! have you ever been to Comic-Con, Anna? For "X-Men" or

    something?4:30 [Comment From Alexxxxx]

    does the way Bill says 'sookie is MINE' hilarious or is it just me?

    4:30 Anna Paquin: i really admire all the women on my show.

    4:30 [Comment From Stacy]

    since you have read the books, do u get as mad as i do when they switch things up?

    the stroy is still great and entertaining though and so are u! :]

    4:31 [Comment From Jenny]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    You are a wonderful actress. good luck at the emmy's!

    4:31 [Comment From Heidi]

    darn. I wanted a pair of pop out fangs for halloween

    4:31 Anna Paquin: i think rutina, deborah, mishka, and carrie are all extroadinary

    4:31 [Comment From marcie]

    good to know about the myspace! They had stephen proposing the other night. it washilarious!

    4:31 [Comment From Carole]

    Have you had any frightening crazed fan/press experiences? Not that you're actually


    4:31 Anna Paquin: yeah i love reading things about my life that are FICTION

    4:31 [Comment From Lou]

    Anna, I love that you're a Billsbabe. Hello from a fellow one! Will Sookie get beatup in every episode this year? I hope Sam provides really good medical insurance at


    4:31 [Comment From Jenny]

    Were you a michael jackson fan?

    4:31 [Comment From Andrew]

    Anna - how long does it take to shoot a season of TB?

    4:32 [Comment From victor]

    love your work I am a true fan of your keep it up LV U

    4:32 [Comment From Jordan]

    Hi Anna, Would you ever work with Spike Lee again? What was that experience


    4:32 [Comment From Pat from The Casitas]

    On a total social note, what is your favorite place to dine--dive or shi shi?!

    4:32 Anna Paquin: i while back someone posed as me on facebook and said i was inhospital. which was funny because i was on set at the time and have never been inhospital since i was born.

    thought it was a bit thoughtless because if that info trickled out to friends or familythey would be worried... ya know?

    4:33 [Comment From Michelle]

    In my opinion, most of the female fans of the show are Bill fans, but most of the fansof the books are Eric fans. Do you see this being a potential source of conflict?

    4:33 Anna Paquin: love spike lee, would love to work with him again

    4:33 [Comment From Casey]

    i was so happy that you won4:33 [Comment From Darrell Y.]

    Living in LA are you a LA Lakers fan?

    4:33 [Comment From MrReynolds]

    Is the Globe in your bedroom closet with your Oscar?

    4:33 [Comment From Lee]

    You must have a nice car, that seems to make LA that much more tolerable

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:33 Anna Paquin: the globe and oscar are on a counter top in our bedroom

    4:34 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    I hate alka seltzer! But it looked great

    4:34 Anna Paquin: i don't know how to drive.

    4:34 [Comment From Donna]

    You lived in NY for a long time. Any chance you'll be back in NY any time soon?Do you like living in Ca.?

    4:34 Anna Paquin: i don't own a car

    4:34 [Comment From Alexxxxx]

    who is your favorite character on the show to watch?

    4:34 [Comment From Casey]

    do ever get a chance to see any theatre shows?

    4:34 Anna Paquin: i do have a hello kitty beach cruiser

    4:34 [Comment From Tiyen]Hi Anna. Big fan here. Have you been back home to New Zealand lately? How are

    they taking your success? I'm sure they must be proud of you.

    4:34 [Comment From Danielle]Do you sing? Would you ever consider doing a musical?

    4:34 [Comment From Megan]

    Of course you guys will get a third season! :)

    4:34 Anna Paquin: i get home to nz about once a year

    4:35 [Comment From willy]

    What's your go-to cocktail these days?

    4:35 Anna Paquin: i can sing but haven't since school choir

    4:35 [Comment From Ashley]hi anna! i love sookie. is ryan kwaten single? he is so attractive

    4:35 Tom O\'Neil:

    She drinks True Blood, Willy

    4:35 [Comment From Ryan]Anna, what is going on with your movie Margaret? How does a movie with such a

    great cast have such a long delay?

    4:36 [Comment From Jennifer]TB Rocks. I love it. My question: In watching the show, the cast jibes so well, like

    you all have been friends for years. Did you guys do anything special to get to know

    one another before shooting?

    4:36 Anna Paquin: you would have to ask ryan that!!! i am not a dating service!! orgossip column

    4:36 [Comment From Insanity]

    Speaking of vampire children, What does Sookie really think of Bill's 'daughter'?

    4:36 [Comment From Nique]Thanks Anna I Love the show... Keep up the good work.

    4:36 [Comment From Sam]

    Hi Anna i just wanna say you and the other cast members do an amazing job on the

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    show! I

    4:36 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    The writers are really doing a great job with Jessica this year

    4:36 Anna Paquin: sookie accepts jessica and tries to be a good "step parent"

    4:36 [Comment From Katherine]

    Anna any words of wisdom for an aspiring actress from a wonderful and brilliantactress?

    4:36 [Comment From Alexxxxx]

    who doesn't love to read made up things about their life

    4:37 Anna Paquin:

    i think deborah is mesmerizing !!!!

    4:37 [Comment From Ashley]

    I know you're getting like 8 million questions right now-haha. I was wondering what

    its like acclimating to a southern character being British? Did you do any research?

    4:37 [Comment From Guest]

    Hello, how did you perfect your southern accent on the show?

    4:37 Anna Paquin: i'm from new zealand!!!

    4:37 [Comment From Alexxxxx]do you have any idea what Daphne is? or at least a guess?

    4:37 Tom O\'Neil: What do you think of all the "Twilight" mania? Fan of the movie?

    4:37 Anna Paquin: but we all had a dialect coach

    4:38 Anna Paquin:

    of course I KNOW WHAT DAPHNE IS. but i'm telling you !!!!!

    4:38 [Comment From Misty]

    I have to say that I truely believe that Alan Ball did a GREAT job with picking hiscast..I love it. I love Alan, too! LOL

    4:38 [Comment From John]

    Anna, did you finish at Columbia? If not, any desire to go back and finish?

    4:38 [Comment From Guest]Anna im wiriting this letter from Turkey .Do you think to come here ?

    4:38 Anna Paquin: nope i kinda dropped out

    4:38 [Comment From Jordan Catalano]

    Do you have to deal with paparazzi now?

    4:38 [Comment From Debbie Pezzillo]

    Actually there are 4 Billsbabes here right now! We know you are the Original


    4:38 [Comment From Tina]I remember when you won the academy award for The Piano. That must feel like

    ages ago. Do you even remember the experience?

    4:38 [Comment From Heidi]I'm going to "Fangtasia" this weekend!

    4:39 [Comment From Tiyen]

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    Do you protect Stephen from the sun (as he's supposed to refrain from getting a


    4:39 Anna Paquin: the paparazzi thing is a little odd. but it's part of what you sign upfor with the whole acting thing.

    i don't do anything all that interesting so i still can't understand why anyone wants totake my picture .....

    4:39 [Comment From Kay]

    You brother said you'll be cameoing in his new movie which involves driving?

    4:39 [Comment From JackieTomlinson]What roles have you tried out for but didn't get?

    4:39 [Comment From Carole]

    Does your shooting schedule require you to be nocturnal six months out of the year?And if so, how do you tan?

    4:40 Anna Paquin: we shot it this morning!! in his garage "poor mans process"

    4:40 [Comment From Jordan Catalano]

    Would you be open to doing a big-screen movie version of "True Blood"?

    4:40 [Comment From Stacy]

    which books in the series are your favorites? do u get mad when they change thing in

    True Blood that arent like the book.

    4:40 [Comment From Andy]

    Are you still a vegetarian?

    4:40 [Comment From Casey]

    are there any good clothe stores in california?

    4:40 Anna Paquin: i tried out for loads of roles i didn't get!!! rejection is 90% of my job

    4:40 [Comment From Ashley]

    Oh I apologize. I thought you were from Britain!4:41 [Comment From Casey]

    has the cast of tb ever done karaoke before for a cast get together? I bet that would

    be lots of fun to see

    4:41 Anna Paquin:

    ok so i have to go to a costume fitting

    4:41 Tom O\'Neil: You're saying you have to dash now?

    4:41 [Comment From TrueBloodDotNetLiz]

    Thank you, Anna!

    4:41 [Comment From Andrew]


    4:41 [Comment From DeeDee]

    thank you, anna!

    4:41 Anna Paquin: i have a special dress for a special scene in ep 12 that needs to be


    4:41 [Comment From Jenny]

    thank you!

  • 8/14/2019 LATime Live Chat AnnaPaquinjune30


    4:41 [Comment From Casey]

    we'll miss you!

    4:41 Anna Paquin: so i gotta run

    4:41 Tom O\'Neil: thanks for cyber-gabbing with us, Anna

    4:42 [Comment From Wren Marie]

    Bye Anna!4:42 [Comment From Tulip]

    bye anna

    4:42 [Comment From Stacy]

    cant wait to see u again sunday night :] thanks so much!

    4:42 Tom O\'Neil: Good luck at the Emmys

    4:42 [Comment From Sasha]

    Bye, Anna, thanks!

    4:42 Anna Paquin: thank you guys so much!!!! all of us true blood folks love andappreciate all the support

    4:42 Anna Paquin: it makes our job very exciting!!!!4:42 Anna Paquin: BYE BYE


    4:42 Tom O\'Neil: Bye!

    4:43 PatrickDay: Thanks for participating everyone!

    4:44 PatrickDay: Apologies to those whose questions didn't get posted.

    4:44 [Comment From Katherine]


    4:44 [Comment From Misty]Wouldn't have missed it...
