laura ashley spring 2012


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Wisteria Trail 6-15

A New Leaf 80-87

Twilight Tones 16-29

Far from Heaven 88-93

Manor Born 30-37

Field of Dreams 94-101

Shades of Blue 60-71Off the Wall 44-51 Glasshouse 52-59

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Darling Buds 38-43

Purple Haze 102-105

Casual Chic 72-79

© Laura Ashley Limited 2012


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Upholstery padstow fixed cover two seater in NEW corby amethyst £1050 p121

cambridge fixed cover armchairs in NEW cedar stripe amethyst £850 each p123

Furniture milton storage unit with natural drawers £950, NEW coffee table with natural drawers £550,

nest of two tables (smaller shown) £325 p152/153

Blinds express straight edged roman in austen off white £24 per metre p277

Wallpaper NEW avebury amethyst £37 per roll p307

Lighting NEW noah complete lamp £95 p189

Mirror olivia small ivory mirror £125 p176

Cushions ashby amethyst £38, NEW avebury pleat amethyst £50,

NEW baylis amethyst £30, NEW clematis linen £45 p203

Rug bexley stripe amethyst from £140 p207

Accessories NEW optic glass vase £50 p10, laser cut butterflies in white washed frame £50 p219,

ballerina framed print £60 p218

NEW water hyacinth tray £25 (see online and in store for details)

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񡑂 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑑񡑆񡑗񡑔񡑆񡑆񡑕񡑉񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑁񡑇񡑓񡑒Upholstery kendal fixed cover two seater

in dalton natural £1500 p121

Furniture NEW sherwood side stool £175 p142

Curtains pencil pleat in NEW avebury amethyst

£30 per metre, with leading edge in bacall amethyst

£24 per metre p258

Blind express straight edged roman in bacall

amethyst £24 per metre p277

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

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see page 106

Rug bexley stripe amethyst £140 p207

Lighting NEW casper glass wall light £80 p190

Cushions NEW avebury amethyst £45 p203,

carmel spot amethyst £40 (see online and in store for details),

NEW avebury pleat amethyst £50 p203

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AccessoriesNEW teacup home vase H19cm 3518 928 £32

NEW floral bunch candlestick H7.5cm 3518 105 £12

NEW mantelpiece multi aperture frame H22cm W60cm 3518 227 £40

NEW small artificial planted hyacinth H25cm 3521 731 £10

NEW small artificial planted snowdrop H25cm 3521 729 £10

NEW optic glass vase H50cm 3518 229 £50

Wallpaper NEW avebury amethyst £37 per roll p307

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Upholstery NEW chesham chair in NEW newbury amethyst £600,

cambridge armchair in NEW cedar stripe amethyst £850 p123

Furniture NEW sherwood dining table £1000, bench £450, coffee table £425 p142,

rubie white two door cabinet £600 p155

Design Service Bench Pad in NEW corby amethyst p106

Blinds NEW express vertical in white p280;

express straight edged roman in bacall amethyst £24 per metre p277

Wallpaper NEW eaton stripe amethyst/olive £35 per roll p308

Lighting savoy ceiling pendant £150 (see online and in store for details)

Accessories laser cut butterflies in white washed frame £50 p219

NEW callisto clock £60 (see online and in store for details)

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Upholstery NEW chesham chair in

NEW newbury amethyst £600 p123

Furniture milton nest of two tables

(smaller shown) £325 p152

Paint pale amethyst £26 per 2.5 litre can p311

Lighting NEW noah complete lamp £95 p189

Cushion NEW baylis amethyst £30 p203

Rug NEW hoxton off white £130 p206

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see page 106

Upholstery magdalene loose cover dining chairs in plain linen £275 p124

Furniture NEW sherwood dining table £1000, bench £450 p142

Design Service Bench Pad in NEW corby amethyst p106

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW draycott amethyst £30 per metre p258

Lighting NEW robin multi shaded pendant £150 p186

Accessories NEW wisteria silhouettes canvases £55 each p218

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Upholstery lynden two seater in edwin off white £1550 p118

Furniture NEW sherwood coffee table £425, bookcase £800 p142

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW draycott amethyst £30 per metre p258

Curtain poles white scratched wood from £85 with acrylic ball finials £36 each p271

Blind express straight edged roman in austen off white £24 per metre p277

Paint pale amethyst £26 per 2.5 litre can p311

Lighting custom made shade in NEW eaton stripe amethyst from £36 p187

Cushions NEW avebury pleat amethyst £50 p203

Rug NEW hoxton off white £130 p206

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see page 106

AccessoriesNEW optic carafe and tumbler H21cm 3519 174 £30

NEW starburst rectangular white frame H25cm W20cm 3518 108 £18

NEW teacup home vase H19cm 3518 928 £32

NEW ben dog ornament H20cm 3518 930 £15

green tea polka dot large jug H19cm 3469 225 £22

henshaw white mantel clock H22cm W31cm 3469 110 £60

NEW small planted snowdrop H25cm 3521 729 £10

NEW small planted hyacinth H25cm 3521 731 £10

Furniture NEW sherwood bookcase £800 p142

Wallpaper NEW eaton stripe amethyst/olive £35 per roll p308

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1. Furniture NEW capri console table £350, side table £275 p158

Wallpaper NEW curzon sapphire £35 per roll, NEW serpentine sapphire £37 per roll p305

Mirror capri rectangular mirror £350 p177

Lighting custom made shade in dupion silk off white from £40 each p187

NEW frederick base £75 each p189

Accessories NEW capri mirrored frames from £25 each p216

2. Upholstery NEW hudson two-seater in NEW villandry midnight £1700 p114

darwin armchair in luxford stripe off white £850 p127

Furniture NEW capri coffee table £450 p158

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Mirror NEW phoenix mirror £275 p174

Lighting NEW aria large ceiling pendant £375 p180

Cushions NEW catalina sapphire £50, NEW saville sapphire £40 p202

Rug NEW montpellier linen £230 p209

Accessories NEW white swirl hurricane lamps from £12 each p18

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Mirror NEW phoenix mirror £275 p174

Accessories NEW white swirl hurricane lamps,

large H25cm 3518 991 £40, small H9cm 3519 001 £12

Furniture NEW capri side table £275 p158

Lighting NEW ripple complete lamp £160 p193

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see page 106

Lighting NEW aria large ceiling pendant £375 p180

Wallpaper NEW serpentine sapphire £37 per roll p305

Upholstery darwin armchair in NEW ellison midnight £850 p127

Cushion NEW saville sapphire £40 p202

Rug NEW montpellier linen £230 p209

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Upholstery reigate two-seater in

NEW dalton midnight £1600 p116

Furniture NEW capri coffee

table £450 p158

balmoral side table £350 p156

Blind express straight edged roman

in NEW serpentine sapphire

£42 per metre p277

Paint NEW sable £26 per 2.5 litre

can p310

Lighting NEW cleo cream shade £34,

blake glass base from £75 p193

Cushions NEW catalina sapphire

£50 p202

Rug lawler smoke £200 p209

Accessories starburst white frame

£18 p216

NEW willaby candlesticks from £50 each,

NEW optic footed bowl £38

(see online and in store for details)

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see page 106

1. Upholstery gloucester two-seater in

dalton sable £1500 p117

NEW kensal footstool in NEW edwin sable £600 p126

Furniture NEW capri side table £275 p158

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW curzon

sapphire £45 per metre p258

Mirror NEW phoenix mirror £275 p174

Lighting NEW aria wall light £55 p190

Cushions NEW saville sapphire £40 p202

NEW nigella midnight £40 p201

NEW portman linen £42 p200

Rug NEW montpellier linen £230 p209

Accessories NEW capri mirrored frames from £25 p214

NEW capri mirror jewellery boxes from £32 p214

2. Accessories flower base clear fluted cocktail

glass £12 each (see online and in store for details)

3. Accessories NEW capri mirrored tray £30

(see online and in store for details)

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1.1. Upholstery ellis chair in NEW ellison midnight £1000 p123

Furniture balmoral side table £350 p156

Wallpaper NEW serpentine sapphire £37 per roll p305

Lighting custom made shade in curzon sapphire from £44 p187,

NEW noah large curved floor lamp £275 p189

Rug NEW montpellier linen £230 p209

Accessories NEW midnight floral canvas £150 p219,

NEW starburst gold frames £18 each

(see online and in store for details)

NEW optic glass vase £50 p10

2. Furniture garrat extending dining table £950 p146, carron upholstered dining chairs £225 each p147,

charlston chest of drawers £675 p158, NEW capri console table £350 p158

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW curzon natural £45 per metre p258

Blinds roman in dupion silk off white with dupion silk pale bamboo pleated border £32 per metre p276

Curtain poles cream distressed wood from £85 with acrylic ball finials £36 each p271

Wallpaper NEW serpentine natural £37 per roll p299

Mirror capri rectangular mirror £350 each p177

Lighting NEW vienna large glass ceiling pendant £300 p180

Accessories NEW white swirl hurricane lamps from £12 each p18,

NEW willaby candlesticks from £50 each, NEW floral tealight hurricane £40,

flower base clear fluted cocktail glasses £12 each, wine glasses £14 each

(see online and in store for details)

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1. 2.


1. Mirror NEW mirrored constellation mirror £375 p174

2. Upholstery fearn two-seater in NEW edwin sable £1000 p118

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW paramount sapphire £25 per metre p258

Mirror NEW capri floor mirror £500 p177

Cushions NEW catalina sapphire £50 p202, NEW portman linen £42 p200

3. Upholstery reigate two-seater in NEW dalton midnight £1600 p116

Furniture NEW capri side table £275 p158

Lighting NEW jenna cream shade £40, blake large glass base £115 p193

4. Upholstery glendale armchair in NEW edwin sable £700 p123

Wallpaper NEW curzon sapphire £35 per roll p305

Cushion NEW saville sapphire £40 p202

Rug lawler smoke £200 p209

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Furniture NEW capri console table £350 p158

Wallpaper NEW serpentine natural £37 per roll p299

Accessories NEW willaby candlesticks from £50 each (see online and in store for details),

flower base fluted cocktail glass £12 each (see online and in store for details)

NEW capri mirrored frames from £25 p214

NEW capri mirrored tray £30 (see online and in store for details),

capri small mirror jewellery box £32 p214

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񡑂񡑄񡑅񡑠񡑑񡑒񡑑񡑉񡑐񡑘񡑀񡑅񡑕񡑔񡑈񡑗Upholstery NEW sydney armchair

in NEW villandry dark linen £800 p124

Furniture NEW capri console table £350 p158

Blind express straight edged roman

in NEW curzon sapphire £45 per metre p277

Wallpaper lille white £30 per roll p300

Mirror NEW mirrored constellation mirror £375 p174

Cushions NEW nigella midnight £40 p201

NEW portman linen £42 p200

Accessories NEW capri large mirror jewellery

box £75 p214

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Upholstery NEW kensington double bed frame in caitlyn off white £1600 p173

NEW sydney armchair in NEW villandry dark linen £800 p124 Bedlinen NEW curzon sapphire from £20, NEW louise sapphire quilt from £200 p228

NEW leila natural quilt from £225 (see online and in store for details)

Furniture broughton dark side table £375 p160

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see page 106

Wallpaper NEW curzon natural £35 per roll p299

Lighting NEW ripple complete lamp £160 p193

Cushions NEW saville sapphire £40 p202, NEW portman linen £42 p200

Rug lawler smoke £200 p209

Accessories NEW capri mirrored frames from £25 each p214

NEW white swirl hurricane lamps from £12 each p18

NEW set of 2 round mirrored boxes £25 p214

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1. Wallpaper NEW elveden cranberry £35 per roll p305

Lighting custom made shade in NEW eaton cranberry from £36 each p187, winston base £55 p191

Decorative Accessories NEW bess cat hook £12, NEW ben dog hook £12 p283

Accessories NEW hatfield house framed print £150 p218, henshaw white mantel clock £60 p217

2. Upholstery express bradford two seater in heritage leather £2050 p129,

southwold armchair in keynes cranberry £950 p124

Furniture NEW kingsbury three drawer chest £1000, coffee table £725 p149

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW elveden cranberry £30 per metre p258

Curtain poles dark oak wood from £75 with swirl ball finials £25 each p272

Wallpaper NEW farleigh natural £35 per roll p299

Lighting NEW black shade with ‘gold’ inner £36 p189, NEW palm tree base £60 p191

Cushions catalina amethyst £50 p200, NEW hagan amethyst £38 p204, nigella grape £40

p201, NEW elveden natural £48, NEW cranbourne amethyst £42 p204

Rug NEW langdon amethyst/cranberry £250 p211

Accessories NEW elveden teacup and saucer £12 p41, set of 2 rectangular water hyacinth

baskets £60, NEW ben dog ornament £15 (see online and in store for details)

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see page 106

1. Furniture NEW kingsbury three drawer chest £1000 p149,

tiverton wine table £275, console table £650 p149

Wallpaper NEW elveden cranberry £35 per roll p305

Paint aubergine £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Lighting custom made shade in eaton stripe cranberry

from £36 each p187, winston base £55 p187

Mirror NEW lila ‘silver’ floral mirror £225 each p176

Decorative Accessories NEW bess cat hook £12,

NEW ben dog hook £12 p283

Accessories NEW hatfield house framed print £150 p218,

muddy boots doormat £20, NEW mouse doorstop £12 p223,

NEW water hyacinth basket £40 (see online and in store for details)

2. Upholstery southwold armchair in elveden cranberry £900 p124,

vaughan footstool in dalton cranberry £450 p126

Furniture NEW tiverton bookcase £875 p148

Wallpaper NEW farleigh natural £35 per roll p299

Lighting archer ‘gold’ complete floor lamp £175 p188

Cushion NEW elveden natural £48 p204

Rug sheringham natural £175 p208

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3. 4.

1. Furniture NEW tiverton extending dining table £1200,

pair of dining chairs £425, sideboard £1200 p148

Curtains double pleat in NEW eaton stripe cranberry

£28 per metre p259

Blinds express straight edged roman in austen natural

£24 per metre p277

Curtain poles dark oak wood from £75

with ball finials £25 each p272

Lighting NEW patricia 5 arm chandelier £275 p185

Mirror olivia champagne overmantel mirror £300 each p176

Accessories NEW white swirl hurricane lamp £40 p18,

blocked mirrored frame from £22 p214

2. Accessories NEW elveden dining range,

3 tier cake stand H34cm 3521 824 £35,

tea cup and saucer Ø17cm 3518 964 £12,

tea for one H12.5cm Ø17cm 3518 946 £25,

set of 4 cork back coasters L10cm W10cm 3519 718 £6

set of 4 cork back placemats L30cm W23cm 3519 716 £15

NEW optic footed bowl H15cm Ø23cm 3518 231 £38

3. Cushion NEW elveden natural £48 p204

4. Furniture NEW kingsbury coffee table £725 p149

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1. Upholstery hereford chaise in eloise natural £950 p126

Furniture clifton dressing table and stool set £950 p164

Blinds roman in dupion silk amethyst £32 per metre with pleated border p276

Wallpaper NEW elveden amethyst £35 per roll p308

Mirrors elisse triple mirror £175 p178, beth tall white mirror £525 p179

Lighting 12" amethyst fenn shade £38 p198, blake regular base £75 p193

Towels sculptured blossom in dove grey from £12 p226, and white from £12

(see online and in store for details)

Rug lockie amethyst £200 p206

Decorative Accessories vivien door knob £38 per pair p285

2. Furniture NEW clifton double bed frame £850, left hand bedside table £350, blanket box £600 p165

Bedlinen shalford cream from £18 p234, truscott pewter quilt £200 p229

Curtains deep pencil pleat in NEW farleigh amethyst £42 per metre p258

Blinds express straight edged roman in bacall amethyst £24 per metre p277

Curtain poles dark oak wood from £75 with ball finials £25 each p272

Wallpaper lille linen £30 per roll p298

Lighting 16" lille stripe shade £42 p186

Cushions nigella in grape and amethyst £40 each p201

Rug claverton amethyst £300 p209

Accessories NEW elveden mugs £8 each (see online and in store for details),

starburst champagne frame £18, decorative classic champagne photo holder £26 p216

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AccessoriesNEW scallop clock H25cm W25cm 3518 101 £30,

NEW set of 4 floral printed glass tumblers Ø7cm 3519 106 £22,

NEW floral printed glass jug Ø11cm 3519 103 £26

NEW optic footed bowl H15cm Ø23cm 3518 231 £38

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

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Upholstery lynden two seater in edwin off white £1550 p118

Furniture provencale NEW bookcase £975, extending dining table £850,

carver chair £400, pair of dining chairs £575, sideboard £875, side table £325 p162/163

Wallpaper NEW etta geranium £35 per roll p307

Lighting NEW annabelle ceiling pendant £200 p186,

archer cream leaf complete lamp £70 p195

Mirror valencia mirror £225 p178, olivia small ivory mirror £125 p176

Cushions NEW flower card linen £36 p203,

Accessories NEW amelie set of 3 boxes £38, office fan file £15 p222, prints including

NEW sweet primulas framed print £75 p218/219, NEW water hyacinth basket £40 (see online and in store for details)

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2. 3.

4. 5.

1. Furniture NEW windsor table £425, chair £195, bench £400 p157

Accessories including NEW flower printed glass jug £26, set of 4 tumblers £22 p38,

optic carafe and tumbler £30, NEW amelie seat pad £20 (see online and in store for details)

Tablecloth fabric NEW amelie geranium pvc £22 per metre p295

2. Blinds express straight edged roman in NEW giselle geranium £30 per metre p275

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Accessories NEW set of 3 metal herb pots on tray £22 (see online and in store for details)

3. Accessories including NEW picnic basket with four place settings £85,

NEW amelie floor cushion £30 (see online and in store for details)

4. Accessories NEW amelie melamine tray £15, tumbler £4, plate £5

(see online and in store for details)

5. Accessories NEW large metal outdoor clock £75 (see online and in store for details)

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񡑐񡑖񡑕񡑔񡑀 񡑥 񡑂񡑆񡑃񡑀񡑀


see page 106




1. Furniture phoebe double headboard £150, double divan from £450 p169/170,

devon side table £275 p167

Bedlinen NEW amelie reversible geranium from £22

(see online and in store for details), heather amethyst quilt £150 p236

Curtains deep pencil pleat in NEW giselle geranium £30 per metre p258

Curtain poles white wood kit from £80 p275

Wallpaper NEW etta geranium £35 per roll p307

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Lighting NEW lara complete lamp £85 p194

Mirror valencia mirror £225 p178

Rug frankie natural £200 p208

2. Assorted bedlinen p226/240

3. Upholstery NEW islington cube footstools in villandry cerise,

villandry amethyst and villandry off white £300 each p127

Lighting NEW lit rose garland £45 (see online and in store for details)

Curtains deep pencil pleat in NEW giselle geranium £30 per metre p258

4. Upholstery harbrook armchair in eloise off white £800,

harbrook footstool in eloise off white £400 p126

Blinds express roman in bacall amethyst £24 per metre with vertical border in

austen off white £24 per metre p276

Cushion NEW flower card linen £36 p203

Accessories NEW amelie set of 3 boxes £38, office fan file £15 p222

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

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Upholstery NEW newman two-seater in NEW wallace natural £1300 p119,

colinton armchair in NEW dalton cerulean blue £850 p125

Furniture NEW milton natural drawer coffee table £550, NEW shelving units £350 each p153

Lighting custom made shade in NEW wallace natural from £36 p187

NEW noah large curved floor lamp £275 p189

Cushions NEW baylis chartreuse £30, NEW baylis cerulean £30,

NEW serena natural £45 (see online and in store for details)

Rug lincoln natural £375 p209

Accessories NEW serena mug £8 p48

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Furniture milton 2 drawer console table £525 p152

Wallpaper NEW serena natural/multi £35 per roll p299

Lighting NEW noah complete lamp £95 p189

Accessories NEW callisto clock £60,

water hyacinth fanned magazine basket £45

(see online and in store for details)

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see page 106

Upholstery newman right hand corner group in edwin natural £2300,

newman footstools in edwin natural £600 each p119

Furniture milton modular unit (as shown) £1000 p151

Design Service Panel in NEW wallace natural £30 per metre p106

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Lighting 16" lille stripe shade £42 p186

NEW noah large curved floor lamp £275 p189

Cushions NEW baylis chartreuse £30, NEW baylis cerulean £30

(see online and in store for details),

nigella truffle £40 p201

Mirror gatsby square mirror £225 p174

Accessories quiet time book shelf canvases £100 each p218,

NEW white swirl hurricane lamps £40 each p18

NEW serena mugs £8 each p48

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AccessoriesNEW serena mugs H9cm 3518 959 £8 each

NEW set of 4 wallace corkback placemats Ø24cm 3519 712 £15

NEW set of 4 wallace coasters Ø9cm 3519 714 £6

NEW serena glass worktop saver L40cm W30cm 3519 720 £15

NEW set of 2 serena tea towels L70cm W50cm 3518 901 £12

Wallpaper NEW logan natural £26 per roll p299

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see page 106

Upholstery magdalene loose cover dining chairs in edwin

natural £325, dalton zinnia £325, NEW dalton cerulean £325

and NEW wallace natural £250 p124

Furniture milton regular extending dining table £950 p153,

milton modular unit (as shown) £1100 p151

Blinds express straight edged roman in

NEW wallace natural £30 per metre p277

Wallpaper NEW serena natural/multi £35 per roll p299

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see page 106


1. Upholstery herriot double headboard in dalton zinnia £325 p172

Bedlinen NEW serena reversible natural/multi from £18

(see online and in store for details)

2. Wallpaper NEW logan natural £26 per roll p299

Lighting NEW noah complete lamp £95 p189

3. Furniture hastings double metal bed £650 p169, milton side table £325 p152

Bedlinen NEW serena reversible natural/multi from £18 (see online and in store for details),

elsham natural £120 p230

Blinds express straight edged roman in austen off white £24 per metre p277

Wallpaper NEW serena natural/multi £35 per roll p299

Lighting filby shade with wood effect inner £32 (see online and

in store for details), drummond turned wood base £75 p191

Rug ash natural £185 p208

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Upholstery richmond two-seater in

NEW dalton moss £1350 p117,

hayes wing chairs in villandry charcoal £800

and oscar off white £800 p124

Furniture NEW marsden coffee table £400,

side table £180, console table £395 p150

Blinds serpentine roman in

NEW larissa bluebird £30 per metre p276

Paint cobblestone £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Mirror gatsby square mirror £225 p174

Lighting NEW sorrento ceiling pendant £200

p180, NEW bradie floor lamp £150 p197

Cushions NEW nigella olive £40,

nigella charcoal £40, p201,

NEW martha natural £45 p203

Rug NEW hoxton linen £130 p206

Accessories including:

NEW capri mirrored frames from £25 each,

block mirrored frame £22 p216,

NEW anabella bust ornament £35, water

hyacinth baskets from £40

(see online and in store for details)

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1. Upholstery hayes wing chairs in oscar off white £800 and villandry charcoal £800 p124

Furniture NEW marsden side table £180 p150

Wallpaper NEW martha hollyhock £35 per roll p307

Cushion NEW nigella olive £40 p201

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Accessories NEW optic carafe and tumbler £30 (see online and in store for details)

2. Upholstery magdalene loose cover dining chairs in villandry charcoal £300 each

and dalton olive £325 p124

Furniture henshaw black dining table £1000 p154

Lighting NEW aria large ceiling pendant £375 p180

Accessories NEW willaby candlesticks from £50 each,

flower base clear fluted cocktail glass £12 each

(see online and in store for details)

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Upholstery reigate two-seater in edwin off white £1600 p116,

darcy footstool in NEW dalton moss £500 p126,

osterley armchair in dalton off white £800 p124

Furniture henshaw black side table £325 p155

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW larissa bluebird

£30 per metre p258

Curtain poles white scratched wood from £85

with rose finials £28 each p271

Wallpaper lille white £30 per roll p300

Lighting NEW bradie floor lamp £150 p197

Cushions NEW nigella olive £40, nigella charcoal £40 p201

Accessories block mirrored frame £22 p216

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see page 106

Cushion NEW martha natural £45 p203

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Furniture NEW marsden writing desk £600 p150,

carron upholstered dining chair £225 p147

Blinds express wooden venetian in walnut p281

Paint pale twine £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Lighting NEW noah complete lamp £95 p189

Accessories henshaw black mantel clock £60 p217,

NEW glass house set of 3 boxes £38, fan file £15 p222

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see page 106

Accessories NEW glass house address book £10, A5 notebook £12,

A4 notebook £16 p222

Wallpaper NEW martha hollyhock £35 per roll p307

Accessories block mirrored frame £22, NEW capri mirrored frames from £25 p214

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Upholstery gloucester two-seater in villandry

duck egg £1400 p117, addison armchair in

villandry champagne £1000 p123, vaughan

footstool in NEW edwin sable £450 p126

Furniture garrat oak small box coffee table

£500 p146

Curtains deep pencil pleat in fitzroy duck egg

£45 per metre p258

Design Service Blind panelled roman in dupion

silk duck egg and linen £32 per metre p106

Wallpaper NEW draper stripe duck egg

£35 per roll p303

Mirror patricia ‘silver’ overmantel mirror

£325 p179

Lighting NEW vienna large glass ceiling

pendant £300 p180,

NEW ripple complete lamps £160 each p193

Cushions catalina linen £50 p200

Design Service Cushions in dupion silk

duck egg and linen £32 per metre p106

Accessories NEW optic glass vase £50 p10,

NEW annabella bust ornament £35

(see online and in store for details)

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1. Upholstery pemberley armchair in dalton off white £850 p126

Wallpaper NEW coco duck egg £37 per roll p303

Design Service Cushion in NEW coco duck egg £42 per metre and

dupion silk off white £32 per metre p106

2. Upholstery mortimer two-seater in villandry off white £1700 p117

Furniture charlston coffee table £575, side table £250 p158

Curtains triple pleat in NEW coco duck egg £42 per metre p259

Curtain poles brushed silver metal from £75 with ball finials £22 each p271

Paint pale duck egg £26 per 2.5 litre can p311

Lighting beckensale stacked glass complete floor lamp £225 p197

Mirror beth white overmantel mirror £350 p179

Cushions nigella duck egg £40 p201

Rug lawler smoke £200 p209

Accessories NEW optic glass vase £50 p10,

NEW optic carafe and tumbler £30 (see online and in store for details)

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1. 2.


1. Upholstery langley double headboard in villandry off white £425 p172

Bedlinen NEW coco duck egg from £20, NEW heather dove grey quilt £150 p233

Furniture arielle side table £225 p159

Lighting custom made shade in dupion duck egg from £40 p187,

blake large glass base £115 p193

Rug lawler smoke £200 p209

2. Accessories NEW optic carafe and tumbler £30 (see online and in store for details)

NEW floral bunch candlestick £12 p24

3. Mirror beth white overmantel mirror £350 p179

Wallpaper NEW coco duck egg £37 per roll p303

Accessories extra large silver cylinder hurricane lamp £55,

NEW optic glass vase £50 (see online and in store for details)

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see page 106


4. Bedlinen NEW coco duck egg from £20, truscott duck egg quilt £200 p233

Throw shirland lagoon £80 p205

Curtains in NEW coco duck egg £42 per metre p258

Design Service Cushions in NEW coco duck egg £42 per metre

and dupion silk off white £32 per metre p106

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1. Upholstery mortimer two-seater in

villandry off white £1700 p117,

prestbury bench in verity duck egg £675 p126

Bedlinen NEW coco duck egg from £20,

truscott duck egg quilt £200 p233,

NEW heather dove grey quilt £150 p233

Wallpaper NEW coco duck egg £37

per roll p303

Paint duck egg £26 per 2.5 litre can p311

Cushions nigella duck egg £40 p201,

ashling duck egg £38 p202

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see page 106

2. 3.



2. Upholstery pemberley armchair in dalton off white £850 p126

Curtains triple pleat in NEW coco duck egg £42 per metre p261

3. Lighting NEW lara duck egg ceiling pendant £100 p186

4. Design Service Cushion in NEW coco duck egg £42 per metre

and dupion silk off white £32 per metre p106

5. Accessories NEW laser cut coco bloom framed print £65 p219,

bluebird bone china mug £7 (see online and in store for details)

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Upholstery prestbury bench in verity duck egg £675 p126

Design Service Curtains in NEW marchmont duck egg £42 per metre, trimmed in

dupion silk duck egg £32 per metre p106

Design Service Cushion in dupion silk duck egg and linen £32 per metre p106

Wallpaper fitzroy duck egg £35 per roll p303

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see page 106

Accessories NEW floral oval cream frame £22 p216,

fresh linen & jasmine home fragrance boxed candle £14, hand wash £8 p212,

NEW optic footed bowl £38 (see online and in store for details)

Wallpaper marchmont duck egg £35 per roll p304

Lighting lavenham 8 arm chandelier £300 p185

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

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Furniture NEW provencale armoire £1400 p162

Bedlinen imogen duck egg/white from £20 p232,

eve white from £18 p235,

NEW constance white from £25 p226,

truscott duck egg quilt £200 p233

Cushion ashling duck egg £38 p202

Accessories NEW set of 2 coco flocked boxes

(one shown) £25 p221

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see page 106

Furniture somerset double bed frame £650 p169,

provencale side table £325 p162

Bedlinen fitzroy duck egg from £25, leila duck egg quilt £225 p233

Design Service Curtains in NEW marchmont duck egg £42 per

metre, trimmed in dupion silk duck egg £32 per metre p106

Wallpaper marchmont duck egg £35 per roll p304

Lighting NEW aneela metallic ‘gold’ 3 arm chandelier £90 p184,

plain white shade with ‘gold’ inner £36 p193

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Upholstery camber double headboard in NEW edwin dove grey £450 p172,

NEW seebel loose cover armchair in NEW montana dove grey £700 p122

Bedlinen NEW constance white from £25, NEW parker dove grey blanket £75, anastasia whisper grey blanket £75 p226

Furniture NEW ellesmere side table £300 p161

Curtains express pencil pleat in NEW bingham dove grey £30 per metre p258

Wallpaper josette white/dove grey £28 per roll p300

Lighting NEW daphne cream shade £30, tate regular cream wooden base £42 p195

Mirror NEW marcella oval mirror £180 p178

Cushions nigella truffle £40 p201, NEW constance white £40 (see online and in store for details)

Rug hoxton off white £130 (see online for details)

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1. Bedlinen NEW constance white from £25, NEW parker dove grey blanket £75 p226

Cushions NEW constance white £40 (see online and in store for details)

2. Upholstery NEW seebel loose cover armchair in NEW montana dove grey £700 p122

Curtains deep pencil pleat in NEW bingham dove grey £30 per metre p258

Wallpaper josette white/dove grey £28 per roll p300

Lighting NEW shamley compact 5 arm chandelier £175 p185

Mirror patricia ‘silver’ large floor mirror £475 p179

Cushion NEW eleanor sable £36 p200

Rug lawler oval natural £200 p209

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Furniture NEW ellesmere dressing table, mirror and stool set £950 p161

Design Service Panels unlined in NEW cavendish dove grey £28 per metre p106

Lighting NEW valentina complete lamp £80, set of 3 lit birds £25 p194

Accessories NEW waterlily home fragrance candle £14 p213,

NEW you look lovely today bedroom accessories from £12 p220

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see page 106

Lighting NEW daphne cream shade £30, tate regular cream wooden base £42 p195 Accessories NEW lovely today soft set of 3 storage boxes £38

(see online and in store for details)

Lighting NEW daphne cream shade £30, tate regular cream wooden base £42 p195 Accessories NEW lovely today soft set of 3 storage boxes £38

(see online and in store for details)

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1. 2.

3. 4.

1. Accessories NEW ribbon box £25 p219

2. Accessories NEW lovely today scented hearts £12 p218

3. Lighting set of 3 lit birds (one shown) £25 p194

Accessories NEW optic carafe and tumbler £30,

NEW pin cushion £6 (see online and in store for details)

4. Furniture NEW ellesmere chest of drawers £875 p161

5. Upholstery NEW seebel loose cover two seater in

NEW montana dove grey £900 p122,

ardingly armchair in linen stripe natural £800 p123

Furniture NEW ellesmere chest of drawers £875 p161

Curtains express pencil pleat in

NEW bingham dove grey £30 per metre p258

Wallpaper NEW draycott white £35 per roll p299

Cushion nigella natural £40 p201

Rug lawler smoke £200 p209

Accessories NEW optic glass vase £50 p10,

NEW white swirl hurricane lamp £40 p18,

NEW floral oval cream frame £22 p216, NEW sewing box £30 p221

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Upholstery alston scatterback loose cover two-seaters in alston linen £1550 each p120;

harbrook armchair in corby camomile £800 p126

Furniture bramley two-door display unit £1150, coffee table £625, side table £350 p144/145

Curtains triple pleat in awning stripe camomile £28 per metre p259

Curtain poles cream distressed wood from £85 with ball finials £22 each p271

Wallpaper millwood camomile £35 per roll p306

Lighting 5 arm aneela chandelier £150 p184; archer cream leaf complete lamp £70 p195

Cushions althea natural £45, elsham pebble £55 p200

Accessories set of 3 round water hyacinth baskets £70, bramley hurricane lamp £25,

pillar candleholder £30 (see online and in store for details)

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see page 106


3. 4.

1. Furniture bramley console table £500 p144

Mirror olivia large ivory £275 p176

Blind express straight edged roman in bacall truffle £24 per metre p275

Wallpaper draycott camomile £35 per roll p306

Paint camomile £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Lighting misha cream ceiling pendant £75 p186

Rug sheringham natural £175 p208

2. Upholstery kendal fixed cover two-seater in cedar stripe truffle £1250 p121

Furniture bramley double bookcase £1600, side table £350 p145

Lighting 12" flynn cotton camomile shade £30 p194, drummond turned wood lamp base £75 p191

Cushions elsham pebble £55, maple linen £55 p200

Rug ash natural £185 p208

Accessories quiet time book shelf canvas £100 p218;

for other accessories (see online and in store for details)

3. Blanket elsham pebble £120 p230

4. Upholstery osterley chair in dalton off white £800 p124

Curtains in awning stripe camomile £28 per metre p258

Wallpaper millwood camomile £35 per roll p306

Cushions althea natural £45 p200

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񡑄񡑂 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑓񡑈񡑘񡑖񡑈񡑈񡑗񡑒񡑓񡑐񡑠񡑁񡑉񡑕񡑔Furniture bramley kitchen island £850, pair of high stools (one shown) £300 p144/145

Blinds express straight edged roman in millwood camomile £30 per metre p277

Paint soft truffle £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Accessories green tea & white spot ceramic dining range from £8

(see online and in store for details)

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see page 106

Furniture bramley large sideboard £1100, large dresser £1600, dining table £950,

bench £325, single carver chair £250, pair of dining chairs £350 p144/145

Paint soft truffle & camomile £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Lighting archie ceiling pendants £65 each p186

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3. 4.

1. Blind express straight edged roman in millwood camomile £30 per metre p277

2/3. Upholstery cambridge loose cover chair in millwood camomile £900 p123

Paint truffle £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Cushion maple linen £55 p200

Accessories cream multi aperture frame £38,

set of 3 round water hyacinth baskets (one shown) £70 (see online and in store for details),

starburst champagne frame £18 p216

4. Lighting coby adjustable complete lamp £125 p195

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see page 106

Furniture bramley double bed £1300, chest of six drawers £900 p145

Bedlinen hendon camomile from £18, elsham pebble blanket £120,

eastby natural blanket £100 p230

Cushions elsham natural £55, maple linen £55 p200

Wallpaper draycott camomile £35 per roll p306

Throw dylan truffle £45 p205

Rug bexley natural £140 p207

Page 88: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑂 񡑑񡑆񡑗񡑕񡑆񡑆񡑖񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑇񡑔񡑒

Upholstery reigate two-seater in brooklyn stripe marble

£1600 p116, ellis chair in empire marble £1000 p123,

darcy footstool in villandry french grey £450 p126

Furniture charlston side table £250,

sideboard £850 p158

Blind express straight edged roman in garland marble

£30 per metre p277

Wallpaper draper stripe sable £35 per roll p301

Lighting savoy ceiling pendant £150

(see online and in store for details),

capri glass regular complete lamp £65 p193,

wall lamp £60 p190

Mirror capri rectangular £350 p177

Cushions franklin smoke £50 p202,

nolita smoke £40 (see online and in store for details),

lexington marble £50, manhattan marble £42 p202

Rug lawler smoke £200 p209

Accessories set of 2 round mirrored boxes (one shown)

£25 p214, block mirrored frames from £22 each p214,

starburst champagne rectangular frame £18 p216

Page 89: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


Page 90: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑒񡑇񡑘񡑖񡑇񡑇񡑗񡑑񡑒񡑉񡑠񡑁񡑈񡑕񡑓


Page 91: Laura Ashley Spring 2012



see page 106


1. Furniture garrat dark chestnut extending oval dining table £1000 p146,

carron dark upholstered dining chair £225 each p147

Wallpaper manhattan smoke £37 per roll p302

Lighting adelaide ceiling pendants £350 each p180

Accessories optic glass ghost tea light holders £12 each

(see online and in store for details)

2. Upholstery addison chairs in villandry sable £950 each p123

Furniture charlston side table £250, charlston coffee table £575 p158

Blind express straight edged roman in caspian stripe smoke £40 per metre p277

Wallpaper lille linen £30 per roll p298

Lighting helena large spiral ceiling pendant £850 p182

Cushions franklin smoke £50 p202

Accessories starburst champagne frame £18 p216

Page 92: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂 񡑒񡑇񡑘񡑖񡑇񡑇񡑗񡑑񡑒񡑉񡑠񡑁񡑈񡑕񡑓

Upholstery fearn small two-seater

in caitlyn silver £1000 p118

Furniture charlston coffee table £575,

console table £350 p158

Curtains in manhattan smoke

£55 per metre p258

Blind express straight edged roman in

paramount marble £25 per metre p277

Holdbacks manhattan mirrored leaf

£25 each p269

Paint pale parisian blue & cotton white

£26 per 2.5 litre can p310/311

Lighting custom made shade in garland

jacquard marble from £36 p187,

noah curved floor lamp £150 p189;

archer silver leaf complete lamp £70 p189

Mirror capri round £325 p177

Cushions including nolita smoke £40

(see online and in store for details)

Rug lincoln natural £375 p209

Page 93: Laura Ashley Spring 2012



see page 106

Furniture arielle dressing table £350 p159

Mirror arielle dressing table mirror £150 p159

Wallpaper madison sable £26 per roll p301

Lighting capri glass large complete lamp £95 p190

Accessories block mirrored frame £22 p214,

optic glass ghost tea light holders £12 each (see online and in store for details)

for other accessories please see online and in store

Page 94: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂 񡑔񡑇񡑙񡑗񡑇񡑇񡑘񡑒񡑔񡑐񡑠񡑁񡑈񡑖񡑕


1. Upholstery padstow fixed cover two-seater in luxford stripe cranberry £1300 p121,

kidworth bench in dalton natural £1000 p126

Furniture henshaw black coffee table £600, side table £325 p155

Curtains in freshford cranberry £30 per metre p258

Blinds express straight edged in forbury stripe cranberry/natural £40 per metre p277

Paint twine £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Lighting custom made shade in freshford cranberry from £36 p187,

12" fenn raspberry shade £38 p198, odette bust lamp base £75 p195

Rug sheringham natural £175 p208

Accessories ballerina framed print £60 p218

2. Paint cranberry £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Cushion freshford poppy cranberry £48 p204

Throws hagan cranberry £60,

lemington cranberry £55 p205

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Page 96: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂 񡑔񡑇񡑙񡑗񡑇񡑇񡑘񡑒񡑔񡑐񡑠񡑁񡑈񡑖񡑕

Upholstery southwold armchair in dalton cranberry £1100 p124,

southwold armchair in linen plain natural £950 p124

Furniture henshaw black display cabinet £750, side table £325 p154/155

Design Service Curtains goblet headed in freshford cranberry embroidery £55 per metre p106

Blinds express wooden venetian painted charcoal p281

Wallpaper freshford cranberry £35 per roll p305

Lighting custom made shade in dupion silk off white from £40 p187, hampton charcoal base £85 p189

Cushion ashling cranberry £38 p204

Accessories sausage dog draught excluder £36 p223

Page 97: Laura Ashley Spring 2012



see page 106

Upholstery southwold armchair in dalton cranberry £1100 p124

Furniture henshaw black dining table £1000, pair of dining chairs £400,

console table £575 p154/155

Wallpaper draycott cranberry £35 per roll p305

Lighting 16" lille stripe ceiling shade £42 p186

Cushion nigella charcoal £40 p201

Page 98: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂 񡑓񡑆񡑘񡑖񡑆񡑆񡑗񡑑񡑓񡑉񡑙񡑁񡑇񡑕񡑔

Upholstery langham two seater in caitlyn

biscuit £1750 p116

Furniture balmoral coffee table £625,

chest of drawers £925 p156

Curtains triple pleat in gosford print

cranberry £30 per metre p258

Curtain poles brushed silver finish metal

from £75 with ball finials £22 each p271

Mirrors gatsby square £225 each p175

Cushions nigella cranberry £40 p201,

lauren pale bamboo £25 (see online and in

store for details), catalina cranberry £50 p204

Accessories large square dark wood and

chrome wall clock £150 (see online and in

store for details), glass and silver cylinder

hurricane lamp £55 p214

Page 99: Laura Ashley Spring 2012



see page 106

Page 100: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑂 񡑓񡑆񡑘񡑖񡑆񡑆񡑗񡑑񡑓񡑉񡑙񡑁񡑇񡑕񡑔

1. Upholstery addison chairs in ruben cranberry £1000 each p123

Furniture balmoral nest of 3 tables (1 shown) £525 p156

Curtains double pleat in caspian silk cranberry £40 per metre p258

Lighting capri 5 light chandelier £225 p181,

vertical stripe cranberry shade £42 p198, leamington floor lamp £275 p196,

marni crystal complete lamp £65 p193

Rug leighton cream £175 (see online and in store for details)

Accessories silver metal candlesticks £35 each

(see online and in store for details), glass and silver cylinder

hurricane lamp £35 p214

2. Cushions gosford natural £48, catalina cranberry £50 p204

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see page 106

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񡑃񡑂񡑄 񡑒񡑈񡑘񡑖񡑈񡑈񡑗񡑑񡑒񡑐񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑔񡑓

Page 103: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


Upholstery darwin chair in luxford amethyst £850 p127,

magdalene dining chairs in dalton amethyst £325 each p124,

vaughan footstool in caitlyn grape £450 p126,

kidworth bench in caitlyn grape £1000 p126

Furniture garrat dark chestnut extending dining table £950,

side table £325 p146/7;

Windows express pencil pleat curtains in lille stripe

dark linen £32 per metre p259;

roman blind in dupion silk amethyst £32 per metre,

with pale bamboo beaded trim p274

Wallpaper marchmont amethyst £35 per roll p308

Mirror patricia ‘silver’ large floor £475 p179

Lighting aria pendant £165 p182,

beckensale glass stacked complete floor lamp £225 p196

Cushions nigella amethyst £40 p201, catalina amethyst £50 p203

Accessories block mirrored frame £30,

optic glass storage jars from £16 p214

Page 104: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑒񡑈񡑘񡑖񡑈񡑈񡑗񡑑񡑒񡑐񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑔񡑓


1. Upholstery rowan chair in dalton amethyst £600 p124

Curtain in gosford plum £30 per metre p258

Wallpaper gosford plum £35 per roll p308

Paint cotton white £26 per 2.5 litre can p310

Cushion gosford plum £48 p203

2. Upholstery reigate two-seater in dalton natural £1600 p116

Furniture charlston coffee table £575 p158

Design Service Curtains triple pleat in dupion silk amethyst £32 per metre,

with leading edge in dupion silk bamboo £32 per metre p106

Lighting yasmin chandelier £325 p182

Cushions nigella amethyst £40 p201, catalina amethyst £50 p203,

Accessories optic glass storage jars from £16 p214

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see page 106

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񡑄񡑃񡑇 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑦񡑗∀񡑱񡑗񡑗 񡑣񡑦񡑡%񡑂񡑙񡑩񡑧

񡑑񡑡 񡑤񡑢񡑨񡑀񡑕񡑡񡑱#񡑤񡑙񡑡D I S T I N C T I V E • Q U A L I T Y • I N S P I R A T I O N

We all like to have a place to call our own. Our home is where we spend a lot of time, so we want it to look and feel just right...

but decorating can be quite daunting.

Maybe you’re not sure where to start and want inspiration as well as practical help, or maybe, you have lots of ideas but need advice

on which to choose. So, it’s great to rely on the knowledge of the professionals. Our in-store and interior designers at Laura Ashley can

offer advice and guidance, interpreting your ideas and vision, suggesting colour schemes and inspirational design options.

The extent of the project is up to you – from choosing new wallpaper and curtains to suggesting a complete home redesign, using

paint, soft furnishings, furniture and accessories. If you want more bespoke products, tailored to your needs, our designers can also

organise for our fabrics to be made up into whatever it is that helps make your home one that you’ve always dreamed of.

񡑕!񡑡񡑰񡑀񡑅񡑉񡑀񡑐񡑀񡑧񡑩񡑩񡑠񡑀񡑘񡑩񡑗񡑱񡑠񡑀񡑗񡑨񡑠񡑀񡑡 !񡑤񡑧񡑗!񡑡񡑀񡑤񡑨񡑀񡑗񡑱񡑩∀񡑨񡑠񡑀񡑗񡑀∃񡑡񡑡񡑥

񡑕!񡑡񡑰񡑀񡑆񡑉񡑀񡑓∀ !񡑀񡑰񡑦񡑗񡑙񡑡񡑀%񡑩∀񡑱񡑀񡑩񡑱񡑠񡑡񡑱񡑀∃񡑤!񡑣񡑀%񡑩∀񡑱񡑀񡑑񡑡 񡑤񡑢񡑨񡑡񡑱񡑂񡑀

񡑒!񡑀񡑙񡑩∀񡑦񡑠񡑨&!񡑀񡑘񡑡񡑀񡑡񡑗 񡑤񡑡񡑱񡑁

񡑖񡑣񡑡񡑀񡑑񡑡 񡑤񡑢񡑨񡑀񡑕񡑡񡑱#񡑤񡑙񡑡񡑀񡑤񡑨񡑀񡑆񡑀񡑡񡑗 %񡑀 !񡑡񡑰 񡑉

񡑕!񡑡񡑰񡑀񡑄񡑉񡑀񡑐񡑨񡑀񡑤񡑨!񡑡񡑱񡑤񡑩񡑱񡑀񡑠񡑡 񡑤񡑢񡑨񡑡񡑱񡑀񡑰񡑗% 񡑀%񡑩∀񡑀񡑗񡑀#񡑤 񡑤!Your Design Service experience begins with a home consultation, available from as little as £100 for two rooms. A professional

Interior Designer will listen to your thoughts and requirements, looking at ideas you may have pulled together from magazines,

brochures, etc, before using them as a focused starting point to create something truly inspiring. The Designer will have swatches,

catalogues and sample books, and can create sketches and draw up floor plans that will start to bring the vision to life.

Within 7-10 days, you will receive a mood board and detailed estimate. Your Designer will then make a follow up call to

discuss the scheme, answer any queries and help to develop the project further. We’re not just here for the arty bits either –

we can also recommend local accredited decorators, curtain fitters and carpet fitters. All the while in the background,

we’ll be starting to bring any bespoke designer solutions to life.

񡑔񡑠񡑘񡑀񡑒񡑘񡑨񡑡񡑙񡑤񡑀񡑓񡑘񡑧񡑱񡑡񡑖񡑘񡑀񡑡񡑤񡑀񡑅񡑀񡑘񡑕񡑨 񡑀񡑨񡑩񡑘񡑦񡑨񡑉

񡑓񡑩񡑘񡑦񡑀񡑃񡑉񡑀񡑑񡑤񡑀񡑡񡑤񡑩񡑘񡑧񡑡񡑥񡑧񡑀񡑗񡑘񡑨񡑡񡑙񡑤񡑘񡑧񡑀񡑦񡑕 񡑨񡑀 񡑥񡑰񡑀񡑕񡑀񡑱񡑡񡑨񡑡񡑩

񡑖񡑥񡑤񡑩񡑕񡑖񡑩񡑉񡑀񡑂񡑈񡑇񡑃񡑀񡑄񡑄񡑅񡑀񡑃񡑆񡑆񡑆񡑀񡑀񡑥񡑧񡑀񡑀񡑘񡑣񡑕񡑡񡑢񡑉񡑀񡑗񡑘񡑨񡑡񡑙񡑤񡑁񡑨񡑘񡑧񡑱񡑡񡑖񡑘񡑨񡑐񡑢񡑕񡑰񡑧񡑕񡑕񡑨񡑠񡑢񡑘 񡑁񡑖񡑥񡑣(calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 107: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑃񡑈񡑑񡑡 񡑤񡑢񡑨񡑀񡑕񡑡񡑱#񡑤񡑙񡑡

񡑖񡑣񡑡񡑀񡑑񡑤񡑨񡑤񡑨񡑢񡑀񡑔񡑩񡑩񡑧It’s the place we come together to eat good foodand enjoy great company, so it needs to bewelcoming. Our Design Service Team will helpyou create a room that is perfect for both afamily breakfast and informal dinner, craftingspecial treatments for upholstery, tabledressings, windows... whatever you need!

Page 108: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑗񡑑񡑣񡑡񡑑񡑑񡑢񡑕񡑗񡑓񡑥񡑁񡑒񡑠񡑘

񡑐񡑕񡑓񡑀񡑇񡑖񡑤񡑖񡑙񡑔񡑀񡑈񡑠񡑠񡑘It’s the heart of any home, so it needs to beextra special. Our team can design exclusivecurtain treatments, create cushions you won’tfind anywhere else... or even produce patchworkchairs made to your unique requirements. Thelist is endless, all bringing your ideas to life.

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Page 110: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑃񡑂 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑕񡑈񡑡񡑙񡑈񡑈񡑠񡑓񡑕񡑑񡑣񡑁񡑉񡑘񡑖

񡑇񡑓񡑑񡑀񡑄񡑑񡑐񡑙񡑘񡑘񡑖It’s where we begin and end each day, so it needsto be irresistibly comfortable and beautifullystyled. Although the most personal of spaces, wecan show you just how diverse the Design Servicecan be, offering completely bespoke ideas onbedding, window dressing and soft furnishings.

Page 111: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


Page 112: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

Upholstery 114-141 Furniture 142-173 Mirrors 174-179

Lighting 180-199 Cushions & Throws 200-205 Rugs & Runners 206-211

Gifts & Accessories 212-225 Bedlinen 226-241 Kids’ Bedrooms 242-255

Curtains & Blinds 256-295 Wallpaper & Paint 296-311 Services 317-323


Page 113: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

Upholstery 114

Upholstery Swatches 132

Cabinet Furniture 142

Headboards, Beds & Mattresses 168

Mirrors 174

Lighting 180

Cushions & Throws 200

Rugs & Runners 206

Gifts & Accessories 212

Bedlinen 226

Duvets & Pillows 243

Kids' Bedrooms 242

Curtains & Blinds 256

Decorative Accessories 283

Curtain & Blind Swatches 286

Wallpaper 296

Paint 310

Shutters & Conservatory Blinds 312

Carpets 314

Fireplaces 315

Sewing machines 316

Services 317


Page 114: Laura Ashley Spring 2012






񡑃񡑃񡑆 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑧񡑙# 񡑙񡑙!񡑥񡑧񡑣%񡑁񡑡񡑰񡑨

񡑓񡑉񡑘 񡑥#񡑢!񡑰񡑩shown in NEW villandry midnight, choose from over 100 fabrics (p134-141)

features fibre filled seat cushions; sprung seat; foam body; oak-coloured or dark wood legs;frame includes hardwoods; (for details of sofas see pg 317)

also available in leather see pg 130

also featured:

marchmont duck egg wallpaper pg 3043476 072 £35

nigella duck egg cushion pg 2013463 190 £40

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

CHOOSE YOUR STYLE 60 ranges offering over 100 differentchairs, sofas, footstools and sofa beds.

CHOOSE YOUR FABRIC Almost every upholstery item is available in over 100 beautifullydesigned fabrics and a variety of leatheroptions (see pgs 132-141).


LEATHER PRICE BANDSfine or character

ACCESSORISE & PROTECT Choose cushions and protectivearmcaps to match your chosen sofas orchairs in any of our 100 fabrics. AddGuardsman protection to your item foradded peace of mind (pg 319)

PLACE YOUR ORDER For a free quotation, or to placean order, you can either:• SHOP IN STORE (listed pg 322)


• CALL 0871 230 2301 TO ORDER Monday–Saturday, 8am–8pm, Sunday 10am–8pm

(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality and securitypurposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

DAY EXPRESS SERVICEIf you would like your sofa or armchairsooner, selected ranges in specificfabrics are available in 28 days – theseExpress options have been highlightedthroughout the following pages.

Fabric band: A B C D Etwo-seater H75cm W187cm D97cm £1450 £1500 £1600 £1700 £1800large two-seater H75cm W227cm D97cm £1600 £1700 £1800 £1900 £2000

Page 115: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

upholstered in the UK


Scatter cushions and armcaps available for most ranges shown; see pgs 119 for more details


񡑃񡑂񡑂񡑀񡑤񡑙񡑠 񡑦񡑡!񡑰񡑩񡑧񡑦񡑩񡑣

Page 116: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑅񡑅񡑉 񡑥񡑖!񡑰񡑖񡑖񡑱񡑣񡑥񡑠#񡑃񡑘񡑨񡑦

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; front castors

features curved front; fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; front castors

񡑰񡑠񡑤񡑢񡑖 񡑠 shown in caitlyn biscuit

񡑡񡑖񡑰񡑧񡑗񡑨񡑰񡑨!񡑢񡑣 shown in villandry sable

񡑥񡑖񡑧񡑢񡑣񡑖񡑦 shown in caitlyn biscuit

large two-seaterH89cm W204cm D102cm

two-seater H88cm W197cm D98cm two-seater H101cm W184cm D95cm

large two-seater

H88cm W217cm D98cm

grande two-seaterH89cm W235cm D102cm small two-seater

H86cm W199cm D109cm

features fibre filled seat cushions, sprung seat and back; front castors

small two-seaterH101cm W156cm D96cm

large two-seaterH101cm W212cm D96cm

two-seater H89cm W178cm D95cm

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) fixed cover; oak-coloured or dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods; (for details of sofas see pg 317)

large two-seater H86cm W219cm D109cm

Scatter cushions and armcaps available for most ranges shown; see pg 119 for more details

񡑖񡑓񡑤񡑦񡑔񡑢񡑤񡑒 Express Service in dalton natural (as shown)

features valance fibre filled cushions; sprung seat and back; prices include: grande sofa: 4 extra large matching scatter cushions (each 61cm x 61cm); large 2-seater sofa: 4 large scatter

cushions (each 51cm x 51cm); 2-seater sofa: 2 large scatter cushions (each 51cm x 51cm) and 2 small scatter cushions (each 41cm x 41cm)


Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £1200 £1350 £1450 £1500 £1600large two-seater £1250 £1400 £1500 £1600 £1750

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £1350 £1450 £1550 £1650 £1750large two-seater £1500 £1600 £1700 £1800 £1900grande two-seater £1550 £1650 £1800 £1900 £2000

Fabric band: A B C D E

small two-seater £1050 £1150 £1250 £1300 £1350two-seater £1200 £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550large two-seater £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550 £1650

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £1150 £1200 £1350 £1450 £1550large two-seater £1300 £1400 £1550 £1650 £1750

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 117: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


񡑢񡑥񡑨!񡑘񡑠񡑱 񡑠񡑰 shown in ashino natural

񡑰񡑤񡑘񡑣񡑦񡑨񡑧񡑙 shown in marquee natural

armchairH92cm W87cm D96cm

two-seater H94cm W205cm D96cm

large two-seaterH92cm W185cm D96cm

large two-seater H92cm W215cm D98cm

small two-seaterH94cm W183cm D96cm

large two-seaterH94cm W226cm D96cm

features fibre filled seat cushions; sprung seat and back; front castorsfeatures fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; front castors;please note arms on the armchair are designed to be smaller than those of sofas

two-seater H92cm W160cm D96cm

two-seater H86cm W169cm D97cm

large two-seaterH88cm W197cm D97cm

armchairH92cm W101cm D96cm

small two-seaterH92cm W165cm D98cm

two-seaterH92cm W190cm D98cm

񡑑񡑥񡑥񡑀񡑤 񡑠񡑦񡑱񡑀񡑖񡑰񡑠񡑀񡑖∀񡑖񡑤񡑥񡑖񡑗񡑥񡑠񡑀񡑤񡑧񡑀񡑨∀񡑠񡑰񡑀񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑡񡑖񡑗񡑰񡑤񡑘񡑱񡑁񡑀񡑱񡑠񡑠񡑀񡑩񡑖񡑢񡑠񡑱񡑀񡑅񡑇񡑆񡑂񡑅񡑈񡑅 񡑒񡑖񡑙񡑠񡑀 񡑨񡑀񡑓񡑰񡑙񡑠񡑰񡑀񡑕񡑩񡑣񡑨񡑥񡑱 񡑠񡑰#

also available in leather see pg 128-130 upholstered in the UK




features fibre filled seat and back cushions; front castors, sprung seat and back features fibre filled seat cushions; sprung seat and back; front castors

񡑘񡑗񡑡񡑕񡑥񡑦񡑢񡑡 Express Service in edwin natural (as shown)

񡑠񡑢񡑤񡑦񡑗񡑠񡑓񡑤 Express Service in villandry sable (as shown)

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £1200 £1250 £1300 £1400 £1500large two-seater £1400 £1450 £1500 £1600 £1700

Fabric band: A B C D E

armchair £750 £800 £850 £900 £950small two-seater £1050 £1150 £1250 £1350 £1450two-seater £1150 £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550large two-seater £1350 £1450 £1550 £1650 £1750

Fabric band: A B C D E

armchair £650 £700 £750 £800 £850two-seater £1000 £1050 £1100 £1200 £1350large two-seater £1050 £1150 £1250 £1350 £1450

Fabric band: A B C D E

small two-seater £1200 £1300 £1400 £1450 £1550two-seater £1400 £1500 £1600 £1700 £1800large two-seater £1500 £1600 £1700 £1800 £1900

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 118: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑅񡑅񡑉 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑨񡑙∃!񡑙񡑙∀񡑦񡑨񡑣∋񡑃񡑡񡑱񡑩

Scatter cushions and armcaps available for most ranges shown; see right for more details

two-seater H94cm W170cm D93cm

small two-seater H82cm W120cm D90cm

large two-seaterH94cm W202cm D93cm

two-seater sofabed H91cm W198cm D89cm

two-seater H91cm W182cm D90cm

two-seater H93cm W174cm D108cm

large two-seaterH93cm W200cm D108cm

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) fixed cover; oak-coloured or dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods; (for details of sofas see pg 317)

񡑙∀񡑦#񡑱񡑰 shown in linen plain natural

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat

񡑤񡑙񡑧!񡑩񡑱񡑰# shown in villandry off white

񡑤񡑣񡑙!񡑰 shown in caitlyn silver

features foam seat pads; fibre filled back cushions; armcaps not available

񡑨∋񡑰񡑢񡑣񡑰 shown in linen plain natural

񡑑񡑨񡑨񡑀񡑧#񡑣񡑩∀񡑀񡑙!񡑣񡑀񡑙%񡑙񡑧񡑨񡑙񡑠񡑨񡑣񡑀񡑧񡑰񡑀񡑱%񡑣!񡑀񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑤񡑙񡑠!񡑧񡑡∀񡑁񡑀∀񡑣񡑣񡑀 񡑙񡑥񡑣∀񡑀񡑅񡑇񡑆񡑂񡑅񡑈񡑅

features feather and fibre filled seat cushions; fibre filled back cushions; sprung seat; front castors

񡑖񡑣񡑣񡑙񡑰∋񡑀∀񡑦񡑙 񡑣񡑀񡑧񡑰񡑀񡑱%񡑣!


features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; sofabed extras: metal frame (188cm x 119cm extended); foam mattress (178cm x 113cm x 6cm)

Fabric band: A B C D E

small two-seater £800 £850 £900 £950 £1000

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £1150 £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550large two-seater £1350 £1450 £1550 £1650 £1750

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £1000 £1100 £1200 £1300 £1400large two-seater £1150 £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £900 £1000 £1050 £1150 £1250two-seater sofabed £1250 £1300 £1400 £1500 £1600

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 119: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

*left hand corner groupH84cm W242cm D179cm

*right hand corner groupH84cm W242cm D179cm

񡑅񡑅񡑐񡑓񡑙񡑢񡑣񡑀#񡑱񡑀񡑕!񡑢񡑣!񡑀񡑗 񡑦񡑱񡑨∀#񡑣!∋

footstoolH56cm W91cm D74cm

񡑰񡑣&񡑩񡑙񡑰 shown in edwin natural

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; webbed back*please state left hand corner group or right hand corner group when ordering

the newman corner group

񡑔񡑒񡑘񡑀large two-seaterH90cm W198cm D89cm

񡑔񡑒񡑘 two-seaterH90cm W173cm D89cm

also available in leather see pg 128-130

񡑙!񡑩񡑡񡑙 ∀


upholstered in the UK

• Available to purchase on most shapes. We recommend the use ofarmcaps to help protect your furniture for longer in high wear areas.

• Provide extra durability where it is most needed.• Protection against staining on arms and conveniently removed for cleaning.• Armcaps available on all ranges unless indicated in the product

features description.• sold in pairs, prices: A £50 B £55 C £60 D £70 E £80 For fabric price bands see pg 133-141

• Available in 3 sizes• Available to purchase in any upholstery

fabric to add that perfect finishing touch• Filled with polyester fibre• Cushions are sold individually to give both

style and comfort to your sofa.

regular size 40cm x 40cm: A £30 B £35 C £40 D £45 E £50

large size 50cm x 50cm: A £35 B £40 C £45 D £50 E £55

extra large size 60cm x 60cm: A £40 B £45 C £50 D £55 E £60

For fabric price bands see pg 133-141

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Fabric band: A B C D E

footstool £400 £450 £500 £550 £600񡑂񡑁񡑃 two-seater £1200 £1300 £1400 £1500 £1600񡑂񡑁񡑃񡑀large two-seater £1300 £1400 £1500 £1600 £1700corner group* £1900 £2000 £2100 £2200 £2300

Page 120: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑕񡑨񡑔񡑗񡑙񡑦񡑨񡑗 with fixed cover shown in oscar natural

!񡑢񡑥񡑖񡑡񡑘񡑩񡑰񡑘񡑨 with fixed cover shown in plain linen

small two-seaterH90cm W156cm D90cm

two-seater H91cm W187cm D102cm

large two-seaterH91cm W222cm D102cm

large two-seaterH90cm W205cm D90cm

񡑡񡑔񡑨񡑨񡑦񡑠񡑔񡑰񡑘 with fixed cover shown in oscar natural

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; oak-coloured or dark wood legs

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; front castors, oak-coloured or dark wood back legs

two-seater H90cm W187cm D90cm

large two-seater H92cm W196cm D93cm

two-seaterH92cm W170cm D93cm

񡑔񡑣񡑩񡑰񡑦񡑥 with fixed cover or loose cover shown in alston linen

large two-seater H74cm W218cm D98cm

two-seater H74cm W188cm D98cm

features fixed cover or loose cover; polyester fibre filled seat pads; armcaps not available; two-seater has4 larger scatter cushions and large two-seater has 5 large scatter cushions with a feather filled interior

񡑅񡑆񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑣񡑔񡑱񡑨񡑔񡑔񡑩񡑡񡑣񡑘∀񡑃񡑖񡑦񡑤

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) frame includes hardwoods; (for details of sofas see pg 317)

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat

Scatter cushions and armcaps available for most ranges shown; see pg 119 for more details

񡑒񡑘񡑘񡑔񡑥∀񡑀񡑩񡑡񡑔񡑧񡑘񡑀񡑢񡑥񡑀񡑦 񡑘񡑨


alston linen61% viscose, 16% polyester, 15% linen, 8% cotton P

Fabric band: A B C D E

small two-seater £900 £950 £1050 £1100 £1250two-seater £1000 £1050 £1150 £1200 £1350large two-seater £1100 £1200 £1300 £1400 £1550

Fabric band: A B C D E alston linen

Fixed cover two-seater £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550 £1650 £1450large two-seater £1550 £1650 £1750 £1850 £1950 £1750

Loose cover two-seater £1350 £1450 £1550 £1650 £1750 £1550large two-seater £1650 £1750 £1850 £1950 £2050 £1850

Extra loose two-seater £550 £600 £650 £700 £750 £700cover large two-seater £600 £700 £800 £900 £1000 £800

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £950 £1100 £1200 £1300 £1350large two-seater £1150 £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550

Fabric band: A B C D E

two-seater £1050 £1150 £1250 £1300 £1400large two-seater £1200 £1300 £1400 £1500 £1600


Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 121: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

small two-seater H94cm W157cm D99cm

two-seater H94cm W184cm D99cm

armchair H94cm W107cm D99cm

sofa bed H94cm W184cm D94cm

large two-seater H94cm W203cm D99cm

features fixed cover or loose cover suitable for ease of cleaning; fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; sofa bed extras: metal frame (189cm x 119cm), with Somtoile action foam mattress (178cm x 113cm x 6cm), for occasional use

please note scatter cushion not included, see pg 119

small two-seater H89cm W145cm D96cm

large two-seater H89cm W195cm D96cm

two-seater H89cm W175cm D96cm

sofa bed H89cm W175cm D96cm

armchair H89cm W97cm D96cm

features fixed cover or loose cover suitable for ease of cleaning; fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; sofa bed extras: metal frame (188cm x 119cm), with Somtoile action foam mattress (178cm x 113cm x 6cm), for occasional use

please note scatter cushion not included, see pg 119

񡑅񡑆񡑅񡑉񡑣񡑣񡑀񡑢񡑰񡑘񡑤񡑩񡑀񡑔񡑨񡑘񡑀񡑔 񡑔񡑢񡑣񡑔񡑕񡑣񡑘񡑀񡑢񡑥񡑀񡑦 񡑘񡑨񡑀񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑙񡑔񡑕񡑨񡑢񡑖񡑩񡑁񡑀񡑩񡑘񡑘񡑀񡑧񡑔񡑠񡑘񡑩񡑀񡑅񡑇񡑆񡑂񡑅񡑈񡑅 񡑐񡑔񡑗񡑘񡑀񡑰񡑦񡑀񡑑񡑨񡑗񡑘񡑨񡑀񡑓񡑧񡑡񡑦񡑣񡑩񡑰񡑘񡑨∀

also available in leather see pg 128-130 upholstered in the UK

񡑣񡑒񡑔񡑥񡑦񡑢񡑨 with fixed cover or loose cover shown in dalton natural

񡑙񡑕񡑡񡑔񡑒񡑠 with fixed cover or loose cover Express Service in corby duck egg (as shown) and 񡑐񡑉񡑑 corby natural

With fixed cover With loose cover Extra loose cover

Fabric band: A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E

armchair £650 £700 £750 £800 £850 £700 £750 £800 £850 £900 £250 £300 £350 £400 £450small two-seater £850 £900 £950 £1000 £1150 £900 £950 £1050 £1100 £1200 £450 £500 £550 £600 £650two-seater £900 £950 £1050 £1200 £1300 £1000 £1100 £1200 £1300 £1400 £500 £550 £600 £650 £700large two-seater £1200 £1250 £1300 £1400 £1500 £1150 £1200 £1300 £1350 £1550 £550 £600 £650 £700 £750two-seater sofa bed £1150 £1200 £1250 £1300 £1450 £1200 £1250 £1300 £1400 £1500 £550 £600 £650 £700 £750

With fixed cover With loose cover Extra loose cover

Fabric band: A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E

armchair £750 £850 £900 £950 £1050 £850 £950 £1000 £1050 £1150 £350 £400 £450 £500 £550small two-seater £1000 £1100 £1150 £1250 £1400 £1050 £1150 £1250 £1350 £1450 £450 £500 £600 £650 £700two-seater £1100 £1150 £1250 £1350 £1500 £1300 £1450 £1550 £1600 £1700 £550 £600 £700 £750 £850large two-seater £1250 £1350 £1450 £1550 £1650 £1400 £1550 £1650 £1750 £1850 £650 £700 £750 £800 £850two-seater sofa bed £1550 £1650 £1750 £1850 £1950 £1600 £1700 £1800 £1900 £2000 £550 £600 £700 £750 £800

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 122: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑒񡑐񡑖 񡑡񡑡񡑘񡑡񡑦 with fixed cover or loose cover chair shown in plain linen, two seater shown in 񡑒񡑐񡑖 montana dove grey

features foam body and fibre seat cushions; oak-coloured or dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods

񡑅񡑆񡑆 񡑦񡑗∀񡑱񡑗񡑗 񡑤񡑦񡑡&񡑃񡑙񡑩񡑧 񡑉񡑦񡑦񡑀񡑥!񡑡񡑧 񡑀񡑗񡑱񡑡񡑀񡑢񡑥%񡑡񡑠񡑀񡑙񡑩#񡑡񡑱 ∀񡑨񡑦񡑡 񡑀񡑩!񡑤񡑡񡑱∃񡑥 񡑡񡑀 !񡑗!񡑡񡑠

Scatter cushions and armcaps available for most ranges shown; see pg 119 for more details

񡑔񡑡񡑡񡑗񡑨&񡑀 񡑤񡑗񡑰񡑡񡑀񡑥񡑨񡑀񡑩#񡑡񡑱

񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑢񡑗񡑘񡑱񡑥񡑙 񡑩񡑨񡑦񡑥񡑨񡑡

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Fabric band: A B C D E

Fixed cover chair H73cm W73cm D75cm £600 £650 £700 £750 £800two-seater H73cm W121cm D75cm £800 £850 £900 £950 £1000

Loose cover chair H73cm W73cm D75cm £650 £700 £750 £800 £850two-seater H73cm W121cm D75cm £850 £900 £950 £1000 £1050

Extra loose cover chair – £150 £200 £250 £300 £350two-seater – £250 £275 £300 £325 £350

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 123: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑉񡑦񡑦񡑀񡑥!񡑡񡑧 񡑀񡑗񡑱񡑡񡑀񡑗#񡑗񡑥񡑦񡑗񡑘񡑦񡑡񡑀񡑥񡑨񡑀񡑩#񡑡񡑱񡑀񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑢񡑗񡑘񡑱񡑥񡑙 񡑁񡑀 񡑡񡑡񡑀񡑰񡑗񡑣񡑡 񡑀񡑅񡑇񡑆񡑂񡑅񡑈񡑅 񡑑񡑗񡑠񡑡񡑀!񡑩񡑀񡑓񡑱񡑠񡑡񡑱񡑀񡑕񡑰񡑤񡑩񡑦 !񡑡񡑱&

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) oak-coloured or dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods

features polyester fibre filled seat pads; foambody; glides; armcaps not available

also available as a swivel option, see online

features buttoned inside back, seat and arms;castored front legs; sprung seat and back

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back

features sprung seat and backfeatures fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back; front castors

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprungseat and webbed back

also available with a loose cover, see online

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat; front castors

features foam body; sprung seat; framecontains solid beech

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back; front castors

features fibre filled seat cushions,sprung seat and back

features fixed foam seat cushionfeatures fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back; recliner option

available in leather

also available in leather see pg 131 upholstered in the UK prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

񡑈񡑓񡑓񡑒񡑘shown in villandry french grey

H88cm W103cm D94cm

A B C D E£800 £850 £900 £950 £1000

񡑉񡑒񡑕񡑆񡑑񡑓񡑈񡑡shown in villandry amethyst

H101cm W80cm D85cm

A B C D E£750 £800 £850 £950 £1050

񡑐񡑓񡑈񡑕񡑇񡑄񡑓񡑈shown in caitlyn grapeH91cm W69cm D70cm

A B C D E£500 £550 £600 £650 £700

񡑇񡑈񡑕񡑅񡑒񡑐񡑑shown in acantha goldH105cm W81cm D84cm

A B C D E£800 £850 £900 £950 £1000

񡑆񡑄񡑔񡑅񡑗񡑒񡑇񡑐񡑈shown in linen stripe natural

H89cm W78cm D88cm

A B C D E£750 £800 £850 £900 £950

񡑆񡑖񡑓񡑈񡑅񡑡shown in ashino natural

H82cm W84cm D105cm

A B C D E£800 £850 £900 £950 £1050

񡑂񡑁񡑃 񡑆񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑑񡑄񡑔shown in 񡑂񡑁񡑃 newbury amethyst

H83cm W58cm D78cm

A B C D E£600 £650 £700 £750 £800

񡑅񡑈񡑓񡑐񡑗񡑄񡑠񡑈shown in ruben cranberry

H91cm W85cm D89cm

A B C D E£750 £800 £900 £950 £1000

񡑄񡑓񡑅񡑈񡑗񡑙񡑖񡑕shown in linen plain natural

H84cm W81cm D95cm

A B C D E£850 £900 £950 £1000 £1050

񡑄񡑓񡑒񡑆񡑒񡑄shown in villandry french grey

H86cm W74cm D92cm

A B C D E£650 £700 £750 £800 £850

񡑄񡑗񡑇񡑒񡑕񡑐񡑓񡑡shown in villandry truffle

H91cm W76cm D86cm

A B C D E£700 £750 £800 £850 £900

񡑄񡑇񡑇񡑒񡑘񡑖񡑕shown in ruben natural

H98cm W74cm D89cm

A B C D E£850 £900 £950 £1000 £1050

Page 124: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑅񡑆񡑈 񡑨񡑘∃!񡑘񡑘∀񡑥񡑨񡑢(񡑃񡑠񡑱񡑩 񡑐񡑨񡑨񡑀񡑦#񡑢񡑩∀񡑀񡑘!񡑢񡑀񡑣񡑦∋񡑢񡑡񡑀񡑠񡑱%񡑢! ∃񡑰񡑨񡑢∀∀񡑀񡑱#񡑥񡑢!&񡑦∀񡑢񡑀∀#񡑘#񡑢񡑡

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) oak-coloured or dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods

񡑥񡑘񡑨񡑧񡑦񡑰 with fixed cover or loose cover, shown in aidan amethyst & plain linen H94cm W57cm D75cm

features as left, with extending leg and foot rest;two reclining positions; front castors; depth is

157cm fully reclined

features foam sprung seat; front castors; armcaps not available

񡑩񡑘񡑤񡑡񡑘񡑨񡑢񡑰񡑢 with loose cover, shown in plain linen H98cm W47cm D54cm

features removable loose cover suitable for ease of cleaning; foam seat;dark wood legs only; armcaps not available; short valance length: 19cm

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprungseat and back; front castors

features coil sprung seat, webbed back;armcaps not available

features fixed seat pad; buttoned insideback and arms; armcaps not available

features webbed seat; armcaps not available

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprungseat and back; armcaps not available

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprungseat; armcaps not available

features foam body; sprung seat; frame contains solid beech & hardwoods

Scatter cushions and armcaps available for most ranges shown; see pg 119 for more details

Fabric band: A B C D E

fixed cover chair £375 £400 £450 £475 £500loose cover chair £400 £450 £500 £550 £600extra loose cover £125 £150 £175 £200 £225

񡑔񡑒񡑘񡑄񡑑shown in dalton amethyst

H93cm W53cm D61cm

A B C D E£400 £450 £500 £550 £600

Fabric band: A B C D E

loose cover chair £225 £250 £275 £300 £325long loose cover £110 £120 £130 £140 £160short loose cover £90 £100 £110 £120 £130

񡑘񡑄񡑐񡑆񡑇񡑑shown in adele natural

H82cm W87cm D86cm

A B C D E£650 £700 £750 £800 £850

񡑂񡑁񡑃 񡑕񡑙񡑆񡑑񡑇񡑙shown in NEW villandry dark linen

H88cm W74cm D80cm

A B C D E£650 £700 £750 £800 £850

񡑕񡑒񡑗񡑖񡑈񡑘񡑒񡑐񡑆񡑀񡑔񡑇񡑅񡑐񡑉񡑑񡑇񡑔shown in plain linen

H103cm W83cm D89cm

A B C D E£1100 £1150 £1250 £1350 £1400

񡑕񡑒񡑗񡑖񡑈񡑘񡑒񡑐񡑆񡑀shown in melbury linenH101cm W82cm D93cm

A B C D E£850 £900 £950 £1000 £1100

񡑔񡑗񡑕񡑖񡑒񡑑shown in villandry sable

H82cm W69cm D67cm

A B C D E£650 £700 £750 £800 £850

񡑓񡑇񡑔񡑖񡑈shown in 񡑂񡑁񡑃 cedar stripe amethyst

H82cm W82cm D90cm

A B C D E£650 £700 £750 £800 £850

񡑒񡑕񡑖񡑇񡑔񡑐񡑇񡑙shown in dalton off white

H86cm W72cm D85cm

A B C D E£600 £650 £700 £750 £800

񡑈񡑄񡑙񡑇񡑕shown in villandry charcoal

H100cm W76cm D88cm

A B C D E£650 £700 £750 £800 £850

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 125: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑅񡑆񡑉񡑐񡑨񡑨񡑀񡑦#񡑢񡑩∀񡑀񡑘!񡑢񡑀񡑘%񡑘񡑦񡑨񡑘񡑙񡑨񡑢񡑀񡑦񡑰񡑀񡑱%񡑢!񡑀񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑣񡑘񡑙!񡑦񡑠∀񡑁񡑀∀񡑢񡑢񡑀 񡑘񡑤񡑢∀񡑀񡑅񡑇񡑆񡑂񡑅񡑈񡑅 񡑒񡑘񡑡񡑢񡑀#񡑱񡑀񡑔!񡑡񡑢!񡑀񡑖 񡑥񡑱񡑨∀#񡑢!(

񡑠񡑱񡑨񡑦񡑰#񡑱񡑰two seater shown in dalton zinnia, chairs shown in 񡑓񡑑񡑗 wallace print and edwin off white, footstool shown in 񡑓񡑑񡑗 wallace print

features fixed foam seat and back; back springs; footstool with fixed foam seat;armcaps not available

also available in leather see pg 131 upholstered in the UK

񡑕񡑢񡑢񡑘񡑰(񡑀∀񡑥񡑘 񡑢񡑀񡑦񡑰񡑀񡑱%񡑢!


Fabric band: A B C D E

footstool H38cm W55cm D38cm £225 £250 £275 £300 £325armchair H82cm W83cm D78cm £650 £700 £750 £800 £850two-seater H83cm W139cm D79cm £850 £900 £950 £1000 £1050NEW three-seater (not shown)

H83cm W170cm D79cm £1000 £1050 £1100 £1150 £1200

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 126: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

left facing right facing

񡑅񡑆񡑉 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑰񡑠&#񡑠񡑠∃񡑧񡑰񡑤∗񡑃񡑢!񡑱 񡑒񡑰񡑰񡑀񡑨%񡑤񡑱∃񡑀񡑠#񡑤񡑀񡑥񡑨)񡑤񡑣񡑀񡑢!∋񡑤# & 񡑰񡑤∃∃񡑀!%񡑧񡑤#(񡑨∃񡑤񡑀∃%񡑠%񡑤񡑣

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) oak-coloured or dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods

features foam seat hinged with lift up top andstorage space beneath; armcaps not available

features fixed sprung foam seat cushion;sprung seat and back; front castors

features buttoned back; foam body

features buttoned back; sprung seat and back

features foam body; front and back castors

features foam body

features foam seat; black plinth and legs;armcaps not available

񡑤񡑰񡑰񡑨!%񡑀regular shown in edwin off whitelarge shown in caitlyn off white

features foam body; lift up lid with storage space beneath; castored legs;large footstool only: fabric joined on top

features foam body; buttoned top;castored legs

񡑧񡑤#񡑤񡑥!#񡑣񡑀񡑢񡑧񡑠񡑨∃񡑤shown in lewis linen

H84cm W169cm D66cm

features fully sprung seat; foam body;storage chaise: foam seat

features foam body; only available withdark oak colour legs

features foam body

Scatter cushions and armcaps available for some ranges shown; see pg 119 for more detailsGuardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

񡑇񡑄񡑘񡑆񡑤shown in villandry french grey

H37cm W102cm D72cm

A B C D E £300 £350 £400 £450 £500

񡑇񡑄񡑘񡑣񡑑񡑕shown in kiera naturalH31cm W59cm D44cm

A B C D E £300 £350 £400 £450 £500

񡑂񡑁񡑃 񡑒񡑈񡑕񡑙񡑄񡑓shown in edwin naturalH41cm W124cm D61cm

A B C D E £400 £450 £500 £550 £600

񡑐񡑄񡑘񡑅񡑘񡑖񡑖񡑒shown in oscar natural

H82cm W88cm D97cm

A B C D E £700 £750 £800 £850 £900

񡑗񡑈񡑔񡑅񡑈񡑘񡑓񡑈񡑤shown in kiera whisper

H89cm W64cm D75cm

A B C D E £650 £700 £750 £800 £850

񡑒񡑑񡑇񡑣񡑖񡑘񡑠񡑐񡑀񡑅񡑈񡑕񡑆񡑐shown in dalton natural

H78cm W154cm D61cm

A B C D E £800 £850 £900 £950 £1000

񡑒񡑈񡑔񡑗񡑠񡑖񡑕񡑀񡑆񡑐񡑄񡑑񡑙񡑈shown in ellison midnight

H86cm W146cm D65cm

A B C D E £750 £800 £850 £900 £950

񡑗񡑘񡑈񡑙񡑠񡑅񡑡񡑘񡑤 񡑅񡑈񡑕񡑆񡑐shown in villandry duck egg

H70cm W131cm D44cm

A B C D E £550 £575 £600 £625 £675

񡑐񡑄񡑘񡑅񡑘񡑖񡑖񡑒shown in oscar natural

H43cm W70cm D49cm

A B C D E £350 £375 £400 £450 £475

񡑢񡑄񡑡񡑉񡑐񡑄񡑕shown in maxwell duck egg

H33cm W107cm D53cm

A B C D E £250 £300 £350 £400 £450

Fabric band: A B C D E

regular chaise £850 £900 £950 £1000 £1100NEW lift top storage chaise £900 £950 £1000 £1050 £1150

Fabric band: A B C D E

regular H44cm W95cm D66cm £350 £400 £450 £500 £550large H44cm W130cm D66cm £475 £525 £575 £625 £675

Page 127: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 283񡑩񡑤∗񡑑 also available in fabric see pg 60 choose from a selection ofleather options (pg 81)

񡑄񡑄񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑰񡑠&#񡑠񡑠∃񡑧񡑰񡑤∗񡑃񡑢!񡑱񡑒񡑰񡑰񡑀񡑨%񡑤񡑱∃񡑀񡑠#񡑤񡑀񡑠∋񡑠񡑨񡑰񡑠񡑡񡑰񡑤񡑀񡑨 񡑀!∋񡑤#񡑀񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑥񡑠񡑡#񡑨񡑢∃񡑁񡑀∃񡑤񡑤񡑀∀񡑠񡑦񡑤∃񡑀񡑅񡑇񡑆񡑂񡑅񡑈񡑅 񡑔񡑠񡑣񡑤񡑀%!񡑀񡑖#񡑣񡑤#񡑀񡑘∀񡑧!񡑰∃%񡑤#∗ 񡑅񡑆񡑐

shown in luxford off white and NEW caitlyn sable (footstool shown left, two seater not shown)

features sprung seat and back; arms and legs only available in dark oak colour;armcaps not available

features foam body and seat;remove lid for storage

񡑕񡑓񡑙 񡑨∃񡑰񡑨 񡑦%! 񡑥!!%∃%!!񡑰


also available in leather see pg 131 upholstered in the UK

񡑗񡑤񡑤񡑠 ∗񡑀∃񡑧񡑠∀񡑤񡑀񡑨 񡑀!∋񡑤#

񡑅񡑄񡑄񡑀񡑥񡑠񡑡#񡑨񡑢∃! 񡑰񡑨 񡑤

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Fabric band: A B C D E

footstool H31cm W59cm D44cm £300 £350 £400 £450 £500armchair H90cm W70cm D92cm £650 £700 £750 £800 £850two-seater H90cm W134cm D92cm £750 £800 £850 £900 £950

shown in villandry off whiteH46cm W42cm D42cm

A B C D E £200 £225 £250 £300 £350

Page 128: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑄񡑇 񡑤񡑕 񡑩񡑕񡑕񡑰񡑢񡑤񡑙!񡑂񡑗񡑧񡑥

񡑖 񡑩񡑤񡑣񡑦񡑡񡑱񡑧񡑦 shown in distressed leather

features fibre-filled seat cushions; sprung seat; distressed wood legs;

(for details of sofas see pg 317)


Leather type: distressed† fine character

footstool H35cm W52cm D43cm £350 £350 £400armchair H79cm W82cm D84cm £900 £1000 £1100small two-seater H81cm W132cm D84cm £1500 £1650 £1850large two-seater H79cm W158cm D83cm £1800 £1850 £2050

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 129: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑄񡑈񡑉 񡑤񡑤񡑀񡑘񡑙񡑱񡑕񡑣񡑤񡑰񡑀񡑧񡑠񡑀񡑀񡑤񡑙񡑕񡑱񡑢񡑙񡑩񡑀񡑗񡑕񡑩񡑙񡑁񡑀񡑰񡑙񡑙񡑀񡑨񡑕񡑡񡑙񡑀񡑃񡑅񡑄 񡑑񡑕񡑘񡑙񡑀񡑱񡑧񡑀񡑒񡑩񡑘񡑙񡑩񡑀񡑔񡑨񡑢񡑧񡑤񡑰񡑱񡑙񡑩!

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) fixed cover; dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods

features fibre-filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat;

(for details of sofas see pg 317)

񡑕񡑰񡑢񡑱񡑧񡑦 shown in edwardian leather

features fibre-filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat;

(for details of sofas see pg 317)

features feather filled back cushion; fibre filled seat cushion;

sprung seat and back; (for details of sofas see pg 317)

features fibre filled seat cushions; sprung seat and back, front castors;

(for details of sofas see pg 317)

񡑡񡑤񡑧 񡑗񡑙񡑰񡑱񡑙񡑩 shown in vintage leather

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat; front castors;

(for details of sofas see pg 317)

񡑢񡑙񡑩񡑱񡑠񡑧񡑩񡑘 shown in edwardian leather

features feather and fibre filled seat cushions; fibre filled back cushions;

sprung seat; front castors; (for details of sofas see pg 317)

񡑤!񡑦񡑘񡑙񡑦 shown in heritage leather

also available in fabric see pgs 114-120 choose from a selection of leather options (pg 132) upholstered in the UK


񡑑񡑡񡑐񡑒񡑔񡑙񡑡񡑒 Express Service in heritage leather (as shown)

񡑑񡑣񡑡񡑕񡑓񡑢񡑢 Express Service in heritage leather (as shown)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Leather type: fine character

two-seater H93cm W168cm D94cm £1500 £1700large two-seater H94cm W197cm D94cm £1700 £1900

Leather type: fine character

small two-seater H98cm W158cm D97cm £1650 £1850two-seater H98cm W186cm D97cm £1850 £2000large two-seater H98cm W214cm D97cm £2000 £2200

Leather type: fine character

two-seater H89cm W195cm D100cm £1900 £2050large two-seater H89cm W233cm D100cm £2250 £2400

Leather type: fine character

two-seater H86cm W168cm D97cm £1650 £1850large two-seater H88cm W197cm D97cm £1750 £1950

Leather type: fine character

two-seater H92cm W172cm D108cm £2000 £2150large two-seater H92cm W197cm D108cm £2100 £2300

Leather type: fine character

two-seater H90cm W185cm D103cm £1800 £2050large two-seater H90cm W223cm D103cm £2000 £2200

Page 130: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑃񡑃 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑦񡑖∀񡑱񡑖񡑖 񡑣񡑦񡑠∃񡑂񡑘񡑩񡑧񡑄񡑆񡑃 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑦񡑖∀񡑱񡑖񡑖 񡑣񡑦񡑠∃񡑂񡑘񡑩񡑧 񡑉񡑩񡑱񡑀񡑖񡑦񡑦񡑀񡑦񡑠񡑖!񡑣񡑠񡑱񡑀 #񡑖!񡑘񡑣񡑀񡑩񡑰!񡑤񡑩񡑨 񡑀 񡑠񡑠񡑀񡑰񡑖񡑢񡑠񡑀񡑄񡑆񡑅

񡑱񡑩񡑘񡑣񡑠 !񡑠񡑱shown in distressed leather

features feather filled cushions; sprung seat and back; distressed wood legs;

(for details of sofas see pg 317)

features foam body; buttoned top; castored legs

features foam body; sprung seat and back(for details of sofas see pg 317)

񡑑񡑈񡑕 񡑣∀񡑙 񡑩񡑨 shown in edwardian leather

features fibre filled seat and back cushions; sprung seat and back;

(for details of sofas see pg 317)

񡑧񡑩񡑱!񡑤񡑧񡑠񡑱 shown in heritage leather

Leather type: distressed† fine character

two-seater H69cm W183cm D104cm £2250 £2000 £2500large two-seater H69cm W213cm D104cm £2450 £2300 £2700

񡑂񡑁񡑃 񡑒񡑇񡑔񡑘񡑄񡑓shown in heritage leather

H41cm W124cm D61cm

fine character £750 £850

Leather type: fine character

two-seater H75cm W187cm D97cm £2400 £2500large two-seater H75cm W227cm D97cm £2500 £2600

Leather type: fine character

small two-seater H94cm W183cm D96cm £1800 £2000two-seater H94cm W208cm D96cm £2000 £2200large two-seater H94cm W226cm D96cm £2300 £2500

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 131: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑆񡑄񡑉∀񡑦񡑦񡑀񡑙񡑠!񡑖񡑤񡑦 񡑀񡑩񡑡񡑀񡑀񡑦񡑠񡑖!񡑣񡑠񡑱񡑀񡑘񡑖񡑱񡑠񡑁񡑀 񡑠񡑠񡑀񡑰񡑖񡑢񡑠񡑀񡑄񡑆񡑅 񡑐񡑖񡑙񡑠񡑀!񡑩񡑀񡑒񡑱񡑙񡑠񡑱񡑀񡑔񡑰񡑣񡑩񡑦 !񡑠񡑱∃

features for all items shown (unless otherwise stated) fixed cover; dark wood legs; frame includes hardwoods

features buttoned inside back, seat and arms; castored front legs;

sprung seat and back

features with tilt and swivel action; sprung seat; on castors; beech frame;coordinates with our garrat (p146-147)

or balmoral (p156) furniture ranges

features fixed foam seat cushion

񡑙񡑠񡑨񡑗񡑤񡑢񡑣 chair shown in heritage leatherrecliner shown in vintage leather

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back; recliner with extending leg and foot rest; two reclining positions;

depth is 164cm fully reclined

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back

features fixed seat pad; buttoned insideback and arms; distressed wood legs;

†for full distressed leather details see pg 132

features feather filled seat cushion;sprung seat; distressed wood legs; †for full

distressed leather details see pg 132

features fibre filled seat cushion; sprung seat and back; frontcastors; recliner with extending leg and foot rest; two reclining

positions; depth is 157cm fully reclined

񡑩∀!񡑣#񡑩񡑦񡑙 chair shown in vintage leatherrecliner shown in edwardian leather

features foam bodyfeatures foam body; lift up top with storage space beneath;

castored legs

񡑠񡑦񡑦񡑤񡑩! shown in heritage leather

features footstool: foam body; castored legs; armchair: fixed foam seat; sprung seat and back; front castors

񡑣񡑖񡑱񡑗񡑱񡑩񡑩񡑥 shown in vintage leather

also available in fabric see pgs 114-120 choose from a selection of leather options (pg 132) upholstered in the UK

񡑓񡑠񡑠񡑖񡑨∃񡑀 񡑣񡑖񡑰񡑠񡑀

񡑤񡑨񡑀񡑖񡑦񡑦񡑀񡑇񡑦񡑠񡑖!񡑣񡑠񡑱 񡑩񡑨񡑦񡑤񡑨񡑠

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

񡑡񡑄񡑠񡑉񡑐񡑄񡑔 񡑈񡑕񡑕񡑙񡑘񡑙񡑕񡑕񡑓shown in smokey leather

H34cm W106cm D52cm

fine character £400 £450

񡑢񡑄񡑓񡑆񡑇񡑔shown in smokey leather

H82cm W88cm D86cm

distressed† fine character £950 £1100 £1200

񡑉񡑓񡑇񡑔񡑆񡑄񡑓񡑇shown in edwardian leather

H91cm W69cm D70cm

fine character £800 £900

񡑗񡑠񡑘񡑙񡑕񡑔shown in edwardian leather

H82cm W70cm D68cm

distressed† fine character £700 £750 £850

񡑈񡑗񡑄񡑔񡑒񡑓񡑑񡑔shown in sorrel leatherH76-84cm W59cm D66cm

sorrel leather only £750

񡑖񡑇񡑗񡑙񡑐shown in heritage leather

H84cm W81cm D95cm

fine character £1050 £1200

񡑄񡑓񡑅񡑇񡑗񡑙񡑕񡑔shown in heritage leather

H84cm W81cm D95cm

fine character £1100 £1200

Leather type: fine character

armchair H105cm W81cm D84cm £950 £1100recliner H105cm W81cm D84cm £1200 £1350

Leather type: fine character

armchair H101cm W82cm D93cm £950 £1100recliner H103cm W83cm D89cm £1200 £1350

Leather type: fine character

footstool H42cm W69cm D50cm £400 £450armchair H83cm W86cm D96cm £1100 £1200

Leather type: fine character

footstool H42cm W95cm D65cm £450 £500large footstool H44cm W128cm D64cm £600 £650

Page 132: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

Distressed leather

Heritage leather Edwardian leather

Vintage leatherSmokey leather

• Golden brown with mottled shade variation

• Grain variation

• Dark colour • Wax crackled finish• Features ‘pull-up’

characterFor an authentic look, all of thenatural blemishes, markingsand unique colour shading arevisible. Some have semi-distressed and waxed finishesfor more variance in character,texture and shade.

fineHigh grade leathers withnatural blemishes, markingsand unique colour shadingvisible. They generally tend tohave a more consistentappearance but with somecharacteristics still visible.

• A light tan colour with a dark brown waxtonal effect • Unique crackled appearance

• Features ‘pull-up’

†Distressed only available on Walden, Rochester, Ruston andBurlington:Products upholstered in distressed leatherare distinctively designed to give themuch sought-after effect of a well lovedfamily heirloom • Distressed upholstered furniture ismade from high-grade, full-grain leatherspecially treated to give an aged look • The leather used on these ranges hasall its natural marks and scars left fullyexposed if present, and there will besignificant variances in texture andshading individual to each piece. Theseare testament to the genuine origin of theproduct, that form part of the design ofthe piece and do not affect durability • After the furniture is upholstered theleather is further treated with six stages ofhand staining and waxing to emphasisethe aged look of an antiqued chair whichensures that no two pieces are exactly alike • Legs are polished hardwood, stained tolook distressed, complementing theappearance of the leather.

• Warm dark colour • Subtle aged multi-tonal look • Features ‘pull up’

THE UPHOLSTERY LEATHER RANGEInvesting in a true originalGenuine leather is natural and warm with truly individual characteristics. Laura Ashley onlyuses high quality full and semi aniline leathers, many tanned using water based dyes orpigments and finished with natural substances such as beeswax. This allows the naturalmarkings, scars, shade variation and beautiful characteristics of authentic leather to beenjoyed. Each leather piece is unique and will show some colour variation. All our leathersare a by-product of the food industry. Laura Ashley leather upholstery is made to exactingquality standards and individually inspected before leaving the manufacturer.

True beauty comes with maturityWith a little care, leather will improve with age. Occasionally, the odd mark or scratch canoccur, body shape moulding will happen and colours may mellow, but this does not affectdurability, it will simply enhance the unique appearance of your piece and add extracharacter. Leather is an investment for the future to be enjoyed for many years to come.

Choosing the perfect leather option for youWe offer leathers to suit all tastes. Some of our leathers have extra character with distressedand wax finishes. These create more significant variations in texture and colour, withenhanced markings under the wax. Pull up may be evident, especially on waxed finishes andthe crackle effect will vary for a truly individual look. Some of our leathers have had the surfacetexture removed and a finish applied, giving a more uniform appearance, althoughcharacteristics may still be visible. Several hides are used to cover a sofa so variation in colourand texture may occur between the different parts of a piece which will all create asophisticated and unique effect. The two price bands of Character and Fine reflect the workthat goes into the finishing processes of each.

To help you select the perfect leather for you please see the swatch range below and usethe features symbols to guide you on the level of character you prefer. For more details, Information and Care Guides are available in store, on our website, or contact Customer Services on 0871 983 5999*.

For information on Seat Pads, Cushions and Covers, Frame Guarantee, Sofa beds andDelivery see pgs 317-318.

Features symbolsvisible texture, markings and scars.

obvious texture, markings and scars.strongly features heavy texture, markings and scars.

Pull up• Leather must be stretched taut for perfect upholstery, which can cause it to appear

lighter in colour, especially across tighter areas.• This will be more obvious on wax finishes that are also susceptible to scratching.

Scars• Refers to areas recognised as dark lines and marks in the leather which are

a natural feature of all high quality leather and do not affect durability.

Body moulding• After a time all leathers will relax and mould comfortably from use, this is quite normal

with leather upholstery especially those with fixed seats, and will not reduce comfort.

Leather careA comprehensive Information and Care Guide will be provided which should be followedcarefully, copies may be viewed in store, at, or contact CustomerServices on 0871 983 5999*. As all leather furniture can be affected by light, to maintainthe unique look of your Laura Ashley leather furniture, we recommend you avoid exposureto direct sunlight or heat. Dust regularly with a soft cloth, remove spills immediately and useour Leather Care Collection to help treat everyday soiling, scratches and marks.

Leather care collectionContents include: 250ml leather cleaner, 250ml leather protector, cloth, sponge and a guide to application and use. 3335 641 £30

For the added reassurance of a Guardsman Protection Plan, please see pg 319.

Swatch ServiceTo help you in your selection, you can order up to four free leather swatches and havethem sent direct to your home. Visit or call 0871 230 2301*

*(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 133: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

133Made to Order Upholstery

For upholstery, scatter cushions and headboards(unless otherwise stated)

Melbury Heavy-weight woven jacquard. 96% viscose, 4%silk. P. Durability: general domestic. This fabriccontains slubs as part of its natural characteristics.

Pimlico 񡑁

Medium-weight woven jacquard. 55% polyester, 34%cotton, 11% nylon.P†. Durability: light domestic use.

Ruben Medium-weight woven jacquard. 46% viscose,23% cotton, 20% polyester, 6% nylon, 5%acrylic. P†. Durability: general domestic.

Tilbury Medium-weight woven jacquard. 66% viscose, 19% cotton, 8% polyester, 7% acrylic. P†. Durability: general domestic.


NEW Panama Medium-weight woven stripe. 100% cotton,P†. Durability: general domestic.

Cedar Medium-weight woven stripe. 32% polyester,31% viscose, 20% cotton, 17% linen. P†.Durability: general domestic.

Lewis Medium-weight woven chenille stripe. 36%polyester, 30% acrylic, 24% viscose, 10%cotton. P†. Durability: general domestic.

Luxford Stripe Medium-weight woven stripe. 54% viscose,30% linen, 11% cotton, 5% polyester. P†.Durability: general domestic.

Maxwell Medium-weight woven chenille stripe. 47% cotton, 28% acrylic, 25% polyester. P†. Durability: general domestic.

WOVEN VELVETIn normal use, many of these fabrics will adopta distinctive crushed look or exhibit naturalshading, crushing, lines and bruising variation.This is a characteristic of these types of fabricand does not affect durability. Due to thenature of velvet fabric, all fabrics in thiscategory exclude Guardsman treatment.

Aidan 񡑁

Medium-weight woven velvet. 84% viscose, 15% polyester, 1% cotton. P†. Durability:general domestic.

Brooklyn 񡑁

Medium-weight woven velvet. 56% viscose,22% cotton, 22% polyester. P†. Durability:general domestic.

񡑂Caitlyn 񡑁

Heavy-weight plain dyed pile velvet. 55% viscose, 45% cotton. P. This fabric displays distinctive lines, pile variation shadingand crushing effects. Durability: general domestic.

Ellison 񡑁

Medium-weight woven velvet. 55% viscose,24% cotton, 21% polyester. P. Durability:general domestic

Empire 񡑁

Medium-weight woven velvet. 82% viscose, 18% cotton. P†. Durability: general domestic.












Matilda 񡑁

Medium-weight woven velvet. 100% polyester.P†. Durability: general domestic.

Villandry 񡑁

Heavy-weight plain dyed pile velvet. 54% viscose, 40% cotton, 6% polyester. P only. Durability: general domestic.

PRINTED FABRICFabric with a high linen content containfeatures as linen/linen blends, see †.

GosfordMedium-weight printed woven. 55% linen, 33%cotton, 12% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic.

LuellaMedium-weight printed woven. 55% linen, 33%cotton, 12% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic.

Millwood Medium-weight printed woven. 55% linen, 33%cotton, 12% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic.

NEW Newbury Medium-weight printed woven. 55% linen, 33%cotton, 12% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic.

NEW Wallace Medium-weight printed woven. 55% linen, 33%cotton, 12% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic.

NEW Elveden Medium-weight printed woven. 55% linen, 33%cotton, 12% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic.

LINEN/L INEN BLENDS†These fabrics feature a high linen contentwhich can pill and have fine threads visible,some also have a textured linen blend withcharacteristic ‘slub’ effect. These are not a signof premature wear but natural characteristicswhich do not affect durability. Linen has anatural tendency to crease which enhances itstextural look. Creases will soften as the fabricrelaxes in use.

NEW Montana Medium-weight woven plain. 100% cotton. P†.Durability: general domestic.

Adele Medium-weight woven dobby. 49% viscose, 45% linen, 6% cotton. P†. Durability: generaldomestic.

Keynes CheckMedium-weight woven linen check. 88% linen,12% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic

Linen PlainMedium-weight linen-blend fabric. 48% linen, 39% cotton, 13% nylon. P. Durability: generaldomestic.

Linen StripeMedium-weight linen-blend fabric. 48% linen,39% cotton, 13% nylon. P. Durability: generaldomestic.

MarqueeMedium-weight linen-blend fabric. 52% linen,36% cotton, 12% nylon. P. Durability: generaldomestic.

Vienna Medium-weight linen-blend fabric. 100% linen.P†. Durability: general domestic.















WOVEN CHENILLEMany of these fabrics have a high viscose oracrylic content which in normal use will adopt a distinctive crushed look or exhibit natural shading, crushing, lines and bruising variation.This is a characteristic of these types of fabricsimilar to velvet and does not affect durability.

Crofton Medium-weight woven chenille. 42% polyester,41% acrylic, 17% cotton. P†. Durability: general domestic.

Eloise Medium-weight woven chenille. 43% chenilleviscose, 21% polyester, 21% linen, 15% viscose. P†. Durability: general domestic.

Maggy Medium-weight woven chenille spot. 37% cotton, 35% acrylic, 26% polyester, 2% viscose. P†. Durability: general domestic.

Verity 񡑁

Medium-weight woven chenille. 74% acrylic, 13% polyester, 13% cotton. P†.Durability: general domestic.

WOVEN DOBBYWoven on a loom which produces a regularlyspaced woven design or plain fabric.

Amie Medium-weight woven dobby. 84% cotton, 16% nylon. P. Durability: general domestic.

񡑂Dalton Medium-weight woven dobby. 82% viscose, 16% linen, 2% silk. P. Durability: generaldomestic.






񡑂Edwin Medium-weight woven dobby. 82% viscose,16% linen, 2% silk. P. Durability: generaldomestic.

Gwen Medium-weight woven dobby. 100% polyester. P†. Durability: general domestic.

Oscar Medium-weight woven dobby. 40% viscose,20% polyester, 20% cotton, 20% linen. P†. Durability: general domestic.


Corby Medium-weight woven slubby check. 85% viscose, 11% cotton, 4% acrylic. P†.Durability: general domestic.


Acantha Medium-weight woven jacquard. 57% viscose,26% polyester, 15% linen, 2% silk. P†. Durability: light domestic use.

Ashino Medium-weight woven jacquard. 60% cotton,30% viscose, 10% linen. P.Durability: generaldomestic.

FleurMedium-weight woven jacquard fabric. 100% cotton. P†. Durability: general domestic.

KieraMedium-weight woven jacquard. 57% viscose,20% cotton, 12% linen, 11% nylon. P.Durability: general domestic.






THE UPHOLSTERY FABRIC RANGEOffering over 100 beautifully designed upholstery fabrics and leathers for your home.

Please use the data below in conjunction with pg 134.

UPHOLSTERY FABRICSAll of our fabrics shown here are suitable for upholstery, scatter cushions and headboards unless otherwise stated.

DUAL-PURPOSE FABRICSSuitable for curtains, blinds and upholstery use including headboards and scatter cushions unless otherwise stated.

These fabrics are not available to buy by the metre and are only available on Laura Ashley upholstered products.

Fabric by the metre care: P Dry Clean Only P Sensitive Dry Clean OnlyUpholstered product care: P† Sensitive Dry Clean In Situ (check inner cushion label for details)

Denotes the fabrics are partially pattern matched when used for upholstered furniture.All other fabrics are randomly matched.

Not suitable for loose covers 񡑀 Not suitable for protective Guardsman treatment

Letters inside the chair identify which furniture price band the fabrics belong to (See pgs 134-141).

񡑁Only some colours in these fabrics are available by the metre

FREE SWATCH SERVICEChoose a fabric you really like which fits in with your decor:• You can pick up a wide range of free swatches from our stores and view a full range online

at lauraashle• Order up to eight free fabric, or up to four free leather swatches, visit

or call 0871 230 2301* or order in store quoting the product number and a description.

Every effort is made to ensure that the products supplied correspond as closely as possible tosamples in our stores, catalogue, swatches and our website. However, variations may occur duringnormal manufacturing between batches, and due to the unique characteristics of natural materials.

Swatches are illustrative of the design and colour. Delivered Laura Ashley upholstered products maydiffer due to fire resistant treatment which could alter the texture and appearance from that of the swatch.



Page 134: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 133

only fabrics shown with a price point are available by the metre

NEW gosford cranberryprintrepeat a 43.5cm; width 137cm3528 242 £30

SELECTING AN UPHOLSTERY FABRICFabric FeaturesMany fabrics have natural characteristics.Carefully consider these to select the rightfabric for you:• Some of our more delicate fabrics such as velvets and chenilles exhibit shading variations, crushing, lines and bruising, which create unique features.• Fabrics with a linen and/or cotton content can pill and have fine threads visible. Some may display slub characteristic effects and may include occasional seeds and husks. • Linen has a natural tendency to crease which enhances its textural appearance, creases will soften as the fabric relaxes in use. Pilling can occasionally occur in early stages of use, which is a feature of such fabrics.• Fabrics selected for upholstered products may adopt a slightly different texture and appearance from those purchased by the metre due to fire resistant processing. None of these features is a sign of premature wear. They are natural or normal characteristics which do not affect product quality.

Loose or Fixed Covers?• Loose covers are available on selected items to present a more casual relaxed fit, offering versatility for cleaning and updating your look. Regular redressing will be required to keep them neat and tidy.• All loose covers have a 3% allowance for shrinkage after initial cleaning and may not fit tightly on arrival.• Fixed covers are more tailored and can be professionally cleaned in situ.

Durability• It is important to bear in mind how much use your Product will receive so that a fabric suitable for your needs is selected. To help you decide, the durability of each fabric is graded in this glossary as:• Light domestic – for light/ infrequent use • General domestic – for general/ frequent use• Take extra care with sharp objects, such as studs and belt buckles as these can snag even the toughest of fabrics.

USING YOUR OWN UPHOLSTERER• For upholstery fabric purchased by the metre, we recommend that you use a reputable upholsterer• Many fabrics have a maximum length of 17m. For lengths greater than this check colour compatibility of each piece before cutting and upholstering. • For upholstering, all fabrics require a fire retardant barrier interliner, compliant with schedule 3 of the safety regulations; your upholsterer should advise.

CLEANING AND CARETo help prolong the life of your fabric pleaseconsider the following:

Cleaning• Follow the specific instructions for each fabric carefully and always check the label, as recommended care for the fabric may differ from the recommended care for the product. • Fixed and loose covers should be professionally cleaned in situ. P Dry Clean Only. P Sensitive Dry Clean Only P† Sensitive Dry Clean In Situ• Many of our fabrics have a protective coating applied (excludes fabrics marked 񡑀), however as with all upholstery, periodic cleaning of the entire piece is essential to maintain appearance and prevent fading and premature wear.• Clean co-ordinated items at the same time.• Always allow for 3% shrinkage upon the first clean• To remove everyday household dust and dirt, clean regularly by gently vacuuming fabric with an upholstery brush.• Avoid contact with chemicals, eg. hair products and suncream.• Remove all spills immediately. Blot liquid spills with a clean, dry, white cloth, work towards the centre of the spill. Do not rub or use abrasive cleaners as this may damage the furniture. Should a spill result in a stain, refer to your Guardsman Protection Plan where applicable or seek professional advice.

Sunlight and Heat• All fabrics can be affected by heat and light, so we recommend that they are positioned away from direct sunlight and at least 30cm from heat sources to protect from fading and premature wear.

Information and Care Guides forUpholstered products• These provide lots of useful information about the features of each product range and how to care for them correctly. • To help you make informed choices these are available to view in store or online and will also be delivered with your selected upholstery product.• For Seat Pad, Cushion and Cover advice please see pg 318.

Upholstery Extras• Coordinating scatter cushions are available to order see pg 119 for details.• Armcaps are available on most shapes, fabric only. We recommend their use to help protect your furniture for longer in high wear areas, see pg 119 for details.• Many of our fabrics have a protective coating applied at the time of manufacture to help repel spills (excludes fabrics marked 񡑀). For extra peace of mind on upholstery in case of those little mishaps see pg 319 for details of our Guardsman Protection Plan.

crofton cranberrywoven chenilleno a repeat; width 138cm3466 797

dalton cranberrywoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3423 227

aidan cranberrywoven velvetno a repeat; width 143cm3440 964

fleur raspberrywoven jacquardrepeat a 65.5cm; width 137cm3288 545

keynes cranberrywoven linenrepeat a 19.5cm; width 137cm3466 747 £28

NEW elveden cranberrywoven velvetrepeat a 87.5cm; width 142cm3520 759

caitlyn cranberrywoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3377 372

FREE SWATCHESOrder up to eight free fabric swatches online lauraashley.comor phone 0871 230 2301See page 133 for full swatch details(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

KEY TO SYMBOLS (please see pg 133)

Please use the information below in conjunction with pg 133 to select a fabric perfect for you.

Page 135: Laura Ashley Spring 2012









for more fabric options please see

NEW oscar camomilewoven plainrepeat a 26cm; width 138cm3528 244

acantha goldwoven jacquardrepeat a 64.5cm; width 138cm3466 791

maxwell cranberrywoven striperepeat a 50cm; width 140cm3376 069

maggy cranberrywoven chenillerepeat a 10.5cm; width 140cm3376 070

luxford stripe cranberrywoven stripeno a repeat; width 140cm3477 000

matilda cranberrywoven velvetno a repeat; width 143cm3460 039

verity cranberrywoven chenilleno a repeat; width 140cm3486 667

villandry cranberry woven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3422 674 £45

keynes burgundywoven linenrepeat a 19.5cm; width 137cm3307 675

dalton zinniawoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3486 335

corby check camomilewoven checkrepeat a 13.5cm; width 140cm3503 642

millwood camomileprintrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3504 627 £30

crofton goldwoven chenilleno a repeat; width 138cm3261 725

dalton goldwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3329 222

lewis cinnamonwoven chenillerepeat a 1.8cm; width 138cm3407 533

ruben cranberry woven jacquardrepeat a 3.6cm; width 140cm3471 357

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 136: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑃񡑄 񡑔񡑉񡑡񡑘񡑉񡑉񡑙񡑓񡑔񡑒񡑢񡑁񡑐񡑖񡑕 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 133











NEW corby amethystwoven checkrepeat a 13.5cm; width 140cm3519 846

NEW cedar amethystwoven striperepeat a 25.5cm; width 138cm3519 843

NEW newbury amethystprintrepeat a 61cm; width 142cm3520 189

villandry champagnewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3235 996 £45

villandry cerisewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3438 438 £45

gosford off white/ceriseprintrepeat a 43.5cm; width 137cm3503 680 £30

luella foxgloveprintrepeat a 14.5cm; width 137cm3503 677 £30

aidan amethystwoven velvetno a repeat; width 143cm3453 072

dalton amethystwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3453 796

luxford stripe amethystwoven stripeno a repeat; width 140cm3453 798

villandry amethystwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 323 £45

caitlyn grapewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3453 073

ellison grapewoven velvetrepeat a 53cm; width 138cm3461 313

gosford plumprintrepeat a 43.5cm; width 137cm3211 508 £30

oscar champagnewoven plainrepeat a 26cm; width 138cm3453 077

edwin goldwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3394 980

Page 137: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑃񡑅񡑆񡑉񡑑񡑒񡑀񡑠񡑖񡑀񡑇񡑘񡑑񡑒񡑘񡑀񡑈񡑗񡑓񡑖񡑔񡑙񡑠񡑒񡑘񡑢for more fabric options please see











NEW oscar dove greywoven plainrepeat a 26cm; width 138cm3528 243

NEW edwin dove greywoven plainnot a repeat; width 140cm3519 992

NEW montana dove greywoven plainnot a repeat; width 140cm3519 994

NEW ellison sablewoven velvetrepeat a 53cm; width 138cm3519 828

NEW edwin sablewoven plainnot a repeat; width 140cm3519 896

caitlyn blackwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3438 434

villandry charcoalwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3285 716 £45

pimlico charcoaljacquardrepeat a 72cm; width 148cm3504 650

dalton sablewoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3486 334 £40

villandry french greywoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3373 563 £45

luxford stripe trufflewoven stripeno a repeat; width 140cm3407 563

villandry trufflewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 325 £45

caitlyn silverwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3394 971 £50

cedar stripe trufflewoven striperepeat a 25.5cm; width 138cm3503 688

kiera whisperwoven jacquardrepeat a 34cm; width 140cm3503 643 £40

empire marble woven velvetrepeat a 7cm; width 140cm3503 675

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 138: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑃񡑄 񡑔񡑉񡑡񡑘񡑉񡑉񡑙񡑓񡑔񡑒񡑢񡑁񡑐񡑖񡑕 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 133








linen plain naturalwoven linenno a repeat; width 137cm3236 516

marquee naturalwoven linenno a repeat; width 140cm3307 677 £25

linen stripe naturalwoven linenno a repeat; width 137cm3236 518 £25

edwin naturalwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3394 979 £40

dalton naturalwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3326 286 £40

eloise naturalwoven chenille no a repeat; width 140cm3466 765

gwen naturalwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3394 974

kiera naturalwoven jacquardrepeat a 34cm; width 140cm3438 433 £40

NEW corby naturalwoven checkrepeat a 13.5cm; width 140cm3519 845

NEW caitlyn sablewoven velvetrepeat a 52cm; width 147cm3519 898

melbury biscuitwoven jacquardrepeat a 18cm; width 140cm3161 293

adele naturalwoven linen no a repeat; width 147cm3471 335

ashino naturalwoven jacquard repeat a 52cm; width 135cm3307 679 £22

lewis biscuitwoven chenillerepeat a 1.8cm; width 138cm3347 224

caitlyn biscuitwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3344 920 £50

brooklyn stripe marblewoven velvetrepeat a 61cm; width 140cm3503 684

Page 139: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑃񡑅񡑆񡑉񡑑񡑒񡑀񡑠񡑖񡑀񡑇񡑘񡑑񡑒񡑘񡑀񡑈񡑗񡑓񡑖񡑔񡑙񡑠񡑒񡑘񡑢for more fabric options please see
















NEW villandry dark linenwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3519 825 £45

NEW wallace naturalmulti printrepeat a 30.5cm; width 142cm3520 751 £30

NEW panama naturalwoven striperepeat a 31cm; width 140cm3525 325

caitlyn off white woven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3466 777

dalton off whitewoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3438 425 £40

acantha linenwoven jacquard repeat a 64.5cm; width 138cm3423 221

lewis linenwoven chenillerepeat a 1.8cm; width 138cm3438 430

vienna dark linenwoven striperepeat a 4.5cm; width 155cm3504 664

melbury dark linenwoven jacquardrepeat a 18cm; width 140cm3453 074 £45

tilbury naturalwoven jacquard no a 70cm repeat; width 140cm3486 235

verity naturalwoven chenilleno a repeat; width 140cm3486 329

villandry sablewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 811 £45

maxwell naturalwoven striperepeat a 50cm; width 140cm3471 993

matilda naturalwoven velvetno a repeat; width 143cm3471 993

oscar naturalwoven plainrepeat a 26cm; width 138cm3441 638

ruben natural woven jacquardrepeat a 3.6cm; width 140cm3471 356

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 140: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑄񡑂 񡑓񡑈񡑠񡑗񡑈񡑈񡑘񡑒񡑓񡑑񡑡񡑁񡑉񡑕񡑔 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 133








NEW panama duck eggwoven striperepeat a 31cm; width 140cm3525 326

maxwell duck egg woven striperepeat a 50cm; width 140cm3486 321

villandry off-whitewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3358 818 £45

keynes naturalwoven linenrepeat a 19.5cm; width 137cm3287 988

oscar off-whitewoven plainrepeat a 26cm; width 138cm3477 002

luxford stripe off-whitewoven stripeno a repeat; width 140cm3486 230 £40

dalton duck eggwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3408 417 £40

corby duck eggwoven checkrepeat a 13.5cm; width 140cm3471 354

amie duck eggwoven dobbyrepeat a 2.4cm; width 144cm3375 281 £22

lewis duck eggwoven chenillerepeat a 1.8cm; width 138cm3347 223

eloise duck eggwoven chenilleno a repeat; width 140cm3412 687

gwen duck eggwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3488 993

fleur duck eggwoven jacquardrepeat a 65.5cm; width 137cm3288 544

fleur off whitewoven jacquardrepeat a 65.5cm; width 137cm3288 543

edwin off whitewoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3438 427

eloise off whitewoven chenilleno a repeat; width 140cm3412 685

Page 141: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


񡑃񡑄񡑃񡑅񡑈񡑐񡑑񡑀񡑙񡑕񡑀񡑆񡑗񡑐񡑑񡑗񡑀񡑇񡑖񡑒񡑕񡑓񡑘񡑙񡑑񡑗񡑡for more fabric options please see










NEW dalton camomilewoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3528 428 £40

NEW dalton mosswoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3519 989

NEW villandry midnightwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3519 824 £45

NEW ellison midnightwoven velvetrepeat a 53cm; width 138cm3519 827

NEW dalton midnightwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3519 990

verity duck eggwoven chenilleno a repeat; width 140cm3486 328

NEW dalton ceruleanwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3519 991

villandry duck eggwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3303 691 £45

keynes midnightwoven linenrepeat a 19.5cm; width 137cm3407 532

dalton eau de nilwoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3466 787

kiera eau de nilwoven jacquardrepeat a 34cm; width 140cm3471 351

villandry eau de nilwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 322 £45

maggy willowwoven chenillerepeat a 10.5cm; width 140cm3422 672

maxwell willowwoven chenillerepeat a 50cm; width 140cm3422 673

dalton olive woven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3486 333

luxford stripe olivewoven stripeno a repeat; width 140cm3486 231

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 142: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑅񡑃 񡑖񡑐񡑣񡑠񡑐񡑐񡑡񡑔񡑖񡑓񡑥񡑁񡑑񡑙񡑗




񡑈񡑆񡑉 񡑡񡑔񡑓񡑠񡑤񡑙񡑙񡑒A classic trestle style range, every single item within our

񡑈񡑆񡑉 Sherwood collection has been beautifully crafted

and individually finished to create a unique aged and

distressed appearance. Made from solid teak and teak

veneer constructed around reclaimed materials.

• Aged and distressed for a vintage feel

• Displays the natural characteristics of teak such

as prominent grain, knots and colour variation

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

A NEW sherwood bookcase5 shelves for storage; H184cm W100cm D60cm 3520 219 £800

B NEW sherwood coffee tableshelf for storage; H46cm W115cm D65cm 3520 215 £425

C NEW sherwood console table2 shelves for storage; H80cm W110cm D45cm3520 217 £425

D NEW sherwood benchH47cm W160cm D35cm 3520 209 £450

E NEW sherwood side stoolH47cm W48cm D35cm 3520 211 £175

F NEW sherwood dining table񡑀

H76cm W180cm D90cm 3520 207 £1000

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 143: Laura Ashley Spring 2012





0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

lauraashley.com0871 230 2301

(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality and security purposes.

Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 144: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

Inspired by rescued cottage furniture, Bramley replicates

the past to save you scouring the antique shops. With a

distressed cream finish to the solid wood base, our

collection captures memories of a vintage era.

• Hand painted with a cream crackle effect finish

• Individually distressed to reveal solid wood beneath

• Rustic characteristics on solid wood tops with paint

in grooves


񡑂񡑃񡑃 񡑓񡑇񡑠񡑗񡑇񡑇񡑘񡑑񡑓񡑐񡑡񡑁񡑉񡑖񡑔

For full details of see pg 317Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

bramley console tablewith one drawer; H85cm W100cm D35cm3430 131 £500

bramley sideboardwith two drawers and a doublecupboard featuring inner adjustableshelf; H103cm W106cm D44cm3362 354 £850

bramley dining tablewith cutlery drawer; seats six to eight; H80cm W200cm D90cm3362 337 £950

bramley round tableseats four to six; H78cm Ø120cm3438 151 £1000

bramley coffee tablewith two drawers; H42cm W100cm D70cm3424 143 £625

bramley pair of dining chairseach H100cm W52cm D55cm3362 347 per pair £350

bramley benchIdeal with dining table; H45cm W135cm D35cm3488 232 £325

bramley pair of high stoolscomplements the bramley kitchen island;each H64cm W37cm D37cm3512 341 per pair £300

bramley single carver chairH106cm W60cm D70cm3362 344 each £250

bramley dresser񡑀

with two fixed shelves to the upper, two drawersand a double cupboard below featuring aninner adjustable shelf; H194cm W106cmD44cm3362 350 £1000

bramley large sideboard񡑀

with triple cupboard space with inneradjustable shelves, and three drawers; H90cm W160cm D47cm3500 378 £1100

bramley large dresser񡑀

contains five cupboards, two with glassfronts, one drawer, three tray shelves andone shelf; ideal for all storage; H200cmW159cm D53cm3500 382 £1600

Page 145: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

bramley cheval mirroradjustable mirror; H161cmW61cm D40cm3456 143 £400

bramley bed†񡑀

traditional shaped bed with a distressed cream finish and wooden slats; delivered flat and assembled for youdouble 4'6" H117cm W147cm D212cm3457 239 £1300 king 5' H117cm W163cm D214cm3457 237 £1400super king 6' H117cm W195cm D214cm3521 949 £1500†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame with

one of our mattresses – see pg 171 for details

bramley two-door armoirewith three adjustable shelves to thechicken wire fronted upper, and twodrawers below; H160cm W120cm D40cm3375 946 £900

bramley double bookcase񡑀

with two generous storage areas, eachholding four adjustable shelves,complete with four practical drawersbelow; H190cm W170cm D42cm3438 100 £1600

bramley writing desk񡑀

with four drawers in the base and additionalstorage in the roll top; also with pull-outwriting shelf; H115cm W91cm D44cm3438 153 £1100

bramley rocking chairH106cm W60cm D80cm3438 163 £275

bramley bench seatseat lifts up to reveal spacious storagearea; H93cm W135cm D46cm3424 146 £800

bramley side tablewith two drawers; H60cm W45cm D45cmpainted top 3453 600 £350wood top 3424 138 £350

bramley chest of six drawerswith three small drawers, two largedrawers and one generous full lengthdrawer; H91cm W116cm D49cmpainted top 3460 347 £900wood top 3407 478 £900

bramley dressing table,mirror & stool setdressing table with two drawers;mirror with two small drawers;desk H80cm W111cm D47cm;stool H48cm W47cm D37cm;mirror H62cm W46cm D17cm3456 141 £850

bramley two-door wardrobe񡑀

with two drawers and a hanging rail,delivered in two parts and assembled foryou ; H196cm W124cm D67cm3438 155 £1600

bramley kitchen islandwith two drawers and one largecupboard on one side and four fixedshelves including two wine racks to hold eight bottles; H90cm L81cm D61cm3500 380 £850

bramley two-door display unitwith three adjustable shelves, glassfronted doors and one drawer; H170cmW90cm D50cm3438 159 £1150

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

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dark chestnut


oiled oak

In dark chestnut, honey and oiled oak, our ever popular Garrat range

is beautifully crafted from quality wood. With antiqued brass effect

handles and knobs, it will suit any home.

• Offering a lacquered or oiled, low maintenance finish

• Displaying all the natural wood features, grain and colour variation

dark chestnut & honeyCrafted from solid birch and stained to enhance the

natural grain of real wood. With uniquely rippled tops.

oiled oakCrafted from oak with oak veneers and oiled to reveal the

natural characteristics of real wood. Features smooth tops.

Requires periodic oiling to maintain the natural beauty

garrat available in 3 finishes:

For full details of see pg 317Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

garrat triple sideboard񡑀

three drawers and three cupboards with adjustable shelves; H84cm W161cm D47cm dark chestnut 3458 572 £1000honey 3458 578 £1000oak 3509 149 £1000

garrat nest of tablessmooth topped. H52cm W53cm D42cm dark chestnut 3477 134 £300honey 3477 136 £300oak 3509 155 £300

garrat small box coffee tablelift-up lid with storage beneath and ninesmall drawers; H41cm W90cm D60cm dark chestnut 1452 697 £500honey 3167 472 £500oak 3509 200 £500

garrat small storage cabinet six CD drawers and one cupboard withadjustable shelf and cable opening at rear;internal dimensions: H53cm W38cm D38cm;external: H70cm W87cm D43cm dark chestnut 3164 284 £600honey 3167 546 £600oak 3509 188 £600

garrat media unittwo drawers and two adjustable shelves;space for media hardware; H52cm W120cm D45cmdark chestnut 3424 150 £675honey 3424 152 £675oak 3500 364 £675

garrat chest of eight drawersH85cm W127cm D43cm dark chestnut 1181 999 £775honey 3167 408 £775oak 3487 353 £775

garrat twelve drawer coffee tablewith lift-up lid; H41cm W118cm D66cm dark chestnut 1181 890 £650honey 3167 404 £650oak 3487 351 £650

garrat extending dining tablesmooth topped dining table; extension leafstores within; seats six to eight; H75cmW160-217cm D95cmdark chestnut 3345 138 £950honey 3345 142 £950oak 3509 203 £950

garrat tv corner unittwo drawers and a large open backcompartment for media hardware;H49cm W110cm D45cm; internal W102cm H14cmdark chestnut 3487 359 £525honey 3487 365 £525oak 3509 198 £525

garrat pair of dining chairswith fitted upholstered seat in natural linen; H100cm W48cm D55cmdark chestnut 3345 140 per pair £375honey 3345 146 per pair £375oak 3509 178 per pair £375

garrat small sideboardtwo drawers and a spacious cupboard withadjustable shelf; H95cm W90cm D43cm dark chestnut 3458 574 £650honey 3458 580 £650oak 3509 147 £650

garrat storage benchlift up lid with generous storage spacebeneath; H46cm W98cm D43cm dark chestnut 3467 366 £425honey 3467 372 £425oak 3509 192 £425

Page 147: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

garrat bookcasesmooth topped with two small drawers, twodeep drawers and three removable shelves; H181cm W87cm D41cm dark chestnut 3458 576 £1000honey 3458 582 £1000oak 3500 360 £1000

garrat display cabinet񡑀

with four drawers, two glass-panelled doorsand three adjustable shelvesH183cm W87cm D41cm dark chestnut 3164 314 £1100honey 3167 564 £1100oak 3509 180 £1100

garrat side tabletwo drawers and shelf; H68cm W47cm D45cm dark chestnut 1525 658 £325honey 3167 510 £325oak 3487 349 £325

garrat extending oval dining table񡑀

smooth topped dining table includes solid and birch veneer; extension leaf storeswithin; seats six to eight; H76cm W180-225cm D115cmdark chestnut 3487 357 £1000honey 3487 363 £1000oak 3509 196 £1000

garrat sideboardtwo drawers and a spacious cupboard withadjustable shelf; H80cm W110cm D43cm dark chestnut 3394 844 £775honey 3394 825 £775oak 3509 176 £775

carron upholstered dining chairupholstered buttoned back chair; solid birch;complements our garrat dining table; H86cmW52cm D50cm dark wood 3500 458 each £225oak 3506 098 each £225

garrat desk񡑀

smooth topped; seven practical drawers;H78cm W150cm D70cm dark chestnut 3467 368 £1150honey 3467 374 £1150oak 3509 152 £1150

garrat library storage plinth and top setto complete library storage boxes (see right);please note: for every vertical stack ofstorage boxes, one plinth and top set isrequired; H2cm (top) H10cm (plinth)W80cm D27cmdark chestnut 3376 591 per set £175honey 3376 597 per set £175oak 3509 160 per set £175

garrat bureaufront of bureau folds down for writing, with internal space for documents and an access hole for laptop cables, threedrawers and a spacious cupboard withadjustable shelf; H110cm W90cm D38cm dark chestnut 3394 840 £1000honey 3394 821 £1000oak 3509 174 £1000

garrat lamp tablesix drawers; H50cm W63cm D50cm dark chestnut 1452 705 £375honey 3167 496 £375oak 3509 184 £375

NEW garrat double hall unit񡑀

smooth topped with three coat hangers,two large drawers and two topcompartments for extra storage;H201cm W96cm D45cm dark chestnut 3520 617 £950honey 3520 619 £950oak 3520 621 £950

garrat console tablewith four drawers and a fixed shelf; H80cm W110cm D36cmdark chestnut 3395 731 £625honey 3395 734 £625oak 3500 362 £625

garrat library storage boxa single box unit with a top opening,hinged glass door at the front; can bestacked or positioned side by side tocreate storage solutions to suit any space;please note: one plinth and top set (seeleft) is required for every vertical stack ofstorage boxes; H35cm W80cm D25cm dark chestnut 3376 589 each £250honey 3376 595 each £250oak 3509 158 each £250

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

Page 148: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

A classically styled range in birch veneer and solid wood

with fine distressed detail and ornate antique effect

handles, lacquered, with a hand applied wax finish.

• Specially distressed edges featuring an

interesting notched effect

• Displays natural wood features such as grain and

colour variation creating unique individual pieces





񡑂񡑃񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑙񡑑񡑦񡑣񡑑񡑑񡑤񡑖񡑙񡑔񡑨񡑁񡑓񡑢񡑠

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

A tiverton side tablewith a single drawer; H65cm W43cm D43cm 3501 247 £350

B tiverton wine tableH60cm W43cm D43cm3506 106 £275

C tiverton console tablewith two drawers; H82cm W120cm D40cm 3501 246 £650

D tiverton coffee tablewith two trays that pull out from each side;H45cm W131cm D83cm 3501 245 £725

E NEW tiverton bookcasewith three adjustable shelves; H190cm W71cm D35cm 351 7436 £875

F NEW tiverton sideboardtwo doors, with one adjustable shelf and two drawers; H88.5cm W119.5cm D44.5cm 3517 443 £1200

G NEW tiverton pair of dining chairsupholstered leather padded seat; each H90cm W52.5cm D59cm 3517 438 per pair £425

H NEW tiverton extending dining table񡑀

seats 8-10 people; leaf stored within; H77cm W180cm-230cm D111cm 3517 440 £1200

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembledin your home

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 149: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑉񡑇񡑐 񡑘񡑗񡑡񡑕񡑤񡑒񡑦񡑣񡑨


Our rustic 񡑉񡑇񡑐 hand-crafted Kingsbury furniture features a

distressed two-tone colour with antique brass-effect keyhole

handles. Predominantly made from solid oak and veneers, it

displays natural characteristics such as colour variation and knots,

with a low sheen lacquer.

• Aged by hand and distressed to create many interesting

features in the surface

• Non locking keyhole effect handles

• Displays unique and individual characteristics on each

piece for an authentic look

NEW kingsbury large five drawer chestwith five drawers; H109.5cm W110cm D47.5cm3520 205 £1350

NEW kingsbury three drawer chestwith three drawers; H85.5cm W110cm D47.5cm3520 203 £1000

NEW kingsbury lamp tablewith three drawersH61cm W47cm D46.5cm3520 199 £400

NEW kingsbury coffee tablewith five drawers H49cm W100cm D61.5cm3520 201 £725

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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Beautifully crafted from oak and oak

veneers, our NEW Marsden collection

combines smooth, simple lines with a warm

finish, the tapered legs and gently squared

and bevelled corners bringing pure

elegance to each item.

• Enhanced grain visible for added character

• Proudly displays the natural characteristics

of the wood to ensure each piece is unique

񡑈񡑆񡑉 񡑘񡑐񡑡񡑢񡑓񡑔񡑙





A NEW marsden side tablewith one drawer; H62cm W45cm D45cm 3520 521 £180

B NEW marsden coffee tablewith two drawers; H45cm W105cm D60cm 3520 523 £400

C NEW marsden console tablewith two drawers; H80cm W102.5cm D42.5cm 3520 525 £395

D NEW marsden writing deskone large drawer with accessory trays and two small drawers for storage; H86cm W103cm D62cm 3520 527 £600

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 151: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


񡑘񡑖񡑗񡑣񡑠񡑙񡑀񡑘񡑠񡑓񡑤񡑗񡑐񡑡Designed to complement our Milton range

(pgs 152-153), Milton Modular is made from solid

oak and oak veneers and offers versatile storage

for rooms of any size and shape. It will house

anything from books and CDs to china and glass.

• Displays natural wood features,

grain & colour variation

• Requires periodic oiling to maintain the

natural beauty

please note: milton modular unit shown is aconfiguration of items E to M (1 x E, 1 x F, 1 x G, 1 x H, 1 x K, 1 x M)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

E milton modular single open unitwith two adjustable shelves; H58cm W110cm D40cm 3286 981 £350

F milton modular single open two drawer unitwith two adjustable shelves and two moveable drawer boxes; H58cm W110cm D40cm 3286 983 £450

G milton modular glass doors single unitwith two adjustable shelves and two sliding glass panelled doors; H58cm W110cm D40cm 3286 985 £475

H milton modular wooden doors single unitwith two adjustable shelves and two sliding wooden doors; H58cm W110cm D40cm 3286 987 £450

J milton modular single topto be used to complete any single or splitlevel configuration; H2cm W110cm D40cm 3286 977 £80

K milton modular double topto be used to complete any doubleconfiguration; H2.5cm W220cm D40cm 3286 973 £100

L milton modular single plinthto be used as the base to any singleconfiguration; H8.5cm W110cm D36cm 3286 979 £80

M milton modular double plinthto be used as the base to any doubleconfiguration; H8.5cm W220cm D36cm 3286 975 £100

storage configuration shown £1925

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Perfect for your living and dining spaces, Milton

is made from solid oak and oak veneers, smartly

oiled to enhance the natural beauty of the wood.

With clean lines and antiqued pewter effect

handles, it is quite simply timeless.

• Displays natural wood features, grain &

colour variation

• Includes traditional joints and craftsmanship

• Requires periodic oiling to maintain the

natural beauty


For full details of see pg 317Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

milton 3 door sideboardthree drawers and three cupboards all withadjustable shelves; H80cm W140cm D48cm3499 099 £950

milton 4 drawer console tableH80cm W168cm D35cm 3499 105 £675

milton 2 door sideboardwith two cupboards, both with internaladjustable shelf; H80cm W96cm D48cm 3499 101 £700

milton 1 door, 4 drawer sideboardwith one cupboard and four drawers, with internal adjustable shelf;H80cm W89cm D48cm 3499 097 £800

milton side tablewith two drawers and a fixed shelf;H65cm W50cm D35cm 3244 609 £325

milton corner television cabinetwith one drawer and generously sizedshelf for DVD player; shelf internaldimensions H11.5cm W93cm D57cm;external dimensions H50cm W110cmD60cm 3345 130 £700

milton adjustable coffee tablewith two functional drawers and a handyrising top, ideal for use while seated on yoursofa; H45cm W100cm D60cm; extendeddimensions H69cm W100cm D86cm 3375 971 £850

milton oval coffee tableH48cm W100cm D70cm 3488 234 £475

milton nest of two tableslargest H53cm W55cm D45cm3345 126 per pair £325

milton console tablewith four drawers; H80cm W130cmD35cm 3160 617 £650

milton sideboardwith four drawers and two cupboards, both with internal adjustable shelf;H80cm W130cm D48cm 3190 241 £950

milton 2 drawer console tableH80cm W92cm D35cm 3499 095 £525

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񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

milton 2 drawer bookcasetwo drawers and four adjustable shelves;H183cm W58cm D40cm 3499 091 £700

milton square dining tableseats 2 to 4; H75cm W90cm D90cm 3499 107 £700

milton 6 drawer bookcase񡑀

six drawers and multiple adjustable shelves;H183cm W142cm D40cm 3499 089 £1200

milton pair of dining chairswith high back and a natural cotton/linenseat; H105cm W44cm D50cm 3283 098 per pair £375

milton extending dining table񡑀

extension leaves store within table

regular extending table seats six to

eight; H75cm W170-220cm D90cm

3190 239 £950

large extending table seats eight to

twelve; H75cm W205-280cm D95cm

3467 383 £1100

milton benchseats up to three people; ideal with miltondining table; H45cm W135cm D35cm 3488 240 £325

milton bookcasewith four adjustable shelves and fourdrawers for storage; H183cm W100cmD40cm 3345 132 £950

milton storage units񡑀

flexible multi compartment storage unit including five drawers and two fixed cupboard doors; choose from either a multi-coloured drawer andcupboard door option or plain solid oak option; doors and drawers are packed separately and drivers will assemble; H145cm W120cmD35cm oiled oak door unit 3488 236 £950 natural door unit 3509 300 £950 multi-door unit 3488 238 £950

NEW milton coffee tables with coloured drawerswith four drawers, in assorted drawer finishes to complement your style; H45cm W100cm D60cm oiled oak 3524 071 £550 natural 3520 655 £550 olive 3524 069 £550

milton 8 drawer bookcase񡑀

eight drawers with multiple adjustableshelves; H183cm W184cm D40cm 3499 103 £1400

NEW milton shelving unitstwo configurations available, for horizontalor vertical display; H90cm W105cm D30cm configuration A 3520 651 £350configuration B 3520 653 £350

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Add drama to any room. Made from solid wood with

a hand-painted finish and distressed edges that reveal

the golden ash beneath, Henshaw will complement any

number of interior styles.

• Hand painted, with a clear lacquer and

hand waxed finish

• Added distressing under the finish creates

the desired aged effect








Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

A henshaw dining table񡑀

extension leaf stores within table; seats 6 to 8; H75cm W174-224cm D114cmblack 3507 058 £1000

B henshaw pair of dining chairsupholstered back and seat; each H102cm W50cm D58cmblack 3507 036 per pair £400

C henshaw carver chairupholstered back and seat; H102cm W65cm D60cmblack 3507 044 each £275

D henshaw display cabinetwith two drawers and two adjustable shelves;right hanging, glass fronted door; H160cmW67cm D42cmblack 3507 056 £750

E henshaw console tablewith three drawers and a shelf; H80cm W110cm D35cmblack 3507 054 £575white 3507 063 £575

Page 155: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

A welcome addition to any room, our distinctive Rubie statement

furniture features a painted white finish with beautiful lacquered paper

lining in our pretty Luella print design – it will introduce a fresh point of

interest to your home.



luella foxglove lacqueredpaper lining

henshaw wardrobe񡑀

two door double wardrobe, with internalhanging rail and two deep drawers; H200cm W120cm D65cmwhite 3507 066 £1300

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

NEW rubie white side table/sone drawer with printed paper lining;H65cm W45cm D35cm single 3521 956 £160pair 3526 395 £300

rubie white two doorcabinettwo adjustable shelves and adrawer with printed paper lining;H136cm W80cm D45cm 3524 220 £600

NEW rubie white chest of drawerstwo small and two largedrawers, all lined in printedpaper; H87cm W80cm D45cm 3520 623 £550

henshaw bed frame񡑀†

double 4'6" H110cm W150cm L204cmwhite 3507 071 £1100king 5' H110cm W165cm L211cm white 3507 073 £1200super king 6' H110cm W190cm L214cmwhite 3521 962 £1250†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame with

one of our mattresses – see pg 171 for details

henshaw dressing table, mirror & stool settwo drawer dressing table, mirror with twosmall drawers and upholstered stool; dressing table H79cm W110cm D50cmstool H47cm W51cm D41cmmirror H60cm W45cm D17cmwhite 3507 069 £850

NEW henshaw corner TV unitwith two drawers and one storage shelf forDVD/video players; interior H19cm W94cmD41cm; H50cm W110cm D45cmblack 3520 575 £625

henshaw large chest of drawers񡑀

with five drawers; H105cm W107cm D48cmblack 3507 046 £850white 3507 064 £850

henshaw coffee tablewith two drawers and a shelf; H46cm W100cm D70cmblack 3507 052 £600

henshaw chest of drawerswith three generous drawers offering plentyof storage space; H86cm W80cm D45cmblack 3507 050 £575white 3507 067 £575

henshaw side tablewith single drawer and a shelf; H60cm W50m D40cmblack 3507 060 £325white 3507 061 £325

NEW rubie white bed frame񡑀†

supplied with sprung slats; single is ideal for a children’s bedroomsingle 3' H100cm W99cm D204cm 3520 627 £600double 4'6" H100cm W146cm D204cm 3520 629 £750king 5' H100cm W160cm D210cm 3520 631 £850super king 6' H100cm W190cm D210cm 3520 633 £950†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame with one of our

mattresses – see pg 171 for details

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

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񡑂񡑃񡑄 񡑘񡑑񡑥񡑢񡑑񡑑񡑣񡑖񡑘񡑕񡑧񡑁񡑓񡑡񡑙

񡑒񡑑񡑘񡑙񡑡񡑢񡑑񡑘Inspired by traditional period furniture, Balmoral is

made from solid birch, stained to a rich chestnut

colour to reveal the natural beauty of wood. With a

hand applied patina and brass effect fittings, this

collection is truly distinctive.

• Patina added at edges to give an aged effect

• Low maintenance lacquered finish

• Displays natural wood features such

as grain & colour variation




A balmoral side tablewith a single drawer and lower shelf; H65cm W50cm D50cm3456 651 £350

B balmoral coffee tablewith three drawers and shelf for storage;H47cm W110cm D60cm3456 649 £625

C balmoral nest of three tablesneatly nested tables for versatile useabout the home; largest table H50cmW60cm D38cm3456 647 per set £525

D balmoral tv/dvd unitwith drawers for DVDs and CDs; H57cm W90cm D50cm; internal: H22cm W79cm D49cm3456 657 £575

E NEW balmoral tv/dvd corner unitwith two drawers and one storage shelffor DVD/video players; H50cm W110cmD40cm; internal: H15cm W100cm D37cm3520 625 £575

F balmoral bookcasedistinctive cross design to each side, withthree fixed shelves and two drawers;H176cm W90cm D35cm3456 641 £875

G balmoral desktraditional three drawer design; centredrawer has drop front for keyboard; H77cm W120cm D57cm3456 643 £775

H balmoral console tablewith two drawers and two shelves; H85cm W100cm D35cm3456 659 £675

J balmoral chest of drawerswith seven drawers, three small and fourlarge; H85cm W110cm D45cm3467 385 £925

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319 prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 157: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


񡑉񡑇񡑐 񡑦񡑗񡑠񡑔񡑣񡑡񡑢Hand crafted from solid teak and wrought iron, our 񡑉񡑇񡑐 garden furniture

is resilient for outdoor use. Compact in design to allow easy storage.

• Stained to enrich the teak shades and completed with a durable lacquer

• Displays the unique and individual characteristics of natural wood

such as variation in grain, colour and shading, knots and distressing




K NEW windsor chairwrought iron and teak folding garden chair; H90cmW55cm D53cm3522 540 £195

L NEW windsor tablewrought iron and teak garden table; H75cm W75cm D78cm3524 678 £425

M NEW windsor benchwrought iron and teak folding garden bench; H90cmW120cm D53cm3522 538 £400

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񡑂񡑃񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑗񡑑񡑥񡑢񡑑񡑑񡑣񡑕񡑗񡑔񡑦񡑁񡑓񡑠񡑘

񡑉񡑇񡑐 񡑓񡑑񡑡񡑢񡑖Inspired by our Capri lighting and mirrors, the new glamorous

Capri mirrored glass furniture range features bevelled edges

and dark stained walnut legs.

񡑓񡑕񡑑񡑢񡑗񡑣񡑤񡑠񡑙Add a little decadence to your living space. Mixing mirrored

glamour with elegant solid wood curves, Charlston harks

back to the glitz of the roaring twenties.

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

charlston coffee tablewith two drawers; H46cm W117cm D66cm 3456 701 £575

charlston console tablewith two drawers; H76cm W112cm D38cm 3424 132 £350

charlston chest of drawerswith three drawers; H85cm W93cm D45cm 3407 484 £675

charlston side tablewith two drawers; H66cm W45cm D35cm3407 482 £250

charlston sideboardwith three drawers and two sidecupboards, each with an adjustable shelf; H75cm W120cm D49cm 3501 438 £850

NEW capri coffee tableone large concealed drawer; H50cm W110cm D60cm 3520 579 £450

NEW capri console tableone concealed drawer; H75cm W111cm D35.5cm3520 577 £350

NEW capri side tableone concealed drawer; H60cm W50cm D35cm 3520 581 £275

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

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񡑑񡑢񡑖񡑔񡑗񡑗񡑔A pretty and feminine range, the Arielle collection features

subtle antique effect, smokey mirrored glass, with bevelled

edges, rich stained solid wood legs and elegant smokey

effect handles.

arielle dressing table mirrortriple mirror with foldable sides; H56cm W73cm D1.5cm 3506 104 £150

arielle dressing tablewith two drawers; H76cm W76cm D43cm 3501 448 £350

arielle dressing table stoolwith upholstered seat in linen fabric;H47cm W42cm D31cm3501 452 £150

arielle side tablewith a single drawer; H65cm W41cm D31cm 3501 450 £225

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񡑑񡑡񡑠񡑤񡑔񡑕񡑣񡑠񡑙A classic look, Broughton features stately Georgian curvesand turned wood handles. Now available in two colourfinishes both with a low maintenance lacquer.

• NEW Broughton Ivory - crafted from solid birch and

veneers, spray painted ivory

• Broughton Dark - crafted from solid birch and birch

veneers featuring natural wood characteristics

DarkNEW Ivory

񡑃񡑄񡑂 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑗񡑐񡑤񡑡񡑐񡑐񡑢񡑕񡑗񡑓񡑥񡑁񡑒񡑠񡑘

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

NEW ivory double sleigh bed £1250

NEW ivory side table £375

broughton side tablewith three drawers; H65.5cm W44.5cm D45cmNEW ivory 3520 657 £375dark 3506 322 £375

broughton sleigh bed񡑀†

supplied with sprung slats; assembled foryou on deliverydouble 4'6" H110cm W147cm L211cm NEW ivory 3520 665 £1250dark 3506 330 £1250king 5' H110cm W161cm L218cm NEW ivory 3520 667 £1450dark 3506 332 £1450super king 6' H110cm W192cm D218cm NEW ivory 3520 669 £1600dark 3521 805 £1600

†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame

with one of our mattresses – see pg 171

for details

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

broughton chest of drawers񡑀

with five drawers; H109cm W110cm D56cmNEW ivory 3520 659 £1000dark 3506 324 £1000

broughton tall chest of drawerswith five drawers; H125cm W61cm D56cm NEW ivory 3520 661 £1050dark 3506 326 £1050

broughton double wardrobe񡑀

solid two door wardrobe with hanging railand drawer; H198cm W107cm D65cmNEW ivory 3520 663 £1500dark 3506 328 £1500

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 161: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑈񡑆񡑉 񡑓񡑗񡑗񡑓񡑢񡑘񡑓񡑡񡑓Create a highly desirable look that will brighten any home with our

NEW Ellesmere collection, crafted from mahogany and modern materials.

Each piece of furniture has been exquisitely hand painted with soft

silver distressed edges to achieve a chic vintage reclaimed look.

• Edges rubbed back to reveal the soft distressed silvery finish beneath

• Features hand painted brush strokes

• Finished with a low maintenance lacquer





A NEW ellesmere side tablewith one drawer and one shelf for storage;H60cm W50cm D40cm 3520 515 £300

B NEW ellesmere chest of drawerswith three large drawers; H88cm W102cm D54cm 3520 517 £875

C NEW ellesmere dressing table,mirror and stool setdressing table with three drawers, stool andadjustable mirror with one small drawer;dressing table: H76cm W110cm D46cm;Mirror: H71cm W66cm D19cm; Stool: H48cm W51cm D42cm3520 519 £950

Page 162: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑅񡑃 񡑔񡑈񡑢񡑙񡑈񡑈񡑠񡑒񡑔񡑑񡑤񡑁񡑐񡑗񡑕




A NEW provencale large sideboard񡑀

with two cupboards both with a fixed shelf; six drawers; H85cm W160cm D41cm3520 509 £1200

B NEW provencale armoire񡑀

two glass-fronted doors with two adjustableshelves and one drawer;H180cm W120cm D45cm; 3520 507 £1400

C provencale side tablewith single drawer; H65cm W50cm D42cm3244 693 £325

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

Page 163: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


񡑘񡑙񡑗񡑣񡑑񡑖񡑐񡑈񡑔񡑑This is all about beautiful, intricate detail. Each piece

of our Provencale collection is assembled by skilled

craftsmen. Features include a brushed ivory finish

with a beautiful hand applied patina.

• Visible hand brushed strokes, with a

hand applied patina

• Beautiful intricate mouldings

• Each piece has its own individual character

For full details of see pg 317

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame

with one of our mattresses – see pg 171

for details

provencale sideboardwith two drawers and a double cupboard with internal shelf; H92.5cm W138cm D47cm3345 164 £875

provencale tall chest of drawerswith five spacious storage drawers; H136cm W75cm D51cm3268 294 £1000

provencale dressing table mirrorhinged three part mirror on base; H55cm W80cm D17cm3488 246 £200

provencale dressing table & stool set񡑀

with five drawers, stool with an upholsteredlinen seat, featuring a hand painted finish;dressing table: H77cm W110cm D47cm;stool: H48cm W48cm D38cm3359 340 £900

provencale solid door wardrobe񡑀

hand finished, with two adjustable shelvesand a hanging rail; H200cm W120cm D59.5cm3268 288 £1600

provencale mirrored door wardrobe񡑀

hand finished, with two adjustable shelvesand a hanging rail; H200cm W120cm D59.5cm3244 696 £1650

provencale pair of upholstered diningchairs (one shown, left)with fitted upholstered linen back and seat;H95cm W52cm D56cm3345 175 per pair £575

provencale upholstered carver chair(right)with fitted upholstered linen back and seat; H95cm W58cm D56cm3394 810 each £400

provencale king 5' bed frame†񡑀

hand carved frame, upholstered on thefront headboard and on both sides ofbase ends; supplied with sprung slats;this bed frame will be assembled for youon delivery; H119cm 160cm L215cmfabric band A 3407 651 £1750fabric band B 3407 653 £1800fabric band C 3407 655 £1850fabric band D 3407 657 £1900fabric band E 3462 366 £1950

provencale extending dining tablewith extension leaf stored within table;table top has a smooth painted finish; seatssix to eight, H76cm W161-206cm D95cm3244 684 £850

provencale console tablewith two drawers; H76cm W110cm D45cm3394 802 £650

provencale chest of drawerswith four drawers;H87cm W111cm D52cm3394 806 £1000

NEW provencale linen cupboard񡑀

two doors with two adjustable shelves and one drawer; H150cm W90cm D50cm; 3520 513 £1150

NEW provencale bookcasewith three adjustable shelves with onedrawer; H180cm W90cm D40cm3520 511 £975

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 164: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑅񡑃 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑕񡑈񡑢񡑙񡑈񡑈񡑠񡑓񡑕񡑑񡑣񡑁񡑐񡑘񡑖

Timeless and elegant, our Clifton ivory range

boasts a hand applied patina to create a much

desired aged effect. A lacquered finish and

antiqued brass effect handles further enhance

this classic look.

• Classic ivory finish with a hand applied patina

• Antique brass effect vintage style handles

• Offering a lacquered, low maintenance finish


For full details of see pg 317 prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

clifton half moon chest of drawerswith four drawers; H77cm W85cm D40cm3244 709 £700

clifton side tablewith a single drawer and shelf; H62cm W50cm D38cm3375 985 £350

clifton two-door wardrobe񡑀

with full-width interior hanging rail and one deep drawer; H201cm W128cm D61cm 5201 041 £1650

clifton chest of drawerswith five drawers; H86cm W90cm D48cm 5135 983 £800

clifton wide chest of drawerswith ten drawers; H93cm W144cm D48cm 1185 495 £1300

clifton single-door wardrobe񡑀

with hanging rail and one deep drawer;H201cm W86cm D61cm 5286 075 £1300

clifton tall chest of drawerswith six drawers; H109cm W60cm D37cm5286 042 £850

clifton dressing table & stool settable with five drawers, ideal for use asa dressing table, desk or console; stool upholstered in neutral linen fabric;dressing table: H77cm W125cmD42cm; stool: H48cm W45cm D37cm3359 338 £950

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

Page 165: Laura Ashley Spring 2012





A NEW clifton bedside tableone drawer with one right-or-left hand door;with shelf; H68cm W45cm D35cmleft hand door 3521 745 £350right hand door 3520 529 £350(left hand shown)

B NEW clifton blanket boxlift top bench seat with storage; upholsteredin plain linen; H47cm W120cm D40cm3520 539 £600

C NEW clifton bed frame†

supplied with sprung slats; assembled for you on deliverydouble 4'6" H114.5cm W150cm D204.5cm 3520 533 £850king 5' H114.5cm W165cm D212.5cm 3520 535 £950super king 6' H114.5cm W195cm D212.5cm 3520 537 £1000

†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame with one of ourmattresses – see pg 171 for details

Page 166: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑃񡑃 񡑔񡑇񡑡񡑘񡑇񡑇񡑙񡑒񡑔񡑑񡑣񡑁񡑉񡑗񡑕

񡑐񡑑񡑢񡑗񡑖Just perfect in any bedroom, Devon comes with

great quality as standard. With a hand brushed white

painted finish, lacquered to create a fresh and

informal look, it has antiqued pewter effect handles

and knobs for added style.

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321Guardsman protection plan is available on all items shown here – see pg 319

devon desk & chair setdesk with four drawers; desk H76cm W111cm D60cm; chair H91cm W45cm D51cm3493 894 £650

devon blanket boxprovides generous storage space; H52cm W100cm D40cm3493 892 £250

devon two-door wardrobe񡑀

with hanging rail (two positions) andadjustable shelf and drawer below; H200cm W121cm D62cm 3493 888 £1200

devon tall chest of drawers񡑀

with six drawers; H137cm W71cm D45cm3493 884 £725

devon three-quarter wardrobewith three deep drawers below a storagecupboard, plus large cupboard with internalhanging rail and adjustable shelf; H142cmW98cm D52cm3493 890 £975

devon chest of drawers񡑀

with six drawers; H105cm W104cm D45cm3493 882 £725

񡑀delivered in multiple packs and assembled in your home

Page 167: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


devon side tablewith two drawers; H64cm W54cm D38cm3493 878 £275

devon bed frame†

supplied with sprung slats; single is ideal for a children’s bedroomsingle 3' H99.5cm W100cm D206cm 3493 896 £575double 4'6" H110cm W145cm D206cm 3493 898 £700king 5' H110cm W165cm D206cm 3521 809 £800super king 6' H110cm W190cm D206cm 3521 811 £900

†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame with one of ourmattresses – see pg 171 for details

also featured:kiera whisper grey bedlinen pg 228 from £20

Page 168: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑃񡑄 񡑓񡑇񡑙񡑖񡑇񡑇񡑗񡑒񡑓񡑑񡑠񡑁񡑉񡑕񡑔

In classic styles to suit any bedroom, each

of our metal bed frame options has been

beautifully constructed, cast by hand and

features a quality painted finish.


hastings also available as a headboard only, see pg 170



These products are supplied as a customer self assembly product - please see pg 321 for details.

Page 169: Laura Ashley Spring 2012





A hastings bed†

ivory Victorian style bed frame with a sweeping top rail,shell design detail, hand-poured castings and sprungslats; (mattress not included)

single 3' bedH128cm W95cm L203cm 3501 475 £550

double 4'6" bedH135cm W145cm L203cm 3501 477 £650

king 5' bedH135cm W158cm L214cm 3501 479 £700

NEW super king 6' bedH136cm W186cm L214cm 3521 779 £800

B hastings day bed 6' with extending trundleivory Victorian style day bed with three railed sides, asweeping top rail, shell design detail, hand-pouredcastings and sprung slats; complete with basic open coilmattresses; trundle legs raise mattress to same height asday bed H119cm W200cm D96-185cm; (covers notincluded)3427 738 £1000

C somerset bed†

in an ivory finish, this ornately decorated hand-made metalbed frame has a striking triple-arched top rail, hand pouredcastings and sprung slats; (mattress not included)

single 3' bedH128cm W94cm L201cm 3410 784 £550

double 4'6" bedH129cm W143cm L201cm 3410 786 £650

king 5' bedH129cm W158cm L211cm 3410 788 £700

NEW super king 6' bedH129cm W186cm L211cm 3521 911 £750

D petula bed frame & mattress setadd a touch of elegance with this great value petula bedframe featuring a hand cast, cream finish and sprungslats; complete with open coil mattress

single 3' bed frameH125cm W93cm L201cm 3427 728 £600

double 4'6" bed frameH125cm W143cm L201cm 3427 730 £700

king 5' bed frameH125cm W156cm L211cm 3427 732 £800

NEW super king 6' bedH130cm W186cm L211cm 3521 783 £900

E phoebe bed frame & mattress seta beautifully crafted classic bed with a fleur-de-lys designmoulding, phoebe is hand cast in metal with an ivoryfinish; complete with open coil mattress

double 4'6" bed frameH130cm W143cm L201cm 3427 734 £700

king 5' bed frameH131cm W156cm L211cm 3427 736 £800

NEW super king 6' bedH131cm W186cm L211cm 3521 771 £900

†get 20%ff when you buy this bed frame with one ofour mattresses – see pg171 for details

please note: hastings, phoebe, petula and somerset(items A, C, D & E) are also available as headboardoptions to combine with a divan bed - see pg170.

the hastings, phoebe, petula and somerset bedsare not suitable for use by childr en aged 6 or underbecause of the entrapment hazard.

See page 248 for children’s Emily bed range

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 170: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

Choose any divan (items E, F & G) and combinewith one of our metal headboards for a perfectlycomfortable and stylish bed.

please note: hastings, phoebe, petula and somerset (items A,B, C & D) are also available as metal bed options - see pg 169.

the hastings, phoebe, petula and somerset metalheadboards are not suitable for use by children aged 6or under because of the entrapment hazard.

񡑅񡑆񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑗񡑐񡑤񡑡񡑐񡑐񡑢񡑕񡑗񡑔񡑦񡑃񡑒񡑠񡑘

A & E petula headboardshown on a divan with no drawer

B & F somerset headboard shown on a divan with 2 drawers

C & G phoebe headboard shown on a divan with 4 drawers

A petula headboard (for a divan)add a touch of elegance with our great value petulaheadboard featuring a hand cast, cream finish

single 3' H120cm W93cm D8cm 3467 542 £120

double 4'6" H126cm W141cm D8cm 3467 544 £150

king 5' H126cm W154cm D8cm 3467 546 £175

NEW super king 6' H126cm W186cm D8cm 3521 769 £200

B somerset headboard (for a divan)in an ivory finish, this ornately decorated hand-made metalheadboard has a striking triple-arched top rail and handpoured castings

single 3' H121cm W93cm D6cm 3467 548 £175

double 4'6" H128cm W143cm D6cm 3467 550 £200

king 5' H128cm W156cm D6cm 3467 552 £235

NEW super king 6' H129cm W184cm D6cm 3521 930 £275

C phoebe headboard (for a divan)hand cast in metal with an ivory finish, a beautifully craftedheadboard with fleur-de-lys moulding

double 4'6" H128cm W141cm D6cm 3467 538 £150

king 5' H128cm W154cm D6cm 3467 540 £200

NEW super king 6' H128cm W185cm D6cm 3521 773 £225

D hastings headboard (for a divan) (see page 168)add Victorian style elegance with our hastings headboard with asweeping top rail and shell design, ivory finish

single 3' H128cm W95cm D8cm 3501 481 £175

double 4'6" H136cm W145cm D8cm 3501 483 £200

king 5' H136cm W158cm D8cm 3501 485 £235

NEW super king 6' H139cm W187cm D8cm 3521 781 £275

divan bed collectionour divan range is constructed from timber, hand crafted inthe UK; the divan has a layer of open coil springs providingsuperior support and comfort; sprung edge divan; caneedged springs; sizes: single H36cm W90cm L190cm;double H36cm W135cm L190cm; king H36cm W150cmL200cm; super king H36cm W180cm L200cm; mattressessold separately, see opposite

E sprung edge base divan (no drawers)single 3' 3473 440 £350double 4'6" 3473 442 £450king 5' 3473 444 £500NEW super king 6' 3521 767 £550

F 2 drawer sprung edge base divansingle 3' 3348 569 £400double 4'6" 3348 572 £500king 5' 3348 574 £600NEW super king 6' 3522 534 £700

G 4 drawer sprung edge base divandouble 4'6" 3473 446 £600king 5' 3473 448 £700NEW super king 6' 3522 536 £800

Page 171: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

We have a mattress option to suit every bed style and whatever levelof firmness you prefer.


* made in the UK

M beaumont pillow top

J strathmoor

H leighton

K eversham

L queensbury memory foam

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

H leighton*classic open coil mattress, with spring insulators and reflex foam; hand tufted with felt tufts; flutedborder; ticking in floral design

Size Dimensions Spring Count No Turn Anti-allergy Code Price

single L190 W90 D22cm 192 n/a 񡑀 3482 255 £225

J strathmoor*pocket sprung mattress with reflex foam and a simulated side stitched border; felt tuft foradded softness. Ticking in Thorn design

Size Dimensions Spring Count No Turn Anti-allergy Code Price

double L190 W135 D24cm 667 n/a 񡑀 3482 260 £425king L200 W150 D24cm 775 n/a 񡑀 3482 262 £475NEW super L200 W180 D24cm 961 񡑀 񡑀 3521 907 £575king

K eversham*pocket sprung mattress with reflex foam and top layers of wool and silk; hand tufted withwoollen tufts for added softness; 1 row of traditional hand stitching for extra support; ticking inMarchmont design

Size Dimensions Spring Count No Turn Anti-allergy Code Price

double L190 W135 D25cm 1250 񡑀 񡑀 3482 270 £675

king L200 W150 D25cm 1400 񡑀 񡑀 3482 272 £725

NEW super L200 W180 D25cm 1736 񡑀 񡑀 3521 777 £800king

L queensbury*pocket sprung and memory foam mattress with reflex foam; hand tufted with felt tufts for extrasoftness; fluted borders; 1 row of traditional hand stitching for support; ticking in Tatton design

Size Dimensions Spring Count No Turn Anti-allergy Code Price

double L190 W135 D27.5cm 1312 񡑀 񡑀 3488 227 £775

king L200 W150 D27.5cm 1530 񡑀 񡑀 3488 230 £850

NEW super L200 W180 D27.5cm 1836 񡑀 񡑀 3521 775 £950king

M beaumont*the ultimate in comfort and luxury; pocket sprung mattress, with a sumptuous pillowtop layer ofsuper soft foam, wool, silk and two luxuriously deep white fibre layers; hand tufted, with wool tufts;rows of hand side stitching to give complete edge to edge support; ticking in St Germain design

Size Dimensions Spring Count No Turn Anti-allergy Code Price

double L190 W135 D30cm 1312 񡑀 񡑀 3473 436 £900

king L200 W150 D30cm 1530 񡑀 񡑀 3473 438 £1000NEW super L200 W180 D30cm 1836 񡑀 񡑀 3521 763 £1100king

get 20%ff combined bed & mattress purchase†:• choose a bed from one of these: Divan Bed Collection (items E, F & G, left),

Somerset (pg 169), Bramley (pg 145), Henshaw (pg 155), Provencale (pg 163),

Broughton (pg 160), NEW Clifton (pg 165), Devon (pg 166), or Hastings (pg 169)

• combine it with any mattress (items H, J, K, L or M shown here)

• get 20%ff the combined purchase price.

†this discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Page 172: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑈񡑅 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑦񡑖∀񡑱񡑖񡑖 񡑣񡑦񡑠%񡑂񡑘񡑩񡑧

all made in the UK

񡑔∀񡑱񡑀񡑠񡑖 %񡑁!񡑩񡑀񡑡񡑩񡑦񡑦񡑩∃񡑀񡑢∀񡑤񡑙񡑠񡑦񡑤񡑨񡑠 񡑀񡑣񡑖#񡑠񡑀!񡑖񡑥񡑠񡑨񡑀񡑖񡑨%񡑀񡑣񡑖 񡑦񡑠񡑀񡑩∀!񡑀񡑩񡑡񡑀񡑩񡑱񡑙񡑠񡑱񡑤񡑨񡑢񡑂񡑀񡑉񡑣񡑩񡑩 񡑠񡑀񡑡񡑱񡑩񡑧

񡑠#񡑠񡑨񡑀 !%񡑦񡑠 񡑀񡑤񡑨񡑀񡑩#񡑠񡑱񡑀񡑄񡑃񡑃񡑀񡑡񡑖񡑗񡑱񡑤񡑘 񡑂񡑀񡑑񡑩񡑱񡑀񡑩∀񡑱񡑀񡑡񡑖񡑗񡑱񡑤񡑘񡑀 ∃񡑖!񡑘񡑣񡑀񡑢񡑦񡑩 񡑖񡑱%񡑀 񡑠񡑠񡑀񡑰񡑢 񡑀񡑄񡑆񡑆񡑁񡑄񡑇񡑄

please note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

񡑅񡑃񡑒񡑒񡑆񡑐񡑔 shown in kiera whisper

Timeless fixed cover upholstered headboard featuringvertical stitch detail. (Height 64cm)

Fabric band: A B C D E

3’ headboard £190 £220 £245 £270 £2954’ 6” headboard £225 £250 £275 £300 £3255’ headboard £250 £275 £300 £325 £350NEW 6’ headboard £275 £300 £325 £350 £375

1. CHOOSE YOUR HEADBOARDfrom our collection of headboards shown here, now including our NEW kensingtonfreestanding headboard and upholstered bed frame

2. CHOOSE YOUR FABRICfrom our complete range of upholstery fabrics* (pgs 133-141) and all colours of austen fabric (band A)

*some restrictions will apply, see pg 133

3. CHOOSE YOUR PREFERRED SIZEfrom single 3', double 4'6'', king 5' and NEW super king 6'

4. PLACE YOUR ORDER 0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras) or ask in store for details.


񡑓񡑔񡑀񡑉񡑔񡑐񡑉 shown in NEW villandry dark linen

Stylish buttoned fixed cover headboard. (Height 91cm)

Fabric band: A B C D E

3’ headboard £300 £325 £350 £375 £4004’ 6” headboard £325 £350 £375 £400 £4255’ headboard £375 £400 £425 £450 £475NEW 6’ headboard £400 £425 £450 £475 £500

񡑁񡑒񡑀񡑈񡑅񡑐񡑑񡑃 shown in milwood camomile

Classic upholstered headboard with a lightly padded loosecover and side ties. (Height 74cm)

Fabric band: A B C D E

3’ headboard £275 £300 £325 £350 £3754’ 6” headboard £300 £325 £350 £375 £4005’ headboard £350 £375 £400 £425 £450NEW 6’ headboard £400 £425 £450 £475 £500

񡑇񡑀񡑉񡑄񡑇񡑃񡑗 shown in villandry off white

Our indulgent langley headboard features large cushioneddiamond shapes created by the button detail. (Height 105cm)

Fabric band: A B C D E

3’ headboard £325 £350 £375 £400 £4254’ 6” headboard £350 £375 £400 £425 £4505’ headboard £400 £425 £450 £475 £500NEW 6’ headboard £425 £450 £475 £525 £550

񡑂񡑀񡑈񡑁񡑃񡑒 shown in NEW edwin dove grey

Our new camber high headboard features large padded verticalcolumns to create a contemporary look. (Height 105cm)

Fabric band: A B C D E

3’ headboard £325 £350 £375 £400 £4254’ 6” headboard £350 £375 £400 £425 £4505’ headboard £400 £425 £450 £475 £500NEW 6’ headboard £425 £450 £475 £525 £550

񡑁񡑕񡑖񡑔񡑐񡑉 shown in NEW corby natural

With a gently curved top edge, upholstered in calico and fittedwith a removable loose cover, secured with side ties. Loosecover can also be purchased separately*. (Height 72cm)

Fabric band: A B C D E

headboard3’ £275 £300 £325 £350 £3754’ 6” £300 £325 £350 £375 £4005’ £325 £350 £375 £400 £425NEW 6’ £350 £375 £400 £425 £450

loose cover (tie-ons)3’ £140 £160 £180 £200 £2304’ 6” £160 £180 £200 £220 £2505’ £180 £200 £220 £240 £270NEW 6’ £200 £220 £240 £260 £290

Page 173: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


񡑓񡑐񡑕 񡑥񡑠񡑨 񡑤񡑨񡑢!񡑩񡑨 shown in caitlyn off white

Create a sweeping statement with our NEW kensington winged upholstered

bed collection, offered as either a floor standing headboard or a stunning

bed frame. Bed frame features: foam body, hardwood and man made

frame, plywood and metal slats

also featured:

NEW curzon natural wallpaperpg 292 3519 811 per roll £45

NEW curzon sapphire bedlinenpg 228 from £20

Fabric band: A B C D E

floor standing headboard (height 75cm)3’ £550 £575 £600 £625 £6504’ 6” £600 £625 £650 £675 £7005’ £650 £675 £700 £725 £7506’ £700 £725 £750 £775 £800

bed frame (height 130cm)4’ 6” £1200 £1300 £1400 £1500 £16005’ £1300 £1400 £1500 £1600 £17006’ £1400 £1500 £1600 £1700 £1800

Page 174: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

gatsby mirror collectiongrande scale mirrors inspired by the decadentthirties; see pg 317

A rectangular mirrorH120cm W90cm D2cm 3264 546 £275

B floor mirror(with detachable hidden supports for floor standingor may be hung horizontally or vertically on asubstantial wall) H201cm W71cm D5cm 3265 454 £400

C square mirrorH90cm W90cm D2cm 3306 484 £225

D NEW phoenix mirrorthis new multi-faceted octagonal mirror will prove astunning addition to any room; Ø85cm D6.5cm3520 649 £275

E garrat large mirrorsolid birch frames, H75cm W100cm D3cm;complements our garrat furniture ranges (pgs 146/147); see pg 317dark chestnut 3458 609 £225honey (not shown) 3458 584 £225oak (not shown) 3526 397 £225

F NEW mirrored constellation mirrormake a striking statement with our new mirroredversion of our stunning sunburst inspired mirror; for other constellation options see pg 176; Ø90cm D7cm3520 635 £375

please note: all rectangular mirrors hang bothlandscape and portrait

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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please note: all rectangular mirrors hang both landscape and portrait

olivia mirror collectionwith a hand-finished patina on either an ivory or champagne coloured crackle-effect mdf frame, now available in four sizes

constellation mirror collection stunning sunburst inspired convex mirror with a resin moulded frame burnished to a beautiful finish

bramley mirror collection inspired by rescued cottage furniture, the bramley collection replicates the past; made from man made materials and mahogany, hand painted with acream, crackle effect which is intentionally distressed

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

olivia small H80cm W60cm D3.5cm ivory 3190 203 £125champagne 3478 012 £125

olivia large H113cm W87cm D3.5cmivory 3190 207 £275champagne 3478 011 £275

olivia overmantel H89cm W114cm D3.5cm;see pg 317

ivory 3487 367 £300champagne 3487 368 £300

olivia floor length H188cm W88cm D4.5cm;see pg 317

ivory 3478 001 £450champagne 3478 002 £450

constellation ‘gold’small Ø65cm D4cm 3503 936 £150large Ø104cm D5cm 3488 373 £225

constellation champagnesmall Ø65cm D4cm 3488 389 £150large Ø104cm D5cm 3316 860 £225

NEW lila ‘silver’ floral mirrorinspired by nature; resin frame convexmirror in an antiqued ‘silver’ finish; Ø88cm D6cm3520 637 £225

porthole black medium mirrorconvex mirror; Ø49cm D3cm 3511 962 £100

NEW bramley arch H115cm W85cm D3.5cm3521 749 £425

NEW bramley full length H186cm W82cm D3.5cm3521 751 £500

NEW bramley shutter H90cm W70cmD5cm; suitable for outdoor use3521 753 £375

bramley cheval H161cm W61cm D40cm;adjustable; freestanding3456 143 £400

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capri mirror collectionmulti-faceted round mirror with a border of bevelled pieces; see pg 317

A small round mirrorØ60cm D2cm 3503 868 £175

B large round mirrorØ100cm D2cm 3488 381 £325

C rectangular mirrorH120cm W88cm D2cm 3503 866 £350

D NEW floor mirror floorstanding only with safety chain;H200cm W70cm D5cm 3520 583 £500

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please note: all rectangular mirrors hang both landscape and portrait


prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

valencia mirrorindividually hand-crafted with delicate etched details;H75cm W55cm D3cm1387 687 £225

lucia mirrorornate mirror presented in an antiqued ivory finish; with mdf frame; H109cm W80cm D6cm3345 160 £150

elisse triple mirrorindividually hand-crafted with delicate etched details;H61cm W82cm (max) D2cm3244 447 £175

arielle triple mirrorsubtle distressed mirrored with bevelled edges; hingedthree part mirror on base; rich stained frame; complementsarielle dressing table; H56cm W72.5cm D1.5cm3506 104 £150

provencale triple mirrorbrushed ivory finish frame with a hand applied patina; hinged three part mirror on base; complementsprovencale dressing table; H55cm W80cm D17cm3488 246 £200

seriana mirror collectionstylish mirrors with bevelled edges; see pg 317seriana round Ø80cm D2cm 3218 726 £225

seriana overmantel H84cm W112cm D2.5cm3161 739 £300

NEW marcella oval mirrorwith delicate bevelled edge detail; H80cm W52.5cmD1.5cm3520 585 £180

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patricia mirror collectionelegant mirror collection with detailed moulded resin frame available in both floor standingand overmantel options, each in a choice of three colour finishes; see pg 317

beth mirror collectionclassically styled, ornately moulded resinframe large scale mirror in three distinctivecolour finishes;

see pg 317

A overmantel mirrorH106cm W86cm D13cm‘silver’ 3374 847 £350‘gold’ antiqued 3362 433 £350white 3362 434 £350

B tall floor mirrorH185cm W92cm D12.5cm‘silver’ 3488 242 £525NEW ‘gold’ 3520 639 £525NEW white 3520 638 £525

C overmantel mirrorH101cm W126cm D11cm‘silver’ 3424 134 £325‘gold’ 3424 136 £325white 3424 135 £325

large floor mirror (not shown see pg 75)H200cm W90cm D16cm‘silver’ 3407 512 £475‘gold’ 3407 514 £475white 3407 513 £475

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

A NEW sorrento ceiling pendanta beautiful six light chandelier encased in asleek linen circular shade; H28cm, Ø55cm;max E14 SES candle bulb3518 806 £200

B helena spiral regular ceiling pendantmake a truly stunning design statement withour tiered ceiling chandelier that willtransform the look of any room; H50cm(chain length 60cm plus 15cm ceiling cup),Ø40cm; max 5 x 40W SES candle bulb; alsoavailable in a large size, see page 182

3487 281 £275

C NEW aria large ceiling pendant a truly stunning ceiling pendant made up ofnumerous acrylic rods, this gorgeousstatement piece is sure to brighten up yourhome; H50cm (chain length 38cm), W48cm;max E14 SES candle bulb; also available ina regular size, see page 1823519 742 £375

D capri 5 light chandeliercombining chrome arms and fittings withelegant glass shades; H43cm (chain length26cm), W41cm; 25W G9 bulbs included3467 829 £225

E NEW vienna large glass ceilingpendanta stunning flush ceiling piece with a beautifulfountain of suspended glass droplets;H48cm, Ø47cm; max 40W G9 bulb; alsoavailable in a regular size, see page 1823515 720 £300

F adelaide ceiling pendant a stunning adjustable over the table ceilingpendant with a gorgeous white fabric ovalshade and a mass of hanging glassdroplets; H17.5cm W60cm D25.5cm; max G9 40W bulbs included3500 133 £350

please note: bulbs are not included with ourlighting, unless otherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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ENERGY SAVING LIGHTBULBS......we recommend the use of energy savinglightbulbs. They offer longer life and lowerelectricity consumption, are better for theenvironment and are also more costefficient.

BULB WATTAGE COMPARISON GUIDE: Incandescent Energy Saving bulb bulb 100W 20W – 23W 60W 11W – 15W 40W 7W – 9W

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please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated

aria regular ceiling pendanta striking three tiered pendant made up of solidacrylic pieces; two ceiling fixing options to hang or sitflush to the ceiling; H44cm (chain length 39cm),Ø37cm; max 60W SES candle bulb3454 343 £165

vienna glass ceiling pendantan exquisite flush ceiling piece with suspendedrectangular glass droplets and adjustablechrome ceiling fitting; H30cm, Ø32cm (13”);max 40W G9 bulbs included 3437 217 £180

helena spiral large ceiling pendantmake a truly stunning design statement with our impressiveacrylic tiered ceiling chandelier that will transform the lookof any room; H95cm (chain length 100cm plus 15cm ceilingcup), Ø70cm (28”); see pg 317; max 9x40W SEScandle bulb; also available in a regular size, see page 180

3484 963 £850

yasmin 5 light tiered chandeliera stunning 5 light glass chandelier with tieredlevels of clear droplets; H54cm (chain length45cm), W43cm; max 60W SES candle bulb 3530 586 £325

valencia 6 light frosted glass chandeliera magnificent venetian frosted cut glass 6 lightchandelier; H53cm (chain length 27cm), W60cm;max 40W SES candle bulb3454 922 £275

capri ceiling shadean elegant easy fit shade of pretty glass rods;for use with existing fittings; H16cm, Ø21cm(8”); max 60W bulb 3467 807 £65

sinead clear pendanta beautiful 3 tiered easy fit pendant with a massof hanging glass droplets; for use with existingfittings; H36cm W22cm; max 60W bulb3392 229 £75

NEW capri 3 light chandeliercombining chrome arms and fittings with elegantglass rod shades; H24cm (chain length 26cm),W49cm; 25W G9 bulbs included3518 772 £150

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please note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

sadie ceiling pendantan elegant 2 tiered easy fit pendant made up oflarge bevelled glass pieces; for use with existingfittings; H30cm, W25cm; max 60W bulb3407 883 £75

berwick etched ceiling pendanta classic etched glass lantern with a brasseffect finish; H46cm (chain length 20cm)W23cm; max 40W SES candle bulb3437 656 £120

ceramic dome ceiling pendanta contemporary ceramic, dome shaped ceilingpendant enhanced with a striking ‘gold’ metallicinner; H15cm Ø19cm; max 60W ES bulb 3484 965 £75

chloe glass ceiling pendantsmoked glass ceiling pendant with hanging glassdroplets; H27cm (chain length 85cm), Ø20cm;max 40W ES GLS bulb3500 145 £80

carmen ceiling pendant a beautiful easy fit pendant, styled with a mix ofdelicate glass and smoked glass droplets; H28cm,W23cm; max 60W bulb; for use with existing fittings3323 876 £80

majesty 5 arm chandeliera beautiful 5 light glass and chrome chandelier withunique flower glass cups and a striking stacked glassball column; H38cm (chain length 26cm), W46cm; max20W G4 bulbs included 3392 071 £140

theo beaded ball ceiling pendantsimple yet striking easy fit acrylic beaded ballpendant; H21cm, W30cm; max 60W bulb; for use with existing fittings3424 096 £65

bluma decorative ball ceiling pendanthand-crafted grande metal flower ball pendant,incorporating glistening acrylic pieces; H42cm (chainlength 39cm), W34cm; max 60W candle bulb3391 536 £200

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please note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

lavenham easy fit chandelierfeaturing wrought leaf details and clear glassdrops, with a hand-applied antique cream finish;H26cm, W19cm; max 60W GLS bulb3424 098 £60

milnsbridge chandeliera 5 light antique cream wood chandelier;H45cm (chain length 60cm), W54cm; max 60W SES candle bulb3530 632 £200

chella 5 arm chandeliera delicately proportioned cream finish chandelierdressed with clear cut glass droplets; max 40W SEScandle bulb; H36cm (chain length 26cm), W33cm3324 949 £130

madley 3 arm chandeliercream chandelier with a decorative central columnand fluted glass cups; max 60W SES candle bulb;H31cm (chain length 50cm), W37.5cm 3530 574 £100

NEW aneela metallic ‘gold’ 3 arm chandelierour gorgeous trailing leaves design chandelier in asmart new metallic finish; max 60W E14 SES candlebulb; H32.5cm (chain length 70cm), W38cm3518 798 £90

aneela cream 3 arm chandeliera classic, simply styled, cream hand-painted chandelierwith stylised trailing leaves; max 60W SES candle bulb;H32.5cm (chain length 70cm), W38cm 3530 606 £90

lavenham 5 arm chandelierfeaturing wrought leaf detail and clear glass drops,with a hand-applied antique cream finish; H38cm(chain length 47cm), W40cm; max 60W SEScandle bulb3530 621 £185

chella 8 arm chandeliera delicately proportioned cream finish chandelierdressed with clear cut glass droplets; max 40W SEScandle bulb; H50cm (chain length 55cm), W45cm3359 093 £185

aneela cream 5 arm chandeliera classic, simply styled, cream hand-painted chandelierwith stylised trailing leaves; max 60W SES candle bulb;H45cm (chain length 100cm), W53cm3530 616 £150

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ENERGY SAVING LIGHTBULBS......we recommend the use of energy savinglightbulbs. They offer longer life and lowerelectricity consumption, are better for theenvironment and are also more costefficient.

BULB WATTAGE COMPARISON GUIDE: Incandescent Energy Saving bulb bulb 100W 20W – 23W 60W 11W – 15W 40W 7W – 9W

please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated

A NEW patricia 5 arm chandeliera very pretty and ornate chandelier in an off-whitefinish complete with shades; max 40W E14 SEScandle bulb; H46cm (chain length 38cm), Ø52cm3519 746 £275

B lavenham 8 arm chandelierfeaturing wrought leaf details and clear glassdrops, with a hand-applied antique cream finish;max 60W E14 SES candle bulb; H40cm (chain length 47cm), W55cm3530 630 £300

C chella chandelierin a cream finish, a delicately proportioned easy fit ceiling pendant dressed with clear cutglass droplets; for use with existing fittings; max 60W GLS bulb; H40cm, W30cm3467 441 £55

D chella 3 arm chandeliera delicately proportioned cream finish chandelierwith clear cut glass droplets; max 40W SES candlebulb; H30cm (chain length 36cm), W28cm3392 069 £90

E shamley compact 5 arm chandeliera vintage inspired compact chandelier withbeautiful glass droplets with a smoked antiquefinish; H44cm (chain length 57cm), W42cm; max 40W SES candle bulb3496 117 £175

F madley 5 arm chandeliercream chandelier with a decorative central columnand fluted glass cups; max 60W SES candle bulb;H49cm (chain length 100cm), W51cm3530 577 £175

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* made in the UK

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please note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

isodore lasercut pendanta distinctive easy fit paper ceiling pendant in 2 cream tiers with a unique pearlescent lasercutdesign; for use with existing fittings; H27cm,Ø36cm (14"); max 60W bulb3359 072 £50

NEW all a flutter shadea gorgeous lasercut easy fit shade in a beautifulpearlised cream paper with a pretty butterflypattern; for use with existing fittings; H20cm,Ø38cm (15"); max 60W bulb3518 794 £45

leo white ceiling pendanta beautiful easy fit white ceiling shade with ametallic ‘gold’ inner and a removable diffuser withsuspended clear and frosted glass droplets; for usewith existing fittings; Ø40cm (16"); max 60W bulb3485 172 £80for leo black see pg 188

NEW robin multi shaded pendant a contemporary cream 5 shaded ceiling pendantwith an adjustable chrome ceiling fitting; H80cmW55cm; max E14 SES candle bulb3518 802 £150

archie ceiling pendant a contemporary dome ceiling pendant with punched holedetail and striking camomile inner and cord; H21cm(height with cord 110cm), Ø26cm; max 60W ES GLS bulb3500 137 £65

misha cream ceiling pendanta beautifully crafted easy fit metal leaf pendantwith cream/‘gold’ distressing; for use with existingfittings; H30cm W32cm; max 60W bulb3467 817 £75for misha ‘gold’ see pg 188

lara ceiling pendant in cream, a stunning easy fit pendant with a uniquefloral lasercut shade and a cascade of tiered clearglass droplets; H34cm, Ø38cm (15"); max 60Wbulb; for use with existing fittingscream 3530 619 £100NEW duck egg (pg 67) 3518 796 £100

lille stripe shade*a stunning easy fit ceiling shade in our beautifullysimple lille stripe design; matching fabric (pg 292) and wallpaper (pg 302) also available; for use withexisting fittings; Ø40.5cm (16"); max 60W bulb3496 052 £42

NEW annabelle ceiling pendanta beautiful ball shaped ceiling pendant created fromlots of pretty cream metal flowers; H39cm Ø38cm(excluding cable); max 40W BC GLS bulb3519 750 £200

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oval shade



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Style Fabric Ø7" Ø12" Ø14") Ø16" Ø18" band (17.5cm) (30.5cm) (35.5cm) (40.5cm) (45.5cm)

- H36cm H42cm H47cm -

A - £36 £40 £44 - B - £40 £44 £48 - C - £44 £48 £52 - D - £48 £52 £56 - E - £52 £56 £60 -

- H17cm H19cm H21.5cm H24.5cm

A - £36 £40 £44 £48 B - £40 £44 £48 £52 C - £44 £48 £52 £56 D - £48 £52 £56 £60 E - £52 £56 £60 £64

- H21cm H23cm H26cm -

A - £36 £40 £44 - B - £40 £44 £48 - C - £44 £48 £52 - D - £48 £52 £56 - E - £52 £56 £60 -

H38cm - - - -

A £32 - - - - B £36 - - - - C £40 - - - - D £44 - - - - E £48 - - - -

A 12" drum shade in austen natural p291

B 16" drum shade in freshford cranberry p288

C 14" elongated cylinder shade in poplar natural p292

D 16" drum shade in dupion silk off white p292

E 7" tubular cylinder shade in kimono cranberry p288

F 14" oval shade in irving stripe cranberry p288

G 12" elongated cylinder shade in dupion silk truffle p291

please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting,unless otherwise stated

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please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

A misha ‘gold’ leaf ballceiling pendanta beautifully crafted easy fitleaf ball ceiling pendant; foruse with existing fittings; H30cmW32cm; max 60W bulb3500 110 £85for misha cream see pg 186

archer ‘gold’ lightinga bold and distinctivecollection with luxurious goldleaf detail complete withstriking black shades featuring‘gold’ linings

B 5 arm ceiling chandelierwith 5 small shades; H43cmW56cm; max 40W E14 SEScandle bulb3496 041 £225

C 2 arm wall light with 2 small shades; H25cmW38cm D22.5cm; max 40WE14 SES candle bulb3496 045 £85

D complete floor lamp H155cm Ø40cm; max 60W ESGLS bulb3496 037 £175

E complete lampH53cm shade W30cm D13cm;max 60W E14 SES candle bulb3467 690 £70

F leo black ceilingbeaded pendanta beautiful easy fit ceilingshade with a metallic ‘gold’inner lining and a removablediffuser with suspended clearand frosted glass droplets; foruse with existing fittings;Ø40cm (16"); max 60W bulb3437 646 £80for leo white see pg 186

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* hand made in the UKplease note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

12" vertical stripe charcoal shade see pg 198

hampton charcoal base*a stylish ceramic base; H37cm W18cm D18cm; max 60W BC bulb3484 956 £85

16" custom made shade in garland marble* see pg 187

NEW noah large curved floor lampthis new ultra large floor lamp with a sophisticated circularbase in a contemporary nickel finish; H197.5cm W162cmL39.5cm; max 60W E14 bulb3518 822 £275for noah regular floor lamp see pg 197

14" custom made shade in dupion silkbamboo* see pg 187

NEW frederick basein a stunning brushed champagne finish;H44cm W28cm D15cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3518 756 £75

NEW black shade with ‘gold’ innerwith a handsome black outer and a striking ‘gold’ metallicinner; H21cm Ø25.5cm (12"); max 60W BC GLS bulb3518 788 £36

henshaw basea traditional black wooden stepped base; H25cm W14cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3454 370 £65

12" fenn ivory shade see pg 198

tate charcoal wooden basea turned wooden base hand finished for a distressed appearance;H38cm W10cm D10cm; max 60W BC candle bulb3500 067 £42for tate cream see pg 195

NEW noah complete lampa chic, contemporary curved table lamp. completewith an off-white shade; coordinates with noah floorlamps; H45.5cm W29.5cm; max E14 SES candle bulb3518 816 £95

archer ‘silver’ leaf complete lampa distinctive table lamp with luxurious ‘silver’ leaf detailingcomplete with a striking black shade with ‘silver’ lining;H53cm shade W30cm D13cm; max 60W SES bulb3496 033 £70

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please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated








A lavenham wall lightwrought leaf detail with a hand-applied antique cream finish, andclear glass drops; H32cm W39cm;max 40W SES candle bulb5123 724 £75

B NEW casper glass wall lighta contempory glass wall light;H38.5cm W22.5cm D10cm; max 40W G9 halogen bulbincluded3518 776 £80

C capri single wall lightwith chrome arm and elegantglass shade; H18cm, W12cm;25W G9 bulb included3467 869 £60

D adelphi tiered wall lighta classic brass finish tiered walllight with beautiful glass drops;H21cm W20cm; max 40W SEScandle bulb3424 073 £60

E NEW aria wall lighta beautiful two-tier wall lightmade up of beautiful acrylic rodson a chrome frame; H20cmW23.5cm D14cm; max 40W E14SES candle bulb3519 871 £55

F NEW fenn wall lightin ivory, a new wall light versionof our classic fenn pinched pleatshade; H18cm W27cm; max 40WE14 SES candle bulb3518 838 £70

G isodore plaster wall lightan elegant cream plaster walllight with cut-out design;H13.5cm W27.5cm; max 60WSES candle bulb3406 966 £28

Page 191: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


* hand made in the UKplease note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

12" fenn raspberry shade see pg 198

mayer twisted metal basea traditionally styled twisted metal base in brass effect;H39cm; max 60W SES candle bulb3423 595 £40

10" fenn cranberry shade see pg 198

corinthian regular basea solid brass column base in hand-antiqued finish;H38cm W11cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3392 129 £75

elliot brass complete ‘touch’ lampa slim, stylish metal base in a brass effect finish withpleated fabric shade; with three brightness settings;H43cm Ø21cm; max 40W SES BC candle bulb 3406 958 £30

6.5" fenn candle clip ivory shade see pg 198

baxter small ‘touch’ basean antique brass table lamp with decorative stackedacrylic balls; with three brightness settings; H27cmW10.5cm D10.5cm; max 60W SES golf ball bulb3437 231 £42

12" custom made shade in freshfordcranberry* see pg 187

drummond turned wood basea traditional style turned wood lamp base; H46cm W16cm D16cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3500 112 £75

12" vertical stripe cranberry shade see pg 198

corinthian large basea solid brass column base in hand-antiqued finish;H48cm W13.5cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb562 405 £140

12" fenn oval ivory shade see pg 198

NEW palm tree basea sophisticated and quirky ‘gold’ finish palm tree lampbase; H45cm Ø12.5cm; max BC 60W GLS bulb3514 480 £60

12" vertical stripe shade see pg 198

winston basea handsome antique brass finish and glass cylinder lampbase; H48cm W11cm D11cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3495 491 £55

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* hand made in the UKplease note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

12" custom made shade in ninaamethyst* see pg 187

henry chrome basea beautiful and contempory chrome andglass cylinder lamp base; H40cm Ø15cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3495 898 £50

12" fenn bamboo shade see pg 198

isla glass stacked basea stylish glass cube stacked lamp base;H34cm W9cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3496 047 £75

10" fenn double pleat amethystshade see pg 198

louis glass basea traditionally styled solid glass base;H30cm W9cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3407 863 £90

12" vertical stripe amethyst shadesee pg 198

verona clear basea hexagonal clear cut glass base; H37cmØ13cm; max 40W BC GLS bulb3437 207 £90

10" imogen shadea pleated cream silk square shade withduck egg trim; W25.5cm; max 60W bulb3391 703 £36

sillick small clear column basea sleek and simple modern acrylic columnbase; H37cm W13cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3289 789 £50

sasha shadean ivory shade with interwoven design;Ø30.5cm (12”); max 60W bulb3407 901 £38

sillick large clear column basea sleek and simple modern acrylic columnbase; H45cm W14cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3392 126 £70

NEW 12" vertical stripe duck eggshade see pg 198

ledley glass stacked ball basea bold and distinctive structure of fourstacked glass balls with etched spot detail;H47cm Ø14cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3424 065 £130

7.5" fenn square duck egg shadesee pg 198

fara duck egg and clear glass basean original stacked design of faceted clearand duck egg glass pieces; H32cmØ10cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3423 599 £75for fara pink see pg 194

12" vertical stripe natural shadesee pg 198

selby large glass basea distinctive structure of 3 stacked solid glassballs; H43m W15cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3324 973 £95

10" fenn double pleat bambooshade see pg 198

selby small glass basea distinctive structure of 3 stacked solid glassballs; H31m W11.5cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3365 114 £65

12" pagoda bamboo shadea simple pagoda shaped shade with beautifulvelvet trim; W30.5cm; max 60W bulb3454 359 £40

paloma small glass baselead glass blocks in a smart stack with chrometrims; H30cm W11cm; max 60W BC bulb3392 079 £70

12" fenn ivory shade see pg 198

paloma large glass baselead glass blocks in a smart stack with chrometrims; H48cm W11.5cm; max 60W BC bulb3309 338 £100

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ENERGY SAVING LIGHTBULBS......we recommend the use of energy savinglightbulbs. They offer longer life and lowerelectricity consumption, are better for theenvironment and are also more costefficient.

BULB WATTAGE COMPARISON GUIDE: Incandescent Energy Saving bulb bulb 100W 20W – 23W 60W 11W – 15W 40W 7W – 9W










please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated

A NEW jenna cream shadea contemporary elongated shade with beautifulpleating; H30cm Ø26cm (10"); max 60W bulb3518 779 £40

blake glass basea stylish large scale obelisk shaped solid glassbase; max 60W BC GLS bulbB large base H50cm 3485 109 £115C regular base H38cm 3452 193 £75

D NEW ripple complete lampa sophisticated rippled glass lamp base completewith a champagne oval shade; H64cm W42.5cmD25.5cm (including shade); max 60W BC GLS bulb3518 814 £160

E plain white shade with ‘gold’ inneran elegant and contemporary white fabric shadewith a beautiful ‘gold’ inner lining; H21cmØ30.5cm (12"); max 60W GLS bulb3489 259 £36

capri complete lampcombining a chrome stem with a faceted glass base and glass shade; max 25W G9bulbs includedF large overall H47cm, Ø20cm 3462 968 £95G regular overall H36cm, Ø14cm 3437 199 £65

H marni complete lampa glamorous detailed table lamp made up ofglass rods on a chrome base; H26cm Ø14.4cm; max 60W SES candle bulb3467 854 £65

J NEW cleo cream shadea beautiful lamp shade with sophisticatedpleating; Ø30.5cm (12"); max 60W GLS bulb3518 783 £34

K NEW bryony glass basean absolutely stunning solid glass circular lampbase; H32.5cm W23cm D5cm; max 60W BCGLS bulb3518 810 £135

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please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated

set of 3 lit birdsa sweet set of three little ceramic birds; LED lit; each H5cm W6cm L9cm3503 653 £25

10" fenn double pleat ivory shade see pg 198

fara stacked pink basea unique stacked design with pink and clear cut glasspieces; H32cm Ø10cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3452 241 £75for fara duck egg see pg 192

NEW lara complete lampa gorgeous bedside table lamp with awaterfall of cascading glass droplets and apretty laser cut shade on pearlised paper;H45cm Ø25cm; max E14 SES candle bulb3518 790 £85

NEW ellis large touch complete lampa new larger version of our pretty cream metaltouch base with a pretty faceted glass ball, acream fabric shade and 3 brightness settings;H60cm Ø30cm; max 40W E14 SES candle bulb3518 768 £70

flynn camomile cotton shadea classic cotton knife pleat shade; Ø30.5cm (12”); max 60W bulb3500 074 £30

tate large cream wooden basea turned wooden base hand finished indistressed cream; H54cm W12cm; max60W BC candle bulb3467 862 £55

NEW valentina complete lampa beautiful heart-shaped complete lamp inspired byour Josette archive print; in off-white with a gorgeousrectangular rolled edge shade in off white; H51cmW28cm; max 60W E14 SES candle bulb3518 764 £80

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for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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please note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

birdcage complete table lampa cream metal birdcage inspired lamp with sparklingsuspended glass droplets; H30cm Ø14.5cm (6”); max 60W SES candle bulb3391 634 £50

evie layered silhouette complete lampa pretty paper table lamp layered to create adistinctive silhouette effect; H25cm Ø17.5cm; max 60W SES candle bulb3500 106 £35

coby adjustable complete lampan adjustable contemporary complete lamp;H60cm W18cm; max 40W ES GLS bulb3500 129 £125

12" vertical stripe natural shade see pg 198

trent basea simple column shaped cream resin base; H46cm, W14.5cm; max 60W BC bulb 3424 063 £60

NEW daphne cream shadea beautiful fabric shade with tie detail and pretty trim;Ø22cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3518 787 £30

tate small cream wooden basea turned wooden base hand finished in distressedcream; H38cm; max 60W BC candle bulb3437 211 £42

12" fenn white shade see pg 198

florence bird lamp basean ornate woodland inspired ceramic lamp basefeaturing two small perched birds, H38cm W15cm;max 60W GLS B22 bulb3500 116 £65

archer cream leaf complete lampa bold and distinctive table lamp with cream leafdetailing complete with a striking cream shade with ‘gold’lining; H53cm W31cm D13cm; max 60W E14 SES bulb3501 340 £70

NEW 12" ali ivory shadea new larger version of our classic silk shade; Ø30.5cm(Ø12"); max 60W BC bulb3514 469 £34

odette bust lamp basean elegant and truly unique ornate bust lamp base;H37cm W25cm D18cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3500 102 £75

large lit swan a beautifully lit elegant LED swan; H28cm W16cm L34cm 3505 466 £38

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* hand made in the UKplease note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated. prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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A 16" fenn ivory shade see pg 198

B leamington floor lamp basein hand-antiqued solid brass; H149cm Ø27cm; max60W BC GLS bulb666 47 £275

C 14" custom made shade in garlandmarble* see pg 187

D fara floor lampan exquisite floor lamp with beautiful clear glass stackedballs; H138cm, Ø23.5cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3467 685 £130

E malone brass swing arm complete floor lampa simply styled swing arm floor lamp with glass balldetail and cream shade; overall H153cm W36cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3423 578 £160

F beckensale stacked glass complete floor lampan exquisite stacked glass floor lamp with a simple creamdrum shade; H161cm, Ø42cm; max 60W BC GLS bulb3423 605 £225

G NEW bluma floor lampthis big and beautiful ball shaped floor lampincorporates gorgeous acrylic beads and will cast a beautiful shadow onto your floor; H50cm W53cm; holds 3 x max 60W E14 candle bulb3514 493 £350for bluma ceiling pendant see pg 183

H NEW bradie floor lampa sleek and contemporary floor lamp; H135cm W40cm;max 60W E27 GLS bulb3514 488 £150

J 14" custom made shade in paramountmarble* see pg 187

K noah curved floor lampa distinctive and fashionable curved floor lamp in anickel finish; H149cm W48cm D28cm; max 60W SEScandle bulb3484 967 £150

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for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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ivory duck egg




duck eggivory




duck egg bamboo



natural natural

duck eggivory ‘gold’




duck egg

please note: products are not to scale; please check dimensions within product descriptions prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

fenn shades handmade in 100% silk; pinched pleat

B Ø30.5cm (12"); max 60W bulbivory 1651 124 £38‘gold’ 3202 414 £38duck egg 3305 886 £38amethyst 3452 248 £38bamboo 3463 186 £38white 3495 495 £38cerise 3438 077 £38raspberry 3230 617 £38NEW sapphire 3520 848 £38

oval W30.5cm (12"); max 60W bulbivory 3501 689 £32

NEW candle clip Ø17cm (6.5"); max 40W bulbivory 3520 847 £18

Ø35.5cm (14"); max 60W bulbivory 3188 870 £44‘gold’ 3219 896 £44duck egg 3407 895 £44amethyst 3467 439 £44raspberry 3438 079 £44

Ø40.5cm (16"); max 60W bulbivory 3230 627 £50

‘gold’ 3230 626 £50

C square fenn shadesW19cm; max 40W bulbivory 3230 780 £30duck egg 3324 810 £30amethyst 3489 257 £30NEW bamboo 3514 470 £30

D double pleat shadesØ25.5cm (10”); max 60W bulbivory 3375 632 £34‘gold’ 3407 897 £34duck egg 3407 896 £34bamboo 3495 494 £34cerise 3458 136 £34amethyst 3467 430 £34raspberry 3375 633 £34

A vertical stripe shades an elegant and simple shade with a pleated stripe; max 60W bulb

Ø30.5cm (12")natural 3424 122 £42cranberry 3438 084 £42NEW duck egg 3514 465 £42charcoal 3464 037 £42amethyst 3454 364 £42

Ø30.5cm (12")natural (in linen fabric)

3501 690 £42

Ø25.5cm (10")natural 3464 036 £38

oval W30.5cm (12")natural 3500 127 £40

Ø35.5cm (14")natural 3454 387 £50

pink gingham complete lamp painted white wooden base and fabric shade;H28.5cm; max 40W bulb3372 418 £35

blue gingham complete lamp painted white wooden base and fabric shade;H28.5cm; max 40W bulb3372 421 £35

multi spot complete lamppainted pale pink wooden base and pretty polkadot fabric shade; H28.5cm; max 40W bulb3440 915 £35

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please note: bulbs are not included with our lighting, unless otherwise stated








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for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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please note: all cushions inclusive of feather pads unless otherwise stated. prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

catalina cushion41% polyester, 40% viscose, 11% cotton, 8% silk; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 60cm linen 3482 204 £50

INDULGENCE evelyn poem cushion100% cotton; 30cm x 80cm sable 3486 633 £45

NEW eleanor cushion100% polyester; polyester pad; Ø40cm sable 3519 297 £36

INDULGENCE gypsophila cushion100% polyester; 50cm x 50cm linen 3486 629 £38

baylis cushion89% viscose, 11% nylon; 40cm x 40cm truffle 3497 416 £30

isodore cushion46% polyester, 30% silk, 24% viscose; 40cm x 40cm truffle 3468 170 £36

ella cushion82% silk, 12% nylon, 5% viscose, 1% polyester; 30cm x 50cm truffle 3468 352 £42

NEW portman cushion53% viscose, 47% cotton; 30cm x 50cm linen 3518 613 £42

althea cushion100% silk; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 50cm natural 3391 576 £45cranberry (not shown, see online or instore) 3419 961 £45

elsham cushion100% acrylic; lining 100% cotton; 50cm x 50cmnatural 3467 709 £55

emmett cushionfront 67% viscose, 23% polyester, 9% linen,1% polyamide; reverse 90% polyester, 10% viscose; 38cm x 58cm gold 3468 801 £42

NEW carmel spot cushion53% linen, 47% cotton; piping 100% silk; 50cm x 50cm camomile 3524 074 £40

carmel spot cushion53% linen, 47% cotton; piping 100% silk; 50cm x 50cm linen 3485 035 £40

henry cushion60% flax, 31% cotton, 9% metallised fibre;30cm x 40cm linen 3468 416 £36

elsham cushion100% acrylic; lining 100% cotton; 50cm x 50cmpebble 3488 978 £55

maple cushion100% acrylic; 40cm x 50cm linen 3499 186 £55

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For thecomplete nigella rangeplease







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for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

nigella cushion56% viscose, 44% cotton; piping 100% polyester; 50cm x 50cmA cerise 3407 831 £40B grape 3456 476 £40C duck egg 3463 190 £40D truffle 3467 713 £40E olive 3486 261 £40F NEW midnight 3516 809 £40

also available, not shown:NEW moss 3519 335 £40amethyst 3486 263 £40cranberry 3438 763 £40natural 3391 568 £40charcoal 3467 712 £40camomile 3456 475 £40eau de nil 3486 262 £40 (view online at lauraashley com)

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please note: all cushions inclusive of feather pads unless otherwise stated.

NEW perfume bottles cushion80% polyester, 20% cotton; 30cm x 40cm natural 3519 981 £36

NEW shoes cushion100% polyester exclusive of decoration;30cm x 40cm sable 3519 337 £36

britannia cushionfront 100% wool, reverse 100% cotton; 30cm x 50cmduck egg 3439 725 £38

baylis cushion89% viscose, 11% nylon; 40cm x 40cm duck egg 3407 711 £30

ella cushion82% silk, 12% nylon, 5% viscose, 1% polyester; 30cm x 50cm eau de nil 3468 351 £42

ashby cushion100% acrylic; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 40cm duck egg 3467 711 £38

beach hut cushion100% cotton; 30cm x 40cm blue 3401 785 £36

dorothy cushion100% cotton; 35cm x 50cm natural 3391 580 £40

NEW carmel spot cushion53% linen, 47% cotton; piping 100% silk; 50cm x 50cm duck egg 3517 151 £40

NEW catalina cushion41% polyester, 40% viscose, 8% silk, 11% cotton; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 60cmsapphire 3517 150 £50

NEW saville cushion100% polyester; 50cm x 50cmsapphire 3519 723 £40

franklin cushion29% cotton, 29% polyester, 25% viscose, 12% silk, 5% nylon; 40cm x 60cm smoke 3500 299 £50

manhattan devoré cushionface 60% viscose, 40% nylon; reverse 72%viscose, 28% nylon; 45cm x 45cm marble 3499 184 £42

ashling cushion100% polyester; polyester filled pad;Ø40cm duck egg 3482 229 £38

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gosford cushion57% viscose, 43% polyester; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 50cm plum 3500 302 £48

pimlico cushionface 100% polyester; reverse 76% cotton,24% polyester; 40cm x 40cm natural 3504 458 £36

NEW avebury embroidered cushionouter 57% nylon, 43% cotton exclusive ofdecoration; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 50cmamethyst 3519 858 £45

NEW baylis cushion89% viscose, 11% nylon; 40cm x 40cm amethyst 3519 314 £30

NEW avebury pleat cushion46% viscose, 23% cotton, 22% linen, 5% silk, 4% nylon; reverse and lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 60cm amethyst 3519 728 £50

NEW clematis embroidered cushion57% viscose, 43% polyester; 45cm x 45cm linen 3524 073 £45

ashby cushion100% acrylic; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 40cm amethyst 3511 319 £38

althea cushion100% silk; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 50cm amethyst 3486 054 £45

catalina cushion41% polyester, 40% viscose, 11% cotton, 8% silk; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 60cmamethyst 3456 571 £50

ella large cushion41% polyester, 41% silk, 10% linen, 8% cotton; 40cm x 60cm amethyst 3485 031 £50

lexington cushion93% polyester, 7% elastane; piping 100% polyester; Ø45cm marble 3499 182 £50

NEW martha cushion100% polyester; embroidery 70% viscose,30% polyester; 45cm x 45cm natural 3519 738 £45

NEW flower card cushion78% linen, 22% cotton; 30cm x 40cm linen 3519 983 £36

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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please note: all cushions inclusive of feather pads unless otherwise stated.

NEW elveden cushion100% polyester; lining 100% cotton;embroidery 78% viscose, 22% polyester;40cm x 50cm natural 3518 777 £48

NEW cranbourne cushion100% wool; 43cm x 43cm amethyst 3519 856 £42

freshford poppy cushion56% polyester, 29% viscose, 15% cotton;40cm x 50cm cranberry 3498 045 £48

ashling cushion100% polyester; polyester filled pad;Ø40cm cranberry 3497 417 £38

freshford stripe cushion72% silk, 19% viscose, 9% polyester; 30cm x 60cm cranberry 3500 301 £45

emmett cushionfront 67% viscose, 23% polyester, 9% linen, 1% polyamide; reverse 90% polyester, 10% viscose; 35cm x 65cm cranberry 3500 306 £45

ella cushion82% silk, 12% nylon, 5% viscose, 1% polyester; 30cm x 50cm cranberry 3439 650 £42

chesterley cushionfront 53% polyester, 40% viscose, 7%cotton; reverse 47% polyester, 34% cotton,19% viscose; 42cm x 42cm raspberry 3391 535 £40

catalina cushion41% polyester, 40% viscose, 11% cotton, 8% silk; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 60cmcranberry 3468 369 £50

lemington cushion100% cotton, 100% polyester pad included; 40cm x 40cm raspberry 3397 237 £25

gosford cushion57% viscose, 43% polyester; lining 100% cotton; 40cm x 50cm natural 3468 341 £48

NEW hagan cushion100% cotton; 45cm x 45cm amethyst 3519 732 £38

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prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

shirland throw76% viscose, 20% acrylic, 4% polyester; 140cm x 195cmgrape 3456 434 £80

shirland throw76% viscose, 20% acrylic, 4% polyester; 140cm x 195cm smoke 3497 418 £80

shirland throw76% viscose, 20% acrylic, 4% polyester; 140cm x 195cm natural 3407 706 £80

shirland throw76% viscose, 20% acrylic, 4% polyester; 140cm x 195cmlagoon 3436 804 £80

dylan throw100% cotton; 150cm x 200cm truffle 3500 295 £45

dylan throw100% cotton; 150cm x 200cm duck egg 3357 160 £45

NEW lemington throw100% cotton; 150cm x 200cm amethyst 3517 149 £55

lemington throw100% cotton; 150cm x 200cm olive 3482 209 £55

rochester throw75% viscose, 25% cotton; 150cm x 200cmraspberry 3391 522 £100

NEW dylan throw100% cotton; 150cm x 200cm cranberry 3519 339 £45

hagan throw100% cotton; 130cm x 180cm cranberry 3423 966 £60

lemington throw100% cotton; 150cm x 200cm raspberry 3372 849 £55

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NEW hoxton rug100% wool; 120cm x 180cm duck egg 3518 609 £130

NEW hoxton rug100% wool; 120cm x 180cm linen 3518 611 £130off white (not shown, see online)

3518 610 £130

lockie rug57% wool, 35% polyester, 8% viscose; backing 100% cotton/latex; 120cm x 180cmnatural 3391 391 £200

lockie rug57% wool, 35% polyester, 8% viscose; backing 100% cotton/latex; 120cm x 180cmamethyst 3486 250 £200

lockie rug57% wool, 35% polyester, 8% viscose; backing 100% cotton/latex; 120cm x 180cmcherry 3372 682 £200

lockie rug57% wool, 35% polyester, 8% viscose; backing 100% cotton/latex; 120cm x 180cmgold 3423 962 £200

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

bexley stripe rug100% wool

regular size: 120cm x 180cmA green 3486 249 £140B natural 3482 201 £140C NEW cranberry 3524 342 £140D duck egg 3467 803 £140E amethyst 3497 415 £140

large size: 170cm x 240cmgreen 3507 392 £240natural 3507 394 £240NEW cranberry 3524 343 £240duck egg 3507 393 £240amethyst 3507 395 £240

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NEW torrington rug86% cotton, 14% polyester; 120cm x 180cm duck egg 3519 977 £80

sheringham rug90% wool, 5% cotton, 5% jute; 120cm x 180cm natural 3438 771 £175

chesil rug100% cotton; 120cm x 180cmduck egg 3500 292 £70

ash rugpile 93% wool, 4% viscose, 2% polyester, 1% other, backing 100% cotton; 120cm x 180cmnatural 3495 595 £185

frankie rug74% wool, 18% cotton, 8% viscose; backing 100% cotton; 120cm x 180cmeau de nil 3357 215 £200

frankie rug74% wool, 18% cotton, 8% viscose; backing 100% cotton; 120cm x 180cmnatural 3345 983 £200

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claverton rug67% wool, 33% viscose; backing 100% cotton/latexnatural:120cm x 180cm 3432 313 £200170cm x 240cm 3407 833 £300

NEW montpellier rug100% wool; 170cm x 240cm linen 3519 301 £230

bailey rug100% undyed wool (kinder to the environment)170cm x 240cmnatural 3452 207 £300

lawler rug50% viscose, 50% polyester; backing 100% cotton/latex;120cm x 180cm smoke 3497 719 £200also available in oval shape (not shown see online or in store)natural 3438 779 £200

lincoln rug100% wool, backing 100% cotton; 170cm x 240cmnatural 3500 294 £375

underlayprevents rugs or runners from sliding and buckling on all surfaces; 100% polyester60cm x 230cm 1509 256 £25130cm x 190cm 1509 199 £30160cm x 230cm 1509 231 £35

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321*mail order & internet only

malmaison rugs & runners59% cotton, 41% woolA burnt sienna rug*120cm x 180cm 3287 221 £200burnt sienna runner* (not shown)70cm x 240cm 3215 742 £150B gold/ivory rug 170cm x 240cm 3287 215 £300C duck egg rug170cm x 240cm 3404 202 £300duck egg runner (not shown)70cm x 240cm 3423 876 £150D eau de nil rug*170cm x 240cm 3342 162 £300E blush rug*120cm x 180cm 3452 208 £200F cerise rug*120cm x 180cm 3407 688 £200

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G NEW langdon rug89% cotton, 11% wool; 140cm x 200cmamethyst/cranberry 3519 299 £250

H victoriana rug59% cotton, 41% wool; 140cm x 200cmgold/ivory 3311 439 £250

baroque rugsJ duck egg 89% cotton, 11% wool(sizes shown: small and large)120cm x 180cm 3312 494 £200170cm x 240cm 3238 030 £300200cm x 300cm* 3407 692 £400

K gold/ivory 59% cotton, 41% wool(size shown 170cm x 240cm)170cm x 240cm* 3357 210 £300

L gold/burgundy 59% cotton, 41% wool170cm x 240cm 3391 093 £300

M marciana rug100% cotton; 170cm x 240cmcranberry 3404 201 £250

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*always follow candle safety warnings

fresh linen & jasmine home fragrance rangelike a summer breeze, this fragrance evokes the scent of delicately pressed linen, jasmine and roses, with hints of bergamot and orange

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

fresh linen & jasmine boxed candle* H10cm Ø8cm 3521 886 £14

mini 5 diffuser gift setA selection of 5 classic Laura Ashley fragrances; Fresh Linen& Jasmine, White Flowers, Citrus Blossom & Nectarine,Waterlily and Rhubarb & Vanilla; box H6cm W27cm D7cm 3521 010 £32

fresh linen & jasmine mini diffuser &2 mini candle gift set*box H7.5cm W19cm D10cm 3521 006 £25

fresh linen & jasmine room spray 100ml 3521 912 £10

fresh linen & jasmine diffuser sticks H26cm 100ml 3521 892 £20

mini 5 candle gift set*A selection of 5 classic Laura Ashley fragrances; Fresh Linen& Jasmine, White Flowers, Citrus Blossom & Nectarine, Waterlilyand Rhubarb & Vanilla; each candle H4.5cm Ø4.5cm 3521 008 £20

fresh linen & jasmine hand wash/lotion each 235ml hand wash 3521 952 £8 hand lotion 3521 954 £8

fresh linen & jasmine drawer sachets L14cm W13cm 3521 900 £7

fresh linen & jasmine drawer liners L23cm W25cm 3521 894 £8

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shown in NEW waterlilyother home fragrancesinclude rhubarb & vanilla,citrus blossom & nectarineand white flowers – please see online and in store

NEW waterlily home fragrance rangeaspects of basil and lavender softly complement the fresh green herbal notes in this clean and distinctive fragranceA room spray 100ml 3521 000 £10B boxed candle* H10cm Ø8cm 3520 996 £14C diffuser sticks H26cm 100ml 3520 998 £20D drawer liners L23cm W25cm 3521 004 £8E drawer sachets L14cm W13cm 3521 002 £7

F vintage scented rosespaper; approx 110g 3379 831 £14

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set of 2 mirrored boxescharming trinket boxes with beautiful mirrored panelling; largest H7.5cm Ø10cmA heart shaped 3455 697 £25B round 3406 862 £25

C mirrored palm leaf wall artin three parts for ease of styling; each leaf H36cm W24cm 3501 569 £110

D mirrored bird wall artstunning wall art made up of many individual mirrored pieces;H92cm W23cm 3469 186 £110

E capri dressing table mirrormulti faceted oval mirror, perfect for a dressing table or hanging on a wall; H34cm W26cm 3501 582 £36

F block mirrored frame holds photo 10cm x 10cm (4" x 4") 3469 188 £22also available in 17cm x 12cm (7" x 5")

G NEW capri mirrored framesholds photo 17cm x 12cm (7" x 5") 3523 231 £25holds photo 25cm x 20cm (10" x 8") 3523 235 £35

H lidded optic cakestandhand wash only; H24cm Ø27cm 3438 483 £45

J block mirror multi aperture frameholds 3 photos, each 15cm x 10cm (6" x 4")3501 572 £45

K optic glass storage jarH20cm 3425 381 £18

L NEW capri mirror jewellery box multi faceted;large W32cm D27.5cm D13.5cm 3523 239 £75small (pg 11) W17cm H9.5cm D12.5cm 3523 247 £32

M large round mosaic mirror jewellery boxH11cm L16cm W18cm3438 624 £38

N butterfly front jewellery boxW25cm H11cm D17cm 3424 889 £40

glass & silver cylinder hurricane lamps*glass and polished metal in a smart contemporary designP extra large H35cm Ø22cm 3500 783 £55Q large H26cm Ø13cm 3468 933 £35

all photo frames can be stood or hung

*always follow candle safety warningsprices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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񡑗񡑤񡑧񡑤񡑡񡑕񡑠񡑤񡑢񡑀 񡑗 񡑕 񡑒񡑑񡑢񡑣񡑨 񡑗񡑑 񡑀񡑠񡑒 񡑀񡑅񡑇񡑤񡑡񡑇񡑀񡑃񡑢񡑔񡑗񡑑񡑨񡑂 񡑀񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑀 񡑣񡑔񡑡񡑑񡑑񡑀 񡑑 񡑗񡑑񡑓񡑇񡑙񡑣񡑀 񡑢񡑉񡑑񡑙񡑣񡑢 񡑀 񡑇񡑡񡑑񡑀 񡑒񡑑񡑘񡑕񡑙񡑕񡑙񡑑񡑀 񡑇񡑙񡑐񡑀񡑐񡑑񡑗 񡑕񡑉񡑇񡑣񡑑񡑀񡑦񡑕񡑣񡑔

񡑈񡑤񡑡񡑢񡑣񡑢 񡑀񡑠񡑒 񡑀 񡑒 񡑗񡑠񡑡񡑇 񡑗 񡑀 񡑇񡑙񡑐񡑀 񡑒񡑡 񡑤񡑕 񡑣񡑨 񡑀񡑙񡑠񡑣񡑑񡑢񡑁 񡑀 񡑉񡑡񡑑񡑇񡑣 񡑕񡑙񡑓񡑀 񡑒 񡑗񡑇񡑦񡑗񡑑񡑢񡑢 񡑀 񡑒񡑡񡑇񡑓 񡑡񡑇񡑙񡑉񡑑񡑢񡑀 񡑒񡑠񡑡 񡑀 񡑑񡑥񡑑񡑡 񡑨񡑐񡑇񡑨񡑀 񡑕񡑙񡑐񡑤񡑗񡑓񡑑񡑙񡑉񡑑񡑂

񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀eau de parfum eau de parfum gift set body wash body lotion񡑀 50ml 100ml eau de parfum 30ml, 250ml 250ml body lotion 100ml £36 £48 £36 £15 £15 green meadow 3516 139 3516 156 3516 185 3516 207 3516 228

pink petals 3514 892 3516 149 3516 178 3516 200 3516 221

floral heart 3516 146 3516 163 3516 192 3516 214 3516 235

set of 3 x 30ml eau de parfumgreen meadow, pink petals, floral heart3516 175 £48

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starburst white frameholds photo 17cm x 12cm(7" x 5")3518 108 £18

block mirrored frame holds photo 10cm x 10cm (4" x 4")3469 188 £22also available in 17cm x 12cm (7" x 5")

decorative classic white frameholds photo 17cm x 12cm (7" x 5") 3495 331 £18

block mirror multi aperture frameholds 3 photos, each 15cm x 10cm (6" x 4")3501 572 £45

starburst champagne frameholds photo 17cm x 12cm (7" x 5")3518 109 £18

NEW capri mirrored frameholds photo 17cm x 12cm (7" x 5") 3523 231 £25holds photo 25cm x 20cm (10" x 8") 3523 235 £35

NEW floral oval cream frameholds photo 13cm x 18cm (5" x 7")3519 119 £22

decorative classic champagne frameholds photo 15cm x 10cm (6" x 4")3424 859 £16

decorative classic champagne photo holderholds photo 25cm x 20cm (10" x 8") 3469 176 £26also available in white, please see online or in store

NEW capri oval mirrored frameholds photo 15cm x 10cm (6" x 4")3523 243 £22

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prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

henshaw black mantel clockcomplements our henshaw furniture (pg 154-155); H22cm W31cm 3437 324 £60

cream gallery wall clockØ38cm 3454 765 £50petite cream gallery wall clock

Ø22cm 3454 767 £35

decorative cream floral mantel clockH21cm W16cm 3392 572 £35

NEW cities cream clockH30cm W50cm D4cm 3517 780 £55

NEW french tower clockØ53cm 3517 778 £100

henshaw white mantel clockcomplements our henshaw furniture (pg 154-155); H22cm W31cm 3469 110 £60

NEW rise and shine cream alarm clockH21cm W14cm D10cm 3517 784 £35

black gallery wall clockØ38cm 3475 944 £50

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

A NEW wisteria silhouettes canvas H40cm W30cm 3522 532 £55

B coastal homes canvasH40cm W120cm 3482 671 £100

C NEW hatfield house framed print W104cm H68.5cm 3519 771 £150

D NEW lighthouse scene on wood panelH30cm W90cm 3519 778 £80

E in the bay canvasH15cm W90cm 3501 070 £55

F NEW sweet primulas framed print W46cm H42cm 3519 774 £75

G quiet time book shelf canvasH40cm W120cm 3501 072 £100

H tulips framed printH81cm W63cm 3484 226 £130

J ballerina framed printH50cm W50cm 3454 749 £60

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K NEW multi layer heart framedprint W23.5cm L23.5cm 3520 228 £35

L cream flower wall tileW24.5cm L24.5cm 3438 554 £24

M NEW midnight floral canvasH70cm W100cm 3520 230 £150

N NEW white blaze canvasH84cm W84cm 3519 727 £150

P NEW laser cut coco bloom framed print H43cm W43cm 3519 769 £65

Q woodland sunrise canvasH60cm W120cm 3484 224 £130

R laser cut butterflies in whitewashed framepaper butterflies using our lloyd print; H40cm W40cm 3455 708 £50

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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NEW you look l ovely today bedroom accessories range

A jewellery rollH10cm W19cm D2.5cm 3521 713 £18

B framed cosmetic bag (medium shown)medium H17cm W19.5cm D7cm 3521 719 £18large H25cm W25cm D10.5cm 3521 721 £22

C set of 2 padded hangersH13cm W41cm D3.5cm 3521 711 £15

D jewellery boxH14cm W18cm D12cm 3521 725 £25

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

A shadow box with mini shelvescream distressed 9 compartment shelving unit;H50cm W50cm D10cm3455 702 £60

B NEW ribbon box6 storage compartments containing 3 yards ofeach ribbon; H12cm W29cm D10cm3523 262 £25

C NEW sewing boxcontains 4 multi-coloured compartments;H20cm W25cm D10cm3523 255 £30

D NEW pin cushioncream; 100% cotton; H4cm W10cm D10cm3521 717 £6

E NEW trims storage boxcontains 9 hand painted drawers for storingthread, buttons and sewing accessories; H26cm W31cm D11cm3523 259 £50

F NEW set of 2 coco flocked boxeslargest H12.5cm W29cm D24cm3519 734 £25

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prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

NEW all a flutter office fan fileH24cm W32cm D6cm3521 832 £15Also available in magazine file

all a flutter set of 3 boxeslargest H18cm W28cm D35cm3484 538 £38

NEW all a flutter A5 notebookH21cm W14.5cm D2cm3521 835 £12

NEW all a flutter address bookH14.5cm W10.5cm D1.5cm3521 830 £10

NEW glass house office fan fileH24cm W32cm D6cm3521 828 £15

NEW glass house set of 3 boxeslargest H18cm W28cm D35cm3521 826 £38

NEW glass house A4 notebookH29.5cm W19.5cm D2cm3523 848 £16

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

NEW glass house A5 notebookH21cm W14.5cm D2cm3519 740 £12

NEW glass house address bookH14.5cm W10.5cm D1.5cm3519 737 £10

NEW amelie office fan fileH24cm W32cm D6cm3521 822 £15

NEW amelie set of 3 boxeslargest H18cm W28cm D35cm3521 819 £38

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novelty fabric doorstop collectiona diverse collection of fun and practical fabric doorstops; polyester and sand filling; weight approx 2kg each; machine washable coversA britannia duck egg H20cm 3472 977 £26B summer cottage H23cm 3423 770 £26C cupcake H20cm 3468 955 £26D dog H20cm 3501 221 £26E green owl H17cm 3486 918 £26F red owl H17cm 3451 957 £26

G elephant H17cm 3423 772 £26H NEW floral bunch H22cm 3517 733 £26

J NEW mouse doorstopH5cm W20cm D7cm 3518 966 £12

K sausage dog draught excluder100% polyester; filling 100% polyester and sand; 80cm x 20cm brown/duck egg 3472 794 £36

L NEW home hut blocksH13.5cm W18cm D3cm 3518 922 £15

doormats100% natural coir; 43cm x 73cmM muddy boots 3486 079 £20N lemington cranberry 3423 846 £20

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

lauraashley.comA NEW how to boil an egg tea towel100% cotton; machine washable; L70cm W50cm 3518 904 £12

B freshford print storage set of 3 boxesin a mix of fabulous prints with ribbon tabs;largest H18cm W28cm D34cm 3501 120 £38

C cheese dish with mousecream stoneware; hand wash only; H14cm L23cm 3469 119 £20

red & white spot ceramic rangeplease refer to individual products for care instructionsD large jugH19cm Ø14cm 3438 640 £22E conical mugH10cm Ø10cm 3438 644 £8F round mugH9cm Ø13cm 3438 602 £9

red gingham kitchen accessories100% cotton; G tableclothW120cm L180cm 3456 318 £26H seat pad filling 100% polyesterL40cm W40cm 3324 785 £20J red ceramic kitchen wall clockH21cm W27cm 3501 068 £30

K set of 3 red poppy storage tubslargest H12cm Ø27cm 3500 781 £20

red poppy table accessoriescork-backed; sold in sets of 4L placemats Ø24cm 3501 138 £15M coasters Ø10cm 3501 140 £6

N red stripe & spot 3 tier cake standdishwasher safe; please dismantle before cleaning;H32cm largest plate Ø28cm 3438 564 £35

P NEW cook book holdersilver metal stand; wipe clean only; H24cm W18cm D13cm 3519 121 £25

prices exclude delivery charges – see pg 321

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

NEW constance, whitethis casual yet chic linen face bedlinen has abeautiful frill trim and broderie anglaisedetail; face 100% linen; reverse 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3518 619 £90double 3518 617 £100king 3518 618 £120super king 3518 620 £130pillowcaseshousewife 3518 622 £25

NEW parker knitted blanket, dove greya casual yet delicate knitted blanket in softgrey; 100% cotton125cm x 150cm 3519 303 £75

anastasia blanket, whisper greya deliciously cosy mohair-style blanket with adelicate contrasting check border andfringing; 100% acrylic; dry clean only150cm x 200cm 3499 914 £75

all our products are machine washableunless otherwise stated

NEW sculptured blossom towels soft and fluffy towels including modal for awonderfully indulgent and absorbent feel; 65% cotton, 35% modalhand towel 90cm x 50cmdove grey 3517 141 £12duck egg 3517 142 £12bath towel 127cm x 70cmdove grey 3517 143 £22duck egg 3517 144 £22bath sheet 150cm x 100cmdove grey 3517 145 £35duck egg 3517 146 £35

shalford, whitein pure white, stylish satin striped bedlinenwith elegant piped edges; 100% cotton witha luxurious 200 thread count for extra comfortduvet covers (not shown)single 3341 019 £50double 3341 017 £60king 3341 018 £70super king 3341 020 £80pillowcasehousewife 3341 053 £18oxford 3341 055 £20for shalford cream see pg 234

also featured:camber 4' 6" double headboard pg 172shown in NEW edwin dove grey fabric £425

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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NEW curzon, sapphire/naturalNEW louise quilt, sapphire

kiera, whisper grey

NEW madeline, dove grey

NEW curzon, sapphire/naturala modern, eye catching take on a retro swirldesign in sapphire and natural; face 52% polyester,48% cotton; reverse: 50% cotton, 50% polyesterduvet coverssingle 3519 262 £75double 3519 260 £85king 3519 261 £95super king 3519 263 £105pillowcaseshousewife 3519 265 £20

NEW louise quilt, sapphirethis subtly quilted, sumptuous velvet quilt will bringelegant glamour to your bed; face 77% viscose,23% nylon; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100%polyester; dry clean only

200cm x 200cm 3519 325 £200240cm x 260cm 3519 326 £240for louise velvet cerise see pg 236, silver pg 229

kiera, whisper greya luxurious cotton jacquard bedlinen offering a superior quality 300 thread count, and displaying an elegant leaf design in subtle shades of grey; 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3499 860 £75double 3499 858 £85king 3499 859 £95super king 3499 861 £105pillowcaseshousewife 3499 867 £20oxford 3499 872 £25

NEW madeline, dove greysoft dove grey bedlinen with pintuck designdetails, self stripes and soft chambray fabric; in 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3519 903 £65double 3519 901 £75king 3519 902 £85super king 3519 904 £95pillowcasesoxford 3519 906 £18for madeline duck egg see pg 231

bedlinen sizesDUVET COVERSsingle 137cm x 200cmdouble 200cm x 200cmking 230cm x 220cmsuper king 260cm x 220cm

FITTED SHEETsingle 90cm x 190cm x 25cmdouble 137cm x 190cm x 25cmking 150cm x 200cm x 25cmsuper king 180cm x 200cm x 25cm

PILLOWCASESplain/housewife 50cm x 75cmoxford (with flange) 50cm x 75cm

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jacey, cream

isla, whitelouise quilt, silver

manhattan, smoke truscott quilt, pewter

jacey, creaman elegant jacquard bedlinen range featuringbeautifully embossed palm leaves with pipingdetail; face 65% cotton, 35% polyester; reverse 50% cotton, 50% polyesterduvet coverssingle 3499 883 £70double 3499 881 £80king 3499 882 £90super king 3499 884 £100pillowcaseshousewife 3499 886 £20

manhattan, smoke this beautiful jacquard bedlinen features a largescale leafy design in smoky blue and greyshades; face 65% cotton, 35% polyester; reverse 50% cotton, 50% polyesterduvet coverssingle 3506 279 £70double 3506 277 £80king 3506 278 £90super king 3506 280 £100pillowcaseshousewife 3506 282 £20

truscott quilt, pewtera beautiful hand-knot quilted quilt; face 100% polyester; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only240cm x 260cm 3391 145 £200for truscott duck egg see pg 233, amethyst pg 240

isla, whiteour crisp white contemporary bedlinen featurestrailing leaf embroidery in silver and ivory withmetallic outlines; 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3439 064 £65double 3439 062 £75king 3439 063 £85super king 3439 065 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3439 067 £18

louise quilt, silverthis subtly quilted, sumptuous velvet quilt will bringelegant glamour to your bed; face 77% viscose,23% nylon; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100%polyester; dry clean only

200cm x 200cm 3507 530 £200240cm x 260cm 3471 611 £240for louise velvet cerise see pg 236, sapphire pg 228

all our products are machine washable unlessotherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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hendon, duck eggelsham blanket, duck egg

portland, blue

norfolk, duck eggconiston blanket, eau de nil

hendon a classic woven check in soft brushed pure 100% cotton for extra comfort

duck egg duvet coverssingle 3466 757 £50double 3466 755 £60king 3466 756 £70super king 3466 758 £80

duck egg pillowcaseshousewife 3466 760 £18

camomile duvet covers (see pg 87)single 3500 353 £50double 3500 351 £60king 3500 352 £70super king 3500 354 £80

camomile pillowcases (see pg 87)housewife 3500 355 £18

elsham blanketluxuriously soft to the touch, our chunky knitblankets are knitted by hand in the subtlestshades; 100% acrylic; dry clean only; 150cm x 200cmduck egg 3463 225 £120pebble (pg 87) 3486 557 £120natural (right) 3439 078 £120

portland, bluethis pretty bedlinen range features all-over placementembroidery with delicate ribbon work flower detail;100% cotton for comfort

duvet coverssingle 3456 540 £65double 3456 538 £75king 3456 539 £85super king 3456 541 £95

pillowcasesoxford 3456 553 £22

norfolk, duck eggour classic patchwork woven stripe bedlinen in90% cotton, 10% linen combines weaves andtextures in soft duck egg blue, eau de nil and warmwhite, and is made from linen mix fabrics

duvet coverssingle 3439 030 £90double 3439 028 £100king 3439 029 £110super king 3439 031 £120

pillowcaseshousewife 3439 033 £22

coniston blanketa cosy classic cable knit lambswool blanket; 80% lambswool, 20% polyamide; 135cm x 195cmeau de nil 3439 079 £90natural (pg 239) 3448 804 £90

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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agapanthus, duck egg

madeline, duck eggelsham blanket, natural

bramwell, duck eggnewlyn blanket, duck egg

madeline, duck eggduck egg bedlinen with pintuck design details, self stripes and soft chambray fabric; in 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3356 685 £65double 3356 683 £75king 3356 684 £85super king 3356 686 £95pillowcasesoxford 3356 687 £22for madeline dove grey see pg 228

bramwell, duck egga beautiful printed bedlinen range with a rosedesign in soft shades of duck egg andsweetpea pink, featuring a contrast printedstripe reverse; 100% cotton

duvet coverssingle 3391 105 £50double 3391 103 £60king 3391 104 £70super king 3391 106 £80

pillowcaseshousewife 3391 108 £18

newlyn blanket, duck eggsoft to the touch duck egg blue bedspread in100% cotton with quilted stitch detail and ascalloped border edge; filling 100% cotton;machine washable; 200cm x 200cm3391 147 £110

agapanthus, duck eggfresh and stylish range of pretty appliquéd andembroidered flowers, with contrast duck eggborder; in pure 100% cotton for extra comfort

duvet coverssingle 3371 740 £65double 3371 738 £75king 3371 739 £85super king 3371 741 £95

pillowcasesoxford 3371 825 £22

all our products are machine washable unlessotherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

bedlinen sizesDUVET COVERSsingle 137cm x 200cmdouble 200cm x 200cmking 230cm x 220cmsuper king 260cm x 220cm

FITTED SHEETsingle 90cm x 190cm x 25cmdouble 137cm x 190cm x 25cmking 150cm x 200cm x 25cmsuper king 180cm x 200cm x 25cm

PILLOWCASESplain/housewife 50cm x 75cmoxford (with flange) 50cm x 75cm

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melodie, duck eggmia quilt, duck egg

imogen, duck egg/white

elmwood, duck eggdexter blanket, duck egg

melodie, duck egga stunning jacquard range displaying a cool forestdesign in subtle shades of duck egg and off-white;with a 260 thread count; 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3499 898 £75double 3499 896 £85king 3499 897 £95super king 3499 899 £105pillowcaseshousewife 3499 901 £20oxford 3499 906 £25

mia quilt, duck eggwith beaded fringing; face 78% polyester, 22% viscose; reverse 100% polyester; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only200cm x 200cm 3323 595 £120250cm x 260cm 3346 117 £150for mia cerise see pg 238, natural pg 234please note: delicate item; please handlewith care; not suitable for children under 12

imogen, duck egg/whitea sophisticated design of pure 100% crisp cotton with a beautiful contrast tonal borderduvet coverssingle 3368 944 £55double 3368 942 £65king 3368 943 £75super king 3368 945 £85pillowcasesoxford 3368 946 £20for imogen cerise/white see pg 236

elmwood, duck egga beautiful range of delicate embroidered trees ona crisp white ground featuring a contrastingembroidered duck egg cuff; 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3497 888 £65double 3497 886 £75king 3497 887 £85super king 3497 889 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3497 893 £18

dexter blanket, duck egga soft and luxurious herringbone weave blanket ina subtle duck egg tone with contrasting creamfringing; 100% acrylic; dry clean only 150cm x 200cm 3499 916 £60

bedlinen sizesDUVET COVERSsingle 137cm x 200cmdouble 200cm x 200cmking 230cm x 220cmsuper king 260cm x 220cm

FITTED SHEETsingle 90cm x 190cm x 25cmdouble 137cm x 190cm x 25cmking 150cm x 200cm x 25cmsuper king 180cm x 200cm x 25cm

PILLOWCASESplain/housewife 50cm x 75cmoxford (with flange) 50cm x 75cm

Page 233: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


venetia, duck eggtruscott quilt, duck egg

fitzroy, duck eggleila quilt, duck egg

NEW coco, duck eggNEW heather quilt, soft grey

fitzroy, duck eggthis beautiful ombre jacquard bedlinen features graduating shades of duck egg; face 54% polyester, 46% cotton; reverse 50% cotton, 50% polyesterduvet coverssingle 3486 484 £70double 3486 482 £80king 3486 483 £90super king 3486 485 £100pillowcasesoxford 3486 490 £25for fitzroy amethyst see pg 237,also available in champagne, visit

leila quilt, duck egga stunning quilt with beautiful pleated panels invarying duck egg shades; face 39% cotton, 31% polyester, 30% silk; reverse 100% cotton;filling 100% polyester; dry clean only 200cm x 200cm 3486 597 £225for leila amethyst see pg 237,also available in natural, visit

NEW coco, duck eggour fresh new floral spray jacquard bedlinen induck egg and cream will add a light and airy feelto your bedroom; face 54% cotton, 46% polyester;reverse: 50% cotton, 50% polyesterduvet coverssingle 3519 182 £70double 3519 180 £80king 3519 181 £90super king 3519 183 £100pillowcaseshousewife 3519 185 £20

NEW heather quilt, dove greya beautifully luxurious embroidered dot quilt in dove grey shades; face 100% polyester; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% cotton; dry clean only; 200cm x 200cm 3518 625 £150for heather amethyst see pg 236

venetia, duck eggsumptuous damask jacquard bedlinen; 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3419 944 £75double 3419 942 £85king 3419 943 £95super king 3419 945 £105pillowcaseshousewife 3419 949 £20for venetia champagne see pg 234

truscott quilt, duck egga beautiful hand-knotted duck egg quilt; face 100% polyester; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only240cm x 260cm 3408 041 £200for truscott pewter see pg 229, amethyst pg 240

all our products are machine washable unlessotherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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shalford, cream

venetia, champagne kayleigh quilt, champagne

fitzroy, champagnemia quilt, natural

shalford, creamin soft cream, stylish satin striped bedlinen withelegant piped edges; 100% cotton with a luxurious200 thread count for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3367 898 £50double 3367 896 £60king 3367 897 £70super king 3367 899 £80pillowcaseshousewife 3367 901 £18oxford 3367 903 £20for shalford white see pg 226

venetia, champagnesumptuous damask jacquard bedlinen, 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3439 055 £75double 3439 053 £85king 3439 054 £95super king 3439 056 £105pillowcaseshousewife 3439 058 £20for venetia duck egg see pg 233

kayleigh quilt, champagnea beautiful quilt embellished with pearlised beadsand pintuck stitch detail; face 90% cotton, 10% polyamide; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only

240cm x 260cm 3363 486 £220for kayleigh blush see pg 238

fitzroy, champagnea stunning ombre jacquard bedlinen in graduating shades; face 54% polyester, 46% cotton; reverse 50% cotton, 50% polyesterduvet coverssingle 3486 488 £70double 3486 486 £80king 3486 487 £90super king 3486 489 £100pillowcasesoxford 3486 491 £25for fitzroy duck egg see pg 233, amethyst pg 237

mia quilt, naturalwith beaded fringing; face 78% polyester, 22% viscose; reverse 100% polyester; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only250cm x 260cm 3370 658 £150for mia duck egg see pg 232, cerise pg 238please note: delicate item; please handlewith care; not suitable for children under 12

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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almarie, white

eve, white

lucie, cream

almarie, whitea sophisticated bedlinen range combiningdelicate drawn threadwork, central elegantfloral embroidery and a beautiful frill edge; in pure 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3387 654 £65double 3387 652 £75king 3387 653 £85super king 3387 655 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3387 657 £18oxford 3387 659 £22

eve, whitepure, crisp cotton bedlinen elaborately enhancedby multiple pleat details and delicately frilledtrims; in 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3323 955 £65double 3323 953 £75king 3323 954 £85super king 3323 956 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3323 960 £18oxford 3323 964 £22for eve cream see pg 239, blush pg 240

lucie, creamclassic crisp cream 100% cotton bedlinen with self coloured embroidered flowers andlace trim detailduvet coverssingle 3367 080 £65double 3367 078 £75king 3367 079 £85super king 3367 081 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3367 084 £18

all our products are machine washable unlessotherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

bedlinen sizesDUVET COVERSsingle 137cm x 200cmdouble 200cm x 200cmking 230cm x 220cmsuper king 260cm x 220cm

FITTED SHEETsingle 90cm x 190cm x 25cmdouble 137cm x 190cm x 25cmking 150cm x 200cm x 25cmsuper king 180cm x 200cm x 25cm

PILLOWCASESplain/housewife 50cm x 75cmoxford (with flange) 50cm x 75cm

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toile, ceriseimogen, cerise/white

louise quilt, cerise

crawford, amethystjocelyn blanket, amethyst

nina, amethystheather quilt, amethyst

crawford, amethysta wonderfully hazy hydrangea jacquard bedlinen range in soft amethyst shades, made from 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3485 677 £75double 3485 675 £85king 3485 676 £95super king 3485 678 £105pillowcaseshousewife 3486 592 £20oxford 3486 596 £25

jocelyn blanket, amethystadd a touch of elegance to any bedroom with this beautiful knitted blanket in amethyst with delicate ruffled edging; 100% acrylic;sensitive dry clean only200cm x 150cm 3485 616 £90

nina, amethystthis fabulous linen-mix bedlinen range in a prettycamellia floral design adds a touch of luxury to thebedroom; face 55% linen, 45% cotton; reverse100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3486 082 £60double 3486 080 £70 king 3486 081 £80super king 3486 083 £90pillowcaseshousewife 3486 089 £20oxford 3486 091 £22

heather quilt, amethysta beautifully luxurious embroidered dot quilt in softamethyst shades; face 100% polyester; reverse100% cotton; filling 100% cotton; dry clean only200cm x 200cm 3485 614 £150for heather dove grey see pg 233

toile, ceriseclassic printed toile design bedlinen incontemporary cerise with piped edging; made from 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3465 080 £50double 3465 078 £60king 3465 079 £70super king 3465 081 £80pillowcaseshousewife 3465 083 £18

imogen, cerise/whitea sophisticated bedlinen design of pure 100% crisp cotton with a beautiful contrast tonalborderduvet coverssingle 3402 228 £55double 3402 226 £65king 3402 227 £75super king 3402 229 £85pillowcasesoxford 3402 230 £20for imogen duck egg/white see pg 232

louise quilt, cerisethis subtly quilted, sumptuous velvet quilt will bringelegant glamour to your bed; face 77% viscose,23% nylon; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only

200cm x 200cm 3466 762 £200

240cm x 260cm 3466 764 £240for louise silver see pg 229

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fitzroy, amethystleila quilt, amethyst

fitzroy, amethysta stunning ombre jacquard bedlinen in graduatingshades; face 54% polyester, 46% cotton; reverse 50% cotton, 50% polyesterduvet coverssingle 3455 950 £70double 3455 948 £80king 3455 949 £90super king 3455 951 £100pillowcasesoxford 3455 965 £25for fitzroy duck egg see pg 233, champagne pg 234

leila quilt, amethyststunning quilt with beautiful pleated panels invarying shades of purple; face 39% cotton, 31% polyester, 30% silk; reverse 100% cotton;filling 100% polyester; dry clean only200cm x 200cm 3456 436 £225for leila duck egg see pg 233, also available in natural, visit

all our products are machine washable unlessotherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

also featured:

broughton dark double sleigh bedpg 160 3506 330 £1250

broughton dark side tablepg 160 3506 322 £350

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summer meadow, cerisesummer meadow cushionsummer meadow towelsmia quilt, cerise

couture rose, pinkcouture rose towelskayleigh quilt, blush

couture rose, pinka pretty printed bedlinen with a beautiful rosedesign in soft shades of pink on a creambackground with a pink border; in 100% cottonsateen with a luxurious 200 thread count for comfortduvet coverssingle 3424 955 £60double 3424 953 £70king 3424 954 £80super king 3424 957 £90pillowcasesoxford 3424 962 £22

couture rose towelsin our stunning couture rose print design, these towels will add colour to any bathroom;100% cottonface cloth 30cm x 30cm 3526 250 £4hand towel 90cm x 50cm 3460 011 £14bath towel 127cm x 70cm 3460 013 £24bath sheet 150cm x 100cm 3480 268 £34

kayleigh quilt, blusha beautiful quilt embellished with pearlised beadsand pintuck stitch detail; face 90% cotton, 10% polyamide; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only

240cm x 260cm 3455 735 £220for kayleigh champagne see pg 234

summer meadow, cerisemake a statement with this striking reversibleprinted bedlinen, featuring a beautiful butterflydesign on the face and a bold striped design on the reverse; 100% cotton duvet coverssingle 3486 016 £60double 3486 014 £70king 3486 015 £80super king 3486 017 £90pillowcaseshousewife 3486 028 £20oxford 3486 031 £22

summer meadow cushionfeminine silk cushion with embroidered butterfliesand contrast piping; 48% silk, 42% polyester, 10% viscose; piping 100% polyester; feather filled pad; dry clean only35cm x 50cm 3485 049 £45

summer meadow towelsthese fabulous printed towels feature a stunningbutterfly design; 100% cottonface cloth 30cm x 30cm 3526 248 £4hand towel 90cm x 50cm 3485 627 £14bath towel 127cm x 70cm 3485 629 £24bath sheet 150cm x 100cm 3485 631 £34

mia quilt, cerisewith beaded fringing; face 78% polyester, 22% viscose; reverse 100% polyester; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only200cm x 200cm 3402 231 £120250cm x 260cm 3402 232 £150for mia duck egg see pg 232, natural pg 234please note: delicate item; please handle withcare; not suitable for children under 12

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gosford bedset, cranberryeve, cream

coniston blanket, natural

NEW summer palace bedset, duck egg

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

NEW summer palace bedset, duck egg taken from our archives, a large-scale printedbedset featuring elegant birds of paradise incerise pink on a cool duck egg ground; singlesize duvet set includes one pillowcase, double,king and super king sizes include twopillowcases; 100% cotton with a 180 threadcount for extra comfort; machine washablebedlinen setsingle 3518 405 £60double 3518 403 £80king 3518 404 £90super king 3518 406 £100

gosford bedset, cranberry duvet cover and housewife pillowcase setbased on our popular gosford floral design;single size duvet set includes one pillowcase,double, king and super king sizes include twopillowcases; 100% cotton for extra comfort;machine washablebedlinen setsingle 3510 285 £60double 3510 283 £80king 3510 284 £90super king 3510 286 £100

eve, creampure, crisp cotton bedlinen elaborately enhancedby multiple pleat details and delicately frilledtrims; in 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3323 951 £65double 3323 949 £75king 3323 950 £85super king 3323 952 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3323 959 £18oxford 3323 963 £22for eve blush see pg 240, white pg 235

coniston blanket, naturala cosy classic cable knit lambswool blanket; 80% lambswool, 20% polyamide 130cm x 190cm 3448 804 £90for coniston eau de nil see pg 230

all our products are machine washable unless otherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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mille fleurs, pinkjocelyn blanket, amethyst

NEW amelia, pinkeve, blush

truscott quilt, amethyst

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

NEW amelia, pinka bright large-scale floral bedlinen in a softwatercolour print with painterly stripe reverse andcontrasting pink piping; in 100% cotton with a 200 thread count for luxurious comfortduvet coverssingle 3518 410 £60double 3518 408 £70king 3518 409 £80super king 3518 411 £90pillowcaseshousewife 3518 413 £22

eve, blushpure crisp cotton bedlinen elaborately enhancedby multiple pleat details and delicately frilled trims;in 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3456 497 £65double 3456 495 £75king 3456 496 £85super king 3456 498 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3456 500 £18oxford 3456 499 £22for eve white see pg 235, cream pg 239

truscott quilt, amethysta beautiful hand-knotted duck egg quilt; face 100% polyester; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only240cm x 260cm 3466 770 £200for truscott pewter see pg 229, duck egg pg 233

mille fleurs, pinka vintage inspired reversible printed bedlinenrange featuring two pretty floral designs directfrom our archives; 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3497 899 £50double 3497 897 £60king 3497 898 £70super king 3497 900 £80pillowcaseshousewife 3497 902 £18

jocelyn blanket, amethystadd a touch of elegance to any bedroom with this beautiful knitted blanket in amethyst withdelicate ruffled edging; 100% acrylic; sensitive dry clean only200cm x 150cm 3485 616 £90

all our products are machine washable unlessotherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

NEW amelia, pinka bright large-scale floral bedlinen in a softwatercolour print with painterly stripe reverse andcontrasting pink piping; in 100% cotton with a 200 thread count for luxurious comfortduvet coverssingle 3518 410 £60double 3518 408 £70king 3518 409 £80super king 3518 411 £90pillowcaseshousewife 3518 413 £22

eve, blushpure crisp cotton bedlinen elaborately enhancedby multiple pleat details and delicately frilled trims;in 100% cotton for extra comfortduvet coverssingle 3456 497 £65double 3456 495 £75king 3456 496 £85super king 3456 498 £95pillowcaseshousewife 3456 500 £18oxford 3456 499 £22for eve white see pg 235, cream pg 239

truscott quilt, amethysta beautiful hand-knotted duck egg quilt; face 100% polyester; reverse 100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; dry clean only240cm x 260cm 3466 770 £200for truscott pewter see pg 229, duck egg pg 233

mille fleurs, pinka vintage inspired reversible printed bedlinenrange featuring two pretty floral designs directfrom our archives; 100% cottonduvet coverssingle 3497 899 £50double 3497 897 £60king 3497 898 £70super king 3497 900 £80pillowcaseshousewife 3497 902 £18

jocelyn blanket, amethystadd a touch of elegance to any bedroom with this beautiful knitted blanket in amethyst withdelicate ruffled edging; 100% acrylic; sensitive dry clean only200cm x 150cm 3485 616 £90

all our products are machine washable unlessotherwise stated

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 241: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


From microfibre to superior white Hungarian goose down, all of our duvets and pillows offer superior luxury.

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There are 3 different tog ratings to indicate warmth of a duvet:

4.5 tog for summer use

10.5 tog for spring/autumn use

Duo 13.5 tog for all seasons

A microfibre Our high quality microfibre duvet offers a luxurious feel similar to a down duvet andprovides warmth and comfort if you are sensitive to natural products. Made from 100%microfibre. 100% polyester microfibre filling.

cluster fibre pillowsThese pillows are ‘down-like’ in their softness and provide greater resilience than mostother man-made fillings.

B white duck feather & downOur combined feather and down duvet is 100% natural allowing the skin to breathe.85% small duck feather, 15% duck down filling makes it extra soft and light. 100% cotton cover. 10 year guarantee.

white duck feather & down pillows A feather and down combination with 85% small duck feather and 15% duck down, these100% natural pillows offer medium to firm support yet also provide softness and comfort.

C white goose downThis luxurious, wonderfully light duvet is filled with 90% white goose down clusters and10% goose feather enabling the duvet to provide effective insulation and feel light and airyat the same time. 100% cotton cover. 10 year guarantee.

white goose down pillows These goose down pillows are 100% natural with a goose feather core that is surroundedby new white goose down, combining the softness and luxury of a down pillow with thesupport of a feather pillow.

D white hungarian goose downThe ultimate in luxury, this white Hungarian goose down duvet is filled with clusters ofgoose down that are larger than standard goose down, providing incredible warmthbut with a weightless feel. Made with 90% goose down and 10% goose feather. It has a silky 280 thread count pure cotton casing for softness and comfort. 100% cottoncover. 15 year guarantee.

white hungarian goose down pillows These sumptuous 100% natural pillows are the ultimate in luxury and comfort. They areincredibly soft and light with a duck feather core surrounded by clusters of Hungariangoose down, creating the luxurious softness of down and the support of feather.

E mattress & pillow protectorsThese 100% natural quilted mattress and pillow protectors have pure 100% cottoncovers and fillings and will keep your bedding fresh and prolong the life of yourmattress and pillows. Machine washable.

A microfibre

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet cluster fibre4.5 tog 3415 283 £40 3415 281 £55 3415 282 £70 3415 284 £85 pillows x 210.5 tog 3415 288 £50 3415 286 £65 3415 287 £90 3415 289 £105 3415 333 £40duo 13.5 tog 3415 293 £85 3415 291 £100 3415 292 £120 3415 294 £145 (sold in pairs)(4.5 & 9 togs)

B white duck feather & down

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet pillows x 24.5 tog 3415 298 £35 3415 296 £40 3415 297 £45 3415 299 £50 3415 336 £3510.5 tog 3415 303 £40 3415 301 £50 3415 302 £60 3415 304 £70 (sold in pairs)duo 13.5 tog 3415 308 £55 3415 306 £70 3415 307 £85 3415 309 £100(4.5 & 9 togs)

C white goose down

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet pillows x 24.5 tog 3415 313 £60 3415 311 £85 3415 312 £100 3415 314 £110 3415 339 £80 10.5 tog 3415 319 £80 3415 317 £100 3415 318 £130 3415 320 £150 (sold in pairs)duo 13.5 tog 3415 325 £125 3415 323 £155 3415 324 £200 3415 326 £235(4.5 & 9 togs)

D white hungarian goose down

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet pillows x 210.5 tog 3415 330 £130 3415 328 £195 3415 329 £235 3415 331 £270 3415 341 £90

E mattress & pillow protectors

single double king super king pillows x 23247 606 £40 3247 604 £45 3247 605 £50 3247 607 £55 3247 609 £28

duvet sizessingle 135cm x 200cm double 200cm x 200cmking 230cm x 220cm super king 260cm x 220cmpillow sizes (sold in pairs) each 48cm x 74cm

all available in selected storesprices exclude delivery charges – see pg 321

Each has a 100% cotton 240 thread count minimum down-proof casing to let the skin breathe and help prevent dust mites. Square constructionensures even distribution of filling and warmth, and piped edges give strength and durability should cleaning become necessary. We recommend thatall of our duvets and pillows are professionally laundered.

A microfibre

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet cluster fibre4.5 tog 3415 283 £40 3415 281 £55 3415 282 £70 3415 284 £85 pillows x 210.5 tog 3415 288 £50 3415 286 £65 3415 287 £90 3415 289 £105 3415 333 £40duo 13.5 tog 3415 293 £85 3415 291 £100 3415 292 £120 3415 294 £145 (sold in pairs)(4.5 & 9 togs)

B white duck feather & down

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet pillows x 24.5 tog 3415 298 £35 3415 296 £40 3415 297 £45 3415 299 £50 3415 336 £3510.5 tog 3415 303 £40 3415 301 £50 3415 302 £60 3415 304 £70 (sold in pairs)duo 13.5 tog 3415 308 £55 3415 306 £70 3415 307 £85 3415 309 £100(4.5 & 9 togs)

C white goose down

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet pillows x 24.5 tog 3415 313 £60 3415 311 £85 3415 312 £100 3415 314 £110 3415 339 £80 10.5 tog 3415 319 £80 3415 317 £100 3415 318 £130 3415 320 £150 (sold in pairs)duo 13.5 tog 3415 325 £125 3415 323 £155 3415 324 £200 3415 326 £235(4.5 & 9 togs)

D white hungarian goose down

single duvet double duvet king duvet super king duvet pillows x 210.5 tog 3415 330 £130 3415 328 £195 3415 329 £235 3415 331 £270 3415 341 £90

E mattress & pillow protectors

single double king super king pillows x 23247 606 £40 3247 604 £45 3247 605 £50 3247 607 £55 3247 609 £28

duvet sizessingle 135cm x 200cm double 200cm x 200cmking 230cm x 220cm super king 260cm x 220cmpillow sizes (sold in pairs) each 48cm x 74cm

all available in selected storesprices exclude delivery charges – see pg 321

Each has a 100% cotton 240 thread count minimum down-proof casing to let the skin breathe and help prevent dust mites. Square constructionensures even distribution of filling and warmth, and piped edges give strength and durability should cleaning become necessary. We recommend thatall of our duvets and pillows are professionally laundered.

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A esme single duvet cover andpillowcase setprinted bedset with hearts, trees, polka dotsand butterflies; 50% cotton, 50% polyester;machine washable3439 623 £35

B butterfly quilt100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; machine washable; L200cm W150cm 3439 633 £70

C poppy doll* 3453 975 £25

D esme set of 3 storage boxes3439 611 per set £35

E pink polka dot rug100% wool; 100% cotton/latex backingL120cm W90cm 3287 464 £60

F ava single duvet cover andpillowcase setappliqué dolls bedset; 50% cotton, 50% polyester; machine washable3485 667 £45

G ava patchwork quilt100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; machinewashable; L200cm W150cm 3485 659 £75

H heart buntingouter 100% cotton 3465 117 £25

J “my room” multi hook3486 406 £20

K set of 2 pink plastic storage baskets3487 335 £35

for wallpaper and curtain & blind fabric see pg 254-255

for clementine MTO shade see pg 187

for soft toys see pg 252

for NEW rubie white single bed frame see pg 155

for devon blanket box see pg 166

*not recommended for children under 12 months old

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

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A NEW alphabet single duvet cover & pillowcase set50% cotton, 50% polyester; machine washable 3514 405 £35

B annie pink cable knit blanket100% acrylic; machine washable; L165 W135cm 3466 545 £60

C NEW summer doll†

H40cm 3518843 £25

D NEW alphabet craft bunting setwith 26 bunting cards, jewel stickers, flowers and bows to decorate 3518 847 £15

E NEW owl decorative hookH15.5cm 3519 240 each £10

F NEW alphabet friends sticker set (as shown on wall)66 stickers, largest 11cm x 9cm 3519 231 £10

G NEW alphabet jewellery boxcardboard; 17cm x 12.5cm x 14cm 3518 615 £15

H NEW printed card buntingL3m 3516 532 £12

J dolls house book shelfH108cm W82cm D30cm 3487 355 £250

K laurel sofa*in clementine fabric only; fixed cover; fixed foam seat cushion;sprung seat; frame includes hardwoods; H49cm W108cm D66cm 3488 294 £250

L large cream bashful bunny†

H40cm 3452 210 £25

Page 245: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


* made in the UK











M NEW alphabet curtain/blind fabric*100% cotton; repeat a 61.5cm 3518 424 per metre £20

N NEW alphabet friends wallpaper*pattern repeat a 53cm 3519 961 per roll £24

P NEW owl mobile ceiling shadeØ36cm; bulb max 60W (not included) 3519 225 £40

Q NEW pink owl appliqué rug100% cotton; 120 x 90cm 3519 217 £50

†not recommended for children under 12 months old

for devon furniture please see pg 166

prices exclude delivery charges – see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 246: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


bella butterfly pink rug100% cotton; L120cm W90cm 3427 518 £50

bella butterfly wardrobe sachetsdelicately fragranced; L10.5cm W14cm 3505 266 £5

bella butterfly drawer linersdelicately fragranced; L24cm W22.5cm3505 264 £8

bella butterfly scented heartsappliqué detailing with floral print designs;soft rose scent; H8cm L8cm 3453 977 per set £12

NEW bella butterfly stationery setheart shaped card box with paper andenvelopes, rubber, pencils and sharpener3519 229 per set £10

NEW bella butterfly make your ownnecklace setfelt necklace kit containing felt butterflycomponents, beads and cord3519 227 per set £8

NEW bella butterfly towels 100% cottonface cloth 30cm x 30cm 3521 699 £4hand towel 90cm x 50cm 3521 701 £14bath towel 127cm x 70cm 3521 703 £24

bella butterfly mobile ceiling shadewith pretty cascading butterflies; bulb notincluded; H20cm Ø30cm; max 60W 3465 466 £40

bella butterfly bunting100% cotton; 2.5m longincluding ties3424 807 £18

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247Kids’ Bedrooms






this product is supplied as a customer self assembly product - please see pg 321 for details

A bella butterfly single duvet cover andpillowcase setwith delicate pink highlights and butterflies in mini prints;100% cotton; machine washable 3323 584 £55

B bella butterfly fitted sheet100% cotton; machine washable; L190cm W90cm D25cm3372 023 £22

C bella butterfly quilt100% cotton; filling: 100% polyester; machine washable;L200cm W150cm 3358 027 £85

D bella butterfly decorative cushion100% cotton; machine washable; including 100% polyesterfilled pad; 30cm x 40cm 3323 586 £18

E bella butterfly ready-made curtains100% cotton, lining 100% cotton; machine washableW135cm x L137cm (53” x 54”) 3358 029 £60W135cm x L183cm (53” x 72”) 3358 031 £70

F emily ivory bed & mattress setthis beautifully constructed frame comes as either a bedwith its own mattress, or as a day bed and trundle withtwo mattresses perfect for sleepovers; hand cast in metalwith a painted ivory finish; open coil mattresses with cottonrich ticking

single 3’ bed & mattress setH105cm W99cm L199cm 3502 119 £500

single 3’ day bed & trundle set with 2 mattresses (not shown)H117cm W99cm L198cm 3502 121 £800please note: this bed is only suitable for children over 6

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

A emily ivory bed & mattress setthis beautifully constructed frame comes as eithera bed with its own mattress, or as a day bed andtrundle with two mattresses perfect for sleepovers;hand cast in metal with a painted ivory finish;mattresses are no turn basic pocket sprung withcotton rich ticking

single 3’ bed & mattress setH105cm W99cm L199cm 3502 119 £500

single 3’ day bed & trundle set with 2 mattresses (not shown)H117cm W99cm L198cm 3502 121 £800please note: this bed is only suitable for children over 6

this product is supplied as a customer selfassembly product - please see pg 321 for details

Page 249: Laura Ashley Spring 2012







B tabatha ballerina single duvet cover andpillowcase set50% cotton, 50% polyester; machine washable 3465 109 £35

C annie pink cable knit blanket100% acrylic; machine washable; L165 W135cm3466 545 £60

D pink gingham ready made tie top curtains100% cotton inc. lining; dry clean onlyW168cm x L137cm (66” x 54”) 3407 213 £70W168cm x L183cm (66” x 72”) 3407 222 £80

E princess hook 3453 971 £18

F set of 3 ballerina mirrored wall stickerseach H40cm 3468 548 £25

G NEW bella butterfly wall stickers60 stickers, largest 17 x 21cm 3521 693 £18

H pink gingham rug100% cotton; 120 x 90cm 3373 308 £30

J tabatha dollnot suitable for children under 12 months old3465 107 £25

bashful soft toysnot suitable for children under 12 months oldK large bunny 3452 210 £25L mouse 3503 540 £18M small bunny 3423 451 £18

N harry appliqué single duvet cover andpillowcase set100% cotton; machine washable3465 468 £55

harry printed single duvet cover and pillowcaseset (not shown)50% cotton, 50% polyester; machine washable3504 456 £35

P harry appliqué rug100% cotton; professional clean only; L120cm W90cm 3466 563 £50

Q blue gingham single duvet cover andpillowcase setchambray trim; 100% cotton; machine washable3420 695 £45

R blue gingham fitted sheet100% cotton; L190cm W90cm D25cm3401 787 £24

S car single duvet cover and pillowcase setfresh and vibrant in blues and greens featuring a fun cardesign; 50% cotton 50% polyester; machine washable3486 404 £35

also featured (top right):

devon single 3' bed (pg 167) 3493 896 £575

for wallpaper and curtain & blind fabric please see pg 254/255

prices exclude delivery charges – see pg 321

Page 250: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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* made in the UK





A NEW treasure island single duvet cover& pillowcase set50% cotton, 50% polyester; machine washable 3518 271 £55

B NEW treasure island colouring in paper*for use with crayons and pens; also suitable as wallpaper; 10m long 3519 967 per roll £15

C NEW anchor decorative hookH18cm 3519 305 £10

D NEW treasure island sticker set (shown on wallpaper) 72 stickers, largest 13 x 19cm 3519 233 £10

Page 251: Laura Ashley Spring 2012








E NEW pirate ships wallpaper*pattern repeat a 26.5cm 3519 969 per roll £24

F NEW treasure island curtain/blind fabric*100% cotton; repeat a 61.5cm 3518 426 per metre £20

G NEW boat ceiling shadebulb max 40W (not included) 3516 534 £40

H NEW pirate toyH44cm; not recommended for children under 12 months old 3518 845 £25

J NEW pirate ship appliqué rug100% cotton; 120 x 90cm 3519 220 £50

for soft toys see pg 252

for devon furniture see pg 166

prices exclude delivery charges –

see pg 321

Page 252: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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* made in the UK









A stars mobile ceiling shadeØ30cm; bulb max 60W (not included) 3500 254 £40

B star string of lightstotal L210cm 3395 073 £25

C blue stars wallpaper*pattern repeat a 12.8cm3390 990 per roll £24

bashful soft toys†

D lamb 3506 697 £18E small bunny 3423 451 £18

F blue stars rug100% wool; cotton/latex backing; 120cm x 90cm 3390 987 £60

G football single duvet cover & pillowcase set50% cotton, 50% polyester; machine washable3494 223 £35

H on the sea single duvet cover & pillowcase set100% cotton; machine washable 3455 845 £55

J stripe reversible quilt100% cotton; filling 100% polyester; machine washable; L200cm W150cm 3455 855 £75

K blue gingham ready made tie top curtains100% cotton inc. lining; dry clean onlyW168cm x L137cm (66” x 54”)3391 051 £70W168cm x L183cm (66” x 72”)3391 054 £80

L draycott blue/multi wallpaper*no a repeat 3500 320 per roll £24

M blue gingham ceiling shadeØ26cm; bulb max 60W (not included) 3402 349 £18

N boys bunting100% cotton; L3.45m3395 069 £18

P skipper dog†

3485 665 £25

Q alfie stripe rug100% wool; 120cm x 90cm 3456 454 £60

for devon furniture see pg 166

†not suitable for children under 12 months old

prices exclude delivery charges – see pg 321

Page 253: Laura Ashley Spring 2012










0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 254: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑄񡑃 񡑓񡑇񡑙񡑖񡑇񡑇񡑗񡑑񡑓񡑐񡑡񡑁񡑈񡑕񡑔

񡑆񡑒񡑉񡑗񡑢񡑀񡑗񡑠񡑇񡑘񡑈񡑑񡑐񡑗 Wallpaper and wallpaper borders, plus curtain & blind and upholstery fabric,designed to complement our kids’ bedroom collections


A Aindicates curtain and blind fabric, see pages 288-295 indicates upholstery fabric, see pages 131-141 indicates MTO shade fabric, see page187




white pole set Ø28mmL120cm (includes 1 pole, 2 brackets, 12 rings)3455 843 £60L150cm (includes 1 pole, 2 brackets, 16 rings)3455 849 £70L180cm (includes 1 pole, 2 brackets, 18 rings)3455 854 £80L240cm (includes 2 poles, 3 brackets, 24 rings)3455 871 £90extra curtain rings 3455 883 pack of 4 £6bracket 3455 889 each £12.50

finials100% resin; suitable for Ø28mm pole blue stripe 3455 875 each £20pink polka dot 3455 831 each £20

esme wallpaper*pattern repeat a 53cm3439 619 per roll £24

esme curtain/blind fabric*printed 100% cotton; repeat a 30.5cm;140cm width 3439 617 per metre £20

NEW alphabet friends wallpaper*pattern repeat a 53cm3519 961 per roll £24

NEW alphabet fabric*printed 100% cotton;repeat a 61.5cm; 137cm width3518 424 per metre £20

clementine upholstery fabric*printed linen union; 55% linen, 33% cotton, 12% nylon; repeat a 12.5cmonly available on laurel sofa, see pg 244

clementine curtain/blind fabric*printed 100% cotton; repeat a 12.5cm 3486 416 per metre £20

NEW anchor decorative hookH18cm3519 305 £10

NEW owl decorative hookH15.5m 3519 240 each £10

assorted sticker pack60 stickers; largest sticker 32cm3408 336 £25

butterfly felt stickers pack of 6; for decorative use only, cannot be removed once placed; each 11cm x 7.5cm 3466 549 £6

set of 3 ballerina mirrored wall stickerseach H40cm3468 548 £25

NEW treasure island sticker set72 stickers, largest 13cm x 19cm3519 233 £10

NEW alphabet friends sticker set66 stickers, largest 11cm x 9cm3519 231 £10

NEW bella butterfly sticker pack60 stickers per set; largest 17cm x 21.5cm3521 693 per set £18

Page 255: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


* made in the UK








please note: all children’s fabric swatches are available as band A prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

NEW bella colouring paper*for use with crayons or pens; also suitable as wallpaper; 10m long 3519 971 per roll £15

blue stars wallpaper*pattern repeat a 12.8cm3390 990 per roll £24

gingham duck egg curtain/blind fabricwoven check; 100% cotton; pattern repeat a 2.5cm; 140cm width3327 393 per metre £18

gingham scarlet curtain/blind fabricwoven check; 100% cotton; pattern repeat a 2.5cm; 140cm width3211 928 per metre £18

gingham chambray curtain/blind fabricwoven check; 100% cotton; pattern repeat a 2.5cm; 140cm width744 144 £18

thomas stripe curtain/blind fabric*printed 100% cotton; repeat a 11cm; 140cm width 3486 469 per metre £20

NEW treasure island colouring in paper*for use with crayons and pens; also suitableas wallpaper; 10m long3519 967 per roll £15

cars multi green wallpaper*pattern repeat a 26.5cm3486 414 per roll £24

draycott wallpaper*no a repeat3500 320 per roll £24

NEW treasure island fabric*100% cottonrepeat a 61.5cm; width 137cm3518 426 £20

NEW pirate ships wallpaper*pattern repeat a 26.5cm3519 969 per roll £24

pink stripe wallpaper*matt vinyl finish; no a repeat3455 921 per roll £24

bella butterfly wallpaper*pattern repeat a 53cm3424 798 per roll £24

bella butterfly fabric* 100% cotton repeat a 63.5cm; width 137cm3424 800 £20

gingham camomile curtain/blind fabricwoven check; 100% cotton; pattern repeat a 2.5cm; 140cm width3500 031 per roll £18

gingham pink curtain/blind fabricwoven check; 100% cotton; pattern repeat a 2.5cm; 140cm width3211 927 per metre £18

abbeville pink curtain/blind fabricprinted country furnishing cotton; 100% cotton; repeat a 21cm; width 137cm5298 179 per metre £18

abbeville pink wallpaperprinted wallpaper; repeat a 21.3cm5265 947 £26

draycott wallpaper*no a repeat3500 321 per roll £24

mollie spot curtain/blind fabric*printed 100% cotton; repeat a 30.7cm;139cm width3455 590 per metre £20

Page 256: Laura Ashley Spring 2012





񡑇񡑀#∃񡑥!#񡑀∃ 񡑘񡑙񡑓񡑔񡑙񡑖񡑗񡑕

񡑅񡑈񡑉 񡑩񡑡%∀񡑡񡑡#񡑧񡑩񡑥∋񡑂񡑣 񡑰

pencil pleat curtains in NEW

farleigh amethyst, with leading

and trailing edge in dupion silk

amethyst, pg 258

flat pelmet in dupion

silk amethyst, pg 261

pleated border roman blind in

dupion silk amethyst, pg 276

farleigh natural wallpaper, pg 298

all made to measure curtains & blinds are made in the UK

also featured:

NEW beth white tall floor mirror pg 1793520 638 £525

hereford chaise pg 126shown in lewis linen £950

NEW clifton bedside table pg 1653521 745 £350

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

DECIDE ON YOUR STYLEChoose from a diverse range

of curtain, blind and pelmet styles. See pages 258-261 & 276-278. Different lining options are available.


Follow our easy guide to measuring in each section. We recommend you use a metal tape measure, and measure in centimetres.


You can choose from our extensive curtain& blind fabric range, see our swatch libraryon pgs 286-295 or visit

To order up to 8 free fabric swatches sentdirect to your home visit,call 0871 230 2301* or order/collect instore quoting product number&description.

PLACE YOUR ORDERFor a free quotation, or to place an

order, you can either:

• SHOP IN STORE (listed pg 322)


• CALL 0871 230 2301 TO ORDERMonday–Saturday, 8am–8pm,Sunday 10am–8pm

*(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality and securitypurposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

DAY EXPRESS SERVICECertain curtain and blind treatments are available onour 14 day Express Service. Our made to measurecushions are also available as Express.• Standard lining available in white, cream or oatmeal.• Ratchet or sidewinder mechanism for

fabric roman blinds.• Please note that if non-Express items are

placed on the same order as Express made to measure, the standard delivery date will apply.

Page 257: Laura Ashley Spring 2012



񡑨񡑱񡑀 &񡑥∀񡑄񡑅񡑃񡑀񡑦񡑡񡑢∀񡑨񡑣# 񡑱񡑩񡑨񡑱񡑥

Page 258: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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Each of our diverse header styles is availableunlined, lined, bonded interlined (in white, creamor oatmeal), or with thermal blackout lining (incream or white). Bonded interlining usesinterlining bonded to a 100% cotton sateenlining. For details of curtain poles and finialsplease see pgs 270-275


񡑑񡑓񡑖񡑗񡑀񡑨񡑥񡑀񡑑񡑗񡑓񡑧񡑩񡑦񡑗񡑀񡑐񡑩񡑦񡑨񡑓񡑡񡑤񡑧Whichever treatment you prefer, choose from over 160 fabrics (pgs 286-295)

Leading and trailing edge curtains• Suitable for curtain tracks and poles• 8cm edge border • Available with lined pencil pleat and deep pencil pleat headings only• Borders available in all colours of austen, dupion silk, hepburn, villandry, barton and bacall• Borders also available with piping in a choice of all dupion silk and hepburn colours• Shown in austen natural with leading and trailing edge in villandry duck egg

Pencil pleat (7.5cm) curtains• Suitable for curtain tracks and poles• Shown in austen natural

Leading edge curtains

Deep pencil pleat (14cm) curtains• Suitable for curtain tracks and poles• Shown in austen natural

Tab headed curtains • Suitable for curtain poles with a maximum diameter of 3.5cm• Shown in austen natural

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras) Express Service

񡑁񡑂 񡑄񡑃񡑅

For terms & conditions see page 321

Page 259: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


Eyelet curtains• Suitable for poles, diameter 1.9cm, 2.8cm, 3.5cm and 4.5cm• Eyelets available in black antiqued metal, pewter, distressed cream, brushed silver or brass finish• Available with a top or bottom border in all colours of austen, dupion silk, hepburn, villandry, barton and bacall• Eyelet curtain shown in duck egg dupion silk with distressed cream eyelets (above, left).• Eyelet curtains with top border shown in austen natural with border in villandry duck egg with distressed cream eyelet (above, right).

Triple pleat curtains • Suitable for curtain tracks and poles• If using a track to hang these products, maximum depth is 3.5cm from top of track to bottom of glider• Delivered ready to hang with hooks attached• Shown in dupion silk duck egg

Goblet-headed curtains• Suitable for curtain poles• Goblet depth 10cm• Delivered ready to hang with hooks attached• Shown in dupion silk duck egg

Double pleat curtains

Eyelet curtains with top border Eyelet curtains with bottom border• Border is approximately 1/5 of the finished drop• Shown in dupion silk linen with bottom border in dupion silk duck egg



blackantiquedmetal pewter


brushedsilver brass

Eyelets available in the following colours

Page 260: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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• Install your track or pole before taking yourmeasurements.

• The track or pole should extend beyond thewindow at either side, to allow room for thecurtains to be drawn back off the window.

• To optimise the light from your window werecommend your pole extends approx. 30cm either side of the window for goblet and tab-headed curtains.

WIDTH• Measure the track or pole, NOT the window

itself.• For tracks: measure the width from end to

end (see diagram 1).

If the track overlaps in the middle you must include the overlap (see diagram 2).

DROP• For tracks: measure from the top of track

to allow it to be hidden by the curtains (see diagram 4).

• For poles: measure from the underside of the curtain ring to allow the pole to be seen above the curtains (see diagram 5).

• For eyelet curtains: measure from thetop of the pole and add 4cm.

• For tab-headed curtains: measure fromthe top of the pole. To minimise lightexposure we recommend you position yourpole a minimum of 15cm above the top ofthe window.

• Measure from the correct point to:- 1cm above the sill for SILL length;- the desired length for BELOW-SILL

length;- 1cm above the floor for FULL length. (see diagram 6)

curtain track

diagram 4

diagram 5

full length

below-sill length

sill length

diagram 6

a b

a + b = total width

curtain track

diagram 1

diagram 2

񡑑񡑩∃񡑀񡑕񡑩񡑀񡑒񡑡񡑗 ∀񡑱񡑡񡑀񡑐񡑩񡑱񡑀񡑖񡑩∀񡑱񡑀񡑉∀񡑱!񡑗񡑤񡑨 Whichever curtain style you prefer, choose from over 160 fabrics (pgs 286-295)

• For poles: measure the width between thedecorative finials (see diagram 3).

curtain pole

diagram 3

Double pleat curtains• shown in fitzroy duck egg p259Roman blind• shown in dupion silk duck egg p276

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 261: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑇񡑈񡑆񡑒񡑗񡑠񡑡񡑀!񡑩񡑀񡑒񡑡񡑗 ∀񡑱񡑡񡑀񡑉∀񡑱!񡑗񡑤񡑨 񡑀񡑁񡑀񡑓񡑡񡑦񡑧񡑡!

񡑑񡑩∃񡑀!񡑩񡑀񡑒񡑡񡑗 ∀񡑱񡑡񡑀񡑖񡑩∀񡑱񡑀񡑓񡑡񡑦񡑧񡑡!

• As a guide, to determine the pelmet length, divide the curtain length by six (e.g. length of curtains ordered 240cm, recommended pelmet length 40cm).

• For pelmet width, measure the distance between the wall and the front of the pelmet (a),track along the length (b) and back to the wall (c),then add together (see diagram 1).

• For an arched pelmet, the finished pelmet lengthmeasurement is taken from the top of the pelmettrack to the midpoint (i.e. at the top of the arch).Pelmet sides will be 20cm longer (see diagram 2).

30cm 50cm

diagram 2

finished pelmet length = 30cm

a b c

diagram 1

pelmet width (cm)= a + b + c

Made to measure cushion• Square piped cushion available in two sizes:

40cm x 40cm and 55cm x 55cm• All cushions supplied with a feather pad• Available self piped or with piping in a choice

of all dupion silk and hepburn colours• Shown in forbury stripe truffle

Flat pelmet• Available straight-edged only • Available interlined

Double pleat pelmet• Straight-edged or arched

Crescent tie-back• Available in a range of sizes, self piped or

with piping in a choice of all dupion silk & hepburn colours

Triple pleat pelmet• Straight-edged or arched

Pencil pleat pelmet• Straight-edged or arched

Box pleat pelmet • Available self piped or with piping in a choice

of all dupion silk and hepburn colours

񡑒񡑗񡑠񡑡񡑀!񡑩񡑀񡑒񡑡񡑗 ∀񡑱񡑡 񡑓񡑡񡑦񡑧񡑡! 񡑂񡑀񡑉∀ 񡑣񡑤񡑩񡑨 񡑀񡑁񡑀񡑕񡑤񡑡񡑃񡑘񡑗񡑙񡑥 With over 160 fabrics (see pgs 286-295). Choose from 5 styles of pelmet for the perfect finish to your curtains. All pelmet styles are available lined in white, cream or oatmeal. Add matching tie-backs and cushions.




Express Service

񡑁񡑂 񡑄񡑃񡑅

For terms & conditionssee page 321

Page 262: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑇񡑑񡑈񡑐񡑢񡑀񡑆񡑈񡑐񡑑񡑀񡑅񡑡񡑘񡑠񡑈񡑓񡑖񡑙Our ready made curtains are available in some of our most popular fabric designs

񡑂񡑄񡑂 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑔񡑈񡑡񡑘񡑈񡑈񡑙񡑒񡑔񡑑񡑢񡑁񡑉񡑗񡑕

• Available in a choice of lengths and widths• Width measurements include both curtains

when offered as a pair: 64" to fit window/pole length 152cm to 213cm (60" to 84"), 88" to fit window/pole length 198cm to 274cm (78" to 108") • Pencil pleat curtains require a simple gathering

to achieve the required width• The composition of ready-made fabric differs

from the equivalent fabric sold by the metre• Dry clean only, unless otherwise stated

• All curtains are lined with 50% cotton, 50% polyester lining, unless otherwise stated

• We recommend that all curtains are pressedprior to hanging

• Items are sold per pair • Some styles may not be pattern matched• For curtain poles, finials and accessories

see pgs 270-275

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

gosford, paprika100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3379 299 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3219 368 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3219 376 £225

gosford, cranberry100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3488 369 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3488 370 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3488 371 £225NEW fabric tie backs (pair) 3526 345 £15

gosford, plum100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3501 904 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3250 411 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3250 417 £225NEW fabric tie backs (pair) 3526 352 £15

lynton, off white100% cotton162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3409 860 £115162cm x 229cm (64" x 90") 3409 861 £145223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3409 862 £190

lynton, natural100% cotton162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3379 981 £115162cm x 229cm (64" x 90") 3379 983 £145223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3379 985 £190

nina, amethyst100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3488 256 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3488 258 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3488 260 £225

NEW summer meadow, cerise100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3519 245 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3519 252 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3519 254 £225

Page 263: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


irving stripe, cranberry100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3457 189 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3457 191 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3457 193 £225

NEW eaton stripe, cranberry100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3519 211 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3519 213 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3519 215 £225

freshford, cranberry100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3501 766 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3501 768 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3501 770 £225NEW fabric tie backs (pair) 3526 341 £15

NEW elveden cranberry100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3525 318 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3525 320 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3525 322 £225

Page 264: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


heligan, eau de nil 100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3409 867 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3409 869 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3409 871 £225

mylor stripe, midnight blue100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3427 057 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3427 061 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3427 065 £225

summer palace, eau de nil100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3489 155 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3488 302 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3488 304 £225

heligan, linen100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3469 244 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3469 245 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3469 247 £225

portland, cobalt100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3457 199 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3457 201 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3457 203 £225

kimono, duck egg100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3379 297 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3324 885 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3324 887 £225

lori, duck egg100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3469 240 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3469 241 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3469 242 £225

awning stripe, duck egg 100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3423 501 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3356 523 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3356 525 £225

chesil, duck egg100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3471 624 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3471 626 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3471 628 £225

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 265: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

265Ready Made Curtains

NEW millwood, camomile

cottonwood, natural100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3501 760 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3501 762 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3501 764 £225

NEW awning stripe, camomile100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3522 586 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3522 595 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3522 603 £225

NEW millwood, camomile100% cotton162cm x 137cm (64" x 54") 3522 605 £110162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3522 607 £130223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3522 609 £225

Page 266: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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jacquard ready made curtains

silk mix ready made curtains

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

preston stripe, trufflewoven stripe jacquard with a pencil pleat heading; 70% cotton, 30% viscose; lining 100% cotton162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3441 616 £200223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3441 619 £300

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

dupion silk mix, linenwith pencil pleat heading; 70% silk, 30% polyester; lining 100% cotton; 223cm x 230cm (88" x 90")3507 578 per pair £300

dupion silk mix, pale bamboo with pencil pleat heading; 70% silk, 30% polyester; lining 100% cotton; 223cm x 230cm (88" x 90")3507 579 per pair £300

dupion silk mix, amethyst with pencil pleat heading; 70% silk, 30% polyester; lining 100% cotton; 223cm x 230cm (88" x 90")3518 839 per pair £300

dupion silk mix, duck eggwith pencil pleat heading; 70% silk, 30% polyester; lining 100% cotton; 223cm x 230cm (88" x 90")3507 577 per pair £300

fitzroy, amethystwoven curtain with a pencil pleat heading; 100% cotton;lining 55% polyester, 45% cotton162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3501 772 £200223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3501 774 £300

tatton, duck eggwoven curtain with a pencil pleat heading; 100% cotton;lining 100% cotton162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3457 918 £200223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3457 919 £300

Page 267: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


NEW fitzroy, duck eggwoven curtain with a pencil pleat heading; 100% cotton;lining 55% polyester, 45% cotton162cm x 183cm (64" x 72") 3519 257 £200223cm x 229cm (88" x 90") 3519 258 £300

Page 268: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑄񡑅 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑗񡑐񡑢񡑠񡑐񡑐񡑡񡑔񡑗񡑓񡑣񡑂񡑑񡑙񡑘










A rope tie-back L93cmlinen 3385 264duck egg 3364 444cream 3364 443raspberry 3364 447 each £15

B plaited rope tie-back L90cmlinen 3472 582 each £22

C bardot tie-back L78cmwith cut glass crystal off white 3501 882natural 3342 204gold 3423 176 each £40

D classic tie-back L78cmnatural 3266 744 each £25

E verity tie-back L78cmlinen 3393 941 each £25

F evie tie-back L91cmclear 3376 195duck egg 3376 194 each £25

G sienna tie-back L66cmwith cut glass crystallinen 3408 345 each £25

H astor tie-back L72cmcream 3391 161 linen 3385 171 each £25

Page 269: Laura Ashley Spring 2012








0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

J manhattan mirrored leaf holdbackW10cm Ø15.5cmmirror 3501 739 each £25

K ball end holdbackL19cm W7.5cm cream 3521 012brass 3527 521 each £12

L frances holdbackØ10.5cm L14.5cm clear 3437 695 each £35

M vivien glass holdbackD11cm Ø8.3cm clear 3469 385 each £25

isabella holdback W10cm Ø8.5cmN clear 3356 913P cranberry 3407 289 each £18

Q rose flower holdbackW13cm Ø9cm cream 3469 424 each £20

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 270: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


񡑇񡑙񡑤񡑤񡑧񡑠񡑣񡑘񡑀񡑉񡑔񡑖񡑗񡑀񡑒񡑤񡑀񡑐񡑦񡑖񡑗񡑦񡑀񡑓񡑤񡑤񡑖񡑀񡑇񡑩񡑦񡑨񡑔񡑠񡑣񡑀񡑑񡑤񡑡񡑗񡑧• Choose from 7 wood finishes

• All handcrafted in the UK

• Co-ordinating hold-backs available.

• Standard straight run poles are supplied with the recommendednumber of brackets and curtain rings (see table below). Additional curtain rings and brackets are available on request

• Simply decide on your pole finish, select your pole length, andchoose your co-ordinating finials and hold backs

񡑅񡑆񡑃 񡑡񡑔񡑩񡑦񡑔񡑔񡑧񡑙񡑡񡑗񡑰񡑂񡑕񡑤񡑢

񡑕񡑩񡑦񡑨񡑔񡑠񡑣񡑀񡑥񡑤񡑡񡑗񡑧120cm includes 12 rings & 2 brackets

150cm includes 16 rings & 2 brackets

180cm includes 18 rings & 2 brackets

240cm includes 24 rings & 3 brackets

300cm includes 30 rings & 3 brackets

please note: curtain poles 2.4 metres

in length or more will be supplied in two

equal halves, joined by a connection

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

A oak solid woodcurtain poles Ø3.5cmL120cm 3507 682 £120L150cm 3507 684 £135L180cm 3503 187 £155L240cm 3503 189 £195L300cm 3503 191 £225ribbed ball finial 3503 193 each £30acrylic ball finial 3506 152 each £36NEW hold-back 3528 517 each £40extra curtain rings 3503 216 pack of 4 £12bracket 3503 214 each £22

curtain poles Ø4.5cmL120cm 3503 219 £145L150cm 3503 221 £165L180cm 3503 204 £185L240cm 3503 207 £235L300cm 3503 209 £275ball finial 3503 212 each £36acrylic ball finial 3506 178 each £40extra curtain rings 3503 199 pack of 4 £12bracket 3503 195 each £23

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B cream distressed woodcurtain poles Ø3.5cmL120cm 3165 187 £85L150cm 3165 191 £95L180cm 1484 427 £105L240cm 1484 435 £140L300cm 1484 443 £160curtain rods 3438 107 per pair £18artichoke finial 3290 308 each £25rose finial 3488 429 each £28urn finial 3290 162 each £22ribbed ball finial 3290 159 each £22acrylic ball finial 3507 658 each £36swirl ball finial 3488 060 each £25hold-back 3290 312 each £28extra curtain rings 1593 672 pack of 4 £8bracket 3243 828 each £14

curtain poles Ø4.5cmL120cm 3470 299 £100L150cm 3470 301 £115L180cm 3470 303 £130L240cm 3470 305 £160L300cm 3470 307 £190ball finial 3470 309 each £26acrylic ball finial 3506 154 each £40swirl ball finial 3488 063 each £29extra curtain rings 3470 311 pack of 4 £9bracket 3470 313 each £16

C white scratched woodcurtain poles Ø3.5cmL120cm 3290 493 £85L150cm 3290 495 £95L180cm 3290 503 £105L240cm 3290 513 £140L300cm 3290 524 £160curtain rods 3438 108 per pair £18rope finial 3290 559 each £25rose finial 3488 045 each £28urn finial 3290 534 each £22ribbed ball finial 3290 557 each £22acrylic ball finial 3506 160 each £36swirl ball finial 3488 073 each £25hold-back 3290 562 each £28extra curtain rings 3290 564 pack of 4 £8bracket 3315 504 each £14

curtain poles Ø4.5cmL120cm 3488 133 £100L150cm 3488 022 £115L180cm 3488 024 £130L240cm 3488 026 £160L300cm 3488 029 £190ball finial 3488 135 each £26acrylic ball finial 3506 170 each £40swirl ball finial 3488 075 each £29extra curtain rings 3488 140 pack of 4 £9bracket 3488 139 each £16

D antique pewter woodcurtain poles Ø3.5cmL120cm 3438 113 £90L150cm 3438 115 £100L180cm 3438 117 £110L240cm 3438 119 £150L300cm 3438 123 £170NEW curtain rods 3528 515 per pair £18artichoke finial 3438 202 each £26rose finial 3488 431 each £28urn finial 3438 197 each £23ribbed ball finial 3438 190 each £23acrylic ball finial 3507 660 each £36swirl ball finial 3488 066 each £25hold-back 3438 204 each £30extra curtain rings 3438 208 pack of 4 £9bracket 3438 214 each £16

curtain poles Ø4.5cmL120cm 3488 883 £110L150cm 3488 003 £125L180cm 3488 005 £140L240cm 3488 007 £170L300cm 3488 009 £200ball finial 3488 117 each £26acrylic ball finial 3506 156 each £40swirl ball finial 3488 071 each £29extra curtain rings 3488 121 pack of 4 £10bracket 3488 123 each £16

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

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񡑃񡑅񡑃 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑙񡑒񡑦񡑣񡑒񡑒񡑤񡑗񡑙񡑕񡑧񡑂񡑓񡑢񡑠


A gold distressed woodcurtain poles Ø3.5cmL120cm 3165 188 £85L150cm 3165 192 £95L180cm 1484 450 £105L240cm 1484 468 £140L300cm 1484 476 £160curtain rods 3438 109 per pair £18artichoke finial 3290 309 each £25rose finial 3488 050 each £28urn finial 3290 163 each £22ribbed ball finial 3290 160 each £22acrylic ball finial 3506 158 each £36swirl ball finial 3488 079 each £25hold-back 3290 313 each £28extra curtain rings 1593 656 pack of 4 £8bracket 3243 829 each £14

curtain poles Ø4.5cmL120cm 3488 125 £100L150cm 3488 011 £115L180cm 3488 013 £130L240cm 3488 015 £160L300cm 3488 019 £190ball finial 3488 127 each £26acrylic ball finial 3506 166 each £40swirl ball finial 3488 081 each £29extra curtain rings 3488 129 pack of 4 £9bracket 3488 131 each £16

B dark oak finish woodcurtain poles Ø3.5cmL120cm 3488 097 £75L150cm 3487 997 £85L180cm 3487 999 £95L240cm 3488 001 £125L300cm 3488 144 £140artichoke finial 3488 545 each £22rose finial 3488 055 each £28urn finial 3488 148 each £22ribbed ball finial 3488 146 each £22acrylic ball finial 3506 164 each £36swirl ball finial 3488 087 each £25hold-back 3488 150 each £25extra curtain rings 3488 101 pack of 4 £8bracket 3488 105 each £14

curtain poles Ø4.5cmL120cm 3488 109 £95L150cm 3488 113 £110L180cm 3488 033 £125L240cm 3488 036 £155L300cm 3488 038 £185ball finial 3488 041 each £26acrylic ball finial 3506 174 each £40swirl ball finial 3488 089 each £29extra curtain rings 3488 152 pack of 4 £9bracket 3488 154 each £14

C charcoal distressed woodcurtain poles Ø3.5cmL120cm 3438 166 £85L150cm 3438 175 £95L180cm 3438 177 £105L240cm 3438 180 £140L300cm 3438 188 £160artichoke finial 3438 229 each £25rose finial 3488 052 each £28urn finial 3438 226 each £22ribbed ball finial 3438 221 each £22acrylic ball finial 3506 162 each £36swirl ball finial 3488 083 each £25hold-back 3438 235 each £28extra curtain rings 3438 238 pack of 4 £8bracket 3438 242 each £14

curtain poles Ø4.5cmL120cm 3488 142 £100L150cm 3487 943 £115L180cm 3487 945 £130L240cm 3487 947 £160L300cm 3487 949 £190ball finial 3488 091 each £26acrylic ball finial 3506 172 each £40swirl ball finial 3488 085 each £29extra curtain rings 3488 093 pack of 4 £9bracket 3488 095 each £16

Page 273: Laura Ashley Spring 2012






• Choose from 4 metal finishes

• Standard straight run poles are supplied with the recommendednumber of brackets and curtain rings (see table on page 270). Additional curtain rings and brackets are available on request

• Simply decide on your pole finish, select your pole length, and choose your co-ordinating finials and hold-backs

• All handcrafted in the UK


prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

D cream finish metalcurtain poles Ø1.9cmL120cm 3266 756 £70L150cm 3266 758 £80L180cm 3266 760 £90L240cm 3266 762 £110L300cm 3266 764 £130scroll leaf finial 3290 142 each £25frances glass finial 3454 186 each £35ball finial 3488 342 each £20vivien glass finial 3454 184 each £30acrylic ball finial 3506 180 each £28swirl ball finial 3488 330 each £22extra curtain rings 3266 770 pack of 4 £6bracket 3315 509 each £16

curtain poles Ø2.8cmL120cm 3488 156 £100L150cm 3488 158 £110L180cm 3488 168 £120L240cm 3488 170 £145L300cm 3488 172 £165ball finial 3488 174 each £25swirl ball finial 3488 332 each £27acrylic ball finial 3507 650 each £30extra curtain rings 3488 352 pack of 4 £7bracket 3488 354 each £18

E brass metalcurtain poles Ø2.8cmL120cm 3507 688 £100L150cm 3507 690 £110L180cm 3507 692 £120L240cm 3507 670 £145L300cm 3507 672 £165ball finial 3507 674 each £26swirl ball finial 3507 676 each £28acrylic ball finial 3507 656 each £30extra curtain rings 3507 680 pack of 4 £8bracket 3507 678 each £20

F brushed silver metalcurtain poles Ø1.9cmL120cm 3488 356 £75L150cm 3488 358 £85L180cm 3488 160 £95L240cm 3488 162 £115L300cm 3488 164 £135ball finial 3488 166 each £22swirl ball finial 3488 338 each £23acrylic ball finial 3506 182 each £28extra curtain rings 3488 368 pack of 4 £8bracket 3488 375 each £18

curtain poles Ø2.8cmL120cm 3488 378 £100L150cm 3488 382 £110L180cm 3488 176 £120L240cm 3488 178 £145L300cm 3488 180 £165ball finial 3488 182 each £26swirl ball finial 3488 340 each £28acrylic ball finial 3507 652 each £30extra curtain rings 3488 386 pack of 4 £8bracket 3488 391 each £20

G white finish metalcurtain poles Ø1.9cmL120cm 3488 393 £70L150cm 3488 397 £80L180cm 3488 312 £90L240cm 3488 316 £110L300cm 3488 318 £130ball finial 3488 320 each £20swirl ball finial 3488 334 each £22acrylic ball finial 3507 639 each £28extra curtain rings 3488 400 pack of 4 £6bracket 3488 405 each £16

curtain poles Ø2.8cmL120cm 3488 409 £100L150cm 3488 413 £110L180cm 3488 322 £120L240cm 3488 324 £145 L300cm 3488 326 £165ball finial 3488 328 each £25swirl ball finial 3488 336 each £27acrylic ball finial 3507 654 each £30extra curtain rings 3488 415 pack of 4 £7bracket 3488 419 each £18

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񡑂񡑅񡑃 񡑡񡑔񡑨񡑥񡑔񡑔񡑦񡑙񡑡񡑗񡑰񡑁񡑕񡑤񡑢


񡑆񡑔񡑰񡑀񡑑񡑤񡑡񡑗񡑀񡑈񡑠񡑧񡑦 Patented adjustable three bay window pole kit, specially designed so that passing rings/brackets are not required.Can be customised to fit the angles of your window. Contains everything needed in one easy-to-fit kit. Suitable for light to mid weight curtains.





180 180

cream finishantiqued bronze brushed silver


񡑉񡑔񡑖񡑗񡑀񡑒񡑤񡑀񡑐񡑥񡑖񡑗񡑥񡑀񡑑񡑤񡑡񡑗񡑦񡑀񡑘񡑤񡑥񡑀񡑆񡑔񡑰񡑀񡑓񡑠񡑣񡑖񡑤񡑩񡑦Our exclusive bay pole range allows you to select individual components to fit into the unique angles of your bay windowMade in the UK

• Choose from 3 metal finishes• Suitable for light to mid weight curtains• Delivery usually within 2-3 weeks

(UK and Northern Ireland)

components required:2 x flexi poles, 2 x end brackets, 1 x central bracket,2 x passing brackets, 2 x finials, 1 x passing ring every 10cm,4 x standard rings plus poles to fit your window dimensions,3 x 180cm poles in example given here

1 Simply select your poles according to the measurementswithin your bay window. 3 pole lengths are available, aswell as 2 diameters, including our NEW 2.8cm option.Poles can be easily cut to size or joined with a connectorto form longer lengths if required.

2 Select your brackets as follows: • 1 end bracket should be fitted at each end of

the bay pole.• 1 central bracket should be fitted in the

middle of the main central pole. • Passing brackets should be fitted at intervals to provide

intermediate support and allow passing rings to passfreely along the pole (please see diagram).

3 Select your curtain rings to the following recommendations: • 1 ring for every 10cm of pole.• Standard rings are required at both ends

of the pole (2 each side). • Passing rings should be placed across

the rest of the pole.

4 Choose your finials from the options below:

L cream metal Ø2.8cmL240cm 3505 476 £195L360cm 3505 478 £215

M antique bronze metal Ø2.8cmL240cm 3505 480 £195L360cm 3505 482 £215

240cm includes 26 rings & 3 brackets

360cm includes 38 rings & 3 brackets

please note: due to their design, bay curtain poles will be

supplied in 2 parts

metal range antiqued cream finish, antiqued cream finish brushed

curtain poles Ø1.9cm bronze, 19mm 19mm bronze, 28mm 28mm silver, 28mm

L120cm 3397 489 3397 509 £22 3506 808 3507 662 £28 3507 135 £30L150cm 3397 491 3397 510 £26 3506 810 3507 664 £32 3507 137 £35L180cm 3397 493 3397 511 £30 3506 812 3507 666 £38 3507 139 £40

A ball finial 3397 526 3397 525 £20 3506 814 3507 668 £25 3507 141 £27B fluted finial 3397 519 3397 484 £20 3506 768 3506 730 £25 3506 784 £27C end stop 3397 520 3397 487 £10 3506 770 3506 747 £12 3506 794 £13D end bracket 3397 499 3397 514 £18 3506 773 3506 764 £22 3506 796 £24E passing bracket 3397 501 3397 515 £18 3506 782 3506 766 £22 3506 806 £24F central bracket 3397 497 3397 513 £18 3506 832 3506 956 £22 3506 863 £24G flexi pole L23cm 3397 507 3397 516 £32 3506 842 3506 973 £40 3506 873 £43H connector 3397 495 3397 512 £5 3506 851 3507 131 £6 3506 875 £7J curtain rings (4 pack) 3397 518 3266 770 £6 3506 854 3488 352 £7 3488 386 £8

price per packK passing rings (4 pack) 3397 523 3397 522 £10 3507 686 3507 133 £12 3506 877 £13

price per pack

Page 275: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


please note: curtain poles 2.4 metres in length or more will be supplied in two equal halves, joined by a connection






񡑑񡑤񡑡񡑗񡑀񡑈񡑠񡑧񡑦Pole kit containing pole, two ball finials, brackets and rings. Wooden poles can be cut tosize. Made in the UK

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

A cream metal Ø1.9cm Ø2.8cmL150cm 3428 081 £65 3503 663 £80L300cm 3428 083 £105 3503 667 £130

B cream distressed wood Ø3.5cm NEW Ø4.5cmL150cm 3406 829 £80 3519 161 £110L300cm 3406 832 £120 3519 163 £165

C brushed silver metal Ø2.8cmL150cm 3503 671 £90L300cm 3503 673 £145

D white wood Ø3.5cmL150cm 3454 180 £80L300cm 3454 182 £120

E antique pewter wood Ø3.5cm NEW Ø4.5cmL150cm 3487 292 £90 3519 165 £125L300cm 3487 294 £135 3519 167 £185

150cm includes 16 rings & 2 brackets300cm includes 30 rings & 3 brackets

Page 276: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑆񡑅 񡑡񡑒񡑨񡑥񡑒񡑒񡑦񡑙񡑡񡑖񡑰񡑁񡑔񡑤񡑢

Pleated border roman blinds• With 10cm border in a choice of all austen,

dupion silk, hepburn, villandry, barton and bacall colours

• Shown in linen dupion silk with dupion silk bamboo border

Panelled roman blinds• Available in all austen and villandry fabrics, as

shown or inverted; each panel one third of width ordered

• Shown in austen natural and villandry champagne centre panel

Serpentine roman blinds• Available with gimp trim in a choice of colours• Shown in linen dupion with gimp trim in truffle

Bead trim roman blinds• Available in a choice of bead trim colours

shown above (trim will be additional to thelength of the blind and therefore we onlyrecommend for outside the recess)

• Shown in dupion silk linen with bamboo beaded trim

Tab headed roman blinds• Please note: tab-headed roman blinds are not

suitable for fitting inside a recess• Shown in awning stripe camomile

Vertical border roman blinds• Available with 8cm borders in a choice of all

austen, dupion silk, hepburn, villandry, barton and bacall colours

• Shown in millwood camomile with bacall truffle border



duck egg



prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 277: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


Whichever treatment you prefer, choose from over 160 fabrics (pgs 286-295)


Straight edged roman blind• shown in vittorio gold

frances glass blindpull, see pg 285



񡑈񡑙񡑤񡑤񡑦񡑠񡑣񡑘񡑀񡑐񡑤񡑢񡑒񡑣񡑀񡑇񡑡񡑠񡑣񡑕񡑦• Choose from plain or tab-headed top with a choice of straight, pleated

border, serpentine or bead trim at lower edge• Available lined or bonded interlined (in white, cream or oatmeal),

or thermal blackout lining (in white or cream)

• Supplied fully strung and attached to a rail ready for hanging• Choice of operating mechanism on right or left hand side• Standard ratchet available or you can choose the frances glass blind

pull if you prefer – see pg 285Please see terms and conditions on pg 321 for full details.

Express Service

񡑁񡑂 񡑄񡑃񡑅

For terms & conditions see page 321

Page 278: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑆񡑇 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑨񡑙# 񡑙񡑙!񡑦񡑨񡑣&񡑁񡑡񡑱񡑩

񡑓񡑙񡑢񡑣񡑀∀񡑱񡑀񡑓񡑣񡑙!# 񡑣񡑀񡑕񡑱񡑨񡑨񡑣 񡑀񡑉񡑨񡑧񡑰񡑢!Whichever treatment you prefer, choose from 3 edge styles: straight-edged, serpentine or with wooden trim in over 160 fabrics (pgs 286-295)

Wood trim edge roller blind in gosford cranberry with painted trim in pale cranberry

Straight edged roller blind in austen naturalwith dupion truffle trim

Serpentine roller blind in irving stripe cranberrywith cranberry gimp trim

reverse rolled regular rolled

Straight edge roller in GosfordCranberry with painted trim inpale cranberry

Serpentine edge roller blind inIrving Cranberry withCranberry Gimp Trim

Straight Edge Roller in AustenNatural with Dupion CharcoalTrim

񡑐񡑦񡑱񡑱!񡑧񡑰񡑥񡑀񡑕񡑱񡑨񡑨񡑣 񡑀񡑉񡑨񡑧񡑰񡑢!• Available lined in white, cream or oatmeal or with thermal blackout lining (in white or cream)• Supplied ready to hang with beaded

side-winder on right or left hand side• Supplied with brackets for ceiling or wall fitting• Available reverse rolled upon request (see

illustrations below)


񡑃񡑅񡑂񡑀񡑤񡑙񡑠 񡑧񡑡!񡑱񡑰񡑨񡑧񡑰񡑣

Straight edged roller blindin freshford cranberry

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Express Service

񡑁񡑂 񡑄񡑃񡑅

For terms & conditions see page 321

Page 279: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑆񡑈񡑓񡑙񡑢񡑣񡑀∀񡑱񡑀񡑓񡑣񡑙!# 񡑣񡑀񡑔񡑣񡑨񡑩񡑣∀!񡑀񡑙񡑰񡑢񡑀񡑕񡑱񡑨񡑨񡑣 񡑀񡑉񡑨񡑧񡑰񡑢!

Blinds can sit either inside or outside a window recess.• Please supply measurements:

- to the nearest 0.5cm for roller blinds;- in centimetres for roman blinds.

INSIDE A WINDOW RECESS(see diagram 1)• Measure the length from top to bottom of the recess at both sides

and in the middle. If there is a difference, order using the smallestmeasurement to ensure the blind hangs freely.

• Measure the width at the top of the window recess, the middle andat the bottom (see diagram 1).

Record the lowest measurement of the three.

Please note: both tab headed and bead trim roman blinds are not suitable forfitting inside a recess.

OUTSIDE A WINDOW RECESS(see diagram 2)• To obtain the length, measure from the required position above the

window down to the required length.• To obtain the width, measure the width of the window and add at

least 7cm to each side (14cm in total) to allow sufficient overlap ateach side of the window.

Please note: blind cords pose a safety risk for children. Werecommend that you make sure that all cords and chains are securedout of reach of children at all times. A cleat hook is supplied with allblinds for this purpose.

diagram 1




width to be recorded = 141cm

diagram 2



width to be recorded 141cm + 14cm =155cm

Inside a window recess Outside a window recess

񡑒񡑱%񡑀񡑗񡑱񡑀񡑓񡑣񡑙!# 񡑣񡑀񡑑񡑱 񡑀񡑘񡑱# 񡑀񡑉񡑨񡑧񡑰񡑢!Whichever roller or roman style you prefer, choose from over 160 fabrics (pgs 286-295)

Page 280: Laura Ashley Spring 2012







NEW amethyst

NEW softtruffle

cream champagne




duck egg

NEW brushedalumnium

All our blinds are supplied ready to hang with raise/lower controls on right hand side. They are also available with left hand sidecontrol if you prefer – please state your preference when ordering. Our blinds are all supplied with brackets for ceiling or wall fittingand have a cord lock mechanism for accurate height positioning. Now also available in a NEW vertical blind option (see below).

Choosing Vertical, Wooden and Aluminium Venetian Blinds

Express Aluminium Blinds• Available in only 14 days• Supplied with a tilt wand to offer control of the

light intensity and direction• Available in 2.5cm slats• Head rails, cords and ladder strings are all

colour co-ordinated• Available in 10 colours• Shown in brushed aluminium

NEW Express Vertical Blinds • Available in only 14 days • Supplied with control chain and brackets • Available in top or face fixed options• Available in 3 stacking styles: Right Hand

Side, Left Hand Side or Both Sides• Choose from 6 neutral colours• Shown in white

Express Service

14 DAY

For terms & conditions see page 321

Express Service

14 DAY

For terms & conditions see page 321

Page 281: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

281Made to Measure Blinds




antique pineNEW dove grey



NEW softtruffle

solid oak

scratched cream

NEW gloss white

Designer Wooden Blinds• A premium hard wood range offering a

distinctive scratched finish, solid oak or contemporary white gloss.

• Available with 5cm slats• Supplied with features as per the wooden

venetian blind• Please note that natural wood blinds are

made from highly grained timbers andtherefore slats may vary in colour and grainthroughout the blind.

• Shown in gloss white

See all blindoptions online

Express Wooden Blinds• Available in only 14 days • A selection of high quality painted and stained

venetian blind classics• Supplied with tilt cords, fascia pelmet and

wooden toggles • Available with 2.5cm or 5cm slats• Available in a choice of ladder strings or tapes• Available in 8 colours• Shown in dove grey

Please see terms and conditions on pg 321 for full details.

Express Service

14 DAY

For terms & conditions see page 321

Page 282: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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split-wood roman blind in dijon cream sheer roller blind in harbour whitenatural roller blind in bamboo

solo alaska



solo almond

white paper white

paper cream bamboo

antique white antibes

dijon cream NEW truffle

NEWpure white

NEWwhite stripe

NEWwhite stripe

NEWsheer white

all made to measure curtains & blinds are made in the UKControls are available on left-hand side if preferred - please state when ordering

SPLIT-WOOD ROMAN BLINDSWoven from veneers of natural woods andreeds for a natural textured style, the edgingbraids are colour co-ordinated to the colourof the blind specified. Choose from 5 colour options.


EXPRESS NATURALROLLER BLINDSAvailable in 14 days. A selection of natural materials that creates a textured finish, available in 5colours.

EXPRESS SHEER ROLLER BLINDSAvailable in 14 days, a timeless collection of lightfiltering sheer roller blinds in a choice of 6 coloursExpress


񡑁񡑂 񡑄񡑃񡑅

For terms & conditions see page 321

Express Service

񡑁񡑂 񡑄񡑃񡑅

For terms & conditions see page 321

Page 283: Laura Ashley Spring 2012










A NEW elveden bracketH17cm W19cm D4cmcream 3519 209 each £18

B NEW bramley multi hookH15cm W64cm D11cmcream 3519 241 each £35

C wooden heart shelfH13cm W41cm D13cmcream 3469 448 each £26

D NEW bramley letter holderH25cm W26cm D6cmcream 3519 243 each £38

E NEW ben dog hookH10cm W6cmcream 3519 221 each £12

F NEW bess cat hookH10cm W6cmcream 3519 223 each £12

G NEW billy dog multi hookH17cm W25cmcream 3519 235 each £12

H NEW cindy cat multi hookH20.5cm W25cmcream 3519 237 each £12

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 284: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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both sold as a pair







A classic tie-back hooks† L7cmcream 3266 790 brass 3165 159 per pair £8

B emmeline hooks H9cmcream 3460 311 per pair £14

C large bow hooks H10cmcream 3460 313 per pair £14

D marcel spoon hooks H10.5cm‘silver’ 3425 700 per pair £14

E vintage key hook H6cm L25cmcream 3469 329 each £18

F rose flower hooks H8.5cm W5cmcream 3501 734 per pair £15

G connie hooks H5cm; cut glass detailchrome/clear 3460 046 per pair £15

H connie double hooks H11cm; cut glass detail chrome/clear 3460 049 per pair £20

J keys hook H8cm W15cm chrome/cream 3487 094 each £20

K manhattan mirrored leaf hookH15.5cm W10cmmirrored 3501 731 each £20

L mabel heart hook H17.5cmcream 3423 202 each £10

M maisie hook† H7.5cmcream 3325 382 each £7

N hayley mirrored hooks H10cmmirrored 3423 200 per pair £20

P grace glass hooks Ø4.7cmchrome/clear 3455 066 per pair £18

frances glass mortice doorknobs Ø6cm; clear faceted glassQ chrome 3396 798 per pair £42R brass 3501 892 per pair £42

S vivien door mortice knobsØ5.5cm; clear glass 3424 260 per pair £38

T olena door mortice knobsØ5cm; clear glass 3487 161 per pair £40

U elenor faceted glass pullH15.5cm W3cm chrome/clear 3408 415 each £22

celine drawer pulls clear faceted glassV large Ø6cm 3424 262 per pair £22W regular Ø4cm 3424 266 per pair £16

†this product is sold in multiples of 2 from the catalogue or online

Page 285: Laura Ashley Spring 2012








prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

X vivien drawer pulls Ø3cmclear faceted glass 3424 258 per pair £16

Y frances glass blind/light pull†

L5cm; faceted glass 3503 661 each £8

Z margot square drawer pullsØ3cm; clear glass 3437 662 per pair £16

AA amelia heart drawer pulls W3.5cmclear faceted glass 3454 723 per pair £16

AB isabella drawer pullsØ5cm; clear glass 3424 248 per pair £16

AC rose flower drawer pullsW5cm; cream 3469 414 per pair £16

ceramic drawer pullsØ4cm; multi ceramic/chrome AD teacup 3501 721 set of 4 £26 AE summer meadow 3487 308 set of 4 £26

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PRINTED FABRIC(For products with high linen content see †.)

Printed Textured Linen UnionMedium-weight textured fabric. 80% cotton,20% linen. Machine wash warm at 40ºCorP. Line dry. Warm iron.

Printed Linen Cotton FabricMedium-weight. 70% cotton, 30% linen. Ponly.

Printed Satin Weave FabricMedium-weight satin weave. 100% cotton. P.

Printed Linen BlendMedium-weight. 51% linen, 49% cotton. Ponly.

Printed Linen Cotton with NylonLight-weight. 51% linen, 37% cotton, 12% nylon.P only.

Printed Linen with NylonLight-weight. 88% linen, 12% nylon.P only.

Printed Viscose Linen SlubMedium-weight. 83% viscose, 17% linen.Ponly.

Printed Cotton Drape FabricMedium-weight. 100% cotton. Machine washat 40°C or P.

Printed Country Furnishing CottonLight-weight. 100% cotton. Machine washwarm at 40°C or P.

Printed Country Furnishing CottonPVC Coated 100% cotton with clear 100% PVC coating.Easy care wipe clean finish. Do not wash. Note: some items may stain this fabric.

Printed Linen Union55% linen, 33% cotton, 12% nylon. Ponly.

Printed Cotton Linen SlubMedium-weight. 93% cotton, 7% linen.Ponly.

Printed Silk Mix(For products with a silk content see**.)

Medium-weight printed drape silk.67% silk, 33% polyester. Ponly.

* all prints made in the UK


KEY Letters inside the curtain logo identify whichwindow dressing price band the fabrics belong to.

Suitable for use on headboards.

DUAL-PURPOSE FABRICS Suitable for both drape and upholstery.

Suitable for use as lamp shade, see page 187.

See pg 133 for upholstery information.

PATTERN REPEATSa vertical pattern repeats. HD half drop repeat.Remember to calculate the amount of fabric you need to allow for pattern matching.

FREE SWATCHESOrder up to eight free fabric swatches online at or phone 0871 230 2301†

for full swatch details see right(†Calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

SELECTING YOUR FABRICNatural Fabric FeaturesMany fabrics have natural characteristics. Carefully consider these toselect a fabric perfect for you:

• Some of our more delicate fabrics such as velvets and chenilles exhibit shading variations, crushing, lines and bruising, which create unique features. • Fabrics with a linen and/or cotton content can pill and have fine threads visible. Some may display characteristic slub effects and may include occasional seeds and husks. • Linen has a natural tendency to crease which enhances its textural appearance. Creases soften as the fabric relaxes in use. Pilling can occasionally occur in early stages of use, which is a feature of such fabrics• Silk is a natural fabric with slubs and lines which are part of its character. Silk naturally degrades when exposed to heat and sunlight over a period of time.

None of these fabric features are a sign of premature wear, but are natural characteristics which do not affect product quality.

Atmospheric ConditionsDue to variations in atmospheric conditions fabrics can both shrink andexpand. As such conditions are beyond our control we are unable toaccept responsibility for movement of made-to-measure products whenhung, or dimensional changes to cut fabrics.

Design AlignmentNatural fabrics do not always have perfect alignment of the designstraight across the width, however our manufacturing techniquesguarantee Laura Ashley fabrics do not go off line by more than 3%(i.e. 4cm on a 140cm wide fabric).

CLEANING & CARETo help prolong the life of your fabrics please consider the following:

CleaningFollow the specific instructions for each fabric carefully and always checkthe label, as recommended care for the fabric may differ from therecommended care for the product.

• P Dry Clean Only • P Sensitive Dry Clean Only• Clean co-ordinated items at the same time.• Always allow for 3% shrinkage upon the first wash or dry clean.• To remove everyday household dust and dirt, clean by gently vacuuming fabric with an upholstery brush.• Periodic cleaning of the entire product is required to maintain appearance and reduce premature wear and fading.• Avoid contact with chemicals, and cosmetics such as hair products and suncreams.• Remove all spills immediately. Blot liquid spills with a clean, dry, white cloth, work towards the centre of the spill. Do not rub or use abrasive cleaners as this may damage the fabric, Should a spill result in a stain seek professional advice immediately.

Sunlight and HeatAll fabrics can be affected by heat and light, and over time fading may occurdependent upon the degree of heat and light exposure and fabric type.

SWATCH SERVICEChoose a fabric you really like which fits in with your decor:

• You can pick up a wide range of free swatches from our stores and view a full range online at• Order up to eight free fabric swatches, visit or

call 0871 230 2301† or order in store quoting the productnumber and a description.

(†Calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Please note: swatches represent the product design and colour, howeverdelivered items may differ due to normal variations in manufacturing, anddue to the unique characteristics of natural materials.

Page 287: Laura Ashley Spring 2012




Some of these fabrics feature a high linen contentwhich may naturally pill and crease, and have finethreads and slubs visible. These desirable, naturalcharacteristics of linen do not affect its durabilityand are not a sign of premature wear.......................................................................................................


Thermal Blackout Lining52% polyester, 48% cotton. P Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry.

Interlining80% polyester, 20% viscose.Ponly. Cool iron.

Standard LiningSuitable for use across all Laura Ashley drapefabrics. 100% cotton sateen. Machine wash warm at 40°C or P. Do not bleach. Line dry. Hot iron.......................................................................................................

S ILK CONTENT**Silk is a natural fabric with slubs that enhance itscharacter. Because silk naturally degrades whenexposed to sunlight over a period of time, werecommend that all silk and silk mix drapes are eitherlined or thermal black-out lined to help prolong their life.......................................................................................................

WOVEN SILK FABRIC 100% SILK(For products with a silk content see**.)

Dupion SilkMedium-weight. 100% plain silk. Ponly.

GypsophilaMedium-weight silk jacquard. 100% silk. Ponly.


WOVEN SILK MIX PLAIN(For products with a silk content see**.)

Hepburn Plain Shot Silk MixMedium-weight. 67% silk, 33% polyester. Ponly.....................................................................................................

WOVEN SILK MIX EMBROIDERED(For products with a silk content see**.)

This luxurious and richly embroidered silk mix fabricdetails a ruffled nature illustrating fullness andcontour. These characteristics are natural and arenot a fabric flaw, see SILK for more information.

Freshford EmbroideryMedium-weight embroidered fabric. 67% silk, 33%polyester (exclusive of viscose embroidery). Ponly.

Lucille Medium-weight. 67% silk, 33% polyester. P only.

Cathcart Medium-weight. 67% silk, 33% polyester. P only.....................................................................................................


CaspianMedium-weight. 51% silk, 49% polyester. Ponly.....................................................................................................


NEW Coco Medium-weight. 90% viscose, 10% silk. P only.

ManhattanMedium-weight embroidered fabric. 53% linen,47% silk. Ponly.

NEW SerpentineMedium-weight woven jacquard. 70% viscose,23% polyester, 7% silk.P only.......................................................................................................

WOVEN PLAIN(For products with linen content see †.)

ParamountMedium-weight satin plain. 62% cotton, 38% polyester.Ponly.

AustenMedium-weight woven linen rich.54% linen, 46% cotton.Ponly.

BacallMedium-weight slubby plain. 83% viscose, 17% linen.Ponly.

BartonMedium-weight. 49% viscose, 30% cotton,21% linen.Ponly.....................................................................................................

WOVEN STRIPE(For products with linen content see †.)

NEW Draycott StripeLight/medium-weight. 85% linen, 15% cotton. Ponly.

Forbury StripeMedium-weight. 70% cotton, 30% viscose. Ponly.

Lille StripeMedium-weight. 100% cotton.Ponly.

Navona StripeMedium-weight. 60% cotton, 40% viscose. P only.


WOVEN CHECK(For products with linen content see †.)

Gingham CheckMedium-weight colour woven check.100% cotton.Ponly.

Arden CheckMedium-weight. 55% cotton, 45% linen.Ponly.

Mitford CheckLight/medium-weight colour woven check. 100% cotton.Ponly.


WOVEN JACQUARD(For products with linen content see †.)

BurnhamMedium-weight jacquard. 60% viscose, 22% cotton, 10% polyester, 5% linen,3% acrylic. P only.

NEW CurzonMedium-weight jacquard. 100% cotton. Ponly.

NEW FarleighMedium-weight jacquard. 56% viscose, 34% cotton, 6% nylon, 4% polyester. P only.

FitzroyMedium-weight decorative jacquard. 84%viscose, 8% nylon, 8% polyester.P only.

GarlandMedium-weight. 61% cotton, 39% polyester. P only.

IsodoreMedium-weight floral jacquard. 55% cotton,45% viscose. Ponly.

LloydMedium-weight floral jacquard.92% cotton, 8% nylon. Ponly.

MarchmontMedium-weight decorative jacquard. 100% cotton. P only.

PoplarMedium-weight. 100% cotton.Ponly.

Silver BirchMedium-weight jacquard. 75% viscose,25% polyester. P only.

TattonMedium-weight jacquard. 100% cotton. Ponly.

VittorioMedium-weight jacquard. 100% cotton.Ponly.......................................................................................................

WOVEN VELVETIn normal use, many of these fabrics will adopt a distinctive crushed look or exhibit natural shading, crushing, lines and bruising variation. This is a characteristic of these types of fabric and does not affect durability.

VillandryHeavy-weight plain dyed pile velvet. 54% viscose,40% cotton, 6% polyester.Ponly.Durability:general domestic. Also available (as afixed cover only) on our made-to-order furniture.

Ellora StripeHeavy-weight cut pile velvet. 75% viscose, 25% polyester.Ponly.

Lucca StripeHeavy-weight natural linen mix backgroundwith cut pile velvet stripe. 72% viscose,25% polyester, 3% linen.Ponly.......................................................................................................

100% WOVEN L INENWoven linen fabrics have a naturally relaxedappearance.

NEW BinghamLight/medium-weight. 100% linen. Ponly.

NEW Cavendish StripeLight/medium-weight. 100% linen. Ponly.....................................................................................................

EMBROIDERED FABRICEmbroidered fabrics are very delicate and may haveloose thread ends visible on embroidery (For products with linen content see †.)

CrawfordMedium weight embroidered fabric. 60% cotton, 40% linen. Ponly.

Carmel SpotMedium weight embroidered fabric. 60% cotton, 40% linen. Ponly.


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fabric prices are per metre, for explanation of terms see pgs 286-287

gosford print cranberry *printed linen blendrepeat a 45cm; width 137cm3469 223 £30

gosford silk mix cranberry *printed silk mix repeat a 44.5cm; width 137cm3506 055 £45

isodore cranberrywoven jacquardrepeat a 67cm; width 140cm3407 957 £42

irving stripe cranberry *printed cotton linen slubno a repeat; width 137cm3391 688 £28

freshford cranberry *printed linen blendrepeat a 79cm HD; width 137cm3503 637 £30

freshford embroidery cranberrysilk mix embroideredrepeat a 78.5cm; width 140cm3501 230 £55

forbury stripe cranberry/naturalwoven stripe no a repeat; width 138cm3500 698 £40

forbury stripe cranberrywoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3438 325 £40

NEW elveden cranberry *printed linen blendrepeat a 87.5cm; width 137cm3520 760 £30

NEW eaton stripe cranberry *printed linen blendno a repeat; width 137cm3520 749 £28

caspian stripe silk mix cranberrywoven silk mix stripe no a repeat; width 140cm3506 039 £40

NEW bacall cranberrywoven plainno a repeat; width 137cm3516 510 £24

kimono cranberry * printed cotton linen slubrepeat a 34.5cm; width 137cm3402 214 £28

lori cranberry * printed linen blendrepeat HD a 44.1cm; width 137cm3439 702 £30

gosford paprika *printed linen blendrepeat a 45cm; width 137cm3423 519 £30

gingham scarletwoven checkrepeat a 2.5cm; width 140cm3211 928 £18

neisha raspberry/natural *printed textured linen unionrepeat a 62cm; width 137cm3162 344 £28

baroque raspberry/parchment *printed linen blendrepeat a 90cm HD; width 137cm3438 338 £30

awning stripe raspberry/lichen*printed linen cotton fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3285 783 £28

villandry cranberrywoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3422 674 £45

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prices exclude delivery charges see pg 321

tallulah foxglove freesia *printed cottonrepeat a 11cm; width 137cm3501 557 £18

luella foxglove *printed linen cotton with nylonrepeat a 14.5cm; width 137cm3503 677 £30

hydrangea pink/natural *printed cotton linen slubrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm5250 063 £28

gingham pinkwoven checkrepeat a 2.5cm; width 140cm3211 927 £18

abbeville pink *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 21cm; width 137cm5298 179 £18

josette carnation *printed cotton linen slubrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3454 344 £28

villandry cerisewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3438 438 £45

summer meadow cerise *printed linen cotton with nylonrepeat a 32cm; width 137cm3486 312 £30

irving stripe cerise * woven stripeno a repeat; width 137cm3468 794 £28

gosford cerise/off white * printed linen unionrepeat a 43.5cm; width 137cm3503 680 £30

forbury stripe cerisewoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3406 915 £40

millwood drape camomile *printed linen blendrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm 3500 687 £30

gingham camomilewoven checkrepeat a 2.5cm; width 140cm3500 031 £18

awning stripe camomile *printed linen cotton fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3500 691 £28

villandry champagnewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3235 996 £45

vittorio goldwoven jacquardrepeat a 79.5cm; width 138cm3468 790 £45

navona stripe goldwoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3468 792 £40

forbury stripe goldwoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3462 222 £40

dupion silk gold100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3424 757 £32

ellora stripe zinniawoven cut pile velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3485 695 £40

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fabric prices are per metre, for explanation of terms see pgs 286-287

villandry amethystwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 323 £45

nina amethyst *printed linen with nylonrepeat a 88cm HD; width 137cm3486 240 £30

marchmont amethystwoven jacquardrepeat a 63.5cm; width 138cm3454 327 £42

forbury stripe amethystwoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3476 639 £40

fitzroy amethystwoven jacquardrepeat a 65cm; width 140cm3454 385 £45

NEW farleigh amethystwoven jacquardrepeat a 86cm; width 140cm3520 800 £42

dupion silk amethyst100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3454 110 £32

NEW eaton stripe amethyst *printed linen blendno a repeat; width 137cm3520 746 £28

NEW draycott stripe amethystwoven striperepeat a 45cm; width 152cm3519 775 £30

crawford amethystembroidered fabricrepeat a 38.5cm; width 135cm3489 603 £50

carmel spot amethystembroidered fabricrepeat a 10cm; width 135cm3489 481 £26

bacall amethystwoven plain no a repeat; width 137cm3486 320 £24

NEW avebury amethyst *printed linen blendrepeat a 63cm; width 137cm3520 744 £30

NEW giselle geranium *printed linen cotton with nylonrepeat a 43.5cm; width 137cm3520 755 £30

kimono charcoal *printed cotton linen slubrepeat a 34.5cm; width 137cm3285 609 £28

hawthorn silk mix charcoal *printed silk mixrepeat a 69cm; width 137 cm3506 058 £40

gosford charcoal/cerise *printed linen blendrepeat a 43.5cm; width 137cm3500 690 £30

awning stripe charcoal *printed linen cotton fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3325 949 £28

villandry french grey woven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3373 563 £45

gosford plum *printed linen blendrepeat a 45cm; width 137cm3423 521 £30

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prices exclude delivery charges see pg 321

austen naturalwoven plainno a repeat; width 137cm3260 379 £24

awning stripe biscuit/eau de nil*printed linen cotton fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3285 784 £28

villandry sablewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 811 £45

INDULGENCE gypsophila sable100% silk jacquardrepeat a 68cm; width 137cm3489 203 £50

NEW dupion silk sable100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3519 767 £32

paramount marblewoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3507 303 £25

forbury stripe truffle woven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3406 909 £40

isodore truffle woven jacquardrepeat a 67cm; width 140cm3438 326 £42

villandry trufflewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 325 £45

garland marblewoven jacquardrepeat a 3cm; width 140cm3507 300 £30

dupion silk truffle100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3446 959 £32

bacall trufflewoven plainno a repeat; width 137cm3500 046 £24

NEW cavendish stripe dove greywoven stripe linenno a repeat; width 140cm3522 712 £28

NEW bingham dove greywoven plain linenno a repeat; width 140cm3522 710 £30

silver birch charcoalwoven jacquardrepeat a 67cm; width 140cm3438 336 £42

villandry charcoalwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3285 716 £45

garden rose whisper *printed linen blendrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3500 689 £30

hepburn silverplainrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3506 060 £32

mitford check charcoal/biscuitwoven check repeat a 37cm; width 137cm3212 643 £22

lloyd charcoal/biscuitwoven jacquardrepeat a 105cm; width 143cm3211 918 £45

Page 292: Laura Ashley Spring 2012







fabric prices are per metre, for explanation of terms see pgs 286-287

NEW curzon naturalwoven jacquardrepeat a 33cm; width 136cm3519 811 £45

wisley linen *printed linen blendrepeat a 86.5cm; width 137cm3423 532 £30

gingham dark linenwoven checkrepeat a 2.5cm; width 140cm3408 295 £18

lille stripe dark linenwoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3454 330 £32

NEW villandry dark linenwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3519 825 £45

lucille linen woven embroidered silk mixrepeat a 17cm HD; width 135cm3506 063 £40

isodore linenwoven jacquardrepeat a 67cm; width 140cm3380 019 £42

heligan linen *printed linen blendrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3462 965 £30

barton linenwoven plain no a repeat; width 140cm3394 887 £30

ellora stripe naturalwoven cut pile velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3485 694 £40

poplar naturalwoven plainrepeat a 28cm; width 138cm3500 700 £40

NEW wallace natural/multi *printed linen unionrepeat a 30.5cm; width 137cm3520 751 £30

dupion silk linen100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3332 774 £32

cottonwood natural *printed linen blendrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3486 237 £30

lille stripe off whitewoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3454 329 £32

dupion silk off white100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3406 636 £32

austen off whitewoven plainno a repeat; width 137cm3260 376 £24

paramount pale bamboowoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3507 302 £25

dupion silk pale bamboo100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3332 777 £32

cathcart pale bamboowoven embroidered silk mixrepeat a 14.5cm HD; width137cm3506 051 £40

Page 293: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

293Curtain & Blind Fabrics






prices exclude delivery charges see pg 321

tatton jacquard duck eggwoven jacquardrepeat a 67.5cm; width 138cm3419 953 £42

sycamore duck egg *printed linen cotton with nylonrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3500 693 £30

summer palace duck egg *printed cotton linen slubrepeat a 87cm; width 137cm3354 576 £30

silver birch duck eggwoven jacquardrepeat a 67cm; width 140cm3475 007 £42

mitford check duck eggwoven checkrepeat a 18cm; width 137cm3346 170 £22

NEW marchmont duck eggwoven jacquardrepeat a 63.5cm; width 138cm3516 511 £42

isodore duck eggwoven jacquardrepeat a 67cm; width 140cm3380 020 £42

kimono duck egg *printed cotton linen slubrepeat a 34.5cm; width 137cm3311 302 £28

lockwood duck egg *printed cotton linen slubrepeat a 90.4cm; width 137cm3373 667 £28

lori duck egg *printed linen blendrepeat a 44.1cm; width 137cm3462 939 £30

gingham duck eggwoven checkrepeat a 2.5cm; width 140cm3327 393 £18

forbury stripe duck eggwoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3446 956 £40

fitzroy duck eggwoven jacquardrepeat a 45cm; width 137cm3486 229 £45

dupion silk duck egg100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3332 775 £32

awning stripe duck egg *printed linen cotton fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3354 574 £28

bacall duck eggwoven plainno a repeat; width 137cm3486 319 £24

chesil duck egg *printed linen viscose slubrepeat a 67cm; width 137cm3469 228 £30

NEW coco duck eggwoven jacquardrepeat a 45cm; width 140cm3520 741 £42

arden check duck eggwoven checkrepeat a 22cm; width 138cm3471 619 £28

villandry off whitewoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3358 818 £45

Page 294: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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fabric prices are per metre, for explanation of terms see pgs 286-287

erin eau de nil *printed textured linen unionrepeat a 63cm; width 137cm3264 485 £28

heligan eau de nil *printed linen blendrepeat a 61cm; width 137cm3438 340 £30

lilac white/eau de nil *printed textured linen unionrepeat a 44.8cm HD; width 137cm3391 819 £28

forbury stripe eau de nilwoven stripeno a repeat; width 138cm3468 793 £40

irving stripe olive *printed linen blendno a repeat; width 137cm3486 309 £28

dupion silk eau de nil100% plain silkno a repeat; width 137cm3479 348 £32

burnham olivewoven jacquardrepeat a 35.5cm; width 140cm3485 699 £42

ashdown olive *printed linen blendrepeat a 60.5cm; width 137cm3486 242 £30

nolita smoke *printed cotton satin chintz finishrepeat a 45.5cm; width 137cm3500 678 £30

manhattan smokesilk linen jacquardrepeat a 102cm; width 140cm3501 758 £55

NEW serpentine sapphirewoven jacquardrepeat a 18cm; width 137cm3520 739 £42

caspian stripe smokewoven silk mix stripeno a repeat; width 140cm3501 228 £40

NEW curzon sapphirewoven jacquardrepeat a 33cm; width 136cm3519 812 £45

NEW paramont sapphirewoven plainno a repeat; width 140cm3519 789 £25

NEW larissa bluebird *printed linen blendrepeat a 44.5cm; width 137cm3520 753 £30

NEW villandry midnightwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3519 824 £45

mylor midnight *printed linen blendno a repeat; width 137cm3423 523 £30

gingham chambraywoven checkrepeat a 2.5cm; width 140cm744 144 £18

portland cobalt *printed linen cotton with nylonrepeat a 61.2cm; width 137cm3454 715 £30

villandry duck eggwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3303 691 £45

Page 295: Laura Ashley Spring 2012




prices exclude delivery charges see pg 321

0871 230 2301(Calls may be recorded and/or monitored

for quality and security purposes. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

thermal blackout whitelining fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3444 228 £9.50

interlining fabric whitelining fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3462 174 £7.50

polka dot pvc eau de nil *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 8cm; width 135cm3365 080 £20

plain oatmeal lining fabricno a repeat; width 137cm5459 367 £6.50

plain creamlining fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3216 768 £6.50

plain off white lining fabricno a repeat; width 137cm482 901 £6.50

NEW amelie pvc geranium *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 63.5cm; width 135cm3520 757 £22

polka dot pvc delphinium *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 8cm; width 135cm3341 329 £20

polka dot pvc duck egg *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 8cm; width 135cm3459 114 £20

polka dot pvc linen *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 8cm; width 135cm3446 961 £20

gingham heath greenwoven checkrepeat a 2.5cm; width 140cm744 136 £18

summer meadow pvc cerise *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 32cm; width 135cm3487 810 £22

teacup pvc pink *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 33.5cm HD; width 135cm3468 746 £22

tea plates pvc duck egg *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 45cm; width 135cm3500 697 £22

summer palace eau de nil *printed linen blendrepeat a 87.5cm; width 137cm3469 109 £30

nina eau de nil *printed linen with nylonrepeat a 88cm HD; width 137cm3486 239 £30

polka dot eau de nil *printed country furnishing cottonrepeat a 8cm; width 137cm3365 133 £16

villandry eau de nilwoven velvetno a repeat; width 140cm3486 322 £45

thermal blackout creamlining fabricno a repeat; width 137cm3444 227 £9.50

Page 296: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑆񡑑񡑉 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀∗!2/!!0(∗%6񡑄#−+

SAMPLES & SWATCHESTo help you visualise how different wallpaperswill work in your home, you can pick up a widerange of free wallpaper swatches.

Please note: swatches represent the productdesign and colour, however delivered itemsmay differ due to normal variations inmanufacturing.


1. Use the wallpaper chart below to help decidethe number of rolls you require.

2. Purchase sufficient to allow for pattern matching.Use the vertical pattern repeats (a) given in theSwatch Library to calculate the amount of extrawallpaper you need to allow for pattern matching.

Some designs have a half - drop (HD), which means that when matching widths, alternate widths will need to be dropped by half the repeat length to match accurately.

3. If shopping in store, select rolls which all carrythe same batch number. Check any orderedproduct all has the same batch number beforehanging.

4. Follow the preparation and hanginginstructions printed on the back of the rolllabel. Always keep the label and a sample of thewallpaper, as these may be useful if any queriesor problems arise.

5. For the best results use Laura Ashleywallpaper paste.

lille linen (page 298)

Wall height from the skirting


Refer to the symbols (below) given in theSwatch Library (pgs 298-309): Many of our wallpapers use specialised inks to produce distinctive visual effects.* Pearlescent inks give a shimmer and shine.** Glitter inks contain tiny particles of glitter which impart a sparkle effect.† Iridescent inks appear to subtly change colour dependent on the angle at which they are viewed.†† Metallic inks produce a higher shine and a metallic look.

PRINTED WALLPAPERWashable printed wallpapers are suitable for allinteriors, including well ventilated kitchens andbathrooms. Wipe clean with a damp sponge.Do not use abrasive cleaners. Wallpaper width53cm (21”); roll length 10m (33’).

VINYL PRINTED WALL COVERINGDurable paper backed vinyl. Extra-washablewall covering suitable for all rooms includingkitchens and bathrooms. Wipe clean with adamp sponge. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Wallpaper width 53cm (21”); roll length 10m (33’)

Measurements around the room in metres (and feet), including door and windows. Small measurements for 1 or 2 walls coverage.

2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 13m 14m 15m 16m 17m 18m 19m 20m 21m 22m

(7') (10') (13') (16') (20') (23') (26') (30') (33') (36') (39') (43') (46') (49') (52') (56') (59') (62') (66') (69') (72')

2.0m - 2.2m (6'6" - 7'2") 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10

2.2m - 2.4m (7'2" - 7'10") 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10

2.4m - 2.6m (7'10" - 8'6") 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11

2.6m - 2.8m (8'6" - 9'2") 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12

2.8m - 3.0m (9'2" - 9'10") 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 13

3.0m - 3.2m (9'10" - 10'6") 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14

3.2m - 3.4m (10'6" - 11'2") 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15

This table is intended as a guide, the roll usage will be dependent on pattern repeat.

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

ALL-PURPOSE WALLPAPER PASTE061 754 £2.50 per packetEnough to hang approximately:񡑀 8 rolls of matt vinyl, embossed vinyl or texturedwallpaper񡑀 10 rolls of printed wallpaper

SPECIAL EDITION WALLPAPERCOLLECTIONSChoose from 4 designs, Isodore, Tatton, Kimonoand NEW Chinoiserie, each in 19 or more colouroptions. These are indicated throughout theswatch index whenever you see this logo All options can be viewed and ordered in store. Delivery is 2-5 days within the UK.

CHILDREN’S WALLPAPER &BORDERSalso available – please see pgs 245-255.

All items on pgs 298-309 are made in the UK unless otherwise stated

To order up to eight wallpaper swatches when you order in

store or call 0871 230 2301 (Calls may be recorded and/or

monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras).

If you prefer, you can also order up to eight swatches

online at

Page 297: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

Oriental garden charcoal/natural (page 308)

Chinoiserie Special Edition 񡑓񡑢񡑢񡑦񡑓񡑦񡑖񡑧񡑀񡑔񡑥񡑢񡑢񡑖񡑔񡑩񡑠񡑥񡑤

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񡑥񡑧񡑠񡑖񡑤񡑩񡑓񡑢񡑀񡑘񡑓񡑧񡑕񡑖񡑤񡑀7񡑀񡑖񡑢񡑱񡑖񡑕񡑖񡑤 7񡑀񡑨񡑰񡑣񡑣񡑖񡑧񡑀񡑦񡑓񡑢񡑓񡑔񡑖񡑀7񡑀񡑗񡑓񡑧񡑢񡑖񡑠񡑘񡑙




񡑕−,81񡑀&−/∋%1񡑀−2/񡑀−1(%/񡑀1(/%%񡑀Special Edition !∗∗.!.%/񡑀񡑔−∗∗%#1)−,0񡑒񡑠񡑨񡑥񡑕񡑥񡑧񡑖 7񡑀񡑩񡑓񡑩񡑩񡑥񡑤 7񡑀񡑡񡑠񡑣񡑥񡑤񡑥

A NEW farleigh sapphire (page 305)

B oriental garden duck egg (page 304)

C NEW elveden sapphire (page 305)

D NEW summer palace powder blue (page 304)



񡑆񡑑񡑐 !∗∗.!.%/

Page 298: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑄񡑃 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑐񡑆񡑖񡑔񡑆񡑆񡑕񡑉񡑐񡑈񡑗񡑁񡑇񡑒񡑑 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 296 All items on these pages are made in the UK unless otherwise stated

kimono linen/whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3443 086 £35

lille linenprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3422 520 £30

lille linenvinyl printed wall covering*no a repeat3453 439 £35

marchmont linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3453 155 £35

oriental garden linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.7cm3321 392 £37

summer palace linenprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3308 216 £35

tatton linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3406 699 £35

kimono linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a36.2cm3285 567 £35

draycott linenprinted wallpaper**no a repeat3468 773 £35

eltham linenprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3370 328 £24

NEW farleigh naturalprinted wallpaper*repeat a72.5cm3519 583 £35

isodore linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a64cm3358 866 £37

annecy linenprinted wallpaperrepeat a 21.3cm3320 199 £26

blyth linenprinted wallpaperno a repeat3342 581 £24

burnham linenprinted wallpaperrepeat a 32cm3485 105 £30

chesil linenprinted wallpaperrepeat a 32cm3468 786 £26

Page 299: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑂񡑄񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑐񡑐񡑓񡑆񡑓񡑈񡑔Use the wallpaper chart on pg 296 to help decide the number of rolls you require. prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

vittorio linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3468 781 £37

wilton linen printed wallpaper*repeat a 45.6cm3370 326 £35

cottonwood naturalprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3486 836 £37

florence naturalprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.7cm3183 978 £24

stella naturalprinted wallpaperrepeat a 3.5cm1057 918 £26

percy creammatt vinyl printed wall coveringrepeat a 22cm495 366 £28

cottonwood whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3485 116 £35

NEW summer palace taupe/ivoryprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 608 £35

NEW curzon naturalprinted wallpaper*repeat a 30.5cm3519 602 £35

NEW logan naturalprinted wallpaperrepeat a 10.6cm3519 597 £26

NEW serena natural/multiprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3519 599 £35

NEW serpentine naturalprinted wallpaper*repeat a 18.3cm3519 530 £37

isodore cotton whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3462 813 £37

INDULGENCE gypsophila whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.5cm3485 124 £35

draycott whiteprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3513 249 £35

NEW farleigh whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.5cm3519 586 £35

Page 300: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂񡑂 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑐񡑆񡑖񡑔񡑆񡑆񡑕񡑉񡑐񡑈񡑗񡑁񡑇񡑒񡑑 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 296 All items on these pages are made in the UK unless otherwise stated

garden rose whisperprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm HD3499 732 £35

lille whisperprinted wallpaperno a repeat3499 733 £30

isodore truffleprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3439 797 £37

isodore truffle/camomileprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3499 742 £37

kimono truffleprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3443 078 £35

lille truffleprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3459 109 £30

marchmont truffleprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3476 073 £35

nightingale off whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 46cm3485 120 £37

kimono whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3443 077 £35

tatton dove greyprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.7cm3499 749 £35

lille whiteprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3439 798 £30

tatton whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3443 050 £35

NEW farleigh dove greyprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 588 £35

isodore dove greyprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3499 739 £37

josette white/dove greyprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64.1cm3260 343 £28

kimono dove greyprinted wallpaperrepeat a 36.2cm3499 746 £35

Page 301: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂񡑃񡑅񡑆񡑐񡑐񡑓񡑆񡑓񡑈񡑔Use the wallpaper chart on pg 296 to help decide the number of rolls you require.

tatton champagne printed wallpaper**repeat a 45.7cm3439 794 £35

lille gold/off white printed wallpaper†

no a repeat3459 110 £32

oriental garden gold/off white printed wallpaper†

repeat a 72.7cm3468 784 £37

hawthorn pale bambooprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm HD3439 806 £37

lille pale cobaltmatt vinyl printed wall coveringno a repeat3453 440 £30

portland cobaltprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3453 151 £37

tatton truffleprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3443 051 £35

tatton truffle/off whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3439 793 £35

draper stripe sableprinted wallpaper**no a repeat3499 720 £35

madison sableprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3501 248 £26

blyth pearlescent dark linenprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3439 808 £26

kimono dark linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3392 356 £35

lilac dark linenprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.75cm HD3410 399 £28

isodore champagneprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3462 812 £37

NEW lille sableprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3519 532 £30

NEW manhattan sableprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.5cm3525 323 £37

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 302: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂񡑃 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑐񡑆񡑖񡑔񡑆񡑆񡑕񡑉񡑐񡑈񡑗񡑁񡑇񡑒񡑑 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 296 All items on these pages are made in the UK unless otherwise stated

manhattan smokeprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.5cm3499 724 £37

nolita smoke printed wallpaper*repeat a 64.1cm3501 556 £37

isodore teal printed wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3443 073 £37

tatton tealprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3439 792 £35

burnham oliveprinted wallpaperrepeat a 32cm3485 104 £30

isodore oliveprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3481 487 £37

NEW farleigh emeraldprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 584 £35

NEW elveden celadonprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 571 £35

lyra olive printed wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3453 161 £32

isodore smokeprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3499 738 £37

marchmont oliveprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3476 071 £35

kimono willowprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3443 081 £35

blyth eau de nilprinted wallpaperno a repeat3342 583 £24

draycott eau de nilprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3485 090 £35

hawthorn eau de nilprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm HD3466 536 £37

heligan eau de nil printed wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3429 699 £30

Page 303: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑂񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑐񡑐񡑓񡑆񡑓񡑈񡑔Use the wallpaper chart on pg 296 to help decide the number of rolls you require.

isodore duck egg/whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3443 074 £37

isodore duck egg printed wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3375 879 £37

draycott duck eggprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3468 774 £35

erin duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64.1cm3308 219 £37

fitzroy duck eggprinted wallpaperrepeat a 53cm3489 605 £35

NEW draper stripe duck eggprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3519 540 £35

blyth duck eggprinted wallpaperno a repeat3342 582 £24

isodore eau de nilprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3459 111 £37

isodore pale forestprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3358 865 £37

kimono eau de nilprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3320 198 £35

lilac eau de nilprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.75cm HD3392 327 £28

lilac white/eau de nilprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.75cm HD3392 352 £28

nina eau de nilprinted wallpaper*repeat a 91.5cm HD3485 099 £37

oriental garden eau de nilprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.7cm3329 307 £37

summer palace eau de nilprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3468 787 £35

NEW coco duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 32cm3519 605 £37

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 304: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑄 񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑀񡑑񡑇񡑗񡑕񡑇񡑇񡑖񡑐񡑑񡑉񡑘񡑁񡑈񡑓񡑒 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 296 All items on these pages are made in the UK unless otherwise stated

lori duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm HD3466 537 £37

marchmont duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3476 072 £35

melcombe duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3468 776 £37

oriental garden duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.5cm3308 213 £37

st germain duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64.1cm3453 163 £37

summer palace duck eggprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3308 217 £35

kimono duck egg/linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3462 878 £35

lilac duck egg printed wallpaperrepeat a 45.75cm HD3410 398 £28

kimono duck eggprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3310 447 £35

sycamore duck eggprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.7cm3499 735 £35

tatton duck eggvinyl printed wall covering*repeat a 45.7cm3453 448 £35

tatton duck egg printed wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3422 617 £35

tatton duck egg/pale linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3443 062 £35

lilac cobaltprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.8cm HD3453 152 £28

NEW summer palace powder blueprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 609 £35

isodore duck egg/truffleprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3499 741 £37

Page 305: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑑񡑑񡑔񡑇񡑔񡑉񡑕Use the wallpaper chart on pg 296 to help decide the number of rolls you require.

isodore linen/cranberryprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3399 518 £37

kimono cranberryprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3443 080 £35

kimono cranberry/linen printed wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3443 087 £35

lori cranberryprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.7cm HD3439 802 £37

draycott cranberryprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3499 727 £35

freshford cranberryprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm HD3499 726 £35

gosford cranberryprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3468 757 £35

NEW curzon sapphireprinted wallpaper*repeat a 30.5cm3519 603 £35

NEW elveden sapphireprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 570 £35

NEW farleigh sapphireprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 585 £35

NEW serpentine sapphireprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3519 531 £37

NEW elveden cranberryprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 574 £35

NEW farleigh cranberryprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.5cm3519 589 £35

isodore cranberry/whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3443 071 £37

tatton cranberryprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3429 696 £35

marciana cranberry printed wallpaper*repeat a 64cm HD3373 536 £37

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 306: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑄 񡑑񡑇񡑗񡑕񡑇񡑇񡑖񡑐񡑑񡑉񡑘񡑁񡑈񡑓񡑒 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 296All items on these pages are made in the UK unless otherwise stated

lille goldprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3439 799 £30

percy gold matt vinyl printed wall coveringrepeat a 22cm5252 705 £28

blyth gold printed wallpaperno a repeat3366 127 £24

delancy goldprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3219 929 £35

isodore goldprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3439 796 £37

kimono goldprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3343 178 £35

isodore zinniaprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3499 740 £37

connemara cinnamonprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3406 686 £35

gosford paprikaprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3210 644 £35

kimono camomileprinted wallpaperrepeat a 36.2cm3499 747 £35

millwood camomileprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.7cm3499 730 £35

tatton goldprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3439 791 £35

vittorio goldprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3468 780 £37

draycott camomileprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3499 728 £35

NEW elveden camomileprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 575 £35

hortense zinniaprinted wallpaperrepeat a 32cm3485 122 £35

Page 307: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑑񡑑񡑔񡑇񡑔񡑉񡑕Use the wallpaper chart on pg 296 to help decide the number of rolls you require.

luella foxgloveprinted wallpaperrepeat a 15.2cm3499 737 £28

pimlico foxglove/freesiaprinted wallpaperrepeat a 53cm 3499 745 £35

draycott amethystprinted wallpaper*no a repeat3485 091 £35

NEW martha hollyhockprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 600 £35

NEW etta geraniumprinted wallpaperrepeat a 32cm3519 607 £35

NEW avebury amethystprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3519 561 £37

tatton camomileprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.7cm 3499 750 £35

isodore ceriseprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3429 694 £37

kimono pale ceriseprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3439 795 £35

summer meadow ceriseprinted wallpaperrepeat a 53cm HD3485 087 £35

tatton ceriseprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3406 700 £35

tatton cerise/off whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3443 060 £35

toile ceriseprinted wallpaperrepeat a 53cm3468 788 £28

isodore peonyprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3443 064 £37

josette carnationprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64.1cm3453 162 £28

st germain carnationprinted wallpaper†

repeat a 64.1cm3453 164 £37

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

Page 308: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑄 񡑑񡑇񡑗񡑕񡑇񡑇񡑖񡑐񡑑񡑉񡑘񡑁񡑈񡑓񡑒 for an explanation of terms & symbols see pg 296All items on these pages are made in the UK unless otherwise stated

kimono amethystprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3481 491 £35

isodore amethystprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3481 490 £37

marchmont amethystprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3453 154 £35

nina amethystprinted wallpaper*repeat a 91.5cm HD3485 100 £37

kimono mauve printed wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3350 149 £35

portland amethystprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3475 027 £37

fitzroy amethystprinted wallpaperrepeat a 53cm3491 058 £35

NEW elveden amethystprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 572 £35

NEW farleigh amethystprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3519 587 £35

tatton amethystprinted wallpaperrepeat a 45.7cm3499 748 £35

gosford plumprinted wallpaperrepeat a 64cm3210 643 £35

abbeville pinkprinted wallpaperrepeat a 21.3cm5265 947 £28

oriental garden chalk pinkprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.7cm3308 212 £37

pimlico black/whiteprinted wallpaperrepeat a 53cm HD3499 744 £35

erin chalk pink/goldprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64.1cm3260 630 £37

NEW eaton stripe amethyst/oliveprinted wallpaper*repeat a 35cm3519 568 £35

Page 309: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑂񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑑񡑑񡑔񡑇񡑔񡑉񡑕Use the wallpaper chart on pg 296 to help decide the number of rolls you require.

tatton charcoalprinted wallpaper*repeat a 45.7cm3408 442 £35

cottonwood silverprinted wallpaper††

repeat a 64cm3485 115 £37

kimono silver/off whiteprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3453 167 £35

isodore silverprinted wallpaper**repeat a 64cm3443 063 £37

tatton silverprinted wallpaper††

repeat a 45.7cm3443 049 £35

NEW oriental garden natural/charcoalprinted wallpaper*repeat a 72.5cm3366 126 £35

summer palace charcoalprinted wallpaperrepeat a 72.5cm3372 016 £35

isodore charcoalprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3372 028 £37

isodore white printed wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3372 027 £37

isodore charcoal/bronzeprinted wallpaper††

repeat a 64cm3443 067 £37

isodore charcoal/cranberryprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3443 068 £37

isodore charcoal/linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 64cm3443 066 £37

kimono charcoal/linenprinted wallpaper*repeat a 36.2cm3443 083 £35

lloyd charcoal/biscuitprinted wallpaperrepeat a 91.4cm HD3219 891 £28

hawthorn charcoalprinted wallpaper††

repeat a 64cm HD3439 807 £37

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

NEW elkin spot pale amethystprinted wallpaperrepeat a 5.5cm3485 126 £24

Page 310: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑄񡑃񡑂 񡑑񡑆񡑙񡑖񡑆񡑆񡑗񡑉񡑑񡑈񡑠񡑁񡑇񡑔񡑒

񡑕񡑆񡑐񡑓񡑘• Designed to coordinate with our

fabric and wallpaper ranges.

• Manufactured to the highest standards,using the richest pigments for depth ofcolour and even results.

• All shades available in matt emulsion, andselected colours are also available inenvironmentally friendly water basedeggshell and kitchen and bathroom mattemulsion (for full details see below).

• To ensure minimal environmental impact andhealth implications, all Laura Ashley emulsionand eggshell paints are designated low VOC.

all items on these pages are made in the UK

A truffle B sable

C pale parisian blueD sable




biscuit2.5l matt emulsion 3364 577sample pot 3364 556

camomile2.5l matt emulsion 3501 553sample pot 3501 555

pale gold2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5745l matt emulsion 3384 998*sample pot 3364 553

gold2.5l matt emulsion 3364 575sample pot 3364 554

pale biscuit2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5855l matt emulsion 3364 533*2.5l kitchen/bath 3468 754eggshell 3519 805sample pot 3364 564

biscuit white2.5l matt emulsion 3407 278sample pot 3407 451

twine2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5715l matt emulsion 3385 002sample pot 3364 550

pale twine2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5865l matt emulsion 3364 5342.5l kitchen/bath 3468 755eggshell 3364 543sample pot 3364 565

pale linen2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5785l matt emulsion 3385 005sample pot 3364 557

linen2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5685l matt emulsion 3385 000eggshell 3364 538sample pot 3364 547

creamware*2.5l matt emulsion 5392 733sample pot 5393 210

cotton white2.5l matt emulsion 3407 2795l matt emulsion 3497 342eggshell 3425 711sample pot 3407 452

NEW dove grey2.5l matt emulsion 3519 793sample pot 3519 799

soft truffle2.5l matt emulsion 3407 2755l matt emulsion 3427 021sample pot 3407 448

truffle2.5l matt emulsion 3407 272sample pot 3407 445

cobblestone2.5l matt emulsion 3407 280sample pot 3407 453

pale french grey2.5l matt emulsion 3380 596sample pot 3380 610

NEW sable2.5l matt emulsion 3519 794sample pot 3519 800

pale cranberry2.5l matt emulsion 3377 644sample pot 3377 642

cranberry2.5l matt emulsion 3377 643sample pot 3377 641

raspberry*2.5l matt emulsion 5392 964sample pot 5393 442

scarlet*2.5l matt emulsion 3191 524sample pot 3188 982

summer pudding*2.5l matt emulsion 1331 487sample pot 1331 552

aubergine*2.5l matt emulsion 1378 629sample pot 1378 637

Page 311: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


K pale parisian blueJ ivory

G pale amethystH dove grey

E pale french grey F dove grey







Our paint range is available in selected stores.

For further information pick up a leaflet in store,

Please note: while every effort is made to ensure

the accuracy of colours, variations may occur due to

limitations in the printing process. We always

recommend the use of sample pots for testing

*available to order instore, via internetand mail order only

matt emulsion a water based with a soft matt finish for use on interior walls and ceilings per 2.5 litre can£26 (£10.40 per litre) and per 5 litre can£46 (£9.20 per litre) selected colours onlykitchen and bathroom emulsion a water based paint with a soft sheen finish that isdurable, plus mould, stain and moisture resistant; for use on interior walls and ceilings per 2.5 litre can £30 (£12 per litre) selected colours onlywater based eggshell a low sheen eggshell finish for use on interior woodwork andinterior walls in high traffic areas per 750ml can £15 (£20 per litre)

sample pots handy sample pots of matt emulsion to help you choose and combinecolours per 100ml pot £3 (£30 per litre)

prices exclude delivery charges - see pg 321

pale amethyst2.5l matt emulsion 3453 054sample pot 3453 052

rose2.5l matt emulsion 3501 552sample pot 3501 554

old rose*2.5l matt emulsion 5392 949sample pot 5393 426

pale colbalt2.5l matt emulsion 3453 055sample pot 3453 053

pale parisian blue2.5l matt emulsion 3380 595sample pot 3380 609

chalk pink2.5l matt emulsion 3364 567sample pot 3364 546

pale chalk pink2.5l matt emulsion 3364 581sample pot 3364 560

chalk pink white2.5l matt emulsion 3407 277sample pot 3407 450

pale delphinium*2.5l matt emulsion 1635 523sample pot 1635 580

willow2.5l matt emulsion 3425 714sample pot 3425 718

lichen*2.5l matt emulsion 3241 396sample pot 3241 375

duck egg2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5725l matt emulsion 3364 529eggshell 3364 540sample pot 3364 551

pale duck egg2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5795l matt emulsion 3364 5302.5l kitchen/bath 3470 545sample pot 3364 558

duck egg white2.5l matt emulsion 3407 273sample pot 3407 446

sage*2.5l matt emulsion 5393 012sample pot 5393 491

pale eau de nil2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5825l matt emulsion 3364 6662.5l kitchen/bath 3468 752sample pot 3364 561

eau de nil white2.5l matt emulsion 3407 276sample pot 3407 449

eau de nil2.5l matt emulsion 3364 576sample pot 3364 555

cowslip*2.5l matt emulsion 5392 824sample pot 5393 301

pale ivory2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5845l matt emulsion 3364 5322.5l kitchen/bath 3468 753eggshell 3519 804sample pot 3364 563

ivory2.5l matt emulsion 3364 5695l matt emulsion 3385 001eggshell 3364 539sample pot 3364 548

Page 312: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

񡑃񡑁񡑂 񡑇񡑒񡑕񡑉񡑖񡑣񡑀񡑆񡑑񡑡񡑠񡑠񡑐񡑘񡑙



Designed, Measured & InstalledThe Laura Ashley shutter collection designed by

Thomas Sanderson has been created to

complement your home beautifully by combining

classic styling, luxurious materials and a selection

of Laura Ashley custom paint finishes that will

help you add stunning backdrops to any room.

• Bespoke interior window shutters.

• Exclusively colour matched to Laura

Ashley’s most popular paint finishes.

• Handcrafted to your bespoke


• Available in many different styles

including Classic, Café, Tier-on-Tier,

Arched, Bay.

• Help to control light, shade and privacy.

• The perfect solution for Bay Windows.

• Complete design-to-installation service.

• Comprehensive 5 year guarantee.

Page 313: Laura Ashley Spring 2012



Designed, Measured & InstalledIntroducing an exquisite collection of

conservatory blinds that combine timeless Laura

Ashley prints with classic colours to create the

perfect backdrop to any conservatory -

exclusively by the UK’s leading designer of

conservatory blinds, Thomas Sanderson.

• 21 beautiful fabrics offering hundreds of

styling combinations and options.

• Tailor-made to fit every size or shape of

conservatory window, door or roof panel.

• Designed to reflect heat and glare in


• Help to insulate and retain warmth in


• Remote control operation to operate

your blinds at the touch of a button.

• Complete design-to-installation service.

• Comprehensive 5 year guarantee.

Inclusive Design ServiceCall now for a free brochure or to arrange a

free design consultation with your local

Thomas Sanderson designer to view the

Laura Ashley Conservatory Blinds Collection

in the comfort of your home.

0800 083 6111Quote Ref: N4424

Page 314: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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Available in 4.57m, 3.66m & 0.91m widths 80% wool, 20% nylon񡑇񡑐񡑒񡑒񡑀񡑘񡑠񡑑񡑗񡑘

Available in 5.00m & 4.00m widths 100% wool

Available in 3.66m & 0.91m widths80% wool, 20% nylon Axminster

Available in 0.69m width 80% wool, 20% nylon Axminster

For all carpets on these pages, pricesshown do not include underlay andfitting - installation by one of our teamof approved fitters is an additional costand a requirement of purchase. Pleasecall 0800 073 0298 for free samples ofour carpet.

Please call 0870 043 4736 to arrangefor an approved fitter to visit andmeasure your home. There is a £25charge for this service, which isrefundable against purchase of anycarpet shown on these pages.

bell twistA indian ivory 3526 664B york stone 3526 665C wheatsheaf 3526 666D moccasin 3526 667E italian mocha 3526 668F putty 3526 660G french champagne 3526 669H desert sand 3526 670

I egyptian sand 3526 671J ruby 3526 661K powder blue 3526 659L aquatint 3526 672M porcelain blue 3526 673N pewter 3526 663O smoke 3526 662

per sq. metre £40

rhodeA cliff 3447 607B surf 3447 610C beach 3447 608D jetty 3447 609

hamptonE shingle 3447 615F sandbar 3447 612G dune 3447 614H limestone 3526 681

saharaI woodash 3526 679J silt 3526 680

per sq. metre £37.50

malmaisonA old gold 3230 424B faded gold 3221 738C linen 3221 737D raspberry 3221 740

per sq. metre £80

woodville E farmhouse 3221 742F faded chambray 3221 743

per sq. metre £80

st germainG linen 3473 300

per sq. metre £80

isodoreH duck egg 3473 340

per sq. metre £80

tattonI cerise 3473 298J truffle 3473 297

per sq. metre £80

lilacK wisteria 3473 303L eau de nil 3473 302

per sq. metre £80

kenilworth runnersM chambray 3221 728N gold 3221 729

per sq. metre £80

lovage runnerO raspberry 3221 722

per sq. metre £80

truffle runnerP truffle 3473 338

per sq. metre £80

Page 315: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

Laura Ashley have come together with Katell, one of the leading fireplace manufacturers in the UK

to design and produce a stunning range of firesurrounds, stoves, gas and electric fires.

Using the finest solid woods, marble and stone thesefireplaces are the perfect focal point for the home.

For more information visit: or call 01325 379060

Page 316: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

All three models are supplied complete with an impressive range of accessories, including: Circular sewing attachment and Bobbin work kit.

Laura Ashley and Brother have created a unique range of sewing and embroiderymachines, to help you create quality projects with contemporary designs.

񡑐񡑧񡑩񡑀񡑥񡑧񡑩񡑘񡑀񡑢񡑦񡑙񡑧񡑩񡑥񡑔񡑱񡑢񡑧񡑦񡑀񡑔񡑦񡑗񡑀#񡑧 񡑩񡑀񡑦񡑘񡑔񡑩񡑘񡑰񡑱񡑀񡑰񡑱񡑧񡑖񡑣񡑢񡑰񡑱񡑀񡑖񡑔񡑤񡑤񡑀񡑂񡑇񡑆񡑆񡑆񡑀񡑈񡑈񡑈񡑀񡑆񡑆񡑆񡑀񡑧񡑩񡑀!񡑢񡑰񡑢񡑱񡑀∀∀∀񡑁񡑕񡑩񡑧񡑱񡑡񡑘񡑩񡑰񡑘∀񡑢񡑦񡑠񡑁񡑘

Innov-is NX2000The Laura Ashley Innov-is NX2000 sewing machine. Delivers an impressiverange of features for the most demanding sewers and quilters.

• Over 600 stitches including letters and button holes.• Extra large sewing area.• Advanced needle threading.£1399

Innov-is 2200Enjoy creating fashion, embroidery and home décor projects.

• 102 embroidery designs including 30 Laura Ashley designs.• Large 260mm x 160mm embroidery area.• LCD touch screen control.£1999

Innov-is 5000Create beautiful embroidery, fashion home décor and quilting projects. The Laura Ashley Innov-is 5000 features:• 416 embroidery patterns including 50 Laura Ashley designs.• Large 300mm x 180mm embroidery area.• Colour LCD touch screen control.£3499

Page 317: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

inspiring consumer confidence



The Furniture Ombudsman is adivision of FIRA International

Charges and Timeframes• Mirrors and Lighting marked , Furniture and Upholstery

Orders of £1000 and over after discount, FREE DELIVERY. • A delivery charge of £25 applies to Mirrors and Lighting

marked , Furniture and Upholstery Orders under £1000after discount.

• Made-to-Measure, Standard Home Furnishings and Furnituremarked do not contribute towards the qualifying value forFREE Standard Home Delivery.

• Additional charges may apply in certain circumstances.Please see our terms and conditions on pg 321 or go for more details.

• When you order, we will give you an approximate week that ourcarrier will contact you to arrange delivery. Depending on theProducts ordered, the Products with the longest time tocompletion may determine your estimated delivery week.

• indicates Mirrors and Lighting delivered by StandardHome Delivery.

• indicates furniture delivered by Standard Parcel Delivery at aminimum delivery charge of £4.50, see pg 321 for details of Standard Parcel Delivery. Whereapplicable this is marked in all Laura Ashley mailers andpublications.

Arranging and Completing• We have our own fleet of delivery vehicles. In some areas we

use other carefully selected carriers.• Please provide a mobile number wherever possible upon order

placement.• Once your order is ready, we will offer you the first available

delivery date. In some areas, dates are limited to one day aweek due to carrier availability. We are unable to agree specificdelivery times and dates requested.

• If we are unable to contact you, we will leave a message witha selected available date for you, please contact usimmediately if this is unsuitable.

• At least 48 hrs prior to the selected delivery date, you willreceive a phone call or SMS text message to confirm a threehour time window for delivery. To keep you informed,we willcall en route prior to delivery.

• A two-person delivery crew will deliver to your room of choice, provided there is ample and safe access. Pleaseassist us by clearing pathways and removing fragile items inadvance of delivery.

• Your furniture, excluding , will be unpacked, set in positionand assembled with the packaging removed and taken away. If requested we can leave packaging with you.

• Products must be carefully checked at time of delivery andsigned for by an adult.

• Do not leave goods wrapped or unchecked.• Any defect or damage must be reported to Customer

Services* immediately after delivery. • Self assembly Products and Furniture marked will not

be unpacked on delivery. A signature to acknowledge thedelivery has been carried out successfully is all that is required.

• We will provide a comprehensive Information and Care Guideon delivery to help you maintain the quality of your product.Please take time to read and follow this Guide carefully.For full delivery terms and conditions, please see pg 321.

񡑓񡑡񡑩񡑘񡑘񡑀񡑒񡑱񡑘񡑨񡑰񡑀񡑱񡑧񡑘񡑦񡑰 񡑩񡑘񡑀񡑔񡑀񡑨񡑩񡑧񡑕񡑤񡑘񡑥񡑙񡑩񡑘񡑘񡑀񡑗񡑘񡑤񡑢!񡑘񡑩#Before ordering, please check carefully that theUpholstery, Bed and Cabinet products you haveordered will fit through the property access andinto the intended space in your home.


񡑃 Check the dimensions of the space which the product will be placed into.• Allow for skirting boards, especially in

recesses, door or window frames, andheadroom under any unusual spaces such as sloping roofs.

• When ordering a sofa bed, recliner or anyextending item (e.g. a dining table), rememberto consider your Product size when opened.

• Product dimensions shown are taken from thelargest or widest point H = Height, W = Width, D = Depth

• For further information on product anddimensions, delivery space required anddelivery, please see our or contact CustomerServices*.

񡑄 Measure any staircases, doorways or corridors the Product will have to pass through, including space for manoeuvring and turning.• This is especially important on Products marked

by as this indicates they will require extraspace for manoeuvring during delivery and soall measurements should be checked carefully.

• To protect your Products, wherever possible we deliver them into the delivery address fullyboxed and packaged. Information on sizes, theturning spaces and measurements required toassist in delivering your Product successfullycan be found on our website

񡑅 Check the delivery vehicle can park safely for the duration of the delivery without obstructing the highway, immediately on or adjacent to the delivery address.• Our delivery vehicles are large, similar to a

standard fire engine (H3.65m L8.7m W2.5m).• Please let us know at the time of order if there

are any access restrictions or special needs,which must be considered to ensure asuccessful delivery.

At Laura Ashley we pride ourselves on ensuringthat our service and products are of thehighest quality. We aim to exceed yourexpectations and provide a first-class aftercareservice.

Our Customer Service team is your contact todiscuss any general questions or concernsabout your furniture purchase.

Our customers can have peace of mind withLaura Ashley’s Full Membership of The FurnitureOmbudsman, a consumer protection schemewhich demonstrates our commitment toproduct and service excellence. The FurnitureOmbudsman is an independent organizationwith rigorous quality standards, specializing inproviding alternative dispute resolution forfurniture customers.

This means that you can buy any furnitureproduct from Laura Ashley with the fullconfidence that you will always receive thevery best customer service and after care.

*Customer Services 0871 983 5999 (Calls may berecorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plusnetwork extras) We recommend the use of email to contact us

Page 318: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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Cabinet&BedsChoosing your Cabinet Range:We offer a wide range of furniture options to suit all tastes. Some ranges have extra character added byusing hand-applied patinas, such as the Provencale andBalmoral ranges, or distressed effects, such as the Bramleyand Henshaw ranges. Some ranges have special finisheswhich require extra care, such as Milton, which needsperiodic oiling. To ensure that you select an option that isperfect for you we recommend that you take time to study thefeatures of each range. Information and Care Guides for eachrange are available in store or online at

Finer Details:We offer various options to give you an exceptional choice.

Wood GrainOur beautiful oiled, waxed, lacquered or unique paintedProducts are designed to highlight the natural beauty ofwood and will often show interesting features such as knots,grain shading and medullary rays where wood is cut acrossthe grain. These will often vary from Product to Product andwithin components on the same piece so that no two piecesare the same.

Oiled RangesTo protect oiled furniture Products from spills and keep themlooking great, periodic oiling is required. Simply applyDanish Oil, thinly with a lint free cloth to nourish the woodwhenever the product lightens, feels dry to touch or displayslighter dry patches. Products may require a light oiling ondelivery due to the variable absorbency of wood. See theInformation and Care Guide in store or online for full details on protecting oiled furniture.

Hand DistressingMany of our products are deliberately distressed to replicatean aged or rustic look. Methods such as ‘jingling’ andrubbing back are used to create unique distressed finisheswhich will vary from piece to piece.

Levelling & LocationWe recommend that furniture be positioned on a levelsurface to ensure doors hang correctly and open smoothly.Use of wedges or adjustable hinges/feet will assist inlevelling your chosen Products.

All timber will display movement from season to season. Tohelp maintain performance for longer we recommendproducts are not located in direct sunlight, excessively highor low temperatures or damp conditions.

Self Assembly ProductsSome of our products are designed to be assembled by thecustomer at home. Assembly is simple and detailedinstructions will be supplied with the product. Self assemblyproducts will not be unpacked on delivery so a signature toacknowledge the delivery has been carried out successfullyis all that is required.

Sofa Beds• Ideal for accommodating extra guests, sofa beds contain a

bed mechanism under the seat cushion which makes thema little firmer, but just as beautiful as a standard sofa. Followthe operating instructions carefully when operating themechanism.

Seat Pads, Cushions and CoversTo preserve the appearance of your furniture and to preventfibre and feather filled cushions from flattening, please followthese three simple steps:• Plump cushions and pads by beating vigorously on each

edge at least once a week. The more often this is carriedout, the better the filling will perform.

• Remove cushion pads regularly from their outer cover tofacilitate plumping and rotation.

• Swap reversible cushions around and turn where possibleto ensure equal wear. Non-reversible cushions should havethe pad turned inside the cover.

Leather and selected upholstery ranges have cushioncovers which are not fully reversible, check the productspecifications before purchase to ensure you will be satisfiedwith your choice.

Selected Products have feather filled pads. This is a luxurypad filling and will flatten with use. It is easily restored withthe same maintenance as fibre pads.

The Information and Care Guide provides detailed guidanceon pad maintenance and an information sheet will arrive withyour Product.

Information and Care Guides• These Guides provides useful information about the

features of each Product range and how to care for themcorrectly.

• To help you make informed choices about ourProducts, Guides are available to view in store or onour website and will also bedelivered with your selected Product.

Upholstery Extras:

Guardsman Protection• For the added reassurance of a Protection Plan see


Armcaps• Available to purchase on most shapes. We recommend the

use of armcaps to help protect your furniture for longer inhigh wear areas see pg 119.

Scatter Cushions• Available in 3 sizes which can be purchased in any

upholstery fabric to add that perfect finishing touch –please see pg 119 for full details.

UpholsteryWe offer a wide range of Upholstery options to suit all tastes.To ensure you select an option that is perfect for you, werecommend you read the information below and take timeto study the features of each Upholstery range detailed onthe relevant page, and if possible view the range in store oronline at

Choosing Fabric&Leather Covers:• Details of our wide range of beautifully designed

fabrics, including composition, care, cleaning andfeatures can be found on pgs 133-141 or on ourwebsite

• Information and details on leather can be found on pg 132.• Take time to understand all the features and properties

of your chosen upholstery covering.

Samples &Swatches:• To help you visualise how different fabrics will work in your home, you can pick up a wide range of free fabric swatches from our stores. A full range of fabrics can also be viewed at• To order up to eight fabric, or up to four leather swatches,

sent direct to your home, visit or call*0871 230 2301 or order in store quoting the productnumber and a description.

• Please note swatches are illustrative of the productdesign and colour. Delivered Products may differ dueto normal variations in manufacturing and fire resistanttreatment which may alter the texture and appearancefrom that of the swatch.

Five Year Upholstery Frame & Spring GuaranteeWe are so confident in our upholstery that the frameconstruction and springs are guaranteed for a reassuring fiveyears. Please see pg 321 for more details or visit our website.

Finer Details:We offer lots of choices to make your upholstery producttruly individual.

Fixed or Loose Cover• Loose covers are available on selected Products to

present a more casual fit, offering versatility for cleaningand updating your look. Regular re-dressing will berequired to keep the covers neat and tidy.

• All loose covers have up to a 3% allowance for shrinkageafter initial cleaning and may not fit tightly on arrival.

• Fixed covers are more tailored and can beprofessionally cleaned in location.

Dark or Light Woodwork• Many Fabric Upholstery ranges offer a choice of light or

dark legs and finials, to co-ordinate with your furniture.

(*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored. Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)

Page 319: Laura Ashley Spring 2012



Please note: Guardsman Protection Plan is not available on self-assembly furniture, beds and mirrors. Fabric Plus Dry is available on fabrics which are not treated with a stain resistant treatment. FabricPlus Dry is also £45 per seat unit. To give you added value on your initial order, Fabric Plus is FREE for additionalloose covers and arm caps ordered and paid for at the same time. Loose covers ordered separately will becharged in accordance with the table above. Arm caps ordered separately, will be treated with Fabric Plusprotector free of charge (unless the fabrics are marked 񡑀) although the protection plan cover is not available.


How the plan worksThe Guardsman Protection Plan can offer you peace of mindfor your new cabinet, fabric or leather furniture and isavailable from your Laura Ashley furniture store, by phoneand online.

• Simply ask for the Guardsman 5 year Protection Plan when purchasing your new furniture. Plans available are: 1. Fabric Plus: for fabric upholstered furniture 2. Leather Plus: for leather upholstered furniture 3. Wood Platinum: for cabinet and wooden furniture

• The 5 year Guardsman Protection Plan works as soon asyour new furniture is delivered to your home. Your newfabric upholstered furniture will arrive having beentreated with an Anti-Stain Protector (excludes fabricsmarked 񡑀 see pgs 133-141 and leather upholstery.)

• If damage occurs during the 5 year period simply call theGuardsman claims number for advice on how to dealwith the situation. The Guardsman claims number will beprinted on your Policy certificates.

• If necessary, a furniture care professional will be sent toyour home to rectify the problem, and if the problemcannot be rectified then Guardsman will replace theaffected area+.

The Guardsman Protection Plan covers you for… • Stains, including:** Dye transfer; food (including curry); glue (including Superglue); paint, bleach, acids and

corrosives; drinks (including red wine); wax and wax polish and more.• Accidental Damage, including: ** All incidents of minor pet scratching, rips, tears or burns; dents; water marks and

heat rings and more.• Structural Defects, including: ** Frame damage, joints breakage; lifting or peeling of veneer; rail blocks and bolt on

arms and more.

Upholstery pricing structureFabric Plus costs £45 per seating unit, and Leather plus£65 per seating unit. The following indicates how thisrelates to your Laura Ashley purchases:

1 UNIT: armchairs, dining chairs, footstools, Prestbury bench & headboards2 UNITS: two-seater sofas, small two-seater sofas, chaise longue3 UNITS: three-seater sofas, large two-seater sofas4 UNITS: grande sofas

Cabinet pricing structureWood Platinum, the cabinet furniture Protection Plan,depends on the value of your purchase: £1 to £500 £50 +£500 to £1000 £100 +£1000 £150

Enjoy your new furniture to the full...Buying new furniture is an investment that you will want to stay looking good for years to come. Little accidents such as

spills, rips and scratches can permanently spoil your furniture. Even the protective treatment applied to most upholstery

fabrics can only give a measure of protection from accidents. Taking out the 5 year Guardsman Protection Plan on your

new furniture means you can sit back and relax, safe in the knowledge that your furniture is protected against those little

mishaps spoiling your furniture.

A few care tips…Guardsman and Laura Ashley have put together a few care tipsto help keep your new furniture looking its best:

Fabric and Leather Upholstery:• Vacuum fabric upholstery with an upholstery brush regularly

to remove dust and dirt.• Clean fabric covers at least every 12-18 months. Safeclean,

Guardsman’s own Furniture Care Specialists (0800 585 693),provide professional and expert cleaning care service usingorganic based products.

• Use the Laura Ashley Leather Care Kit on leather furniture. Do not use household cleaning or baby wipes as this coulddamage the leather and will invalidate your GuardsmanProtection Plan.

• Plump cushions vigorously, and periodically,reverse androtate all loose cushions or pads as applicable by followingthe Information and Care Guide delivered with your furniture.

On Cabinet:• Dust frequently using a soft, lint free absorbent cloth. Avoid

using wax and silicone polishes. Maintain any special finishessuch as oiling, by following the Information and Care Guidedelivered with your furniture.

• Rotate accessories on furniture so they don’t sit in the same place all the time.• Use pads, cloths or felt to protect fine finishes from rubber

feet, hot dishes, beverages and vases etc.• Lift and place objects, do not drag them across the surface of the furniture.

All Furniture:• Avoid contact with chemicals e.g. hair products and sun cream. • Remove spills immediately. Blot liquid spills with a clean, dry,

white cloth. Work towards the centre of the spill. Do not rub oruse abrasive cleaners as this may damage your furniture.

• Should a spill result in a stain, follow the Guardsman claimsprocedure which can be found on the back of the Policycertificate, or seek professional advice.

• Lift furniture, don’t drag to avoid damage to legs and joints.• Avoid exposure to direct sunlight to help maintain its colour

for longer.• Avoid exposure to excessively high or low temperatures or

damp conditions.

To find out moreFor our free leaflet giving full details on the other benefits of Guardsman protection, andincluding additional help and advice on upholstery care and maintenance, call us andrequest one on *0871 230 2301, ask in-store, or see

** Dependent on the Protection Plan sold + Please note: an exact colour or pattern matchcannot be guaranteed Please note: fabrics marked 񡑀 on pgs 288-295 and leathers arenot given anti stain protector due to the nature of the fabric or leather. The Fabric Plus Drypolicy is available on these fabrics.

Page 320: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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Interest Free CreditIf you think that creating your dream home may seemout of reach, our Interest Free Credit option may be theperfect solution to suit both you and your budget. Itallows you to spread the cost of your payments over 6 months (for all purchases over £600, after discount),or 12 months (for all purchases over £1200, after discount).Affordable luxury couldn’t be easier, so achieving yourdream home could become a reality today.

EXAMPLE OF A 6 MONTH CONTRACT: 0% APR. Interest rate (fixed) 0% p.a. Cash price/Total Amount Payable £600. Minimum 20% Deposit £120. Loan amount £480. Duration of Agreement: 6 Months. 6 Monthly Payments of £80.

REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLE OF A 12 MONTH CONTRACT: Representative 0% APR. Interest rate (fixed) 0% p.a. Cash price/Total Amount Payable £1200. Minimum 20% Deposit £240. Loan amount £960. Duration of Agreement: 12 Months. 12 Monthly Payments of £80.

For more information about Interest Free Credit andto apply, simply ask a member of staff in store or applyonline at For details of your neareststore see pg 322. (excludes House of Fraser stores).

Terms and conditions apply, ask in store for details. Credit, subject toage and status, is provided by Santander Cards UK Limited.Registered office: 2 Triton Square, Regent’s Place, London NW13AN. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number:1456283. Laura Ashley acts as a credit intemediary and only offerscredit products for Santander Cards UK Limited. Retailer is LauraAshley Limited, Registered office: 27 Bagleys Lane, Fulham,London, SW6 2QA. Registered in England and Wales. Registerednumber: 531301.

Please note that monthly payments for InterestFree Credit commence a minimum of 4 weeksafter delivery of purchase.

MasterCardAs a Laura Ashley MasterCard holder you arepart of the exclusive Privilege Scheme thatoffers a whole host of benefits for you to enjoyincluding Laura Ashley catalogues (subject toavailability) and exclusive cardholder offers.You will also earn Privilege Points on all yourpurchases and they will be added towardsyour money back Privilege Scheme Vouchers.

In addition to earning points for all purchases you makewith your MasterCard, you can shop in completeconfidence with a card accepted worldwide that hasno annual fee, cash withdrawals from ATMs, Chipand PIN security.

Use your Laura Ashley MasterCard/Store Card to shopin store, online at, by post or byphone on 0871 230 2301. (Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras. Calls may be recorded and monitored for trainingand security purposes.)

If you wish to apply for a Laura Ashley MasterCardsimply ask in your nearest store today – see pg 322for store list – or you can apply online (excludes House of Fraser stores).

Credit, subject to age and status, is provided by Santander Cards UKLimited. Registered office: 2 Triton Square, Regent’s Place, LondonNW1 3AN. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number:1456283. Laura Ashley acts as a credit intemediary and only offerscredit products for Santander Cards UK Limited. Retailer is LauraAshley Limited, Registered office: 27 Bagleys Lane, Fulham, London,SW6 2QA. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number:531301.

Home FurnishingPayment OptionsHere, we accept Laura AshleyStore Card, Laura AshleyMasterCard, Visa, MasterCard,American Express, Visa DebitCards and Interest Free Credit.In store we accept cash,Switch, Electron and GiftCards. PayPal is availableonline

Upholstery andFurniture PaymentOptionsChoose to pay in full at time oforder, or in store/mailorder paya 25% deposit of the full ordervalue, with the balance payablea few days prior to thedespatch of your order. For25% deposits, details of aLaura Ashley Account Card,Visa or MasterCard to collect

the outstanding balance frommust be provided at time oforder. Our administrationdepartment will charge theremaining balance 3 days priorto the arranged delivery date.Alternatively spread the cost ofpayment with one of ourfinance options detailed left.NB: House of Fraser stores donot accept Laura Ashley StoreCards, Privilege Vouchers orGift Cards.For moreinformation on the financialproducts detailed here, do nothesitate to contact our staff instore or call 0871 983 5999. (Calls cost10p per minute plus networkextras. Calls may be recordedand monitored for quality andsecurity purposes.) NB: LauraAshley Cards are onlyavailable in the UK.

Gift Card Gift Card available in store and online. An ideal gift worth from £1 to £1000.

See in store for details. Only available in the UK and Republic ofIreland (excludes House of Fraser stores).




Page 321: Laura Ashley Spring 2012


Paper in this catalogue is produced from trees from sustainably managed forests. Please recycle when you have finished with this catalogue.

񡑈񡑒񡑙񡑖񡑠񡑀񡑁񡑀񡑇񡑘񡑗񡑑񡑔񡑡񡑔񡑘񡑗񡑠񡑀All Products in this catalogue are sold subject to the Terms and Conditions (the “Conditions”) below. Nothing mentioned in these Conditions affects your statutory rights.

DefinitionsIn these Conditions, the words and expressions belowhave the following meanings:• ‘‘Distance Selling’ means orders made exclusively by

telephone, fax, email, mail order or on our Website.• ‘Product(s)’ means any Laura Ashley product(s).• means selected Furniture and Upholstery delivered

by Standard Parcel Delivery.• means selected mirrors, lighting and products

delivered by Standard Home Delivery.• ‘Furniture’ means beds and cabinet items such as

wardrobes, chests of drawers, bedside tables, tables,selected dining chairs, both mirrors & lighting marked

,mattresses, and Products not marked .• Self Assembly means Furniture for assembly by

the customer.• ‘Made to Order (MTO) Upholstery’ means fabric or

leather upholstered Products made to your specificationsuch as sofas, chairs, footstools and headboards.

• ‘Non MTO Upholstery’ means standard Upholstery notmade to your specifications.

• ‘Made-to-Measure (MTM)’ means Products made toyour specifications such as curtains, blinds, cushions,bedspreads and valances.

• ‘Standard Home Furnishings’ means products such ascushions, custom made shades, bedlinen, lighting,wallpaper, mirrors unless marked and excludesMTM, Upholstery and Furniture unless marked .

• ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ means Laura Ashley Limited, UnitedKingdom VAT Registration 162974243

• you’, ‘your’ means the customer.• Website means

Orders• Your order becomes binding once we have accepted it.

All orders are subject to availability.• It is your responsibility to check that all details of your

order, such as specifications, measurements,dimensions, product features, access and delivery, arecorrect and suitable to your requirements prior toplacing your order.

Returns & CancellationsStandard Home Furnishings • Once Standard Home Furnishings are assigned or

despatched, you have the right to cancel within 7 daysfollowing delivery. In addition we offer goodwill returnspolicy so you may return the eligible Products within 28days of receipt either:-• In store (provided that fashion Products are

returned to fashion stores and home Products arereturned to home stores).

• By post, using the prepaid label enclosed to:Returns Department, Laura Ashley, PO Box 19,Newtown, Powys, SY16 1DZ (exclusions apply –see returns section of our website).

• Selected products are too large to be returned by post.Please contact our customer services team to arrange acourier collection (charges apply).

• Permanently reduced items may only be returned withproof of purchase within 14 days of receipt as statedabove.

• When returning Standard Home Furnishings purchased,please return with proof of purchase, unused and in asaleable condition with the original packaging wherepossible. Please take reasonable care of the Productswhile in your possession and when returning theProducts, package properly and securely to preventdamage or loss in transit.

• We ask that you obtain proof of posting from the postoffice. You bear the risk of loss and damage to theProducts until we have received them.

• Cut fabric of less than 5 metres and for hygienereasons, food products, toiletries, pillows and duvetswith opened packaging, cannot be returned orcancelled, unless in accordance with your legal rightse.g. if confirmed as defective by us.

• Refunds will only be given through the original paymentmethod, where appropriate.

MTM, MTO Upholstery & Furniture Returns• If you need to amend or cancel your MTM, MTO

Upholstery, Non MTO Upholstery or Furniture order, youmay only do so up to 48 hours after you have placedyour order by contacting Customer Services*.Thereafter we reserve the right to charge you up to 25%of the value of the amended/cancelled Product.

• Once received, these Products cannot be cancelledunless confirmed defective by a Laura Ashley appointedinspector or in compliance with your statutory rights.

• Upholstery or Furniture can only be returned bycontacting Customer Services* to arrange collection.

• Furniture and Non-MTO Upholstery purchased viaDistance Selling may be cancelled or returned at anytime up to seven working days from the day after receipt by informing us within that period that you wish to do so.

• If after cancellation the Furniture or Non-MTOUpholstery purchased via Distance Selling has beendelivered it must be kept in good condition for collectionby our nominated carrier. A £60 collection charge will apply.

• For hygiene reasons, mattresses cannot be returnedonce packaging has been opened unless confirmeddefective by a Laura Ashley appointed inspector or incompliance with your statutory rights.

Self Assembly Returns• When returning Products please return unused

and with the original packaging, Productscannot be returned once assembled/part assembled,unless in compliance with your statutory rights.

• For Products purchased via Distance Selling, weask that you exercise reasonable care while examiningthe Products by not assembling where possible.

• When returning Products, please return,disassembled, and with original packaging wherepossible. If this may damage the Product, pleasecontact Customer Services* to arrange collection. A £60collection charge will apply.

Defect and Damage• On delivery, it is your responsibility to inspect and report

to Customer Services* any visible damage/defect to theProducts and to your property.

• Do not leave products wrapped and unchecked. All visible damage should be reported within areasonable timeframe, we consider this to be withinthree days of delivery.

• If you believe our Products are of an unsatisfactoryquality, please contact Customer Services* as soon asreasonably possible and treat the Product with carewhile your claim is being investigated.

• For Furniture, MTO Upholstery, Non MTO Upholsteryand MTM products, we reserve the right to inspect andremedy on site any reported issues, in compliance withyour statutory rights.

Delivery ServicesPlease read Delivery Information on page 317 in conjunctionwith these terms and conditions before placing your order.

Essential information before ordering Furniture and Upholstery• Please measure carefully and accurately to ensure

that the Furniture and/or Upholstery ordered can gain access, and will fit into the room/space intendedand that our large delivery lorry can safely reach thedelivery address, as re-delivery/collection andcancellation fees apply. For more information, contactCustomer Services*.

• A minimum £60 re-delivery/collection charges applywhere:- i)no adult is available to accept delivery, ii) where there is no ‘large’ delivery lorry access to the

delivery address or iii) the Products will not fit intoroom/space intended after being delivered at deliveryaddress unless in compliance with your statutory rights.

• Cancellation fees of up to 25% of the value of Productsmay also apply if the Products are subsequently cancelled.

• An adult must be present at the delivery address to signand acknowledge that Products have been received ina satisfactory condition. Carefully check the unwrappedProducts, do not leave them wrapped and unchecked.

• Any visible damage/defect to the Products and to yourproperty must be reported to customer services within areasonable time frame we consider this to be withinthree days of delivery.

• Furniture marked or will not be unpacked bythe delivery crew and shall be acknowledged bysignature.

• The delivery crew will not attempt delivery if health andsafety risk or damage to your home may result. Doors,windows or any structural construction will not beremoved in order to attempt delivery.

Standard Home Delivery• Furniture, Upholstery and both Lighting and Mirrors

marked will only be delivered to addresses inMainland UK, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Wight, wedo not deliver to other Off Shore Islands.

Charges• FREE delivery applies to Furniture, Upholstery, and both

Lighting and Mirrors marked on orders of £1000and over (after discount where applicable).

• £25 delivery charge applies to Furniture, Upholstery, andboth Lighting and Mirrors marked , on ordersunder £1000 (after discount where applicable).

• Furniture marked is delivered by Standard ParcelDelivery at a minimum charge of £4.50. Whereapplicable this is indicated on all relevant products andin all Laura Ashley promotional mailers and/orpublications.

• It is your responsibility to advise us at the time ofordering of any non-standard delivery circumstancesthat may apply, as additional delivery charges from £60will apply to i) deliveries above the first floor, ii) deliveriesrequiring more than two delivery crew, iii) deliveriesrequiring a small van for access and iv) deliveries in anyother exceptional circumstances. We will advise you ofany applicable additional delivery charges when placingyour order or as soon as reasonably possible thereafter.For more information, please contact CustomerServices*.

• MTM, Standard Home Furnishings and Furnituremarked delivered by Standard Parcel Delivery do notcontribute towards the qualifying value for free StandardHome Delivery.

Time Frames• The Product with the longest time to completion may

determine your estimated delivery week.We will provideyou with an estimated week our carrier will contact youto arrange delivery.

• Any delivery dates specified are estimates and timeis not of the essence. We regret that specific deliverydates and times cannot be agreed when placingyour order.

• Express lead times are subject to availability and cannotbe guaranteed.

• We are not liable for any delays and/or failures indelivery if we cannot gain access to the deliveryaddress or under any other circumstances beyond ourreasonable control.

Delivery & Storage InformationA non-refundable storage fee of £100 per full week will becharged when i) we have been unable to make a deliverybooking with you within three weeks after the originaldelivery date or first booking attempt by Customer Services*(whichever is the later) or ii) delivery bookings have beenmade and you are unavailable to take delivery of your orderafter agreeing delivery dates with Customer Services*. Aminimum £60 re-delivery charge will apply in both i) and ii).

Standard Parcel Delivery• We deliver Standard Home Furnishings or

Made-to-Measure Products via UK based carriers to the following UK territories: Mainland UK, NorthernIreland and Isle of Wight.

• We offer international delivery in selected countriesplease see Website for full details.

• It is your responsibility to provide an accurate, securepostal delivery address. For most parcels an adult’ssignature is required.

Charges• A minimum £4.50 Standard Parcel Delivery charge

applies to deliveries of Standard Home Furnishings,Made to Measure (MTM) Products and Furnituremarked

Time frames• We endeavour to deliver in stock Standard Home

Furnishings within 2 to 5 working days of acceptingyour order.

• Standard Made to Measure will be delivered withinapproximately 4 to 6 weeks, unless otherwise stated.

• Express Made to Measure will be delivered within 2weeks subject to availability, but cannot be guaranteed.

• Depending on the products ordered, the product withthe longest time to completion may determine yourestimated delivery week.

• Delivery dates and weeks are not guaranteed andspecific times and days cannot be agreed at any timeduring the order process.

• Any delivery dates specified are estimates and time isnot of the essence.

• Multiple types of Products may be delivered separately.

Risk of Damage and Title in PropertyWe bear the risk of loss or damage to the Products untilthey are delivered. The Products will only belong to youonce payment has been made in full. Until full payment isreceived, we may ask you to return the Products to us atany time. If you return the Products to us for any reason,they will become our property and our risk when wereceive them.

MiscellaneousMade-to-Measure (MTM)• It is your responsibility to provide accurate and

complete measurements when ordering MTM Products.• We are not liable for any inaccurate and/or incomplete

measurements provided.• We ask that you provide metric measurements. If imperial

measurements are provided, it is your responsibility toensure that all conversions are accurate and complete.

Upholstery Guarantee• The frame construction and springs of our Upholstery

(excluding ex-display and seconds Upholstery) areguaranteed for normal domestic use for five years,provided that the Information and Care Guide (receivedwith the product) has been followed.

• Information and Care Guides and the Guarantee areavailable at

Product useOur Products are designed for domestic use only. IfProducts are intended for non-domestic/commercial use,it is your responsibility to check your requirements withyour local fire authority or other relevant authorities.

Carpets• Carpets featured are supplied by Brintons subject to

their terms and conditions.• To maintain Brintons high quality service standards,

carpets will be measured and fitted directly by theirapproved professional fitters.

• Price quotations for carpets include underlay and fittingscharges.

• A £25 measurement charge is payable at the time ameasurement is requested and deducted from theorder total when placing an order for carpets.

Conservatory Blinds & Window ShuttersShutters featured are measured, made and fitteddirectly by Thomas Sanderson, subject to their termsand conditions.

Sewing MachinesSewing machines are supplied by Brother subject totheir terms and conditions.

FireplacesFireplaces featured are supplied by Katell subject totheir terms and conditions.

Product Descriptions, Features and SpecificationsEvery effort is taken to ensure that the Products suppliedcorrespond as closely as possible to the samples in ourstores, Website and catalogue, but they may vary due tounique and characteristic variations of natural materials.We are not responsible for any such variations, which addto the unique quality of the Product, including but notlimited to the following:• Product colour and shade may vary from one

manufacturing batch to another.• Fabric patterns are not matched on upholstery unless

identified by when they are partially matched.• There is a 3% allowance on fabric alignment. • All Product measurements are approximate. On

Furniture and Upholstery, ready made curtains andblinds, fabric by the metre and pattern repeats, allow+/- 2 cm variance on sizes stated.

• Leather is a natural material with unique characteristicssuch as shade variation, random scars andblemishes. Please see the upholstery informationguide at for details.

• Many of our Products are individually hand finished andthere may be differences between manufacturingbatches, which will be more apparent if orders areplaced at different times. These are not defects.

• We reserve the right to make any changes to theProduct specifications (external and/or internal) and anyother changes where necessary.

• Please check the details of the Products shown in anyof our promotional publications or offers beforeordering, as these Products may vary from the Productsshown in our catalogue, Website or stores.

• Product specifications will vary from range to range asreflected in the design and price, however, all our Productsare manufactured to the same high quality standards.

Prices and Payment• Prices include VAT and exclude delivery charges unless

otherwise stated.• All prices are correct at time of entering but may change

due to inadvertent administrative errors orcircumstances beyond our control, such as anyvariations to the rate of VAT.

• This catalogue supersedes all previous catalogues andis effective from 31st January 2012.

• We reserve the right to reject any offer to purchase froma customer for any reason.

Amendments to these Terms & ConditionsOur full terms and conditions are available on ourWebsite. We reserve the right to amend the Conditionsat any time. Any such amendments will take effectwhen posted on the Website.

Liability• Nothing in the Conditions in any way limits our liability

for death or personal injury caused by our negligence orby fraud.

• We shall not be liable for any economic losses, loss ofgoodwill or reputation, indirect loss whether arising incontract or tort (including negligence) or pre-contractualor other representations (except for fraudulent ornegligent misrepresentation). Except in the event ofdeath or personal injury, in no event shall our liabilityunder the Conditions exceed the amount paid orpayable by you for the Products.

Data Protection and Privacy• By placing an order with us, you agree to your data being

processed by us, our agents, partners and membersof the Laura Ashley Group. If you do not wish toreceive information about our Products and services,please write to us at Laura Ashley, FREEPOST (UKonly) PO Box 5 Newtown Powys SY16 1LX, email or see ‘my account’ if you are already registered.

GeneralThe laws of England and Wales govern these Conditionsand all disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdictionof the courts of England and Wales.

Laura Ashley StaffOur staff have a right to work in a non-threateningenvironment at all times. We reserve the right to refusesale of any Products, services and/or contact with anyindividual or company who displays threatening behaviourtowards our staff.

*Please call Customer Services on 0871 983 5999(Please note: calls may be recorded and/or monitored.Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras.)You may contact us without charge,

Page 322: Laura Ashley Spring 2012

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񡑑 Amersham, HP6 6AA 0871 223 1456 •Ashford, TN24 0LQ HB 0871 223 1434 •

񡑒 Banbury, OX16 5NW 0871 223 1458 • •Barnstaple, EX31 2BP 0871 223 1514 •Basildon, SS14 1WP 0871 223 1546 • •Basingstoke, RG21 7BF 0871 223 1497 • • •Bath, BA1 1BE 0871 223 1327 • • •Beccles, NR34 9AT 0871 223 1453 • •Bedford, MK40 1NE 0871 223 1370 • •Berkhamsted, HP4 3AP 0871 223 1557 • •Beverley, HU17 9AR 0871 223 1310 •Bicester, OX25 2NY 0871 223 1508 • • •Biggleswade, SG18 8PS 0871 223 1371 • •Birkdale, PR8 2ED 0871 223 1347 •Birmingham City, B4 7SL 0871 223 1566 •Birmingham Quinton, B32 1BY 0871 223 1349 •Bishops Stortford, CM23 3AB 0871 223 1372 • •Bluewater Park, DA9 9SN 0871 223 1436 • • •Bolton, BL6 6JA 0871 223 1563 • • •Borehamwood, WD6 4PR 0871 223 1503 • •Bracknell, RG42 1NB HB 0871 223 1460 •Brentwood, CM14 4SN 0871 223 1432 • •Bristol Eastgate BS5 6XX 0871 223 1615 • • •Bristol Galleries, BS1 3XD 0871 223 1326 • •Broadstairs, CT10 2QW 0871 223 1596 • •Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 1BT 0871 223 1373 • •

񡑓 Camberley, GU15 3PT 0871 223 1617 • •Cambridge, Grand Arcade, CB2 3BJ 0871 223 1407 • •Canterbury, Wincheap, CT1 3RH 0871 223 1438 •Carlisle, London Road, CA1 2PD 0871 223 1303 •Chelmsford, CM2 6QR 0871 223 1375 • •Cheltenham, GL50 1NB 0871 223 1395 • • •Chester Centurion Point, CH2 2AX 0871 223 1495 •Chester, The Mall, CH1 1ED 0871 223 1351 • • •Chesterfield, S43 4XN 0871 223 1485 • •Chichester, PO19 1LX 0871 223 1417 • • •Chichester, The Hornett, PO19 7JR 0871 223 1418 •Chippenham SN15 1JG 0871 223 1614 • • •Cirencester, GL7 1RH 0871 223 1383 •Colchester, CO1 1JR 0871 223 1376 • •Colchester, CO4 3BG HB 0871 223 1377 •Congleton, CW12 1LJ 0871 223 1559 •Crawley, RH10 1FD 0871 223 1439 • •Crewe, CW1 2RP 0871 223 1597 • • •

񡑔 Darlington, DL3 7HJ 0871 223 1486 •Derby, DE1 2DS 0871 223 1312 • •Derby, Kingsway, DE22 3NF HB 0871 223 1313 •Doncaster, DN1 2SU HB 0871 223 1314 •Dorchester, DT1 1DH 0871 223 1598 • •Dudley, DY5 1QX 0871 223 1353 • •Durham, DH1 5GE 0871 223 1583 • • •Dunstable, LU5 4XZ 0871 223 1423 •

񡑕 Eastbourne, BN21 3NR 0871 223 1441 • •Exeter, EX2 7JG HB 0871 223 1397 •Exeter, EX4 3DJ 0871 223 1396 • •

񡑖 Farnham, GU9 7LL 0871 223 1419 •Farnham, Romans Park, GU9 7SX 0871 223 1491 • •

񡑗 Gainsborough, DN21 2NA 0871 223 1589 • •Gateshead, Metro Centre, NE11 9YJ 0871 223 1315 • • •Gloucester, GL10 3DP 0871 223 1558 •Grantham, NG31 6EY 0871 223 1574 • • •Guildford, GU1 1AJ HB 0871 223 1421 •Guildford, GU1 4AW 0871 223 1420 • •

F G H񡑘 Harlow, CM20 2DH 0871 223 1378 •

Harrogate, HG1 1QS 0871 223 1316 • • •Havant, PO9 1ND 0871 223 1472 • •Haywards Heath, RH16 4LA 0871 223 1619 • •Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1BT 0871 223 1603 • •Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1AG 0871 223 1527 • • •Hereford, HR1 2DB 0871 223 1399 • •Horsham, RH12 1NW 0871 223 1443 • •Huddersfield, HD1 5AN 0871 223 1560 •Hull, The Junction, HU3 4SA 0871 223 1608 • •Huntingdon, PE29 6HG HB 0871 223 1379 •

񡑙 Ilkley, LS29 8HF 0871 223 1575 • •Ipswich, IP1 1DT 0871 223 1367 • • •Ipswich, IP3 8TQ HB 0871 223 1381 •Isle of Wight, Newport, PO30 1SR 0871 223 1426 • •

񡑠 Kendal, LA9 4QB 0871 223 1307 • •Kettering, NN15 6YA 0871 223 1585 • • •King’s Lynn, PE30 1BE 0871 223 1382 • •Knutsford, WA16 6AF 0871 223 1354 • •

񡑡 Lancaster, LA1 1DQ 0871 223 1567 •Leamington Spa, CV32 4AQ 0871 223 1489 • •Leeds, Moortown, LS17 5NY HB 0871 223 1321 •Leicester, LE1 4FB 0871 223 1322 • •Lewes, BN7 2AS 0871 223 1445 • •Lincoln, LN5 7DR 0871 223 1324 • •Liverpool Aintree, L9 5AN 0871 223 1576 •Liverpool Speke, L24 8QB 0871 223 1605 • • •Loughborough, LE11 5HJ HB 0871 223 1331 •

񡑢Maidstone, ME14 1QP 0871 223 1528 • •Manchester, Barton Sq, M17 8AS 0871 223 1329 •Manchester, Cheetham Hill, M8 8BB 0871 223 1595 • •Mansfield, NG18 1BE 0871 223 1609 • •Marlborough, SN8 1BE 0871 223 1463 •Middlesbrough, TS1 1RA 0871 223 1332 • •Milton Keynes, MK9 1AE 0871 223 1490 • •Morpeth, NE61 1NS 0871 223 1531 • •

񡑣 Nantwich, CW5 5SP 0871 223 1357 •Newbury, RG14 5EN 0871 223 1556 • •Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 1PN 0871 223 1358 • • •Northallerton, DL7 8SE 0871 223 1333 •Northampton, NN1 2DP 0871 223 1385 •Northampton, St. James, NN1 1EE 0871 223 1588 • •Norwich, Eaton Centre, NR4 6NU 0871 223 1388 •Norwich, NR2 1JE 0871 223 1387 • • •Nottingham, Castle Boulevard, NG7 1FN 0871 223 1335 •Nottingham, Gillbrook, NG16 2RP 0871 223 1505 •

񡑤 Orpington, BR5 3RP 0871 223 1580 • • •Oxford, Summertown, OX2 7HT 0871 223 1467 •

񡑥 Peterborough, Bretton Park, PE3 8DA 0871 223 1616 • • •Petersfield, GU32 3HP 0871 223 1564 •Plymouth, PL1 1LE 0871 223 1401 • •Plymouth, PL6 8LD HB 0871 223 1402 •Poole, BH12 1DN 0871 223 1584 •Preston, PR1 2AD 0871 223 1361 • •

񡑦 Rayleigh, SS7 3NZ 0871 223 1390 •Reading, RG2 0HS 0871 223 1581 • •Reigate, RH2 0AN 0871 223 1571 •Rugby, CV21 1RW 0871 223 1362 •

񡑧 Saffron Walden CB10 1JD 0871 223 1530 • •Salisbury, SP1 2AA 0871 223 1428 • • •Sevenoaks, TN13 1DD 0871 223 1449 • •Sheffield, Archer Rd, S8 0LB 0871 223 1478 •Sheffield, Meadowhall, S9 1EP 0871 223 1336 • • •Shepton Mallet, BA4 5TZ 0871 223 1601 • •Shipley, BD18 2BH 0871 223 1493 • •Shrewsbury, SY1 1BN 0871 223 1363 • •Skipton, BD23 1DG 0871 223 1338 •Solihull, B91 3SX 0871 223 1404 • •Southampton, S014 1JX 0871 223 1569 • • •Southsea, PO5 3QH 0871 223 1430 • •Stafford, ST17 4AH 0871 223 1570 • •Stevenage, SG1 1XZ 0871 223 1607 • •Stockport, SK1 1UD 0871 223 1365 • • •Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 7BT 0871 223 1602 • • •Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6AD 0871 223 1405 • • •Sutton Coldfield, B72 1PH 0871 223 1366 • •Swindon, SN3 3SG 0871 223 1568 • •

F G H񡑨 Taunton, TA1 1NQ 0871 223 1582 • •

Taunton, TA1 2LR HB 0871 223 1408 •Telford, TF3 4AG 0871 223 1606 • • •Tenterden, TN30 6BJ 0871 223 1452 • •Torquay, TQ2 5EB 0871 223 1409 • •Truro, TR1 2AR 0871 223 1410 • •Truro, TR1 3LN HB 0871 223 1411 •Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2UY 0871 223 1454 • •

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