lavoz september 2012 - issue


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Lavoz September 2012 - issue / Hispanic Magazine, Bilingual media, Bilingual Publication, Spanish News


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Page 3: Lavoz September 2012 - issue







Dr. Jose A. Flores EditorialA Salute to Organized Labor in America

Community News/Noticias de la ComunidadNews/NoticiasRaising my Boys Bilingual/ Criando a mis HijosBilingües Proud U.S. Olympians of Hispanic Heritage Excel/Orgullosos de los Atletas de Herencia Hispanaen las OlimpiadasSt. Joseph Festival 2012/ Festival de San José Obrero

Lowriders Corner

Community Events/Eventos en la Comunidad

Annual Tejano Music Award Announced/ Anunciaron

los Ganadores de Tejano Music

September Movies / Películas del mes de Septiembre

Classifieds / Clasificados

Page 4: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


Dr. José A. Flores,Editor-In-Chief

Daniel Flores,SalesRep

Grand Rapids

Concepción Flores,Guardian Angel

‘El Chayo’ CervantesDistribution


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Page 5: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


THERE SHOULD BE NO QUESTION ON WHICH FLAG TO RAISE!¡No debe haber ninguna cuestión sobre cual bandera levantar!As we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15,2012, let us do so recognizing and reaffirming our pride in our American heritage.I express this because of the deeply patriotic history that Americans of Hispanicancestry have. The term Hispanic includes over twenty Spanish-speaking coun-tries of the world, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Domini-can Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras,

Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela.Spanish is also the official language of the U.S. commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Spanish is the second mostcommonly spoken language in the United States because we have both immigrants and indigenous Ameri-cans of the Southwest U.S. that claim a Hispanic heritage. We are rightfully proud of our ancestries and theflags of these nations. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that our flag is red, white, and blue with50 stars and 13 strips, which remind us of the unity of our nation. “Unitedwe stand!”

Hispanic American Olympians were in the public spotlight recently at the2012 Olympics in London making us extremely proud of our ethnic group.At least one medal winner raised both the United States flag and the flagof Mexico upon winning a silver medal in the men’s 1500-meter race. LeoMarzano has a right to be proud of both his place of birth and his currentnational citizenship. He also enjoys the “freedom of expression” as anAmerican citizen. The incident naturally created a national conversationamong Americans including Hispanic commentators. To be proud of one’shistorical roots and mother country is a natural act. To raise two flags how-ever, sends the wrong message! There should be no question about theexpressed patriotism of Hispanic Americans as a people. We have par-ticipated in every major defense of this nation and currently serve this nation in a variety of service fields.

While I am proud of my Mexican ancestry, I am an American first! I believe there is only one flag that shouldbe carried when representing the United States in an official capacity. For the youthful Olympian that createdthis controversy, I pray that he learns from the incident and that we all take a moment to reflect on the differ-ence between cultural pride and American patriotism. We should share this lesson with our children. Thereis sometimes a fine line between “politically correct” expressions of ancestral pride and politically offensiveexpressions. When called upon to represent the United States of America, there can only be one expres-sion. Raise the flag of the United States!

Al celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana 15 septiembre-15 octubre 2012, vamos a hacerlo reconociendoy reafirmando nuestro orgullo en nuestra herencia americana. Expreso esto porque de la historia profunda-mente patriótica que los estadounidenses de origen hispano tienen. El término hispano incluye a más deveinte países de habla española del mundo, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, RepúblicaDominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guinea Ecuatorial, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá,Paraguay, Perú, España, Uruguay y Venezuela. El español es la lengua oficial del Estado Libre Asociado dePuerto Rico. En el E.E.U.U. El español es el segundo idioma más hablado en los Estados Unidos porquetenemos tantos inmigrantes y los americanos indígenas del suroeste de los EE.UU. que reivindican unaherencia hispana. Estamos legítimamente orgullosos de nuestros ancestros y las banderas de estas na-ciones. Sin embargo, no debemos perder de vista el hecho de que nuestra bandera es de color rojo, blancoy azul con 50 estrellas y 13 bandas, que nos recuerdan a la unidad de nuestra nación. "¡Unión hace la


Hispano olímpicos americanos eran el centro de atención pública recientemente enlos Juegos Olímpicos de 2012 en Londres haciéndonos muy orgullosos de nuestrogrupo étnico. Al menos un ganador de la medalla planteó tanto la bandera de Es-tados Unidos y la bandera de México al ganar la medalla de plata en los 1.500metros de carrera de hombres. Leo Marzano tiene derecho a estar orgulloso tantode su lugar de nacimiento y su ciudadanía nacional actual. También disfruta la "lib-ertad de expresión" como un ciudadano estadounidense. El incidente naturalmenteha creado un diálogo nacional entre los estadounidenses, incluyendo los comen-taristas hispanos. Para estar orgullosos de nuestras raíces históricas y patria es unacto natural. ¡Para levantar dos banderas sin embargo, envía un mensaje equivo-cado! No debe haber ninguna duda sobre el patriotismo expresado por los his-panoamericanos como pueblo. Hemos participado en todas las defensas más

importantes de este país y que actualmente servimos a este país en una variedad de campos de servicio.

Estoy muy orgulloso de mi ascendencia mexicana, pero soy un americano primero! Creo que sólo hay unabandera que debe llevarse a la hora de representar a Estados Unidos en una capacidad oficial. Para elolímpico juvenil que creó esta controversia, ruego que se entera del incidente y que todos tomemos un mo-mento para reflexionar sobre la diferencia entre el orgullo cultural y patriotismo americano. Debemos com-partir esta lección con nuestros hijos. A veces hay una línea muy fina entre "políticamente correcta" lasexpresiones de orgullo ancestral y expresiones políticamente ofensivos. Cuando deba representar a los Es-tados Unidos de América, sólo puede ser una expresión. ¡Levantar la bandera de los Estados Unidos!

By Dr. José A. Flores

Page 6: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


We should all recognize the achieve-ments of organized labor in Americaand the reason that collective bar-gaining is so important in the workplace. Our country has seen manyabuses of workers including childexploitation, sexual harassment,racial discrimination, unsafe work-ing conditions and unequal pay forwomen among other abuses. LaborDay is celebrated to remind us eachyear of the historical struggle to giveAmerican workers a dignified workexistence with meaningful wages en-abling them to live middle classlifestyles, purchase homes and sendtheir children to college. Thesegoals drive most of the workingclass in America. A decent wage forwork performed, access to bath-room facilities, safe working condi-tions, needed rest breaks, a lunchperiod to nourish ourselves, and re-spect on the job. On September 4thour nation honors the working peo-ple who have built this country andmade it prosperous. It is also a timeto remember the achievements ofthe organized labor movement inUnited States history. As is oftennoted every September, many of thebasic rights and benefits that aresometimes taken for granted were

not kindly handed to workers by em-ployers. It took the hard work anddedication of thousands of unionmen and women who struggledbravely to win these rights.

The labor movement in the UnitedStates led the struggles to:

End child laborEstablish the legal right of workersto form unions and collectively bar-gain for wages, benefits and work-ing conditionsEstablish the 8 hour work day andpaid overtimeWin workers' comp benefits forworkers injured on the jobSecure unemployment insurance forworkers who lose their jobsSecure a guaranteed minimum wageImprove workplace safety and re-duce on the job fatalitiesWin pensions for workersWin health care insurance for work-ersWin paid sick leave, vacations, andholidays as standard benefits formost workersWin the right for public sector work-ers to collectively bargainWin passage of the Civil Right Actsand Title VII which outlaws job dis-

crimination based on race, color, re-ligion, sex or national originWin passage of the OccupationalSafety and Health Act

Win passage of the Family Medical

Leave Act

UN SALUDOPARA TRABAJO ORGANIZADOEN AMERICATodos debemos reconocer loslogros de los trabajadores organiza-dos en los Estados Unidos y la razónde que la negociación colectiva estan importante en el lugar de tra-bajo. Nuestro país ha sido testigo demuchos abusos de los trabajadores,incluida la explotación infantil, elacoso sexual, la discriminaciónracial, condiciones de trabajo inse-guras y la desigualdad de re-nuneración para las mujeres entre

otros abusos. Día del Trabajo se cel-ebra para recordar todos los años dela lucha histórica para que los traba-jadores estadounidenses tengan unaexistencia de trabajo digna consalarios significativas que les permi-tan vivir estilos de vida de la clasemedia, comprar casas y realizar quesus hijos asisten la universidad.Estos objetivos sirven a impulsar lamayor parte de la clase trabajadoraen Estados Unidos. Un salario dignopor el trabajo realizado, el acceso alas instalaciones de baño, condi-ciones de trabajo seguras, necesar-ios descansos, un período dealmuerzo para nutrirnos y el respetoen el trabajo son nuestros deseos.El 4 de septiembre nuestra naciónhonra a los trabajadores que con-struyeron este país y lo hizopróspero. También es un momentopara recordar los logros delmovimiento obrero organizado en lahistoria de Estados Unidos. Como seobserva a menudo cada mes de sep-tiembre, muchos de los derechosbásicos y los beneficios que a vecesse dan por sentado que no se entre-garon amablemente a los traba-jadores por los empleadores. Setomó el trabajo duro y la dedicaciónde miles de hombres y mujeressindicalistas que lucharon con valen-tía para ganar estos derechos.

El movimiento obrero en los Estados Unidos llevó a las luchas:

Erradicar el trabajo infantilEstablecer el derecho legal de lostrabajadores a formar sindicatos ynegociar colectivamente porsalarios, prestaciones y condicionesde trabajoEstablecer la jornada laboral de 8horas y pago de horas extrasGanar beneficios de compensaciónde trabajadores para los traba-jadores lesionados en el trabajoSeguro de desempleo, seguro paralos trabajadores que pierden suspuestos de trabajoFijar un salario mínimo garantizadoMejorar la seguridad en el trabajo yreducir las fatalidades en el trabajoGanar pensiones de los trabajadoresGanar seguro de salud para los tra-bajadoresGanar reposo pagado por enfer-medad, vacaciones y días festivoscomo beneficios estándar para lamayoría de los trabajadoresGanar el derecho de los trabajadoresdel sector público a la negociacióncolectivaGanar pasaje de los Hechos de losDerechos Civiles y el Título VII pro-híbe la discriminación en el trabajoque por motivos de raza, color y ori-gen, religión, sexo o nacionalGanar la aprobación de la Ley de Se-guridad y SaludGanar aprobación de la Ley de Licen-cia Familiar y Médica


Page 7: Lavoz September 2012 - issue





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Page 8: Lavoz September 2012 - issue



STRONG RELATIONSHIPLANSING, Mich. – The state is committed to building its relation-ship with Michigan’s federally recognized Indian tribes for yearsto come, Gov. Rick Snyder said during the 2012 State-TribalSummit.

Snyder also signed Executive Directive 2012-2 on state-tribal af-fairs, affirming his commitment to the Government-to-Govern-ment Accord between the state of Michigan and the federallyrecognized Indian tribes of Michigan executed in 2002, and nowspanning three administrations. The annual meeting is held pur-suant to the Accord.

For additional information on tribal resources, visit More detailed information about E.D.2012-2 can be read at

Muchas felicidades para la Srta. Angelica Raquel An-drade en su Quinceañera el pasadp 11 de Agosto 2012.En esta foto esta acompañada con sus damas de com-pañía en sus 15 años y sus amigas.Congratulations to Angelica Raquel Andrade whowill celebrate her fifteenth birthday on August 11,2012. In this photo is with her friends.

Michelle &Giselle Herrera

Parents/Padres:Marcos Herrera yIrma RodriguezDate/Fecha:August 18, 2012Location/Lugar:Church-Our Ladyof Sorrow 101Hall St SE GrandRapids, MI.49507, Recep-tion-Barry ExpoCenter 1350 NM37 Hastings, MI.49058

Itzel CoronadoParent/Madre:FrancesCoronadoDate/Fecha:July 14, 2012Location/Lugar:Tulip City Rod &Gun 4381 136thAve Holland, MI.49424

Se Celebró la Fiesta de Quince Años de NormaSaavedra el pasado 18 de Agosto. Norma es la hijade Leopoldo Saavedra y Norma Alicia Gonzalez.Quienes la acompañaron en este día tan especialen su vida. La celebración incluyó un gran númerode damas y chamberlanes. ¡Felíz Cumpleaños!Norma Saavedra celebrated her 15th Birthdaywith a traditional Quinceñera party attended bymany family and friends. She was proudly ac-companied by her parents Leopoldo Saavedra yNorma Alicia Gonzalez. She had many friendsstand up in the procession with her. It was awonderful celebration! Happy Birthday Norma!

LANSING, Mich. � Gov. Rick Snyder and leaders from Michigan’s Indian tribesmeet during the 2012 State-Tribal Summit.Sitting left to right are Tom Shomin, Grand Traverse Band of Chippewa and Ot-

tawa Indians; Kurt Perron, Bay Mills Indian Community; Larry Romanelli, LittleRiver Band of Ottawa Indians; Snyder; Aaron Payment, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe ofChippewa Indians, and Chris Swartz, Jr., Keweenaw Bay Indian Community.Standing left to right are Matt Wesaw, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians;D.K. Sprague, Gun Lake Tribe; Homer Mandoka, Nottawaseppi Huron Band ofthe Potawatomi; Dennis Kequom, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, and DexterMcNamara, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians.

Page 9: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


Julian Arizola Retires fromGRFD After 26 years of

ServiceJulian Arizola of the Grand Rapids Fire Department announced his retirement after 26years of dedicated service to the residents of Grand Rapids. He said that he will con-tinue to work part-time at the Millenium Park where he enjoys providing a public service.Julian reflects on the time when there were more Hispanic firefighters pointing out aportrait of his fellow “Barrio Boys Made Good” that hangs on the wall of the LaGrave St.Station. In the portrait, L-R in the upper left hand corner of our story photo are Sergio“Sam” Martinez, Lt. Craig Chivis, Julian Arizola and Sotero “Joe” Paiz. Retirements haveseen the few Hispanic firefighters on the force dwindle. Pablo Martinez, also retired afew years ago leaving a void in diversity in the department.

“I would like to see more of our people employed as firefighters. It is a great job! I workwith some great guys & gals! This place is like home sometimes!” Said, Julian.The days of risking being burned while protecting the citizens of Grand Rapids haveended for Julian but the a new outlook and commitment are taking shape in his life. “Iplan to do a little more community service, travel and spend some true quality time with my family.” Julian smiled and reminisced withfriends, Sotero Paiz, Ret. GRFD, George Hernandez, Firefighter for Wyoming Fire Department and Retired Grand Rapids Police OfficerDaniel Flores among many others present at a special reception held in his honor.

Se Retira Un Bombero de Grand Rapids, Uno de los NuestrosUn Bombero, Julian Arizola se retira del departamento de bomberos de Grand Rapids despues de los 26 años de servicio a nuestra co-munidad. Julian es una de las pocas personas de herencia Mexicana que ha llegado ser bombero en Grand Rapids, Michigan. Suejemplo nos sirve como modelo positivo para la juventud y esperamos que los jovenes siguen estudiando hasta cumplir sus metascomo lo ha logrado Julian Arizola.


Working collectively and quietly toward a goal of making their dreams come true, the Lansing forCesar E. Chavez organization is busily organizing themselves into a dynamic social conscious-rais-ing group. The organization formed to commemorate the historic contributions of the late farmlabor organizer; Cesar E. Chavez. Together with Dolores Huerta, Chavez organized grape and let-tuce farmworkers in Califoria The United Farm Workers Union. The union organized strikes andnational boycotts of grapes and lettuce in the late 60’s and early 70’s forcing fruit growers to im-prove the sub-human working conditions of the era. Cesar E. Chavez and Dolores Huerta areicons in the U.S. Hispanic/Latino Civil Rights Movement.

Today, Lansing’s Hispanic leaders are working toward the construction of a monumental arch-way to the recently designated Cesar E. Chavez Plaza located in Lansing’s OLD TOWN section at216 E. Grand River/Cesar E. Chavez Ave. The work of the many volunteers has resulted in greatgains for the community including the restoration efforts of this riverside site which connectsthe historical roots of a modern city. Volunteers include Sein Benavides, Josette Gatica, SantosGutierrez, Diana Hernandez-Wogda, Florensio Hernandez, Lorenzo Lopez, Gina Salas, AlfonsoSalas, Miguel Sauceda, Jason Wilkes, Angela Zamora, Maria Starr, Latoya English, Ron DeLeon,John Castillo, Tonatsin Maiz, Christina Martinez, Jose Yanez, Bill McDonald, Dean Poggiali, JimRamos, and Rudy Reyes.

The Lansing for Cesar E. Chavez group has planned a fundraiser for September 15th, 2012 atthe Cesar E. Chavez Plaza as part of the National Hispanic American Heritage Month Celebra-tions to raise funds for their goal of a building an archway and hosting annual celebrations atthe site.


La organizacion en favor de Cesar E. Chavez lucha para realizar su sueño de cons-tuir un monumento de entrada a la plaza de Chavez en Lansing, Michigan. La PlazaChavez esta situado en un area llamado el pueblo viejo Lansing donde se espera re-alizar fiestas como la cual tienen planificados el comite para celebrar el dia 15 deSeptiembre. Estarán presentes músicos, danzantes, grupos folcloricos y más. Paramás información comuniquese con Diana Hernandez-Wojda al número 517-896-5398 ¡Que sigue la fiesta!

An example of the type of arch-way being proposed by theChavez Group was constructedand dedicated at San Jose StateUniversity in California. Thegroup will have artist render-ings and architectural drawingsin the near future.

CelebrateSept. 15th

in LansingTejano/LatinoMusic Festival

Cesar E.Chavez


216 E. GrandRiver/Cesar E.

Chavez Ave.10 a.m. - 12 Midnight

Call Diana Hernandez

517-896-5398for more info



RIGHTS SUMMITWhen: Friday, September 28, 2012

8:30am to 5:00pmWhere:

Lansing Community College,West Campus

5708 Cornerstone DriveLansing, MI 48917Driving Directions




INMIGRANTESCuando: Viernes, Septiembre 28

De 8:30 am a 5:00 pm Donde:Lansing Community College,

West Campus5708 Cornerstone Drive

Lansing, MI 48917


The Commission publishes a Hispanic Heritage Month Statewide Schedule of Events Calendar, which is distributed to individuals/agencies/organizations/legislators. We would like to include your organization'sevent(s) that will be held between September 15 and October 15, 2012.Information must reach our office on or before August 29, 2012, to be included in the calendar. The calendars will be e-mailed the second week of September and will also be available on our website.

If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at/Para más información llama o envia un correo electrónico(517) 373-8339 or by e-mail: [email protected].

Page 10: Lavoz September 2012 - issue



PA 4--the Emergency Manager law--is onhold now that its repeal is on the Nov. 6ballot. But what happens with the emer-gency managers already in place--as inMuskegon Heights? Governor Snyder andAttorney General Scheutte say that theold law, PA 72, is in effect and any deci-sions made by emergency managers be-fore the Board of Canvassers certify therepeal for the Nov. 6 ballot are in effect.While PA 72 doesn't give emergency man-agers the power to end union contracts,the sale of Muskegon Heights schools toa for-profit charter company is still on.House Speaker Jase Bolger (R-Marshall)isn’t on the same page with the Governorand says, Supporters of the repeal are

asking votersto vote NO onNov. 6 to re-peal the lawdue to the waythe proposal iswritten. ( Theballot languagefor the repealof the Emer-gency Managerlaw will read,"Should this lawbe enacted?"Supporters en-courage you toVOTE NO!


NOVIEMBRE 6- LA BOLETACUESTIÓNPUEDEN CONFUNDIRLOSVOTANTESPA 4 - Administrador dela ley de emergencia -está en espera ahora que

su derogación está en el 06 de noviem-bre de votación. Pero, ¿qué pasa con losadministradores de emergencias ya exis-tentes - como en Muskegon Heights?Gobernador Snyder y el Fiscal GeneralScheutte decir que la antigua ley, PA 72,está en vigor y las decisiones tomadaspor los gestores de emergencias ante laJunta de Elecciones certifique la dero-gación del 6 de noviembre de votaciónson en efecto. Mientras PA 72 no dar alos gerentes de emergencia de energía alos contratos sindicales, la venta deMuskegon Heights escuelas a una em-presa de alquiler con fines de lucro sigueencendido. Presidente de la Cámara JaseBolger (R-Marshall) no está en la mismapágina con el Gobernador y dice: Los par-tidarios de la derogación están pidiendoa los votantes a votar NO el 6 de noviem-bre de derogar la ley debido a la formaen que está escrito la propuesta. (Ellenguaje de la boleta para la derogaciónde la ley de Manejo de Emergencias selee, "¿Si esta ley se promulgue?" ¡ Par-tidarios animamos a que VOTE NO!)



The Michigan Court of Appeals decided 2-1to let the constitutional amendment protect-ing collective bargaining and working fami-lies go before the voters on Nov. 6. TheMichigan Supreme Court gave the AppealsCourt until to August 27th to make a deci-sion. The decision to place it on the ballot isa step in the right direction. It's still not cer-tain what position the issue will have on theballot, but it is certain critics of the amend-ment will appeal to the Supreme Court.

The positive vote on this issue may havebeen influenced by the position of theSupreme Court putting the casino ballotproposal on the Nov. 6 ballot. This mayhave paved the way for the Court of Ap-peals' decision. The lower court rejected thecasino proposal on the grounds that itwould create sweeping changes to the Con-stitution--the same argument being used toreject the collective bargaining amendment.When the Supreme Court overturned thelower court's ruling on casinos, it seemedinevitable that the nearly 700,000 voterswho signed the collective bargaining peti-tions would have a chance to decide theissue on Nov. 6.

However, the Board of Canvassers stillcouldn't come up with the needed votes tocertify the casino proposal, so that issue isprobably going back to the courts.

While the opponents of working families willlikely appeal the decision to the SupremeCourt, a significant legal hurdle has beencleared for the supporters of Protect OurJobs and their constituencies that believecollective bargaining rights protect theirfamilies and preserve the middle class. Po-lice Officers, Firefighters, State and local cityworkers, teachers and many others arecounting on this proposal to ward off recentattacks by the state legislature on pensionsand health benefits of retired and workingpublic sector employees.

PROTEJANUESTROS EMPLEOS AVANZA LA INICIATIVA La negociación colectiva en votación orde-nado por la Corte de Apelaciones

La Corte de Apelaciones de Michigan de-cidió 2-1 a dejar que la enmienda constitu-cional que protege la negociación colectiva ylas familias trabajadoras de ir antes de quelos votantes el 6 de noviembre. La CorteSuprema de Michigan dio a la Corte de Apela-ciones hasta al 27 de agosto para tomar unadecisión. La decisión de colocarlo en la boletaelectoral es un paso en la dirección correcta.Aún no está seguro de lo que la posición deltema tendrá en la boleta, pero es cierto loscríticos de la enmienda será de interés parala Corte Suprema.

El voto positivo en este tema puede habersido influenciado por la posición de la CorteSuprema de armar la propuesta electoral delcasino el 6 de noviembre de votación. Estopuede haber allanado el camino para la de-cisión del Tribunal de Apelaciones. El tribunalde primera instancia rechazó la propuesta decasino con el argumento de que sería crearcambios radicales en la Constitución - elmismo argumento que se utilizan para rec-hazar la enmienda negociación colectiva.Cuando el Tribunal Supremo anuló la de-cisión del tribunal de primera instancia en loscasinos, parecía inevitable que los cerca de700.000 votantes que firmaron las peticionesde negociación colectiva tendría la oportu-nidad de decidir el asunto el 6 de noviembre.

Sin embargo, la Junta de Escrutadores todavíano podía llegar a los votos necesarios paracertificar la propuesta de casino, por lo queesta cuestión es, probablemente, que se re-monta a los tribunales.Mientras que los opositores a las familias tra-bajadoras probablemente apelará la decisiónante el Tribunal Supremo, un obstáculo legalimportante ha sido aprobado por los par-tidarios de proteger nuestros trabajos y sus

electores que creen que los derechos de ne-gociación colectiva proteger a sus familias ypreservar la clase media. Policías, bomberos,trabajadores estatales y locales de la ciudad,maestros y muchos otros están contando

sobre esta propuesta para rechazar losataques recientes de la legislatura estatal enmateria de pensiones y beneficios de saludde los jubilados y de trabajo del sectorpúblico.

PROTECT OUR JOBS BALLOT INITIATIVE MAKES PROGRESSCollective bargaining ordered onto ballot by Court of Appeals

P: 616.396.5343 F: 616.396.5340170 Veterans Dr. Holland, MI 49423

E-mail: [email protected]



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Page 11: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


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FROM ALPFAGirl Scouts of the USA Chief ExecutiveOfficer Anna Maria Chavez will receivedthe Women of Excellence Award fromthe Women of ALPFA program at the or-ganization's annual convention in LasVegas last August 13.

"It is an honor to receive the award fromsuch a prestigious organization asALPFA," said Chavez, who is the firstLatina to head the iconic organization."I applaud the Women of ALPFA, whoare celebrating 10 remarkable years ofhelping Latinas become leaders in the

corporate world. The values of both our organizations are so closely aligned as we bothare committed to building the courage and confidence young women need to succeed."



El pasado 13 de agosto Anna Maria Chavez, directora general de Girl Scouts of theUSA, recibió el reconocimiento Women of Excellence Award (Mujeres de Excelencia)que otorga el programa ALPFA durante la convención anual de esta organización enLas Vegas.

"Es un honor recibir este premio de manos de una organización tan prestigiada comoALPFA", apuntó Chavez, la primera latina al frente de la emblemática Girl Scouts of theUSA. "Aplaudo a las mujeres de ALPFA que están celebrando 10 notables años deapoyo a las latinas para que se conviertan en líderes del mundo corporativo. Los val-ores de nuestras organizaciones están íntimamente vinculados, pues compartimos elcompromiso de desarrollar el valor y la confianza que las jóvenes necesitan para alcan-zar el éxito".

Anna Maria Chavez (right) and Girl Scoutspresident Connie L. Lindsey

Page 12: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


By Melanie Mendez-Gonzales

If you have read my STORY OF QUÉ, you know that I did not grow up speaking Spanish andI’m still not proficient today. Even though I have studied Spanish in college, have studiedabroad in Spain and have taken adult learning Spanish classes, nothing has motivated meto learn more than wanting my children to know Spanish.

When I was growing up, if my parents didn’t want us to know what they were discussing,they would switch to Spanish. Ugh! (My parents didn’t teach us Spanish because when theyused it in school, they were shamed or punished.) Admittedly, I use the little Spanish I knowand communicate with my husband when I don’t want my son to know what I am saying.It’s not very fair or nice, yo sé, pero here’s what I have learned: my son didn’t want to learnUNTIL he heard me speak Spanish at home … consistently. Entonces hablo Español en lacasa con frecuencia.

Two friends of mine have their children in a local Dual Language Program through theirschool. I asked them why they choose to enroll their children in this program. Here aretheir answers:

“Our decision to enroll our children in a Spanish dual program is very much based on want-ing them to have deep roots in their Hispanic heritage coupled with the advantages thatbeing bilingual will present in their future,” says Michelle Hernandez with FAMILY LOVE INMY CITY.

Colleen Pence from SAN ANTONIO MOM BLOGS shares, “As our daughter grows into adult-hood, speaking a second language will make her more marketable in whatever career orpath she chooses. She is very proud of her Spanish speaking abilities and, as parents (andnon-Spanish speakers), it’s exciting to watch her language development grow.”

It’s encouraging to have friends who also are not fluent in Spanish but share the desire forour children to learn Spanish. For all the reasons above and all the reasons in the info-graphic below, we want our boys to learn Spanish. There’s also something in the learningprocess that makes me want them to learn. Parents, do you remember the feeling you hadwhen you heard your child’s first words? Well, I get to experience that doubly as our sonlearns Spanish. My heart smiles when I hear him use a Spanish phrase without beingprompted like “Mami, te amo muchisimo!”

The school my son would attend does not havea dual language program. So it is up to my hus-band (who thankfully is bilingual) and me to cre-ate the environment for our boys to learn. Thereis another reason I want them to learn Spanish.For our family, it will be another experience wewill get to create together. My husband isgreatly involved too, mostly because he says Isound like Peggy Hill from King of the Hill andhe hopes that my boys won’t sound like that!

Si has leído mi STORY OF QUE, sabes que yo nocrecí hablando español y hasta hoy todavía nosoy muy competente. Aunque he estudiado es-pañol en la universidad, me fuí a estudiar a Es-paña y he tomado clases de español paraadultos, nada me ha motivado más paraaaprender, que el querer que mis hijos sepan es-pañol.

Cuando yo era niña, si mis padres no queríanque supieramos lo que estaban discutiendo, asíque empezaban a hablar en español. Ugh! (Mispadres no nos enseñaron español porquecuando lo utilizaban en la escuela, fueron aver-gonzados o castigados.) Es cierto, yo uso el pocoespañol que hablo para comunicarme con mi es-poso cuando no quiero que mi hijo sepa lo queestoy diciendo. No es justo o no es agradable, yosé, pero esto es lo que hemos aprendido: mi hijono quería aprender, hasta que él me oyó hablarespañol en casa constantemente. Entoncesahora hablo Español en la casa con frecuencia.

Dos amigos míos tienen a sus hijos en un pro-grama de lenguaje doble (dual), a través de suescuela. Les pregunté por qué decidieron in-scribir a sus hijos en este programa. Y aquíestán sus respuestas:

"Nuestra decisión de inscribir a nuestros hijos enun programa de lenguaje doble (español), esbasado en el deseo que tengan profundas raícesen la herencia hispana, y junto con las ventajasde que el ser bilingüe les ayudará en su futuro",dice Michelle Hernández con AMOR FAMILIAR ENMI CIUDAD .

Pence Colleen de SAN ANTONIO MOM BLOGScomparte ", a medida que nuestra hija va cre-ciendo y se convierte en adulto, hablando un se-gundo idioma le va a ayudar en cualquiercarrera o camino que elija. Ella está muy orgul-losa de sus habilidades de hablar español y,como padres (que no hablan español), es emo-cionante ver como se va desarrollando en ellenguaje. "

Es bueno tener amigos que no dominan tampocobien el español, pero que comparten el deseo deque nuestros hijos aprendan el lenguaje. Portodas las razones anteriores y todas las razonesen la infografía a continuación, queremos quenuestros niños aprendan español. También hayalgo en el proceso de aprendizaje que me hacequerer que aprendan. Padres de familia, ¿teacuerdas de la sensación que tuviste cuandooiste las primeras palabras de tu hijo? Bueno, yovivo esa experidnecia doble, así como mi hijo vaaprendiendo el español. Mi corazón sonríe cuando le oigo usar una frase en español sin quese le pregunte como: "Mami, te amo muchisimo!"

La escuela a la que mi hijo asiste, no tiene un programa de lenguaje doble (dual). Así quenos corresponde a mi marido (que por suerte es bilingüe) y a mi, crear el ambiente paraque nuestros hijos aprendan. También hay otra razón por la que queremos que aprendanespañol. Por nuestra familia, que será otra experiencia que llegaremos a crear juntos. Mimarido tambén está muy involucrado, sobre todo porque él dice que me oigo como PeggyHill del rey de la colina y espera que mis hijos no se oigan así!

RAISING�MY BOYS� BILINGUALCriando a Mis Hijos Bilingües


HICAP es un servicio gratuito que brinda el Estado de Michigan, sustentado con fondos federales.

¿Le preocupa su Seguro de salud?

HICAP tiene respuestas. Comprender un seguro médico puede ser una tarea confusa y estresante que no responde todas sus preguntas. El Programa Estatal de Asistencia con el Seguro de Salud (HICAP, por sus siglas en inglés) tiene las respuestas a sus preguntas sobre:

Comuníquese con HICAP hoy mismo... ¡Y no se preocupe más! Horario de atención: de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.

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Page 13: Lavoz September 2012 - issue



By Samuel Medrano, AttorneyOn August 15, 2012, the government began to accept applications for Deferred Ac-tion under its program “Deferred Action for Child Immigrants.” Deferred Action is adiscretionary benefit which does not confer legal status or a path to residency or citi-zenship. Deferred Action simply means that the government has agreed NOT to de-port the individual during the period of the benefit. The person is also eligible toapply for a work permit (and receive a social security number) and, under currentMichigan regulations, the person is also eligible for a driver’s license.

Persons who meet the following requirements are eligible for Deferred Action:- Are at least 15 years of age (and were under 31 years of age on June 15, 2012)- Entered the United States before turning 16 years of age - Have lived in the United States since June 15, 2007- Are attending school OR graduated from school OR earned their GED OR served

honorably in the military- Have not been convicted of a felony OR a serious misdemeanor OR three misde-

meanors AND are not a threat to the national security or public safety.

Individuals who qualify for Deferred Action may file an application supported by docu-ments that show eligibility. Examples of such documents are school records, rent re-ceipts, medical records, and so on.

The total government fees for the Deferred Action and work permit applica-tions is $465. Attorney fees are separate.

One of the benefits of Deferred Action is it prevents illegal presence, whichtriggers what many of us know as the 3/10 year bar. Because illegal presence beginsto accumulate at 18 years of age, persons under 18 years of age who receive DeferredAction avoid accumulating illegal presence while they maintain that state. The impor-tance of this is that on becoming eligible for a visa in the future, such persons do nothave to remain outside the country for the period of 3 or 10 years, as the particularcase may be, nor do they have to apply for a unlawful presence waiver.

But the main benefit is that Deferred Action provides persons with the op-portunity to grow and participate in our society. For further information, or for a per-sonal consultation, you can contact me directly at (616) 706-2485.

ACCIÓN DEFERIDA PARA NIÑOS INMIGRANTESPor Samuel Medrano, AbogadoEn Agosto 15, 2012, el gobierno empezó a aceptar aplicaciones para Acción Deferidabajo el programa “Acción Deferida para Niños Inmigrantes.” Acción Deferida es unbeneficio discrecional que no confiere un estado legal o trayecto para residencia o ciu-dadanía. Acción Deferida solo significa que el gobierno se propone a NO deportar lapersona durante el periodo del beneficio. La persona también es elegible para aplicarpara un permiso de trabajo (y recibir un seguro social) y, bajo las reglas presentes deMichigan, también es elegible para una licencia de conducir.

Personas que cumplen con los siguientes requisitos son elegibles para Acción De-ferida:- Tienen un mínimo de 15 años de edad (y menos de 31 años de edad en Junio 15,

2012)- Entraron a los Estados Unidos antes de tener 16 años de edad- Han vivido en los Estados Unidos desde Junio 15, 2007- Están atendiendo a la escuela O graduaron de la escuela O recibieron su GED O

sirvieron honorablemente en el servicio militar- No tienen un delito O un “delito” serio O tres “delitos” serios Y no representan una

amenaza a la seguridad nacional o a la seguridad pública.

Personas que califican para Acción Deferida pueden aplicar por medio de una apli-cación soportada por documentos y registros que lógicamente comprueban su elegi-bilidad. Ejemplos de estos documentos registros escolares, recibos de renta, registrosmédicos, y así sucesivamente.

El precio total del gobierno para la aplicación para Acción Deferida y Permisode Trabajo es $465. Gastos de abogado son aparte y separados.

Uno de los beneficios de Acción Deferida es prevenir presencia ilegal, que esel gatillo que dispara lo que muchos conocemos como la barra de 3/10. Porque pres-encia ilegal se empieza a acumular a la edad de 18 años, personas menores de 18años de edad que reciben Acción Deferida evitan presencia ilegal mientras mantienenese estado. La importancia de esto es que al ser elegibles para una visa en el futuro,tales personas no tienen que estar fuera del país por el periodo de 3 o 10 años, segúnsea el caso, ni tampoco tienen que aplicar para un perdón de presencia ilegal.

Pero el beneficio principal es que Acción Deferida les brinda la oportunidad apersonas para desarrollarse más y participar en nuestra sociedad. Para más informa-ción, o para una consulta personal, puede comunicarse conmigo en mi línea directa(616) 706-2485.




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Page 14: Lavoz September 2012 - issue



¡Orgullosos de los Atletas deHerencia Hispana en las

Olimpiadas !Steven and Diana LopezCountry of Origin: Born inNew York, Nicaraguan Parents Sport: Taekwondo Olympic Debut: Sydney 2000(Steven), Beijing 2008 (Diana) Medals: Steven won the gold atthe Sydney Games and the2004 Olympics in Athens. BothSteven and Diana won thebronze at Beijing in their indi-vidual events.

Brenda VillaCountry of Origin: Born in LosAngeles, Mexican ParentsSport: Water Polo (Captain) Olympic Debut: Sydney 2000 Medals: Silver (Sydney & Bei-jing), Bronze (Athens), nomedal in London 2012.

Joseph Diaz Jr.Country of Origin: Born inEast Los Angeles, Mexican Par-ents Sport: Boxing Olympic Debut: London 2012 Medal: N/A

Danell LeyvaCountry of Origin: Cuba Sport: Gymnastics Olympic Debut: London 2012 Medal: Bronze

Marlen EsparzaCountry of Origin: Born inHouston, Mexican Parents Sport: Boxing Olympic Debut: London 2012 Medal: Bronze

Brandon EscobarCountry of Origin: Born inLong Island, Parents from Hon-duras Sport: Wrestling Olympic Debut: London 2012 Medal: N/A

John OrozcoCountry of Origin: Born inNew York, Puerto Rican Parents Sport: Gymnastics Olympic Debut: London 2012 Medal: N/A

Amy RodriguezCountry of Origin: Born inBeverly HIlls to a Cuban father Sport: Soccer Olympic Debut: Beijing 2008 Medal: Gold (Team) Leo ManzanoCountry of Origin: Mexico(Naturalized U.S. Citizen since

2004) Sport: Track & Field Olympic Debut: Beijing 2008 Medal: 2012 U.S. OlympicTeam Trials 1500m champion

Sarah RoblesCountry of Origin: Born in Cal-ifornia, Mexican ancestry(great-grandparents on her fa-ther's side) Sport: Weightlifting Olympic Debut: London 2012 Medal: N/A

Team USA: Manuel HuertaCountry of Origin: Cuba (Nat-uralized U.S. Citizen since2004) Sport: Triathlon Olympic Debut: London 2012 Medal: 50th Place

Giuseppe LanzoneCountry of Origin: Peru (Natu-ralized U.S. Citizen in 2006) Sport: Rowing Olympic Debut: Beijing 2008 Medal: N/A

Jose Ramirez, USA BoxingTeam Trials Champion 2012Olympics

Javier Culson Perez-Puerto Rico400 Meter HurdlesBronze Medal

Ryan Lochte: U.S. Born CubanAmericanSwimming – 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 1Bronze

Diana Taurasi: U.S. Born of Ar-gentinian & Italian ParentsBasketball –Gold

Lauren Tamayo2012 Olympic Games, silvermedal in the track cycling teampursuit

Carmelo Anthony:Puerto RicanBasketball– Gold

Alysia MontanoFinished 5th in the 800 meter

Melissa Gonzalez,Field Hockey Team

Donald Cabral,3000 meter

Page 15: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


FESTIVAL BECOMES HUGE SUCCESS!St. Joesph’s The Worker Parish of Wyoming,

Michigan celebrated its’ Annual Festival atWyoming’s Lamar Park. The two day event drewseveral thousands of festival-goers inspite of arocky start due to weather conditions.

The event was masterfully organized by“teams” of church members working from GrandRapids. Food booths, information booths, games,inflatable fun spots for children, face painting, liveperformances by area talents and a low rider car

show drew widespread community support for theevent.

¡GRAN EXITO PARA FIESTA DE SAN JOSE!El festival de San Joseph de Wyoming, Michigan secelebró el pasado mes de Agosto en el LamarPark. El evento contó con una gran organizaciónpor parte de los diferentes grupos de la iglesia deGrand Rapids. Hubo puestos de comida, puestosde información, juegos, inflables para diversión delos niños, actuaciones en vivo de talentos y showde carros de lowrider. ¡BRAVO!

Deacon Carlos

Grabriella de la Vega & Father Steve Cron

Jose Rodriguez & LindaArechiga at St. Joseph Festival

Members of the Knights of Columbus selling Pinchos!


Ermelinda y Raquel Andrade

Ricardo Casarez

Rigo Vazquez & Abe Muñoz Team MorelosCampeones de Adultos Columbia MX Campiones Jrs

Photos by: Anthony T. Valdez and Homero Rodriguez

Page 16: Lavoz September 2012 - issue





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Page 17: Lavoz September 2012 - issue

Aug. 31-Sept 3 Soul of the CityCelebrate the music, dance and food of the urban AfricanAmerican at Rosa Parks Circlein Downtown Grand Rapids. Mu-sically, the focus is classic ‘70sand ‘80s funk-R&B-soul withbands such as Lakeside (“Fan-tastic Voyage”) and MidnightStar (“Freak-A-Zoid”). Eventswill take place Rain or Shine.Celebra el Alma de laciudad con los Africano AmericanosCelebra la música, danza, canto y comida de nuestros

vecinos Afro-Americanos durante tres dias de fiesta enel Centro de Grand Rapids en el circulo de Rosa Parks.El evento tomará lugar si hace sol o lluvia.

Sept 2 through Nov 2 - “Herencia” (“Her-itage”) : Exhibit to celebrate the works of area Hispanicartists. Artists’ reception: Fri, Sept 2, 6 pm to 8 pm: AtHolland Area Arts Council, 150 East 8th St,"Herencia" : Exposion para celebrar las obras de artistasdel área hispana. Recepción de Artistas: Fri, 2 de sep-tiembre, 6 pm a 8 pm: En Holland, Area Arts Council, 150East 8th St, Holland.

Sept 3 - "Grand Crossings" 2012 Labor Day Com-munity Bridge Walk.Times: Monday 8:00 AM. Location:Ah-Nab-Awen Park. Participants can walk as many asfive miles, the equivalent of the Mackinac Bridge, andcross as many as seven bridges. No sign-up is neces-sary. Please make sure you are physically able to par-ticipate. Mayor George K. Heartwell will lead the walk."Grand Crossings” 2012 del Día del Trabajo de la Co-munidad Caminata en el puente.Times: Lunes 8:00 AM.Ubicación: Ah-Nab-Awen Park. Registro no necesario.Por favor, asegúrese de que esta usted físicamentecapaz para participar. El alcalde Jorge K. Heartwell lle-vará la caminata.

Sept 3 - Labor Fest 2012. Times: Monday 11:00 AMto 5:00 PM. Location: Ah-Nab-Awen Park. Admission:FREE. LABOR FEST @ Ah-Nab-Awen Park on LaborDay * FREE Admission to Gerald Ford Presidential Mu-seum * FREE Live Music in the Park * FREE Fun/Rides

for the Kids * Classic Car & Motorcycle Show * LocalFood Vendors & Beer Tent * Festival del Día del Trabajo

2012. Horario:Lunes 11:00 ama 5:00 pm. Ubi-cación: Ah-Nab-Awen Park.A d m i s i ó n :GRATIS. Ad-misión gratis al

museo del Presidente Gerald Ford, Musica en Vivo,Paseos gratis para niños. Para más información

Sept 7 through 9 - 51st Annual Grand ValleyAmerican Indian Lodge Traditional Grand Valley PowWow. Times: Friday & Saturday 10:00 AM to dark, Sun-day 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Location: Riverside Park. Ad-mission: Free. Native American dancing, crafts and food.Public welcome. We are a "Family Friendly" event that isdrug and alcohol free. Our Grand entries for dancing areat 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM on Saturday and again at Noonon Sunday.51st Annual Grand Valley American Indian Lodge Tradi-tional Grand Valley Pow Wow. Horario: viernes y sába-dos de 10:00 AM hasta que anochezca , domingos de10:00 AM a 5:00 PM. Lugar: Riverside Park. Entrada:Gratuita.

Sept 7 through 15 - Allegan County Fair. Times:Gates open at 8:00 AM everyday except the first Friday,when they open at noon. Monday-Friday Midway ridesopen at 2:30 PM, Weekends at noon. Location: AlleganCounty Fairgrounds. Admission: Call or visit website foradmission details. Come and enjoy the ProfessionalRodeo, the largest County Fair Parade in the nation, Mo-tocross, Tractor & Truck Pulls, Animal Barns, top notchentertainmentand rides. del Condado de Allegan. Horario: Las puertasabren a las 8:00 am todos los días excepto el primerviernes, ese día se abren al mediodía. De lunes aviernes los juegos Midway estan abiertos a las 2:30 pm,y fines de semana juegos abren al mediodía. Ubicación:Allegan County Fairgrounds. Admisión: Llame o visite elsitio web para más detalles de admisión.

Sept 8 - Rhoades McKee ReedsLake Triathlon - Duathlon. Times: Sat-urday 7:10 AM. Location: East GrandRapids. Admission: Varies by dateleading up to September 8 . RhoadesMcKee Reeds Lake Triathlon &Duathlon! Duathlon: 2 Mile Run, 17.2Mile Bike & 4.9 Mile Run Triathlon:1/2 Mile Swim, 17.2 Mile Bike & 4.9Mile Run Visit website for Enrty Feesand Packet Pick-Up informationTriatlón - Duatlón del Lago RhoadesMcKee Reeds. Horario: Sábado 7:10am. Localización: East Grand Rapids.Entrada: varía según la fecha, paramás información visita

Sept 8 - Hyser Rivers MuseumOpen House. Times:Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Sun-day Noon to 4:00 PM. Location:Hyser Rivers Museum next to GrandRogue Encampment. Admission:Free and open to the public. Rivers Museum Open House.Horario: Sábado 10:00 am a 4:00 pm,el domingo de 12:00 a 4:00 PM.Lugar: Hyser Rivers Museum junto al

Gran Campamento Rogue. Entrada: Gratis y abierto alpúblico.

Sept 7 through 9 - 35th Annual Hispanic Festi-val 2012. Times: Friday 11:30 AM to 11:30 PM, SaturdayNoon to 11:00 PM. Location: Calder Plaza. Admission:Free. Music, dance, foodbooths serving traditional cuisine from Mexico, PuertoRico and the Caribbean. A retail Mercado (marketplace)and beer tent available. Friday and Saturday.35vo Festival Anual Hispano 2012. Horario: viernes de11:30 AM a 11:30 PM, el sábado de 12:00 a 11:00 pm.Lugar: Plaza Calder. Entrada: Gratuita. con música, baile, comida y diversión.

Sept 9 - Nickelodeon Boy Band BIG TIME RUSH.Times: Sunday 7:00 PM. Location: Van Andel ArenaAdmission: $29.50, $39.50 and $55. Ticket prices subjectto change and limit of eight (8) tickets per transaction. Boy Band BIG TIME RUSH. Horario:Domingo 7:00 PM. Ubicación: Van Andel Arena.Ad-misión: $ 29.50, $ 39.50 y $ 55. Precios de las entradassujetas a cambio y el límite de ocho (8) entradas portransacción.

Sept 10 - GVSU Fall Arts Celebration: Music for the'Era of Good Feelings'. Times: 8:00 PM. Location: LouisArmstrong Theatre, Performing Arts Center, GVSU Al-lendale Campus. Admission: Free admission. Seats fillquickly; arrive early.ón de Artes en Otoño en GVSU: Música parala 'Era de los Buenos Sentimientos'. Horario: 8:00 pm.Ubicación: Teatro de Louis Armstrong,Centro de ArtesEscénicas, GVSU Campus de Allendale. Entrada: En-trada libre y gratuita. Los asientos se llenan rápidamente,llegar temprano. / fallarts

Sept 12 - BarFLy Exposed. Times: Wednesday 6:00PM to 9:00 PM. Location: HopCat and McFadden's. Ad-mission: free. BarFly exposed is a party for the people!We invite the public to see artists works at both venues.Visitors will have a chance to enjoy some world classbeer with our artists while soaking up a most exquisitescene. So come be a part of the stir and let’s get ArtPrizestarted.BarFly expuesto. Horario: Miércoles 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM.Ubicación: HopCat and McFadden's. Entrada: gratuita.Barfly expuesto es una fi-esta para el pueblo!

Sept 14 through16 - 43rd Annual FiestaMexicana 2012.Times: Fri-day & Saturday Noon to11:30 PM , Sunday Noon to6:00 PM. Location: CalderPlaza. Admission: FREE! Fi-esta Mexicana hosted bythe Mexican Heritage Asso-ciation is a three day culturalextravaganzal highlighting the music, art and food ofMexico, beer tent and mercado. 43va Fiesta Anual Mexicana 2012.Times:Viernes ysábado de 12:00 a 11:30 pm, el domingo dev 12:00 a6:00 PM. Lugar: Plaza de Calder. Admisión: GRATIS! Fi-esta Mexicana organizada por Mexican Heritage Asso-ciation, es un extravaganzal cultural de tres días,destacando la música, el arte y la comida de México, .tienda de cerveza y Mercado.

Sept 15 - 2012 Lansing for Cesar E. Chavez"Latino/Tejano Music Showcase" Sponsored by Lansingfor Cesar E. Chavez Committee the 2012 Lansing forCesar E. Chavez "Latino/Tejano Music Festival will beheld in Old Town (Lot 56/Cesar Chavez Plaza and Bur-chard Park ) on Saturday, September 15, 2012 from12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. - Alcohol will be sold, served,

and consumed on site - for more information on this com-munity festival contact Diane Hernandez-Wojda at (517)896-5398.2012 Lansing para Cesar E. Chavez "Music Latino / Te-jano Showcase" Patrocinado por Comité de Cesar E.Chavez en Lansing 2012. Cesar E. Chavez "Latino / Fes-tival de Música Tejana se llevará a cabo en la CiudadVieja (Lot 56/Cesar Chávez Plaza y Burchard Park) elsábado, 15 de septiembre 2012 de 12:00 a 11:00pm - Elalcohol se vende, se sirve y consumido en el lugar - paramás información comunicarse con Diane Hernandez-Wojda al (517) 896-5398.

Sept 15 - Harvest on the Ridge Apple Festival.Times: Saturday 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Location:Sparta.Harvest on the Ridge Apple Festival is a cele-bration of the bounty and variety of products that areavailable fresh from the fields, orchards, and businessesin this great state that we call home! The Sparta Harveston the Ridge Apple Festival offers something for every-one including music, kids activities, family activities, 5Kwalk/run, sidewalk sales, Michigan Beer & Wine tasting,arts & crafts show, Antique Tractor Show, William TellArchery Competition, and more!Harvest on the Ridge Apple Festival. Horario: Sábadosde 8:00 am a 10:00 pm. Ubicación: Sparta. El Festival esuna celebración de la abundancia y variedad de pro-ductos frescos que están disponibles en los campos,huertos, y las empresas en este gran estado que lla-mamos hogar!

Sept 15 & 16 - Grand Rogue Living History En-campment. Times: Hours :Saturday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM,and Sunday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Location: GrandRogue Campground and Paddlesports. Admission: Rogue Living History Encampment. Horario:Sábado: 9:00 AM a 9:00 PM, y domingo: 9:00 AM a 4:00PM. Ubicación: Grand Rogue Campground and Paddle-sports. Entrada: Gratuita. Para más información

Sept 16 - 11th Annual RunGR Bridge Run.Times:8:00 AM (Race Start). Location: Rosa Park Circle (Mon-roe Center). Admission: Race Registration: $35 / FREEfor Spectators.Take your pick from a 10 mile run, 5K runor 5K walk. This is a great event for the whole family, in-cluding all training levels and ages.

11th Annual RunGR Bridge Run.Horario: 8:00 AM (Race Start). Ubi-cación: Rosa Park Circle (MonroeCenter). Entrada: Registro de lacarrera: $ 35 / GRATIS para Spec-tators. Selecciona una carrera de10 kilómetros, de 5 kilómetros ouna caminata de 5 km. Para mayori n f o r m a c i ó

Sept 19 through Oct 7 -ArtPrize at GRAM 2012: Transfor-

mation. Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Satur-day 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Friday 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM,Sunday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM, closed Mondays. Loca-tion: Grand Rapids Art Museum. Admission: Adults -$8.00 Senior Adults & College Students(W ID) - $7.00Youth (ages 6-17) - $5.00 Children under 6 – Free. Thepublic decides who wins $350,000 across the top ten,and anyone who attends ArtPrize can cast their vote. Formore information on ArtPrize, please visit their website. en GRAM 2012: Transformación. Horario:martes, miércoles, jueves, sábados de 10:00 am a 5:00pm, viernes de 10:00 am a 9:00 pm, Domingo 12:00 PMa 5:00 PM, cerrado los lunes. Ubicación: Grand RapidsArt Museum. Entrada: Adultos - $ 8.00 adultos mayoresy estudiantes universitarios (con ID) - Jóvenes $ 7.00(edades 6-17) - $ 5.00 Niños menores de 6 años - gratis.


September Events / Eventos en Septiembre

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Sep 21 & 22 - Fall Bridal Show of West Michigan.Times: Friday 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Saturday 11:00 AMto 4:00 PM. Location: DeVos Place. Hosted by: KohlerExpos, Inc. Admission: Please check website. Bridal Show of West Michigan- Show discounts from local wedding professionals, meetleading bridal exhibitors face-to-face, and view currentbridal gowns at runway fash-ion shows. Bridal Show ex-hibits include: weddinggowns, tuxedos, catering,flowers, honeymoon - travel,photography, limos, decora-tions, invitations, photbooth,reception facilities, videogra-phy, gift registry, party buses,DJ and de Novias en Otoño en el Oeste de Michigan. Ho-rario: viernes de 5:00 pm a 9:00 pm, sábado de 11:00am a 4:00 pm. Ubicación: DeVos Place. Organizado por:Kohler Expos, Inc. Admisión: Por favor, consulte el sitioweb.

Sep 21, 22 & 23 - 9th Annual Grand HavenSalmon Festival.Times: Friday, Saturday & Sunday -Please check website for times. Location: Downtown Grand Haven, The 9thAnnual Grand Haven Salmon Festival, a three-day fes-tival slated for September 21-23, 2012 in downtown,Grand Haven. The outdoor-waterfront festival featureslive jazz music; Michigan winetasting pavilion (ID re-quired for wine/beer tasting) featuring Michigan's topwineries and grape stomping; gourmet salmon cook-offcontest; fall harvest beer & entertainment pavilion; down-town merchant market; fine art fair on the waterfront; BigKing Salmon fishing contest with weigh-in/awards cere-mony; mouth-watering food and beverage treats at theFresh Catch Fish Boil; 9o. Festival de Salmon de GranHaven. Días: Viernes, Sábado y Domingo - Para los ho-

rarios visite la página de internet. Localización: Downtown Grand Haven, fes-tival de tres días programado para 21 a 23 septiembre2012 ,en el centro de Grand Haven.

Sep 21 - Billy Dean wsg. Morgan Frazier. Times: Fri-day 6:00 PM Doors Open, 7:00 PM Show. Location: The

DeltaPlex Arena and Conference Center.Admission: $50, $35, $24. RSVP onFacebook. Ticket Information: *1st – 2Rows $50 (VIP Package) *RemainingRows – $35 *GA Arena – $24 Tickets areon sale now at the DeltaPlex Box Office, or by calling 800-514-3849. Es-cape the service fees and purchase atthe DeltaPlex Box Office open Mon-Fri10am-5pm!

Billy Dean WSG. Morgan Frazier. Horario: Las puertas seabren el viernes a las 6:00 PM, el show comienza a las7:00 pm. Ubicación: Arena DeltaPlex and centro de Con-ferencias. Admisión: $ 50, $ 35, $ 24. RSVP en Face-book. Precio de las entradas: * 1 º - 2 filas $ 50 (PaqueteVIP) * el resto de registros - $ 35 * GA Arena - $ 24 Lasentradas están a la venta en la taquilla del DeltaPlex, o llamando al 800-514-3849.

Sept 28- Advocates for Immigrants Welcomed.Please join us for the 2012 Statewide Immigrant RightsSummit, hosted by the Michigan Coalition for Immigrantand Refugee Rights (MCIRR) on Friday, September28th, 2012 at Lansing Community College's West Cam-pus 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Please complete and fax theappropriate form to Lillie Wolff at (269)492-7198.Los abogados y personas que apoyan a los derechosde los inmigrantes que quieren ayudar conseguir unajusta reforma para los inmigrantes deben participar enuna convocacion el dia 28 en Lansing Community Col-lege desde las 8:30 a.m. hasta las 5:00 p.m. Para másinformacion se puede comunicar con Lillie Wolff alnúmero (269) 492-7198


El programa de lenguaje más grande y completo para los estudiantes del idioma Inglés en el oeste de Michigan.

18 Escuelas designadas como Centros de Idiomas o Centros de servicios del vecindario de idiomas, con más de 70 profesores bilingües altamente calificados.

El mejor programa de la región de inmersión dual Español/Ingles en la Escuela Southwest Community Campus.

La mas amplia selección en educación Pre-escolar y Programas de jardín infantil durante todo el día.

Amplios programas de tutoría y guías después de clases en las escuelas.

Escuelas regionales de K-8 temáticas y los nuevos “Centros de Innovación”:Ciencias Ambientales, Lengua y Estudios Globales, artes creativas, Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela de Negocios, Ciencias y Tecnologíay, y mucho más!

Para más información de las opciones de las Escuelas Públicas de Grand

Rapids (GRPS), o requerir una aplicación para registrarse, por favor

llame a la oficina de ELL al número (616) 819-2129.

Page 19: Lavoz September 2012 - issue

Ana de la Reguera es una actriz y presentadora muy conocida en su pais México, donde ha protagoni-zado numerosas telenovelas y ha conducido programas de televisión. En el 2006 dió el salto a Holly-wood a protagonizando la película 'Super Nacho' junto a Jack Black (Amor Ciego, Escuela de Rock,King Kong).

Ana de la Reguera nació en Veracruz (México), pronto empezó sus estudios de interpretación en elInstituto Veracruzano de Cultura y en el Centro Educación Artística de Televisa. A parte de su tra-bajo en televisión y en telenovelas, tambien había hecho cine antes de 'Super Nacho', concreta-mente había participado en dos películas: 'Como pez en el agua' y 'Por la libre'.

De ella se espera que sea la nueva sensación latina en Hollywood, junto a las ya asentadasSalma Hayek y Penelope Cruz, con esta última tiene en común muchos rasgos físicos, asique ha empezado a abrirse caminos en los Estados Unidos, participó con Argos Comuni-cación en la serie de HBO Latinoamérica "Capadocia" al lado de Dolores Heredia, CeciliaSuárez y otras actrices latinoamericanas.

La actriz inicia el 2009 con el estreno en cine con Backyard-El Traspatio, dirigida porCarlos Carrera, Ana de la Reguera interpreta a Blanca, una policía que investiga un as-esinato. Además de que participa en la adaptación de la célebre obra Otelo, la cual sepresenta en el Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM.

En el 2010 ha participado en la película Cop out, protagonizada por Bruce Willis yTracy Morgan, con quienes comparte escena. Ella interpreta a Gabriela, una mexi-cana que se ve envuelta en una serie de incidentes cuando un par de policías la des-cubren en el maletero de un coche. Para este trabajo, la actriz debió decir sus líneaspor completo en español.

En el 2011 participó en la película Cowboys & Aliens donde interpretó a una mujerque es secuertrada por los aliens.

ANA DE LA REGUERA is perhaps best known in the U.S. for her roleas Sister Encarnación in the hit comedy "Nacho Libre," starring

Jack Black.

Born in Veracruz, she has also appeared in numerous filmsin her native Mexico, including "Paraiso Travel," with JohnLeguizamo; "Backyard," opposite Jimmy Smits; "Dust toDust"; "A Beautiful Secret"; "Ladies' Night"; "El Caco";"Asi del precipicio"; and "Sultanes del Sur." She will nextbe seen in the Spanish feature "Di Di Hollywood."

De la Reguera studied acting at Instituto Ver-acruzano de Cultura and at the Centro de Forma-ción Actoral (CEFAC) de TV Azteca. She began hercareer on the popular Spanish-language soap opera"Azul," and has since appeared in numerous televi-sion productions in Mexico. In the States, she mostrecently starred in the TV movie "Empire State," fromdirector Jeremy Podeswa and she appeared as KennyPowers' love interest in Season 2 of HBO's hit seriesEastbound & Down.

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Congratulations to the Winnersof the 32nd Annual TejanoMusic Awards

Felicidades a los ganadores dela 32a entrega anual de losPremios Tejano Music

Song of the Year /Canción del AñoJuntos Hasta Morir – ElidaReyna & Jesse Turner

Male Vocalist of the Year / Vocalista Masculino del AñoJesse Turner (Siggno)

Female Vocalist of the Year /Vocalista Femenino del AñoElida Reyna

Entertainer of the Year / Artista del AñoElida Reyna

Album of the Year – Tejano / Álbum del Año - TejanoLo Que Me Dejaste – Siggno

Album of the Year /Album del AñoConjunto Manteniendo LaPromesa – TheHometown Boys

Vocal Duo of theYearDúo Vocal del AñoElida Reyna & JesseTurner – JuntosHasta Morir

Best New Male/Mejor Hombre delAñoRicky Valenz

Best New Female/Mejor Mujer delAño

Jessica Sanchez

Best New Group /Mejor Nuevo GrupoTejano Highway 281

Lifetime Achievement Award/

Premio deTrayectoria

Elsa GarciaMingo Sal-divarJohnny Canales

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Tony Bennetconvocó agrandes fig-uras de lamúsica enespañol paraformar undisco deduetos. Losinvitadosque partici-paron en elmaterial fueron Marc Anthony, MiguelBosé, Roberto Carlos, Chayanne, FrancoDe Vita, Gloria Estefan, Vicente Fernández,Juan Luis Guerra, Romeo Santos, Thalía,entre otros.

Tonny Dandrades estuvo presente en lasgrabaciones de los duetos junto a RomeoSantos y Juan Luis Guerra y fue testigodesde Nueva York, de esta unión quequedará plasmada en un espectacular ma-terial discográfico.

Viva Duets es el título de esta producciónque saldrá a la venta el próximo 23 de oc-tubre y estará formado por grabaciones eninglés, español y portugués. Otros can-tantes invitados son Ana Carolina, MariaGadú, Dani Martín de El Canto del Loco yVicentico.

La lista de temas del CD incluye For Oncein My Life con Marc Anthony, Don't GetAround Much Anymore con Bosé, The VeryThought of You con Ana Carolina, TheGood Life con De Vita, Who Can I Turn To?con Estefan, Just in Time con Guerra, Are

You Havin'Any Fun?con Martín,The WayYou LookTonight conThalía yCold, ColdHeart conVicentico. will present the worldwideonline premiere of the video trailer forTony Bennett's forthcoming CD, TONYBENNETT: VIVA DUETS, which features asneak peak at the legendary singer's latestCD project. The trailer includes footage ofTony and Chayanne performing Bennett'sclassic hit, "The Best Is Yet To Come," aswell as an audio clip of Bennett's duet withDani Martin. TONY BENNETT: VIVA DUETSwill be released worldwide on October 23,2012.

VIVA DUETS is the singer's third duets-themed project, following the platinumselling and critically praised DUETS andDUETS II CDs. Featuring many top namesin the Latin recording industry, VIVADUETS finds Bennett performing his great-est hits with a celebrated roster of artistsincluding Marc Anthony, Miguel Bose,Roberto Carlos, Ana Carolina, Chayanne,Franco De Vita, Gloria Estefan, VicenteFernandez, Maria Gadu, Juan Luis Guerra,Dani Martin, Romeo Santos, Thalia and Vi-centico, with additional duet guests to beannounced.




Los productores de “Sesame Street” re-alizarán un casting para un nuevo person-aje recurrente en el programa.

Todavía no se puede hablar de las carac-terísticas del nuevo personaje, porqueellas dependerán en gran medida del actoro actriz seleccionados.

El nuevo personaje sería presentado en latemporada 44 del programa, elpróximo año.

Creado por Joan Ganz Cooneyy Lloyd Morrisett, “SesameStreet” debutóen 1969 ydesde entoncesha deleitado amillones deniños alrede-dor del mundo,con versionesderivadas enpaíses comoIsrael, Nigeria,

Alemania y México, donde se produce“Plaza Sésamo”.

Sesame Street is making headlines as itcreates room for a brand new character inthe neighborhood.

The iconic children’s television program iscasting its first Hispanic character sincethe puppet Rosita was introduced back in1993.

Hundreds of people lined up outsideNew York’s Roseland Ballroom for a

chance to be the newest neigh-bor on Sesame Street.

According to the show’sblog, producers are looking

to fill the role of a His-panic character be-tween the ages of18 to 25 who is flu-

ent in Spanish andEnglish.


LATINO DE NUEVA YORKLa cinta venezolana “El rumor de laspiedras” se llevó el premio a la mejorpelícula internacional en el Festival deCine Latino de Nueva York, que galar-donó también a su di-rector, AlejandroBellame.

La organización delfestival, lo anuncio alconcluir el festival, yen el que se presen-taron este año más detreinta películas, docu-mentales y cortometra-jes en inglés y español,reflejando la diversi-dad cultural de Esta-dos Unidos.

El premio al mejor cor-tometraje fue para“Pescadora”, una co-producción de Estados Unidos y Perúdirigida por Daniel Enrique García yAhna Terpstra que cuenta las vivenciasde Dora, que soñaba con ser pescadorapero que en su aldea sólo querían quese casara.

Mientras, el galardón al mejor docu-mental fue para “El médico, la historiade Cubatíón”, del director DanielFridell, mientras que el dedicado almejor cortometraje de HBO fue para“The acting lesson”, de Carmen Peláez.

“En sus trece años, el festival se haganado una reputación como el eventode cine urbano de mayor prestigio enEstados Unidos”, dijo, por su parte, Eliz-abeth Gardner, directora coejecutiva del


Venezuela's "El Rumor de las Piedras"(The Murmur of the Rocks) by Alejandro

Bellame won the award forBest International Feature atthe New York InternationalLatino Film Festival, whichalso gave Bellame the Best Di-rector prize.

The festival, which ended onAugust 19, screened morethan 30 films, documentariesand short subjects in Englishand Spanish this year, reflect-ing the cultural diversity ofthe United States.

The award for Best Shortwent to "Pescadora" (Fisher-woman), a U.S.-Peruvian co-production directed by Daniel

Enrique García and Ahna Terpstra,which follows the experiences of Dora,who always dreamed of being a fisher-woman but people in her seaside villagekeep pushing her to get married in-stead.

Meanwhile the jury judged "El Medico:the Cubaton Story" by director DanielFridell to be the Best Documentarywhile "The Acting Lesson" by CarmenPelaez won the HBO/NYILFF Short FilmCompetition.

"In 13 years, the festival has gained areputation as the most prestigiousurban film event in the United States,"festival co-executive director ElizabethGardner said.


Aunque no se ha confir-mado, el famoso EnriqueIglesias podría pasar a serparte del nuevo panel dejueces de American Idol.

En la nueva temporada,que será la doceava edi-ción del show suena elnombre del cantante es-pañol para la mesa decríticos donde recor-damos Steven Tyler dejóun asiento vacante.

Se dice que Enrique nodescarta la idea de serparte del programa. Porotra parte, tambiénrecordemos que la únicaconfirmada para esta edi-ción como juez del realityes Mariah Carey y a ellapodría unirse Enrique

Iglesias, al lado de RandyJackson para conformar lanueva temporada del pro-grama.

AmericanIdol is wellin the throesof findingnew judgesto fill the va-cancies left byJennifer Lopezand Steven Tyler.This time two verydifferent musicalartists could earn aposition, but it seemsthe show may be lookingto nab a judge for theright price. Rapper KanyeWest and singer EnriqueIglesias may be takingtime out of their busy

schedules to dole out ad-vice on the hit singingcompetition show, but we

will see whetherproducers de-

cide a biggerbudget staror a morereliableschedule willprevail.

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Opening September 7

The WordsStarring Bradley Cooper, Oscar(R)-winner Jeremy Irons,Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde and Zoe Saldana, the layeredromantic drama The Words follows young writer RoryJansen who finally achieves long sought after literary suc-cess after publishing the next great American novel.There's only one catch - he didn't write it. As the pastcomes back to haunt him and his literary star continuesto rise, Jansen is forced to confront the steep price thatmust be paid for stealing another man's work, and forplacing ambition and success above life's most funda-mental three words. Rated: PG-13.Un exitoso escritor lee su nueva novela ante una multitudde entregados fans. En ella nos narra la historia de un es-critor fracasado que tiene la fortuna de encontrar un man-

uscrito. Lo publica como suyo y obtiene un éxito espectacular que lo encumbra comouno de los mejores escritores de su tiempo. Pronto descubriremos quién es el autor deese manuscrito, un anciano que lo escribió durante su juventud, cuando estuvo desti-nado en París tras la segunda guerra mundial. Allí en París encontró al amor de su


The Cold Light of DayWill Shaw (Henry Cavill) goes to Spain for a weeklong sail-ing vacation with his family but his whole world turns up-side down when the family is kidnapped by intelligenceagents hell-bent on recovering a mysterious briefcase andWillsuddenly finds himself on the run. . Rated: PG-13.Will Shaw (Henry Cavill) es un joven norteamericano cuyafamilia es secuestrada cuando se encuentran en plenas va-caciones por España. Shaw dispone de pocas horas paraencontrarlos, poner al descubierto una conspiración delgobierno y además encontrar la conexión existente entrela desaparición de su familia y los secretos de su padre.

Opening September 14

Finding Nemo 3DThe comedic and eventful journeys of two fish - Marlin and his sonNemo - who become separated in the Great Barrier Reef whenNemo is unexpectedly taken far from home and thrust into a fishtank in a dentist's office overlooking Sydney harbor. Buoyed bythe companionship of a friendly-but-forgetful fish named Dory,the overly cautious father embarks on a dangerous trek and findshimself the unlikely hero of an epic journey to rescue his son -who hatches a few daring plans of his own to return safely home.Rated: G.En esta sorprendente aventura submarina, con personajes mem-

orables, humor y emoción, Buscando a Nemo 3D sigue el trascendental y descabelladoviaje de un sobreprotector pez payaso llamado Marlín y su hijo Nemo quienes se ven oblig-ados a separarse en la Gran Barrera de Coral cuando Nemo es inesperadamente llevadolejos de su casa para terminar en la gran pecera del consultorio de un dentista. Una ami-gable pero olvidadiza pez cirujano azul, Marlín se embarca en una peligrosa búsqueda yse convierte en el inverosímil héroe de una dificil tarea para rescatar a su hijo, quien porsu propia cuenta ha tramado un osado plan para volver a salvo al hogar.

The Perks of Being a WallflowerA shy and unpopular teenager describes his life by writing a seriesof letters to an anonymous person and explores the awkwardtimes of adolescence, including drug use and sexuality. Rated:PG-13.

Charlie comienza el instituto, pero no tiene junto a él a su mejoramigo, que se suicidó meses antes. Allí conoce a Sam y Patrick, doshermanastros que lo introducen en mundo de las drogas. A travésde las cartas a un amigo desconocido narrará sus experienciasen torno al suicidio, las relaciones abusivas, el aborto, los abusosa menores.



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Resident Evil: RetributionThe Umbrella Corporations deadly T-virus continues to ravage theEarth, transforming the global population into legions of the flesheating Undead. The human races last and only hope, ALICE (MillaJovovich), awakens in the heart of Umbrella's most clandestine op-erations facility and unveils more of her mysterious past as shedelves further into the complex. Without a safe haven, Alice con-tinues to hunt those responsible for the outbreak; a chase thattakes her from Tokyo to New York, Washington, D.C. and Moscow,culminating in a mind-blowing revelation that will force her to re-think everything that she once thought to be true. Aided by new-

found allies and familiar friends, Alice must fight to survive long enough to escape ahostile world on the brink of oblivion. The countdown has begun.El mortal T-virus de la Corporación Umbrella continúa causando estragos en la Tierra,transformando a la población mundial en legiones de muertos vivientes hambrientos decarne. La última y única esperanza de la raza humana, Alice (Milla Jovovich), despiertaen el corazón de las instalaciones de operaciones más clandestinas de Umbrella, y rev-ela más sobre su misterioso pasado mientras que se adentra todavía más en el complejo.

Opening September 21

DreddSThe future America is an irradiated waste land. On its EastCoast, running from Boston to Washington DC, lies Mega CityOne--a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaoticstreets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called"Judges" who possess the combined powers of judge, jury andinstant executioner. Known and feared throughout the city,Dredd (Karl Urban) is the ultimate Judge, challenged with rid-ding the city of its latest scourge--a dangerous drug epidemicthat has users of "Slo-Mo" experiencing reality at a fraction ofits normal speed. Rated: R.“Nueva adaptación al cine del comic homónimo llevado a la

pantalla en 1995. En una violenta y futurista ciudad, donde la policía tiene la au-toridad para actuar de juez, jurado y ejecutor, un equipo de policías con un apren-diz entre ellos, intentará acabar con una banda de narcos que trafican una drogaque altera la realidad, el SLO-MO.

Opening September 28Hotel Transylvania

Welcome to the Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s (Adam Sandler)lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their families canlive it up, free to be the monsters they are without humans tobother them. On one special weekend, Dracula has invitedsome of the world’s most famous monsters – Frankensteinand his bride, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, a family of were-wolves, and more – to celebrate his daughter Mavis’s 118thbirthday. For Drac, catering to all of these legendary monstersis no problem – but his world could come crashing downwhen one ordinary guy stumbles on the hotel and takes ashine to Mavis. Rated: G.Bienvenidos a Hotel Transylvania, el fastuoso resort de cinco“estacas” de Drácula (Sandler), donde los monstruos y sus fa-

milias pueden darse la gran vida, libres de los entrometidos ojos de los humanos.Pero hay un pequeño detalle sobre Drácula que hay que saber: no solo es el Príncipede las Tinieblas, también es papá. Padre sobreprotector de su hija adolescente,Mavis, para la que elabora complicadas historias de peligros que acechan con el ob-jetivo de disuadir el espíritu aventurero de su niña.

LooperIn the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented – but it will be illegaland only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they

will send their target 30 years into the past, where a “looper” – ahired gun, like Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) – is waiting to mop up.Joe is getting rich and life is good… until the day the mob de-cides to “close the loop,” sending back Joe’s future self (BruceWillis) for assassination. En 2072 los asesinatos están terminantemente prohibidos y losobjetivos son enviados a través de una máquina del tiempo alpasado, al año 2042, donde existe una red de mercenarios, as-esinos a sueldo conocidos como Loopers, que se encargan deacabar con ellos y deshacerse rápidamente de los cuerpos. Unode los mejores Loopers es Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) para quienesta profesión sólo supone un trabajo muy bien pagado. Hastaque recibe un nuevo objetivo desde el futuro: él mismo (BruceWillis)

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End of WatchJake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena playyoung Los Angeles police officers Taylorand Zavala who patrol the city's meaneststreets of south central Los Angeles. Giv-ing the story a gripping, first-person im-mediacy, the action unfolds throughfootage from the handheldHD cameras of the police of-ficers, gang members, sur-veillance cameras, andcitizens caught in the line offire to create a riveting por-trait of the city's most dan-gerous corners, the cops whorisk their lives there everyday, and the price they andtheir families are forced topay. Rated: G.

David Ayer dirige “End ofwatch”. Respecto a su trama,lo cierto es que no se sabe de-masiado de ella, tan sólo quese tratará de un drama poli-

cial centrado en dos compañeros que son amigos desde hace bastantetiempo.

Michael Peña BiographyPeña was born in Chicago, Illinois, where his father worked at a button factoryand his mother was a social worker. Peña's parents, immigrants from Mexico,were originally farmers. Peña attended Hubbard High School in Chicago. Peñaand his wife Brie Shaffer welcomed their first child in September 2008, a boynamed Roman.

Though Peña has been a regular in independent productions since 1994, hisbreakthrough performances came in 2004 in two Best Picture Oscar-winningPaul Haggis penned films, Million Dollar Baby and Crash. The latter was alsodirected by Haggis, while the former was helmed by Clint Eastwood. Thoughboth films are critically acclaimed, Peña received attention for his particularlyemotional performance in Crash. The following year, he appeared on theGolden Globe winning series, The Shield. In 2006, he starred in Oliver Stone'sfilm based on the September 11, 2001 attacks, World Trade Center. He alsohad a small role in Alejandro González Iñárritu's Academy Award nominatedand Golden Globe-winning film Babel. This gives him the rare distinction ofhaving appeared in three consecutive Oscar nominated films. He also starredalongside Mark Wahlberg in Shooter as novice FBI agent Nick Memphis.

In 2006, Peña performed in the HBO film Walkout playing the part of Sal Cas-tro, a Mexican-American high school teacher who inspires a group of East L.A.high school students to fight for Chicano rights.

In 2009, Peña played a mall security guard alongside Seth Rogen's characterin Jody Hill's Observe and Report.

This talented actor has worked, between 2010 and 2011, in a lot of films ofdifferent genres, Everything Must Go, Battle: Los Angeles, The Good Doctor,The Lincoln Lawyer, 30 Minutes or Less, Tower Heist, Tower Heist, End ofWatch.

De ascendencia mexicana, Michael Peña nació y fue criado en la ciudad deChicago, Estados Unidos. Vivió una infancia lejos de los reflectores, pero muyjoven decidió que la actuación sería su profesión.

Ha participado en varias películas tales como 'Million Dollar Baby', al lado deHilary Swank y Clint Eastwood, 'World Trade Center' dirigida por Oliver Stone,'El tirador' junto a Mark Wahlberg, 'Babel' de Alejandro González Iñárritu,'Tipos con suerte', coprotagonizada por Rachel McAdams y Tim Robbins, elthriller político 'Leones por corderos' de Robert Redford, junto a Tom Cruise yMeryl Streep; entre otras.

Michael Peña se ha distinguido en Hollywood como un actor que ha trabajadocon una impresionante lista de premiados directores. Obtuvo gran re-conocimiento por su interpretación en la controvertida película de Paul Hag-gis, 'Crash', misma que obtuvo el premio Oscar al mejor guión original, mejormontaje y mejor película en el 2005; en ella participaron Don Cheadle, MattDillon, Terrence Howard, Sandra Bullock y varios renombrados actores más.Michael se ha hecho acreedor a varias nominaciones al mejor actor de repartoen su papel de Daniel, el Cerrajero, y ganó el premio del SAG y de BroadcastFilm Critics Association.

Este talentoso actor ha trabajado, entre 2010 y 2011, en una gran cantidad de films dedistintos géneros, como la producción independiente 'Everything Must Go', junto a Will Fer-rell y Rebecca Hall. 'The Good Doctor', junto a Orlando Bloom. Además participa en la se-gunda temporada de la serie 'De culo y cuesta abajo' de HBO protagonizada por DannyMcBride, con quien también actúa en el filme independiente '30 Minutes or Less', junto aJesse Eisenberg para el director Ruben Fleischer. Y con Matthew McConaughey en 'Lin-coln Lawyer'.

Page 25: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


ObesityObesity is considered to be an epidemic in America. Obesity, or being over-weight, can be caused by a combination of factors, including high caloric intake,psychological issues, genetic inheritance, sociocultural impacts on behavior, anda sedentary lifestyle. However, regardless of which factors cause obesity, the re-sults are the same. The amount of calories that a person consumes is greaterthan the amount of calories he uses in a given day. The unused calories are con-verted into fat by the body.

StressBeing obese causes stress on the body. The heart, joints, arteries and other areasall feel the incresed weight of fat, as well as the stress of other factors that comewith obesity. The body normally reacts to this type of stress by producing astress hormone called aldosterone. This hormone causes increased retention ofsodium (salt) in the body. The more sodium that's in body tissues, the less likelythey are to accept more blood into their cells to deliver nutrients. This can lead toa buildup of blood in the circulatory system, which will in turn lead to high bloodpressure, or hypertension.

PreventionThe best way to deal with obesity and hypertension is to take steps to avoid bothof them entirely. This means eating healthy meals and exercising frequently tostop a person's lifestyle from becoming or staying sedentary. To remain free fromboth conditions, a person should also stop as many unhealthy habits as possible,such as smoking and over-stressing themselves. Regular relaxation, like using aspa or getting a massage, can greatly improve circulation and help reduce bloodpressure. However, people should consult their personal doctor for the best ad-vice concerning what they should about obesity or hypertension.

How Does Obesity Cause Hypertension?

¿Cómo laobesidadcausa lahipertensión?ObesidadLa obesidad es considerada en Estados Unidos como una. La obesi-dad o el sobrepeso, puede ser causada por una combinación de fac-tores, incluyendo el consumo alto de de calorías, problemaspsicológicos, la herencia genética, los impactos socio-culturales en elcomportamiento y un estilo de vida sedentario. Sin embargo, inde-

pendientemente de que los factores que pueden causar laobesidad, los resultados son los mismos. La cantidad decalorías que una persona consume es mayor que la cantidadde calorías que utiliza en un día determinado. Las calorías noutilizadas se convierten en grasa para el cuerpo.

EstrésLa obesidad provoca estrés en el cuerpo. El corazón, las artic-ulaciones, arterias y otras áreas que tambien sienten el au-mento de grasa, y así como la tensión de otros factores queentran con la obesidad. El cuerpo normalmente reacciona aeste tipo de estrés mediante la producción de una hormonadel estrés llamada aldosterona. Esta hormona provoca unamayor retención de sodio (sal) en el cuerpo. Cuanto más sodiohay en los tejidos del cuerpo, menos probabiliday hay de acep-tar mas sangre en las celulas para entregar los alimentos.Esto puede llevar a una acumulación de sangre en el sistemacirculatorio, lo que a su vez dará lugar a la presión arterialalta o hipertensión.

PrevenciónLa mejor manera de lidiar con la obesidad y la hipertensiónarterial es tomar medidas para evitar el tanto de ellos porcompleto. Esto significa comer alimentos saludables y hacerejercicio con frecuencia para detener la vida de una personase convierta o permanecer sedentario. Para seguir siendo librede las dos condiciones, una persona también debe dejar lamayor cantidad posible de hábitos no saludables, comofumar, o el exceso de estrés. Relajación regular, como el usode un spa o recibir un masaje, puede mejorar mucho la circu-lación y ayudar a reducir la presión arterial. Sin embargo,debes consultar con tu médico para un mejor asesoramientoen relación a la obesidad o la hipertensión.

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Page 26: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


Page 27: Lavoz September 2012 - issue



Ingredients:5 cups fresh, pitted cherries, cut inhalf3 tbsp fresh lemon juice4 oz. crystallized ginger, chopped1/2 cup granulated sugar4 tsp cornstarch

1/2 cup granulated sugar1/2 cup brown sugar3 cups flour1 tsp baking powder1/4 tsp salt1/2 tsp ground nutmeg1 cup (2 sticks) cold butter, cut intosmall pieces1 egg, lightly beaten

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.Spray a 9×13-inch baking pan withcooking spray.

In a large bowl, combine cherries,lemon juice, crystallized ginger,1/2 cup sugar and cornstarch. Set


In a separate medium bowl, com-bine 1/2 cup each of granulatedsugar and brown sugar. Stir inflour, baking powder, salt, and nut-meg. Cut in cold butter pieces witha pastry cutter or a fork until themixture is crumbly. Stir the egginto the flour mixture.

Press half of the flour mixture intothe bottom of the prepared pan.Spread the cherry mixture over thecrust. Sprinkle the rest of the flourmixture over the cherries.

Bake in the preheated oven for 35-45 minutes, or until the top is lightbrown. Left the bars cool on a rackand then place the fridge to chill.This will make the bars easier tocut and remove from the pan. Cutinto 32 squares and serve.


Sólo aportan unas 60 calorías por cada 100 gramos de producto enestado fresco. Ésta es sólo una de las muchas 'virtudes' de esta deli-ciosa fruta. Tal es la calidad de las cerezas y picotas del Jerte queincluso cuentan con su propia Denominación de Origen.

Desde mediados de primavera hasta finales de verano la cereza seconvierte en una de las frutas más demandadas y con más éxitoentre los consumidores. Estos son sólo algunos de los motivos:

- Su elevado contenido de agua (un 85% aproximadamente) ayuda amantener la piel hidratada y sana.

- Sus propiedades depurativas y su suave efecto laxante ayudan alimpiar el organismo de toxinas y a eliminar líquidos. - Gracias a su contenido en fibra, mejoran el tránsito intestinal.

- Además, ayudan a reducir los niveles de ácido úrico y a aliviar yprevenir la gota.

- Junto al plátano es la fruta más rica en potasio, lo que la convierteen un alimento ideal para regular la hipertensión.

- Contiene altos niveles de vitamina A y C y hierro, lo que también lahace recomendable para tratar las anemias.

- Resultan perfectas para mantener la línea a raya, ya que tan sóloaportan unas 60 calorías por cada 100 gramos de producto.

- Es ideal ante la desmineralización delos huesos por su aporte en hierro, cal-cio y vitamina c, siendo aconsejable enla pre menopausia. Su riqueza en bio-favonoides, evitan la degeneración celu-lar. Ayuda a la arteriosclerosis,reumatismo, artritis y trastornos gástri-cos.

- Pero más allá de sus propiedades nu-tritivas, otra de las grandes razonespara incluir las cerezas en nuestro car-rito de la compra es su exquisito sabordulce, que alcanza su máxima expre-sión en las cerezas y picotas del Jerte

(Extremadura),recogidas una a unapor los agricultores.

- Además, las cerezaspueden ser ingredi-ente principal de nu-merosas recetastanto dulces comosaladas. Aquí debajoencontrarás algunosejemplos.

- Las personas dia-béticas pueden dis-frutar de esta fruta,ya que el azúcar quecontiene en su pulpa,es totalmente asimil-able.

They contain many vitamins,minerals and compounds

which have many health bene-fits. Some studies have showncherries are especially benefi-cial in fighting some cancers.

They contain a number ofanti-oxidants which help "mopup" free radicals. Free radi-cals are unstable moleculeswhich cause damage to cells

as the circulating molecule at-tacks other healthy cells.

Damage to cells caused byfree radicals have been shownto speed up the aging process.

Although a good source of vi-tamins, they are not as high in

vitamin C or vitamin A asfruits like strawberries or

blackcurrants but its the pres-ence of other antioxidants andcompounds that are responsi-ble for the many health bene-

fits of cherries.Cherries contain: Vitamin C,Vitamin A, Bioflavonoids, El-

lagic acid, Perillyl, Antho-cyanins, Melatonin.

Cherries are low in calories,low in fat and contain a high

percentage of water. Researchhas shown increasing water

consumption will boost energylevels and help increase the

metabolism. Many people arediscovering the benefits of

eating high water fruits likecherries for help in losing

weight. Tacos & Burritos(authentic mexican flavor)Platters(served with beans, rice, salad and tortillas)

Choose from:steak, chicken, pork, beef cheek, sirloin tips,shredded beef, seasoned ground beef

Tortas(mexican bread sandwich)Tostadas(flat corn shell w/toppings)Salads(beef or chicken)

Vegetarian Foods

(quesadillas, veggy taco,veggy burrito, avocado,

salad, avocado torta)

fajitas de res, pollo, puerco en salsa roja,

puerco en salsa verde,barbacoa,

guisado de res, deshebrada de res,

picadillo de res

Page 28: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


Page 29: Lavoz September 2012 - issue


CLASSIFIEDSCLASSIFIEDSSALES- The CommunityVoice/La Voz, West Michi-gan's leading bilingual pub-lication, is hiring sales stafffor the following areas.Kalamazoo, Holland,Grand Rapids, Muskegon,Lansing, Detroit, SouthHaven, and surroundingareas. Experience pre-ferred but will train the rightperson. Must have greatpeople skills and willing-ness to earn an endlessamount of income. Musthave transportation andmust also be knowledge-able of both English andSpanish. Send resume toAttn: Dr. José A. Flores1066 Grandville Ave SW,Grand Rapids, Mi. 49503 oremail resume to [email protected] for an in-terview

VENTAS- The CommunityVoice La Voz busca vende-dores con experiencia parapromover un periódico decalidad al igual que parahacer dinero. Vendedorespotenciales deben dominarel español e inglés, tenerbuena presentación, en-ergéticos, y poseer una ac-titud positiva. Personasinteresadas enviar su cur-ricula a:The Community Voice La

Voz Attn:Dr. José A. Flores

1066 Grandville Ave., SWGrand Rapids, MI 49503

DISTRIBUTION-The Com-munity Voice / La Voz ishiring a reliable distributorfor the Holland and GrandRapids area. Experiencepreferred but will train theright person. Interestedcandidates should have avalid drivers license andown transportation. Thisperson will work approx.30hrs/ month to start with apossibility of 15-20hrs+/week. Please sendresume to Attn: Dr. José A.Flores 1066 Grandville AveSW, Grand Rapids, Mi.49503 or email resume [email protected], orcall 616-243-9090 for anyquestions.

TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS -Directions in Research has week-end and evening opportunities forindividuals with outstanding com-munication skills. Must type atleast 35 wpm. -Starting wage$8/hr -$12/hr for top performers -Additional $1/hr bilingual (Eng-lish/ Spanish) premium -Set yourown schedule from 18-40hours/wk. NO SALES !2401 Camelot Ct. SE GrandRapids, MI 49546 (Directly behindCenterpointe Mall - on bus route)Apply in person 9am-5pm

EARLY CHILDHOOD THERA-PIST - To provide in-home InfantMental Health services. Mastersdegree in social work or relatedfield and clinical experience work-ing with young children and fami-lies required. Experience withcommunity based / in home worka plus. Caseload may includeSpanish speaking clients. Willing /able to work towards Mi-AIMH En-dorsement a must. Bilingual(Spanish speaking) preferred.Send resume to: Early ChildhoodProgram Manager, Arbor Circle,1101 Ball Ave NE, Grand Rapids,MI 49505 or email to [email protected]

PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS Alle-gan County Head Start is lookingfor talented, caring and committedindividuals to fill our Pre-SchoolTeaching position openings. HeadStart Teachers are responsible forproviding children with opportuni-ties to enhance their social com-petency and activities preparingthem for Kindergarten. Examples

of daily duties include planningand implementing developmen-tally appropriate group and indi-vidual activities for assignedchildren following program cur-riculum. BA in Early Childhood Ed-ucation or equivalent required.Bi-lingual applicants encour-aged. Must pass backgroundchecks. Application and/ or re-sume to: ACRDC 323 Water St.Allegan, MI 49010 or email [email protected] .

ACCOUNTANT - Entry LevelLocal non-profit agency is seekinga highly motivated, organized,multi-task person to work in a busyaccounting office. Core responsi-bilities will include a variety of ac-counting department relatedfunctions, government/grant ad-ministration, inventory transac-tions, and HR/payroll relatedfunctions. Strong organizational,math, and analytical skills are crit-ical. Advanced computer knowl-edge including Excel ismandatory. Ability to deal with a di-verse population and a busy officesetting are a plus. This position isfull-time with an excellent benefitspackage. Qualifications: Positionrequires a bachelor's degree inAccounting. Successful comple-tion of employment physical, drugscreen, and criminal history back-ground check. The employer op-erates under all applicable laborguidelines EEO Send resume andletter of interest to: SVRC Indus-tries Inc., ATTN: Human ResourceManager, 919 Veterans MemorialParkway Saginaw MI 48601.

ACCOUNTANT - Full time ac-

countant needed for an account-ing firm located in Grand RapidsCandidates will be responsible formonthly compilation of financialstatements, processing payrolland payables, and tax prepara-tion. Candidates must be detailoriented, efficient, and willing totake on new tasks. Experiencepreferred. Knowledge of thehealthcare industry a plus. Com-petitive salary / benefits. Pleasesend resumes to GMG, Attn: TV,96 Monroe Center NW, Suite 300,Grand Rapids, MI 49503 or fax to(616) [email protected]

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE-lookingfor part-time person to process ac-counts payables, accounts receiv-able and light office work. Flexiblehours. Send resume to: Person-nel, P.O. Box 9385, Grand Rapids,MI 49509.

RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE MAN-AGER - Full time position withlocal CPA firm. Duties include in-teraction with clients, maintainingschedules, and general clericalduties. Bookkeeping/payroll expe-rience a plus. Please send resumeand cover letter to M 3015 Jack-son Citizen Patriot 214 S. JacksonJackson, MI 4920.

DENTAL OFFICE MANAGERTime for a change? Work with afun, friendly team in a moderndental office. Plainwell-Otsegoarea. Full time position, noevenings or weekends, most Fri-days off, competitive compensa-tion. Experience billing dentalinsurance, managing patient col-

lections, and working with com-puters required. All inquiries strictlyconfidential. E-mail resume orquestions to dentistry4 [email protected].

HUHLER ADMINISTRATIVE AS-SISTANT - Human ResourcesBuhlerPrince, Inc. is taking appli-cations for Administrative Assis-tant - Human Resources. Thisposition is part-time 30 hrs. aweek. Requirements: - Highschool diploma or equivalent. Pre-ferred associates degree orhigher. - Minimum of three-five (3-5) years of administrative officeexperience in a fast paced, pro-fessional environment. - Type 50wpm accurately; spelling compe-tency - Excellent proofreadingskills - Excellent oral and writtencommunication skills - Demon-strated experience in multi-tasking- Demonstrated experience in suc-cessfully operating office equip-ment - Demonstrated experienceto successfully provide qualitycustomer service - Demonstratedexperience to successfully main-tain satisfactory work performanceand attendance record - Demon-strated experience to successfullyuse a variety of computer softwareapplications - Ability to maintainconfidentiality - Demonstrated ex-perience to successfully work in-dependently, and organize ownwork. Please e-mail resume [email protected], or fax toHuman Resources at 616-394-8265. BuhlerPrince, Inc. 670Windcrest Drive Holland, MI49423.


The CommunityVoice/La Voz Magazinenow offers you accessthrough video postedads on our dynamicwebsite!

Please Thewebsite is at its promostage so you may seeyour ad or video on thewebsite.

We are happy to an-nounce the addition ofvideo posts advertisingand news at our newlyenhanced website. Youmay post banners andvideo post ads. You canalso video i-reports tourls such thenprovide us the link forposting to our website.Community News andEvents can then be an-nounced to our websiteviewers. Companies de-siring to advertise mayhave a video alreadywhich can also beposted to our website.Please contact me fordetails. We are excitedby the new technologyemployed here andhope that you like it aswell.

Website AdvertisingBanners $200 per mo.$300 for 3 mos.Video post $250 permo. $500 for 3 mos.

LaVoz Magazine Advertising

If you are interested inAdvertising in our issuethe deadline is Septem-ber 28 at 5pm.

For more informationabout Advertising

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Page 30: Lavoz September 2012 - issue

CITY OF PORTAGE A Place forOpportunities to Grow Adminis-trative Assistant Department ofPublic Safety (Part-Time) TheCity of Portage is seeking askilled candidate for the part-timeposition of Administrative Assis-tant in the Department of PublicSafety. This position will providea variety of administrative sup-port to the Senior Deputy FireChief, the Assistant Fire Chiefand perform a wide range of ad-ministrative duties. Previous sec-retarial and/or administrativeexperience is desired. Strongcomputer skills with proficiency inMicrosoft Word, Excel and otheroffice equipment is required.Consistent schedule of 20-25hours, 5 days per week, duringstandard office hours is required.Starting rate is $14.37 perhour/no benefits. For completeinformation visit the city websiteat Interestedcandidates must submit coverletter, resume and application to:City of Portage, Employee De-velopment, 7900 S. WestnedgeAve., Portage, MI 49002. Appli-cations may be downloaded orsubmitted online at:

ADMIN/TECH POSITIONSGrowing dental manufacturingcompany has administrative andtechnical positions available.Candidates with energy, vision,personality, and business-ori-ented computer skills can sendtheir resumes [email protected] . Test-ing required. Training provided.

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST - fulltime, Family Practice Office.Must be very organized with apleasant personality. Experiencepreferred. Good benefits. Pleaseemail resume [email protected]

HOUSE OF FLAVORS IceCream Manufacturing PLC Pro-grammer/Maintenance Electri-cian Ammonia RefrigerationTechnician General Labor Applyimmediately - in person, or bymail or e-mail House of Flavors,Inc. 110 N. William St. Ludington,MI 49431 [email protected]

CAREER OPPORTUNITIESHOLLAND Diesel Mechanics -1st and 2nd shift Utility Operator

Driver - 2nd shift (CDL-A) LoaderOperator - 3rd shift FabricatorGRAND RAPIDS Lube Tech -2nd shift Millwrights 2nd shiftWYOMING Hi-Lo Operators - 1stand 2nd shift Diesel MechanicAdministrative Services Repre-sentative Plastic Sales AccountExecutive MUSKEGON Yard As-sociate (Heavy Equipment)CADILLAC Yard Manager Applyonline at LPPADNOS 185 West Eighth St.Holland, MI 49422.

WELDER/FABRICATOR LOOK-ING- for a motivated Welder/Fabricator. Must be able to Mig &Tig weld, use manual Tool roommachinery. Candidate will needto be familiar withblueprints/CAD. Wage depen-dant on skill level. Benifits & va-cation offered Send resume [email protected]

WINDOW INSTALLER- 3 crewsneeded Top Pay, GuaranteedWork (616) 477-9335.

SKILLED LABOR- Seeking Ex-perienced Skilled Labor on allshifts: CNC Machinist, PowderCoater, Brake Press, Welder andFabricator. Apply in person orsend resume to:[email protected] 1475 GezonParkway, Wyoming, MI 49509.

PROJECT MANAGER - ForCommercial / Industrial Con-struction company in the GreatLakes Bay Region. Fifteen yrsexperience in construction in-cluding five years of commericalestimating, scheduling, safety,budgeting, and client support.Design build experience very im-portant. Bachelor's degree inconstruction or engineering re-quired. Opportunity for advance-ment. LEED accredited a plus.EOE. Send resume to:[email protected]

BUS DRIVER- Seeking a friendlyand outgoing bus driver for asenior apartment complex inMuskegon, MI. Candidate musthave a clean driving record, validchauffeur's driver's license and apositive attitude. The bus is usedfor local trips to the grocery storeand entertainment destinations.5-10 hours per week. Pleaseapply at andclick careers.



SALES CLERK/CASHIER - Small Grocery/Convenience Store onGrand Rapids' Southwest Corridor seeks responsible, mature,friendly, honest, motivated and dependable worker for night shiftand weekends to work as sales clerk/cashier. High school diplomaor G.E.D. with good math skills needed. Must be drug free. Nocriminal record and no attitude! No smokers please! Must be atleast 18 years of age and U.S. Citizen or Legal Resident with workerauthorization.Bilingual in English and Spanish is extremely desirable but will con-sider non bilingual applicants. Position includes some light stock-ing of products, cleaning of work area, pricing of goods, andcashiering. Not exhaustive work. Safe environment with high se-curity glass and cameras. Interested persons should send resume and references by emailto: [email protected] or apply in person at 1066 GrandvilleAve. S.W., Grand Rapids. Applications for the jobs do not guaran-tee an interview will be granted. Positions are full time night shiftand weekend shift. Will consider part time weekends workers also.

Location: La Familia Stop n ShopCompensation: $7.50 per hour

Send emails to: [email protected]


Featuring stories aboutpeople places andthings in West Michi-gan. PhotojournalistDan Salas two timeemmy award winner isback on the road withcamera in hand insearch of stories aboutWest Michigan.Do youhave a story? contact:[email protected] 616-887-3659 Studio Line.

See Dolores Huerta Dedication video at


Title: Executive Director-West Michigan HispanicChamber of Commerce

Job Summary: Manages institution in all functional areas includ-ing development, programming, operations andpublic affairs and is responsible for the organiza-tion's consistent achievement of its mission and fi-nancial objectives. Maintains communication withboard of directors and other community resources.Selects appropriate methods and techniques for re-solving problems. Recommends or initiates per-sonnel actions and administers company policies,including bylaws, for the institution.

Responsibilities:Serves as ambassador to the Chamber by reachingout to prospective members and sponsors and rep-resenting the Chamber at community events.

Exerts leadership and due diligence in developing,supporting, and executing programs necessary toachieve the strategic objectives of the Chamber infurtherance of its mission.

Participates in the planning, designing, and exe-cution of events by collaborating and coordinatingactivities with various committees.

Safeguards the assets of the organization by en-suring best practices in procuring goods and serv-ices, ensuring best value, adequate controls, andtimely accounting of transactions.

Additional duties and responsibilities as assigned.

Qualifications:- Bachelor’s degree in business or related field;

MBA Preferred- A minimum of three years of relevant experi-

ence in working within the Hispanic business com-munity

- Excellent oral and written communicationskills in both English and Spanish

- Work history showing sound organizationalskills, and timely achievement of quality results ina fast-paced work environment

- Network and relationships within the Hispanicsmall business community and service provider re-sources

Salary: Competitive

How to Apply: Email resume and cover letter [email protected]

Application Deadline Date: Review will begin im-mediately and continue until the position is filled.



Quincy Street, Inc, is a growing,successful pork processor in theHolland area. Our work environment demands acommitment to total Customer Satisfaction andQuality through the application of teamwork, in-tegrity, shared success, and growth.

Our organization offers a competitive compensa-tion and benefits package to those who are willingto engage, work diligently, and participate in per-sonal, professional, and organizational growth.

An opportunity exists for Production Team Mem-bers to assist us in our growth and play an impor-tant role within the Company. We are seekingself-motivated individuals to fill several positionswithin our production departments.

For confidential consideration apply in person at ad-dress listed below, or you may direct your resumeto [email protected] or mail to:

Quincy Street, Inc.Attn: Human Resources

13350 Quincy StreetHolland, MI 49424

NO PHONE CALLS PLEASEQuincy Street, Inc. is an

Equal Opportunity Employer

JANITORIAL- Seeking appli-cations for experienced floor-care technician. Must haveextensive knowledge of hard-floors and carpet care. Super-visory experience a plus. Mustbe able to pass background

and driving checks. Also ac-cepting applications for generaljanitorial for 2nd shift in theGrand Rapids area. Apply on-line at or atour office - 5160 West RiverDr., Comstock Park.

Page 31: Lavoz September 2012 - issue