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Law School Fund

T h i r d A n n u a l R e p o r t


University of Michigan Official Publication

Enlered as second-class matter at the Post Ofice at A n n Arbor, Michigan. Issued tri-rueekly July through December and semi-weekly January through June by T h e University of Michigan. Ofice of publication, A n n Arbor, Michigan.


1906-1 963 AB '27; J.D. '29

James A. Sprowl National Vice Chairman of the Law School Fund

Mr. Sprowl died suddenly at work December 23. During each of the years that the Law School Fund has been in operation he has been an active officer of the Fund. During the past year he served as Na- tional Vice Chairman and as local chairman for

' Chicago and he had completed a successful cam- paign. Many gifts were received by the Fund from his friends in his memory.

Dean Allan F. Smith University of Michigan Law School Hu tchins Hall Ann Arbor, Michigan

Dear Dean Smith: I t is with particular pleasure I report to you that

the 1963 Law School Fund raised $128,012.81. This is the gift of alumni scattered through 50

states-and in foreign lands-to supply the "extras of excellence" that will help keep the Michigan Law School where ave all want it to be: with the leaders.

The dollars supplied are, of course, important. They help solve immediate problems. But this is only a by-product.

An even more important gift that the Law School Fund brings to Ann Arbor is an increasing interest in the affairs of the School on the part of a growing group of alumni. This is reflected in the growth of the Law School Fund. Here are the figures:

Number Contributing ilmozirzt Raised

Increase In crease Over Year Over Year

Year Number Before Total Before

The result achieved in 1963 is the work of the 324 individuals who, laying aside other demands on their time, actively, willingly, and enthusiastically partici- pated as workers in the campaign.

In their behalf, I make this report to you.

Sinc ely, F

Mr. Thomas V. Koykka Arter, Hadden, IYykoff & Van Duzer 1144 Union Commerce Building Cleveland, Ohio

Dear Tom: The third year of the Law School Fund was an

unqualified success and we are grateful to you for your splendid leadership. The growth of the Fund, both in dollars and in the number of participating alumni, is the best measure of the success of your efforts, and that growth speaks for itself.

When you next visit the Law School you will see evidence of the help the Fund provides. One of every three students you pass in the corridors will have received financial assistance from the Law School-a program made possible in its full scope only by the Fund. You may pass in the corridor a distinguished visiting professor financed by the Fund. Or you may participate in the Honors Banquet for our honor stu- dents. The research library contains some valuable research tools which would not have been available without this support. One of the gifts this year sup- ports a new prize award to stimulate research in trust law. Another provides added support for our moot court program. A third puts more realism in our practice court work. These are, in truth, the extras of excellence, and they strengthen our pride in the insti- tution which you and your co-workers are supporting.

The faculty of the Law School deeply appreciate the contribution of the many man-hours of labor which have been required from state and local chair- men and from solicitors to make the program work. TVe hope that we can make the wise use of the funcls which you and the hundreds of donors are entitled to expect.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas V. Koykka National Chairman

Allan F. Smith Dean

The Law Fund As a result of the Law Fund money was available

when needed for student financial assistance that spelled the difference between keeping promising lawyers in school or losing them to other vocations.

Library funds have been augmented so that the University of Michigan Law Library can maintain its position among the few best in the nation.

Important student activities have been made pos- sible because the financial means are available for programs that add meaning and emphasis to the Law School curriculum.

A distinguished European jurist, America's fore- most reporter of legal news, and lawyers and judges shared their experiences with Law School Students.

Special equipment and facilities to improve law training were acquired.

All these ancl other developments have resulted from alumni support through the Law School Fund, which this year again set a record for both participa- tion bv alumni and friends ancl amount contributed.


In all, 2,510 donors gave S128,012.81 to the fund, an increase of 46.37; over last year when 1,820 donors gave S87,493.94.

T h e quality of alumni support is one of the measuring sticks by which any educational institution is judged. The support accorded the Law School in recent years through the Fund is outstanding by any criteria.

In the following pages is the third annual report of the Law School Fund. It is a statistical review.

It is difficult, however, to indicate the impact of the Fund on the Law School simply by listing con- tributions.

Money that finds its way into student loans for example, has the immediate effect of assisting a signi- ficant number of students to continue their legal studies. I t will be some years before the contributions these students may make to the profession can be assessed, yet whatever contributions are made will be a result of the generosity of alumni and friends.

Similarly, as the Law School maintains its emi- nence among American law schools in the coming years, the Fund will be a factor in its continuing leadership. Michigan has been a leader in developing new techniques and refining methods for legal educa- tion, but this leadership needs support.

The Law School was the first in the nation to utilize closed-circuit television as a teaching aide. Its practice court system is among the strongest in the United States. I t has attracted distinguished scholars as teachers ancl lecturers. I t has kept its curriculum under continuing scrutiny-both from within and through the annual visits of the Committee of Visitors.

No institution remains among the best without strong support. The University of Michigan Law School has recei\,ecl a strong demonstration of support through the generosity of contributors to the 1963 Law School Fund.

Distingrcished rrisitors to the Lmo Quadrangle during the 1963-64 school year added to the impact of legal education. One of these alas Artlztcr Larson, Director, World Rtcle of Law Center, Dtcke Unizrersity. Mr. Lnrson zvas Professor of Law at Cornell Lour School from 1948-53; Under. Secretary of Labor 1954-56; Special Assistant to the President, 1957-58; recipient, Ftclbright Advanced Research Aurad, 1952; IYorld Peace Aulard, American Freedom Association, 1960; and is author of several books.

J . Anthony Lewis, a reporter on the Neur I'ork Timeo Washington Bureau, ztlho covers Stcpreme Cotcrt nctirrities in IVmhington u1a.o brozrght to the Lazcr School to disctcoo his impressionc of the Cottrt. J fr . Leulis io n grndtrnte of Hnrzlard and began his ctlreer no a deskman for the Strnday Depnrtm~ttt o f the Nezcr York Times. He urm reporter for the IVnolii~lgtotl Daily N ~ Z I I S from 1952-55; n Niemnn F~llozo, 1956-57; n r e c i l ~ i o ~ t o f the Heyulood Rroun mc~ard, and the Pttlitzer Prize for national reporting in 1955.

2,s I 0 donors

Resolution Adopted by the Faculty, University of

Michigan Law School, February 28, 1964 T h e Law School of the University of Michigan is

pateful for the contributions to the Law School Fund -$128,000.00 in 1963-$261,000.00 since its inception. The School is proud of its interested alumni family.

This statement of gratitude and pride is expressed on behalf of the faculty, the student body, and the administration of the University for the contributions have assisted the Law School to carry out its charge of "providing instruction and continued research in law and in the science of jurisprudence, comparative juris- prudence, and legislation to the end that its graduates may become prudent counsellors, wise legislators, and - - -eful leaders."

In particular, the Law School Fund has helped needy students through loans and scholarships, has assisted in bringing lawyers, judges and law teachers of world-wide distinction to the campus to enrich the learning process, has assisted in making the Practice Court training program more effective, has assisted the Law Review, has assisted the library to acquire neetletI additional books and has aided the faculty on import- ant research programs.

T h e Fund solicitors, class agents, local chairmer., state chairmen, regional chairmen and National Com- mittee members are singled out for special thanks.

This statement of gratitude for, and pride in, the interest and activity of the alumni of the School is to be communicated to all alumni of the School.


Most Donors Most Dollars Average Gift Highest Percentage

of Contributors

- - -

Dr. Hans Rtipp, Judge of the Germmi Constitrctiotial Court collaborated with Prof. Parcl Karcper in teach- ing the Comparatizre Constitutional Larc* seminar last fall. Dr. Rupp urns born Arcgust 30,1907 in Strrttgart, Germany. After passing the two German legal state examinations (in 1929 and 1934) he serzred ulitlz the courts i n Stuttgnrt and Retitlingen as assistant jtcdqe (Gerichtsassessor). From I935 to 1937, he engaged in research at Harztard University, then senred as chief researcher (Hatiptreferent) for Anglo-American lm~l at the Kaiser-JVilhelm-lnstittrt fur atcslandisches told internationales Rech t in Rerlin mzd Tubingen. His experience iricltccles practice in Berlin, lecttrring at the Unizrersity of Jena, and, after the nlar, a.r depart- mental head (Rlinisterialr-at) at the Ministry of Czcl- ture of the Lmd Wurttemberg-Baden. In 194647 he zuas a member of the constittitionol conzlention of ~.l'rirttember~Holtenz0llern, and since 1947 has been a membev of the Rfax Planck Institut in Ttihingen. Since 1955, he has held a professional nppoi?~tment at the University of Ttibingen, and since 1951, he Jtas been Jrcdge of the G e r m m Conrtitzitional Court (Bunrles~1erfnssungrgericht) as member of the Second Senat.

Class Summarv of Gifts

Number Nuyber Credited Per Capita Percent Total Amount Pre-1963 Contributing In to 1963 Gift of Class Received Amount Grand

Class Class Agent in 1963 Class Campaign in 1963 Contributing in 1963 Contributed Total

1891 J . Hooper 1892 J. Hooper 1893 J. Hooper 1894 J . Hooper 1895 J. Hooper 1896 J. Hooper 1897 J. Hooper 1898 J. Hooper 1899 J. Hooper 1900 J . Hooper 1901 J. Hooper 1902 J. Hooper 1'303 J. Hooper

TOTAL PRE-1904 J. Hooper

M. Robinson J . Hooper J. Hooper J. Hooper J . I-Iooper J. Hooper C. O'Hara E. Matz R . Bonisteel C. \.\Taper J. O'Hara C. Ferguson C. Ze'ivadski H . Gault A. Later C. Golds~ein C. Andre'ivs F. Beattie E. Apple J. Hooper F. Gielo'iv A. Parker N. G~lmore J. D. La~vrence A. Blashfield G. Wheeler R. C. Haney R . Whitker H . Thompson G. Gisler F. Cooper E. Allison D. O_uaife M. Denise F. Dewey D. Reading H . J. Gram S. Krugliak J. Shuler S. Reading J. ~Mitchell h l . SchaeKer R. Scot[

2,5 10 donors

Number Number Contributing in

Class Class Agent in 1963 Class

Credited to 1963


Per Capita Percent Total Amount Gift of Class Received

in 1963 Contributing in 1963

Pre-1963 Amount

Contributed Grand Total

1947 C. Kennetlv 1918 T. L. Tolan 19-19 \IT. JI'i~rn kes

, 1950 C. l3aycr 1951 IY. Milligan 1952 B. Ansell 1953 C. Dean 1954 L. Kravets 1955 I. Bro~vn 1956 'IV. Jl'ebb 1957 D. DeYoung 1958 D. Nixon 1959 E. Heppenstall 1960 K. Whittaker 1961 \Y. Farr 1962 L. W. Schmidt,

I ' 1963 J. Calanis N-ALUMS

First Year Law Class 1963-64

These students, a portion of the first year class for 196344 , are zc~ill have received financial assistnnce from the Lmcr School-a pro- typical of those receiving finmcial assistme. Dean Allan F. Smith g m m made possible in its full scope only bv the Lmtr School Fzrnd." states that "one of every three students you pass in the cowidors



REGION VI-Frederick H. Lauder

Illinois Frederick H. Louder 169 29 $1,151.00 Aurora David H. Armstrong 2 . . . . Chicago James A. Sprowl 402 167 6,660.11 Danville John M. Jones 2 . . . . Decatur Frederick H. Lauder 9 . . . . Elgin John S. Page 6 6 130.00 Galesburg William Henning 8 . . . . Joliet Frederick H. Louder 7 . . . . Mattoon John Yelvington 2 . . . . Moline James A. Harper 8 3 41 5.00 Monmouth Frederick H. Lauder 6 5 130.00 N.W. Illinois Louis Nack . . . . . .

Freeport 1 . . . . Morrison 1 . . . . Sterling 4 4 40.00

Galena 2 2 60.00

Peoria Robert Clendenin 22 4 195.00 Princeton Harvey D. Trimble 2 1 10.00 Rxkford Elmer C. Rudy 10 3 125.00 Springfield Philip E. Hanna 2 1 5 100.00 Waukegan Thomas Diver 5 2 45.00 Winnetka 7 2 60.00

REGIONAL TOTALS 696 233 $9,121.11


Iowa Cedar Rapids Davenport Des Moines

Kansas Hutchinson Kansas City Topeka Wichita

Minnesota Duluth Minneapolis St. Paul

Missouri Kansas City St. Louis

Nebraska Lincoln Omaha

rl Er~ygas

D. Carlton Shull Dwight Krumboltz J. A. Hellstrom James Rogers David Belin

Wm. I. Robinson Wm. J. Robinson David W. Carson Charles L. Ewing William Porter

Robert J. King John Thomas Everett Schroeder Eugene D. Buckley

Howard A. Crawfo~ Kenneth Midyley Thomas Croft

John Swenson Charles Oldfather John Rickerson

North Dakota J. Gerald Nilles 10 5 100.00

Oklahoma Richard H. Wills, Jr. 17 2 87.50 Bartlesville Lloyd A. Rowland 7 4 50.00 Oklahoma City James Burton 17 4 25.00 Tulsa Joseph W. Morris 22 8 290.00

South Dakota Carl Enygas 14 2 30.00

Wisconsin Martin R. Browning 35 6 135.00 Madison Seward Stroud 6 3 30.00 Milwaukee David Shute 45 10 136.00

REGIONAL TOTALS 696 190 $ 4,899.00


Alaska Walter Sczudlo 6 4 $ 60.00

Arizona Richard M. Bilby 14 . . . . Phoenix Theodore A. Julion 37 11 147.50 Tucson Richard M. Bilby 14 3 125.00

Colorado Richard E. Young 32 2 20.00 Boulder James W. Buchanan 6 5 40.00 Colorado Springs Jerry A. Donley 12 4 25.00 Denver Richard E. Young 67 26 827.00 Idaho Paul C. Keeton 10 2 35.00 Boise Paul C. Keeton 5 . . . .


Montana Billings Great Falls Helena Missoula


New Mexico Albuquerque

Oregon Portland Eugene Medford


Washington Seattle Spokane Tacoma




Bernard E. Longo Arthur F. Lamey, Jr. Bernard E. Longo George T. Bennett Bernard E. Longo

Gordon L. Hawkins

Allen C. Dewey Allen C. Dewey

Calvin N. Souther Calvin N. Souther Richard E. W.iller Edward Branchfield

Lester R. Gordiner

Theodore A. LeGros Theodore A. LeGros Harvey W. Clarke Theodore A. LeGros

Clarence A. Brimmer, Jr.


REGION IX-Philip F. Westbrook, Jr.

California Philip F. Westbrook, Alameda County Harold R. Martin

Oakland Harold R. Martin Berkeley Harold R. Martin

Arcadia-Pasadena Jomes B. Boyle E.San Fernando Val. Wendell 8. Will

Burbonk Wendell B. Will Glendale Wendell 8. Will Studio City Wendell 8. Will Van Nuys Wendell 8. Will

Long Beach Area Clark Heggeness Compton Clark Heggeness Downey Clark Heggeness Lynwood Clark Heggeness Son Pedro Clark Heggeness

Los Angeles Robert 8. Krueger Orange County John R. Parker

Sonto Ana John R. Parker Anaheim John R. Parker Costa Mesa John R. Parker Fullerton John R. Porker Garden Grove John R. Parker Layuno Beach John R. Parker Newport Beach John R. Parker Orange John R. Parker South Laguna John R. Parker

San Diego Area Brooks Crabtree La Jolla Brooks Crabtree La Mesa Brooks Crabtree

Son Francisco Richard J. Archer Santa Barbara John J. Bugay Sonto Monica Arthur L. Stashower

Beverly Hills Arthur L. Stashower Son Bernardino Wm. A. Flory

Riverside Wrn. A. Flory Redlands Wm. A. Flory

Sacramento Arthur R. Backus

Jr. 145 14 $ 1,220.00

11 . . . . 10 1 5.00 25 7 270.00

2 . . . .


REGION X-Emmett E. Eagan

Wayne County Emmett E. Eagan Allen Park (Co-Chairmen: 1

Frederick G. Buesser, Jr. Dearborn Willis C. Bullard 39 Detroit Emmeit Eayon) 1026

(Group Chairmen: Ray L. Potter

Garden City Ernest L. Rushmer 2 Thomas L. Munson

Grosse Ile Henry H. Sills 2 Grosse Pointe Theodore Sachs 7

Upper Staff of Law Review (left tn right) FViRium Brashares, Leon Irish, John Eppel, T im- award, from the Lam S c b o l Fund is given each year to the senior othy Carroll, Martin Dickinson, Jr., Samuel McKim, Jon Dentuy, student editor of the i?Ziehigan Law RNiPLC., who, i n the opinion Edwin Howe. of the faculty of the Law School, has made the greatest contribu-

T h e interest of the Upper Staff of the Law Review is stimulated tion to the Review during the preceding two years. by the competition for the Jason L. Honigman Award. This cash

T h e Scholarship Committee composed o f Assistant Dean Roy once. '4ppro~inintelv 6 4 5 . oj tlic 196; \ ~ r ~ t d ~ gi~len hv nlttrnni Profitt, Prof. Jack R. Pearce and Prof. Robert L. Knntiss inter- zclill be trsed for this jnrrpose. This zrlill prozfide t t l t i ~ t ~ a t e l ~ a zliercrs and makes loans to needy students. T h e great bulk of the rotating ftrnd that rtfill keep money coming back to he tised o-cler funds from annual giving bv altimni are rcsed for sttrdent assist- and over again as sttidents repay the loans after grnd~tation.

Contributors to Law School Fund PRlOR TO 1904

16 donors $462.00

Babst, Earl D . D e Vries. Leonard T. Do\\ Corning Corp. Egger, F r a n k L . Einstein. David G. Geringer, I'ladimir A. Gilbert. \irinfred S. Hymer. Charles W . Lacy, Arthur J. Long, Thomas G. S i v e n . John 31. Stevens. Herman L. S t . John. J. Sterling n 'hitman. Roland D.,

Decd Willrnott, John W. Websler, Arthur

1904 9 donors $1,300.00

Ailes. Edgar R . Fleming, James R . Goodspeed, R. C. Oflield. James R . Robinson. 3Iorris J. Schaberg, Marvin J. Stone, Ethol n l . Sutton. Edwin IV. Trippet, Sanford

1905 1 1 donors $2,514.94

Cain, Gordon J. Chittenden. Albert E. E-Iorsky, .Antone Joseph Jones, Paul Par ry , Arthur TIT.

Oakes. A. Bliss Ritchie, Archer F . Shaylor, Clyde IVeary, U. S.

1910 9 donors $395.00

Besse. Robert IV. D e Lano. Ear l \V. James, Russell B . Jones. Harrison Kothe, Herman \Y. ;\Iarshall, Claude J. nlosier, Carl D. Vaughan, Raymond C.

1911 6 donors $240.00

Dykema, Ra)~niond R. Henry , Carl R . Rickey, Branch Stine, George T. \'ernon. H a r r y E . \iTi tters, H a r r y MI.

1912 21 donors $995.00

Bonisteel. RoscoeO.. Sr. Boynton. Ben B. Cant. Harold G. Cunninghani. \T1ilbur 11. Danhof. Tohn T. , - - Ferguson, Carlisle Hinks, Frank T . Humphre)~. George R1 Keys, Hyman A. Leahy, Thomas H . Leslie, Norman E . Marshall , Erston L.

Persk).. Samuel A. S ~ ~ c i p , Albirlo Z. Thompson, Robert S White. Robert \ViIlian~s, Francis L . U-illy, Roy E .

1913 28 donors $1,836.46

Brown, Arthur V. Brown. Joseph E . Class of 191 3 Connelly, William 14. Donovan, Dennis F . F e ~ g u s o n . Homer Goetz. Albert G. Hershman, Samuel I . Knight, John Benjamin -


Laing, E. Bruce Lautmann, Herbert i\?. Lewis, Charles E . hlansfield, 'irictor Leland fiIaurer, Williani F . AIeyer, Walter H . Reid, Frank A. Rogers, Goodloe H . Royon, Clarence H . Schroeder, Lewis 111. Seltzer, A. Joseph Shartel, Burke Smoyer, Fred 0 . Sugar, Maurice Terre t t , Julian Van Auken, Howell Wagner, Charles A.

1914 29 donors $3,435.00

Eisenhon~er, Edgar N. Findlay, Francis T. Fisel , Roland IV. Gardner, Leland G. Grant, Frank C. Green, William A. H a r t , Henry HoHmeister, F . J . Hooper, Arthur L. Hughes, Clair B. Hulbert , Lyman S. Johnson. Gottfrid S. Johnson, Victor H . Jones, Elroy 0 . Kehoe, Arthur D . Kingston, George B. Kleinstuck. C. Hubbard Locke, Theodore L . Melhorn, Donald F . 0 Hara , John P . Rock~~el l -S tandard

Corp. Tinkham, A'latthew H . Tower, Duane L . Walker, A. Grant

1915 1 1 donors $385.00

Ashford, Marguerite K. Christman, Le\\zis G. Coulter, Clark C. Downing, Toliver Mac Gore, Charles \V. Lovett, Percy hI. Pell, Harry Rhodes, Samuel J.

1916 25 donors $2,760.00

Barnes, George A. Bell, H a r r y L . Brucker, hllilber M. Dunten, Louie H. Frary , Gerald S. Hutchison, Walter S. Marks , Charles Barber blc Hale, Frank M. AIetzger, Leon D. h4illard. Frank G. Morse, Chester J., Mrs. Neithercut. Charles S. Neithercut, William A. Nicholson, John R . Parker, Harry D. Peddicord. Walker Sherk, Arthur R . Stevens. Perry H . Tandler, G. Richard Tapping, T . Hawley, Sr. \Vestlake, Thomas H . Wheat, Renville Zewadski, Clarence B.

1917 24 donors $7,125.00

Catlett , J. Bland Cecil, Lester L . Claassen, George C. Cohn, Irwin I. Crockett, !Vendell F . Gault, H a r r y G. Gunter, Frank 14. Heywood, Oliver C. Houseman, Eugene B.,


A'Ic Donald, Thomas F . Mc Kee, Forest E., Mrs. hIoll, Lester S. A,lurchie, Robert B. P r a y , Russell H . Reber, Harry D . Sanford, \Vayland H . Sattinger, Oscar C. Seidel, Charles G. Smith, Douglas F .

1918 2 donors $125.00 Barrett , James M., Jr. Pickus, Sam G.

1919 10 donors $335.00

Allee William C. Goldstein, Char1.s L . Gorney, J a y Hecht, Lester S., Sr. Kaufman, Charles L . Kirkby, Eugene D . Nesbit, Frank F . Sargent, J . 1Virth Sinipson, John Vincent, Lester B.

1920 8 donors $230.00

Andrews, Charles C. Braun, Hugo Edward Coulter, Glenn M. Day, Robert G. Houghton, J . Frank Patterson, Clarence K. Rupp, Lyman G. Searl, William C.

Conley. James L. Fletcher, Allen G. Lybolt , a r t b u r Eugene,

Mrs . 3Iitchel1, Samuel A. Rlustard. John A. Pusey, Elbert N.

1907 9 donors $424.00

Bastian. Ernest H . Fraser, Lovett K . Hammond, Eugene T. Har ter , Don! ITr. Shivel, Roland 31. nra i te , John B. Whiting, Justin R .

1908 14 donors $855.00

Clark , Herbert W. Crampton, Paul S . Hanlon, Harold IV. Helsell. Frank P . Kositchek, Leo B. Loeh, Milton B. Long, Irvin Phillips, Orie L.. Hon. Silberberg, 3Iendel B. Silberberg Foundation Steele, Charles A.

1909 6 donors $75.00

Brady. Charles H . Countr)-man,

William L.

Russell, Clarence 11. hIc Ni t t , Rollin L . Barringer. Paul B., Jr. Rosato Saverio Kelly, N. Beal Washburn, Carlton W. Nelson, Walter PI. Edmundson, Annie W., Saier, Edward H. Kohler, Illalter W. Wheeler, Burton Kendall Parker, Everett C . hlrs. Whitehead, RandolphP. Lee, Arthur H.

1 City and State

1906 8 donors $410.00 Betty, Frank F. Brasley, Ben Paul

Ironwood, Michigan Highland Park, Michigan Keene, New Hampshire Steubenville, Ohio Anaheim, California Laguna Beach, California San Bernardino, California San Pedro, California Stamford, Connecticut Elgin, Illinois Allen Park, Michigan Garden City, Michigan Grandville, Michigan Marshall, Michigan River Rouge, Michigan Utica, Michigan

TOPS I N PERCENTAGE PARTICIPATION (Cities of fewer than 20 alumni)

Concord, N e w Hampshire Trenton, New Jersey Greenville, Ohio Eugene, Oregon Marquette, Michigan Alpena, Michigan Boulder, Colorado Monmouth, Illinois Newark, N e w Jersey Monroe, Michigan Stanton, Michigan Helena, Montana


Wm. Cloon, Jr. Matthew Tinkham, Jr. Michael Plaut Wm. J. Weinman John R. Parker John R. Parker Wm. A. Flory Clark Heggeness John C. Macrides John S. Page Matthew Tinkham, Jr. Matthew Tinkham, Jr. Wm. I. Wilson Reid J. Hatfield Matthew Tinkham, Jr. Christian Matthews

W. Whitney Sawyer Arthur A. Greene, Jr. Garrett M . Heher Philip D. Brumbaugh Richard E. Miller John E. McDonald Donald K. Gillard James W. Buchanan Frederick Lauder Garrett M . Heher Richard Elconin Charles H. Miel George T. Bennett


100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1921 19 donors $2,230.00 Alan, George B. Beattie, Frederick G. Bouchard, George Boyd, Alan W. Cobbs, R . M. Dunnette, Rodney A. Gault , Ralph E. Holcomb, Lyle D . Hopkins, Ward B.1. Johnson, Olive Scott,

Mrs. Larwill, George R. PIaag, Helniuth E . Matthews, Christian F . Shapero, Harold M. Smith. Henry W. Stegner, Charles Bryant \&raterbury, Lester E . \Vu, John C . H .

1922 15 donors $607.50

Apple, Ednrard Miller Coffey, Hobart R . Green, Raymond L. Lauder, Frederick H . Laurie, Wilfrid R. Mayer, Ralph A. Olds, James Pence, David C. Quinnell, George C, Sorling, Carl A. Stason, E . Blythe,

Mr . Pr Mrs. Storckman, Clem F . Sunley Harry

1923 17 donors $1.095.00

Badgley, Maswell F . Bales, William H .

12 2,5 10 donors !

Bashara, George, J r . Carson, Ralph k l . Connell, Wade P . Hinshaw, Wm. W., Jr . Hooper, Joseph C. Leonard, Fred D . Lloyd, Lle\vell),n E . Mc Gaughey, Chalmers

L. Morris, Clyde Y. Norcop, Maurice Nutten, Wesley L., Jr. Rochester, George W. Rouse, Glenwood W . Storz, Harold E . Wilson, Herbert E .

1924 23 donors $855.00 Bidwell, Seth R . Buck, Louis A., Jr . Crane, William E . De Baelte, Victor H . Dieterle, Ralph D . Dyll, Louis AI. Fischer, Harvey A. Galvin, Sydne)~ N. Gielou', Frederick C. Gillard, Donald K . Haas, Cecil H . Keane, William G. Lawrence, Donald h4iller, George D . Nack, Louis A. Nathanson, Joseph L. Ritter, Robert B. Ryan, Ronald 11. Scupholm, T . Gordon Seibert, William R . M'ishek, A?ax A. Woodhead, Daniel, Jr.

1925 24 donors $2,057.00 Allaben, Fred R . Be Gole, Ari h4. Brunibaugh, Jesse K . Curtis, Glenn D . Desenberg, Harold B. Enggas, Carl E . Gaskins, Willard B. Henderson, Laurens L . Inghrani, John T . Isackson, Isadore Jones, Carroll Brewster Lindbloom, Alfred E . hlasselink, Laurence A. A?c Cobb, Edward C. Ortman, Frank J. Proctor, IVilliam Z. Riblet, Solonlon K. Rouse, Gleenwood, Mrs. Shopen, Earl R . Snodgrass. Robert Tavares, C. Nils Iirylie, Alexander E . Young, James B.

1926 32 donors $2,102.50 Bamberger, FrederickP. Bebout, Gaylord N. Bond, Hiram C. Cohler, J. Robert Cole, Charles J . Cudlip, IVilliarn B. Fleig, Arnold T . Ford, Richard Franklin, Leo I . Freeman, Ralph M.,

Hon. Gallagher, Francis J. Gowans, William D . Hamill , Charles C. Honigman, Jason L.,


Jones, H a r r y W . Perrine, Beahl T . Voelker, John D . Landman, Lou L. Putnam, Leslie C. \'ollwiler, Ernest R Oppenheim, S. Chester- Riikin, George Winter, Robert C.

field Rinear, Roberl T. Parks , L . Beaumont Pedderson. Clifford A. P la t t , Harry H . Pogue, L. Welch Pollins, John W. Purdy , Clayton C. Register, George S . Slawson, Donald G. Smith, Arthur M. Spidel, Wilbur D . Wallace, Glenn 0. Weinman, Carl A,, Judge Weisenburger Robert L .

1927 40 donors $2,515.00 Anspach, Robert D . Boyle, James B. Britz, Ivlorris J . Eggenberger, ivilliani J. Eiges, Herbert M. Erickson, Paul R . Finley, Gerald F . Giles, William B. Goldman, Ben J.. Judge Haass, Erwin H . Hall . Harry L. Halstead, Benjamin V. Hamniond, John T.,

Mr . & Mrs. Hansen, Hjalmer S. Hartman, William B. Ives, Joseph T. Karbel, Sidney J. Karl , Dorothy E., hdiss King, Lawrence S. Kinney, C. Bryan Lawrence, J . Don Madigan, Edward P . Manchester, Robert A.,

I1 Mikesell, Jerome B. Newton, Alfred O'Brien, Franl; T . O'Hanlon, Philip Parsons, Joseph H .

Saiir , Benjamin J. Spencer, Arthur E., J r . Weis, Le Roy Williams, W. Hugh YoTfee, hlaurice

1928 41 donors $2,730.00 Amter, Joseph A. Berger, Elmer, Mrs. Blashfield. Albert E . Burk, Hal F . Dahlberg Le Roy \V. D e Fur . Ear l G. Diamond, Alexander Dixon, William C. Garlinghouse, John G. Garver, George P . Gates, Benton E . Golden, James R . Gould, Michael Green, Albert Haggarty, George Hatch, Hazen J. H e n r y Leslie Jones, Leon R. Jones, Orrin C. Kline. Kermit Levy, Sam W. AlcCarthy, John F. Nidgley, Kenneth E . hloise, Irwin S. Xewman, hlorton W. Raisch, Arthur Riddering, Carl J . Robinson, Sigmund A. Salm, Jeronie L. Schatz, Ernest C. Seitz, Frederick IV. Sills, Henry H. Spaeder, John A. Stanley, James B. Stein, Morris IT'. Stern, Edward F . \'an Oosterliout,

William H .

1929 38 donors $1,939.66 Besse, Ralph AI. Bope, James A. Bonvnan, Alired C. Breakel., James R., Jr. Cohen, David J. Daugherty, Charles E . De Koven, hIaurice Dudley, Harold W. Ekdale, Arch E . Fleming, Austin Greiner, Waldo K. Keenan. Robert Y. Keliy, Carlos D . Kerr , Robert 31. Kraus, Mentor Leib, Samuel W. hIaltz, David L. hlaxmell, Russell IIellotL, John B. hlorsman, Edgar hI. hloyle, Oscar Mr., Jr. Paul , S. Reymont Paxson, George W. Rapaport . Sylvan Schwarz, Robert F . Seitz, Harry J. Senrell, Ferman C. Shaull, Richard J. Sherr, George W. Smith, Paul J. Souther, Calvin N . Sprawl, James A. Thomas, Elmer E. Wheeler, Gordon B. White, Gerald E . Zinn, Frank T .

1930 51 donors $1,735.00 Bauer, U'. Carl Bon,ersos. Norman Burkhard, Joseph H . Charter, Harold R'. Clendenin, Robert J .

Coiran, George P . Dixon, George S. Enteman, Verling C. Ewing, Charles L . Fenneberg, Doris R.,

Miss Ferris, Frank H., J r . George, Frank E . Gilmore, Franklin B. Gunderson, Harvey J.,

M r . & hlrs. Heaney, Robert C. C. Henninger, Philip C. H u n t , Harold E . Jones, Stephen E . Kailes, Samuel J . Kennedy, Thomas G. Koykka , Thomas V. Krag , IV. Brace Kramer, Hyman A. Leavy, J . Miller Lodge, L . Harvey AIeyer, Leslie E . hliller. Robert S. Kank. Reinbardl A. Peckham, Victor Ray. Roy R . Rosenbern. Bernard

Wayne Satovsky, Abraham Shannon, AIcKenzie Smith. hIarshall E . Sullivan. Earl D . Sunderland, Thomas E . Surridge. Robert G. Tietjens, Norman 0 . .

Judge Weinberg, Eugene .4.,

3Ir. & hlrs. Weinman. IITilliam J. Willhoft, It'aldo Withers, Dan B.. Jr . Worden, Eugene C., J r . Wright. George F . Toffee, hIaurice

1931 42 donors $2,720.00 Bannasch, John IV. Benson. Edn-ard H .

TOPS I N PERCENTAGE PARTICIPATION (Cities of 2 0 or more alumni)

City and State Chairman Participation

Benton Harbor, Michigan Dalton Seymour Dale Seymour 80.7%

Midland, Michigan W. A. Groening, Jr. 75.0% Ypsilanti, Michigan William D. Barense 73.3% Ann Arbor, Michigan Clan Crawford, Jr.

Franklin Forsythe James Crippen 69.6%

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Fred C. Houston, Jr. 67.6% Cincinnati, Ohio Lewis Clum 58.3% Youngstown, Ohio Charles Henderson 57.6% Indianapolis, Indiana James M . Nicholson 57.5% Honolulu, Hawaii William Stephenson 57.1 % Ft. Wayne, Indiana Mentor Kraus

Robert Keegan 56.7% New York, New York Lester E. Waterbury 55.8% Pontiac, Michigan Edward P. Barrett 49.0% Dearborn, Michigan Willis C. Bullard 48.7% Dayton, Ohio Samuel A. McCray 48.5% Houston, Texas E. V. Greenwood 48.0% Kansas City, Missouri Kenneth Midgley 43.9% San Francisco, California Richard J. Archer 43.8% Buffalo, New York Bernard J. Kennedy 43.7% Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lee H. Snyder 43.2% Chicago, Illinois James A. Sprowl 41.2%

Bishop, Will iam MT., Jr. Bowers, George 5 . Bracken, Alexander 11. Brown, A. Edward Butzbaugh, Elden Mr. Carlson, Carl 0 . Coultrap. William G. Davison, hIa t thew, Jr . Emery , it'illiam 31.

3I r . & Mrs. Farmer , Robert E . Gawne. Samuel E. Karls, Harold AI. Karr, Paul H . Kendall, David IY. Lapin. Joseph 31. Littell. James E . Manason, D a n 4. hlanmaring. H . Albert 3Iendenhal1, Paul S. 3Ierry, Ellis B. Moor, John H . Moore, hIarshall C. Parish, \:irgil D. Quinn. Robert L . Reeves. Gordon C. Sargent, F . Roland Sempliner. William Smith. 31. Paul Stone. Jerome B. Tennant. John S. \.an Dyke , L e ~ i s L. Wiener. Jacclues L. Wilson. Len-is D .

1932 50 donors $2,312.14 .\lthans, \tTilliam R. American Sugar

Refining Co. A n d r e w . 3Iark S.,

Judge Babb, Irving T . Blunienstein. David D . Bochno\\.ski, Alexander

A. Bro\vn, Calvin A. Brown, HOII-ard G. Bron.n. John R . Butler, Thomas F . . Jr . Curfman. Lawrence E . Diethelm, George E. Dunnebacke. Charlotte,

Miss Firestone. Arden E. Ford. Donald H . Ford. Henry, Jr . Foster. Richard B. Franseth Paul Gombern. Ephra im R . Hacket t , Jack \\:. Higss. F . Sorn ian Kaplan, U'illiam S. Kauper, Paul G. Kelllt, Robert Jnnies Kennel,. \ \ ' i l l ia~~i F . Lyon, .Arthur G. LIiller. Glcn R. hIurphy. J . Donald Norviile, Leo T. Palmer, George E. Phelps. \\;illia~n G. Powers, Horace I;. Roethlce, U'illiarn A. C. Sclluck. Arthur J. Sczudlo, \Iraltcr Simon. Ho\\.ard Stratton. Arthur Robert S \ ~ a r t h o u t . Anthony 11. Thompson. Hubcr t \.arnuni. Herbert E. I ' o i ~ h t , Roland B. 'iVilsoii. John P . , J r . IVitham, \.erle C.

Yuen, Jack T;. H . Znerdling, Morris

1933 31 donors $2,062.50

Alexander, Gabriel N. Bums. Herbert 11. Champe. Carlton G. Clagett . Oliver 0. Evans. Robert R . Forsythe, Franklin C. Glerurn. Laurence D . Greenhouse, Williani Groves. John H . Hathaway. I-I. Winston Jolls, Thomas H . Kelly, James 0 . Kennedy, James A. Kennerl].. Warren TV. Kripke. Homer Larson, Bernard,

M r . & Mrs. Logan, Kenneth J. Luyendyk, John D . B. 1 I c Lean. Raymond H . hIiel. C. Homer Passman, Harold L. Peet, Charles D . Redner, S tuar t H . Ruble, n'illiam A. Seymour. Dale A. Seymour, Dalton G. Spater. George A. Stein, Louis R . Touma. Said h i . Tread\ray, William E .

1934 40 donors $2.175.00 .4lbertson, Fred LV. Austin, James E . Brace, Frederic F . Cooper, Frank E . Cooper, Robert hI. ,

Prof . Crawlord, Robert D . Crockett. George \V. J r . Diefenbach, .4llan B. Eagan, Emmet t E . Fogg, Gordon Hefter, Pierre V . Herrick, Walter D . Hole, Richard E . Hughes, Francis M. Kelb, Robert A. Levison, Stanley K. Levy, Jack I . Love, Edward B. hIac Chesney. Brunson hlerdzinski, H a r r y L. Novitsky, Byron F . Olsen, LIerrill E . Osuna, Benjamin Ramsey, M a r y Louise,

Miss Robinson, William I. Roderick, George T . Roper, Joseph A. Rowe, Carl S. Sabin, Brainard S. Schultz, Carl E . Silverman, Maurice Smith, Russell .4. Sprawl, Charles R . Sutter, IVilliam G. Turner, Roger N. li'pham, Buford A. \'an Yalkenburg,

Cornelius IVellman, Samuel G. Wunsch, Edward S. Zahm, Ralph S.

1935 40 donors $1,320.00

.4ckerberg. Robert E . Alder, John J. Babcock. William A. Begley. H a r r y R . Bergstronl, Henry A. Clohset, Frederick P. Cowden. Robert E . . J r . Denison. James H . Faus t . Frederick H . Fauver, Robert N . Freund, Bernard IV. Gallo\vay, Edgar B. Hayes, Neil B. Henderson, Charles P . Helvitt, Charles C. Hoard . Douglas H.,

Capt. Hobbs, Davis R . Irons. Lester Jamieson, TVillialn P . Johnson, Lois Straight,

Mrs . Johnson, Phil R . Knos , William LI'. Kruse, Richard R. Lande, Jack J. Levy. I ra 11'. Marlette. Lloyd V. Medill, George F . hIerri t t . Clarence E. h4iller, l l i l t o n , J . Nisen, Charles >I.,

M r . & Mrs. Oehmann, Ward Henry Osborne, James B. Rushmer, Ernest L. Sawyer. Robert N . Sidwell, George R . Tobias, George H . \\'atling, John W. Weiner, Leonard H .

1936 48 donors $3,781 .OO Adarns, Donald E. Allman, Walter H . Baker, John B. Barnako, Frank R . Catsman, David P . Choate, Robert A. Clark, John S. Clink, Stephen H . Denbo, Milton C. Donahue. Albert F . D o ~ v Chemical Company Elliott , R'illiam F . Ford I\Iotor Co. Gallagher, Byron P . Gilchrist, Evan A. Groening, IYilliam A,,

J r . Grosberg, illenvin K . Henderson, Curtis R. Hensel, Robert E . Hetsko, Cyril F . Howard, Robert H . Jackier, Joseph I-I. Johnson & Higgins

Kapp, Jerome F . Kashiwa Shiro Kennedy, Asa D., Jr. Kidder-Peabody

Foundation Kline, George B. L a C a w . Joseph A. J I a y . Robert A. l l i l l iken . Herbert A.. J r . Pierce, Robert L. Quaife, Donald L. Rock\rell, John H. Rowland, Alton H . Rubenstein, Gilbert 'i'. Schlee. Stanley Schmalzriedt, Allan F . Solomon, Theodore H . Trenlbley, A{. Bushnell IVaalkes, Wallace Wagner, A . Belden Warner, Harry P. IVeipert,William J. , Jr . ,

Judge \Villiams, G. RIennen IVitterman, Oliver A.

1937 50 donors $3,407.50 Allen, Charles W. Atherton. Keith Bahna, Ralph A4. Barrett , Richard W. Biela~vski, Anthony F . Boter. Peter S. Croft , Thomas L. Curtis, Robert N . Denise, l\.lalcolm L. Delve,., Thomas E . Early. Albert D . E p h Foundation Farnslvorth, Malcolm

M. Finley, IVyman Ford bIotor Company Freese, Duane D . Halladay, Henry Har tman, William C. Isaacson, M7illian1 J. Johnson & Johnson Kayser, Victor P . Kelley, Bethel B. Kemp, Tliallace B. Kennedy, Kevin,

M r . & Mrs. Koch. Alfred B., J r . Korn, Jack \V. Larmee, Donald H . Macomber, William H . ihIcClain, William A. McCormick, James L. Mead, John P . iLIitchell, Philip H . AIolloy, Robert W. Moon, Charles R . Orban, Frank A., Jr. Phelps, Elbridge D . Potter, R a y L. Probst , Walter F. Simon, Envin S. Skinner, George T .

Sloman, Robert A. Snioyer, Stanley C. Thomas E . De\\.ey Fund Travis, Samuel L . Trimble, Harvey D . I'ogt. Theodore R . White, Jack L. U'ierengo John L., Jr .

1938 51 donors $1,960.00 Arthur, L. James Banyon, Willard J. Beard, Chester C. Eorgmann, William F . Bryant, John H . Caplan, Julian Carlisle, Tyler Chambliss. Robert N. Cor\vin, Robert K. Cross, Richard E. Curran, Robert 0. Dembolvski, Ed\vard H . Dewey, Benjamin H.,

J r . Feldman. Robert S. Gregory. Julian A. Hendrickson. \\raldo Hodgman, Daniel Honig. Isadore A. Hoyt , John 0 . Jason, Walter J . Koivunen, Reino S . Kramer, Milton A. Kuder, Hugh B., J r . Linton, Charles R . MacDonald, Robert

James hlcCorniick, Edward J. hIcCray, Samuel A. Mercer, H . Fred, Jr . ;\lontgomery. John W. i\c[oore, Winston C. Newman. Joel P . Pettibone, Maurice A. P lant , Marcus L . Ransom. Edward D. Ruff, Edward J. Schramrn, Edward W. Shook, Richard L. Smith, Ansel B., Jr. S tar r , John G. Stephenson, UTilliam B. Stone, Frank B. Thomson, John H . Trigg, Paul R . Welch, Douglas R . Wiate, Roman W.

1939 48 donors $1,480.00 Apmond, A. H . . Jr. Batten, W. Arthur Besse, Kennard Jay Blackwell, hlenefee Boyd F . Emerson B r a w r m a n , Richard S. Brockman, Clay T . Canmann, David L. Carson, David W.

Eckelberger, Robert M. Fisher, Thomas K. Friedman, Arthur N. K . Good, George I-I. Greene, Arthur A. J r . Gressley, Lynn H. Hunter, William R. Jayne, Benjamin W. Keck, Robert C. Keeton, Paul C. Lee Herbert K. H . Lein, Richard N . Lewis, Melvin P . Munson, Thomas T . Neuhaus, Clarence W. Nelvman, Fred C. Nielsen, Roger H . Oberhausen, John C. Pit ts , Henry L. Reading, Douglas K. Rubin, Allan A. Sikkenga, Jay H . Sipes, Robert E. Soboroff, IVilliam L. Stoudt, James W. Stroud, Selvard R . Studley, William R . T a b b , Horace E . Thomas, Charles E . Tracy, James D . Uhl, John H . I'erdier, Leonard D . , Jr. Weber, Raymond N . Weissman, Bernard Williams, Fitch Zwerdling, Abraham L.

1940 42 donors $1,305.00

Adams, John J. Biggar, Edward S. Buesser, Frederick G.,

J r . Butterfield, I ra W. Cerin, Elmer Clay, Alonzo W. Cohn, Donald M. Colombo, Frederick Corkin, Leo IV. DeLancey, William J. DeVine, Ednlond F . Dick, Jerome J. Diver, Thomas W. Dugan, Charles F . Eldridge, Clarence E.,

J r . Fortino, Alfred J. Franklin, Benjamin W. Freedenberg, Oscar Gram, H . James Guernsey, John Thomas Handley, Robert D . Jackson, Paul E . Johnson, Verne D . , Jr. Klein, William H . Mann. John R . Mayfield, Don W. Miller, Robert J . Obenchain, Roland, J r . Pennell, John S .


City and Sta te Amount City and State Amount

Detroit, Michigan $36,064.66 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania $2,308.50 Flint, Michigan 13,840.00 10s Angeles, California 2,123.00 N e w York, New York 11,333.95 Grand Rapids, Michigan 2,l 10.00 Chicago, Illinois 6,660.1 1 Washington, D. C. 2,016.02 Indianapolis, Indiana 5,809.42 Dearborn, Michigan 1,753.00 Cleveland, Ohio 4,209.94 Kansas City, Missouri 1,185.00 Ann Arbor, Michigan 3,759.46 Toledo, Ohio 1,000.00

Pickering, John H . Sevensnla, Bert Shapiro, Ralph Siegel, Paul E . Sperling, George E. . Jr. Steinheimer, Roy L., J r . Street. Harold M. . ~

Swett, Leonard W. Todd, Hiram P. . J r Walworth, Edward H. ,

J r . \\ratson, Edrvard i\f. Weipert, Victor H .

1941 60 donors $1,525.00 Adams, E . James Baldwin, William H . Barasa, J. Laurence Belknap, Jerry P . Bellwood. Sherman J. Bromder, Olin L . , Jr . Calder, Eugene B . Carson, Harry A. Clark. Robert H . Connolly, Walter B. Cool, Cortland Crumpacker, Shepard J . Cumniiske,,, John W. Cusack, Robert E . Dondero, Stanton G. Eddy, Alfred B. Ellick, Alired G. Fager, Paul W. French, James M. Frohlich, Edward P . Greiner, Frederick H.,

J r . Hatfield, Reid, J. Hewitt, Alfred TV. Hillier, LVilliam H . Hood, IYilliam F. Hook, Keith B. Hopkins, John L. Houson, Herbert C. Jamra, Jalnille G. Johnston, John C., Jr. Kepka, Frederick A. Knutson, Walter C. Krugliak, Samuel Levingston, Alfred A. Lynch, Charles Hubert Miller, Robert G. Niketh, Fred O'Malley, Jesse R. Oberst, Paul, Mr.&>Irs. Ogata, Thomas S. Plaut, N. Michael Rapaport , Raymond H . Rosenn, Harold Rothman, Alfred I . Sanders, Frank B. Silverman, Sheldon Smith. Allan F. ~ p a e d e r , Robert

Nicholas Spitalny, \Villiam H . Slroud, Donald R . Sutton, William D . Teahen, James DI., Jr . Telfer, Bruce T. Vogeler, Alan R . Warder, Smith Wat t Flint C White, John R . Wills, Richard H. , Jr.

1942 46 donors $1,165.00

Arkison, Henry D. Beier, Dean G Branchfield, Edward Brjfant, Richard W. BuHa, Sebastian A. Bullard. Willis C.

2,5 10 don

Fifteen badly needed carrells sztclz as the one shoztn ahoz~e were built thip year in the Hutchin~ Hall facttlty library for the tcse of the Lazcr Rezrieul staff. The project urns financed in equal parts by the Clniversity and the Lnzcr School Fttnd.

The Lazcl School Firnd receizred a substantial gift in I963 in memory of Edward P. Wright, A.R. '16 and Eduvi-rd C. P . Dnz~is, A.B. '20, J.D. '22, to be deposited in the Henry Dl. Campbell ~lfemorial Prize accoitnt. This nccoztnt is draurn upon to provide cash au~ards for the winners and runners-up of the anniral Case Club competition$. The 1964 winners and recipients of these cash mtrnrds are, left to right, Dennis Slater, Terrance Croft, John Gates, John 11lcColloirglt.

itlartin B. nickinson, Jr., Editor in Chief, Lmcj Rerriew The Ahram Ifr. Sempliner lcfemorinl cash mtmrd is given each year to the stuclent elected by the foctrlty of the Lm11 School to be Editor in Chief of the Michigan Lmtr Rarieul for the follorc~ing year in recognition of oirtstmding urork for the Michigan Lnul Rezjimtr. This m ~ ~ a r d made possible by the Lmt~ Scl~ool Fund is ginen in memory of Abram If' . Sempliner, LL.B., 1902.

Carroll, \Villiam E. Clancey, James P . Clarke, Harvey IV. Clarke, Oscar L., Jr. Conner R! 3Iills Trust Crabtree, Brooks Crawford, Howard A. EHler, Erwin Robert Flintermann, Donald R. Gee. John IV. Killin, Richard C. Kinsey, \lTilliam H. Langerman. Samuel Lovejoy, Robert C. l l i les. Ii'endell A. JIitchell, Robert D . Se~vcomb, William

Rann Peckinpaugh.

Charles IV., Jr . Pierce, Har t B., Jr. Ramey, 3Ialcolm B. Remmers. Douglas B. Ritchie Robert F. Rowland, Lloyd Schwartz, Charles G.,

Jr . Shinn. Carl 31. Sisk, Fred E. Stein, Eric Stults. Fred 31.. Jr. Tai t , V'illiam L. Thompson. Kenneth \Vatson, Loyall G. Weaver. Ben J. Wilson, li'illiam S. Ii'inmood, George l I . ,

111 U'right. Charles 111 Wright. L. Har t

1943 18 donors $1,153.75 Rasye. Paul E.,

J I r . & Mrs. Hainer, Richard J. Hatch. Gerald B. Hofiman. F . Herbert. Jr . Hoglund, John Harold Holshuh. Harold J. Johnson. Kenneth B. Katcher. Richard 1Iusgrave. Richard L. Peter. Arthur. Jr. Reading, Stuart A. Ryan, Russell J., Jr. Schilling, George T . Sisson. John F. Taylor. Jay C. Vlrich, Robert D.

1944 8 donors $300.00 Barton, Robert 31. Grimshaw, Robert S. Holmes, Allen C. Alarkwood, Theodore 3Iason. John C. Oler, J. Ilresley Quigg, Benjamin M., Jr.

1945 10 donors $160.00 Greene, Alice G., Mrs. Hanna. Philip E. Houston. lt'illiam Al. Le Gros, Theodore A. Xelson, Fred RI. Schaeffer, Margaret G.,

3Irs. Schinderle, Albin J. Starr. Raymond W. Teixeira, Egberto L. Thompson, Wendell R .

1946 27 donors $600.00

Beasley. John B. Bennett. Edward T. Ruchanan, IVilliam H. Deake, Edward D . Dobson, John Dmyer, Edward P., Jr. Estep, Samuel D. Henderson, Robert E. Higains, Eugene 1'. Jenkins, Jordan Kane, Richard Kramer, R. Arnold Lavely, Richard \V. Loud, \f'illiam C. JIcKay, LTeil Noble, Edward S. Peters. Richard H. Price. Peter R. Scott, Rosemary, Miss Solomon, Milton D. Stoddart, John B. Jr. Sullivan, James 31. Thornton, George R , Timms, John C.

1947 35 donors $1,118.75 Anderson, John R. Bon,ers, Russell E . Brimmer, Clarence A.,

J r . Burkholz, Zoe E. Shaffer Calcutt. Harry Cardon. Robert L. Dalrymple. Thomas L. Davidson, IVilbur S. Day, Robert R. Dykema, John R. Gangwere, George H. Karr, Stephen \V. Kennedy, Cornelia G.,

Mrs. Kono, Russell K. Iiuppinger, Clark Lattin. Euaene H. Levin, Charles L. Liles. Kenneth H. Lum. Leslie Ifr. S. 3Iizuha. Jack H. 3Iorency. Joseph N., Jr. Pfau. \\'illiam E., Jr. Redwine, Jack T. Reller, William H. Sharp, Donald H. Smith. J. Paul Thorburn, James S. Tinker, H. Clinton Uyenoyama, Hidehiko \Valsh, Robert E. Il'estbrook, Philip F.,

Jr. Williams, Carroll V. Woodman, George R .

1948 125 donors $2,884.25 Acton, Robert C. .4lfano, Charles T. Archer, Richard J.,

Mr. Pr Mrs. Baker, Russell W. Rarrett, Edward P. Beers. Orvas E. Rellairs, Robert H. Benavie. Jerold J. Ribler, Robert \IT. Blackmar, Charles B. Rradshaw, Conrad A. Brighton, Kenneth A. Buchrnan, John I.'., I11 Ruckley, Edward D . Carbary, Warren E.

Colman, Albert 11. Cook, Georne R.,

31r. & 3lrs. Cooperrider, Luke R. Damon, John E . Darrow, Peter P. Durfee, Benjamin B. Eager, Henry G. Eckhart, Richard L. Fink, Irving L. Fitch, Morgan L., Jr. Flory, William A. Ford, John P. Forry. lfTilliam R. Fowler, nTilliam E.. Jr. Fraizer, Theodore J. Freihofer, Walter B. George. James 31. Gibson, Robert L. Glanz. Eldin H. Grigsby, Joseph B. Hainline. Forrest A.. Jr. Hall, Fred IVilliam, Jr. Harbert , Ralph \IT., Jr. Haughey, David 0. Heggeness, Clark Henning, Eldridge H. Hillman. Douglas 11'. Hindert, Edward

Michael Hoehn, Clair J. Houston, Fred C.. Jr. Immel, Vincent C. Irwin. H . lIrilliam Jacobson, Mil ton L. Jardine, Thomas V. Jeffries, Edwin A. Kappes. Philip S. Kasson, Lee B., Jr. Kelley, Glenn E. Kramer. Jackson C. Lefton, I ra J. Lindemer, Lawrence B. Loewenberg, David R. Longo, Bernard E. Lynch. Robert C. Magee, David S. AIathe~vs, John H. Mattern. Roy Edwin, Jr, JIcDonald, John E. NcFadden, Stewart E . Rlillard Kenneth A.,

J l r . c9. ;\ITS. JIitsumori, James K. l loore , Bruce L. iCIorris. Joseph 15'. l lurphy, Thomas E. Netzorg, Gordon JI. Sewlin, John R. Norpell, Thomas E. O'Conner, Richard C. Olsen. John B. Page. Lester E . Plaut. George H. Powers, John IYeed Price, I ra %I. Price, Robert E. Froffitt, Roy F. Reber, Harry D., Jr. Redfern, LeRoy H. Reuler, 3lauricc Rinker, George A. Roberts, Frank H. Ro\vlands, Hubert L. Rudel, Harold E. Sandall, James L. Schneider. Jack Servis, Dorothy A., Miss Shaw. Robert J. Sislin. Paul Slilkin. Irving Snyder, Eugene K. Sormsen, Paul T. Stahl, Irving 11.

S\\.eiison. John Richard Theiler, John S. Tinkliam, N a t t h e w H . .

J r . Tolan. Thonias L . J r . Tr ipp , Edward S. \.an Alien. John I'oegelin, Harold S. Walters. J . 11. Welch, Williani F . n 'heatley, Thomas J. Whitloiv. \Villiam B. Widdowson. John H . \\'illson, George C. , I11 Wilson, John B. Winning, Janies fiI. IT'oll, Dewayne Wolfe. Wayne G. lITol\;ington. \T7inston

It'. Wright , George A . Yaffe, Harvey h l . Yolles, \tJillialn A.

1949 99 donors $2.059.00

Albrecht, Harry L. Allan. Hollis Anonymous Babcock, Stanton Barrett . James M., I11 Bell, John W. Bonisteel. Roscoe O., Jr. Bonk. Arthur Bowen, IiJillard G. Bray, Richard P . , Jr . Bremer. John A. Browning, Mar t in R . Buckley, Frederick J. Campbell , Loren IT7. Carroll, Lewis Chandler, Kent, J r . Cochran. ThomasC. , J r . Coulter, Thomas E . Crandell, John S. Crow, John L. Currie, Gilbert A. Davis , E . Gaines, J r . Davis, Raymond S., Jr. Dean, Alas Dehn, Douglas A. Deibel, Gilbert A. Dellenback, John R . Duning, Theodore P . Eagleson, Freeman T.,

J r . Elam, John C. Fisher, Robert .4. Fjord, Hilfiard J, Gable, Gordon E . Galbraith, John A. Gordon. Herman Greenwood, El Carol 1'. Gmnewald, Carson C. Hal te l , Howard W. Hewitt , \ililliam R . H i t t , Harman 31. Hutchinson, Rodney E. Imai , Keiichiro Isackson, Ralph J. Johnson, Robert G. Jones, Dana S. Judge. James F . King, Robert J. Koch, \lTalter 0. Kowalczyk, Henry K r a l t , Kar l E . Lamb. Jerome A. Leggat, John E. Luckton, Andrew R'. 111 Lovett , Wells T . Luptak , Jerry D . hlackenzie, John R . AIann, Richard J. Mather . Donald E .

blax\vell, \\'illiam Stirling

N y e r s , John H . LIorton, David H . Kadler, hIyron J . Nichols. David A. Nilles, J . Gerald Northrup, Arthur H . O 'Hara . Paul R . O'Leary, Franklin I-I. Page, John S. Pierce, TT1illiam J. Por te r , William Ring, David D . Roberts, Farrell E . Robinson. Loren J r . ,

h l r . Er N r s . Robison. Janies J. Schrenk, nTill iam J. Schroeder, Everett J. Schroeder, Joseph E. Scurlock. John Secrest, Richard B. Shull, D . Carlton Slocum, TVilliani MI., J r . Snyder, UJilliam F . Souter, Don V. Spelman, John H . Sprunk, James A. Supplee, Henry A. Swengel, Robert T . Theodoroff. B . James Walker , William H . Warren, R . Rush \Lrellman, Richard V. ITTells, Calvin L. Wetmore, Floyd E . Wumkes, IVilliam W.

1950 84 donors $1,802.50 Albright, Robert E . .4nderson, Paul E . Angel], Tommy F . Ashford, Clinton R . Babson, David F . Bayer, Charles b4. Becker, Jack Bloss, Thomas It'. Boonstra, Earl R. Bowers, Robert F . Cavitch, Zolman Crippen, James A. Danhof, John James, Sr. Davidson, Charles W.,

J r . D a y , Charles E., J r . DeBoer, James N. DeGaetano, Peter F. Dunnings, S tuar t J., Jr. Egan, Joseph G. Frick, Robert H . Friedman, Sydney S. Gibson, Frank D., J r . Goldstein, Alan P . Green, Thomas H . Greenberg, Ronald L. Greffenius, Albert J. Hansen. Charles Har t r ick , James G. Hawkins, Gordon L. Hay, John Hegarty, Gerald R . Hill , Guy H . Joncs, James P. Kashiwa. Genro Kellogg, John S. Killin, Charles Clark Klarreich, Harold L . Larson, Donald N. Logue, John E. Lo\very, W-illiam H . Marken , Howard A. AIcCray, J . William 3lcKinley, LTJilliam L.

hlessenger, Archie .4. I l i k a . Ernest A. >looney, Frank J. AIordy, James C. Morgan. Richard E . AI)~neder, Charles Neithercut. Edrvard J. Page, IVilIiam TY. Pappas. Stanley R. Peterson, Colvin A , , Jr . Phillipson, Herbert , Jr . P r a t t . Philip Reemers. Donald H . Ross. I\'illiam Roth , AIilton Schick. Thomas Schmidt, Jarvis J . Schoener, Janies F . Scranton, Everett 34. Shadd, Robert W. Spatz, Richard E. Staton, Arthur, J r Steiner, Wni. F . Steinhauser, John W. Storms, R . Lalvrence Stripp, George E . Sutter, William P . Tilattles, Thonias I . Weiss, Leo Ll'esta, Gilbert I I . IVhalen, Michael J . Wittenberg, Philip \Vollam, H . Nevin Worth, LVilliam R . Zuckerman, James R .

1951 108 donors $2,444.25

Anderson, John H . Antieau, Charles James Backus, Arthur Richard Baker, James W. Balin, Herbert M. Barense, William D. Barney, John B. Bauer, R . Glenn Baster, Richard V . Blough, Robert L. Borsos, Robert L. Boyd, Alan C. Brockhaus, J . Henry Brown, Prenliss M. Bunge, Arnold F . , Jr . Byrns, Chester J. Calechman, Jack H . Carson. Nolan Vi'. Christensen, Harold G. Clemente, l l i chae l C . Dean, JVa! ter L . Deming, Hudson E . Draper, James W. Dunbar , Daniel H . Dunkel, James B., Jr . Dutcher, David E. Dutchess, Charles L . Elukin, Edward Fukuoka , S. George Garnett , Hugh A. Glidden Company Hainline, Theodore R. Hanes, James H. Hanley, Patrick Hellslrom, John A. Hertzberg, Stuart E . Hopkins, George H . Horning, Charles E., Jr . Jones, Russell S . Krohn. Alan I . Kurz, Stanley Leavit t , Donald G. Leitz, &I. Richard LoeHier, Felix R . Louis, Leighton S. C. Martin, Harold R . X a r x , Richard

i\'IcVicl:er, Hugh B., Jr. AIelvin, S. Noel Milligan, William Morgan, E . Dwight AIorse, Hastings Seth,

J r . hTeal, Harold L . Nen~liouse, Wade Nickelsen, Harold \Y. Ortenzio, Albert J . Ortlieb, Rene J . Pedler, James S. , Jr . Peek, IVilliani &I. Phillips, TValter J . Potoroka, Walter Pritchard, Warren H . Reid, \i'illiam A. Reisig, Edtnund IV,. Jr. Reynolds, Thomas A,,

J r . Richardson, James W. Robertson, Philip H . Rodgers, Horace J . Rogers, James L. Rudolph, Blaine 0 . Ryder, Henry C. Sachs, Theodore Scoville, S . Samuel Shaw, Forrest G.,

M r . Er Mrs. Shepherd, Franklin J. Smullin, Philip b l . Snyder, Lar ry H . Stevens, George Neff Stieg, Harold E . Storey, Rollyn L . Sutter, William P . Swan, Robert J . Tattersall . J. C..

TVilliam Tendler, Norman H . Thomas, John W. ,

M r . & hlrs. Townsend, James E . Van Lopik, Nancy R. ,

Mrs. Wagner, Robert E.,

Mrs. Walsh, Thomas C. Watkins, Wilbur K. Wat ts , Harry T . Weingarten, Herbert N. White, Charles W . Wolbert, George S., J r . IVolfson, Herbert 1.1. Wright, Curtis, Jr . I'ates, John S.

1952 96 donors $2,147.00

Allen, Thomas D . Allerton, Hugh G., J r . Ansell, Burton L. Arnold, Raymond 1'. Apres, John Lt. R . Bare, I ra D. Bated, Li'illiam H . Baumann, Harry T . Billings, Richard W. Blatti. Robert 0 .

Boyd, \Villard L . , Jr . Brucker, Wilber M., J r . Callahan, John J. Cannon, Joseph A. Cecil, Thonias C. Chinen, Jon H . Clark, U'illiam A . Crawford, Clan, J r . Curran. Rayniond L. Darger, R . J. Davey, Geoffrey Dorr, Janies W. Dorscy, Richard J. Douvan, Eugene 1'. Dow Chemical

Company Ednian, John J . Eighty Maiden Lane

Foundation Fletcher, Edmard J. Fong, Arthur S. K . Freeman, George J . General Electric

Foundation Gibson, Charles E . , Jr . Goldstein, Edward Graue. Eugene D . Griggs, Robert S. Heininger, Erwin C . Herrinton, James C. Hersh, Donald L. Hobey, Laurence R. Horn, Carl L . Hoyt , L . Douglas Huston, James I. Kendall, James A. Keydel, Frederick R . Kostantacos, Peter C. Krueger, Robert B. Kunkle, John H . , J r . Larson, Ralph W. Learman, Richard C . Ledwidge, Patrick J. Linton, Rodney C. Lombardi, Cornelius E.,

J r . Mandenberg, Robert D . Marcous, U'illiam T . iYIassie, Sam F . , Jr. l\lcDo\\~ell, John E. Mencer, Glenn E . Morris, John C . Rakamoto, Yoshiaki Odell, Donald A. Omstein, Warren K. Osborn. LVilliam PI. Pa i , Ton S. Petrie, Bernard Pohl, Robert B. Porter, Robert W. Ransnieier, Joseph S . Richman, Norman G. Roberts, William J. Rowlinson, David W. Ryan, Jerry W. Ryan, John P . , Jr . Ryan, John R . Sandblom, Robert L . Segerson, Thomas P .

Shanr, Sonia, Mrs. Shively, Kenneth 0. Silverton, Lawrence E. Simmons, Forrest W. Sosin, Ralph Squire, George Starbuck, Cbarles E. Tashjian, Nubar Thomas, W. Bruce Trout , Alesander A. Ulmer, David F . Walfred, Hugo A. Wehler, Richard H . Whitney, IHardin A,, Jr . Wilson, James B. Wirbel, Louis E . Wright, Lloyd A. Young, William A.

1953 113 donors $2,700.25

Ahonen, William D . Anspach, Herbert K . Appel, John D . Bain, William A , , J r . Bangs, Will J . Barnett , Richard B. Beach, Robert S. Beringer, William E . Beckett, Wm. Berman, Hyrnan L. Blunirosen, Allred W.,

Mr . & Mrs. Brinster, Joseph Booth, Douglas W. Bronrn. William R . Bruif, John B. Brunibaugh, Philip D . Bugay, John J . Bull, David C . Callison, James W. Coulter, Bruce R . Davenport , William K . Danaher, John E . Dean, Clifford A. D e c a m p , Stacey Dixoii, Robert B. Elconin, Richard C. Failer, Marvin L . Fisher. Stanley h l . Ford hIotor Company Frealnian, Ellis B. Gamble, E. James Gault , James L . Griffith, Garth E . Guy, Ralph B., Jr . Hanimond, Robert N. Handelman, Ho\vard h1. Hansen, Walter L . Hartwell, AIortimer H. ,

J r . Hay\vard, John Helm, Heinz, D r . Hoak, Frank W. Houck, John B. Howes, Robert A. Hulkower, Bernard Hupp, John W. It laner, Sherman A. I to , Isao


$1,000.00 and over 20 Gifts $ 51,242.37 $500.00 to $999.00 9 Gifts 4,817.57 $200.00 to $499.00 30 Gifts 7,920.00 $1 00.00 to $1 99.00 178 Gifts 18,280.43 $50.00 to $99.00 252 Gifts 13,180.83 $25.00 to $49.00 569 Gifts 14,561.00 $1 1 .OO to $24.00 325 Gifts 5,576.61 $1 0.00 679 Gifts 6,790.00 Under $10.00 409 Gifts 1,936.00

Total 2,471 Gifts $1 24,304.81

2,5 10 donors

Jacobs, Marvin K . Johnson, Ernest E . Johnston, Robert A. Kidston, Alan R . Knauss, Robert L. Koehler, Ward Kortenhol, Joseph M. Kushi, Masanori Leiman, Herbert Mayer Leone, Anthony F . Lesser, Stanley T . Lo Prete, James H . Macrides, John C. Madden, Edward G., Jr . Massnick, Thomas P . 1\3atsch, Richard P . ;\?ayes, Gilford H . , J r . hlorris, Duane Nanienye, John J. Newton, Charles D . Nopper, James J. Oldlather, Charles E . Overbeck. Gene E . Pogue, Richard W . Rauner, Vincent Reynolds, Hugh E., Jr . Rice, Thonias L . Rizley, Robert S. Russell, Robert G. Seeger, Richard Shields, Carrington,

Miss Shuster, Richard Id. Smith, Gordon H. , Jr . Smith, Philip S. Spier, Robert E . Spindler, John F . Stavoe, Richard C. Stevens, Kenneth G. Streich, Harvey E . Takushi, Roy E . Tanasijevich, Rudolph Templeton, S . John, Jr. Tingle, James 0. Trevor, Curtis L . Urbom, Warren K . Wall, Robert T . Walker, Willard Ward, Paul A. Watson, Hugh Weiner, Mlalter H . Weldon, Janies Lee, Jr. \Vhirlpool Corp. Zagelmeyer, Frank L.,


1954 78 donors $1,623.59 Balier, Richard S. Barker, Richard W., J r . Baxter, Richard B. Beaudry, Robert W. Belin, David W. Berridge, George B. Bonds, William S. Bromberg, Stephcn A. Buchanan, James W . Bullen, Lawrence L . Campbell, Paul B. Coerper, hlilo G. Connor, Roger G. Coulter, Donald Dean, Harvey R . Donley, Jerry Alan Dow Chemical

Company Duboc, Robert M. Fitzgerald, John Mr. Frank, William S. Frost, James T . Gates, Benton E. , Jr . Gleiss, Henry W. Golos, A b r a h a ~ n Gottesman, Morton G. Gottlieb. Norman N .

Gohvans, Arnold D . Griffin, Nola Allen Hasselwander, Carl A. Hiclts, Lalvrence James I-Iildebrand, James A. Ho~vle t t , James L. Hunt , Alan R . Kahn, Edmard J. King, John B. Krapohl. Warren F . Kravets, Leonard Leddy, John H . Lee, Ronald Y. C. Lehman, Evelyn J. , Miss Libner, Robert Locascio, Angelo W . Lovinger, Richard

Ralph Mackay, William L. i\.IcConnell, Kenneth B. Nicholson, James M. Ogozalelt, John F . , Jr . Otten, Kenneth H . Parker, Maclyn T . Payne, Raymond J. Quinn, Robert G., Jr . Riecker, John,

ivh. & n h s . Selby, Ralph I . Sheinfeld, Myron M. Shuman, Samuel I . Siu, Abraham Y. T . St . Antoine, Theodore J. Steele, Rodney R . Steiner, Donald C. Tennent, David L. Trombadore, Jack Trombadore, Raymond

R . Van Buskirk, Joseph Vobach, William H . Wheeler, Frank M. White, Robert J . Wilkinson, Donald k l . ,

J r . Winston, Robert T . Wisehart, Arthur PI. TVood, David P . Wright, Curtis, Jr .

1955 67 donors $1,280.00 Adams, Richard M. Ambrose. Philip Mark Baker, Robert E . Beatty, James W. Bernstein, Wallace S . Black, Donald Gordon Brock, Norman I. Brown, La\vrence I Caviston, William M. Cloon, William G., Jr. Clouser, Paul E . Conlin, William J . Cross, Leland B. , Jr . Cutler, Douglas E . Dale, Thomas PI., Jr. Denison, Walter R. Dison , Stewart S. Donnellan, Robert I. Fiske, Robert B. , Jr. Forbes, Ivan M. Frey, Robert S. Hanipares, A. Janies Heher, John R . Hertler , David C. Hodgkins, William P . Howard, Harvey A. Hyman, Charles bI. I .B.M. Corporation Keeler, Chester 13. Knape, Raymond E . Kosik, Joseph F . Lelkowitz, Alan Z. Marks, Leah, h3iss

Martin. Daniel L. ~ ~ e l i c l c , John V., Jr . Moldoff, William &I. O 'Hara , James G., I-Ion. Olsen, Robert B. Packard, Martin Pearlman, Louis, J r . Philp, G. Lee Potler, James A t . Randall, William L. Ratcliff, Richard Sen'ard Ravick, La\vrence N. Riclcer, James P . Ringold. Anthony F . Rosenfeld, Richard Z. Roth, Irwin Schi~ur , Robert George Scull, Morton M . Soled, Alice Austin, Mrs. Stenn, Irving, J r . Stubbs, Donald F . Thiele, Howard N. , Jr . Van Antwerp, I Ia l in Vandenberg. Edward L. Vander ~ e y d e n ,

Keith A. Warren, Mr. Gerald IYilks, William L. Williams, Booker T . Wisner, William E . Wong, Kenneth S. H .

1956 82 donors $1,651.50 Aaron, Dennis M. Alexander, R1illiam H. Armstrong, Jack G. Barron, Dennis J. Benson, Richard H . Bergsten, Eric E . Borgerson, L. Keith Brashear, \l'illiam R. Britz, Harland M. Bromn, Herbert R . Brown, John N. Buckle),, Eugene D . Cassebaum, William C. Chamberlain, Milton J. Cherpelis, George Crockett, William F . Dailey, Richard R . Dannemiller, LVilliani F . DeClaire, George F. Dennis, Glenn S. Dresser, RayniondH. Jr . Dubrinsky, Marvin Ernst , Daniel P . Gaar, Norman E . Gilmartin, Eugene H . Guthner,Williarn E . , Jr. Guy, Daniel S. Haerle, Paul R. Haffner, Alired L., Jr. Halbrook. Rober tL . , J r , Hansen, Edward A. Hatch, Hazen V. Heinen, Paul A. Hilboldt, James S. Iloenicke, Edward

Henry Hovdesven, Arne Jentes, William R . Johnson, Edwin R. Jolliffe, John D . Kassebaum, JohnPhilip Kuhr, John B. Lazaroff, Thomas A. Madden, Richard B. Manderino, Janies J. Moldenhauer, H . I l . ,

M r . & iiIrs. Nelson, Charles A. Olin Mathieson Charit-

able Trus t Co. Parker, Nathan K., Jr.,

M r . & A,lrs. Piper, 1 4 . Harry Poppinga, Julius B. Quinnell, Edward A. Randall, William L. Renfrem Charles B. Riordan. Richard J. Roslon, Martin F . Sawyer. IV. Whitney Schwartzberg, Murray

B. Shal-ler, Donald W . Shank, Edward L. Smoker, Marion R . Sperling, Lawrence IV. Staples, James G. Stege, George R . , 111 Swanson, David W. Taylor, Edwin S. Tietig, Edivard C. Welch, Howard A,, Jr . Whitfield, IYilliam P . Wilkins, Roger Williamson, Charles G.,

J r . Wittenstrom, Clarence F - .

Yolles, Murray Young, Charles L

1957 86 donors $1,452.00 Abrams, Lee N . Ardery, Charles W., Jr . Beach, John A. Beaman, James C. Beckett, James B. Bennett, George T . Bemhard, Herbert A. Bernstein. Jacob Birdzell, F. Douglas Briggs, James A. Broughton. Phillip C. Browne, Thomas P. , Jr. Cannon, John K . Caspar, George Chase Manhattan Bank

Foundation Coughlin, Daniel F. , J r . Cutler, Kenneth B. Day, Richard E . Divan, Ralph H., Jr. Easton, Lynn E . Erickson, Ralph H . Fleming, Philip A. Fraley. Frederick IY.,

I11 Galloway, E . Dexter Gates, Richard W. Gray. Whitmore Grebe, Francis R . Grier, David C. Hancock, Henry H. Hanpeter, Edward C. Hochberg, Edwin H . Hughes, Thonias J. Jenkins, Paul R . Johnston, Charles L . Kahlenbeck, Howard,

J r . Kleinman, Sidney C. Kozlowski, Richard L. LaRue, Carl F . Lamey, Arthur F . , Jr. Lawson, Robert E . Loo, George W. T . M a c l e a n , Harold, Jr. &larkhus, Roger C. h~rarlin, David H . i\?cCready, IVilliani H . Morris, Frank R., Jr. h,losco\\~, Cyril Oakland, E . William Park , Charles B. Pohlnian, Janies E .

Ray\\fid. Alan Reed, Frank F . Reynolds, Don L. Rogers, John T . Rosenfeld, Robert S. Sands, S o r m a n Shea, Edward E . Smetana, Gerard C. Sparber, Byron L. Spieldoch, Gilbert, Jr. Tobin, James $1. Todia, Williani C. Tower, John C. Valenza, Charles R . \Ian Leuven, Robert J. I'ergeer, John Teunis Walsh, Jerome I;.. Jr. Weaver, Robert B. Webb. John M. Whitaker, A. Duncan Wilson, John L. \VolIe, Paul B. Ziegler. John A. Zollars, Ronald G.

1958 92 donors $1,743.00 Adams, LValter L . Allen, J . Chester, J r . Baity, John Cooley Baldwin, Henry

DeForest Bemiller, F . Loyal Berg, David C. Bilby, Richard 14. Bioff, Allan L. Carnes, Thomas M. Carpenter, Samuel D . Clayton, Robert G., Jr. Clum, Lewis Conlin, John W., Jr . Desenberg, Jon P. Dewey, Allen C., Jr . Dittr ich, Raymond J. Dunlap, Robert Eckhar t , Henry \&I. Farrug, Eugene J. Feibel. Janies B. Fichera, 4 . Philip Fingersh, Jack N. Gerlinger, Charles Germain, Albert E . Gillespie. Philip G. Gross, Egon h'1. Gruel, Grant J., Jr . Gurwin, Hanley PI. Haber, Wolf Hardies, Bobb H. Hartwig, Eugene L. H a y , Peter Henderson, Robert J . Hoerner, Robert J . Hoya, Thomas W. Humphreys, James A, ,

J r . Hurley, John Joseph, Thomas B . Kennedy, Bernard J. King, Dominic B. Kline, John R . Koch, Richard F . Krause, Harry D . Ledakis, Gust A. Leighner, William H . Lewis, John F . Lohr, George E . Luciano, Robert P . Lyons, Michael M. Ataxfield, Guy B. Merner, R . William Miller, Daniel L . R . Morrow, John H . Nixon, David L. Pit tsburgh National


Placier, Phil ip R . Pooley. Beverley J . Prewoznik, Jerome F . Rapp, Gerald D . Roberts, Richard E;. Roesch. Richard R . Rollins. David L. Scott , hlichael Singer. Richard I. Smalley, David R. Smith. Gerald h l . Smith, Phillip E . Snyder, Lee H . Stewart , Robert J. Sugarnian. Robert

Stephen Thornbury. Thomas G. Tolvnsend, Paul H. , Jr. \.alentine, Regis Walker. Edward K . Warner, Richard B. TVatson. Jack L. Wat ts , Prosser h l . , Jr. IVauganian, Urilliam J. Wax~i ian , hlarvin Weiyel, Rainer R. Weinberg, Richard B. Weinstein, Stephen .4. ~i l i l lcos , Roderick H. Wooden, ivilliam P . Zwicky, Marlin

1959 110 donors $1,667.50 Arnistro~ig. Peter Asch, Harry Morton Barr, John 11. Rergman, Stanley N. Berlin, Stanton H . Boyles, John D . Brace, Frederic F. , J r . Bradley, Ilonier S., J r . Branigin, Robert 11. Bransilver, Edward Brower, David J. Burbaum, David C. Burton. Janies L . Cash. Albert D . , Jr . Chang, Samuel B. K. Clipperl, Charles F. DeGraw, Ronald J. DeLana. William G. Dieterich, Thonias A. Do\\, Chemical

Company Emens, J. Richard Foster, Charles W. Froniberg, Lynn W. Fromberg, Alalcolm H . Gardiner, Lester R . , Jr . Haller, Albert A. Harber t , Ronald A. Haydon, George R . , J r . I leher, Garrett PI. Hemphill, Meredith, Jr. Henson. Arnold Heppenstall, Edward

14. Hines, Donald A. Hirscli, Barry H i r t , Stanley P . Hodes, Scott Hoppe, \\Jolfgang Jacobs, Frank D . Jenkins, Marten R . Kaufer, Alvin S . Kennedy, Janies P . Kinn , Frank J . Kormes. John W. Kron, Lan~rence Krupnian, Victor S . Landis, Edxvin C.. J r . Leengran, Wayne Libin, Jerome B. Lyons, EdLvnrd T., Jr.

Mark, hlelvyn I . RIarkstrom. Wilbur J . N a t t a , John .4. nleckstroth, .4lan F. Miltenberger. Robert

H. , I1 hlitchell. Robert F . hlurphy, J. Lee Nelson, David A. Norris, nrilliam R. Parker, George E. , I11 Parker. Valentine F . Pascoff, P . Joseph Peters, John C. Pilkington. Joseph Powell. John F . Purdy, Carroll F . , J r . Reinstadtler, Thomas

J.. J r . Rice, Denis T . Sand\veiss. Leonard Scott. Robert C. Seils, William G. Shae\;sky, Mark Sinxer, Thomas H . Smith, David Y. Smith, Wendell A. Snell. Hilary F . Solberg, Thomas A. Solomon, Herbert I\'. Souther, John B. St. Onge, Ronald J. Stavitsky, Ira H. Stulberg, Ed\\.ard Barry Sullivan, George Swiniord. John Tauber, Joel D . Thomas, John E. ? 'hove, Philip C. Traum. Jerome S. Tulloch, George S. Tiolpe, Robert P . Vorsanger. Robert h1. \Vadleigh, Theodore Weinbaum, Robert C. Zinn. Frank K .

1960 56 donors $970.00

Adams, Thomas H., Jr. Bales, John W. Banker, Peter A. Berritt, Harold E. Betley, Leonard J. Bierley, Thomas R. Buesser, -4nthony C. Bumbaugh, Robert L . Crumpacker. Thomas T . Dubrinsky, Seymour N. Findley, Roger \Ii. Frisch, E . Roger Gerson, RIervyn S. Gibbons, Victor J. Graham, Jerome J., Jr. Griem, Thomas L. Hart, Clifford I-I. Hill, Douglas J. Jerkins, Joseph J. Johnson, James T . Jolliffe, Donald R. Kaminsky, I. Samuel Kelly, Lo\vell M. Klosterman, Mark V. Kwiker, Louis A. Rlarkomitz, i\Ielvin Paley, Robert J . Phillips, Donald L. Reindel, George, I11

Rhoads. Robert G. Riffer. John I . Roberts. Carl Salvyer, Thomas G. Shearon, James C. Smith, Robert A. Sperry, Jasper Glenn Stiglitz, Bruce 11. Uzelac, Steven Vogel, William P . Ward, William 0, I11 Warrick, Tho~ilas E. Wartell. C. Robert M7ebb, Kenneth A. \Veisman, David B. UJhittaker, Kent E. IVright. Jerry G. JVyckofi, E. L., Jr. Young, Richard E .

1961 105 donors $1,601 .I 1 Adler, James N. Barron, Harold S. Blanchard, James B. Booker, James H . Bradley, James Burton Bromn, Neal 4 . Burnier, Franz A. Canipbell. Calvin A,, Jr. Conlin, Patrick Conover, Frederick K.,

I1 Cripe, James R . Crook, William I\'. Davies, David G. DeGrandpre, Charles A. DeVries, James H . Dietrich, Ronald hI. Dinn, Irwin J . Eagle. Warren E. Eleveld, Robert Esso Education

Foundation Farr, William S. Fiske, John A. Fredericks, Barry I . Ganus. Walter D. Goler, Donald S. Greenbaum, Jerome B. Gunckel, Stuart S. Hanson. Linscott R. Haugh, James W Hill, David G. Holstein, Robert A. Humphrey, Joseph J. H. Hunter, Jack D . Julian, Theodore A. Kapp, Roger \V. Kay, Richard L. Klein, Thomas I . Klynn, Michael Kroll, Plerivyn M. Leigh, James S. Leslie, Richard M. Levin, Peter F . Lurie, David M. Lymburner, John F . i\lanuiacturers Hanover

Trust Co. h.Ialhewson, George A. McCubbrey, James

Bruce hIcEachen. Richard E . NcGee. R. Park 3lcLaughli11, Robert L. i!lcLeam, A?ichael B. Millhone, James N.

Aliller, Alan Charles Miller, Elliott C. Neunian, K. Sidney Odgers. Richard Olive, Ben E . Olson, Eldon Ortman, Mahlon H . Parker, John R . Peschel, John L. Price. Alan E . Price. \Villiam B. Rabkin, Morton Rapp. John B. Reid. Robert J. Reynolds, Hanson S. Rosenblatt, Gerald F. Schiller, James J. Scoville, Laurence PI.,

Jr . Simon, Charles W. Jr. Stabler, L. Vastine, J r . Steuben, Norton L. Slichter, Donald A. Smalley, Clayton R . Sparks, Ken Teranes. Paul S. Thorne, Robert E. Thursby, IVilliam

Gerald Webb, William 'I7. Wells, George M. IYilliams, Lloyd E., Jr. Wilson, Gordon Wilson, Warren Wood, James J.

1962 80 donors $670.50

Aires, Randolf H . Bard, Stephen H . Barth, J . Edward Benning, John A. Bischof, George P. Bordeau, Robert I f . Bornian, Paul Boyden, Joel 14. Brewer, Ronald J. Brook, David N. Butler, Robert A. Carlson, Victor Collins, Francis E., Jr. Crawford, Eben Cutler, Donald Davido\i,, Robert P . Davis, Don A. Davis, Steven P . Deshensky, George, Lt. Dever, Charles H. Dewitt, Jon F . Duffett, Benton S., Jr. Echtenkamp, Richard Mr.

Efron, Plorton L. Elsman, James L., Jr. Finkelman, David L. Flyer, i\,Iichael Freed, Frederick D . Friedman, Alan G. Fruit, Melvyn H. Gage, Noel A. Gordon, Fred Gray, William P . Harris, Roger B. Heekin, Thomas D . Hughes, BiIichael h.1. Jacobson, Kenneth A. Jones, Paul Winston Kalom, R . Bruce

Kane, Alan F . Karbel, Robert A. Kearse, Amalya L. Kilbourne, bVilliani T. ,


Knotter, James D., Jr. Koucky, Joseph P . Kuesel, John T . Lawrence, Joseph D . Jr. laartin, klalcolm E. A4cCormack, Larry W. hlccracken, I\'. L. hlcKenney, Chris L. hlekas, Peter G. AIelzger, Robert L. Miel, Charles H . Mierke, Harvey O., Jr. Aliller, Frederick H . Miller, John D . Paisley. Robert W. Partoyan, Garo A. Ijendleton, John B. Price, Henry J. Prince, Richard A. Reeder, Frank G. Schmidt, L. William, Jr . Schuyler, John B., Jr. Singer, Daniel E. Stokes. Tames L. Snrain, Robert W., J r . , Tracey. David C. VanTilburg, William D. Voltz, ~ h a i l e s E . Watkins. Thomas A. Wessling, Robert B. White, James J. Winski, Oscar Jerrold Wood, Richard 14. Woutat, Paul G.

1963 75 donors $1,006.00 Allen, Richard C. , Prof. Bronston, Byron E . , Jr. Brown, Jon L. Cohn, Theodore R. Dineen, Kathryn Ann,

Miss Dolson, Edward I f . Earle, Henry, I11 Evans, Allen D. Fei\\rell, hfurray J . Feldstein, Robert Fell, Lloyd C. Forshaw, Edward A. Forsythe, Peter W. Frederickson, CliarlesR. Galanis, John Gelinas, Andre A. Gherlein, Gerald L. Goss, Douglas K. Guilford, Richard A. Guthrie, Newman T . Harmon, Robert L. Harris, William E. Hedges, Jackson C. Hirsch, Lawrence Hunt, Thomas C. Hunting,LVilliam F., Jr. Jensen, J . Alan Kayner, David J. Kirkendall, John N. Kloppman, Bruce T . Kohn, Herbert &I. Krsul, John A., J r . Lang, Jules Levine, Joel A. Lum, William B.

Lunquist, Diane I. , Miss hfarquis, Harold L. 1\4cCarthy, Emmett D . il4cDerniott, James A. McNally, Gerald E. Meade, J. Michael Metzger, b.Iicliael Miller, David H. hlodcll, Kenneth AIonahan, Peter R. IIorrison. Hugh M. Page, Ridler, W. Ponlar, Lee D . Roberts, William B. Rothenberg, Alan I . Schwartz, Ronald Barry Serotkin, David M . Simpson, Robert I I . Smith, James LV. Smith, Norman T . Snider, Lawrence K. Snyder, Herbert C., Jr. Sotiroff, Philip Spicer, Nicholas G. Strupp, David J. Toth, IVm. Tucker, Stefan F. TnroFf, Daniel C. ]:atin, Donald E. Van Dyke, Thomas W. \jelvel, La\vrence R . Ilictor, A. Paul Vodrep, Jackman S. Wade, Robert J., Jr. Waggoner, Larry W. Weston, Michael C. Whitney, Douglas Wolf, Roger C. Wright, James H .

NON-ALUMNI Matching Gifts 18 donors $3,575.00

Arthur Andersen & Company

American Sugar Refining Company

Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation

Dow Chemical Company Eighty Maiden Lane

Foundation Esso Education

Foundation Ford Motor Company General Electric

Foundation Glidden Company I.B.h4. Corporation Johnson & Higgins Johnson & Johnson Kidder Peabody

Foundat~on hlanufacturers Hanover

Trust Company Foundation

Olin h4athieson Charitable Trust

Pittsburgh National Bank

Rockwell Standard Corporation

Whirlpool Corporation

Miscellaneous 64 donors $39,436.00

Anonylnous Beneduni, Claude W.


Berkey, Mrs. Lennie R . Branigin, Roger D . Butzel, Leoin, Winston

& Quint Chianese, C. Thomas Clarke, John R . Conard, Alired F. Cramton, Roger C. Davenport, William B. Dicl:inson, Wright,

McKean & Cudlip Duriee, Mrs. Edgar N. Engan, R. Russell Edmonds, James A. First National Bank

oi Chicago Foster, Sparkman D. Freehling, Norman Goodrich, Robert E . Ha\vkins, Carl S. Hole, LVm. E. Hukuk, Dr. A. S.

Ozcelik Hyde, Jaines \&'. Israel, Jerold Joiner, Charles W. Julin, Joseph R. Kadish, Sanford Keller, Leonard A. Kennedy, Frank R . Kimball, Spencer L. Kravets, Alan R. Leibman, Morris I . Long, Benjamin H . MacLachlan, James A. illatthews, Mrs. George

F. -. Midcontinent Trust

Conference Miller, Canfield,

Paddock & Stone Miller, John S. Pearce, Jack R . Pettit, William Pfleiderer, Arthur R. Polasky, Alan N. Pullen, Berenice Wood Reed, John W. Ryan & McQuillan Sage Foundation Senda, Tadao Shapiro, E. Donald Shiffman Foundation Sirnes, Lewis M. Smith, Brooker &

Harvey Steckley, Judge Wm. E. Strohm, Paul,

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart, Alfred P . Szantay, Mrs. Elmer D . Thompson, Raymond,

Mayer Travelers Insurance

Company Trexler, Richard R.,

Mr. and Mrs. I\'atson, Andrew S.,

h4.D. Watson, Richard A t . C. Willson, Frances S. Wojcik, Robert J. Woodward, L'I. T . Worden, Mrs. Josephine Youngs Rubber


2,5 10 donors

LAW ALUMNI MEMBERS OF THE PRESIDENTS CLUB Earl D. Babst, 1894 William B. Giles, 1927 Thomas G. Long, 1901 Frank J. Ortman, 1925 John S. Tennant, 1931 Albert F. Donohue, 1936 George Haggarty, 1928 Edward P. Madigan, 1927 Donald L. Quaife, 1936 G. Mennen Williams, 1936 Edgar N. Eisenhower, 1914 Clayton G. Hale, 1924 Robert A. May, 1936 Samuel J. Sackett, 1903 Henry S. Wingate, 1929 William M. Emery, 1931 Jason L. Honigman, 1926 Leo T. Norville, 1932 R. Perry Shorts, 1906 Harry G. Gault, 1917 Paul Jones, 1905 James R. Offield, 1904 Robert R. Snodgrass, 1925


The Law School Fund has been used, through a special "bank loan" program, to increase the loan funds available for law students. Before this "bank loan" program was inaugurated the Law School loan accounts were completely exhausted.

We have placed on deposit in two Ann Arbor banks a portion of the Law School Fund money to guarantee repayment of loans made to law students. For this deposit and guaranty the banks have extended to our students substantial amounts of credit sev- eral times the amount of the deposit. By this arrangement we have thus multiplied the usefulness of Law School Fund gifts.


Mrs. George E. Matthews gave in memory of her husband, George E. Matthews, Class of 1914.

Mrs. Forest E. McKee gave in memory of her husband, Forest E. McKee, Class of 191 7.

Roger Wilkins gave in memory of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States.

Mrs. Lennie R. Berkey gave in memory of James G. Berkey, non-alum.

Morris W. Stein gave in memory of Joseph G. Aller, Class of 1928. The Shiffman Foundation gave in memory of the late Justice

Henry M. Butzel, Class of 1892. Mrs. Jerome Edmundson gave in memory of her husband, Jerome

Edmundson, Class of 1914.

Mrs. Elmer D. Szantay gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

Sylvan Rapaport gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

William B. Davenport gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

Morris I. Leibman gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Woodhead, Jr. gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

Mrs. Berenice W. Pullen gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

Mr. J. R. Clarke gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strohm gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

William W. Hinshaw, Jr. gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929.

John S. h?iller gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929. Thompson, Raymond, Mayer & Jenner, 135 South LaSalle Street,

Chicago, gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929. Robert L. Bumbaugh gave in memory of James A. Sprowl. Class

of 1929. First National Bank of Chicago gave in memory of James A.

Sprowl, Class of 1929. James A. Edmonds, gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class

of 1929. Harry M. Asch gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929. Youngs Rubber Corporation, 393 Seventh Avenue, New York,

gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class of 1929. C. Thomas Chianese gave in memory of James A. Sprowl, Class

of 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Richard R . Trexler gave in memory of James A.

Sprowl, Class of 1929. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Butler gave in memory of James A.

Sprowl, Class of 1929.