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  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417

    1/12 APRIL 17-23, 2013 FREE

    Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    INSIDE THIS ISSUELegally Blonde

    Musical debuting on April 19at Kelsey Theatre. PAGE 4

    From Lithuania toLawrence, womanfollows her dream

    BY HEATHER FIOREThe Lawrence Sun

    When Lawrenceville residentand Lithuania native Daiva Klim-iene came to America in 2002, shedidnt speak a word of Englishand didnt have anywhere to live.

    After a decade of hard workand determination, shes now liv-ing the American Dream, manag-ing Radiance Spa at The BucksClub in Jamison, Pa.

    When Klimiene first immigrat-ed to America, she lived in Tren-ton and worked as a housekeeperfor two families in Princeton.

    Since she had a strong passionfor beauty, she also began work-ing at Radiance Spa on the week-ends.

    Although she was a certified

    aesthetician in Lithuania, it washard for her to find a similar jobin America at first because shedidnt speak English.

    The only thing I had to do waslearn the language, Klimienesaid.

    So, I went to Mercer CountyCommunity College and tooksome classes on Saturdays andweekday evenings until I startedto understand English better.

    Then, I went to The Bucks CountySchool of Beauty Culture to be-come an aesthetician and wascertified.

    A little more than two yearsago, Klimiene used the LiteracyVolunteers of Mercer County find a tutor to better her Eng-lish, which is when she met Eve-lyn Dye.

    Dye, who is also aLawrenceville resident and a re-tired teacher, became a tutor forLVMC when was she saw therewere hundreds of people in needof tutoring throughout MercerCounty. She took the six-weektraining course offered by theLVMC and became a certifiedtutor.

    When LVMC asked her whatsubject she wanted to tutor and

    which type of person she desired,Dye chose to focus on English as aSecond Language with anyonefrom Eastern Europe, since shesof Polish descent.

    Klimiene is her second stu-dent.

    I read this book to her calledMiss Rumphius by BarbaraCooney, and its about making the

    HEATHER FIORE/The Lawrence Sun

    Lithuania native and Lawrenceville resident Daiva Klimiene, right, is seen with her tutor Evelyn Dye.Klimiene is holding a painting of lupine and butterflies that Dye painted for her for Easter, which was in-spired by Klimienes love for lupine after reading the book Miss Rumphius.please see KLIMIENE, page 3

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417







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  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


    APRIL 17-23, 2013 THE LAWRENCE SUN 3



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    Klimiene has a temporary agreement

    world more beautiful, and thatsexactly what Daiva does, Dyesaid. Shes such a wonderful,positive person.

    Dye explained how Klimieneworks above and beyond to ac-complish everything she wants todo.

    Daiva got a facial one daywhen she was feeling down, andafterward, when she felt a lot hap-pier, she said, I want to make peo-

    ple feel that way, so she went outand became a certified aestheti-cian in Pennsylvania, Dye said.Then, she got a job at the spa

    doing facials on the weekends,and now, she took it over and isturning it into a success.

    Klimiene, who has been man-aging the spa for almost threemonths, explained how the own-ers didnt have enough time tofocus on the spa, which is why sheinquired to take over.

    When you own a spa, thingsare very specific; you have toknow this business a little bitmore, she said. The owners de-cided that the job just wasnt forthem, so they were going to closeit. But, I told them I couldnt livewithout this job, so they decidedto let me take over.

    Klimiene has a temporaryagreement with the current own-ers a six-month trial period tosee if shes capable of taking on

    all management responsibilities.If they like the way Im man-

    aging it and see that things arepicking up, then I can keep man-aging it, she said.

    Klimiene has invested her ownmoney into the business and iscurrently working for free so shedoesnt have to take out any loans.

    I am trying to do with what wemake, she said. I am not takingmoney for myself, but rather, amtrying to advertise. I dont want totake out loans; I am going to try todo it on my own.

    Since she started managing Ra-diance Spa, shes seen an increasein business and is optimistic she

    can keep the business running.Its picking up during the

    KLIMIENEContinued from page 1

    please see PERK, page 5

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


    BY HEATHER FIOREThe Lawrence Sun

    Lawrenceville resident Kim-berly Suskind has been singingand acting her entire life, but iscurrently playing her dream role

    as Elle Woods in Playful TheatreProductions musical comedy,Legally Blonde the Musical.

    The musical is debuting atMercer County Community Col-leges Kelsey Theatre on April 19,and is running for only two week-

    ends through April 28.Suskind is no stranger to

    MCCCs Kelsey Theatre, havingperformed in Maurer Produc-tions' "Drowsy Chaperone" lastseason and Aida in November2012.

    Ive been performing since Iwas about 5 years old, she said.I went to college [Boston Conser-vatory] for musical theater.

    Although Suskind has neverworked with Playful Theatre Pro-ductions a traveling production

    company based in Ewing she at-tended its open auditions andlanded the lead as Elle.

    I have played these types ofroles, but Elle is definitely themost modern character, shesaid. In Aida, I had the role ofAmneris [princess of Egypt,daughter of the Pharaoh], whichis sort of similar, but its based inancient Egypt. Its kind of thesame type of character, but Elle iscompletely modernized.

    Since Elle is the main charac-ter, Suskind explained how muchwork shes had to endure to pre-

    pare, especially since the plot isbased solely around Elle and herefforts to succeed in law school.

    I never played a role that hasso much material, Suskind said.Shes really in the entire show,which is a lot of pressure, but alot of fun. Learning a lot of mate-rial is the only scary part.

    Suskind has also encounterednew challenges while learningher role, testing her abilities as anactress.

    The challenges would be danc-

    ing in four-inch stiletto, platformshoes; as long as I dont break myankle, well be good, she said.Im a total flats girl, so thatsgoing to be a big challenge. And,the amount of material and danc-ing, as well being able to keep myenergy up throughout the showbecause she [Elle] is a very ener-getic character. Its a challenge totry to make her real, rather than

    just a character. Its nice thatshes a three-dimensional charac-

    ter, which is fun to play.Another challenge Suskind hasfaced involves the amount ofdancing and singing.

    It involves a lot of dancing,she said. Theres just a bunch ofhuge, fun production-type num-bers in the show. I can dance, butnot like a professional dancer, sothat was a challenge for me, espe-cially in those heels.

    To conquer the singing aspectof the production, Suskind hasbeen training with her voice

    coach, Steven Schnurman ofSchnurman Voice Studio, for thelast year.

    Ive been doing theater since

    4 THE LAWRENCE SUN APRIL 17-23, 2013

    Legally Blonde The Musical debuting April 19

    please see TICKETS, page 7

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


    APRIL 17-23, 2013 THE LAWRENCE SUN 5

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    week and is very busy on theweekends, she said.

    I think its is in my blood.I never took any specific class-

    es, but this job makes me happy. I

    am learning new things everyday.

    Aside from the newfound flexi-bility the job offers,the biggest perk of owning herown business is freedom, Klim-iene said.

    This is why I love America,she said.

    PERKContinued from page 3

    Perk is freedom

    Send us your Lawrence news

    Have a news tip? Want to send us a press release or photos? Shootan interesting video? Drop us an email at [email protected].

    Fax us at 856-427-0934. Call the editor at 609-751-0245.

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


    letter to the editor

    6 THE LAWRENCE SUN APRIL 17-23, 2013

    1330 Route 206, Suite 211

    Skillman, NJ 08558


    The Sun is published weekly by ElauwitMedia LLC, 1330 Route 206, Suite 211,Skillman, NJ 08558. It is mailed weekly to

    select addresses in the 08648 ZIP code.

    If you are not on the mailing list, six-monthsubscriptions are available for $39.99. PDFsof the publication are online, free of charge.For information, please call 609-751-0245.

    To submit a news release, please [email protected]. For advertisinginformation, call 609-751-0245 or [email protected]. The Sunwelcomes suggestions and comments fromreaders including any information about

    errors that may call for a correction to beprinted.

    SPEAK UPThe Sun welcomes letters from readers.Brief and to the point is best, so we look forletters that are 300 words or fewer. Includeyour name, address and phone number. Wedo not print anonymous letters. Send lettersto [email protected], via fax at 609-751-0245, or via the mail. Of course, you candrop them off at our office, too.

    The Lawrence Sun reserves the right toreprint your letter in any medium includ-ing electronically.

    PUBLISHER Steve Miller

    EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tim Ronaldson


    MANAGING EDITOR Mary L. Serkalow

    LAWRENCE EDITOR Heather Fiore

    ART DIRECTOR Tom Engle



    VICE CHAIRMAN Michael LaCount, Ph.D.


    CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dan McDonough, Jr.


    Its that time of the year. That time

    when public school Boards of Edu-

    cation are finalizing budgets and

    announcing to their respective con-

    stituents how much more they will pay

    in school taxes next year.

    We say more because its hardly

    ever less.

    Homeowners in New Jersey expect

    to pay high property taxes, fueled in

    large part by taxes from our local pub-

    lic school districts. Its a way of life

    that, while were not happy with, we


    It seems each year that more and

    more families are moving out of New

    Jersey because of these high property

    taxes, but those people usually dont

    move away until after their kids gradu-

    ate high school.

    Overall, our states public schools

    are exceptional its one of the main

    reasons that so many families contin-

    ue to raise their kids here.So it should be no surprise and

    shouldnt cause too much anger to

    learn that New Jersey spends more per

    public school student than most of the


    The third annual Taypayers Guide

    to Education Spending released re-

    cently shows that New Jerseys public

    school districts spent an average of$18,0147 per pupil in 2011-12. That was

    an increase of 4 percent over the year

    before, according to the state.

    Yes, that is expensive. But isnt it

    worth it?

    New Jersey public school students,

    as a whole, have some of the best test

    scores in the nation. Whats that old

    saying: You get what you pay for?

    If you want good schools, you need

    to spend money.

    Can school districts throughout the

    state do a better job of spending while

    ensuring the best education possible

    for students? Of course they can and

    they should.

    But high school taxes are, unfortu-

    nately, a way of life in New Jersey, and

    it will continue to be that way for quite

    some time.

    Property tax relief may be in sight

    in the near future, but expecting to pay

    what other states pay is unrealistic.

    Frankly, we shouldnt want to pay

    what other states pay in school taxes,

    because we get what we pay for some

    of the top public schools in the nation,

    which help churn out some of the best

    public school students as well.

    in our opinion

    School taxes are high......But so are our kids test scores. Should we really be that upset?

    What are your thoughts?

    No one likes paying taxes, especiallywhen they are as expensive as they arehere in New Jersey. But are you gettingwhat you are paying for? Speak up andlet your voice be heard on the subject.

    Lawrenceville Main Streetsboard gives an update

    Lawrenceville Main Street is a not-for-profit chartered in 1997 under the NationalTrust for Historic Preservation as a com-munity advocacy organization. Our role isto promote and assist businesses, othernot-for-profits and government agencies intheir mission to provide value to the com-munity. With one part-time executive direc-tor, our dedicated volunteers serve the

    community to make Lawrenceville one ofthe most attractive places to live and workin New Jersey.

    In October 2009, Lawrenceville MainStreet offered a group of artists living inthe community the opportunity to promote

    the visual arts through education, creationand display in Lawrenceville. Because thecollective of artists interested in develop-ing a presence did not have the resourcesto establish a formal legal entity thatwould permit them to operate, they peti-tioned and the Lawrenceville Main StreetBoard agreed to allow the collective to useLawrenceville Main Streets legal status,not-for-profit status and financial backingas guarantors of their liabilities. These in-dividuals were able to organize and estab-lish a model for operating with a physical

    location on Main Street. This informal en-terprise was allowed a period of time to op-erate as a Committee of LawrencevilleMain Street [The Lawrenceville MainStreet Artists Network] until it could estab-lish its separate legal status. From its in-

    ception in October 2009, it was intendedthat this Artists Committee should sepa-rate and form its own legal entity distinctfrom Lawrenceville Main Street as soon asit was able.

    After 20 months of operation, with fi-nancial, administrative support, andunder Lawrenceville Main Streets tax-ex-empt status, in August 2011, the move toseparate the Artists Committee began.Lawrenceville Main Streets Board author-ized the establishment of a single checkingaccount through which the business of the

    Artists Committee could be distinguishedtransparently from the rest ofLawrenceville Main Streets operations.This account was under the legal control of

    please see LETTER, page 9

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


    APRIL 17-23, 2013 THE LAWRENCE SUN 7

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    Ive been so young that I justlearned technique and every-thing through growing up in thetheater and having a lot of goodmusical directors who havehelped me learn how to sing, shesaid. Now as an adult, I just havebeen keeping up with my tech-nique with Steve, and its been re-ally helpful for this show because

    its a stamina-driven show. Itsbeen good for me to bring thesesongs back to him and be like,Hey, I dont feel like Im hittingthis note correctly. Is there a way I

    can do it to make it sound and feelbetter? Its good because thisshow is definitely a test of stami-na and my technique.

    Dates and times for LegallyBlonde the Musical are Fri-days, April 19 and April 26 at 8p.m.; Saturdays, April 20 andApril 27 at 8 p.m.; and Sundays,April 21 and April 28 at 2 p.m. Areception with the cast and crewfollows the opening night per-formance on April 19.

    Tickets are $18 for adults, $16for seniors and $14 for studentsand children. Call the Kelsey

    Theatre Box Office at (609) 570-3333, or visit Theatre located on

    MCCCs West Windsor campus at1200 Old Trenton Road.

    TICKETSContinued from page 4

    Tickets are on sale

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


    WEDNESDAYApril 17AA Meeting. AA members only; call

    Jim at (609) 771-8157 to sign up.7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Lawrence

    Community Center. For moreinformation, go to

    Lawrence Township Zoning Boardmeeting: 7:30 p.m. on the thirdWednesday of the month. for moreinformation.

    Lawrence Township ConstructionBoard of Appeals meeting: 7:30p.m. on the third Wednesday ofthe month. for moreinformation.

    Knitting Circle: 7 to 8:30 p.m. atLawrence Branch Library. Knit-ters who already know the basicsare invited to drop in on the firstand third Wednesday evening ofeach month to socialize with oth-er knitters and work on a projectof their choice. Instructor AnnGarwig will be available to assistindividuals. Other needle craftersare welcome to join the circle,

    too. Registration suggested. Call(609) 989-6920 or email [email protected].

    THURSDAYApril 18Lawrence Township Affordable

    Housing Board meeting: 7:30p.m. on the third Thursday of themonth. for moreinformation.

    FRIDAYApril 19Princeton School of Rock presents

    the Grateful Dead. 7 p.m. to 9p.m. at McGuinns place, locatedat 1781 Brunswick Ave. Students

    from Princeton School of Rockwill jam out to songs by theGrateful Dead. Tickets are $10 atthe door and $8 in advance. Kidsages 12 and under are free. Topurchase tickets or for moreinformation, go oremail [email protected].

    SATURDAYApril 20

    Stony Brook Millstone Water-sheds 7th Annual StreamClean-up. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. atColonial Lake Park. Wear longsleeves and closed-toe shoes.Bring a water bottle and workgloves if you have them. Childrenmust be accompanied by anadult. For more information, go, call (609) 737-3735

    or email [email protected].

    MONDAYApril 22Earth Day Hike in Drexel Woods.

    6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. CelebrateEarth Day by taking a leisurelyhike with Rick Dutko, LawrenceNature Center naturalist. The for-est floor will be alive with spring

    windflowers. We'll hear the callsof early nesting birds and we maycome across some red-backedsalamanders or green frogs.Dress for the weather; trails areoften muddy in spring. Children

    must be accompanied by anadult. Register by email [email protected]. Include the event date, yourname, number of people, and acontact phone number to call youif there are program changes.

    TUESDAYApril 23Lawrence Township Drug and

    Alcohol Alliance meeting: 5 p.m.on the fourth Tuesday of themonth. for moreinformation.

    Lawrence TownshipPedestrian/Bike Task Forcemeeting: 7:30 p.m. on the fourthTuesday of the month. for moreinformation.

    CALENDARPAGE 8 APRIL 17-23, 2013

    WANT TO BE LISTED?To have your meeting or affair listed in the Calendar or Meetings,

    information must be received, in writing, two weeks prior to thedate of the event.

    Send information by mail to: Calendar, The Sun, 1330 Route 206,Suite 211, Skillman, NJ 08558. Or by email:[email protected] . Or you can submit a calendar listingthrough our website (

    We will run photos if space is available and the quality of the photois sufficient. Every attempt is made to provide coverage to allorganizations.


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    While Supplies Last

    Church of Saint Anns youthchoir holding gala concertThe Youth Choir of The

    Church of Saint Ann inLawrenceville will be celebratingits 25th anniversary with a galaconcert and reception on Sunday,May 5. The event will begin at 3:30p.m.

    The concert will be held in The

    Church of Saint Ann, which is lo-cated at 1253 Lawrenceville Road.

    The concert will be a retrospec-tive of the music sung by thechoir throughout its 25-year histo-ry and will demonstrate the pro-gression from its early dayssinging in unison.

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


    APRIL 17-23, 2013 THE LAWRENCE SUN 9

    Local United Way chapter tohold annual conference April 19

    United Way of Greater MercerCounty Latino Vision Counciland Hispanics Inspiring Students'

    Performance and Achievement,with the support of EducationalTesting Service, will host the 9thAnnual Leadership Conferenceon Friday, April 19 at the ETSCampus in Conant Hall in Prince-ton. The conference theme is Re-configuring Yourself to be aSmart Leader 4 All. The keynotespeaker will be Stephen Lazer,vice president of Student andTeacher Programs at ETS, fol-lowed by Francisco Duran, super-

    intendent of Trenton PublicSchools, serving as the keynoteresponder.

    Following the keynote, the con-ference will offer three tracks The Smart Leader, The SmartCommunicator and The SmartMentor. Each track will provideparticipants with insight andstrategies to become a SmartLeader in a tough economy withtechnological developments and

    quickly changing demographics."Working with businesses and

    organizations to build strong al-

    liances in our community will en-able us to build strong networksfor growth and identify and devel-op sustainable leaders for thelong term, said, Ely Mateo, assis-tant vice president of ResourceInvestment, United Way ofGreater Mercer County.

    The conference will serve as aconduit for a dialogue about theimportance of having the skillsand the right leadership styles tocompete in global and local

    economies.Pre-registration is required, asspace is limited. Register by visit-ing orcontact Mateo at (609) 637-4918 [email protected].

    For more information aboutUnited Way of Greater MercerCounty, please call (609) 896-1912or visit

    For information on HISPA,visit

    Lawrenceville Main Street pend-ing the formal and legal separa-tion of the Artists Committeeinto its own distinct legal entity.

    In December 2011, the board ad-vised the Artists Committee thatit would not endorse the renewalof the lease of 2683 Main St. set toexpire in May 2012.

    By August 2012, three monthsafter its lease expiration, theArtists Committee had not estab-lished its own separate legal enti-ty, had not negotiated a lease, norgiven notice to the propertyowner of its intent to vacate thepremises. At the end of Septem-

    ber 2012, the Main Street Boardadvised the Artists Committeethat it would no longer have useof Lawrenceville Main Streetslegal status or financial endorse-ments and that an orderly separa-tion had to be completed by theend of October 2012.

    In response to the notice, the

    Artists Committee unilaterallychose to disband and cease opera-tions by issuing refunds to itsmembers for October dues onOct. 15, 2012, without the authori-zation by the board ofLawrenceville Main Street.

    On Oct. 16, 2012, theLawrenceville Main Street Boardrestricted access to the financialaccounts in order to put in place aboard approved plan of dissolu-tion of the Artists Committee in

    accordance with federal and NewJersey state tax law andLawrenceville Main Streets not-for-profit by-laws.

    On Oct. 16, 2012, the cash assetson deposit totaled approximately$19,100, and total known out-standing liabilities amounted toapproximately $12,700. These lia-

    bilities included $6,000 in rent dueand the return of a $1,000 unexe-cuted grant from the LawrenceTownship Community Founda-tion.

    The board authorized paymentto these creditors, who have eachreceived payment in full. The pay-ments have been reviewed by anindependent accountant. Theboard is retaining a reserve of$1,000 to satisfy future tax, ac-counting and legal expenses, and

    to pay creditors who have yet tostep forward.

    We would like to thank thecommunity for their patience, asthe financial matters of theArtists Committee were resolved.As of April 4, all of the knowndebts and liabilities accumulatedby the committee, for which

    Lawrenceville Main Street is theultimate guarantor, have been set-tled and paid in full.

    In accordance with the wishesof the individual artists presentat the Artist Committee voting (asper the minutes of the meetings),Lawrenceville Main Street willwork with a local not-for-profit or-ganization to create a programgrant for the remaining balanceof the approximately $5,400.

    We want to thank the many vol-

    unteers and patrons who support-ed Main Streets efforts to bring aphysical presence for art inLawrenceville.

    This venture was an experi-ment of the highest merit, andthe board will continue to makesimilar efforts in response tocommunity needs.

    We also want to acknowledgethe volunteers who contributedtheir time and expertise duringthe dissolution process.Lawrenceville Main Street willcontinue to work with individu-als and groups committed to pur-suing art and culture in the com-munity.

    Thank you for your continuedsupport of your hometown.

    The Board of LawrencevilleMain Street

    LETTERContinued from page 6

    Please recycle this newspaper.

    Letters to the editor

  • 7/28/2019 Lawrence 0417


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    Offer expires 5/1/13.

    Must present coupon at time of estimate.Not valid with other offers or prior services.

    Offer expires 5/1/13.


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