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LBJ Elementary Comprehensive School Plan 2012-13 Date Approved by the School Council: School Council Member Signatures: Chairperson(Princ ipal) Parent-Member

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LBJ Elementary Comprehensive

School Plan2012-13

Date Approved by the School Council:

School Council Member Signatures:Chairperson(Principal)Parent-MemberParent-MemberTeacher-MemberTeacher-MemberTeacher-Member

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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009


Page 3: LBJ Elementary - School Plan…  · Web viewC1. Specific grade levels will focus on specific basic math skills. C2. Second and third grades will continue using

Table of ContentsContent

Cover Page

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

School Communication Plan








PD Plan

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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009


District: Breathitt County


We the staff of L.B.J. Elementary School accept the shared responsibility to ensure that all students will learn and be given the opportunity to grow to higher levels of achievement in all areas of development.


The needs assessment team was organized by teachers voting to select members, which represented teachers, school administrators, parents, employees, community members, and family resource center personnel. The committee assigned subcommittees that collected, analyzed, and reported data and concerns back to the needs assessment committee for their approval. See the attached list for the committee members and their assigned committees. The needs of the school were determined by analyzing CATS and CTBS assessments reports, SFA reports, primary grade reports, input from preschool, teacher observations, teacher assessments, parent surveys, and family resource center data. With the implementation of this plan, we expect continued growth as a school, and we expect to meet our CATS assessment requirements. We also expect to have continual support of the parents and the community. Our highest expectation will be that LBJ elementary will reach its fullest potential as a learning institution. The entire faculty and staff, Family Resource Center, parents, SBDM, and community people reviewed the plan at the committee levels. Public comment was made through the use of parent surveys, parent conferences, open house, and community events. This Comprehensive School Improvement Plan will be ensured through continued review and revisions to address needed changes and occurring needs.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

School Communication PlanThe Comprehensive School Improvement Plan and other important information will be shared with stakeholders throughout

the year. This will be done primarily through faculty meetings with the faculty, Open House, newsletters, and parent-teacher conferences. Also, a copy of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan will be available for review in the principal’s office.

Input will be continuously gathered from stakeholders through the use of the Snapshot Survey of School Effectiveness Factors, parent-teacher conferences, and parent and teacher representatives on the SBDM council.

Action Component Reading XX- School District


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

District Name Breathitt Preliminary Revised School Name LBJ Elementary School Component Managers: Michelle Robinson, Jennifer Hays

Date: March 2012Priority Need:

According to the 2010—2011No Child Left Behind Adequate Yearly Progress Report, LBJ met 10 out of 10 goals scoring 100 %. The NCLB goal was set at 80.23 for the 2010-2011 academic years. The following are the scores on the Performance Report:

-5% of 3rd graders, 2% of fourth graders, and 2% of fifth graders scored on the Novice level-21% of 3rd graders, 7% of fourth graders, and 33% of fifth graders scored on the Apprentice level


-Decrease Level 1 scores by 3 % for 3rd grade and by 1 % for grades 4 and 5

-Increase Levels 3and 4 by decreasing Level 2 scores by 10% for grades 3 and 5 and decreasing by 3% for grade 4.

Causes of the Need:

-Lack of performance of students with disabilities. 30% of students with disabilities scored at the novice level.

-There was a significant gap in 3rd and 4th grade between the female and male population in the area of reading. For third grade, in the apprentice level, there is a 12% difference with the females scoring 27% and the males 15%. For those scoring apprentice in the fourth grade there is an 8% difference with females scoring 3% apprentice level and males scoring 11%.

- There is no significant gap between free/reduced and Non-free/reduced.

Objectives For Reaching the Goal:

-Incorporate research based reading intervention strategies to better accommodate students with disabilities.

-Continue full implementation of Project Read and other supporting programs such as RTI, RR, RTA, STC, Great Leaps and Reading Eggs as applicable.-Continue improvement on the quality of weekly reading assessments.-Flexible grouping for Reading -Professional Development-Identify targeted students for GEAR UP and UNITE Reading tutoring/assistance

Evidence of Causes:

-Lesson plans & walk-throughs-Teacher daily schedules/lesson plans/Accelerated Reading Participation-Assessment Notebooks-KCCT Data-Gap Analysis Report

Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results)

-Professional Development on continuous implementation of Project Read and supporting programs.

-Formal Observations/Walk-throughs/lesson plans-Continuous Assessment (RTI, RTA, STC)-Assessment Notebooks-Logs from GEAR UP and UNITE teachers showing tutoring for targeted students


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

-Thinklink Benchmark Assessment Data

Objective: Full Implementation of Project Read/Supporting Programs

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source

*Teachers teach Reading at least 40 minutes utilizing Project Read and/or Harcourt curriculums.

*Reading Recovery/Literacy Groups/Reading Resource (RTI)

*Continuous participation in Accelerated Reading Program. -Students will participate in Pizza Hut Book-It Program.

In an effort to encourage a successful transition to the Middle school, all 7th grade students will be required to read one book on their reading level per grading period. The grading system used will be at the discretion of the 7th grade teachers and Mr. Combs.

Lesson Plans/Data from Walk-through observations

Lesson Plans/Exiting Criteria

Renaissance Reports

AcceleratedReading Reports




Teachers/Mrs. Robinson/Reading Facilitator

Teachers/Mrs. Watts











Replacement Guides$60-$70each if needed


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

(8th grade students must read 1 per grading period at SMS)

*Save the Children-Children referred to STC for additional reading help.

*Utilize available technology in teaching reading

*Utilize GEAR UP and UNITE teachers to assist in closing reading gaps with targeted students.

Renaissance Reports


Lesson Plans


Principal/Billie Oaks


GEAR UP Academic Specialists/ UNITE teacher





Objective: Flexible Grouping For Reading

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source

* RTI—Think Link Testing for Beg/Mid/End Baselines for grades K-1. Progress Monitoring (Every 2 weeks)

*Read To Achieve—Grade Assessment: Beginning, Middle and End of year. (Think Link)

Continuous Progress

Progress Made

Michelle Robinson; RTI Teacher/Curriculum Coordinators

Teachers/Michelle Robinson






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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

*Monitoring Lesson Plans

*Classroom observations/Walkthroughs

*Individual Grade Level Reading Block provided for grouping

*Great Leaps and Reading Eggs Programs for students in pullout/ resource settings to reinforce reading skills.

Successful Completion


Progress made



Teachers/Resource Teachers







Objective: Improve quality of weekly reading assessments

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

*Use multiple choice assessment questions relating to DOK Level on Core Content.

*Write Extended and short answer questions relating to DOK Level on Core Content.

*Teach at least one extended response question on a bi-weekly basis.

*Each class will schedule sessions in the IMAC Lab

*Think-Link Assessment and other formative assessments will be given 3-4 times to K-7th grades and lessons will correspond to need shown on assessment.

*Use CIITS to create reading assessments and generate data

* Teachers will use the data provided by Think-Link and other formative assessments to inform instruction.

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

Schedules and Lesson Plans

Schedules and Lesson Plans


Think Link Data

Teachers/Principal/ C

urriculum C

















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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Objective: Professional Development

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source

*Professional Development as needed in Project Read and other research based programs.

*Professional Development as needed in writing questions (multiple choice and extended response) related to the DOK Levels.

*Professional Development as needed in using the IMAC Lab and Think-Link

*Professional Development as needed with Promethean Board

*Reading Professional Development as needed to address reading gaps and training teachers in new strategies to address those gaps

Professional Developm

ent R
















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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Action Component: Mathematics Component Manager: Lisa McKnight District Name: Breathitt County School Name: LBJ ElementaryDate: March 2012 X School Preliminary X Revised

Priority Need:In our 2011 NCLB Math results, we had

An index of 77.19% % of free/reduced students were


Goal:In our 2012-2013 NCLB math results, we will have:

An Index of at least 81% % of free/reduced students will be proficient

Causes of the Need:A. Students have knowledge of core content

but are unable to express it in writing open-response as seen in the CATS test data.

B. We do not have a document for adequate tracking of core content taught throughout the year.

C. Students are not proficient in basic math computation.

Objectives For Reaching the Goal:A. Teachers will show in lesson plans use of

open-response/short answer/essay questioning in instruction (modeling) and testing.

B. Teachers will have input toward the creation of a curriculum map.

C. Teachers in specific grade levels (K-5) will focus on respective computation skills of addition subtraction, multiplication and division.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Evidence of Causes:A1. According to the 2011 CATS data, students scored relatively better on multiple-choice than open response. B1. Core Content is being used by teachers to avoid gaps in math across the grade levels.C1-C3. Teacher’s observations show that students are too reliant on calculators for basic math skills.

Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results)A1. Teachers will plan their instruction using the district curriculum guide as evidenced in lesson plans.A2. All teachers of the same level will teach open-response/short answer/essay questioning (modeling and in testing).B1. Teachers will show that appropriate time is being spent in each area.C1. Specific grade levels will focus on specific basic math skills.C2. Second and third grades will continue using ST Math. ST Math records will show students growth in Math skills as funding allows.C3. Sixth and seventh grade students will continue using Education City as funding allows.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Objective A: Teachers will show in lesson plans the use of open-response, short answer and multiple choice questioning in instruction (modeling) and testing.

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source

1. Teachers will use current KY core standards for math when designing their open-response /short answer/essay questions to use in class (modeling) and with assessment, stressing the importance of using critical vocabulary and giving examples in their answer.

2. By incorporating at least one open response /short answer/essay weekly either as assessment or instruction students will be given practice answering open response questions to a proficient level.

3. Teachers will use Think Link and current core KY math standards when

A1 – A2

A1 – A2


Principal, teacher

Principal, teacher

Principal, teacher








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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

designing their multiple choice questions to use in class and assessment.

Objective B: LBJ teachers will implement a system that ensures appropriate time is being spent in all mathematical areas (curriculum map).

Activity Measure ResponsiblePerson(s)



Cost Fund Source


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

1. Pursue the possibility of additional Math resources such as Real World Math, Everyday Math, Singapore Math, etc.

2. Continue the use of available resources such as Math Facts in a Flash and web based Math programs.

3. Differentiated instruction will be used in all classrooms.













Title 1, ESS, SBDM

Objective C: LBJ Teachers (K-5) will implement a system of basic math focus skills.Activity Measure Responsible



Cost Fund Source

1. Grades K-5 will respectively focuson memorizing the basic math facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (K-1) All addition facts,(Grade 2) All subtraction facts,(Grade 3) Multiplication facts, (Grade 4) Division facts and, (Grade 5) Review multiplication and division facts.

2. Grades 2 and 3 will continue use of ST Math as funding allows



Principal, teachers

Principal, teachers (2/3)






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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

3. Grades 6 and 7 will continue use of Education City, as funding allows.

Teachers (6,7)

Action Component Social Studies x School District District Name Breathitt County X Preliminary Revised

School Name LBJ Elementary Component Manager: Melissa Smith Date: March 19, 2012


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Priority Need: 2010-2011 KPR indicated

5.26% students scored Novice in Social Studies 24.57% students scored Apprentice in Social Studies Significant gap in male (75.86%) and female (62.50%)

scoring Proficient and Distinguished

Goal: 2011-2012 KPR will indicate

0% novice Decrease in Apprentice by at least 10% Significant reduction in the male/female gap

Causes of the Need:

A. Social Studies Core Content isn’t being adequately taught or assessed at all grade levels.

Objectives For Reaching the Goal:

A. Teachers at all grade levels will teach and assess Social Studies Core Content.

Evidence of Causes:

A. Lesson plans and walk-throughsB. Teacher daily schedulesC. Assessment notebooks

Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results)

A. Formal observations/walk-throughsB. All teachers will document Social Studies instruction in lesson plans.C. Assessment notebooks

Objective: Social Studies Core Content will be taught and assessed at all grade levels.

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

1. Core content check sheets will be kept by teachers at all grade levels documenting Social Studies instruction. These check sheets will be checked at least two times per year.

2. All students in grades 2-6 will take a Think Link test in Social Studies 3 times per year (August, December, May)

A Classroom teachers, principal, curriculum coordinator

08/12 05/13 0

Action Component : Community x School District District Name Breathitt County Preliminary x Revised

School Name LBJ Elementary Component Manager: Shirley Spencer Date: 2 /28/2012

Priority Need: According to the School Survey

A. Increase numbers of volunteers.B. Increase parental involvement.C. Organized parent groups.D. Increase programs emphasizing Arts& Humanities.E. Based on attendance and participation in


In the LBJ yearly FRC 2012-2013 report LBJ strives to show improvement by:

A. Increase volunteer lists.B. Increase Parental involvement.C. Parents attend organized group meetings.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

conferences, school events, PTA activities we need to increase the involvement of our low income families.

D. Children receive a broader exposure to the performing arts, test scores continue to rise.

E. To increase meaningful parental involvement and participation in school activities (conferences, student performances, PTO, and support groups.

Causes of the Need:

A. LBJ Elementary School parents have a lack of awareness of the needs of the school for volunteers.

B. There is a continued lack of response between home and school.

C. Parents do not attend parent groups due to lack of interest in the topics and lack of communication/public transportation.

D. Due to our geographic area there is a lack of cultural opportunity which contributes to our low test scores in

Arts& Humanities / Diversity of Cultures.E. Based on 2012-2013 FRC Parent survey, 47% of

families need assistance with monthly bills, 53% needed assistance with clothing, 43% needed emergency food, 42% need after school programs/summer programs along with summer feeding services. These outside stressors pull draw attention away from their children’s educational attainment.

Objectives For Reaching the Goal:A.LBJ Elementary parents will receive information about the need For volunteers in the school year 2012-2013.B. Communication to parents will be increasing due to FRC/School messenger/media coverage reporting on children activities, programs available, photosPublished in local newspapers, monthly newsletters, fliers sent home, FRC bulletin board.C. FRC/Reading Rocks/Raising a Reader will offer parent involvement activities based on the interest of topics by parents. Adult Literacy Services, Family Nights, Food, Nutrition and Budgeting Club.Parent-Play Nights.D. Teachers and Administrators will collaborate with FRC to provide better opportunity in cultural enrichment programs that emphasize Arts/Humanities/Diversity.E. FRC/LBJ staff/Save The Children Staff along with parent volunteers will attend trainings that educate them on strategies to keep parents involved, create a parent friendly atmosphere in school setting. LBJ staff will receive Poverty Training Thus increasing communication to the parents regarding the importance of their child’s education. Truancy diversion program home visits/court referrals.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Evidence of Causes:

A1.There is a lack of communication for the need for qualified volunteers.A2.Parents do not understand the need for qualified volunteers.A3.Parents do not understand the process of becoming a qualified volunteer.B1.Parents are not informed about the importance of encouraging their children to do their best in school.B2.Parents are not aware of the importance of returning all forms.C1.There is a lack of communication about scheduling the time of parental involvement groups.C2.Parents show lack of interest in specific topics.C3. According to 2012-2013 LBJ FRC Parent survey 48% want budgeting programs.39% want information on Summer programs, while 36% want to improve their job skills,30%Of our parents GED information.D1.There needs to be an opportunity for all our students to be exposed to a wide range of culturally enriching performing art programs. Due to our geographic location and our economically depressed region, we as educators need to emphasize more on the importance of Arts & Humanities.F. According to our 2012-2013 FRC Continuation

Grant: there are 675 students enrolled at LBJ with 82.52% children receiving free lunch. According to Ky Kids Count data (2012) 48 % of all children in Breathitt County live in poverty.

Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results)

A1.By the end of the first month of the school year there will be increased communication to the parents for the need for qualified volunteer.A2. By the end of the first month of each school year, parents will be an increase in volunteer applications.A3.By the end of the first month of each school year, parents will be informed of the legal process of becoming a qualified volunteer through letters and open house.B1.By the end of the first month of each school year, there will be an increased rate of communication to the parents about the importance of encouraging their child to do well in school through letters, open house, and teacher’s meetings.B2.By the end of the first month of each school year, parents will be informed at open house, through school published district newsletters and the LBJ web-site on the importance of Returning all forms.C1.At the end of the first month of each school year, parents will be surveyed and informed through open house, and parent letters of parent involvement activities for 2012-2013 school year.C2.FRC will plan and develop a program for parental involvement through the topics the parents suggest on their returned surveys. Topics of great and broader based interest for their parents.D. In 2012-2013 all children that attend LBJ Elementary will have the opportunity to attend all FRC programs that promote Arts& Humanities.

E.1 Attendance and communication of our low-income parents will increase by 2012-2013.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Objective: A: LBJ Elementary parents will receive information about the need for volunteers during the 2011-2012cycle.

ActivityParents will be informed at Open House.

Letters will be sent home to parents.

Every parent that enters the FRC will be


A1, A2, A3,




Genevieve Swango/Sue Dunn









Cost Fund Source



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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

given a volunteer application.

LBJ will have Parent/Teacher conferences and keep logs of parent contacts/volunteer logs.

Objective: B: Communication to the parents will be increased during the 2012-2013 school year.


Sue Dunn

Genevieve Swango/Staff of LBJ

GenevieveSwango/Staff of LBJ




Activity Parents will be informed at Open House

Letters will be sent home to the parents.






End Date07-13


Cost Fund


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Newspaper Articles will be written and published by FRC informing parents of school happenings and events.

The FRC will sponsor informative workshops based upon the educational needs suggested by the parents.

FRC/LBJ will post sign-in sheets for each teacher to collect caregiver contact records/volunteer sign-in sheets.











Objective: FRC/LBJ will offer more parental involvement activities during the 2012-2013 school year as a way to increase communication/involvement.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Parents will be surveyed at Open House/Parent Questionnaire to attain topics of interest for parent involvement activities.

Parents will be informed through Open House, Parent Letters, FRC Bulletin Board, public radio announcements of FRC activities, meetings and services provided for their children and families.

Activities/Services will be provided for parents during the 2012-2013 school year for the interest of the parents.

Informative emails will be sent to theTeachers concerning Brain research and ADHD information that the parents have requested in parent surveys/questionnaire. Summer reading programs and available summer services.





Staff of LBJ FRC/LBJ School Staff

Staff of LBJ FRC/LBJ Staff

Staff of LBJ FRC/LBJParent Volunteers

LBJ FRCLBJ staffSave The Children StaffCommunity Services












Save The Children After School Program


Objective: D: FRC/LBJ staff will collaborate together to explore resources available in our region providing assembly programs and educational support rich in Culture/Performing Arts.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source

Staff receives valuable input from parental survey results and ideas for providing more enjoyable new educational programs. Thus incorporating this valuable information into the classroom. Helping schedule assembly programs, guest speakers, field trips and career exploration. Attendance Issues resove at a faster pace.Test scores continue on an upward cycle.

D1 LBJ FRCTruancy CouncelorKRCC

8-12 7-13 $1500. FRC

Objective :E: Volunteer hours and attendance of lower income parents participating in programs/conferences will continue to rise.

Activity Measure Responsible Person

Start Date

End Date

Cost Fund Source

FRC/LBJ will actively seek, invite and encourage more lower income parents to become qualified volunteers and attend trainings, conferences.

FRC/LBJ will be providing opportunities for parents to volunteer with the school increasing involvement ie :( Parent Assistance Programs/ Friday Bookstore/Children’s Parties/Fieldtrips/Summer Program assistance).Staff will continue to utilize sign-in sheets/referral forms for parental contacts, thus logging more hours and providing valuable documentation.

E 1



LBJ FRCLBJ StaffParent VolunteersTruancy CouncelorKRCC

LBJ FRCLBJ StaffParent VolunteersTruancy CouncelorKRCC








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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

LBJ staff receives personal development training in Understanding Poverty. Identifying skills of and/ or developing strategies to assist Children and their families

Shirley SpencerStaff of LBJ/FRCCommunity Partners

Action Component: Equity x School District District Name: Breathitt County Preliminary x Revised

School Name: LBJ Elementary Component Manager: June Barnett Date: February, 2012


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Priority Need:

According to the 2010 CATS Assessment, the equity analysis gap showed a continuing discrepancy with the socio-economic (free and reduced lunch) students. The area of math being the heavily weighted carried the highest discrepancy.


To increase the percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch scoring at or above the proficient level in math by 5% during the 2010-2012 biennium.

Causes of the Need:

* Students in lowest SES bracket scored lower than those students

in the higher bracket.* The current math curriculum does not fully meet all the students’ needs.

Objectives For Reaching the Goal:

A1. During the 2010-2012 biennium, CATS assessment reports will show an increase of 5% in math of lower SES students scoring at or above proficient.A2. Lesson plans will show CATS-like testing in math to improve how students perceive the test.A3. Lesson plans will show community involvement and school-wide activities related to math.

Evidence of Causes:

* Some parents are unfamiliar with the importance of math in our society.* Some students are exiting the Primary grades without a good working knowledge of the importance of math in the real world.

Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results)

A1. Teachers and staff will focus on lower SES students (not excluding others) stressing the importance of math in the world today.A2. Parents will be offered opportunities to participate in school activities to help them become part of the students’ educationA3. Migrant education student reports will show that migrant students are receiving needed services.

Objective: During the 2010-2012 biennium, math scores will increase by 2% scoring at or above the level of proficient among students receiving free or reduced lunches.

Activities* The school library will invest in more library books and other media to support real-life math, with









Cost Fund Source



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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

support from the Save the Children program.

* School-wide/Community-wide math activities (EX: Math Fair, Math Carnival, Math Night, Math Story Night, Problem of the Day, Math Word of the Day).

* The teachers will develop class activities to show real-world examples of math, emphasizing the use of Singapore Math strategies.

* The teachers will develop activities to show CATS- like assessments in everyday math

* The school staff will receive update PD covering math technology programs.



















PD Funds

PD Funds

Action Component Science x School District District Name Breathitt County Preliminary x Revised

School Name LBJ Elementary Component Manager: Rosa Turner Date: March 2012


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Priority Need: In our 2010 CATS assessment results, we hadA. 2% of students scoring Apprentice MediumB. 2% of students scoring Apprentice HighC. 11% of males scored Apprentice versus 0% of females

Goal: In our 2012 KPREP Science results, we will

A. Have 0% of students scoring Apprentice Medium.

B. Have 0% of students scoring Apprentice High.

C. No gap between Male vs. Female.

Causes of the Need:In order to continue improvement we will address the following needs and align with upcoming new state science standards.

A. Students learning styles are not addressed through various teaching methods.

B. The lack of Science based technology.C. The lack of multi-teaching materials in the classroom.

Objectives For Reaching the Goal:

A. Students will be exposed to various teaching methods inside and outside the classroom.

B. Students will be exposed to more science content using technology, Think Link, and Computer Lab Internet.

C. Students will use United Streaming to reinforce Science content.

Evidence of Causes:

A. Professional development isn’t offered to update teachers on new and various teaching methods.

B. Computers and other technology are not available to all teachers.

Measures of Objectives (Practice and Results)

A. Teachers will be provided with opportunities to implement new and various teaching methods into instruction.

B. Teachers will have opportunities to implement technology into instruction.

Objective: A: teachers will collaborate to align Science instruction to Core Content at all grade levels.


A1. K-1 teachers will teach the appropriate grade level content and will use New Science standard guidelines and Program of Studies to plan for instruction. 2nd -6th teachers will be departmentalized




Principal and Teachers





Cost Fund Source


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

and teach assigned curriculum using New Science standards guidelines and Program of Studies.

A2. Science Teachers will collaborate and share ideas on science instruction on a quarterly basis.

A3. All science teachers will contribute input on the District Curriculum Mapping.



Principal and Teachers

Principal and Teachers





Objective: B: Teachers will be provided with opportunities to implement new and various teaching methods to instruction.


B1. Professional development on New Science Standards.

B2. Science content oriented field trips.

B3. Science content oriented guest speakers.

B4. Professional development on preparing Science multiple choice questioning techniques.

B5. Professional development on various teaching techniques.








Principal and Curriculum coordinator

Teachers and Family Resource

Curriculum coordinator













Cost Fund Source







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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Objective: C: Teachers will have opportunities to implement technology into instruction.

ActivityMeasure Responsible



Cost Fund Source

C1. Purchase of Science videos related to core content.

C2. Purchase of Computer software/hardware related to core content.

C3. Purchase of innovative and updated hands-on Science equipment.






Teachers, Principal and Librarian













Technology Plan: LBJ Elementary School


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2008-2009

Prepared Date: February 2012Plan Start Date: July 1, 2012

Plan Expiration Date: June 30, 2013


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ

Elementary School, 2008-2009Acknowledgments

Technology ComponentComponent Manager: Alonzo Fugate

Lisa McKnightJesse Bailey

Jonathon ChapmanShirley Spencer

Jeremy Hall Angie Spicer

Chrisandrea MullinsJanice Hall

Susan CombsValerie DousayDoug Halsey

Robin PenningtonMelissa Smith

Shirley SpencerRosa TurnerConnie Watts

Table of ContentsAcknowledgments.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.Table of Contents..................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.Executive Summary...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.Planning Process / Methodology............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.Technology Vision and Goals.................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.Staff Training/ Professional Development Goals....................Error! Bookmark not defined.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Executive SummaryGoals: To ensure that LBJ Elementary School has up-to-date technology available in order to ensure the academic success of every student.

Vision: Teachers at LBJ Elementary will be able to easily and effectively use technology in order to give each student the greatest opportunity for success that is available. Students will be able to use technology in an up-to-date environment. Technology will be used in the classrooms and in the computer labs in order to create the optimal educational experience for all students.

Needs: In order to create this environment, LBJ Elementary needs to ensure that all technology (hardware and software) is up-to-date. LBJ Elementary also needs to ensure that each classroom has necessary equipment. The suggested equipment for each classroom was a ceiling-mounted digital projector attached to a teacher workstation so that the teacher will be able to use resources such as Encyclomedia without taking up valuable instruction time with computer setup and takedown. This current year has seen the continued implementation of Intelligent Classrooms (Promethean boards, projectors, DVD/VCR, document cameras). LBJ still has a need to continue the placement of these Intelligent Classrooms in additional classrooms such kindergarten and other areas as deemed necessary.

Laptops have been used extensively this year with several in teacher rooms, Reading Rocks lab, RTI, UNITE math interventions, and also ST Math lab. Laptops continue to be in good working order with updates installed and general upkeep being performed.

As funds are available, the committee also recognizes the need for updated headphones and mouse pads for the school’s computer labs. Headphones and mouse pads wear out easily because of the amount of use they receive. Based on the number of students using the lab, there will be a need for some updates to headphones and mouse pads each year.

ThinkLink is a major component of our school. Teachers use data from benchmark tests and practice probes to help direct their instruction to where it is most needed. Also, the data allows for differentiated instruction that deals with individual student needs and concerns.

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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Students in 6th and 7th grades have been using the online resource called Education City. This online resource enables students to practice reading, language, science, and math skills. This program needs to be continued as funds are available.

Priorities: 1. Ensure that all technology is up-to-date and in working order.2. Continue use of purchased programs such as ST Math, Accelerated Reader, Math Facts in a Flash, ThinkLink,

UltraKey, Education City, and STAR Reading.3. Continue to incorporate Intelligent Classrooms so that resources can be used effectively with each class.4. Maintain laptops in proper working order.5. Maintain classroom technology such as ActivBoards and digital projectors (these have 5 year warranty).6. Ensure that all staff are properly trained on the proper use of technology in the classroom.

Solutions1. District technology staff will inspect and make sure that all school technology is up-to-date and in

proper working order to include projector bulbs and a computer vacuum.2. School staff (technology resource teacher, computer lab manager, media specialist, teachers, etc.)

will ensure that students are continuing use of programs such as ST Math, Accelerated Reader, Math Facts in a Flash, ThinkLink, UltraKey, Education City and STAR reading.

3. Administration (school and district) will examine possible funding sources for upkeep of laptops (batteries, etc.) as needed.

4. Administration (school and district) will examine possible funding sources for additional bulbs for digital projectors to keep on-hand at school. Bulbs have a 2000 hour warranty.

5. Administration (school and district) will examine possible funding sources for additional pens for the ActivBoards since several pens in the building have been dropped and need to be replaced.

6. District and school administration will provide opportunities for professional development in the area of technology (Intelligent Classrooms, classroom clickers, laptops, ThinkLink practice probes, class webpage, Promethean Planet, etc.)


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Planning Process / Methodology

The technology plan for LBJ Elementary was developed by the school technology committee. It was decided that in order to use technology effectively that all school technology needs to be up-to-date and in proper working order. Committee members want to ensure that each student at LBJ Elementary has the proper tools available to him/her for optimal academic potential.

The technology plan also calls for continued use of programs such as ST Math, Accelerated Reader, Math Facts in a Flash, ThinkLink, UltraKey, and STAR reading. These programs have been used with great success in many schools. The continued use of these programs at LBJ Elementary is in the best interest of the students. With these programs, students are given enhancement and educational boosts in the areas of reading and math. Also, it is vital that the school continue to use programs that have proven to be successful and have already been paid for. We need to use what we have if it is working instead of just looking for new material for the sake of finding something new.

In compiling the plan for the use of technology at LBJ Elementary, teachers stated that they would be able to use resources such as Encyclomedia, ThinkLink practice probes, and educational computer programs with an entire class effectively if ceiling-mounted digital projectors were available in classrooms. In addition, these should be attached to a teacher workstation so that the programs and resources can be shared in an optimal fashion. This saves valuable instructional time with setup and takedown. It also ensures that each teacher is able to have technology resources available at all times for all students. If technology such as Encyclomedia is to be used effectively in the classroom, it is VITAL that Intelligent Classrooms are available. This was started this school year with the placement of equipment in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7. However, this must continue in grades kindergarten and first.

The purchase of a wireless laptop lab was very beneficial to LBJ students. Students have used the laptop lab for various purposes such as ST Math, Reading Rocks, portfolio writing, webquests, creating PowerPoint presentations, writing reports, searching the web for information, and saving data to their network folders. The school must keep the laptops in working order with the purchase of batteries (as needed).

LBJ Elementary has a Cricket classroom clicker system, three ActivExpression clicker systems, and three ActivExpression 2 systems that are being used in the building. Teachers have found various ways to use it in their


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

classrooms for quizzing students over material and even using it with ThinkLink practice probes. As more and more classrooms become technologically focused, it is an almost given fact that there will be an increased demand for products that allow for student interaction. Therefore, the technology committee recommends the purchase of additional clickers for classroom use. There are special clickers that go along with the Promethean boards (ActivExpression 2).

Of course, without proper training, the most up-to-date technology is of little use. The technology committee wants to ensure that each staff member has professional development available so that this training is kept current. Teachers who are trained well will be able to effectively use technology in the classroom in order to ensure success for all students.


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Technology Vision and Goals Goal 1

Ensure that all technology is up-to-date and in working order.

Action Plan: Strategies/ActivitiesStrategy/Activity Instructional

OutcomeBegin Date

End Date Cost Funding

SourceExamine technology (district technology staff and school technology resource teacher)

Insure proper working order

7/12 6/13 $2000 SBDM and technology

Goal 2Continue use of purchased programs such as Think Link, ST Math, Discovery Education, Accelerated Reader, Education City, and Math Facts in a Flash.

Action Plan: Strategies/ActivitiesStrategy/Activity Instructional

OutcomeBegin Date

End Date Cost Funding

SourceComputer lab manager, classroom teacher

Ensure students have access to programs

7/12 6/13


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Goal 3Continue to incorporate Intelligent Classrooms so that resources can be used effectively with each class.

Action Plan: Strategies/ActivitiesStrategy/Activity Instructional

OutcomeBegin Date

End Date Cost Funding

SourcePlace Intelligent Classrooms in K and other areas as deemed necessary as funds are available.

Teachers have resources readily available.

7/12 6/13 $60000 SBDM and technology

Goal 4Obtain batteries for laptops and ActivExpression pens as needed to keep technology in working order.

Action Plan: Strategies/ActivitiesStrategy/Activity Instructional

OutcomeBegin Date

End Date Cost Funding

SourceObtain replacement bulbs and ActivExpression pens

Use of the laptop lab is kept in working order.

7/12 6/13 $1000 SBDM


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Goal 5Obtain an additional set of classroom “clickers.”

Action Plan: Strategies/ActivitiesStrategy/Activity Instructional

OutcomeBegin Date

End Date Cost Funding

SourceObtain classroom clickers to use in classrooms for test prep, quizzes, etc. as funds are available.

Students will use clickers for test prep, Think Link practice probes, etc.

7/12 6/13 $2500 SBDM and technology

Goal 6Ensure that all staff are properly trained on the proper use of technology in the classroom.

Action Plan: Strategies/ActivitiesStrategy/Activity Instructional

OutcomeBegin Date

End Date Cost Funding

SourcePD training over web pages, programs, KET’s Encyclomedia, clickers, Intelligent Classrooms, and Think Link and Infinite Campus.

Staff is properly trained on effective use of technology.

7/12 6/13


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Staff Training/ Professional Development Goals Without proper training, the most up-to-date technology is of little use. The technology committee wants to ensure that each staff member has professional development available so that this training is kept current. Teachers who are trained well will be able to effectively use technology in the classroom in order to ensure success for all students.Staff should be properly trained in several areas. Some suggested areas include:

Webpage development – LBJ Elementary uses CMS which is paid for by the district in order to develop teacher webpages and update lesson plans. Teachers also use Infinite Campus for grades and student records. Teachers need to have refresher training in order to continue learning more about webpage development. Also, new staff will need to be fully trained in the use of these resources.

Digital projectors – In order to effectively use digital projectors in the classroom, the staff needs to be trained. This needs to include proper use of this technology in order to effectively reach an entire classroom. It also should include common troubleshooting so that the staff is informed of common problems and how to solve them (disconnected wire, blown bulb, etc.) Replacement bulbs should be purchased as well as pens for the ActivBoard.

Classroom “clickers” – The classroom “clickers” allow for student interactivity. This is a great tool that teachers are using to quiz students and to assess knowledge with program such as Think Link practice probes. Additional refresher training may by needed for ease of use in the classroom setting.

Educational programs – In order for teachers to effectively use programs such as Education City, Discovery Education, clickers, and internet resources such as Promethean Planet, proper training must be given. The technology committee suggests that training in these programs be based on suggested use for the entire classroom using the digital projectors.

Intelligent Classrooms – In order for teachers to effectively use Intelligent Classrooms, training must be provided over Promethean boards and the associated software and hardware, including DVD/VCR, document camera, clickers, and slate (if available).


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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

Breathitt County SchoolsProfessional Development Plan

2012-13School: LBJ Elementary School

Breathitt County

PD Dates:

High Quality PD Title

(CSIP, Content Specific, On-Going)

Presenter PD EILA Hours Grade Level/Content Area


# of Teachers Exempt From Attendance

Follow-Up Date



7-(30-31)-12 Data Seam


Data Seam Staff

x 6 All grades All content

As needed NA

8-6-12 Ethics/confidentiality

Teacher Effectiveness

College – Career Ready

Suicide Training

Fugate, Sizemore,

x 6 All Grades As needed NA

Principal Approved Flexible PD Used In Exchange for Dates AboveDates: High Quality PD Title

(CSIP, Content Specific, On-Going)

Presenter Hours Location Grade Level/Content

Area Addressed

Teacher Name(s) Follow-UpDates




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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan LBJ Elementary School, 2007-2008

TBA New Standard development / Teacher Effectiveness

Bach; Fugate; Combs

6 All Grades All teachers TBA NA

TBA Technology updates / CITTS

B. Smith 6 All grades All teachers TBA NA

TBA Gear – up Content Literacy Gear-up TBAGear-up Math Gear-up TBA