lbm 4 saraf

STEP 3 1. Explain the anatomical of low back including the nervous system that work there! (vertebre and spinal cord) Anatomy Your spine is made up of 24 bones, called vertebrae, that are stacked on top of one another. These bones connect to create a canal that protects the spinal cord. Five vertebrae make up the lower back. This area is called your lumbar spine. Parts of the lumbar spine. Other parts of your spine include: Spinal cord and nerves. These "electrical cables" travel through the spinal canal carrying messages between your brain and muscles. Intervertebral disks. In between your vertebrae are flexible intervertebral disks. They act as shock absorbers when your walk or run. Intervertebral disks are flat and round, and about a half inch thick. They are made up of two components:

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Post on 09-Nov-2015




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STEP 31. Explain the anatomical of low back including the nervous system that work there! (vertebre and spinal cord)AnatomyYour spine is made up of 24 bones, called vertebrae, that are stacked on top of one another. These bones connect to create a canal that protects the spinal cord.Five vertebrae make up the lower back. This area is called your lumbar spine.

Parts of the lumbar spine. Other parts of your spine include:Spinal cord and nerves. These "electrical cables" travel through the spinal canal carrying messages between your brain and muscles.Intervertebral disks. In between your vertebrae are flexible intervertebral disks. They act as shock absorbers when your walk or run.Intervertebral disks are flat and round, and about a half inch thick. They are made up of two components:

Healthy intervertebral disk (cross-section view).

2. How the pathophysiology of pain in low back?It is important to understand that back pain is a symptom of a medical condition, not a diagnosis itself. Medical problems that can cause back pain include the following:Mechanical problems: A mechanical problem is due tothe way your spine moves or the way you feel when you move your spine in certain ways. Perhaps the most common mechanical cause of back pain is a condition called intervertebral disc degeneration, which simply means that the discs located between the vertebrae of the spine are breaking down with age. As they deteriorate, they lose their cushioning ability. This problem can lead to pain if the back is stressed. Another cause of back pain is the wearing down of the facet joints, which are the large joints that connect each vertebrae to another. Other mechanical causes of back pain include spasms, muscle tension, and ruptured discs, which are also called herniated discs.Injuries: Spine injuries such as sprains and fractures can cause either short-lived or chronic back pain. Sprains are tears in the ligaments that support the spine, and they can occur from twisting or lifting improperly. Fractured vertebrae are often the result of osteoporosis, a condition that causes weak, porous bones. Less commonly, back pain may be caused by more severe injuries that result from accidents and falls.Acquired conditions and diseases: Many medical problems can cause or contribute to back pain. They include scoliosis, which causes curvature of the spine and does not usually cause pain until mid-life; spondylolisthesis; various forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis; and spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal column that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. While osteoporosis itself is not painful, it can lead to painful fractures of the vertebrae. Other causes of back pain include pregnancy; kidney stones or infections; endometriosis, which is the buildup of uterine tissue in places outside the uterus; and fibromyalgia, which causes fatigue and widespread muscle pain.Infections and tumors: Although they are not common causes of back pain, infections can cause pain when they involve the vertebrae, a condition called osteomyelitis, or when they involve the discs that cushion the vertebrae, which is called discitis. Tumors, too, are relatively rare causes of back pain. Occasionally, tumors begin in the back, but more often they appear in the back as a result of cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body.Although the causes of back pain are usually physical, it is important to know that emotional stress can play a role in how severe pain is and how long it lasts. Stress can affect the body in many ways, including causing back muscles to become tense and painful. Untreated depression and anxiety can make back pain feel much worse. Likewise, insomnia, or the lack of sleep, can also contribute to back pain.

PATOFISIOLOGIDaerah lumbal adalah daerah yang paling sering mengalami hernisasi pulposus, kandungan air diskus berkurang bersamaan dengan bertambahnya usia. Selain itu serabut menjadi kotor dan mengalami hialisasi yang membantu perubahan yang mengakibatkan herniasi nukleus purpolus melalui anulus dengan menekan akar akar syaraf spinal. Pada umumnya harniassi paling besar kemungkinan terjadi di bagian koluma yang lebih mobil ke yang kurang mobil (Perbatasan Lumbo Sakralis dan Servikotoralis) (Sylvia,1991, hal.249).Sebagian besar dari HNP terjadi pada lumbal antara VL 4 sampai L 5, atau L5 sampai S1. Arah herniasi yang paling sering adalah posterolateral. Karena radiks saraf pada daerah lumbal miring kebawah sewaktu berjalan keluar melalui foramena neuralis, maka herniasi discus antara L 5 dan S 1.Perubahan degeneratif pada nukleus pulpolus disebabkan oleh pengurangan kadar proteinyang berdampak pada peningkatan kadar cairan sehingga tekanan intra distal meningkat, menyebabkan ruptur pada anulus dengan stres yang relatif kecil.

Sedang M. Istiadi (1986) mengatakan adanya trauma baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung pada diskus inter vertebralis akan menyebabkan komprensi hebat dan transaksi nukleuspulposus (HNP). Nukleus yang tertekan hebat akan mencari jalan keluar, dan melalui robekan anulus tebrosus mendorong ligamentum longitudinal terjadilah herniasi.

3. Is there any correlation between his occupation with his symptoms? Is there any other risk factors which can cause the symptoms?

4. Why is the pain worsening by lifting, coghing, bending, walking and slightly relieved by rest?PATOFISIOLOGIProtrusi atau ruptur nukleus pulposus biasanya didahului dengan perubahan degeneratif yang terjadi pada proses penuaan. Kehilangan protein polisakarida dalam diskus menurunkan kandungan air nukleus pulposus. Perkembangan pecahan yang menyebar di anulus melemahkan pertahanan pada herniasi nukleus. Setelah trauma; jatuh, kecelakaan, dan stress minor berulang seperti mengangkat; kartilago dapat cedera.Pada kebanyakan pasien, gejala trauma segera bersifat khas dan singkat, dan gejala ini disebabkan oleh cedera pada diskus yang tidak terlihat selama beberapa bulan maupun tahun. Kemudian pada degenerasi pada diskus, kapsulnya mendorong ke arah medula spinalis atau mungkin ruptur dan memungkinkan nukleus pulposus terdorong terhadap sakus dural atau terhadap saraf spinal saat muncul dari kolumna spinal.Hernia nukleus pulposus ke kanalis vertebralis berarti bahwa nukleus pulposus menekan pada radiks yang bersama-sama dengan arteria radikularis berada dalam bungkusan dura. Hal ini terjadi kalau tempat herniasi di sisi lateral. Bilamana tempat herniasinya di tengah-tengah tidak ada radiks yang terkena. Lagipula, oleh karena pada tingkat L2 dan terus ke bawah sudah tidak terdapat medula spinalis lagi, maka herniasi di garis tengah tidak akan menimbulkan kompresi pada kolumna anterior.Setelah terjadi hernia nukleus pulposus sisa duktus intervertebralis mengalami lisis sehingga dua korpora vertebra bertumpang tindih tanpa ganjalan.

5. Why in physical examination revealed a positive straight leg raise at 450 with pain radiating to the left buttock and posterior thigh?

6. Why the patient complains of 1 month history of left-side low back pain radiating to buttock, leg and great toe?Ada penonjolan diskus pada L4-L5 yang merupakan segmentasi nervus femoralis dan nervus ischiadicus. Pada saat lesi di lumbal 4 nyeri radikuler yang menjalar mulai dr panggul, paha posterolateral, betis lateral, maleolus latera, punggung kaki, jari kaki 1,2,3 (terutama ibu jari)

n. ischiadicus dermatom dari L4-S4.Persarafan yg paling besar yang terdiri dri pars ant (n. Tibialis) dan post (n.peroneus communis) berjalan dri pelvis foramen ischiadica mayor gluteus berjalg dgn nervus gluteus superior dan mengakhiri perjalanan di poplitea.

Nyeri radikuler : karena adanya tarikan, rangsangan, penekanan, desakan thd akar saraf spinal dalam perjalanannya di canalis vertebralis atau menjelang foramen intervertebralis. Bisa disertai dgn hilangnya gangguan fungsi motorik.

7. Pain spot at back low?

8. Why does the patient feel numb on his left leg?Di posterior vertebra terdapat jaras sensorik, bila ada penonjolan NP maka jaras tersebut terhambat shg impuls tidak bisa disampaikan ke otak.

9. Why in MRI scanning shows a bulging at the disc located between L4-L5 vertebrae?Penonjolan tsb akibat dari FR shg kandungan air di intervertebralis berkurang mengakibatkan penonjolan NP (annulus fibrosus masih intak) bila tekanan semakin berat dan terus-menerus annulus robek, NP keluar dan menekan saraf bila penekanan ke arah lateral ada symptom, bila ke medial tidak ada keluhan karena tidak ada serabut saraf yang tertekan.

10. What are the DD?LBP Akut : < 6 minggu Kronik : 6-12 minggu

Mechanical : congenital degenerative, trauma. (caused by muscle in ligamentum, muscle so the NP bulge)Non-mechanical : inflamation, tumor.Visceral : disease in visceral organ and pelvic area.

HNP (lumbal disc disease)RF : lifting MOAE, MOAI, MTA contract, increase the pressure in abdominal bulging in lumbal.

11. What is the definitive treatment for the patient?

12. What are the Clinical examinations that are needed?

13. Therapy for the patient?

14. The complication of this scenario? Kronis : timbul HNP annulus fibrosus robek