lbrm). l)iltlonrir in · coir board...

COIR BOARD National Coir Training & f)esign Centre, (Govt. of India) Coir Board, I(:rl:rvoor' I''0 Alappuzha, Kerala l'in : 688 522.Ph:0477-2258067 E-Mail-adnctdc@gmail. com COTIT'TRAINING COUI{SES Applications are invited in the prescribccl lornr {or thc lbllowing Training Courscs at Nationnl Coir Training antl Dcsign Centrc, Coir Board, I(alavoor, Alappuzha' l. Diplorna course in Coir Technology, NSQF l'evcl - 4 -( l year) 2. Certilicate Course of coir artisan in coir technology NSQF Lcvcl-3.( 6 months) Eligibility 1. Diptomn cours.e in coir Tcchnology, NSQF Lcvc-l - 4 ( I yeat-) Prc-dcgrcc/assed.Sponsorctllry11.,.Coir1rrctor.y/Coir Co-o,crative Societies vidc R & L Rulcs 195U u'ill bc givcn prcl'crcncc. Agc l8 - 45' Cc tc coursc ol'coir a n in coir tccltrtol SOFLevcl-3 ( 6 months s/employccs in the Coir Sector' prcfcrably -: r:- matriculates. Calcliclntcs sponsorcd b.v the Coir I'actorl'/ Coir Co-o1lcr:ttivc sncietics irs pcr the lt & L llllcs 1958 rvill bc givcn prct'crencc. Agc rvill bc bctrvccrt l8 to 45 ycirt's' Se lcctccl tr:rinccs rvill bc cligible f or a stipc ncl (g), lts.3000/- pcr rnontlt. 'l-hc datc ol' conlmencerncnt of the Certilicate course of coir Artisln ln Coir Tcchnology is 1" 'IAntt:trY 2020 ancl Diploma course in coir Tcchnology NSQF Levcl - 4 ,3rd Fcbruirry 2{1710' 20{% sc:rts :lrc rcservcd tbr SC/ST canclitlatcs. Application ltlrm crtn bc obtaincd li.onr t5c Assistant Director, Nationnl Coir Traittittg :lttcl Dcsign Ccntrc, Coir Iloard, Iinlavoor or dou'nloadecl l'rom thc u'cb sitc ol' coir lloartl rurv.''cqir"!ltlu(*gr'ri: (sub linli Annou.ccr.,c,t- NC1'&DC - apptication lbrm). 'l'hc apPlic:ttirtns shotrlcl rcach thc lollo*,ing aclclrcss on or bclbrc gili Decernbcr 2019 lbr Ccrtil'icate cottrsc in coir tccltrtologv NSef Le'el - 3,antl 3rcl.lapuar-y 2020 for l)iltlonrir coursc in Coir 'fechnoltlgy, NSeF Levcl -4, I-Iostel lacility av:rilable lirr thc Wonren crnditlatcs u'itlrin lhc Coir Il'rrcl conrplcx irt I(:rlavoor. An nnrount ol lts.500! u'ill bc rc- itltl;ursctl to thc cligilllc genls c:uttlitl:ttcs. / Thc Assistant I)irector, National Coir Training cQ Dcsign Centre, (Govt. ol'lnclin) Cnir lloard, Kal:rvoor. l'.Alappuzha, Kcrala I'in : 688 522' l'h: 01"77-2'258(167 E-Mail-adnctdc@q mail.cont H"6rqs ftFm Assishnl Director *.:- ..-,&n, / ? ll'r a \r -- 'l v t\ xl(lvl h q K; , r,a EIE

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Post on 21-Oct-2020




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  • COIR BOARDNational Coir Training & f)esign Centre,

    (Govt. of India)Coir Board, I(:rl:rvoor' I''0

    Alappuzha, Keralal'in : 688 522.Ph:0477-2258067E-Mail-adnctdc@gmail. com

    COTIT'TRAINING COUI{SESApplications are invited in the prescribccl lornr {or thc lbllowing Training Courscs at

    Nationnl Coir Training antl Dcsign Centrc, Coir Board, I(alavoor, Alappuzha'

    l. Diplorna course in Coir Technology, NSQF l'evcl - 4 -( l year)2. Certilicate Course of coir artisan in coir technology NSQF Lcvcl-3.( 6 months)


    1. Diptomn cours.e in coir Tcchnology, NSQF Lcvc-l - 4 ( I yeat-)Prc-dcgrcc/assed.Sponsorctllry11.,.Coir1rrctor.y/Coir

    Co-o,crative Societies vidc R & L Rulcs 195U u'ill bc givcn prcl'crcncc. Agc l8 - 45'

    Cc tc coursc ol'coir a n in coir tccltrtol SOFLevcl-3 ( 6 monthss/employccs in the Coir Sector' prcfcrably

    -: r:-

    matriculates. Calcliclntcs sponsorcd b.v the Coir I'actorl'/ Coir Co-o1lcr:ttivc sncietics irs pcr

    the lt & L llllcs 1958 rvill bc givcn prct'crencc. Agc rvill bc bctrvccrt l8 to 45 ycirt's'

    Se lcctccl tr:rinccs rvill bc cligible f or a stipc ncl (g), lts.3000/- pcr rnontlt. 'l-hc datc ol'

    conlmencerncnt of the Certilicate course of coir Artisln ln Coir Tcchnology is 1" 'IAntt:trY2020 ancl Diploma course in coir Tcchnology NSQF Levcl - 4 ,3rd Fcbruirry 2{1710'

    20{% sc:rts :lrc rcservcd tbr SC/ST canclitlatcs. Application ltlrm crtn bc obtaincd

    li.onr t5c Assistant Director, Nationnl Coir Traittittg :lttcl Dcsign Ccntrc, Coir Iloard,

    Iinlavoor or dou'nloadecl l'rom thc u'cb sitc ol' coir lloartl rurv.''cqir"!ltlu(*gr'ri: (sub linliAnnou.ccr.,c,t- NC1'&DC - apptication lbrm). 'l'hc apPlic:ttirtns shotrlcl rcach thclollo*,ing aclclrcss on or bclbrc gili Decernbcr 2019 lbr Ccrtil'icate cottrsc in coir tccltrtologv

    NSef Le'el - 3,antl 3rcl.lapuar-y 2020 for l)iltlonrir coursc in Coir 'fechnoltlgy,

    NSeF Levcl -4, I-Iostel lacility av:rilable lirr thc Wonren crnditlatcs u'itlrin lhc CoirIl'rrcl conrplcx irt I(:rlavoor. An nnrount ol lts.500! u'ill bc rc- itltl;ursctl to thc cligilllcgenls c:uttlitl:ttcs.


    Thc Assistant I)irector,National Coir Training cQ Dcsign Centre,

    (Govt. ol'lnclin)Cnir lloard, Kal:rvoor. l'.Alappuzha, Kcrala I'in : 688 522' l'h: 01"77-2'258(167

    E-Mail-adnctdc@q mail.cont

    H"6rqs ftFmAssishnl Director*.:- ..-,&n,/ ? ll'r a\r -- 'l v t\ xl(lvlhqK;

    , r,a EIE

  • aco>

  • // 6,olco)JojlcU(oo

    ..-r ccil cro'l e-r m oorud 1O m3o, o or"s d

    orco>tt eorucdcul"ecsuo'le) oro doocd)orocu;

  • The matter for hosting the rvcbsite

    Notification : Attached

    TEI{frAssistant Direitor

    ufi oqt qnrffi q EqEq fia, oqz il$National Coir Trainrng & Design Centre, Coir Board6-f,fl, srdiqqr"Kalavoor Atappu?na- Oeg S2Z

    07 .11.2019 Applications in the prescri6Cottrse in Coir Techllology (NSQIT Lcvel-4) colrrse ancl Certiljcate .1.Coir Artisan in Coir.Technology (NSQF Level-3) course conclucted at ll.arcj'sNatio,al coir Training

    -& Desig, ceritre, Kalavoor, Arappr_rzha. I_ast crate ofleceints of applications for certificate course of coir Artir;; ;;-r loli o...,rrrr.,.2019 and Diploma course in coir Tech,ology Training course is on 3rcl.lanuary 20120 at NCT & DC.Click here : NotificationClick here : Applicatiou FomrMore details can be had from Asst. Director., NCT & DC. I(ala'oor..l).oAlappuzha., Mob:944 7 90}5gg



    LEVI.ll,3 OI.'NSQI'*l'o be lrllcd in block lettcrs onlY

    15.Name and address of the candidate

    l6.Place of birth (l)istrict and State)I 7.Date of birth and the age as on

    thedateof application

    I S.Educational Qual ifications

    l9.Father's Name

    20.Details of experience in

    Coir Industry, if anyd) Name of employer :e) Nature of work :0 Length of service :

    2l.Aadhar No./Electoral lD No.22. Mob. No.

    23. E-mail ID24. Bank A/c No25. Name of Bank and Branch

    26. IFSC Code

    27. Religion28. Whether candidate belong to

    Gen/OB C/\4u sI im/SC/ST/Others


    I declare that the information given above is correct and true to the best of myknowledge and belief.

    Place: Name &SignatureDate: of candidate

    Affix passportsize photograph ofthe candidate with

    s i gnature




    6. Application should accompany with attested copics of certificates in support of

    qualifications, age and experience.

    1. Canclidates selected should produce Conduct Certificates obtained from Two

    Gazette Officers at the time of joining.

    8. Canclidates selected for Advanced 'fraining Course and Artisans Training

    Course are required to execute an agreement in a plain paper in the prescribed

    format at the time of joining.

    9. Cantlidates selected for Aclvanced 'I'raining Course and Artisans TrainingCourse has to submit the Certificates in Original proving education qualification

    at the time of joining. 'I'he same will be returned him/her only after the

    completion of Training Course.

    10. Candidates selected f


    AP CATION R AI) ION DIP COU NC*l-o be flllcd in block letters onlv

    L Name and address of the candidate:

    2. Place of birth (District and State)3. Date of birth and the age as on

    thedateof application4. Educational Qualifications

    5. F-ather's Name6. Details of experience in

    Coir lndustry, if anya) Name of employer :b) Nature of work :c) I-ength of service :

    7. Aadhar No./Electoral ID No.8. Mob. No.9. E-mail ID10. Bank A/c No1 l. Name of Bank and Branch12. IIrSC Code13. Religion14. Whether candidate belong to

    Gen/OB CiMu s I i m/S C/S T'lOth ers


    givcn abovc is correct

    Affrx passportsize photograph olthe candidatc withsignature




    I declare that the informationknowledge and belief.



    and true to the best of my

    Narne &Signatureof candidate

  • 1.




    Application should accompany with attested c