le chevalier - uknightuknight.org/councils/le chevalier july 2018-a.pdfst. paulinus of nola, ora pro...

Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.1 St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221 Grand Knight’s Message WGK Richard Welp My Dear Brothers: Brother Knights: I am blessed and honored to be the Grand Knight for Council 12164 of the St Bernadette Knights of Columbus for 2108-2019. Thank you for a Great Year 2017 -2018, as Catholic Men serving God and our Parish. To assist in our success for the coming year, I request and welcome your continued input and participation. We are all blessed with many talents. Raise your hand. Offer your special talents. We have many opportunities. “Faith in Action” is our new rallying program for the coming year. We will identify programs that will further the development and participation in our parish family. By working with Fr. Scott, we will supplement his goals with ours and the parish ministries. I welcome your input for activities that would promote unity in our council. I ask, what activities could we have for you, our brothers and our families? Be they social or faith related? What could we do to energize you as Brother Knights? Take some time! Review and become familiar and utilize our St. Bernadette Knights of Columbus Council website at www.kofc12164.org. We continually look to improve and inform with this tool that includes: A calendar – forward looking and a record of past events. The calendar provides Knights the ability to plan and sign up, making our activities successful. We will share this ongoing calendar with the parish identifying requests for approval of space as needed and used as the basis for bulletin “hold the dates’ for activities in the future, allowing all parishioners to plan ahead. A site to record your volunteer hours that are collected and reported to Supreme at year end. You will find minutes of our monthly council meetings Copies of our monthly Newsletter – Le Chevalier You have the ability to pay your annual Knights dues on-line Photos, announcements and much more TAKE A LOOK BOOK MARK THIS SITE AND MAKE IT A PART OF YOUR ROUTINE God Bless You All Vivat Jesus SK Dick Welp Grand Knight St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221 Scottsdale, AZ Inside this issue: Grand Knights’ Report 1 Knight of the Month 2 Family of the Month 2 Birthdays 2 2018-19 Officers 2 Saint of the Month 3 “With Mind and Heart Riv eted” 4 Food for the Poor 5 Pictures 7-8 Calendars 9 Good of the Order Prayer List 10 Contacts 10 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 11 We’re on the WEB: www.kofc12164.org Le Chevalier

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  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.1

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    Grand Knight’s Message WGK Richard Welp

    My Dear


    Brother Knights:

    I am blessed and

    honored to be the Grand Knight

    for Council 12164 of the St

    Bernadette Knights of Columbus

    for 2108-2019.

    Thank you for a Great Year 2017

    -2018, as Catholic Men serving

    God and our Parish.

    To assist in our success for the

    coming year, I request and

    welcome your continued input

    and participation.

    We are all blessed with many

    talents. Raise your hand. Offer

    your special talents. We have

    many opportunities.

    “Faith in Action” is our new

    rallying program for the coming

    year. We will identify programs

    that will further the development

    and participation in our parish

    family. By working with Fr. Scott,

    we will supplement his goals with

    ours and the parish ministries.

    I welcome your input for

    activities that would promote

    unity in our council. I ask, what

    activities could we have for you,

    our brothers and our families? Be they social or faith


    What could we do to energize you as Brother


    Take some time! Review and become familiar and

    util ize our St. Bernadette Knights of Columbus

    Council website at www.kofc12164.org. We

    continually look to improve and inform with this tool

    that includes:

    A calendar – forward looking and a record

    of past events. The calendar provides

    Knights the ability to plan and sign up,

    making our activities successful. We will

    share this ongoing calendar with the parish

    identifying requests for approval of space as

    needed and used as the basis for bulletin

    “hold the dates’ for activities in the future,

    allowing all parishioners to plan ahead.

    A site to record your volunteer hours that

    are collected and reported to Supreme at

    year end.

    You will find minutes of our monthly council


    Copies of our monthly Newsletter – Le


    You have the ability to pay your annual

    Knights dues on-line

    Photos, announcements and much more




    God Bless You All

    Vivat Jesus

    SK Dick Welp

    Grand Knight

    St. Bernadette

    Council 12164


    Scottsdale, AZ

    Inside this issue:

    Grand Knights’ Report 1

    Knight of the Month 2

    Family of the Month 2

    Birthdays 2

    2018-19 Officers 2

    Saint of the Month 3

    “With Mind and Heart

    Riv eted” 4

    Food for the Poor 5

    Pictures 7-8

    Calendars 9

    Good of the Order

    Prayer List 10

    Contacts 10

    Our Lady of Mt. Carmel


    We’re on the WEB:


    Le Chevalier


  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.2

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221


    July 2018

    Bruce Anderson

    Larry Bramanti

    Dan Conway

    Angelo De Nitto

    Oscar Gerardo

    Ted Hinderman

    Thomas Horst

    August Locallo

    Peter Milota Jr.

    Timothy Pizzitola

    J. Richard Stravolo

    Timothy White

    Gene Arvizu

    Bob Bolin

    Christopher Butcher

    Dale Lewis

    SK Daniel Conway

    Knight of the Month

    June 2018

    SK Gene & Karla Arvizu

    Family of the Month,

    June 2018

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.3

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    Saint of the Month Saint Paulinus of Nola

    (354 – June 22, 431)

    Saint Paulinus of Nola’s Story

    Anyone who is praised in the letters of six or

    seven saints undoubtedly must be of extraordinary character. Such a person was Paulinus of Nola, correspondent and friend of Saints Augustine, Jerome, Melania, Martin, Gregory the Great, and Ambrose.

    Born near Bordeaux, he was the son of the Roman prefect of Gaul, who had extensive property in both Gaul and Italy. Paulinus became a distinguished lawyer, holding several public offices in the Roman Empire. With his Spanish wife, Therasia, he retired at an early age to a life of cultured leisure.

    The two were baptized by the saintly bishop of Bordeaux and moved to Therasia’s estate in Spain. After many childless years, they had a son who died a week after birth. This occasioned their beginning a life of great austerity and charity, giving away most of their Spanish property. Possibly as a result of this great example, Paulinus was rather unexpectedly ordained a priest at Christmas by the bishop of Barcelona.

    He and his wife then moved to Nola, near Naples. He had a great love for Saint Felix

    of Nola, and spent much effort in promoting devotion to this saint. Paulinus gave away most of his remaining property—to the consternation of his relatives—and continued his work for the poor. Supporting a host of debtors, the homeless and other needy people, he lived a monastic life in another part of his home. By popular demand he was made bishop of Nola and guided that diocese for 21 years.

    Paulinus’ last years were saddened by the invasion of the Huns. Among his few writings is the earliest extant Christian wedding song. His Liturgical Feast Day is June 22.


    Many of us are tempted to “retire” early in life, after an initial burst of energy. Devotion to Christ and his work is waiting to be done all around us. Paulinus’ life had scarcely begun when he thought it was over, as he took his ease on that estate in Spain. “Man proposes, but God disposes.”

    St. Paulinus of Nola, ora pro nobis!

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.4

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    With Mind and Heart Riveted

    The definition of prayer I learned from the Baltimore Catechism as a child has always

    appealed to me. Prayer as “the lifting up of my mind and heart to God” is more about attention than it is about words. Prayer is about


    But words have their place in prayer, as in the passage from the second Book of Kings. Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, had

    slaughtered all the countries of the Northern Kingdom and now turns his attention toward

    Jerusalem. Judah’s King Hezekiah takes Sennacherib’s threatening message directly to prayer and lays out his plea before God.

    Almost bargaining, Hezekiah assures the Lord that if he defends Jerusalem, all the kingdoms

    of the earth will know for sure that he alone is God. Surely there have been times when we have gone to God in prayer with just that kind

    of directness, our words an expression of a heart and mind turned toward God.

    As Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount I imagine his disciples sitting on the hillside,

    minds and hearts also riveted, taking in his every word. Sometimes in prayer I find myself in his more conversational kind of posture, still

    lifting my mind and heart to God, not plea bargaining, but simply enjoying the company of

    a good friend. “Enter through the narrow gate…that leads to life.”

    Both Hezekiah and disciples, by being faithful to prayer and relying on God, had found that

    narrow gate. We trust that our constant devotion will lead us through that gate to.

    Sr. Julia Upton Julia Upton, RSM, is a professor of theology at St. John’s University in New York . She is the author of Worship in Spirit and Truth: The Life and Legacy of H. A.


    Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the

    Kingdom of Heaven.

    Jesus calls us to break down the barriers of race and sex so that we might become disciples.

    Save the dates, Brother!

    August 18th, right after the 5:00

    mass, the annual Ice Cream Social

    August 25th, Right after the 5:00

    Mass, Installation of Officers

    followed by dinner and

    Presentation of Awards

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.5

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    Food for the Poor Project

    . Good week Knights and all our volunteers,

    We are starting a new week with the expanded

    days that we have maintained for the last few

    weeks. For us TO KEEP EXPANDED DAYS


    days were added because some volunteers

    wanted to help every week. I must remind

    everyone that our program was built on

    volunteering once a month. If we are unable to

    maintain the extra days, then we will go back to

    the schedule that enabled us to keep that

    promise intact. We will see when the new

    schedule comes out for August/September.

    The purpose of once a month is not to get

    burned out from too many days of volunteering.

    We are all doing a great job and we THANK


    We want to keep this program to make it easy for everyone. The homeless at St Vincent De

    Paul Becker House all say thank you, for helping their days each week with the bread and pastries to make the day complete.

    Remember: you are helping homeless Veterans, single mothers and their children, the

    intellectually challenged, on our street unemployed because of bad luck, and refugees from war torn lands. Tell your friend

    to say YES, to help us out once a month. So far we have heard from a few expressing

    interest but without serious commitment to volunteer. Just ask the question, “Would you like to help the poor of Phoenix?” Have a good

    week everyone. Food For The Poor Project Chairperson and Committee, Santo Graziano cell: 602-321-1673 Larry Brainard,

    Robert and Jackie Franciosi, Mike and Susan Dalton

    HELP Brothers! We have a situation and NEED your help NOW!

    SK Santo Graziano

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.6

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221


    the skillet


    Building the Domestic Church strengthening our Parish

    Monthly Pancake Breakfast

    Third Sunday of every month between September and May $5.00 Family: $15.00

    Join us in the Parish Hall!

    Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, and Sausage! This is the last

    Pancake Breakfast of the season.

    May 20th (They will resume on September 16)

    Grotto on the campus of Mount St. John, Bergamo, Beavercreek, Ohio

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.7

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    Pictures for you….

    4th Degree Exemplification

    June 9, 2018

    St. Bartholomew’s Roman Catholic Church, Manchester, Maryland

    As many of you know, I visited my family in Maryland in June, and I wanted to share some pictures of my son’s church (on the next

    page) in Manchester. Please note that their K of C Council has

    also erected a monument to the Sanctity of Life.

    Figure 3: SK Chancellor Martin Perez, Lady Josie Perez, SK Tom Munks, SK GK Richard Welp, and SK DGK Michael Dill. Photo: SK J. Wood

    Figure 1: Brand new Sir Knight Martin Perez receives the dubbing of the sword. Photo: SK J. Wood.

    Figure 2: Brand new Sir Knight Tom Munks

    receives his dubbing of the sword. Photo: SK J. Wood

    Figure 4: Brand new Sir Knight Edward Dunai Photo: SK J. Wood

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.8

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    Figure 5: St. Bartholomew RC Church, Manchester, MD Photo: J. Wood

    Figure 6: Memorial to the Sanctity of Life Photo: J. Wood

    Figure &: St. Bartholomew RC Church, Manchester, MD Photo: J. Wood

    The above monument was

    erected by the St. Bartholomew

    Knights of Columbus. The

    inscription on the plaque before

    the statue reads:

    “Dedicated to the Sanctity of

    Life and the Lives Lost to

    Abortion and Euthanasia.

    Mary, Our Mother

    Inspire within us a respect for

    life from the moment of

    conception until natural death.”

    The K of C Emblem is displayed

    below the inscription. I felt an

    immediate kinship with our St.

    Bartholomew Brothers when I

    read the plaque and admired

    their monument.

    J. Wood

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.9

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    July 2018

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



    3 4 Independence



    6 7


    9 10 VE Day 1945

    11 Counci l Meeting

    7:00 pm


    13 14

    15 16

    17 18

    19 20





    25 26 27 End of Korean

    War 1953


    29 30 31



    3 4

    August 2018

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    30 31

    1 Officers’

    Meeting 7:00 pm

    2 Invasion of

    Kuwait Operation

    Desert Shield 1990





    7 Purple Heart Day

    8 Council Meeting 7:00 pm






    14 V-J Day 1945

    15 Assumption of

    the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    16 17 18

    19 20 21 22

    23 24


    Officers Installation & Awards


    27 28

    29 30 31 1

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.10

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221


    Good of the Order Prayer List—June 2018 Brothers, please join us as we pray for the following Knights and their families.

    SK Ken McDonald

    SK Virgil Grzywa.

    SK Al and Johnna Minetti SK Al is back on the breathing machine.

    Rosie Pate

    Sergio Romero, SK Gene Arvizu’s cousin, who’s suffering from cancer.

    SK Will iam Torresala.

    Debbie Wood, Jerry’s sister, who is sti l l struggling with respiratory issues..

    For the Pope, every Priest and Deacon and all the clergy.

    For the safety and good health of all our military, police, and fire fighters.

    For the good health of all Knights and their families and our own Knights who continue to find the

    strength to keep coming out to do God’s will.

    Officers, Directors, and Program Chairmen—2017-18

    Officers: Committee Chairmen:

    Grand Knight SK Richard Welp 602-826-1241 1st

    Degree Team SK Dan Conway 480-368-1427

    Chaplain Fr. Edward Gilbert 480-905-0221 Blood Drive Dennis Logue 602-595-1460

    D. Grand Knight SK Michael Dill 702-213-3737 Oktoberfest SK Gene Arvizu 480-272-9442

    Chancellor SK Martin Perez 602-418-6511 Social Committee HELP!

    Financial Sec. SK Michael Smalley 602-799-2256 Italian Dinner SK Will iam Torresala 404-668-9399

    Treasurer SK Gene Arvizu 480-776-4794 Food for the Poor SK Santo Granziano 602-321-1673

    Recorder SK Frank Scarpone 480-540-8460 Tootsie Roll Drive Chair needed HELP!

    Advocate Dennis Logue 602-595-1460 Rosary Sunday Chair needed HELP!

    Warden SK Vince Cefalu 602-350-9106 Free Throw Contest Dennis Logue 602-595-1460

    Outside Guard Ron Angelo 480-322-2035 Le Chevalier Graphic Design SK Don Tellis

    Inside Guard Conrad Franks 623-628-6392 Fr. Pete Memorial Golf Tournament HELP!

    3yr Trustee SK Jerry Wood 602-568-2779 SK Richard Welp

    2yr Trustee SK Will iam Torresala 404-668-9399 Lenten Fish Fry – SKs Michael Dill and Vince Cefalu

    1yr Trustee SK Daniel Conway 602-524-7447 Webmaster SK Roberto Pastrana

    Editor SK Jerry Wood

  • Volume 4 Issue 1 Le Chevalier July 2018 p.11

    St. Bernadette Council 12164 480-905-0221

    Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    The Story of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    Hermits lived on Mount Carmel near the Fountain of Elijah in northern Israel in the 12th century. They had a chapel dedicated to Our Lady. By the 13th century they became known as “Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” They soon celebrated a special Mass and Office in honor of Mary. In 1726, it became a celebration of the universal Church under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For centuries the Carmelites have seen themselves as specially related to Mary. Their great saints and theologians have promoted devotion to her and often championed the mystery of her Immaculate Conception.

    Saint Teresa of Avila called Carmel “the Order of the Virgin.” Saint John of the Cross credited Mary with saving him from drowning as a child, leading him to Carmel, and helping him escape from prison. Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus believed that Mary cured her from illness. On her First Communion day, Thérèse dedicated her life to Mary. During the last days of her life she frequently spoke of Mary.

    There is a tradition—which may not be historical—that Mary appeared to Saint Simon Stock, a leader of the Carmelites, and gave him a scapular, telling him to promote devotion to it. The scapular is a modified version of Mary’s own garment. It symbolizes her special protection and calls the wearers to consecrate themselves to her in a special way. The scapular reminds us of the gospel call to prayer and penance—a call that Mary models in a splendid way.


    The Carmelites were known from early on as “Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” The title suggests that they saw Mary not only as “mother,” but also as “sister.” The word sister is a reminder that Mary is very close to us. She is the daughter of God and therefore can help us be authentic daughters and sons of God. She also can help us grow in appreciation of being sisters and brothers to one another. She leads us to a new realization that all human beings belong to the family of God. When such a conviction grows, there is hope that the human race can find its way to peace

    St. Bernadette

    Council 12164

    16245 N. 60th Street

    Scottsdale, AZ



    (480) 905-0221


    Le Chevalier

    We’re on the Web!

    See us at:


    St. Bernadette, ora pro nobis!
