le corti a mezzanotte.jpg

LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE What is this? History seems long and far from us, but the events seemingly scattered in the past are close and connected to the present. Through out the streets of the old town centre, the most beautiful courtyards are opened to the public, becoming alive in all of their beauty with art performances

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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What is this?History seems long and far from us, but the events

seemingly scattered in the past are close and connected to the present.

Through out the streets of the old town centre, the most beautiful courtyards are opened to the public, becoming

alive in all of their beauty with art performances

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE where is this?This festival is celebrated every year in august,in Galatina, a

city in the south of italy, in apulia and exactly in the salento area.

It’s oneof the most well-know and renowned festival in this area and it celebrates arts andtraditional food

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What is the point of it?This event that expresses art through painting, music

performances,photography and videos, originates from a profound reflection of the concept of memory of the territory, highlighting the importance of its culture, first as an element of identity and soul the location.

This event invitesus to reflect on the meaning of the memory of our territory which is an inseparable part of our cultural identity, the soul of the places that were the scenes of everyday life.

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE Salento flavorsAll it accompined by the typical flavours of salento

with tastes and delicacies off all kinds.There are a lot of backery products typical of lecce,

sweet or savory, but always fresh and made with fresh and genuine ingredients, crispy, golden, delicious and tasty

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTEThe best ones are:friselle – these are salty bun shaped bread baked, cut in half

with a wire and backed a second time in a warm stone oven. They are served, after having soaked in water, with tomatoes, olive,oil and salt.

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE• tarallini – typical little salty bagel biscuits of lecce, with

fennel flavour or chilli, handmade according to the traditional products with natural ingredients.

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE• Puccia – is the oven product most traditional and typical

of salento. It assumes a round shape, like bread but smaller

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE• Mustaccioli – is a crunchy biscuit like sweet made

with flour, sugr, almonds, eggs, milk, cocoa powder, then covered with chocolate glaze called “naspro”.

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE• Pasticciotto –typical cakes of salento,consisting of

pastry filled with custard cream and baked in the oven

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE• Oil – the salento oil is among the most popular in the

world. The olive tree grows well in stony lands, arid and basically in a mediterranean climate, so it gives a delicious oil

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LE CORTI A MEZZANOTTE• Wine – the most common varieties are

negroamaro,primitivo and Malvasia which produce renowed reds and rosé quality wines that have become estabilished in the regional landscape. The quality is full and convincing structure thanks to a wine that leaves its unmistakable imprint.