lead forensics guide: 3 steps to connecting with the b2b buyer


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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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As buyers become more blind to our marketing communications, is the information they do see influential to their decision making process? As the freedom of online opinion grows, are you losing control? Take our 3 step guide to connecting with the B2B buyer.


Page 1: Lead Forensics Guide: 3 steps to connecting with the B2B buyer

As buyers become more and more blind to marketing

communications, how can you make the information they do

see influential to their decision making process?

Changes in buyer behaviours continue to evolve as new social

technologies are introduced. Plus, buyers are thoroughly

researching your business to validate your offering – but as the

freedom of online opinion grows, are you losing control?

Take our 3 step guide to connecting with the B2B buyer to

create a formula that works not just for you, but for your

prospects too.

Match relevant content with your buying cycle 1

Impact the buying cycle with effective lead nurturing

Get personal and close the sale

Connecting With The B2B Buyer

Follow our 3 step guide to



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Page 2: Lead Forensics Guide: 3 steps to connecting with the B2B buyer

Matching relevant content with

the buying cycle

76% of B2B buyers search for content that is relevant to help

them make an informed decision about a product or service,

so it’s crucial that your brand is positioned as a thought leader

in your space to avoid any competitive threats.

But before you flood your blog and twitter page with content

that you think will influence their decision making process, do

you really know what makes your buyers tick?

Mapping out the buyer journey from brand awareness to

conversion and their information needs at each stage will

allow you to really understand what content will have impact.

Overlaying a content plan according to these needs is

guaranteed to inform, educate and in turn influence the

decision making process.

And when 61% of buyers agree that the winning vendor

delivered a better mix of content appropriate for each stage

of the purchasing process, it’s essential that you come up top

against your competitors.

“Using Lead Forensics tells us who is interested in

certain types of content, that has helped us get

smarter about what we spend time creating. “ Kristen Brewe, Start-Up Specialist

Awareness: Identifying the need

3rd party communications and external

blogs: Relevant and educational industry

reports and statistics that support your

product offering.

Exploration: Considering a solution

Video and product fact sheets: Informative and

digestible product overviews that clearly communicate the

product benefits

Decision making: Comparing providers

Client proof: Case studies, quotes and proven results from clients

and industry leaders that give them a reason to believe.

Purchase: Delivering ROI

How to guides: Valuable guides and tip sheets that offer advice

on delivering results from your product or service

Advocacy: Maintaining interest

Insider updates: Engage with your clients by

feeding bespoke content according to their

needs, in turn encouraging advocacy and



3 Steps To Connecting With The B2B Buyer


Step #1


Page 3: Lead Forensics Guide: 3 steps to connecting with the B2B buyer

It’s fair to admit that most marketing activity and budget is

invested in generating leads and brand awareness. But what

about those prospects are not ready to buy right now? It’s

critical to effectively nurture these prospects and convert

them sooner. And when research shows that companies that

excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads

with a 33% reduction in costs, turning a “not right now” into a

sale will dramatically improve the bottom line.

By carefully matching your marketing activity with each stage

of the buying process, you’ll be able to influence decision

makers more effectively. The key is to build relationships with

buyers through timely and relevant touch points, using various

channels such as email marketing, social media and


Up to 50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first, so

you can even further accelerate your lead nurturing activity by

reacting to buyer’s online behaviour in real-time. Lead

Forensics alerts clients when a business has visited their

website, plus tells them what they were searching for and

what they looked at. Use this intelligence to provide these

prospects with informative and persuasive information that

enhances their research process and makes it easier for them

to choose you over a competitor.

Step #2

Impact the buying cycle with

effective lead nurturing

3 Steps To Connecting With The B2B Buyer



more sales ready leads

Page 4: Lead Forensics Guide: 3 steps to connecting with the B2B buyer

Although us marketers are creating relevant content and

delivering personalised communications, many B2B buying

experiences can still feel automated. And when Forbes

reports that 70% of B2B buyers rated how vendors engaged

with them as more impactful than what they were actually

selling, there’s no better time to get personal.

Author Maya Angelou said: “People will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did, but people will never forget

how you made them feel.” Touching upon buyers goals, both

personally and professionally, can be the start of a human

experience that increases the perception of your brand -

naturally. If you can successfully create a positive emotion

using innovative content and communications based on

comprehensive buyer personas, you’ll have the power to

influence across every stage of the buying journey.

When it comes to closing the sale, buyers are hungry for

reassurance that they are making the right decision, and when

70% trust the opinions of unknown users, it’s critical they

are served shining and honest reviews. Give your top rated

clients a reason to share their success stories on your social

media pages, and post case studies and video testimonials

that do the talking for you.

Step #3

Get personal with the buyer and

close the sale

3 Steps To Connecting With The B2B Buyer


70% rate vendor engagement as impactful

People will never forget how you made

them feel “ “

“Lead Forensics allows us to go beyond standard

analytics and understand who our customers are, their

preferences and their buying behaviour. “ Andrew Nicholson (B2B Marketer of the year ’11), Sodexo Prestige,

Page 5: Lead Forensics Guide: 3 steps to connecting with the B2B buyer




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