leadership and management - xpertsolver · what characteristics of tim’s leadership would you...

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Page 1: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Leadership and Management

Case Studies


Page 2: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study (King of the Hill): What Leadership Traits account for Denny Hill’s success?

Danny possesses the required traits to be a good leader. He has introduced the concept of

teamwork in swimming which is mostly considered an individual spot.

• He keeps his team focused and interested by workouts and regular meetings.

• He’s a good listener and never leaves any of his team members behind even if he’s

not among the winners.

• He shows complete confidence in himself as well as his team.

• He keeps everyone involved and busy, rather it be sophomores, juniors or fresh


How would you describe Denny Hill’s leadership abilities?

Danny developed his leadership abilities over the years through constant hard work and

practice. Initially his swim team didn’t perform so well. However he learned from his

mistakes and improved his position to a remarkable leader. He developed his leadership

abilities by constant focus on the team members. He also encouraged the team members to

enhance their leadership qualities.

Leadership includes administrative skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills. How

does Denny Hill stack up on these skills?

Danny possess good administrative skills. He has setup a well defined schedule and

procedure for the whole season which includes a team sleepover and Hells week at the

beginning of each season. He arranges a 20 minute meeting on each Monday to develop

interaction in the team. He holds good interpersonal skills since he gives equal attention to

every member. His interaction with each member, listening to everyone and involving

everyone in activities proves his interpersonal skills. His conceptual skills are proved by his

ability to evaluate the causes of failure in the first year and developing a revised plan to

raise his team’s position as one of the most successful teams.


Page 3: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

How does Denny Hill integrate task and relationship behaviours in his leadership?

Denny has task oriented leadership qualities as he makes his team members engage in

training as well as assign them all with some duties. He keeps his members busy. Denny also

possess relationship behaviour in his leadership as he lays a major focus on developing

strong understanding and relationship among all the team members. Weekly meetings are

an example of such behaviour.

From a relational perspective, how would you describe Denny Hill’s leadership?

Denny’s leadership focuses on developing strong interaction and understanding between

the team members. His relationship oriented leaderships makes members interact with

each other and share their qualities and leadership roles with each other.



Page 4: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 2: What is your reaction to Tim’s story?

Tim is a very caring and humble person. He is well aware of his natural skills as a leader. He

utilizes his skills to be a better leader. He accepts his strengths and weaknesses well and

knows what he want to achieve. One of his best habits is that he accepts the criticism in

constructive way and tries to improve himself. He is helps other by his vocations and


Nature and nurture play a significant role in Tim’s leadership journey. From your

perspective, which has the greatest impact on Tim? Discuss your answer.

Tim has few leadership qualities by his birth. He was different. Nature and nurture both

played important role in Tim’s leadership. Without having the traits of a good leader by

birth, it would’ve been difficult for him to achieve his goals. His has a habit of helping others

which is a characteristic of ‘nurture’ while he was well aware that he can change people’s

lives with his natural skills which is a characteristic of nature.

Of the six major traits described in the chapter (i.e., intelligence, confidence, charisma,

determination, sociability, and integrity) which traits are Tim’s strongest, and which traits

are his weakest?

Tim’s strongest trait is his determination to help the people. His determination is reflected

in his will to make an efficient use of his abilities and to become a better boss. Sociability is

one other major trait in Tim’s personality. He is social and help others by conversation. His

weakest trait is confidence in himself; since he fights with his inner self and he considers

that he have two different sets of DNA. He also lacked administrative qualities to some

extent which shows is weakness in charisma.

What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style

of leadership?

Tim’s determination is an example. I will like to add Tim’s determination characteristic in my

style of leadership. Tim’s sociability is another important characteristic which I will like to

add to my style of leadership. A good leader is always social and discusses matters with



Page 5: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 3: Strengths are considered inborn traits that can be enhanced with experience. What

experiences in Christine’s background helped her develop her strengths?

Christine had a very tough time in her childhood. She had learnt from her childhood

experiences. She was raised in a poor family and had many siblings. Throughout her high

school, she had to go to school as well as work as part time in restaurant. This added an

experience of commitment to her nature which led her to succeed. Apart from this, she had

a trait of creativity. This trait can also be related to her childhood where she had to imagine

and fantasize about toys and other things which she didn’t have access to.

Out of all the strengths identified by the assessment, which were directly observable in

Christine’s work? Were there any that were not?

Many of the Christine’s strengths pointed out by assessment are directly observable by her

work background. For example, her skills of strategic planning were due to her

development and working experience of the new programs and her experience of working

with the donors. Her other skills like influencing and relationship building were also due to

her background work. However her strengths like commitment, creativity and compassion

were due to childhood, and not due to her experience from the previous work.

Christine admitted having some weaknesses, especially in day-to-day management of the

organization. Which of her strengths can she put into use to help her deal with that and


Christine had few weaknesses. However she can compensate her weaknesses with the help

of her strengths. Her weakness of day to day management will not be a problem when she’ll

become a CEO. This is because CEO’s mostly have responsibility of long term planning,

rather than day-by-day planning. However she can overcome this weakness by her strategic

planning skills. Since she is strong in strategic planning, she can implement long term

planning and put the responsibility of day-by-day management of her plan to her


What strengths should Christine seek from others that would complement her own and

fill some gaps?


Page 6: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Christine has a weakness in day-by-day operation management skill. She can take help from

others to remove the negative effect of her weakness. She can implement strategic planning

and seek help from her juniors to implement the day-to-day management. One other thing

she needs to work on is confidence because she is not sure that she is capable of being CEO.

By working with others, she will get confidence that she can handle things and she will

increase her confidence level.


Page 7: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 4: Based on the assumptions of Theory X and Theory Y, how would you describe each

manager’s philosophy and style of leadership? In what way do their attitudes about

Vanessa affect their leadership?

Marion is in favor of theory X. She thinks that she will always need to control and lead each

of the sub ordinate and she should control everyone's stride. Even the Christie said that

Marion always keep on watching her. Heather on the other hand is the supporter of Y

hypothesis. She thinks this hypothesis is valid for her workers. She assigns them with powers

and gives them reasonable flexibility. However still she do not consider it necessary to keep

an eye on their stride. Bruce also thinks that hypothesis Y is applicable. He however, does

not empower his representatives. He spends more energy in his own office than others. This

means that it is possible that he believes in the skills and competency of his workers.

In this type of customer service setting, which leadership style would be most effective for

the bank to meet its goals? From the bank’s perspective, which (if any) manager exhibits

the most appropriate leadership? Discuss.

I think heathers style is most effective for happy customers. As happy employers mean

happy customers, Heathers style gives necessary liberty to the employers and entrusts them

to use their powers in best manners to solve the problems themselves. Employers normally

perform well we they get suitable relaxation in their styles and do not have to follow exact

rules. When we set procedures for the employees, it restricts them from using their natural

abilities. Hence heather showed best and most appropriate leadership style.

What advice would you give to each of the managers to enhance their leadership skills

within the bank?

In order to prove themselves as a successful leader, the managers should make a close

relation with the workers. Doing so requires close ties with the workers. This is only possible

by involving everyone and understanding them. If managers will respect customers and

employees, they will develop a close tie with them and will understand their thinking. It is

essential for managers to give enough tolerance to employees. This is because everyone has


Page 8: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

his own way of dealing with matters. According to me managers must:

• Provide flexible environment to the workers.

• Reward juniors on performance base.

• Trust themselves and sub-ordinates.

What do you think Vanessa can do to prepare herself for her three-month review?

The performance of Vanessa had not been quite good in previous months. She has low sales

performance as well as she doesn’t have good reviews. If Vanessa is sure that there is some

misconception between the managers and her, she must try to explain herself to the

managers prior to the meeting. She needs to interact with the managers and prove that she

is trying to cover her poor performance feedback. This point is applicable because she had

very little interaction with Marion and Bruce recently. So they don’t know much about her.


Page 9: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 5: Using ideas from this chapter, describe Dan’s and Asher’s styles of leadership.

The style of Dan’s leadership style is task-oriented. Although, he has good relation with his

sub-ordinates, he is more concerned about the accomplishments. He is more serious about

the goals, milestones and about his and his sub-ordinates accomplishments.

Asher however, is a relationship builder. His leadership style is focused on developing

relationship with the employees. He concentrates personally on his sub-ordinates. This has

led Asher to develop a prosperous and friendly work environment for the employees. He

focuses on the interaction of employees with each other and their happiness.

How will Asher’s employees, who are used to being able to manage themselves in their

own way, respond to Dan’s task-oriented style?

Asher’s employees are used to of working mostly on their own and do not get much

interference from their boss. They may see Dan’s interference as overbearing and a hurdle

in their job as the procedural work always inhibits creativity. The employees will have to be

more focused on achieving the goal, instead of the method they are using to get there.

Overall they will have negative impact on coming into Don’s management because they are

habitual of working in totally different environment.

How will Dan’s employees, who are used to being given clear direction and procedure,

respond to Asher’s more relationship-oriented style?

Dan’s employees who are used to of getting clear directions might see Asher as an

irresponsible and incompetent boss. Since they are not habitual of being independent in

thinking or following their own procedures, they will be expecting and will ask for clear

directions from Asher. However’ they will not have difficulty in settling with Asher as they

will be more comfortable with Asher who gives his employees independence and let them

work in their own style.

If you were an employee at Co-Ed Cleaners, would you want Mark to let Dan or Asher go?

Explain your choice


Page 10: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

If I were CEO, I would have considered Asher a more valuable asset. I prefer relationship

building environment with much leniency for the employees. I would be more concerned

about satisfaction and work environment of the employees instead of giving them hard

time. However the decision also depends on the conditions of the company and why I’m

letting the manager go. If the company is looking for long term benefits and improvements

Asher is a better option. However if the company is trying to recover from a financial crises

and increasing turnover, Dan will be a better option since he is more strict and ensures the

work gets done soon by imposing his own procedures and skills.


Page 11: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 6: Based on the Model of Primary Leadership Skills (Figure 6.1), how would you describe

Caroline's skills? In what skills is she strongest, and in what skills is she weakest?

Caroline is a hardworking lady. Her best qualities are her dedication, transparent nature and

sincere personality. Her hardworking adds to her skills. According to me her interpersonal

skills are the best.. She provides a pressure free working environment to sub-ordinates. Her

motivation towards workers is her strongest skills. On the other side, her weak skills include

her punctuality and her inability to follow the schedule. Her inability to organize things

makes her administrative skills weak.

Sweet Caroline's bakery and restaurant seemed to emerge from nowhere. What role did

Caroline play in this? Do you think Caroline could improve her business with more

strategic planning?

Caroline is a very hardworking woman. It is due to her consistent hard work that her bakery

and restaurant emerged at a very high pace. Caroline didn’t plan to expand the business but

her hard work led to the fame of her bakery. However Caroline lacks few administrative

skills. If she learn and implement strategic planning, no doubt, she will improve her


Have you ever worked at a place that was very successful but felt quite chaotic and

disorganized? How did you handle it?

While working on a project in my previous semester, I became part of a group which

consisted of quite brilliant students. The group was quite hard working and was performing

well. However there wasn’t any proper organization or planning. This made the

environment very uneasy for working. I figured out the problem and solved it by motivating

my group members to select a team leader who is best in organization and management

among us. Furthermore proper scheduling of all activities helped us solve the problem.

If you were a consultant to Caroline, would you recommend her open a second location?

If so, what specific skills would you have Caroline develop in order to help her manage her

business better?

I would recommend her to develop administrative, organization and time management

skills. Before opening a new location, she must first solve these issues and remove her


Page 12: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

weaknesses. Otherwise her management will get more poor due to more work load. Once

she has solved the issues of her weaknesses, she must open the second location.


Page 13: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 7: What is Nick Gibbon's vision in this case study? How is it similar to or different from the

vision of the owners of the paper? Discuss the unique challenges a leader faces when

required to implement a vision of his or her superiors.

Nick’s vision was focused towards online based news. He wanted to convert the newspaper

in the digital format. The owner of the newspaper wanted to reduce the print of the

newspaper to only three times a week. This would result in only 25% of the employees

retaining their jobs. When a leader has to implement the vision, he faces challenges like

resistance from the organization, convincing the supervisors and adapting to the change.

What do you think Nick wanted to open the workings of the paper up to the public? How

is this related to his vision?

Nick wanted to change the newspaper to the digital format. In order to change the entire

system and to make the digital newspaper successful, he needed the support of determined

and focused persons to keep the community updated with the latest news in the least time.

Nick’s vision was to to keep the community updated of the news, irrespective of anything

For that, he needed to communicate the change and get the support from the dedicated


Visions usually require changing people’s values. What desires changes in values are

highlighted by this case study?

Previously, the company he was working in, focused on printed newspaper. Nick understood

that converting the newspaper to digital format is necessary. His values were to deliver the

newspaper to the community irrespective of the format or method of delivering news. This

required shifting values of the people from only following traditional style of newspaper to

focusing on the delivery of news, rather than the method of delivery.

How well did Nick Gibbons articulate his vision for the paper? If you were in Nick’s shoes,

how would you articulate your vision in this case?

Nick Gibbon adopted a very well planned way to articulate his vision. First of all he told his

staff about the danger of losing jobs and that they require re-applying. He took his staff in

confidence by telling them that he only required determination and focus, not the

perfection. This encouraged the people of following Nick’s vision. I would have followed


Page 14: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Nick’s path to articulate the vision. It is very necessary to make people feel need of the

change as well as to higher their motivation level. Nick successfully did that by that and I

would also do the similar.

Do you think the newspaper will newspaper will thrive under Nick's leadership? Why?

I think the newspaper will flourish under his leadership. He collected the team of dedicated

people and is giving them true leadership. The location of office is also at a public place and

he has kept the doors open for new and dedicated staff who is interested in his vision.

Furthermore the sales staff is also teaching the advertisers, how to attract the audience

using ads.


Page 15: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 8: A tale of two classes In establishing a constructive climate for his or her class, what kind of structure

has each professor put in place?

In establishing a constructive climate, Steve Gardner, the old professor, gave a very stable

structure to the class, developed in students a sense of security, direction, and stability.

Students were clear about the goals and how to achieve them, they had a complete

architectural design to work upon and the way it should be. There was proper grading for

assignments; students knew how their marks are going to be deduced and how to work

best. On the other hand, Marissa Morgan, a young professor, gave no structure to the class.

Students were not clear about the framework, the actual objectives, they were even

confused about what to do and how to, they didn’t knew how the grading would be,

because general assignments were not given grades and their grades might depend on a

single big assignment. It was difficult for students to work in such a class.

How would you describe the group norms for each class?

The group norms for the class of Professor Steve Gardner were clearly defined, in the first

day of class he verbally explained all the norms for class, like no texting allowed, no usage of

laptop, cell phones should be off, class time punctuality, that it will start and end on time,

everyone need to be there on time, students were not allowed to leave the class before

time. On the other hand, Professor Marissa Morgan did not have discussed any norms of

class with the students, everyone can come and leave the class at any time, and there were

no restrictions about taking in class, using laptops, cell phones.

What actions has each professor taken to establish cohesiveness in the classes?

Professor Steve Gardner did much to build cohesiveness in the class as there is no usage of

any social media in the class, no laptops , no cell phones, everyone in the class needed to be

completely in the class mentally as well as physically and had to participate, there was lot of

interaction between students and punctuality added more time of students with each other

and sharing of opinions took place but in class of Professor Marissa Morgan, there was no

special action from the side of teacher to establish the cohesiveness, students were busy


Page 16: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

using cell phones, gossips, a wild environment, no interest on activities, no punctuality,

everyone was responsible for his own doings, he or she would not be answerable.

What standards of excellence has each professor established for the courses?

Professor Steve Gardner took actions to build standards of excellence in the class by the

policy of requiring results, reviewing results and rewarding results, as he set mutual goals of

the class, told everyone about the objectives, had given feedback to the students in the

form of grades on all assignments that let students know about their performance, told the

students about their weaknesses and have given reward for good work in the form of good

laughing environment in class or any other way, but in Professor Marissa Morgan teaching

style this thing was lacking as there was no proper effort of the teacher in establishing goals,

making objectives clear to students, no proper grading and reviewing of assignments, no

proper rewards, it was more like a class to just complete the syllabus than to build skills.

Which class atmosphere would you do best in? Why?

I could do best in the atmosphere of Professor Steve Gardener class, because at there I

would had complete guidelines and directions of what to do and how to do, a complete

discipline in the class, with no divergence and I would knew about teachers expectations

and my duties, proper norms and directions of the class were discussed by teacher,

punctuality was one of the other factor contributing toward achievements and if I would

reach class on time and had listened to lecture completely and carefully than surely I would

had performed best.


Page 17: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 9: This chapter discusses several reasons that out-groups form. What is the best explanation

for why Ursula, Nichole, and Todd appear to be out-group members? What impact are

they having on Next Step? Do they have legitimate concerns? Discuss.

Ursula, Nichole and Todd prefer working in an easy environment. They are focused in

improving the resumes rather than putting efforts in doing hard work. Next Step, on the

other hand organizes funding and donation events. Hence they prefer bake sales rather than

selling T-shirts. Their attitude is appearing as a hurdle in implementing the Next Step ideas.

Their concerns are more of a personal opinion. Their concerns are legitimate from their

point of view. However the problem can be solved by talking to them and ensuring them

that their concerns will be considered.

How could the initial meeting about fundraising strategies have been conducted so that all

members were included in the decision?

Instead of conducting simple pre-call meetings and gatherings, the president should have

considered including the out-groups by considering their point of views and the ideas. The

six strategies of listening the out groups should have been followed.

Of the six strategies for how leaders should respond to out-group members, do you think

that certain strategies might be more appropriate or effective in this situation given the

verbalized feelings about Next Step from the out-group members?

Out of the six strategies, the most important strategy is to listen to the out-groups. The

opinions must be considered and they should be motivated to participate and contribute.

They must feel included and their efforts must be appreciated.

How could other members of the group besides James help to build the group identity and

sense of cohesion in Next Step?

Apart from James, other group members can also contribute to builds cohesion in the

group. They must not leave the out-group alone. Instead, they should motivate them to

contribute and include them in discussions and give an approval to their ideas. They key


Page 18: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

reason of forming out groups in the feeling of being neglected. The issue can be resolved by

efforts of the group members.

In this situation, do you think it is worth the time and effort to try to include Ursula,

Nichole, and Todd? Defend your answer.

Ursula, Nichole and Todd must be included. Everyone has his own qualities and adding them

to the group instead of leaving them will definitely prove to be beneficial. Also, if they are

neglected, it will have negative impact on the group synergy and their acts will be against

the performance of the company.


Page 19: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Case Study 10: How would you describe the conflict that has arisen between the members of the web

programming department?

The major reason behind the conflict of the members is the inconvenience in the space.

Since the office shifted to a new location, many of the members were having a problem in

adjusting with each other. The office space wasn’t good enough for the members. This

caused issue like the Bradley had reservation of having lesser importance for Martin than

Rosa and Sanjay. He wanted a space adjacent o the window. He also wanted to be closer to

Martin. Such issue are making the communication between the members difficult and so do

decreasing the performance.

Is this conflict a relational conflict? If so, what type of relational conflict? Is there a

content dimension to this conflict?

The conflict is clearly a relational conflict. The members have taken the conflict to the level

of self esteem. Bradley, for example considers that he is being given lesser importance than

other members. The conflict has a content dimension as the major conflict from the

Bradley’s side is due to his belief that being the senior most employee (in term of time

period), he must have been given a better location in the office.

Using Fisher and Ury’s Method of Principled Negotiation, how would you separate the

people from the problem? What do you think is really, really going on in this conflict?

The best way is that the members should make a meeting and everyone must be given a

chance to explain his concern and share his opinion regarding the shifting to new location.

Since it was a very sudden and unexpected shifting, this created a feeling of discomfort for

the members. The major reason behind the conflict is the discomfort of the members and

their inability to communicate their concerns.


Page 20: Leadership and Management - Xpertsolver · What characteristics of Tim’s leadership would you like to incorporate into your own style of leadership? Tim’s determination is an

Using the Kilmann and Thomas conflict styles, how would you characterize Sanjay’s

conflict style? What about Bradley? Do Rosa and Kris have a style as well?

Sanjay is portraying an image of avoidance style. He is not being co-operative and

unassertive. Furthermore he has his own concerns which are not being dealt with. This is

causing distraction for him at the work. His distraction can be resolved by the proper

communication with his neighbouring members who create disturbance for him by


Bradley’s style is competitive. He is trying to convey his point of being unsatisfied with the

space he Is given. He is asserting his importance and seniority but not being co-operative.

Rosa and Kris do not follow these styles of conflict.

How could Martin use “fractionation” and “face saving” in attempting to resolve this


Martin can solve the conflicts by breaking down the large conflicts into small pieces of

conflicts and then solving the small conflicts. Smaller conflicts are easier to resolve and

create lesser discomfort. They involve lesser emotional or content issues.

Face saving on the other hand involves the eliminating of conflicts by giving members, a

chance to represent their personalities. This involves communication and can be

implemented by arranging meetings where everyone will get a chance to express his

