leadership development - the compound effect by darren hardy

Leadership Development 9/20/14

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Leadership Development 9/20/14
  2. 2. Introductions Who you are? What project are you working? How long have you been with the company? What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job
  3. 3. Get to know more people Find somebody youve never spoken to and identify at least 5 things that you have in common. OFF LIMITS Youre both here today You both went to high school You both like food Youre both work at AMP Youre both alive, not dead, etc You both have 3 arms, 2 legs, body hair, etc. You get it, right?
  4. 4. Why are you here?
  6. 6. The Compound Effect The principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices The end product is massive; the steps may not feel significant Small, smart choices + consistency + time = radical difference
  7. 7. WHY?
  8. 8. Who do people FAIL TO SUCCEED?
  9. 9. Group Exercise Lets bring this closer to home What specifically can get in the way of our success?
  10. 10. Magic Penny Would you rather $3M or a penny doubling in value every day for 31 days? $10,737,418
  11. 11. What day did the choice to pick the penny actually surpass the choice to take $3M?
  12. 12. The Compound Effect The principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices The end product is massive; the steps may not feel significant
  13. 13. Scott vs. Larry
  14. 14. Scott Scott buys a 70 inch flat screen TV and becomes an amateur chef for family & friends making everything he sees on the food network
  15. 15. Larry Larry reads 10 pages of a good book, listens to 30 min of instructional / inspirational book and walks a mile a day
  16. 16. Scott 5 months LARRY IS SO STUPID
  17. 17. Larry 5 months Scott seems so happy!!
  18. 18. Scott 10 / 18 or 25 months later
  19. 19. Larry 10/18 or 25 months later
  20. 20. Scott @ 31 months Up 30 lbs Eating and cooking has made him sluggish at night, he goes to bed groggy and wakes up tired and cranky. Feels more tired, work is harder! Feels less attractive and is talking to his wife less. She spends more time with friends to replace loneliness.
  21. 21. Larry @ 31 months Larry has lost 30 lbs Larry earned a promotion, has more energy than ever to spend time with his family & friends and his relationship with wife has never been better!
  22. 22. What does The ripple effect mean?
  23. 23. Whats the definition of hard work?
  24. 24. SUSTAINING
  25. 25. GOOD
  26. 26. HABITS
  27. 27. Is it harder work to get in shape or to stay in shape?
  28. 28. Why does wealth very often skip a generation?
  29. 29. What is the biggest danger of success? COMFORT
  30. 30. How can incremental change be dangerous?
  31. 31. The Compound Effect is always at workone way or the
  32. 32. Think about our business 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 year 4 Top Performing Rep New Business
  33. 33. What about a rep who increase new business per month each year? 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 year 4 Rep who increases new each year New business
  34. 34. What does it mean to earnings? $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 What does it mean to earnings? Earnings
  35. 35. What does is mean to your career?
  36. 36. The Only PREDICTABLE Path to Success: Continuum of mundane, unsexy, unexciting, and sometimes difficult daily disciplines compounded over time. Continuum of mundane, unsexy, unexciting, and sometimes difficult daily disciplines compounded over time. Continuum of mundane, unsexy, unexciting, and sometimes difficult daily disciplines compounded over time.
  37. 37. Group Exercise Write out 3 excuses that we can make about work, about life, about anything. Why we dont get what we want! Write down 3 seemingly small small actions we can take to move our work & lives in a new positive direction.
  38. 38. We all come into the world the same, after that its all choices
  39. 39. Have you ever been bit by an elephant?
  40. 40. When we bring forth a problem, is it ever the case that we dont really want a solution?
  41. 41. I cannot get in front of people Ive heard this at least 1,000 times (no exaggeration), Ive NEVER, EVER HEAD THESE SEVEN WORDS uttered enthusiastically!
  42. 42. Ask yourself and communicate, do I
  43. 43. Do I want help?
  44. 44. The best way to solve problems
  45. 45. Leadership advice from Gary
  46. 46. Do more people see it this way? WHY??
  47. 47. PROBLEM
  48. 48. . Thanksgiving Year Round
  49. 49. What % of shared responsibility do we have in making
  50. 50. 100% Responsibility Only when were willing to take _____ responsibility for making a relationship work will it work. Otherwise, a relationship left to ______ and will always be vulnerable to
  51. 51. We
  52. 52. OWN
  53. 53. OUR
  54. 54. CHOICES!
  55. 55. WE
  56. 56. CHOOSE
  57. 57. HOW
  58. 58. WE
  59. 59. RESPOND
  60. 60. TO WHAT
  61. 61. HAPPENS
  62. 62. TO US!
  63. 63. Hardy quote You alone are responsible for what you do, dont do and how you respond to whats done to you. Why is this important? Control =
  64. 64. When we dont feel like were in control, how
  65. 65. What happens if our enthusiasm wanes?
  66. 66. How does luck play into the formula? Whats a time that we were really lucky in the sales field?
  67. 67. Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Records) Yes, of course, we are all lucky. If you live in a free society, you are lucky. Luck surrounds us every day; we are constantly having lucky things happen to us whether you recognize it or not. I have not been any more lucky or unlucky than anyone else. The difference is when luck came my way, I took
  68. 68. Luck formula (what are the variables?) Preparation + Attitude + Opportunity + Action = LUCK
  69. 69. What does this mean? Luck is an equal opportunity distributor
  71. 71. How do you know if youre winning?
  72. 72. Why do people not keep score?
  73. 73. To get results, we have to take ACTION!
  74. 74. GROUP Exercise: What is something that I want to improve that where I can keep score? How? What is something that I can take back to my DM that would be fun to keep score against? What will make it more fun? What is something the company can
  75. 75. Something doesnt become a habit until we practice it for 3 WEEKS (or longer)
  76. 76. PLEASE
  77. 77. Little disciplines
  78. 78. Can offer
  79. 79. Low Pay offs
  80. 80. Over short periods of time!
  82. 82. Its not the big things! Difference between #1 golfer and #10 golfer in the world is less than 1.9 strokes.. But the #1 golfer makes 5 times what the #10 golfer in the world
  83. 83. 212
  84. 84. Beverley
  85. 85. Step 1 Chart 1 Mile Course
  86. 86. Step 2 Walk it 3 times in next 2 weeks
  87. 87. Step 3 Light Job only as far as comfortable
  88. 88. Step 4 Increase 1/8th mile each day (300 more steps)
  89. 89. How to run a marathon Day 1 jog 1/4th of a mile and walk 3/4th increasing the running distance 1/8th of a mile each day.
  90. 90. In 6 months YOURE RUNNING 13.5 MILES
  91. 91. What else happened for Beverly? Increased energy, more enthusiasm, more life satisfaction, happier at work! More interaction with kids, increased affection for husband, made friends with runners!
  92. 92. This is not a plug for exercise = )
  93. 93. If were not trying to improve things
  95. 95. A RESULT
  97. 97. Group Exercise What area, person or circumstance in your life do you struggle with the most? Write down ten reasons the reinforces and expands your gratitude in that area? Write down three things you can start doing right now to take back responsibility for the outcomes of your life.
  98. 98. Habits
  99. 99. Habits The older they are, the bigger they get, the deeper the roots grow and the harder they are to uproot. Some get so big, with roots so deep, you might hesitate to try.
  100. 100. Habits 95% of everything we feel, think, do and achieve is a result of a learned habit! Were born with instinctswe develop with habits Habits can be helpful Allow us to use minimal conscious energy for every day tasks Successful sales people habits: Mental Preparation Positive Self-Talk
  101. 101. What are life learned habits that can prevent, stall or derail success in our business?
  102. 102. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle
  103. 103. Successful people are. Smarter Better Looking Luckier
  104. 104. Successful people are Disciplined Have developed good habits
  105. 105. With enough practice and repetition, any behavior, good or bad, becomes automatic over time.
  106. 106. Choose to make up for a lack of innate ability with discipline, hard work and good habits!
  107. 107. What is the danger of bad habits? The problem is that the payoff or instant gratification derived from bad habits often far outweighs whats going on in your rational mind concerning long-term consequences.
  108. 108. Bad habits sneak in
  109. 109. How do we break bad habits?
  110. 110. Its not willpower that makes you successful, its why power.What the hell does that mean?
  111. 111. Align your choices with purpose!
  112. 112. And the purpose, must be powerful!!
  113. 113. Hows are meaningless unless the whys are powerful enough!
  114. 114. Is you why power great enough?
  115. 115. What ignites passion? Monetary or material goals?
  116. 116. Success without fulfillment is destined for failure!
  117. 117. We must dig deeper to find our core motivation, to activate our SUPERPOWER
  118. 118. What we do speaks to what we want!
  119. 119. If you really want to be a winner, you cannot hang out with ______. If you really want to be positive, you cannot hang out with
  120. 120. How do we find our fight? Choose an friendly enemy! Say what? Let the past hurtful experiences be fuel for positive constructive change! Set Goals
  121. 121. Setting Goals The highest achievers in the world have all succeeded because they mapped out their goals. Paul Meyer Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon.must inevitably come to pass.
  122. 122. Setting goals gives the brain something to look
  123. 123. Goal setting The most successful people write down and communicate their goals! WHY? Goals must be aligned and defined! Is your goal to be #1? If yes why? What then?
  124. 124. Goals are set, now Who do I need to become to achieve goal? If you want to have more, you have to become
  125. 125. Achieving goals is a doing process or stop doing process.
  126. 126. Life formula: YOU CHOICE (decision) + BEHAVIOR (action) + HABIT (repeated action) + COMPOUNDED (time) = GOALS
  127. 127. CHANGE IS HARD!
  128. 128. Whats blocking us? How many hours of TV (do we really know)? How many cans of soda? Snooze button? Makes you more droggy, new sleep cycle No routine / brain is confused Time on Facebook, reading online gossip, etc.
  129. 129. Eliminate Bad Habits Identify your triggers What situations prompt bad habits? Clean house get rid of whatever enables your bad habits Swap it (1) salty snacks vs. healthy snacks when watching TV (2) talk to somebody negative vs. talk to somebody positive Ease in Or Jump in
  130. 130. Installing Good Habits Set yourself up to succeed (dont join a gym 35 minutes from home) Think addition, not subtraction (Montel Williams fills up on healthy food to reduce craving.spend more time with kids, pick a hobby) Go for a PDA: Public Display of Accountability Find a success buddy Competition and Camaraderie Celebrate
  131. 131. Dr. Martin Luther King The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of
  132. 132. Keep Doing it
  133. 133. BE PATIENT
  134. 134. Group Work Identify your 3 best habits that support your most important goals Identify your 3 bad habits that take you off course Identify 3 new habits that you need to develop to put you on track toward you most important goal Whats your core motivation? Write down a concise, compelling goal.
  135. 135. The power of momentum
  136. 136. How? This will sound familiar (1) Make choices based on your goals and core values (2) Put those choices to work through new positive behaviors (3) Repeat those healthy actions long enough to establish new habits (4) Build routines and rhythms into your daily disciplines (5) Stay consistent over a long period of time
  137. 137. ROUTINES =
  138. 138. Develop Routines Why do you think in military training they start with making bed, shining shoes? These soldiers can instinctively act with precision in the middle of chaos!
  139. 139. Any guesses on why we have everyone memorize a script?
  140. 140. 1996 Masters
  141. 141. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine! Mike Murdock
  142. 142. Why do you think I start every day singing?
  143. 143. Guess how I finish every day?
  144. 144. Bookend your days You can always control how you start your day and how you finish your day.
  145. 145. Cash out each day What needs to be forwarded? What is done and can be scratched off the list?
  146. 146. Group Exercise What routines can we establish in the morning and at the end of the day?
  147. 147. Choosing to be consistent, keeps momentum going
  148. 148. When a train is at stand still, a 1 inch block of wood and keep in from moving. Once it gets going 55mph if can crash through a 5 ft steel reinforced concrete wall and keep
  149. 149. Register your Rhythm.. Behavior/ Action Mon Tue Achieved Goal Net 5 additional calls X X 2 2 Smiley face Endorse X 2 1 (1) 30 min card X X 2 2 Smiley face 1o min read X 2 1 (1) Healthy Breakfast X X 2 2 Smiley Face Date Night w/ spouse X 1 1 Smiley face
  151. 151. The Power of Consistency LA to Manhattan at 200 mph straight through Vs. LA to Manhattan at 500 mph stopping at every stop This trip will take 10 times longer!
  152. 152. What gets in our way?
  153. 153. Why 40 calls every day?
  154. 154. Influences What influences us?
  155. 155. (1)Input what we feed our mind (2)Associations people we spend time with (3)Environment our surroundings
  156. 156. What do we put into our bodies Our brains have one agenda __________ Our brains will traffic to _________ We must control what goes into our bodies! SURVIVAL NEGATIVE
  157. 157. Avoid the news? Replace with something else!
  158. 158. Enroll in drive time u We can earn the equivalent of a PHD in leadership, sales success, wealth building, relationship excellence in the time we spend in our car.
  159. 159. Who do you spend most of your time with?
  160. 160. Are they helping or hurting?
  161. 161. My 1st and 2nd sales team
  162. 162. Who do we want our children to hang out with?
  163. 163. Action Write down 5 people you spend the most time with & list their main characteristicspositive and negative!
  164. 164. May be hard But are their people we need to disassociate with ?
  165. 165. Expand associations To spend time with people who possess positive qualities on areas we want to improve
  166. 166. Find a peak performance partner
  167. 167. Change your environment
  168. 168. Create a work space that you want to work in
  169. 169. Clean out your car.
  170. 170. Organization & FLYPP Is it easier to keep our houses clean by doing a little cleaning every day OR with one fell swoop a big chunk of Saturday? HOW DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL?
  171. 171. Organization & FLYPP How about now?
  173. 173. Action Write down 2 areas of life you want to improve. Who can you spend more time with that will support/foster/teach growth?
  174. 174. ACCELERAT E!!!
  175. 175. Ever hit the wall? What does your body want to
  176. 176. Ever get or feel stuck in a project? What is the easiest thing to do?
  177. 177. Lance Armstrong..There is a point in every race where a rider encounters his real opponent and understands that its himself. In my most painful moments on the bike, I am most curious & I wonder each and every time how I will respond. Will I discover my innermost weakness, or
  178. 178. Hitting the wall isnt an obstacle Its an opportunity!!!
  179. 179. Multiply your results Once you push past the wall, push a littler further, go a little longer Peaks & Valleys
  180. 180. Do the unexpected Nordstrom Asked to clean the bathroom, clean the hole house Send out Thanksgiving cards vs. Christmas cards
  181. 181. NOW WHAT? Take immediate action Understand to get different results, were going to have to do things differently Think back 5 years are you where you want to be? If not why? SIMPLE CHOICES Choose to not let the next 5 years be a continuum of the last 5