leading and learning from failures the shackleton way: education and practice kevin l. rens, phd, pe...

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Leading and Learning from Failures the Shackleton Way: Education and Practice Kevin L. Rens, PhD, PE Amy J. Rens, PE, PTOE Slide 2 Overview of Presentation Polar exploration and Engineering Failures Leadership defined The Race for the South Pole Shackleton and the Endurance Student Comments Stefansson and the Karluk Engineering Failures C-470 Girder Collapse Highland Pedestrian Bridge Student Comments Conclusion Do the right thing Slide 3 Definition of Leadership (ELP) Leaders, Followers, and goals make up the three equally necessary supports for leadership The Leader is one who mobilizes others toward a goal shared by leader and followers Certain Trumpets by Garry Wills 16 different types of leaders and their Antitype Slide 4 The Race for the South Pole Slide 5 Last Unexplored Frontier Players Robert Falcon Scott (British) Roald Amundsen (Norwegian) Ernest Shackleton (British Ireland) Discovery (1901-1903) Nimrod (1907-1909) Endurance (1914-1917) Quest (1921-1922) Slide 6 The Race for the South Pole Scott and Shackleton (Discovery 1902- 1903) Furthest South (500 miles from SP) Shackleton (Nimrod 1909) Furthest South (97 miles from SP) Amundsen won on December 15, 1911 Scott arrived days later only to find the Norwegian flag stuck in the ice! Scott Died on the return trip. Slide 7 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition The Pole already discovered, Shackleton set out to hike the continent Endurance (1914-1917) Shackleton Family Motto Fortitudine Vincimus By Endurance we Conquer Slide 8 Evangelist James Dobson Why did Dr. Dobson reprint Lansings Original book Endurance? my belief that there are millions of people who have not yet read this remarkable story and will appreciate it having being brought to their attention.[10] Slide 9 "Men wanted for Hazardous Journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, Honour and recognition in case of success" Ernest Shackleton Endurance with and without sail Slide 10 Source: South Pole dot com Endurance: 635 days and nights Set Sail from South Georgia Dec 5, 1914 Within Days enter loose pack ice Source: Kodak dot com (really Frank Hurley) Slide 11 Endurance: 635 days and nights Endurance Beset in Ice Jan 18, 1915 Endurance Crushed and sank Nov 21, 1915 Source: south pole dot com Source Frank Hurley Slide 12 Endurance: Patience Camp Oct 1915 to April 1916 Source: Antarctic Connection dot com Slide 13 The Trip to Elephant Island Launched 3 salvaged Life boats on April 09, 1916 (Landed on Elephant Island April 22, 1916) Slide 14 Elephant Island Elephant Island was really Elephant Rock Shackleton selected 5 men and set sail on April 24, 1916 in the James Caird Source: Galenfrysinger.com and wickapedia and Hurley Slide 15 The Greatest Boat Journey Ever 700 mile trip to South Georgia 50 foot waves Hurricane Landed on West Side of South Georgia on May 10, 1916 Source: James Caird Society and NASA Slide 16 The James Caird Society Slide 17 The Greatest Hike Ever Selected 2 men 36 hour hike over unmapped glacial fields May 12, 1916 (7am) back to Stromness whaling station at Grytviken 4 months later after 4 attempts, the 22 men at Elephant Island were rescued (source: Wickapedia and Frank Hurley) Slide 18 The Greatest Hike Ever Source: Shackletons Captain (Worsley Biography) Slide 19 Frank Hurley Hurley is a warrior with his camera and would go anywhere or do anything to get a picture Slide 20 How did Shackleton Fail Forward? Sports Equality Roommates Books Source: South Pole dot com (really Hurley) Slide 21 How did Shackleton Fail Forward? Haircutting tournament The Variety Show Source: The Shackleton Voyages (Huntford) Slide 22 How did Shackleton Fail Forward? Source: Shipwreck at the bottom of the world (Armstrong) Gramophone evening at the Ritz Saturday evening toast to our wives and sweethearts Slide 23 How did Shackleton Fail Forward? He adjusted his goal So now, we go home [18] He obsessed with getting his crew home safely Skipper, if anything happens to me while those fellas are waiting for me, I shall feel like a murderer. Slide 24 How did Shackleton Fail Forward? Shackleton pushed Frank Wild to take his breakfast biscuit, insisting that his friend needed it more than he did. When Wild refused, the boss (Shackleton) threatened to bury it in the snow rather than to eat it himself. Wild took the biscuit. It was a gesture he never forgot. [14] Slide 25 How did Shackleton Fail Forward? When Hurley lost his mittens, Shackleton insisted that he take his own. When Hurley objected, Shackleton was to the point of throwing his gloves over and into the water rather than wear his own when a crew member had to be without. [18] Slide 26 How did Shackleton Fail Forward? The night was a Blur. Once Perce fell asleep while holding a board in place on the dam. He found a mug of soup in his hand and didnt know how it got there. The strangest thing was how the boss was everywhere all the time. When a shift was finished on the pumps, there he was with mugs of chocolate. [13] Slide 27 Evangelist James Dobson Let me simply dedicate this edition of Endurance to every reader who has faced impossible challenges and gales of grief. Perhaps you are such a person who has encountered perilous mountains too high to scale. I hope this book will encourage you not to give up. It was through the indomitable courage and perseverance of the explorers that they overcame terrible obstacles and lived to tell their story. Theres a message here for all of us.[10] Slide 28 DVD Documentaries Morgan StanleyIMAX A&EHollywood Slide 29 Student Responses to Shackleton The Shackleton story was not only inspiring but moving. I think you chose a perfect time to show this movie. At a time when most of us have been thinking we have it so terribly bad and we cant possibly push through, it put me in my place to see the story of these men. Its amazing that any one human would triumph in such a situation; let alone 27 men. Determination and sheer will made it possible for these men to live on in life and return home safely to their families. Fall 2006 CE 3505 comment Slide 30 Student Responses to Shackleton This story really put things into perspective for me. I find myself constantly stressing out over minor things that are not worth stressing out over. Life is too short to dwell on the mishaps that each and every one of us have. Rather life is meant to be a journey that we go through and make due with. A bad test here or there, not making enough money, fighting with your spouse, etc. all suck, but the ones who are able to get through the adversity are truly successful. I feel as if I take a lot of things for granted. This story has made me look at life differently. As long one tries with all they have got, life is a success. Shackleton is great example of what life truly should be about, determination to live to the fullest. Spring 2007 CE 3505 comment Slide 31 Many books available on the Endurance Saga Slide 32 1. Vision 2. Symbolism 3. Optimism 4. Stamina 5. Team Unity 6. Respect 7. Conflict 8. Celebration 9. Risk 10. Perseverance WORKRELATIONSHIPS PHYSICAL HEALTH RENEWAL PURPOSE Slide 33 Many books available on Antarctic explorations Slide 34 Other leadership books Slide 35 Vilhjalmur Stefansson Literally and figuratively the polar opposite of Shackleton More concerned about completing the expedition as opposed to the safety of the crew Slide 36 Source: Canadian Museum of Civilization The Karluk August 12, 1913 became similarly trapped September 12, 1913 Stefansson organized a hunting party to forage for meat Was not seen for approximately 5 years Source: Nivens [2] Slide 37 Source: Canadian Museum of Civilization Source: Ice Master (Nivens) [2] Slide 38 Why did Stefansson Fail Backward? Inequality Source: Nivens [2] Goodbye Mr. Stefansson Slide 39 Why did Stefansson Fail Backward? ..lives were secondary to the success of the exploration. [2] His way was the right way did not listen to the advice of his crew that the questioner had no right to ask question was impertinent Slide 40 Why did Stefansson Fail Backward? Stefansson preferred to plunge ahead, heedless of detailed planning, confident everything would work out. His friend Richard Finnie described him as really a lone wolf explorer..at best when traveling by himself or with a few congenial followers. [2] Slide 41 Why did Stefansson Fail Backward? Stefansson had not gone on any hunting party. Bartlett (Captain) knew it in his gut. Stefansson had abandoned ship. He had been anxious to be on his way, to continue his grand expedition. He could not sit still any longer. Whatever his motives, McConnell, Wilkins, Jenness, Jimmy, and Jerry (accompanying Stefansson) were probably unaware. As far as any of them knew, they were on a hunting trip, and it didnt seem to occur to any of them that a secretary, a photographer, and an anthropologist made a strange hunting party. If it truly was a hunting trip, why was Hadley, the great trapper, not included? Or Chafe, the expert marksman? Why did Kuraluk, the best by far of the Eskimo hunters, remain on the Karluk while two other lesser hunters went in his place? If Stefansson were planning a simple hunting trip, surely he would have taken Kuraluk, who could of stood to be separated from his family for that short period of time. But if his intentions were indeed to be gone longer, better to take the two single Eskimos, knowing as he did the native tradition of families staying together when hired. [16] Slide 42 Consequence of Failing Backward Stefansson left behind 22 men, 1 woman, and 2 children 11 of these 25 would not survive in the end [16]. Source: Nivens [2] Slide 43 Arctic Exploration References Slide 44 Engineering Case Studies Project Management is Responsibility C-470 Bridge over I-70 Golden, CO Highland Pedestrian Bridge over I-25 Denver, CO Student Comments Slide 45 C-470 Girder Failure Golden, CO Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 46 C-470 Girder Failure Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 47 Timeline Tuesday Night: 05/11/04 9:00 pmClosed I-70 12:00 am Realized one section was backwards 1:00 am Mid-air splicing resumed 4:00 am Temporary bracing started 4:30 am Difficulty with bolts 5:30 am Reopened I -70 Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 48 Timeline Wednesday: 05/12/04 Weather conditions prevent construction 8:45 pm General contractors supervisor inspects girder Thursday: 05/13/04 Driver takes a photo of rotated girder Saturday: 05/15/04 8:49 am Traveler calls 911 to report a twisted girder 9:00 am CDOT engineer observed buckled girder 10:04 am Girder falls and strikes an SUV Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 49 C-470 Girder Failure Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 50 C-470 Girder Failure Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 51 Structural Failure Caused by: Out-of-Plume Girder Temporary Brace No. 2 Inadequate bolt depth in deck Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 52 Issues Short time window allowed No pre-qualification of subcontractors No stamped set of erection plans No pre-erection meeting No structural engineer on site No contingency plans No pre-defined inspection plan after installation CDOTs practice to not interfere with Contractors process Source: NTSB Report HAB-06-01 Slide 53 Lessons Learned CDOT Prequalification of subcontractors Process for Safety Critical Work Construction plan to CDOT Safety critical work Qualifications of supervisor Contingency plans Safety Critical Element Conference Final plan sealed by Contractors PE CDOT Engineers authority to stop work Slide 54 Lessons Learned CDOT Erection of Structures Pre-erection conference Erection plan sealed by Contractors PE Contractors Engineer to specify False work plans Bolt Torque requirements Girder stresses at critical points Contractors Engineer inspects and approves erection before opening to traffic Daily inspections of temporary structures Slide 55 Highland Bridge over I-25 Denver, CO Source: Carter & Burgess Slide 56 Highland Bridge Denver, CO Source: Jeffrey Beall; www.flickr.com/photos/denverjeffrey Slide 57 Slide 58 Timeline Friday Night: 08/04/06 Closed I-25 at midnight Set East and West Anchors Reopened I -25 Saturday Night: 08/05/06 Closed I-25 at midnight Set 2 middle spans Sunday Afternoon: 08/06/06 Reopened I-25 Bridge Grand Opening December 16, 2006 Slide 59 Highland Bridge Denver, CO Source: Ken www.denverinfill.com/blog/2006/08/highland-bridge-denver-milestone Slide 60 Source: Ken www.denverinfill.com/blog/2006/08/highland-bridge-denver-milestone Slide 61 Source: Ken www.denverinfill.com/blog/2006/08/highland-bridge-denver-milestone Slide 62 Source: Ken www.denverinfill.com/blog/2006/08/highland-bridge-denver-milestone Slide 63 Source: Ken www.denverinfill.com/blog/2006/08/highland-bridge-denver-milestone Slide 64 Source: Ken www.denverinfill.com/blog/2006/08/highland-bridge-denver-milestone Slide 65 Grand Opening December 16, 2006 Source: Jeffrey Beall; www.flickr.com/photos/denverjeffrey Slide 66 Student Comments a lot of the reason CCD (Denver) handled the construction the way they did is because of the lessons learned by the C-470 girder incident. Yes, CDOT changed its polices and procedures as far as bridge erection is concerned, but many other municipalities also learned valuable lessons Spring 2007 CE 5508 comment Slide 67 Student Comments We all agree that there is a need for integrity. The question we need to ask is how far and how long will we stand for what we feel is the right thingHolding to strong ethics and integrity doesnt always make you a popular person. Spring 2007 CE 5508 comment Slide 68 Student Comments As engineers, we have the responsibility to look past money, schedule, even our own designs, and make sure the safety of workers and the public are set as priority one. its not just one big choice on a project that leads to disaster; its a lot of little choices along the way. Spring 2007 CE 5508 comments Slide 69 Conclusion The basic theme of this paper is simple enough Just do the right thing I have heard this in Coaching, Teaching, Consulting, and have read it in the papers Slide 70 Conclusion: Do the Right Thing Shackleton, Stefannson, CDOT, and CCD all had to satisfy their own personal codes of ethics. Was it the right thing? Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public Code of Ethics for Engineers National Society of Professional Engineers Slide 71 Thank You Any Questions?