learning objective: understand how the depression affected germany and how it helped hitler gain...

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  • Learning Objective: Understand how the Depression affected Germany and how it helped Hitler gain power. Hitlers Rise to Power
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  • Wall Street Crash Global Depression Panic SellingStocks go through floor Banks Collapse No jobs, No economy Bank Runs No capital, No investment
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  • Legacy of the Wall Street Crash Depression spreads to rest of world Military solutions to economic problems Rise of fascism in Germany, Italy and Japan Rise of Josef Stalin in Russia Increase in popularity of extremist parties and socialism Conflict and invasion
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  • Key Words Extremist A person who holds extreme political or religious views and supports extreme actions to get what they want. Fascist Someone who believes in dictatorships, violence and racism to get what they want.
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  • Player profile: Adolf Hitler Born: 20 April 1889 Died: 30 April 1945 Position: Right wing Pet likes: Persecuting Jews, invading other countries, pontificating, dictating Pet hates: Democracy, Jews, any foreigners, the Treaty of Versailles, communists.
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  • Hitler the war hero Serves as a corporal in the German Army during WW1. Received Iron Cross first class and second class Despite being from Austria originally he becomes very nationalistic and proud of his adopted homeland. Hitler is infuriated by the German surrender to the Allies and the subsequent harshness of the Treaty of Versailles
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  • Read it Think about it Summarise it
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  • Hitler fought in World War I. The experience made him passionate about Germany and he was angered by the Treaty of Versailles and Germanys surrender. Example
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  • Hitler returns from the war In 1919, Hitler was appointed as an intelligence commando to infiltrate the German Workers Party. They would later become the Nazis and Hitler their leader. Hitler was impressed with founder Anton Drexlers anti- semitic, nationalist, anti-capitalist, anti-Marxist ideas.
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  • Weimar Germany Democratic parliament replaced the imperial form of Government in 1919 accepted the Treaty of Versailles Constantly under attack from both right and left wing opposition parties Left wing wanted communism, the right wing wanted authoritarian, non democratic government Default on reparations payments led to the French occupation of the Ruhr Government then accused of causing hyperinflation After a period of stability from 1923-29, where a number of international agreements were signed under Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann, the Wall Street Crash brought the government slowly to its knees This is when Hitler comes to the fore
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  • Hitler and the Nazi Party Hitler impresses with his oratory skills and by 1921 has assumed leadership of the party, but not without a fight Begins speaking at beer halls in front of large crowds and starts getting a fan base including significant future figures He spoke out against the Treaty of Versailles, rival politicians, Communists and Jews
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  • The Nazi Way National Socialist German Workers Party Persecution of Jews, communists, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled Anti-semitic, anti-democratic, anti-capitalist, anti-Marxist, anti-liberal Hitler as Fuhrer leader Straight armed salute Swastika A symbol of the Aryan race and a replacement of the Christian cross
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  • The Beer Hall Putsch Putsch = Coup November 8, 1923, Hitler and supporters storm a public meeting in Munich and try to take over the Bavarian government Hitler was arrested for treason and imprisoned in Landsberg Prison This is a significant event because it was Hitlers way of testing how strong his support was and how weak the governments was
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  • The 1930s Industry collapses, millions are unemployed By 1930 the grand coalition ruling Weimar Germany collapsed Chancellor Heinrich Bruning led a Centre Party minority government implementing policy through emergency decrees In desperation many Germans turn to Hitler and the Nazis who moved up to 18.3% and the 2 nd most popular party in 1930 election By 1932 they had moved to 33.1%, Hitler is appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg on Jan 30, 1933 Nazis take control of Parliament under Hitler and thwart any attempts for other parties to gain a majority Eventually Hindenburg dies and Hitler, as the next most senior politician, becomes the supreme leader of Germany in April 1934
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  • Hitlers appeal Charisma Hitler was strong and decisive, he offered explanations of why things went wrong and what the Nazis could do better He appealed to peoples desperation and they liked what they heard He manipulated his opponents He wanted to overthrow the Treaty of Versailles and recover lands lost during WWI Return Germany to its golden days Provide Lebensraum by subduing inferior peoples in Poland and Russia The east would also provide food and valuable materials for Germany People were desperate
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  • The Depression Hitler becomes supreme leader ??