lecture 09: slam

Probabilistic State Estimation With Application To Vehicle Navigation Matthew Kirchner Naval Air Warfare Center – Weapons Division Department of ECEE – University of Colorado at Boulder November 1, 2010

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Page 1: Lecture 09: SLAM

Probabilistic State EstimationWith Application To Vehicle Navigation

Matthew KirchnerNaval Air Warfare Center – Weapons Division

Department of ECEE – University of Colorado at BoulderNovember 1, 2010

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• Why?• Review• Background• Kalman Filter• Particle Filter• SLAM

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Why Probability?

• Real sensors have uncertainty

• May have multiple sensors

• Some states are not directly observable

• Ambiguous sensor observations

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Importance of Bayes Rule

Bayes RuleRecursive Bayesian


Linear Kalman Filter

Unscented Kalman Filter

Extended Kalman Filter


FastSLAMParticle Filter FastSLAM

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Bayes Rule







Normalizing Constant

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Equivalent Bayes Rule

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Bayes Rule Example

• School: 60% boys and 40% girls• All boys wear pants• Half of girls wear skirts, half wear pants• You see a random student and can only tell

they are wearing pants.• Based on your observation, what is the

probability the student you saw is a girl?

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Bayes Rule Example

• School: 60% boys and 40% girls

• All boys wear pants• Half of girls wear skirts,

half wear pants• You see a random student

and can only tell they are wearing pants.

• Based on your observation, what is the probability the student you saw is a girl?

• We want to find:– P(Student=Girl | Clothes=Pants)

• Prior?– P(Student=Girl) = 0.4

• Likelihood?– P(Clothes=Pants | Student=Girl)

= 0.5

• Normalizing Constant?– P(Clothes=Pants) = 0.8

• Bayes Rule!– P(Student=Girl | Clothes=Pants)

= (0.5)*(0.4)/(0.8) = 0.25

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1D 2D

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1D 2D

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• 2D Probability density function described by mean vector and covariance matrix

• 1D Probability density function described by mean and variance

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Functions of Random Variables

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Functions of Random Variables

• Linear function

• Mean:

• Covariance:

• Linear functions only!


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Kalman Filter

• Introduced in 1960 by Rudolf Kalman• Many applications:– Vehicle guidance systems– Control systems– Radar tracking– Object tracking in video– Atmospheric models

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Kalman Filter

),|( ttt uzxPWe want to find:

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Kalman Filter






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Kalman Filter

• Process Model:– Deterministic:– Probabilistic: • Used to calculate prior distribution

• Observation Model:– Deterministic:– Probabilistic:• Used to calculate likelihood distribution

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Kalman Filter: Assumptions

• Underlying system is modeled as Markov–

• All beliefs are Gaussian distributions– Additive zero mean Gaussian noise

• Linear process and observation models– Process Model:•

– Observation Model:•

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Page 19: Lecture 09: SLAM

Kalman Filter Steps

1. Using process model, previous state, and controls, find prior– Sometimes called ‘predict’ step, or ‘a priori’

2. Using prior and observation model, find sensor likelihood– If I knew state, what should sensors read?

3. Find observation residual– Difference between actual sensor values and what

was calculated in step 2. Also sometimes called ‘innovation’.

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Kalman Filter Steps

4. Compute Kalman gain matrix5. Using Kalman gain and prior, calculate

posterior– Sometimes called ‘correct’ step or ‘a posteriori’

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Kalman Filter Steps

• Algorithm Kalman_Filter( )– 1a:– 1b:– 2:– 3:– 4:– 5a:– 5b:

• Return( )

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Page 22: Lecture 09: SLAM

Kalman Filter

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Kalman Filter Example


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Kalman Filter Example

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)KF 1.0030m

GPS Only 3.6840m

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Kalman Filter Example

GPS Lost

GPS Reacquired

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Kalman Filter Example

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Kalman Filter

• O(k^2.4+n^2)• Many real systems are non linear– Extended Kalman filter– Unscented Kalman filter– Particle filter

• Some systems are non-Gaussian– Particle filter

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Extended Kalman Filter

• Linearize process and observation models– By finding Jacobian matrices– Analytically or numerically

• Then use regular Kalman filter algorithm• Sub-optimal

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EKF Linearization

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EKF Linearization

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Unscented Kalman Filter

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Unscented Kalman Filter


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Particle Filter

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Particle Filter

• Represent distribution as set of randomly generated samples, called ‘particles’.

• Functions can be nonlinear and non-gaussian• Multi-hypothesis belief propagation

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Particle Filter

• Sample the prior• Compute likelihood of particles given

measurement– Also called particle ‘weights’

• Sample posterior: Sample from particles proportional to particle weights– Also called ‘resampling’ or ‘importance sampling’

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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

• SLAM Problem:– Need map to localize– Need location to make map

• Brainstorming: How can we solve this problem? – Map could be locations of landmarks or occupancy grid

• Kalman filter based: landmark positions part of state variables

• Particle filter based: landmark positions or occupancy map included in each particle

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Feature-based SLAM

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FastSLAM - Example

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Other Probabilistic Applications

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Other Probabilistic Applications