lecture #1 introduction

Lecture #1 Introduction CS492 Special Topics in Computer Science: Distributed Algorithms and Systems

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Lecture #1 Introduction. CS492 Special Topics in Computer Science: Distributed Algorithms and Systems. Instructor. Sue Moon ([email protected]) Room 4424, Bldg E3-1 (South Wing) Office hours: Tue 11:30-12:30 Thu 12:30-13:30, 17:30-18:30 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Lecture #1Introduction

CS492 Special Topics in Computer Science:Distributed Algorithms and Systems

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• Sue Moon ([email protected])– Room 4424, Bldg E3-1 (South Wing)– Office hours: Tue 11:30-12:30 Thu 12:30-13:30, 17:30-18:30– http://an.kaist.ac.kr/~sbmoon/schedule.html

• TAs– Hosung Park (hosung at an.kaist.ac.kr) – Head TA– Changhyun Lee (chlee at an.kaist.ac.kr)– Keon Jang (gunjang at an.kaist.ac.kr)

2Fall 2008 CS492

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Hosung Park


Changhyun Lee


Keon Jang(gunjang)


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Course Prerequisites

• CS330 Operating Systems• CS441 Introduction to Computer Networks

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Motivation behind this course

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Course Overview

• Theoretical basis of distributed systems• Hands-on experience with distributed systems• Team project

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Class Introduction

• Name and brief bio

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Ken Bain

“What the best college teachers do?”• Received knower• Subjective knower• Procedural knower• Commitment

– Separate knower– Connected knower

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Course Plan

• Lectures– Distributed Systems– Distributed Algorithms

• Hands-on Projects– Web server– MapReduce– MPI– Class project

9Fall 2008 CS492

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Computing Resources

• Dept cluster• NexR cluster

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• Project #1 (Changhyun)– Web server (warm-up)

• Project #2 (Hosung)– Hadoop/MapReduce

• Project #3 (Keon)– MPI vs Functional

• Project #4 (Hosung/Keon/Changhyun)– Design and implementation of a challenging distrib-

uted system

11Fall 2008 CS492

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Grading Policy

• Participation– 10%

• Quiz– 20%

• Projects (to be adjusted)– 10% Project #1– 15% Project #2– 15% Project #3– 30% Project #4

12Fall 2008 CS492

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Joint Workshop with Samsung SDS• 2009 년 9 월 2 일• 10-12:00

– 삼성 SDS 및 클라우드컴퓨팅기술그룹 소개 – 글로벌 시장 분석 및 리딩 컴퍼니 분석 – 삼성 SDS 클라우드 서비스 전략 및 bioinformatics – KAIST Computational Systems Biology Lab 소개 및 토론 ( 바이오시스템 이관수 )

• 1:00-3:00– KAIST CS492 과목 소개 및 클러스터 사용 현황 ( 전산학과 문수복 ) – NexR 소개 및 KAIST 클러스터 활용 현황 (NexR 한재선 ) – 모바일 서비스의 클라우드 컴퓨팅 활용 방안 ( 전산학과 송준화 ) – Testbed 구축 및 산학 활용 방안 : 30 분

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Distributed Systems

• Stock Exchange

• Commuter Trains• Telephone networks

• Air Traffic Control

• Trauma Centers

[Courtesy of Charles Killian]

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Flawed Distributed Systems

[Courtesy of Charles Killian]

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In This Course

• Instead of Yes/No– Answers will be: it depends

• Questions we raise– What do you think is a computer?– What do you think is a distributed system?– What are the constraints you have to consider

in building a distributed system?

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Textbook (I)

• Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design

– by George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg

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Textbook (II)

• Distributed Algorithms– by Nancy Lynch

18Fall 2008 CS492

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bern venice

prague suva

Virtual Center

VMWare ESX server


Manage virtual system

os1 os2 ,,,,, os5 os6 ,,,,,

os1 os5 os2 os6…. ….

virtual machine

OS image

Our Cluster