lecture 2- hr planning

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  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning



    Also known as workforce planning or personnel


    DefinitionThe process of determining the human resource

    needs of an organization and ensuring that the

    organization has the right number of qualified

    people in the right jobs at the right time.

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Explanation of the definition

    Matching the supply of people with those to be hired

    Process of determination of HR needs

    For a certain period of time

    Systematic assessment of future HR requirement

    Right people at right place (examples: absence of amanager, workload in a particular dept, due to a talented

    marketing manager demand increases but..)

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Relation with Organizational Planning

    HRP derived from organizational and operationalplan of the Orgn.

    What to do?

    Be familiar with the business strategy

    Research the HR implications on business

    Identifying human resource issues that affect obj

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Steps of HRP

    Determining Orgn Objectives

    Determining the skills and expertise required

    Determining additional HR Requirements

    Developing Action Plans

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Determining Orgn Objectives

    Objectives should be stated in terms of expectedresults (long term and short term)

    Involving all levels of Mgnt in the planning process

    Environmental Factors affecting HR needs

    Govt influence

    General Economic Conditions

    The Competition

    Changes in the workforce

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Determining Skills and Expertise

    After determining objectives skills and expertiserequired to meet their respective objectives to be


    Not to look at the present employees but future

    Examples: 10% increase of production

    Reviewing the current Job descriptions

    Determine the number of HR needs

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Methods of forecasting HR needs

    Several methods, but should not be taken as absolutesrather approximations

    It is Judgmental or mathematical


    More used than mathemetical

    Managerial estimates

    Delphi Technique

    Scenario analysis

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Managerial Estimates: Managers determine future needs

    based on past experience, it could be top-down, bottom

    up or combined.

    Delphi Technique: a panel of experts individually andindependently estimates future demand. An intermediary

    then presents and asks to readjust or continues until

    consensus emerges.

    Scenario Analysis: It encourages open and out of the boxthinking, a scenario developed of the future HR needs

    based on key point changes.

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Mathematical Techniques

    With the increased technical development the use

    of M technique increased off late..

    Statistical methods

    Statistical data are historical data to project future...

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Statistical Modeling

    Time Series Analysis: Past staffing levels areexamined; retrenchment (seasonal), calculate

    moving average and project

    Personnel Ratio: personnel data are examined to

    determine historical relationships among thenumber of employees in various jobs.

    Productivity Ratio:


    P= -------------------------

    Number of People

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning



    Regression Analysis: Past levels of various workloadindicators; sales, production etc. are examined for

    statistical relationships with staffing levels. Where

    sufficiently strong relationships are found, a regression

    model is derived.Benchmarking Models are also used in determining skills

    and expertise required for the organization.

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Determining Additional HR Requirements

    Once a manager has determined the types andnumber of employees required, HRM analyzes

    these estimates in light of the current and

    anticipated human requires of the orgn.

    Skill Inventory:Personal data: age, sex, marital status

    Skills: edu, job exp, training

    Special qualification: membership, achievements

    Salary and job history:

    Company data: benefit, seniority, retirement

    Capacity of individual

    Special preference of the individual: location

  • 7/28/2019 Lecture 2- HR Planning


    Managerial Inventory: It differs from individualassessments; In addition to bio data assessment of others

    like past performances, strengths, weaknesses and

    potential for advancement.

    Anticipating changes in personnel: some changes can bepredicted; retirement, transfer, promotion but some

    changes are difficult to project; death, resignations and

    discharges but past records can provide useful info