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Lecture Notes for Graduate Labor Economics, 14.662 Daron Acemoglu

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Lecture Notes for Graduate LaborEconomics, 14.662

Daron Acemoglu

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Part 1. The Theory of Human Capital Investments 3

Chapter 1. The Basic Theory of Human Capital 51. General Issues 52. Uses of Human Capital 73. Sources of Human Capital Differences 94. A Simple Two-Period Model of Schooling Investments and

Some Evidence 125. Evidence on Human Capital Investments and Credit

Constraints 156. The Ben-Porath Model 207. Selection and Wages–The One-Factor Model 238. Selection and Wages–A Simple Version of the Roy Model 26

Chapter 2. The Theory of Training Investments 291. General Vs. Specific Training 292. The Becker Model of Training 313. Market Failures Due to Contractual Problems 344. Training in Imperfect Labor Markets–The Basic Ideas 355. Training in Imperfect Labor Markets–General Equilibrium 44

Chapter 3. Tenure, Firm-Specific Skills and Incentives inOrganizations 57

1. The Evidence On Firm-Specific Rents and Interpretation 572. Investment in Firm-Specific Skills 63

Chapter 4. Signaling and Externalities 751. The Signaling Approach to Human Capital 752. Human Capital Externalities 843. Peer Group Effects 92

Part 2. Changes in the Wage Structure 105

Chapter 5. The Basic Trends and Interpretation 1071. Changes in the U.S. Wage Structure 1072. Interpretation 116


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Chapter 6. The Basic Theory of Skill Premia 1231. The Constant Elasticity of Substitution Framework 1232. Why Technical Change Must Have Been Skill Biased? 131

Chapter 7. Non-Technological Explanations For the Changes inthe Wage Structure 135

1. The Steady-Demand Hypothesis 1362. Evidence On Steady-Demand Vs. Acceleration 1383. Trade and Inequality 1434. Labor Market Institutions and Inequality 147

Chapter 8. Acceleration in Skill Bias 1511. Exogenous Acceleration Skill Bias 1512. Endogenous Acceleration Skill Bias 1603. A Puzzle: The Decline in the Wages of Low-Skill Workers 1674. Organizational Change 1705. Technical Change and Institutional Change 179

Chapter 9. Changes in Residual Inequality 1851. A single index model of residual inequality 1852. Sorting and residual inequality 1863. Churning and residual inequality 1884. A two-index model of residual inequality 190

Chapter 10. Cross-Country Inequality Trends 1931. Traditional Explanations 1932. Differential Changes in the Relative Demand for Skills 206

Part 3. Theories of Unemployment (Notes) 213

Chapter 11. Some Basic Facts About Unemployment 217

Chapter 12. Efficiency Wage Theories and Evidence 2191. The Shapiro-Stiglitz Model 2192. Evidence on Efficiency Wages 2243. Efficiency Wages, Monitoring and Corporate Structure 227

Chapter 13. Search 2391. The Basic Search Model 239

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These notes accompany the lectures I will give for the graduate

labor course. They cover 3 related topics:

(1) The theory of human capital.

(2) The determination of the returns to human capital and skills,

with special emphasis on the recent changes in the U.S. wage


(3) Determinants of unemployment, with special emphasis on the

rise in European unemployment.

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Part 1

The Theory of Human CapitalInvestments

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The Basic Theory of Human Capital

1. General Issues

One of the most important ideas in labor economics is to think

of the set of marketable skills of workers as a form of capital in which

workers make a variety of investments. This perspective is important in

understanding both investment incentives, and the structure of wages

and earnings.

Loosely speaking, human capital corresponds to any stock of knowl-

edge or characteristics the worker has (either inmate or acquired) that

contributes to his or her “productivity”. This definition is broad, and

this has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are clear:

it enables us to think of not only the years of schooling, but also of a

variety of other characteristics as part of human capital investments.

These include school quality, training, attitudes towards work, etc.

Using this type of reasoning, we can make some progress towards un-

derstanding some of the differences in earnings across workers that are

not accounted by schooling differences alone.

The disadvantages are also related. At some level, we can push

this notion of human capital too far, and think of every difference in

remuneration that we observe in the labor market as due to human

capital. For example, if I am paid less than another Ph.D., that must


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be because I have lower “skills” in some other dimension that’s not

being measured by my years of schooling–this is the famous (or infa-

mous) unobserved heterogeneity issue. The presumption that all pay

differences are related to skills (even if these skills are unobserved to

the economists in the standard data sets) is not a bad place to start

when we want to impose a conceptual structure on empirical wage dis-

tributions, but there are many notable exceptions, some of which will

be discussed later in the class. Here it is useful to mention three:

(1) Compensating differentials: a worker may be paid less in money,

because he is receiving part of his compensation in terms of

other (hard-to-observe) characteristics of the job, which may

include lower effort requirements, more pleasant working con-

ditions, better amenities etc.

(2) Labor market imperfections: two workers with the same hu-

man capital may be paid different wages because jobs differ in

terms of their productivity and pay, and one of them ended

up matching with the high productivity job, while the other

has matched with the low productivity one.

(3) Taste-based discrimination: employers may pay a lower wage

to a worker because of the worker’s gender or race due to their


In interpreting wage differences, and therefore in thinking of human

capital investments and the incentives for investment, it is important

to strike the right balance between assigning earning differences to

unobserved heterogeneity, compensating wage differentials and labor

market imperfections.

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2. Uses of Human Capital

The standard approach in labor economics views human capital

as a set of skills/characteristics that increase a worker’s productivity.

This is a useful starting place, and for most practical purposes quite

sufficient. Nevertheless, it may be useful to distinguish between some

complementary/alternative ways of thinking of human capital. Here is

a possible classification:

(1) The Becker view: human capital is directly useful in the pro-

duction process. More explicitly, human capital increases a

worker’s productivity in all tasks, though possibly differen-

tially in different tasks, organizations, and situations. In this

view, although the role of human capital in the production

process may be quite complex, there is a sense in which we

can think of it as represented (representable) by a unidimen-

sional object, such as the stock of knowledge or skills, h, and

this stock is directly part of the production function.

(2) The Gardener view: according to this view, we should not

think of human capital as unidimensional, since there are many

many dimensions or types of skills. A simple version of this

approach would emphasize mental vs. physical abilities as dif-

ferent skills. I dub this the Gardener view after the work by

the social psychologist Howard Gardener, who contributed to

the development of multiple-intelligences theory, in particu-

lar emphasizing how many geniuses/famous personalities were

very “unskilled” in some other dimensions.

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(3) The Schultz/Nelson-Phelps view: human capital is viewed

mostly as the capacity to adapt. According to this approach,

human capital is especially useful in dealing with “disequilib-

rium” situations, or more generally, with situations in which

there is a changing environment, and workers have to adapt

to this.

(4) The Bowles-Gintis view: “human capital” is the capacity to

work in organizations, obey orders, in short, adapt to life in

a hierarchical/capitalist society. According to this view, the

main role of schools is to instill the “correct” ideology and

approach towards life to individuals.

(5) The Spence view: observable measures of human capital are

more a signal of ability than characteristics independently use-

ful in the production process.

Despite their differences, the first three views are quite similar, in

that “human capital” will be valued in the market because it increases

firms’ profits. This is straightforward in the Becker and Schultz views,

but also similar in the Gardener view. In fact, in many applications,

labor economists’ view of human capital would be a mixture of these

three approaches. Even the Bowles-Gintis view has very similar im-

plications. Here, firms would pay higher wages to educated workers

because these workers will be more useful to the firm as they will obey

orders better and will be more reliable members of the firm’s hierar-

chy. The Spence view is different from the others, however, in that

observable measures of human capital may be rewarded because they

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are signals about some other characteristics of workers. We will discuss

different implications of these views below.

3. Sources of Human Capital Differences

It is useful to think of the possible sources of human capital differ-

ences before discussing the incentives to invest in human capital:

(1) Innate ability: workers can have different amounts of skills/human

capital because of innate differences. Research in biology/social

biology has documented that there is some component of IQ

which is genetic in origin (there is a heated debate about the

exact importance of this component, and some economists

have also taken part in this). The relevance of this obser-

vation for labor economics is twofold: (i) there is likely to be

heterogeneity in human capital even when individuals have ac-

cess to the same investment opportunities and the same eco-

nomic constraints; (ii) in empirical applications, we have to

find a way of dealing with this source of differences in human

capital, especially when it’s likely to be correlated with other

variables of interest.

(2) Schooling: this has been the focus of much research, since it

is the most easily observable component of human capital in-

vestments. It has to be borne in mind, however, that the R2

of earnings regressions that control for schooling is relatively

small, suggesting that schooling differences account for a rela-

tively small fraction of the differences in earnings. Therefore,

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there is much more to human capital than schooling. Never-

theless, the analysis of schooling is likely to be very informative

if we presume that the same forces that affect schooling invest-

ments are also likely to affect non-schooling investments. So

we can infer from the patterns of schooling investments what

may be happening to non-schooling investments, which are

more difficult to observe.

(3) School quality and non-schooling investments: a pair of iden-

tical twins who grew up in the same environment until the

age of 6, and then completed the same years of schooling may

nevertheless have different amounts of human capital. This

could be because they attended different schools with varying

qualities, but it could also be the case even if they went to the

same school. In this latter case, for one reason or another, they

may have chosen to make different investments in other com-

ponents of their human capital (one may have worked harder,

or studied especially for some subjects, or because of a va-

riety of choices/circumstances, one may have become more

assertive, better at communicating, etc.). Many economists

believe that these “unobserved” skills are very important in

understanding the structure of wages (and the changes in the

structure of wages). The problem is that we do not have good

data on these components of human capital. Nevertheless, we

will see different ways of inferring what’s happening to these

dimensions of human capital below.

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(4) Training: this is the component of human capital that workers

acquire after schooling, often associated with some set of skills

useful for a particular industry, or useful with a particular

set of technologies. At some level, training is very similar to

schooling in that the worker, at least to some degree, controls

how much to invest. But it is also much more complex, since

it is difficult for a worker to make training investments by

himself. The firm also needs to invest in the training of the

workers, and often ends up bearing a large fraction of the costs

of these training investments. The role of the firm is even

greater, once we take into account that training has a more of

a “matching” component in the sense that it is most useful for

the worker to invest in a set of specific technologies that the

firm will be using in the future. So training is often a joint

investment by firms and workers, complicating the analysis.

(5) Pre-labor market influences: there is increasing recognition

among economists that peer group effects to which individuals

are exposed before they join the labor market may also affect

their human capital significantly. At some level, the analysis of

these pre-labor market influences may be “sociological”. But

it also has an element of investment. For example, an altruis-

tic parent deciding where to live is also deciding whether her

offspring will be exposed to good or less good pre-labor mar-

ket influences. Therefore, some of the same issues that arise in

thinking about the theory of schooling and training will apply

in this context too.

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4. A Simple Two-Period Model of Schooling Investments

and Some Evidence

I start with the working assumption that human capital, in partic-

ular schooling, is directly productive as in the Becker view of human

capital (or more generally as in the Gardener or Schultz views), and

discuss some of the main theoretical and empirical issues that arise in

thinking about human capital investments in this context. I will re-

turn later to discuss how high the returns education are in practice,

and whether we should think of human capital as directly productive

or simply as a signal. Also, for now I will think of wages as reflect-

ing worker productivity, so I will, interchangeably, refer to schooling

increasing the human capital, productivity or wages of the worker.

The economy lasts two periods. In period 1 an individual (parent)

works, consumes c, saves s, decides whether to send their offspring to

school, e = 0 or 1, and then dies at the end of the period. Utility of

household i is given as:

(4.1) ln ci + ln ci

where c is the consumption of the offspring. There is heterogeneity

among children, so the cost of education, θi varies with i. In the second

period skilled individuals (those with education) receive a wage ws and

an unskilled worker receives wu.

First, consider the case in which there are no credit market prob-

lems, so parents can borrow on behalf of their children, and when they

do so, they pay the same interest rate, r, as the rate they would obtain

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by saving. Then, the decision problem of the parent with income yi is

to maximize (4.1) with respect to ei, ci and ci, subject to the budget


ci +ci1 + r

≤ wu1 + r

+ ei · ws − wu1 + r

+ yi − ei · θi

The important point to note is that ei does not appear in the objective

function, so the education decision will be made simply to maximize

the budget set of the consumer. This is the essence of the separation

theorem, which says that in the presence of perfect credit markets, pure

investment decisions will be independent of preferences. In particular,

here parents will choose to educate their offspring if

(4.2) θi ≤ ws − wu1 + r

One important feature of this decision rule is that a greater skill

premium as captured by ws − wu will encourage schooling, while thehigher interest rate, r, will discourage schooling, which is a form of

investment with upfront costs and delayed benefits.

In practice, this solution may be difficult to achieve for a variety

of reasons. First, there is the usual list of informational/contractual

problems, creating credit constraints or transaction costs that introduce

a wedge between borrowing and lending rates (or even make borrowing

impossible for some groups). Second, in many cases, it is the parents

who make part of the investment decisions for their children, so the

above solution involves parents borrowing to finance both the education

expenses and also part of their own current consumption. These loans

are then supposed to be paid back by their children. With the above

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setup, this arrangement works since parents are altruistic. However, if

there are non-altruistic parents, this will create obvious problems.

Therefore, in many situations credit problems might be important.

Now imagine the same setup, but also assume that parents cannot have

negative savings, which is a simple and severe form of credit market

problems. This modifies the constraint set as follows

ci ≤ yi − ei · θi − sisi ≥ 0

ci ≤ wu + ei · (ws − wu) + (1 + r) · s

First note that for a parent with yi − ei · θi > 0, the constraint of

nonnegative savings is not binding, so the same solution as before will

apply. Therefore, credit constraints will only affect parents who needed

to borrow to finance their children’s education.

To characterize the solution to this problem, look at the utilities

from investinging and not investing in education of a parent. Also to

simplify the discussion let us focus on parents who would not choose

positive savings, that is, those parents with yi ≤ wu. The utilities

from investing and not investing in education are given, respectively, by

U(e = 1 | yi, θi) = ln(yi−θi)+lnws, and U(e = 0 | yi, θi) = ln yi+lnwu.Comparison of these two expressions implies that parents with

θi ≤ yi · ws − wuws

will invest in education. It is then straightforward to verify that:

(1) This condition is more restrictive than (4.2) above, since yi ≤wu < ws.

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(2) As income increases, there will be more investment in educa-

tion, which contrasts with the non-credit-constrained case.

One interesting implication of the setup with credit constraints is

that the skill premium, ws − wu, still has a positive effect on humancapital investments. However, in more general models with credit con-

straints, the conclusions may be more nuanced. For example, if ws−wuincreases because the unskilled wage, wu, falls, this may reduce the

income level of many of the households that are marginal for the edu-

cation decision, thus discourage investment in education.

5. Evidence on Human Capital Investments and Credit


This finding, that income only matters for education investments in

the presence of credit constraints, motivates investigations of whether

there are significant differences in the educational attainment of chil-

dren from different parental backgrounds as a test of the importance

of credit constraints on education decisions. Of course, the empirical

relationship between family income and education is interesting in its

own right.

A typical regression would be along the lines of

schooling=controls + α · log parental income

which leads to positive estimates of α, consistent with credit con-

straints. The problem is that there are at least two alternative ex-

planations for why we may be estimating a positive α:

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(1) Children’s education may also be a consumption good, so rich

parents will “consume” more of this good as well as other

goods. If this is the case, the positive relationship between

family income and education is not evidence in favor of credit

constraints, since the “separation theorem” does not apply

when the decision is not a pure investment (enters directly in

the utility function). Nevertheless, the implications for labor

economics are quite similar: richer parents will invest more in

their children’s education.

(2) The second issue is more problematic. The distribution of

costs and benefits of education differ across families, and are

likely to be correlated with income. That is, the parameter θi

in terms of the model above will be correlated with yi, so a

regression of schooling on income will capture the direct effect

of different costs and benefits of education.

One line of attack to deal with this problem has been to include

other characteristics that could proxy for the costs and benefits of ed-

ucation, or attitudes toward education. The interesting finding here is

that when parents’ education is also included in the regression, the role

of income is substantially reduced.

Does this mean that credit market problems are not important for

education? More strongly, does it mean that parents’ income does not

have a direct affect on education? Not necessarily. Again, there are

two considerations:

(1) First, parents’ income may affect more the quality of edu-

cation, especially through the choice of the neighborhood in

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which the family lives. Therefore, high income parents will

“buy” more human capital for their children, not by sending

them to school for longer, but by providing them with better


(2) Parental income is often measured with error, and has a sig-

nificant transitory component, so parental education may be

a much better proxy for permanent income than income ob-

servations in these data sets. Therefore, even when income

matters for education, all its effect my load on the parental

education variable.

Neither problem is easy to deal with, but there are possible av-

enues. First, we could look at the income of children rather than their

schooling as the outcome variable. To the extent that income reflects

skills (broadly defined), it will incorporate unobserved dimensions of

human capital, including school quality. This takes us to the literature

on intergenerational mobility. The typical regression here is

(5.1) log child income=controls + α · log parental income

Regressions of this sort were first investigated by Becker and Tomes.

They found relatively small coefficients, typically in the neighborhood

of 0.3 and 0.4. This means that if your parents are twice as rich as

my parents, you will typically be about 30 to 40 percent as rich as I.

With this degree of intergenerational dependence, differences in initial

conditions will soon disappear. In fact, your children will be typically

about 10 percent (α2 percent) richer than my children. So this finding

implies that we are living in a relatively “egalitarian” society.

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To see this more clearly, consider the following simple model:

ln yt = µ+ α ln yt−1 + εt

where yt is the income of t-th generation, and εt is serially independent

disturbance term with variance σ2ε. Then the long-term variance of log

income is:

(5.2) σ2y =σ2ε

1− α2

Using the estimate of 0.3 for α, equation (5.2) implies that the long-

term variance of log income will be approximately 10 percent higher

than σ2ε, so the long-run income distribution will basically reflect tran-

sitory shocks to dynasties’ incomes and skills, and not inherited differ-


Returning to the interpretation of α in equation (5.1), also note

that a degree of persistence in the neighborhood of 0.3 and 0.4 is not

very different from what we might expect to result simply from the

inheritance of IQ between parents and children, or from the children’s

adoption of cultural values favoring education from their parents. As

a result, these estimates suggest that there is a relatively small affect

of parents income on children’s human capital.

This work has been criticized, however, because there are certain

simple biases, stacking the cards against finding large estimates of the

coefficient α. First, measurement error will bias the coefficient α to-

wards zero. Second, in typical panel data sets, we observe children at an

early stage of their life cycles, where differences in earnings may be less

than at later stages, again biasing α downward. Third, income mobil-

ity may be very nonlinear, with a lot of mobility among middle income

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families, but very little at the tails. Work by Solon and Zimmerman

has dealt with the first two problems. They find that controlling for

these issues increases the degree of persistence substantially to about

0.45 or even 0.55. Cooper, Durlauf and Johnson, in turn, find that

there is much more persistence at the top and the bottom of income

distribution than at the middle.

That the difference between 0.3 and 0.55 is in fact substantial can be

seen by looking at the implications of using α = 0.55 in (5.2). Now the

long-run income distribution will be substantially more disperse than

the transitory shocks. More specifically, we will have σ2y ≈ 1.45 · σ2ε.To deal with the second empirical issue, one needs a source of exoge-

nous variation in incomes to implement an IV strategy. There aren’t

any perfect candidates, but some imperfect ones exist. One possibility,

pursued in Acemoglu and Pischke (2000), is to exploit changes in the

income distribution that have taken place over the past 30 years to get

a source of exogenous variation. The basic idea is that the rank of a

family in income distribution is a good proxy for parental human capi-

tal, and conditional on that rank, the income gap has widened over the

past 20 years. Moreover, this has happened differentially across states.

One can exploit this source of variation by estimating regression of the


(5.3) siqjt = δq + δj + δt + βq ln yiqjt + εiqjt,

where q denotes income quartile, j denotes region, and t denotes time.

siqjt is education of individual i in income quartile q region j time

t. With no effect of income on education, βq’s should be zero. With

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credit constraints, we might expect lower quartiles to have positive

β’s. Acemoglu and Pischke report versions of this equation using data

aggregated to income quartile, region and time cells. The estimates

of β are typically positive and significant. However, the evidence does

not indicate that the β’s are higher for lower income quartiles, which

suggests that there may be more to the relationship between income

and education than simple credit constraints.

6. The Ben-Porath Model

The above model was two-period, consisting of an investment and a

consumption period. There are a number of interesting issues that arise

when we consider longer time horizons. Some of these are highlighted

by the Ben-Porath model, which I discuss briefly here.

Consider an individual who lives for T periods, starts with a uni-

dimensional measure of human capital, H0, and can borrow and lend

at the interest rate r. As noted above, the separation theorem implies

that this individual will act to maximize the net present discounted

value of his income using the discount rate r. Denote the stock of hu-

man capital at time t by Ht. Of this, a fraction st (a fraction st of

the individual’s time) is spent for further human capital accumulation,

and the rest is sold in the labor market at the price w. So we have

(6.1) Ht = It − δHt

where δ is a depreciation rate of human capital (for example, because

of the introduction of new technologies that make part of the existing

human capital obsolete), and It is new investment in human capital.

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The production function for new investment is

(6.2) It = B (sHt)αDβ


whereDt is purchased inputs used for human capital investments (school-

ing, vocational courses, books, etc.), and the price of this input is as-

sumed to be constant over time at P .

The net present discounted value of (net) income is thereforeZ T


exp (−rt) (w (1− st)Ht − PDt) dt

subject to (6.1) and (6.2). Notice that, because of the separation the-

orem, I did not have to specify the utility function of the individual.

The solution to this problem is somewhat messy to characterize,

but conceptually quite simple. There will generally be three phases of

human capital accumulation:

(1) st = 1, full-time schooling and no earnings. Early on it makes

sense for individuals to invest all (or most) of their time in

schooling since the opportunity costs of doing so (the forgone

market earnings) are small. Moreover, there is a relatively long

horizon left for the individual to recoup the costs.

(2) st ∈ (0, 1), there is positive earnings (no full-time schooling)but also investment in human capital. So we will see earnings

grow over time in this regime. As time progresses in this phase,

st declines, since both the opportunity cost of investment in-

creases and the time horizon shortens. This suggests that the

rate of earnings growth should slow down as the individual


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(3) st = 0, investment has stopped and earnings are falling due

to depreciation. Once there is a short enough horizon left,

it makes sense for the individual to stop investing in human

capital. This is the same reasoning which suggests that it will

be the younger workers that adopt new technologies, since they

have a longer time horizon.

This model provides a useful way of thinking of the lifecycle of the

individual, which starts with full-time schooling, and then there is a

period of “full-time” working, but still accompanied by investment in

human capital and thus increasing earnings. The increase in earnings

takes place at a slower rate as the individual ages, and then there is

also some evidence that earnings may start falling at the very end of

workers’ careers.

The available evidence is consistent with these predictions. Nev-

ertheless, this evidence comes from cross-sectional age-experience pro-

files, so it has to be interpreted with some caution. For example, the

decline at the very end could be due to “selection,” as the higher-ability

workers retire earlier.

Perhaps more worrisome for this interpretation is the fact that the

increase in earnings may reflect not the accumulation of human capital

due to investment, but either:

(1) simple age effects; individuals become more productive as they

get older. Or

(2) simple experience effects: individuals become more productive

as they get more experienced–this is independent of whether

they choose to invest or not.

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It is difficult to distinguish between the Ben-Porath model and the

second explanation. But there is some evidence that could be useful

to distinguish between age effects vs. experience effects (automatic or

due to investment).

Josh Angrist’s paper on Vietnam veterans basically shows that

workers who served in the Vietnam War lost the experience premium

associated with the years they served in the war. Presuming that serv-

ing in the war has no productivity effects, this evidence suggests that

much of the age-earnings profiles are due to experience not simply due

to age. Nevertheless, this evidence is consistent both with direct ex-

perience effects on worker productivity, and also a Ben Porath type

explanation where workers are purposefully investing in their human

capital while working, and experience is proxying for these investments.

7. Selection and Wages–The One-Factor Model

We often mention the possibility of selection bias in discussing,

among other things, education, migration, labor supply, and sectoral

choice decisions. The basic idea can be seen by considering a situation

which each worker has J > 1 choices. The unobserved characteristics of

those making different choices will differ, and this difference will have

an effect on the outcomes of interest, such as wages, over and above

the direct effect of the choices themselves.

It is useful to distinguish between selection based on a single factor,

which is often referred to as the one-factor model, and multidimensional

selection, often referred to as the Roy model.

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Suppose that individuals are distinguished by an unobserved type,

z, which is assumed to be distributed uniformly between 0 and 1. In-

dividuals decide whether to obtain education, which costs c. The wage

of an individual of type z when he has no education is

w0 (z) = z

and when he obtains education, it is

(7.1) w1 (z) = α0 + α1 · z,

where α0 > 0 and α1 > 1. α0 is the main effect of education on earnings,

which applies irrespective of ability, whereas α1 interacts with ability.

The assumption that α1 > 1 implies that education is complementary

to ability, and will ensure that high-ability individuals are “positively

selected” into education.

Individuals make their schooling choices to maximize income. It is

straightforward to see that all individuals of type z ≥ z∗ will obtaineducation, where

z∗ ≡ c− α0α1 − 1 ,

which, to make the analysis interesting, I assume lies between 0 and 1.

The diagram gives the wage distribution in this economy.

Now let us look at mean wages by education group. By standard

arguments, these are

w0 =c− α02 (α1 − 1)

w1 = α0 + α1α1 − 1 + c− α02 (α1 − 1)

It is clear that w1 − w0 > α0, so the wage gap between educated

and uneducated groups is greater than the main effect of education in

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equation (7.1)–since α1− 1 > 0. This reflects two components. First,the return to education is not α0, but it is α0 + α1 · z for individual z.Therefore, for a group of mean ability z, the return to education is

w1 (z)− w0 (z) = α0 + (α1 − 1) · z,

which we can simply think of as the return to education evaluated at

the mean ability of the group.

But there is one more component in w1−w0, which results from thefact that the average ability of the two groups is not the same, and the

earning differences resulting from this ability gap are being counted as

part of the returns to education. In fact, since α1− 1 > 0, high-abilityindividuals are selected into education increasing the wage differential.

To see this, rewrite the observed wage differential as follows

w1 − w0 = α0 + (α1 − 1)·c− α02 (α1 − 1)



Here, the first two terms give the return to education evaluated at the

mean ability of the uneducated group. This would be the answer to the

counter-factual question of how much the earnings of the uneducated

group would increase if they were to obtain education. The third term

is the additional effect that results from the fact that the two groups

do not have the same ability level. It is therefore the selection effect.

Alternatively, we could have written

w1 − w0 = α0 + (α1 − 1)·α1 − 1 + c− α02 (α1 − 1)



where now the first two terms give the return to education evaluated at

the mean ability of the educated group, which is greater than the return

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to education evaluated at the mean ability level of the uneducated

group. So the selection effect is somewhat smaller, but still positive.

This example illustrates how looking at observed averages, without

taking selection into account, may give misleading results, and also

provides a simple example of how to think of decisions in the presence

of this type of heterogeneity.

It is also interesting to note that if α1 < 1, we would have negative

selection into education, and observed returns to education would be

less than the true returns. The case of α1 < 1 appears less plausible,

but may arise if high ability individuals do not need to obtain education

to perform certain tasks.

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The Theory of Training Investments

1. General Vs. Specific Training

In the Ben-Porath model, an individual continues to invest in his

human capital after he starts employment. We normally think of such

investments as “training”, provided either by the firm itself on-the-job,

or acquired by the worker (and the firm) through vocational training

programs. This approach views training just as schooling, which is

perhaps too blackbox for most purposes.

More specifically, two complications that arise in thinking about

training are:

(1) Most of the skills that the worker acquires via training will not

be as widely applicable as schooling. As an example, consider

a worker who learns how to use a printing machine. This will

only be useful in the printing industry, and perhaps in some

other specialized firms; in this case, the worker will be able to

use his skills only if he stays within the same industry. Next,

consider the example of a worker who learns how to use a

variety of machines, and the current employer is the only firm

that uses this exact variety; in this case, if the worker changes

employer, some of his skills will become redundant. Or more

extreme, consider a worker who learns how to get along with


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his/her colleagues or with the customers of its employer. These

skills are even more “specific”, and will become practically

useless if he changes employer.

(2) A large part of the costs of training consist of forgone produc-

tion and other costs borne directly by the employer. So at the

very least, training investments have to be thought as joint in-

vestments by the firm and the worker, and in many instances,

they may correspond to the firm’s decisions more than to that

of the worker.

The first consideration motivates a particular distinction between

two types of human capital in the context of training:

(1) Firm-specific training: this provides a worker with firm-specific

skills, that is, skills that will increase his or her productivity

only with the current employer.

(2) General training: this type of training will contribute to the

worker’s general human capital, increasing his productivity

with a range of employers.

Naturally, in practice actual training programs could (and often do)

provide a combination of firm-specific and general skills. The second

consideration above motivates models in which firms have an important

say in whether there will be training or not. In the extreme case where

the costs are borne naturally by the firm (for example, because the

process of training reduces production), we can think of the situation

in which the firm decides whether there will be training or not.

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2. The Becker Model of Training

Let us start with investments in general skills. Consider the follow-

ing stylized model:

• At time t = 0, there is an initial production of y0, and also thefirm decides the level of training τ , incurring the cost c (τ). Let

us assume that c (0) = 0, c0 (0) = 0, c0 (·) ≥ 0 and c00 (·) > 0.The second assumption here ensures that it’s always socially

beneficial to have some amount of positive training.

• At time t = 1/2, the firm makes a wage offer w to the worker,and other firms also compete for the worker’s labor. The

worker decides whether to quit and work for another firm. Let

us assume that there are many identical firms who can use the

general skills of the worker, and the worker does not incur any

cost in the process of changing jobs. This assumption makes

the labor market essentially competitive.

• At time t = 1, there is the second and final period of pro-

duction, where output is equal to y1 + α (τ), with α (0) = 0,

α0 (·) > 0 and α00 (·) < 0. For simplicity, let us ignore discount-ing.

Before Becker analyzed this problem, the general conclusion, for ex-

ample conjectured by Pigou, was that there would be underinvestment

in training. The reasoning went along the following lines. Suppose

the firm invests some amount τ > 0. For this to be profitable for the

firm, at time t = 1, it needs to pay the worker at most a wage of

w1 < y1 + α (τ)− c (τ) to recoup its costs. But suppose that the firm

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was offering such a wage. Could this be an equilibrium? No, because

there are other firms who have access to exactly the same technology,

they would be willing to bid a wage of w1 + ε for this worker’s labor

services. Since there are no costs of changing employer, for ε small

enough such that w1+ε < y1+α (τ), a firm offering w1+ε would both

attract the worker by offering this higher wage and also make positive

profits. This reasoning implies that in any competitive labor market,

we must have w1 = y1 + α (τ). But then, the firm cannot recoup any

of its costs and would like to choose τ = 0. Despite the fact that a

social planner would choose a positive level of training τ ∗ such that

c0 (τ ∗) = α0 (τ ∗), the pre-Becker view was that this economy would fail

to invest in training (that τ ∗ is strictly positive immediately follows

from the fact that c0 (0) = 0 and α0 (0) > 0).

The mistake in this reasoning was that it did not take into account

the worker’s incentives to invest in his own training. In effect, the firm

does not get any of the returns from training because the worker is

receiving all of them. In other words, the worker is the full residual

claimant of the increase in his own productivity, and in the competitive

equilibrium of this economy without any credit market or contractual

frictions, he would have the right incentives to invest in his training.

Let us analyze this equilibrium now. As is the case in all games

of this sort, we are interested in the subgame perfect equilibria. So

we have to solve the game by backward induction. First note that at

t = 1, the worker will be paid w1 = y1+α (τ). Next recall that τ ∗ is the

efficient level of training given by c0 (τ ∗) = α0 (τ ∗). Then in the unique

subgame perfect equilibrium, in the first period the firm will offer the

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following package: training of τ ∗ and a wage of w0 = y0− c (τ ∗). Then,in the second period the worker will receive the wage of w1 = y1+α (τ ∗)

either from the current firm or from another firm.

To see why no other allocation could be an equilibrium, suppose

that the firm offered (τ , w0), such that τ 6= τ ∗. For the firm to break

even we need that w0 ≤ y0− c (τ), but by the definition of τ ∗, we have

y0 − c (τ ∗) + y1 + α (τ ∗) > y0 − c (τ) + y1 + α (τ) ≥ w0 + y1 + α (τ)

So the deviation of offering (τ ∗, y0 − c (τ ∗)− ε) for ε sufficiently small

would attract the worker and make positive profits. Thus, the unique

equilibrium is the one in which the firm offers training τ ∗.

Therefore, in this economy the efficient level of training will be

achieved with firms bearing none of the cost of training, and workers

financing training by taking a wage cut in the first period of employ-

ment (i.e, a wage w0 < y0).

There are a range of examples for which this model appears to

provide a good description. These include some of the historical ap-

prenticeship programs where young individuals worked for very low

wages and then “graduated” to become master craftsmen; pilots who

work for the Navy or the Air Force for low wages, and then obtain

much higher wages working for private sector airlines; securities bro-

kers, often highly qualified individuals with MBA degrees, working at

a pay level close to the minimum wage until they receive their profes-

sional certification; or even academics taking an assistant professor job

at Harvard despite the higher salaries in other departments.

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3. Market Failures Due to Contractual Problems

The above result was achieved because firms could commit to a

wage-training contract. In other words, the firm could make a credible

commitment to providing training in the amount of τ ∗. Such commit-

ments are in general difficult, since outsiders cannot observe the exact

nature of the “training activities” taking place inside the firm. For

example, the firm could hire workers at a low wage pretending to offer

them training, and then employ them as cheap labor.

To capture these issues let us make the timing of events regarding

the provision of training somewhat more explicit.

• At time t = −1/2, the firm makes a training-wage contract

offer (τ 0, w0). Workers accept offers from firms.

• At time t = 0, there is an initial production of y0, the firm

pays w0, and also unilaterally decides the level of training τ ,

which could be different from the promised level of training τ 0.

• At time t = 1/2, wage offers are made, and the worker decideswhether to quit and work for another firm.

• At time t = 1, there is the second and final period of produc-tion, where output is equal to y1 + α (τ).

Now the subgame perfect equilibrium can be characterized as fol-

lows: at time t = 1, a worker of training τ will receive w1 = y1+α (τ).

Realizing this, at time t = 0, the firm would offer training τ = 0,

irrespective of its contract promise. Anticipating this wage offer, the

worker will only accept a contract offer of the form (τ 0, w0), such that

w0 ≥ y0, and τ does not matter, since the worker knows that the firm is

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not committed to this promise. As a result, we are back to the outcome

conjectured by Pigou, with no training investment by the firm.

A similar conclusion would also be reached if the firm could write a

binding contract about training, but the worker were subject to credit

constraints and c (τ ∗) > y0, so the worker cannot take enough of a wage

cut to finance his training. In the extreme case where y0 = 0, we are

again back to the Pigou outcome, where there is no training investment,

despite the fact that it is socially optimal to invest in skills.

4. Training in Imperfect Labor Markets–The Basic Ideas

4.1. Motivation. The general conclusion of both the Becker model

with perfect (credit and labor) markets and the model with incomplete

contracts (or severe credit constraints) is that there will be no firm-

sponsored investment in general training. This conclusion follows from

the common assumption of these two models, that the labor market is

competitive, so the firm will never be able to recoup its training ex-

penditures in general skills later during the employment relationship.

Is this a reasonable prediction? The answer appears to be no. There

are many instances in which firms bear a significant fraction (sometimes

all) of the costs of general training investments.

The first piece of evidence comes from the German apprenticeship

system. Apprenticeship training in Germany is largely general. Firms

training apprentices have to follow a prescribed curriculum, and ap-

prentices take a rigorous outside exam in their trade at the end of the

apprenticeship. The industry or crafts chambers certify whether firms

fulfill the requirements to train apprentices adequately, while works

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councils in the firms monitor the training and resolve grievances. At

least in certain technical and business occupations, the training cur-

ricula limit the firms’ choices over the training content fairly severely.

Estimates of the net cost of apprenticeship programs to employers in

Germany indicate that firms bear a significant financial burden associ-

ated with these training investments. The net costs of apprenticeship

training may be as high as DM 6,000 per worker.

Another interesting example comes from the recent growth sector

of the US, the temporary help industry. The temporary help firms pro-

vide workers to various employers on short-term contracts, and receive

a fraction of the workers’ wages as commission. Although blue-collar

and professional temporary workers are becoming increasingly com-

mon, the majority of temporary workers are in clerical and secretar-

ial jobs. These occupations require some basic computer, typing and

other clerical skills, which temporary help firms often provide before

the worker is assigned to an employer. Workers are under no contrac-

tual obligation to the temporary help firm after this training program.

Most large temporary help firms offer such training to all willing indi-

viduals. As training prepares the workers for a range of assignments,

it is almost completely general. Although workers taking part in the

training programs do not get paid, all the monetary costs of training

are borne by the temporary help firms, giving us a clear example of

firm-sponsored general training. This was first noted by Krueger and

is discussed in more detail by David Autor.

Other evidence is not as clear-cut, but suggests that firm-sponsored

investments in general skills are widespread. A number of studies have

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investigated whether workers who take part in general training pro-

grams pay for the costs by taking lower wages. The majority of these

studies do not find lower wages for workers in training programs, and

even when wages are lower, the amounts typically appear too small

to compensate firms for the costs. Although this pattern can be ex-

plained within the paradigm of Becker’s theory by arguing that workers

selected for training were more skilled in unobserved dimensions, it is

broadly supportive of widespread firm-sponsored-training.

There are also many examples of firms that send their employees

to college, MBA or literacy programs, and problem solving courses,

and pay for the expenses while the wages of workers who take up these

benefits are not reduced. In addition, many large companies, such as

consulting firms, offer training programs to college graduates involving

general skills. These employers typically pay substantial salaries and

bear the full monetary costs of training, even during periods of full-time

classroom training.

How do we make sense of these firm-sponsored investments in gen-

eral training? I will now illustrate how in frictional labor markets, firms

may also be willing to make investments in the general skills of their


4.2. A Basic Framework. Consider the following two-period model.

In period 1, the worker and/or the employer choose how much to invest

in the worker’s general human capital, τ . There is no production in

the first period. In period 2, the worker either stays with the firm and

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produces output y = f(τ), where f(τ) is a strictly increasing and con-

cave function. The worker is also paid a wage rate, w(τ) as a function

of his skill level (training) τ , or he quits and obtains an outside wage.

The cost of acquiring τ units of skill is again c(τ), which is strictly

increasing and convex, and c0(0) = 0. There is no discounting, and all

agents are risk-neutral.

Assume that all training is technologically general in the sense that

f(τ) is the same in all firms.

If a worker leaves his original firm he will earn v(τ) in the outside

labor market. Suppose v(τ) < f(τ). That is, despite that fact that τ

is general human capital, when the worker separates from the firm, he

will get a lower wage than his marginal product in the current firm.

The fact that v(τ) < f(τ) implies that there is a surplus that the firm

and the worker can share when they are together.

Let us suppose that this surplus will be divided by Nash bargaining,

which gives the wage of the worker as:

(4.1) w(τ) = v(τ) + β [f(τ)− v(τ)] ,

where β ∈ [0, 1] is the bargaining power of the worker.An important point to note is that the equilibrium wage rate w(τ)

is independent of c(τ): the level of training is chosen first, and then

the worker and the firm bargain over the wage rate. At this point

the training costs are already sunk, do not feature in the bargaining

calculations (bygones are bygones)

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Assume that τ is determined by the investments of the firm and the

worker, who independently choose their contribution, cw and cf , and τ

is given by c(τ) = cw + cf . Assume that $1 investment by the worker

costs $p where p ≥ 1. When p = 1, the worker has access to perfectcredit markets and when p → ∞, the worker is severely constrainedand cannot invest at all.

More explicitly, the timing of events are:

• The worker and the firm simultaneously decide their contribu-tions to training expenses, cw and cf . The worker receives an

amount of training τ such that c(τ) = cw + cf .

• The firm and the worker bargain over the wage for the sec-

ond period, w (τ), where the threat point of the worker is the

outside wage, v (τ), and the threat point of the firm is not to


• Production takes place.

Given this setup, the contributions to training expenses cw and cf

will be determined noncooperatively. More specifically, the firm chooses

cf to maximize profits:

π(τ) = f(τ)− w(τ)− cf = (1− β) [f(τ)− v(τ)]− cf .

subject to c(τ) = cw + cf . The worker chooses cw to maximize utility:

u(τ) = w(τ)− pcw = βf(τ) + (1− β)v(τ)− pcf

subject to the same constraint.

The first order conditions are:

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(4.2) (1− β) [f 0(τ)− v0(τ)]− c0(τ) = 0 if cf > 0

(4.3) v0(τ) + β [f 0(τ)− v0(τ)]− pc0(τ) = 0 if cw > 0

Inspection of these equations implies that generically, one of them will

hold as a strict inequality, therefore, one of the parties will bear the

full cost of training.

The result of no firm-sponsored investment in general training by

the firm obtains when f(τ) = v(τ), which is the case of perfectly com-

petitive labor markets. (4.2) then implies that cf = 0, so when workers

receive their full marginal product in the outside labor market, the firm

will never pay for training. Moreover, as p→∞, so that the worker isseverely credit constrained, there will be no investment in training.

In contrast, suppose there are labor market imperfections, so that

the outside wage is less than the productivity of the worker, that is

v (τ) < f(τ). It is enough to ensure firm-sponsored investments in

training? The answer is no. To see this, first consider the case with

no wage compression, that is the case in which a marginal increase in

skills is valued appropriately in the outside market. Mathematically

this corresponds to v0 (τ) = f 0(τ) for all τ . Substituting for this in

the first-order condition of the firm, (4.2), we immediately find that

if cf > 0, then c0(τ) = 0. So in other words, there will be no firm

contribution to training expenditures.

Next consider the case in which there is wage compression, i.e.,

v0 (τ) < f 0(τ). Now it is clear that the firm may be willing to invest

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in the general training of the worker. The simplest way to see this

is again to take the case of severe credit constraints on the worker,

that is, p → ∞, so that the worker cannot invest in training. Then,v0(0) < f 0(0) is sufficient to induce the firm to invest in training.

This shows the importance of wage compression for firm-sponsored

training. The intuition is simple: wage compression in the outside

market translates into wage compression inside the firm, i.e., it implies

w0 (τ) < f 0(τ). As a result, the firm makes greater profits from a more

skilled (trained) worker, and has an incentive to increase the skills of

the worker.

To clarify this point further, the figure draws the productivity, f(τ),

and wage, w(τ), of the worker. The gap between these two curves is the

profit of the firm. When f 0(τ) = w0(τ), this profit is independent of the

skill level of the worker, and the firm has no interest in increasing the

worker’s skill. A competitive labor market, f(τ) = v(τ), implies this

case. In contrast, if f 0(τ) > w0(τ), which is implied by f 0(τ) > v0(τ),

then the firm makes more profits from more skilled workers, and is

willing to invest in the general skills of its employees.

Let τw be the level of training that satisfies (4.3) as equality, and

τ f be the solution to (4.2). Then, it is clear that if τw > τ f , the worker

will bear all the cost of training. And if τ f > τw, then the firm will

bear all the cost of training (despite the fact that the worker may have

access to perfect capital markets, i.e. p = 1).

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w (τ) = f(τ) − ∆

w(τ) = f(τ) − ∆(τ)



No firm-sponsored training


Figure 1

To derive the implications of changes in the skill premium on train-

ing, let v(τ) = af(τ) − b. A decrease in a is equivalent to a decreasein the price of skill in the outside market, and would also tilt the

wage function inside the firm, w(τ), decreasing the relative wages of

more skilled workers because of bargaining between the firm and in the

worker, with the outside wage v (τ) as the threat point of the worker.

Starting from a = 1 and p <∞, a point at which the worker makes allinvestments, a decrease in a leads to less investment in training from

(4.3). This is simply an application of the Becker reasoning; without

any wage compression, the worker is the one receiving all the benefits

and bearing all the costs, and a decline in the returns to training will

reduce his investments.

As a declines further, we will eventually reach the point where τw =

τ f . Now the firm starts paying for training, and a further decrease

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in a increases investment in general training (from (4.2)). Therefore,

there is a U-shaped relation between the skill premium and training,

so starting from a compressed wage structure, a further decrease in the

skill premium may increase training. Holding f(τ) constant a tilting

up of the wage schedule, w(τ), reduces the profits from more skilled

workers, and the firm has less interest in investing in skills.

Figure 2


v(τ) = f(τ) − ∆



Minimum wage


Changes in labor market institutions, such as minimum wages and

unionization, will therefore affect the amount of training in this econ-

omy. To see the impact of a minimum wage, consider the next figure,

and start with a situation where v(τ) = f(τ)−∆ and p→∞ so that

the worker cannot invest in training, and there will be no training. Now

impose a minimum wage as drawn in the figure. This distorts the wage

structure and encourages the firm to invest in skills up to τ ∗, as long

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as c(τ ∗) is not too high. This is because the firm makes higher profits

from workers with skills τ ∗ than workers with skills τ = 0.

This is an interesting comparative static result, since the standard

Becker model with competitive labor markets implies that minimum

wages should always reduce training. The reason for this is straightfor-

ward. Workers take wage cuts to finance their general skills training,

and minimum wages will prevent these wage cuts, thus reducing train-


Therefore, an empirical investigation of the relationship between

minimum wage changes and worker training is a way of finding out

whether the Becker channel or the wage-compression channel is more

important. Empirical evidence suggests that higher minimum wages

are typically associated with more training for low-skill workers (though

this relationship is not always statistically significant).

5. Training in Imperfect Labor Markets–General


The above analysis showed how in imperfect labor market firms will

find it profitable to invest in the general skills of their employees as

long as the equilibrium wage structure is compressed. The equilibrium

wage structure will be compressed, in turn, when the outside wage

structure, v (τ), is compressed–that is, when v0 (τ) < f 0 (τ). The

analysis was partial equilibrium in that this outside wage structure

was taken as given. There are many reasons why in frictional labor

markets we may expect this outside wage structure to be compressed.

These include adverse selection, bargaining, and efficiency wages, as

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well as complementarity between general and specific skills. Here I will

discuss how adverse selection leads to wage compression.

5.1. The Basic Model of Adverse Selection and Training.

This is a simplified version of the model in Acemoglu and Pischke

(1998). Suppose that fraction p of workers are high ability, and have

productivity α (τ) in the second period if they receive training τ in the

first period. The remaining 1− p are low ability and produce nothing(in terms of the above model, I am setting y = 0).

No one knows the worker’s ability in the first period, but in the

second period, the current employer learns this ability. Firms never

observe the ability of the workers they have not employed, so outsiders

will have to form beliefs about the worker’s ability.

The exact timing of events is as follows:

• Firms make wage offers to workers. At this point, worker

ability is unknown.

• Firms make training decisions, τ .• Worker ability is revealed to current employer and to the worker.• Employers make second period wage offers to workers.• Workers decide whether to quit.• Outside firms compete for workers in the “secondhand” la-bor market. At this point, these firms observe neither worker

ability nor whether the worker has quit or was laid off.

• Production takes place.

Since outside firms do not know worker ability when they make

their bids, this is a (dynamic) game of incomplete information. So

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we will look for a Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium of this game, which

again involves backward induction, but also makes use of Bayes’ rule

to determine beliefs.

First, note that all workers will leave their current employer if out-

side wages are higher. In addition, a fraction λ of workers, irrespective

of ability, realize that they form a bad match with the current em-

ployer, and leave whatever the wage is. The important assumption

is that firms in the outside market observe neither worker ability nor

whether a worker has quit or has been laid off. However, worker train-

ing is publicly observed.

These assumptions ensure that in the second period each worker

obtains expected productivity conditional on his training. That is, his

wage will be independent of his own productivity, but will depend on

the average productivity of the workers who are in the secondhand

labor market.

By Bayes’s rule, the expected productivity of a worker of training

τ , is

(5.1) v (τ) =λpα (τ)

λp+ (1− p)

To see why this expression applies, note that all low ability workers will

leave their initial employer, who will at most pay a wage of 0 (since

this is the productivity of a low ability worker), and as we will see,

outside wages are positive, low ability workers will quit (therefore, the

offer of a wage of 0 is equivalent to a layoff). Those workers make up

a fraction 1− p of the total workforce. In addition, of the high abilityworkers who make up a fraction p of the total workforce, a fraction λ of

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them will also leave. Therefore, the total size of the secondhand labor

market is λp + (1− p), which is the denominator of (5.1). Of those,the low ability ones produce nothing, whereas the λp high ability ones

produce α (τ), which explains this expression.

Anticipating this outside wage, the initial employer has to pay each

high ability worker v (τ) to keep him. This observation, combined with

(5.1), immediately implies that there is wage compression in this world,

in the sense that

v0 (τ) =λpα0 (τ)

λp+ (1− p) < α0 (τ) ,

so the adverse selection problem introduces wage compression, and via

this channel, will lead to firm-sponsored training.

To analyze this issue more carefully, consider the previous stage of

the game. Now firm profits as a function of the training choice can be

written as

π (τ) = (1− λ) p [α (τ)− v (τ)]− c (τ) .

The first-order condition for the firm is

π0 (τ) = (1− λ) p [α0 (τ)− v0 (τ)]− c0 (τ) = 0(5.2)

=(1− λ) p (1− p)α0 (τ)

λp+ (1− p) − c0 (τ) = 0

There are a number of noteworthy features:

(1) c0 (0) = 0 is sufficient to ensure that there is firm-sponsored

training (that is, the solution to (5.2) is interior).

(2) There is underinvestment in training relative to the first-best

which would have involved pα0 (τ) = c0 (τ) (notice that the

first-best already takes into account that only a fraction p of

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the workers will benefit from training). This is because of two

reasons: first, a fraction λ of the high ability workers quit, and

the firm does not get any profits from them. Second, even for

the workers who stay, the firm is forced to pay them a higher

wage, because they have an outside option that improves with

their training, i.e., v0 (τ) > 0. This reduces profits from train-

ing, since the firm has to pay higher wages to keep the trained


(3) The firm has monopsony power over the workers, enabling it

to recover the costs of training. In particular, high ability

workers who produce α (τ) are paid v (τ) < α (τ).

(4) Monopsony power is not enough by itself. Wage compression

is also essential for this result. To see this, suppose that we

impose there is no wage compression, i.e., v0 (τ) = α0 (τ), then

inspection of the first line of (5.2) immediately implies that

there will be zero training, τ = 0.

(5) But wage compression is also not automatic; it is a conse-

quence of some of the assumptions in the model. Let us modify

the model so that high ability workers produce η+α (τ) in the

second period, while low ability workers produce α (τ). This

modification implies that training and ability are no longer

complements. Both types of workers get exactly the same

marginal increase in productivity (this contrasts with the pre-

vious specification where only high ability workers benefited

from training, hence training and ability were highly comple-

mentary). Then, it is straightforward to check that we will

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v (τ) =λpη

λp+ (1− p) + α (τ) ,

and hence v0 (τ) = α0 (τ). Thus no wage compression, and

firm-sponsored training. Intuitively, the complementarity be-

tween ability and training induces wage compression, because

the training of high ability workers who are contemplating

whether to leave the firm or not is judged by the market as

the training of a relatively low ability worker (since low ability

workers are overrepresented in the secondhand labor market).

Therefore, the marginal increase in a (high ability) worker’s

productivity due to training is valued less in the outside mar-

ket, which views this worker, on average, as low ability. Hence

the firm does not have to pay as much for the marginal in-

crease in the productivity of a high ability worker, and makes

greater profits from more trained high-ability workers.

(6) What happens if π (τ) = (1− λ) p [α (τ)− v (τ)] − c (τ) > 0,that is, if firms are making positive profits at the level of train-

ing that they choose in equilibrium? If there is free entry at

time t = 0, this implies that firms will compete for workers,

since hiring a worker now guarantees positive profits in later

periods. As a result, firms will have to pay a positive wage at

time t = 0, precisely equal to W = π (τ) as a result of this

competition. This is because once a worker accepts a job with

a firm, the firm has enough monopsony power at time t = 1

to make positive profits. Competition then implies that these

profits have to be transferred to the worker at time t = 0. The

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interesting result is that not only do firms pay for training,

but they may also pay workers extra in order to attract them.

5.2. Evidence. How can this model be tested? One way is to

look for evidence of this type of whether selection among highly trained

workers. The fact that employers know more about their current em-

ployees may be a particularly good assumption for young workers, so

a good area of application would be for apprentices in Germany.

According to the model, workers who quit or are laid off should get

lower wages than those who stay in their jobs, which is a prediction that

follows simply from adverse selection (and Gibbons and Katz tested in

the U.S. labor market for all workers by comparing laid-off workers

to those who lost their jobs as a result of plant closings). The more

interesting implication here is that if the worker is separated from his

firm for an exogenous reason that is clearly observable to the market, he

should not be punished by the secondhand labor market. In fact, he’s

“freed” from the monopsony power of the firm, and he may get even

higher wages than stayers (who are on average higher ability, though

subject to the monopsony power of their employer).

To see this, note that a worker who is exogenously separated from

his firm will get to wage of pα (τ) whereas stayers, who are still subject

of the monopsony power of their employer, obtain the wage of v (τ)

as given by (5.1), which could be less than pα (τ). In the German

context, workers who leave their apprenticeship firm to serve in the

military provide a potential group of such exogenous separators. In-

terestingly, the evidence suggests that although these military quitters

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are on average lower ability than those who stay in the apprenticeship

firm, the military quitters receive higher wages.

5.3. Adverse selection and training in the temporary help

industry. An alternative place to look for evidence is the temporary

help industry in the U.S. Autor (2001) develops an extended version

of this model, which also incorporates self-selection by workers, for

the temporary help industry. Autor modifies the above model in four

respects to apply it to the U.S. temporary help industry. These are:

(1) The model now lasts for three periods, and in the last period,

all workers receive their full marginal products. This is meant

to proxy the fact that at some point temporary-help workers

may be hired into permanent jobs where their renumeration

may better reflect their productivity.

(2) Workers have different beliefs about the probability that they

are high ability. Some workers receive a signal which makes

them believe that they are high ability with probability p,

while others believe that they are high ability with probabil-

ity p0 < p. This assumption will allow self-selection among

workers between training and no-training firms.

(3) Worker ability is only learned via training. Firms that do not

offer training will not have superior information relative to the


(4) The degree of competitiveness in the market is modeled by

assuming that firms need to make certain level of profits π,

and a higher π corresponds to a less competitive market. In

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contrast to the baseline version of the above model, it is also

assumed that firms can offer different training levels and com-

mit to them, so firms can use training levels as a method of

attracting workers.

Autor looks for a “separating”/self-selection equilibrium in which

p0 workers select into no-training firms, whereas p workers go to train-

ing firms. In this context, self-selection equilibrium is one in which

workers with different abilities (different beliefs) choose to accept jobs

in different firms, because ability is rewarded differentially in different

firms. This makes sense since training and ability are complements

as before. Since firms that do not train their employees do not learn

about employability, there is no adverse selection for workers who quit

from no-training firms. Therefore, the second-period wage of workers

who quit from no-training firms will be simply

v (0) = p0α (0)

In contrast, the secondhand labor market wage of workers from training

firms will be given by v (τ) from (5.1) above.

In the third period, all workers will receive their full marginal prod-

uct, hence in expectation this is p0α (0) for workers who got the non-

training firms, and pα (τ) for workers who go to training firms.

In the second-period, all workers receive their outside option in the

secondhand market, so v (0) for workers in no-training firms, and v (τ)

for workers in training firms.

The condition for a self-selection equilibrium is

p (α (τ)− α (0)) > v (0)− v (τ) > p0 (α (τ)− α (0)) ,

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that is, expected gain of third-period wages for high-belief workers

should outweigh the loss (if any) in terms of second period wages (since

there are no costs in the first-period by the assumption that there are no

wages in the first-period). Otherwise, there could not be a separating


This immediately implies that if v (0)−v (τ) < 0, that is, if workerswith training receive higher wages in the second period, then there

cannot be a self-selection equilibrium–all workers, irrespective of their

beliefs, would like to take a job with training firms. Therefore, the

adverse selection problem needs to be strong enough to ensure that

v (0) − v (τ) > 0. This is the first implication that Autor investigatesempirically using data about the wages of temporary help workers in

firms that offer free training compared to the wages of workers in firms

that do not offer training. He finds that this is generally the case.

The second implication concerns the impact of greater competition

on training. To see this more formally, simply return to the basic

model, and look at the profits of a typical training firm. These are

π (τ) =(1− λ) p (1− p)α (τ)

λp+ (1− p) − c (τ)

so if π (τ) = π and π increases exogenously, and note that in equilibrium

we could never have π0 (τ) > 0, since then the firm can increase both

its profits and attract more workers by simply increasing training. But

if π0 (τ) ≤ 0, then a decline in π, that is, increasing competitiveness,

will lead to higher training.

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Autor investigates this empirically using differences in temporary

help firms concentration across MSAs, and finds that in areas where

there is greater concentration, training is lower.

5.4. Mobility, training and wages. The interaction between

training and adverse selection in the labor market also provides a dif-

ferent perspective in thinking about mobility patterns. To see this,

change the above model so that λ = 0, but workers now quit if

w (τ)− v (τ) < θ

where θ is a worker-specific draw from a uniform distribution over [0, 1].

θ, which can be interpreted as the disutility of work in the current job,

is the worker’s private information. This implies that the fraction of

high ability workers who quit their initial employer will be

1− w (τ) + v (τ) ,

so the outside wage is now

(5.3) v (τ) =p [1− w (τ) + v (τ)]α (τ)

p [1− w (τ) + v (τ)] + (1− p)Note that if v (τ) is high, many workers leave their employer because

outside wages in the secondhand market are high. But also the right

hand side of (5.3) is increasing in the fraction of quitters, [1− w (τ) + v (τ)],so v (τ) will increase further. This reflects the fact that with a higher

quit rate, the secondhand market is not as adversely selected (it has a

better composition).

This implies that there can be multiple equilibria in this economy.

One equilibrium with a high quit rate, high wages for workers changing

jobs, i.e. high v (τ), but low training. Another equilibrium with low

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mobility, low wages for job changers, and high training. This seems

to give a stylistic description of the differences between the U.S. and

German labor markets. In Germany, the turnover rate is much lower

than in the U.S., and also there is much more training. Also, in Ger-

many workers who change jobs are much more severely penalized (on

average, in Germany such workers experience a substantial wage loss,

while they experience a wage gain in the U.S.).

Which equilibrium is better? There is no unambiguous answer

to this question. While the low-turnover equilibrium achieves higher

training, it does worse in terms of matching workers to jobs, in that

workers often get stuck in jobs that they do not like. In terms of the

above model, we can see this by looking at the average disutility of

work that workers receive (i.e., the average θ’s).

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Tenure, Firm-Specific Skills and Incentives inOrganizations

The analysis so far has focused on general skills, acquired in school

or by investments in general training. Most labor economists also be-

lieve that there are important firm-specific skills, acquired either thanks

to firm-specific experience, or by investment in firm-specific skills, or

via “matching”. If such firm-specific skills are important we should ob-

serve worker productivity and wages to increase with tenure–that is,

a worker who has stayed longer in a given job should earn more than a

comparable worker (with the same schooling and experience) who has

less tenure.

1. The Evidence On Firm-Specific Rents and Interpretation

1.1. Some Evidence. There are two conceptual issues that arise

in thinking about the relationship between wages and tenure, as well

as a host of econometric issues. The conceptual issues are as follows:

(1) We can imagine a world in which firm-specific skills are im-

portant, but there may be no relationship between tenure and

wages. This is because, as we will see in more detail be-

low, productivity increases due to firm-specific skills do not

necessarily translate into wage increases. The usual reason-

ing for why high worker productivity translates into higher


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wages is that otherwise, competitors would bid for the worker

and steal him. This argument does not apply when skills are

firm-specific since such skills do not contribute to the worker’s

productivity in other firms. More generally, the relationship

between productivity and wages is more complex when firm-

specific skills are a significant component of productivity. For

example, we might have two different jobs, one with faster ac-

cumulation of firm-specific skills, but wages may grow faster

in the other jobs because the outside option of the worker is

improving faster.

(2) An empirical relationship between tenure and wages does not

establish that there are imported from-specific effects. It might

simply be that there are some jobs with high “rents,” and

workers who get these jobs never quit, creating a positive re-

lationship between tenure and wages. Alternatively, a positive

relationship between tenure and wages may reflect the fact

that high ability workers stay in their jobs longer (selection).

The existing evidence may therefore either overstate or understate

the importance of tenure, and there are no straightforward ways of

dealing with these problems. In addition, there are important econo-

metric problems, for example, the fact that in most data sets most

tenure spells are uncompleted (most workers are in the middle of their

job tenure), complicating the analysis. A number of researchers have

used the usual strategies, as well as some creative strategies, to deal

with the selection and omitted variable biases, pointed out in the sec-

ond problem. But is still requires us to ignore the first problem (i.e.,

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be cautious in inferring the tenure-productivity relationship from the

observed tenure-wage relationship).

In any case, the empirical relationship between tenure and wages is

of interest in its own right, even if we cannot immediately deduce from

this the relationship between tenure and firm-specific productivity.

With all of these complications, the evidence nevertheless suggests

that there is a positive relationship between tenure and wages, consis-

tent with the importance of firm-specific skills. Here I will discuss two

different types of evidence.

The first type of evidence is from regression analyses of the rela-

tionship between wages and tenure exploiting within job wage growth.

Here the idea is that by looking at how wages grow within a job (as

long as the worker does not change jobs), and comparing this to the

experience premium, we will get an estimate of the tenure premium.

In other words, we can think of wages as given by the following model

(1.1) lnwit = β1Xit + β2Tit + εit

where Xit this total labor market experience of individual i, and Tit is

his tenure in the current job. Then, we have that his wage growth on

this job is:

∆ lnwit = β1 + β2 +∆εit

If we knew the experience premium, β2, we could then immediately

compute the tenure premium β1. The problem is that we do not know

the experience premium. Topel suggests that we can get an upper

bound for the experience premium by looking at the relationship be-

tween entry-level wages and labor market experience (that is, wages in

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jobs with tenure equal to zero). This is an upper bound to the extent

that workers do not randomly change jobs, but only accept new jobs if

these offer a relatively high wage. Therefore, whenever Tit = 0, the dis-

turbance term εit in (1.1) is likely to be positively selected. According

to this reasoning, we can obtain a lower bound estimate of β2, using a

two-step procedure–first estimate the rate of within-job wage growth,

and then subtract from this the estimate of the experience premium

obtained from entry-level jobs.

Using this procedure Topel estimates relatively high rates of return

to tenure. For example, his main estimates imply that ten years of

tenure increase wages by about 25 percent, over and above the experi-

ence premium.

It is possible, however, that this procedure might generate tenure

premium estimates that are upward biased. For example, this would

be the case if the return to tenure or experience is higher among

high-ability workers, and those are underrepresented among the job-

changers. On the other hand, the advantage of this evidence is that it

is unlikely to reflect simply the presence of some jobs that offer high-

rents to workers, unless these jobs that provide high rents also have (for

some reason) higher wage growth (one possibility might be that, union

jobs pay higher wages, and have higher wage growth, and of course,

workers do not leave union jobs, but this seems unlikely).

The second type of evidence comes from the wage changes of work-

ers resulting from job displacement. A number of papers, most notably

Jacobson, LaLonde and Sullivan, find that displaced workers experience

substantial drop in earnings. Part of this is due to non-employment

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following displacement, but even after three years a typical displaced

worker is earning about $1500 (1987 dollars). Econometrically, this

evidence is simpler to interpret than the tenure-premium estimates.

Economically, the interpretation is somewhat more difficult than the

tenure estimates, since it may simply reflect the loss of high-rent (e.g.

union) jobs.

In any case, these two pieces of evidence together are consistent

with the view that there are important firm-specific skills/expertises

that are accumulated on the job.

1.2. What Are Firm-Specific Skills? If we are going to inter-

pret the above evidence as reflecting the importance of firm-specific

skills, then we have to be more specific about what constitutes firm-

specific skills. Here are four different views:

(1) Firm-specific skills can be thought to result mostly from firm-

specific training investments made by workers and firms. Here

it is important to distinguish between firms’ and workers’ in-

vestments, since they will have different incentives.

(2) Firm-specific skills simply reflect what the worker learns on-

the-job without making any investments. In other words, they

are simply unintentional byproducts of working on the job.

The reason why I distinguish this particular view from the

firm-specific investments view is that according to this view,

we do not need to worry about the incentives to acquire firm-

specific skills. However, most likely, even for simple skills that

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workers can acquire on-the-job, they need to exert some effort,

so this view may have relatively little applicability.

(3) Firm-specific skills may reflect “matching” as in Jovanovic’s

approach. Here, there is no firm-specific skill, but some work-

ers are better matches to some firms. Ex ante, neither the firm

nor the worker knows this, and the information is revealed only

slowly. Only workers who are revealed to be good matches to

a particular job will stay on that job, and as a result, they will

be more productive in this job than a randomly chosen worker.

We can think of this process of learning about the quality of

the match as the “accumulation of firm-specific skills”.

(4) There may be no technologically firm-specific skills. Instead,

you may think of all skills as technologically general, in the

sense that if the worker is more productive in a given firm, an-

other firm that adopts exactly the same technologies and orga-

nizational structure, and hires the same set of co-workers will

also be able to benefit from this hire productivity. These tech-

nologically general skills are transformed into de facto firm-

specific skills because of market imperfections. For example,

if worker mobility is costly, or if it is difficult or unprofitable

for firms to copy some other firms’ technology choices, these

skills will be de facto specific to the firm that has first made

the technology/organizational choices. The reason why it is

important to distinguish this view from the second one above

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is that it emphasizes how changes in technology/market orga-

nization will affect what skills are specific, and how specific

certain skills are.

2. Investment in Firm-Specific Skills

2.1. The basic problem. The problem with general training in-

vestments was that part of the costs had to be borne by the firm,

but, at least in competitive labor markets, the worker was the residual

claimants. The worker, in turn, was the residual claimant because the

skills were general, and other firms could compete for this worker’s la-

bor services. In contrast, with specific skills, the current employer is

the only (or at least the main) “consumer,” so there is no competition

from other firms to push up the worker’s wages. As a result, firm-

specific skills will make the firm the ex post monopsonist. This creates

the converse problem. Now the worker also bears some (perhaps most)

of the costs of investment, may not have the right incentives to invest,

since the firm will get most of the benefits.

To capture these problems, consider the following very simple model:

• At time t = 0, the worker decides how much to invest in firm-specific skills, denoted by s, at the cost γ (s). γ (s) is strictly

increasing and convex, with γ0 (0) = 0.

• At time t = 1, the firm makes a wage offer to the worker.

• The worker decides whether to accept this wage offer and workfor this firm, or take another job.

• Production takes place and wages are paid.

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Let the productivity of the worker be y1 + f (s) where y1 is also

what he would produce with another firm. Since s is specific skills, it

does not affect the worker’s productivity in other firms.

Let us solve this game by backward induction again, starting in

the last period. The worker will accept any wage offer w1 ≥ y1, sincethis is what he can get in an outside firm. Knowing this, the firm

simply offers w1 = y1. In the previous period, realizing that his wage

is independent of his specific skills, the worker makes no investment

in specific skills, even though the socially optimal amount of specific

investment is strictly positive, given by γ0 (s∗) = f 0 (s∗). (Again the fact

that s∗ is strictly positive follows from the assumption that γ0 (0) = 0).

What is the problem here? By investing in his firm-specific skills,

the worker is increasing the firm’s profits. Therefore, the firm would

like to encourage the worker to invest. However, given the timing of

the game, wages are determined by a take-it-leave-it offer by the firm

after the investment. Therefore, it will always be in the interest of the

firm to offer a low wage to the worker after the investment, in other

words, the firm will hold the worker up. The worker anticipates this

holdup problem and does not invest in his firm-specific skills.

Why isn’t there a contractual solution to this underinvestment

problem? For example, the firm could write a contract ex ante promis-

ing a certain payment to the worker. Leaving aside the problems of

enforcing such contracts (the firm could always try to fire the worker,

or threaten to fire him), if this contract does not make the wage of

the worker conditional on his firm-specific skills, it will not encourage

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investment. So the only contracts that could help with the underin-

vestment problem are those that make the worker’s wages contingent

on his firm-specific skills. However, such skills are very difficult to ob-

serve or verify by outside parties. This motivates the assumption in

this literature, as well as in the incomplete contracts literature, that

such contingent contracts cannot be written (they cannot be enforced,

and hence are useless). Therefore, contractual solutions to the under-

investment problem are difficult to devise

As a result, there is a severe underinvestment problem here, driven

by exactly the converse of the underinvestment problem in general

training. The worker will not undertake the required investments, be-

cause he’s afraid of being held up by the firm.

2.2. Worker power and investment. How can we improve the

worker’s investment incentives?

At a very general level, the answer is simple. The worker’s earnings

have to be conditioned on his specific skills. There are a number of

ways of achieving this. Perhaps the simplest is to give the worker

some “power” in the employment relationship. This power may come

simply because the worker can bargain with his employer effectively

(either individually or via unions–though the latter raises the issue

of whether union bargaining would link wages to productivity). The

worker may be able to bargain with the firm, in turn, for a variety of

reasons. Here are some:

(1) Because of regulations, such as employment protection legis-

lation, or precisely because of his specific skills, the firm needs

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the worker, hence we are in the bilateral monopoly situation,

and the rents will be shared (rather than the firm making a

take-it-leave-it offer).

(2) The firm may purposefully give access to some important as-

sets of the firm to the worker, so that the worker may feel

secure that he will not be held up. This is basically the in-

sight that follows from the incomplete contracting approach to

property rights. The literature pioneered by Williamson, and

then by Grossman-Hart-Moore basically views the allocation

of property rights, which determine who can use assets, as a

way of manipulating ex post bargaining, and via this channel

ex ante investment incentives.

(3) The firm may change its organizational form in order to make

a credible commitment not to hold up the worker.

Here I will give a simple example of investment incentives with

bargaining power, and show why firms may preferred to give more

bargaining power to their employees in order to ensure high levels of

firm-specific investments. In the next section, I discuss alternative

“organizational” solutions to this problem.

Modify the above game simply by assuming that in the final period,

rather than the firm making a take-it-leave-it offer, the worker and the

firm bargain over the firm-specific surplus, so the worker’s wage is

w1 (s) = y1 + βf (s)

Now at time t = 0, the worker maximizes

y1 + βf (s)− γ (s) ,

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which gives his investment as

(2.1) βf 0 (s) = γ0 (s)

Here s is strictly positive, so giving the worker bargaining power has

improved investment incentives. However, s is strictly less than the

first-best investment level s∗.

To investigate the relationship between firm-specific skills, firm

profits and the allocation of power within firms, now consider an ex-

tended game, where at time t = −1, the firm chooses whether to give

the worker access to a key asset. If it does, ex post the worker has

bargaining power β, and if it doesn’t, the worker has no bargaining

power and wages are determined by a take-it-leave-it offer of the firm.

Essentially, the firm is choosing between the game in this section and

the previous one. Let us look at the profits of the firm from choosing

the two actions. When it gives no access, the worker chooses zero in-

vestment, and since w1 = y1, the firm profits are π0 = 0. In contrast,

with the change in organizational form giving access to the worker,

the worker undertakes investment s, and profits are πβ = (1− β) f (s).

Therefore, the firm prefers to give the worker some bargaining power

in order to encourage investment in specific skills.

Notice the contrast in the role of worker bargaining power between

the standard framework and the one here. In the standard framework,

worker bargaining power always reduces profits and always causes in-

efficiency. Here, it may do the opposite. This suggests that in some

situations reducing worker bargaining power may actually be counter-

productive for efficiency.

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Note another interesting implication of the framework here. If the

firm could choose the bargaining power of the worker without any con-

straints, it would set β such that


∂β= 0 = −f ¡s ¡β¢¢+ ¡1− β

¢f 0¡s¡β¢¢ ds ¡β¢


where s (β) and dsdβare given by the first-order condition of the worker,


One observation is immediate. The firm would certainly choose

β < 1, since with β = 1, we could never have ∂πβ∂β

= 0 (or more

straightforwardly, profits would be zero). In contrast, a social planner

who did not care about the distribution of income between profits and

wages would necessarily choose β = 1. The reason why the firm would

not choose the structure organization that achieves the best investment

outcomes is that it cares about its own profits.

If there were an ex ante market in which the worker and the firm

could “transact’, the worker could make side payments to the firm to

encourage it to choose β = 1, then the efficient outcome would be

achieved. This is basically the solution that follows from the analysis

of Grossman-Hart-Moore, but they are thinking of issues of vertical

integration, or trying to answer the question of who among many en-

trepreneurs/managers should own the firm or its assets. In the context

of worker-firm relationships, such a solution is not possible, given credit

constraints facing workers. Perhaps more important, such an arrange-

ment would effectively amount to the worker buying the firm, which is

not possible for two important reasons:

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• the entrepreneur/owner of the firm most likely has some es-

sential knowledge for the production process, or

• in practice there are many workers, so it is impossible to im-proves their investment incentives by making each worker the

residual claimant of the firm’s profits.

2.3. Promotions. An alternative arrangement to encourage work-

ers to invest in firm-specific skills is to design a promotion scheme.

Consider the following setup. Suppose that there are two investment

levels, s = 0, and s = 1 which costs c.

Suppose also that time t = 1, there are two tasks in the firm difficult

and easy, D and E. Assume outputs in these two tasks as a function of

the skill level are

yD (0) < yE (0) < yE (1) < yD (1)

Therefore, skills are more useful in the difficult task, and without skills

the difficult task is not very productive.

Moreover, suppose that

yD (1)− yE (1) > c

meaning that the productivity gain of assigning a skilled worker to the

difficult task is greater than the cost of the worker obtaining skills.

In this situation, the firm can induce firm-specific investments in

skills if it can commit to a wage structure attached to promotions.

In particular, suppose that the firm commits to a wage of wD for the

difficult task and wE for the easy task. Notice that the wages do not

depend on whether the worker has undertaken the investment, so we

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are assuming some degree of commitment on the side of the firm, but

not modifying the crucial incompleteness of contracts assumption.

Now imagine the firm chooses the wage structures such that

(2.2) yD (1)− yE (1) > wD − wE > c,

and then ex post decides whether the worker will be promoted.

Again by backward induction, we have to look at the decisions in the

final period of the game. When it comes to the promotion decision, and

the worker is unskilled, the firm will naturally choose to allocate him to

the easy task (his productivity is higher in the easy task and his wage

is lower). If the worker is skilled, and the firm allocates him to the easy

task, his profits are yE (1)−wE. If it allocates him to the difficult task,his profits are yD (1) − wD. The wage structure in (2.2) ensures thatprofits from allocating him to the difficult task are higher. Therefore,

with this wage structure the firm has made a credible commitment to

pay the worker a higher wage if he becomes skilled, because it will find

it profitable to promote the worker.

Next, going to the investment stage, the worker realizes that when

he does not invest he will receive wE , and when he invests, he will get

the higher wage wD. Since, again by (2.2), wD − wE > c, the workerwill find it profitable to undertake the investment.

2.4. Investments and layoffs–The Hashimoto model. Con-

sider the following model which is useful in a variety of circumstances.

The worker can invest in s = 1 at time t = 0 again at the cost c. The

investment increases the worker’s productivity by an amount m + η

where η is a mean-zero random variable officer of only by the firm at

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t = 1. The total productivity of the worker is x +m + η (if he does

not invest, his productivity is simply x). The firm unilaterally decides

whether to fire the worker, so the worker will be fired if

η < η∗ ≡ w − x−m,

where w is his wage. This wage is assumed to be fixed, and cannot be

renegotiated as a function of η, since the worker does not observe η.

(There can be other more complicated ways of revealing information

about η, using stochastic contracts, but we ignore them here).

If the worker is fired or quits, he receives an outside wage v. If he

stays, he receives the wage paid by the firm, w, and also disutility, θ,

only observed by him. The worker unilaterally decides whether to quit

or not, so he will quit if

θ > θ∗ ≡ w − v

Denoting the distribution function of θ by Q and that of η by F , the

expected profit of the firm is

Q (θ∗) [1− F (η∗)] [x+m− w +E (η | η ≥ η∗)]

The expected utility of the worker is

v +Q (θ∗) [1− F (η∗)] [w − v −E (θ | θ ≤ θ∗)]

In contrast, if the worker does not invest in skills, he will obtain

v if w > x

v +Q (θ∗) [w − v −E (θ | θ ≤ θ∗)] if w ≤ x

So we can see that a high wage promise by the firm may have either a

beneficial or an adverse effect on investment incentives. If w = x+ ε >

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v, the worker realizes that he can only keep his job by investing. But on

the other hand, a high wage makes it more likely that η < η∗, so it may

increase the probability that given the realization of the productivity

shock, profits will be negative, and the worker will be fired. This will

reduce the worker’s investment incentives. In addition, a lower wage

would make it more likely that the worker will quit, and through this

channel increase inefficiency and discourage investment.

According to Hashimoto, the wage structure has to be determined

to balance these effects, and moreover, the ex post wage structure cho-

sen to minimize inefficient separations may dictate a particular division

of the costs of firm-specific investments.

An interesting twist on this comes from Carmichael, who suggests

that commitment to a promotion latter might improve incentives to

invest without encouraging further layoffs by the firm. Suppose the firm

commits to promote Nh workers at time t = 1 (how such a commitment

is made is an interesting and difficult question). Promotion comes with

an additional wage ofB. So the expected wage of the worker, if he keeps

his job, is now

w +NhNB,

where N is employment at time t = 1, and this expression assumes that

a random selection of the workers will be promoted. A greater Nh or

B, holding the layoff rate of the firm constant, increases the incentive

of the worker to stay around, and encourages investment.

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Next think about layoff rate of the firm. The total wage bill of the

firm at time t = 1 is then

W = Nw +NhB.

The significance of this expression is that if the firm fires a worker,

this will only save the firm w, since it is still committed to promote

Nh workers. Therefore, this commitment to (an absolute number of)

promotions, reduces the firm’s incentive to fire, while simultaneously

increasing the reward to staying in the firm for the worker.

This is an interesting idea, but we can push the reasoning further,

perhaps suggesting that it’s not as compelling as it first appears. If

the firm can commit to promote Nh workers, why can’t it commit

to employing N 0 workers, and by manipulating this number effectively

make a commitment not to fire workers? So if this type of commitment

to employment level is allowed, promotions are not necessary, and if

such a commitment is not allowed, it is not plausible that the firm can

commit to promoting Nh workers.

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Signaling and Externalities

1. The Signaling Approach to Human Capital

1.1. The basic story. The models we’ve discussed so far are

broadly in the tradition of Becker’s approach to human capital. Human

capital is viewed as an input in the production process. The leading al-

ternative is to view education purely as a signal. Consider the following

simple model to illustrate the issues.

There are two types of workers, high ability and low ability. The

fraction of high ability workers in the population is λ. Workers know

their own ability, but employers do not observe this directly. High

ability workers always produce yh, while low ability workers produce

yl. In addition, workers can obtain education. The cost of obtaining

education is ch for high ability workers and cl for low ability workers.

The crucial assumptions is that cl > ch, that is, education is more

costly for low ability workers. This is often referred to as the “single-

crossing” assumption, since it makes sure that in the space of education

and wages, the indifference curves of high and low types intersect only

once. For future reference, I denote the decision to obtain education

by e = 1.


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For simplicity, I assume that education does not increase the pro-

ductivity of either type of worker. Once workers obtain their educa-

tion, there is competition among a large number of risk-neutral firms,

so workers will be paid their expected productivity. This is again a dy-

namic game of incomplete information, so we will look for the Perfect

Bayesian Equilibria of this game. However, differently from the pre-

vious incomplete information game that we analyzed, here the party

that has private information moves first. This implies that the con-

cept of Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium is not strong enough to rule out

some types of equilibria, and we may want to strengthen this notion of

equilibrium (see below).

In general, there can be two types of equilibria in this game.

(1) Separating, where high and low ability workers choose different

levels of schooling, and as a result, in equilibrium, employers

can infer worker ability from education.

(2) Pooling, where high and low ability workers choose the same

level of education.

In addition, there can be semi-separating equilibria, where some

education levels are chosen by more than one type.

Let me start by characterizing a possible separating equilibrium,

which illustrates how education can be valued, even though it has no

directly productive role.

Suppose that we have

(1.1) yh − ch > yl > yh − cl

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This is clearly possible since ch < cl. Then the following is an equi-

librium: all high ability workers obtain education, and all low ability

workers choose no education. Wages (conditional education) are:

w (e = 1) = yh and w (e = 0) = yl

Notice that these wages are conditioned on education, and not directly

on ability, since ability is not observed by employers. Let us now check

that all parties are playing best responses. First consider firms. Given

the strategies of workers (obtain education for high ability and do not

obtain education for low ability), a worker with education has produc-

tivity yh while a worker with no education has productivity yl. So no

firm can change its behavior and increase its profits.

What about workers? If a high ability worker deviates to no ed-

ucation, he will obtain w (e = 0) = yl, whereas he’s currently getting

w (e = 1)−ch = yh−ch > yl. If a low ability worker deviates to obtain-ing education, the market will perceive him as a high ability worker,

and pay him the higher wage w (e = 1) = yh. But from (1.1), we have

that yh − cl < yl, so this deviation is not profitable for a low ability

worker, proving that the separating allocation is indeed an equilibrium.

In this equilibrium, education is valued simply because it is a signal

about ability. Education can be a signal about ability because of the

single-crossing property. This can be easily verified by considering the

case in which cl ≤ ch. Then we could never have condition (1.1) hold,so it would not be possible to convince high ability workers to obtain

education, while deterring low ability workers from doing so.

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Notice also that if the game was one of perfect information, that

is, the worker type were publicly observed, there could never be edu-

cation investments here. This is of course an extreme result, due to

the assumption that education has no productivity benefits. But it

illustrates the forces at work.

1.2. Pooling equilibria in signaling games. However, the sep-

arating equilibrium is not the only one. Consider the following alloca-

tion: both low and high ability workers do not of education, and the

wage structure is

w (e = 1) = (1− λ) yl + λyh and w (e = 0) = (1− λ) yl + λyh

What is happening here is that the market does not view education

as a good signal, so a worker who “deviates” and obtains education is

viewed as an average-ability worker, not as a high-ability worker.

To simplify the discussion, let us strengthen the condition (1.1) to

(1.2) yh − ch > (1− λ) yl + λyh and yl > yh − clIt is straightforward to check that no worker has any incentive to ob-

tain education (given that education is costly, and there are no rewards

to obtaining it). Since all workers choose no education, the expected

productivity of a worker with no education is (1− λ) yl+λyh, so firms

are playing best responses. (what they do in response to a deviation

by a worker who obtains education is not important, since this does

not happen along the equilibrium path).

What I have just described is a Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium. But is

it reasonable? The answer is no. This equilibrium is being supported

by the belief that the worker who gets education is no better than

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a worker who doesn’t. But education is much more costly for low

ability workers, so they should be less likely to deviate to obtaining

education. There are many refinements in game theory which basically

try to restrict beliefs in information sets that are not reached along the

equilibrium path, ensuring that “unreasonable” beliefs, such as those

that think a deviation to obtaining education is more likely from a low

ability worker, are ruled out.

Perhaps the simplest is The Intuitive Criterion by Cho and Kreps.

The underlying idea is as follows. If there exists a type who will never

benefit from taking a particular deviation, then the uninformed parties

(here the firms) should deduce that this deviation is very unlikely to

come from this type. This falls within the category of “forward induc-

tion” where rather than solving the game simply backwards, we think

about what type of inferences will others derive from a deviation.

In any case, take the pooling equilibrium above. Consider a devi-

ation to e = 1. There is no circumstance under which the low type

would benefit from this deviation, since by assumption (1.1) we have

yl > yh − cl, and the most a worker could ever get is yh, and the lowability worker is now getting (1− λ) yl + λyh. Therefore, firms can de-

duce that the deviation to e = 1 is coming from the high type, and offer

him a wage of yh. Then (1.1) ensures that this deviation is profitable

for the high types, breaking the pooling equilibrium.

The reason why this refinement is called The Intuitive Criterion

is that it can be supported by a relatively intuitive “speech” by the

deviator along the following lines: “you have to deduce that I must

be the high type deviating to e = 1, since low types would never ever

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consider such a deviation, whereas I would find it profitable if I could

convince you that I am indeed the high type). Of course, this is only

very loose, since such speeches are not part of the game, but it gives

the basic idea.

The overall conclusion is that as long as the separating condition

is satisfied, we expect the equilibrium of this economy can involve a

separating allocation, where education is valued as a signal.

1.3. Generalizations. It is straightforward to generalize this equi-

librium concept to a situation in which education has a productive role

as well as a signaling role. Then the story would be one where edu-

cation is valued for more than its productive effect, because it is also

associated with higher ability.

Let me give the basic idea here. Imagine that education is contin-

uous e ∈ [0,∞). And the cost functions for the high and low types arech (e) and cl (e), which are both strictly increasing and convex, with

ch (0) = cl (0) = 0. The single crossing property is that c0h (e) < c0l (e)

for all e, that is, the marginal cost of investing in a given unit of edu-

cation is always higher for the low type.

Moreover, suppose that the output of the two types as a function

of their educations are yh (e) and yl (e), with yh (e) > yl (e) for all e.

Again there are many equilibria, some separating, some pooling and

some semi-separating. But applying a stronger form of the Intuitive

Criterion reasoning, we will take the Riley equilibrium of this game,

which is a particular separating equilibrium. It is characterized as

follows. We first find the most preferred education level for the low

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type in the perfect information case, which will be given by

y0l (el) = c0l (el) ,

then we write the incentive compatibility constraint for the low type,

such that when the market expects low types to obtain education el, the

low type does not try to mimic the high type and choose the education

level the market expects the high type to obtain, e. This incentive

compatibility constraint is

(1.3) yl (el)− cl (el) ≥ yh (e)− cl (e)

Let eh be such that this constraint holds as an equality: yl (el) −cl (el) = yh (eh) − cl (eh). Then the Riley equilibrium is such that low

types choose el and obtain the wage w (el) = yl (el), and high types

choose eh and obtain the wage w (eh) = yh (eh). That high types are

happy to do this follows immediately from the single-crossing property,


yh (eh)− ch (eh) > yh (eh)− cl (eh) = yh (eh)− cl (eh)

Notice that in this equilibrium, high ability workers are typically

investing more than they would have done in the perfect information

case, in the sense that eh characterized here is greater than the educa-

tion level that high ability individuals chosen with perfect information,

given by y0h (e∗h) = c

0h (e


1.4. Evidence on labor market signaling. Is the signaling role

of education important? There are a number of different ways of ap-

proaching this question. Unfortunately, direct evidence is difficult to

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find. Here I will discuss a number of different attempts that investi-

gate the importance of labor market signaling. In the next section,

I will discuss empirical work that may give a sense of how important

signaling considerations are in the aggregate.

Before this discussion, note the parallel between the selection stories

discussed above and the signaling story. In both cases, the observed

earnings differences between high and low education workers will in-

clude a component due to the fact that the abilities of the high and low

education groups differ. There is one important difference, however, in

that in the selection stories, the market observed ability, it was only

us the economists who were unable to do so. In the signaling story,

the market is also unable to observed ability, and is inferring it from

education. For this reason, proper evidence in favor of the signaling

story should go beyond documenting the importance of some type of


There are 4 different approaches to determining whether signaling

is important. The first line of work looks at whether degrees matter,

in particular, whether a high school degree or the fourth year of col-

lege that gets an individual a university degree matter more than other

years of schooling (e.g., Kane and Rouse). This approach suffers from

two serious problems. First, the final year of college (or high school)

may in fact be more useful than the third-year, especially because it

shows that the individual is being able to learn all the required in-

formation that makes up a college degree. Second, and more serious,

there is no way of distinguishing selection and signaling as possible ex-

planations for these patterns. It may be that those who drop out of

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high school are observationally different to employers, and hence re-

ceive different wages, but these differences are not observed by us in

the standard data sets. This is a common problem that will come back

again: the implications of unobserved heterogeneity and signaling are

often similar, and many misleading claims exist in the literature.

Second, a creative paper by Lang and Kropp tests for signaling by

looking at whether compulsory schooling laws affect schooling above

the regulated age. The reasoning is that if the 11th year of schooling is

a signal, and the government legislates that everybody has to have 11

years of schooling, now high ability individuals have to get 12 years of

schooling to distinguish themselves. They find evidence for this, which

they interpret as supportive of the signaling model. The problem is

that there are other reasons for why compulsory schooling laws may

have such effects. For example, an individual who does not drop out

of 11th grade may then decide to complete high school. Alternatively,

there can be peer group effects in that as fewer people drop out of

school, it may become less socially acceptable the drop out even at

later grades.

The third approach is the best. It is pursued in a very creative pa-

per by Tyler, Murnane and Willett. They observe that passing grades

in the Graduate Equivalent Degree (GED) differ by state. So an indi-

vidual with the same grade in the GED exam will get a GED in one

state, but not in another. If the score in the exam is an unbiased mea-

sure of human capital, and there is no signaling, these two individuals

should get the same wages. In contrast, if the GED is a signal, and

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employers do not know where the individual took the GED exam, these

two individuals should get different wages.

Using this methodology, the authors estimate that there is a 10-19

percent return to a GED signal. The attached table shows the results.

An interesting result that Tyler, Murnane and Willett find is that

there are no GED returns to minorities. This is also consistent with the

signaling view, since it turns out that many minorities prepare for and

take the GED exam in prison. Therefore, GED would be not only a

positive signal, but also likely a signal that the individual was at some

point incarcerated. Hence not a good signal at all.

The fourth approach is discussed in the next section.

2. Human Capital Externalities

Many economists believe that human capital not only creates pri-

vate returns, increasing the earnings of the individual will acquires it,

but it also creates externalities, i.e., it increases the productivity of

other agents in the economy (e.g., Jacobs, Lucas). If so, existing re-

search on the private returns to education is only part of the picture–

the social return, i.e., the private return plus the external return, may

far exceed the private return. Conversely, if signaling is important, the

private return overestimates the social return to schooling. Estimating

the external and the social returns to schooling is a first-order question.

2.1. Theory. To show how and why external returns to educa-

tion may arise, I will briefly discussed two models. The first is a theory

of non-pecuniary external returns, meaning that external returns arise

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from technological linkages across agents or firms. The second is pe-

cuniary model of external returns, thus externalities will arise from

market interactions and changes in market prices resulting from the

average education level of the workers.

Suppose that the output (or marginal product) of a worker, i, is

yi = A · hνi ,

where hi is the human capital (schooling) of the worker, and A is

aggregate productivity. Assume that labor markets are competitive.

So individual earnings are Wi = Ahνi .

The key idea of externalities is that the exchange of ideas among

workers raises productivity. This can be model by allowingA to depend

on aggregate human capital. In particular, suppose that

(2.1) A = BHδ ≡ E [hi]δ ,

where H is a measure of aggregate human capital, E is the expectation

operator, B is a constant

Individual earnings can then be written as Wi = Ahνi = BHδhvi .

Therefore, taking logs, we have:

(2.2) lnWi = lnB + δ lnH + ν lnhi.

If external effects are stronger within a geographical area, as seems

likely in a world where human interaction and the exchange of ideas

are the main forces behind the externalities, then equation (2.2) should

be estimated using measures of H at the local level. This is a theory

of non-pecuniary externalities, since the external returns arise from the

technological nature of equation (2.1).

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The alternative is pecuniary externalities, as first conjectured by

Marshall (1961) who argued that increasing the geographic concen-

tration of specialized inputs increases productivity since the matching

between factor inputs and industries is improved. A similar story is

developed in Acemoglu (1997), where firms find it profitable to invest

in new technologies only when there is a sufficient supply of trained

workers to replace employees who quit. I refer to this sort of effect as

a pecuniary externality since greater human capital encourages more

investment by firms and raises other workers’ wages via this channel.

Here, I will briefly explain a simplified version of the model in Ace-

moglu (1996).

Consider an economy lasting two periods, with production only in

the second period, and a continuum of workers normalized to 1. Take

human capital, hi, as given. There is also a continuum of risk-neutral

firms. In period 1, firms make an irreversible investment decision, k,

at cost Rk. Workers and firms come together in the second period.

The labor market is not competitive; instead, firms and workers are

matched randomly, and each firm meets a worker. The only decision

workers and firms make after matching is whether to produce together

or not to produce at all (since there are no further periods). If firm f

and worker i produce together, their output is

(2.3) kαf · hνi ,

where α < 1, ν ≤ 1 − α. Since it is costly for the worker-firm pair

to separate and find new partners in this economy, employment rela-

tionships generate quasi-rents. Wages will therefore be determined

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by rent-sharing. Here, simply assume that the worker receives a share

β of this output as a result of bargaining, while the firm receives the

remaining 1− β share.

An equilibrium in this economy is a set of schooling choices for

workers and a set of physical capital investments for firms. Firm f

maximizes the following expected profit function:

(2.4) (1− β) · kαf · E[hνi ]−R · kf ,

with respect to kf . Since firms do not know which worker they will

be matched with, their expected profit is an average of profits from

different skill levels. The function (2.4) is strictly concave, so all firms

choose the same level of capital investment, kf = k, given by

(2.5) k =

µ(1− β) · α ·H




H ≡ E[hνi ]

is the measure of aggregate human capital. Substituting (2.5) into

(2.3), and using the fact that wages are equal to a fraction β of output,

the wage income of individual i is given byWi = β³(1−β)αH




Taking logs, this is:

(2.6) lnWi = c+α

1− αlnH + ν lnhi,

where c is a constant and α1−α and ν are positive coefficients.

Human capital externalities arise here because firms choose their

physical capital in anticipation of the average human capital of the

workers they will employ in the future. Since physical and human

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capital are complements in this setup, a more educated labor force en-

courages greater investment in physical capital and to higher wages. In

the absence of the need for search and matching, firms would imme-

diately hire workers with skills appropriate to their investments, and

there would be no human capital externalities.

Nonpecuniary and pecuniary theories of human capital externalities

lead to similar empirical relationships since equation (2.6) is identical to

equation (2.2), with c = lnB and δ = α1−α . Again presuming that these

interactions exist in local labor markets, we can estimate a version of

(2.2) using differences in schooling across labor markets (cities, states,

or even countries).

2.2. Signaling and externalities. The above models focused on

positive externalities to education. However, in a world where educa-

tion plays a signaling role, we might also expect significant negative

externalities. To see this, consider the most extreme world in which

education is only a signal–it does not have any productive role.

Contrast two situations: in the first, all individuals have 12 years of

schooling and in the second all individuals have 16 years of schooling.

Since education has no productive role, and all individuals have the

same level of schooling, in both allocations they will earn exactly the

same wage (equal to average productivity). Therefore, here the increase

in aggregate schooling does not translate into aggregate increases in

wages. But in the same world, if one individual obtains more education

than the rest, there will be a private return to him, because he would

signal that he’s of higher ability. Therefore, in a world where signaling

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is important, we might also want to estimate an equation of the form

(2.2), but we would expect δ to be negative.

2.3. Evidence. OLS estimation of equations like (2.2) yield very

significant and positive estimates of δ, indicating very large positive

human capital externalities. The leading example is the paper by Jim


There are at least two problems with this type OLS estimates. First,

it may be precisely high-wage states that either attract a large num-

ber of high education workers or give strong support to education.

Rauch’s estimates were using a cross-section of cities. Including city or

state fixed affects ameliorates this problem, but does not solve it, since

states’ attitudes towards education and the demand for labor may co-

move. The ideal approach would be to find a source of quasi-exogenous

variation in average schooling across labor markets (variation unlikely

to be correlated with other sources of variation in the demand for labor

in the state).

Acemoglu and Angrist try to accomplish this using differences in

compulsory schooling laws. The advantage is that these laws not only

affect individual schooling but average schooling in a given area.

There is an additional econometric problem in estimating externali-

ties, which remains even if we have an instrument for average schooling

in the aggregate. This is that if individual schooling is measured with

error (or for some other reason OLS returns to individual schooling are

not the causal effect), some of this discrepancy between the OLS re-

turns and the causal return may load on average schooling, even when

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average schooling is instrumented. This suggests that we may need to

instrument for individual schooling as well (so as to get to the correct

return to individual schooling).

More explicitly, let Yijt be the log weekly wage, than the estimating

equation is

(2.7) Yijt = X0iµ+ δj + δt + γ1Sjt + γ2isi + ujt + εi,

To illustrate the main issues, ignore time dependence, and consider the

population regression of Yi on si:

(2.8) Yij = µ0 + ρ0si + ε0i; where E[ε0isi] ≡ 0.

Next consider the IV population regression using a full set of state

dummies. This is equivalent to

(2.9) Yij = µ1 + ρ1Sj + ε1i; where E[ε1iSj] ≡ 0,

since the projection of individual schooling on a set of state dummies

is simply average schooling in each state.

Now consider the estimation of the empirical analogue of equation


(2.10) Yij = µ∗ + π0si + π1Sj + ξi; where E[ξisi] = E[ξiSj] ≡ 0.

Then, we have

π0 = ρ1 + φ(ρ0 − ρ1)(2.11)

π1 = φ(ρ1 − ρ0)

where φ = 11−R2 > 1, and R

2 is the first-stage R-squared for the 2SLS

estimates in (2.9). Therefore, we may find positive external returns

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even when there are none, if it happens to be the case that ρ1 > ρ0, for

example because there is measurement error in individual schooling.

If we could instrument for both individual and average schooling,

we would solve this problem. But what type of instrument?

Consider the relationship of interest:

(2.12) Yij = µ+ γ1Sj + γ2isi + uj + εi,

which could be estimated by OLS or instrumental variables, to obtain

an estimate of γ1 as well as an average estimate of γ2i, say γ∗2.

An alternative way of expressing this relationship is to adjust for

the effect of individual schooling by directly rewriting (2.12):

Yij − γ∗2si ≡ eYij(2.13)

= µ+ γ1Sj + [uj + εi + (γ2i − γ∗2)si].

In this case, instrumental variables estimate of external returns is

equivalent to the Wald formula

γIV1 =E[eYij|zi = 1]−E[eYij|zi = 0]E[Sj|zi = 1]−E[Sj|zi = 0]

= γ1 +

·E[γ2isi|zi = 1]−E[γ2isi|zi = 0]E[si|zi = 1]−E[si|zi = 0] − γ∗2

¸··E[si|zi = 1]−E[si|zi = 0]E[Sj|zi = 1]−E[Sj|zi = 0]


This shows that we should set

γ∗ =E[γ2isi|zi = 1]−E[γ2isi|zi = 0]E[si|zi = 1]−E[si|zi = 0](2.14)

=E[(Yij − γ1Sj)|zi = 1]−E[(Yij − γ1Sj)|zi = 0]

E[si|zi = 1]−E[si|zi = 0]This is typically not the OLS estimator of the private return, and

we should be using some instrument. The ideal instrument would be

affecting exactly in the same people as the compulsory schooling laws.

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Quarter of birth instruments might come close to this. Since quarter

of birth instruments are likely to affect the same people as compulsory

schooling laws, adjusting with the quarter of birth estimate, or using

quarter of birth dummies as instrument for individual schooling, is the

right strategy.

So the strategy is to estimate an equation similar to (2.2) or (2.10)

using compulsory schooling laws for average schooling and quarter of

birth dummies for individual schooling.

The results suggest that there are no significant external returns.

The estimates are typically around 1 or 2 percent, and statistically not

different from zero. They also suggest that in the aggregate signaling

considerations are unlikely to be very important (at the very least, they

do not dominate positive externalities).

3. Peer Group Effects

The above discussion focused on external returns to education. An-

other important type of externality that arises in the context of edu-

cation is peer group effects, or generally social effects in the process of

education. The fact that children growing up in different areas may

choose different role models will lead to this type of externalities/peer

group effects. More simply, to the extent that schooling and learning

are group activities, there could be this type of peer group effects.

There are a number of theoretical issues that need to be clarified, as

well as important work that needs to be done in understanding where

peer group effects are coming from. Moreover, empirical investigation

of peer group effects is at its infancy, and there are very difficult issues

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involved in estimation and interpretation. Since there is little research

in understanding the nature of peer group effects, here I will simply

take peer group effects as given, and briefly discuss some of its efficiency

implications, especially for community structure and school quality,

and then very briefly mention some work on estimating peer group


3.1. Implications of peer group effects for mixing and seg-

regation. An important question is whether the presence of peer group

effects has any particular implications for the organizational schools,

and in particular, whether children who provide positive externalities

on other children should be put together in a separate school or class-


The basic issue here is equivalent to an assignment problem. The

general principle in assignment problems, such as Becker’s famous

model of marriage, is that if inputs from the two parties are complemen-

tary, there should be assortative matching, that is the highest quality

individuals should be matched together. In the context of schooling,

this implies that children with better characteristics, who are likely to

create more positive externalities and be better role models, should

be segregated in their own schools, and children with worse charac-

teristics, who will tend to create negative externalitieswill, should go

to separate schools. This practically means segregation along income

lines, since often children with “better characteristics” are those from

better parental backgrounds, while children with worse characteristics

are often from lower socioeconomic backgrounds

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So much is well-known and well understood. The problem is that

there is an important confusion in the literature, which involves deduc-

ing complementarity from the fact that in equilibrium we do observe

segregation (e.g., rich parents sending their children to private schools

with other children from rich parents, or living in suburbs and sending

their children to suburban schools, while poor parents live in ghettos

and children from disadvantage backgrounds go to school with other

disadvantaged children in inner cities). This reasoning is often used in

discussions of Tiebout competition, together with the argument that

allowing parents with different characteristics/tastes to sort into differ-

ent neighborhoods will often be efficient.

The underlying idea can be given by the following simple model.

Suppose that schools consist of two kids, and denote the parental back-

ground (e.g., home education or parental expenditure on non-school

inputs) of kids by e, and the resulting human capitals by h. Suppose

that we have

h1 = eα1 e1−α2(3.1)

h2 = e1−α1 eα2

where α > 1/2. This implies that parental backgrounds are comple-

mentary, and each kid’s human capital will depend mostly on his own

parent’s background, but also on that of the other kid in the school. For

example, it may be easier to learn or be motivated when other children

in the class are also motivated. This explains why we have ∂h1∂e2, ∂h2∂e1> 0.

But another important feature of (3.1) is that ∂2h1∂e2∂e1

, ∂2h2∂e1∂e2

> 0, that

is, the backgrounds of the two kids are complementary. This implies

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that a classmate with a good background is especially useful to an-

other kid with a good background. We can think of this as the “bad

apple” theory of classroom: one bad kids in the classroom brings down


As a digression, notice an important feature of the way I wrote (3.1)

linking the outcome variables, h1 and h2, two predetermined charac-

teristics of children e1 and e2, which creates a direct analogy with the

human capital externalities discussed above. However, this may simply

be the reduced form of that somewhat different model, for example,

h1 = H1 (e1, h2)(3.2)

h2 = H2 (e2, h1)

whereby each individual’s human capital depends on his own back-

ground and the human capital choice of the other individual. Although

in reduced form (3.1) and (3.2) are very similar, they provide differ-

ent interpretations of peer group effects, and econometrically they pose

different challenges.

The complementarity has two implications:

(1) It is socially efficient, in the sense of maximizing the sum of

human capitals, to have parents with good backgrounds to

send their children to school with other parents with good

backgrounds. This follow simply from the definition of com-

plementarity, positive cross-partial derivative, which is clearly

verified by the production functions in (3.1).

(2) It will also be an equilibrium outcome that parents will do so.

To see this, suppose that we have a situation in which there are

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two sets of parents with background el and eh > el. Suppose

that there is mixing. Now the marginal willingness to pay of

a parent with the high background to be in the same school

with the other parent is

eαhe−αh = 1,

while the marginal willingness to pay of a low background

parent to stay in the school with the high background parents


eαhe−αl < 1 since eh > el.

Therefore, the high-background parent can always outbid the

low-background parent for the privilege of sending his chil-

dren to school with other high-background parents. Thus with

profit maximizing schools, segregation will arise as the out-


Next consider a production function with substitutability (negative

cross-partial derivative). For example,

h1 = φe1 + e2 − λe1/21 e


h2 = e1 + φe2 − λe1/21 e


where φ > 1 and λ is small, so that human capital is increasing in

parental background. With this production function, we again have

∂h1∂e2, ∂h2∂e1> 0, but now in contrast to (3.1), we also have ∂2h1

∂e2∂e1, ∂2h2∂e1∂e2


0. This can be thought to correspond to the “good apple” theory of the

classroom, where the kids with the best characteristics and attitudes

bring the rest of the class up.

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Now because the cross-partial derivative is negative, the marginal

willingness to pay of low-background parents to paid to put their kid

together with high-background parents is higher than that of high-

background parents. With perfect markets, we will observe mixing,

and in equilibrium schools will consist of a mixture of children from

high- and low-background parents.

Now combining the outcomes of these two models, many people

jump to the conclusion that since we do observe segregation of school-

ing in practice, parental backgrounds must be complementary, so segre-

gation is in fact efficient. Again the conclusion is that allowing Tiebout

competition and parental sorting will most likely achieve efficient out-


However, this conclusion is not correct, since even if the correct pro-

duction function was (3.3), segregation would arise in the presence of

credit market problems. In particular, the way that mixing is supposed

to occur with (3.3) is that low-background parents make a payment to

high-background parents so that the latter send their children to a

mixed school. To see why such payments are necessary, recall that

even with (3.3) we have that the first derivatives are positive, that is



> 0.

This means that everything else being equal all children benefit from

being in the same class with other children with good backgrounds.

With (3.3), however, children from better backgrounds benefit less than

children from good backgrounds. That’s why there has to be payments

from parents of less good backgrounds to high-background parents.

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Such payments are both difficult to implement in practice, and prac-

tically impossible taking into account the credit market problems facing

parents from poor socioeconomic status.

Therefore, if the true production function is (3.3) but there are

credit market problems, we will observe segregation in equilibrium, and

the segregation will be inefficient. Therefore we cannot simply appeal to

Tiebout competition, or deduce efficiency from the equilibrium patterns

of sorting.

3.2. The Benabou model. A similar point is developed by Ben-

abou even in the absence of credit market problems, but relying on

other missing markets. His model has competitive labor markets, and

local externalities (externalities in schooling in the local area). All

agents are assumed to be ex ante homogeneous, and will ultimately

end up either low skill or high skill.

Utility of agent i is assumed to be

U i = wi − ci − ri

where w is the wage, c is the cost of education, which is necessary to

become both low skill or high skill, and r is rent.

The cost of education is assumed to depend on the fraction of the

agents in the neighborhood, denoted by x, who become high skill. In

particular, we have cH (x) and cL (x) as the costs of becoming high skill

and low skill. Both costs are decreasing in x, meaning that when there

are more individuals acquiring high skill, becoming high skill is cheaper

(positive peer group effects). In addition, we have

cH (x) > cL (x)

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so that becoming high skill is always more expensive, and

c0H (x) > c0L (x) ,

so that the effect of increase in the fraction of high skill individuals in

the neighborhood is bigger on the cost of becoming high skill.

Since all agents are ex ante identical, in equilibrium we must have

U (L) = U (H)

that is, the utility of becoming high skill and low skill must be the


Assume that the labor market in the economy is global, and takes

the constant returns to scale form F (H,L). The important implication

here is that irrespective of where the worker obtains his education, he

will receive the same wage is a function of his skill level.

Also assume that there are two neighborhoods of fixed size, and

individuals will compete in the housing market to locate in one neigh-

borhood or the other.

There can be two types of equilibria:

(1) Integrated city equilibrium, where in both neighborhoods there

is a fraction x of individual obtaining high education.

(2) Segregated city equilibrium, where one of the neighborhoods

is homogeneous. For example, we could have a situation where

one neighborhood has x = 1 and the other has x < 1, or one

neighborhood has x = 0 and the other has x > 0.

The important observation here is that only segregated city equi-

libria are “stable”. To see this consider an integrated city equilibrium,

and imagine relocating a fraction ε of the high-skill individuals (that is

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individuals getting high skills) from neighborhood 1 to neighborhood 2.

This will reduce the cost of education in neighborhood 2, both for high

and low skill individuals. But by assumption, it reduces it more for high

skill individuals, so all high skill individuals now will pay higher rents

to be in that city, and they will outbid low-skill individuals, taking the

economy toward the segregated city equilibrium.

In contrast, the segregated city equilibrium is always stable. So we

again have a situation in which segregation arises as the equilibrium

outcomes, and again because of a reasoning relying on the notion of

“complementarity”. As in the previous section, high-skill individuals

can outbid the low-skill individuals because they benefit more from the

peer group effects of high skill individuals.

But again there are some missing markets, in particular, rather

than paying high skill individuals for the positive externalities that

they create, as would be the case in complete markets, agents transact

simply through the housing market. In the housing market, there is

only one rent level, which both high and low skill individuals pay. In

contrast, with complete markets, we can think of the pricing scheme

for housing to be such that high skill individuals pay a lower rent.

Therefore, there are missing markets, and efficiency is not guaran-

teed. Is the allocation with segregation efficient?

It turns out that it may or may not. To see this considered a

problem of a social planner. She will maximize

F (H,L)−H1cH (x1)−H2cH (x2)− L1cL (x1)− L2cL (x2)

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x1 =H1

L1 +H1and x2 =

H2L2 +H2

This problem can be broken into two parts: first to choose the aggre-

gate amount of skilled individuals, and then to choose how to actually

allocate them between the two neighborhoods. The second part is sim-

ply one of cost minimization, and the solution depends on whether

Φ (x) = xcH (x) + (1− x) cL (x)

is concave or convex. This function is simply the cost of giving high

skills to a fraction x of the population. When it is convex, it means

that it’s best to choose the same level of x in both neighborhoods, and

when it’s concave, the social planner minimizes costs by choosing two

extreme values of x in the two neighborhoods.

It turns out that this function can be convex, i.e. Φ00 (x) > 0. More

specifically, we have:

Φ00 (x) = 2 (c0H (x)− c0L (x)) + x (c00H (x)− c00L (x)) + c00L (x)

We can have Φ00 (x) > 0 when the second and third terms are large.

Intuitively, this can happen because although a high skill individual

benefits more from being together with other high skill individuals,

he is also creating a positive externality on low skill individuals when

he mixes with them. This externality is not internalized, potentially

leading to inefficiency.

This model gives another example of why equilibrium segregation

does not imply efficient segregation.

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3.3. Empirical issues and evidence. Peer group effects are gen-

erally very difficult to identify. In addition, we can think of two al-

ternative formulations where one is practically impossible to identify

satisfactorily. To discuss these issues, let us go back to the previous

discussion, and recall that the two “structural” formulations, (3.1) and

(3.2), have very similar reduced forms, but the peer group effects work

quite differently, and have different interpretations. In (3.1), it is the

(predetermined) characteristics of my peers that determine my out-

comes, whereas in (3.2), it is the outcomes of my peers that matter.

Above we saw how to identify externalities in human capital, which is

in essence similar to the structural form in (3.1). More explicitly, the

equation of interest is

(3.4) yij = θxij + αXj + εij

where X is average characteristic (e.g., average schooling) and yij is

the outcome of the ith individual in group j. Here, for identification

all we need is exogenous variation in X.

The alternative is

(3.5) yij = θxij + αYj + εij

where Y is the average of the outcomes. Some reflection will reveal why

the parameter α is now practically impossible to identify. Since Yj does

not vary by individual, this regression amounts to one of Yj on itself at

the group level. This is a serious econometric problem. One imperfect

way to solve this problem is to replace Yj on the right hand side by

Y −ij which is the average excluding individual i. Another approach is

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to impose some timing structure. For example:

yijt = θxijt + αYj,t−1 + εijt

There are still some serious problems irrespective of the approach taken.

First, the timing structure is arbitrary, and second, there is no way of

distinguishing peer group effects from “common shocks”.

As an example consider the paper by Sacerdote, which uses ran-

dom assignment of roommates in Dartmouth. He finds that the GPAs

of randomly assigned roommates are correlated, and interprets this as

evidence for peer group effects. Despite the very nice nature of the ex-

periment, the conclusion is problematic, because he’s trying to identify

(3.5) rather than (3.4). For example, to the extent that there are com-

mon shocks to both roommates (e.g., they are in a noisier dorm), this

may not reflect peer group effects. Instead, the problem would not have

arisen if the right-hand side regressor was some predetermined charac-

teristic of the roommate (i.e., then we would be estimating something

similar to (3.4) rather than (3.5)).

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Part 2

Changes in the Wage Structure

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In this part I discuss the changes that have taken place in the U.S.

wage structure, and also briefly discuss cross-country trends. As is

well known, wage and income inequality have increased considerably

in the U.S. over the past 25 years. This makes an analysis of changes

in the wage structure interesting in its own right. Moreover, changes in

the wage structure also imply changing labor market prices of different

types of skills. Therefore, studying changes in the wage structure will

be informative about the changes in the demand for different types

of skills and technological developments. Finally, changes in the wage

structure will also lead to different incentives for human capital invest-

ments, which we might want to understand.

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The Basic Trends and Interpretation

1. Changes in the U.S. Wage Structure

1.1. Some basic facts. Briefly, the following are some of the ma-

jor changes in the U.S. wage structure.

(1) Returns to education fell during the 1970s, when there was a

very sharp increase in the supply of educated workers. Re-

turns to education then began a steep rise during the 1980s.

This conclusion is independent of how returns to education are

measured. For example, the simple linear return to schooling

in a typical Mincer increased sharply. It was approximately 7.5

percent in 1980, and in 1990 it stood closer to 10 percent. But

in fact, the increase is more significant between high school

graduates in college graduates. Between 1979 and 1987, the

average weekly wages of college graduates with one to five

years of experience increased by 30 percent relative to the av-

erage weekly earnings of comparable high school graduates.

The increase in inequality is even more pronounced between

high school graduates and those with more than college.

(2) Overall wage inequality, for example as measured by the ratio

of the different percentiles of the overall wage distribution (e.g.

90-10), rose sharply beginning in the 1970s.


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(3) The single biggest contributor to the increase in overall wage

inequality is the increase in within group (residual) inequality–

i.e., increases in inequality among observationally equivalent

workers. The standard way to compute residual wage inequal-

ity is either to look at inequality within very narrowly defined

cells (workers with the same education level, the same experi-

ence level and of the same sex and race), or to run a standard

Mincer wage regression of the form

(1.1) lnwit = X0itβt + vit,

where wit is weekly earnings for individual i observed in year

t, and Xit is a set of controls. The fact that βt is indexed

by t indicates that returns to these observed characteristics

are allowed to vary from year-to-year. Measures of residual

inequality are calculated as the difference between the 90th

and the 10th (or 50th and 10th, etc.) percentile values of the

residual distribution from this regression, vit.

(4) Average and median wages have stagnated and wages of low-

skill workers have fallen in real terms since 1970. For example,

white men aged 30-49 earned $409 a week in 1999 dollars in

1949, and $793 in 1969, which corresponds approximately to

a 3.4 percent a year increase in real wages between 1949 and

1969. In contrast, the same age group earned $909 in 1989, or

experienced only a 0.6 percent a year increase between 1969

and 1989. In the meantime, the real wages of high school

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graduates with 1 to 5 years of experience fell by 20 percent

from 1979 to 1987.

(5) These changes have been more pronounced for relatively less

experienced workers, and the experience premium–the earn-

ing difference between high and low experienced workers– has

also changed. In particular, among college graduates, young

college graduates now earn relatively more as compared to

older college graduates than before. In contrast, among high

school graduates, the earnings gap between more and less ex-

perienced workers has widened substantially.

(6) The wage differential between men and women has narrowed


(7) The wage differential between black and white workers, which

had been narrowing until the mid-70s, started to expand.

(8) Inequality of compensation, taking into account non-wage and

fringe benefits, has expanded more than earnings inequality

(Pierce, 2000).

(9) Income inequality has also increased substantially over this

time period, mostly reflecting the increase in wage inequality,

but also the explosion in CEO pay and the high rates of return

on capital and other assets which are held very unequally in

the population.

(10) There has been very large increase in the incomes of those at

the very top of the earnings distribution (the top 1 percent

or even 0.1 percent of income distribution), in part because

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of stock options and the very strong performance of the stock


Indexed Wages For White Males 1963-1997year

index 10th pctile wages index 50th pctile wages index 90th pctile wages

65 70 75 80 85 90 95








Changes in the indexed value of the 90th, 50th and 10th percentiles ofthe wage distribution for white males (1963 values normalized to 100).

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Residual inequality measures for white males 1963-1997year

90-50 residual differences 50-10 residual differences 0.5 times 90-10 residual diffs

65 70 75 80 85 90 95







90-50, 50-10 and 0.5×90-10 differentials from log weekly wageregressions for white males aged 18-65.

Most of these facts are not controversial. But there is some debate

about two of those facts.

(1) There is disagreement regarding when the increase in overall

and residual inequality started. The March CPS and census

data unambiguously indicate that it started in the 1970s. But

May CPS data gives more ambiguous results. DiNardo, Fortin

and Lemieux find that wage inequality appears to increase

starting in the 1980s in the May CPS data, but the reanaly-

sis of these data by Katz and Autor (2000) shows consistent

increases in wage inequality during the 1970s from March and

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May CPS data, and from census data. So I take the starting

date of the increase in overall and residual inequality to be the

early 1970s.

(2) Some economists claim that average and median wages haven’t

really fallen, but this reflects mismeasurement of the CPI,

which is understating wage growth. This argument is not very

convincing, however. Even in the presence of such measure-

ment problems, unless there is an “acceleration” in this bias

exactly around the 1970s, there is a large gap between the rate

of increase of real wages before and after the 1970s. It has to

be noted, however, that part of this gap is due to the increase

importance of nonwage income and benefits. In fact, thanks to

the increase in benefits, the share of labor in national income

has not fallen over this period. So whether average wages have

stagnated or continued to increase in line with output growth

depends on how benefits are valued relative to earnings.

Finally, there is another major fact which will play an important

role in the interpretation of the changes in wage inequality. There has

been a remarkable increase in the supply of skills in the U.S. econ-

omy over the past sixty years, and this increase in the supply of skills

accelerated starting in the early ’70s. In 1939, just over 6 percent of

American workers were college graduates. By 1996 this number had

increased to over 28 percent. In 1939, almost 68 percent of all workers

did not have a high school degree. In 1996, this number had fallen to

less than 10 percent. Equally important, the rate of growth of the rela-

tive supply of skills significant the accelerated starting in the late 1960s,

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because of the Vietnam War draft laws, increase government support

for education, and the high college enrollment rates of the baby boom




e w


e p



Relative Supply of College Skills and College Premiumyear


l. su


ly o

f co


e s


College wage premium Rel. supply of college skills

39 49 59 69 79 89 96










The behavior of the (log) college premium and relative supply ofcollege skills (weeks worked by college equivalents divided by weeksworked of noncollege equivalents) between 1939 and 1996. Data from

March CPSs and 1940, 1950 and 1960 censuses.

1.2. Permanent versus transitory inequality. An important

question for certain purposes is whether the increase in inequality is

permanent or transitory (temporary). For example, if it is transitory

and individuals can insure against it (for example by saving and bor-

rowing), the increase in income and earnings inequality may not corre-

spond to an increase in “utility” inequality.

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The facts suggest that there is also an increase in the transitory

component of earnings inequality, meaning that earnings fluctuations

of workers around their permanent earnings levels are now greater.

This fact was first noted by Gottschalk and Moffit. They document

this fact by fitting an age-earnings profile for each individual, and then

studying fluctuations of their incomes around this trend. The same

pattern seems to arise both in the PSID and the CPS, and also can be

seen in the UK.

A word of interpretation is necessary here, because the increase in

the temporary component of inequality is often misinterpreted. Such an

increase in temporary earnings inequality may result from two distinct


(1) a given worker maymove up and downmore frequently (greater

“churning” in the labor market);

(2) a worker may move up and down the same amount, but the

movements may be bigger.

Mathematically, imagine the worker’s “permanent” earnings level is

w0, but every period, with probability p he may get lower earnings, wl,

and with probability q, higher earnings, wh. The two distinct causes

correspond to changes in the probabilities p and q, and to changes in

earnings levels wl and wh.

A closer look at the data indicates that all of the increase in the

temporary earnings inequality is due to the second cause. For example,

there is no greater movement of workers between different deciles of the

wage distribution.

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This in fact makes a lot of sense. The leading interpretation of the

fluctuations of a given worker’s wages is that his skills are fluctuat-

ing over time (or the perception of the market regarding his skills are

changing, for example as in Jovanovic’s model). So we have w0 = ws0

where w is the market price of skills and s0 is his regular skill level.

We also have wh = wsh and wl = wsl. If there is an increase in wage

inequality corresponding to a greater skill premium, w, this will trans-

late into a greater wage gap between different skill levels and therefore

into a greater temporary component in earnings inequality. This can

all happen without a change in any of the parameters p, q, s0 or s1 that

correspond to the likelihood and magnitude of skill level fluctuations

of workers.

This is important since many applied papers interpret the increase

in earnings instability as reflecting greater churning. But there is ba-

sically no evidence for greater churning in the labor market. First,

measures of job reallocation constructed by Davis and Haltiwanger in-

dicate no increase in job reallocation during the past 20 or so years.

Second, despite the popular perception to the contrary, there has not

been a large increase in employment instability. The tenure distribu-

tion of workers today looks quite similar to what it was 20 years ago.

The major exception to this seems to be middle-aged managers, who

may be more likely to lose their jobs today than 20-25 years ago.

1.3. Cross-country trends. We know somewhat less about changes

in wage inequality in most other countries than in the U.S. But the fol-

lowing are now relatively well-established:

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(1) Wage inequality, both returns to schooling and residual in-

equality, increased significantly in the UK.

(2) Wage inequality also increased somewhat in other Anglo-Saxon

economies, perhaps quite markedly in New Zealand.

(3) In much of continental Europe, there has been little increase

in either returns to schooling or overall inequality.

We return to a discussion of the possible explanations for these

patterns below.

2. Interpretation

I will now focus on the two major facts related to the increase

in earnings inequality: the increase in the returns to schooling and

increased overall and residual inequality. In this section, I will argue

two things:

(1) Both of these facts may be reflecting an increase in skill premia–

an increase in the market price of skills.

(2) They are unlikely to reflect composition effects, cohort effects

or anything related to signaling/selection.

2.1. Increase in inequality and unobserved skills. The idea

that the increase in residual inequality may reflect increased skill pre-

mia is related to the idea that a large component of earnings dispersion

not explained by schooling is nonetheless related to skill differences. If

I am less skilled than another worker with the same education, for

example, or because he can perform certain tasks that I cannot, the

earnings inequality between us will widen when the tasks that he can

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perform become more valuable. In the data this will show up as in-

creased residual inequality. This argument is put forth forcefully by

Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1993).

More formally, suppose that two otherwise identical individuals dif-

fer in terms of their unobserved skills (for example, in terms of inter-

personal skills, motivation, specific skills for their job, or IQ). Denote

the unobserved skill of individual 1 by a1 and that of individual 2 by

a2 > a1, and assume that wages are given by

(2.1) lnwit = 2θtai + γthi,

where γt is the price of h skills at time t, while θt is the price of a skills.

Since these individuals are identical in all respects other than their

unobserved skills, a, the variance of log wages (or of residual wages)

among these two individuals is

V ar(lnw) = θ2t (a2 − a1)2 .

Now if at a later date, t0, this variance increases to V ar(lnw)0, and we

know that these two individuals are still identical in all other respects

and that a2 − a1 has not changed, we can interpret the increase inV ar(lnw) as reflecting an increase in the price of unobserved skills, θt.

In other words, if we ignore composition effects, which here correspon-

dent to changes in a2 − a1, this increase must be due to a rise in theprice of (and demand for) unobserved skills.

2.2. Composition effects. Could composition effects explain a

significant component of the increase in residual and overall inequality,

and also the bulk of the changes in the returns to education?

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First, to see the reasoning note that the increase in the returns to

education may be simply the result of an increase in the average ability

of workers with high education to that of workers with low education

over time. This will immediately lead to an increase in the return to

education. This change in relative abilities of the two groups may re-

sult from selection (for example, today different types of workers than

before may be obtaining college degrees). There is no presumption that

any signaling is going on here. The employers may well be observing

these skill dimensions that we, as the economists, do not observe. Al-

ternatively, these changes in relative abilities of the two groups may

result from changes in signaling behavior. College education may have

become a much more important signal today, because employers may

expect only the very low ability workers not to obtain a college degree.

Both of these explanations could potentially account for the increase

in the returns to education and residual and overall inequality.

However, the evidence suggests that the increase in the returns to

education and residual inequality are not simply due to composition

effects. Before discussing this evidence, note first that composition ef-

fects cannot by themselves explain the recent changes in inequality:

composition effects suggest that inequality among educated and une-

ducated workers should move in opposite directions (see below). This

suggests that changes in the true returns to skills have played at least

some role in the changes in inequality.

More generally, to get a sense of how important composition effects

may be, consider a variant of equation (2.1) above with two education

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levels, high h = 1 and low h = 0, and suppose wages are given by

(2.2) lnwit = ai + γthi + εit

where hi is a dummy for high education, ai is unobserved ability, and εit

is a mean zero disturbance term. Define the (log) education premium–

the difference between the average wages of high and low education


lnωt ≡ E (lnwit | hi = 1)− E (lnwit | hi = 0) = γt +A1t −A0t

where A1t ≡ E (ai | hi = 1) and A0t ≡ E (ai | hi = 0). The increase

in the education premium can be caused by an increase in γt (a true

increase in the returns to skills) or an increase in A1t −A0t. There arebasically two reasons for an increase in A1t−A0t: (1) changes in cohortquality, or (2) changes in the pattern of selection into education.

Consider changes in cohort quality first. If, as many claim, the U.S.

high school system has become worse, we might expect a decline in A0t

without a corresponding decline in A1t. As a result, A1t − A0t mayincrease.

Alternatively, as a larger fraction of the U.S. population obtains

higher education, it is natural that selection into education (i.e., the

relative abilities of those obtaining education) will change. It is in fact

possible that those who are left without education could have very low

unobserved ability, which would translate into a low level of A0t, and

therefore into an increase in A1t −A0t.Although these scenarios are plausible, theoretically the opposite

can happen as well. For example, many academics who have been

involved in the U.S. education system for a long time complain about

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the decline in the quality of universities, while the view that American

high schools have become much worse is not shared universally.

The selection argument is also more complicated than it first ap-

pears. It is true that, as long as those with high unobserved abilities

are more likely to obtain higher education, an increase in education

will depress A0t! But it will also depress A1t. To see why assume that

there is perfect sorting–i.e., if an individual with ability a obtains ed-

ucation, all individuals with ability a0 > a will do so as well. In this

case, there will exist a threshold level of ability, a, such that only those

with a > a obtain education. Next consider a uniform distribution of

ai between b0 and b0 + b1. Then,

A0 =1

a− b0

Z a


ada =a+ b02


A1 =1

b1 − b0 − aZ b0+b1


ada =b0 + b1 + a


So both A0 and A1 will decline when a decreases to a0. Moreover,

A1−A0 = b1/2, so it is unaffected by the decline in a. Intuitively, witha uniform distribution of ai, when a increases, both A0 and A1 fall by

exactly the same amount, so the composition effects have no influence

on the education premium. Clearly, with other distributions of ability,

this extreme result will no longer hold, but it remains true that both

A0 and A1 will fall, and whether this effect will increase or decrease the

education premium is unclear. Overall, therefore, the effects of changes

in composition on education premia is an empirical question.

2.3. Evidence on composition effects. Empirically, the impor-

tance of composition effects can be uncovered by looking at inequality

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changes by cohort (e.g. Blackburn, Bloom and Freeman, or Juhn, Mur-

phy and Pierce). To see this, rewrite equation (2.2) as

(2.3) lnwict = aic + γthic + εcit

where c denotes a cohort–i.e., a group of individuals who are born in

the same year, or a group of individuals who have come to the market

in the same year. I have imposed an important assumption in writing

equation (2.3): returns to skills are assumed to be the same for all

cohorts and ages; γt–though clearly they vary over time. We can now

define cohort specific education premia as

lnωct ≡ E (lnwict | hi = 1)−E (lnwict | hi = 0) = γt +A1ct −A0ct

where A1ct ≡ E (aic | hi = 1) and A0ct is defined similarly. Under theadditional assumption that there is no further schooling for any of the

cohorts over the periods under study, we have lnωct = γt +A1c −A0c,which implies

(2.4) ∆ lnωc,t0−t ≡ lnωct0 − lnωct = γt0 − γt,

i.e., changes in the returns to education within a cohort will reveal the

true change in the returns to education.

The assumption that returns to skills are constant over the lifetime

of an individual may be too restrictive, however. As we saw above,

there are quite different age earning profiles by education. Neverthe-

less, a similar argument can be applied in this case too. For example,


lnωcst = γst +A1c −A0c

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for cohort c of age s in year t, and that

γst = γs + γt

(this assumption is also not necessary, but simplifies the discussion).


∆ lnωc,t0−t = γs0 − γs + γt0 − γt,

where obviously s0−s = t0− t. Now consider a different cohort, c00 thatis age s0 in the year t and age s in the year t00. Then

∆ lnωc00,t−t00 = γs0 − γs + γt − γt00

So, the true change in the returns to skills between the dates t00 and t0


(2.5) ∆2 lnω ≡ ∆ lnωc,t0−t −∆ lnωc00,t−t00 = γt0 − γt00 .

The evidence using this approach indicates that there are large

positive changes in the returns to a college degree or this time period.

Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1993) apply similar methodology to the

increase in overall and residual inequality. They also find that these

changes cannot be explained by composition effects either. These re-

sults suggest that the changes in the structure of wages observed over

the past 30 years cannot be explained by pure composition effects, and

reflect mainly changes in the true returns to observed and unobserved


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The Basic Theory of Skill Premia

The simplest framework for thinking about skill premia (returns

to schooling and returns to other skills) starts with a supply-demand

framework. The demand for skills is often thought to be generated by

the technology possibilities frontier of the economy, but is also affected

by international trade, and perhaps by the organization of production.

1. The Constant Elasticity of Substitution Framework

1.1. The aggregate production function. Let me start with

the simplest framework where there are two types of workers, skilled

and unskilled (high and low education workers), who are imperfect

substitutes. Imperfect substitution between the two types of workers is

important in understanding how changes in relative supplies affect skill

premia. For now, let us think of the unskilled workers as those with

a high school diploma, and the skilled workers as those with a college

degree, so the terms “skill” and education will be used interchangeably.

In practice, however, education and skills are imperfectly correlated, so

it is useful to bear in mind that since there are skilled and unskilled

workers within the same education group, an increase in the returns to

skills will also lead to an increase in within-group inequality.

Suppose that there are L (t) unskilled (low education) workers and

H (t) skilled (high education) workers, supplying labor inelastically at


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time t. All workers are risk neutral, and maximize (the present value

of) labor income. Also suppose that the labor market is competitive.

The production function for the aggregate economy takes the form

the constant elasticity of substitution (CES) form,

(1.1) Y (t) = [(Al (t)L (t))ρ + (Ah (t)H (t))

ρ]1/ρ ,

where ρ ≤ 1. I also ignore capital. I drop the time argument when thiscauses no confusion.

The elasticity of substitution between skilled and unskilled workers

in this production function is σ ≡ 1/ (1− ρ).

Skilled and unskilled workers are gross substitutes when the elas-

ticity of substitution σ > 1 (or ρ > 0), and gross complements when

σ < 1 (or ρ < 0). Three noteworthy special cases are:

(1) σ → 0 (or ρ → −∞) when skilled and unskilled workers willbe Leontieff, and output can be produced only by using skilled

and unskilled workers in fixed portions;

(2) σ →∞ when skilled and unskilled workers are perfect substi-


(3) σ → 1, when the production function tends to the Cobb Dou-

glas case.

The value of the elasticity of substitution will play a crucial role

in the interpretation of the results that follow. In particular, in this

framework, technologies either increase the productivity of skilled or

unskilled workers, i.e., there are no explicitly skill-replacing or unskilled-

labor-replacing technologies. Depending on the value of the elasticity

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of substitution, an increase in Ah can act either to complement or to

“replace” skilled workers.

As a little digression, at this point we can note that a more general

formulation would be

Y (t) = [(1− bt)(Al (t)L (t) +Bl (t))ρ + bt(Ah (t)H (t) +Bh (t))ρ]1/ρ ,

where Bl and Bh would be directly unskilled-labor and skill-replacing

technologies, and an increase in bt would correspond to some of the

tasks previously performed by the unskilled being taken over by the

skilled. For most of the analysis here, there is little to be gained from

this more general production function.

The production function (1.1) admits three different interpreta-


1. There is only one good, and skilled and unskilled workers are

imperfect substitutes in the production of this good.

2. The production function (1.1) is also equivalent to an economy

where consumers have utility function [Y ρl + Y

ρh ]1/ρ defined over two

goods. Good Yh is produced using only skilled workers, and Yl is

produced using only unskilled workers, with production functions Yh =

AhH, and Yl = AlL.

3. A mixture of the above two whereby different sectors produce

goods that are imperfect substitutes, and high and low education work-

ers are employed in all sectors.

Although the third interpretation is more realistic, I generally use

one of the first two, as they are easier to discuss.

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Since labor markets are competitive, the unskilled wage is

(1.2) wL =∂Y

∂L= Aρ

l [Aρl +A


ρ](1−ρ)/ρ .

This equation implies ∂wL/∂H/L > 0: as the fraction of skilled work-

ers in the labor force increases, the wages of unskilled workers should

increase. Similarly, the skilled wage is

wH =∂Y

∂H= Aρ


£Aρl (H/L)

−ρ +Aρh


which yields ∂wH/∂H/L < 0; everything else equal, as skilled workers

become more abundant, their wages should fall.

Combining these two equations, the skill premium–the wage of

skilled workers divided by the wage of unskilled workers–is

(1.3) ω =wHwL







¶(σ−1)/σ µH



Equation (1.3) can be rewritten in a more convenient form by taking


(1.4) lnω =σ − 1σ



¶− 1





Naturally, the skill premium increases when skilled workers become

more scarce, i.e.,

(1.5)∂ lnω

∂ lnH/L= −1

σ< 0.

This is the usual substitution effect, and shows that for given skill

bias of technology, as captured by Ah/Al, the relative demand curve for

skill is downward sloping with elasticity 1/σ = (1− ρ). Intuitively, an

increase in H/L can create two different types of substitutions.

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Skill premiumRelative supplyof skills

H/L H’/L’

Skill-biased tech. change




Relative demandfor skills

The relative demand for skills.

(1) if skilled and unskilled workers are producing the same good,

but performing different functions, an increase in the num-

ber of skilled workers will necessitate a substitution of skilled

workers for tasks previously performed by the unskilled.

(2) if skilled and unskilled workers are producing different goods

(because they have different comparative advantages making

them useful in different sectors), the greater number of skilled

workers will lead to a substitution of the consumption of the

unskill-intensive good by the skill-intensive good. In both

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cases, this substitution hurts the relative earnings of skilled


1.2. Relative supply of skills, technology, and the skill pre-

mium. An interesting case study of the response of the returns to

schooling to an increase in the supply of skills is provided by the expe-

rience in the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the 1980s. As Angrist

(1995) illustrates, there was a very large increase in the supply of skilled

Palestinian labor as there opened Palestinian institutions of higher ed-

ucation, which were totally absent before 1972. Angrist shows that

premia to college graduate workers (relative to high school graduates)

that were as high as 40 percent quickly fell to less than 20 percent.

The extent of substitution was also clear. First, many college grad-

uate workers could not find employment in skilled jobs. Angrist (1995)

shows a sharp increase in the unemployment rate of college graduates,

and Schiff and Yaari (1989) report that only one in eight Palestinian

graduates could find work in his profession, with the rest working as

unskilled laborers, mainly in the construction industry. Second, pre-

mia for tasks usually performed by more educated workers fell sharply.

Between 1984 and 1987, the premium for administrative and manage-

rial jobs (relative to manual laborers) fell from .32 to .12, while the

premium for clerical workers fell from .02 to -.08 (see Angrist, 1995, for


As equation (1.5) shows, the elasticity of substitution, σ, regulates

the behavior of the skill premium in response to supply changes. The

elasticity of substitution is also crucial for the response of the skill

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premium to changes in technology. Unfortunately, this parameter is

rather difficult to estimate, since it refers to an elasticity of substitution

that combines substitution both within and across industries. Nev-

ertheless, there are a number of estimates using aggregate data that

give a range of plausible values. The majority of these estimates are

between σ = 1 and 2. The response of college premium for Palestinian

labor reported in Angrist (1995), for example, implies an elasticity of

substitution between workers with 16 years of schooling and those with

less than 12 of schooling of approximately σ = 2.

How does the skill premium responds to technology? Differentia-

tion of (1.4) shows that the result depends on the elasticity of substi-

tution. If σ > 1 (i.e., ρ ∈ (0, 1]), then


∂Ah/Al> 0,

i.e., improvements in the skill-complementary technology increase the

skill premium.

Diagrammatically, this can be seen as a shift out of the relative

demand curve, which moves the skill premium from ω to ω00. The

converse is obtained when σ < 1: that is, when σ < 1, an improvement

in the productivity of skilled workers, Ah, relative to the productivity

of unskilled workers, Al, shifts the relative demand curve in and reduces

the skill premium. This case appears paradoxical at first, but is, in fact,

quite intuitive. Consider, for example, a Leontieff (fixed proportions)

production function. In this case, whenAh increases and skilled workers

become more productive, the demand for unskilled workers, who are

necessary to produce more output by working with the more productive

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skilled workers, increases by more than the demand for skilled workers.

In some sense, in this case, the increase in Ah is creating an “excess

supply” of skilled workers given the number of unskilled workers. This

excess supply increases the unskilled wage relative to the skilled wage.

This observation raises an important caveat. It is tempting to

interpret improvements in technologies used by skilled workers, Ah,

as “skill-biased”. However, when the elasticity of substitution is less

than 1, it will be advances in technologies used with unskilled workers,

Al, that increase the relative value over marginal product and wages

of skilled workers, and an increase in Ah relative to Al will be “skill-


Nevertheless, the conventional wisdom is that the skill premium

increases when skilled workers become relatively more–not relatively

less–productive, which is consistent with σ > 1. In fact, as noted

above, most estimates show an elasticity of substitution between skilled

and unskilled workers greater than 1.

It is also useful to compute average wages in this economy. With-

out controlling for changes in the educational composition of the labor

force, the average wage is

(1.6) w =LwL +HwHL+H


ρ + (AhH)ρ]1/ρ

1 +H/L,

which is also increasing in H/L as long as the skill premium is positive

(i.e., ω > 1 or Aρh(H/L)

ρ−Aρl > 0). Intuitively, as the skill composition

of the labor force improves, wages will increase.

1.3. Summary. The results I have outlined so far imply that in

response to an increase in H/L:

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1. Relative wages of skilled workers, the skill premium ω = wH/wL,


2. Wages of unskilled workers increase.

3. Wages of skilled workers decrease.

4. Average wages (without controlling for education) rise.

These results can be easily generalized to the case in which physical

capital also enters the production function, of the form

F (AlL,AhH,K)

and the same comparative statics hold even when the economy has an

upward sloping supply of capital.

It is also useful to highlight the implications of an increase in Ah on

wage levels. First, an increase in Ah, with Al constant, corresponds to

an increase in Ah/Al; the implications of this change on the skill pre-

mium were discussed above. Moreover if Ah increases, everything else

being equal, we expect both the wages of unskilled and skilled workers

(and therefore average wages) to increase: technological improvements

always increase all wages. This observation is important to bear in

mind since, as shown above, the wages of low-skill workers fell over the

past 30 years.

2. Why Technical Change Must Have Been Skill Biased?

The most central result for our purposes is that as H/L increases,

the skill premium, ω, should fall. Diagrammatically, the increase in

supply corresponds to a rightward shift in the vertical line from H/L

to H 0/L0, which would move the economy along the downward sloping

demand curve for skills. But this tendency of the skill premium to

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fall could be counteracted by changes in technology, as captured by


As discussed above, the past 60 years, and particularly the past 30

years, have witnessed a rapid increase in the supply of skills, H/L, but

no corresponding fall in the skill premium. This implies that demand

for skills must have increased to prevent the relative wages of skilled

workers from declining. The cause for this steady increase in the de-

mand for skills highlighted by this simple framework is skill-biased

technical change. More explicitly, the relative productivity of skilled

workers, (Ah/Al)(σ−1)/σ, must have increased.

The increase in (Ah/Al)(σ−1)/σ can be interpreted in a number of

different ways. In a two-good economy, such skill-biased technical

change corresponds to an increase in Ah/Al and ρ > 0 (σ > 1)–

i.e., skilled workers become more productive. Skill-biased technical

change could also take the form of a decrease in Ah/Al and ρ < 0

(σ < 1). In this case the “physical” productivity of unskilled workers

would increase, but their relative wages would fall due to relative price

effects. Alternatively, with the one-good interpretation, skill-biased

technical change simply corresponds to an increase in (Ah/Al)(σ−1)/σ.

If we assume a specific value for σ, we can translate these numbers

into changes in Ah/Al to get a sense of the magnitude of the changes. In

particular, notice that the relative wage bill of skilled workers is given


(2.1) SH =wHH



¶(σ−1)/σ µH



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Hence, we have



We can easily calculate the implied Ah/Al values for σ = 1.4 and for

σ = 2 using workers with some college, college graduates, and college

equivalents definitions of Autor, Katz and Krueger (1998). In all cases,

there is a very large implied increase in Ah/Al and (Ah/Al)(σ−1)/σ. For

example, these numbers indicate that, assuming an elasticity of substi-

tution of 1.4, the relative productivity of college graduates, Ah/Al, was

approximately 0.030 in 1960, increased to 0.069 in 1970, and to 0.157

in 1980. Between 1980 and 1990, it increased by a factor of almost

three to reach 0.470. As equation (1.4) shows, changes in the demand


D = (Ah/Al)σ−1σ

may be more informative than changes in Ah/Al.

The view that the post-war period is characterized by skill-biased

technical change also receives support from the within-industry changes

in employment patterns. With constant technology, an increase in the

relative price of a factor should depress its usage in all sectors. Since

the college premium increased after 1979, with constant technology,

there should be fewer college graduates employed in all sectors–and the

sectoral composition should adjust in order to clear the market. The

evidence is very much the opposite. Berman, Bound and Griliches

(1994) and Murphy and Welch (1993) show a steady increase in the

share of college labor in all sectors.

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This discussion therefore suggests that the past sixty years must

have been characterized by skill-biased technical change.

Note however that the presence of steady skill-biased technical

change does not offer an explanation for rise in inequality over the

past 25 years, since we are inferring that technical change has been

skill biased for much longer than these decades, and inequality was

stable or even declining during the decades before the 1970s. More-

over, skill-biased technical change by itself is not enough for inequality

and skill premia to increase. It will only need to increase in inequality

when it outpaces the increase in the relative supply of skills. We will

discuss this topic in more detail below.

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Non-Technological Explanations For the Changesin the Wage Structure

Armed with a simple framework for analyzing returns to schooling

and skill premia, we can now discuss what the potential causes of the

changes in the way structures could be. In this section, I start with

three non-technological explanations. In the next section, I will discuss

theories where the increase in wage and earnings inequality may reflect

changes in technologies.

By non-technological explanations I do not mean explanations in

which technology plays no role, but simply that there hasn’t been any-

thing unusual in the technology front. Instead some other changes are

responsible for the transformation of the wage structure. The three

explanations I will discuss are:

(1) The steady-demand hypothesis. According to this view, there

has been no major change in the structure of technology, and

therefore in the structure of demand for skills. Changes in the

returns to schooling and skill premium can be explained by

the differential rates of growth in the supply of skills.


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(2) The trade hypothesis. According to this view, the increase in

international trade, especially trade with less-developed coun-

tries, is responsible for the (unusual) increase in the demand

for skills over the past twenty-five years.

(3) The labor-market institutions hypothesis. This view assigns

changes in the wage structure to the decline of unions, the

erosion of the real value of the minimum wage and more gen-

erally, to changes in labor market regulations.

Throughout, it is useful to bear in mind that the leading alternative

to the non-technology models is a view which sees an acceleration in the

skill bias of technology, or some unusual technological developments

affecting the demand for skills. So I will be sometimes explicitly or

implicitly comparing these three non-technological hypotheses to the

technology view

1. The Steady-Demand Hypothesis

In a simple form, this hypothesis can be captured by writing

(1.1) ln

µAh (t)

Al (t)

¶= γ0 + γ1t,

where t is calendar time. Substituting this equation into (1.4), we


(1.2) lnω =σ − 1σ

γ0 +σ − 1σ






According to equation (1.2), the demand for skills increases at a

constant rate, but the supply of skilled workers could grow at different

rates. Therefore, changes in the returns to skills are caused by uneven

growth in the supply of skills. When H/L grows faster than the rate of

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skill-biased technical change, (σ − 1) γ1, the skill premium will fall, andwhen the supply growth falls short of this rate, the skill premium will

increase. The story has obvious appeal since the 1970s, when returns

to schooling fell sharply, were a period of faster than usual increase in

the supply of college graduate workers. In contrast, the 1980s were a

period of slow increase in the supply of skills relative to the 1970s.

Katz and Murphy (1992) estimate a version of equation (1.2) above

using aggregate data between 1963-1987. They find

lnω = 0.033 · t −0.71 · ln ¡HL

¢(0.01) (0.15)

This approach does fairly well in capturing the salient features of the

changes in the college premium between 1963 and 1987. In fact, Katz

and Murphy show that the predicted values from the above equation

are quite close to the observed movements in the college premium.

This implies that we can think of the U.S. labor market since 1963 as

characterized by an elasticity of substitution between college graduate

workers and noncollege workers of about σ = 1/0.71 ≈ 1.4, and an

annual increase in the demand for skills at the rate of about 3.3 percent.

The increase in the college premium during the 1980s is then explained

by the slowdown in the rate of growth of supply of college graduates.

Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons for preferring a cautious

interpretation of this regression evidence.

(1) The regression uses only 25 aggregate observations, and there

is significant serial correlation in the college premium. If the

true data were generated by an acceleration in skill bias and

a larger value of the elasticity of substitution, this regression

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could estimate a smaller elasticity of substitution and no ac-

celeration in the demand for skills. For example, Katz and

Murphy show that if the true elasticity of substitution is σ = 4,

a significant acceleration in the skill bias of technical change

is required to explain the data.

(2) From the wage bill share data reported above, Autor, Katz

and Krueger (1998) conclude that even for the range of the

values for the elasticity of substitution between σ = 1 and 2,

skill-biased technical change is likely to have been more rapid

during the 1980s than the 1970s. This can also be seen in

the numbers reported above, where, for most measures, the

increase in (Ah/Al)σ−1σ appears much larger between 1980 and

1990 than in other decades.

So it is important to undertake a detailed analysis of whether the

steady-demand hypothesis could explain the general patterns.

2. Evidence On Steady-Demand Vs. Acceleration

The first piece of evidence often put forth in support of an accel-

eration relates to the role of computers in the labor market. Krueger

(1993) has argued that computers have changed the structure of wages,

and showed that workers using computers are paid more, and this com-

puter wage premium has increased over time. Although this pattern

is striking, it is not particularly informative about the presence or ac-

celeration of skill-biased technical change. It is hard to know whether

the computer wage premium is for computer skills, or whether it is

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even related to the widespread use of computers in the labor mar-

ket. For example, DiNardo and Pischke (1997), and Enhorf and Kra-

martz (1998) show that the computer wage premium is likely to be a

premium for unobserved skills. Equally, however, it would be wrong

to interpret the findings of DiNardo and Pischke (1997) and Enhorf

and Kramartz (1998) as evidence against an acceleration in skill-biased

technical change, since, as argued below, such technical change would

increase the market prices for a variety of skills, including unobserved


The second set of evidence comes from the cross-industry studies

of, among others, Berman, Bound and Griliches (1994), Autor, Katz

and Krueger (1998), and Machin and Van Rennan (1998). These

papers document that almost all industries began employing more ed-

ucated workers during the 1970s and the 1980s. They also show that

more computerized industries have experienced more rapid skill upgrad-

ing, i.e., they have increased their demand for college-educated workers

more rapidly. For example, Autor, Katz and Krueger run regressions

of changes in the college wage-bill share in three digit industries on

computer use between 1984 and 1993. They find, for example, that

∆Sc80−90 = .287 + .147∆cu84−93(.108) (.046)

∆Sc90−96 = -.171 + .289∆cu84−93(.196) (.081)

where ∆Sc denotes the annual change in the wage bill share of college

graduates in that industry (between the indicated dates), and∆cu84−93

is the increase in the fraction of workers using computers in that in-

dustry between 1984 and 1993. These regressions are informative since

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the college wage bill share is related to the demand for skills as shown

by equation (2.2). The results indicate that in an industry where com-

puter use increases by 10 percent, the college wage bill share grows by

about 0.015 percent faster every year between 1980 and 1990, and 0.03

percent faster in every year between 1990 and 1996.

Although this evidence is suggestive, it does not establish that there

has been a change in the trend growth of skill-biased technology. As

pointed out in above, the only way to make sense of post-war trends

is to incorporate skill-biased technical change over the whole period.

Therefore, the question is whether computers and the associated infor-

mation technology advances have increased the demand for skills more

than other technologies did during the 1950s and 1960s, or even earlier.

This question cannot be answered by documenting that computerized

industries demand more skilled workers.

Cross-industry studies also may not reveal the true impact of com-

puters on the demand for skills, since industries that are highly com-

puterized may demand more skilled workers for other reasons as well.

In fact, when Autor Katz and Krueger (1998) run the above regressions

for 1960-1970 college wage bill shares, they obtain

∆Sc60−70 = .085 + .071∆cu84−93(.058) (.025)

Therefore, industries investing more in computers during the 1980s

were already experiencing more skill upgrading during the 1960s, before

the arrival of computers (though perhaps slower, since the coefficient

here is about half of that between 1980 and 1990). This suggests that

at least part of the increase in the demand for skills coming from highly

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computerized industries may not be the direct effect of computers, but

reflect an ongoing long-run shift towards more skilled workers. In this

light, faster skill upgrading by highly computerized industries is not

inconsistent with the steady-demand hypothesis.

The third, and probably most powerful, piece of evidence also comes

from Autor, Katz and Krueger (1998). They document that the supply

of skills grew faster between 1970 and 1995 than between 1940 and

1970–by 3.06 percent a year during the latter period compared to

2.36 percent a year during the earlier 30 years. In contrast, returns to

college increased between 1970 and 1995 by about 0.39 percent a year,

while they fell by about 0.11 percent a year during the earlier period.

If demand for skills had increased at a steady pace, the skill premium

should have also fallen since 1970. Moreover, Autor, Katz and Krueger

(1998) document greater within-industry skill upgrading in the 1970s,

1980s and 1990s than in 1960s, which is also consistent with more rapid

skill-biased technical change during these later decades.

A simple regression analysis also confirms this point. A regression

similar to that of Katz and Murphy for the period 1939-1996 yields

similar results:

lnω = 0.025 · t −0.56 · ln ¡HL


(0.01) (0.20)

with anR2 of 0.63 and an implied elasticity of substitution of 1.8, which

is somewhat larger than the estimate of Katz and Murphy. However,

adding higher order terms in time (i.e., time squared, time cubed, etc.)

improves the fit of the model considerably, and these higher-order terms

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are significant. The next figure shows these higher order trends, which

indicate an acceleration in skill bias starting in the 1970s.

Alternative Time Trends for the Relative Demand for Skillsyear

linear time trend quadratic time trend cubic time trend quartic time trend

39 49 59 69 79 89 96

Estimates of time trends from regressions of lnω on ln (H/L), year,year2, year3 and year4 between 1939 and 1996 (with observations in1939, 1949, 1959 from the decennial censuses and observations for

1963-1996 from the March CPSs).

A final piece of evidence comes from the behavior of overall and

residual inequality over the past several decades. As argued above,

this increase in inequality weighs in favor of a marked change in labor

market prices and demand for skills.

Overall, therefore, there is a variety of evidence suggesting an ac-

celeration in skill bias over the past 25 or 30 years. Although not

all evidence is equally convincing, the rise in the returns to schooling

over the past 30 years, despite the very rapid increase in the supply

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of skills, and the behavior of overall and residual inequality since the

1970s suggest a marked shift in the demand for skills over the past

several decades.

It is useful to bear in mind, however, that the unusual increase in

the demand for skills might be non-technological. It might reflect effect

of increased international trade with skill-scarce countries, or it may

reflect the collapse of some labor market institutions.

3. Trade and Inequality

3.1. Trade and wage inequality: theory. Standard trade the-

ory predicts that increased international trade with less developed

countries (LDCs), which are more abundant in unskilled workers, should

increase the demand for skills in the U.S. labor market. Therefore, the

increase in international trade may have been the underlying cause of

the changes in U.S. wage inequality.

To discuss these issues, consider the two good interpretation of the

model above. Consumer utility is defined over [Y ρl + Y

ρh ]1/ρ, with the

production functions for two goods being Yh = AhH and Yl = AlL.

Both goods are assumed to be tradable. For simplicity, let me just

compare the U.S. labor market equilibrium without any trade to the

equilibrium with full international trade without any trading costs.

Before trade, the U.S. relative price of skill intensive goods, ph/pl,

is given by

(3.1) pUS =phpl=




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The skill premium is then simply equal to the ratio of the marginal

value products of the two types of workers, that is,

(3.2) ωUS = pUSAhAl

Next, suppose that the U.S. starts trading with a set of LDCs that

have access to the same technology as given by Ah and Al, but are rela-

tively scarce in skills. Denote the total supplies of skilled and unskilled

workers in the LDCs by bH and bL where bH/bL < H/L, which simply

reiterates that the U.S. is more abundant in skilled workers than the


After full trade opening, the product markets in the U.S. and the

LDCs are joined, so there will be a unique world relative price. Since

the supply of skill-intensive and labor-intensive goods are Ah³H + bH´

and Al³L+ bL´, the relative price of the skill intensive good will be

(3.3) pW =

Ah³H + bH´

Al³L+ bL´


> pUS.

The fact that pW > pUS follows immediately from bH/bL < H/L. In-

tuitively, once the U.S. starts trading with skill-scarce LDCs, demand

for skilled goods increases, pushing the prices of these goods up.

Labor demand in this economy is derived from product demands.

The skill premium therefore follows the relative price of skill-intensive

goods. After trade opening, the U.S. skill premium increases to

(3.4) ωW = pWAhAl> ωUS

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where the fact that ωW > ωUS is an immediate consequence of pW >

pUS. Therefore, trade with less developed countries increases wage

inequality in the U.S..

The skill premium in the LDCs will also be equal to ωW after

trade since the producers face the same relative price of skill-intensive

goods, and have access to the same technologies. Before trade, how-

ever, the skill premium in the LDCs was bω = bpAh/Al, where bp =³Ah bH/AlbL´ρ−1is the relative price of skill-intensive goods in the LDCsbefore trade. The same argument as above implies that bp > pW , i.e.,trade with the skill-abundant U.S. reduces the relative price of skill-

intensive goods in the LDCs. This implies that ωW < bω; after tradewage inequality should fall in the LDCs that have started trading more

with the U.S. or other OECD economies.

3.2. Evidence. Although this analysis shows that increased in-

ternational trade could be responsible for the rise in skill premia and

inequality in the U.S., most economists discount the role of trade for

the reasons discussed briefly in the introduction.

First, as the comparison of equations (3.2) and (3.4) shows, the

effect of international trade works through a unique intervening mech-

anism: free trade with the LDCs increases the relative price of skill-

intensive goods, p, and affects the skill premium via this channel. The

most damaging piece of evidence for the trade hypothesis is that most

studies suggest the relative price of skill-intensive goods did not increase

over the period of increasing inequality. Lawrence and Slaughter found

that during the 1980s the relative price of skill-intensive goods actually

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fell. Sachs and Shatz found no major change or a slight decline, while

a more recent paper by Krueger found an increase in the relative price

of skill-intensive goods, but only for the 1989-95 period.

Second, as pointed out above, a variety of evidence suggests that all

sectors, even those producing less skill-intensive goods, increased their

demands for more educated workers. This pattern is consistent with the

importance of skill-biased technical change, but not with an increase in

the demand for skills driven mainly by increased international trade.

Third, as noted above, a direct implication of the trade view is

that, while demand for skills and inequality increase in the U.S., the

converse should happen in the LDCs that have started trading with the

more skill-abundant U.S. economy. The evidence, however, suggests

that more of the LDCs experienced rising inequality after opening to

international trade. Although the increase in inequality in a number of

cases may have been due to concurrent political and economic reforms,

the preponderance of evidence is not favorable to this basic implication

of the trade hypothesis.

Finally, a number of economists have pointed out that U.S. trade

with the LDCs is not important enough to have a major impact on

the U.S. product market prices and consequently on wages. Krugman

illustrates this point by undertaking a calibration of a simple North-

South model. Katz and Murphy, Berman, Bound and Griliches and

Borjas, Freeman and Katz emphasize the same point by showing that

the content of unskilled labor embedded in U.S. imports is small relative

to the changes in the supply of skills taking place during this period.

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These arguments suggest that increased international trade with

the LDCs is not the major cause of the changes in the wage structure

by itself.

4. Labor Market Institutions and Inequality

Twomajor changes in labor market institutions over the past twenty

five years are the decline in the real value of state and federal minimum

wages and the reduced importance of trade unions in wage determina-

tion. Many economists suspect that these institutional changes may be

responsible for the changes in the structure of the U.S. labor market.

The real value of the minimum wage eroded throughout the 1980s

as nominal minimum wages remained constant for much of this pe-

riod. Since minimum wages are likely to increase the wages of low paid

workers, this decline may be responsible for increased wage dispersion.

DiNardo et al. (1995) and Lee (1999) provide evidence in support of

this hypothesis.

Although the contribution of minimum wages to increased wage

dispersion cannot be denied, minimum wages are unlikely to be a major

factor in the increase in overall inequality for a number of reasons:

(1) Only a very small fraction of male workers are directly affected

by the minimum wage (even in 1992, after the minimum wage

hike of 1990-91, only 8 percent of all workers between the

ages of 18 and 65 were paid at or below the minimum wage).

Although minimum wages may increase the earnings of some

workers who are not directly affected, they are highly unlikely

to affect the wages above the median of the wage distribution.

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(2) The difference between the 90th percentile and the median

mirrors the behavior of the difference between the median and

the 10th percentile. (Perhaps with the exception of during the

early 1980s when there is a more rapid increase in inequality

at the bottom of the wage distribution, most likely due to

the falling real value of the minimum wage). This implies that

whatever factors were causing increased wage dispersion at the

top of the distribution are likely to have been the major cause

of the increase in wage dispersion throughout the distribution.

(3) Perhaps most importantly, the erosion in the real value of the

minimum wage started in the 1980s, whereas, as shown above,

the explosion in overall wage inequality began in the early


The declining importance of unions may be another important fac-

tor in the increase in wage inequality. Unions often compress the

structure of wages and reduce skill premia. Throughout the postwar

period in the U.S. economy, unions negotiated the wages for many oc-

cupations, even indirectly influenced managerial salaries. Unions also

explicitly tried to compress wage differentials. This suggests that the

decline of unions may be a major cause of the changes in the structure

of wages.

But once again, deunionization does not appear to be the major

cause of the increase inequality.

(1) Wage inequality increased in many occupations in which prices

were never affected by unions (such as lawyers and doctors).

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(2) Perhaps more important, in the U.S., deunionization started

in the 1950s, a period of stable wage inequality. During the

1970s, though unionization fell in the private sector, overall

unionization rates did not decline much because of increased

unionization in the public sector. Overall union density was

approximately constant, around 30 percent of the work force,

between 1960 and 1975. It was the anti-union atmosphere of

the 1980s and perhaps the defeat of the Air-traffic Controllers’

Strike that led to the most major declines of the unions, dating

the sharp declines in unionization after the rapid increase in

inequality during the early 1970s. Evidence from other coun-

tries also paints a similar picture. For example, in the UK,

wage inequality started its sharp increase in the mid 1970s,

while union density increased until 1980 and started the rapid

decline only during the 1980s. In Canada, while unionization

rates increased from around 30 percent in the 1960s to over 36

percent in the late 1980s, wage inequality also increased.

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Acceleration in Skill Bias

By the process of elimination, we have arrived at an acceleration

skill bias as the most likely cause of the increase in inequality over the

past 25-30 years.

There is also a variety of direct evidence that also suggests that

the technological developments of the past 30 years may have increase

the demand for skills considerably. Most observers agree that many

computer-based technologies require a variety of abstract and problem-

solving skills, thus increasing the demand for college education and re-

lated skills. The evidence in Autor, Katz and Krueger indicates that

industries that have invested in computer technology have increased

their demand for skills substantially. They also show that this corre-

lation is not driven by some omitted factors, such as R&D investment

or capital intensity.

1. Exogenous Acceleration Skill Bias

The most popular view in the literature is that the past 25 years

experienced an acceleration in skill bias because of exogenous techno-

logical developments, and link these technological developments to a

“technological revolution,” most likely associated with the microchip,

the computer technology, and improvements in communications tech-



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I would like to distinguish between 3 different approaches here.

1.1. “Black-Box” exogenous acceleration. This is the sim-

plest view, and claims that for some (unknown/exogenous) reason there

has been a more rapid increase in Ah/Al during this period, translat-

ing into greater skill premia. This may be linked to the introduction

of computer technology, but in this view there is no explicit theory of

why it would be so. In other words, new technologies just happened to

be more skill-biased and increase Ah/Al.

The advantage of this theory is its simplicity, and the disadvantage

is that by a similar approach we could explain anything that happens.

So for this theory to make progress, that has to be more empirical

work somehow documenting that Ah/Al has increased. Cross-industry

regressions that explain the demand for skills by computer investment

come close to this, but are not entirely satisfactory or easy to interpret.

An interesting attempt in this direction is made by Autor, Levy and

Murnane. They argue that the recent increase in the skill bias is an

outcome of improvements in computer technology resulting from the

fact that computers substitute for routine tasks, while at the same time

increasing the demand for problem-solving skills. Using data from the

Dictionary of Occupational Titles and decennial censuses, they show

that in industries with greater computerization, there has been a shift

away from occupations specializing in routine tasks towards occupa-

tions with a heavy problem-solving component. Therefore, this ap-

proach gives some empirical content to the otherwise exogenous and

hard-to-observe skill bias. It also suggests that the recent acceleration

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in the demand for skills maybe the outcome of the nature of computers,

which by construction replaced routine, easy-to-replicate tasks.

1.2. Capital-skill complementarity. An interesting fact uncov-

ered by Gordon is that the relative price of equipment capital has been

falling steadily in the postwar period. Moreover, this rate of decline

of equipment prices may have accelerated sometime during the mid to

late 1970s.

Krusell, Ohanian, Rios-Rull and Violante, using this fact, argue

that the demand for skills accelerated as a result of the more rapid

decline in the relative price of capital equipment. They build on an

idea first suggested by Griliches that capital is more complementary

to skilled rather than unskilled labor. Combining this insight with the

relatively rapid accumulation of equipment capital due to the decline

its relative price, they offerr an explanation for why the demand for

skills may have increased at a faster rate during the past 25 years than


More explicitly, these authors consider the following aggregate pro-

duction function

Y = Kαs


µ + (1− b1)¡b2K

λe + (1− b2)Hλ

¢µ/λi(1−α)/µwhere Ks is structures capital (such as buildings), and Ke is equip-

ment capital (such as machines). The parameter σ1 = 1/ (1− λ) is

the elasticity of substitution between equipment and skilled workers,

and σ2 = 1/ (1− µ) is the elasticity of substitution between unskilledworkers and the equipment-skilled worker aggregate.

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If σ1 > σ2 (i.e., µ > λ), equipment capital is more complementary

to skilled workers than unskilled workers, and as a result, an increase

in Ke will increase the wages of skilled workers more than the wages of

unskilled workers.

The skill premium in this model is

ω =wHwL

=(1− b2) (1− b1)Hλ−1 ¡b2Kλ

e + (1− b2)Hλ¢(µ−λ)/λ


Differentiation shows that as long as µ > λ, ∂ω/∂Ke > 0. So pro-

vided that equipment capital is more complementary to skilled workers

than unskilled workers, an increase in the quantity of equipment cap-

ital will increase the demand for skills. Since the post-war period

has been characterized by a decline in the relative price of equipment

goods, there will be an associated increase in the quantity of equipment

capital, Ke, increasing the demand for skills steadily.

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Log r


tive p








Log rel. price of equip. capital Pre 1974 trend Post 1974 trend

1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1992






The behavior of the log relative price of equipment capital, 1963-1992.

Nevertheless, there are serious difficulties in adjusting capital prices

for quality. This suggests that we may want to be cautious in inter-

preting this evidence. Another problem comes from the fact that, as I

will discuss in more detail below, a variety of other evidence does not

support the notion of faster technological progress since 1974, which is

a basic tenet of this approach.

Finally, one would presume that if, in fact, the decline in the relative

price of equipment capital is related to the increase in the demand for

skills, then in a regression of equation (1.2) as in the work by Katz and

Murphy (1992), it should proxy for the demand for skills and perform

better than a linear time trend.

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But, the evidence suggests that the relative quantity of equipment

capital or its relative price never does as well as a time trend. When

entered together in a time-series regression, the time trend is significant,

while there is no evidence that the relative price of equipment capital

matters for the demand for skills.

This evidence casts some doubt on the view that the relative price

of equipment capital is directly linked to the demand for skills and that

its faster decline since 1970s indicates an acceleration in skill bias.

1.3. Technological revolutions and the Schultz view of hu-

man capital. Recall that according to Schultz/Nelson-Phelps view

of human capital, skills and ability are more useful at times of rapid

change (at times of “disequilibrium” as Schultz called it). So if indeed

there has been a technological revolution, we might expect this may

have increased the demand for skills.

This view has been advanced by a number of authors, including

Greenwood and Yorukoglu (1997), Caselli (1999), Galor and Moav

(2000). For example, Greenwood and Yorukoglu (1997, p. 87) argue:

“Setting up, and operating, new technologies often in-

volves acquiring and processing information. Skill facil-

itates this adoption process. Therefore, times of rapid

technological advancement should be associated with a

rise in the return to skill.”

Let me give a brief formalization of this approach built on Galor

and Moav (2000) adapted to the above framework. Suppose that in

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terms of the CES framework developed above

(1.1) Al = φl(g)a and Ah = φha

where a is a measure of aggregate technology, and g is the growth

rate of a, i.e., g ≡ a/a. The presumption that skilled workers are

better equipped to deal with technological progress can be captured by

assuming that φ0l < 0. Galor and Moav (2000) refer to this assumption

as the “erosion effect,” since it implies that technical change erodes

some of the established expertise of unskilled workers, and causes them

to benefit less from technological advances than skilled workers do.

Substituting from (1.1) into (1.3), the skill premium is


ω =wHwL



¶(σ−1)/σ µH




φl (g)

¶(σ−1)/σ µH



Therefore, as long as φ0l < 0, more rapid technological progress, as

captured by a higher level of g, will increase the skill premium.

This approach therefore presumes that the recent past has been

characterized by faster than usual technological progress, and explains

the acceleration in skill biass by the direct effect of more rapids tech-

nical change on the demand for skills.

1.4. Are we in the midst of a technological revolution? This

is not an easy question to answer, but a relevant one to judge many of

the theories discussed in this section. Here I will simply give my own

view, which is: no.

There is little direct evidence that the decades between 1970 and

1995 have been a period of rapid technical change. First, this period

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has experienced sluggish TFP and output growth relative to earlier pe-

riods. Although some authors argue that the slow TFP growth itself

may be an outcome of the more rapid technical change, this is not en-

tirely convincing. According to this argument, new revolutionary tech-

nologies first reduce productivity growth as firms and workers spend

their time learning to use these technologies. Relatedly, following a

suggestion by Griliches, many have argued that our ability to measure

TFP growth may have deteriorated following a change in technological

regime. Neither of these arguments are very convincing, however.

It is difficult to imagine how a new and radically more profitable

technology will first lead to twenty five years of substantially slower

growth. Although, in an influential paper, Paul David (1990) argues

that the spread of electricity to American manufacturing was also slow

and productivity gains from electrification were limited until the 1920s,

the parallel with the recent productivity slowdown should not be over-


(1) Though productivity growth from electrification was sluggish

during the early 1900s, the U.S. economy overall had a much

higher level of output growth than growth levels experienced

over the past three decades. Output growth between 1899

and 1909 in the U.S. economy was 4.2 percent a year, while

between 1909 and 1919, it was 3 percent, and between 1990

and 1929, output grew by 3.6 percent a year.

(2) As noted by Oliner and Sichel (1994), computers and other

advanced office equipment have only been a trivial part of

the aggregate capital stock of the U.S. economy until the mid

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1990s. It is therefore unlikely that the whole of the U.S. econ-

omy has been adapting to the changes in this relatively small

part of the capital stock

(3) As shown by Brendt, Morrison and Rosenblum (1994), more

computerized sectors did not perform any better in terms of

labor productivity growth over this period, and this pattern

is also difficult to reconcile with a computer-led technological


Finally, it is not even the case that historical evidence supports

the notion that times of rapid technical change increase inequality.

The major technological changes of the nineteenth century appear to

have been largely unskilled-biased and to have reduced inequality, even

though they seem as radical as computer technology. This suggests

that it is the skill bias of technology, not merely its rapid arrival, that

is important for the demand for skills.

A final problem for all of the approaches based exogenous techno-

logical developments is the coincidence in the timing of this change, and

the rapid increase in the supply of skilled workers. Recall that there

was a very large increase in the supply of college graduate workers dur-

ing the late 1960s and early 1970s. So the acceleration in skill bias

is either concurrent with, or immediately follows, this large increase in

the supply of skills. There is no a priori reason to expect the accel-

eration in skill bias to coincide with the rapid increase in the supply

of skills. Those who want to subscribe to the exogenous technological

progress view have to explain this as a chance event.

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2. Endogenous Acceleration in Skill Bias

The theories discussed so far presume technical change to be skill-

biased by nature. A different perspective is to link the type of tech-

nologies that are developed and adopted to (profit) incentives.

The basic idea is that the development of skill-biased technologies

will be more profitable when they have a larger market size–i.e., when

there are more skilled workers. Therefore, the equilibrium degree of

skill bias, which will be determined endogenously, could be an increas-

ing function of the relative supply of skilled workers. An increase in the

supply of skills will then lead to skill-biased technical change. Further-

more, an acceleration in the supply of skills can lead to an acceleration

in the demand for skills.

2.1. A basic model. Imagine that the production functions above

are modified to:

(2.1) YL =1

1− β



xL (j)1−β dj



(2.2) YH =1

1− β



xH (j)1−β dj


where xL (j) and xH (j) denote machines used in the production of the

labor-intensive and skill-intensive goods. This formulation with the use

of these machines replaces the exogenous technology terms Al and Ah


NL and NH denote the range of machines that can be used in these

two sectors. As is standard in Dixit-Stiglitz-type models (for example

endogenous technical change models), these ranges of machines will

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be measures of productivity in the two sectors. Therefore, change in

NH/NL will change the skill bias of technology.

Assume that machines to both sectors are supplied by “technology


Each monopolist sets a rental price χL (j) or χH (j) for the machine

it supplies to the market.

The marginal cost of production is the same for all machines and

equal to ψ ≡ 1− β in terms of the final good.

Price taking by the producers of the labor-intensive goods implies

(2.3) maxL,{xL(j)}



χL (j) xL (j) dj,

This gives machine demands as

(2.4) xL (j) =


χL (j)



(2.5) xH (j) =


χH (j)


Since the demand curve for machines facing the monopolist, (2.4),

is iso-elastic, the profit-maximizing price will be a constant markup

over marginal cost. In particular, all machine prices will be given by

χL (j) = χH (j) = 1.

Profits of technology monopolists are obtained as

(2.6) πL = βp1/βL L and πH = βp

1/βH H.

Let VH and VL be the net present discounted values of new innova-

tions. Then in steady state:

(2.7) VL =βp

1/βL L

rand VH =

βp1/βH H


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The greater is VH relative to VL, the greater are the incentives to

develop H-complementary machines, NH , rather than NL.

This highlights the two effects on the direction of technical change

that I mentioned above:

(1) The price effect: a greater incentive to invent technologies

producing more expensive goods.

(2) The market size effect: a larger market for the technology

leads to more innovation. The market size effect encourages

innovation for the more abundant factor.

Substituting for relative prices, relative profitability is



µ1− γ


¶ εσµNHNL

¶− 1σµH





σ ≡ ε− (ε− 1) (1− β) .

is the (derived) elasticity of substitution between the two factors. When

VH/VL there will be more research towards inventing new skill-complementary

varieties, and NH/NL will increase. This is the essence of the model

of endogenous skill bias. Greater profitability of skill-complementary

technologies leads to more innovations that are skill complementary.

As discussed above, in the case of substitution between skilled and

unskilled workers, a high elasticity is reasonable. So here I presume

that σ > 1. Then equation (2.8) immediately implies that the higher

relative supply of skills, H/L, increases VH/VL, and via this channel, it

induces an increase in NH/NL, creating skill-biased technical change.

Also note that relative factor prices are

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= p1/βNHNL


µ1− γ


¶ εσµNHNL



¶− 1σ


First, the relative factor reward, wH/wL, is decreasing in the rel-

ative factor supply, H/L, this is simply the usual substitution effect,

making the short-run (exogenous-technology) relative demand for for

skills downward sloping.

Second, greater H/L leads to a greater NH/NL, which is biased

toward skilled workers, and therefore increases wH/wL. In other words,

an increase in the relative supply of skills causes skill-biased technical


Next, the question is whether this induced skill bias effect could

be strong enough to outweigh the substitution effect, and lead to an

upward sloping relative demand curve.

To answer this question, we need to specify the production function

for the creation of new varieties of machines. Suppose that new varieties

are created as follows:

(2.10) NL = ηLXL and NH = ηHXH ,

where X denotes R&D expenditure.

This gives the following “technology market clearing” condition:

(2.11) ηLπL = ηHπH.

Then, relative physical productivities can be solved for


= ησµ1− γ





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Substituting for (2.12) into (2.9), endogenous-technology factor re-

wards are obtained as


= ησ−1µ1− γ





Comparing this equation to the relative demand for a given tech-

nology, we see that the response of relative factor rewards to changes

in relative supply is always more elastic in (2.13) than in (2.9).

This is simply an application of the LeChatelier principle, which

states that demand curves become more elastic when other factors

adjust–that is, the relative demand curves become flatter when “tech-

nology” adjusts.

The more important and surprising result here is that if σ is suffi-

ciently large, in particular if σ > 2, the relationship between relative

factor supplies and relative factor rewards can be upward sloping.

2.2. Implications. If σ > 2, then the long-run relationship be-

tween the relative supply of skills and the skill premium is positive.

Why is this interesting? Three important facts about demand for

skills are:

(1) Secular skill-biased technical change increasing the demand for

skills throughout 20th century.

(2) Possible acceleration in skill-biased technical change over the

past 25 years.

(3) Many skill-replacing technologies during the 19th century.

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With an upward sloping relative demand curve, or simply with the

degree of skilled bias endogenized, we have a natural explanation for

all of these patterns.

(1) The increase in the number of skilled workers that has taken

place throughout 20th century is predicted to cause steady

skill-biased technical change.

(2) Acceleration in the increase in the number of skilled workers

over the past 25 years is predicted to induce an acceleration

in skill-biased technical change.

(3) Large increase in the number of unskilled workers available to

be employed in the factories during the 19th century could

be expected to induce skill-replacing/labor-biased technical


In addition, this framework with endogenous technology also gives a

nice interpretation for the dynamics of the college premium during the

1970s and 1980s. It is reasonable to presume that the equilibrium skill

bias of technologies, Nh/Nl, is a sluggish variable determined by the

slow buildup and development of new technologies. In this case, a rapid

increase in the supply of skills would first reduce the skill premium as

the economy would be moving along a constant technology (constant

Nh/Nl) curve in the figure. After a while the technology would start

adjusting, and the economy would move back to the upward sloping

relative demand curve, with a very sharp increase in the college pre-

mium. This approach can therefore explain both the decline in the

college premium during the 1970s and the subsequent large surge, and

relates both to the large increase in the supply of skilled workers.

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If on the other hand we have σ < 2, the long-run relative demand

curve will be downward sloping, though again it will be shallower than

the short-run relative demand curve. Then following the increase in

the relative supply of skills there will be an initial decline in the skill

premium (college premium), and as technology starts adjusting the

skill premium will increase. But it will end up below its initial level.

To explain the larger increase in the 1980s, in this case we need some

exogenous skill-biased technical change. The next figure draws this


Relative Wage

Long-run relativedemand for skills

Exogenous Shift in Relative Supply

Initial Rel Wage


Long-run Rel Wage

The dynamics of the relative wage of skilled workers in response to anincrease in the supply of skills with limited endogenous skill-biased

technical change.

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3. A Puzzle: The Decline in the Wages of Low-Skill Workers

A common shortcoming of all the pure technology approaches dis-

cussed in this section is that they do not naturally predict stagnant

average wages and/or falling wages for unskilled workers. In the ba-

sic framework above, average wages should always increase when the

supply of educated workers increases, and all wages should rise in re-

sponse to an increase in the productivity of skilled workers, Ah. Yet,

over the past 30 years the wages of low-skill workers have fallen in real

value during, which contrasts with their steady increase in the 30 years


3.1. Basic issues. Models of faster technological progress would

naturally predict that unskilled workers should benefit from this faster

progress. The endogenous technology approach discussed above, on

the other hand, predicts that there may be no improvements in the tech-

nologies for unskilled workers for an extended period of time because

skill-biased innovations are more profitable than labor-complementary

innovations. Yet in that case, their wages should be stagnant, but not


Some of the studies mentioned above have suggested explanations

for the fall in the wages of low-skill workers. For example, recall

that Galor and Moav (2000) argue that faster technological change cre-

ates an “erosion effect”, reducing the productivity of unskilled work-

ers. Using equation (1.2) from above, in the simplified version of

their model discussed above, the wages of unskilled workers is wL =

φl (g) a [1 + φρh(H/L)

ρ](1−ρ)/ρ, so the rate of growth of unskilled wages

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will be wL/wL = g (1 + εφ), where εφ is the elasticity of the φl function

which is negative by the assumption that φ0l < 0. If this elasticity is

less than -1, an acceleration in economic growth can reduce the wages

of low-skill workers due to a powerful erosion effect.

3.2. Allocation of capital between sectors and workers. As

an alternative, Acemoglu (1999a) and Caselli (1999) derive a fall in

the wages of less skilled workers because the capital-labor ratio for low

education/low-skill workers falls as firms respond to technological de-

velopments. In Caselli’s model this happens because the equilibrium

rate of return to capital increases, and in my paper, this happens be-

cause firms devote more of their resources to opening specialized jobs

for skilled workers.

Consider the following simple example to illustrate this point. There

is a scarce supply of an input K, which could be capital, entrepreneur-

ial talent or another factor of production. Skilled workers work with

the production function

(3.1) Yh = AαhK

1−αh Hα

while unskilled workers work with the production function

(3.2) Yl = Aαl K

1−αl Lα,

where Kl and Kh sum to the total supply of K, which is assumed

fixed. For simplicity, Yl and Yh are assumed to be perfect substitutes.

In equilibrium, the marginal products of capital in two sectors have to

be equalized, henceKl

AlL=K −Kl


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Therefore, an increase in Ah relative to Al will reduce Kl, as this scarce

factor gets reallocated from unskilled to skilled workers. The wages of

unskilled workers, wL = (1− α)Aαl K

1−αl Lα−1, will fall as a result.

An innovative version of this story is developed by Beaudry and

Green (2000). Suppose that equation (3.2) above is replaced by Yl =


1−ηl Lη, with η < α, and K is interpreted as physical capital. This

implies that unskilled workers require more capital than skilled workers.

Beaudry and Green show that an increase in H/L can raise inequality,

and depress the wages of low-skill workers. The increase in H/L

increases the demand for capital, and pushes the interest rate up. This

increase in the interest rate hurts unskilled workers more than skilled

workers because, given η < α, unskilled workers are more “dependent”

on capital.

A potential problem with both the Beaudry and Green and Caselli

stories is that they explicitly rely on an increase in the price of capital.

Although the interest rates were higher during the 1980s in the U.S.

economy, this seems mostly due to contractionary monetary policy, and

related only tangentially to inequality. Perhaps, future research will

show a major role for the increase in the interest rates in causing the

fall in the wages of low education workers over the past twenty-five

years, but as yet, there is no strong evidence in favor of this effect.

Overall, a potential problem for all of these models based on techni-

cal change is to account for the decline in the wages of low-skill workers.

The effect of technical change on the organization of the labor market

may provide an explanation for this decline.

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4. Organizational Change

A variety of evidence suggests that important changes in the struc-

ture of firms have been taking place in the U.S. economy over twenty-

five years. Moreover, it seems clear that a major driving force for this

transformation is changes in technologies.

For example, team production and other high-performance produc-

tion methods are now widespread in the U.S. economy (e.g., Ichinowski,

Prennushi, and Shaw, 1997, or Applebaum and Batt, 1994). Similarly,

Cappelli and Wilk (1997) show that there has been an increase in the

screening of production workers, especially from establishments that

use computer technology and pay high wages.

Murnane and Levy (1996) report case study evidence consistent

with this view. From their interviews with human resource person-

nel at a number of companies, they describe the change in the hiring

practices of U.S. companies. A manager at Ford Motor company in

1967 describes their hiring strategy as follows: “If we had a vacancy,

we would look outside in the plant waiting room to see if there were

any warm bodies standing there. If someone was there and they looked

physically OK and weren’t an obvious alcoholic, they were hired” (p.

19). In contrast, comparable companies in the late 1980s use a very

different recruitment strategy. Murnane and Levy discuss the cases of

Honda of America, Diamond Star Motors and Northwestern Mutual

Life. All three companies spend substantial resources on recruitment

and hire only a fraction of those who apply.

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Model of organizational change are interesting in part because they

often predict a decline in the wages of low-skill workers as a result of

organizational change. Moreover, such models can explain both the

changes in the organizational work that we observe, and also make

some progress towards opening the black-box of “skill-biased technical


4.1. A simple model. I will first outline a simple model, inspired

by Kremer andMaskin (1999) and Acemoglu (1999a), that captures the

effect of the changes in technologies on the organization of production.

The basic idea is simple. As the productivity of skilled workers in-

creases, it becomes more profitable for them to work by themselves in

separate organizations rather than in the same workplace as unskilled

workers. This is because when the skilled and unskilled work together,

their productivities interact, and unskilled workers may put downward

pressure on the productivity of skilled workers.

Specifically, suppose that firms have access to the following produc-

tion functions

the old-style production function : Y = Bp [(AlL)ρ + (AhhO)

ρ]1/ρ ,

the new-organization production function : Y = BsAβhhN .

Intuitively, skilled and unskilled workers can either be employed in the

same firm as with the old-style function, hO, or high skill workers can

be employed in separate firms, hN . The fact that when they are em-

ployed in the same firm, these two types of workers affect each other’s

productivity is captured by the CES production function. This formu-

lation implies that if the productivity (ability) of unskilled workers, Al,

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is very low relative to Ah, they pull down the productivity of skilled

workers. In contrast, when they work in separate firms, skilled work-

ers are unaffected by the productivity of unskilled workers. Moreover,

β > 1, which implies that improvements in the productivity of skilled

workers has more effect on the productivity of new style organizations.

The parameters Bp and Bs capture the relative efficiency of old and

new style production functions.

The labor market is competitive, so the equilibrium organization of

production will maximize total output, given byBp [(AlL)ρ + (AhhO)ρ]1/ρ+

BsAβh (H − hO), where hO ∈ [0, H] is the number of skilled workers em-

ployed in the old-style organizations. For all cases in which hO > 0,

the solution to this problem will involve

(4.1) wH = BpAρhh

ρ−1O [Aρ

lLρ +Aρ

hhρO](1−ρ)/ρ = BsA


i.e., skilled workers need to be paid BsAβh to be convinced to work in

the same firms as the unskilled workers. The unskilled wage is

(4.2) wL = BpAρlL

ρ−1 [AρlL

ρ +Aρhh

ρO](1−ρ)/ρ < wH

Now consider an increase inAh. Differentiating (4.1) yields ∂(AhhO)/∂Ah <

0, which, from (4.2), implies that ∂wL/∂Ah < 0. Therefore, skill-biased

technical change encourages skilled workers to work by themselves, and

as a result, unskilled wages fall. Intuitively, since, in the old-style orga-

nizations, the productivity of skilled workers depends on the ability of

unskilled workers, when the skilled become even more productive, the

downward pull exerted on their productivity by the unskilled workers

becomes more costly, and they prefer to work in separate organizations.

This reduces the ratio hO/L and depresses unskilled wages. As a result,

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improvements in technology, which normally benefit unskilled workers

as discussed above, may actually hurt unskilled workers because they

transform the organization of production.

An increase in Bs/Bp, which raises the relative profitability of the

new organizational form, also leads to further segregation of skilled

and unskilled workers in different organizations. This last compara-

tive static result is useful since Bresnahan (1999) and Autor, Levy and

Murnane. (2000) argue that by replacing workers in the performance

of routine tasks, computers have enabled a radical change in the orga-

nization of production. This is reminiscent to a technological change

that makes the new-organization production function more profitable.

4.2. A more detailed model of the changes in the organi-

zation of production. Now consider a somewhat more structured

model which also tries to get to the same issues. The basic idea is that

when either the productivity gap between skilled and unskilled work-

ers is limited or when the number of skilled workers in the labor force

is small, it will be profitable for firms to create jobs that to employ

both skilled and unskilled workers. But when the productivity gap is

large or that are a sufficient number of skilled workers, it may become

profitable for (some) firms to target skilled workers, designing the jobs

specifically for these workers. Then these firms will wait for the skilled

workers, and will try to screen the more skill once among the appli-

cants. In the meantime, there will be lower-quality (low capital) jobs

specifically targeted at the unskilled.

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Suppose that there are two types of workers. The unskilled have

human capital (productivity) 1, while the skilled have human capital

η > 1. Denote the fraction of skilled workers in the labor force by φ.

The firms choose the capital stock k before they meet a worker,

and matching is assumed to be random, in the sense that each firm,

irrespective of its physical capital, has exactly the same probability

of meeting different types of workers. Once the firm and the worker

match, separating is costly, so there is a quasi-rent to be divided be-

tween the pair. Here, the economy is assumed to last for one period, so

if the firm and worker do not agree they lose all of the output (see Ace-

moglu, 1999, for the model where the economy is infinite-horizon and

agents who do not agree with their partners can resample). Therefore,

bargaining will result in workers receiving a certain fraction of output,

which I denote by β.

The production function of a pair of worker and firm is

y = k1−αhα,

where k is the physical capital of the firm and h is the human capital

of the worker.

Firms choose their capital stock to maximize profits, before knowing

which type of worker will apply to their job. For simplicity, I assume

that firms do not bear the cost of capital if they decides not to produce

with the worker who has applied to the job. I also denote the cost of

capital by c.

Their expected profits are therefore given by

φxH (1− β)¡k1−αη − ck¢+ (1− φ)xL (1− β)

¡k1−α − ck¢ ,

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where xj is the probability, chosen by the firm, that it will produce with

a worker of type j conditional on matching that type of worker. There-

fore, the first term is profits conditional on matching with a skilled

worker, and the second term gives the profits from matching with an

unskilled worker.

There can be to different types of equilibria in this economy:

(1) A pooling equilibrium in which firms choose a level of capital

and use it both of skilled and unskilled workers. We will see

that in the pooling equilibrium inequality is limited.

(2) A separating equilibrium in which firms target the skilled and

choose a higher level of capital. In this equilibrium inequality

will be greater.

In this one-period economy, firms never specifically target the un-

skilled, but that outcome arises in the dynamic version of this economy.

Now it is straightforward to characterize the firms profit maximizing

capital choice and the resulting organization of production (whether

firms will employ both skilled and unskilled workers). It turns out that

first choose the pooling strategy as long as

η <

µ1− φ

φα − φ


Therefore, a sufficiently large increase in η (in the relative productivity

of skilled workers) and/or in φ (the fraction of skilled workers in the

labor force) switches the economy from pooling to separating).

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Such a switch will be associated with important changes in the

organization of production, an increase in inequality, and a decline in

the wages of low-skill workers.

Is there any evidence that there has been such a change in the

organization of production? This is difficult to ascertain, but some

evidence suggests that there may have been some important changes

in how jobs are designed and organized now.

First, firms spend much more on recruiting, screening, and are now

much less happy to hire low-skill workers for jobs that they can fill with

high skill workers.

Second, as already mentioned above, the distribution of capital to

labor across industries has become much more unequal over the past

25 years. This is consistent with a change in the organization of pro-

duction where rather than choosing the same (or a similar) level of

capital with both skilled and unskilled workers, now some firms target

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the skilled workers with high-capital jobs, while other firms go after

unskilled workers with jobs with lower capital intensity.

Third, evidence from the CPS suggests that the distribution of jobs

has changed significantly since the early 1980s, with job categories that

used to pay “average wages” have declined in importance, and more

jobs at the bottom and top of the wage distribution. In particular, if

we classify industry-occupation cells into high-wage the middle-wage

and low-wage ones (based either on wages or residual wages), there are

many fewer workers employed in the middle-wage cells today as com-

pared to the early 1980s, or the weight-at-the-tales of the vob quality

distribution has increased substantially as the next figure shows.

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The evolution of the percentage of employment in the top and bottom25 percentile industry-occupation cells (weight-at-the-tails of the job

quality distribution).

This framework also suggests that there should be better “match-

ing” between firms and workers now, since firms are targeting high

skilled workers. Therefore, measures of mismatch should have declined

over the past 25 or so years. Consistent with this prediction, evidence

from the PSID suggests that there is much less over- or under-education

today than in the 1970s.

4.3. Alternative stories. Other possible organizational stories

could also account for the simultaneous changes in the organization

of production and inequality. One possibility is that the introduction

of computers has enabled firms to reorganize production, giving much

more power to skilled workers, and therefore increasing their productiv-

ity. Caroli and Van Reenen provide evidence consistent with this view

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from British and French establishments. They show that measures

of organizational change, such as decentralization of authority, have a

strong predictive power for the demand for skills at the establishment

level, even after controlling for other determinants of the demand for

skills, such as computers.

Another possibility, suggested by Thesmar and Thoenig, is that

firms have been gradually changing their organization from mechanis-

tic organizations, which are highly productive at a given task, but not

adaptable to changing environments, towards more adaptive organi-

zations, which may be less efficient at a given task, but can quickly

and adapt to changes. They link this switch in organizational form to

globalization and to the increased availability of skilled workers (as in

the above story). Because adaptive organizations require more skilled

workers, this change in organizational form increases the demand for


5. Technical Change and Institutional Change

The above discussion of the effect of labor market institutions on

inequality suggested that these are unlikely to be the main reason for

the change in inequality. But this still leaves the question of how come

labor market institutions started to change shortly after the changes

in the structure of wages. Moreover, other major changes in the labor

market, including the explosion in the pay of the CEOs, indicate that

the organization of the labor market has changed substantially. Are

these changes totally unrelated to the changes in technology favoring

skilled workers?

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One possible view is that changes in technology have also con-

tributed to the changes in labor market institutions, and as a result,

we have witnessed the decline of unions, increased power (and pay) of

the CEOs etc.

There can be a number of different reasons for why changes in

technology may affect the organization of labor market and the form

of “equilibrium” institutions. Here I will mention only two:

(1) New technologies may directly make certain institutions harder

to maintain. For example, if new technologies require a lot of

job switching, this might make unions less sustainable. There

may be a lot to a story like this, but probably not because

there is more frequent job switching today, since as discussed

above, the evidence does not support greater churning in the

labor market. Such a story linking organizational forms to

technology has not been developed yet, but may be a fruitful

area for future research.

(2) New technologies may increase inequality, and greater inequal-

ity may make certain organizational forms harder to maintain.

Now I will develop a simple story of deunionization along lines of

the second explanation. The same reasoning may apply to other di-

mensions of wage setting policies and labor market institutions as well

as to deunionization.

To see the basic argument suppose that production can be carried

out either in unionized or nonunionized firms. In nonunionized firms,

workers receive their marginal products, which I denote by Ah and Al

for skilled and unskilled workers. Assume that unions always compress

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the structure of wages–i.e., they reduce wage differentials between

skilled and unskilled workers. This wage compression could be driven

by a variety of factors.

Acemoglu, Aghion and Violante (2000) argue that unions encour-

age productive training, and such training is incentive compatible for

firms only when the wage structure is compressed Alternatively, col-

lective decision making within a union may reflect the preferences of

its median voter, and if this median voter is an unskilled worker, he

will try to increase unskilled wages at the expense of skilled wages. It

is also possible that union members choose to compress wages because

of ideological reasons or for social cohesion purposes. The empirical

literature supports the notion that unions compress wages. I capture

this in a reduced form way here using the equation

(5.1) ω =wHwL≤ ψ


where ψ < 1. Unions could never attract skilled workers unless they

provide some benefits to them. Here I simply assume that they provide

a benefit β to all workers, for example, because unions increase pro-

ductivity, or because they encourage training. Alternatively, β could

be part of the rents captured by the union. The zero profit constraint

for firms would be:

(wH − β)H + (wL − β)L ≤ AhH +AlL

(in the case where β stands for rents, the zero profit ensures that the

firm does not wish to open a non-union plant). Combining this equation

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with (5.1), and assuming that both hold as equality, we obtain

(5.2) wH =(Ah + β)H + (Al + β)L

AhH + ψ−1AlLAh.

Skilled workers will be happy to be part of a union as long as wH given

by (5.2) is greater than Ah. As Ah/Al increases–i.e., as there is further

skill-biased technical change–, wH will fall relative to Ah. Therefore,

skill-biased technical change makes wage compression more costly for

skilled workers, eventually destroying the coalition between skilled and

unskilled workers that maintains unions.

There are two important points:

(1) the change in technology potentially leads to a significant change

in the organization of the labor market. In particular, after

the skill bias of technology passes a certain threshold, work-

ers are no longer organizing unions and the wage compression

comes to an end.

(2) deunionization causes a decline in the wages of unskilled work-

ers from

wL =(Ah + β)H + (Al + β)L

AhH + ψ−1AlLψAl

to Al. Unskilled workers, who were previously benefiting

from wage compression imposed by unions, experience a fall

in real earnings as a result of deunionization. Therefore, in

this model, technical change not only affects wage inequality

directly, but also induces a change in labor market institu-

tions. Interestingly, the effect of this change in institutions

on inequality could be potentially larger than the direct effect

of technical change, and explain the decline in the real wages

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of less skilled workers. Whether this is the case or not is an

empirical question.

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Changes in Residual Inequality

A major issue that most models discussed so far failed to address is

the differential behavior of returns to schooling and residual inequality

during the 1970s. I argue in this section that an explanation for this

pattern requires models with multi-dimensional skills.

1. A single index model of residual inequality

The simplest model of residual inequality is a single index model,

in which there is only one type of skill, though this skill is only im-

perfectly approximated by education (or experience). Expressed al-

ternatively, in a single index model observed and unobserved skills

are perfect substitutes. Consider, for example, the model developed

above, but suppose that instead of skills, we observe education, e.g.

whether the individual is a college graduate, which is imperfectly cor-

related with skills. A college graduate has a probability φc of being

highly skilled, while a noncollege graduate is high skill with probability

φn < φc. Suppose that the skill premium is ω = wH/wL. The college

premium in this case is

ωc =wCwN

=φcwH + (1− φc)wLφnwH + (1− φn)wL

=φcω + (1− φc)

φnω + (1− φn),


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while within-group inequality, i.e., the difference between high wage

college graduates (or noncollege graduates) and low-wage college grad-

uates (or noncollege graduates), is ωwithin = ω. It is immediately clear

that both ωc and ωwithin will always move together–as long as φc and

φn remain constant. Therefore, an increase in the returns to observed

skills–such as education– will also be associated with an increase in

the returns to unobserved skills.

This framework provides a natural starting point, linking between

and within-group inequality, but it predicts that within and between-

group inequality should move together. However, as discussed above,

during the 1970s, returns to schooling fell while residual group inequal-

ity increased sharply. We can only account for this fact by positing

a decline in φc relative to φn of a large enough magnitude to offset

the increase in ω; this would ensure that during the 1970s the college

premium could fall despite the increase in within group inequality. A

large decline in φc relative to φn would predict a very different behavior

of the college premium within different cohorts, but the above analysis

showed that there was little evidence in favor of such sizable compo-

sition effects. I therefore conclude that the single index model cannot

explain the changes in residual inequality during the 1970s and 1980s.

2. Sorting and residual inequality

Another approach would combine educational sorting with an in-

crease in the demand for skills. Suppose, for example, wages are given

by lnwit = θtai+ γthi+ εit where hi is a dummy for high education, ai

is unobserved ability, and εit is a mean zero disturbance term. Here γt

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is the price of observed skills, while θt is the price of unobserved skills.

The education premium can be written as

lnωt ≡ E (lnwit | hit = 1)−E (lnwit | hit = 0) = γt + θt(A1t −A0t)

where A1t ≡ E (lnwit | hit = 1) and A0t is defined similarly. Residual(within-group) inequality can be measured as V ar (Ait | h = 0) andV ar (Ait | h = 1).Under the assumption that there is perfect sorting into education,

i.e., that there exists a threshold a such that all individuals with unob-

served ability a obtain education, within-group inequality among high

and low education workers will move in opposite directions as long

as the price of observed skills, θ, is constant. To see this, note that

when θ is constant and a declines (i.e., average education increases),

V ar (Ait | h = 1) will increase, but V ar (Ait | h = 0) will fall. Intu-

itively, there are more and more “marginal” workers added to the high

education group, creating more unobserved heterogeneity in that group

and increasing within-group inequality. But in contrast, the low educa-

tion group becomes more homogeneous. Therefore, without a change

in the prices for unobserved skills, this approach cannot account for the

simultaneous increase in inequality both among low and high education


A natural variation on this theme would be a situation in which γ

and θ move together. However, this will run into the same problems

as the single index model: if γ and θ always move together, then such

a model would predict that within-group inequality should have fallen

during the 1970s. Therefore, models based on sorting also require a

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mechanism for the prices of observed and unobserved skills to move

differently during the 1970s.

3. Churning and residual inequality

Another approach emphasizes that workers of all levels of education

may face difficulty adapting to changes. According to this approach, an

increase in inequality also results frommore rapid technical change, not

because of skill bias but because of increased “churning” in the labor

market. Recent paper by Aghion, Howitt and Violante, for example,

suggest that only some workers will be able to adapt to the introduction

of new technology, and this will increase wage inequality.

Here I present a simple aversion to give the basic idea. Suppose

that the production function of the economy is

Y = [(AlL)ρ + (AhH)


where H denotes skilled workers, who have productivity Ah, and L

denotes unskilled workers who have productivity Al. As in our baseline

model, the skill premium, ω, is given by the standard equation as above,

which I repeat here:

(3.1) ω =wHwL







¶(σ−1)/σ µH



Note that as before, the skill premium is decreasing in H/L.

Workers are not permanently skilled or unskilled, but instead switch

between being skilled and unskilled stochastically. For concreteness,

suppose that a worker becomes skilled at the flow rate λ (in continuous

time), and loses his skills at the flow rate µ. Then in steady state, we

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L =µ

µ+ λand H =


µ+ λ.

Now consider a change in technology such that both Al and Ah increase

proportionately, but because this technology is different from existing

technologies, µ–the rate at which skilled workers lose their skills–

increases. This change in adaptability will increase L and reduce H.

As a result, the skill premium ω, as given by equation (3.1), will also


Therefore, in this theory it is the temporary increase in “churning”

or dislocation that is responsible for the increase in inequality. This

approach also predicts that as workers adapt to the new technology,

inequality should fall. Although there is some evidence that residual

inequality is no longer growing (see the figure above), there is as yet

no evidence of a fall in inequality, despite the very large increase in the

supply of skills.

An advantage of this approach is that it is in line with the increased

earnings instability pointed out by Gottschalk and Moffit. However,

as pointed out a number of times above, there is relatively little evi-

dence other than this increase in earnings instability that supports the

notion that there is more churning in the labor market. Also theo-

ries based on churning do not naturally predict a divergence between

returns to educations and residual inequality during the 1970s. There-

fore, a mechanism that could lead to differential behavior in the prices

to observed and unobserved skills is still necessary.

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4. A two-index model of residual inequality

Since models based on a single index of skill (or models where dif-

ferent types of skills are perfect substitutes) are inconsistent with the

differential behavior of returns to schooling and within-group inequal-

ity during the 1970s, an obvious next step is to consider a two-index

models, somewhat reminiscent of the view of human capital consisting

of a number of different attributes is in the Gardener view. In ad-

dition, these different dimensions of skills have to correspond loosely

to observed and unobserved skills, and be imperfect substitutes (see

Acemoglu, 1998). In particular, suppose that there are four types of

workers, differentiated by both education and unobserved skills. The

economy has an aggregate production function

Y = [(AluLu)ρ + (AlsLs)

ρ + (AhuHu)ρ + (AhsHs)

ρ]1/ρ ,

where Lu is the supply of low-skill low education workers, and other

terms are defined similarly. Within-group inequality corresponds to

the ratio of the wages of skilled low education workers to those of un-

skilled low education workers, and/or to the ratio of the wages of skilled

high education workers to those of unskilled high education workers.

A natural starting point is to presume that the fraction of high skill

workers in each education group is constant, say at φl = Ls/Lu and

φh = Hs/Hu > φl, which implies that there are more high ability work-

ers among high education workers. With this assumption, within-

group inequality measures will be





φ−(1−ρ)l and





φ−(1−ρ)h .

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The college premium, on the other hand, is

ω =φρhA

ρhs +A



ρls +A


µ1 + φl1 + φh




Using this framework and the idea of endogenous technology, we can

provide an explanation for the differential behavior of returns to school-

ing and within-group inequality during the 1970s. Recall that according

to the endogenous technology approach, it is the increase in the supply

of more educated workers that triggers more rapid skill-biased techni-

cal change. Because technology adjusts sluggishly, the first effect of an

increase in the supply of educated workers, as in the 1970s, will be to

depress returns to schooling, until technology has changed enough to

offset the direct effect of supplies. This change in returns to schooling

has no obvious implication for within-group inequality in a multi-skill

set up since it is the education skills that are becoming abundant, not

unobserved skills–in fact in equation (4.1) within-group inequality is

invariant to changes in the supply of educated workers unless there is

a simultaneous change in φh and φl.

Under the plausible assumption that more skilled workers within

each education group also benefit from skill-biased technical progress,

technical change spurred by the increase in the supply of educated

workers will immediately start to benefit workers with more unob-

served skills, raising within-group inequality. Therefore, an increase

in the supply of educated workers will depress returns to schooling,

while increasing within-group inequality. After this initial phase, tech-

nical change will increase both returns to schooling and within-group


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Cross-Country Inequality Trends

As noted above, inequality increased much less in continental Eu-

rope than in the U.S. and other Anglo-Saxon economies. There is

currently no consensus for why this has been so. There are a number

of candidate explanations. These include:

(1) The relative supply of skills increased faster in Europe.

(2) European wage-setting institutions prevented wage inequality

from increasing.

(3) For exogenous or endogenous reasons, technical change has

been less skill biased in Europe.

The first two are the traditional explanations, put forth by a num-

ber of authors. Although they are plausible, there is relatively little

work that shows that these explanations can account for the differential

inequality trends. I will suggest some preliminary ways of looking into

this issue.

1. Traditional Explanations

1.1. Basic ideas. The first explanation claims that the more rapid

increase in the relative supply of skills in Europe accounts for the lack

of increase in inequality there. The second explanation, on the other


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hand, emphasizes the role of European wage-setting institutions. Ac-

cording to this explanation, it is not the differential growth of skilled

workers in the population, but the differential behavior of skilled em-

ployment that is responsible for differences in inequality trends across

countries. More specifically, firms respond to wage compression by

reducing their demand for unskilled workers, and the employment of

skilled workers (relative to that of unskilled workers) increases in Eu-

rope compared to the U.S. As a result, the market equilibriates with

a lower employment of unskilled workers compensating for their rela-

tively higher wages in Europe.

The figure illustrates the first explanation using a standard relative-

supply-demand diagram, with relative supply on the horizontal axis

and the relative wage of skilled workers, ω, on the vertical axis. For

simplicity, I drew the relative supply of skills as vertical. The diagram

shows that an increase in the demand for skills, for a given supply

of skills, will lead to higher wage inequality. At a simple level, we can

think of this economy as corresponding to the U.S., where the consensus

is that because of skill-biased technical change or increased trade with

less skill-abundant countries, the relative demand for skills grew faster

than the relative supply during the recent decades. As a result of the

increase in the relative demand for skills, the skill premium rises from

ωPre to ωUS-Post.

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Skill premium

Relative supply of skills

H/L H’/L’

Skill-biased tech. changeor increased trade


Relative demand for skills

ωPre and ωE-Post E



Figure 2:

Now imagine that continental Europe is also affected by the same

relative demand shifts, but the relative supply of skills also increases.

This captures the essence of the first explanation, where the supply of

skills increases faster in continental Europe than in the U.S. Then the

“European” equilibrium will be at a point like E which may not exhibit

greater inequality than before. In fact, the next figure depicts the case

in which there is no change in the skill premium in Europe.

Probably the more popular explanation among economists and com-

mentators is the second one above (e.g., Krugman, 1994, OECD, 1994,

Blau and Kahn, 1996). To capture this story, imagine that wage-setting

institutions in Europe prevent wage inequality from increasing–for ex-

ample, because of union bargaining, unemployment benefits, or min-

imum wages that keep the earnings of low-skill workers in line with

those of high-skill workers. This can be represented as an institutional

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wage-setting line different from the relative supply curve as drawn in

the next figure. (To make the story stark, I drew the institutional wage-

setting line as horizontal). The equilibrium now has to be along this

institutional wage-setting line, and consquently off the relative supply

curve, causing unemployment. Now, even in the absence of an increase

in the relative supply of skills, the skill premium may not increase; in-

stead there will be equilibrium unemployment. In the figure, relative

unemployment caused by the increase in the demand for skills is shown

as the gap between the relative supply of skills and the intersection be-

tween relative demand and institutional wage-setting line. Notice that

in the simplest version of the story, there is full employment of skilled

workers, and the indicated gap simply reflects unskilled unemployment.

The fact that unemployment increased in Europe relative to the U.S.

is often interpreted as evidence in favor of this explanation.

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Skill premiumRelative supply of skills

H/LSkill-biased tech. changeor increased trade


Relative demand for skills

ωPre and ωE-Post

Institutional wage-settingline for Europe

Relative unemploymentin Europe



Figure 3:

But in this context note that in contrast to the prediction of this

simple story, unemployment in Europe increased for all groups, not

simply for the low-education workers. See, for example, Nickell and

Bell (1994), Card, Kramartz and Lemieux (1996) and Krueger and

Pischke (1998). Nevertheless, some of the increase in unemployment

among the high-education workers in Europe may reflect the effect of

wage compression within education groups on job creation (e.g., if firms

are forced to pay the same wages to low-skill college graduates as the

high-skill college graduates, they may stop hiring the low-skill college

graduates, increasing unemployment among college graduates).

Notice that both of these explanations are “supply-side”. Firms

are along their relative demand curves, and different supply behavior

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or institutional characteristics of the European economies pick differ-

ent points along the relative demand curves. This observation gives

us a way of empirically investigating whether these explanations could

account for the differential inequality trends, while assuming that rela-

tive demand shifts have been similar across countries–that is, that all

OECD countries have access to more or less a common set of technolo-


1.2. Empirical investigation. Suppose that the aggregate pro-

duction function for economy j is

(1.1) Y j (t) =£(Ajl (t)L

j (t))ρ + (Ajh (t)Hj (t))ρ


which is a multi-country generalization of our above framework.

Suppose that wages are related linearly to marginal product: wjH (t) =

βMP jH (t) and wjL (t) = βMP jL (t). The case where β = 1 corresponds

to workers being paid their full marginal product, with no rent sharing.

Irrespective of the value of β, we have

ωj (t) ≡ wjH (t)

wjL (t)=MP jH (t)

MP jL (t).

That is, in this specification firms will be along their relative demand

curves. Then, we can write

(1.2) lnωj (t) =σ − 1σ


ÃAjh (t)

Ajl (t)

!− 1


µHj (t)

Lj (t)


This equation shows that the skill premium is decreasing in the relative

supply of skilled workers, Hj (t) /Lj (t), except in the special case where

σ →∞ (where skilled and unskilled workers are perfect substitutes).

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Let us start with a relatively weak form of the common technology

assumption. In particular, suppose that

(1.3) Ajh (t) = ηjhθj (t)Ah (t) and A

jl (t) = ηjl θ

j (t)Al (t) .

This assumption can be interpreted as follows. There is a world technol-

ogy represented by Ah (t) and Al (t), which potentially becomes more

or less skill-biased over time. Countries may differ in their ability to

use the world technology efficiently, and this is captured by the term

θj (t). Although the ability to use world technology is time varying, it

is symmetric between the two sectors. In addition, countries may have

different comparative advantages in the two sectors as captured by the

terms ηjh and ηjl (though these are assumed to be time invariant).

Substituting (1.3) into (1.4), we obtain

(1.4) lnωj (t) = cj + ln a (t)− 1σln

µHj (t)

Lj (t)


where ln a (t) ≡ σ−1σln (Ah (t) /Al (t)) is the measure of skill-biased

technical change, and cj ≡ σ−1σηjh/η

jl .

Then, using U.S. data we can construct an estimate for the change

in ln a (t), denoted by ∆ ln a (t), using an estimate for the elasticity of

substitution, σ as:

∆ ln a (t) = ∆ lnω0 (t) +1

σ∆ ln

µH0 (t)

L0 (t)


where j = 0 refers to the U.S.

Now define ∆k as the k-period difference operator, i.e.,

∆kx ≡ x (t)− x (t− k) .

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Then, predicted changes in the skill premium for country j between

between t− k and t are given by:

(1.5) ∆k ln ωj (t) = ∆k ln a (t)− 1

σ∆k ln

µHj (t)

Lj (t)


The implicit assumption in this exercise is that there is no delay in

the adoption of new technologies across countries. Instead, it is quite

possible that some of the new skill-biased technologies developed or

adopted in the U.S. are only introduced in continental Europe with a

lag. That is, instead of (1.3), we would have

(1.6) Ajh (t) = ηjhθj (t)Ah

¡t− kj¢ and Ajl (t) = ηjl θ

j (t)Al¡t− kj¢ ,

implying that there is a delay of kj periods for country j in the adoption

of frontier technologies.

Motivated by the possibility of such delays, as an alternative method

I use U.S. data from 1974 to 1997 to recover estimates of ∆ ln a (t),

and calculate the average annual growth rate of ln a (t), denoted by g.

I then construct an alternate estimate for the predicted change in the

skill premium in country j between dates t− k and t as:

(1.7) ∆k ln ωj (t) = gk − 1

σ∆k ln

µHj (t)

Lj (t)

¶In this exercise, I use 1974 as the starting point, since it is five years

prior to the earliest observation for any other country from the LIS

data, and five years appears as a reasonable time lag for diffusion of

technologies among the OECD countries. I use 1997 as the final year,

since this is the final year for which there is LIS data for a country in

my sample.

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Whether the relative-supply-demand framework provides a satis-

factory explanation for cross-country inequality trends can then be

investigated by comparing the predicted skill premium changes, the

∆k ln ωj (t)’s from (1.5) and the ∆k ln ω

j (t)’s from (1.7), to the actual

changes, the ∆k lnωj (t)’s.

Australia - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1985 1989





Canada - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1987 1991 1994 1997





United Kingdom - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1979 1986 1991 1995





Actual skill premia and predicted skill premia from equation (1.5) for

σ = 1.4 and σ = 2.

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Belgium - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1985 1988 1992 1996





Netherlands - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1983 1987 1991 1994




Finland - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1987 1991 1995





Sweden - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1981 1987 1992 1995






Actual skill premia and predicted skill premia from equation (1.5) for

σ = 1.4 and σ = 2.

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Denmark - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1987 1992 1995 1997





Germany - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1981 1989 1994





Israel - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1979 1986 1992





Norway - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1986 1991 1995





Actual skill premia and predicted skill premia from equation (1.5) for

σ = 1.4 and σ = 2.

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Australia - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1985 1989





Canada - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1987 1991 1994 1997





United Kingdom - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1979 1986 1991 1995





Actual skill premia and predicted skill premia from equation (1.7) for

σ = 1.4 and σ = 2.

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Belgium - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1985 1988 1992 1996





Netherlands - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1983 1987 1991 1994




Finland - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1987 1991 1995





Sweden - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1981 1987 1992 1995





Actual skill premia and predicted skill premia from equation (1.7) for

σ = 1.4 and σ = 2.

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Denmark - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1987 1992 1995 1997





Germany - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1981 1989 1994






Israel - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1979 1986 1992





Norway - observed vs. predicted skill premiumyear

logw predicted logw, eos=2 predicted logw, eos==1.4

1986 1991 1995





Actual skill premia and predicted skill premia from equation (1.7) for

σ = 1.4 and σ = 2.

2. Differential Changes in the Relative Demand for Skills

2.1. Basic idea. An alternative to the traditional explanations

involves differential changes in the relative demand for skills across

countries. These differential changes could reflect four distinct forces:

(1) Different countries could develop their own technologies, with

different degrees of skill bias.

(2) Some countries could be lagging behind the world technology

frontier, and may not have adopted the most recent skill-biased


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(3) While all countries face the same technology frontier, some

may have adopted more skill-biased technologies from this


(4) Different countries have experienced different degrees of trade

opening, affecting the demand for skills differentially.

We have already seen that increased international trade is probably

not the major cause of the increase in inequality. This leaves us with

the first three options. Plausibly, many advanced economies develop

some of their own technologies. Nevertheless, it appears plausible that

most OECD economies have access, and even relatively rapid access, to

the same set of technologies. This suggests that the most likely reason

why the relative demand for skills may have behaved differently in

continental Europe is not differential development of new technologies

or slow technology diffusion, but different incentives to adopt available


Let me here briefly summarize how the interaction of technology

adoption and differences in labor market institutions may induce dif-

ferential skill-biased technical change in different countries. I will pro-

vide a full model of this once we see the general equilibrium search and

matching models later in the class.

The basic idea of the theory I propose is to link the incentives

to adopt new technologies to the degree of compression in the wage

structure, which is in part determined by labor market institutions.

In particular, institutional wage compression in Europe makes firms

more willing to adopt technologies complementary to unskilled workers,

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inducing less skill-biased technical change there. This theory is based

on three premises:

(1) There is some degree of rent-sharing between firms and work-

ers, for example, because of bargaining over quasi-rents.

(2) The skill bias of technologies is determined by firms’ technol-

ogy choices.

(3) A variety of labor market institutions tend to increase the

wages of low-skill workers in Europe, especially relative to the

wages of comparable workers in the U.S.

The new implication of combining these three premises is that firms

in Europe may find it more profitable to adopt new technologies with

unskilled workers than their American counterparts. This is because

with wage compression, firms are forced to pay higher wages to un-

skilled workers than they would otherwise do (that is, greater than the

“bargained” wage). This creates an additional incentive for these firms

to increase the productivity of unskilled workers: they are already pay-

ing high wages, and additional investments will not necessarily trans-

late into higher wages. Put differently, the labor market institutions

that push the wages of these workers up make their employers the resid-

ual claimant of the increase in productivity due to technology adoption,

encouraging the adoption of technologies complementary to unskilled

workers in Europe.

A simple numerical example illustrates this point more clearly. Sup-

pose that a worker’s productivity is 10 without technology adoption,

and 20 when the new technology is adopted. Assume also that wages

are equal to half of the worker’s productivity, and technology adoption

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costs 6 (incurred solely by the firm). Now without technology adop-

tion, the firm’s profits are equal to 1/2×10 = 5, while with technologyadoption, they are 1/2 × 20 − 6 = 4. The firm, therefore, prefers notto adopt the new technology because of the subsequent rent-sharing.

Next suppose that a minimum wage legislation requires the worker to

be paid at least 9. This implies that the worker will be paid 9 unless

his productivity is above 18. The firm’s profits without technology now

change to 10 − 9 = 1, since it has to pay 9 to the worker because of

the minimum wage. In contrast, its profits with technology adoption

are still 4. Therefore, the firm canal prefers to adopt the new technol-

ogy. The reason for this change is clear: because of the minimum wage

laws, the firm was already forced to pay high wages to the worker, even

when his marginal product was low, so it became the effective residual

claimant of the increase in productivity due to technology adoption.

This reasoning implies that there may be greater incentives to invest

in technologies complementing workers whose wages are being pushed

up by labor market institutions. Since European labor market institu-

tions increase to pay of low-skill workers, technology may be endoge-

nously less skill biased in Europe than in the U.S.

2.2. A simple formalization. Leaving a more fully developed

model to later, let me now present a simple formalization. Suppose the

productivity of a skilled worker is Ah = aη, whereas the productivity

of an unskilled worker is Al = a, where a is a measure of aggregate

technology in use, and η > 1. Suppose that wages are determined by

rent sharing, unless they fall below a legally mandated minimum wage,

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in which case the minimum wage binds. Hence, wj = min {βAj, w},where j = l or h, and β is worker’s share in rent sharing. Note that

the cost of upgrading technology does not featuring in this wage equa-

tion, because rent sharing happens after technology costs are sunk.

To capture wage compression, suppose the minimum wage is binding

for unskilled workers in Europe. Now consider technology adoption

decisions. In particular, firms can either produce with some existing

technology, a, or upgrade to a superior technology, a0 = a+ α, at cost

γ. The profit to upgrading the technology used by a skilled worker is

(1− β)αη − γ, both in the U.S. and Europe. The new technology will

therefore be adopted as long as

γ ≤ γS ≡ (1− β)αη.

Note that there is a holdup problem, discouraging upgrading: a fraction

β of the productivity increase accrues to the worker due to rent sharing

(Grout, 1984, Acemoglu, 1996).

The incentives to upgrade the technology used by unskilled workers

differ between the U.S. and Europe. In the U.S., this profit is given by

(1− β)α − γ. So, the new technology will be adopted with unskilled

workers if

γ ≤ γU ≡ (1− β)α.

Clearly, γU < γS, so adopting new technologies with skilled workers

is more profitable. In contrast, the return to introducing the new

technology is different in Europe because minimum wages are binding

for unskilled workers. To simplify the discussion, suppose that even

after the introduction of new technology, the minimum wage binds, i.e.,

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w> β (A+ α). Then, the return to introducing the new technology in

Europe with unskilled workers is α − γ, and firms will do so as long

as γ < α. Since α > γU , firms in Europe have greater incentives

to introduce advanced technologies with unskilled workers than in the


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Part 3

Theories of Unemployment (Notes)

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In this last part of the class I will discuss theories of unemployment.

Notice that these notes are less detailed than the previous chapters (I

have run out of steam!).

A couple of introductory remarks are in order:

(1) The simplest approach to unemployment is to ignore it, and

lump it together with non-participation, under the heading of

nonemployment. Then the supply and demand for work will

determine wages and nonemployment. This is a very useful

starting place. In particular, it emphasizes that often unem-

ployment (nonemployment) is associated with wages above the

market clearing wage levels.

(2) However, the distinction between voluntary and involuntary

unemployment is sometimes useful, especially since many work-

ers claim to be looking for work rather than being outside the

labor force. Moreover, when there are very high levels of non-

employment among prime-age workers, the nonemployment

framework may no longer be satisfactory. Therefore, three

questions important in motivating the theories of unemploy-

ment are:

(a) Why do most capitalist economies have a significant frac-

tion, typically at least around 5 percent, of their labor

forces as “unemployed”.

(b) Why does unemployment increase during recessions?

(c) Why has unemployment in continental Europe has been

extremely high over the past 25 years?

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Some Basic Facts About Unemployment

(1) The unemployment rate in the U.S. fluctuates around six per-

cent, and is strongly countercyclical.

(2) There is almost always higher unemployment among younger

and less educated workers.

(3) The unemployment rate in continental Europe was lowered

in the U.S. throughout the postwar period, but rose above

the U.S. level in the late 1970s or early 1980s, and has been

consistently higher there than the U.S. level.

(4) The unemployment rate in some countries, notably Spain, has

reached, and for a long while stayed at, 20 percent.

(5) High unemployment in Europe reflects low rates of employ-

ment creation–that is, unemployed workers leave unemploy-

ment only slowly compared to the U.S. Rates at which em-

ployed workers lose their jobs and become unemployed are

higher in the U.S. than in Europe.

(6) Wage growth and the behavior of the labor share in GDP in-

dicate that there was a disproportionate wage growth in conti-

nental Europe compared to the U.S., but the labor share data

indicate that much of this may have been reversed during the



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(7) Unemployment in continental Europe increased both among

the less and more educated workers.

(8) Unemployment in continental Europe increased especially among

young workers, and nonemployment has affected prime-age

males little. It is the young, the old or the women (in some

countries) who do not work in Europe.

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Efficiency Wage Theories and Evidence

1. The Shapiro-Stiglitz Model

The Shapiro-Stiglitz model is one of the workhorses of macro/labor.

In this model, unemployment arises because wages need to be above the

market clearing level in order to give incentives to workers. In fact, it is

the combination of unemployment and high wages that make work more

attractive for workers, hence the title on the paper “unemployment as

a worker-discipline device”.

1.1. The basic model. I will simply sketch the model here: the

model is in continuous time and all agents are infinitely lived.

Workers have to choose between two levels of effort, and are only

productive if they exert effort.

−→effort −→0 ~cost = 0, not productive

−→1 ~cost = e, productive

Without any informational problems firms would write contracts to

pay workers only if they exert effort. The problem arises because firms

cannot observe whether a worker has exerted effort or not, and cannot

induced from output, since output is a function of all workers’ efforts.

This introduces the moral hazard problem

However, if a worker “shirks”, there is effort = 0, then there is

probability (flow rate) q of getting detected and fired. [...For example,


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the worker’s actions affect the probability distribution of some observ-

able signal on the basis of which the firm compensates him. When the

worker exerts effort, this signal takes the value 1. When he shirks, this

signal is equal to 1 with probability 1− q and 0 with probability q...]All agents are risk neutral, and there are N workers

b = exogenous separation rate

a = job finding rate, which will be determined in equilibrium

r = interest rate/discount factor

Denote the PDV of employed-shirker by V SE (recall we are in con-

tinuous time)

(1.1) rV SE = w + (b+ q)(VU − V SE )

where I have imposed V SE = 0, since here I will only characterize steady

states. The intuition for this equation is straightforward. The worker

always receives his wage (his compensation for this instant of work)

w, but at the flow rate b, he separates from the firm exogenously, and

at the flow rate q, he gets caught for shirking, and in both cases he

becomes unemployed, receiving VU and losing V SE .

Denote the PDV of employed-nonshirker by V NE

(1.2) rV NE = w − e+ b(VU − V NE ),

which is different from (1.1) because the worker incurs the cost e, but

loses his job at the slower rate b.

PDV of unemployed workers VU is

rVU = z + a(VE − VU),

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VE = max©V SE , V


ªand z: utility of leisure + unemployment benefit

Non-shirking condition is an incentive-compatibility constraint that

requires the worker to prefer to exert effort. Combining these equations,

we obtain it as


=⇒ w > z + e [r + b+ a]e


Steady state requires that =⇒flow into unemployment = flow out of unemployment

In equilibrium, no one shirks because the non-shirking condition


=⇒bL = aU

where L:employment, U;unemployment.

=⇒ a =bL



N − LNow substituting for this we get the full non-shirking condition as

NSC : w > z − e+·r +


N − L¸e


Notice that a higher level of NN−L , which corresponds to lower unem-

ployment, necessitate a higher wage to satisfy the non-shirking condi-

tion. This is the sense in which unemployment is a worker-discipline

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device. Higher unemployment makes losing the job more costly, hence

encourages workers not to shirk.

Next consider Labor Demand: M firms with production function

AF (L), maximize static profits (no firing/hiring costs - but see


AF 0(L) = w,F 00 < 0, concave prod. function

Agg Labor Demand given by

AF 0µL


¶= w

Set M = 1, then equilibrium given as

z + e+

·r +


N − L¸e

q= AF 0(L)

A ↓=⇒ L ↓: lower prod. =⇒ high unemployment

z ↑=⇒ L ↓: high reservation wages =⇒ high unemployment

q ↓=⇒ L ↓: bad monitoring =⇒ high unemployment

r ↑=⇒ L ↓: high interest rates =⇒high unemploymentb ↑=⇒ L ↓: high turnover =⇒ high unemployment

One attraction of the efficiency wage model is that it has the same

source of informational problems as other models we used to study

training, organizational structure etc..

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1.2. Welfare. Welfare question: is the level of unemployment to

high? It depends what notion of welfare we are using and whether

firms are owned by nonworkers.

What are the externalities?

(1) By hiring one more worker, the firm is reducing unemploy-

ment, and forcing other firms to pay higher wages→unemploymentis too low.

(2) By hiring one more worker, the firm is increasing the worker’s

utility at the margin, since each worker is receiving a rent

(wage > opportunity cost)→unemployment is too high.

The diagram shows that the second effect always dominates. The

unemployment is too high. A subsidy on wages financed by a tax on

profits will increase output.

So can there be a Pareto-improving tax-subsidy scheme?

Not necessarily. If firms are owned by capitalists, the above policy

will increase output, but will not constitute a Pareto improvement. If

firms are owned by workers, the above policy will constitute a Pareto

improvement. But in this case workers have enough income. Why

didn’t they already enter into “bonding” contracts?

1.3. Other solutions to incentive problems. Are firms behav-

ing optimally? No. Backloaded compensation will be more effective in

preventing shirking.

This is one of the main criticisms of the shirking model: the pres-

ence of the monitoring problem does not necessarily imply “rents” for

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workers, and it is the rents for the workers that lead to distortions and


Moreover, if workers have wealth, they can enter into bonding con-

tracts where they post a bond that they lose if they are caught shirking.

Problems: firm-side moral hazard–firms may claim workers have

shirked and fire them either to reduce labor costs when to worker’s

wage has increased enough (above the opportunity cost), or to collect

the bond payments.

In any case, this discussion highlights that there are two empirical


(1) Are monitoring problems important?

(2) Do more severe monitoring problems lead to greater rents for


2. Evidence on Efficiency Wages

There are two types of evidence offered in the literature in support

of efficiency wages.

The first type of evidence shows the presence of substantial inter-

industry wage differences (e.g., Krueger and Summers). Such wage

differentials are consistent with efficiency wage theories since the moni-

toring problem (q in terms of the model above) is naturally more serious

in some industries than others.

Nevertheless, this evidence does not establish that efficiency wage

considerations are important, since there are at least two other expla-

nations for the inter-industry wage differentials:

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(1) These differentials may reflect compensating wages (since some

jobs may be less pleasant than others) or premia for unob-

served characteristics of workers, which differ systematically

across industries because workers select into industries based

on their abilities.

It seems to be the case that a substantial part of the wage

differentials are in fact driven by these considerations. Nev-

ertheless, it also seems to be the case that part of the inter-

industry wage differences do in fact correspond to “rents”.

Workers who move from a low wage to a high wage industry

receive a wage increase in line with the wage differential be-

tween these two sectors (Krueger and Summers; Gibbons and

Katz), suggesting that the differentials do not simply reflect

unobserved ability. Compensating wage differentials also do

not seem to be the whole story, since high wage jobs attract

significantly more applicants (Holzer, Katz, and Krueger), and

workers are less likely to quit such jobs (Krueger and Sum-


(2) Inter-industry wage differentials may correspond to differen-

tial worker rents in different industries, but not because of

efficiency wages, but because of differences in unionization

or other industry characteristics that give greater bargaining

power to workers in some industries than others (e.g., capital


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Therefore, the inter-industry wage differentials are consistent with

efficiency wages, but do not prove that efficiency wage considerations

are important.

The second line of attack looks for direct evidence for efficiency

wage considerations. A number of studies find support for efficiency

wages. These include:

(1) Krueger compares wages and tenure premia in franchised and

company-owned fast food restaurants. Krueger makes the nat-

ural assumption that there is less monitoring of workers in

a franchised restaurant. He finds higher wages and steeper

wage-tenure profiles in the franchised restaurants, which he

interprets as evidence for efficiency wages.

(2) Cappelli and Chauvin look at the number of disciplinary dis-

missals, which they interpret as a measure of shirking, in the

different plants located in different areas, but all by the same

automobile manufacturer. The firm pays the same nominal

wage everywhere (because of union legislation). This nominal

wage translates into greater wage premia in some areas be-

cause outside wages differ. They find that when wage premia

are greater, there are fewer disciplinary dismissals. This ap-

pears to provide strong support to the basic implication of the

shirking model.

(3) Campbell and Kamlani survey 184 firms and find that firms

are often unwilling to cut wages because this will reduce worker

effort and increase shirking.

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These various pieces of evidence together suggest efficiency wage

considerations are important. Nevertheless they do not indicate whether

these efficiency wages are the main reason why wages are higher than

market-cleaning levels and unemployment is high either in the U.S. or

in Europe. Such ian nvestigation requires more aggregate evidence.

3. Efficiency Wages, Monitoring and Corporate Structure

Next consider a simple model where we use the ideas of efficiency

wages for think about the corporate structure.

3.1. Basic model. For simplicity, take corporate structure to be

the extent of monitoring (e.g., number of supervisors to production


Consider a one-period economy consisting of a continuum of mea-

sure N of workers and a continuum of measure 1 of firm owners who

are different from the workers.

Each firm i has the production function AF (Li).

Differently from the Shapiro-Stiglitz model, let the probability of

catching a shirking worker be endogenous. In particular,

qi = q(mi) where mi is the degree of monitoring per worker by firm


the cost of monitoring for firm i which hires Li workers is smiLi.

[...For example, mi could be the number of managers per production

worker and s as the salary of managers...].

Since there is a limited liability constraint, workers cannot be paid

a negative wage, and the worst thing that can happen to a worker is

to receive zero income. Since all agents are risk-neutral, without loss

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of generality, restrict attention to the case where workers are paid zero

when caught shirking.

Therefore, the incentive compatibility constraint of a worker em-

ployed in firm i can be written as:

wi − e ≥ (1− qi)wi.

If the worker exerts effort, he gets utility wi − e, which gives the lefthand side of the expression. If he chooses to shirk, he gets caught

with probability qi and receives zero. If he is not caught, he gets wi

without suffering the cost of effort. This gives the right hand side of

the expression.

Notice an important difference here from the Shapiro-Stiglitz model.

Now if the worker is caught shirking, he does not receive the wage


Firm i’s maximization problem can be written as:

(3.1) maxwi,Li,qi

Π = AF (Li)− wiLi − smiLi

subject to:

(3.2) wi ≥ e


(3.3) wi − e ≥ u

The first constraint is the incentive compatibility condition rearranged.

The second is the participation constraint where u is the ex ante reser-

vation utility (outside option) of the worker; in other words, what he

could receive from another firm in this market.

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The maximization problem (3.1) has a recursive structure: m and

w can be determined first without reference to L by minimizing the

cost of a worker w + sm subject to (3.2) and (3.3); then, once this

cost is determined, the profit maximizing level of employment can be

found. Each subproblem is strictly convex, so the solution is uniquely

determined, and all firms will make the same choices: mi = m, wi = w

and Li = L. In other words, the equilibrium will be symmetric.

Another useful observation is that the incentive compatibility con-

straint (3.2) will always bind [...If the incentive compatibility con-

straint, (3.2), did not bind, the firm could lower q, and increase profits

without affecting anything else. This differs from the simplest moral

hazard problem with fixed q in which the incentive compatibility con-

straint (3.2) could be slack...]

By contrast, the participation constraint (3.3) may or may not

bind–hence there can be rents for workers as in the Shapiro-Stiglitz

model. The comparative statics of the solution have a very differ-

ent character depending on whether it does. The two situations are

sketched in the figures.

(1) When (3.3) does not bind, the solution is characterized by the

tangency of the (3.2) with the per-worker cost w + sm.

Call this solution (w∗,m∗), where:


(q(m∗))2= s and w∗ =



In this case, because the participation constraint (3.3) does

not bind, w and m are given by (3.4) and small changes in u

leave these variables unchanged.

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(2) In contrast, if (3.3) binds, w is determined directly from this

constraint as equal to u + e, and an increase in u causes the

firm to raise this wage. Since (3.2) holds in this case, the firm

will also reduce the amount of information gathering, m.







Participation Constraint is Slack.

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Participation Constraint is Binding.

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0 L

w*- e




Participation Constraint is Slack.

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0 L

w - e





w*- e

Participation Constraint is Binding.

What determines whether (3.3) binds?

Let w and m be the per-worker cost minimizing wage and monitor-

ing levels (which would not be equal to w∗ and m∗when (3.3) binds).

Then, labor demand of a representative firm solves:

(3.5) AF 0(L) = w + sm.

Next, using labor demand, we can determine u, workers’ ex ante

reservation utility from market equilibrium. It depends on how many

jobs there are. If aggregate demand L is greater than or equal to

N, then a worker who turns down a job is sure to get another. In

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contrast, if aggregate demand L is less than N, then a worker who

turns down a job may end up without another. In particular, in this

case, u = LN(w − e) + (1 − L

N)z, where z is an unemployment benefit

that a worker who cannot find a job receives.

When L = N , there are always firms who want to hire an unem-

ployed worker at the beginning of the period, and thus u = w − e. Ifthere is excess supply of workers, i.e. L < N , then firms can set the

wage as low as they want, and so they will choose the profit maximiz-

ing wage level w∗ as given by (3.4). In contrast, with full employment,

firms have to pay a wage equal to u + e which will generically exceed

the (unconstrained) profit maximizing wage rate w∗. Therefore, we

can think of labor demand as a function of u, the reservation utility of

workers: firms are “utility-takers” rather than price-takers. The figures

show the two cases; the outcome depends on the state of labor demand.

More important, the comparative statics are very different in the two


3.2. Comparative statics. First, consider a small increase A

and suppose that (3.3) is slack. The tangency between (3.2) and the

per worker cost is unaffected. Therefore, neither w nor m change. In-

stead, the demand for labor shifts to the right and firms hire more

workers. As long as (3.3) is slack, firms will continue to choose their

(market) unconstrained optimum, (w∗,m∗), which is independent of

the marginal product of labor. As a result, changes in labor demand

do not affect the organizational form of the firm.

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If instead (3.3) holds as an equality, comparative static results will

be different. In this case, (3.2), (3.5), and L = N jointly determine q

and w. An increase in A induces firms to demand more labor, increas-

ing w. Since (3.2) holds, this reduces q as can be seen by shifting the

PC curve up. Therefore, when (3.3) holds, an improvement in the state

of labor demand reduces monitoring. The intuition is closely related

to the fact that workers are subject to limited liability. When workers

cannot be paid negative amounts, the level of their wages is directly

related to the power of the incentives. The higher are their wages, the

more they have to lose by being fired and thus the less willing they are

to shirk.

Next, suppose that government introduces a wage floor w above the

equilibrium wage (or alternatively, unions demand a higher wage than

would have prevailed in the non-unionized economy). Since the incen-

tive compatibility constraint (3.2) will never be slack, a higher wage

will simply move firms along the IC curve in the figure and reduce m.

However, this will also increase total cost of hiring a worker, reducing


Can this model be useful in thinking about why the extent of mon-

itoring appears to be behaving differently in continental Europe and

the U.S.?

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25 M



t Rat


7374 75 7677 787980 8182 83 8485 868788 899091 92 9394 95Year

U.S. Japan CanadaSpain Italy Norway

Trends in the ratio of managerial employees to non-managerial,

non-agricultural workers in six countries. Source ILO Labor Statistics.

3.3. Welfare. Consider the aggregate surplus Y generated by the


(3.6) Y = AF (L)− smL− eL,

where AF (L) is total output, and eL and smL are the (social) input


In this economy, the equilibrium is constrained Pareto efficient: sub-

ject to the informational constraints, a social planner could not increase

the utility of workers without hurting the owners. But total surplus

Y is never maximized in laissez-faire equilibrium. This is because of

the following reason: if we can reduce q without changing L, then Y

increases. A tax on profits used to subsidize w relaxes the incentive

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constraint (3.2) and allows a reduction in monitoring. Indeed, the

second-best allocation which maximizes Y subject to (3.2) would set

wages as high as possible subject to zero profits for firms. Suppose that

the second-best optimal level of employment is L, then we have:

(3.7) w + sq−1³ ew

´=AF (L)


In this allocation, all firms would be making zero-profits; since in the

decentralized allocation, due to decreasing returns, they are always

making positive profits, the two will never coincide.

A different intuition for why the decentralized equilibrium fails to

maximize net output is as follows: part of the expenditure on moni-

toring, smL, can be interpreted as “rent-seeking” by firms. Firms are

expending resources to reduce wages – they are trying to minimize

the private cost of a worker w + sm – which is to a first-order ap-

proximation, a pure transfer from workers to firms. A social planner

who cares only about the size of the national product wants to mini-

mize e+ sm, and therefore would spend less on monitoring. Reducing

monitoring starting from the decentralized equilibrium would therefore

increase net output.

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1. The Basic Search Model

An alternative approach is the search-matching model, or the flow

approach to the labor market. Here to basic idea is that that are

frictions and the labor market, making it costly (time-continuing) for

workers to find firms and vice versa. This will lead to what is commonly

referred to as “frictional unemployment”. However, as soon as there

are these types of frictions, there are also quasi-rents in the relationship

between firms and workers, and there will be room for rent-sharing. In

the basic search model, the main reason for high unemployment may

not be the time costs of finding partners, but bargaining between firms

and workers which leads to non-market-clearing equilibrium prices.

Here is a simple version of the basic search model.

1.1. Thematching side. The first important object is the match-

ing function, which gives the number of matches between firms and

workers as a function of the number of unemployed workers and num-

ber of vacancies.

Matching Function: Matches = x(U, V )

We typically assume that this matching function exhibits constant

returns to scale (CRS), that is,


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240 13. SEARCH

Matches = xL = x(uL, vL)

=⇒ x = x (u, v)

U = unemployment; u = unemployment rate

V = vacancies; v = vacancy rate (per worker in labor force)

L = labor force

Existing aggregate evidence suggests that the assumption of x ex-

hibiting CRS is reasonable (Blanchard and Diamond, 1989, Pissarides,


Using the constant returns assumption, we can express everything

as a function of the tightness of the labor market.

Therefore; q(θ) ≡ x ¡uv, 1¢;

where θ ≡ v/u is the tightness of the labor marketq(θ) : Poisson arrival rate of match for a vacancy

q(θ)θ :Poisson arrival rate of match for an unemployed


Take a short period of time ∆t

=⇒ 1 − ∆tθq(θ): probability that a worker looking for a job will

not find one during ∆t

=⇒ depends on θ, thus a key to externality–the search behavior

of others affects my own job finding rate.

Job creation: u.θq(θ).L

Job Destruction: −→ Adverse Shock−→destroy

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−→ continue

Exogenous Job Destruction: Adverse shock = −∞ with ”proba-

bility ” s

Steady State:

flow into unemployment = flow out of unemployment


s(1− u) = θq(θ)u

This gives the steady-state unemployment rate as

u =s

s+ θq(θ)

This relationship is sometimes referred to as the Beveridge Curve.

1.2. The production side. AF (K,L): where the production func-

tion F is assumed to exhibit constant returns.

Af(k) ≡ AF (KL, 1)

Two interpretations −→ each firm is a ”job” hires one worker

each firm can hire as many worker as it


Hiring: Vacancy costs γ0: fixed cost of hiring

r: cost of capital

δ: depreciation

ASSUMPTION: Capital Perfectly Reversible

Asset Value Equations

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242 13. SEARCH

JV : PDV of a vacancy

JF :PDV of a ”job”

JU :PDV of a searching worker

JE :PDV of an employed worker

Worker utility: EU0 =R∞0e−RtU (ct)

Utility U(c) = c Linear utility, so agents are risk-neutral

Perfect capital market gives the asset value for a vacancy (in steady

state) as

rJV = −γ0 + q(θ)(JF − JV )

Intuitively, there is a cost of vacancy equal to γ0 at every instant,

and the vacancy turns into a filled job at the flow rate q (θ).

Notice that in writing this expression, I have assumed that firms

are risk neutral. Why?

−→ workers risk neutral, or

−→ complete markets

Endogenous Job Creation : Free Entry =⇒ JV ≡ 0

Note: No limit to fast job creation except through matching

Alternative would be: γ0 = Γ0(V ) or Γ1(θ), so as there are more

and more jobs created, the cost of opening an additional job increases.

Free entry implies that

JF =γ0q(θ)

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Next, we can write another asset value equation for the value of a

field job:

r(JF + k) = Af(k)− δk − w − s(JF − JV )

Intuitively, the firm has two assets: the fact that it is matched

with a worker, and its capital, k. So its asset value is JF + k (more

generally, without the perfect reversability, we would have the more

general JF (k)). Its return is equal to production, Af(k), and its costs

are depreciation of capital and wages, δk and w. Finally, at the rate s,

the relationship comes to an end and the firm loses JF .

Perfect Reversability implies that w does not depend on the firm’s

choice of capital

=⇒ equilibrium capital utilization f 0 (k) = r+δ–Modified Golden


[...Digression: Suppose k is not perfectly reversible. Then the wage

depends on the capital stock of the firm.

w (k) = βAf(k)

Af 0(k) =r + δ

1− β; capital accumulation is distorted



Af(k)− (r − δ)k − w − (r + s)q(θ)

γ0 = 0

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244 13. SEARCH

Now returning to the worker side, the risk neutrality of workers


rJU = z + θq(θ)(JE − JU)

where z is unemployment benefits. The intuition for this equation is

similar. We also have

rJE = w + s(JU − JE)

Solving these equations we obtain

rJU =(r + s)z + θq(θ)w

r + s+ θq(θ)

rJE =sz + [r + θq(θ)]w

r + s+ θq(θ)

1.3. Wage determination. Wage Determination is given by Nash

Bargaining over a quasi-rents due to frictions.

For pair i:

rJFi = Af(k)− (r + δ)k − wi − sJFirJEi = wi − s(JEi − JU0 )

max(JEi − JU)β(JFi − JV )1−β

β = bargaining power of the worker

Linear Utility =⇒ transferable utility

=⇒ JEi − JU = β(JFi + JEi − JV − JU)

=⇒ w = (1− β)z + β [Af(k)− (r + δ)k + θγ0]

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Here [Af(k)− (r + δ)k + θγ0] is the quasi-rent created by a match that

the firm and workers share.

1.4. Steady-state equilibrium. Steady State Equilibrium is given

by four equations

(1) u = ss+θq(θ)

(2) Af(k)− (r + δ)k − w − (r+s)q(θ)

γ0 = 0

(3) w = (1− β)z + β [Af(k)− (r + δ)k + θγ0]

(4) Af 0(k) = r + δ

These four equations define a recursive system

(4) + r −→ k

k + r + (2) + (3) −→ θ, v

θ + (1) −→ u

Alternatively, combining three of these equations we obtain the

zero-profit locus, the VS curve, and combine it with the beverage curve.

More specifically,

(2), (3), (4) =⇒ the VS curve

(1− β) [Af(k)− (r + δ)k − z]− r + δ + βθq(θ)

q(θ)γ0 = 0

Steady State Comparative Statistics

s ↑ U ↑ V ↑ θ ↓ w ↓

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246 13. SEARCH

r ↑ U ↑ V ↓ θ ↓ w ↓γ0 ↑ U ↑ V ↓ θ ↓ w ↓β ↑ U ↑ V ↓ θ ↓ w ↑z ↑ U ↑ V ↓ θ ↓ w ↑A ↑ U ↓ V ↑ θ ↑ w ↑

Question: how is the decline in unemployment as a result of the

increase in A consistent with balanced growth?