lectures on mapping class groups, braid ...massuyea.perso.math.cnrs.fr/notes/formality.pdfsurface...

LECTURES ON MAPPING CLASS GROUPS, BRAID GROUPS AND FORMALITY GW ´ ENA ¨ EL MASSUYEAU Abstract. These are the notes of the course “Mapping class groups, braid groups and formality” held in Strasbourg during the second semester of the academic year 2014–2015 (Master “Math´ ematiques fondamentales ”, University of Strasbourg). Benjamin Enriquez gave in parallel some lectures on Lie theory and formality of the pure braid group, which are not included here. Contents 1. Review of surfaces and curves 2 1.1. Surfaces 2 1.2. Curves 5 1.3. Exercices 7 2. Mapping class groups 11 2.1. Definitions of mapping class groups 11 2.2. First examples of mapping class groups 11 2.3. Generation of mapping class groups 12 2.4. Presentations of mapping class groups 17 2.5. Exercises 20 3. Surface braid groups 26 3.1. Definition of surface braid groups 26 3.2. Presentations of surface braid groups 28 3.3. Surface braid groups as mapping class groups 32 3.4. Exercises 33 4. Formality of the Torelli group 39 4.1. Definition of the Torelli group 39 4.2. Generation of the Torelli group 41 4.3. The Johnson homomorphisms 43 4.4. The abelianization of the Torelli group 46 4.5. The Malcev Lie algebra of the Torelli group 48 4.6. Exercises 51 Appendix A. Fibrations 56 References 57 1

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Page 1: LECTURES ON MAPPING CLASS GROUPS, BRAID ...massuyea.perso.math.cnrs.fr/notes/formality.pdfSurface braid groups as mapping class groups32 3.4. Exercises 33 4. Formality of the Torelli




Abstract. These are the notes of the course “Mapping class groups, braid groups and formality” held

in Strasbourg during the second semester of the academic year 2014–2015 (Master “Mathematiquesfondamentales”, University of Strasbourg). Benjamin Enriquez gave in parallel some lectures on Lie

theory and formality of the pure braid group, which are not included here.


1. Review of surfaces and curves 21.1. Surfaces 21.2. Curves 51.3. Exercices 72. Mapping class groups 112.1. Definitions of mapping class groups 112.2. First examples of mapping class groups 112.3. Generation of mapping class groups 122.4. Presentations of mapping class groups 172.5. Exercises 203. Surface braid groups 263.1. Definition of surface braid groups 263.2. Presentations of surface braid groups 283.3. Surface braid groups as mapping class groups 323.4. Exercises 334. Formality of the Torelli group 394.1. Definition of the Torelli group 394.2. Generation of the Torelli group 414.3. The Johnson homomorphisms 434.4. The abelianization of the Torelli group 464.5. The Malcev Lie algebra of the Torelli group 484.6. Exercises 51Appendix A. Fibrations 56References 57


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1. Review of surfaces and curves

In this section, we assume a certain familiarity of the student with the basics of algebraic topology.Textbooks in algebraic topology include [Bre93] and [Hat02]. We shall use the following notations:

Dn := x ∈ Rn : x21 + · · ·+ x2

n ≤ 1, the n-dimensional disk ;

Sn := x ∈ Rn+1 : x21 + · · ·+ x2

n+1 = 1, the n-dimensional sphere.

1.1. Surfaces. Here is our definition of a “surface.”

Definition 1.1. A surface Σ is a 2-dimensional topological manifold, possibly with boundary. Theinterior of Σ is int(Σ) := Σ \ ∂Σ where ∂Σ denotes the boundary of Σ.

We shall not review here the definition of a manifold with boundary (see for instance [Bre93] or [Hir76]).We only recall that it involves the notion of “atlas”: at any point x ∈ Σ, there is a “chart” (U,ϕ)consisting of an open neighborhhood U of x and a homeomorphism ϕ : U → ϕ(U) onto an open subsetϕ(U) of R× R≥0. By definition, x ∈ ∂Σ if and only if ϕ(x) ∈ R× 0. If two charts (U,ϕ) and (V, ψ)are given at the same point, then we can consider the “coordinate change”

(1.1) ψ ϕ−1 : ϕ(U ∩ V ) −→ ψ(U ∩ V )

which is a homeomorphism from an open subset of R× R≥0 to another one.In these lectures, unless otherwise specified, we assume that a surface Σ has the following properties:

(i) Σ is connected;(ii) Σ is compact;

(iii) Σ is orientable.

Some comments about the last two conditions are in order:

(ii) implies that ∂Σ consists of finitely many copies of the circle S1; if ∂Σ = ∅, then the surface Σis said to be closed ;

(iii) means that any coordinate change of Σ should be “orientation-preserving”; this property canbe defined using homology but, in dimension 2, it is equivalent to say that the Moebius strip

can not be embedded in Σ; by condition (i), Σ has exactly two orientations; an orientation ona surface Σ induces an orientation on any connected component of ∂Σ (and vice-versa):

Example 1.2. Here are two “elementary” closed surfaces:

the sphere S2 the torus S1 × S1

We define three operations which we can perform on a surface:

(i) given a surface Σ, we can remove a disk from Σ: the new surface is

Σ := Σ \ int(D)

where D ⊂ int(Σ) is a closed disk;

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(ii) given two surfaces Σ1 and Σ2, with a boundary component δi ⊂ ∂Σi specified on each, we cando the gluing

Σ1 ∪δ1=δ2

Σ2 := (Σ1 t Σ2)/ ∼

where ∼ is the equivalence relation identifying any x1 ∈ δ1 to ϕ(x1) ∈ δ2, for a fixed homeo-morphism ϕ : δ1 → δ2;

(iii) given two surfaces Σ1 and Σ2, we can construct the connected sum

Σ1]Σ2 :=(Σ1 \ int(D1)



(Σ2 \ int(D2)

)where Di ⊂ int(Σi) is a closed disk.

The above operations are well-defined in the following sense:

(i) the homeomorphism type of Σ does not depend on the choice of D;(ii) the homeomorphism type of Σ1 ∪δ1=δ2 Σ2 does not depend on the choice of ϕ;

(iii) consequently, Σ1]Σ2 is also well-defined up to homeomorphism.

Furthermore, these operations can be defined for oriented surfaces:

(i) an orientation on Σ restricts to a unique orientation on Σ;(ii) if Σ1 and Σ2 are oriented and if ϕ is orientation-reversing, then there is a unique orientation

on Σ1 ∪δ1=δ2 Σ2 that is compatible with those of Σ1 and Σ2;(iii) consequently, there is a unique orientation on Σ1]Σ2 that is compatible with those of Σ1 and Σ2.

We can now construct infinitely many surfaces out of S2 and S1 × S1 using the above operations.

Definition 1.3. Set Σ0 := S2 and, for any integer g ≥ 1, set

Σg := (S1 × S1)] · · · ](S1 × S1)︸ ︷︷ ︸g times


Set Σg,0 := Σg and, for any integer b ≥ 1, let Σg,b be the surface obtained from Σg by removing b disks.

Of course, the surface Σg,b is only defined up to homeomorphism, but we can also fix a “standard”surface Σg,b ⊂ R3 once and for all, and orient it, as shown below:


· · ·

· · · · · · · · ·

1 b

1 g

Theorem 1.4. For any (connected, compact, orientable) surface S, there exists a unique pair (g, b) ∈Z≥0 × Z≥0 such that S is homeomorphic to Σg,b.

The unique integer g ≥ 0 such that S ∼= Σg,b for some b ≥ 0 is called the genus of S.

Sketch of proof. We prove the unicity. Let (g1, b1), (g2, b2) ∈ Z≥0 × Z≥0 be such that Σg1,b1∼= Σg2,b2 :

we must show that g1 = g2 and b1 = b2. We have ∂Σg1,b1∼= ∂Σg2,b2 and, since the number of connected

components is a topological invariant, we obtain b1 = b2. According to Exercices 1.1–1.2, we have

gi =1


(rank H1(Σgi,bi ;Z)−max(bi − 1, 0)


Since the homology is a topological invariant, we have H1(Σg1,b1 ;Z) ' H1(Σg2,b2 ;Z) and we concludethat g1 = g2.

We now sketch the proof of the existence. Let S be a surface: we must prove that S ∼= Σg,b for someg, b ≥ 0. We first consider the case where ∂S = ∅ and we accept the following classical result [Rad25].

Theorem. (Rado 1925) Any closed surface S has a triangulation.

This result may seem obvious at a first glance, but it is actually quite difficult to prove: see for instance[Moi77, §8]. A triangulation of S is a homeomorphism f : K → S, whose source K is a topologicalspace consisting of (finitely many) copies of the 2-dimensional simplex

∆2 := x ∈ R3 : x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0, x1 + x2 + x3 = 1

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which are glued one to the other along edges by affine isomorphisms. We call triangles the images ofthose simplices by f and, in the interior of each of these triangles, we color a smaller triangle:

We pick one of these colored triangles, and we merge it to an adjacent colored triangle of our choice.We repeat this process at much as possible, doing some choices at each step:

At the end of the process, we get a colored “polygonal” region in S which almost fills S. This showsthat the surface S can be obtained from a polygon P ⊂ R2 by identifying its edges pairwisely: let

π : P −→ S = P/∼

be the corresponding projection. It can happen that the integer

nP := ] π (vertices of P)

is greater than one. In this case, there is an edge e of P whose two vertices are not identified by ∼:so, the same happens for the “twin” edge e. By collapsing e and simultaneously e to their midpoints,we see that nP can be decreased by one. Hence we can assume that nP = 1: let ? ∈ S be the commonimage of all the vertices of P . There is a small closed disk D ⊂ S such that ? ∈ int(D) and π−1(D)consists of disjoint neighborhoods of the vertices of P :


b a






The surface

H :=(P \ π−1 int(D)

)/ ∼

can now be regarded as a disk with “handles” (one “handle” for each pair of twin edges in P ):



b a





Thus the surface S is obtained by gluing a closed disk to H along its boundary. We pick one of thehandle of H – which we call a1. Because H has just one boundary component, there must be at leastone other handle – which we call b1 – whose attaching intervals “alternate” with those of a1. Next,

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if another handle has an attaching interval “under” a1 ∪ b1, we can always “slide” it far away froma1 ∪ b1. Doing this repeatedly, we see that S is obtained from a surface of the type

Ng :=

a1 b1 ag bg

(for some integer g ≥ 0) by gluing a disk along its unique boundary component. Therefore S ∼= Σgsince Σg is also obtained from Ng by gluing a disk along its boundary:

The existence in the general case is deduced from the closed case as follows. Assume that S hasb boundary components δ1, . . . , δb. Let S+ be the surface obtained from S by gluing a closed diskDi along each boundary component δi. Then S+ is closed so that S+ ∼= Σg for some g ≥ 0. For alli = 1, . . . , b, let D′i be the image of Di under this homeomorphism. Then

S = S+ \ int(D1 ∪ · · · ∪Db) ∼= Σg \ int(D′1 ∪ · · · ∪D′b) = Σg,b.

A smooth structure on a surface Σ is an atlas which is equivalent to the given one and such thatany coordinate change (1.1) is a C∞-diffeomorphism. We accept the following result: see [Hat13] for aproof.

Theorem 1.5. Any surface has a smooth structure, which is unique up to diffeomorphism.

Thus, in 2-dimensional topology, one is allowed to freely use the tools of differential topology [Hir76].For instance, we can define the orientability of a surface Σ by requiring that the Jacobian determinantof any coordinate change (1.1) should be positive.

1.2. Curves. Let Σ be a surface. Here is our definition of a “curve” in Σ.

Definition 1.6. A closed curve in a surface Σ is a continuous map α : S1 → Σ. It is simple if αis injective.

In fact, a “closed curve” α : S1 → Σ will sometimes only refer to the image α(S1). If we need alsoto record the image by α of the trigonometric orientation of S1, then the closed curve is said to beoriented. The same closed curve as α with opposite orientation is denoted by α.

Lemma 1.7. Any simple closed curved α in the interior of Σ has a closed neighborhood N(α) suchthat the pair (N(α), α) is homeomorphic to the pair (S1 × [−1, 1], S1 × 0).

Proof. Assuming that Σ and α are smooth, this is the simplest manifestation of the existence theoremof tubular neighborhoods for submanifolds [Hir76]. The “triviality” of the tubular neighborhood in thissituation is due to the facts that α and Σ are orientable and that GL+(1) = (0,+∞) is contractible.

Two closed curves α and β are homotopic if there is a continuous map h : S1 × [0, 1]→ Σ (called ahomotopy) such that h(−, 0) = α and h(−, 1) = β. A closed curve is essential if it is not homotopic tothe constant curve or to a boundary component.

Two simple closed curves α and β are isotopic if there is a continuous map h : S1× [0, 1]→ Σ (calledan isotopy) such that h(−, 0) = α , h(−, 1) = β and h(−, t) is simple for every t.

The above definitions can also be formulated in the smooth category if a smooth structure is specifiedon Σ. It turns out that two smooth simple closed curves are smoothly isotopic if and only if they areisotopic. Furthermore, we will accept the following classical result of Baer [Bae27] (see [Eps66] for amore modern treatment).

Theorem 1.8 (Baer 1927). Two essential simple closed curves in Σ are isotopic if and only if theyare homotopic.

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This is not true anymore if the assumption “essential” is removed. Indeed consider the disk D2 withits usual orientation. The curve ∂D2 (with the orientation inherited from D2) and the curve −∂D2

(with the opposite orientation) are both homotopic to the constant curve at 0 ∈ D2. But it can beshown that they are not isotopic.1

We shall now see two different notions of “intersection invariant” for closed curves in Σ. The firstnotion is homological and needs the curves to be oriented.

Definition 1.9. Assume that Σ is oriented. Then the (homology) intersection form on Σ is thebilinear map

ω : H1(Σ;Z)×H1(Σ;Z) −→ Z, (a, b) 7−→ 〈Dj∗(a), b〉where j∗ : H1(Σ;Z) → H1(Σ, ∂Σ;Z) is induced by the inclusion j : Σ → (Σ, ∂Σ), D : H1(Σ, ∂Σ;Z) →H1(Σ;Z) is the Poincare duality, and 〈−,−〉 denotes the Kronecker evaluation.

When a = [α] ∈ H1(Σ;Z) and b = [β] ∈ H1(Σ;Z) are represented by some oriented closed curves αand β, we have the following formula for ω(a, b). Working in the smooth category, we assume that αand β are transversal in the sense that

∀x ∈ α ∩ β, TxΣ =⟨~αx, ~βx

⟩and that α, β only meet at double intersection points; then

ω([α], [β]) =∑


+1, if (~αx, ~βx) is direct−1, otherwise


(A student who is not familiar with Poincare duality may accept the above formula as a definition ofthe form ω.) In particular, it follows that ω is skew-symmetric.

The second notion of “intersection invariant” is homotopic and does not need the curves to beoriented.

Definition 1.10. Let a, b be homotopy classes of closed curves in Σ. The (geometric) intersectionnumber of a, b is

i(a, b) = min](α ∩ β) |α ∈ a, β ∈ b

∈ Z≥0.

Two closed curves α, β in Σ are in minimal position if ](α ∩ β) = i([α], [β]).

The following is very useful to display two simple closed curves in minimal position.

Lemma 1.11. Two smooth simple closed curves, which are transversal, are in minimal position if and

only if they do not show any bigon .

Proof. See [FM12, Proposition 1.7].

To conclude this section, we shall now see that there are only finitely many “types” of simple closedcurves in the surface Σ. Here two simple closed curves α and β in Σ are said to have the same topologicaltype if there is a self-homeomorphism of Σ carrying α into β.

Lemma 1.12. Two simple closed curves α and β have the same topological type if, and only if,

Σ \ intN(α) ∼= Σ \ intN(β).

Proof. Assume that α and β have the same topological type. Then there is a homeomorphism f : Σ→ Σsuch that f(α) = β. We can assume that f(N(α)) = N(β), hence f restricts to a homeomorphismΣ \ intN(α)→ Σ \ intN(β).

Assume that there is a homeomorphism h : Σ \ intN(α)→ Σ \ intN(β). According to Exercice 1.8,we can also assume that h carries the components of N(α) to the components of N(β). Hence, by

using the identifications N(α) ∼= S1× [−1, 1] ∼= N(β), we can extend h to a homeomorphism h : Σ→ Σsuch that h(α) = β.

Proposition 1.13. There are only finitely many topological types of simple closed curves in Σ.

This proposition remains valid if we require orientation-preserving self-homeomorphisms of Σ in thedefinition of the topological type of a simple closed curve.

1 Hint: work in the smooth category, and use the fact that GL(2) is disconnected.

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Proof. Let α be an arbitrary simple closed curve in Σ, and consider the possibly disconnected surfaceΣα := Σ \ intN(α). According to Lemma 1.12, it suffices to show that there are only finitely manypossibilities for the homeomorphism type of Σα.

Assume that Σα is not connected: then Σα has two connected components S1 and S2. Let gi ≥ 0be the genus of Si and let bi ≥ 1 be the number of boundary components of Si. Then

b1 + b2 = ] (boundary component of Σ) + 2

which shows that there only finitely many possibilities for b1, b2. Next, we have

χ(Σ) = χ(Σα) + χ(N(α))− χ(∂N(α))

= χ(Σα) + χ(S1 × [0, 1])− χ(S1 t S1) = χ(Σα)− χ(S1) = χ(Σα).

By Exercice 1.3, we also have

χ(Σα) = χ(S1) + χ(S2) = (2− 2g1 − b1) + (2− 2g2 − b2).

We deduce that 2g1+2g2 = 4−χ(Σ)−b1−b2, which shows that there are only finitely many possibilitiesfor g1, g2. The case where Σα is connected can be treated with the same kind of arguments.

In addition to curves, we will also need “arcs” in the sequel. Assume that ∂Σ 6= ∅. A proper arcin Σ is a continuous map ρ : [0, 1] → Σ such that ρ−1(∂Σ) = 0, 1. It is simple if ρ is injective. Thenotions of homotopy of arcs and isotopy of simple proper arcs are defined as we did for curves, byrequiring endpoints of arcs to be fixed at any time.

1.3. Exercices.

Exercise 1.1. Let g ≥ 0 and b ≥ 1 be integers. Show that Σg,b deformation retracts to a wedge of2g + b− 1 circles. Deduce that

H0(Σg,b;Z) ' Z, H1(Σg,b;Z) ' Z2g+b−1, Hi(Σg,b;Z) = 0 for i ≥ 2.

Exercise 1.2. Let g ≥ 0 be an integer. Using Exercise 1.1, show that

H0(Σg;Z) ' Z, H1(Σg;Z) ' Z2g, H2(Σg;Z) ' Z, Hi(Σg;Z) = 0 for i ≥ 3.

Exercise 1.3. Compute the Euler characteristic χ(Σg,b) for any g, b ≥ 0. Is the Euler characteristic acomplete invariant of (compact, connected, orientable) surfaces?

Exercise 1.4. Compute the fundamental group π1(Σg,b) for any g, b ≥ 0. Is the fundamental group acomplete invariant of (compact, connected, orientable) surfaces?

Exercise 1.5. Deduce from the classification of surfaces the Jordan–Schoenflies theorem: for anysimple closed curve α ⊂ S2, the complement S2 \ α consists of two connected components whoseclosures in S2 are closed disks.

Exercise 1.6. Show that the intersection form ω of Σg,b is non-singular if and only if b ∈ 0, 1.

Exercise 1.7. Which (compact, connected, orientable) surfaces can be embedded in the plane R2?

Exercise 1.8. Let Σ be a surface with a least two boundary components δ and δ′, and let T be a con-nected subsurface of Σ such that δ ∪ δ′ ⊂ T . Construct an orientation-preserving self-homeomorphismof Σ which exchanges δ with δ′ and is the identity outside T .

Exercise 1.9. A simple closed curve α in the interior of a surface Σ is non-separating if the space Σ\α isconnected. Show that any two non-separating simple closed curves in Σ have the same topological type.

Exercise 1.10. List all the topological types of simple closed curves on the surface Σg,1.

* * *

Solution to Exercise 1.1. It is enough to draw such a wedge of circles Γg,b on a picture of Σg,b. Sincethe homology is a homotopy invariant, we have H∗(Σg,b;Z) ' H∗(Γg,b;Z) and we easily conclude.

Solution to Exercise 1.2. We have Σg ∼= Σg,1∪D2 where Σg,1 and D2 are glued along their boundary.It follows from the Mayer–Vietoris theorem (in reduced homology with Z coefficients) that we have along exact sequence

H2(Σg,1)⊕H2(D2) −→ H2(Σg)∂∗−→ H1(S1) −→ H1(Σg,1)⊕H1(D2) −→ H1(Σg) −→ H0(S1),

which simplifies to

0 −→ H2(Σg)∂∗−→ H1(S1) −→ H1(Σg,1) −→ H1(Σg) −→ 0.

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The map H1(S1)→ H1(Σg,1) is obviously trivial, and we deduce that

H2(Σg) ' H1(S1) ' Z, H1(Σg) ' H1(Σg,1) ' Z2g.

We also have H0(Σg) ' Z since Σg is connected, and we have Hi(Σg) = 0 for i ≥ 3 since Σg has acellular decomposition with only cells of dimension ≤ 2.

Solution to Exercise 1.3. For b > 0, we have by Exercise 1.1

χ(Σg,b) = 1− (2g + b− 1) = 2− 2g − b

and, for b = 0, we have by Exercise 1.2

χ(Σg) = 1− 2g + 1 = 2− 2g.

Hence χ(Σg,b) = 2−2g−b for any g, b ≥ 0. In particular, χ(Σ1,1) = −1 = χ(Σ0,3) although Σ1,1 6∼= Σ0,3.

Solution to Exercise 1.4. For b > 0, Σg,b deformation retracts to a wedge of circles α1, β1, . . . , αg, βg,ζ1, . . . , ζb−1 based at a point ? ∈ ∂Σg,b. Hence

π1(Σg,b, ?) = F (α1, β1, . . . , αg, βg, ζ1, . . . , ζb−1) , the free group on 2g + b− 1 generators.

For b = 0, we have Σg ∼= Σg,1 ∪D2. Hence, by applying the Van Kampen theorem, we get for g ≥ 1

π1(Σg,b, ?) =⟨α1, β1, . . . , αg, βg | [β−1

1 , α1] · · · [β−1g , αg]

⟩where α1, β1, . . . , αg, βg are appropriately oriented; for g = 0, we get π1(Σ0) = 1. In particular, notethat π1(Σ0) ' π1(Σ0,1) although Σ0 6∼= Σ0,1.

Solution to Exercise 1.5. It is enough to show that Sα := S2 \ intN(α) is the disjoint union of twoclosed disks.

Assume that Sα is connected. Then the two endpoints of the interval (1, 0)×[−1, 1] ⊂ S1×[−1, 1] ∼=N(α) can be connected by a path in Sα: thus we obtain a closed curved β ⊂ S2 which we orient in anarbitrary way. Since α and β meet in exactly one point, we have ω([α], [β]) = ±1 which contradicts thefact that H1(S2;Z) is trivial. Therefore Sα has two connected components, which we call S1 and S2.

Since S2 is closed, we must have Si ∼= Σgi,1 for some integer gi ≥ 0. Hence

2 = χ(S2) = χ(Sα) = χ(S1) + χ(S2) = (1− 2g1) + (1− 2g2) = 2− 2(g1 + g2)

which implies that g1 = g2 = 0. Hence S1∼= S2

∼= Σ0,1, and we have Σ0,1∼= D2 since S2 = Σ0 is

obtained by gluing two disks along their boundaries.

Solution to Exercise 1.6. Assume that b ∈ 0, 1 and consider the following system of orientedsimple closed curves on Σg,b:

α1 αgβ1 βg· · ·

Set ai := [αi] ∈ H1(Σ;Z) and bi := [βi] ∈ H1(Σ;Z) for all i ∈ 1, . . . , g. Then the matrix of ω in thebasis (a, b) := (a1, . . . , ag, b1, . . . , bg) is

Ω :=

(0 Ig−Ig 0


Since we have det Ω = 1, the form ω is non-singular. Thus ω is a symplectic form and (a, b) is asymplectic basis of ω.

Assume that b > 1. Choose (b−1) boundary components among the b available, and let z1, . . . , zb−1 ∈H1(Σg,b;Z) be their homology classes. Then zi 6= 0 and ω(−, zi) = 0 since any element of H1(Σg,b;Z)can be represented by an oriented closed curve disjoint from the i-th boundary component. Hence theradical of ω is not trivial.

N.B. The matrix of ω in the basis (a, b, z) := (a1, . . . , ag, b1, . . . , bg, z1, . . . , zb−1) of H1(Σg,b;Z) is 0 Ig 0−Ig 0 0

0 0 0


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Solution to Exercise 1.7. Let i : Σ → R2 be an embedding of a surface. Since Σ is compact, we canfind a closed disk D ⊂ R2 which contains i(Σ). We have the following commutative diagram:

H1(Σ;Z)×H1(Σ;Z)ωΣ //



H1(D;Z)×H1(D;Z)ωD// Z

Since H1(D;Z) = 0, we must have ωΣ = 0. Then, by the previous exercise, the genus of Σ must bezero. Assume now that Σ is closed, i.e. Σ is homeomorphic to a 2-sphere: we can even assume thatΣ = S2. Fix a point x ∈ S2 and let p : R2 → S2 be a continuous map which is a homeomorphism ontoS2 \ x. Then f := p i : S2 → S2 is an embedding whose image does not contain x. We denoteby H± the two hemispheres of S2 and let E := H+ ∩H− be the equator. By Exercise 1.5, the simpleclosed curve f(E) separates S2 into two closed disks: one of them, called D1, contains x in its interiorwhile the other one, called D2, does not. The map f sends int(H+) t int(H−) into D1 t D2 so, forconnectedness reasons, either int(H+) is mapped into D1 and int(H−) into D2, or vice-versa. Assume,for instance, the first possibility: then f is an embedding of H+ into D1 \ x which sends the curve∂H+ = E to the curve ∂D1 = f(E). The former is null-homotopic in H+ while the latter generatesH1(D1 \ x;Z) ' Z ... contradiction. We conclude that Σ ∼= Σ0,b for some b > 0.

Conversely, a disk “with holes” Σ0,b (with b > 0) can be embedded in R2 in the obvious way.

Solution to Exercise 1.8. Let α be a proper simple arc in T connecting δ to δ′. There is a closedneighborhood of α ∪ δ ∪ δ′ which is homeomorphic to Σ0,3. Hence we can assume without loss ofgenerality that Σ = T ∼= Σ0,3 as shown below:

δ δ′


and we need to construct a homeomorphism f : Σ → Σ which is the identity on δ0 and exchanges δwith δ′. To be even more explicit, we can assume that

Σ = D2 \ z ∈ C : |z − 1/4| < 1/8 or |z + 1/4| < 1/8 ⊂ C.Let h : D2 → D2 be the homeomorphism defined by

h(z) :=

−z if |z| ≤ 1/2exp

(2iπ(1− |z|)

)· z if 1/2 ≤ |z| ≤ 1.




Clearly h exchanges the disk z : |z − 1/4| < 1/8 with the disk z : |z + 1/4| < 1/8 and h is theidentity on S1 = ∂D2. Hence f := h|Σ has the desired properties.

Solution to Exercise 1.9. Assume that Σ ∼= Σg,b and let α ⊂ int(Σ) be a non-separating simpleclosed curve. Then the surface Σα := Σ \ intN(α) has b+ 2 boundary components; let gα be the genusof Σα. We have

2− 2gα − (b+ 2) = χ(Σα) = χ(Σ) = 2− 2g − b,hence gα = g−1. We deduce that Σα ∼= Σg−1,b+2, i.e. the homeomorphism type of Σα does not dependon the choice of α.

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Solution to Exercise 1.10. Let α be an arbitrary simple closed curve on Σg,1. According to Exer-cise 1.9, there is only one possible topological type if we assume that α is non-separating:


· · ·

Assume that α is separating: let S be the subsurface delimited by α containing ∂Σg,1 and let T be theother subsurface. We have S ∼= Σh,2 and T ∼= Σk,1 for some h, k ≥ 0. Moreover,

1− 2g = χ(Σg,1) = χ(S) + χ(T ) = (−2h) + (1− 2k) = 1− 2(h+ k)

so that g = h+ k. Therefore, in the separating case, there are g possibilities of topological types:

α· · ·

(h, k) = (0, g)

, · · · , α· · ·

(h, k) = (g − 1, 1)



· · ·

(h, k) = (g, 0)

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2. Mapping class groups

We can now turn to the main subject of these lectures, namely the mapping class groups of surfaces.Our exposition is inspired from the books [Bir74], [FM12] and the survey article [Iva02]; it mainlyfollows the informal notes [Mas09] with some additions and corrections.

2.1. Definitions of mapping class groups. Let Σ be a (compact, orientable, connected) surface,and fix an orientation on Σ. We will consider the following group:

Homeo+,∂(Σ) :=

homeomorphisms Σ→ Σ which are orientation-preserving and fix ∂Σ

Recall that, for any two topological spaces X and Y , two continuous maps a, b : X → Y arehomotopic if there is a continuous map H : X× [0, 1]→ Y (called an homotopy) such that H(−, 0) = aand H(−, 1) = b. Two homeomorphisms a, b : Σ → Σ are isotopic if there is an homotopy H : Σ ×[0, 1]→ Σ (called an isotopy) such that H(−, t) is a homeomorphism for every t. Two homeomorphismsa, b : Σ→ Σ which fix ∂Σ are isotopic rel ∂Σ if they are related by an isotopy H : Σ× [0, 1]→ Σ suchthat H(−, t) fixes ∂Σ for every t.

Definition 2.1. The mapping class group of Σ is M(Σ) := Homeo+,∂(Σ)/(isotopy rel ∂Σ).

Other common notations for the mapping class group include the following ones: MCG(Σ), Mod(Σ)

and Mg,b, Γg,b if Σ is one of the “standard” surfaces Σg,b. The isotopy class of an f ∈ Homeo+,∂(Σ)is denoted by [f ] ∈M(Σ), or simply by f ∈M(Σ).

Remark 2.2. Equip the set Homeo+,∂(Σ) with the compact-open topology, i.e. the topology generatedby the family of subsets V (K,U)K,U indexed by compact subsets K ⊂ Σ and open subsets U ⊂ Σand defined by

V (K,U) :=f ∈ Homeo+,∂(Σ) : f(K) ⊂ U


(See [Bre93] for an exposition of this kind of topology.) Then a continuous map ρ : [0, 1]→ Homeo+,∂(Σ)is the same thing as an isotopy rel ∂Σ between ρ(0) and ρ(1). (Observe in particular that, during anisotopy, an orientation-preserving homeomorphism remains orientation-preserving.) Therefore, M(Σ)

can also be defined as the set of path-connected components of Homeo+,∂(Σ).

The above definition of a mapping class group has several variations. Here are two variations whichgive equivalent definitions:

We could fix a smooth structure on Σ and we could replace homeomorphisms up to isotopyby diffeomorphisms up to smooth isotopy, but this would not affect the definition ofM(Σ). Inother words, any homeomorphism is isotopic to a diffeomorphism (this generalizes Theorem 1.5,see [Hat02]) and any two isotopic diffeomorphisms are smoothly isotopic. We could consider homeomorphisms up to homotopy rel ∂Σ instead of considering them up to

isotopy rel ∂Σ. This would not affect the definition of M(Σ) since Baer used Theorem 1.8 toalso show the following: two orientation-preserving homeomorphisms Σ→ Σ are homotopic rel∂Σ if and only if they are isotopic rel ∂Σ (see [Bae28, Eps66]).

Here are two other variations which give non-equivalent definitions of the mapping class group:

We could allow homeomorphisms not to be the identity on the boundary. Then, generallyspeaking, the resulting groupMð(Σ) differs from the above groupM(Σ): specifically, we havean exact sequence of groups

Zb −→M(Σ) −→Mð(Σ) −→ Sb −→ 1,

see Exercise 2.10. We could allow homeomorphisms not to preserve the orientation: we denote by M±(Σ) the

resulting group. If the boundary of Σ is non-empty, then any boundary-fixing homeomorphismmust preserve the orientation: M±(Σ) = M(Σ). If the boundary is empty, then we have ashort exact sequence of groups

1 −→M(Σ) −→M±(Σ) −→ Z2 −→ 1,

see Exercise 2.11.

2.2. First examples of mapping class groups. We now give two examples of mapping class groups.First, let us prove that the mapping class group of the disk D2 is trivial. Recall that a topologicalspace X deformation retracts to a subspace R ⊂ X if there exists a continuous map r : X → R (calledthe retraction) such that r|R = idR and the map X → X defined by x 7→ r(x) is homotopic to idX ; ifR is a singleton in X, then X is said to be contractible.

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Proposition 2.3 (Alexander’s trick). The space Homeo∂(D2) = Homeo+,∂(D2) is contractible. Inparticular, we have M(D2) = 1.

Proof. For any homeomorphism f : D2 → D2 which is the identity on the boundary, and for allt ∈ [0, 1], we define a homeomorphism ft : D2 → D2 by

ft(x) :=

t · f(x/t) if 0 ≤ |x| ≤ t,x if t ≤ |x| ≤ 1.

Here D2 is seen as a subset of C and |x| denotes the modulus of x ∈ C. Then, the map

H : Homeo∂(D2)× [0, 1] −→ Homeo∂(D2), (f, t) 7−→ ft

is a homotopy between the retraction of Homeo∂(D2) to idD2 and the identity of Homeo∂(D2). Thus,

Homeo∂(D2) deformation retracts to idD2.

We now compute the mapping class group of the torus S1 × S1, which is not trivial.

Proposition 2.4. Let (a, b) be the basis of H1(S1 × S1;Z) defined by a := [S1 × 1] and b := [1× S1].Then, the map

κ :M(S1 × S1) −→ SL(2;Z)

which sends any isotopy class [f ] to the matrix of f∗ : H1(S1 × S1;Z) → H1(S1 × S1;Z) with respectto the basis (a, b), is a group isomorphism.

Proof. The fact that we have a group homomorphism κ : M(S1 × S1) → GL(2;Z) follows from thefunctoriality of the homology. We now check that κ([f ]) ∈ SL(2;Z) for any [f ] ∈M(S1 × S1): set

κ([f ]) =

(f11 f12

f21 f22

)where the integers fij ’s are such that f∗(a) = f11a + f21b and f∗(b) = f12a + f22b. Since f preservesthe orientation, it also leaves invariant the intersection form ω. So, we have

1 = ω(a, b) = ω(f∗(a), f∗(b)

)= ω

(f11a+ f21b, f12a+ f22b

)= f11f22 − f21f12 = detκ([f ]).

The surjectivity of κ can be proved as follows. We identify R2/Z2 to S1×S1 via the homeomorphismdefined by (u, v) 7→ (e2iπu, e2iπv) for any (u, v) ∈ R2. Any matrix T ∈ SL(2;Z) defines a linearisomorphism

R2 −→ R2,


)7−→ T ·


)which leaves Z2 globally invariant and so induces an (orientation-preserving) homeomorphism t :R2/Z2 → R2/Z2. It is easily checked that κ([t]) = T .

To prove the injectivity, let us consider a homeomorphism f : S1×S1 → S1×S1 such that κ([f ]) istrivial. Since π1(S1 × S1) is abelian, the Hurewicz theorem implies that f acts trivially at the level ofthe fundamental group. The canonical projection R2 → R2/Z2 gives the universal covering of S1×S1.

Thus, f can be lifted to a unique homeomorphism f : R2 → R2 such that f(0, 0) = (0, 0) and, by

assumption on f , the homeomorphism f is Z2-equivariant. Therefore, the “affine” homotopy

H : R2 × [0, 1] −→ R2, (x, t) 7−→ t · f(x) + (1− t) · x

between idR2 and f , descends to a homotopy from idS1×S1 to f . Since homotopy coincides with isotopyin dimension two, we deduce that [f ] = 1 ∈M(S1 × S1).

2.3. Generation of mapping class groups. Let Σ be an oriented surface. We now introduce somegenerators for the mapping class group M(Σ).

Definition 2.5. Let α be a simple closed curve in the interior of Σ. We identify a tubular neighborhoodN(α) of α with S1 × [0, 1], in such a way that orientations are preserved. Then, the Dehn twist alongα is the homeomorphism τα : Σ→ Σ defined by

τα(x) =

x if x /∈ N(α)(e2iπ(θ+r), r

)if x =

(e2iπθ, r

)∈ N(α) = S1 × [0, 1].

Because of the choice of N(α) and its “parametrization” by S1 × [0, 1], the homeomorphism τα is onlydefined up to isotopy. Besides, the isotopy class of τα only depends on the isotopy class of the curve α.Here is the effect of τα on a curve ρ which crosses transversely α in a single point:

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Remark 2.6. B The definition of τα does not need the curve α to be oriented, but it requires anorientation on the surface Σ. Since the surface Σ is oriented, there is a notion of “right-hand side”and “left-hand side” on Σ: observe that, in the above picture, the image of the arc ρ by τα makes aright-hand turn. Thus our definition of a Dehn twist is the same as in [Bir74], but it is opposite to thedefinition used in [Iva02] or [FM12] where Dehn twists are “left-handed”.

It can be checked that τα = 1 ∈ M(Σ) if α bounds a disk (see Exercise 2.4). Otherwise, τα 6= 1 aswe now show.

Proposition 2.7. Let α be a simple closed curve in Σ such that [α] 6= 1 ∈ π1(Σ). Then τα has infiniteorder in M(Σ).

Proof. Assume that α is isotopic to a boundary curve δ. If Σ is an annulus, then we know fromExercise 2.2 thatM(Σ) ' Z generated by τα. If Σ is not an annulus, then the curve α regarded in the“double” surface

Σ′ := Σ ∪δ=δ


is not anymore isotopic to a boundary curve; furthermore, the inclusion Σ → Σ′ induces a grouphomomorphismM(Σ)→M(Σ′); so the fact that τα has infinite order inM(Σ′) will imply that τα hasinfinite order in M(Σ). Therefore we can assume in the sequel that α is not isotopic to a boundarycurve, i.e. α is “essential” in the terminology of §1.2.

Let now β be an arbitrary simple closed curve in Σ. The following can be deduced from Lemma 1.11(see [FM12, Proposition 3.2]):

Fact. For any k ∈ Z, we have i([τkα(β)], [β]

)= |k| · i([α], [β])2.

Hence it is enough to justify that there exists a β such that i([α], [β]) > 0. Clearly this possibility forα only depends on its topological type. If α is non-separating, then we can choose β as follows:



· · ·· · ·

· · · · · · · · ·

and Lemma 1.11 implies that i([α], [β]) = 1. If α is separating, then each of the subsurfaces S1 and S2

delimited by α is not a disk nor an annulus. Therefore we can find a proper simple arc βi ⊂ Si suchthat we have the following situation:

α βi

not a disk

not a disk

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If follows from Lemma 1.11 that β := β1 ∪ β2 is a simple closed curve satisfying i([α], [β]) = 2.

Here is now a fundamental result about mapping class groups, which dates back to Dehn [Deh38].

Theorem 2.8 (Dehn 1938). The group M(Σ) is generated by Dehn twists along simple closed curveswhich are non-separating or which encircle some boundary components.

In order to prove this, we will need the following result which describes how the mapping class group“grows” when one removes a disk from the surface [Bir69a].

Proposition 2.9 (Birman’s exact sequence). Let Σ be the surface obtained from Σ by removing adisk D. Then, there is an exact sequence of groups

π1 (U(Σ))Push //M(Σ)

∪ idD ////M(Σ) // 1

where U(Σ) denotes the total space of the unit tangent bundle2 of Σ. Moreover, the image of the“Push” map is generated by some products of Dehn twists (and their inverses) along curves which arenon-separating or which encircle boundary components.

Sketch of the proof. The argument below needs the notion of “fibration” which we have recalled inAppendix A. Let Diffeo+,∂(Σ) be the group of orientation-preserving and boundary-fixing diffeomor-

phisms Σ→ Σ. We equip Diffeo+,∂(Σ) with the compact-open topology. As we mentioned in §2.1, wehave

M(Σ) = π0


)= π0


)so that we can work in the smooth category. Let Emb+(D,Σ) be the space of orientation-preservingsmooth embeddings of the disk D into Σ, and denote by ι ∈ Emb+(D,Σ) the inclusion D → Σ. The

restriction map Diffeo+,∂(Σ)→ Emb+(D,Σ), f 7→ f |D is a fibration whose fiber over ι is Diffeo+,∂(Σ)(see [Iva02, Theorem 2.6.A], and below). The long exact sequence in homotopy induced by this fibrationterminates with


(Diffeo+,∂(Σ), idΣ

)−→ π1

(Emb+(D,Σ), ι

) P−→M(Σ) −→M(Σ) −→ 1,

since any orientation-preserving embedding of D into Σ is isotopic to ι (i.e. Emb+(D,Σ) has a singlepath-connected component). The above map P has the following definition. A loop in Emb+(D,Σ)based at ι is an isotopy I : D × [0, 1] → Σ such that I(−, 0) = I(−, 1) = ι. By the “isotopy extension

theorem” (see [Hir76], for instance), there is an isotopy I : Σ× [0, 1] → Σ starting with I(−, 0) = idΣ

and such that I|D×[0,1] = I. Then, [I] ∈ π1

(Emb+(D,Σ), ι

)is mapped by P to[

restriction of I(−, 1) to Σ = Σ \ int(D)].

We now give a more concrete description of the map P . For this, let v be a unit tangent vectorof D: v ∈ TxΣ with ‖v‖ = 1 and x ∈ int(D). The map Emb+(D,Σ) → U(Σ) defined by f 7→(dxf)(v)/‖(dxf)(v)‖ is a weak homotopy equivalence (see [Iva02, Theorem 2.6.D]). In particular, itinduces an isomorphism


(Emb+(D,Σ), ι

)' π1(U(Σ), v).

We denote by “Push” : π1(U(Σ), v) → M(Σ) the composition of the homomorphism P with thisisomorphism. If ~α is the unit tangent vector field of a smooth simple closed curve α based at x, thenPush([~α]) ∈ M(Σ) can be described as follows. Let N(α) be a tubular neighborhood of α and letα−, α+ be the two boundary components of N(α): here we assume that the orientation induced byN(α) on α+ (respectively, α−) is the given orientation (respectively, the opposite orientation) on α.Then we have the following formula:

(2.1) Push([~α]) = τ−1α−τα+ .

This is proved by checking that Push([~α]) and τ−1α−τα+ (viewed as elements of M(N(α) \ int(D))) act

in the same way on the proper arcs ρ1 and ρ2 shown below, and by appealing to Exercise 2.3:

2Here, the surface Σ is endowed with an arbitrary smooth structure and a riemannian metric.

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Note that the way how Push([~α]) acts on the arc ρ2 explains the terminology “Push”. Next, from theexact sequence of groups

π1(S1, 1) −→ π1 (U(Σ), v) −→ π1(Σ, x) −→ 1

(deduced from the long exact sequence in homotopy for the fibration U(Σ) → Σ), we see thatπ1 (U(Σ), v) is generated by the fiber and by unit tangent vector fields of smooth simple closed curveswhich are non-separating or which are isotopic to components of ∂Σ. Since the image of the fiber S1 bythe Push map is τ∂D, we conclude from (2.1) that Push (π1 (U(Σ), v)) is generated by some productsof Dehn twists (and their inverses) along curves which are non-separating or which encircle boundarycomponents.

Remark 2.10. It is known that the path-connected components of the space Diffeo+,∂(Σ) are con-tractible when3 χ(Σ) < 0 [EE69, ES70, Gra73]. So, in this case, the above proof produces a short exactsequence of groups

1 // π1 (U(Σ))Push //M(Σ)

∪ idD //M(Σ) // 1.

We can now proceed to the proof of Dehn’s theorem.

Proof of Theorem 2.8. Here we mainly follow the arguments of Ivanov [Iva02, Theorem 4.2.C]. Let gbe the genus of Σ and let b be the number of boundary components of Σ. First of all, we deducefrom Proposition 2.9 that, if the statement holds at a given g for b = 0, then it holds for any b ≥ 0.So, we can assume that Σ is closed and the proof then goes by induction on g ≥ 0. For g = 0,Exercise 2.1 tells us that there is nothing to prove. The case g = 1 is proved using the isomorphismκ :M(S1 × S1)→ SL(2;Z) introduced in Proposition 2.4. It is well-known that the group SL(2;Z) isgenerated by

A :=

(1 10 1

)and T :=

(0 1−1 0

)(see [New72, Theorem VII.3]). Hence SL(2;Z) is also generated by

A and B :=

(1 0−1 1

)since we have ABA = T . The matrices A and B correspond via κ to the Dehn twists along the simpleclosed curves α := S1 × 1 and β := 1 × S1 of S1 × S1. We deduce that the group M(S1 × S1) isgenerated by τα and τβ . Thus, in the sequel, we are allowed to assume that the genus g is at least 2.

Let f ∈M(Σ) and let α be a non-separating simple closed curve on Σ. Then, f(α) is another non-separating simple closed curve on Σ. We need the following non-trivial fact due to Lickorish [Lic64]:see [FM12, §4.1.2] or [Iva02, §3.2] for proofs.

Fact. (Connectedness of the complex of curves) Assume that g ≥ 2. Then, for any two non-separatingsimple closed curves ρ and ρ′, there exists a sequence of non-separating simple closed curves

ρ = ρ1 ρ2 · · · ρr = ρ′

such that i(ρj , ρj+1) = 0 for all j = 1, . . . , r − 1.

We also need the following observation.

3 This is not true if χ(Σ) ≥ 0. For instance, we have the following results in the closed case: Diffeo+(S2) deformation

retracts to SO(3) by [Sma59], while each of the path-connected components of Diffeo+(S1 × S1) deformations retractsto S1 × S1 by [EE69].

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Fact. If β and γ are two non-separating simple closed curves on Σ such that i(β, γ) = 0, then there isa product of Dehn twists T along non-separating simple closed curves such that T (β) = γ.

Indeed, we can find a third non-separating simple closed curve δ ⊂ Σ such that i(δ, γ) = i(δ, β) = 1.Then, by Exercise 2.7, we have τδτγ τβτδ(β) = τδτγ(δ) = γ and we can take T := τδτγτβτδ.

The above two facts show that we can find a product of Dehn twists T along non-separating simpleclosed curves such that T (α) = f(α). Therefore, we are allowed to assume that f preserves α. But, itmay happen that f inverses the orientations of α. In this case, we can consider a non-separating simpleclosed curve β such that i(α, β) = 1 and deduce from Exercise 2.7 that τβτ

2ατβ preserves α but inverses

its orientations. Therefore, after possible multiplication by τβτ2ατβ , we can assume that f preserves α

with orientation. Since there is only one orientation-preserving homeomorphism of S1 up to isotopy,we can assume that f is the identity on α. Furthermore, we can suppose that f is the identity on atubular neighborhood N(α) of α.

Let Σ′ := Σ \ intN(α) and let f ′ be the restriction of f to Σ′. The surface Σ′ has genus g′ := g − 1and has 2 boundary components:





So, by the induction hypothesis, f ′ ∈M(Σ′) is a product of Dehn twists along simple closed curves inΣ′ which are non-separating or which encircle some boundary components. We can conclude the samething for f ∈ M(Σ): indeed a non-separating simple closed curve in Σ′ is also non-separating in Σ,and a simple closed curve which encircles some boundary components in Σ′ is either isotopic in Σ toα (which is non-separating) or is isotopic to the simple closed curve δ shown above. In the latter case,we use Exercise 2.8 which implies that τδ is a product of six Dehn twists along non-separating simpleclosed curves in Σ (namely α and β).

The above proof can be improved to show that finitely many Dehn twists are enough to generatethe mapping class group, and this was already proved by Dehn in the closed case [Deh38]. Much later,Lickorish rediscovered Dehn’s result and improved it by reducing the number of generators [Lic64].

Theorem 2.11 (Lickorish 1964). For g ≥ 1, the group M(Σg) is generated by the Dehn twists alongthe simple closed curves

(2.2) α1, . . . , αg, β1, . . . , βg, γ1, . . . , γg−1

shown below:


α2 αg−1


β1 β2 βg−1 βgγ1 γg−1

· · ·

Afterwards, Humphries showed that 2g + 1 Dehn twists are enough to generate M(Σg): specifically,with the above notation, M(Σg) is generated by the Dehn twists along

(2.3) β1, . . . , βg, γ1, . . . , γg−1, α1, α2

see [Hum79]. The Dehn twists along the curves (2.2) are called the Lickorish generators of M(Σg),while those along the curves (2.3) are called the Humphries generators.

Remark 2.12. Humphries also proved that M(Σg) can not be generated by less than 2g + 1 Dehntwists [Hum79]. Nonetheless, Wajnryb showed that M(Σg) is generated by only two elements (one isdefined explicitly as a product of 2g Dehn twists, while the other one is a Dehn twist composed withthe inverse of a Dehn twist: see [Waj96]).

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2.4. Presentations of mapping class groups. Since mapping class groups are generated by Dehntwists, it is natural to look for presentations in terms of Dehn twists. First of all, one can wonderwhich relations exist between only two Dehn twists, and it is intuitively clear that these will dependon how much the two curves intersect each other.

(Disjointness relation) Let δ and ρ be two simple closed curves on a surface Σ withi(δ, ρ) = 0. Then [τδ, τρ] = 1.

(Braid relation) Let δ and ρ be two simple closed curves on a surface Σ with i(δ, ρ) = 1.Then, τδτρτδ = τρτδτρ.

The first relation is obvious. To prove the second one, we use Exercise 2.7 and Exercise 2.5:

τρ = ττδτρ(δ) = τδτρ τδ (τδτρ)−1.

If i(δ, ρ) ≥ 2, then τδ and τρ generate a free group of rank two: this can be proved using estimatesof the geometric intersection number, see [Ish96] or [FM12, §3.5.2]. Thus, there is no relation at allbetween τδ and τρ in this case.

If we now consider more than two simple closed curves, then new relations appear between thecorresponding Dehn twists. For instance, we can consider a chain ρ1, . . . , ρk of simple closed curves,which means that

i(ρl, ρm) =

0 if |l −m| > 1,1 if |l −m| = 1.

Each chain induces a relation in the mapping class group.

Lemma 2.13 (k-chain relation). Let ρ1, . . . , ρk be a chain of simple closed curves in a surface Σ, andconsider the subsurface

N := N(ρ1) ∪ · · · ∪N(ρk) ⊂ Σ

where N(ρi) is a (sufficiently small) tubular neighborhood of ρi. Then,

for k even, (τρ1 · · · τρk)2k+2 = τδ where δ := ∂N . for k odd, (τρ1 · · · τρk)k+1 = τδ1τδ2 where δ1 ∪ δ2 := ∂N .

The 2-chain relation is proved in Exercise 2.8. The proof of the k-chain relation for higher k is sketchedin [FM12, §9.4.2].

The few relations that we have exhibited so far are enough for a presentation of the mapping classgroup of Σ1

∼= S1×S1. Indeed, according to Proposition 2.4, this is equivalent to a presentation of thegroup SL(2;Z).

Theorem 2.14. Set A := τα and B := τβ, where α := S1 × 1 and β := 1 × S1 are shown below:



Then, we have the presentation

(2.4) M(S1 × S1) =⟨A,B

∣∣ABA = BAB, (AB)6 = 1⟩.

Note that the first relation is a braid relation, and that the second one follows from the 2-chain relation.

Proof. Let PSL(2;Z) be the quotient of SL(2;Z) by its center, namely the order 2 subgroup generatedby −I2. It is well-known that PSL(2;Z) is a free product Z2 ∗ Z3. More precisely, we have

(2.5) PSL(2;Z) =⟨T ,U

∣∣ T 2= 1, U

3= 1⟩

where T and U are the classes of the following matrices:

T :=

(0 1−1 0

)and U :=

(0 1−1 −1


(See [New72, §VIII.3] for a one-page proof.) Note that T 2 = −I2 and U3 = I2. Hence, using the shortexact sequence of groups

0 −→ ±I2 −→ SL(2;Z) −→ PSL(2;Z) −→ 1,

we deduce from (2.5) the following presentation of SL(2;Z):

SL(2;Z) =⟨T,U

∣∣ T 4 = 1, U3 = 1, [U, T 2] = 1⟩.

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(This can be proved, for instance, using Lemma 3.6 below.) Setting

V :=

(1 1−1 0


and observing that U = V −1T 2, we obtain the following equivalent presentation:

SL(2;Z) =⟨T, V

∣∣ V 6 = 1, T 2 = V 3⟩.

Finally, setting

A :=

(1 10 1

)and B :=

(1 0−1 1

)and observing that T = ABA and V = BA, we obtain the presentation

SL(2;Z) =⟨A,B

∣∣ (BA)6 = 1, (ABA)2 = (BA)3⟩

which is equivalent to (2.4).

For higher genus, we need more relations and we consider for this the involution h of Σg ⊂ R3 whichis a rotation by 180 around an appropriate axis: see below. It can be shown4 that h ∈M(Σg) is givenby the following word in the Lickorish’s generators:

h = τα1τβ1

τγ1τβ2· · · τβg−1

τγg−1τβgταg · ταgτβgτγg−1

τβg−1· · · τβ2




β1 γ1 β2 βg−1 γg−1 βg


Then, we have the following relations between Lickorish’s generators:

(Hyperelliptic relations) In M(Σg), we have h2 = 1 and [h, τα1] = 1.

The first one is obvious, while the second one follows from Exercise 2.5 using the fact that h(α1) = α1.These additional relations allow for a presentation of M(Σ2), which has been obtained in [BH71].

Theorem 2.15 (Birman–Hilden 1971). Set A := τα1 , B := τβ1 , C := τγ , D := τβ2 and E := τα2 ,where α1, α2, β1, β2, γ are the simple closed curves shown below:






Then, we have the presentation

M(Σ2) =⟨A,B,C,D,E

∣∣ disjointness, braid, (ABCDE)6 = 1, H2 = 1, [H,A] = 1⟩.

Here, the word “braid” stands for the 4 possible braid relations between A,B,C,D,E, the word “dis-jointness” stands for the 6 possible disjointness relations between them and H := ABCDE2DCBA.

Note that the third relation follows directly from the 5-chain relation, while the fourth and fifth relationsare the hyperelliptic relations. Birman and Hilden [BH71, Theorem 8] obtained this presentationby means of the 2-fold covering Σg → Σg/〈h〉 ∼= S2 (which is branched over 2g + 2 points). But,unfortunately, their method do not apply to higher genus.

We know from Theorem 2.11 that mapping class groups are finitely generated. But there exist finitelygenerated groups which are not finitely presented. For instance, the external semi-direct product

G := Z[t, t−1] o Z

where Z acts on Z[t, t−1] by

k ·(∑





is finitely generated by (t, 0) and (0, 1), but it can be shown that G has no presentation with finitelymany relations [Bau61].

4See the proof of [BH71, Equation (8)] for instance.

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The first proof that mapping class groups are finitely presented in genus g ≥ 3 is due to McCool in theboundary case: regardingM(Σg,b) with b > 0 as a subgroup of the automorphism group of a free group,he proved that M(Σg,b) is finitely presented by constructing a finite connected 2-dimensional CW-complex whose fundamental group is isomorphic to M(Σg,b) [McC75]. Later, Hatcher and Thurstonintroduced the complex of “cut systems” on which the mapping class group acts naturally, and theyproved by means of Cerf theory that this CW-complex is simply-connected [HT80]. When a group Gacts on a simply-connected CW-complex K in such a way that

K/G has finitely many cells in dimension 0, 1 and 2, the stabilizer of any vertex of K is a finitely presented subgroup of G, the stabilizer of any edge of K is a finitely generated subgroup of G,

then the group G is finitely presented and there is a general procedure to derive from this a finite pre-sentation of G. Thus, it follows from the work of Hatcher and Thurston that the mapping class groupis finitely presented. Instead of the complex of “cut systems” on a surface Σ, one can use the “curvecomplex” (see the proof of Theorem 2.8) or the “arc complex” to prove with a similar strategy thatM(Σ) is finitely presented: see [Iva87] and [Iva02, Theorem 4.3.D] in the former case, and see [FM12,§5.3] in the latter case. Building on the work of Hatcher and Thurston, Wajnryb [Waj83, Waj99] foundan explicit finite presentation of M(Σg,b) for b ∈ 0, 1 (see also Harer [Har83]). We refer to [Bir88,§1], [Iva02, §4.3] or [FM12, §5.2.1] for a precise statement of Wajnryb’s presentation. In a few words,this presentation is given by Humphries’ generators subject to the following relations: the disjointnessrelations, the braid relations, a 3-chain relation, a hyperelliptic relation5, and an instance of the fol-lowing relation (which is proved in Exercise 2.9).

(Lantern relation) In M(Σ0,4), we have τρ31τρ23τρ12 = τρ123τρ1τρ2τρ3 .


ρ1 ρ3





So far, we have mainly considered presentations of the mapping class groups of closed surfaces.Using Birman’s exact sequence (Proposition 2.9) and Lemma 3.6 below, it is not difficult to deducefinite presentations of mapping class groups in the boundary case too, but the resulting presentationsturn out to be complicated for several boundary components. Nevertheless, Gervais managed to derivefrom Wajnryb’s presentation another finite presentation of M(Σg,b) for any g > 1, b ≥ 0, and forg = 1, b > 0 [Ger01]. Gervais’ presentation has more generators than Wajnryb’s presentation, but itsrelations are much more symmetric and they essentially splits into two cases (the disjointness/braidrelations and some new “stars” relations).

To conclude, let us mention that the above techniques leading to finite presentations of groups arealso useful for the computation of low-dimensional (co)homology groups. Thus Harer used the workof Hatcher and Thurston to compute the second homology group of mapping class groups [HT80].Later Pitsch explained how to use Hopf’s formula to easily deduce this computation from Wajnryb’spresentation [Pit99]. See also [FM12, §5.4]. Here, following Harer [Har83], we only explain how thelantern relation can be used to derive the first homology group.

Corollary 2.16. The abelianization of the mapping class group is


] ' Z12 if g = 1,

Z10 if g = 2,0 if g ≥ 3.

Proof. We know from Theorem 2.8 that M(Σg) is generated by Dehn twists along non-separatingsimple closed curves. If δ1 and δ2 are any two such curves, we know from Exercise 1.9 that there is anorientation-preserving homeomorphism f : Σg → Σg satisfying f(δ1) = δ2. By Exercise 2.5, we get

τδ2=f τδ1 f−1.

5Specifically, for b = 0, this is the relation [h, τα1 ] = 1 written in terms of the Humphries’ generators. For b = 1, this

relation must be omitted.

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We deduce that the abelianization of M(Σg) is cyclic generated by τρ, where ρ is any non-separatingsimple closed curve in Σg. Then the result in genus g ∈ 1, 2 is easily deduced from the presentationsof M(Σg) given in Theorem 2.14 and Theorem 2.15. In genus g ≥ 3, there is an embedding of Σ0,4 inΣg such that each of the curves involved in the lantern relation is non-separating in Σg:

ρ1 ρ2 ρ3


So, we conclude that τ4ρ = τ3

ρ in the abelianization and the conclusion follows.

2.5. Exercises.

Exercise 2.1. Show that M(S2) = 1 using the fact that S2 minus a point is homeomorphic to R2.

Exercise 2.2. Let z :=[S1 × 1/2

]be the generator of H1(S1 × [0, 1];Z) ' Z, and let ρ be the

1-chain 1 × [0, 1] of S1 × [0, 1]. Show that the map

η :M(S1 × [0, 1]) −→ Zwhich sends the isotopy class [f ] to the unique integer kf such that [f(ρ)− ρ] = kf · z, is a groupisomorphism. Deduce that M(S1 × [0, 1]) is freely generated by the Dehn twist along S1 × 1/2.

Exercise 2.3. Let b ≥ 1 be an integer, and let ρ1, . . . , ρb−1 be the following simple proper arcs in Σ0,b:

ρ1 · · · ρb−1

Show that any two f, h ∈ Homeo∂(Σ0,b) are isotopic rel ∂Σ0,b if and only if the simple proper arcsf(ρi), h(ρi) are isotopic for every i.

Exercise 2.4. Let α be the boundary of a closed disk in an oriented surface Σ. Show that τα = 1 ∈M(Σ).

Exercise 2.5. Let Σ be an oriented surface. Show that the conjugate of a Dehn twist in M(Σ) isagain a Dehn twist: specifically, for any f ∈ M(Σ) and any simple closed curve α ⊂ Σ, we havef τα f

−1 = τf(α).

Exercise 2.6. Let α be an oriented simple closed curve on an oriented surface Σ. Show that the actionof the Dehn twist τα in homology is given by the following formula:

(2.6) ∀x ∈ H1(Σ;Z), (τα)∗(x) = x+ ω([α], x) · [α].

Exercise 2.7. Let α and β be simple closed curves on an oriented surface Σ such that i(α, β) = 1,and assume that they are oriented. Show that

τβτα(β) =

α if ω(α, β) = +1α if ω(α, β) = −1

where α denotes the curve α with the opposite orientation.

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Exercise 2.8. Let α and β be simple closed curves on an oriented surface Σ such that i(α, β) = 1,and let δ ⊂ Σ be a simple closed curve isotopic to the boundary of the subsurface N(α) ∪N(β):




Show that τδ = (τατβ)6.

Exercise 2.9. Prove the lantern relation using (a slight variation of) Exercise 2.3.

Exercise 2.10. Let Σ be an oriented surface and denote by Mð(Σ) the “boundary-free” version ofthe mapping class group of Σ. We number the boundary components of Σ from 1 to b. Show thatthere is an exact sequence of groups

(2.7) Zb d−→M(Σ)c−→Mð(Σ)

s−→ Sb −→ 1,

where the homomorphism d maps the i-th canonical vector of Zb to the Dehn twist along a curveparallel to the i-th component of ∂Σ, the map c is the canonical homomorphism and the map s recordsthe way how homeomorphisms permute the components of ∂Σ. (Hint: to show the exactness atM(Σ),one can use the fact that Homeo+(S1) deformation retracts to the group of rotations of S1.)

Exercise 2.11. Let Σ be a closed oriented surface and denote byM±(Σ) the “unoriented” version ofthe mapping class group of Σ. Show that there is a split short exact sequence of groups

(2.8) 1 −→M(Σ)e−→M±(Σ)

f−→ Z2 −→ 1

where e is the canonical homomorphism and f is defined by the condition f−1(0) = e(M(Σ)).

* * *

Solution to Exercise 2.1. Let f : S2 → S2 be an orientation-preserving homeomorphism: it sufficesto show that f is homotopic to the identity. Fix a point x ∈ S2. Using rotations in R3, it is easy toconstruct an isotopy I : S2 × [0, 1] → S2 such that I(−, 0) = id and I(−, 1) maps x to f−1(x). Thenf I is an isotopy between f and a self-homeomorphism of S2 which fixes x. Therefore, we can assumewithout loss of generality that f(x) = x.

Since S2 \ x is homeomorphic to R2, we are reduced to prove that any self-homeomorphism ofR2 is homotopic to the identity. This is actually true for any continuous map f : R2 → R2, using the“affine” homotopy

H : R2 × [0, 1] −→ R2, (x, t) 7−→ t · f(x) + (1− t) · x.

Solution to Exercise 2.2. We first check that η is a homomorphism. Let f, g ∈ Homeo∂(S1× [0, 1]).Since f fixes the boundary and since all the homology of S1 × [0, 1] comes from the boundary, f actstrivially in homology. Therefore,

[fg(ρ)− ρ] = f∗ ([g(ρ)− ρ]) + [f(ρ)− ρ] = [g(ρ)− ρ] + [f(ρ)− ρ]

which proves that kfg = kf + kg ∈ Z.The injectivity of η is proved with the same kind of arguments as in Proposition 2.4. Let f ∈

Homeo∂(S1× [0, 1]) be such that η([f ]) = 0. The canonical projection R× [0, 1]→ S1× [0, 1] gives the

universal covering of S1 × [0, 1]. Thus, f can be lifted to a unique homeomorphism f : R × [0, 1] →R× [0, 1] such that f(0, 0) = (0, 0). Since π1(S1 × [0, 1]) ' Z is abelian and – as we observed above –since f acts trivially at the level of homology, the map f acts trivially at the level of the fundamental

group: so f is Z-equivariant. The fact that f(0, 0) = (0, 0) implies that f fixes R× 0; since kf = 0,

we also have f(0, 1) = (0, 1) so that f fixes R× 1. Therefore, the “affine” homotopy

H : (R× [0, 1])× [0, 1] −→ R× [0, 1], (x, t) 7−→ t · f(x) + (1− t) · x

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between the identity of R× [0, 1] and f is such that H(−, t) is Z-equivariant and fixes the boundary ateach time t ∈ [0, 1]. Thus H descends to a homotopy rel ∂(S1 × [0, 1]) from the identity of S1 × [0, 1]to f . Since homotopy coincides with isotopy in dimension two, we deduce that [f ] = 1 ∈M(S1× [0, 1]).

The Dehn twist along the curve S1×1/2 is mapped by η to +1. Since +1 generates the group Z,we deduce that η is also surjective. This argument also shows thatM(S1× [0, 1]) is generated by thatDehn twist.

Solution to Exercise 2.3. Set Σ := Σ0,b. Any isotopy of simple proper arcs between fρi : [0, 1]→ Σand hρi : [0, 1]→ Σ is equivalent (by composition with h−1) to an isotopy of simple proper arcs betweenh−1fρi : [0, 1]→ Σ and ρi : [0, 1]→ Σ. Similarly, any isotopy rel ∂Σ between f and h is equivalent (bycomposition with h−1) to an isotopy rel ∂Σ between h−1f and idΣ. Therefore we can assume withoutloss of generality that h = idΣ.

It is obvious that, for any f ∈ Homeo∂(Σ) isotopic rel ∂Σ to idΣ, the proper arc fρi is isotopic toρi for every i. To prove the converse, assume that fρi : [0, 1] → Σ is isotopic to ρi : [0, 1] → Σ forevery i ∈ 1, . . . , b−1. We can assume that these “individual” isotopies can be unified into a “global”isotopy

I : ([0, 1] t · · · t [0, 1])× [0, 1] −→ Σ

such that I(−, 0) = ρ1 t · · · t ρb−1 : [0, 1] t · · · t [0, 1] → [0, 1] and I(−, 1) = fρ1 t · · · t fρb−1 :[0, 1] t · · · t [0, 1] → [0, 1]. As a general fact of differential topology,6 this isotopy can be extended toan “ambient” isotopy rel ∂Σ: specifically, there exists an isotopy

I : Σ× [0, 1] −→ Σ

such that I(−, 0) = idΣ and I(−, 1) (ρ1 t · · · t ρb−1

)= f

(ρ1 t · · · t ρb−1

). Thus I(−, 1) and f are

two self-homeomorphisms of Σ which coincide on

G := ∂Σ ∪ ρ1([0, 1]) ∪ · · · ∪ ρb−1([0, 1]).

As a general fact of differential topology,7 we can also assume (after an isotopy of f) that they coincideon a “regular” neighborhood N(G) of G. Since Σ \ intN(G) is a closed disk, we deduce from Proposi-

tion 2.3 that the restrictions of I(−, 1) and f to Σ \ intN(G) are isotopic relatively to the boundary.

By extending with the identity, we get an isotopy rel ∂Σ between I(−, 1) and f . The “concatenation”

of this isotopy with I provides an isotopy between f and idΣ.

Solution to Exercise 2.4. Let D be the closed disk bounded by α in Σ, and let α0 ⊂ int(D) bea simple closed curve parallel to ∂D. Then the inclusion D → Σ induces a group homomorphismM(D)→M(Σ). Since τα0

= 1 ∈M(D) by Proposition 2.3, we deduce that τα = τα0= 1 ∈M(Σ).

Alternatively, starting from the defining formula of a Dehn twist, it is not difficult to construct anexplicit isotopy between τα : Σ→ Σ and the identity of Σ.

Solution to Exercise 2.5. Let α ⊂ Σ be a simple closed curve, and let f : Σ→ Σ be an orientation-preserving homeomorphism fixing ∂Σ. We claim that

(2.9) f Tα f−1 = Tf(α) ∈ Homeo+,∂(Σ)

for some appropriate representatives Tα and Tf(α) of τα and τf(α), respectively. Indeed let N(α)

be a tubular neighborhood of α, and fix a parametrization p : S1 × [−1, 1] → N(α). As a tubularneighborhood N(f(α)) of f(α), we can take f(N(α)) with parametrization f p. Then (2.9) can bechecked separately on Σ \N(f(α)) and on N(f(α)).

Solution to Exercise 2.6. The abelian group H1(Σ;Z) is generated by the homology classes oforiented simple closed curves in Σ. Thus it is enough to prove (2.6) for the homology class x := [γ]of an oriented simple closed curve γ ⊂ Σ. By applying an isotopy to γ, we can assume that γ istransversal to α, so that α and γ meet in a finite number n of points. We consider the cyclic order onα ∩ γ determined by the orientation of γ, which identifies α ∩ γ to the cyclic group Zn. As a 1-chain,the oriented simple closed τα(γ) is homologous to∑


(γi,i+1 + εi · α)

where γi,i+1 is the oriented arc on γ between the points i and i+ 1 and where

εi :=

+1, if (~αi, ~γi) is direct−1, otherwise


6This is the “isotopy extension theorem,” see [Hir76].7This is by using the theorem of collar/tubular neighborhoods, see [Hir76].

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(τα)∗(x) = [τα(γ)] =[ ∑i∈Zn

(γi,i+1 + εi · α)]

=[ ∑i∈Zn


]+( ∑i∈Zn


)· [α] = [γ] + ω([α], [γ]) · [α].

Solution to Exercise 2.7. We can assume without loss of generality that Σ := Σ1,1 is a torus withone hole, and that α, β are the following simple closed curves:



By applying subsequently τα and τβ to a parallel copy of β, we get

τα−→ τβ−→ ∼=

Hence τβτα(β) = α as unoriented curves. The statement about oriented curves is proved by addingsome orientations to α and β on the above pictures.

Solution to Exercise 2.8. We can assume without loss of generality that Σ := Σ1,1 is a torus withone hole, and that α, β, δ are the following simple closed curves:




We consider the following two simple proper arcs ρ1 and ρ2 in Σ:



Let N be a “regular” neighborhood of ∂Σ∪ ρ1 ∪ ρ2. We observe that Σ \ int(N) is a closed disk: then,

by using the same kind of arguments as in Exercise 2.3, we see that any two f, h ∈ Homeo∂(Σ) areisotopic rel ∂Σ if and only if f(ρi) is isotopic to h(ρi) for every i ∈ 1, 2. Therefore, it is enoughto “test” the identity τδ = (τατβ)6 on each of the arcs ρ1, ρ2; since (τατβ)6 = (τβτα)6 by the braid

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relation, and for symmetry reasons, it is actually enough to “test” this identity on ρ1. We have

τβ−→ τα−→ ∼=

↓ τβ


(τατβ)3 ↓

∼= τβ←−

It follows that





We conclude that (τατβ)6(ρ1) = τδ(ρ1) as required.

Solution to Exercise 2.9. We set Σ := Σ0,4 and consider the simple proper arcs ρ1, ρ2, ρ3 ⊂ Σshown below:



Let N be a “regular” neighborhood of ∂Σ ∪ ρ1 ∪ ρ2 ∪ ρ3. We observe that Σ \ int(N) is a closed disk:

hence, by proceeding as in Exercise 2.3, we see that any two f, h ∈ Homeo∂(Σ) are isotopic rel ∂Σ ifand only if f(ρi) is isotopic to h(ρi) for every i ∈ 1, 2, 3. Therefore, it is enough to “test” the lanternrelation on each of the arcs ρ1, ρ2, ρ3. This is easily checked: see for instance [FM12, Figure 5.2].

Solution to Exercise 2.10. The fact that the group homomorphism d : Zb →M(Σ) is well definedfollows from the disjointness relation, and the surjectivity of s follows from Exercise 1.8. Hence weonly have to prove the exactness of the sequence (2.7) at M(Σ) and at Mð(Σ).

The fact that c(M(Σ)

)⊂ ker(s) is obvious. To prove the converse inclusion, let [h] ∈ ker(s). Then

the homeomorphism h : Σ → Σ maps every boundary component δ of Σ to itself. Since h preservesthe orientation, the self-homeomorphism h|δ of δ ∼= S1 is orientation-preserving: hence h|δ is isotopicto the identity of δ. There is a neighborhood N(δ) of δ in Σ which can be identified to δ × [0, 1] insuch a way that δ ⊂ N(δ) corresponds to δ × 1. (This is the “collaring theorem” of differentialtopology, see [Hir76].) Using this identification, we easily construct an isotopy I : Σ× [0, 1]→ Σ suchthat I(−, 0) = h and I(−, 1)|δ = idδ. Doing this construction for every boundary component of Σ, wesee that h is isotopic to a self-homeomorphism of Σ fixing ∂Σ: therefore [h] belongs to the image of c.

To show that d(Zb) ⊂ ker(c), it is enough to prove that the Dehn twist along the “core” α :=S1 × 1/2 of the annulus A := S1 × [0, 1] is isotopic to idA through an isotopy which fixes S1 × 0(but which moves S1 × 1). For instance, the isotopy I : A× [0, 1]→ A defined by

I((e2iπθ, r), t

):=(e2iπ(θ+r(1−t)), r


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has the desired properties. To show the converse inclusion, let [h] ∈ ker(c). Then there is an isotopyI : Σ × [0, 1] → Σ such that I(−, 0) = idΣ and I(−, 1) = h, but this isotopy does not need to fix ∂Σ.For every boundary component δ of Σ, the restriction of I to δ× [0, 1] provides an isotopy between theidentity of δ and itself. In the sequel, we identify δ with S1. It is known that the map

S1 −→ Homeo+(S1), u 7−→ (multiplication by u)

is a homotopy equivalence (see [Iva02, Corollary 2.7.B] for instance). Since π1(S1) ' Z, we deduce thatthere exists a (unique) k ∈ Z such that the loop of Homeo+(S1) based at idS1 represented by I|δ×[0,1]

is homotopic to the loop t 7→ (z 7→ ze2iπkt): let H be such a homotopy. As in the previous paragraph,we identify a neighborhood N(δ) of δ with δ× [0, 1] in such a way that δ ⊂ N(δ) corresponds to δ×1.Using this identification and the homotopy H, we can construct from I a new isotopy I ′ : Σ× [0, 1]→ Σsuch that I ′(−, 0) = idΣ, I ′(−, 1) = h and I(z, t) = ze2iπkt for every (z, t) ∈ δ × [0, 1]. Finally, we canconstruct from I ′ a new isotopy I ′′ : Σ× [0, 1]→ Σ fixing δ such that I ′′(−, 1) = h and [I ′′(−, 0)] = τkδ′where δ′ is a simple closed curve parallel to δ. Doing these constructions for every boundary componentof Σ, we deduce that the isotopy class of h rel ∂Σ belongs to the image of d.

N.B. The map d is not injective in general. For instance, if Σ is an annulus, the homomorphismd : Z2 →M(Σ) ' Z is given by (l1, l2) 7→ l1 + l2.

Solution to Exercise 2.11. By definition of f , we have for any self-homeomorphism h of Σ

f([h]) = 1 ⇐⇒ h reverses the orientation

and it easily follows that f is a group homomorphism. To show the surjectivity of f , we embed Σ inR3 in such a way that there is an affine plane H ⊂ R3 whose corresponding symmetry leaves Σ globallyinvariant. The restriction s of this symmetry to Σ reverses the orientation, so that f([s]) = 1 and f issurjective. This also shows that the homomorphism Z2 →M±(Σ) defined by 1 7→ [s] is a section of f .

The exactness of (2.8) at M±(Σ) is obvious, and it only remains to justify that e is injective.This follows from the fact that, during an isotopy, an orientation-preserving homeomorphism remainsorientation-preserving.

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3. Surface braid groups

We now give a brief introduction to surface braid groups, which can also be viewed as mapping classgroups of a certain kind. The reader may consult the monographs [Bir74, KT08] for further details.

3.1. Definition of surface braid groups. We shall give two equivalent definitions of surface braidgroups. Let Σ be an oriented surface and let n ≥ 1 be an integer. We assume that n distinct pointsx1, . . . , xn have been fixed in the interior of Σ: we call them the marked points of Σ.

The first definition is based on the notion of “configuration space”. The configuration space of nordered points in Σ is the topological space

Fn(Σ) :=

(z1, . . . , zn) ∈ int(Σ)n : ∀i 6= j, zi 6= zj

and the configuration space of n unordered points in Σ is the quotient space

Cn(Σ) := Fn(Σ)/Sn,

where the symmetric group Sn acts on (the left of) Fn(Σ) by permutation of the coordinates:

∀σ ∈ Sn, ∀(z1, . . . , zn) ∈ Fn(Σ), σ · (z1, . . . , zn) =(zσ−1(1), . . . , zσ−1(n)


In particular, the n marked points of Σ define some elements

x := (x1, . . . , xn) ∈ Fn(Σ) and x := x1, . . . , xn ∈ Cn(Σ).

Definition 3.1. The surface braid group on n strands in Σ is

Bn(Σ) := π1

(Cn(Σ), x

)and the pure surface braid group on n strands in Σ is

PBn(Σ) := π1

(Fn(Σ), x


When Σ := D2 is a disk, Bn(Σ) and PBn(Σ) are simply denoted by Bn and PBn, respectively, andthey are called the braid group and the pure braid group on n strands. In this case, the marked pointsx1, . . . , xn are assumed to be uniformly distributed (in this order) along the interior of the segment[−1, 1]× 0 ⊂ D2 ⊂ R2.

Lemma 3.2. The canonical projection p : Fn(Σ) → Cn(Σ) is a regular covering map, with automor-phism group Sn.

Proof. We have the following general principle: given a properly discontinuous action of a group G onan arc-connected and locally arc-connected topological space Y , which means that

∀y ∈ Y, ∃ neighborhood V 3 y, ∀g ∈ G \ 1, g(V ) ∩ V = ∅,the quotient map Y → Y/G is a regular covering map with automorphism group G. The fact that Sn

acts properly discontinuously on Fn(Σ) is easily checked.

If follows from Lemma 3.2 that we have a short exact sequence of groups

(3.1) 1 −→ PBn(Σ)p]−→Bn(Σ)

s−→Sn −→ 1.

Here the map p] : π1(Fn(Σ), x) → π1(Cn(Σ), x) is the homomorphism induced by the map p, whiles : Bn(Σ) → Sn is the canonical map π1(Cn(Σ), x) → π1(Cn(Σ), x)/p]π1(Fn(Σ), x) composedwith the isomorphism (depending on x)


(Cn(Σ), x


(Fn(Σ), x


Aut(p) = Sn

that is given by the general theory of covering spaces. Specifically, for any loop ` : [0, 1] → Cn(Σ)based at x, we have

s([`]) · x = ˜(1)

where ˜ : [0, 1]→ Fn(Σ) is the unique lift of ` such that ˜(0) = x.We now give a second definition of surface braid groups, which corresponds better to one’s intuition

of what should be a “braid.”

Definition 3.3. A geometric braid on n strands in Σ is an embedding of n intervals into the 3-manifold Σ× [0, 1]

β : 1, . . . , n × [0, 1] −→ Σ× [0, 1]

such that the following holds:

the image of β is contained in int(Σ)× [0, 1]; for all k ∈ 1, . . . , n, β(k, 0) = (xk, 0); there exists s(β) ∈ Sn such that, for all k ∈ 1, . . . , n, β(k, 1) =

(xs(β)−1(k), 1


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for all t ∈ [0, 1], the hypersurface Σ× t cuts the image of β into n distinct points.

If s(β) is the trivial permutation, then β is said to be pure. Two geometric braids β0, β1 are isotopicif there exists a continuous map

H : 1, . . . , n × [0, 1]× [0, 1] −→ Σ× [0, 1]

such that H(−,−, s) is a geometric braid for all s ∈ [0, 1], and H(−,−, s) = βs for s = 0, 1.

Thus, a geometric braid β on n strands consists of n strings connecting the set of points x × 0 upto x × 1 in Σ× [0, 1] without going “downwards” (as follows from the third condition).

Example 3.4. Assume that Σ := D2. Up to isotopy, we can assume that any geometric braid β issmooth and that the composition of β with the projection D2 × I → R × I defined by ((x1, x2), t) 7→(x1, t) has only transverse double points. Thus, we can encode the isotopy class of a geometric braidby a braid diagram where those double points are depicted as


in order to record the information of the overcrossing/undercrossing strands. For instance, the followingdiagram represents a geometric braid β on 5 strands whose corresponding permutation s(β) is givenby (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 7→ (1, 3, 4, 5, 2):

(x1, 0) (x2, 0) (x3, 0) (x4, 0) (x5, 0)

(x1, 1) (x2, 1) (x3, 1) (x4, 1) (x5, 1)D2 × 1

D2 × 0

We can multiply any two geometric braids β1 and β2 in the following way. The product β1 · β2 isthe geometric braid

1, . . . , n × [0, 1] 3 (k, t) 7−→

12 × β1(k, 2t) if t ∈ [0, 1/2],12 × β2

(s(β1)−1(k), 2t− 1

)+ 1

2 if t ∈ [1/2, 1],

where the map 12 × (−) : Σ× [0, 1]→ Σ× [0, 1] in the first case is defined by (z, t) 7→ (z, t/2) and the

map 12 × (−) + 1

2 : Σ× [0, 1] → Σ× [0, 1] in the second case is defined by (z, t) 7→ (z, t/2 + 1/2). In aschematical way, we have

β1 · β2 :=β2


The trivial braid on n strands in Σ is defined by (k, t) 7→ (xk, t), i.e. it goes straightly from x × 0to x × 1. It is easily verified that the above multiplication law defines on the quotient set

Bgeon (Σ) := geometric braids on n strands in Σ/isotopy

a structure of group whose identity element is represented by the trivial braid.We now justify that the above two definitions of a surface braid group are equivalent. Any loop `

in Cn(Σ) based at x lifts to a unique path ˜ in Fn(Σ) joining x to s([`]) · x. Hence, we can associateto the loop ` the geometric braid β = β(`) defined by

∀k ∈ 1, . . . , n, ∀t ∈ [0, 1], β(k, t) :=(k-th coordinate of ˜(t), t).

If we perturb the based loop ` by a homotopy, then the path ˜ is changed by a homotopy (fixingendpoints) so that the geometric braid β is only changed by an isotopy. Thus, we have defined a map

(3.2) Bn(Σ) −→ Bgeon (Σ), [`] 7−→ [β(`)]

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which is easily seen to respect the multiplication. To proceed, we observe that we could have replacedin Definition 3.3 the third condition by the following stronger condition:

for all t ∈ [0, 1] and for all k ∈ 1, . . . , n, β(k, t) belongs to the hypersurface Σ× t.Then it can be proved that any geometric braid in the “weak” sense is isotopic to a geometric braid inthe “strong” sense, and that if two geometric braids in the “strong” sense are isotopic in the “weak”sense, then so they are in the “strong” sense. It follows that the map (3.2) is a group isomorphism.We also observe that the diagram

Bn(Σ)' //


Bgeon (Σ)



is commutative. In particular, the subgroup PBn(Σ) of Bn(Σ) corresponds to pure geometric braidsthrough (3.2). In the sequel, we will make no difference between the groups Bn(Σ) and Bgeo

n (Σ), and(isotopy classes of) geometric braids will be simply referred to as “braids.”

3.2. Presentations of surface braid groups. We only consider the case of a disk. (See Remark 3.10below for the general case.) Let n ≥ 1 be an integer. For all i = 1, . . . , n − 1, we denote by σi ∈ Bnthe braid defined by the following diagram:

1 · · · i i+ 1 · · · n

These braids can serve as generators of a presentation of Bn, which is due to Artin [Art25] and isconsidered to be the “canonical” presentation of the braid group.

Theorem 3.5 (Artin 1925). The braid group Bn has a presentation with generators σ1, . . . , σn−1 andwith relations

σiσj = σjσi if |i− j| ≥ 2,σiσjσi = σjσiσj if |i− j| = 1.

The proof of Theorem 3.5 given below builds on the short exact sequence (3.1), namely

1 −→ PBn −→ Bns−→ Sn −→ 1.

It consists in “merging” a presentation of Sn with a presentation of PBn using the following lemma.

Lemma 3.6. Consider a short exact sequence of groups

(3.3) 1 −→ Si−→G

p−→Q −→ 1

where S and Q are defined by some presentations:

S := 〈A | B〉 and Q := 〈X | Y 〉 .

Let F(X) be the free group generated by the set X and let t : F(X)→ G be a homomorphism such thatpt(x) = x ∈ Q for all x ∈ X. For all y ∈ Y , let wy be a word in A such that i(wy) = t(y) ∈ G and, forall a ∈ A, x ∈ X, let vx,a be a word in A such that i(vx,a) = t(x)i(a)t(x−1) ∈ G. Then the map

ϕ :⟨A ∪X

∣∣ B ∪ wyy−1|y ∈ Y ∪ vx,axa−1x−1|a ∈ A, x ∈ X⟩−→ G

defined by ϕ|A := i|A and ϕ|X := t|X is an isomorphism, and so it gives a presentation of G.

A special case of interest is when the short exact sequence (3.3) is split, i.e. when there is a grouphomomorphism s : Q→ G such that p s = idQ. In this case, the statement can be applied to the mapt : F(X)→ G defined by x 7→ s(x), and we can assume that wy is the empty word for each y ∈ Y .

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Proof of Lemma 3.6. Denote by G0 the domain of ϕ, and consider the subgroup S0 of G0 generatedby A. Because of the third kind of defining relations for G0, S0 is a normal subgroup of G0 so that wecan also consider the quotient group Q0 := G0/S0.

We have ϕ(S0) = i(S) and ϕ|S0 : S0 → i(S) is injective because of the first kind of defining relationsfor G0, hence an isomorphism ϕS : S0 → S. Moreover, ϕ induces a homomorphism ϕQ : Q0 → Q sinceϕ(S0) = i(S). This homomorphism is certainly surjective (since ϕ is so) and is injective because of thesecond kind of defining relations for G0. We sum up the previous constructions in the commutativediagram

1 // S0 //

ϕS '

G0 //



ϕQ '

// 1

1 // Si// G

p// Q // 1

whose rows are short exact sequences. We deduce by diagram chasing that ϕ is an isomorphism.

For all i, j ∈ 1, . . . , n such that i < j, let aij ∈ PBn be the pure braid defined by the followingdiagram:

1 · · ·· · · · · ·i j n

Note that

(3.4) aij = σ−1j−1 · · ·σ

−1i+1 · σ

2i · σi+1 · · ·σj−1.

Here is the presentation of the pure braid group that we will use to prove Theorem 3.5. This is alsodue to Artin [Art47].

Theorem 3.7 (Artin 1947). The pure braid group PBn has a presentation with generators aij (for all1 ≤ i < j ≤ n) and with relations

arsaija−1rs = aij if r < s < i < j or i < r < s < j,

arsaija−1rs = a−1

rj aijarj if r < s = i < j,

arsaija−1rs = [asj , arj ]

−1aij [asj , arj ] if r < i < s < j,arsaija

−1rs = (asjaij)

−1aij(asjaij) if r = i < s < j.

Here [x, y] denotes the commutator x−1y−1xy. Note that the relations given for PBn are indexed byall possible pairs (r, s) and (i, j) with r < s, i < j and s < j.

For all i ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1, let τi ∈ Sn be the transposition (i, i+ 1). Here is the presentation of thesymmetric group that we will use to prove Theorem 3.5. This is a classical result which seems to goback to Moore [Moo97].

Theorem 3.8 (Moore 1897). The symmetric group Sn has a presentation with generators τi (for all1 ≤ i ≤ n− 1) and with relations τ2

i = 1τiτj = τjτi if |i− j| ≥ 2,τiτjτi = τjτiτj if |i− j| = 1.

Assuming Theorem 3.7 and Theorem 3.8 for granted, we can now prove Artin’s presentation of thebraid group.

Sketch of proof of Theorem 3.5. We apply Lemma 3.6 to the short exact sequence (3.1). The groupPBn has the presentation given by Theorem 3.7, while the group Sn has the presentation given byTheorem 3.8. The braid σi satisfies s(σi) = τi ∈ Sn. Thus, the group Bn is generated by

aij | 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n ∪ σi | i = 1, . . . , n− 1

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with three kinds of relations: 1) the relations of PBn, 2) the relations arising from Sn and 3) therelations of “conjugation-type.” Relations 2) can be choosen as follows:

2.a) σ2i = ai,i+1,

2.b) σiσj = σjσi if |i− j| ≥ 2,2.c) σiσjσi = σjσiσj if |i− j| = 1.

As for relations 3), they are of the form

σkaijσ−1k = word in the ars’s

for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n and k ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1. Among them, we have the relations of the form

3.a) σj−1aijσ−1j−1 = ai,j−1

for all i, j such that j > i + 1. Relations 3) that are no of type 3.a) are declared to be of type 3.b).The relations 3.a) and 2.a) can be used to write each aij in terms of σ1, . . . , σn−1. Thus, we get anew presentation of Bn with generators σ1, . . . , σn−1 and with relations 1], 2.b), 2.c) and 3.b], whererelations 1] and 3.b] are obtained from 1) and 3.b) respectively by expressing each ars in terms ofthe σi’s. It is a long but straightforward computation to check that each of the relations of type 1] or3.b] is a consequence of 2.b) and 2.c). The conclusion follows from this check.

It now still remains to prove Theorem 3.7 and Theorem 3.8. We start with the latter.

Proof of Theorem 3.8. We repeat the proof of [Bur55, Note C] with some slight variations. Let S0n be

the presented group

S0n :=

⟨τ1, . . . , τn−1

∣∣∣∣∣∣τ2i = 1τiτj = τjτi if |i− j| ≥ 2τiτjτi = τjτiτj if |i− j| = 1


As it is easily checked, there is a group homomorphism ϕ : S0n → Sn defined by τi 7→ (i, i + 1). It is

surjective since the transpositions (1, 2), (2, 3), . . . , (n− 1, n) generate Sn. Since the cardinality of Sn

is n!, the bijectivity of ϕ will follow from the fact that S0n is finite with cardinality |S0

n| ≤ n!. To provethis, we consider the subgroup H0 of S0

n generated by τ1, . . . , τn−2 and the following n cosets of S0n:

H0, H0τn−1︸ ︷︷ ︸=:H1

, H0τn−1τn−2︸ ︷︷ ︸=:H2

, . . . , H0τn−1τn−2 · · · τ1︸ ︷︷ ︸=:Hn−1


We claim the following.

Fact. For any i ∈ 0, . . . , n−1 and j ∈ 1, . . . , n−1, there is a k ∈ 0, . . . , n−1 such that Hiτj ⊂ Hk.

Since 1 ∈ H0, we deduce that any element of S0n belongs to one of the cosets H0, . . . ,Hn−1. There is

an obvious surjection S0n−1 → Hi for every i. Clearly S0

2 is the cyclic group of order 2. Hence, by aninduction on n ≥ 2, we conclude that S0

n is finite with cardinality

|S0n| ≤ n · (n− 1) · · · 2 = n!

To justify the above fact, it suffices to observe that

(τn−1 · · · τs+1τs

)τj =

τj(τn−1 · · · τs+1τs

)if j < s− 1,


(τn−1 · · · τs+1τs

)if j > s,

τn−1 · · · τs+1τsτs−1 if j = s− 1,τn−1 · · · τs+1 if j = s,

where the second identity follows from the relation (τjτj−1)τj = τj−1(τjτj−1).

Theorem 3.7 will be proved by an induction on n ≥ 1. On the one hand, there is a homomorphism

p : PBn+1 −→ PBn

which consists in “forgetting” the last string of a pure braid on (n + 1) strands. On the other hand,there is a group homomorphism

i : π1

(D2 \ x1, . . . , xn, xn+1

)−→ PBn+1

which sends (the homotopy class of) a loop α to (the isotopy class of) the geometric braid defined by(k, t) 7→ (xk, t) for k ≤ n and by (n+ 1, t) 7→ (α(t), t).

Proposition 3.9. The sequence of groups

(3.5) 1 −→ π1

(D2 \ x1, . . . , xn, xn+1

) i−→PBn+1p−→PBn −→ 1

is exact and it splits.

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Proof. We note that p : PBn+1 → PBn is the group homomorphism f] induced by the map

f : Fn+1(D2) −→ Fn(D2), (z1, . . . , zn, zn+1) 7−→ (z1, . . . , zn),

and that f has a right inverse. Specifically the continuous map s : Fn(D2) → Fn+1(D2) defined by

(z1, . . . , zn) 7→(z1, . . . , zn,

√max(|z1|, · · · , |zn|)

)satisfies fs = idFn(D2). Besides, we note that i is the

group homomorphism induced by the map

D2 \ x1, . . . , xn −→ Fn+1(D2), z 7−→ (x1, . . . , xn, z),

whose image is f−1(x1, . . . , xn). Thus, we are asked to prove that the sequence

(3.6) 1 −→ π1

(f−1(x), x+

)−→ π1

(Fn+1(D2), x+

) f]−→π1

(Fn(D2), x

)−→ 1

is split exact, where x denotes the base point (x1, . . . , xn) of Fn(D2) and x+ denotes the base point(x1, . . . , xn+1) of Fn+1(D2). It suffices to prove that f is a fiber bundle: then the long exact sequenceof homotopy groups induced by f restricts to (3.6), since the existence of a right inverse for f impliesthat f] : πk(Fn+1(D2))→ πk(Fn(D2)) is a surjection for any k ≥ 1.

To show that f is a fiber bundle, let us consider a point b = (b1, . . . , bn) ∈ Fn(D2). The minimum of|bi − bj | > 0

∣∣1 ≤ i < j ≤ n∪

1− |bi| > 0|i = 1, . . . , n

is denoted by ε. Then, the product of opendisks

U := D(b1, ε/3)× · · · ×D(bn, ε/3)

(centered at the points bi’s with radius ε/3 in C) is an open neighborhood of b in Fn(D2). Let

K := D(b1, ε/3) ∪ · · · ∪D(bn, ε/3) ⊂ int(D2) and let ϕ : U ×K → K be a continuous map such that,for all u ∈ U , ϕu := ϕ(u,−) : K → K is a homeomorphism which is the identity on ∂K, and satisfiesϕu(ui) = bi for all i = 1 . . . , n. The existence of such a map ϕ follows from the following fact, which iseasily checked.

Fact. Let b ∈ D(0, 1). For all u ∈ D(0, 1), let φu : D(0, 1) → D(0, 1) be the map defined by

φu(tu+ (1− t)v) = tb+ (1− t)v for all v ∈ S1 = ∂D(0, 1) and t ∈ [0, 1]. Then, φu is a homeomorphism

which is the identity on S1 and sends u to b. Moreover, the map φ : D(0, 1)×D(0, 1)→ D(0, 1) definedby (u, z) 7→ φu(z) is continuous.



v v




We still denote by ϕu : D2 → D2 the extension of ϕu by the identity. Then, there is a homeomorphismf−1(U)→ U × f−1(b) defined by

(z1, . . . , zn, zn+1) 7→(z1, . . . , zn, (b, ϕ(z1,...,zn)(zn+1))


We conclude that f is a fiber bundle with fiber D2 \ x1, . . . , xn.

We can now conclude the proof of Artin’s theorem.

Sketch of proof of Theorem 3.7. The theorem trivially holds for n = 1 (and it also holds for n = 2according to Exercice 3.1). Assume that the theorem is valid for n strands. Then, Lemma 3.6 can beapplied to the short exact sequence (3.5) in order to get a presentation of PBn+1. For this, we observethat the group π1

(D2 \ x1, . . . , xn, xn+1

)is freely generated by [`1] . . . , [`n], where `i is represented

by the following loop:

x1xi−1 xi xi+1 xn xn+1

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The image of [`i] in PBn+1 is the pure braid ai,n+1. Taking advantage of the fact that (3.5) is split,we deduce that PBn+1 is generated by

ai,n+1|i = 1, . . . , n ∪ ars|1 ≤ r < s ≤ n

and that the relations are those from PBn together with the relations expressing the conjugatearsai,n+1a

−1rs in terms of a1,n+1, . . . , an,n+1 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and for all 1 ≤ r < s ≤ n. The

latter are easily computed and the conclusion follows.

Remark 3.10. The first presentations of surface braid groups for arbitrary surfaces have been obtainedby Birman [Bir69c] and Scott [Sco70]. Gonzalez-Meneses has used the same strategy as the above proofof Theorem 3.5 to compute presentations of surface braid groups for arbitrary closed surfaces [GM01].Finally, Bellingeri has obtained some presentations of Bn(Σ) and PBn(Σ) for arbitrary surfaces Σin [Bel04].

3.3. Surface braid groups as mapping class groups. To conclude this section, we explain how tointerpret surface braid groups as mapping class groups of a special kind. Let Σ be an oriented surfacewith marked points x1, . . . , xn ⊂ int(Σ). We denote x := x1, . . . , xn and x := (x1, . . . , xn). Weconsider the groups

Homeo+,∂(Σ, x) :=f ∈ Homeo+,∂(Σ) : f(x) = x

and Homeo+,∂(Σ, x) :=

f ∈ Homeo+,∂(Σ) : f(x) = x

which we equip with the compact-open topology.

Definition 3.11. The mapping class group of Σ with marked points x1, . . . , xn is

M(Σ, x) := π0

(Homeo+,∂(Σ, x)

)and the pure mapping class group of Σ with marked points x1, . . . , xn is

PM(Σ, x) := π0

(Homeo+,∂(Σ, x)


For any [f ] ∈ M(Σ, x), we denote by s([f ]) ∈ Sn the unique permutation such that f(xi) =xs([f ])(i) for all i ∈ 1, . . . , n. Then, we have the short exact sequence of groups

(3.7) 1 // PM(Σ, x)i]//M(Σ, x) s // Sn

// 1

where i] is the map induced by the inclusion i : Homeo+,∂(Σ, x)→ Homeo+,∂(Σ, x).

Remark 3.12. We have already met the above groups in an equivalent form. Indeed, when ∂Σ = ∅,the group M(Σ, x) is essentially the “boundary-free” version Mð(Σ) of the mapping class groupconsidered in §2.1, while PM(Σ, x) corresponds to the image of M(Σ) in Mð(Σ). Then (3.7) is aportion of the sequence (2.7).

The next theorem, which relates surface braid groups to mapping class groups in the general case,is due to Birman [Bir69b].

Theorem 3.13 (Birman 1969). We have the following commutative diagram with exact rows/columnsin the category of groups:

(3.8) 1




)// PBn(Σ)

$ //


PM(Σ, x) //


M(Σ) // 1



)// Bn(Σ)

$ //


M(Σ, x) //


M(Σ) // 1



1 1

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Sketch of proof. It is not difficult to check that the evaluation map

e : Homeo+,∂(Σ) −→ Fn(Σ), f 7−→ f(x)

is a fiber bundle with fiber e−1(x) = Homeo+,∂(Σ, x): see [Bir69b, Lemma 1.2] or Proposition 3.9

above for similar arguments. We take idΣ as a base-point for Homeo+,∂(Σ) and x as a base-point forFn(Σ). Then the long exact sequence in homotopy groups induced by e terminates with


(Homeo+,∂(Σ), idΣ

)// π1

(Fn(Σ), x

)︸ ︷︷ ︸=PBn(Σ)

∂]// π0

(Homeo+,∂(Σ, x)

)︸ ︷︷ ︸=PM(Σ,x)

// π0


)︸ ︷︷ ︸=M(Σ)

→ 1

since, according to Exercise 3.2, the space Fn(Σ) is arc-connected. By definition of the connectinghomomorphism ∂], we have

∂]([β]) = [β(1)]

for any pure braid β : [0, 1] → Fn(Σ), where β : [0, 1] → Homeo+,∂(Σ) is an isotopy starting at

β(0) = idΣ and such that β(t) = β(t)(x) for any t ∈ [0, 1]. We claim that ∂] is a group anti-

homomorphism. Indeed, for any two pure braids β, β′ : [0, 1] → Fn(Σ), let β′ β(1) be the path

[0, 1]→ Homeo+,∂(M) defined by t 7→ β′(t) β(1). Denote by ∗ the concatenation of paths. Then, the

path β ∗ (β′ β(1)) projects to β ∗ β′ by the evaluation map e and starts at idΣ, so that

∂]([β] [β′]) = ∂]([β ∗ β′]) =[β′(1) β(1)


] [β(1)

]= ∂]([β

′]) ∂]([β]).

We define $ to be the composition of ∂] with the group inversion.Thus, we haved obtained the first row of the diagram (3.8). The second row is obtained in the same

way by considering the evaluation map

Homeo+,∂(Σ) −→ Cn(Σ), f 7−→ f(x)(This is the composition of the above fiber bundle map e : Homeo+,∂(Σ) → Fn(Σ) with the covering

map p : Fn(Σ) → Cn(Σ), hence it is a fibration with fiber Homeo+,∂(Σ, x).) The commutativity ofthe subdiagram consisting of the first two rows follows from the naturality of the long exact sequenceof homotopy groups for fibrations. Finally, the identity s $ = s : Bn(Σ) → Sn easily follows fromthe definitions.

Note that, in general, the group homomorphism π1(Homeo+,∂(Σ))→ PBn(Σ) is not trivial, so that$ is not necessarily injective. (See [Bir69b, §1] and [Bir74, §4.1] for further details.) Nevertheless,

this homomorphism is certainly trivial when Homeo+,∂(Σ) is contractible. This is for instance the casewhen χ(Σ) < 0 [EE69, ES70, Gra73] or in the following situation.

Example 3.14. Assume that Σ := D2 is a disk. Then, by Proposition 2.3, the space Homeo+,∂(Σ) iscontractible. It follows from Theorem 3.13 that $ : PBn → PM(D2, x) and $ : Bn → M(D2, x)are isomorphisms.

3.4. Exercises.

Exercise 3.1. Show that F2(D2) has the homotopy type of S1, and deduce from this some presenta-tions of the groups PB2 and B2.

Exercise 3.2. Show that, for any oriented surface Σ and for any integer n ≥ 1, the spaces Fn(Σ) andCn(Σ) are path-connected.

Exercise 3.3. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer. Compute the abelianization PBn/[PBn, PBn] of the purebraid group PBn.

Exercise 3.4. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer.

(a) Use Proposition 3.9 to show that PBn+1 is an iterated semi-direct product

PBn+1 = Fn o (Fn−1 o (· · ·o F1) · · · )where each Fi ⊂ PBn+1 is a free group of rank i ≥ 1.

(b) Deduce that each braid β ∈ PBn+1 can be written uniquely in the form

β = βn+1 · βn · · ·β2

where all the strands of the braid βi are straight vertical except for the i-th strand which“winds around” the (i− 1)-st strands.

(c) The above decomposition of β is called the combing of the braid β: illustrate this with anexample for n = 4.

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Exercise 3.5. Let Σ be an oriented surface with a set of marked points x := x1, . . . , xn. An arc inΣ relative to x is an embedded arc a ⊂ int(Σ) joining two distinct points xi, xj and whose interior doesnot meet x. We choose a closed disk N ⊂ Σ such that a ⊂ int(N) and N ∩x = xi, xj, and we fixan orientation-preserving homeomorphism N ∼= D2 ⊂ C mapping the arc a to the segment [−1/2, 1/2].Then the half-twist along a is the element σa ∈M(Σ, x) represented by the self-homeomorphism ofΣ which is the identity outside N and is given on N ∼= D2 by

z 7−→−z if |z| ≤ 1/2,exp(2iπ(1− |z|)) · z if 1/2 ≤ |z| ≤ 1.

(a) Determine the action of σa on the set x and compute σ2a.

(b) For any two arcs a and b in Σ relative to x, show that σaσb = σbσa if a ∩ b = ∅.(c) Show that σaσbσa = σbσaσb if a and b meet in a single point belonging to x.

Exercise 3.6. Let Σ be an oriented surface with marked points x := x1, . . . , xn, and let β :1, . . . , n × [0, 1]→ Σ× [0, 1] be a geometric braid. Show that there is a homeomorphism

(Σ× [0, 1]) \ β(1, . . . , n × [0, 1]

) ∼=−→ (Σ \ x1, . . . , xn)× [0, 1]

from the “exterior” of β to the “exterior” of the trivial braid, which fixes (Σ \ x1, . . . , xn)× 0.

Exercise 3.7. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer and set θn :=(σ1σ2 · · ·σn−1

)n ∈ Bn.(a) Draw θ2, θ3, and θ4.(b) Compute the image of θn under the isomorphism $ : Bn →M(D2, x).(c) Deduce that θn belongs to the center of Bn.(d) Show that θn has infinite order in Bn.

Exercise 3.8. Consider the group homomorphism

ψ : B3 −→M(S1 × S1), σ1 7−→ τA, σ2 7−→ τB

where A and B are the simple closed curves S1 × 1 and 1 × S1 respectively.

(a) Show that ψ induces an isomorphism B3/〈θ3〉 ' PSL(2;Z) where θ3 := (σ1σ2)3

(b) Using Exercise 3.7, deduce that the center of B3 is a free cyclic group generated by θ3.

Exercise 3.9. Let K be a commutative field and let V be a K-vector space.

(a) A Yang–Baxter operator is a linear automorphism R : V ⊗ V → V ⊗ V which satisfies thefollowing identity in EndK(V ⊗3):

(R⊗ idV ) (idV ⊗R) (R⊗ idV ) = (idV ⊗R) (R⊗ idV ) (idV ⊗R).

Show that R induces a homomorphism

ρR : Bn −→ AutK(V ⊗n

)defined for all i ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1 by ρR(σi) := idV

⊗(i−1) ⊗R⊗ idV⊗(n−i−1).

(b) Let F : V ⊗V → V ⊗V be the “flip” defined by F (v1⊗v2) := v2⊗v1 and let x ∈ K\0. Checkthat xF is a Yang–Baxter operator and compute the representation ρxF explicitely using thehomomorphism s : Bn → Sn.

(c) Assume that V is a unitary associative K-algebra, and let x, y, z ∈ K \ 0. Check that thelinear map Rx,y,z : V ⊗ V → V ⊗ V defined by

Rx,y,z(a1 ⊗ a2) := x · a1a2 ⊗ 1 + y · 1⊗ a1a2 − z · a1 ⊗ a2

is a Yang–Baxter operator with inverse Ry−1,x−1,z−1 if x = z or if y = z. (Hint: decomposeRx,y,z as a sum of two terms Rx,y,z = R′x,y − z · idV⊗V .)

* * *

Solution to Exercise 3.1. Since int(D2) ∼= C, the configuration space F2(D2) is homeomorphic to

F2(C) :=

(z, z′) ∈ C2 : z 6= z′.

The latter is homeomorphic to C × C∗ via the map (z, z′) 7→ (z, z′ − z). Since C is contractible andsince C∗ deformation retracts to S1, we deduce that F2(D2) has the homotopy type of S1. Hence

PB2(D2) = π1(F2(D2), x) ' π1(S1, 1) ' Z.

To be more specific, it results from the previous discussion that the map

r : F2(C) −→ S1, (z, z′) 7−→ (z − z′)/|z − z′|

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is a homotopy equivalence. Furthermore, the composition of r with the loop

` : [0, 1] −→ F2(D2), t 7−→ (e2iπtx1, e2iπtx2)

(where, for concreteness, we assume that x1 := −1/2 and x2 := 1/2 in D2 ⊂ C) gives the loopr ` : [0, 1]→ S1, t 7→ e2iπt, which generates π1(S1, 1) ' Z. We deduce that

PB2 = 〈a|∅〉 where a := [`].

To obtain now a presentation of B2, we shall use the short exact sequence

1 −→ PB2−→B2s−→S2 −→ 1.

The loop m : [0, 1] → C2(D2), t 7→ (eiπtx1, eiπtx2) defines an element σ := [m] ∈ B2 such that s(σ)

generates S2 ' Z2. Since σ2 = a and (therefore) σaσ−1 = a in B2, we deduce from Lemma 3.6 that

B2 =⟨a, σ∣∣a−1σ2, [σ, a]

⟩=⟨a, σ∣∣a−1σ2

⟩= 〈σ|∅〉.

N.B. Note that a = a12 and σ = σ1 in the notations of §3.2.

Solution to Exercise 3.2. Since Cn(Σ) is a quotient space of Fn(Σ), it suffices to show that Fn(Σ)is path-connected. Consider two points x, x′ in Fn(Σ).

Assume that x ∩ x′ = ∅. Using the fact that Σ is connected (and, so, path-connected) by ourconvention, we can find for any i ∈ 1, . . . , n a path γi : [0, 1] → Σ such that γi(0) = xi, γi(1) = x′iand γi([0, 1]) ∩ γj([0, 1]) = ∅ for any i 6= j. Then the path (γ1, . . . , γn) in Fn(Σ) connects x to x′.

Assume now that x ∩ x′ 6= ∅, and denote by J the subset of the indices i ∈ 1, . . . , n suchthat xi ∈ x′. Observe that, for any transposition τ of 1, . . . , n and for any z ∈ Fn(Σ), there is apath connecting z to τ · z: if τ(i) = i, the point zi remains fixed along this path and, if τ(i) 6= i, zi is“exchanged” with zτ(i) inside a small disk D ⊂ int(Σ) such that D ∩ z = zi, zτ(i). Therefore, wecan assume that xj = x′j for all j ∈ J . By the previous paragraph, (xi)i∈1,...,n\J can be connectedto (x′i)i∈1,...,n\J by a path in Fn−|J|(Σ \ xj |j ∈ J): we deduce that x can be connected to x′ by apath in Fn(Σ) along which xj is fixed for any j ∈ J .

Solution to Exercise 3.3. The abelianization of PBn can be deduced from Artin’s presentation.Indeed, every relation of this presentation is of form

baijb−1 = aij

for some 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n and b ∈ PBn: hence this relation becomes superflous in the abelianization.We conclude that PBn/[PBn, PBn] is a free abelian group whose rank is the number of generators inArtin’s presentation, i.e.


)= n(n− 1)/2.

Solution to Exercise 3.4. (a) We recall the following general fact: a split short exact sequence

1 // Si // G

q// Q


ii// 1

determines a semi-direct product decomposition

G = S′ oQ′

(and vice-versa). Specifically, defining S′ := i(S) E G and Q′ := t(Q) ≤ G, there is for any g ∈ G aunique (s, q) ∈ S′ ×Q′ such that g = sq. Thus, by Proposition 3.9, we obtain

PBn+1 = Fn o PB′n

where Fn ' π1(D2 \ x1, . . . , xn, xn+1) and PB′n ' PBn. Note that Fn is a free group of rank n sinceD2 \ x1, . . . , xn deformation retracts to a wedge of n circles. An element of Fn is a pure braid on(n+ 1) strands whose n first strings are straight vertical and whose last string winds around the n firststrings; an element of PB′n is a pure braid on n + 1 strands obtained by “juxtaposing” an arbitrarypure braid on n strand with the trivial braid on one strand. Next, by applying Proposition 3.9 to thecopy PB′n of PBn in PBn+1, we obtain a semi-direct decomposition

PBn+1 = Fn o(Fn−1 o PB′′n−1


Here an element of Fn−1 is a pure braid on n+ 1 strands whose strings are straight vertical except forthe n-th string which winds arounds the (n− 1) first strings; an element of PB′′n−1 is a pure braid onn + 1 strands obtained by “juxtaposing” an arbitrary pure braid on (n − 1) strands with the trivialbraid on two strands. Thus, by an induction on n, we get an iterated semi-direct decomposition

PBn+1 = Fn o (Fn−1 o (· · ·o F1) · · · )(b) This follows from the definition a semi-direct product and the discussion carried in (a).

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(c) Here is the example given by Artin in his foundational paper [Art47] (after a rotation):

The above braid β ∈ PB5 is decomposed as β5β4β3β2 with βi ∈ Fi.

Solution to Exercise 3.5. (a) Let Sa be the self-homeomorphism of Σ representing σa as it is givenby the statement. Clearly Sa exchanges xi and xj since the given self-homeomorphism of D2 exchanges−1/2 and 1/2, and Sa fixes xk for any k 6∈ i, j since xk 6∈ N . So the permutation of x induced byσa is the transposition xi ↔ xj .

The self-homeomorphism S2a of Σ represents σ2

a. This homeomorphism fixes Σ \ N and it is givenon N ∼= D2 by

z 7−→ −z 7−→ −(−z) = z if |z| ∈ [0, 1/2],

z 7−→ exp(2iπ(1− |z|))z 7−→ exp(2iπ(1− |z|))2z = exp(2iπ(2− 2|z|))z if |z| ∈ [1/2, 1].

We deduce that S2a|N represents the Dehn twist along the curve z ∈ C : |z| = 3/4. Therefore

σ2a ∈M(Σ, x) is the Dehn twist along ∂N .

(b) Let Na ⊂ Σ be a closed disk such that a ⊂ int(Na) and Na ∩ x = a ∩ x; let also Sa be aself-homeomorphism of Σ which fixes Σ\Na and represents σa. Let Nb and Sb play similar roles for thearc b. Since a ∩ b = ∅, we can assume that Na ∩Nb = ∅. Then SaSb is the identity on Σ \ (Na ∪Nb),it acts the same way as Sa on Na and its acts the same way as Sb on Nb; the same is true for SbSa.Therefore SaSb = SbSa and it follows that σaσb = σbσa.

(c) Assume that the arc a connects xi to xj and that the arc b connects xj to xk. Let D ⊂ Σ bea closed disk such that a ∪ b ⊂ int(D) and D ∩ x = xi, xj , xk. Then the inclusion D → Σinduces a group homomorphism M(D, xi, xj , xk) → M(Σ, x), so that it suffices to prove theidentity σaσbσa = σbσaσb in M(D, xi, xj , xk). Choose an orientation-preserving homeomorphismD ∼= D2 ⊂ C mapping the intervals a and b to [−1/2, 0] and [0, 1/2], respectively. Clearly the groupisomorphism

B3$−→'M(D2, −1/2, 0, 1/2)−→

'M(D, xi, xj , xk)

(where $ is given by Theorem 3.13) sends the generators σ1 and σ2 to σ−1a and σ−1

b , respectively. Thusthe identity σaσbσa = σbσaσb is a consequence of the braid relation σ1σ2σ1 = σ2σ1σ2.

N.B. The definition of a half-twist corresponds to the construction done in Exercise 1.8 via the iso-morphism M(Σ, x) ∼=Mð(Σ).

Solution to Exercise 3.6. Since the statement is only about the image β(1, . . . , n × [0, 1]

)of β,

we can assume that β satisfies the condition

∀t ∈ [0, 1], β(1, . . . , n × t

)⊂ Σ× t.

Hence there is a loop ` : [0, 1] → Cn(Σ) such that β = β(`) in the notation of (3.2). We have seen inthe proof of Theorem 3.13 that the map

Homeo+,∂(Σ) −→ Cn(Σ), f 7−→ f(x)

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is a fibration. Thus, the loop ` : [0, 1] → Cn(Σ) can be “lifted” to Homeo+,∂(Σ): specifically, there is

an isotopy ˜ : [0, 1] → Homeo+,∂(Σ) such that ˜(0) = idΣ and ˜(t)(x) = `(t) for all t ∈ [0, 1]. Thenthe map

h : (Σ \ x1, . . . , xn)× [0, 1]∼=−→ (Σ× [0, 1]) \ β

(1, . . . , n × [0, 1]

), (y, t) 7−→

(˜(t)(y), t)

is a homeomorphism since, for any t ∈ [0, 1], it maps the level set (Σ \ x) × t to the level set

(Σ\`(t))×t by restriction of the self-homeomorphism ˜(t) of Σ. Since ˜(0) = idΣ, the homeomorphismf fixes the “bottom boundary” (Σ \ x)× 0.

Solution to Exercise 3.7. (a) Here are θ2, θ3 and θ4:

(b) Let D ⊂ D2 be a closed disk containing the set x in its interior, and let δ ⊂ int(D2) \ D bea simple closed curve parallel to ∂D2. Consider a tubular neighborhood N := N(δ) of δ such thatN ⊂ int(D2) \D. Let T : D2 → D2 be the self-homeomorphism which is the identity outside N and isgiven by

S1 × [0, 1] 3 (e2iπθ, r) 7−→(e2iπ(θ+r), r

)∈ S1 × [0, 1]

on N ∼= S1 × [0, 1]. Thus [T ] ∈ M(D2, x) is the Dehn twist τδ along δ. We know that T is isotopicto idD2 relatively to ∂D2 and, by writing down an explicit isotopy, we easily see that

$(θn) = τ−1δ .

(c) According to (a), it suffices to show that τδ belongs to the center ofM(D2, x). Let T be the self-homeomorphism of D2 representing τδ that we have considered in (a). Any element y ∈ M(D2, x)is represented by a self-homeomorphism of D2 which fixes ∂D2: thus y can also be represented by aself-homeomorphism Y of D2 which fixes a neighborhood of the boundary. Assuming that N = N(δ)is contained in this neighborhood, we obtain that TY = Y T . It follows that tδy = ytδ.

(d) We have θn ∈ PBn since s(θn) = s(tδ)−1 = 1. Therefore, it is enough to show that θn has infinite

order in PBn. For this, we observe that the canonical homomorphism PBn → PBn−1 defined by “for-getting” the last string maps θn to θn−1. (This is a consequence of (a) too.) Thus, by an induction onn ≥ 2, we obtain that there exists a group homomorphism PBn → PB2 mapping θn to θ2 = σ2

1 = a12.Since PB2 is the infinite cyclic group generated by a12, we deduce that θn has infinite order in PBn.

N.B. In fact, it is known that the center of Bn is an infinite cyclic group generated by θn for anyn ≥ 3. (See [KT08, Theorem 1.24] for instance; Exercise 3.8 proves this for n = 3.) Besides, the groupBn is known to be torsion-free. (See [KT08, Corollary 1.29] for instance.)

Solution to Exercise 3.8. (a) Consider the following composition



22M(S1 × S1)κ // SL(2;Z) // // PSL(2;Z)

where κ is the isomorphism defined in Proposition 2.4, and recall from the proof of Theorem 2.14 that

PSL(2;Z) =⟨T ,U

∣∣ T 2= 1, U

3= 1⟩

where T and U are the classes of the following matrices:

T :=

(0 1−1 0

)and U :=

(0 1−1 −1


We have

κψ(σ1) =

(1 10 1

)= −TU, κψ(σ2) =

(1 0−1 1

)= −UT

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so that ρ(σ1) = TU and ρ(σ2) = UT . In particular


)= (TU

2T )3 = TU





2T = TU

6T = T

2= 1,

which shows that ρ induces a group homomorphism ρ : B3/〈θ3〉 → PSL(2;Z). It is easily verified thatthe group homomorphism

PSL(2;Z) −→ B3/〈θ3〉, U 7−→ σ−11 σ−1

2 , T 7−→ σ1σ2σ1

is well-defined and is an inverse of ρ by using the above presentation of PSL(2;Z).

(b) The center of PSL(2;Z) is trivial, as can be checked from the fact that PSL(2;Z) ' Z2 ∗ Z3.Therefore, the center of B3/〈θ3〉 is trivial and it follows that the center Z(B3) of B3 is contained in〈θ3〉. We deduce from Exercise 3.7.(b) that Z(B3) = 〈θ3〉 and from Exercise 3.7.(c) that Z(B3) ' Z.

Solution to Exercise 3.9. (a) For all i ∈ 1, . . . , n − 1, we set vi := idV⊗(i−1) ⊗ R ⊗ idV

⊗(n−i−1).The braid group Bn is generated by σ1, . . . , σn−1 with relations


σiσj = σjσi if |i− j| ≥ 2,σiσjσi = σjσiσj if |i− j| = 1.

For all i ∈ 1, . . . , n− 2, we have

vi vi+1 vi = idV⊗(i−1) ⊗ ((R⊗ idV ) (idV ⊗R) (R⊗ idV ))⊗ idV


= idV⊗(i−1) ⊗ ((idV ⊗R) (R⊗ idV ) (idV ⊗R))⊗ idV


= vi+1 vi vi+1

and, for all i, j ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1 such that i < j − 1, we have

vivj = idV⊗(i−1) ⊗R⊗ idV

⊗(j−i−2) ⊗R⊗ idV⊗(n−j−1) = vjvi.

So, there is a unique group homomorphism ρR : Bn → AutK(V ⊗n) defined by σi 7→ vi.

(b) For all v1, v2, v3 ∈ V , we have

v1 ⊗ v2 ⊗ v3xF⊗id7−→ x · v2 ⊗ v1 ⊗ v3

id⊗xF7−→ x2 · v2 ⊗ v3 ⊗ v1xF⊗id7−→ x3 · v3 ⊗ v2 ⊗ v1

v1 ⊗ v2 ⊗ v3id⊗xF7−→ x · v1 ⊗ v3 ⊗ v2

xF⊗id7−→ x2 · v3 ⊗ v1 ⊗ v2id⊗xF7−→ x3 · v3 ⊗ v2 ⊗ v1

which shows that xF is a Yang–Baxter operator. The property

∀v1, . . . , vn ∈ V, ρF (β)(v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn) = vs(β−1)(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ vs(β−1)(n)

is true for β = σi and, so, it is true for any β since Bn is generated by σ1, . . . , σn−1. Moreover, we haveρxF (σi) = x · ρF (σi). So, we conclude that

∀v1, . . . , vn ∈ V, ρxF (β)(v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn) = x|β| · ρF (β)(v1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ vn)

= x|β| · vs(β−1)(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ vs(β−1)(n)

for any β ∈ Bn whose length in the words σ1, . . . , σn−1 is denoted by |β| ∈ N. (This length is well-defined according to the presentation (3.9) of Bn.)

(c) Let us assume, for example, that x = z, the case y = z being similar. An easy computation gives

Rx,y,x Ry−1,x−1,x−1 = idV⊗V = Ry−1,x−1,x−1 Rx,y,xand shows that Rx,y,x is a linear automorphism. In order to prove that R is a Yang–Baxter operator,we set R := Rx,y,x and R′ := R+ x · idV⊗V . Thus, we have

(id⊗R) (R⊗ id) (id⊗R) = (id⊗R′) (R′ ⊗ id) (id⊗R′)− x3 · idA⊗3

−x · (id⊗R′) (R′ ⊗ id)− x · (R′ ⊗ id) (id⊗R′)−x · (id⊗R′)2 + 2x2 · (id⊗R′) + x2 · (R′ ⊗ id)


(R⊗ id) (id⊗R) (R⊗ id) = (R′ ⊗ id) (id⊗R′) (R′ ⊗ id)− x3 · idA⊗3

−x · (R′ ⊗ id) (id⊗R′)− x · (id⊗R′) (R′ ⊗ id)

−x · (R′ ⊗ id)2 + 2x2 · (R′ ⊗ id) + x2 · (id⊗R′).So, we are reduced to show that

(id⊗R′) (R′ ⊗ id) (id⊗R′)− x2 · (R′ ⊗ id)− x · (id⊗R′)2

?= (R′ ⊗ id) (id⊗R′) (R′ ⊗ id)− x2 · (id⊗R′)− x · (R′ ⊗ id)2

and this is a straightforward computation.

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4. Formality of the Torelli group

This last section provides an introduction to the “non semi-simple” part of the mapping class group,namely the Torelli group. The reader may consult Johnson’s survey [Joh83b] or the Chapter 6 of[FM12] for the classical aspects of the Torelli group, and the survey article [HM12] for the connectionswith 3-manifold invariants.

Recall that, with our conventions of §1.1, all surfaces are assumed to be connected, compact andorientable. In this section, we fix an oriented surface Σ with one or no boundary component: we denoteby n the number of boundary components and by g the genus of Σ. If n = 0, the bordered surfaceobtained from Σ by removing a disk is denoted by Σ; if n = 1, the closed surface obtained from Σ bygluing a disk is denoted by Σ+.

4.1. Definition of the Torelli group. In the sequel we denote H := H1(Σ;Z) and H∗ := Hom(H,Z).(Note that H∗ is canonically isomorphic to H1(Σ;Z) by the universal coefficients theorem.) Let ω :H × H → Z be the homological intersection form defined in §1.2. We have seen in the solution ofExercise 1.6 that ω is a symplectic form, in the sense that it is bilinear, skew-symmetric and non-singular:

(4.1) H'−→ H∗, x 7−→ ω(x,−)

A group homomorphism ψ : H → H is said to preserve ω if ω(ψ(x), ψ(y)) = ω(x, y) for any x, y ∈ H.

Definition 4.1. The symplectic group of H (equipped with the symplectic form ω) is the group ofautomorphisms of H preserving ω. We denote it by Sp(H).

Set ai := [αi] ∈ H1(Σ;Z) and bi := [βi] ∈ H1(Σ;Z) for all i ∈ 1, . . . , g, where α1, . . . , αg, β1, . . . , βgare the oriented simple closed curves that are shown below:






αg−1 αgβg

· · ·

(The above picture represents the oriented surface Σ if n = 1, and it represents Σ if n = 0.) Then thematrix of ω in the basis (a, b) := (a1, . . . , ag, b1, . . . , bg) is

Ω :=

(0 Ig−Ig 0


Then, by considering matrix presentations of automorphisms of H, we see that the group Sp(H) isisomorphic to

Sp(2g;Z) :=M ∈ GL(2g;Z) : M t · Ω ·M = Ω


The latter is also referred to as the symplectic group or, sometimes, as Siegel’s modular group.

Proposition 4.2. The canonical homomorphism

κ :M(Σ) −→ Sp(2g;Z)

which sends any isotopy class [f ] to the matrix of f∗ : H → H in the basis (a, b), is surjective.

Proof. If n = 0, the inclusion i : Σ → Σ induces an isomorphism i∗ : H1(Σ;Z) → H1(Σ;Z) sendingthe basis (a, b) to the basis (a, b); hence we have the following commutative diagram:

(4.3) M(Σ)κ //





Therefore we can assume that n = 1. Using a prior work by Klingen [Kli61], Birman observes in [Bir71]that the group Sp(2g;Z) is generated by the 2g × 2g matices

(4.4) Yi :=

(Ig −Ai0 Ig

), Ui :=

(Ig 0Ai Ig

), Zj :=

(Ig Bj0 Ig

)indexed by i ∈ 1, . . . , g and j ∈ 1, . . . , g − 1, where Ai and Bj are the g × g matrices defined interms of the elementary matrices Ekl’s by

Ai := Eii and Bj := −Ejj − Ej+1,j+1 + Ej,j+1 + Ej+1,j .

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Consider now the simple closed curves α1, . . . , αg, β1, . . . , βg, γ1, . . . , γg−1 corresponding to the Lickor-ish’s generators of the mapping class group:




βg−1αg−1 αg


· · ·

By using Exercise 2.6, or by a simple direct computation, it is easily checked that

(4.5) κ(τ−1αi

)= Yi, κ


)= Ui and κ


)= Zj

and we conclude that κ is surjective.

Proposition 4.2 suggests the following notion.

Definition 4.3. The Torelli group of the surface Σ is the subgroup

I(Σ) := kerκ ⊂M(Σ)

of the mapping class group acting trivially in homology.

Observe that the Torelli group I(Σ) is trivial when Σ is a disk or a sphere, sinceM(Σ) = 1 in thosetwo cases (by Proposition 2.3 and Exercise 2.1). Besides, it follows from Proposition 2.4 that I(Σ) istrivial when Σ is a torus. Thus, the “simplest” surface Σ for which I(Σ) 6= 1 is the torus with onehole Σ1,1: see Exercise 4.3.

Starting from now, we assume that g ≥ 2. Then the Torelli groups in the closed case and in thebordered case are related as follows.

Proposition 4.4. If Σ is closed, then we have a short exact sequence of groups

1 // π1 (U(Σ))Push // I(Σ)

∪ idD //// I(Σ) // 1

where the maps “Push” and “∪ idD” are as described in Proposition 2.9.

Proof. We have the following commutative diagram:

π1 (U(Σ)) // I(Σ)

// I(Σ)

π1 (U(Σ))

Push //M(Σ)


∪ idD //M(Σ)


// 1

1 // 1

// Sp(2g;Z)


// 1 // 1 // 1

The third row is obviously exact, the second row is exact by Proposition 2.9, and the dashed arrowsare given by the “snake lemma” which makes sense in the present situation. Since χ(Σ) = 2− 2g < 0,the “Push” map is injective by Remark 2.10 and we get the desired short exact sequence.

Remark 4.5. For a surface S with n > 1 boundary components, the Torelli group I(S) is defined inthe following way by Johnson [Joh85a]. Pick one of the boundary component δ0 and choose a systemof oriented simple proper arcs ε1, . . . , εn−1 connecting δ0 to each of the other boundary componentsδ1, . . . , δn−1:

· · ·


δ1 δ2 δn−1

ε1 ε2 εn−1

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Then an element f ∈ M(S) is declared to belong to I(S) if and only if f∗ : H1(S;Z) → H1(S;Z) isthe identity and

∀i ∈ 1, . . . , n− 1, [f(εi)− εi] = 0 ∈ H1(S;Z).

There are other possible definitions of the Torelli group which are not equivalent to the previous one:see [Put07] for a detailed analysis of all the possibilities.

4.2. Generation of the Torelli group. We first define two families of elements of the Torelli group,which will be used to generate I(Σ). Recall that we have assumed that g ≥ 2.

On the one hand, for any simple closed curve ρ in Σ such that [ρ] = 0 ∈ H, we deduce fromExercise 2.6 that τρ ∈ I(Σ). Such elements of the Torelli group and their inverses are called BSCCmaps (for “Bounding Simple Closed Curves”), since the condition [ρ] = 0 is equivalent to say thatthere is a subsurface of Σ with boundary ρ (i.e. ρ is separating.) The genus of τρ is the minimum ofthe genus of the subsurfaces of Σ having this property.

On the other hand, for any simple closed curves ρ, δ in Σ such that ρ ∩ δ = ∅ and [ρ] = [δ] 6= 0, wededuce from Exercise 2.6 that

τρτ−1δ ∈ I(Σ).

Such elements of the Torelli group are called BP maps (for “Bounding Pair”), since the condition[ρ] = [δ] is equivalent to say that there is a subsurface of Σ with boundary ρ ∪ δ. The genus of τρτ


is the mininum of the genus of the subsurfaces of Σ having this property.The following theorem, due to Johnson [Joh79], is the culmination of several results by others whose

chronicle is outlined below.

Theorem 4.6 (Johnson 1979). The Torelli group I(Σ) has the following generating sets, dependingon the genus g and the number n of boundary components of Σ:

n = 0 n = 1g = 2 all BSCC maps of genus 1 BSCC maps of genus 1 & all BP maps of genus 1g ≥ 3 all BP maps of genus 1 all BP maps of genus 1

Outline of the proof. We only consider the closed case (n = 0); the case of a surface with non-emptyboundary (n = 1) can be deduced from this using Proposition 4.4.

The proof of the theorem starts with Birman’s paper [Bir71] which we have already referred to in theproof of Proposition 4.2. She did much more than deducing from the paper [Kli61] a finite generatingset of Sp(2g;Z): she also carried out the method proposed there by Klingen to find an explicit finitepresentation of Sp(2g;Z). Thus, after some long computations which are only partly reproduced in[Bir71], she find out a finite set R consisting of 10 types of relations for the system of generatorsS := Yi, Ui, Zji,j given at (4.4). The situation can be summed up with the diagram

(4.6) F(X)k //


F(S)/〈〈R〉〉 //



1 // I(Σ) //M(Σ)κ // Sp(2g;Z) // 1

where X := αi, βi, γji,j is the set of Lickorish’s curves (2.2), the homomorphism τ sends any elementof X to the Dehn twist along the corresponding curve, and the homomorphism k is defined by k(αi) :=Y −1i , k(βi) := U−1

i and k(γj) := Z−1j . This diagram is commutative by (4.5). Let t : F(S)→ F(X) be

the group homomorphism defined by t(Yi) := α−1i , t(Ui) := β−1

i and t(Zj) := γ−1j . Then, for any word

r ∈ R, there are two possibilities for the “lift” t(r):

either τt(r) = 1, i.e. the relation r of the symplectic group “survives” in the mapping classgroup: the word t(r) is a relation between the Lickorish’s generators; or τt(r) 6= 1, i.e. τ t(r) is a non-trivial element of the Torelli group.

For instance, the word ri := YiUiYiU−1i Y −1

i U−1i is one of the elements of R found by Birman which

corresponds to the relation YiUiYi = UiYiUi in Sp(2g;Z); we have t(ri) := α−1i β−1

i α−1i βiαiβi so that

τt(ri) = 1 because of the braid relation

ταiτβiταi = τβiταiτβi ∈M(Σ).

The word s := (Y1U1Y1)4 is another element of R found by Birman; using the braid relation and the2-chain relation, we have

τt(s−1) := (τα1τβ1

τα1)4 = (τα1






τβ1) = (τα1

τβ1)6 = τδ1 ∈M(Σ)

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where δ1 is a simple closed curve bounding a subsurface of genus 1: thus we get, this time, a non-trivialelement of I(Σ). As a third and last example, consider the word u := (Y1U1Z1U2Y2)6 which is anotherelement of R found by Birman; by the 5-chain relation, we have

τt(u−1) = (τα2τβ2


τα1)6 = τδ2 ∈M(Σ)

where δ2 is a simple closed curve bounding a genus 2 subsurface of Σ: thus we get another non-trivialelement of I(Σ) if g ≥ 3. It follows from diagram (4.6) that I(Σ) is the subgroup of M(Σ) normallygenerated by the finite set

B :=τt(r) | r ∈ R

\ 1

which Birman fully computes in [Bir71]. The set B consists of the single element τt(s) = τt((Y1U1Y1)4

)if g = 2, and it consists of four elements including τt(s) and τt(u) = τt


)if g ≥ 3.

The next step has been carried out by Powell. He showed that, for g ≥ 3, any element of B is eithera BSCC map of genus ≤ 2 or is a product of BP maps of genus 1 [Pow78]. (We have checked this inthe previous paragraph for only two elements of B over four.) Since the conjugate of any BSCC map(respectively, any BP map) is a BSCC map (respectively, a BP map) of the same genus, it follows thatI(Σ) is generated by BSCC maps of genus ≤ 2 and BP maps of genus 1 for g ≥ 3. The same argumentshows that I(Σ) is generated by BSCC maps of genus 1 if g = 2.

Johnson gave the final touch to the theorem in genus g ≥ 3. Using the lantern relation, he showedin [Joh79] that any BSCC map of genus 2 is a product of BSCC maps of genus 1 and BP maps ofgenus 1, and that any BSCC map of genus 1 is itself a product of BP maps of genus 1. It follows thatI(Σ) for g ≥ 3 is generated by BP maps of genus 1.

Remark 4.7. Putman proved without appealing to Powell’s result [Pow78] that I(Σ) is generatedby BP maps and BSCC maps: see [Put07, Theorem 1.3]. By adjoining to his result the argumentsof Johnson in [Joh79], one gets another proof of Theorem 4.6 which is logically independent of thoselengthy computations that are only outlined in [Bir71].

Remark 4.8. It follows from Theorem 4.6 and Exercise 4.5 that, as a normal subgroup ofM(Σ), theTorelli group I(Σ) is generated by only one or two elements:

n = 0 n = 1g = 2 one BSCC map of genus 1 one BSCC map of genus 1 & one BP map of genus 1g ≥ 3 one BP map of genus 1 one BP map of genus 1

Theorem 4.6 does not consider the problem of the finite generation/presentation of the Torelli group.We sum up below what is known about this subject.

Theorem 4.9 (Johnson 1983). In genus g ≥ 3, the group I(Σ) is generated by a finite number ofBP maps.

About the proof. See [Joh83a] for the original proof and [Joh83b] for a quick outline. Note that the BPmaps of the finite generating set provided by Johnson may have genus greater than one.

The generation of the Torelli group in the case g = 2 is drastically different than in the case g ≥ 3.

Theorem 4.10 (McCullough–Miller 1986). In genus g = 2, the group I(Σ) is infinitely generated.

Outline of the proof. By Proposition 4.4, it is enough to deal with the closed case (n = 0). The proof

given in [MM86] goes as follows. Let Σ be the regular covering of Σ corresponding to the kernel of thegroup homomorphism

p : π1(Σ, ?) −→ 〈s, t | [s, t] = 1〉 ' Z2

defined by p(α1) := 1, p(β1) := 1, p(α2) := s and p(β2) := t. Here (α1, β1, α2, β2) is the systemof oriented simple closed curves shown at (4.2) and based at a point ? ∈ Σ. The action of the

automorphism group 〈s, t | [s, t] = 1〉 of the covering Σ → Σ induces a structure of R-module on

H1(Σ;Z) where R := Z[s±1, t±1]. Thus, there is a group homomorphism

(4.7) I(Σ) −→ AutR(H1(Σ;Z)

), [f ] 7−→ f∗

where the representative homeomorphism f is assumed to fix ? and f : Σ → Σ denotes the unique

lift of f fixing a preferred lift ? of ?. Now, it turns out that H1(Σ;Z) is a free R-module with basis([α1], [β1]

)where α1, β1 are lifts of α1, β1 respectively. Then, by considering matrix presentations in

this basis, one obtains a group homomorphism

κR : I(Σ) −→ GL(2;R)

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which McCullough and Miller explicitly compute on Dehn twists. Thus, using Powell’s result thatI(Σ) is generated by BSCC maps of genus 1, they deduce that κR takes values in the special lineargroup SL(2;R). This group has a certain decomposition as an amalgamated free product [BM78].Using this decomposition, McCullough and Miller are able to show that the image of κR is not finitelygenerated.

Concerning presentations of the Torelli group, the following is known. Mess proved that I(Σ) isa free group (of infinite rank) for g = 2 and n = 0 [Mes92]. Putman also obtained in [Put09] someinteresting infinite presentations of I(Σ) for any g ≥ 2 and n ∈ 0, 1, whose generators are given byBSCC maps, BP maps and commutators of the kind considered in Exercise 4.4. But it is not knownwhether the Torelli group is finitely presented in genus g ≥ 3.

4.3. The Johnson homomorphisms. Starting from now, we assume that Σ is an oriented surfaceof genus g ≥ 2 with a single boundary component. All the results and constructions below exist in theclosed case too; but their statements are often more technical, and the proofs in the closed case arederived from the bordered case (with the notable exception of Hain’s results in §4.5). Therefore wehave preferred to omit the closed case in what follows.

Let π := π1(Σ, ?) be the fundamental group of Σ based at a point ? ∈ ∂Σ. The homotopy classof the boundary curve is denoted by ζ := [∂Σ] ∈ π. The following shows that mapping class groupsnaturally embed into automorphism groups of free groups.

Theorem 4.11 (Dehn, Nielsen & Baer 20’s). The group homomorphism

ρ :M(Σ) −→ Aut(π), [f ] 7−→ f]

is injective and its image consists of all ψ ∈ Aut(π) satisfying ψ(ζ) = ζ.

About the proof. The fact that ρ is a group homomorphism follows from the functoriality of π1(−). Bydefinition of M(Σ), we obviously have


)⊂ ψ ∈ Aut(π) : ψ(ζ) = ζ

The proof of the converse inclusion, which is much more involved, can be found in [ZVC80] for instance.To prove the injectivity, assume that f ∈M(Σ) is such that f] = idπ. Since Σ deformation retracts

to a bouquet of circles, it is a K(π, 1)-space. Thus, for any pointed topological space (X,x), the map


continuous maps g : (X,x)→ (Σ, ?)


−→ Hom(π1(X,x), π

), [g] 7−→ g]

is a bijection. Taking (X,x) = (Σ, ?), we deduce that there is a homotopy between f and idΣ (whichis not necessarily relative to the boundary). Since homotopy coincides with isotopy in dimension 2, wededuce from (2.7) that [f ] = τkγ ∈ M(Σ) for some k ∈ Z and where γ is a simple closed curve parallel

to ∂Σ. It is easily checked that (τγ)] is the conjugation by ζ, so that (τγ)l] is non trivial for any l 6= 0.

We deduce that k = 0 and that [f ] = 1 ∈M(Σ).

The Dehn–Nielsen–Baer representation ρ can be “approximated” step-by-step by considering a suc-cession of nilpotent quotients of the group π. Specifically, we consider the lower central series of π

π = Γ1π ⊃ Γ2π ⊃ · · · ⊃ Γkπ ⊃ Γk+1π ⊃ · · ·defined inductively by Γk+1π :=


]for all k ≥ 1. Since Γk+1π is a characteristic subgroup of π,

there is a canonical homomorphism Aut(π)→ Aut(π/Γk+1π) and we define a representation ρk of themapping class group by the following composition:



55Aut(π) // Aut(π/Γk+1π)

Defining JkM(Σ) := ker ρk for every k ≥ 0, we obtain a sequence of subgroups

M(Σ) = J0M(Σ) ⊃ J1M(Σ) ⊃ · · · ⊃ JkM(Σ) ⊃ Jk+1M(Σ) ⊃ · · ·which is called the Johnson filtration of the mapping class group M(Σ). Note that J1M(Σ) = I(Σ)and, for any k ≥ 1, we will sometimes write JkI(Σ) instead of JkM(Σ). We now give two importantproperties of the Johnson filtration.

Lemma 4.12. We have

(i)[JkM(Σ), JlM(Σ)

]⊂ Jk+lM(Σ) for any integers k, l ≥ 0,

(ii)⋂k≥0 JkM(Σ) = 1.

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Proof. We refer to [Mor91, Corollary 3.3] for the proof of (i). To prove (ii), consider an f ∈ M(Σ)such that f ∈ JkM(Σ) for all k ≥ 0. Let x ∈ π. Then, by assumption,

∀k ≥ 1, f](x)x−1 ∈ Γkπ.

Since π is a free group, it is residually nilpotent i.e.⋂k≥1 Γkπ = 1. It follows that f](x) = x for all

x ∈ π. We deduce from Theorem 4.11 that f = 1 ∈M(Σ).

As an application of Lemma 4.12, we obtain the following.

Proposition 4.13. The Torelli group I(Σ) is residually nilpotent.

Proof. Using Lemma 4.12.(i), we obtain by an induction on k ≥ 1 that

(4.9) ΓkI(Σ) ⊂ JkM(Σ).

Then it follows from Lemma 4.12.(ii) that⋂k≥1 ΓkI(Σ) ⊂ 1.

Proposition 4.13 shows that it is important to compute the graded object associated to the lowercentral series of I(Σ), namely

GrΓ I(Σ) :=⊕k≥1



As a general fact, GrΓ I(Σ) is a graded Lie algebra.8 The conjugation action ofM(Σ) on I(Σ) induces

an action of the symplectic group Sp(H) on GrΓ I(Σ):

∀M ∈ Sp(H), ∀f ∈ ΓkI(Σ), M ·[f ] := [mfm−1] ∈ ΓkI(Σ)

Γk+1I(Σ), where m ∈M(Σ) is such that m∗ = M

Clearly this action preserves the graded Lie algebra structure of GrΓ I(Σ).

The degree one part of GrΓ I(Σ), i.e. the abelianisation of I(Σ), will be seen in §4.4 while its


GrΓ I(Σ))⊗Q will be considered in §4.5. Before that, observe that the inclusion (4.9)

induces a canonical map

(4.10) GrΓ I(Σ) −→ GrJ I(Σ) :=⊕k≥1



Furthermore, using Lemma 4.12.(i), we can also give to GrJ I(Σ) the structure of a graded Lie algebra

with Sp(H)-action as we did for GrΓ I(Σ): clearly, (4.10) is a homomorphism of graded Lie algebrasand it is Sp(H)-equivariant.

Remark 4.14. B Although it is induced by an injection of filtered groups, namely the inclusion (4.9),the graded homomorphism (4.10) is not injective. Indeed, it is not injective in degree 1 as will followfrom the results of §4.4.

Thus, we are now interested in the Lie algebra GrJ I(Σ). We will show that it embeds in a Liealgebra of derivations. Let H := H1(Σ;Z) and let L(H) be the Lie algebra freely generated by H:

L(H) =⊕k≥1

Lk(H) where L1(H) = H, L2(H) = Λ2H, . . .

The natural action of Sp(H) on H extends to an action of Sp(H) on the graded Lie algebra L(H): for in-stance, for anyM ∈ Sp(H) and for all h1, h2, h3 ∈ H, we haveM ·[h1, [h2, h3]] = [M(h1), [M(h2),M(h3)]].Recall that a derivation of L(H) is a Z-linear map δ : L(H)→ L(H) such that

∀x, y ∈ L(H), δ([x, y]) = [δ(x), y] + [x, δ(y)];

a derivation δ is positive if it maps H = L1(H) to L≥2(H); a derivation δ is symplectic if δ(ω′) = 0where ω′ ∈ Λ2H is the bivector dual to the intersection form ω : H × H → Z (see Exercise 4.2).The set Der


)of derivations of L(H) equipped with the Lie bracket [δ1, δ2] := δ1 δ2 − δ2 δ1

is a Lie algebra, and its subset Der+ω


)consisting of positive symplectic derivations is a Lie

subalgebra. Note that the canonical action of Sp(H) on L(H) induces an Sp(H)-action on the Liealgebra Der



∀M ∈ Sp(H), ∀δ ∈ Der(L(H)

), M · δ :=

(M · (−)

) δ

(M−1 · (−)


which, by Exercise 4.2.(a), leaves Der+ω


)⊂ Der


)globally invariant. Finally, Der+



)is a graded Lie algebra whose homogeneous elements of degree k > 0 are the derivations mapping Hto Lk+1(H).

8 If no ring of coefficients is specified, a “Lie algebra” g will refer here to a Lie algebra over Z. It is said to be “graded”if g = ⊕k>0gk is graded as a Z-module and [gk, gl] ⊂ gk+l for any k, l > 0.

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Theorem 4.15 (Johnson 80’s, Morita 90’s). There is a canonical graded Lie algebra homomorphism

τ : GrJ I(Σ) −→ Der+ω


)which is injective and Sp(H)-equivariant.

Sketch of proof. We first define, for any integer k ≥ 1, a group homomorphism

(4.11) τk : JkI(Σ) −→ Hom(H,Lk+1(H)

)such that ker τk = Jk+1I(Σ).

Let f ∈ JkI(Σ). For all x ∈ π, we set

τk(f)([x]) := ρk+1(f)([x]) · [x]−1 ∈ Γk+1π


where the x on the left-hand side represents an element of π/Γ2π ' H and the x on the right-hand side represents an element of π/Γk+1π. Using the commutator identities, it can be checkedthat the right-hand side only depends on the class of x modulo Γ2π and that the resulting mapH → Γk+1π/Γk+2π is actually a group homomorphism. We now check that the resulting map τk :JkI(Σ)→ Hom


)is a group homomorphism (where Hom


)has the

operation induced by the commutative multiplication in Γk+1π/Γk+2π): let f, h ∈ JkI(Σ), then

∀x ∈ π, τk(fh)([x]) = ρk+1(fh)([x]) · [x]−1

=(ρk+1(f) ρk+1(h)

)([x]) · [x]−1

= ρk+1(f)(ρk+1(h)([x])

)· [x]−1

= ρk+1(f)(τk(h)([x]) · [x]

)· [x]−1

= ρk+1(f)(τk(h)([x])

)︸ ︷︷ ︸=τk(h)([x])

· ρk+1(f)([x])· [x]−1︸ ︷︷ ︸


= τk(f)([x]) · τk(h)([x])

where, in the last identity, we use the fact that ρk+1(f) ∈ Aut(π/Γk+2π) is the identity on Γk+1π/Γk+2π.

Since π is a free group, there is a canonical isomorphism of graded Lie algebras between GrΓ π andL(H): this is the unique isomorphism which is given in degree one by the Hurewicz isomorphismbetween π/Γ2π and H. In particular, we may identify Γk+1π/Γk+2π with Lk+1(H).

Therefore, we have managed to construct a homomorphism τk as in (4.11) for any integer k ≥ 1.Taking the direct sum over all k ≥ 1, we obtain an injective group homomorphism

τ : GrJ I(Σ) −→ Hom(H,L≥2H).

Since the Lie algebra L(H) is generated by its degree one part, any derivation of L(H) is determinedby its restriction to H. Therefore, we can identify the abelian groups Der+(L(H)) and Hom(H,L≥2H)to obtain an injective group homomorphism

τ : GrJ I(Σ) −→ Der+(L(H)


We now check that this map τ takes values in the Lie subalgebra of symplectic derivations. Let(α1, β1, . . . , αg, βg) be a system of simple closed curves as shown in (4.2), and consider their homologyclasses ai := [αi], bi := [βi]. Then (a1, b1, . . . , ag, bg) is a symplectic basis of H so that

ω′ =


ai ∧ bi.

Let f ∈ JkI(Σ) and set δ := τk(f) ∈ Der+(L(H)). We must show that



[δ(ai), bi



[a, δ(bi)

]= 0.

By connecting the curves αi, βi’s to ? by some arcs, we can promote them to loops based at ? whichwe denote by the same letters. Then, for an appropriate choice of those arcs, the homotopy class ofthe boundary curve decomposes as

ζ =[αg, β


]· · ·[α1, β


]∈ Γ2π.

Then (4.12) can be deduced from the fact that f(ζ) = ζ using commutators identities.We now verify that the map τ is Sp(H)-equivariant. Let m ∈ M(Σ) and f ∈ JkI(Σ). For any

x ∈ π, we have

τk(mfm−1)([x]) = ρk+1(mfm−1)([x]) · [x]−1

= ρk+1(mf)([m−1

] (x)])· [x]−1

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= ρk+1(m)(ρk+1(f)([m−1

] (x)]) · ρk+1(m−1)([x]−1))

= ρk+1(m)(ρk+1(f)([m−1

] (x)]) · [m−1] (x)]−1

)= ρk+1(m)


] (x)])).

This shows that τk(mfm−1) =(m∗ · (−)

) τk(f)

(m−1∗ · (−)

)= m∗ · τk(f) if τk(f) is regarded as a

derivation of L(H), which proves the Sp(H)-equivariance.

Finally, the fact that τ : GrJ I(Σ) → Der+ω


)preserves the Lie brackets is proved in [Mor91,

Propositions 3.4 & 3.5] to which we refer.

The map τk : JkI(Σ)→ Hom(H,Lk+1(H)) introduced in the proof of Theorem 4.15 is called the k-th Johnson homomorphism. It has been introduced by Johnson for k = 1 in [Joh80a] and for arbitraryk ≥ 1 in [Joh83b]. The general properties of the Johnson homomorphisms have been studied by Moritain [Mor91, Mor93].

The first Johnson homomorphism τ1 : I(Σ)→ Hom(H,L2(H)) deserves a special attention. Thereis a canonical isomorphism H → H∗ defined by h 7→ ω(h,−), so that we can identify the target of τ1with the Z-module

Hom(H,L2(H)) ' H∗ ⊗ L2(H) ' H ⊗ L2(H).

Furthermore, there is a group homomorphism Λ3(H)→ H ⊗ L2(H) defined by

h1 ∧ h2 ∧ h3 7−→ h1 ⊗ [h2, h3] + h3 ⊗ [h1, h2] + h2 ⊗ [h3, h1].

It is injective since it can be inserted into the following commutative diagram

Λ3H //3×



H ⊗ L2(H) // HQ ⊗ L2(HQ)


where HQ := H⊗Q and the map HQ⊗L2(HQ)→ Λ3HQ is defined by u⊗[v, w] 7−→ u∧v∧w. Therefore,we can regard Λ3H as a submodule of H ⊗L2(H). It can be verified by a direct computation that, forany BP map τγτ

−1δ of genus 1,

(4.13) τ1(τγτ−1δ

)= ±[γ] ∧ [ρ′] ∧ [ρ′′] ∈ Λ3H

where ρ′ and ρ′′ are simple oriented closed curves on the subsurface of genus 1 delimited by δ ∪ γ andthey are such that i(ρ′, ρ′′) = 1: see [Joh80a, Lemma 4.B]. Furthermore, τ1 vanishes on any BSCCmap: see Exercise 4.9. It follows from Theorem 4.6 that τ1 takes values in Λ3H. Thus, to sum up ourdiscussion, the first Johnson homomorphism is an Sp(H)-equivariant homomorphism

τ1 : I(Σ) −→ Λ3H.

The formula (4.13) can also be used to show that τ1 is surjective: see [Joh80a, Theorem 1].

4.4. The abelianization of the Torelli group. In contrast with the mapping class group (seeCorollary 2.16), the Torelli group has an interesting abelianization which we now survey. As in theprevious subsection, we consider an oriented surface Σ of genus g ≥ 2 with a single boundary componentand we set H := H1(Σ;Z). To describe the abelianization of I(Σ), we will need the set

Ω :=H ⊗ Z2

q−→ Z2 : ∀x, y ∈ H ⊗ Z2, q(x+ y)− q(x)− q(y) = ω(x, y)

where ω : (H ⊗ Z2) × (H ⊗ Z2) → Z2 is the symmetric Z2-bilinear form obtained by taking the mod2 reduction of the intersection form ω : H ×H → Z. In other words, Ω is the set of quadratic formswhose polar form is the mod 2 reduction of ω.

Lemma 4.16. The set Ω is an affine space over the Z2-vector space H ⊗Z2, the action being given by

(4.14) ∀x ∈ H ⊗ Z2, ∀q ∈ Ω, q + ~x := q + ω(x,−).

Proof. Since ω : H ×H → Z is non-singular, its mod 2 reduction is non-singular too, i.e. the map

(4.15) H ⊗ Z2 −→ HomZ2(H ⊗ Z2,Z2), x 7−→ ω(x,−)

is an isomorphism. The action (4.14) is transitive because, for any q, q′ ∈ Ω, the map q−q′ : H⊗Z2 → Z2

is a homomorphism and the surjectivity of (4.15) implies that there is an x ∈ H ⊗ Z2 such thatω(x,−) = q− q′. The action (4.14) is free because, for any q ∈ Ω and x ∈ H ⊗Z2 such that q+ ~x = q,we have ω(x,−) = 0 and the injectivity of (4.15) implies that x = 0.

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Consequently, we can consider affine functions on Ω and, furthermore, we can consider the space

Cubic(Ω,Z2) :=

Ωc−→ Z2 : c is a sum of triple products of affine functions

of cubic functions on Ω. The (formal) third differential of a c ∈ Cubic(Ω,Z2) is the map

d3c : (H ⊗ Z2)× (H ⊗ Z2)× (H ⊗ Z2) −→ Z2

defined by

d3c(x, y, z) := c(q + ~x+ ~y + ~z) +(c(q + ~y + ~z) + c(q + ~x+ ~z) + c(q + ~x+ ~y)

)+(c(q + ~x) + c(q + ~y) + c(q + ~z)

)+ c(q)

where q ∈ Ω is an arbitrary point. It can be checked that the map d3c is trilinear and does not dependon the choice of q (because the function c : Ω→ Z2 is cubic) and that d3c is alternate (because we arehere working in characteristic 2). Therefore the map d3c defines an element

d3c ∈ HomZ2

(Λ3(H ⊗ Z2),Z2

)' Λ3(H ⊗ Z2).

Here the isomorphism Λ3(H⊗Z2)→ HomZ2


)is induced by the non-singular Z2-bilinear

form Λ3(H ⊗ Z2)× Λ3(H ⊗ Z2)→ Z2 defined by

(v1 ∧ v2 ∧ v3, w1 ∧ w2 ∧ w3

)7−→ det

ω(v1, w1) ω(v1, w2) ω(v1, w3)ω(v2, w1) ω(v2, w2) ω(v2, w3)ω(v3, w1) ω(v3, w2) ω(v3, w3)

∈ Z2.

Theorem 4.17 (Johnson 1985). There is a group homomorphism β : I(Σ)→ Cubic(Ω,Z2) such thatthe following diagram is commutative:

(4.16) I(Σ)β//





// Λ3H ⊗ Z2

For g ≥ 3, this diagram induces an isomorphism

(τ1, β) :I(Σ)

[I(Σ), I(Σ)]

'−→ Λ3H ×Λ3H⊗Z2Cubic(Ω,Z2)

between the abelianization of the Torelli group and the corresponding fibered product.

It follows that, for g ≥ 3, the abelianization of the Torelli group is (non-canonically) isomorphic to

Λ3H ⊕2⊕i=0

Λi(H ⊗ Z2)

since the space of quadratic functions on Ω is (non-canonically) isomorphic to⊕2

i=0 Λi(H ⊗Z2). Since

rank Λ3H =(


)and dimZ2

Λi(H ⊗ Z2) =(


), we deduce that the group I(Σ) can not be generated

by less than (2g













3g3 +


3g + 1

elements: this is in sharp contrast with the mapping class group for which we can find a system ofgenerators whose cardinality is linear in g. Note that the second part of Theorem 4.17 does not holdin genus g = 2 since I(Σ) is not finitely generated in this case (Theorem 4.10).

About the proof of Theorem 4.17. The theorem is proved by Johnson in [Joh85c] by combining all hisprior works on the Torelli group with a bit of 3-dimensional topology. We only mention here, in a veryrough way, how 3-manifolds and their topological invariants arise in Johnson’s proof.

We can associate to any f ∈ M(Σ) a topological 3-manifold which is closed (i.e. compact withoutboundary), connected and oriented: this is the mapping torus of f defined by

Tf :=(Σ× [−1, 1]

)∪∂(S1 ×D2


Here the equivalence relation ∼ identifies (f(x), 1) with (x,−1) for all x ∈ Σ, and the “solid torus”S1 × D2 is glued as follows along its boundary: the meridian 1 × ∂D2 is glued along the circle(? × [−1, 1])/∼ while the longitude S1 × 1 is glued along ∂Σ × 1. If now f ∈ I(Σ), then the

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inclusion ι : Σ → Tf defined by x 7→ (x, 1) induces an isomorphism between H = H1(Σ;Z) andH1(Tf ;Z). The intersection of closed immersed surfaces in Tf defines a trilinear alternate form

H2(Tf ;Z)×H2(Tf ;Z)×H2(Tf ;Z) −→ Z(in a way similar to the definition of the intersection form of an oriented surface in §1.2): thus we haveassigned to any f ∈ I(Σ) an element of

Hom(Λ3H2(Tf ;Z),Z

)' Λ3 Hom

(H2(Tf ;Z),Z) ' Λ3H2(Tf ;Z) ' Λ3H1(Tf ;Z) ' Λ3H

where the second isomorphism is given by the universal coefficients theorem and the third isomorphismis by Poincare duality. Therefore we have obtained a map I(Σ) → Λ3H, and this map turns out tocoincide with the first Johnson homomorphism τ1 [Joh83b].

We now explain the new homomorphism β : I(Σ)→ Cubic(Ω,Z2) that appears in the statement ofthe theorem. This is actually a “compilation” of many homomorphisms which have been first introducedby Birman & Craggs [BC78] before being studied in great detail by Johnson [Joh80b]. Thus the mapβ is called the Birman–Craggs homomorphism and, similarly to the first Johnson homomorphism, itcan be described using the “mapping torus” construction [Tur83]. Specifically, for any f ∈ I(Σ), thecubic function β(f) : Ω → Z2 is the map which assigns to any spin structure σ on Tf the Rochlininvariant of the spin 3-manifold (Tf , σ). This definition of β would need several explanations. Let usonly clarify a few points: (i) when it is not empty, the set Spin(M) of spin structures on an orientedmanifold M constitutes an affine space over the Z2-vector space H1(M ;Z2); (ii) the Rochlin invariantof a closed spin 3-manifold is defined as an element of Z16 (using 4-dimensional topology) but, whenthe first homology group with integer coefficients of the manifold is torsion-free, the Rochlin invariantbelongs to the subset 0, 8 ⊂ Z16 so that it defines an element of Z2; (iii) the inclusion ι : Σ → Tfinduces an affine isomorphism Spin(Tf ) → Spin(Σ); (iv) there is an affine canonical correspondencebetween Spin(Σ) and the space of quadratic forms Ω [Joh80c].

The facts that the Rochlin function Spin(M) → Z16 is cubic and that its third differential is givenby the trilinear intersection form on H2(M ;Z) is true for any closed oriented 3-manifold M [Tur83].In particular, we get the commutative diagram (4.16). But it then remains to prove the second partof the theorem which, of course, is the most difficult one.

4.5. The Malcev Lie algebra of the Torelli group. We conclude these lecture notes by mentioningHain’s results on the formality of the Torelli group. We first need some general definitions about thenotion of “formality”.

Recall that the Malcev Lie algebra of a discrete group G is a filtered Lie Q-algebra M(G), which isusually defined as the primitive part of the I-adic completion of the group Q-algebra of G:

M(G) := Prim(



where I is the kernel of the augmentation Q[G]→ Q.

The graded Lie Q-algebra GrM(G) associated to M(G) is isomorphic to (GrΓG) ⊗ Q in a canonicalway and, of course, the latter is generated by its degree 1 part. Hence there is always a canonicalgraded Lie Q-algebra homomorphism


G[G,G] ⊗Q

)// // (GrΓG)⊗Q ' GrM(G)

which is surjective and whose kernel is denoted by R(G) =⊕

k≥2 Rk(G).

Definition 4.18. A finitely generated group G is 1-formal if M(G) is isomorphic to the degree-

completion of GrM(G) ' (GrΓG)⊗Q and if the ideal R(G) is generated by R2(G).

Thus, for a 1-formal group G, all the information captured by the Malcev Lie algebra is containedin the graded Lie Q-algebra (GrΓG) ⊗ Q and the latter has a finite presentation with only quadraticrelations. Examples of 1-formal groups include finitely-generated free groups, fundamental groups ofclosed surfaces and pure braid groups.

As in the previous subsections, we now consider an oriented surface Σ of genus g ≥ 2 with a singleboundary component. The following result, whose proof is out of reach to us in these notes, has beenproved in [Hai97].

Theorem 4.19 (Hain 1997). The Torelli group I(Σ) is 1-formal if g ≥ 6.

In genus g ∈ 3, 4, 5, Hain has also proved that M(I(Σ)) is isomorphic to the degree-completion ofGrM(I(Σ)) and that R(I(Σ)) is generated by R2(I(Σ))⊕R3(I(Σ)). Recall that I(Σ) is not finitelygenerated if g = 2 (Theorem 4.10) so that Definition 4.18 does not apply in this case. In the sequel,we will mostly consider the case g ≥ 6.

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In order to get explicit quadratic presentations of GrM(I(Σ)), one still needs to compute R2(I(Σ)).By definition, R2(I(Σ)) is a subspace of



[I(Σ), I(Σ)]⊗Q

)and, according to Theorem 4.17, we have an isomorphism

I(Σ)[I(Σ),I(Σ)] ⊗Q '

τ1⊗Q // Λ3HQ where HQ := H ⊗Q.

Therefore we can regard R2(I(Σ)) as a subspace of L2(Λ3HQ) and, since τ1 is Sp(H)-equivariant,R2(I(Σ)) is actually an Sp(HQ)-submodule of L2(Λ3HQ). The following has been firstly proved in theanalogous case of a closed surface by Hain [Hai97], and it has been subsequently extended to the caseof a bordered surface by Habegger and Sorger (unpublished); the proof needs the representation theoryof the symplectic group Sp(HQ) ' Sp(2g;Q).

Proposition 4.20 (Hain 1997, Habegger–Sorger 2000). If g ≥ 6, then the Sp(HQ)-module R2(I(Σ))is spanned by the following elements r1, r2 of L2(Λ3HQ):

r1 := [α1 ∧ α2 ∧ β2, α3 ∧ α4 ∧ β4]r2 := [α1 ∧ α2 ∧ β2, αg ∧ ω′]

where (α1, β1, . . . , αg, βg) denotes a symplectic basis of H and ω′ :=∑gi=1 αi ∧ βi.

Thus, we get the following quadratic presentation of the Malcev Lie algebra of the Torelli group:

(4.17) GrM(I(Σ)) ' L(Λ3HQ)⟨〈r1, r2〉Sp(HQ)


(for g ≥ 6)

The next step would be to deduce from the presentation (4.17) a diagrammatic description ofGrM(I(Σ)). One expects something similar to the description of GrM(PBn) in terms of “chorddiagrams”. On this purpose, we introduce the following notion: a Jacobi diagram is a finite graphwhose vertices have valency 1 (external vertices) or 3 (internal vertices). Each internal vertex isoriented, in the sense that its incident edges are cyclically ordered. A Jacobi diagram is colored byHQ if a map from the set of its external vertices to the vector space HQ is specified. A strut is aJacobi diagram with only two external vertices and no internal vertex. Examples of connected Jacobidiagrams (the strut, the Y graph, the H graph, the Phi graph and the Theta graph) are shown below:

(Here and in the sequel, the vertex orientations are given by the counter-clockwise orientation.) Weconsider the following Q-vector space:

A(HQ) :=

Q ·

Jacobi diagrams without strut componentand with external vertices colored by HQ

AS, IHX, multilinearity


The “AS” and “IHX” relations are diagrammatic analogues of the antisymmetry and Jacobi identitiesin Lie algebras:


= − − + = 0

The “multilinearity” relation states that a Jacobi diagram D with one external vertex v colored byq1 ·h1 + q2 ·h2 (with q1, q2 ∈ Q and h1, h2 ∈ HQ) is equivalent to the linear combination q1 ·D1 + q2 ·D2

where Di is the Jacobi diagram D with the vertex v colored by hi. The degree of a Jacobi diagram isthe number of its internal vertices. Thus, A(HQ) is a graded vector space:

A(HQ) =



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The degree 0 part A0(HQ) is 1-dimensional spanned by the empty diagram ∅, while the degree 1 partA1(HQ) is isomorphic to Λ3HQ via the map


x2 x3

7−→ x1 ∧ x2 ∧ x3.

There is an interesting operation ? in A(HQ): for any HQ-colored Jacobi diagrams D and E whose setsof external vertices are denoted by V and W respectively, we set

D ? E :=∑

V ′⊂V, W ′⊂Wβ : V ′

'−→W ′


2|V ′|·∏v∈V ′


color(v), color


))· (D ∪β E)

where the sum is taken over all ways of identifying a subset V ′ of V with a subset W ′ of W , andD ∪β E is obtained from D t E by gluing each vertex v ∈ V ′ to β(v) ∈ W ′. Clearly ? is Sp(HQ)-equivariant if the group Sp(HQ) acts on A(HQ) in the obvious way, i.e. by acting on the colors, and itis easily verified that (A(HQ), ?) is an associative algebra. Let [−,−]? be the Lie bracket defined by[D,E]? := D ? E − E ? D. The subspace of A(HQ)

Ac(HQ) =⊕k≥1


spanned by non-empty connected Jacobi diagrams is preserved by [−,−]?: we call (Ac(HQ), [−,−]?)the Lie algebra of symplectic Jacobi diagrams [HM09].

Proposition 4.21. For g ≥ 3, there is a unique Sp(HQ)-equivariant homomorphism of graded LieQ-algebras

Y :L(Λ3HQ)⟨

〈r1, r2〉Sp(HQ)


−→ Ac(HQ)

that is defined by x1 ∧ x2 ∧ x3 7→x1

x2 x3

in degree 1.

Note that the image of Y is the Lie subalgebra a(HQ) of Ac(HQ) generated by Ac1(HQ) = A1(HQ).According to (4.17), Y provides an Sp(HQ)-equivariant surjective homomorphism of graded Lie algebrasGrM(I(Σ))→ a(HQ) for g ≥ 6. But, unfortunately, it is not known whether Y is injective (althoughit is known to be so in degree 2 [HM09]).

Proof of Proposition 4.21. Clearly there is a unique graded Lie algebra map Y : L(Λ3HQ) → Ac(HQ)defined in degree 1 by

x1 ∧ x2 ∧ x3 7−→x1

x2 x3


Since Y1 is Sp(HQ)-equivariant and since [−,−]? is Sp(HQ)-equivariant, we deduce that Y is Sp(HQ)-

equivariant. Thus, the proposition will follow from the facts that Y2(r1) = Y2(r2) = 0. We obviouslyhave

Y2(r1) =[


α2 β2


α4 β4]?

= 0,

and we have

Y2(r2) =



α2 β2


αi βi]?



α2 β2


α1 β1]?



α2 β2


α2 β2]?

=α2 α1

β2 αg

−α1 αg

α2 β2



α1 αg

IHX= 0.

The algebra A(HQ) and the Lie algebra Ac(HQ) originate from the theory of finite-type invariantsfor 3-manifolds. In particular the following is proved in [HM09] without using Hain’s results. Here

A(HQ) denotes the degree-completion of the vector space A(HQ).

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Theorem 4.22 (Habiro–Massuyeau 2009). Let g ≥ 2. There is an injective map Z : I(Σ) → A(HQ)which is

(i) multiplicative in the sense that Z(f · h) = Z(f) ? Z(h) for all f, h ∈ I(Σ),

(ii) filtration-preserving in the sense that Z(ΓkI(Σ)

)⊂ ∅ + A≥k(HQ) for all k ≥ 1.

Furthermore, Z induces at the graded level an Sp(HQ)-equivariant homomorphism of graded Lie Q-algebras

GrZ :(

GrΓ I(Σ))⊗Q −→ Ac(HQ)

which, in degree 1, is given by the isomorphism τ1 ⊗Q : (I(Σ)/[I(Σ), I(Σ)])⊗Q→ Λ3HQ ' Ac1(HQ).

Again, the image of GrZ is the Lie subalgebra a(HQ) of Ac(HQ) generated by Ac1(HQ). It is expectedthat GrZ is injective or, at least, it is expected to be so in the “stable range”.

About the proof. The map Z is derived from a 3-dimensional TQFT which has been constructed in[CHM08] using the Le–Murakami–Ohtsuki invariant of [LMO98]. Thus we call Z the LMO homomor-phism. The injectivity of Z is proved by showing that all the Johnson homomorphisms τ1, τ2, τ3, . . . areexplicitly determined by Z, and using Lemma 4.12.(ii). The multiplicativity of Z is the manifestationof the functoriality of the TQFT constructed in [CHM08]. The fact that Z is filtration-preserving isproved by using a kind of surgery calculus in 3-manifolds (the so-called “calculus of claspers” developpedby Goussarov and Habiro).

4.6. Exercises.

Exercise 4.1. Show that Sp(2;Z) = SL(2;Z).

Exercise 4.2. Let H be a finitely generated free abelian group and let ω : H×H → Z be a symplecticform. Let ω′ ∈ Λ2H be the bivector corresponding to ω ∈ Λ2H∗ through the isomorphism

w : H'−→ H∗, h 7−→ ω(h,−)

(a) Show that an automorphism ψ of H preserves the bilinear form ω if and only if (Λ2ψ)(ω′) = ω′.(b) Deduce that any ψ ∈ Sp(H) satisfies det(ψ) = 1.

Exercise 4.3. Let Σ := Σ1,1 be a torus with one disk removed, and let δ ⊂ int(Σ) be a simple closedcurve parallel to ∂Σ. Show that I(Σ) is the infinite cyclic group generated by the Dehn twist along δ.

Exercise 4.4. Let Σ be an oriented surface with at most one boundary component. Let δ, ρ be simpleclosed curves such that ω([δ], [ρ]) = 0 for some arbitrary orientations of these curves. Show that thecommutator [τδ, τρ] belongs to I(Σ) and that it is not trivial in general.

Exercise 4.5. Let Σ be an oriented surface with at most one boundary component.

(a) Show that any two BSCC maps of the same genus are conjugate in M(Σ).(b) Show that any two BP maps of the same genus are conjugate in M(Σ).

Exercise 4.6. Let k ≥ 2 be an integer. Show that any BP map of genus k is a product of BP mapsof genus 1.

Exercise 4.7. Let k ≥ 3 be an integer. Using the lantern relation, show that any BSCC map ofgenus k is a product of BSCC maps of genus 1 and 2.

Exercise 4.8. Let ω : H×H → Z be a symplectic form on a free abelian group H, and let w : H → H∗

be the isomorphism introduced in Exercise 1.6. Show that the isomorphism


) restriction

'// Hom(H,L≥2(H)) ' H∗ ⊗ L≥2(H) '

w−1⊗id// H ⊗ L≥2(H)

maps Der+ω (L(H)

)onto the kernel of the Lie bracket [−,−] : H ⊗ L≥2(H)→ L≥3(H), and prove that

it is Sp(H)-equivariant.

Exercise 4.9. Show that the first Johnson homomorphism τ1 vanishes on every BSCC map.

* * *

Solution to Exercise 4.1. Consider an arbitrary 2× 2 matrix with entries in Z:

M =

(a bc d

)We compute

M t ΩM =

(a bc d

)t(0 1−1 0

)(a bc d


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(a cb d

)(c d−a −b


(0 ad− bc

cb− ad 0


It follows thatM t ΩM = Ω⇐⇒ ad− bc = 1.

Solution to Exercise 4.2. (a) The bilinear form ω being skew-symmetric, it can be seen as anelement ω ∈ Hom(Λ2H,Z) ' Λ2H∗. Specifically, let (α, β) := (α1, . . . , αg, β1, . . . , βg) be a symplecticbasis of H, which means that

(4.18) ω(αi, αj) = ω(βi, βj) = 0 and ω(αi, βj) = −ω(βj , αi) = δij .


ω =


α∗i ∧ β∗i ∈ Λ2H∗

where (α∗1, . . . , α∗g, β∗1 , . . . , β

∗g ) denotes the basis of H∗ dual to the basis (α1, . . . , αg, β1, . . . , βg) of H.

It follows from (4.18) that the isomorphism w : H→H∗ defined by h 7→ ω(h,−) sends αi to β∗i and βito −α∗i . Therefore

ω′ =


(−βi) ∧ αi =


αi ∧ βi.

Let ψ ∈ Aut(H) and denote by

M =


)the matrix of ψ in the basis (α, β). Then



ψ(αk) ∧ ψ(βk)


(cikαi + dikβi) ∧ (ejkαj + fjkβj)


cikejkαi ∧ αj +∑k,i,j

dikfjkβi ∧ βj +∑k,i,j

(cikfjk − djkeik)αi ∧ βj



(cikejk − cjkeik)αi ∧ αj +∑k


(dikfjk − djkfik)βi ∧ βj +∑k,i,j

(cikfjk − djkeik)αi ∧ βj .

We deduce that

(Λ2ψ)(ω′) = ω′ ⇐⇒(CEt − ECt = 0, DF t − FDt = 0, CF t − EDt = Ig

)⇐⇒ M ΩM t = Ω

⇐⇒ Ω = M−1 Ω (M t)−1

⇐⇒ Ω−1 = M t Ω−1M

⇐⇒ −Ω = M t (−Ω)M ⇐⇒ M ∈ Sp(2g;Z) ⇐⇒ ψ ∈ Sp(H).

(b) Let ψ ∈ Sp(H). We deduce from (a) that

Λ2gH 3 (Λ2nψ)(ω′ ∧ · · · ∧ ω′) = (Λ2ψ)(ω′) ∧ · · · ∧ (Λ2ψ)(ω′)

= ω′ ∧ · · · ∧ ω′

Besides, using a symplectic basis (α, β) of H, we have

Λ2gH 3 ω′ ∧ · · · ∧ ω′ =


αi1 ∧ βi1 ∧ · · · ∧ αig ∧ βig


ασ(1) ∧ βσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ ασ(g) ∧ βσ(g)

= n! · α1 ∧ β1 ∧ α2 ∧ β2 ∧ · · · ∧ αg ∧ βg.We deduce that

Λ2gH 3 ω′ ∧ · · · ∧ ω′ = (Λ2nψ)(ω′ ∧ · · · ∧ ω′)= n! · ψ(α1) ∧ ψ(β1) ∧ ψ(α2) ∧ ψ(β2) ∧ · · · ∧ ψ(αg) ∧ ψ(βg)

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= n! det(ψ) · α1 ∧ β1 ∧ α2 ∧ β2 ∧ · · · ∧ αg ∧ βg= det(ψ) · ω′ ∧ · · · ∧ ω′

which implies that det(ψ) = 1.

Solution to Exercise 4.3. It is clear that τδ ∈ I(Σ) since the group H1(Σ;Z) is generated by classesof oriented curves in Σ and any such curve can be made disjoint from δ by a homotopy. We also knowfrom Proposition 2.7 that τδ has infinite order. Therefore, it suffices to show that I(Σ) is generatedby τδ. For this, we use Birman’s exact sequence (see Proposition 2.9):

π1 (U(Σ+))Push //M(Σ)

∪ idD ////M(Σ+) // 1.

The subgroup I(Σ) of M(Σ) is mapped by “∪ idD” to I(Σ+) = 1 since Σ+ is a torus. Therefore,I(Σ) is contained in the image of “Push”, which we denote by I. Let α and β be simple oriented closedcurves in Σ+ which meet in a single point belonging to int(D). Since π1(Σ+) is generated by [α] and

[β], the group π1 (U(Σ+)) is generated by [~α], [~β] and the class f of the fiber U(1) ∼= S1. If we lookback at the proof of Proposition 2.9, we see that

Push([~α])(2.1)= τ−1

α−τα+ = 1

since α− is isotopic to α+ in Σ ; the same phenomenon happens for β ; finally it follows easily from thedefinition of “Push” that Push(f) = τδ. We conclude that 〈τδ〉 ⊂ I(Σ) ⊂ I ⊂ 〈τδ〉 so that 〈τδ〉 = I(Σ).

Solution to Exercise 4.4. Set H := H1(Σ;Z) and let d, r : H → H be the actions of τδ, τρ inhomology. It follows from Exercise 2.6 that, for any x ∈ H,

dr(x) = d(x+ ω([ρ], x) · [ρ]

)= d(x) + ω([ρ], x) · d([ρ])

=(x+ ω([δ], x) · [δ]

)+ ω([ρ], x) · ([ρ] + 0 · [δ]) = x+ ω([δ], x) · [δ] + ω([ρ], x) · [ρ].

A similar computation for rd(x) gives the same result. Hence [d, r] = 1 ∈ Aut(H) and it follows that[τδ, τρ] belongs to the Torelli group.

Let δ, ρ be the following simple closed curves in Σ:



· · ·

It follows from Lemma 1.11 that i(δ, ρ) = 2 since δ and ρ do not delimitate bigons: therefore τδand τρ generate a free subgroup of M(Σ) of rank 2, and in particular [τδ, τρ] 6= 1 ∈ M(Σ). Besidesω([δ], [ρ]) = 0 since the two intersection points of δ and ρ have opposite signs. We conclude that [τδ, τρ]is a non-trivial element of I(Σ).

Solution to Exercise 4.5. We only consider (b) since (a) can be solved by the same kind of arguments.Denote by g ≥ 0 the genus of Σ and by n ∈ 0, 1 the number of components of ∂Σ. Let ρ, δ ⊂ Σ andlet ρ′, δ′ ⊂ Σ be simple closed curves defining some BP maps

p := τδτ−1ρ , p′ := τδ′τ


of genus k ≥ 1. Let S1∼= Σk,2 and S2

∼= Σg−k,2+n be the subsurfaces of Σ delimited by the curves δand ρ; let S′1 and S′2 play the same role for δ′ and ρ′. Since S1

∼= S′1 and S2∼= S′2, we easily construct

an f ∈ Homeo+,∂(Σ) mapping Si to S′i for each i ∈ 1, 2, and such that f(δ) = δ′ and f(ρ) = ρ′. Wededuce that

p′ = τf(δ)τ−1f(ρ) =




= fτδτ−1ρ f−1 = fpf−1.

Solution to Exercise 4.6. Let Σ be an oriented surface with at most one boundary component. Letρ, δ ⊂ Σ be simple closed curves defining a BP map p := τδτ

−1ρ of genus k ≥ 2. Thus ρ and δ delimitate

in Σ a subsurface S ∼= Σk,2. We can decompose S into k subsurfaces of genus 1

S = S1 ∪ S2 ∪ · · · ∪ Sk−1 ∪ Skin such a way that ∂S1 = ρ ∪ ε1, ∂S2 = ε1 ∪ ε2, . . . , ∂Sk−1 = εk−2 ∪ εk−1, ∂Sk = εk−1 ∪ δ whereε1, . . . , εk−1 ⊂ int(S) are pairwise-disjoint simple closed curves. We deduce that

p = τδτ−1ρ = (τδτ

−1ε1 )(τε1τ

−1ε2 ) · · · (τεkτ−1


τ−1ρ )

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is a product of k BP maps of genus 1.

Solution to Exercise 4.7. Let Σ be an oriented surface with at most one boundary component andconsider a BSCC map d := τδ ∈ M(Σ) of genus k ≥ 3. Thus δ is a simple closed curve bounding asubsurface S ∼= Σk,1 of Σ. We can embed in S the disk with 3 holes


ρ1 ρ3





in such a way that we have ρ123 = δ = ∂S, each of ρ1 and ρ2 bounds a subsurface of genus 1, and ρ3

bounds a subsurface of genus k − 2. By the lantern relation, we have

τρ123 = τ−1ρ1τ−1ρ2τ−1ρ3τρ31τρ23τρ12 .

This shows that the initial BSCC map d is a product of 6 BSCC maps of genus 1, 2, k − 2 and k − 1.Therefore, we can conclude by an induction on k ≥ 3.

Solution to Exercise 4.8. Let Θ : Der+(L(H)

)→ H ⊗ L≥2(H) be the isomorphism under study,

and let (α1, β1, . . . , αg, βg) be a symplectic basis of H. For any δ ∈ Der+(L(H)

), we compute Θ(δ):

δ 7−→ δ|H 7−→g∑i=1

α∗i ⊗ δ(αi) +


β∗i ⊗ δ(βi) 7−→ −g∑i=1

βi ⊗ δ(αi) +


αi ⊗ δ(βi)

Hence the Lie bracket of Θ(δ) is


[βi, δ(αi)



[αi, δ(βi)



[δ(αi), βi



[αi, δ(βi)

]= δ( g∑i=1

[αi, βi])

= δ(ω′)

where ω′ ∈ Λ2H ' L2(H) is the bivector dual to ω. We deduce that the Lie bracket of Θ(δ) is trivialif and only if δ is a symplectic derivation.

We now show that Θ is Sp(H)-equivariant. Since Θ is defined as a composition Θ3Θ2Θ1 of threeisomorphisms, it suffices to verify that each of them is Sp(H)-equivariant. The fact that the restrictionhomomorphism Θ1 : Der+


)→ Hom(H,L≥2(H)) is Sp(H)-equivariant is obvious, if Sp(H) acts

on Hom(H,L≥2(H)) by M · f :=(M · (−)

) f M−1. Also, the fact that Θ2 : Hom(H,L≥2(H)) →

H∗ ⊗ L≥2(H) is Sp(H)-equivariant is obvious, if Sp(H) acts on H∗ ⊗ L≥2(H) by M · (u ⊗ v) :=(u M−1)⊗ (M · v). To justify now that Θ3 : H∗ ⊗ L≥2(H)→ H ⊗ L≥2(H) is an Sp(H)-equivariantisomorphism, it remains to prove that w : H → H∗ is Sp(H)-equivariant. This is checked as follows:

∀M ∈ Sp(H), ∀h ∈ H, w(M · h) = w(M(h)) = ω(M(h),−) = ω(h,M−1(−)) = M · w(h).

Solution to Exercise 4.9. Let Σ be an oriented surface of genus g ≥ 2 with one boundary component,and let δ ⊂ Σ be a simple closed curve bounding a subsurface S ⊂ Σ. We give S the orientation inducedby Σ and we give δ the orientation induced by S. We pick a base point ? ∈ ∂Σ and set π := π1(Σ, ?).We are asked to show that

τ1(τδ) = 0 ∈ Hom(H,L2(H)) or, equivalently, ρ2(τδ) = 1 ∈ Aut(π/Γ3π).

Let x ∈ π and let ξ be an oriented closed curve based at ? representing x. We can assume that δ andξ are transversal and that δ ∩ ξ consists of 2n double points. (There is an even number of intersectionpoints since δ is null-homologous.) We number these intersection points p1, . . . , p2n in the order thatthey are encountered as one runs along ξ in the positive direction. In the computation below, we usethe following notations: for any oriented closed curve γ and for any simple points p, q ∈ γ, we denoteby γpq the path where one runs along γ from p to q in the positive direction; the concatenation of pathsis denoted by ∗; when one runs along a path γ in the negative direction, it is denoted by γ. Then, withthese notations, we have

(τδ)](x) · x−1

= [ξ?p1∗ δp1p1

∗ ξp1p2∗ δp2p2

∗ · · · ∗ δp2n−1p2n−1∗ ξp2n−1p2n

∗ δp2np2n∗ ξp2n?] · [ξ?p2n


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[ξ?p2i−1∗ δp2i−1p2i−1

∗ ξp2i−1p2i∗ δp2ip2i

∗ ξp2i?]



[ξ?p2i−1∗ δp2i−1p2i−1

∗ ξp2i−1p2i∗ δp2ip2i−1

∗ δp2i−1p2i∗ δp2ip2i−1

∗ δp2i−1p2i∗ ξp2i?]



[ξ?p2i−1∗ δp2i−1p2i−1

∗ ξp2i−1p2i∗ δp2ip2i−1

∗ δp2i−1p2i−1∗ δp2i−1p2i

∗ ξp2i?]



[ξ?p2i−1 ∗ δp2i−1p2i−1 ∗ ξp2i−1? ∗ ξ?p2i−1 ∗ ξp2i−1p2i ∗ δp2ip2i−1 ∗ δp2i−1p2i−1 ∗ δp2i−1p2i ∗ ξp2i?]



yi · [ξ?p2i ∗ δp2ip2i−1 ∗ δp2i−1p2i−1 ∗ δp2i−1p2i ∗ ξp2i?]



yi · [ξ?p2i ∗ δp2ip2i−1 ∗ ξp2i−1? ∗ ξ?p2i−1 ∗ δp2i−1p2i−1 ∗ ξp2i−1? ∗ ξ?p2i−1 ∗ δp2i−1p2i ∗ ξp2i?]



yi · zi · y−1i · z


where yi := [ξ?p2i−1∗δp2i−1p2i−1

∗ξp2i−1?] and zi := [ξ?p2i∗δp2ip2i−1

∗ξp2i−1?]. Since δ is null-homologous,

yi is a commutator in π and the above computation shows that (τδ)](x) · x−1 ∈ Γ3π. We deduce that(τδ)] ∈ Aut(π) is the identity modulo Γ3π.

N.B. In fact, Johnson proved that ker τ1 = J2I(Σ) is generated by BSCC maps [Joh85b]. It is notknown whether this group is finitely generated.

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Appendix A. Fibrations

The concept of “fibration” is a basic notion in homotopy theory. In this appendix, refering tothe textbooks [Bre93, Hat02] for further details, we only review the definition and the behaviour offibrations with respect to homotopy groups.

Definition A.1. A map f : E → B is a fibration9 if it has the homotopy lifting property withrespect to any pair of CW-complexes (X,Y ). Thus, for any homotopy u : X × I → B, for every liftw : Y × I → E of u|Y×I and for every lift u0 : X → E of u(−, 0) such that w(−, 0) = u0|Y , there is alift u : X × I → E of u such that u(−, 0) = u0 and u|Y×I = w:

(A.1) X × 0 ∪ Y × I u0∪w // _



X × Iu





It turns out that f is a fibration if and only if it has the homotopy lifting property with respect to(X,Y ) = (Dn, ∂Dn) for all n ≥ 0 (since CW-complexes are constructed by attachement of disks alongtheir boundaries). Furthermore, f is a fibration if and only if it has the homotopy lifting property withrespect to (X,Y ) = (Dn,∅) for all n ≥ 0 (since the pair (Dn×I,Dn×0∪∂Dn×I) is homeomorphicto the pair (Dn × I,Dn × 0) as it is easily checked).

For example, if E = B×F and if f : E → B is the cartesian projection, then f is clearly a fibration.More generally, we have the following notion.

Definition A.2. A map f : E → B is a fiber bundle with fiber F if, for all b ∈ B, there is aneighborhood U 3 b and a homeomorphism h : U × F → f−1(U) such that f h : U × F → U is thecartesian projection.

Thus, a fiber bundle f : E → B with fiber F is locally “shaped” as the cartesian projection B×F → B.It follows that fiber bundles are fibrations. For instance, covering maps are fiber bundles with thepeculiarity that their fiber is discrete.

Fibrations behave very well with respect to homotopy groups. Specifically, they have the followingproperty.

Theorem A.3. Let f : E → B be a fibration, fix some base-points e0 ∈ E, b0 ∈ B such that f(e0) = b0.We set F := f−1(b0) and denote by i : F → E the inclusion. Then we have a long exact sequence

· · · → πn(F )i]// πn(E)

f]// πn(B)

∂]// πn−1(F )→ · · · → π0(F )

i]// π0(E)

f]// π0(B)

where the homotopy groups of F,E,B are based at e0, e0, b0 respectively.

We refer to [Bre93, Hat02] for the proof and the definition of the “connecting” homomorphism ∂] :πn(B) → πn−1(F ). In these notes, we only need the definition for n = 1. Then the homomorphism∂] : π1(B, b0)→ π0(F, e0) is defined by

∂]([u]) =[u(1)

]for any path u : [0, 1]→ B such that u(0) = u(1) = b0 and where u : [0, 1]→ E is a lift of u such thatu(0) = e0. (The existence of u is ensured by (A.1) with X a singleton and Y := ∅.)

9 Fibrations in our sense are sometimes called “Serre fibrations” in the litterature.

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Page 59: LECTURES ON MAPPING CLASS GROUPS, BRAID ...massuyea.perso.math.cnrs.fr/notes/formality.pdfSurface braid groups as mapping class groups32 3.4. Exercises 33 4. Formality of the Torelli


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