legal & human rights abuses perpetrated by the australian government

A FORMAL SUBMISSION DOCUMENTING SUSTAINED MALVERSATION, AND THE CONSEQUENTIAL ABUSE OF THE HUMAN AND LEGAL RIGHTS OF A CITIZEN, BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA This document accompanies The Expendable Project Dossier. If this is not attached, or included in the package, it can be downloaded in PDF format from: Submitted on behalf of the named citizens of fifty-one nations as specified in Enclosure (2). Email: [email protected] (©)

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Legal & Human Rights Abuses Perpetrated By The Australian Government against Schapelle Corby


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This document accompanies The Expendable Project Dossier. If this is not attached, or included in the package, it can be downloaded in PDF format from:

Submitted on behalf of the named citizens of fifty-one nations as specified in Enclosure (2). Email: [email protected] (©)

Page 2: Legal & Human Rights Abuses Perpetrated By The Australian Government

A nation-state wilfully sacrificing the life of an innocent citizen, to protect the political and self-interests of incumbent individuals, naturally attracts international disdain and condemnation. Where such malversation has been perpetrated by an administration which presents itself as a mature democracy, rather than a regime commonly associated with flagrant abuses of human rights, the reaction may also be tinged with a degree of surprise and disappointment. That the scope of the offending activity permeates multiple organs of that nation's hierarchical governmental apparatus, and that the documentary proof of the abuses has been pro-actively suppressed, surely compounds these reactions further. With regard to these issues, we respectfully introduce and submit an evidential dossier, which we present for your urgent consideration. THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA The case in question relates to an innocent Australian woman, Schapelle Corby, who has survived the last nine years in an Indonesian prison. However, this isn't just a matter of judicial injustice, regardless of how stark and clear this aspect is in itself. The Australian government has always known that she is innocent of any crime, because it has suppressed the conclusive proof of this fact. Those charged with responsibility to protect her, wilfully withheld the life-critical primary evidence, intentionally misled the domestic public, and thereafter, witnessed her slow deterioration in silence. They additionally encouraged the worst of a disturbingly dysfunctional Australian media, to spin the most blatant of fabrications against her, and her desperate family. In a short overview, it is impossible to adequately articulate both the accuracy of these words, and the gravity of the events they describe. We can, therefore, only ask and request that you examine the material and information we present with this introduction, and see the stark reality directly for yourself. It is accepted that the start point for such a disturbing story will invariably be disbelief. Every individual who has encountered the research data has approached it from a position of doubt and scepticism. However, the evidence rapidly becomes so compelling, and so absolute, that there is no doubt whatsoever that the words above understate the crimes perpetrated and committed by incumbents of an Australian regime, and in practice, covered up by successive administrations. A BRIEF OVERVIEW With any case of complexity, in which detail is important, the volume of evidential material can be daunting. However, to minimize the effort and resources necessary to assimilate the facts, the data has been organized into a series of reports, known as The Expendable Project Reports. Each report covers a different aspect of the case, and each includes direct copies of the relevant Australian government correspondence, cables, and other documentation. The reports are organized to chronologically log the various hostile and illegal acts perpetrated against Schapelle Corby, in the context of the case as it actually unfolded, from October 2004, onwards.

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It is also understood that an explanation of wider context is required. Legal and human rights abuses do not occur in a vacuum. There are invariably a myriad of factors in play, not least of which is motive. Why would government ministers withhold life-critical evidence from an innocent victim? How could such a situation even arise? Such a complex mix of individual self-interest and political imperatives is sometimes difficult to untangle, but it is important to do so in order to appreciate fully the scale and wilful nature of the documented incidents. THE EXPENDABLE PROJECT REPORTS The reports themselves have been collated into a dossier, and presented chronologically as individual sections:

SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION (THE POLITICS OF SACRIFICE) An introduction to the Schapelle Corby case, including an analysis of political and individual interests and motives.

SECTION 2: THE ABSENCE OF MOTIVE Examination of the relative value of marijuana between Australia and Indonesia.

SECTION 3: THE TRANSIT REPORT (THE AUSTRALIAN AIRPORT SCANDAL) Exceptions at Australian airports with respect to Schapelle Corby’s boogie-board bag, and how the Australian government covered them up.

SECTION 4: THE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT Examination of the role and reaction of those organizations with responsibility for the carriage of Schapelle Corby’s baggage.

SECTION 5: THE MUTUAL EVASION REPORT How the Australian government engineered the refusal to forensically test Schapelle Corby’s boogie-board bag and the marijuana found within.

SECTION 6: THE BALI TRIAL Breaches of the Indonesian Code of Criminal Procedure, and the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in the Schapelle Corby Trial, as endorsed by the Australian government.

SECTION 7: THE POWDERGATE REPORT The generation of misinformation and the wilful exploitation of a white powder hoax.

SECTION 8: THE INSIDER REPORT Australian intervention and the undermining of Schapelle Corby’s appeal.

SECTION 9: THE POLITICAL SEIZURE REPORT The illegal political seizure of Schapelle Corby’s book royalties, and public signal to Jakarta.

SECTION 10: THE DFAT NETWORK REPORT The role of the Indonesian lobbyist and support network, and Australian government funding.

SECTION 11: THE OPINION MANAGEMENT REPORT Examples of media hostility and propagandistic output with respect to Schapelle Corby.

SECTION 12: THE PRIMARY SMEAR REPORT Primary sources of media fabrication and the character assassination of Schapelle Corby's family.

SECTION 13: A PRISON ABUSE TIMELINE A partial list of public abuses of Schapelle Corby involving the media, whilst incarcerated in Indonesia.

SECTION 14: THE FOI ABUSE REPORT The abuse and failure of the Freedom Of Information Act with respect to the Schapelle Corby case.

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SECTION 15: THE WHITEWASH REPORT The role of the Integrity Commissioner and the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI) with respect to malversation by Australian Federal Police officers.

SECTION 16: THE QUANGO REPORT The failure of those agencies which purport to provide public support services.

SECTION 17: THE MENTAL ILLNESS REPORT Schapelle Corby’s deteriorating health and the due diligence failure of the Australian government.

SECTION 18: POLITICAL INDIFFERENCE The indifference of Australian politicians to the abuses exposed by The Expendable Project.

SECTION 19: THE CANDIDATE SOURCES REPORT Examination of the potential sources of the marijuana placed in Schapelle Corby’s bag, and the suppression of further evidence by the Australian Federal Police.

SECTION 20: THE CRIME REPORT The introduction of a report, formally submitted to the Australian government, illustrative of offences committed from Canberra under the Crime Act of 1914.

SECTION 21: THE RESPONSE OF STATE REPORT The response of the Commonwealth of Australia to the submission of the Crime Report.

APPENDIX Related exhibits, documentation and other relevant items.

Along with the exhibits presented on The Expendable Project’s website, these reports comprise the evidential proof of the statements made above. To illustrate the nature of the abuses themselves, in brief practical terms, a small number of examples are enclosed with this introduction. [Enclosure (1)] The reports can be read, or downloaded in PDF format, from the following web page: POST PUBLICATION The Expendable Project Reports, in their entirety, were submitted to the Australian government upon initial publication, from September 2011 to May 2012. They were also sent to a majority of federal MP’s and Senators. Not only was no response forthcoming, but the current administration demonstrably shunned every subsequent effort to open a dialogue. At the same time, the Australian media, with its limited plurality of ownership, was, likewise, presented with the information. Having previously compromised its objectivity, creating a palpable cultural prejudice, it failed to report any of the material facts (ref: The Expendable Project Reports themselves). Clearly, therefore, the prospect of domestic remedy is remote. However, it was recognized that, in order for international agencies and politicians to play any role in the case, a more formal demonstration of the current administration's refusal to address the issues, or to exercise due diligence, would be required. Hence, a detailed Crime Report was produced in association with senior barristers, and formally submitted to all relevant parties within the Commonwealth of Australia. To enable simplified tracking, this covered just one sample abuse.

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The response to each submission was meticulously documented, and again is presented in a formal report, The Response of State Report. This report evidences the wilful evasion and dismissal of the material, including the extraordinary efforts made to avoid any form of acknowledgement of the contents. SCHAPELLE CORBY Schapelle Corby herself remains incarcerated in Kerobokan Prison, Bali. Over the years, her physical and mental condition has deteriorated. In 2009, she was diagnosed as mentally ill, by one of Australia’s most eminent psychiatrists, Dr Jonathan Phillips, a former president of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, who had examined her directly. Dr Phillips described her condition in stark terms: "She is now helpless, hopeless, feels useless, she feels alienated, she feels removed from the rest of humanity" and, "She is in a situation where she could easily move forward to kill herself." In 2012, she survived an overdose of her own psychotic medication, yet to this day remains, in practical terms, abandoned in the conditions which have induced her mental illness. A FORMAL SUBMISSION This correspondence constitutes a formal submission and complaint regarding the malversation of the government of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the consequential abuses of Schapelle Corby’s human rights. In this respect, we would refer to the International Bill of Human Rights, and in particular, to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The Harare Commonwealth Declaration, and the commitments made by the Commonwealth of Australia at a number of Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings, are also relevant. We urgently request your intervention. We request that you directly view the material we refer to, to establish its validity, and that thereafter you take appropriate actions to address the serious issues it documents. We would also be grateful if you could make urgent representations to the government of the Commonwealth of Australia itself, and take pro-active steps to encourage adherence to Australian law, and to international norms and protocols. Thank you for your consideration of all these issues, and in anticipation of any assistance you are willing and able to provide. On behalf of, Citizens of Fifty-One Nations [Details Attached] Enclosures (2) : Illustrative Examples Of Malversation : Submission Signatories

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Whilst The Expendable Project Reports present the evidential material which demonstrates the gravity and scale of the malversation, abuse and corruption, a small selection of examples help to illustrate the specific nature of the acts themselves.

The examples presented below comprise a subset of the activities involving former Justice & Customs Minister, Christopher Ellison. They are extracted from a letter sent to, and received by, the current Australian administration.

EXAMPLE 1. On 27th May 2005, Schapelle Corby was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, after 4.2kg of marijuana was found in her boogie-board bag on arrival in Denpasar. The disturbing nature of the trial itself created a huge public outcry in her native Australia. For her appeal, her lawyer sought help directly from the Australian government. In a letter dated 5th July 2005, the CEO of Sydney Airport Corporation Ltd, Max Moore-Wilton, told Justice and Customs Minister, Christopher Ellison, that Schapelle Corby's boogie-board bag was the only one not scanned at Sydney airport on route to Bali. Ellison wrote to AFP Commissioner Keelty the following day, 6th July 2005, conveying the same information. Both men realized how important this information was to Schapelle Corby, as she stood before an Indonesian appeal court. Indeed, Ellison even referred to its evidential importance directly in his letter. Keelty subsequently confirmed in writing that Prime Minister John Howard discussed this verbally with him, on 8th July 2005. All parties were also aware that scanning of all luggage, on all flights to Indonesia, was mandatory. Furthermore, Schapelle Corby's lawyer asked directly about scanning, in faxed letters to Ellison dated 6th July and 11th July, just days after Ellison and Keelty had discussed the importance of this new evidence. Ellison's responses of 8th July and 13th July evaded the issue entirely. Neither Schapelle Corby, nor the Bali court, was ever provided with this vital information. It was wilfully withheld. In addition, Ellison had no intention of revealing the situation to Parliament. In a prepared response for the potential question “If asked whether the Australian Government is aware that Schapelle Corby’s boogie-board bag was not screened at Sydney Airport”, Ellison had pre-prepared the following evasive text: “The Australian Government is aware of comments about the screening of Ms Corby’s boogie-board bag at Sydney airport. Screening of checked baggage at the International Terminal at Sydney Airport is carried out by SACL. I understand SACL informed Ms Corby about this issue as early as October 2004. On 12th June 2005 the Minister for Justice and Customs wrote to Ms Corby’s lawyers suggesting they approach the operators of Sydney and Brisbane Airports regarding the handling of her luggage in Australia. I understand that SACL has had continued contact with Ms Corby’s lawyers about the handling of Ms Corby’s baggage. It is important to note that the screening for flights leaving Australia is undertaken for aviation security purposes. The screening process is not intended to detect drugs”. [No politician has even acknowledged this extraordinary, and damning, sequence of correspondence, even though it is on record and readily available. The Australian media has never reported it]

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EXAMPLE 2. On 8th October 2004, Schapelle Corby checked her bags in normally at Brisbane airport. There was no fuss, and no excess baggage charge.

Following her arrest in Bali, Schapelle Corby's lawyers asked directly about the weight of her bags, seeking to establish if there were any anomalies that might indicate an addition of between 4kg and 5kg, which was the approximate weight of the marijuana.

Qantas replied on 1st December 2004, providing only the total weight of her bags. It was flagrantly economical with the truth. The weight of her bags on the Qantas system was actually 5kg overweight, which should have incurred an excess baggage charge of $175. This was exactly, and self evidently, the sort of information which Schapelle Corby’s lawyers were desperately seeking.

Again, vital and critical evidence was withheld from Schapelle Corby, her lawyer, and the Bali court. Neither Qantas, nor Ellison’s department, which was co-coordinating responses, ever divulged it.

[No politician has even acknowledged this astonishing revelation, even though it remains on record and can be easily substantiated. Again, the Australian media has never reported it] EXAMPLE 3. Christopher Ellison was at the heart of Schapelle Corby's desperate efforts to secure forensic testing. In a bizarre sequence of events, the Indonesian National Police were very receptive to the general suggestion that the AFP should forensically test the marijuana. Ellison was personally informed of this by AFP briefing note 3286440.

Subsequently, Keelty visited his counterpart in Bali. However, according to the Indonesian police, no specific request for testing was forthcoming. This was also confirmed by a DFAT briefing note dated 21st December 2004.

Further, Parliament was told directly that the AFP did not have the expertise to test the marijuana, even though it had originally offered this to assist the INP, and even though a forensic expert in Australia had offered to perform the tests (again, on record). Alarmingly, Parliament was also told that the INP had rejected the request. Both these stories were entirely false.

Schapelle Corby openly pleaded for the forensic testing of her bag, and particularly, the marijuana found within. Her lawyers wrote to the Australian government, detailing a list of the specific tests required (letter dated 3rd December 2004). She directly asked the Australian consulate (consulate file note dated 4th December 2004). She asked the court repeatedly, as also recorded by DFAT file notes of February and March 2005. She pleaded with the prosecutor directly in front of the media.

However, on 24th May 2006, in a letter to a constituent, whilst inexcusably defending the burning of the primary evidence by the Indonesians, Ellison stated that, “The Bali court, on its own authority, or upon application by Ms Corby, could also authorise a request for forensic assistance. No such request was made, either by the Indonesian authorities or by Ms Corby.”

Ellison was well aware that Schapelle Corby did make such a request, repeatedly. His statement was totally and utterly false.

[No politician has even acknowledged this, even though his central role in the marijuana testing affair can easily be substantiated. Again, the Australian media has never reported it]

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EXAMPLE 4. On 23rd August 2005, Schapelle Corby's Indonesian lawyer wrote a formal letter to Ellison, Downer and Howard, stating directly that her 20-year sentence was discriminatory in nature. He cited examples of Indonesians receiving a fraction of that time, including for offences involving hundreds of kilograms of marijuana. The letter was not even acknowledged. Indeed, the Australian government continued to present the sentence as though it was wholly within normal parameters, and equally, continued to dismiss the clear and documented abuses at the trial itself. Numerous direct comments, by Foreign Minister Alexander Downer in particular, are on public record. In 2012, Indonesian human rights campaigner, Arifin Wardiyanto, undertook a significant research effort, identifying dozens of marijuana-related cases via examination of the Supreme Court database. He tabulated these and demonstrated that Schapelle Corby's sentence far exceeded that of all Indonesians, not only convicted for similar amounts, but many times greater. Her sentence was at least 4x higher per kilogram of marijuana than that imposed on any Indonesian. All this information was sent to the Australian government. It was ignored.

[No politician has even acknowledged this, or any of the other discriminatory abuses perpetrated against Schapelle Corby, and the Australian media has never reported it] EXAMPLE 5. Ellison, in fact, was also at the heart of an entire series of disturbing events, all of which were extremely damaging to Schapelle Corby and her family. The three examples below were selected from many:

1) The PowderGate affair unfolded on 1st June 2005, directly after the verdict and unprecedented 20-year sentence. In a nutshell, flour was sent to the Indonesian embassy in Sydney with a note written in Bahasa which bore no reference at all to Schapelle Corby. Immediately, the government accused supporters of Schapelle Corby of a “murderous attack”, instantly dampening public anger and support for her. However, at 6:35pm on the same day, the AFP’s national manager of intelligence sent an email to Ellison. This was marked URGENT. It was very clear. It explained in simple terms that the substance was only gram bacilli, a commonly occurring bacteria. What did Ellison do, armed with the information that this was merely one of many white-powder hoaxes, which occurred in Australia each month? Nothing. The false story was allowed to roll around the world, and syndication continued across Australia for days.

2) After the original trial, two Australian QC’s were pressed upon the Corby family by the government, in time for the appeal. Whilst it was difficult to understand how two non-Indonesian speaking lawyers could actually provide practical assistance, government ministers were forceful, with the media repeatedly citing it as significant “help”, pressuring the family further. In the middle of the appeal, one of them, Mark Trowell, fatally undermined her prospects when he made a series of unsubstantiated allegations against her defence team, accusing them of seeking funds for bribes. He offered no evidence whatsoever, even though he and the Australian government must have been well aware that this was, in fact, the modus operandi in that nation. Mark Trowell, on oath, later stated that he was working for the Australian government all along. He was a Liberal Party member, and long term friend and colleague of, Ellison.

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3) Schapelle Corby needed every cent of revenue from her book, “My Story”. This was intended to pay for medication, food, and for an extra-ordinary legal appeal. On 8th November 2006, the AFP began a large-scale investigation and extensive surveillance operation, reporting to the Minister of Justice and Customs, Ellison. The outcome was a politically driven ‘proceeds of crime’ case, which many consider to have subverted the judiciary itself. It was held in secret, with Schapelle Corby having no representation whatsoever. Indeed, she wasn’t even aware of it, nor was any other Corby family member. It also extended Australian legal reach beyond Australian borders. The money was duly seized. Even worse, this occurred whilst Schapelle Corby was still in legal-process in Indonesia. The signal to Jakarta, that she was considered, by Canberra, to have committed a crime, could hardly have been mistaken. Schapelle Corby remains the only person in Australian history to have had book revenue seized under ‘proceeds of crime’ legislation.

These represent just a handful of examples from many, most of which are fully documented on The Expendable Project’s website. [Whilst Ellison’s conduct has been repeatedly drawn to the attention of government and politicians, including through the formal submission of a Crime Report, no comment has ever been forthcoming. The Australian media has never reported this pattern of events, the existence of the Crime Report, or even the existence of The Expendable Project itself]

These illustrative examples represent a tiny fraction of the hundreds of recorded incidents, involving ministers, government agencies, and other related parties. However, every approach to the Australian government has been rebuffed, without any form of rationale or sustainable explanation. The information and evidential proof have, without exception, been ignored and demonstrably evaded by every domestic authority it has been submitted to. Equally, for a case which has attracted so much media coverage and sensationalism, the verified facts have never been reported, and the collective body of core material has not even been referenced. The activities of the state-owned ABC, and the impact of initial ministerial briefings, have created a cultural prejudice, which has been sustained through unremitting and unfettered false reporting. The Australian government is unwilling to acknowledge, confront, or address, any single incident of abuse or corruption, in relation to this case, no matter how stark or conclusively evidenced. The implication of this is that its position is calculated and wilful. It is thus in breach of its own statutes, and of the international norms and protocols it is committed to, and to which it presents itself as supportive of.

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All signatories can be verified as authentic via:, Inc. 275 Shoreline Drive STE 300, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA.

Steve Bedrosian Oklahoma USA eva Smit balkbrug Netherlands andrew edgerton whitchurch UK Wim Zunnebeld Ceilhes France Bebe Bragg Artarmon Australia Paula Tuttle Sapello USA Jonas Vasey Rosenau France pascal delcambe Verviers Belgium kym french HEATHCOTE Australia Jackie Travia DARWIN Australia Erin Kuhns Alcove Canada helen gordon Taupo New Zealand Sonja Gribble Perth Australia Maureen Mulholland Melbourne Australia Tracie Redmond St. John's Canada Lynne Clark Naples USA charlotte hurry Brisbane Australia Bonnie Thompson Lakeland USA Robin Cook Christchurch New Zealand Anne Simpson Bunbury Australia Belinda Jones Calne UK BROOKE GRAHAM Bensville Australia Shaun Leonard Macclesfield UK David Colquhoun Old Saybrook USA Michael Kirkby Toronto Canada Angie Worth macclesfield UK Kim Bax Cedar Vale Australia Sheree Krider Cave City USA Marie Siochana Brisbane Australia kelly rahach Richmond USA Bernard McClafferty Dundurrabin Australia Alene Wenkoff Wakefield Canada Zach Mason Sydney Australia Tess Snowley Burwood East Australia Chum R Maple Ridge Canada Sherriy Brown Cleveland USA Gabrielle Holmefjord Bergen Norway Narimasa Okada Gifu Japan michael roberts Rockingham Australia Robyn Christine Glss Hse Mtns Australia scott picken brighton Australia Britany Jo Maple Ridge Canada Michael Turner Modbury Nth Australia Gavin Rider Berwick Australia Teri Bradshaw Davoren Park Australia Paula Nairn Nelson New Zealand Paul Harrod Mandurah Australia Brett Holland California USA robyn Galley melb Australia Christine Col Maple Ridge Canada Judy Kyle Christchurch UK sarah bentein Oudenburg Belgium Elvira Vallon Hove UK Orla Whalley kenilworth UK Sophie Crane Antwerp Belgium Jan Cox jh Belgium Lisa Børglum Ry Denmark Brendan Burns Belfast Ireland andrew farr Porlamar Venezuela Mark Aldiss Harlech UK Anthony Hill Bergen Norway

Geraldene Munnik Cologne Germany Caligastia The Devil Hell Australia James Gentry Brighton Australia Lachlan Sard Sydney Australia Rick Reude Washougal USA wayne mullins napier New Zealand Emily Sultan Austin USA milan chab hopkinton USA matt todd morgan hill USA Janet Green Croydon S Australia Patrick Koenig winona USA Dedorah McDonald Holts Summit USA Susan Williams Norman USA Paul Harrod mandurah Australia Val Fitzgerald Grand Prairie USA Ralph Famularo Kumatori-cho Japan M. Treib Las Vegas USA Marcus Davis Chicago USA John Stone marysville USA David Chou Moreland Hlls USA kevin patafie ottawa Canada rodney carr maffra Australia Robert Dallie Perth Australia Mark Jordan East Oakliegh Australia R LeBlanc Moncton Canada Dave BODNARASZE BASSE GOUL’ France A Stephenson Russell Vale Australia Brian Drzonek Barrington USA Suzzan Koina Sunshine Cst Australia Katherine Turmel Chilliwack Canada Brendan Czepulkowski Newman Australia Eva Vass Chelsea Hts Australia Billy Zig Baulkham Hls Australia Katrina Olsen Yarram Australia sam alwahan annangrove Australia Megan Judge Baulkham hls Australia David Cole Arlington USA Sue Marcon Skennars Hd Australia stef ayala ottawa Canada Bernadette Gibson Melboiurne Australia Noel Howard Oxford UK Jeremy Goodchild Penshurst Australia Claudia Rink alsbach Germany Kevin Stritzinger Austin USA Zoe B Cleaveland USA Jatarra James Cape Coral USA Alan Murdoch Bororen Australia John Edwards Biarra Australia John Greig Maroochydre Australia Jacqueline Stevenson Benfleet UK Kate O'Hara Sai Kung Hong Kong Jo Spanhel Oyster Bay Australia Simon Begley Narangba Australia ira sanden Hamburg Germany David Sharpe Seven Hills Australia Melissa Lolatgis Melbourne Australia Daniel Sutton Leeds UK Belinda Love Lennox Head Australia sascha dragaschnig villach Austria karl stephenson Hull UK Paul den Ronden Brisbane Australia

Page 11: Legal & Human Rights Abuses Perpetrated By The Australian Government

Bill C Kempten Germany Patricia Vermaat Hertogenbosch Netherlands Sergio Zaza Hamilton Hill Australia Shun Hatton Fannie Bay Australia Sarah Monsalve Bogota Colombia Fiona Huxley Jarrahdale Australia Robyn Morgan Southport Australia Nils Lunde Eidsvoll Norway Ciara Fitzgerald Arklow Ireland Esmarald Siersema Franeker Netherlands Douglas McMichael Peru USA Les Martin Dublin Ireland Robin Mercer McClaery USA Ewa Dybal Warsaw Poland Don Oliver E Devonport Australia Patricia Garcia Ces Buenos Aires Argentina kevin carbone westmont USA Harald Kampffmeyer Berlin Germany Michelle Singleton Kadina Australia John Tolomeo Uki Australia Erwin Verhoeven Bergen op Zm Netherlands andrea hall rotherham UK huang zhen matter Cuba Steve Johnson Perth Australia Darrel Johnston Edmond USA Catherine Clancy Wirrabara Australia Andrea Borbas Toowoomba Australia peter giles auckland New Zealand Brad Carter Sydney Australia bryan leersen mildura Australia Roy Reeves Kooralbyn Australia Gavin Hughes Melbourne Australia Allen Wilson Singleton Australia ELIZA MITCHELL SOUTH YARRA Australia Brian Germein Maleny Australia Ed Laurson Denver USA John Waite Byron Bay Australia Diana Keelen Palmdale USA Vytautas Zobernis La Garde Frnt France Howard heminger Ontario USA Paul Albrecht Phila. USA Timothy O'Neill Brisbane Australia Nicole Schoolmeester Bredene Belgium liam keenan adelaide Australia kevin smith melbourne Australia luke charles Ammanford UK R H Alkmaar Netherlands Carolyn Harris Currawarna Australia kim schaefer Hilbert USA Matthew rowley lutwhich Australia jon clossick wst midlands UK TJ McCarthy Hampton Australia Brian Maxwell Edinburgh UK Che-Che Guevara George South Africa Byron Llanos Mississauga Canada Timothy MacLatchy kew Australia D. Cheetham Perth Australia Martin Walker Ellesmere Pt UK David Osman basildon UK Amy Ogilvy Melbourne Australia Rachael Bea Auckland New Zealand ross marlow san antonio USA Mary Blair Waynesfield USA Jonathan Smith Rockport USA Delwyn Babe Wurtulla Australia Rosa Myles Nelson New Zealand Suzanne Mason Waterloo Canada mark wade sunshine cst Australia Bonnie Westerlund Oregon Hse USA Rodney Harnett Amberley New Zealand Yolanda Bertaud Kalamata Greece

Melissa Rowan Karana Dns Australia Stephen Lowe Maleny Australia Esther Paschier Lalinde France billy mathews san diego USA Joe Sketchley Edmonton Canada Robert Marangon Boambee Est Australia Chris Swanwick Canberra Australia sarah young surbiton UK Christian Helm Burnley UK d fletcher manchester UK Molly Hall Savannah USA Josh Semrau GOLDN GRVE Australia kim jade pt lincoln Australia Peter Jeffery Shoalwater Australia Charles White dickinson USA brian joyce burlington USA frikkie swanepoel bloemfontein South Africa Megan Judge Bailkham Hills Australia Agnieszka Field Krakow Poland Tony Vandormael Sint-truiden Belgium david hill lalor melb Australia Beki Lynn Silverdale USA David Booth Nottignham UK bev sangsuwan phuket Thailand jakub drozd lidzbark Poland Timothy Ollerenshaw Folkestone UK Roger Gan prineville USA George Theobald Cooktown Australia Leanne Batson Perth Australia karen goold brisbane Australia Simone McArdell Hamilton Hill Australia James Fox Newry UK

Christopher Rooney Kilkeel UK grant lear sale VIC Australia Lana Werner Calgary Canada Michael McMahon Cobleskill, USA susan broe carlsen aalborg Denmark h black Ocean Shores Australia Krista Sharp Indooroopilly Australia david schiff Hong Kong Hong Kong Gary Peters East Liverpool USA Danna Hancock Sedona USA Melanie Woods Leicestershire UK Donna O'Shaughnessy East Sussex UK Family Kelly Stockholm Sweden Adam Cinemre Camberwell Australia Karen Fox Havelock Nth New Zealand Brett Johnson Ballarat Australia Bette Mason Leland USA Lianna Philip Brisbane Australia Anna Augustyniak Piaseczno Poland Holly Wright Sarnia Canada Dannielle Cabler AUSTIN USA Benny Jacobsen Frederiksberg Denmark Lee Ann Moore Oklahoma USA Krystal Olson Prince Rupert Canada simone kennedy swinton UK Heather Todd SYCAMORE USA cory vincent miami beach USA Jeannie Hansen Krusaa Denmark Cynthia Gimbrone Cattaraugus USA David McNeish York UK Lulu Atkinson Bath UK john Beck merriwa Australia David kirk Prnce George Canada Brandy G Metairie USA Wendy Maggs Hamilton New Zealand R Kennedy Sydney Australia Marijke Visser Wormer Netherlands karl noseda Colac Australia Amber Giard Paraparaumu New Zealand

Page 12: Legal & Human Rights Abuses Perpetrated By The Australian Government

Gregory Monk Puunene USA Victor Love Atlanta USA joseph beek calais USA Sherry Smith Deux-Montagnes Canada brian burns cork Ireland Lindsay Smith ocean Grove Australia Laura Yeats Agnes Water Australia Wanda Manuel Galloway USA camille bailey Whyalla Strt Australia Elizabeh Martinez Oakland USA shelley cookson Plasant Grden USA Peter Kralovic Bratislava Slovakia Johnny Plemens harriman USA Keith Gamble Dublin Ireland Ivan Soler Barcelona Spain Linus Forsberg BjurÃ¥ker Sweden Kim McNamara melbourne Australia Charles Boone Asheboro USA Eamonn Mulleady Hastings UK Marcy Adams Winfield Canada Kerstin KrÃger Banzin Germany Tereza Vitcheva Leuvan Belgium

Anne Cath Thormann salten them Denmark Natasha Leith Adelaide Australia Wendy Freer Scott's head Australia Sandy Brown Champaign USA Katrina Angus Falkirk UK Ursula Prinz Vienna Austria

Aleksandra Nowicka Warsaw Poland audra hughes Saint Joseph USA Bruce Dowdle Kenmore Australia liz moss manchester UK Susan Gabel Arvada USA lesley reed Marigot Guadeloupe joseph octavio mollendo Peru PaulIne Tsagopoulos PLAINVILLE Australia Andy Taylor Enfield Australia Kit Sirius Surry Hills Australia Reg Loft Curra Australia Keith Conway Limerick Ireland John WIlson Atlanta USA Suzanne Simmonds Surfers Paradise Australia allen percival Radlett UK kaz cook melbourne Australia Antoine Misran groningen Netherlands julie jackson Boonah Australia Karen Varsanis Glenfield Australia Karen Denzler Fairfax USA Kera McClung Blanket USA Rion Hakiwai Napier New Zealand Kerryn Elze Beachmere Australia Brian Ratzinger Oakville Canada erik phillips Spokane USA Priscilla Mathews Newman Australia Pip Bramich Adelaide Australia Dav Cena mission USA Garett Gaine Bangkok Thailand Judi Strega Truro UK Be Freer Byron bay Australia darryl shipp port victoria Australia Mark Bolton Margate Australia Magda Laas Cape Town South Africa Morten Bartholom Aalborg Denmark Sharon Bunce Mansfield Australia P Clements Stranraer UK maggie pule Warnbro Australia Brett Palmer Auckland New Zealand aaron Walton melb Australia matthew rullis pembrooke Australia julienne bourguignon Wilderen Belgium Alison Jenner Zurich Switzerland

femke mouwen son en breugel Netherlands pat murphy Dublin Ireland Jessica Boxer Wodonga Australia Theodore Andrews Philadelphia USA Pamela Freeman Bakewell NT Australia Brett Cananzi miami Australia terri flemming ewingsdale Australia P Freeborn Nimbin Australia Nicholas Peters Beltsville USA victoria maxwell perth Australia MARTHA JOSEPH Noumea N Caledonia Candice C WA Australia john crooks perth Australia Melissa Capell Johannesburg South Africa Gillian Sanderson JHB South Africa Isabella Boughen London UK charlotte laws perth Australia Kevin Cody Overland Pk USA Francisco Galliez Rio de Janeiro Brazil Diana Longhurst Blacktown Australia Diane Frola Brisbane Australia Benita Conway Doncaster E Australia Mario A Leblanc Varennes Canada PATRICK COY KANSAS CITY USA paul hayes dublin Ireland Anders K Christensen Rønne Denmark Katrina Romeo Melbourne Australia Debbie harvey Wellington UK James Kerridge Surrey UK mimi moonmawan chaingmai Thailand neil houston newcastle Australia earl matenga perth Australia Monica Boran Newport Bch USA peter dryden melbourne Australia santokh maan uitgeest Netherlands Mirko Hyytiäinen Kirkkonummi Finland matt james melbourne Australia John Tolomeo smiths creek Australia Elanna kolooth tempe Australia Barbara Maver Currie UK pamela duff doylestown USA Bruce Solberg Tijeras USA Susanne Karas Stockerau Austria Robert Ellard Tonbridge UK Rod Strad E Melbourne Australia rogel dias Antwerpen Belgium margaret day Houston USA G Scott Adelaide Australia K B noosa Australia Chris Charles Perth Australia Nicholas N Chin PERTH Australia Kobe Steele Bundall Australia Bev Pattenden Grafton Australia Harry Testoni Perth Australia A Lousie Perth Australia Jacqueline Williams Grafton Australia Beverley Holmes Grafton Australia eileen raman brisbane Australia Phill wood WA Australia michael mazur brunswick Australia Vern Eves West Tweed Australia Stuart Bedford Lithgow Australia Ian Simpson Sydney Australia Karen Christie Robina Australia Melissa Hughes Northam Australia Noel Gilbert Brisbane Australia Leonard Clampett Enoggera Australia Fay Burgess Carrara Australia Wayne Pedersen Seaford Australia LLLuciana Ricci Wollongong Australia Barry Gotro Sudbury Canada

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estelle larsen pt.pirie Australia Karin v Boheemen Vlijmen Netherlands Fiona Kyle Christchurch UK Morten Berg Ãrhus Denmark elliott nott sydney Australia John Newell Bellshill UK Fruzsina Balta Budapest Hungary Marcia Gibbs Fingal Head Australia Pearl Cutten Aarhus Denmark Kylie Fleming Newman Australia Margaret vBlommestein Boonah Australia Meredith Rouse Neenah USA K Lawrence N Somerset UK brenda pease Franconia USA Hayley Austin Kent UK michael skillcorn durham UK Ruby Davjs Troup USA ashlee Thompson Mullumbimby Australia Eleanor Evans London UK Joseph Kinyon Fairfield USA Trichelle Susila Melton West Australia Han Barkmeyer Holloways Bch Australia Pam Boland Grovetown USA Maureen King Lane Cove Australia Allan Street WYONG Australia john mariani melbourne Australia Peter Laszlo Castlemaine Australia Beate Ahlberg Morayfield Australia Luke Hladky Burnnett Hds Australia Jason Davis Crystal Lake USA Thinne rasmussen copenhagen Denmark Susanne Hansen Falster Denmark narelle redman eleebana Australia Terri Flemming byron bay Australia Nicholas Peters Beltsville USA Rebecca Whiteley Bangor Australia Rob Mustac Alfords Point Australia Monica Mesch Kamerunga Australia simona blatman Melb Australia Shaz Hughes BALLAJURA Australia Benny Rees Bristol UK Andrew Crisp Auckland New Zealand Jeanne Barnes Kununurra Australia Debra Jayne BACCHUS MASH Australia simon meola duranbah Australia shirley morris alanya Turkey Steevin Harper Melbourne Australia Alison Appleby St Marcel France Beinta Rasmussen Sandavágur Faroe Islands lisa harrison Thirroul Australia adriana huls Broome Australia Svetlana Brzica Caroline Sprngs Australia Charlotte Haeusler Wellington New Zealand Rebecca Golder-Cullen Auckland New Zealand Jorjiah D'Arcy Port Douglas Australia Penny Hetherington Ballarat Australia

magdalena lau-nelles chch New Zealand Marie Siochana Brisbane Australia Coralie Foreman Perth Australia paul thompson cardiff UK natalie jones macclesfield UK

Gwendolyn Sky Cave Junction USA Wendy Maggs Hamilton New Zealand naomi hughes bylong Australia Kayla Adams Winfield Canada Craig Hennebry Hamilton New Zealand vicki sangwell maryborough Australia mick gardner lancaster UK lesley thompson kaitaia New Zealand Robyn Sullivan San Francisco USA Keith Edlin victoria Australia

Tanya Dean Sydney Australia peter kelly Medowie Australia Grant Barlow gembrook Australia Rhonda Bird Hanahan USA Andrew Katelaris carlingford Australia bill joiner batemans bay Australia l cameron edinburgh UK Iain Fugue Edinburgh UK paul mcdonald Auckland New Zealand Alice Wedderburn Edinburgh UK Philip Wise SAN ANTONIO USA Janine Pool Almelo Netherlands Soda Lee Perth Australia Donna-Jane McKeich waikiki Australia Lisa Christofferson DALTON USA Anne Kühlem Weiler Germany Jason O'Dwyer Madrid Spain Sharon Tobe Highland Vlge USA mike hoffman Portland USA ana wertz ramona USA Patrick Edwards Weston s Mare UK Ashline Delaney Newry UK Martin Williams Sudbury UK dolan mackenzie aberdeen UK Florin Ionescu Brasov Romania Jarrad Hood churchill Australia Shelley Nilsson Livingston USA KELLY ANDREWS KENT UK Christine Sindt Traralgon Australia chantal schmeets heerlen Netherlands Dennis Greenway Medford USA Priscilla Gonzales Lake Arrowhd USA Donna Greene Perth Australia Amy Ashton Como Australia Henriette Leth Svendborg Denmark Lisa Klinkhart crestline USA Helen van Gorkum Beckenham Australia jared pyke gilberton Australia John Smith Roselands Australia Trev Field Phillip Island Australia Rose Brown Sunbury Australia Gabriel Serlenga Turners Falls USA Vanessa Murray Rsvenswood Australia Geertje Postma Almere Netherlands Don ch uxbridge Canada Sandra Lawler Mullumbimby Australia mile kit amsterdam Netherlands Dana-Leigh Tomada Kamloops Canada Katrin Shen Ulm Germany George Rallis Tullamarine Australia alex wilson kwinana Australia Linda Swanson Gilwern UK Zara Weston Kelso Australia jeffrey love brantford Canada Carolyn Cavana Willagee Australia Cristin Kearney Margate Australia Renee Lovell Nelson New Zealand Jon miller wilson ave Canada Lena Olsson Malmà Sweden Janis Ferguson Gold Coast Australia angela barr niagara falls Canada Henrik Bank Aulum Denmark Julie Prud'Homme Vaudreuil-D Canada Pauline Richards Nottingham UK rina calander deurne Belgium Hambalkó Róbert Katymár Hungary Ingrid de Keijzer Nieuwkoop Netherlands James Ross Toledo USA Lindsay Ellwood Co Durham UK Catrina Colchester Vancouver Canada Paul Reynolds Hillarys Australia

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beatrice de filippis Sana'a Yemen Mark Sanders Hebron USA Dianna Iannuzzi APOPKA USA Ronald Berluchaux Kenner USA Lisa James Maianbar Australia Andre Rodriguez Orangeburg USA Don Moeser Jr Dupo USA Ryan Connor Perth Australia Susan King Nw Smyrna Bch USA Jennifer Knotsmed Lima USA Glen Reedman Brisbane Australia Natasha C Melbourne Australia Jeramie Nickerson Halifax Canada david ardron gold coast Australia Connie Bauer Kirkland USA Andy Andrews Wells UK glenn phillips copenhagen Denmark James Davis Lively Canada Cynthia Mack Jerusalem Palestinian T Ben McIlroy London UK Ben White Svaneke Denmark Liz Jones Penrith Australia gabriella rusticali Forli Italy aaron friedrichs bribie is. Australia Andrew Davie Ringwwod Australia Doris Welsh Prince George Canada Enrico Rusticali Calgary Canada justin chellis ayr Australia Peter Haley Perth Australia Elijah Pendergraft Durham USA Vasile Tanasiciuc melbourne Australia Chris Warren Melbourne Australia Derek Condon Glasgow UK Jason Man elenora Australia Susan Macdonald London UK Kenneth lewis swannanoa USA John Verbeek Jadag Netherlands Dawn DeVinney Sugar Land USA Henry Af SOvereign Gbg Sweden Alison Myrden Burlington Canada John Lawlor Dublin Ireland anne Holloman Virginia Beach USA Stephane Bibeau Chateauguay Canada joe scott not for you UK brian s chapman walhalla USA Anthony Wallace Lubbock USA Carsten G. Feldkrichen Austria Karl Bayer Taree Australia Mark Rowen Torrington Australia John Stevenson Las Vegas USA Leah Gilleland Medina Australia David Sedlar Hinchinbrook Australia jamie peterson northampton UK bernard mcclafferty dundurrabin Australia Cat Cou Toronto Canada Lilianna Przybek Toronto Canada Thomas Stoute Beaverton USA Dean Farry San Ramon USA rohan morris Brunswick Australia BRENT PAINTER BRANTFORD Canada James Myjak Scottsdale, USA Jitana Lyall Melbourne Australia Earl Thornton III Bothell USA Ron Marks Lillooet Canada Evan Rainer katoomba Australia CMiykeilah Roberts Woodinville USA Keith Rolfe Ourimbah Australia Chris Bland Bendigo Australia Jon Vernon Sydney Australia Wendy Newhall Brookfield USA matthew lambert newport Australia

Peter Hynes Greymouth New Zealand Michele Berger Mandurah Australia Crystal DeSilva Forest Lake Australia elisabeth rex Holte Denmark Anna Stoutjesdijk Eindhoven Netherlands Matt Kenney Perth Australia karina jones matthews USA Walter Biggerstaff Taylors USA Ursula Prinz Vienna Austria Chris Nichols Ormeau Australia karen ford toms river USA DIRK KENDRICK ROSWELL USA Michael Vantriet Kelmscott Australia bruce clarke stanthorpe Australia Marjon Brugmanm Doetinchem Netherlands Mike Schmidtt London UK YOTAM PUR TEL AVIV Israel Vester Thacker Yamato Japan Melanie Cobb Havant UK j s dalat Viet Nam matthew rowley Lutwyche Australia Lys Porter Melbourne Australia Rachael Jackson Queanbeyan Australia Christine van der Molen Leeuwarden Netherlands Jeannie Iredale Alexandra Australia emanuel roman melbourne Australia alex gaskell bolton UK Isabella Pinna Milan Italy

walchshauser Henia Munich Germany Julie Fletcher Strahan Australia Linda Johnson Tuncurry Australia Christy Vigil Denver USA tariq jahan birmingham UK Brandi Blanchard Columbia USA Ben Brok Utrecht Netherlands Nicole Moss gold coast Australia John Butler murfreesboro USA Mary Nightingale Rotherham UK Mark Elvin Dunedin New Zealand andrew miller Ipswich UK sara vaughan Blackwood UK Ingrid Mulholland Melbourne Australia Steven Higgins Southsea UK michael mulder amsterdam Netherlands wendy davis visalia USA Petroes Opdam Amsterdam Netherlands Rob Mulholland Gisborne Australia Heather Jennings BALCATTA Australia Stevan Nikolic NiÅ¡ Serbia & Mont’o

nicola ziebarth gold coast Australia john clark galway Ireland David Gardiner Perth Australia Kathleen Williamson Tuntable Crk Australia oonagh schokker swinford Ireland Andrew Kirby darlington UK Adrian Hicks Mansfield Pk Australia Michael McDonald Mirboo Nth Australia Tim Rothschild tappan USA P Clark Byron Australia Moira Thompson Stanley UK Robert Egelstaff Haverfordwest UK Paygh Stedman Wainwright Canada Franca Morani Takaka New Zealand Shawn Bell Lackawanna USA WH Lindemann Whistler Canada Kim Gabriel Fort Collins USA lisa bowman hertfordshire UK Christine Fallon Blaenau Ffstin’g UK Clark Flavour Vestfold Norway Rhonda Banditt Boonah Australia Michael Howell Mooroolbark Australia

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Russell Scott Sydney Australia Scott Barbour Sinnamon Pk Australia Margaret Williams Swan View Australia Anna Hint Waynesboro USA manjit rattu wolverhampton UK Gordon Barth Dewey USA kenny mackay inveraray UK darren green Tunbridge Wls UK David Anthony Waxahachie USA Rom Tom Guelph Canada Justin Jezewski Chicago USA Lachlan Cotter Mckellar Thailand George Heagle edmonton Canada Tina Parsons Millbridge Australia Pierre Fortin New London USA Giuseppe Palazzolo Staten Island USA Ben Goudge Melbourne Australia bret nelli bunbury Australia Rob Santich Avalon Australia Leo Bunyan Merimbula Australia Stephen Penniket Dunedin New Zealand janice barber dalyellup Australia sandra cairns dandenong n Australia Steven Serena Croydon Australia isabel canhola porto Portugal angela toohey Brsbane Australia Richard Windley Bridlington UK David Anderson Yarraville Australia Grant James Melbourne Australia Brenda Gorlee Hoorn Netherlands Andre Cheeseboro CO SPGS USA Bryan Frns Copenhagen Denmark Cynthea LaCroix Lamar USA Andre Cheeseboro Colorado Springs USA Robert Hickman W Yorkshire UK isabel fernandes perafita Portugal jamie stewart aberdeen UK Daniel Skoric Sydney Australia Rafael Asevedo Brasilia Brazil jonathan naylor manchester UK Adam Hodge Adelaide Australia Larry B Chatham Canada karen jones clifton USA shane mcnamara swindon UK Pieter Koppen Rowville Australia Ian Kean Carrara Australia Shane Edgecombe Nelson New Zealand David Hindin Goonengerry Australia Ben Bravenboer Strathpine Australia Mark Bell Northgate Australia Craig Cypress Manchester UK Terell Banks Mesa USA Rob Hay St. Albert Canada Maitland Gill Kambalda W Australia merrill easton Coburg Australia Tina Keys Valla Beach Australia David Bell Nowhere Australia Robin Coulon Berkeley USA rachel mackenzie adelaide Australia Lynne Williams Sydney Australia Jasmine Quick warrell creek Australia David Garrett Upr Mt Gravatt Australia Patricia v.d. Sterren 's-Hertogenbosch Netherlands Debra Bos Lincoln, USA Uwe Haselau Thora Australia Jay Beer Brisbane Australia Max Hatton Fannie Bay Australia Inge vo Koksijde Belgium kata vazir CARL FISHER USA Mahesh Bhardwaj State College USA john beardsworth welwyn garden UK

Debbie Simmons Crawley UK Kate Bridgebank Coolum Bch Australia amy dunn acworth USA martijn warren kangaroo pnt Australia brett cunningham Bundaberg Australia Stephanie Watson West Hobart Australia Tracey Moore Mt Nasura Australia hayja perisa bentleigh Australia Chris Shannon Perth Australia Desiree Marx Sth Windsor Australia Nigel Phillips Swansea UK tony blauch lebanon USA Ricardo Lemos Brisbane Australia Phillip Davis Penshurst Australia Robert Hoogenboom Cremorne Pnt Australia Jacqueline Bresee Hendersonville USA kevin perandis Chinderah Australia Emma Terracini Sydney Australia Nathan Herries Vail USA Ellen Nieuwenhuijsen Leeuwarden Netherlands Anna Dzierla ÅerkÃw Poland John Lewis jamisontown Australia Christian Kiteley Sarnia Canada Sandra Widnall Harrogate UK Kane Williams Crime Church New Zealand leonie silva surry hills Australia dominic kirk frankston Australia Andrea Pigden Surrey UK David Britten Farnham UK christine schiffer forestlake Australia Gary Lewis Skelmersdale UK Roger Penney Gosport UK richard nicholls bristol UK Karen Hetherington Philadelphia USA Emma Knott sydney Australia michael unger medicine hat Canada Maxine Page Mnt Mitchell Australia Shirley Elliott Dublin 7 Ireland Azure Campbell Scarborough Canada Lauren Allender Melbourne Australia Emma Collins Essex UK Alessandra Ferrari London UK Carole Addison Bristol UK Mik Massingham Seaview Dns Australia Mary-May Tanilon kilburn Australia Louise Milton Yass Australia Velvet Martini Adelaide Australia Heikki Pekkanen Karkkila Finland olly molar whyalla Australia Rick Poulis Adelaide Australia NATHAH SMITH banksia park Australia steven may brisbane Australia stacey birke paralowie Australia Mark Dutton Lyndoch Australia adrian L bribane Australia Brock Hindley port broughton Australia Mary C Adelaide Australia Paul James Pooraka Australia Andrew OBrien Cheltenham Australia Simone Sarunic North haven Australia Kerry Walmsley Belmont Australia Anthony Federico Keilor Park Australia Helju Bland Shipley UK James Rathey Basel Switzerland Stephen Franze New Canaan USA paul popov groningen Netherlands Robert O'Connell E Rochester USA deanna klastow utica USA Sarah Kirkwood Perth Australia Elane Hartley Seoul Korea, Rep Of Pilar Sola Brussels Belgium

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Carol Bacon Bridlington UK Eamonn Connaire launceston Australia Dave Burgess Branxton Australia a pettinger righmond UK Stuart Foxwell Glasgow UK Arna Garcia seattle USA Julia miles herts UK Kelly Hall Brighton UK paul imison vancouver Canada Jas Kaur Narrandera Australia Jackie Delaney Katoomba Australia Missy Ralph CRYSTAL RIVER USA Jake Cheeseman Camira Australia Rady Ananda Columbus USA Robbie Brounscheidel Appleton USA Georgia D Neutral Bay Australia Lirhazel Evans Mullumbimby Australia Maggie Kerr Gold Coast Australia willow bell brunswick hds Australia jordan whiteley adelaide Australia Robert Greenaway Taber Canada danijela coha london UK michael galusha nashville USA Karen Angus Belgian Grdens Australia Donna Nelson Umina Australia Cara Fernihough Jurien Bay Australia Paul Gibson Alicante Spain Darrin Thompson Bali Indonesia Dean Attrill Perth Australia Juanita Tabe Katherine Australia Mark Taylor Parkerville Australia R Mott Sydner Australia Troy Middleton Inverell Australia Mahesh Bhardwaj State College USA Annick Watté Deinze Belgium joseph aduwa Bournemouth UK Linda Stauffer Winston USA Anne Williams Missouri USA Ross Geal brighton UK Ian Cosgrave Kings Langley Australia Anna Wyderka Gliwice Poland Robert Maddock Clarkson Australia Mary Trainor-Brigham Wolfeboro USA Nola Worsley Glenorchy Tas Australia petru bunea timisoara Romania Wayne Woodward Colorado Springs USA Angela Ja Belgrade Serbia & Mont’o

saye adams edmonds USA Nina Browning Trowbridge UK lorna hunter maclean Australia Jenny Cass Cadnam UK Sari Eklund Espoo Finland yvonne brown glasgow UK rose nicholas Bangalow Australia Elizabeth Denison roseburg USA patricia mccormick sydney Canada Christian Osterholm Agedrup Denmark Rosie Hackett Crestline USA Susanne Zonneveld GÃteborg Sweden Rus Hash Adelaide Australia Hans Zellenrath Capelle aan den Netherlands Jean-Paul Ruhr Kinglake Australia Colin Baker N.s.w Australia karen shaw Adelaide Australia Daniel Carter rosehill Australia nigel penfold chch New Zealand neil stonebanks glasgow UK Claire Tulloch Lerwick UK Cynthia Lewis Weaverville USA Richard Spooner Birmingham UK kirsty willow haverfordwest UK

clark mcclafferty Dundurrabin Australia Anna Deane Toronto Canada Shola Kunawat Bangkok Thailand lou romeo Nowra Australia Kathleen Ipsen Yallourn Nrth Australia Jules Riding Auckland New Zealand christina dimi melbourne Australia Kelly Rooney Morwell Australia Robert Fahey Moonah Australia margarita migues Coogee Australia Paul Diskin Dublin Ireland Rodger Prescott Colorado Sprngs USA David welch camdenpoint USA Donna Burnham Kelowna Canada P Bater Auckland New Zealand Kenneth Lavallee Nambour Australia georgia falconer bendigo Australia dario fabbri vienna Austria sÃren johansson Stockholm Sweden liisa orr yule street Australia elliot knott sydney Australia damian privett Pappinbarra Australia Kim Lacey Adelaide Australia Diane Westbrook Glenwood Australia Vic Metz Geel Belgium landon sealey Lantzville Canada Coral Anderson Malua Bay Australia Agata Koszalinska Lodz Poland Paul Young Vic Park Australia Trevor Berry Elanora Australia Liesl Jones Coorparoo Australia Donna R Melbourne Australia Ingrid Morrow Kenmore Australia Darrin Baldwin Gordon Park Australia Damien Lane Lithgow Australia Melissa Glasgow bena Australia Mark Johnson Cambridge UK John Barnes Sydney Australia Dee Smith Wotton u edge UK Tina Lambeth Matthews USA Charlotte Currie St Helier UK David Elsden Chatham UK tristan baker frankston Australia Jamie Barnes albion park rail Australia T Ormsby Tanah Merah Australia Kim Voltz CRESTMEAD Australia Carol Logan Erskine pk Australia Patricia Mullen Strabane UK Gayle Green Fremantle Australia nigel rigby accrington UK Greg Mole Booval Australia Jason Gard Boaton USA planard yves bourg st France sonia grothe S Pambula Australia Sheree Wilk Birtinya Australia Malti Khurana Foothill Rnch USA Barbara Sessions Auckland New Zealand Guy Johnstone Nth Tamborine Australia Cassandra A Thomas Main Beach Australia Tony Illingworth BERRI Australia Marleen Amstrup Gjerlev Denmark Karmeela Berry Gold Coast Australia kylie rendell victoria park Australia Sara Gaudreau Sudbury Canada Debra Maley Bunbury Australia Colin Ector Tallebudgera Australia Kimberly Northcutt Ada, USA marion ruhrmann co Hong Kong Si Lam Beijing China Ray Croft Sellicks Australia Matthew Egeressy Melbourne Australia

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kevin clohessy Co. Clare Ireland samson williamson Austin USA Corina Moisa Ham. Hill Australia Stephanie Li West Haven USA Rudi Duke-Jackson East London South Africa Jim Thurgood Brisbane Australia Helene Kippert Northcliffe Australia Tony Van De Steeg Adelaide Australia Graham Sharples East London South Africa david benben berkeley USA linda fitton kanwal Australia E Zilverberg Hoogeveen Netherlands Alanna Coombs Milton Canada Chris Mitchell Madrid Spain Giovanna Gerencser Coquitlam Canada Alison Eastment Eglinton Australia Jodie Henderson Granville Australia afshan madan Gurgaon India Kayleigh Hill Oviedo USA Clint Peel Boulder Australia Dianne Mansell CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand Laurence Cote Gatineau Canada Zac Harris Aloha USA julie dando staffordshire UK KATHY NIMCHESKI LOMPOC USA Birgit Rollingswier Leeuwarden Netherlands anand Badal leeuwarden Netherlands Ross Currie Kerobokan Indonesia mike gonzalez grand isle USA Adrienne Currie Hartwell Australia Andre Bester johannesburg South Africa Edwin Adkins Copenhagen Denmark Angela Pearson Brisbane Australia Gabriela Milicz Gliwice Poland Nicole Jarmain Sunshine Acres Australia Geoffrey Whitlock Gosnells Australia Leanna Henderson Durham USA sarah clyde Stafford UK Carolyn Heppner Buffalo USA Isabelle Cholet London UK Lesley Unger Applecross Australia Kimberly Northcutt ADA USA tammy lindberg lancaster USA Glenn Berger Merrylands Australia Harry Zwart Para Vista Australia david cook Brisbane Australia Dianne Moore Auckland New Zealand Ricky Jefferyes Sunnybank Hills Australia Elaine Green Wakefield UK Amy Evans Sanctuary Pnt Australia Jenine Carnell Varsity Lakes Australia john crooks perth Australia Ingrid van offel Koksijde Belgium Brad Senese melbourne Australia Harry Schlanger Frankston Australia Tina McLean McKail Australia Linda Harvey Sunshine Bch Australia Ian Stewart London Canada Lauren Allender Melbourne Australia Rhian Cotter Invercargill New Zealand Rebecca Freidman Camp Hill Australia george thomson stirling Australia Diana Taylor Gwandalan Australia Fiona Johnston beverly hills USA Leland Hackett Artesia USA Jason Koltz Toronto Canada Brent Wadley Edmonton Canada Kay Kamanos Edmonton Canada Greg Pearson Prince George Canada Al Matis London Canada David Wiley Minot USA

jarrad cornish brisbane Australia Jenny Moore Downpatrick UK elaine Hannigan dublin Ireland Graham Lowther Jackson USA Darcy Delaproser Wicklow Ireland susan rose Whyalla Australia melissa reed blountville USA martyna medrek Naas Ireland Alexandra Deziel Montreal Canada Jamie Broberg Richland USA Melissa England Doncaster Est Australia DOUG POWELL Nerang Australia Jo-anne Waters Whyalla Australia Jane Scarsbrook Sydney Australia Joseph Schoonroodt Nidrum Belgium lora stock Melb Australia Davin Larsen Brassall Australia R vd Heide groningen Netherlands Robert olafsson reykjavÃk Iceland Yakov Fleshler Helsinki Finland donna butler Adelaide Australia Angela Grabish Coolum Bch Australia Laureen Hearne Ayr Australia Troy Olsen Margaret River Australia Jeanette Ardika Armadale Australia Alis Jacob Port Melbourne Australia emanuela casadei riccione Italy nene senior cairns Australia Stefanie Fischer Amsterdam Netherlands Claudia Schraps Dachau Germany louise simpson Hibaldstow UK Melina Milly Doetinchem Netherlands Rose Brown Sunbury Australia Mandy Berthaly Tamworth Australia Guirec Monier Nantes France franya lummas Perth Australia michael perryman bristol UK Sean Stevenson Invercargill New Zealand sonnie groombridge south fremantle Australia Kara Ruddell Jensen Australia Tremora H Golden square Australia Darren McCudden Cardiff Australia Lotte Jensen Bargara Australia Andrea McArdle London UK Haley Macdonald Perth Australia Rochelle Robinson london UK mary lawrence Franklinford Australia Melissa Foster Somerset USA Vicki Tindall Browns Plains Australia doreen acevedo woodstock USA Lorraine Lovell Irchester UK erin mcevilly Lyons Australia Win Gordon Channel Islands UK Cohen Glass Amberley New Zealand Zac Conn Flora hill Australia adrian simule dandenong Australia Lisa York Perth Australia jan kristian eriksen bjornevatn Norway kerry metcalf westminster Australia frances cranton ferndown UK miriam a. cohen Forest Hills USA Mikael Juhala Tampere Finland bev sangsuwan phuket Thailand benny ramoud zwijnaarde Belgium Amanda Plesa Melton Australia April Gillard Parksville Canada GINNY PHILLIPS sydney Australia Lisa Dalton Junee Australia Suzanne Tate nee Childs Tea Gardens Australia Derek Main Cape Town South Africa Shirley Singer Jhb South Africa

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jennirer adamthwaite merewether Australia Jean Lindsay Horsley Australia Deb T DES MOINES USA Thomas Twiford Ela USA Amber Jacobson CANAL FULTON USA anna hetherington-g Sydney Australia Lauren Bourke Traralgon Australia Graham Webb Thornlie Australia Jack Verbeek Melbourne Australia Henriette Beenen Bergen nh Netherlands Lyn Jansson Coraki Australia Flavia Miorelli Nelson New Zealand Andrew Davey Clemton Park Australia larkin Olson INVER GROVE USA jacky duckworth Nerang Australia george papp maple hts. USA Sigrid Vernooij Taganga Colombia RICK WEST ONEIDA USA Nima Sayyadi Sydney Australia Rachel Linton WINTHROP USA lauren king thorpe astley UK Melanie Gray Melbourne Australia Renate Spoelder Berkhout Netherlands manjit maman wolverhampton UK Shely Ourana Brooome Australia Angeelika Jarvoja Brescia Italy Hans Karlsson Unnaryd Sweden sherean kuah Kuala Lumpur Malaysia robert shrigley Colwyn Bay UK Jan Heinrich Unley Australia Amy Clark Teddington UK Tara Blackman Alstonville Australia Lisa Andersson Bjuråker Sweden Todd Hunter El Arish Australia luke curry nelson bay Australia Robert Hoogenboom Cremorne Pnt Australia Andrea Smith Adelaide Australia Reg Russell Wyoming Australia Emily Moyer Chatsworth USA Matthew Elliott Grange Australia Justin Cloy Chelsea Australia Nino Ritchi Eben Emael Belgium Bart Caers Westerlo Belgium Duncan Gardiner cork Ireland Paul O'Farrell Melbourne Australia Marc Custer BATTLE CREEK USA monte berg POLSON USA Peter Atkinson Mandurah Australia Rodoflto Ronchetti Florianpolis Brazil Cambell Purvis Thornlie Australia Valerie Allen Dublin Ireland chuck mcknight AURORA USA Vanessa Tamarin GROOM CREEK USA Britt Thomassen Bergen Norway Maureen MacGregor Cheshire UK Elise Laurion Lebanon USA

Linda Mae Chover Minneapolis USA Silvi Vecerina Sydney Australia James Booth Bremerton USA Max Schnorbach Naples USA Rodger Pettiet Eugene USA Toni Duffee Portland USA tina zepp san luis obispo USA Aaron Noakes bewbush UK luis medeiros Rio Fortuna Brazil Ronnie Pirie Aberdeen UK Anima Mundi Toronto Canada Julie Cain mnt dandenong Australia Patricia Summers Colorado Springs USA Eloysa Durante PASSYUNK USA Sarah Jenkinson Sheffield UK

Susan Capan Eagle Heights Australia Vicki Hopkins Wiarton Canada shimshon shlemon sydney Australia TJ MURRAY Rivervale Australia claire raymond colayrac st cirq France Kynewulf MacGowan Saint Augustine USA Brock MacLean Coquitlam Canada Wayne Doust Altona Meadows Australia Tuija LindelÃw Hoerby Sweden Jo Jackson Jacksonville USA Jessica Northmore Jasper Canada James D Koh Samui Thailand Natalie Fothergill Costessey UK niall O draighnean Limoges France Bernhard Rohrbeck Lutzmannsburg Austria Lesley Ewen Adelaide Australia Sam Lockhart san diego USA Charles Cooper Dunshalt UK Inge Appelmans Roosdaal Belgium Jolene Powell Nelson New Zealand Paul Macey Croydon UK BARBARA WILLINGHAM TUSCUMBIA USA Jasmine Warren Molina de Segura Spain Renee Pratt Wellsford New Zealand Maree Coulson Zeehan Australia angela benn Shipley UK Kerry Brown Murchison Australia donald mackenzie baddeck Canada Liliana Remedi Laval Canada Caroline Cox churchill Australia Jim Gard Jubilee pocket Australia John Barnes Berowra heights Australia Stephen Ripley sutton coldfield UK katrina walsh bega Australia Maree Chadwick Seven Hills Australia Lisa Fisher Perth Australia joan rooney adelaide Australia tony graystone auckland New Zealand Michael Bonato Wadeville Australia tony bishop Melbourne Australia Jo Smeaton Sydney Australia Tom Nordlund N Vancouver Canada Butch Polston Clarksville USA Vesa Raiskila Vantaa Finland Yin Fang melbourne Australia Ralph Mrad Dubai UAE Gregory Brown Brisbane Australia Mario moss redcliffe Australia Simone White Shellharbour Australia Melissa Jones bogangar Australia Paul White Yeppoon Australia lawrence king Old Windsor UK seanne senior-tapp beach Australia tom elam Dubai UAE Agata Bogucka Gdynia Poland Kimberly Hickey Taunton USA mark atkinson lancashire UK Carol Ranger Taupo New Zealand Scott Holben Edgewood USA john ainsworth hessle UK Rosemarie Gutsmann Christchurch New Zealand yasmeen clark Little River New Zealand rosita mondrzejewski Athens Greece Elizabeth Walker Christchurch New Zealand Philippe Atman Christchurch New Zealand Glenn Holmes Nelson New Zealand Jennifer Chappell Woodend New Zealand Denise Griffith Midwest City USA john bates gordonvale Australia Pauline Richards Mid Uk UK Anthony Patete Little River New Zealand

Page 19: Legal & Human Rights Abuses Perpetrated By The Australian Government

polly pagan london UK Ronja Tscheschlog Southport Australia JEREMY AYRES WAIUKU New Zealand Linda Singleton Maitland Australia Luke Bell Gold Coast Australia Sharon Pike Clarence Town Australia veronica barrett nelson New Zealand Chi-Ling TU Taipei Taiwan jacqueline morris gold coast Australia Jane Riddle Ottawa USA david gracey newburgh Canada Victoria Betesh Ballston Spa USA Donna Shreve PHILADELPHIA USA Zebee A'Court perth Australia petra du Toit Hermanus South Africa Joan Rogers Hixson USA Steve Grayson Reno USA Debbie McDonald Dudley UK Kornelia Feneck canberra Australia Eva Trust Darlinghurst Australia Ahmad Weston Ashburn USA Holly Sellers Northcote Australia Cherily Wilson Norwood Australia keri dempsey Mt.Pleasant USA scott challen wynnum west Australia gordon mcnab st combs UK Thomas Mitchell Pekanbaru Indonesia lilia sertic ucluelet Canada amy daynes dubai UAE Michael Sita Perth Australia michael barbeau nolalu Canada Adrian Hughes Dundalk Ireland tuesday myst Sydney Australia M M riverstone Australia John Lane Sioux Falls USA Antti Heikkila Borga Finland Kate Keenan Perth Australia rupert taylor darwin Australia Steve Williams Mango Hill Australia jesper klemmensen vanløse Denmark Wil Morris Scappoose USA Cody Emig Blue Springs USA Trudy Mullally Cronulla Australia Lisa Er Auckland New Zealand inge barthel erlangen Germany Pat McNair Hamilton New Zealand Greg Scott Dunedin New Zealand Holly Vaihu Auckland New Zealand Roger Cocker Liverpool UK Harley Johnston Liverpool UK Bill Watson Titirangi New Zealand Elaine Bainbridge Auckland New Zealand Kevin Singh Cumming USA Kent Mathews Alphington Australia Wendy Stringer Erina Australia Fiona McCammon Brunswick Australia Colin Francis London UK Sandra Williamson Kidsgrove UK Marie Freeman Breeding USA Mark Wild Bendigo Australia James Uprichard Reno USA Jeanette Cheah Glasgow UK Eran McNamara New Farm Australia

Philippa Neale Christchurch New Zealand Tara Gibbs Warwick Australia Jo Blandford Auckland New Zealand kylie brown somerville Australia Christine Easton St kilda east Australia Tim Prosser Perth Australia Max Israel Los Angeles USA Tanya Harris Christchurch New Zealand Ed Losco Berlin USA Merja Suo Tampere Finland Jukka J. Rintala Turku Finland Sarah Hicks Auckland New Zealand hayley chilvers London UK Karen Fanti Coventry UK jenny ferguson cardiff UK e de santis hexham UK marco fontes carpinteria USA Kellt Linsley Forresters bch Australia Cassandra Koia Cook Street New Zealand elke Levien terneuzen Netherlands Eddy Winters Virginia Beach USA Brenda Gallant Caraquet Canada faye Doenau Bundaberg Australia maja hak utrecht Netherlands John Di Re Perth Australia Suzanne Simmonds Gold Coast Australia Danee Lindsay Eagle Heights Australia DL Lindblom Westport New Zealand Solvej Andersen Risskov Denmark Eliene van Veen Arnhem Netherlands Bryden Holden Burnley UK Peter Brook Charenton France Laura Montgomery Lynn Lake Canada kandy vine wurtulla Australia charles arbuckle Portland USA neil bergman Norwood USA Trevor Warner Romford UK Craig Warner Burnaby Canada lauren andrewartha south morang Australia Zim Solo Rochedale S Australia Robyn `Hogg Nelson New Zealand gayle hazelton morayfield Australia Julian Amyes Chichester UK Daryl Jackson Exmouth UK Caroline Hellings Gouda Netherlands Ross Pizzay Nelson New Zealand John Cadwallader Airlie beach Australia Louisa Young Richmond New Zealand Anssi Haapala Turku Finland Sue Marcon Skennars Hd Australia Joe Fallisi Ostuni Italy Russell Witte Tucson USA cliff bloxham applecross Australia Kaye Bonato Goonellabah Australia D. Diklich Hamilton Canada sue shannon caernarfon UK Allison Whitehead Perth Australia Megan Tims Groton USA Jenna McGuire Cape Town South Africa john o connell kerry Ireland Petteri Ruuska Jyväskylä Finland Mick Thackray Nanango Australia Johanna Ahola Haapavesi Finland

*This is a truncated set of signatories, extracted from a larger list. The complete databank of material obtained from Australian government departments and agencies can be viewed on The Expendable Project website: