legasea 3

The Matriarchal Legasea - Chapter Three By MintDoveStudios (originally posted on the Exchange) Watch generation four of the Legasea family evolve. Their awesomness just might melt your face.

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Page 1: Legasea 3

The Matriarchal Legasea - Chapter ThreeBy MintDoveStudios (originally posted on the Exchange)

Watch generation four of the Legasea family evolve. Their awesomness just might melt your face.

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Welcome back to the Matriarchal Legasea, Thinmintsim and Fraulinetaube's underwater themed matriarchy! If you're just joining us, then you should probably go and check out the previous chapters on Mintdovestudios' sim page. That's where my partner Taube and I will be uploading chapters of our joint legacies from now on.

Are you enjoying my nifty cover art? That fish picture was taken by Taube herself when she was on vacation in Hawaii. Neat, huh?

It's been a long time since the last chapter, so I thought I would remind you all that in this legacy, each chapter is told from the current heiress' point of view. This chapter will be told by our generation three heiress, Orca. If I have anything to add into her narration, I will include it in an author's note as the bottom of the slide. Enjoy the chapter!

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"Mom! Come on, you have to take this seriously! My report on the person I admire the most is due tomorrow!"

"Aww Tethys, I'm so excited to tell you all about my life! I'm like, totally honored that you picked me to do your report on!"

"Actually mom, Poseidon said he was too busy to be interviewed today so . . . "

"Nice Tethys, that's real nice. You're like, sooo lucky that I'm such a l33t mom, or I might not do this for you."

*rolls eyes* "Mom! I know you're a professional gamer and all, but could you please keep the netspeak to a minimum? I'm in enough trouble with my english teacher as it is without including your creative grammar in my report."

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"Fine then, you're no fun my little nooblet.

Anyway, if you're going to tell everyone the story of my super exciting life, you should start with the day I found out I was going to be heiress to the legacy that my grandmother Oceania Legasea started many years ago. When I found out the news I wasn't too thrilled. I mean, I just wasn't the family type . . . or the responsible type . . . or the type that could sit still for five minutes at a time . . .

It was also on that day that my big brother Loligo decided to move to college and concentrate on attaining his dream of becoming a mad scientist. I was totally bummed to see him go. It meant that we were all growing up. Pretty soon I would have to leave the house and go to college too!"

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"My mom Atlantica was sad to see him go too. We all knew that he would set out on his own one day, but we didn't think that that day would creep up on us so quickly."

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"So you can imagine that we were even more suprised when my sister Anemone announced that she was also leaving for college a few short days later. She had worked very hard in school (a lot harder than me, might I add), and graduated a year early.

Looking back on this, I'm pretty sure that she left so soon because she was mad about me being chosen for heiress over her. I really didn't get why she wasn't made heiress at the time either. She was very responsible and really loved her family. I was pretty much the definition of irresponsible and I didn't care about much besides playing my handheld and soaking in the hot tub."

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"I was kind of a careless teen back then. I missed saying goodbye to Anemone as she was leaving because I was busy trying to beat level nine of Attack of the Goldfish. I still feel kind of bad about that, but it WAS level nine.

I was really into gaming even at that age. Mom threatened to take away my handheld so many times for not doing chores and stuff. I couldn't help it though, gaming was in my blood!"

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"But pretty soon I didn't have much time for my beloved games. Mom had started preparing me to take on my role as heiress to the Legasea family. She always had such faith that I would be a strong heiress. I never felt as sure as she did about that though. I pretty much sucked at everything she tried to teach me."

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"I also had a lot more on my mind than learning to be mom's perfect little heiress. I wanted to be a normal teen and go out on dates! Mom never allowed me to get into any relationships, so I constantly had to sneak around behind her back. I think that her refusal to allow me out of the house turned dating from a desire of mine into an obsession. I firmly decided that I wouldn't be satisfied until I had gone out on a ton of dates. Fifty, in fact."

____________________Orca is a pleasure sim with a LTW of 50 first dates.

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"My dates as a teen were basically harmless. I didn't want to get too romantic with anyone too fast. I just wanted to meet new people and have fun! Telling whispered jokes in the garage with Bill Jayapalan was the first in a long string of clandestine meetings for me.

And by the way, don't get any ideas from these stories Tethys! Boys are bad. Very bad. Dating them makes your hair fall out."

*rolls eyes harder* "I can't believe you're a college graduate."

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"Anyway, like I was saying, I wasn't too good at doing anything that a legacy heiress was supposed to be good at doing. I definitely couldn't cook. I would pop stuff in the oven and completely forget about it while my mind wandered to dating or gaming. I burnt quite a few TV dinners before I got the hang of things."

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"I also wasn't terribly athletic. Busting my fins on the obstacle course was a far cry from sitting in my cushy computer chair playing Lobster Wars. Getting in shape was so not fun."

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"Of course, a fit physique did come in handy in the dating world. First date number five with Zack Despret was pretty cool in a middle-school-sleepover sort of way."

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"While I was sneaking around and attempting to learn heiress skills, my mom was as busy as ever with her novels. She was a very celebrated writer in Sirenum Scopuli and whenever she wasn't putting me through my paces, she was sitting at her computer writing her next book."

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"She also decided that it was time for our family to get a pet. She was always a little on the ambitious side, and she told me that she wanted to run a pet legacy alongside of our family's legacy. I thought she was absolutely nuts."

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"But as I got to know our new cat Nessie, I came to see things from her point of view. The stress of training to become an heiress is intense sometimes, and having a friend to cuddle with on occasion definitely helped me out. I though that maybe one of Nessie's offspring would provide some comfort to one of my children someday."

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"I don't know how I made it through my teen years in one piece. I felt like I was living a double life. In one of my lives I was working hard in preparation for my new family role. In my other life I was dating as many people as I could get my hands on. I was so glad when the time came for me to go to college! Finally, I could be away from my mom's tough restrictions for a little while!"

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"I rented a little place off campus once I got to the university. I was definitely interested in starting La Fiesta Tech's first ever gaming based greek house. No more would the greek world be dominated by snobby stick thin girls and jock boys! It was time for the pasty-complexioned computer geeks to have their day!"

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"Once I finally could be free from my mom's prying eyes, my social life exploded! Worrying about school work itself was never really a problem for me. I quickly realized that there were much better ways to obtain high grades than slaving away on papers and tests. Dating Professor Pamela Mace was one of those ways."

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"Of course, I didn't just work my way through the teaching staff of La Fiesta Tech. I steadily worked my way through the non-academic population as well! First date number eleven with Cyd Roseland went extremely well."

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"As did first date number fifteen with Sheila Lewis."

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"Pretty soon everything in my life was falling right into place. I was quickly approaching the halfway point of my self imposed fifty first date goal. My mailbox was stuffed with love letters from my various conquests."

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"And all of my schoolwork was being taken care of through a mixture of my flattery and influence. I finally got around to obtaining a greek house charter and founding my gaming greek house, Urele Hoh. Elise Couderc, date number nineteen and first official pledge ended up writing a lot of my term papers throughout the semesters. My college experience may not have been one of the most honorable ones our family has ever undergone, but it sure was the most fun!"

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"But don't get me wrong, I DID do a little bit of work for myself, especially when I found out that it was possible to obtain a career as a gamer. All this time I had assumed that my hobby was a fun waste of time. When I realized that I could actually turn it into a real profession, there was no stopping me. I began to study advanced mechanical and logistical concepts while I let my pledges handle my normal academic requirements."

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"Another thing that I did while at college was to start a little business. I wanted to earn some money to build up Urele Hoh, and I quickly determined that trying to work as a barista is for noobs. I spent most of my junior year dashing between school and the Beachside Breeze Hangout. By the time I decided to sell my lot back to the community, I had earned $100,000."

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"The results of my hard work were really amazing. Pretty soon my pledges and I were living in the lap of luxury. We even had a pool!"

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"Of course, having a luxurious pad to bring my dates back to was great. Unfortunately, with everyone wanting to bask in it's awesomeness all the time, I had more company than I wanted on some occasions. Elise and her insane jealousy did a great job of ruining date number thirty with Elle Jalowitz for me. I wasn't too upset at the loss of her friendship, I was mostly sorry at the loss of my term paper writer. Silly family sims and their need for commitment!"

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"Eventually I caught back up with my siblings. Loligo had made a very nice life for himself after graduation."

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"He married his college sweetheart Tori Bear. Pretty soon he became the proud father of fraternal twins Tiamat and Scamander - your cousins Tethys!"

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My sister Anemone, who eventually forgave me for becoming heiress, had also graduated from college and gotten married."

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"She married one of her coworkers, Zion Vijayakar, and gave birth to a baby boy named Pontus. I think that she was happy with her traditional family life and was actually glad that she wasn't the heiress to a matriarchy, like I was."

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"Before I knew it, my time at college was almost over. I spent my last semester going on a crazy whirlwind of dates so that I could wrap up my life goal before going back to live under my mom's thumb. Before I knew it, I was on date number 45 with Blake Fuchs."

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"My last date came about a little while after that. Professor Dawson Day gave me the double gift of an *extra* high grade on my final exam, as well as the fufilment of my lifetime goal. I felt so free after finishing up my fifty first dates. It was as if I would be happy forever!"____________________Orca is permaplat! *dances*

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"I had a lot more free time on my hands after my dating was over. I used the time I had left at the university to learn some interesting skills, like flower arranging and toy making. I might not make the most responsible heiress ever, but I definitely made the prettiest additions to the legacy house!"

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"I also finished up learning all those skills that mom had bugged me about as a teen. Pretty soon, I was in fighting shape to take the reigns as the head of my family!"

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"At my graduation party, mom suprised me by giving me a hug and fastening the necklace she always wore around my neck. She told me that the necklace once belonged to my grandma Oceania Legasea, and that it would adorn the neck of every heiress in our family line. For the first time ever, I began to realize what a cool thing I was a part of."

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"When I moved back home, I quickly saw that mom had been quite the busy bee while I was gone. She had completely remodeled our house, inside and out."

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"She also added a small greenhouse, so we could start growing our own fresh fruits and veggies. Organic gardening was something of a new fad in our area, and mom just had to jump on board the gardening craze."

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"She had also taught the cat to use the toilet. I took this to mean that she had had entirely too much time on her hands since I had been at college."

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"Of course, the first thing mom started bugging me about was finding a special guy and starting a family. I insisted that I was far too young to start popping out nooboos, and busied myself with helping mom out in our new garden."

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"I also managed to land a top career in the gaming field as a designer. As a reward for all my hard work, my boss gave me an awesome pinball machine that actually paid me for playing it!

Things were certainly coming up roses for me, but I knew that this carefree existence couldn't last for long. I had to start a family soon, but I kept putting off the task of finding that special guy. To tell the truth, after my recent dating spree I was a little burnt out on romance."

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"My mom definitely wasn't burnt out on anything though. She spent hours in the greenhouse caring for our new plants. We were eating healthier than ever before. She even managed to wrangle us a membership to the exclusive gardening club of Sirenum Scopuli."

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"She also managed to prod me into starting a relationship by inviting over someone she met a long time ago through one of her many careers. He was a drifting sort of pirate and he went by no name other than The Dread Pirate Peg."

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"She must have known that Peg's non-commital nature would appeal to me. I didn't want to get into any long and messy relationships and neither did he. We hit it off together right away."

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"He even offered to teach me how to fish! He was very sweet for trying too. Poor thing didn't realize that hours of playing Big Reel Fishing had honed my fishing skills down to a science. I didn't have much to learn, but it turned out that he sure did!"

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"As I was busy starting on my relationship, Nessie was busy making connections of her own. She had taken a real shining to my brother Loligo's orange tabby, Blu. Pretty soon it was clear that a litter of kittens was on the way."

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"Soon she gave birth to three adorable babies - two boys and a girl. We named the boys Charybdis and Kraken."

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"We named the girl Skylla. She was the only kitten we kept. We needed room in the house for our soon to expand family after all!"

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"And soon to be expanded it was! After weeks of mom teasing me about how the cat had progressed further in the legacy than I had, I finally invited my pirate boy toy over to start our human family."

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"Pretty soon my first baby bump arrived! I was finally on my way to producing the next generation of little Legaseas."

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"Mom was more excited about the future baby than I was! The first thing she did when she found out I was expecting was to paint my portrait to hang on the wall next to those of my grandma Oceania and herself."

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"My pregnancy progressed at a rapid rate. Before I knew it I was as big as a house. All of the fruits and vegetables mom and I worked so hard at planting came in handy. I was able to eat quite healthily throughout my whole pregnancy."

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"While we were anxiously awaiting the birth of the new baby, little Skylla grew up. She was such a cutie! Her fur showed a perfect blend of her parent's markings."

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"She had quite a personality too! I swear that I saw the cat make strange faces all the time. Human faces - like she had us all figured out. I tried to tell my mom about it, but she said that my pregnancy must have been making me a little loopy. Maybe she was right."

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"Finally the big day arrived! I went into labor right in the green house. I was trying to tend the tomatoes, when all of a sudden the baby decided that it was ready to meet the world."

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"That's when I had your brother Poseidon. He was such a sweet baby, and so well behaved!"

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"Poseidon inherited the eyes, skin and haircolor of his father. He also made being a mommy easy, since he was such a little gentleman. Being a parent was a role that I once thought would never fit me, but this little guy proved me wrong. I loved my baby!"

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"It was about that time when my old pirate partner Peg breezed back into town. After checking out his new little son, we had a little fun of our own."

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"Peg tried to spend time with Poseidon, but fatherhood didn't come naturally to the poor guy. The truth is, he was way more interested in chasing skirts and drinking rum than he was in changing diapers and cleaning up baby puke. It wasn't long before he had set sail in search of adventure once again."

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"But not before leaving me with another little bundle of joy to carry around. This pregnancy was tougher than the last one. I was sick all the time and ended up being on bed rest for quite a while."

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"Luckily for me, mom was more than happy to help out with Poseidon during those difficult months. She was in love with the little guy and doted on him like a typical grandma would."

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"Pretty soon I was showing again and I was more excited than ever for my new baby to arrive."

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"While we anxiously waited for the happy event, we celebrated Poseidon's birthday. My mom and I had a small party together to watch Poseidon move onto the next phase of his life."

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"He grew up to be an adorable toddler. He was so outgoing and smart too! I was so proud to see him mastering his logic toy. I thought at that time that he might grow up to be a game designer, like me."____________________Poseidon is a libra: 3/10/4/4/8

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"He also loved our cat! Skylla liked to play as much as the next kitty, but she wasn't overly fond about receiving Poseidon's embraces."

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"As my pregnancy progressed, I started feeling better. I spent more and more time with Poseidon. He suprised me with how mature he seemed already. I think he had a very old soul."

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"Mom was the one who taught him how to walk and talk. I was really grateful for the help too. She developed quite a strong bond with the little guy during this time."

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"Once he learned those skills Poseidon became pretty self sufficient. It was a good thing too, because pretty soon he wouldn't be the only baby demanding attention in the nursery anymore."

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"Early one morning I was seized with labor pains once again. This time, mom was around to see the birth."

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"That's when I had you Tethys! Even Skylla was there to see your birth. You want to know something funny about you as a baby? You were born without eyebrows!"

"Very funny mom. That story gets even funnier every time you tell it."

"I know, right?!"

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"But right after I had you, I went into labor again. I was having twins!"

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"That was when I gave birth to your sister Thalassa, who wasn't an eyebrow noob, like you."

"Okay mom, I get it! Can we move on from the eyebrows?"

"Fine, spoil sport. You were born with your father's coloring, eyes and my custom hair. Your sister Thalassa was born with her grandmother's skintone, her father's eyes and her father's hair. You were both beautiful babies."

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"Of course, life got a lot more hectic for me after you girls were born. It seems like I was always changing a diaper or giving someone a bottle. You were especially fussy Tethys! You always seemed to want something while you sister was perfectly content to chill out in her crib."

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"Mom was in her element, of course. She was always around to help me out with you girls. I don't know how I could have held it all together without her!"

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"But unfortunately, our time together was about to draw to a close. She passed away during Poseidon's birthday party."

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"Poor Poseidon was devastated. His grandma had taught him how to walk and talk. They were best friends."

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"Even the cat yowled for hours on end after she passed. We were all in a sorry state for quite some time. I was now the oldest person in the legacy, but I felt like I wasn't as smart about everything as my mom had been. I still had a lot to learn, and it would all be harder without her here."

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"But life had to go on in the meantime. Poseidon grew up to be a very handsome boy. Once he learned that his dad was a pirate, he started wearing a little pirate costume everywhere. It was so cute!"

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"Around that same time, it was time for you girls to grow up. You were born first Tethys, so you grew up before your sister."

Page 80: Legasea 3

"You became quite the cutie too! Like when you were a baby, you contintued to be loud and demanding. You were a very neat and clean little lady though, so that made up for the constant babbling."____________________Tethys is a leo: 9/10/2/5/8

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"Right after you grew up, it was your sister's turn to reach toddlerdom."

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"She grew into a beautful little girl too. Thalassa was quieter baby, who was very nice and active. I was so proud of both of you!"____________________Thalassa is a pices: 6/5/7/3/10

Page 83: Legasea 3

"While you girls were busy crawling around and playing games, Poseidon was studying to become a great adventurer, like his dad. His dream was to follow in his father's footsteps and become a pirate . . . only in space. I don't doubt that he'll figure out a way to do that either. He's such a smart little guy!"

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"I decided to let you girls play with toys that would help round out your personalities as toddlers. Since you were so playful, I made sure you mastered the logic toy Tethys."

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"And since your sister was so shy, I made sure that she got in some time with the wabbit head. I wanted my girls to be strong leaders one day, just like my mom was."

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"Without my mom around to handle teaching you guys walking and talking, I had to take the lead myself. You were not a quick study at all Tethys! I did my best to teach you everything you needed to know, but I had a devil of a time getting you to pay attention to me!"

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"Thalassa, on the other hand, learned her skills very quickly. She always worked to please people.

I was a little bummed out that none of my kids inherited my fins, but I learned to live with it. There's always a possibility that they will come back down the family line in future generations."

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"Just like when he was a baby, Poseidon continued to love animals. He played with both Skylla and Nessie all the time. He assured me that one day cats would be very important in the space piracy industry. I'm not too sure about that, but at least he was willing to feed and play with the cats, which took a load off of my mind."

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"After learning all her baby skills, Thalassa continued to be a little sweetie pie. I started making toys for you girls now that I had a little more relaxation time. You guys were quite fond of them too! Thalassa preferred toys that she could sit and play quietly, like the jack-in-the-box."

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"While you, Tethys, always the little daredevil, loved to spin around in the Twirl Spin and Wobble I made. I was always afraid that you would hurt yourself, but you were fine."

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"Before I even knew it, it was time for another round of birthdays. My little girls were growing up! As always, you went first Tethys."

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"I was struck by how beautiful you became as a child. You looked a lot like your dad."

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"Next up came Thalassa."

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"She also grew up into a beautiful young lady. I was very proud of you both. I was also glad that there would be no more toddlers in the house for a while!"

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"The two of you got along splendidly as the days went on. You did all the things that sisters were supposed to do with each other. You shared secrets and spent hours holed up in your bedroom playing games."

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"Actually, I was pretty blessed in that all of my kids got along. The hot beachy climate that we lived in gave you guys lots of opportunities for summer fun. It made me laugh to see you all scrambling like mad around the water wiggler."

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"The differences between you and your sister became more apparant everyday. You would never seem to stop talking Tethys! You told stories to everyone and anyone that would listen, including our poor nanny."

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"Thalassa, on the other hand, tended to keep more to herself. She enjoyed playing with the cats and her brother."

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"You were always ready to play games Tethys. You nearly always had toys scattered all over your bedroom floor."

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"While Thalassa was more serious about keeping house and doing her chores. You both truly complimented each other."

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"As more time passed, another round of birthdays came along. Our first cat Nessie became an elder after spending a long life working in the service business. She had reached the top of her career long ago, and Poseidon was adamant that she be allowed to retire in her old age. From then on, Nessie became our little house grandma."

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"Next to have a birthday was my little scholar Poseidon. Everyone was there to help cheer him on into teenhood."

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"And what a handsome guy he became! He told me on this day that he wanted to spend his life making as much money as possible . . . as a space pirate. It was funny to see how his money loving grandma and his swashbuckling dad had rubbed off on him."

____________________Poseidon rolled fortune.

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"As I expected, Poseidon continued to be a responsible and loving boy into his teen years. He was really good about helping my watch over you guys."

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"He also took to watching the night skies for otherworldly visitors. I told him that aliens only existed in video games, but he still searched every night."

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"Meanwhile, you two girls continued to study and kick butt in school. Seeing you do so well reminded me that my mom would have been so proud to see you guys grow up. I hope that she can see how awesome you both are now, wherever she is."

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"Peg continued to breeze in and out of my life too. We had fun when he was around, but I was never sorry I couldn't marry the guy. I'm just not a settling down kind of gal!"

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"Poseidon eventually managed to develop a relationship with him. Peg taught him all about being a pirate, so he was happy."

Page 109: Legasea 3

"But you girls never really seemed to want to get to know your dad. I could understand that though. Living this kind of matriarch lifestyle means that girl power is practically leaking out of our pores. You and Thalassa were happy enough with each other. You both didn't need a man to validate you!"

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"Before I knew it, it was time for my birthday. I was totally bummed about getting all old and wrinkly, but you guys were great about cheering me on!"

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"I think I became a pretty bangin elder too! I WAS the girl that went through 50 first dates after all. I wasn't going to let a little thing like age slow me down!"

"Mom, please never say the word 'bangin' again."

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"Anyway, like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, next up on the list of birthdays was yours Tethys."

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"You became such a beautiful teen! It didn't suprise me at all when you told me that your goal in life was to make loads of friends. You were always such a friendly little kid that this behavior was just a natural extension of that."

____________________Tethys rolled popularity.

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"Right behind you, of course, was Thalassa."

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"She became quite a little beauty as well. Thalassa decided on that day that she wanted to settle down and raise a family. She reminded me a lot of my sister Anemone. She has such a caring nature that she will succeed in any family situation, whether she is chosen to become the heiress to this legacy or not."

____________________Thalassa rolled family.

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"So that's pretty much the story of my life. Is that enough for your report Tethys?"

"Mom, what you just told me is enough to fill like, 119 pages. I'll have to pare it down some."

"Oh pooh, you'd better get on with it then. I'm going to go and cuddle Nessie. I know what the old girl feels like now that I'm an elder too. Creaky bones and graying hair is just not fun. Oh, there's one more thing I wanted to tell you for your report Tethys."

"What's that mom?"

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"I was totally right. Skylla does make a lot of funny faces."

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Well that's it for chapter three people! It's time to pick the heir(ess) for the next generation now. You've got three absolutely beautiful choices to consider here, so let's review the candidates.

Name: Poseidon LegaseaPersonality: 3/10/4/4/8Zodiac: LibraAspiration: Fortune

Poseidon would be our first male heir if he wins. He is definitely a cutie, but we already have the fortune grave in our collection. He has maxed all his skills.

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Name: Tethys LegaseaPersonality: 9/10/2/5/8Zodiac: LeoAspiration: Popularity

Tethys is a beautiful girl and would make a great choice for heiress. We still need the popularity grave. She has also maxed all her skills.

Page 120: Legasea 3

Name: Thalassa LegaseaPersonality: 6/5/7/3/10Zodiac: PicesAspiration: Family

Thalassa is another beautiful girl that would make a great heiress. We still need the family grave. She has also maxed out all her skills. She has naturally red hair, with is always a plus in my book.

If you want to vote in the heir poll, you can either sign our guestbook or go to SiMania. If you aren't a member of SiMania, I strongly encourage you to sign up! We're a smaller, friendly forum that loves all things sim. Find us at www.s12.invisionfree.com/Sim_mania

So this is where I say goodbye. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Remember to check back on Mintdovestudios' simpage for updates on this family. Until next time everyone, happy swimming!