legends and lore of illinois volume 3 issue 3

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Manteno State Hospital, Manteno, Illinois


  • From the author

    If you love the Legends and Lore of Illinois, you

    need to buy our new book, Legends and Lore of Illinois:

    Case Files Volume 1. It is a collection of the first two

    years of the Legends and Lore of Illinois, with a few

    surprises thrown in. For the first time, you can read

    two stories from the early days of The Fallen, or get an

    exclusive preview of their next adventure: Black

    Willow Grove.

    Legends and Lore of Illinois: Case Files is available

    at Amazon.com. Buy it new from Black Oak Media

    and get a small discount. Go here to buy it new:




    I would like to thank Angie Faller of the Eff-

    ingham Daily News for her wonderful article on me and

    Ramsey Cemetery. Welcome to the Legends and Lore of

    Illinois all you new readers! I hope you stick around

    because we have a lot of great issues to come. g

    Your letters

    Thanks for the info on Hartford Castle.. i'll put it

    on the list of places to go. just was on the legends and

    lore site and went to check out the info on the newest

    place ...Ramsey cemetery. Saw that you talked about it

    being misnamed as the Kazbar Cemetery in another

    publication. I grew up and ran around that area for

    years before i knew it was called Ramsey cemetery.. as

    kids if we went out there it was called the Kazbar... like

    ..Where ya want to meet up?... let's go out to the Kazbar.

    never was clear on where that name came from just

    thought i would let ya know that its been called that in

    the area for 20 plus years by some folks.

    not sure where i first heard it called that..just at a

    party or a gathering of other kids as an area to go hang

    out and party and ride four wheelers in the woods

    around it. let me know if ya know why it was called the

    Kazbar... little info i never picked up.. wierd.. lol thanks

    again for the info on Hartford.

    S. Lewis

    Send us a letter! E-mail your questions or

    comments to: [email protected]




    Contents From the Author 1 Your Letters 1 A Quick and Dirty Guide 2 The Fallen Investigate 3 Fan Support Page 6 Adventures Log 7 Paranormal 101 8 Trivia 8


    One of the few abandoned buildings left at Manteno.

  • A Quick and Dirty Guide to

    Manteno State Hospital

    Manteno State Hospital, one of two such

    facilities in Kankakee County, opened its doors in the

    early 1930s. It took several years after the purchase of

    the property in 1927 for the sprawling mental hospital

    to be completed. Like Peoria (Bartonville) State

    Hospital, Manteno was laid out in a cottage plan,

    which meant that the patients were housed in a series of

    separate buildings, rather than in one single institution.

    When it first opened, Manteno accommodated 5,500

    patients and 760 staff.

    It didnt take long for tragedy to strike the

    hospital. In an incident that Time magazine referred to

    as the Manteno Madness, 384 patients and staff came

    down with typhoid fever (47 died) in 1939. At first,

    Ralph Hinton, the director of Manteno State, believed

    the affliction to be nothing more than a common case of

    diarrhea, but state welfare agents stepped in as the

    number of ill dramatically increased. Panic gripped the


    Patients lay moaning in bed, Time reported.

    Others, whipped by mad fear, beat against the

    screened windows, grappled with attendants Every

    night kitchen boys and orderlies disappeared. Over 45

    ran away in all. (Manteno Madness, Time, 23

    October 1939)

    Kankakee County States Attorney Sam Shapiro,

    who would go on to become the governor of Illinois,

    dragged the director of the states Public Welfare

    Department, Archie Bowen, to court over the incident


    in 1940 even though Bowen had sent a truckload of

    typhoid vaccine to Manteno at the onset of the

    outbreak. At first, Bowen was convicted, but the State

    Supreme Court overturned the conviction because, as

    the Kankakee Daily Journal reported, Shapiro had

    failed to show that the epidemic was caused by

    polluted drinking water. (Daily Journal, 31 March


    The Manteno State Hospital was later renamed

    the Manteno Mental Health Center, and closed in 1985

    along with many of the other such mental health

    facilities in Illinois. Its campus was divided up and

    sold off. The north side of campus became a veterans

    home. Other buildings were consolidated into the

    Illinois Diversatech Campus and rented to businesses.

    The main administration building became a bank.

    Despite public health concerns, a housing project

    called Fairway Oaks Estates was recently built at the


    Manteno has attracted many curiosity seekers

    since its closure, including its share of ghost hunters.

    Over the years I have had many reports of people

    who entered the old buildings and saw nurses and

    doctors and even patients still dressed in their gowns,

    Chad Lewis recently told the Daily Journal. (Daily

    Journal, 31 October 2008) Amateur investigators have

    taken dozens of strange photographs in the old


    Only a small handful of abandoned buildings

    remain, and it is doubtful they will exist for much

    longer. The quiet town of Manteno has done its best to

    erase the memory of this place, but there will always

    be stories. g An exterior courtyard outside of one of the cottages.

    The front porch Visitors are few and far between.


  • The Fallen

    Investigation File 027

    Aurelia parked her battered old Buick LeSabre

    across from the last dilapidated structure of the dozens

    that once made up Manteno State Hospital. Originally

    laid out in cottages, each building had been either

    converted into a business, boarded up, or torn down

    all except for this one. Aurelia had agreed to meet the

    rest of The Fallen there, having been delayed for about

    thirty minutes by a previous commitment.

    The Fallens dark blue, Toyota Corolla sat along

    the curb, empty. Jerks, Aurelia grumbled. Her

    friends had apparently decided to begin the

    investigation without her. She slammed the door of her

    LeSabre and scanned the area with a hawkish gaze.

    Down the block, children laughed and played in the

    subdivision that had sprung up around the old hospital.

    The air was still chilly, but the sun warmed anyone who

    was under its rays.

    Disregarding any concern for stealth, she yelled,

    Hello? Im here! Where are you?

    There was no reply.

    Aurelia sighed and strolled toward the H

    shaped building. The front of the one-story building

    was enhanced with a wide porch. The porchs roof was

    held up by a row of white pillars, and a plywood board

    covered every window.

    If they arent going to come out here, Aurelia

    reasoned, Ill just have to go in after them.

    It was no use trying the main entrance; the

    doors were heavily chained, but Aurelias curiosity led

    her onto the porch anyway. With a uniquely sensitive

    mind, she could imagine the more docile patients

    waiting for visitors. A profound sadness permeated the

    air, and the building itself seemed to exhale with the

    breeze. Aurelia couldnt sense how many souls

    wandered the grounds, but she could feel their


    She worked her way around the side of the

    building until it opened up into a small courtyard. A

    corridor, which connected the two sections, sat about

    fifteen yards ahead of her. The doors on either section

    were chained shut and large blocks of cement had been

    placed in front of them, but most of the windows along

    the corridor were damaged, allowing for easy access.

    There was no sign of Mike, Greg, Emmer, or Davin


    Cursing under her breath, Aurelia stomped over

    to the corridor, intending to enter the building there,

    but as she gained a foothold on the windowsill with her

    boot, she noticed some movement out of the corner of

    her eye. The motion came from a window located at

    ground level on the section to her left. A railing

    surrounded the window, which allowed light to spill

    into the hospitals basement. Aura paused and her eyes

    other window. When she was halfway across the

    A hallway inside Manteno Hospital.


  • focused on the spot. Nothing stirred, but she felt a

    tingle run up her spine.

    Hesitating, she turned and walked toward the

    other window. When she was halfway across the

    courtyard, she thought she saw a flash of light in the

    basement through the pealing window frame. Hah!

    Aurelia cried. There you are, bastards! She rushed

    over and used the railing to swing down into the

    window sill. A thick grease came off on her hands, and

    she frowned.

    Gross, Aurelia said. She wiped her hands on

    some old, dried leaves and peered through the window

    into the basement of the hospital. Hello? she yelled.

    The echo of her own voice was the only reply. She

    wrinkled her brow and slid, feet first, through the

    window. It was about a yard drop to the floor.

    Landing without any difficulty, she dug into the pocket

    of her hooded sweatshirt and produced a small


    The beam revealed an empty, rectangular room.

    Small piles of debris littered the floor, but there were no

    furniture or markings to indicate for what the room was

    once used. Aurelia remembered that Mike had rambled

    on and on about tunnels that linked all of the buildings

    as her flashlight fell on a narrow hallway.

    A heavy thud suddenly echoed from

    somewhere beyond the range of the beam, and Aurelia

    jumped despite having been steeled by years of

    encounters with the unusual. She quickly looked

    around to make sure that no one had seen. In the back

    of her mind, she was beginning to believe that her

    friends were playing some kind of joke.

    Or, at least, she hoped. She was still shaken up

    Or, at least, she hoped. She was still shaken up

    by her encounter outside of Ramsey Cemetery, and by

    her feelings about Black Willow Grove, the code name

    for The Fallens most recent assignment. Mike had

    forbidden the group from using the towns real name.

    The feelings she got there were odd and ominous. She

    felt that nowa gnawing sense that something other

    than the spirits of the departed stalked these corridors.

    Even the dead seemed to flee from this unknown


    A musty smell like that of old newspapers

    wafted past Aurelias aquiline nose. She sniffed

    defiantly and marched down the dark hallway, deep

    into the bowels of Manteno. Condensation dripped

    from the pipes overhead, and old bulbs sat lifeless in

    their sockets in the ceiling.

    She was getting close to the source of her

    gnawing dread, but her flashlight revealed nothing but

    dirt and cobwebs. Curiosity drove her forward. If her

    friends jumped out at the last moment, she thought

    with amusement, she would quickly make them very


    Before she could finish her thought, she felt a

    rush of ice cold air that almost knocked her down. She

    took a wide stance and braced herself as if she was

    entering a storm without an umbrella. Her flashlight

    flickered and threatened to be extinguished, but the

    battery held. Not that its narrow beam did any good

    the shadows in the corridor seemed to congeal and

    absorb what precious little light the device emitted.

    Wasting no time, Aurelia thrust out her hands

    and cried out, Eko, eko, Azarak! Eko, eko, Zomelak!

    An old security light has been dark for decades.

    Most of the windows in this building have been boarded up.


  • Bazabi lacha bachabe! Lamac cahi achababe!

    The shadows retreated for a moment, but

    returned in full force. A gust of wind burst through the

    tunnel and Aurelia fell to the ground. Her rear end

    planted itself amongst the grime and broken bits of

    cement. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the

    hallway directly in the path of the shadows. The

    luminescent glow burned away the darkness, and the

    howling wind fell to a whisper. Just like that, the light

    was gone, and the corridor returned to normal. The

    whole incident lasted only a few seconds.

    Thats twice Ive been saved by something, Aurelia

    thought. Once might have been a coincidence, but twice is a

    pattern. She grudgingly thanked whatever it was,

    pulled herself up, and dusted herself off. Just then, she

    heard footsteps coming from around the bend in the

    hallway and she readied herself for another encounter.

    This time she would not be caught off guard.

    Moments later, Mike, Greg, Emmer, and Davin

    appeared around the corner. They made a collective

    sigh of relief when they saw Aurelia, but it was short


    Aurelia marched over to the group, pushed

    Davin out of the way, and punched Mike in the face.

    Mike swore while Greg and Emmer laughed. Their

    laughter quickly died when Aurelia spun toward them

    with a menacing glare.

    Where the hell have you been? she yelled. I

    almost got killed down here.

    We didnt know where you were, Mike

    protested while checking his nose for blood. We

    waited forever and you never showed up.

    I told you I was going to be late, Aurelia hissed.

    What happened? Davin asked. What do you

    mean you were almost killed?

    There was something down here, Aurelia

    explained. It attacked me. Luckily I was able to fight

    it off.

    What attacked you? Greg asked with a grin.

    A rat? A gaggle of goblins?

    Some kind of dark spirit, Aurelia replied. I

    cant quite explain it.

    Emmer snorted. So this thing just happened to

    disappear before we got here? Where did it go? What

    did it look like?

    I dont know.

    Wait a minute, Mike said while bending his

    glasses back into their proper shape. Tell us exactly

    what happened.

    Aurelia explained everything that happened

    since she arrived, leaving out the part about being

    saved by a mysterious light.

    We should be more careful, Mike said. I

    dont have a good feeling about this. Luckily Aura was

    able to fight this thing off, but next time either her or

    any of us might not be so lucky.

    Speak for yourself, Emmer replied. Im not

    afraid of the invisible. Weve been through all of this

    before. Nothing Ive seen or heard has been very

    convincing. Im not going to jump at shadows.

    Mike sighed. Well, lets finish up here, but lets

    stick together, shall we? he said as he pulled a camera

    out of the pocket of his trench coat. I want to explore

    these tunnels. I know a lot of the buildings have been

    torn down, but maybe well find something down


    Or something will find us, Greg chuckled.

    Aurelia grit her teeth and joined her friends as

    the five disappeared into the darkness. g

    An old, broken window in Manteno.


  • FFaann SSuuppppoorrtt PPaaggee!!

    I am new to the Legends and Lore of

    Illinois and so far I love it! It's

    fascinating to read about all the different

    factual stories that make up Illinois lore.

    Keep up the good work!

    Jessica Meagher

    Fort Polk, Louisiana

    I have got the chance to travel and cemetery

    walk with Michael on a couple of occasions. I

    really enjoy reading the places he has gone and

    all the stories that goes with them. It was great

    to see the story of Peck Cemetery, it is a

    beautiful place. Keep up the good work and

    fans keep up the support.

    Angie Johnson

    Bement Illinois

    Good job demystifying the legends

    and urban myths in Illinois. I love

    seeing someone dig into the actual

    history of these fascinating places.

    Looking forward to reading more...


    Mattoon, IL


  • Adventurers log

    What do Shoe Factory Road, Cuba Road, and

    Manteno State Hospital have in common? All of them

    have fallen victim to sprawl in one way or another.

    Sprawl is the building of tasteless subdivisions, big box

    retailers, and oceans of parking lots. It is the soft glow

    of mall lights instead of your favorite playgroundsthe

    abandoned places where your imagination used to run

    wild, or the farms and forests of yesteryear.

    The former grounds of Manteno State Hospital,

    as it exists today, is a Frankenstein of reclamation. Part

    of the hospital has been converted into a veterans

    home, the weed-choked roads and dilapidated

    buildings of which provide the perfect counter

    argument to government-run anything. The rest has

    been divided up into business and residential areas.

    The existence of a housing project on the

    grounds of a former mental hospital, with houses yards

    away from some of the abandoned structures, is

    something only Alfred Hitchcock or Stephen King

    could dream up.

    When I first went to Manteno last spring, I


    couldnt believe my eyes. Firstly because I mistook the

    veterans home for the abandoned hospital, and

    secondly because I had to drive through a subdivision

    to find the one building left to explore. It was surreal to

    see homes across the street from this gutted and

    decaying building. Most of the places I visit on these

    adventures are along the back roads.

    Places like Manteno really make us understand

    the transitory nature of the world. Fifty years ago, what

    visitor would have thought that someones house

    would be located right where they stood, or that a bank

    would occupy the main administration building of the

    hospital? Yet here we are today. Institutions that seem

    so solid now will all inevitably sit empty and in ruins.

    Its the way of things.

    Yet I cant help feeling a sadness that the ruins

    of Manteno hospital will also cease to exist at some

    point in the near future. As many times as I drove up

    and down I-57 on my way to and from Eastern Illinois

    University, as many times as I stopped off at the

    Manteno exit for gas or dinner, I never realized until

    recently that the ruins of this hospital were right there,

    waiting to be explored. I consider myself lucky to have

    learned about it when I did, and not when it was too


    As long as the stories remain, people will want

    to know what really went on at Manteno State Hospital.

    These stories may be all thats left one day. Or maybe

    the residents of Fairway Oaks will create new stories for

    future generations. Only time will tell. g

    Order a full-color hard copy of this issue!

    Print this page, fill out this form, cut it out, and mail it along

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  • Paranormal 101

    UFOUnidentified Flying Objects

    Bennett, Jeffrey. Beyond UFOs: The Search for

    Extraterrestrial Life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our

    Future. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.

    Friedman, Stanton T. Flying Saucers and Science: A

    Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs. Franklin Lakes:

    Career Press, 2008.

    Fuller, John G. The Interrupted Journey. New York:

    Berkley Medallion Books, 1966, 1974.

    Steiger, Brad, et al. Philadelphia Experiment and Other

    UFO Conspiracies. Inner Light, 1990.

    Von Dniken, Erich. Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved

    Mysteries of the Past. New York: Bantam Books, 1970, 1973.

    I grew up reading those old paperbacks like The

    Interrupted Journey filled with stories of regression

    hypnosis and alien abductions. The possibility that we

    werent alone in the universe fascinated me. Never the

    less, my interest in the subject declined over the years, and

    I had no idea just how many books there were on UFOs

    until I looked on Amazon.com for some ideas to round out

    the list above.

    UFO research is probably the most legitimately

    scientific of the paranormal fields, although aliens seem

    just as fantastical as ghosts. Sightings of UFOs are still all

    over the news, and TV shows like UFO Hunters keeps the

    interest alive. In our bibliography this month Ive tried to

    list some books to get anyone started on the road to UFO

    study. Youll find a few brand new books and a few

    classics, but all promise to be interesting. g


    Tough questions will be asked in this section. It is up to

    you to uncover the clues and determine the solutions.

    Sometimes you will find the answers buried in the current

    issue; other times you will need to go to the location itself.

    The answers to this months questions will be posted in next

    months issue.

    1. What was the name of the other mental hospital

    in Kankakee County?

    2. In what year was Manteno State Hospital


    3. How many patents did Manteno house at its


    4. Who was the director of the hospital at the time

    of the Manteno Madness?

    5. Sam Shapiro went on to hold what prominent

    public office in Illinois?

    6. What was the name of the only remaining

    derelict building on the hospital grounds?

    7. What is the name of the housing project/

    subdivision being built on the grounds of

    Manteno State Hospital?

    Go out and explore, and good luck!

    Answers to last months questions:

    1. Rock shelters. 2. The Lonely Lurker. 3. Serial Killers. 4.

    Little Wabash River. 5. 1863. 6. 1850sEffingham grew into

    a town. 7. Effingham County.

    Small courtyards are located inside each building.

    The doors of this particular building have been heavily damaged.
