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Lent Devotional

We are inviting our church family to a season of preparation as we look ahead to Easter. This devotional was written to be a part of your personal preparation. Beginning March 9th, we invite you to enter into a daily journey as we seek God’s heart and reflect on what Jesus’ death and resurrection have accomplished for us.

Each day is written in first person, as though Jesus is speaking personally to you. The scripture references listed at the bottom give you an opportunity for further reading, if you so choose. You may want to have a pen with you to write down any thoughts you have. We encourage you to take time to listen to other things Jesus may want to say to you each day.

In addition to using this devotional, we encourage you to pray about whether there are other ways you can prepare for Easter. You may want to give something up (i.e. fast from something), or you may want to add something (i.e. special time for prayer, serving others, etc).

As we enter into this season of preparation, our prayer is that He will continue to till the soil of our hearts so that we can receive Him more fully.

—Salem Alliance Church Staff

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The History of Lent

Lent is a period of prayer and fasting leading up to Easter. Historians can trace the origins of Lent back to within 200 years of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It began very simply as a two-day fast on the Friday and Saturday before Easter. As time passed, different Christian traditions added days to its length.

Today the traditional Lenten fast is observed for 40 days, beginning on a Wednesday, and lasts through the Thursday before Easter. Sundays are typically excluded from the Lenten fasting restrictions and are not numbered in the traditional “40 days” of Lent, although they are still part of the Lenten season. Sundays are typically excluded because Sunday is always a day to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.

The purpose of Lent is to be a time of preparation for Easter. In most Christian traditions, Lent is a season of fasting, self-denial, prayer, repentance and simplicity—a reflection of Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness before His ministry began (see Luke 4). Lenten disciplines are intended to ultimately transform our entire person: body,

soul and spirit and help us become more like Christ.

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March 9

By My sacrifice, I have made it possible for you to enter into My presence. The curtain that separated you from being able to enter into My presence has been torn. So then, come in! Approach Me, draw near, set aside time to be with Me. You can come just as you are with an honest heart, without fixing your problems first. Come with confidence in My goodness and love. I know there are a lot of other good things you could be doing with your time, even things I have called you to. I rejoice when you choose to spend time with Me over these other good things, even if you only have a few minutes. It’s OK to ask Me to help you make time for Me in your day.

Hebrews 10:19-23; Matthew 27:51

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March 10

I am ready to help whenever you need anything. In your time of need, I have abundant grace and mercy for you. Because I lived on earth as a human being, I truly know what your life is like. I can sympathize with weakness, hardships and temptation. So in those moments when you need help, cry out to Me, for I know what you are experiencing. I want this to give you confidence. Today, approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing that the One you are appealing to is full of grace, sees exactly where you’re at and cares deeply about you.

Hebrews 4:14-16

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March 11

I personally gave My own life—My own body—and took all of your sins upon Myself so that you could be completely freed from sin and freed to live for righteousness. My wounds brought you healing and wholeness—you have already been healed and made whole because My victory over sin and death is complete. It is finished. Where do you need My healing touch today? Receive the restoration and wholeness that I long for you to have now.

1 Peter 2:24

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March 12

When I came to live on earth, I came with specific purposes in mind. I came to share the good news with the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to announce freedom and release from darkness for those being held captive, to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of those grieving and to give people beauty and joy. Today, do you need good news? Are you crying out for healing? Are you looking for freedom and release from darkness? Could you use comfort, care or joy? Whatever it is that you need today, invite Me to come and meet you just where you are. Invite My presence to come and do more than you can ask or imagine in your situation.

Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:16-21; Ephesians 3:20

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March 13

Sometimes you receive forgiveness from Me based on your definition of forgiveness...and you tend to remember your sins and re-live them over and over in your mind. This is not what I do. I generously, abundantly give out love, grace and compassion to all who call on Me. I freely give you a fresh start every time you need one. It grieves Me when you go through life carrying burdens that you don’t need to carry. Are there burdens or guilt that you have been carrying? Today, allow Me to take your burdens from you. Today, walk in the fullness of My forgiveness.

Psalm 51; Psalm 130

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March 14

Have you ever looked at the definition of hope? It includes phrases like these: to want or expect something to happen, especially something that seems possible or likely; anticipation; confident desire; source of success; trust. I have called you to this kind of hope. I am calling you to put your hope in Me. Hope gives you light in darkness. Hope helps to restore your joy. Hope is a powerful force as you go throughout your day. Today, take My hope with you into every circumstance that you face. Carry it with you. Make it your anchor. I want you to overflow with hope, to overflow with the expectation that I will be with you, to overflow with trust in My provision for you.

Ephesians 1:18; Romans 15:13

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March 15

For the rest of your life on earth, difficult, sad, frustrating and discouraging things will come your way. Whether life is easy or hard, I want you to walk in the courage and confidence that I give you. After all, I have overcome the world! The devil has been disempowered. All authority in heaven and on earth is Mine and you are in My care. No weapon formed against you can prosper. Today, receive encouragement from this. Receive confidence from Me to walk through your day in My victory.

John 16:33; Matthew 28:18; Isaiah 54:17

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March 16

My sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate definition of love. This is how I love you: My love is patient and kind. Out of love for you, I am not easily angered and I do not keep track of wrongdoings. My love rejoices in the truth. My love always protects you, always trusts in you, always hopes in you. My love always perseveres. My love for you never fails, never changes, never fades. My love led Me to give up My life for you, to sacrifice everything for you…not because you deserve it, but just because I love you. Rest in My love today. Find freedom and hope in My love today.

1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:9-10

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March 17

Sometimes you beat yourself up and give yourself a really hard time for your mistakes. You want to follow Me, you want to make the right decisions...and sometimes you make a decision that you aren’t proud of. Sometimes it’s hard to do and say what you want to, and you find yourself doing or saying things that you really didn’t want to. I have watched you struggle with this, and I want you to remember that I see your heart. I see your desire to follow Me and to live a life that honors Me. You can go ahead and stop trying to find your own solution to this problem of doing what you don’t really want to do—I took it upon Myself to be the solution when I conquered sin. I came to release you from the control of sin. Rest, knowing that it isn’t up to you to save yourself. Rest, knowing that I am aware of your true desires to follow Me and honor Me. Today, invite Me to help you live a life that points others to Me. Invite Me to lead you through your day and guide you in all your decisions.

Romans 7:15-25

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March 18

Sometimes you think it’s up to you to make yourself acceptable in My sight—you take it upon yourself to gain approval in My eyes. But this isn’t up to you. I freed you from this duty when I offered Myself as a sacrifice on the cross. You, therefore, no longer have to work to become righteous. The sacrifice I love to see in you is a humble and broken spirit and acknowledgement of your need for My cleansing work in your life—you honor My sacrifice when you do this. Today, offer up the sacrifice of a humble heart in need of a Savior, and receive freedom from working for your righteousness.

Hebrews 9:11-15; Psalm 51:17

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March 19

When I died and rose again, you were raised with Me. It might be hard to believe, but you have already died and are already seated with Me in heaven. I want your life to reflect the fact that you are currently seated with Me in heavenly places. I want your thoughts to reflect this. If you focus on earthly things, you will live as though you are seated on earth and not with Me. Instead, ask Me to help you keep your mind occupied with an eternal perspective. Ask Me to help you approach challenges, hardships and anxiety from My perspective.

Colossians 3:1-3

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March 20

I am your light and your salvation. Because of Me you have nothing to fear. Even when you feel like you have an army attacking you, you actually have no reason to fear. It sounds crazy, but you can be calm and confident even when war has broken out against you. You are kept safe by Me in My dwelling place where I hide you and keep you out of reach from your enemies. So when you feel like you’re under attack, come and find rest in My presence, and I’ll keep you safe. When you call, I will hear your voice. When you seek Me, you will find Me. I will not turn you away. Believe that you will see My goodness on the earth. As you go about your day, watch for My goodness. Keep your eyes open for My response to your call.

Psalm 27

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March 21

Did you know that in Me you are a new creation? With Me you got a fresh start—everything old is gone because I redeemed your entire life. Being a new creation means you aren’t limited by this world. Being a new creation means you aren’t limited by sin. Being a new creation means you have My Spirit living in you, empowering you and guiding you all day long. What’s more, I haven’t stopped doing new things. I am still at work, creating and starting new things. As you go throughout your day, keep your eyes and ears open for the new things that I am at work on in you and around you.

2 Corinthians 5:17; Isaiah 43:19; Lamentations 3:22-23

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March 22

There are two sides in every battle. In the battle of this universe, the winner has already been determined…Me. The even better news is that I’m on your side. I am sharing My victory with you. You may have an enemy, but if I am for you, who can be against you? The end of the story has been decided. Keep that in mind as you go throughout your day. You are on the winning team!

Romans 8:31-34

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March 23

From before the foundation of the world, I knew that I would come to earth and live and die as a human being in order to redeem and rescue you. I purchased you with My blood so that you could belong to Me. I have redeemed your life and given you a guarantee that you will spend all of eternity with Me. As you go throughout your day, remember two things: I gave Myself for you; you belong to Me.

1 Peter 1:18-21

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March 24

You have been given fullness in Me: completeness, abundance, filled to capacity, holding as much as possible, with nothing missing… This isn’t a future state you will live in. This is for here and now—fullness in Me. Sometimes you feel empty. When you do, remember that you have been given (notice it’s past tense) fullness in Me, and then ask Me to come and fill you again. I love it when you ask for this and when you believe that I am able to fill you up to overflowing.

Colossians 2:9-12

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March 25

I am praying for you as I sit at the right hand of My Father. Right now. I see you. And I am praying for you. I live to intercede for you—to pray on your behalf. As you go throughout your day, I hope you’ll remember that I’m thinking of you each moment of your day.

Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25

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March 26

Even before you were born, even before you knew Me, My Father and I loved you. Because of Our great love for you, We rescued you and gave you a new life—you were made alive with Me when I was resurrected. Even before you knew Me, you were made alive with Me! This isn’t your own doing—it is freely given to you as a gift. This way no one can brag that they earned it. Saving you is all My work—you just have to trust Me and let Me do it. What do you need to trust Me with today?

Ephesians 2:4-5, 8-9

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March 27

I am your Shepherd—I love being your Shepherd. I love being responsible for caring for and guiding you. With Me as your Shepherd, you have everything that you need. You either have it already, or I will provide you with it as you need it. I have rest for you, peace I want to give to you…I want to bring restoration to your soul. Where do you need restoration today? Invite Me to come into the broken, hurting and hopeless areas of your life so that I can repair, rebuild and re-establish you. Don’t try to do this on your own. It is far more productive for you to allow Me to be the Repairer and Restorer in your life.

Psalm 23; John 10:11-18

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March 28

In life you will go through ups and downs. Some days are good, some days are hard, some days are ordinary. Some days you feel like you are following Me better than other days. Today what I want you to remember is that none of this affects My love for you. My love for you is the baseline foundation of your life. So regardless of how your day goes, My love for you is constant. Maybe you can’t see it, but it is all around you and it is unchanging. You don’t have to work at it—you actually can’t work at it; it is just available for you to have. My love doesn’t increase or decrease. Believe in My love. Rely on My love. Walk in My love today.

Romans 8:35-39

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March 29

The same power that raised Me from the dead is available to you in the Holy Spirit. In fact, the same power that conquered the grave lives inside of you—because you have the Holy Spirit in you. Linger with that fact today. How can your day be different based on My incomparably great power being in you? How can you rely on My power and strength today?

Ephesians 1:18-22

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March 30

You were once alienated from Me because of sin, but by giving Myself completely at the cross and dying for you, I reconciled you to Me. I can now present you to My Father as holy and faultless in His sight. Sometimes you have a hard time believing this—that you are currently holy in My Father’s eyes, right now, just as you are. I have paid for your sins (past, present and future), so He doesn’t see your sin—He just sees you. You are quick to remember your sins and not forget them, to re-live the shame and guilt. When you do this, it’s as if you doubt the complete and total victory I won for you on the cross. Today, receive this as My gift to you—you are holy.

Colossians 1:21-22; Hebrews 10:10; Galatians 2:20b

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March 31

I want to free you from all fear, worry and anxiety. And I have the solution—My love. My perfect love drives out all fear. What are you worrying about today? What is causing anxiety? I care about the details of your life more than you do. Invite My perfect love into these situations today, and then leave the rest to Me.

1 John 4:18

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April 1

In your life, there are hard circumstances, painful experiences and things that make you want to give up. These situations can distract and discourage you. Sometimes you work really hard to respond to these situations with the right attitude. Instead, invite Me to shape your response. Ask Me to help you in the midst of the difficulties. Let Me give you the ability to have a hopeful attitude. Let Me create patience within you. Ask Me to bring encouragement and joy. It’s OK to need Me for these things. Today, regardless of how your day goes, take time throughout the day to invite Me in, to invite Me to shape your responses to the events of the day.

Hebrews 12:2-3

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April 2

I came to earth and lived among you so that through My life, death and resurrection you could have and enjoy life—full, abundant life. I’m not talking about your life in heaven for the rest of eternity. I’m talking about your life lived on the earth. I want you to have and enjoy full, abundant life on earth. This is possible as you walk with Me...as you spend time in My presence...as you stay connected to Me. Remember that My definition of fullness and abundance may not be the same as yours. Spend time today in My presence, and allow Me to bless you with the abundant life I have for you.

John 10:10

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April 3

Find rest in Me alone. I am your Rock, your Salvation, your Fortress—you are safe, secure and protected. Find rest in Me alone. Your hope comes from Me. Trust in Me at all times. Lean and rely on Me. Be confident in Me. Whatever is on your mind, I want you to share all of your thoughts with Me. I know what you are thinking, but I love it when you choose to make Me a part of your day.

Psalm 62

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April 4

I came in love. I came with love. I came for love. I came to love. I came so that those who believe in and follow Me can have eternal life instead of living in darkness and destruction—because I love you too much to let you continue in darkness. It’s all about love. When I think of you, I think of love. I don’t look at what you refer to as your faults, weaknesses or failures. I don’t see those things. Rather, I look at you with compassion, understanding and love. Remember My affection toward you as you journey through this day.

John 3:16-17

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April 5

Before you even knew Me I died for you. Before you knew Me I forgave all of your sins, took them away and nailed them to the cross. Now that you know Me, you get to walk in wholeness and freedom as one who is alive with Me. Are you carrying around the burden of your sin and shame? If you are, today I want you to imagine Me taking those things with Me to the cross over 2,000 years ago. It was all nailed to the cross with Me.

Colossians 2:13-15

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April 6

I am living in you. Say it again to yourself, slowly, “Jesus is living in me”. As you live your life on earth, I am inviting you to live by faith in Me as I live in you. Not faith in yourself, but faith in Me. Not your own faith, but the faith that I give you. Think about what kind of effect it would have on your day if you remembered that I am living in you, empowering you with faith in each moment. I love it when you rely on Me for the things that I want to give you.

Galatians 2:20; Romans 12:2

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April 7

As you live your day-to-day life, you tend to think that the hard parts of life are just the way it goes—that it’s part of “living in a fallen world”. But, the reality is that My victory over death means you don’t have to live in resignation to this. Difficulties will come, yes, but you can live from a

different perspective.

While you may be physically living on earth, when I was resurrected you were raised up with Me and seated with Me, in Me, in the heavenly realms. You are actually currently seated in heaven with Me, in Me. Try experiencing your day as though you are seated with Me, in Me, in the heavenly realms. Experience challenges and difficulties knowing that in all things I am working for your good, that My unfailing

love for you never changes.

Walk in My victory and My authority—for I have given you My


Ephesians 2:6; Romans 8:28; Philippians 2:13

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April 8

I have many desires for you today! I want to strengthen you with power through My Spirit in your inner being, to enable you to do what you cannot do on your own. I want to dwell in your heart, to be present with you always. I want you to be rooted and established in My love, so that everything you do and say is motivated by My love in you. I want you to have complete and total understanding of how BIG My love is for you, to experience My love for you. With your own sense of understanding, you are actually incapable of understanding My love…you need My help to understand it. As you do understand it more and more, you will experience a greater degree of fullness and abundance in Me. You will experience more of My Presence with you. These are My desires for you today. Your part in this is to give permission for Me to come and accomplish each one in you. Will you do that today?

Ephesians 3:16-19

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April 9

When I rose from the dead, I defeated death and opened up the door for you to not be defeated by death. I made it possible for you to spend eternity in heaven with Me. You also have an inheritance in Me that can never be taken from you nor will it go away—this inheritance is reserved in heaven for you. I want these truths to be a source of great and wonderful hope for you. I also want you to start enjoying your inheritance now, to walk in My presence, to walk in hope, to walk with confidence in Me.

1 Peter 1:3-5

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April 10

I am your Helper. I watch over you and as long as you are leaning on Me I will not let you stumble. I guard you every moment of every day without ever sleeping. My eyes are attentive to your every move, My ears to your every word. I am guarding and protecting you, watching out for you now and always. Where do you need My help today? How can you rely on Me today?

Psalm 121

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April 11

I surrendered My life for you before you even had a chance to prove that you deserved it. The point isn’t whether you are good enough, and it isn’t about attaining some level of righteousness—it has nothing to do with what you do or don’t do. It has everything to do with who you are as My Beloved—it is based on My love for you that I chose to surrender My life. Today, rest in the fact that you cannot earn My good opinion of you.

Romans 5:6-8

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April 12

Sin had separated you from Me. But I didn’t want to spend eternity apart from you, so I came and restored you to right relationship with Me. You were created to be with Me forever. Today, walk in My love. Walk in restored relationship with Me. Remember that you were created to be with Me.

Romans 5:9-10

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April 13

When I rose from death after being crucified, I not only conquered death, but I conquered sin. Death doesn’t have the last word anymore—and neither does sin. You have access to the power that conquered sin. And I want you to rely on this power and receive confidence to walk in the power of My Spirit, free from sin. You are not a slave to sin anymore. Today, celebrate that you are alive and free in Me!

Romans 6:4-11

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April 14

Good news! Those who follow Me have been set free! You have been freed from carrying the weight of your sin, freed from the punishment that you deserved. I took all the guilt and shame for you so that you could walk in freedom. So, take a deep breath. Breathe out the stress and anxiety you feel. And go forward in your day in complete freedom in Me.

Romans 8:1-3

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April 15

I want everyone to come to know Me as their Lord and Savior, to come to a knowledge of the truth about who I am. I want everyone to understand that I gave Myself as a ransom for all of humanity. I offered Myself in exchange for every human that will ever live on the earth, to purchase freedom for everyone. As you walk in freedom, you will experience My peace, My victory, My presence. Think about the day that you have ahead of you. How can you walk in My peace, My victory and My presence today?

1 Timothy 2:4-6

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April 16

My body was given for you. My blood was poured out for you. I had you in mind. My sacrifice was for you. Sometimes it’s hard for you to believe that My sacrifice was for you, that I was willing to give up everything just for you. If you had been the only one on planet earth, I still would have come to give My life for you. As you go about your day, remember that I had you in mind—and I still have you in mind.

Luke 22:7-20

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April 17

When you sign up for My benefits plan, the rewards I have for you are unbeatable. You get all your sins forgiven, all your diseases healed, your life saved and redeemed, a crown of My love and compassion, an abundance of My goodness and a renewal of your youth. And that’s not all. I am compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. I don’t stay angry very long, and I don’t hold grudges. I won’t ever treat you as your sins deserve, and I won’t make you pay for the things you do wrong. Do you see how high the heavens are? That’s how much I love you—it’s an unfathomable amount, isn’t it? I removed your sins from you, to the degree that the east is far from the west—it’s an unimaginable distance, isn’t it? Perhaps the greatest benefit? I know you. My love is with you. I am with you always. Today, I want you to more fully realize all of the benefits that I have for you. Receive the benefits I have for you. All you have to do is sign up. I’ll take care of the rest.

Psalm 103

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April 18

Part of My purpose in coming to live on the earth was to give you an example of how to do life—how to love, how to serve, how to enjoy community with others, how to forgive. I also want you to use Me as your example of how to approach life—what was important and what wasn’t, how to interact with people around you, how to face hardships. I know this can be challenging, and some days it feels impossible. That’s why I sent My Spirit to live within you, to empower you to follow Me. Today, how can you rely on My Spirit to enable you to follow My example?

Philippians 2:5-8

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April 19

I chose to come to the earth in human likeness, to personally identify and connect with you while I lived on earth. I lived as a real person. I took on human nature. I was hungry, thirsty and tired. I experienced sadness, grief, pain and suffering. I experienced joy, laughter, community and love. As you experience life today, remember that not only have I walked in your shoes and know what you are going through, but I am also with you in the journey.

Philippians 2:5-8

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April 20

I chose to set aside all of the wonders of heaven to come to earth as a servant, to lay down My life. I didn’t come for Me—I came for you. I didn’t set about to make a great name for Myself or to fulfill My personal agenda. Instead, I gave it all up for others, for you.

Philippians 2:5-8

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April 21

I chose not to cling to My nature as God, and instead willingly made Myself nothing so that I could come to rescue you. I set aside all privileges as God and became human. I chose to let go, to give up, to surrender. All for you. Because I love you and know how much you needed a Savior.

Philippians 2:5-8

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April 22

At last, the day arrived. If there had been another way to accomplish the same victory over sin and death, I would have taken it. But I did what I needed to do—humble Myself and die a selfless, obedient death. I knew what I had come to do—to die for you and for all of humanity, to rescue you by dying in your place.

Philippians 2:5-8

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April 23

Because of My obedience to fulfill the purpose for which I had come—dying in your place—I was honored by My Father. Now, everything that has ever been created or will be created will one day bow in worship before Me and acknowledge that I am Lord. When that happens, My Father will receive all the glory. How can your life glorify My Father today?

Philippians 2:9-11; Isaiah 53:12

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April 24

With My blood I purchased you and others from every tribe, language, people and nation. For the rest of eternity, you will join the song that is already being sung: Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain. You were created to worship Me. You are your truest self when you join in with the rest of creation to sing this song.

Revelation 5:6-13

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The Way of the CrossJourney through the significant moments of Jesus’ last week on earth. There will be reflective stations set up in Cedar Hall. April 18-22Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00 am – 7:00 pmWednesday, Friday: 8:00 am – 8:30 pm

Good FridayFriday, April 22, 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm

Easter WeekendSaturday, April 23, 5:00 pm and 6:30 pmSunday, April 24, 7:45 am, 9:00 am, 10:15 am and 11:30 am