
The Season of Renewal LENT

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The Season of Renewal


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Some History

By the 4th century, Lent developed as a 40-day season, drawing from three practices of the early Church: • A two-day period of fasting

before Easter that was eventually lengthened to 40 days;

• A period of intense preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation;

• The Order of Penitents, for those already baptized who had fallen into serious sin.

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As we prepare for new members to celebrate

initiation at Easter, all members are called to do penance in preparation for renewing their own baptismal promises.

Penance & Baptism

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Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes on

Holy Thursday prior to the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.

Lent is 40 days (the counting does not include Sundays) recalling Jesus’ 40 days in the desert.

Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday) is the three-day season between Lent and Easter.

During Lent, Catholics are called to pray, fast and give alms.

The details

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Ash Wednesday marks the official start of Lent. All who are baptized and preparing for Baptism are

welcome to receive ashes on their foreheads Ashes are made by burning dried palms from the previous

years’ Palm Sundays. Ashes are generally distributed following the homily. As you approach the minister, he/she will make the Sign

of the Cross on your forehead, saying either of these: Remember you are dust and to dust you will return… Repent (Turn away from sin) and believe in the Gospel… The ashes will gradually fade; just bathe as you normally do

Ash Wednesday

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They are a sign of penance (sackcloth and ashes) Ashes remind us of our own mortality: we will

someday die to this life, and in order to be prepared for heaven we must die to sin in order to rise to new life in Christ.

Ash Wednesday

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Masses/prayer services include these

Scriptures Prophet Joel talks about rending hearts, not our

garments and return to the LORD 2 Corinthians: Now is an acceptable time for salvation Matthew: do not let your right hand know what the left

is doing At OLP – Masses are at 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m.; 5:30 p.m.

and 7 p.m. (bilingual)

Ash Wednesday

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Pray Fast

Give Alms

Three Pillars of Lent

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Giving more time to prayer draws us closer to God. Some suggestions:

• Stations of the Cross A devotional prayer which follows the journey of Christ to the Cross

Fridays, 7 p.m. in the Church (20-30 minutes)

• Adoration Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays in the St. Ann Chapel, 9 a.m. until 8 p.m.

• Prayer Resources Available at Church exits and in the Mulligan Room today.

• Scripture Reading Spending time reading and meditating on the Gospels.

• Daily Mass

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Fasting helps us hunger for God. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast (one full

meal, and two other meals that equal a full meal with no snacking. Liquids are permitted) and abstinence (no meat)

Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence (no meat) Binding for those between the ages of 14 and 60 who are

physically able to adhere to the regulations. Exceptions for illness, chronic diseases such as diabetes,

pregnant or nursing mothers. Common sense should prevail in following regulations.

Fasting helps us hunger for God. Some people choose to fast from other things (or add positive actions) during Lent as a prayerful discipline.


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In giving of our time, talent and treasure to the poor,

we show our care for those in need and express our gratitude for all God has given to us. OLP Blessing Boxes support our scholarship program

for young people in our sister community in El Salvador.

Lent Fish Fry (on Friday evenings) support our youth who travel for mission work during the summer months.


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Lent is a time of intensive preparation for Initiation into the Church at Easter

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During the first week of Lent, those who are preparing to

join the Church attend a special prayer service with the diocesan church and bishop.

At the parish, there is a Rite of Sending, recognizing the importance of the parish as witnesses to the readiness and preparation of those preparing to enter the Church.

During the Rite of Election, those to be baptized sign the Book of the Elect. Sponsors and Godparents are asked to testify on behalf of the Candidates and Catechumens.

Candidates and Catechumens are introduced by name to the bishop.

Rite of Election

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Saturday, February 16 We will meet at 4:30p.m. Mass. After dismissal, we will go over the Rite. When sponsors join us, we will have a quick dinner,

then head to the Cathedral. The Rite of Election begins at 7 p.m.

Candidates and catechumens will sit sponsors and spouses/parents. Other guests will be seated nearby.

Only Candidates and Catechumens will be in the procession.

We will return to OLP afterwards and will NOT meet on Sunday, February 17.

Rite of Election

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Celebrated at Mass on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent

March 3, March 10, March 16

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The Scrutinies are intense prayers for

those preparing to join the Church at Easter, in the presence of the parish

community. They will follow the homily at Mass.

What are the Scrutinies?

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The scrutinies are celebrated in order

to deliver the elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ.” At its core, the scrutinies are not about the sinfulness of the elect but about the overwhelming

grace of God in Christ.

Why the Scrutinies?

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Following the First Scrutiny, Candidates and

Catechumens will be presented with the Creed. Following the Second Scrutiny, Candidates and

Catechumens will be presented with the Lord’s Prayer.

These prayers, which are foundational to the Church, will assist in preparing for Easter.


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During the retreat on March 16,

we will continue this intense preparation with prayer.

We will also role play the Sacraments of Initiation in preparation

for the Easter Vigil. The retreat will conclude

with 4:30 p.m. Mass.


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Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week. Palms are blessed and the Mass

begins with the Gospel story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. During Mass, we hear one of the

Gospel accounts of the Passion of Jesus. The color for Palm Sunday is red.

Palm Sunday

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On Holy Thursday, the sacred oils that have been blessed

at the Chrism Mass are ritually brought to the parish. We celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper which

officially begins the Sacred Triduum. At Mass, we hear John’s account of the Last Supper,

including the Washing of the Feet. There is a ritual foot washing at Mass. The Mass has no ritual ending. There is a procession of

the Eucharist to the Chapel of Repose where there will be prayer and waiting through the evening (as with the Garden of Gethsemene.)

Holy Thursday

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Called “good” because it is on this day that

our salvation is won by Christ on the cross. Good Friday services include special prayers,

John’s account of the passion and death of Jesus, and a communion service.

Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence.

Good Friday

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During the morning, we have Preparation Rites We will meet in the morning for prayer and a

rehearsal of the Vigil At 7:30 p.m., the Great Easter Vigil begins outdoors

with the lighting of the Easter Fire. During the Vigil, there are many readings (up to

nine are permitted; four are required) that recount the history of salvation beginning with Creation.a

The symbols of water and light figure hugely into this evening.

Holy Saturday

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Once we come inside, following the lit Easter candle,

we hear the Exsultet, proclaiming the power of God. The Gloria is sung Readings and psalms are sung and proclaimed The Gospel is the Resurrection story. Following the homily, the Elect are baptized, the

Candidates make a Profession of Faith, and all are confirmed.

Everyone present renews his/her Baptismal promises.

Easter Vigil

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Mass continues with the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

The new members of the Church join the community in receiving

Holy Communion. Following Mass, there will be a

reception to celebrate!

Easter Vigil

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On the Sundays following the Easter Vigil, we will

attend the 8:30 Mass and gather after Mass to share your experiences of the Holy Spirit and grace and to answer any questions.

“Unpacking” the sacraments

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Marriage, in the Catholic Church, is a sacrament. Those who have been married in places other than a

Catholic Church should have their marriage blessed. During a blessing of Marriage, you will renew your

marriage vows in the presence of two witnesses. We will bless Marriages sometime during the Easter

