leonhard euler - national chiao tung universityocw.nctu.edu.tw/course/vanalysis/euler-1.pdf ·...

Leonhard Euler Alexander Litvak and Alina Litvak * This year, St. Petersburg celebrates its 300 th anniversary. This gorgeous city, one of the most beautiful in the world, was created by the desire and power of a single man—Russian czar Peter the Great. Peter founded the city in 1703 in an empty and swampy place. He sought to transform Russia into a more civilized, cultured, and developed country, to “westernize” it. Peter was changing Russia, almost rebuilding, and for this he Peter the Great needed a new face, a new capital, the most beautiful and luxurious city in Europe. The construction of St. Petersburg was extremely difficult. Thousands of workers died from dis- ease, the cold, and the unbearable living conditions. But Peter had no time to wait. In 1712, the capital of the Russian empire moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Peter wanted not only to build the city of his dreams, he wanted St. Peters- burg to be the cultural and scientific center of Russia. There was a lack of educated, skilled people in Russia at the time—it’s hard to believe, but not all Russian no- blemen could read and write, and very few spoke foreign languages. Peter sent the youth of Russian nobility to study abroad, and invited foreign specialists in different fields to work in Russia. Many architects, sculptors, and engineers from Denmark, Holland, France, Germany, Italy, and other countries came to Russia, building and decorating its cities, creating its navy, forming its industry. When Peter died, his wife Catherine the First continued his reforms. In 1725, she established the Russian Academy of Science. As was common in those times, she invited many foreigners to work in the newly-created Academy. Many great scientists came to the young capital of the Russian Empire. Among them was one the leading mathematicians of the 18th century—Leonhard Euler. Alexander Litvak is a professor in the Department of Math- ematical Sciences at the University of Alberta. His web site is http://www.math.ualberta.ca/Litvak A.html and his E-mail address is [email protected]. * Alina Litvak is a software engineer employed by Intuit Canada Limited in Edmonton. An old painting of the monument to Peter the Great in St. Petersburg Euler was born in Basel, Switzerland on April 15, 1707. His father was a pastor and, as was usual, he wanted his son to also become a minister. He sent Euler to the University of Basel to study theology. However, it turned out that the young man had a gift for mathematics and loved it very much. Johann Bernoulli, the Swiss mathematician, paid attention to the talented student and convinced the elder Euler to allow his son to change his specialization to mathematics. Euler continued to study at the University of Basel and finished in 1726. He published his first research paper in 1726 and his second in 1727. His work on the best arrangement of masts on a ship was submitted for the Grand Prize of the Paris Academy of Science and won second place. That was a big achievement for the young mathematician. In 1726, Euler was offered the physiology post at the Russian Academy of Science. The Russian Academy of Science in Saint Petersburg. He accepted the offer and arrived in St. Petersburg in 1727. D. Bernoulli and J. Hermann, who were already working at the Russian Academy, helped Euler to join the mathematics– physics division, which meant that he also became a full mem- ber of the Academy. The same year, Euler married Katherine Gzel, daughter of a Swiss painter who worked in St. Peters- burg. In 1736, Euler published the two-volume work “Mechan- ica, sive motus scientia analytice exposita,” where he applied 12

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Page 1: Leonhard Euler - National Chiao Tung Universityocw.nctu.edu.tw/course/vanalysis/euler-1.pdf · Leonhard Euler Alexander Litvak† and Alina Litvak∗ This year, St. Petersburg celebrates

Leonhard Euler

Alexander Litvak†

and Alina Litvak∗

This year, St. Petersburg celebrates its 300th anniversary.This gorgeous city, one of the most beautiful in the world, wascreated by the desire and power of a single man—Russian czarPeter the Great. Peter founded the city in 1703 in an emptyand swampy place. He sought to transform Russia into a morecivilized, cultured, and developed country, to “westernize” it.Peter was changing Russia, almost rebuilding, and for this he

Peter the Great

needed a new face, a new capital, themost beautiful and luxurious cityin Europe. The construction of St.Petersburg was extremely difficult.Thousands of workers died from dis-ease, the cold, and the unbearableliving conditions. But Peter had notime to wait. In 1712, the capitalof the Russian empire moved fromMoscow to St. Petersburg. Peterwanted not only to build the cityof his dreams, he wanted St. Peters-burg to be the cultural and scientificcenter of Russia. There was a lackof educated, skilled people in Russia

at the time—it’s hard to believe, but not all Russian no-blemen could read and write, and very few spoke foreignlanguages. Peter sent the youth of Russian nobility to studyabroad, and invited foreign specialists in different fields towork in Russia. Many architects, sculptors, and engineersfrom Denmark, Holland, France, Germany, Italy, and othercountries came to Russia, building and decorating its cities,creating its navy, forming its industry. When Peter died, hiswife Catherine the First continued his reforms. In 1725, sheestablished the Russian Academy of Science. As was commonin those times, she invited many foreigners to work in thenewly-created Academy. Many great scientists came to theyoung capital of the Russian Empire. Among them was onethe leading mathematicians of the 18th century—LeonhardEuler.

† Alexander Litvak is a professor in the Department of Math-

ematical Sciences at the University of Alberta. His web site is

http://www.math.ualberta.ca/Litvak A.html and his E-mail address

is [email protected].∗ Alina Litvak is a software engineer employed by Intuit Canada

Limited in Edmonton.

An old painting of the monument to Peter theGreat in St. Petersburg

Euler was born in Basel, Switzerland on April 15, 1707.His father was a pastor and, as was usual, he wanted his sonto also become a minister. He sent Euler to the Universityof Basel to study theology. However, it turned out that theyoung man had a gift for mathematics and loved it very much.Johann Bernoulli, the Swiss mathematician, paid attention tothe talented student and convinced the elder Euler to allowhis son to change his specialization to mathematics. Eulercontinued to study at the University of Basel and finished in1726. He published his first research paper in 1726 and hissecond in 1727. His work on the best arrangement of mastson a ship was submitted for the Grand Prize of the ParisAcademy of Science and won second place. That was a bigachievement for the young mathematician. In 1726, Eulerwas offered the physiology post at the Russian Academy ofScience.

The Russian Academy of Science in SaintPetersburg.

He accepted the offer and arrived in St. Petersburg in 1727.D. Bernoulli and J. Hermann, who were already working atthe Russian Academy, helped Euler to join the mathematics–physics division, which meant that he also became a full mem-ber of the Academy. The same year, Euler married KatherineGzel, daughter of a Swiss painter who worked in St. Peters-burg.

In 1736, Euler published the two-volume work “Mechan-ica, sive motus scientia analytice exposita,” where he applied


Page 2: Leonhard Euler - National Chiao Tung Universityocw.nctu.edu.tw/course/vanalysis/euler-1.pdf · Leonhard Euler Alexander Litvak† and Alina Litvak∗ This year, St. Petersburg celebrates

mathematical analysis methods to the problems of motion ina vacuum and in a resisting environment. This work earned

Frederick the Great

him world fame. Euler developedsome of the first analytical methodsfor the exact sciences; he started toapply differentiation and integrationto physical problems. By 1740, Eu-ler had attained a very high profile,having won the Grand Prize of theParis Academy of Science in both1738 and 1740. He had also writtenthe wonderful “Direction to Arith-metic,” which was later translatedinto Russian. It was the first Rus-sian book to represent arithmetic asa mathematical science.

In 1740, after the death of the Empress Anna Ioanovna,two-month-old Ioan IV was declared Emperor of Russia. Ashe was too young to rule, his mother, Anna Leopoldovna, be-came regent. Living in Russia became dangerous, especiallyfor foreigners, and Euler decided to accept the invitation ofFrederick the Great, the King of Prussia, to work in Berlin.There, Euler was met with great respect and was given thefreedom to pursue his research as he wished. However Eu-ler didn’t completely end his work for Russian Academy. Hewas still partially paid by Russia, and he continued to writereports for the Academy and teach young Russians who ar-rived in Berlin. The Russians respected him so much thatwhen his house was destroyed by Russian troops during theRussian–Prussian war, Euler received full compensation.

Euler’s 25 years in Berlin were very busy and productive.He enjoyed great mathematical success and also found timeto accomplish all kinds of social work. For example, he servedon the Library and Scientific Publications Committee of theBerlin Academy and was a government advisor on state lot-teries, insurance, annuities and pensions, and artillery.

Euler wrote nearly 380 articles during his Berlin period. Healso wrote many scientific and popular science books, includ-ing his famous “Letters to a Princess of Germany,” whichwas translated into many languages and published almost 40times. He also led the Berlin Academy of Science after thedeath of Maupertuis in 1759, although he never held the for-mal title of President.

Euler’s phenomenal ability to work is demonstrated by thefact he produced about 800 pages of text per year. Thatwould be a significant number even for a novelist; for a math-ematician, it is hardly believable. Euler made a big contribu-tion to analysis, geometry, trigonometry, and number theory,and introduced such notation as f(x) for function,


sum, e for the base of natural logarithm, π for the ratio ofthe length of a circle to its diameter, and i for imaginary unit.Euler proved the following formula for a convex polyhedron:V +F = 2+E, where V is number of vertexes of the polyhe-dron, F is number of faces of the polyhedron, and E is numberof edges of the polyhedron. This formula has the extension,very important in topology, called Euler characteristics. Inaddition to his work in mathematics, Euler published worksin philosophy, astronomy, physics, and mechanics.

Using the graph theory that he introduced, Euler solvedthe following famous problem, the so-called “Konigsberg’sBridges Problem.”

Problem: The Pregel river in Konigsberg has the formshown in the picture below. There are seven bridges acrossit. Would it be possible, walking through the town, to cross

each bridge exactly once?

Konigsberg Bridges

Euler was able to show that this is impossible; moreover hedescribed precisely the form of the river and bridges requiredto reach an affirmative solution.

Catherine the Great

In 1762, the politics in Russia changed again. EmpressCatherine II, later named “Catherine the Great,” came to thethrone. The atmosphere in Russian society improved dramat-ically. Catherine was an extraordinary person, very talentedand educated. She aimed to create in Russia a regime of “Ed-ucated Absolutism.” She invited many progressive people toRussia—she was in correspondence with Voltaire, she wrotebooks and plays, and she was very interested in art and inscience. Catherine II also started one of the most famous andbeautiful museums in the world, the Hermitage. The timeof her rule is called the “Gold Century” of Russian history.Catherine the Great understood very well that the countrycouldn’t prosper without science. She knew also that the sci-ence could enhance her prestige. She increased the budget ofthe Academy to 60 000 rubles per year, which was much morethan the budget of the Berlin Academy.

Catherine II offered Euler an important post in the math-ematics department, conference-secretary of the Academy,with a big salary. She instructed her representative in Berlinto agree to his terms if he didn’t like her first offer, to ensurethat he would arrive in St. Petersburg as soon as possible.

In 1766, Euler returned to St. Petersburg. Soon after, hebecame almost blind due to a cataract in his left eye (his righteye was already very poor). However, that didn’t stop himfrom working. Euler dictated his works to a young boy, whowrote them in German. In 1771, his home was destroyed by


Page 3: Leonhard Euler - National Chiao Tung Universityocw.nctu.edu.tw/course/vanalysis/euler-1.pdf · Leonhard Euler Alexander Litvak† and Alina Litvak∗ This year, St. Petersburg celebrates

fire and he was able to save only himself and all of his math-ematical manuscripts except the “New Theory of the Motionof the Moon.” Fortunately, Euler had an exceptional mem-ory, which helped him restore the manuscript quite quickly.After the fire, Euler was obliged to move into a new house, theinterior of which was unknown to him. This was extremelydifficult for a blind old man.

An old painting of the Mikhalovsky Castle in St.Petersburg

In September 1771, Euler had surgery to remove hiscataract. The surgery took only three minutes and was verysuccessful—the mathematician’s vision was restored. Doc-tors advised Euler to avoid bright light and overloading hiseyes; reading and writing were forbidden. Unfortunately, Eu-ler didn’t take care of his eyes; he continued to work andafter a few days lost his vision again, this time without anyhope of recovery. Euler took this quietly, with great courage.Amazingly, his productivity only increased. Despite his to-tal blindness, Euler wrote almost half of his articles after hisreturn to St. Petersburg.

The Winter Palace, the Emperor’s residence (nowthe main building of the Hermitage Museum)

In 1773, Euler’s wife died. They were together almost 40years and had 13 children. At that time, the mortality rate for

children was very high, and eight of their children died beforereaching adulthood. After his wife’s death, Euler continued towork diligently, using his son’s and some of his student’s eyesfor reading. He worked until September 18, 1783, the last dayof his life. According to his biographer, on that day Euler gavea mathematics lesson, worked on mathematics, and discussedwith Lexell and Fuss the planet Uranus, recently discoveredby astronomers. He died in the evening.

German and Russian postal stamps dedicated toEuler


[1] Leonhard Euler, J. J. O’Connor and E. F. Robertson,http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/

School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of StAndrews, Scotland.

[2] Leonhard Euler, The Brokhaus & Efron EncyclopedicDictionary.

[3] Biography, Encyclopaedia Britannica.

[4] Mathematical Encyclopedic Dictionary, Moscow 1995.

Denis Diderot was a French philosopher in the 18th century.He traveled Europe extensively, and on his travels stopped at theRussian court in St. Petersburg. His wit and suave charm soondrew a large following among the younger nobles at the court—and so did his atheist philosophy. That worried Empress Catherinethe Great very much. . .

Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler was working at the Rus-sian court at that time and, unlike Diderot, he was a devout Chris-tian. So, the Empress asked him for help in dealing with the threatposed by Diderot.

Euler had himself introduced to Diderot as a man who hadfound a mathematical proof for the existence of God. With a sternface, the mathematician confronted the philosopher: “Monsieur,(a + bn)/n = x holds! Hence, God exists. What is your answer tothat?”

The usually quick-witted Diderot was speechless. Laughed atby his followers, he soon returned to France.