les matières walt: talk about school subjects in french give our opinion about subjects and say why

Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

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Post on 03-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Les matières

WALT: •Talk about school subjects in French•Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Page 2: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 3: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le dessin

Page 4: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 5: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le français

Page 6: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 7: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

les maths

Page 8: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

la musique

Page 9: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

les sciences

Page 10: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le sport

Page 11: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

la technologie

Page 12: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why
Page 13: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Qu’est-ce que c’est?

C’est…. l’anglaisle dessinles mathsles sciencesle françaisle sportla musiquela technologiel’histoire-géol’espagnol

Page 14: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Qu’est-ce que c’est?

Page 15: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Put your hands in the air if it’s right but keep your hands down if it’s wrong.

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le sport

Page 17: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le dessin

Page 18: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 19: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

les maths

Page 20: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

la musique

Page 21: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le français

Page 22: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 23: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 24: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 25: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

les maths

Page 26: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le français

Page 27: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Page 28: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le sport

Page 29: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

les sciences

Page 30: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

la technologie

Page 31: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

le dessin

Page 32: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

la musique

Page 33: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

les sciences

Page 34: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

la technologie

Page 35: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Write a list of what subjects you have on Monday then write an extended sentence.

Eg. Lundi – l’anglais la musique la technologie les sciences

Le lundi, j’ai anglais, musique, technologie et sciences.

Extension: Write similar sentences saying what someone else has on another day

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Les matières - Subjects

Page 37: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why


Je n’aime pas…


Je déteste….

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Page 39: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Je préfère


Je n’aime pas…


Je déteste….

Page 40: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Quelle est ta matière préférée?

What’s your favourite subject?

Page 41: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Quelle matière préfères-tu?

Je préfère l’anglais / …

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Quelle matière aimes-tu?

J’aime …

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Quelle matière détestes-tu?

Je déteste…….

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Quelle matière adores-tu?


Page 45: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Quelle matière détestes-tu?

Je déteste…….

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Quelle est ta matière préférée?Ma matière préférée c’est……

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Écoute et note.



Quelle est ta matière préférée?


Page 48: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Vrai ou fauxSi faux , corrige les phrases dans ton cahier

1- J’adore les sciences.

2- J’aime le sport.

3- Je déteste la technologie.

4- Je n’aime pas l’anglais.

5- Ma matière préférée c’est l’histoire.

6- Je préfère le français.

Page 49: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Peer- assessmentCheck your answers.

1- J’aime les sciences.

2- J’aime le sport.

3- Je déteste les maths.

4- J’aime l’anglais.

5- Ma matière préférée c’est le dessin.

6- Je préfère le français.

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Les matières et opinions – Subjects and opinions

Page 51: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Que penses-tu?

What do you think?

Page 52: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

C’est comment?

C’est super!C’est génial!C’est intéressant!C’est facil!

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C’est comment?

Bof.Ça va.C’est OK.

Page 54: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

C’est comment?

C’est nul!C’est ennuyeux!C’est difficile!

Page 55: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

C’est comment? Copiez dans les cahiers

C’est super! – It’s great C’est génial! -It’s great

C’est intéressant!- it’s interestingC’est facil!- It’s easy

Bof. – it’s so-soÇa va. – it’s okC’est OK. – it’s ok

C’est nul! – it’s rubbishC’est ennuyeux! –it’s boringC’est difficile! – it’s difficult

Page 56: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

C’est comment?

C’est super! C’est génial! C’est intéressant!

Bof.Ça va.C’est OK.

C’est nul!C’est ennuyeux!

Écoute et note les réponses. (1-7)Eg. 1. maths sport

Page 57: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Faites un sondage dans la classe:

Note les réponses.

Tu aimes l’anglais?

Oui, j’aime beaucoup (a lot) l’anglais parce que c’est intéressant.

Support: look at the colour coding to know the word order. Answer + opinion + subject + because it is + reason

Extension: Give extended answers using connectives and more details. Ex: Non, je n’aime pas l’espagnol parce que c’est nul et ennuyeux mais j’adore les maths parce que c’est intéressant.

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Tu aimes l’anglais?

1) Write name of the person you ask the question to, their opinion and reason if they give it in the blank column. ONLY WRITE THOSE DETAILS IF THEY ARE SAID IN FRENCH.

Subjects Name Subjects Nameopinion opinionreason reason

2) Ask as many questions as possible in 3 min.

3) Answer as many questions as possible in 3 min.

Page 59: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

Write a sentence for each and add a reason for that opinion.

1- Je n’aime pas le sport parce que c’est nul.

2- 5-



To say because you can use ‘parce que’ eg. J’aime les sciences parce que c’est super!

This will make your writing even better!

Page 60: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

La Bataille Navalle!!Draw ships on to your grid without your

partner seeing. You need:1 x 3 long.2 x 2 long.3 x 1 long.

Ships can go horizontally or vertically.

Page 61: Les matières WALT: Talk about school subjects in French Give our opinion about subjects and say why

You are going to guess where your partner’s ships are.

• The top grid is for your battleships. The bottom grid is to use when you are guessing your partners.

• If you guess correctly your partner will say ‘touché’ and you can mark a hit in the correct square.

• If you miss your partner will say ‘rien’ and you can mark a miss in the correct square.

• When you sink an entire ship your partner will say ‘coulé’.

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C’est super !


C’est nul.

C’est OK.

C’est génial.

C’est intéressantC’est ennuyeux.Ça-va.

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Les matières, opinions et raisons Subjects, opinions and reasons

Les matières, opinions et raisons Subjects, opinions and reasons