lesson 4 revised.doc

7/23/2019 lesson 4 revised.doc http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/lesson-4-reviseddoc 1/11 ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form  Teacher: Amber Gilliland Date: 10/14/15 Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Native American food and belief I. Objectives What is the main focus of this lesson? Students learn the different types of homes that Native Americans lived in (based on their biomes) and the different things they used to make their clothes How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? !"f applicable#$ This lesson expands the students knowledge of Native Americans and how they use their environment to make the things that they needed What are your objectives for this lesson? !A man% a needed#$ Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards. "f an objective applie to onl% certain tudent &rite the name!$ of the tudent!$ to &hom it applie# 'ndertand the reaon for the di(erent houe in di(erent biome )abel di(erent t%pe of Native American home and clothin* + , -+#0#5 'e informational te.t and viual data to compare ho& American "ndian and ettler in the earl% hitor% of ichi*an adapted to ued and modied their environment II. Before you start Prerequisite nowled!e and sills. Native American live o( the land "ssessment #formative and summative$ 2uetion about the home after the activit% !in relation to biome$ 3la dicuion -ome and 3lothe heet in pacet Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines) RECOGNITION %&'"&()I* "++(*&I,( Mlti!le Means of Re!resentation -ultiple -eans of (pression #"ction$ -ultiple -eans of (n!a!ement Options for Perception Options for action/interaction Options for recruiting interest Options for Language/Symbols Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Eort & Persistence Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Function Options for Self Regulation -aterials/what materials #boos0 handouts0 etc$ do you need for this lesson and do you have them? The Legend of the Sleeping Bear Pictures of clothing examples ! examples of homes  Native American packets Paragraphs for each home 1o you need to set up your classroom in any special way for this lesson? If so0 describe it. Students will begin at the carpet for the story and then return to their seats for the rest of the lesson

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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form

 Teacher: Amber Gilliland Date: 10/14/15 Subject/ Topic/ Theme:Native American food and belief

I. ObjectivesWhat is the main focus of this lesson?Students learn the different types of homes that Native Americans lived in (based on their biomes) and the different things they used

to make their clothes

How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? !"f applicable#$This lesson expands the students knowledge of Native Americans and how they use their environment to make the things that they


What are your objectives for this lesson? !A man% a needed#$ Indicate connections toapplicable national or state standards. "f an objective applie to onl% certain tudent &rite thename!$ of the tudent!$ to &hom it applie#

• 'ndertand the reaon for the di(erent houe in di(erent biome

• )abel di(erent t%pe of Native American home and clothin*

+ , -+#0#5 'e informational te.t and viual data to compare ho& American "ndian and ettler in theearl% hitor% of ichi*an adapted to ued and modied their environment

II. Before you start

Prerequisite nowled!eand sills.

Native American live o( the land

"ssessment#formative andsummative$

2uetion about the home after the activit% !in relation to biome$3la dicuion-ome and 3lothe heet in pacet

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

RECOGNITION %&'"&()I* "++(*&I,(

Mlti!le Means of Re!resentation -ultiple -eans of (pression#"ction$ -ultiple -eans of(n!a!ement

Options for Perception Options for action/interaction Options for recruiting interest 

Options for Language/Symbols Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Eort &Persistence

Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Function Options for Self Regulation

-aterials/what materials#boos0 handouts0 etc$ doyou need for this lessonand do you have them?

The Legend of the Sleeping Bear

Pictures of clothing examples! examples of homes

 Native American packets

Paragraphs for each home

1o you need to set upyour classroom in anyspecial way for thislesson? If so0 describe it.

Students will begin at the carpet for the story and then return to their seats for the rest of thelesson

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III. &he Plan


Parts&he description of #script for$ the lesson0 wherein you describe teacheractivities and student activities



 Tal to tudent about le*end and about ho& Native American often told le*end#A tudent to decribe &hat the% thin a le*end i and then e.plain that le*endarent real but that the% are often ued to e.plain omethin* epeciall% in nature#

6ead the boo The Legend of Sleeping Bear 


7ut tudent in ve *roup of three or four Tell them that the% &ill be *oin* around in their *roup to loo at the di(erent +Dmodel of home that are placed around the claroom# There the% mut read thepara*raph that i poted ne.t to each home and ue it to determine &hat home idipla%ed# The &rite the name of the home in the correpondin* blan in theirpacet#

Give tudent about 8,+ minute for each home and tell them &hen to &itch# Afterhe ve rotation *ather tudent bac to their eat#

6evie& the home 9 lit a home and a them to hare &hat tribe it belon* to# Then

a them &hat biome the home i made in#

Ne.t tell tudent to ip to their Native American 3lothe pa*e in their pacet#

;or each blan on the pa*e ho& a picture rt to help tudent viuali<e# Then helptudent to &rite in the correct &ord for each blan#


A a cla add to the )earn part of the =>) chart# Student can hare ome of thene& thin* the% learned about Native American toda%#

 3our re4ection on the lesson includin! ideas for improvement for net time5

"omes paragraphs#

The people of $hippewa%&'ibwa tribe lived in a

wigwam They used the trees of the forest to build their

home The bark of the tree was important

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A hogan was a home for the Nava'o Native Americans

Since they lived in the desert they needed a cool place

to rest They built hogans by covering sticks with mud

which helped to keep it cool inside

*ood was necessary to build a longhouse The $hinook

 Native Americans who lived in the temperate

rainforest were grateful for the shelter that their

longhouses provided during the rain

Surprisingly even though an igloo is made from snow

and ice it can be very warm inside The +nuit Native

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Americans were thankful for this because they lived in

the tundra where it was almost always cold and bitter

Since the Souix tribe traveled a lot around the grassland

hunting buffalo they needed homes that were easy to

transport or bring with them Tipis were the perfect

solution because they could be easily packed away and

it didn,t take long to set them up again


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