lesson: main idea and summary lesson topic: determine the

Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the main topic of a text Question 1: Hansel and Gretel must escape an evil witch in the forest. The Birthplace of Magical Tales Written by Krista Garver Do you remember the forest where Hansel and Gretel got lost? What about where Rapunzel was locked in a tower? That forest is a real place! It is called the Black Forest, and it is has been the inspiration for hundreds of famous magical tales. The Black Forest, in southwest Germany, is the setting of many fairy tales because it has a dark and mysterious feeling. It got its name because the trees grow so thick that sunlight can’t get through. It goes on for more than 100 miles and can seem endless for those traveling through. It is also full of streams, springs, and valleys, and there are very old castles and small villages. The Black Forest has long been thought of as enchanted, and there are many myths and legends surrounding it. Long ago, people would sit at their spinning wheels and tell each other stories. There were stories about sorcerers and wizards, werewolves, ghosts, and nymphs that lived in lakes and rivers. Now people all over the world know about these stories inspired by the Black Forest. In the 1800s, the famous Brothers Grimm from Germany published the legends for the world to read. In the last 100 years, famous filmmakers have turned these stories into popular children’s movies like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. If you ever take a trip to the Black Forest, keep your eyes out for the mystical creatures that live among its trees. Maybe you will be lucky enough to find yourself in the middle of a mythical tale. After all, the Black Forest is truly a place where legends are born.

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Page 1: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Lesson: Main Idea and Summary

Lesson Topic: Determine the main topic of a text

Question 1:

Hansel and Gretel mustescape an evil witch in theforest.

The Birthplace of Magical Tales

Written by Krista Garver

Do you remember the forest where Hansel and Gretel got lost? What about where Rapunzel was locked

in a tower? That forest is a real place! It is called the Black Forest, and it is has been the inspiration for

hundreds of famous magical tales.

The Black Forest, in southwest Germany, is the setting of many fairy tales because it has a dark and

mysterious feeling. It got its name because the trees grow so thick that sunlight can’t get through. It goes on

for more than 100 miles and can seem endless for those traveling through. It is also full of streams, springs,

and valleys, and there are very old castles and small villages.

The Black Forest has long been thought of as enchanted, and there are many myths and legends

surrounding it. Long ago, people would sit at their spinning wheels and tell each other stories. There were

stories about sorcerers and wizards, werewolves, ghosts, and nymphs that lived in lakes and rivers.

Now people all over the world know about these stories inspired by the Black Forest. In the 1800s, the

famous Brothers Grimm from Germany published the legends for the world to read. In the last 100 years,

famous filmmakers have turned these stories into popular children’s movies like Snow White and the Seven


If you ever take a trip to the Black Forest, keep your eyes out for the mystical creatures that live among its

trees. Maybe you will be lucky enough to find yourself in the middle of a mythical tale. After all, the Black

Forest is truly a place where legends are born.

Page 2: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 2:

The Pied Piper

Written by Marvin Ferraz

Like many legends, “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” is probably a mixture of fact and fiction. The legend

claims that, during the Middle Ages, a man dressed in colorful attire came to Hamelin, Germany and lured

many children away from the town using a musical instrument called a pipe. Supposedly, the children were

never seen again. However, there are many different explanations of what really happened in Hamelin and

the source of the Pied Piper legend.

Some people believe that the children died from natural causes, like diseases, during this time. There

were many rats in Hamelin, and these rats spread diseases and plagues throughout the town that killed

many children. Some people think the Piper might simply be a symbol for the diseases that took so many

children’s lives.

Others believe that the children were lost or died in a crusade or war. These people think the Piper may

represent a man who recruited children from Hamelin to fight in a war or crusade.

As with most legends, we may never know the truth. However, that certainly won’t stop people from

creating new theories about this mysterious Piper and the disappearance of Hamelin’s children.

Which is the main topic of this text?

the plague that struck the town of Hamelin

the different uses of pipe instruments

the colorful clothing people used to wear

the origins of the legend of the Pied Piper

Page 3: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 3:

Don't Wake Me Up Before I've Had My Coffee!

Written by Juliana Sartor

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. There are records of coffee consumption that

date back over 500 years. Many adults drink coffee in the morning to feel more awake. Coffee’s popularity is

likely due to the fact that it contains caffeine. Caffeine is a drug with many qualities that affect humans.

Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it makes people feel more awake. Some energy drinks and many

sodas contain caffeine. If you have ever had a lot of soda, you might have felt a little more awake. This is the

biggest reason people drink coffee. The caffeine gives them an extra push to start their day. This is a benefit

of caffeine.

However, caffeine is also addictive, which means your body and mind need it in order to function

normally. Many people really cannot start their day without caffeine. If they try, they are tired and unfocused.

This is a drawback of caffeine.

Which is the main topic of this text?

the popularity of coffee

the process of addiction

the effects of caffeine on humans

the history of coffee

Page 4: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 4:

Reaching Out Across the Generation Gap

Written By Marvin Ferraz

Do you ever have a hard time communicating with your grandparents? When people from different

generations—like your grandparents, your parents, and you—have a hard time communicating with one

another, we call this the generation gap. The generation gap is mostly related to differences in technology

and language.

You probably have a lot of experience with electronics, including video games, cell phones, and

computers. You probably don’t even remember learning how to use these things! On the other hand, your

grandparents may have a hard time getting used to new technology, or they might even frown upon it.

The technological difference creates another big difference: language. Think about the way you talk when

you text. You probably use a lot of acronyms, like “LOL” or “BRB” to express yourself. New technology

demands with it a new way of speaking. While you are fluent in this type of speech, your parents and

grandparents are not.

On the bright side, we are not powerless to stop this generation gap. If you make a genuine effort to really

talk to your grandparents or really listen to your parents, you can see how alike you really are.

Which is the main topic of this text?

The generation gap is caused by technology and language differences.

Your grandparents speak in a different language than you.

You have much more experience with technology than your grandparents.

The generation gap is impossible to overcome.

Page 5: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 5:

The Pied Piper

Written by Marvin Ferraz

Like many legends, “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” is probably a mixture of fact and fiction. The legend

claims that, during the Middle Ages, a man dressed in colorful attire came to Hamelin, Germany and lured

many children away from the town using a musical instrument called a pipe. Supposedly, the children were

never seen again. However, there are many different explanations of what really happened in Hamelin and

the source of the Pied Piper legend.

Some people believe that the children died from natural causes, like diseases, during this time. There

were many rats in Hamelin, and these rats spread diseases and plagues throughout the town that killed

many children. Some people think the Piper might simply be a symbol for the diseases that took so many

children’s lives.

Others believe that the children were lost or died in a crusade or war. These people think the Piper may

represent a man who recruited children from Hamelin to fight in a war or crusade.

As with most legends, we may never know the truth. However, that certainly won’t stop people from

creating new theories about this mysterious Piper and the disappearance of Hamelin’s children.

Which is the thesis sentence of this text?

However, there are many different explanations of what really happened in Hamelin and

the source of the Pied Piper legend.

Supposedly, the children were never seen again.

Like many legends, “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” is probably a mixture of fact and fiction.

Some people believe that the children died from natural causes, like diseases, during this


Lesson Topic: Determine the main idea of paragraphs

Page 6: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 1:

Read the article below.

Fireflies Flashing Together

Adapted from NPS.gov

Synchronous fireflies are one of at least 19 species, or types, of fireflies that live in Great Smoky

Mountains National Park. They are the only species in America whose individuals can synchronize, or match,

their flashing light patterns. During certain times each summer, visitors gather in Great Smoky Mountains

National Park to get a glimpse of this show.

Their light patterns are part of their mating display. Each species of firefly has a particular flash pattern

that helps its male and female individuals recognize each other. Most species produce a greenish-yellow

light; one species has a bluish light. The males fly and flash, and the usually stationary females respond with

a flash.

No one is sure why the fireflies flash synchronously. Competition between males may be one

reason: they all want to be the first to flash. Or perhaps if the males all flash together they have a

better chance of being noticed, and the females can make better comparisons.

The mating season lasts for approximately two weeks each year. The dates that the fireflies begin to

display varies from year to year—scientists haven't figured out why, but it depends at least in part on

temperature and soil moisture. It's impossible to predict in advance exactly when the insects will begin

flashing each year. Many people anxiously await the firefly display, and it can be difficult to reserve a spot to

enter the park. For those who have the chance to see the light show, it is a beautiful and almost magical


Which is the main idea of the underlined paragraph?

Competition between the fireflies is not important to mating.

There are no possible explanations for why the fireflies flash together.

There are a few guesses about why the fireflies flash together.

There is one clear reason why the fireflies flash together.

Page 7: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 2:

Read the passage below.

An excerpt from Giving a Wedding Gift

Written by Laura Reynolds

A wedding ceremony represents the start of a new life for a couple. Weddings are a time for celebration.

A wedding allows the new couple and their families to honor their union. The rituals of a wedding unite the

pair through vows and promises. The wedding ceremony indicates a bond for life between the two people.

Which is the main idea of this paragraph?

the purpose of a wedding ceremony

different types of celebrations

different types of wedding vows

the purpose of a bride and groom

Page 8: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 3:

Read the passage below.

An excerpt from Giving a Wedding Gift

Written by Laura Reynolds

A wedding ceremony represents the start of a new life for a couple. Weddings are a time for celebration.

A wedding allows the new couple and their families to honor their union. The rituals of a wedding unite the

pair through vows and promises. The wedding ceremony indicates a bond for life between the two people.

Which is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

A wedding ceremony represents the start of a new life for a couple.

The wedding ceremony indicates a bond for life between the two people.

Weddings are a time for celebration.

A wedding allows the new couple and their families to honor their union.

Page 9: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 4:

Read the passage below.

An excerpt from Giving a Wedding Gift

Written by Laura Reynolds

Usually, rings are traded between a bride and groom during the wedding. The circle of the wedding band

symbolizes eternity. This is because a ring has no end. This tradition most likely came from an old tribal

custom. In ancient times, circles of grass were used to decorate the bride. The bride would wear these

circles of grass around her ankles and wrists.

Which is the main idea of this paragraph?

the custom of wearing grass

how to wear a grass circle

the custom of wedding rings

how to wear a wedding ring

Page 10: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 5:

Read the passage below.

An excerpt from Giving a Wedding Gift

Written by Laura Reynolds

Usually, rings are traded between a bride and groom during the wedding. The circle of the wedding band

symbolizes eternity. This is because a ring has no end. This tradition most likely came from an old tribal

custom. In ancient times, circles of grass were used to decorate the bride. The bride would wear these

circles of grass around her ankles and wrists.

Which is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

The circle of the wedding band symbolizes eternity.

In ancient times, circles of grass were used to decorate the bride.

This tradition most likely came from an old tribal custom.

Usually, rings are traded between a bride and groom during the wedding.

Lesson Topic: Identify supporting ideas in texts

Question 1:

Hansel and Gretel mustescape an evil witch in theforest.

The Birthplace of Magical Tales

Written by Krista Garver

Page 11: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Do you remember the forest where Hansel and Gretel got lost? What about where Rapunzel was locked

in a tower? That forest is a real place! It is called the Black Forest, and it is has been the inspiration for

hundreds of famous magical tales.

The Black Forest, in southwest Germany, is the setting of many fairy tales because it has a dark and

mysterious feeling. It got its name because the trees grow so thick that sunlight can’t get through. It goes on

for more than 100 miles and can seem endless for those traveling through. It is also full of streams, springs,

and valleys, and there are very old castles and small villages.

The Black Forest has long been thought of as enchanted, and there are many myths and legends

surrounding it. Long ago, people would sit at their spinning wheels and tell each other stories. There were

stories about sorcerers and wizards, werewolves, ghosts, and nymphs that lived in lakes and rivers.

Now people all over the world know about these stories inspired by the Black Forest. In the 1800s, the

famous Brothers Grimm from Germany published the legends for the world to read. In the last 100 years,

famous filmmakers have turned these stories into popular children’s movies like Snow White and the Seven


If you ever take a trip to the Black Forest, keep your eyes out for the mystical creatures that live among its

trees. Maybe you will be lucky enough to find yourself in the middle of a mythical tale. After all, the Black

Forest is truly a place where legends are born.

Page 12: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 2:

The Pied Piper

Written by Marvin Ferraz

Like many legends, “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” is probably a mixture of fact and fiction. The legend

claims that, during the Middle Ages, a man dressed in colorful attire came to Hamelin, Germany and lured

many children away from the town using a musical instrument called a pipe. Supposedly, the children were

never seen again. However, there are many different explanations of what really happened in Hamelin and

the source of the Pied Piper legend.

Some people believe that the children died from natural causes, like diseases, during this time. There

were many rats in Hamelin, and these rats spread diseases and plagues throughout the town that killed

many children. Some people think the Piper might simply be a symbol for the diseases that took so many

children’s lives.

Others believe that the children were lost or died in a crusade or war. These people think the Piper may

represent a man who recruited children from Hamelin to fight in a war or crusade.

As with most legends, we may never know the truth. However, that certainly won’t stop people from

creating new theories about this mysterious Piper and the disappearance of Hamelin’s children.

Question 3:

The main topic of The Pied Piper is the different explanations for what really happened in Hamelin, Germany.

Which is a supporting main idea of this main topic?

Many children probably went to live underground with rats.

Many children probably died from diseases caused by rats.

Many children were probably scared away by the rats in town.

Many children were transformed into rats by the Pied Piper.

Page 13: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 4:

The main topic of The Pied Piper is the different explanations for what really happened in Hamelin, Germany.

Which is another supporting main idea of this main topic?

Some children left to go protest a war.

Some children may have been lost fighting in a war.

Some children ran off to start a war against the rats.

Some children were taken as prisoners of war.

Question 5:

Let Me Out Of This Cage!

Written by Laura Reynolds

Did you know that animals sometimes escape from a zoo? It happens, but it’s rare. Most of the escapes

end with the animal being returned to the zoo unharmed. There have been many famous animal zoo


One of them was by Cyril the sea lion. Cyril lived in a zoo in Canada. One day, he managed to swim away

from the zoo and all the way across Lake Erie. Cyril ended up in Ohio before he was found.

Evelyn was a gorilla from the Los Angeles Zoo. She escaped her cage five different times. Once, she

hopped onto another gorilla’s back to jump over the wall. Evelyn would do anything to get out of her cage.

The most famous animal to escape from a zoo was named Ken Allen. Ken was an orangutan. He lived in

the San Diego Zoo. Ken escaped from his cage many times and peacefully strolled around the zoo. He was

never violent or aggressive. He just liked to get out from time to time.

What do these escapes tell us about zoo life? Is it fair to keep an animal in captivity if it gives us

entertainment and helps us with our education? Some people don’t think so. The escaping animals probably

don’t think so, either!

Lesson Topic: Identify supporting details in paragraphs

Page 14: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 1:

An excerpt from Giving a Wedding Gift

Written by Laura Reynolds

A wedding ceremony represents the start of a new life for a couple. Weddings are a time for celebration.

A wedding allows the new couple and their families to honor their union. The rituals of a wedding unite the

pair through vows and promises. The wedding ceremony indicates a bond for life between the two people.

The main idea of this paragraph is the purpose of wedding ceremonies.

Which of the following details supports this main idea?

Check all that are true.

Weddings allow families and couples to celebrate.

Weddings encourage couples to have children.

Weddings are a chance for a couple to get many expensive gifts.

Weddings create a lot of problems for the families.

Weddings unite the two people for life.

Page 15: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 2:

An excerpt from Giving a Wedding Gift

Written by Laura Reynolds

Usually, rings are traded between two people during the wedding. The circle of the wedding band

symbolizes eternity. This is because a ring has no end. This tradition most likely came from an old tribal

custom. In ancient times, circles of grass were used to decorate the bride. The bride would wear these

circles of grass around her ankles and wrists.

The main idea of this paragraph is that exchanging wedding rings is a common custom.

Which of the following details supports this main idea?

Check all that are true.

Trading a circular ring represents the eternal bond between two people.

Wedding rings may be related to how brides used to wear circles of grass.

Trading a ring symbolizes trading wealth and riches between families.

Wedding rings represent the life cycle of all plants and animals.

Wedding rings had the same meaning and looked the same in ancient times.

Page 16: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 3:

An excerpt from Giving A Wedding Gift

Written by Laura Reynolds

A diamond ring is a common gift one person gives to another. This ring is called an engagement ring. It is

used to show that a person wants to marry his or her partner — that’s why it is also sometimes called a

promise ring. If the person accepts the marriage proposal, he or she will wear the ring. This tradition dates

back to Victorian times, but it hasn’t always been a diamond ring. People use all kinds of jewels and rings as

engagement rings.

The main idea of this paragraph is that engagement rings are a traditional part of marriage.

Which of the following details support this main idea?

Check all that are true.

Only diamond rings symbolize engagement.

The custom of giving and wearing engagement rings has occurred for many years.

Accepting an engagement ring occurs after people get married.

People accept engagement rings even when they do not want to get married.

A ring with a diamond or other jewel is given to symbolize the promise of marriage.

Question 4:

Main Idea: Exchanging wedding rings is a common custom.

Supporting Detail: Wedding rings may be related to how brides used to wear circles of grass.

How does this detail support the main idea?

It tells about the material of modern wedding rings.

It tells what the custom of wedding rings symbolizes in marriage.

It tells about the custom of wedding rings in the future.

It tells how the custom of wedding rings may have originated.

Page 17: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 5:

Main Idea: Engagement rings are a traditional part of marriage.

Supporting Detail: A ring with a diamond or other jewel is given to symbolize the promise of marriage.

How does this detail support the main idea?

It tells how to convince someone to accept an engagement.

It tells about the process of a proposal and an engagement.

It tells more about what an engagement ring represents.

It tells how the custom of engagement rings originated.

Lesson Topic: Explain how paragraphs support main topic

Page 18: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 1:

Hazards of Hiking

Written by Tama Patel

Hiking is excellent exercise and a great opportunity to see scenery and wildlife. However, the untamed

wilderness can have many hidden dangers. To stay safe, it is important to know the hazards and how to

avoid them.

One hazard of hiking is getting lost. Getting lost is easy, but finding your way back can be hard. In many

areas, hiking trails are clearly marked, and you should stay on them. Cell phones don’t always work in the

wilderness, so carry a map of the area and make sure you know exactly where you are. It’s also a good idea

to hike with friends or family and avoid hiking alone.

Another common hiking hazard is bad weather. It can be sunny and beautiful in the city, but cold and

snowing in the forest. The weather might also change quickly while you are hiking, especially if you are in a

desert area. Check the weather report before you go hiking and take extra clothing just in case.

Rough terrain can also be a hazard. Hiking in the forest is not like walking on the sidewalk. Uneven and

slippery ground can lead to injuries, like sprained ankles. Watch for roots, rocks, logs, loose gravel, and

slippery areas, especially on steep slopes and around water. Slow down and take shorter steps, if you need


Even though hiking has its dangers, don’t be afraid to lace up your hiking boots and escape into nature. If

you are prepared and stay safe, and the fresh air, exercise, and beautiful scenery won’t disappoint you.

Page 19: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 2:

Pretend you are writing a text about different animal habitats around the world.

Which of the following supporting main ideas would support this main topic?

Check all that are true.

The oceans make up the largest habitat on earth.

Giraffes' long necks allow them to eat leaves on tall trees.

The rainforest is home to millions of species of animals.

Tigers are usually solitary animals and prefer to be alone.

My grandma's living room is our favorite room.

Question 3:

Pretend you are writing a text about transportation in a city.

Which of the following supporting main ideas would support this main topic?

Check all that are true.

You should pack something to do in the car for long rides.

Flight attendants have very difficult and tiring jobs.

Gasoline is an important product in the modern world.

Buses are also a popular form of transportation in the city.

Many cities have train systems.

Page 20: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 4:

Read the three supporting main ideas below.

Supporting Main Idea 1: The Executive Branch carries out the laws.

Supporting Main Idea 2: The Legislative Branch writes the laws.

Supporting Main Idea 3: The Judicial Branch enforces the laws.

Which of the following thesis statements is best supported by these supporting main ideas?

England's government includes the prime minister and parliament.

The American government system depends on the citizens.

The president is the most powerful person in our country.

There are three branches of the US Government, each with a different role.

Page 21: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 5:

Read the three supporting main ideas below.

Supporting Main Idea 1: Mount McKinley is located near the center of the Alaska Range.

Supporting Main Idea 2: The Rocky Mountains stretch more than 3,000 miles from Canada into

southwestern United States.

Supporting Main Idea 3: The Appalachians stretch from Tennessee to Maine.

Which of the following thesis statements is best supported by these supporting main ideas?

North America has many impressive mountain ranges.

There are many astounding mountain ranges in Europe.

Hiking can be an amazing adventure and provides great exercise.

The wild animals of the United States are just as interesting as those in Africa.

Lesson Topic: Summarize informational texts

Page 22: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 1:

The History and Future of the Homestead

Written by George Gibson

One day, a man decided that he wanted to start his own farm. He was tired of city life, and this way he

could live in the country. On a farm he would also be his own boss. If he worked hard, he could make money

selling what he grew, and if he was smart, he could make much of what he needed himself. He could store

his own food for the winter. He could build his own house and barn. He could even make some of his own

tools. With hard work and intelligence, he wouldn't need to rely on others for the things he needed.

This determined man wanted to start a homestead. In the 1800's, the United States government gave

small pieces of land to people who wanted to start farms. They needed to live on the land for five years. They

had to prove that they had made the land more useful for growing crops. If they did these things, they could

keep the land forever. The law that made this possible was named the Homestead Act.

Hundreds of thousands of people took the government up on this offer. In those days, big cities could be

dirty, crowded places, so many decided that they wanted to raise their families in the country. In addition,

many immigrants were coming to the United States. They might have come from small towns in their home

countries and did not want to live in big cities. Homesteading allowed them to make a living in their first years

in the United States. Homesteads offered immigrants the chance to own their own land and produce their

own food, which was something they could not do working in a factory.

Making a homestead successful and productive was not an easy job. On a homestead, there was always

work to do. Homesteaders had to improve the land by clearing brush. They needed to plant, monitor, and

harvest their crops. They needed to take care of their animals, and build homes, barns, and silos.

Eventually these homesteading farmers settled much of the land in the western United States. They

began to build towns that grew into cities. Their farms doubled and tripled in size and helped grow the food

that fed thousands upon thousands of Americans.

To this day, the United States respects and praises the homesteader’s spirit of self-reliance and hard

work. It became the foundation of the American work ethic and independent spirit that if you work hard, you

can be successful. Even in the present day, many people live like homesteaders. They have to buy their own

land, but they love being self-sufficient, just like the homesteaders who lived before them.

Page 23: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 2:

A History of Life at Sea

Written by Krista Garver

Life at sea has changed a lot in the past 200 years. In the 1800s, life in the Navy was not very glamorous.

Men would be on ships for months, or even years, at a time. They lived in small, cramped spaces. The work

was hard, and the pay was poor. The sea presented many challenges, like bad weather, and the men were

often cold and wet. There were always the threats of pirates and drowning.

The men had poor diets, mainly composed of dried meat, and the food was often rotten or full of bugs.

Many men got scurvy, a disease caused by not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Other common illnesses

were caused by people living so close together, so cleanliness was very important.

Absolute discipline was essential aboard a ship. If the men did not do their jobs, they put everyone in

danger. They also needed to follow orders in times of battle. There wasn’t a prison on board, so the captain

kept the men in line through punishment. Flogging, or whipping, was a common punishment at the time.

In order to convince men to join the Navy, the government had to advertise the upsides to life at sea.

Posters stressed a steady salary and the opportunity to visit new places.

Today, the naval life is much easier. Usually a sailor will not be on a boat for longer than six months. The

work is still hard, but the pay is better. Sailors still live in close quarters, but disease is less common. The

food is much better because it is flown to the ships, and there is no shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Being in the Navy today is more like having a normal job that involves a lot of travel. Many people think

this is the best part about being in the Navy. The worst part is time away from their families. Do you think you

would like a life at sea?

Question 3:

Which is the best summary of the thesis statement?

Life in the Navy was very different in the past.

Life at sea has changed a lot in the past 200 years.

Pirates had to work hard to not drown.

The work was hard, and the pay was poor.

Page 24: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Question 4:

Which is the best summary of the supporting ideas and details from the beginning of the text?

In the past, Navy men had access to many fresh fruits and vegetables. They also had

proper training, so punishment on board was unnecessary.

Many men got scurvy, a disease caused by not eating enough fruits and vegetables.

Flogging, or whipping, was a common punishment at the time.

In the past, Navy men struggled to stay healthy at sea. They were also threatened with

physical punishment in order to maintain discipline.

The men had poor diets, mainly composed of dried meat, and the food was often rotten or

full of bugs. Absolute discipline was essential aboard a ship.

Question 5:

Which is the best summary of the supporting ideas and details from the end of the text?

Being in the Navy today is more like having a normal job that involves a lot of travel.

Today, the naval life is much easier.

Today, Navy life is safer, healthier, and similar to other jobs that require traveling.

Today, Navy life is just as dangerous and terrifying as in the 1800s.

Page 25: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the

Correct Answers

Lesson: Main Idea and Summary

Lesson Topic: Determine the main topic of a text

Question 1:

Question 2:MC4

Question 3:MC3

Question 4:MC1

Question 5:MC1

Lesson Topic: Determine the main idea of paragraphs

Question 1:MC3

Question 2:MC1

Question 3:MC1

Question 4:MC3

Question 5:MC4

Lesson Topic: Identify supporting ideas in texts

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:MC2

Question 4:MC2

Question 5:

Lesson Topic: Identify supporting details in paragraphs

Question 1:MC1 | MC5

Question 2:MC1 | MC2

Question 3:MC2 | MC5

Question 4:

Page 26: Lesson: Main Idea and Summary Lesson Topic: Determine the


Question 5:MC3

Lesson Topic: Explain how paragraphs support main topic

Question 1:

Question 2:MC1 | MC3

Question 3:MC4 | MC5

Question 4:MC4

Question 5:MC1

Lesson Topic: Summarize informational texts

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:MC1

Question 4:MC3

Question 5:MC3