lessons learned from brazil on hiv self-testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis

Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV infection – PrEP in Brazil STI, Aids and Viral Hepatitis Department Secretary for Health Surveillance Ministry of Health Brazil Geneva, May 24 th, 2016

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Page 1: Lessons learned from Brazil on HIV self-testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis

Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV infection – PrEP in Brazil

STI, Aids and Viral Hepatitis DepartmentSecretary for Health Surveillance

Ministry of Health BrazilGeneva, May 24 th, 2016

Page 2: Lessons learned from Brazil on HIV self-testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis

Source: special studies conducted between 2009/2010 and 2013. Brazilian Ministry of Health.

Brazil: Concentrated HIV epidemic in key populations

HIV remains an infectious diseases of major public health importance in Brazil. There are estimated to be some 781.000 people living with HIV/Aids in Brazil.

Prevalence rates

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Biomedical HIV prevention package in Brazil

Available at www.aids.gov.br; access on April 15, 2016

Oral PrEP containing TDF should be offered as an additional prevention choice for people at substantial risk of HIV infection, as part of combination HIV prevention approaches.

Reliable tool in preventing the transmission of HIV

Implementation of PrEP will contribute to achieving (South America e Caribbean)

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PrEP studies conducted in Brazil

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IPrEX Study

Sponsored/funded by DAIDS/NIH, through a grant to the Gladstone Institutes.Location: Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, South Africa, Thailand, US.Population: MSM and transgender women.

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• Authors: Grangeiro A, et al. (BMJOpen 2015;5:e009021.)

• Funding: Brazilian Ministry of HealthNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development Truvada® donated by Gilead• Start: PrEP Group: Jun/2016

The Combine! Study: Protocol for a Pragmatic Clinical Trial on PEP, PrEP and Combination HIV Prevention Methods in Public Clinics in Brazil

PrEP studies conducted in Brazil

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PrEP uptake and associated factors among MSM and TGW in the PrEP Brasil demonstration project

Brenda Hoagland, Valdilea G. Veloso, Raquel B. De Boni, José Valdez Madruga, Esper G. Kallas, Nilo Martinez Fernandes, Ronaldo I. Moreira,

Albert Y. Liu and Beatriz Grinsztejn for the PrEP Brasil Study Team

PrEP studies conducted in Brazil

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Sites Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - Fiocruz/RJ University of São Paulo (USP) Referral Center for HIV Treatment (CRT/SP)

Funding: Brazilian Ministry of Health FAPESP/ FAPERJ FIOCRUZ Truvada® donated by Gilead

Preliminary Data:1.187 individuals interviewed (pre-screening visit)

96.3% (MSM) and 4,7% (TGW) Median age: 29 years HIV Positive: 9,8% - High prevalence

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Funding: ICICT, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - FIOCRUZ,

Ministry of Health CDC GAP/Brazil DDAHV, SVS, Ministry of HealthGoals: Expand HIV testing options for MSM; Develop, implement and evaluate the

feasibility of an intervention based on the internet for MSM, including: information about HIV and supply HIV self-testing kits (e-testing)

Evaluation of combined interventions to increase HIV diagnosis among MSM in Curitiba.

PrEP studies conducted in Brazil

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Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) - UNITAID

1. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Linkage to Testing among sexually active older adolescents with substantial HIV Risk in Brazil, Thailand and South Africa

• Goal: Contribute to a decrease in the HIV incidence among adolescents for whom PrEP is recommended in Brazil, Thailand and South Africa. The project is part of efforts to accelerate HIV results in adolescents, MSM and Transgender Women.

• Partner's organizations: UNICEF, UNITAID, Brazilian, Thailand, South African Governments and Civil Society.

2. PrEParedness for the Rollout of Effective HIV Prevention among Key Affected Populations in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru

• Goal: to contribute to the global efforts for the rollout and further scale up of PrEP as an innovation to combination HIV prevention approaches within the national HIV and AIDS health policies of Brazil, Mexico and Peru. MSM and Transgender Women.

• Implementation institution: FIOTEC/FIOCRUZ • Support institution: UNITAID• Partner's organizations: Brazilian, Mexican and Peruvian Governments, Civil Society

and Cayetano Heredia University.

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Perspectives: PrEP strategies

Advisory Board: meeting in October 2015 – Guidelines for public health system;PrEP strategies:

1. Clinical guidelines (ongoing)2. Operational guidelines (ongoing)3. Monitoring & Evaluation (ongoing)

Key populations (PWID, serodiscordant couples, MSM, transgender people and sex workers)

Truvada registration for PrEP in analysis by national regulatory agency

HIV self-testing kits: the pharmaceutical companies interested in commercializing HIV self-testing kits are making the necessary readjustments and submitting them to the analysis of national regulatory agency.PrEP as a public health policy, free-of-charge, by the end of 2016

PrEP strategies: Brazil

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Fábio Mesquita-DDAHV/MS BrazilAdele Benzaken - DDAHV/MS BrazilCristina Pimenta - DDAHV/MS BrazilGerson Pereira - DDAHV/MS BrazilAlessandro Caruso - DDAHV/MS BrazilFlávia Alvarenga - DDAHV/MS BrazilMarcelo Freitas - DDAHV/MS BrazilJoão Paulo Toledo - DDAHV/MS BrazilJoão Netto - DDAHV/MS BrazilAna Flávia Nacif - DDAHV/MS Brazil

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Thank youFlávia Moreno

DDAHV/SVS/[email protected]