let’s define your best way to study! study[stuhd-ee] · • all the supplies you need to ......

Your Best Work starts with: • A clear and organized workspace • A plan for your studying • A focused mindset • All the supplies you need to get the job done Let’s define your best way to study! Organizing Your Workspace The purpose of homework is to review what you learned and see if you understand what you’re learning. Doing schoolwork at home can be tricky but if you have a space to work in that’s set up for success, homework can actually be fun – or at least less stressful than it’s been in the past. The key is being organized. What do I mean by organized? Here’s a definition for you (you’ll see more of these throughout the backpack. Learning when you least expect it!) And I broke it down into 3 simple steps: Select, Set and Straighten. workspace [wawrk-speys] Noun A space you use to study and do your work. My workspace is clear of distractions so I can easily focus on my assignments. study[stuhd-ee] Verb: studied, studying To practice, to think something through in steps. Doing homework is actually fun now that I’ve found my own unique way to study. Homework [hohm-wurk] Noun Schoolwork assigned to be done outside of your classroom. Homework is a chance for me to show myself and others what I’ve learned. www.BeBrilliantU.com Part 1 - Page 1

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Your Best Work starts with:

• A clear and organized workspace• A plan for your studying• A focused mindset• All the supplies you need to

get the job done

Let’s define your best way to study!

Organizing Your Workspace

The purpose of homework is to review what you learned and see if you understand what you’re learning. Doing schoolwork at home can be tricky but if you have a space to work in that’s set up for success, homework can actually be fun – or at least less stressful than it’s been in the past. The key is being organized.

What do I mean by organized? Here’s a definition for you (you’ll see more of these throughout the backpack. Learning when you least expect it!) And I broke it down into 3 simple steps: Select, Set and Straighten.

workspace [wawrk-speys]Noun

A space you use to study and do your work.My workspace is clear of distractions so I can easily focus on my assignments.

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study[stuhd-ee]Verb: studied, studying

To practice, to think something through in steps.Doing homework is actually fun now that I’ve found my own unique way to study.

The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you The purpose of homework is to review what you

Homework [hohm-wurk] Noun

Schoolwork assigned to be done outside of yourclassroom. Homework is a chance for me to showmyself and others what I’ve learned.


Part 1 - Page 1

Organize [awr-guh-nahyz]Verb: organized, organizing

Put in a structured order to save time and cut downon stress. When I organize the things I have to do,it is easier to see the steps I need to take to completemy work.

Select [si-lekt]Verb

To make a choice, to choose, to pick out.I select what is the easiest for me to do firstso I can feel a sense of accomplishment andkeep going.

Then, select two spaces in your home where you can study (or half a dozen spaces on campus if you’re in college.) It’s important to have a backup space if your primary space is being used by someone else or if you get tired or antsy, you have another workspace to move to.

Finding the right workspace is about what works best for you – so experiment. You have a choice here, so be �exible with yourself and test out di�erent options.

Some kids don’t do well at a desk and should try a standing desk, standing at a table or a music stand.

Your bed is not a productive space and is best kept just for sleeping. (Exception: sometimes if you are trying to retain information, right before you go to sleep, you can briefly look at something or go over something in your mind before you go to sleep.)

First, try to recognize if you need a quiet space or if having some background noise works better for you. Which option helps you focus more?

Organizing Your Workspace


Part 1 - Page 2

Organizing Your Workspace


Set [set]Verb

To clear your space and put in a particular order for your best work. I like to set up mylife with time for play, work, family and friends.

Straighten [streyt-n]Verb

To neaten, to make tidy.Before starting my homework, I like to straighten upmy workspace because it helps me study better.

Set up your primary work space with supplies (you can follow your list from school).

Make sure to include pencils, pens, loose leaf paper, poster board, rulers, art supplies, books, notebooks – anything else you might need.

Have available what you need to work with at the moment – the current assignment, the required books, nothing else. Remove anything you don’t need so you can stay focused.

Having everything you might need at your �ngertips cuts down on wasted time and the energy you need to study – your energy gets drained every time you need to go look for something.

Clear your space of extra words, paper or other visual or sensory distractions that don’t work for you.

I have to tell you that every student of mine who kept their binders messy consistently missed handing in assignments, wasted time, had more arguments with their folks and, therefore, had more stress in their lives. Let’s make sure you have a better experience.

It’s time to straighten up!

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