lets evaluate...why only muslims are extremist

Why Only The Muslims are Terrorist? Let's Evaluate... Why only the Muslims are Fundamentalist, Extremist !

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Myth & Fact about Islam, Muslim, terror and today's world. What media is portraying true?


Page 1: Lets Evaluate...Why Only Muslims Are Extremist

Why Only The Muslims are Terrorist?

Let's Evaluate...Why only the Muslims are

Fundamentalist, Extremist !

Page 2: Lets Evaluate...Why Only Muslims Are Extremist

Killing own children and wife

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So what do NON-Muslims Do???

Page 4: Lets Evaluate...Why Only Muslims Are Extremist

This is media depiction of events.They never write Hindu/Christian/

Jews/Buddhist killed his daughter/son etc…

But a 'Muslim' is 'highlighted‘ for crimes!

This make you think of Muslim an Extremist and Fundamentalist

Let's find some more crimes…Incest Crimes

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MUSLIM !!!!But who are they? Not mentioned as he is not Muslim!

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Hmm….NowWhat about Terrorism….Following are muslims

Then what is the

‘FAITH' of the

following NOT


These are non-Muslims.Are they

not Terrorist


Page 7: Lets Evaluate...Why Only Muslims Are Extremist

Killer always belongs to some religion or faith..

BUT Only mention the criminal's faith when he is a


One might say…But Muslims are suicide bombers ….they are real


Let's have a look at the following…

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Those were MuslimsThen who are the


Page 9: Lets Evaluate...Why Only Muslims Are Extremist

Who introduced Suicide Attack in South Asia????

In July 5, 1987 The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

which is a non-muslim organisation, carried out its first suicide bombing in South Asia at the Nelliady army

camp killing 40 security force (SF) personne.

This organization, currently fighting for an independent Tamil state, began carrying out suicide bombings in 1987 and has since perpetrated over 200 such attacks. These bombings were particularly lethal and caused hundreds of casualties....

This organization is the only one in the world to succeed in assassinating a head of state by suicide bombings. In May of 1993, President Premadassa of Sri Lanka was killed by a suicide attacker, along with 22 other people. A suicide attack killed former Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, while he was on an election campaign tour in Madras on 21 May 1991. On 17 December 1999, the organization attempted to assassinate Chandrika Kumaratunga of Sri Lanka, using a female suicide bomber. The President was wounded but survived....


ATTACKERS????As they are non-muslims!!!

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Some Facts about Suicide &

Suicide Attacks

In ancient times, suicide sometimes followed defeat in battle, to avoid capture and possible subsequent torture, mutilation, or enslavement by

the enemy.

In Roman society, suicide was an accepted means by which

honor could be preserved. Those charged with capital crimes, for example, could

prevent confiscation of their family's estate by taking their

own lives before being convicted in court.

The Kaiowas tribe in the South American rainforest

committed a mass suicide in protest of a government that

was taking away their land and beliefs.

During World War II, Japanese units would often fight to the

last man rather than surrender. These tactics reflect the

influence of the samurai warrior culture.

Following World War II, Viet Minh "death volunteers" fought against the French

colonial army by using a long stick-like explosive to detonate French tanks, as part of their

urban warfare tactics.

The French 11th century rabbi Rashi suggested this to

mean that the Amorites attacked like bees do, i.e. stinging and then dying.

Another example was the Prussian soldier Karl Klinke on 18 April 1864 at the Battle

of Dybbøl, when he blew a hole in a Danish fortification.

Modern suicide bombing as a political tool can be traced back

to the assassination of Czar Alexander II of Russia in 1881.

Alexander fell victim to a Nihilist plot. While driving on one of the central streets of Saint Petersburg, near the

Winter Palace, he was mortally wounded by the explosion of

hand-made grenades and died a few hours afterwards.

The act of self-sacrifice during combat appeared in a

large scale at the end of World War II with the Japanese

kamikaze bombers.

During the Battle for Berlin the Luftwaffe flew "Self-

sacrifice missions" (Selbstopfreinsatz) against

Soviet bridges over the River Oder.

Controversial example is from the time of the Crusades,

when the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own

ships, killing 140 Christians in order to kill ten times as many


In the late 17th century, Qing official Yu Yonghe recorded that injured Dutch soldiers fighting against Koxinga's

forces for control of Taiwan in 1661 would use gunpowder to blow up both themselves and

their opponents rather than be taken prisoner

A modern example of suicide bombing occurred during the Belgian Revolution, when the Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent being captured by the Belgians.

During their revolts against the British in late the 1700s, 1818 and 1848 the Sinhalese conducted numerous suicide attacks against the British. The common tactic was to hide inside a hollowed Kitul Palm Caryota urens tree trunk and blow up oneself when the British troops came near.

Were they all Muslims?Obviously Not !!!

That is why media never highlighted these suicide

missions and never mentioned their Religion…….

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So When Muslims involved in Suicide Attacks?It was early 80s when suicide attacks

started in Muslim World against the illegal occupation

of Israel in Middle East




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If these are terrorist then who is terrorizing them?

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What if this happens to you????

We have become desensitised and uncaring to these figures We need to feel the pain of this Ummah. If a child is oppressed we need to feel it as our child. If a mother is oppressed we need to feel it as our mother. If a father is oppressed we need to feel it as our father.

We have lost touch with the hadith of Holy Prophet (SAW) “The believers, in their mutual love, compassion and mercy, are like one body; if one part of it is suffering, the rest of the parts of the body join it in its fever and sleeplessness.”

Not content with the starvation of millions, not satisfied with the

bombing and poisoning of a nation. Not full after trading food for oil with

a nation flooded by poverty. The nations stage a phony war which is painfully exposed yet still justified

unacceptable imposition upon national sovereignty would never be accepted

anywhere else and then having the guile to question the


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It is the high time for our leaders, media and offcorse the whole Ummah to sit back and analyze ourselves that, How long will we continue to show such apathy towards

ourselves and ISLAM?

It is not the fault of Western Media or the Kuffars, it is our own fault because they are

doing the best for their countries & religion, but on the other hand we are totally failed

in fighting the Media War in these several years.