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  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Interview Call Letter

    October 31 2006

    Dear Mr./Ms.______,

    his has reference to !o"r a##$ication, indicatin% interest in see&in% em#$o!ment 'ith o"rcom#an!. (e than& !o" for the same.

    (e 'o"$d $i&e to #ersona$$! meet !o" for a disc"ssion on ___________ at __________ at thefo$$o'in% address) __________________________________________________

    _____________________(e ho#e this time and *en"e is s"itab$e to !o". +f it is not, 'e re"est !o" to %et in to"ch 'ithMr._________ indicatin% s"itab$e date and time for the same.

    he com#an! 'i$$ reimb"rse !o" the e-#enses inc"rred b! !o" for this meetin%. As #er o"r%"ide$ines, !o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to 2nd c$ass A.. to and fro train fare / c$ass airfare.

    (e are enc$osin% o"r com#an! a##$ication form and re"est !o" to fi$$ the same and brin% ita$on% 'ith !o" 'hen !o" come for this *isit. his 'i$$ faci$itate the inter*ie' #rocess.

    o he$# "s coordinate this meetin% effecti*e$!, 'e re"est !o" to confirm to "s !o"r a*ai$abi$it! forthis meetin% either b! fa- or on #hone. O"r fa- no. is ___________ and o"r board te$e#hone no.is 12266601100. ind$! as& for Mr. ________ 'ho 'i$$ be !o"r contact #erson thro"%ho"t the#rocess.

    (e $oo& for'ard to meetin% !o".

    ind e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letter of Initial Offer

    October 31, 2006

    Dear Mr. / Ms. .............,

    (e$come to 4Or%ani5ation Name7

    +t %i*es "s %reat #$eas"re to offer the ro$e of _____________, for 'hich !o" inter*ie'ed 'ith "s.

    his 8ob, as e-#$ained to !o", is in the Mana%ement 9rade ______ of o"r com#an!. hecom#ensation and other benefits that !o" 'o"$d be entit$ed to are stated in the enc$os"re to thisletter. (e re"est !o" to %o thro"%h the same and ret"rn the enc$osed d"#$icate co#! of thisletter in acce#tance of the same.

    Accordin%$!, 'e 'i$$ arran%e to iss"e to !o" a detai$ed letterof a##ointment on the date of !o"r8oinin% "s, 'hich 'e a%reed bet'een "s 'i$$ be an! da! on or before ________.

    he ro$e, in 'hich !o" 8oin "s, is a *er! im#ortant one 'hich 'i$$ entai$ dea$in% 'ith im#ortant andsensiti*e information, records and s"ch other matters of the com#an!. o" 'i$$, therefore, bere"ired to si%n a :ode of ond"ct and ;ecrec! A%reement of o"r com#an! at the time of !o"r

    8oinin% the com#an!.

    (e $oo& for'ard to !o" 8oinin% o"r team. (e are s"re that !o" 'i$$ ha*e a bri%ht career 'ith o"rcom#an!.

    (e ta&e this o##ort"nit! to 'e$come !o" and !o"r fami$! into the fo$ds of o"r com#an!.

    ind e%ards

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letter of Regret

    October 31 2006

    Dear Ms / Mr. ,

    his has reference to the meetin% 'e had on ____________.

    (e a##reciate !o"r ta&in% time off to meet "s at ________. (e had detai$ed de$iberations 'ithreference to !o"r #rofi$e 'ith o"r re$e*ant mana%ers. At #resent, 'e do not ha*e a s"itab$e#osition matchin% !o"r sincerit! and e-#erience.

    (e are therefore "nab$e to offer !o" an immediate #$acement in o"r com#an!. ?ositions matchin%!o"r #rofi$e are $i&e$! to come "# in the f"t"re. (e ha*e therefore #$aced !o"r #rofi$e on o"r databan&. (e 'i$$, at the a##ro#riate time, %et in to"ch 'ith !o" to ree*a$"ate !o"r interest.

    (e ta&e this o##ort"nit! to 'ish !o" %ood $"c&.

    =est e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    ;trict$! onfidentia$

    Reference CheckLetter

    October 31 2006

    < Name of the com#an!/referred #erson>

    Dear Mr., Ms.________ ,

    (e are in disc"ssion 'ith Mr. _____________ and 'e are e*a$"atin% his s"itabi$it! for #$acement

    in o"r or%ani5ation as ___________.

    +n the co"rse of his meetin%s 'ith "s, he s"%%ested that 'e co"$d see& em#$o!ment referencefrom !o" considerin% that he has 'or&ed in !o"r or%ani5ation bet'een _________ and


    (e ha*e a form to faci$itate eas! ca#t"rin% of !o"r information. (e, therefore, re"est !o" to fi$$the same and ret"rn it to "s in the se$faddressed en*e$o#e.

    (e ass"re !o" of ho$din% the information #ro*ided b! !o" in strict confidence. ;ho"$d !o" #referto %i*e this information o*er #hone instead of fi$$in% it, !o" can contact Mr.____________ onte$e#hone no. __________.

    han&in% o",

    =est e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof A##ointment for ;enior /Midd$e/@"nior Mana%ement

    October 31 2006


    his has reference to the disc"ssions !o" had 'ith "s. (e are #$eased to offer !o" the #osition of:_________________ at $e*e$ ___________in the mana%ement cadre of o"r om#an!, on thefo$$o'in% terms and conditions)

    1. =asic ;a$ar!) s. _________/ 4"#ees______on$! #er ann"m. o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to f"rther

    re*ie' of !o"r com#ensation as #er the com#an! #ractice. his 'i$$ be $in&ed to !o"r #erformanceand 'i$$ be at the discretion of the mana%ement.

    2. B..A. / Accommodation) 60C of !o"r basic sa$ar! 'i$$ be #aid to !o" as ho"se rent a$$o'ance.+f !o" are #ro*ided a com#an! accommodation, the same 'i$$ be re%"$ated b! the re$e*ant #o$ic!,for 'hich !o" ma! refer o"r om#an! eased Accommodation 4..A. #o$ic! on o"r

    ___________ site.

    3. ;#ecia$ A$$o'ance) s. _________/ 4"#ees______on$! #er ann"m.

    . ood o"#ons) o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to food co"#ons 'orth s. _____/ #er month. o" ma!choose to o#t o"t of this, for 'hich !o" need to indicate !o"r choice to !o"r B mana%er. ordetai$s 'here these co"#ons are a##$icab$e, !o" ma! refer o"r director! on o"r_______site.

    E. ea*e ra*e$ Assistance) s. ___________/4"#ees_______on$! #er ann"m for eachcom#$eted !ear of ser*ice as #er the r"$es, #a!ab$e on a !ear$! basis.

    6. Domici$$iar! Medica$ F-#enses) s. 1E000/ 4"#ees ifteen ho"sand on$! #er ann"m foreach com#$eted !ear of ser*ice as #er the r"$es, #a!ab$e on a month$! basis.

    G. Bos#ita$i5ation) o" 'o"$d be co*ered "nder the om#an!Hs Bos#ita$i5ation scheme. ordetai$s !o" ma! refer o"r Bos#ita$i5ation #o$ic! on o"r ________site.

    I. ?ro*ident "nd) he om#an! 'i$$ contrib"te 12C of !o"r basic sa$ar! to'ards ?ro*ident"nd. ;imi$ar ded"ction 'i$$ be made from !o"r sa$ar!.

    . ;"#erann"ation) +f !o" indicate s#ecific desire to do so, the om#an! 'i$$ contrib"te 1E C of!o"r basic sa$ar! #er ann"m to'ards s"#erann"ation f"nd ti$$ !o" attain the a%e of EI !ears. hebenefits of this contrib"tion 'i$$ be made a##$icab$e to !o", tota$$! in accordance 'ith the terms ofthe scheme. ?$ease refer to Mr. _______ for f"rther information on o"r om#an! ;"#erann"ation?ro%ram.

    10. 9rat"it!) o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to an e"i*a$ent of 1E da!s of !o"r $ast sa$ar! dra'n for e*er!com#$eted !ear of ser*ice as #er the terms of the scheme, s"b8ect to a ma-im"m of s.3,E0,000/ 4F$i%ibi$it! after E !ears of com#$eted ser*ice.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    11. or#orate Attire) o" 'i$$ ha*e a choice to se$ect cor#orate attire 'orth s. ________/ fromthe o#tions #ro*ided b! the om#an! e*er! !ear. +f !o" indicate !o"r desire to o#t for thisscheme, the om#an! 'i$$ contrib"te E0C of this amo"nt and the ba$ance 'i$$ be ded"cted from!o"r sa$ar!. or more detai$s, !o" can refer o"r or#orate Attire ?o$ic! on o"r _________site.

    12. a his order of a##ointment can be terminated on either side b! %i*in% three monthHs noticeor #a!ment of sa$ar! 4basic in $ie" thereof.

    b he om#an! reser*es the ri%ht to terminate !o"r ser*ices 'itho"t assi%nin% an! s#ecificreason 'hatsoe*er for s"ch termination b! %i*in% !o" a 3 monthsH notice in 'ritin% or ane"i*a$ent of 3 months sa$ar! in $ie" thereof.

    c he om#an! a$so reser*es the ri%ht to terminate !o"r ser*ices 'itho"t an! notice or sa$ar! in$ie" thereof on the %ro"nds of miscond"ct, or e*en in the case of reasonab$e s"s#icion ofmiscond"ct, dis$o!a$t!, commission of an! act in*o$*in% mora$ t"r#it"de, or an! act of indisci#$ineor inefficienc! or for $oss of confidence.

    13. +nitia$$!, !o" 'i$$ be #osted at ___________ and re#ort to ___________or an! other #ersonnominated b! the com#an!. Bo'e*er, !o"r ser*ices co"$d be transferred to an! otherDe#artments / Di*isions / actories of the om#an!, an!'here in +ndia. Not'ithstandin% !o"rinitia$ a##ointment in this om#an!, !o"r ser*ices ma! be assi%ned b! the om#an! to an! otherom#an! of the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#. o" ma! a$so be assi%ned s"ch other d"ties asma! become nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion of the Mana%ement in an! =ranch orOffice of the om#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or to an! of its other Associate om#anies.

    1. his a##ointment is s"b8ect to !o"r bein% medica$$! e-amined and fo"nd fit. he Mana%ementhas the ri%ht to %et !o" medica$$! e-amined b! an! "a$ified medica$ #ractitioner d"rin% theten"re of !o"r ser*ice. +n case !o" are fo"nd medica$$! "nfit to contin"e 'ith the assi%nment for'hich !o" ha*e been em#$o!ed, !o" 'i$$ $ose !o"r $ien on the 8ob.

    1E. his a##ointment is a$so s"b8ect to a satisfactor! re#ort from !o"r former em#$o!ers, based

    on the references %i*en b! !o".

    16. o" 'i$$ a"tomatica$$! retire from the ser*ice of the om#an! on attainin% the s"#erann"atin%a%e of EI !ears. o" 'i$$ be e-#ected to #ro*ide acce#tab$e e*idence of !o"r date of birth at thetime of 8oinin% the com#an!.

    1G. A$$ other standard and %enera$ r"$es, #ractices and #o$icies of the om#an! as e-istin% no'and 'hich ma! be amended from time to time 'i$$ be a##$icab$e to !o" and !o" 'i$$ be e-#ectedto abide b! the same.

    1I. +n the e*ent of the ;tate/entra$ 9o*ernment enactin% an! $a' conferrin% the same or simi$arbenefits as e-tended to !o" "nder this letter, !o" 'o"$d be entit$ed to s"ch benefits 'hich aremore beneficia$ of the t'o, b"t not both. his sha$$ be at the discretion of the mana%ement.

    1. o" are re"ired at a$$ times to maintain the hi%hest order of disci#$ine and secrec! as re%ardsthe 'or& of the om#an! and/or its ;"bsidiaries or Associate om#anies, in case of an! breachof disci#$ine/tr"st, !o"r ser*ices ma! be terminated b! the com#an! 'ith immediate effect. o"are a$so re"ired to si%n the ;ecrec! A%reement "#on !o"r 8oinin%. A$$ in*entions, im#ro*ements,disco*eries made b! !o" either a$one or 'ith other #ersons, 'i$$ become the so$e #ro#ert! of thecom#an!. o" 'i$$ ens"re that #atent #rotections are obtained for s"ch in*entions/im#ro*ementsand disco*eries in +ndia or e$se'here and assi%n the same to the com#an!.

    20. o" are re"ired to de*ote !o"r tota$ attention and abi$ities e-c$"si*e$! for the b"siness of the

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    om#an!. o" 'i$$ res#ect, obe! and conform to a$$ the re%"$ations from time to time framed andiss"ed b! the om#an! and made a##$icab$e to !o". o" sha$$ not, 'hi$e in the em#$o!ment ofthe om#an!, be en%a%ed in an! other em#$o!ment, cond"ct b"siness 'hatsoe*er or ho$d an!office of #rofit or acce#t an! other emo$"ments 'itho"t #re*io"s consent in 'ritin% of theom#an!. =reach of this condition co"$d $ead to immediate termination 'itho"t notice.

    21. D"rin% the co"rse of !o"r em#$o!ment and if the nat"re of !o"r b"siness so re"ires, theom#an! ma! send !o" for s#ecia$i5ed trainin% 'ithin +ndia or o*erseas in order to enab$e !o" to#erform more effecti*e$!. +n s"ch an e*ent !o" 'i$$ be re"ired to e-ec"te a trainin% bond 'ith theom#an!.

    22. his offer of em#$o!ment is based on the information f"rnished in !o"r a##$ication forem#$o!ment. +f, at an! time in f"t"re, it comes to the &no'$ed%e of the mana%ement that an! ofthis information is incorrect or an! re$e*ant information has been 'ithhe$d then !o"r em#$o!mentbased on this letterof a##ointment is $iab$e to be terminated 'itho"t notice or an! com#ensationin $ie" thereof.

    23. he emo$"ments/benefits d"e to !o" 'i$$ be $iab$e/s"b8ect to ta- in accordance 'ith the#ro*isions of the +ncome a- Act and "$es made there"nder as a$so other a##$icab$e $a's, if an!,as ma! be in force from time to time.

    2. he om#an! $a!s em#hasis on a$$ stat"tor! com#$iances and !o" sho"$d ens"re com#$iance'ith *ario"s stat"tes in !o"r area of o#erations inc$"din% +nsider radin% e%"$ations.

    2E. o"r a##ointment is 'ith effect from the date of 8oinin%, 'hich sho"$d in an! case be not $aterthan ___________________.

    ind$! si%n the co#! of this letterindicatin% !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms and conditions ofthis a##ointment and ret"rn the same to "s.

    (hi$st 'e$comin% !o" to the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#, 'e 'ish !o" %ood $"c& and a *er!bri%ht career 'ith "s.

    =est e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof ?erformance 4+ncrement 1

    October 31, 2006

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof ?erformance 4+ncrement J 2

    October 31, 2006

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof Promotion

    October 31, 2006

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR



    October 31 2006

    Dear __________,

    +t is 'ith a sense of dee# re%ret that 'e acce#t !o"r letterof resi%nation dated 2Gth October 2003

    e-#ressin% !o"r intention to resi%n from the ser*ices of the om#an!. his 'as #$aced before thesenior mana%ement of o"r com#an! 'hich has decided to acce#t the same.

    (e #$ace on record o"r a##reciation of !o"r dedicated ser*ices to the com#an!.

    o"r $ast date of ser*ice 'o"$d be 2Gth No*ember 2003, and !o" 'o"$d accordin%$! be re$ie*ed,effecti*e from the c$ose of 'or&in% ho"rs on the same da!, s"b8ect to c$earance of a$$ d"es ands"bmission of the c$earance certificate.

    (e than& !o" for !o"r ser*ices to o"r com#an! and 'e 'ish !o" a$$ the best in !o"r f"t"reendea*o"rs.

    =est e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof Transfer

    1Gth October 2006

    Dear Mr._____________

    his has reference to the disc"ssion 'e had 'ith !o" re%ardin% !o"r mo*e to_________as_____________. he mo*e 'i$$ be effecti*e _________ and !o"r ser*ices in thisassi%nment 'i$$ be deemed to be contin"o"s, 'itho"t an! brea&.

    (ith effect from 1st @an"ar! 200, !o" are transferred on a contin"o"s ser*ice basis from to 4Or%ani5ation Name Oi$ td. (e confirm that, !o" 'o"$d be deemed to ha*e been incontin"o"s ser*ice 'ith 4Or%ani5ation Name Oi$ td. 'itho"t brea&. ?ri*i$e%e $ea*e and otherstat"tor! benefits en8o!ed b! !o" 'o"$d contin"e to accr"e to !o" ta&in% into acco"nt the date of!o"r 8oinin% ___________________________.

    ?$ease ret"rn the d"#$icate co#! of this letterd"$! si%ned b! !o", as a to&en of !o"r acce#tance.

    (e 'ish !o" a$$ the best for !o"r f"t"re assi%nments.

    o"rs faithf"$$!,or ________________________________________

    (e ha*e #$eas"re in confirmin% the abo*e arran%ement. o" 'i$$ contin"e to be %o*erned b!4Or%ani5ation Name ;taff e%"$ations in force.

    o"rs faithf"$$!,or 4Or%ani5ation Name

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof Appointment Management Trainee

    October 31 2006

    Dear < irst name of em#$o!ee>,

    "rther to the inter*ie' !o" had 'ith "s, 'e are #$eased to a##oint !o" as Mana%ement raineein o"r or%ani5ation.

    he terms and conditions %o*ernin% !o"r trainin% are %i*en be$o')

    1. rainin% #eriod)

    o" 'i$$ be on trainin% for a #eriod of months effecti*e date of startin% of this #ro%ram, 'hich 'i$$be indicated to !o".

    2. onso$idated ;ti#end

    A s"m of s. _______/ 4"#ees ___________ on$! #er month 'i$$ be #aid to !o" as sti#end.

    o" 'i$$ not be entit$ed to an! other benefits, a#art from the abo*e.

    3. Notice #eriod d"rin% trainin%

    he om#an! reser*es the ri%ht to terminate ser*ices of trainees on %ro"nds of miscond"ct orbreach of the terms and conditions of the Lnderta&in% to be f"rnished b! the trainee as #erc$a"se 6 of this letterand / or *io$ation of an! r"$es and re%"$ations or standin% orders of theom#an! b! %i*in% se*en ca$endar da!s notice or "#on #a!ment of sti#end in $ie" thereof.

    . ?ostin%)

    +nitia$$! !o" 'i$$ be #osted at M"mbai. Bo'e*er d"rin% this #eriod of trainin%, !o" can betransferred to an! other de#artment/di*ision of the com#an!, an!'here in +ndia or o*erseas. o"ma! a$so be assi%ned s"ch other d"ties as ma! be nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion ofthe mana%ement, in an! branch or office of the com#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or associatecom#anies.

    E. o" 'i$$ be re"ired to si%n an Lnderta&in%c"m+ndemnit! =ond / A%reement on 8oinin%.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    6. his a##ointment is s"b8ect to)

    a o"r ha*in% sec"red a certificate of com#$etion as dec$ared b! !o"r +nstit"tion / Lni*ersit!.

    b o"r bein% e-amined fo"nd medica$$! fit. 4?$ease ha*e !o"rse$f medica$$! e-amined b! a%enera$ #h!sician, as #er the standard e-amination $ist enc$osed and if referred f"rther b! an!s#ecia$ist. he same 'o"$d ha*e to be fi$$ed in and certified b! the #h!sician and sent to "sdirect$! b! _____ 4date. he fees inc"rred for the same 'o"$d be reimb"rsed on !o" 8oinin%.

    G. o"r #erformance 'i$$ be re*ie'ed #eriodica$$! d"rin% the trainin% #eriod. +f !o"r #erformancedoes not meet 'ith the re"irements of the trainin% #ro%ram, !o"r trainin% #eriod 'o"$d bee-tended b! a ma-im"m of si- months 'ith an interim re*ie' after three months.

    I. On s"ccessf"$ com#$etion of trainin%, based on !o"r #erformance d"rin% and at the end of thetrainin% #eriod, !o" 'i$$ be confirmed in the ser*ices of the om#an! in the a##ro#riate cadrede#endin% on s"itab$e o#enin%s.

    . o" are re"ired to maintain the hi%hest order of disci#$ine and secrec! as re%ards the 'or& ofthe com#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or associate com#anies and in case of an! breach ofdisci#$ine/tr"st, !o"r ser*ices ma! be terminated b! the com#an! 'ith immediate effect. o" 'i$$a$so be re"ired to si%n the ;ecrec! A%reement on !o"r 8oinin%.

    10. o" 'i$$ a$so be %o*erned b! the standard terms and conditions a##$icab$e to the mana%eria$cadre of the com#an! as e-istin% no' and as ma! be amended from time to time.

    11. ;ho"$d there be a need for an! modification in one or more benefits e-tended to !o" thro"%hthis letter, b! 'a! of enactment of an! $a' b! the a##ro#riate ;tate/entra$ 9o*ernment, !o"'o"$d be entit$ed to the hi%her of the benefit4s b"t not both.

    12. his a##ointment has been made based on the information f"rnished in !o"r a##$ication forem#$o!ment and s"bse"ent inter*ie's. +f, at an! time in f"t"re, it comes to $i%ht that an! of theinformation is incorrect or an! re$e*ant information has been 'ithhe$d, then !o"r em#$o!ment is

    $iab$e to be terminated 'itho"t notice.

    13. o"r a##ointment is 'ith effect from __________

    ind$! si%n the co#! of this letterindicatin% !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms and conditions ofthis a##ointment and ret"rn the same to "s.

    (hi$st 'e$comin% !o" to the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#, 'e 'ish !o" %ood $"c& and a *er!bri%ht career 'ith "s.

    =est e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof Appointment -9rad"ate Fn%ineer rainee/Di#$oma Fn%ineer rainee

    October 31 2006

    Dear < irst name of em#$o!ee>,

    "rther to the inter*ie' !o" had 'ith "s, 'e are #$eased to a##oint !o" as ________ rainee ino"r om#an!.

    he terms and conditions %o*ernin% !o"r trainin% are %i*en be$o')

    1. rainin% #eriod)

    o" 'i$$ be on trainin% for a #eriod of 12 months effecti*e date of startin% of this #ro%ram, 'hich'i$$ be indicated to !o".

    2. onso$idated ;ti#end

    A s"m of s. _________/ 4"#ees _____________ on$! #er month 'i$$ be #aid to!o" as sti#end.

    o" 'i$$ not be entit$ed to an! other benefits, a#art from the abo*e.

    3. Accommodation

    o" 'i$$ be #ro*ided 'ith shared bache$orsH accommodation d"rin% !o"r trainin% #eriod.

    . Notice #eriod d"rin% trainin%

    he om#an! reser*es the ri%ht to terminate ser*ices of trainees on %ro"nds of miscond"ct or

    breach of the terms and conditions of the Lnderta&in% to be f"rnished b! the trainee as #erc$a"se 6 of this letterand / or *io$ation of an! r"$es and re%"$ations or standin% orders of theom#an! b! %i*in% se*en ca$endar da!s notice or "#on #a!ment of sti#end in $ie" thereof.

    E. ?ostin%)

    +nitia$$! !o" 'i$$ be #osted at _______. Bo'e*er d"rin% this #eriod of trainin%, !o" can betransferred to an! other de#artment/di*ision of the com#an!, an!'here in +ndia or o*erseas. o"ma! a$so be assi%ned s"ch other d"ties as ma! be nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion ofthe mana%ement, in an! branch or office of the com#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or associate

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    6. o" 'i$$ be re"ired to si%n an Lnderta&in%c"m+ndemnit! =ond / A%reement on 8oinin%.

    G. his a##ointment is s"b8ect to)

    a. o"r ha*in% sec"red a certificate of com#$etion as dec$ared b! !o"r +nstit"tion / Lni*ersit!.

    b. o"r bein% e-amined fo"nd medica$$! fit. 4?$ease ha*e !o"rse$f medica$$! e-amined b! a%enera$ #h!sician, as #er the standard e-amination $ist enc$osed and if referred f"rther b! an!s#ecia$ist. he same 'o"$d ha*e to be fi$$ed in and certified b! the #h!sician and sent to "sdirect$! b! _____ 4date. he fees inc"rred for the same 'o"$d be reimb"rsed on !o" 8oinin%.

    I. o"r #erformance 'i$$ be re*ie'ed #eriodica$$! d"rin% the trainin% #eriod. +f !o"r #erformancedoes not meet 'ith the re"irements of the trainin% #ro%ram, !o"r trainin% #eriod 'o"$d bee-tended b! a ma-im"m of si- months 'ith an interim re*ie' after three months.

    . On s"ccessf"$ com#$etion of trainin%, based on !o"r #erformance d"rin% and at the end of thetrainin% #eriod, !o" 'i$$ be confirmed in the ser*ices of the om#an! in the a##ro#riate cadrede#endin% on s"itab$e o#enin%s.

    10. o" are re"ired to maintain the hi%hest order of disci#$ine and secrec! as re%ards the 'or&of the com#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or associate com#anies and in case of an! breach ofdisci#$ine/tr"st, !o"r ser*ices ma! be terminated b! the com#an! 'ith immediate effect. o" 'i$$a$so be re"ired to si%n the ;ecrec! A%reement on !o"r 8oinin%.

    11. o" 'i$$ a$so be %o*erned b! the standard terms and conditions a##$icab$e to the mana%eria$cadre of the com#an! as e-istin% no' and as ma! be amended from time to time.

    12. ;ho"$d there be a need for an! modification in one or more benefits e-tended to !o" thro"%h

    this letter, b! 'a! of enactment of an! $a' b! the a##ro#riate ;tate/entra$ 9o*ernment, !o"'o"$d be entit$ed to the hi%her of the benefit4s b"t not both.

    13. his a##ointment has been made based on the information f"rnished in !o"r a##$ication forem#$o!ment and s"bse"ent inter*ie's. +f, at an! time in f"t"re, it comes to $i%ht that an! of theinformation is incorrect or an! re$e*ant information has been 'ithhe$d, then !o"r em#$o!ment is$iab$e to be terminated 'itho"t notice.

    1. o"r a##ointment is 'ith effect from __________

    ind$! si%n the co#! of this letterindicatin% !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms and conditions ofthis a##ointment and ret"rn the same to "s.

    (hi$st 'e$comin% !o" to the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#, 'e 'ish !o" %ood $"c& and a *er!bri%ht career 'ith "s.

    =est e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letterof onfirmation Mana%ement rainee

    October 31 2006

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    I. ?ro*ident "nd) he om#an! 'i$$ contrib"te 12C of !o"r basic sa$ar! to'ards ?ro*ident"nd. ;imi$ar ded"ction 'i$$ be made from !o"r sa$ar!.

    . ;"#erann"ation) +f !o" indicate s#ecific desire to do so, the om#an! 'i$$ contrib"te 1E C of!o"r basic sa$ar! #er ann"m to'ards s"#erann"ation f"nd ti$$ !o" attain the a%e of EI !ears. hebenefits of this contrib"tion 'i$$ be made a##$icab$e to !o", tota$$! in accordance 'ith the terms ofthe scheme. ?$ease refer to Mr. _______ for f"rther information on o"r om#an! ;"#erann"ation?ro%ram.

    10. 9rat"it!) o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to an e"i*a$ent of 1E da!s of !o"r $ast sa$ar! dra'n for e*er!com#$eted !ear of ser*ice as #er the terms of the scheme, s"b8ect to a ma-im"m of s.3,E0,000/4F$i%ibi$it! after E !ears of com#$eted ser*ice.

    11. or#orate Attire) o" 'i$$ ha*e a choice to se$ect cor#orate attire 'orth s. ________/ fromthe o#tions #ro*ided b! the om#an! e*er! !ear. +f !o" indicate !o"r desire to o#t for thisscheme, the om#an! 'i$$ contrib"te E0C of this amo"nt and the ba$ance 'i$$ be ded"cted from!o"r sa$ar!. or more detai$s, !o" can refer o"r or#orate Attire ?o$ic! on o"r _________site.

    12. a his order of a##ointment can be terminated on either side b! %i*in% three monthHs noticeor #a!ment of sa$ar! 4basic in $ie" thereof.

    b he om#an! reser*es the ri%ht to terminate !o"r ser*ices 'itho"t assi%nin% an! s#ecificreason 'hatsoe*er for s"ch termination b! %i*in% !o" a 3 monthsH notice in 'ritin% or ane"i*a$ent of 3 months sa$ar! in $ie" thereof.

    c he om#an! a$so reser*es the ri%ht to terminate !o"r ser*ices 'itho"t an! notice or sa$ar! in$ie" thereof on the %ro"nds of miscond"ct, or e*en in the case of reasonab$e s"s#icion ofmiscond"ct, dis$o!a$t!, commission of an! act in*o$*in% mora$ t"r#it"de, or an! act of indisci#$ineor inefficienc! or for $oss of confidence.

    13. +nitia$$!, !o" 'i$$ be #osted at ___________ and re#ort to ___________or an! other #ersonnominated b! the com#an!. Bo'e*er, !o"r ser*ices co"$d be transferred to an! otherDe#artments / Di*isions / actories of the om#an!, an!'here in +ndia. Not'ithstandin% !o"r

    initia$ a##ointment in this om#an!, !o"r ser*ices ma! be assi%ned b! the om#an! to an! otherom#an! of the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#. o" ma! a$so be assi%ned s"ch other d"ties asma! become nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the discretion of the Mana%ement in an! =ranch orOffice of the om#an! and/or its s"bsidiaries or to an! of its other Associate om#anies.

    1. his a##ointment is s"b8ect to !o"r bein% medica$$! e-amined and fo"nd fit. he Mana%ementhas the ri%ht to %et !o" medica$$! e-amined b! an! "a$ified medica$ #ractitioner d"rin% theten"re of !o"r ser*ice. +n case !o" are fo"nd medica$$! "nfit to contin"e 'ith the assi%nment for'hich !o" ha*e been em#$o!ed, !o" 'i$$ $ose !o"r $ien on the 8ob.

    1E. his a##ointment is a$so s"b8ect to a satisfactor! re#ort from !o"r former em#$o!ers, basedon the references %i*en b! !o".

    16. o" 'i$$ a"tomatica$$! retire from the ser*ice of the om#an! on attainin% the s"#erann"atin%a%e of EI !ears. o" 'i$$ be e-#ected to #ro*ide acce#tab$e e*idence of !o"r date of birth at thetime of 8oinin% the com#an!.

    1G. A$$ other standard and %enera$ r"$es, #ractices and #o$icies of the om#an! as e-istin% no'and 'hich ma! be amended from time to time 'i$$ be a##$icab$e to !o" and !o" 'i$$ be e-#ectedto abide b! the same.

    1I. +n the e*ent of the ;tate/entra$ 9o*ernment enactin% an! $a' conferrin% the same or simi$arbenefits as e-tended to !o" "nder this letter, !o" 'o"$d be entit$ed to s"ch benefits 'hich are

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    more beneficia$ of the t'o, b"t not both. his sha$$ be at the discretion of the mana%ement.

    1. o" are re"ired at a$$ times to maintain the hi%hest order of disci#$ine and secrec! as re%ardsthe 'or& of the om#an! and/or its ;"bsidiaries or Associate om#anies, in case of an! breachof disci#$ine/tr"st, !o"r ser*ices ma! be terminated b! the com#an! 'ith immediate effect. o"are a$so re"ired to si%n the ;ecrec! A%reement "#on !o"r 8oinin%. A$$ in*entions, im#ro*ements,disco*eries made b! !o" either a$one or 'ith other #ersons, 'i$$ become the so$e #ro#ert! of thecom#an!. o" 'i$$ ens"re that #atent #rotections are obtained for s"ch in*entions/im#ro*ementsand disco*eries in +ndia or e$se'here and assi%n the same to the com#an!.

    20. o" are re"ired to de*ote !o"r tota$ attention and abi$ities e-c$"si*e$! for the b"siness of theom#an!. o" 'i$$ res#ect, obe! and conform to a$$ the re%"$ations from time to time framed andiss"ed b! the om#an! and made a##$icab$e to !o". o" sha$$ not, 'hi$e in the em#$o!ment ofthe om#an!, be en%a%ed in an! other em#$o!ment, cond"ct b"siness 'hatsoe*er or ho$d an!office of #rofit or acce#t an! other emo$"ments 'itho"t #re*io"s consent in 'ritin% of theom#an!. =reach of this condition co"$d $ead to immediate termination 'itho"t notice.

    21. D"rin% the co"rse of !o"r em#$o!ment and if the nat"re of !o"r b"siness so re"ires, theom#an! ma! send !o" for s#ecia$i5ed trainin% 'ithin +ndia or o*erseas in order to enab$e !o" to#erform more effecti*e$!. +n s"ch an e*ent !o" 'i$$ be re"ired to e-ec"te a trainin% bond 'ith theom#an!.

    22. his offer of em#$o!ment is based on the information f"rnished in !o"r a##$ication forem#$o!ment. +f, at an! time in f"t"re, it comes to the &no'$ed%e of the mana%ement that an! ofthis information is incorrect or an! re$e*ant information has been 'ithhe$d then !o"r em#$o!mentbased on this letterof a##ointment is $iab$e to be terminated 'itho"t notice or an! com#ensationin $ie" thereof.

    23. he emo$"ments/benefits d"e to !o" 'i$$ be $iab$e/s"b8ect to ta- in accordance 'ith the#ro*isions of the +ncome a- Act and "$es made there"nder as a$so other a##$icab$e $a's, if an!,as ma! be in force from time to time.

    2. he om#an! $a!s em#hasis on a$$ stat"tor! com#$iances and !o" sho"$d ens"re com#$iance'ith *ario"s stat"tes in !o"r area of o#erations inc$"din% +nsider radin% e%"$ations.

    2E. o"r a##ointment is 'ith effect from the date of 8oinin%, 'hich sho"$d in an! case be not $aterthan ___________________.

    ind$! si%n the co#! of this letterindicatin% !o"r acce#tance of the abo*e terms and conditions ofthis a##ointment and ret"rn the same to "s.

    (hi$st 'e$comin% !o" to the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#, 'e 'ish !o" %ood $"c& and a *er!bri%ht career 'ith "s.

    =est e%ards,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Letter of Appointment AdvisorsCons!ltants

    October 31 2006


    (ith reference to the disc"ssions !o" ha*e had 'ith "s, 'e are #$eased to a##oint !o" as:_______ for o"r 9ro"# com#anies on the fo$$o'in% terms and conditions)

    1. o" 'i$$ be #aid a conso$idated amo"nt of s._______ 4"#ees _______on$! #er ann"m.

    2. he abo*e conso$idated amo"nt 'i$$ consist of the fo$$o'in%)

    a s. _________ #er ann"m as fi-ed #a!, and

    b s. _________ #er ann"m as *ariab$e #a! 'hich is $in&ed to !o"r #erformance and that of thecom#an!.

    3. his a##ointment is for a #eriod of t'o !ears effecti*e date of !o"r 8oinin% and ma! be rene'edon a m"t"a$ basis. his arran%ement is 'ith effect from _______ and 'i$$ be *a$id for a #eriod of


    . +n this ca#acit!, !o" 'i$$ be $ocated at ____ and 'i$$ re#ort to _______ or an! other #ersonnominated b! the com#an!. Bo'e*er, !o"r ser*ices co"$d be transferred to an! otherDe#artments/Di*isions of the om#an!. Not'ithstandin% !o"r a##ointment in this com#an!, !o"rser*ices co"$d be reassi%ned to an! other com#an! of the 4Or%ani5ation Name 9ro"#.

    E. o" ma! a$so be assi%ned s"ch other d"ties as ma! become nec4Or%ani5ation Name! at the

    discretion of the Mana%ement in an! =ranch or office of the om#an! and/ or its ;"bsidiaries orAssociate om#anies.

    6. o" 'i$$ be e$i%ib$e for 1I da!s $ea*e #rorated #er ca$endar !ear. Bo'e*er, $ea*e 'i$$ bea$$o'ed s"b8ect to e-i%encies of 'or&.

    G. o" 'i$$ be #ro*ided com#rehensi*e Accident/ Medica$ Bea$th +ns"rance for !o"r and !o"rs#o"se.

    I. +t is c$arified that in addition to the abo*e, !o" 'i$$ not be entit$ed to an! other benefits.

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    . his a##ointment can be terminated b! %i*in% threemonth notice on either side or #a!ment in$ie" of shortfa$$ in this notice #eriod.

    10. o" sha$$ obser*e a$$ r"$es and re%"$ations of the com#an!.

    11. D"rin% the ten"re of the assi%nment 'ith the com#an!, !o" 'i$$ not en%a%e!o"rse$f in an! other assi%nments or %ainf"$ em#$o!ment 'itho"t consent of themana%ement.

    12. o" are re"ired to maintain the hi%hest order of secrec! 'ith re%ards to the'or& or confidentia$ information of the om#an! and/ or its s"bsidiaries or

    Associate om#anies and in case of an! breach of tr"st, !o"r a##ointmentma! be terminated b! the om#an! 'itho"t an! notice.

    13. he om#an! $a!s em#hasis on a$$ stat"tor! com#$iances and !o"r sho"$dens"re com#$iance 'ith *ario"s stat"es in !o"r area of o#erations.

    ind$! si%n a co#! of this letterin acce#tance of the abo*e mentioned terms and conditions andret"rn the same for o"r records.

    =est e%ards,

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    ____/BD/___ Date_____________

    Mr/ Ms. _____________________________________________________________________

    Dear Mr./ Ms. _____________,

    his has reference to o"r letterdated _________ thro"%h 'hich 'e had as&ed !o" re#ort bac& tod"t! 'ithin I ho"rs of recei#t of this letter. he letterhas been de$i*ered to !o" on

    _____________ . Bo'e*er, neither ha*e !o" re#orted bac& to d"t! nor has there been an!comm"nication from !o"r end re%ardin% !o"r absence.

    (ith this bac&%ro"nd 'e re%ret to inform !o" that 'e are forced to remo*e !o"r name from thero$$s of the com#an! 'ith immediate effect.

    (e re"est !o" to contact the acco"nts de#artment G da!s after the recei#t of this letterfor the

    sett$ement of !o"r d"es, if an!.

    or. om#an! name



  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Confirmation Letter

    ____/BD/____ Date) _________

    Mr. =harat ?ate$,

    Dear Mr. =harat,

    onse"ent to the re*ie' of !o"r #erformance d"rin% !o"r #robation, 'e ha*e the #$eas"re ininformin% !o" that, !o"r ser*ices are bein% confirmed as _____________________ 'ith effectfrom 12th Ma! 200G.

    A$$ the other terms and conditions as detai$ed in !o"r a##ointment letterremain "nchan%ed.

    (e $oo& for'ard to !o"r *a$"ab$e contrib"tions and 'ish !o" a$$ the *er! best for a re'ardin%career 'ith the or%anisation.

    ?$ease si%n the d"#$icate co#! of this letteras a to&en of acce#tance of the same.

    or om#an! Name



    Amit %eth.

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    ___/BD/___ Date_____________

    Mr/ Ms. _____________________________________________________________________

    Dear Mr./ Ms. _____________,

    (e 'ish to #$ace on record o"r a##reciation of the %ood manner in 'hich !o" ha*e hand$ed theres#onsibi$ities entr"sted to !o". (e ho#e that !o" 'i$$ contin"e to mo*e ahead on the #ath ofe-ce$$ence.

    A co#! of this letteris bein% #$aced in !o"r #ersona$ fi$e.

    or om#an! Name


  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Memorand!m of &ndertaking)

    +, ____________, ;/o ;ri _______________________, A%ed) ___ !ears, /o___________________________________________________________________ 4?ermanentaddress to be mentioned, #"rs"ant to m! se$ection a##ointment as _____________________at ________________________Lnit, do hereb! e-ec"te this =ond/ Memorand"m of Lnderta&in%4hereinafter referred to as MOL for con*enience in fa*o"r of M/s

    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 4hereinafter referred to as :Compan( forcon*enience and a%ree and hereb! %i*in% m! f"$$ consent as fo$$o's

    1. + hereb! a%ree to ser*e the :Compan( in the #osition sa$ar! offered to *ide Offer$etter Dtd._____________ for a minim"m #eriod of 1 (ONE) yearcommencin% from

    the date of e-ec"tion of this MOL.2. + do hereb! a%ree to the e-istin% r"$es and re%"$ations of the :Compan( and r"$es

    and re%"$ations framed / amended from time to time.3. + do hereb! a%ree that d"rin% the said #eriod of 2 (TWO) years+ sha$$ not $ea*e the

    :Compan( for an! reason 'hatsoe*er. + a$so a%ree that in the e*ent + intends to$ea*e the :Compan( for an! reason 'hatsoe*er #rior to the com#$etion of the saidminim"m #eriod of 2 (TWO) years from the date of e-ec"tion of this MOL, + 'i$$com#ensate the :Compan( b! #a!in% an amo"nt e"i*a$ent to s"m of : ;ixMonths tota$ emo$"ments at the rate of emo$"ments $ast dra'n b! me.

    . + do hereb! "nderta&e that d"rin% the ten"re of m! 'or&in% 'ith the :Compan(, +sha$$ ser*e the :Compan( faithf"$$! and di$i%ent$!, de*ote m! 'ho$e time and sha$$com#$! 'ith a$$ directions and orders of the :Compan( and / or its Officers and / ora"thorities "nder 'hom m! ser*ices are #$aced b! the :Compan( from time to time.

    "rther + sha$$ not di*"$%e or disc$ose an! of the secrets of the om#an! and en%a%em!se$f and / or ha*e an! concern 'ith an! other firm / om#an! or b"siness oror%ani5ation at an! time d"rin% the ten"re of m! ser*ice 'ith the : Compan(. +ncase + fo"nd %"i$t! of committin% ins"bordination, ins"$t or disobedience to an! of m!s"#eriors, %ross ne%$ect of 'or&, non#erformance, care$essness, dama%e ofe"i#ment, interferin% 'ith the records of the :Compan( etc., + sha$$ be $iab$e for an!disci#$inar! action inc$"din% dismissa$ b! the :Compan( and in s"ch e*ent the:Compan( sha$$ not $iab$e to #a! to me an! com#ensation as mentioned in $a"se 3of this MOL.

    E. + do hereb! "nderta&e to $ea*e from the ser*ice of the :Compan( if + fo"nd medica$$!"nfit to contin"e the ser*ice an! more and + 'i$$ not be entit$ed for an! com#ensation.

    6. + do hereb! "nderta&e that + am not entit$ed to $ea*e the em#$o!ment 'ith an! notice#eriod d"rin% the #eriod of minim"m %"aranteed ser*ice as #er this MOL and entit$ed

    to $ea*e the em#$o!ment b! fo$$o'in% the d"e #roced"re #rescribed in the terms conditions of m! a##ointment, on$! after ser*in% the said minim"m %"aranteed #eriodas #er MOL.

    G. + do hereb! "nderta&e that the re$e*ant #ro*isions of the ;taff "$es and re%"$ationsof the :Compan(, 'hich are not contrar! to 'hat been e-#ress$! referred to in the#resent MOL, sha$$ be bindin% on me.

    I. + do hereb! "nderta&e that after com#$etion of 1 (ONE) yearof a%reement, + sha$$ bedeemed to contin"e in ser*ice 'ith the :Compan( "nti$ termination b! either side.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    + dec$are that + am e-ec"tin% this MOL in fa*o"r of :Compan( 'ith m! o'n 'i$$ and consent in#resence of the fo$$o'in% 'itnesses on this the _______ 4date da! of ____________ 4month2006 at ______________ 4#$ace.


    (itnesses 4'ith address


    II %)O* CA&%# $OTIC#

    R#+, PO%T *IT) AC ,.

    o oMr. en&at edd!, Mr. en&at edd!,@ob O#ted Fm#$o!ee No) 010I ;/O ;atti edd!,entrif"%a$ O#erator ?$ot No) 1I, ++ $oor,?rocess De#artment, @a!a$a-mi Na%ar o$on!,Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited, ?hase No) +,M"t!am#et, Met#a$$! Lnit. oad No) 10, =eeram%"da,

    Meda& Dist. E02 032


    ;"b) ++ sho' ca"se notice of #"nishment J re%.

    ef) 1. har%e sheet dated 2G.11.200G iss"ed b! M/; Ni5am Deccan ;"%arsimited, Met#a$$!.

    2. Fn"ir! re#ort of ;ri. a%niah , Fn"ir! Officer, B!derabad.

    II %)O* CA&%# $OTIC# O" P&$I%)M#$T I%%,

    his has reference to the char%e sheet dated 2G.11.200G iss"ed to !o" b! the "ndersi%ned ands"bse"ent Domestic Fn"ir! cond"cted a%ainst !o" on the char%es $e*e$ed a%ainst !o" in thechar%e sheet dated 2G.11.200G. No' the Fn"ir! Officer has s"bmitted his re#ort, ho$din% !o"%"i$t! of miscond"cts a$$e%ed in the char%e sheet dated 2G.11.200G. o#! of the en"ir! re#ort isenc$osed. he mana%ement has caref"$$! e-amined the en"ir! re#ort, the en"ir! #roceedin%sand other connected doc"ments. +n *ie' of the %ra*it! of the miscond"cts, the Mana%ement has#ro#osed to a'ard the #"nishment of termination of !o"r ser*ices.

    ?$ease sho' ca"se 'ith in three 43 da!s from the date of recei#t of this notice as to 'h! the#ro#osed #"nishment of termination of ser*ices can not be a'arded. +n case no re#$! is recei*ed'ithin the sti#"$ated time, it 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" ha*e no e-#$anation to s"bmit and 'i$$ be#roceeded f"rther.

    9enera$ Mana%er.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Fnc$) as abo*e

    *AR$I$+ L#TT#R

    Mr. ;at!anara!anA%ric"$t"ra$ Assistant,FM? NO) 2030E2,ane De#artment,Meda&.

    Dear ;ir,

    ef) 1. O"r char%esheet No) ND;/MD/F;/1G dated 06.0E.2006, iss"ed b! the9enera$ Mana%er, ND;, Meda&.

    2. Fn"ir! e#ort of the Fn"ir! Officer dated 22.0.2006?$ease refer to the char%e sheet 1 stcited and en"ir! cond"cted b! the Fn"ir! Officer a%ainst!o". he en"ir! Officer has s"bmitted his en"ir! re#ort and findin%s. (e ha*e caref"$$!#er"sed and e-amined the en"ir! re#ortdated 22.0.2006 and a$so ta&en into consideration of!o"r #ast record.

    he Mana%ement has come to a conc$"sion that !o" are habit"a$ absconder to !o"r d"ties and!o" deser*e #"nishment for the abo*e miscond"ct. Bo'e*er, the mana%ement has ta&en a

    $enient *ie' and !o" are hereb! severel( warnedand ad*ised not to re#eat the same in f"t"re.

    ?$ease note the same and act accordin%$!.

    o"rs faithf"$$!,or Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited,

    9enera$ Mana%er.

    ?resident, or#orate Office, B!derabad.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    ,I%MI%%AL OR,#R

    R#+, PO%T *IT) AC ,.

    oMr. en&at edd!, Mr. en&at edd!,@O? No) 010I ;/O ;athi edd!,entrif"%a$ O#erator ?$ot No) 1I , ++ $oor,?rocess De#artment, @a!a$a-mi Na%ar o$on!Ni5am Deccan ;"%ars imited, ?hase No) +,M"t!am#eta, Met#a$$! Lnit, oad No) 10,

    0##RAM+&,AMeda& Dist. E02032


    ef) 1. har%e ;heet dated 2G.11.200G iss"ed to !o".2. o"r e-#$anation dated 0.12.200G to the abo*e char%e sheet.3. he en"ir! re#ort dated 1o.0.200I. ++ ;ho' a"se Notice dated 23.0.200IE. o"r e-#$anation dated 12.0E.200I to the ++ ;ho' a"se Notice.

    o" ma! reca$$ that a har%e;heet dated 2G.11.200G 'as iss"ed to !o". (herein miscond"cts"nder c$a"se 20 4a, 4f, 4h, 4&, 4$ and 4- of Andhra ?radesh Mode$ ;tandin% Orders a##$icab$eto the Or%anisation 'ere iss"ed to !o". As !o" ha*e dis#"ted the miscond"cts thro"%h !o"re-#$anation dated 0.12.200G, a Domestic Fn"ir! 'as ordered and he$d, &ee#in% in *ie' of the?rinci#$es of Nat"ra$ @"stice. +ns#ite of ser*ice of notice on !o", for the reasons best &no'n to!o", !o" did not choose to attend the en"ir!, $ea*in% no o#tion to the Fn"ir! Officer to ho$d ane-#arte en"ir!.

    he Fn"ir! Officer after min"te$! e-aminin% the e*idence on record, has s"bmitted a re#ortho$din% !o" %"i$t! of miscond"cts "nder c$a"se 20 4a, 4f, 4h, 4&, 4$ and 4- of Andhra ?radeshMode$ ;tandin% Orders.

    he Mana%ement has #er"sed the re#ort of the Fn"ir! Officer and after f"$$! satisfied 'ith there#ort a ;econd ;ho'a"seNotice dated 23.0.200I of termination 'as iss"ed to !o". +nans'er to the ;econd ;ho' a"se Notice, !o" ha*e come o"t 'ith 'i$d and ima%inar!a$$e%ations. After caref"$ e-amination of !o"r re#$!, it is fo"nd that the same is neither con*incin%nor satisfactor!.

    o" ha*e stated in !o"r re#$! that !o" are a #rotected 'or&man. ="t it is not tr"e. Lnder "$e 63of the A ? +nd"stria$ Dis#"tes "$es, the stat"s of #rotected 'or&man can be c$aimed on$! 'henan a##$ication is made b! the Lnion and 'hen the em#$o!er b! #ositi*e action reco%ni5es and

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    %rants in 'ritin% the stat"s of ?rotected (or&man to the Office =earers of the Lnion.eco%nisition of s"ch stat"s 'i$$ arise on$! 'hen em#$o!er in 'ritin% %rants stat"s not other'ise.

    o" ha*e stated in !o"r e-#$anation that !o" ha*e not recei*ed the en"ir! notice, 'hich is notcorrect. Fn"ir! Officer has sent a e$e%ram on 21.03.200I informin% the date, time and *en"e ofen"ir!, besides sendin% a $etter b! o"rier.

    +t is a$so not a fact that the mana%ement has #romised before the o$$ector that !o" 'o"$d beta&en bac& into s"r*i*e. +n fact the Mana%ement #romised to e-amine the matter.

    herefore, !o" can not sa! that the ?rinci#$es of Nat"ra$ @"stice are *io$ated.

    he Mana%ement has a$so ta&en into consideration of !o"r ser*ice record. ho"%h there are noad*erse remar&s, b"t in *ie' of the %ra*it! of the miscond"cts estab$ished in the en"ir!, !o"rser*ices are hereb! terminated 'ith immediate effect.

    or ---------,

    9enera$ Mana%er.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    T#RMI$ATIO$ 01 #MPLO1#R



    ef) o"r a##ointment $etter dated ______________

    +t has been obser*ed b! the Mana%ement that !o"r #erformance is not "# to the mar&. Bence!o"r ser*ices are not re"ired b! the Mana%ement.

    As #er $a"se _______ of !o"r a##ointment order dated ________, either #art! sho"$d %i*e t'omonths notice for terminatin% the ser*ices.

    Accordin%$!, the mana%ement iss"e t'o months notice and !o" 'i$$ be re$ie*ed from o"r ser*ices

    'ef ____________.

    ?$ease ma&e a note of it.

    or __________________________

    Mana%er 4?A

    ?resident, ice ?resident 4,

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    It has 2een reported against (o! that on.............at................(o!........3menti on clearl( thatact of acts of miscond!ct alleged4

    The act as alleged a2ove which have 2een committed 2( (o! amo!nt to miscond!ctswhich5 if proved5 wo!ld warrant serio!s disciplinar( action against (o!.

    Accordingl(5 (o! are here2( re6!ired to show ca!se within............da(s of the receipt ofthis letter as to wh( (o! sho!ld not 2e dismissed or otherwise p!nished.

    %ho!ld (o! fail to s!2mit (o!r e7planation as re6!ired5 it will 2e pres!med that (o! haveno e7planation to offer and the matter will 2e disposed of witho!t an( f!rther reference to(o!.

    %ince the charges leveled against (o! are of grave and serio!s nat!re5 (o! are here2(s!spended pending f!rther proceedings and final order in the matter.

    The receipt of this letter sho!ld 2e acknowledged.


    A!thorised %ignator(

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    *arning Letter


    Mr/ Ms. _____________________________________________________________________

    Mr./ Ms. _____________,

    his is in contin"ation to o"r $etter dated _____________, 'hich 'as sent to !o"r $ast &no'naddress, b! re%istered #ost, ca$$in% "#on !o" to s"bmit a 'ritten e-#$anation 'ithin I ho"rs, for!o"r contin"ed absence, 'itho"t an! intimation . (e note 'ith re%ret that !o" ha*e neitherres"med !o"r d"ties nor ha*e !o" e-#$ained the reason for !o"r contin"ed, 'i$$f"$ and"na"thori5ed absence.

    As #er the terms of !o"r a##ointment $etter, it is c$ear$! indicated that absence for a contin"o"s

    #eriod 'itho"t #rior a##ro*a$ of !o"r s"#erior, 4inc$"din% o*ersta! on $ea*e/ trainin% 'o"$d res"$tin !o" $osin% !o"r $ien on the ser*ice and the same sha$$ a"tomatica$$! come to an end 'itho"tan! notice or intimation.

    o" are hereb! informed that !o" ha*e $ost !o"r $ien on !o"r ser*ice as a________________________ and it is deemed that !o" ha*e abandoned the em#$o!ment of!o"r o'n accord. he re$ationshi# bet'een !o" and the o. has ceased to e-ist 'ith effect from


    o" ma! co$$ect !o"r f"$$ fina$ sett$ement d"es, if an!, from the Acco"nts De#artment.

    or ____________,

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR








    You have been absenting from duty without leave

    since..and as such services are liable to be terminated

    according to the rules of the company.

    You are, therefore, called upon to show cause why your

    services will not be terminated under Clause .of the

    StateModel Standing Orders Act OR Certified Standing

    Orders rules of the company / establishment for such

    continued / habitual absence.


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    It has been reported against you as under :

    Onat.you,....(details of

    alleged misconduct) The act(s) alleged to have been committed

    by you amount to misconduct.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    Accordingly, you are hereby called upon to submit your written

    explanation and show cause why disciplinary action should

    not be taken against you.

    Your explanation must reach the undersigned within 48

    hours. Should you fail to submit your explanation required,

    the matter will be disposed of without any further reference to








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    Your explanation dated .. in reply to show cause notice

    dated. Has been found to be unsatisfactory.

    You are accordingly hereby warned.

    You are further advised in your own interest to be cautious

    and not to repeat such an act in future.







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    Your explanation dated ..in reply to show cause notice /

    letter of charge dated.has been found to be unsatisfactory.

    The gravity of misconduct committed by you is such that it

    warrants severe punishment. However, we are taking a lenient

    view this time and have decided to award you this stern


    Should you repeat any such thing in future or commit any

    other misconduct we will not hesitate to take strict

    disciplinary action against you.


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    Your leave record shows that you are in the habit of absenting

    off and on and in spite of the fact that you have been verballyadvised and are warned for improving your attendance you

    have not shown any improvement. You were again absent on

    . Without any authorization. You are being given another

    opportunity to correct yourself and in case you do not show

    any improvement we will have no alternative but to take a

    serious view of your action. On your above absence you are

    being strongly warned.


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    It has been reported that today at 09.00a.m when your

    supervisor asked you to doyou refused to carry

    out the instructions and shouted at him. In your explanation

    you have admitted your mistake. Although drastic action

    could have been taken against you for insubordination, but

    with a view to reform you, you are being given anotheropportunity and we hope you will be very careful in future in

    such matters. You are being warned.


  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR




    Mr./ Ms..Fm#.No.Desi%nation..

    +t is re#orted a%ainst !o" that on ________4date at ________4time !o"_____4mention c$ear$! the act or acts of miscond"ct a$$e%ed.

    he acts, as a$$e%ed abo*e to ha*e been committed b! !o", amo"nt tomiscond"ct 'hich, if #ro*ed, 'o"$d 'arrant serio"s disci#$inar! action a%ainst!o".

    Accordin%$!, !o" are hereb! re"ired to sho' ca"se 'ithin _______ da!s of therecei#t hereof as to 'h! !o" sho"$d not be dismissed or other 'ise #"nished.

    ;ho"$d !o" fai$ to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anation as re"ired, +t 'i$$ be #res"med that!o" admit the char%es and ha*e no e-#$anation to offer and the matter 'i$$ bedis#osed of 'itho"t an! f"rther reference to !o".

    ;ince the char%es, $e*e$ed a%ainst !o", are of %ra*e and serio"s nat"re, !o" areherb! s"s#ended #endin% f"rther #roceedin%s and fina$ orders in the matter.

    he recei#t of this $etter sho"$d be ac&no'$ed%ed.


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    Mr./ Ms..Fm#.No.Desi%nation..

    (hereas the char%es amo"ntin% to %ross miscond"ct 4s and indisci#$ine a%aint!o" ha*e been $e*e$ed in accordance 'ith om#an! ;er*ice "$es / ;tandin%Order Noas #er char%esheet dated..sent to !o".

    No', therefore, !o" are hereb! #$aced "nder s"s#ension 'ith effect from"nder c$a"ses..of the actor! / om#an! "$es / ;tandin% Orders. o"r

    s"s#ension has been considered necessar! in order to maintain #ro#er disci#$inein the actor! / om#an! / Fstab$ishment and to cond"ct #ro#er en"ir! a%ainst!o".

    o" 'i$$ be entit$ed to recei*e s"bsistence / s"s#ension a$$o'ance of s.D"rin% the #eriod of s"s#ension.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    OR,#R O" ,I%MI%%AL


    (e ha*e recei*ed the en"ir! re#ort that 'as he$d on_______________ a%ainst!o" conse"ent to the char%e sheet dated______________. After %oin% thro"%h

    the #roceedin%s of the en"ir!, 'e find that the char%es ha*e been #ro*eda%ainst !o".

    ;ince the char%e 4s committed b! !o" is/are of sero"s nat"re, the a##ro#riate#"nishment is dismissa$ from ser*ice. o" are therefore, hereb! dismissed fromser*ice 'ith effect from ____________ !o" can co$$ect !o"r d"es, if an!, andsett$e !o"r acco"nt on an! 'or&in% da! d"rin% the office ho"rs from Acco"ntsDe#artment.

    Mana%er/ A"thorised #erson 'ith desi%nation

    . ) he Acco"nts De#tt. for information if necessar! action.

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    PRO"ORMA %&++#%T#, "OR A C)AR+# %)##T TO A$ #MPLO1## "OR)A0IT&AL A0%#$T##I%M


    o$$o'in% are the char%es a%ainst !o")

    ?er"sa$ of !o"r attendance record re*ea$s that !o" are in habit of absentin%!o"rse$f from !o"r d"ties 'itho"t an! information and #ro#er sanction of $ea*e.

    o"r absentee s#e$$s are on an increase and !o"r absentee record for the#recedin% ________!ears are re#rod"ced here"nder.MONB DAF; NO. O DA;O


    A=;FNF________ __________________________ QQQ QQQ QQQ


    o" ha*e been *erba$$! ad*ised to im#ro*e !o" attendance record and not toind"$%e in "na"thori5ed absence from d"ties. ="t des#ite these *erba$ad*ises/re#rimands and ass"rance %i*en b! !o", !o" ha*e not sho'n an!im#ro*ement in !o"r attendance.

    he abo*e act of habit"a$ absence on !o"r #art constit"ted ma8or miscond"ct"nder certified standin% orders of the com#an! a##$icab$e to !o" and a$so affectsthe 'or& of the com#an!.

    o" are hereb! re"ired to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anation, if an! to this char%esheet'ithin 3 da!s from its recei#t fai$in% 'hich it 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" ha*e noe-#$anation to offer and the mana%ement 'i$$ be free to ta&e an! action that ma!be deemed #ro#er in !o" case.

    or _________________________

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    4A"thori5ed ;i%nator!

    PRO"ORMA %&++#%T#, "OR C)AR+# %)##T "OR%LO*I$+ ,O*$ *OR


    +t is re#orted a%ainst !o" as "nder)

    1. hat on______4date at abo"t________4time 'hi$e on d"t!, !o" incombination 'ith others, de$iberate$! s$o'ed do'n the 'or& in a concertedmanner and insti%ated Mr.= to ado#t R%o s$o'H tactics. o" f"rtherthreatened Mr. D 'ho did not 'ant to fo$$o' the s"it.

    2. hat 'hi$e !o" #rior #rod"ction 'as_____ #er da!, !o"r #rod"ction on________ and thereafter has been de$iberate$! bro"%ht do'n to______'hich is m"ch be$o' the norma$ #rod"ction of a 'or&er of a*era%eefficienc!.

    3. hat the abo*e acts/omissions on !o"r #art are hi%h$! ob8ectionab$e bein%

    #re8"dicia$ to the interest of the com#an!, 'hich has to com#ete 'ith otherefficient$! r"n enter#rises.

    . hat des#ite re#eated ad*ice not to ado#t to R%o s$o'H tactics, b! !o"rs"#erior/s"#eriors, !o" did not adhere to the act"a$ norms of #rod"ction,!o" ha*e been maintainin% ear$ier b"t instead, &e#t on id$in% a'a! !o"rtime.

    E. As a res"$t of !o"r R9o ;$o'H tactics and insti%atin% others to s$o' do'nthe 'or&/#rod"ction has considerab$! %one do'n, res"$tin% into $oss to thecom#an!.

    6. he abo*e acts on !o"r #art constit"te ma8or miscond"ct "nder certifiedstandin% orders no.______ and no._____ of the com#an! a##$icab$e to!o".

    o" are hereb! re"ired to s"bmit !o"r e-#$anation, if an! to this char%esheet'ithin 3 da!s from its recei#t fai$in% 'hich it 'i$$ be #res"med that !o" ha*e no

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR


    e-#$anation to offer and the mana%ement 'i$$ be free to ta&e an! action that ma!be deemed #ro#er in !o" case.


    Appreciation Letter

    Dear 4Name of the candidate,

    + 'o"$d $i&e to ta&e this o##ort"nit! to e-#ress m! heartfe$t than&s to !o" for !o"r*er! acti*e in*o$*ement _________4eason . he hairman and =oard

    Members ha*e a$so as&ed me to #ass on their sincere a##reciation for !o"refforts in s"##ortin% "s 'ith the "nderta&in%.

    A%ain, than&s so m"ch for !o"r enth"siastic #artici#ation in o"r conference. +ha*e no do"bt that it 'o"$d not ha*e been the s"ccess that it 'as 'itho"t !o"r#resence.

    =est e%ards,

    _______4o"r name and o"r Di%ita$ ;i%nat"re

  • 7/26/2019 Letter Formats for HR






    Sub. Warning etter


    It !a" been ob"er#e$ t!at "in%e &our 'oining &ou are not (er)or*ing u( to t!e +e#e+ t!at

    been e(e%te$, re"u+ting to (ut &ou in t!e +i"t o) (oor (er)or*er", !i%! i" $ire%t+&re"u+ting in i++)u+ in"ubor$ination an$ gro"" neg+igen%e o) $utie", in &our %a(a%it& a"


    er)or*ing be+o t!e +e#e+ i" *a/ing &our"e+) +iab+e )or ne%e""ar& a%tion.

    You are !ereb& arne$ to $e#e+o( &our (er)or*an%e0 )ai+ure to $o "o "!a++ in#o/e

    a((ro(riate a%tion.

    You are )urt!er a$#i"e$ to "ub*it a ritten e(+anation on &our (oor (er)or*an%e a"

    "oon a" &ou re%ei#e t!i" +etter.

    1in$+& treat t!i" a" #er& urgent.

    2or3 -----------------------

