letter from broderick and partners llp


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Letter from Broderick and Partners LLP to Wainfleet council


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City & Province:

Name: '2.'

[g(....I have never spoken on this issue before and the key paints of my deputation are as follows:

If an individual appears as a deputation before Council, a further deputation from the same individual concerning thesame topic(s) will not be permitted unless there is significant new information to be brought forward. Specific newinformation must be identified on this form, which will require approval.

o (v') I have spoken on this Issue before, and the specific new infonnation I wish Council to review Isa9

follows: (attach a separate page(s) if necessary)

I wish to appear before Council on F~ r - . . .. . . .. . rA

, ; ). .3, C}o ! ~ (Meeting lime is 7:00p.m. unless noted otherwise)


Note: Your request must be made no later than 2:00 p.m. on the Friday immediately preceding the CouncilorCommittee Meeting. The deadfine is 10:00 a.m. on the Monday prior to the Council or Committee Meeting ifyou are speaking to a direct report to Councilor Committee,prepared by staff, listed on the Agenda.

I have read and understand the Deputation Protocol on the back of this fonn and that the Information

contained on this form, Including any attachments, wlll become public documents and listed on Township ofWalnfleet Meeting Agendas and Minutes.

Ialso understand that presentat ion materials must be submitted with this deputation fonn. Electronic

presentations must be emailed to t lamb@;\yalnfleet.ca no later than 2:00 p.m. on the Friday immediatelypreceding the meetlng.

:l S'a-.J t-' n .Sig re Dat~ ,

Presentation Requirements: NO___ YES (description):

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· 16 2 5 O N T AR IO A V E .

P .O . BO I 897


C A N A D A U E 6 V Ii

TEL (905) 358-2621

F A X ( 9 0 5 ) 35 6 -6 904

b r od e ri ekp a rt ne r! . c om

J.J . B R O D E R I C K

~C ••L l I . lIL

LawSotl~1J Certll\4d

C iv i l U l I( ad o l1 S jM I (I la II sl

W . A . A M A D I O


G .A . K IR K H A M


Floeot iii Ltai lAA &. Fre l1eh

R .B . B U R N S

E .P . L U S T IG

M. D l G m O L A M O

Z . S A S K I N

F l ue n t I II B o sl ll an . GrouJau

~ Serbian

D . F . 1 r tA R IN E L L I

( 1 94 5· 1 99 7)

February 22, 2012

Sent by Courier and Email [email protected]

Mayor April Jeffs and

Members of Council

Township of Wainfleet

31940 Highway 3

P.O. Box 40Wainfleet, Ontario


Dear Mayor Jeffs and Members of Council:

Re: Rankin Renewable Power Inc.

Proposed Township of Wain fleet By-law re Regulating Wind Turbine:l

I act for Rankin Renewable Power Inc. The company is in the business of

developing renewable power facilities including wind turbines across Ontario

including within the Niagara Region.

[ am advised that the Township of Wain fleet proposes to consider enacting a by-

law at its meeting on February 28, 2012 to provide for setback regulations for

wind turbines of 2 kms. to the nearest noise receptor, whereas the current

Provincial regulations in this regard provide for separation distances ofbetween

550 and 600 meters. Normally, setback regulations for buildings or structures

would be included as part ofa zoning by-law passed by a municipality pursuant

to s. 34 under PART V of the Planning Act.

In my opinion, the Township of Wainflee t does not possess the legal authority

to pass such a by-law as a consequence of the enactment of the' 'Green Energy

and Green Economy Act. 2009" of Ontario which received Royal Assent on

May 14,2009.

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The Green Energy and Green Economy Act introduces the concept of "renewable energy

project". which is a "renewable energy generation fa cil ity". A "renewable energy generation

facility" is one from which electricity is generated from a "renewable energy source". Thosesources are defined as including wind, water, solar and geothermal energy.

Schedule K of the Green Energy and Green Economy Act amends th e Planning Act to

provide that the following planning policies or sections of the Planning Act do not apply to

"renewable energy undertakings)' (defined as renewable energy generation facilities,

projects, testing facilities or testing projects):

• Policy statements and provincial plans, with certain exceptions.

• Section 24, which requires public works and by-laws to confirm with official


Demolition control by-laws under section 33.

• Zoning by-law and related by-laws, site plan control and orders under

Part V of the Planning Act, subject to a transitional exception for existing

agreements under that Part.

• Development permit regulations and by-laws under section 70.2.

• By-laws under section 113 or 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.

• Orders under section 17 of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994.

• Leases for the purpose of renewable energy generation facilities or renewable

energy projects are exempt from subdivision control and part-lot control under

section 50 of the Planning Act) if they are for periods which exceed 21 years

and up to 50 years.

The Green Energy and Green Economy Act amends the Planning Act by adding new s.

62.0.2. Subsection 62.0.2(3) provides that official plans do not affect a renewable energy

project or a renewable energy generation facility. Under subs. 62.0.2(5), a demolition control

by-law does not apply to such facilities and projects. Subsection 62.0.2(6) exempts such

facilities and projects from land-use control) including zoning and interim control by-laws

and site plan control. Finally, subs. 62.0.2(8) provides that the development permit system

does not apply to a renewable energy undertaking (defined as a renewable energy generation

facility, a renewable energy project, a renewable energy testing facility or a renewable

energy test ing project).

The Green Energy awl Green Economy Act adds clauses 5 0 (3 ) (d.l) and 5 0 (5 ) (c. I ) to the

Planning Act to exempt renewable energy projects or renewable energy generation facilities

from the subdiv isio n and part lot control provisions of th e Act provided that any entitlement

to a renewal does not exceed 50 years.

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Attached is a copy of Schedule K to the Act for your information.

This letter is not intended to take a position on the scientific, health or businessconsiderations related to the installation of wind turbines, but rather to advise you of our

opinion on the law respecting the passing ofa by-law by your council relating to the set backs

fo r wind turbines. In democratic societies such as ours, it is fair, reasonable and appropriate

for citizens to object to laws passed by their governments by means of lawful dissent such

as the ballot box, protests, petitions and resolutions. It is not, however, appropriate to protest

objectionable laws by undertaking illegal acts. It is particularly important, inthis regard, that

citizens who are elected to office as leaders in our society do not undertake illegal actions as

a means ofprotest. Iam advised that recently the Township of West Lincoln considered this

matter and decided not to pass a by-law for these purposes. We would respectfully request

that you also do not pass such a by-law.

[f this matter is going to be going before your Council this Tuesday, February 28, 2012,

please have this letter considered by the Members of Council. We will be present to speak

to the letter.

Yours truly,


;L~---~ -.~~?//

L /'(_"1~)



cc: Scott Luey, Chief Administrative Officer [email protected]

Torn Rankin, Rankin Renewable Power Inc.

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6 1

!'!d/IlW'fo!, kl

LllI DE 2 0 !N S\!R t:J':NFRlllf. ynUE JO T t. 'F('ON():- 'lIF. VI'.RTE



I. Subsectio n I (I) o r the Planning, IL'Ii~amendedby a dd in g t he fo ll ow ln g d efl nl tl on sr


"renew ab le energy genera tio n fa cility" has the sam emean i ng as in th e Electricity ,.let, 1998; ("installationde produc t ion dcnergie renouvelable")

"renewnble e ne rg y p ro je ct " has the sa me m ea nin g lI S inth e Greim Energy .Icr, ]009; \ , 'projet denergle renou-vdable")

"ren ew ab le en ergy tes tin g fa cil ity " h as th e s am e m ea nin g,IS In th e Green Energy . let, 20m; ("installation •J 'eva-l ua tio n d u p o te nt ie J e n e ne rg ie r en o uv el a ol e" )

"re ne wa bl e en ergy tes tin g p ro ject" h as th e s am e m ea nin gas in th e Green Energy . lcr, 2009; ( "p r o je t d 'e v a lu a ti o n

d u p o te nt ie l e n e ne rg ie r en o uv el a bl e" )

"ren ew ab le energy un derta king" m ea ns a renew able en -e rg y g en era tio n fa cil ity, a ren ew ab le en ergy p ro jec t, are ne wa bl e e ne rg y te st in g fa cil it y o r a r en ew a bl e e ne rg ytesting pro j ec t ; ( "en t r epr ise d'energie renouvelable")

2 . (I) Sabsec t ion 51}(3) of the ,\ct 1 5 amended by

adding the rollowlng clause:

(d .I ) the land o r any use o f o r righ t therein is being a c-quired, directly o r by entit lem en t to renew a l fo r aperio d o f 2 1 o r more yea rs bu t no t m o re than 5 0y ea rs , fo r th e p urp os e of a r en ew a bl e e ne rg y g en -era tio n fa cility o r ren ew ab le en ergy p ro jec t, a nd inres pec t o f which the person acqu iring the land o r

a ny lise o f o r right therein ha s m ad e a d ec la ra tio ntha t it is being a cquired fo r such pu rpo se, whichsha ll be conc lusive evidence that it is b ein g a c-q uire d fo r s uc h p ur po se ;

(2) Subsec t ion 50 (5) or the Act is amended by add-

in g the fo l lowing clauses

(c.l ) the land or any use o f o r righ t there in is being ac-quired , d irectly o r by entit lem en t to renew al fo r aperiod o f 2 1 o r m o re yea rs bu t no t m ore than 5 0years , fo r the pu rpo se o f a renew ab le energy gen-e ra tio n fa cil ity o r re ne wa bl e en erg y p ro je ct, a nd inrespect o f w hich the person acqu iring the land o rany lise o f O[ rig ht the re in h as m ad e a d ecl ara tio nthat it is being acqu ired fo r such pu rpo se, w hichs ha ll b e co nclus iv e ev id en ce tha t it is be ing a c-q uir ed fo r s uc h p ur po se ;

J. T he ,\c t i,~amended by "dlling th e fo ll ow in g s ec-tion:

Hc,I.,."hle "n.r~y undert"kln~

PoUcy , I"f<rnenl~ and prov lnclal p lan.

6 2 .0 .2 (I) D espite any A ct o r re gu la tio n, th e fo ll ow in gtin n ut npply 1 0 a rcncwuhle energy undertaking. except inrd ;:t il )l l tl ) :1d ccix ion u nd er section 2: :1, \ ( Pnr t V I:

. \; '> IN E XE K


I. Le parngraphe I (I) de In Loi sur I'lIIm!ntlgemellttill terrltolre es t mot.lln6 par udjonc t lun des defini tion,sulvnntes ~

«e ntre pris e d 'en erg ie ren ou vela bl e» S 'e nten d d 'u ne in s-ta ll atio n d e p ro du ctio n d'energie renouvelable, d'un

projet d'energie renouvelable, d 'u n e i ns ta l la tio n d'eva-

luation du potentiel en energie renouvelable ou d 'unp ro jet d 'ev nlu atlo n d u p ote ntie l e n e ne rg ie ren ou ve la -b le , ( cr en ew u bl e e ne rg y u n de rt ak in g» )

« in s ta l la ti on d e p ro d uc ti on d 'e ne rg ie r en o uv el a bl e- S'en-tend au sen s de la Loi de / 998 sur I 'electricite . (ere-n ew a b le e ne rg y g en er at io n facility»)

«installation devaluatlon du potentiel en energie renou-

ve lab le» S 'en tend au sen s de la Loi de 20()9 sur

/ 'energie verte. ( er en ew a bl e e ne rg y t es tin g f ac il it y» )«projet d'energie renouvelable» S'entend au sens deIa

Loi de 2009 sur l'energie verte. (crenewable energyproject»)

«p ro jer d \~ va lu atio n d u po tentie l en en ergie ren ou vela -ble» S 'en tend au sens de la Loi de 2009 sur I 'energieverte, { «r en ew a b le e ne rg y t es tin g p ro je ct »)

Z. (I) Le paragrnphe 51}(J) de I. Lol est modin~

pllr adjonetlon de I'alinea suivant :

d.l ) Ie terra in , Ie d ro it d 'u til isa tio n d e celu i-ci o u a utredroit y a fferen t es t a cqu is , d ire cte rn en t o u en v ertud 'u n d ro it de ren ou vellern en t p our un e du ree d e 2 1an s ou p lu s m ais d 'au p lus 5 0 an s, a ux tin s d 'unein sta lla tio n d e p ro du ctio n d 'en erg le ren ou vel ab leo u d 'u n projet d'energie renouvelable et que l'ac-

quereur a dec la re que l 'acqu lsit io n se fa it acestins, c e q ui c on st it ue u ne p re uv e c on cl ua nte ;

(2) Le paragraphe 50 (5) de la Lo i est modln~ par

adjonc t len de I 'a lln es su lv an t :

c.l ) l e te rra in , le d ro it d 'u tll is atio n de c el ui- ci a u autre

droi t y a fferen t es t a cq uis , d ire ctern en t o u en v ertu1 . 1 ' un d ro it d e ren ouv el lem en t p ou r u ne d uree d e 2 1an s o u p lu s m a is d 'au plus 5 0 an s, <lUX f in s d 'u n einstal la t ion de produc t ion denergie renouvelable

OLI d 'un pro jet d 'energie reno uve lab le e t quel 'ncquereur a declare q ue l'a cqu is itio n s e fa it iI . ce sfin s, c e q ui c on stitu e u ne p re uv e c on cl ua nte ;

J, La Lol es t moditiee par a djn nctlo n d e l 'n rtlclesuivant :

F,tII'.prl."" .J'~lle~le r~A(lunl"ble

n~d"I'Mion~de prlnc lpes <111111°'prn.l!lclau~

6 2.0 .2 (I) ~ !a lgrc ro ut e a utre l oi o u tout r ~ gl cm ~ n t, k s,1 (\ctJ rn cflls s uiv un ts n e s'uppliqucnr pa s ;' 1 u ne e nt re pr i- .e

d' cncruie rcnouvcluble, "HI f en (C 'lu i c on cc rn c u ne d~d·; , , :1 f ~ t ; .1,· 'n '.nn·k \' Hi,·k ,.{ ,Iii ::..' I i;t,ut ~_ · \, !

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{'I"",,,,'g . ict

CREEN I'NEROY ,\NO (iREEN r.cl )N( )MY . \CT, 10091.01 ,'Uf' tomJntJ}! ,r tmenl r il l terrttoire

Schcd. K62

I. A po licy sta tem en t issued under subsectio n 3 ( I),

1... 'I . provincial plan, s ub jec t to s ub se ctio n (2).


(2) Subsection (I) does no t apply ill re sp ect o f,

the Niagara Esca rpmen t Plan;

ano ther prov incia l p lan . if the prov incia l p lan is

prescribed for the purpo ses o f this subsectio n ; o r

( 0 , ; ) it pro visio n o f uno ther pro vincial p lan , if t he p ro v i-

s io n is prescribed fo r the purpo ses o f this subsec-



(h )

omcl,,' pluns

(3) F or g re ate r c erta in ty, an otflcial plan does no t a f-

fect a r en ew ab le e ne rg y u nd erta kin g.


C ~ ) Section 24 does no t apply to ,

(a) the undertak ing of a public w ork that is a renew -

ab le energy undertaking o r is intended to facilita te

o r support a renew able energy undertaking;

(b) the passing o f a by- law with respect to a public

w ork described in clause (a); o r

(c) the passing o f a by-law tha t is intend ed to fa cilita te

o r suppor t a re ne wa ble e ne rg y u nd erta kin g.

l)emolltton contrf)i ~rea

(5) A by-law passed under sectio n 33 does no t apply to

a re ne wa ble en erg y u nd erta kin g.

Ily-l"w~ und nrutf'!l under Part Y

(6) A by-law o r o rder passed o r m ade under Pa rt V

does no t apply to a re new ab le e ne rg y u nd erta kin g.

r ra n O IU l l" , e d~ H n g H !t re em ~ n ts

(7 ) An agreemen t tha t is entered into under Pa rt V be-

fo re the da y subsection 4 ( I) of Schedule G to the Green

Energy and Green Economy . · r e l . 10~ comes in to fo rce

applies to a renewable energy pro ject, and to any rela ted

renewable en ergy testin g fa cility an d ren ew ab le en ergy

testing pro ject, un til the day a renewable energy approva l

is issued tinder section ·17.5 o f the Environmental Protec-lion. rei in rela tio n to the renew able energy pro ject .

(8) A regu la tio n o r by· law made o r passed under sec-

non 70 .2 docs n ot a pp ly to a renewable energy undertuk-lng.

I. Line decluratio n de princlpes fa ite en verru du pa -

rugraphe J ( II.

2. Un p la n p ro v in c ia l , sous reserve du pumgraphe (1).


(2 ) L e paragraphe (I) ne s 'uppllque pas a r eg ard , se -Ion le cas:

a ) du plan de l'csca rpernent du N iaga ra ;

b) d'un autre p lan prov incia l, s'Il est prescrit pou r

I' a pp l lc atio n d u p re se nt p ara gra ph e;

c) d 'une d ispositio n d 'un autre p lan provincia l, s i e lle

es t prescrite pour l'applicatjon du present paragra-


Plan~o mele!!

(J) J I est en tendu qu'un plan o fficiel n 'a aucune inci-

dence su r une entreprise d'energie renouvelable.Idem

(4) L'article 24 ne s'applique pas, selon le cas:

a) Is . des travaux publics qu i co nstituent line en tre prise

(.I'energie ren ou vela ble o u q ui v is en t Is . faciliter ou Aappuyer une teile entreprise;

b) a l'ndoption d'un reglement m unicipal su r les tra-

vaux p ub li cs v is es it J' a lin ea a );

c} Is . l 'adoptio n d 'un reglernent mun icipa l v lsan t afaclllter ou it a pp uy er u ne en trep ris e d 'en ergle re-nouvelable,

ZoneA d~molitloA rq~mcntee

(5) U n reglem en t m unicip al adopte en v ertu de l 'artlcle

33 ne s'applique pa s iu n e e nt re p ri se d'energie renouve-

l able,

R~~iemenlll munidp au l , o rdOnndn(e lI et arretk VI.f5 II h i pd rtie V

(6) Un reglernent municipal adopte, u ne o rd on na nc e

rendue ou un a rrete pris en vertu de la pa rtie V ne

s'applique pa s it un e e n tr ep r is e d 'e n er gi e r en o u ve l ab l e.

D1~po! l l I iDn Irn~i101re: convenllon! nbl"nles

(7) Vne conven tion conclue en vertu de la partie V

avan t Ie j o ur de l 'en tree en vlgueur du pa ragraphe 4 (I) de

l 'annexe G de la Loi de 2()09 sur i'energie verte Iff

l'economie verte s 'appl ique a un pro jet d'energie renou-

v ela ble a in si qu 'a to ute in sta lla tio n d'evaluation d u p ot en -

tie l en energie renouvelao le et tou t pro jet deva lua tlo n du

po ten tiel en energie renouvelable connexes ju squ 'uu jo u r

a u une au to risat lo n de pro jet d 'energie renouvelab le est

delivree en vertu de l'article 47.5 de In l.oi sur III protec-tion de I'environnement en cc qui a trait au pro jet

J' ene rg ie r c nouve lab le ,

O J) Un re gl em en t p ris e n a p pl ic at io n de l'n rticle 70 .2Oil un reglcment municipal adopte en vertu de celu i-ci ne"'.lp pliqu c p as a l in e c mre pris e d '':n erg ie re no uv cl ab lc .

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" \

l'lwllting ,lei


Ci W "I t'ornnto I c/, _ 'o Y f> , . ~ I IJ, Il-t

(tIl :\ by- la w passed under sectio n I JJ o r I H of theCity oj Toronto, k/, 2006 does not apply to (\ renewableenergy undertaking,

o " / , , r i o Planning "nd D~'d(}p",elll,lct. 1994,,, 17

(10) An order made under section 17 of the OntarioPlunnlng and Development •let, 199./ does no t apply to a

r en ew ab l e e n er gy u n d er ta k in g ,


·t This Schedule comes into force on II day to benamed by proclamatlon of the Lieutenant Governor,


1.1111ft! } IJOrJ mrlll d t",ll! To rom o : art. ILJ et 11 4

ti)) U n re gle me nt m un icip al a do pte en v ertu d e l 'u rticle

113ou 114 de la L o! d e ;:O ()6su r la die d e T oro nto nes 'a pp ll qu e p as a u n e e nt re pr is e d 'e ne rg ie r en o uv el a bl e,

t .ot ele 1994 !UT 14planJjlcatimf et I' i lmb11Ig~_'d lIu ter rtmire dl!

I'Ontrtrlo, urt, 17

tlO) Un a r r e t e pris en vertu de l 'article 17de In Loi de

1'J9.J sur la pJan ijkm ion et J 'amenagement du t er rl to ir ee l f ! lOntario ne s'npplique pas iI une entreprise d'energic

renouve lable ,

t:ntr~e en ~Igueur

.t . La presente unnexe entre en v igueu r Ie jou r queIe lleutenant-gouverneur Ib:e par proclamattnn,