letter from usdot to txdot 061213

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  • 7/29/2019 Letter From USDOT to TxDOT 061213



    June 12 ,2 0 1 3Refer to: HPP-TX

    Joint A pproval ofM ay 2013 Quarterl y Revisions to the FY 2013-20 I 6 Statewide Tra nspottationIm pro vement Progra m (STIP)Mr. Phil WilsonExecutive D ir ectorTexas D epartment ofTra nsportation125 E. I 1111 StreetA ustin, Texas 78701

    Attention: Marc WilliamsDear Mr. W ilson:W e have reviewed the May 2013 Q uatterly revisions to the FY 2013-2016 STlP transmittedwith your Ju ne 4, 2013 appro val, received Ju ne 11, 2013. Bas ed upon our review, theserevisions to the STIP are hereby approved subject to the enclosed commen ts .Should you have any questions or conc erns, please contact either M s. Genevieve Balesof heFH W A Texas Divis ion at (512) 536 -5941 o r Ms. Lyn n Hayes ofthe FTA R egion VI office at(817) 978-0565 for additional in formation.

    Sin cerely yours,

    Regional Administrator, Region VIFederal Transit Administration

  • 7/29/2019 Letter From USDOT to TxDOT 061213


    cc: Don Koski, FTA, Region VI

    Lynn Hayes, FTA, Region VIJohn Stott, TxDOT Design

    Alison McMillan, TxDOT Design

    Lillie Salas, TxDOT Design

    Jack Foster, TxDOT TPP

    Lori Morel, TxDOT TPP

    Kelly Kirkland, TxDOT PTN


  • 7/29/2019 Letter From USDOT to TxDOT 061213


    MPO/District C SJN um ber

    1 CA M PO / Austin 0151-0 9-036

    2 C A M PO / Aust in 0151-0 9-127

    3 DFW/DAL 1051-0 1-037

    4 DFW/DAL 3148-0 1-006

    5 El Paso M POI 2121-0 4-0 87El Paso6 H-G A C/ Housto n 0027-12-1 05

    7 H -G A C/ Housto n 0050-0 6-0 79

    8 H -G A C/ Housto n 0114-12-0 07


    2013-2016STIPMay 2013 Q uarte rly Revisions

    STIP commen tAppro ved. Howev er, the State Funding to ta l in dica te d in the Fundin g byCategory /S har e sum mary appears in correct ($ 22,7 50,0 00 versus $20,7 50,0 00).Please revise or e xpla in as appro pria te .N ot Approved. Approval ofth is revis ion is withheld pendin g resolu tionofth efo llowing fu ndin g discrepancie s. It is note d th at th e YearOfExpenditu re costnote d for th is proje ct is in consist ent with th e Fundin g by Share info rm ationprovided ($262,9 00,0 00 versus $375,9 00,000). Additionally, it isnote d th at theLocal and Other Local fu ndin g in dic ate d in the Fundin g by Category /S haresu m m ary is in consis tent with th e fu ndin g in dic ate d in CAM PO's FY 2013-2016Transport ati on Im pro vem ent Progra m, Hig hway Fin ancia l Summ ary - Year ofExpenditure Cos ts.N ot Appro ved. This project (p hase s E, RandC) is not consis te nt w ithN C T C O G 's 2011 Transport ati on Confo rm ity dete rm in at ion.N ot Approved. This pro je ct (p hase sE, RandC) is not consis tent w ithN C T C O G 's 2011 Tra nsport ation Conform ity dete rmin ation.Approved. Proje ct is consis tent w ith the m odeling for the confo rmin g M TP(M ission 2035). Not Appro ved. Appro val of his re visio n is with held pendin g cla rif ication of the pro ject' s consis tency with H-G AC's confo rm in g 2035 RTP Update.Not Appro ved. Appro val of th is revis ion is withheld pendin g confi rm ationof th e project's consi st ency w ith H-GAC's currently conform in g 20 35 RTPUpdate .H -G AC's curre ntly confo rm in g 2035 RTP Update in dicates a 2018 tr ansport ation confo rm ity an alysis year for th is project. However, assum ing a2 014 let tin g year an d 2-y ear construction time-fr am e it appea rs th at this pro je ctw ould be com ple te an d open to traff ic in 2016.N o t Appro ved. Approvalof th is re vis io n is w ithheld pendin g cla ri ficationof hepro je ct's consis te ncy with H-G AC's curre ntly confo rm in g 2035 RTP Update.

    HighwayFederal Com m ents 1 of3

  • 7/29/2019 Letter From USDOT to TxDOT 061213


    MPO /District CSJNum ber

    9 H-GAC/ Housto n 0114-12-008

    10 H-GAC / Houston 0978-02-034

    11 H -GAC/ Housto n 2105-01-0 34

    12 H -G AC/ Houston 3187-01-005

    - -


    2013-2016 STIPMay 2013 Quarterly Revisions

    ST IP commentN o t Approved. Approval of thisrevision is with held pendingconfirmationofthe project's consistency w it h H-GAC's currently co nforming 2035 RTP Update.H-G AC's cu rrently conforming 2035 RTP Update indicates a 2018 transportatio nconformity analysis year for this project. However, assuming a 2014 let t ing yearand 2-year construction time-frame it appears th at this project would be completeand open to traffic in 2016.Approved. However, final design m ay not be started until the proposed projecthas been environmenta lly cleared. In addition, engineering work completed inadvance of environmental cle arance is lim ited to that needed to com plete th eenvironmental document. Also, final environmental action can not be com pleteduntil the pro ject is included in H-GAC's RTP and TIP as appropriate.

    Approved. How ever, fmal design may not be started until the p roposed projecthas been environmentally cleared. In addition, engineering work completed in advanceof environmental clearance is limited to that needed to complete theenvironmenta l document. Also, final environmental action can not be completeduntil the proje ct is included in H-G AC's RTP and TIP as appropriate.

    Not Approved. Approval of his revision is w ithheld pending confirmationofthe project's consiste ncy with H-GAC's currently conforming 2035 RTPUpdate.H -GAC's currently conforming2035 RTP Update indicates a 2018tr ansportation conformity analysis year for this project. However, assuming a2015 letting year and 2-year construction time-fra me it appearsthat this projectwould be complete and ope n to traffic in 2017.

    HighwayFederal Comments 2 of 3

  • 7/29/2019 Letter From USDOT to TxDOT 061213


    MPO /D istrict C SJN um ber

    13 H -G A C/ H ouston 3187-02-006

    14 Hildalg o/ Pharr 3629-01-0 01

    15 Hildalgo/ Pharr 3629-0 1-001

    SABC/ S an16 0521-01-045Antonio

    SA BC/ San17 0521-0 1-0 46Antonio

    18SA BC/ San

    0915-12-4 96Antonio19 SA BC/ San 0915-1 2-5 09Antonio20 Statewid e 5000-0 0-06121 Statewid e 5000-00-061_


    2013-2016 STIPMay2013 Q uarterly Revisions

    STIP comment INot Appro ved. Approvalof this re vision is withheld pending confirm atio n of Ith e proje ct's consistency w ith H-G AC's curr ently conformin g 20 35 RTP Update . IH-GAC's currently conform in g 203 5 RTP Update in dicates a 2018 transportationconform ity analysis year for this project. However, ass uming a 20 15 letting yearand 2-year constru ction tim e-frame it ap pears th at this project w ould be com pletean d open to traffic in 2017.N ot Appro ved . Ple ase cla rify and pro vid e more details on the phasin gofhispro je ct as appropriate. M TP# HC-295a. It appears that this pro ject (S H 68 PE) islisted in the M TP and TIP for FY 2013, FY 2014 and FY 201 5 for preliminary engineerin g (PE). In th e ca se ofFY 2014 and FY 2015, the pro je cts have th esam eY O E .Not Approved. Ple ase clarify and provide more details on the phasing of hisproject as appropriate. M TP# HC-2 95b. It appears that this pro je ct (SH 68 ROW )is liste d in the M TP and TIP for FY 2015 and FY 2016.Appro ved. Please confirm th at 12-STP-M M (R ) is consistant w ith 12S StrategicPriority RECO N as listed on FY 2013-2016 TIP Financial Sum mary YOE orexplain as appropriate.Approved. Please confi rm that 12-STP-M M (R) is consista nt with 12S StrategicPriority RECON as listed on FY 2013-2 016 TIP Fin an cial Sum mary Y O E orexplain as appropriate.Approved. Please note th at final design may not b e st arted until the proposedpro je ct h as been environmentally cleared.Appro ved. Please note that final design may not be started until th e pro posedproject ha s been environm entally cleared.N ot Appro ved. Ple ase pro vide additional clarification on scopeofRail Planningwork .AJProved. l e ~ _ pro vid e additional clarifi cation on sc opeofwork.

    HighwayFede ral Comments 3 of 3