leveraging bikes to build a better city


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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Leveraging Bikes to Build a Better City:Best Practices from Around the Globe

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About the Panel

Areli Carreón is a founding member of several environmental NGOs in Mexico, notably Bicitekas A.C., the largest and most influential cyclist group in Mexico City. She is coauthor of the Mexico City's Urban Cyclist Manual and member of the promotion committee of the Urban Cyclists National Network, which gathers 32 cyclists organizations in Mexico.

Joe Peach is the founder of This Big City - a social media movement encouraging discussion about sustainable cities. Joe founded This Big City in 2009 while studying for a Masters in Sustainable Communities and the Creative Economy and researching the role of urban bicycle infrastructure in developing sustainable communities.

Fabian Küster is a Senior Policy Officer at the European Cyclists’ Federation and is regularly following EU developments and legislation, liaising with key stakeholders. He has wealth of experience in and around the EU institutions, and is an expert in the EU policy field of bicycles.

Angie Schmitt manages and edits the Streetsblog Network, a collaboration between more than 400 transportation and urbanist bloggers from throughout the United States and around the world. Previously Angie worked as a newspaper reporter covering municipal governments throughout her home state of Ohio.


Cycling modal share in %


How do we get more people cycling more often?

T r a f f ic c a lm in g / m o b i l i t y m a n a g e m e n t

S a f e c y c l in g in f r a s t r u c t u r e

30 km/h speed limits on 70 - 85 % of road network in many German and Dutch cities

NL: € 25 /per person annually for cycling (97 % for infrastructure);CPH: €16 Euro per capita in cycling infrastructure in 2010

Reduce car ownership/ car use by e.g. restrictive car parking policies: ex: Amsterdam € 5/ hour in the whole city

Every km cycled costs local authority about 1/10 of every km driven by car

ECF position: 30 km/h default speed limit in all built-up areas (Resolution European Parliament: 30km/h should be speed limit in all residential areas and where is no separate cycling lane)

ECF position: at least 10 % of transport budgets into cycling


Costs for the Overall Economy: Bicycle vs. Car

Indicator [€-ct/km] Internal External Total

Bicycle Car Bicycle Car Bicycle Car

Health 0 0 89.89 0 89.89 0

Noise 0 0 0 -1.02 0 -1.02

Accidents -6.29 -1.44 -8.42 -1.85 -14.71 -3.29

Running costs -10.2 -38.3 0 - -10.2 -38.3

Travel time -66.53 -54.29 0 - -66.53 -54.29

Pollutants 0 0 0 -0.63 0 -0.63

CO₂ 0 0 0 -0.85 0 -0.85

Total -83.02 -94.03 81.47 -4.35 -1.55 -98.38

Difference bicycle - car 11.01 85.82 96.83


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• This webinar will be available on-demand at www.SustainableCitiesCollective.com.

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