levers and pulleys project

1 Perry Peak News Beached Whales! News Flash! There was a large commotion today at the coast near the town of Perry‘s Peak. A large group of whales became stranded on the beach. This presented a huge problem for sun bathers and nature enthusiasts. The bigger problem is how to rescue them before they perish. The onlookers tried everything they could think of from pushing the whales into the water with tractors to bribing the whales with food. Nothing has worked so far. The town’s mayor is hoping that a solution can be found soon! Real World Solutions: Levers & Pulleys Project How can we use our knowledge of levers and pulleys to solve real world problems? For this project, you will be organizing into “companies” to solve real-life problems involving the use of levers or pulleys. You will begin by answering the following four guiding questions: What will we lift? How heavy is it? How high will we need to lift it? What is the best way to lift the load? (lever or pulley) This first stage may involve some research. For example, if the challenge you have chosen involves moving a whale, you might need to look up the average weight of a whale. The next step will be to create a scenario in which your load must be moved and to where. This would be the “real life problem” aspect of the assignment. You will answer the following guiding questions: Why does my load need to be lifted? Who needs the load lifted? Where does my load need to go? What is my timeline for lifting the load? You will need to create a newspaper ad or feature story to introduce the scenario you are solving. For example, if your problem involves moving a piano, you may create a “help wanted ad” for a person requesting help from a local company. On the other hand, you might be using a feature story in a newspaper about a beached whale needing lifted from your local beach.

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Microsoft Word - Levers and Pulleys Projectcoast near the town of Perry‘s Peak. A large
group of whales became stranded on the beach.
This presented a huge problem for sun bathers
and nature enthusiasts. The bigger problem is
how to rescue them before they perish.
The onlookers tried everything they could
think of from pushing the whales into the water
with tractors to bribing the whales with food.
Nothing has worked so far. The town’s mayor is
hoping that a solution can be found soon!
Real World Solutions:
Levers & Pulleys Project How can we use our knowledge of levers and pulleys to solve real world problems?
For this project, you will be organizing into “companies” to solve real-life problems
involving the use of levers or pulleys. You will begin by answering the following four
guiding questions:
• How high will we need to lift it?
• What is the best way to lift the load? (lever or pulley)
This first stage may involve some research. For
example, if the challenge you have chosen involves
moving a whale, you might need to look up the
average weight of a whale.
The next step will be to create a scenario in which
your load must be moved and to where. This would
be the “real life problem” aspect of the assignment.
You will answer the following guiding questions:
• Why does my load need to be lifted?
• Who needs the load lifted?
• Where does my load need to go?
• What is my timeline for lifting the load?
You will need to create a newspaper ad or feature
story to introduce the scenario you are solving. For
example, if your problem involves moving a piano,
you may create a “help wanted ad” for a person
requesting help from a local company. On the
other hand, you might be using a feature story in a
newspaper about a beached whale needing lifted
from your local beach.
dynamics of your company. You will need to
answer the following questions:
• What kind of work does your company do?
• What is your company’s slogan?
• What role(s) will each member (or employee)
play in the company?
project and managing your time so that you
meet the required deadlines?
You will eventually create a company poster advertising your company
including your company name, slogan, and type of work that you do.
Company Name: Team Members:
Next, you will need to do the math behind the assignment. All students in the
group must work together on this portion of the assignment. Work must be shown
in the boxes provided on the proposal sheet. You will be applying skills and
knowledge that you have acquired throughout our science module. Be sure to
determine which simple machine is the BEST choice for completing the job! Use
the following as a guide:
1. Determine the weight of the object being moved.
2. Determine the class of lever that you will use for this assignment.
3. Determine the location of the effort and load that will give you the greatest
4. Determine the distance from the fulcrum to the load.
5. Determine the distance from the fulcrum to the effort.
6. Calculate the Newtons needed to lift the load using the formula.
Load x Distance Fulcrum to Load = Effort x Distance Fulcrum to Effort
Ex: 220g x 20cm = e x 10cm
4400 = 10e
4400 = 10e
10 10
440g = e
4.4 Newtons = effort
7. Determine the price you are going to charge per Newton of effort to lift the
8. Determine the cost involved in building the lever (*may require some research).
Add this cost in to your price.
9. Calculate the final price you will charge for your work. Is it a reasonable
price? Do adjustments need to be made?
object being moved (load).
arms you will need if you are
using a compound pulley.
Keep in mind that one person
must be able to lift the weight of the load when you are done designing
your pulley system.
5. Determine the amount of rope that you need to move the required
Length of Rope = Distance load needs to move x # of Rope Arms used on your pulley
Ex: 10 m x 3 rope arms = 30 meters of rope
6. Determine the amount of effort it will take to lift the load.
Effort = Load ( lbs/g/kg) / # of Ropes
Ex: 12 lbs. / 2 ropes = 6 lbs. that will need to be lifted
7. Calculate the amount of work you will need to do.
Work (Newtons per cm/m/mile) = Force (Effort in Newtons) x Distance (in cm/m/miles)
8. Determine the price you are going to charge for each N per distance of
9. Add in the price of the rope and pulley(s) (*may require some research).
10. Calculate the final price you will charge for your work. Is it reasonable?
Does it need to be adjusted?
Next, you will write up your proposal. This is the overall plan for your project. It will
be submitted to the teacher for approval. Later, it will be used as a “pitch” to
your prospective client.
scenario or problem?
3. How heavy is the load?
4. How high will you need to
lift the load?
the load?
illustration if necessary.
name & slogan?
member of your group
You will need to complete the following components for this project:
During the final stage of the project, each company will “pitch” their
proposal to convince their clients that their company is the right company
for the job and should be hired for the work. This portion of the project
should include the following:
1. Hang your presentation board in front of the room.
2. Introduce your company and employees.
3. Address the problem that you are being asked to solve.
4. Explain your solution to the problem.
5. Explain your pricing
6. Finish off by telling the “client” why your company is the “right
company” for the job.
introduce the problem your client has
A proposal for the work to be
name, slogan, and the type of work
that you do
Scoring for this project will be based on the rubrics provided. Each student will receive both a
group score and an individual score for their work and participation in this project.
Please keep in mind the following organizational points:
i. Groups will be chosen by the teacher
ii. Most of the work will be completed in class
iii. Companies will each have a folder that contains their work
iv. Folders will be labeled and left in the classroom (no official papers may leave the room)
v. The assignment and requirements can be accessed online in case you need to view it
from home
*Individual Scoring*
_____ I was on task and needed no reminders to get
back to work.
tasks for the project.
only about our project.
5 pts = always 3 pts. = somewhat 1 pt. =not often
_____ I was on task and needed no reminders to get
back to work.
tasks for the project.
only about our project.
5 pts = always 3 pts. = somewhat 1 pt. =not often
introduces a real world
problem. The why, who,
visually appealing, and
contains few errors.
introduces a real world
problem. The why, who,
creative, and contains
introduces a real world
problem. Most of the
why, who, where, and
who, where, and what
problem and/or was
missing answers to
seems reasonable.
-a calculation was done
-a calculation was done
-a calculation was
-pricing seemed
-a calculation was done
-pricing seemed
contains few errors and
contains errors
contains errors
contains errors
employees are
-The company wasn't
group contributed
-The company wasn't
group contributed