lewins planned change model

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  • 7/28/2019 Lewins planned change model


    Lewins planned change model

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2

    2. Lewins planned change model ........................................................................................ 3

    2.1 Unfreeze ..................................................................................................................................3

    2.2 Change .....................................................................................................................................4

    2.3 Refreeze ...................................................................................................................................5

  • 7/28/2019 Lewins planned change model


    1. IntroductionColombo Food Products (CFP) is in the business of suppliyng processed bottled foods to a

    leading super market chain in Sri Lanka. CFP has two manufacturing plants ; one plant in

    Colombo and the other in Kandy. For the bottling process, CFP currently uses old technology

    and simple and labour intensive processes.

    Business is growing and the management of CFP is considering modernizing the plant to make

    the processes more efficient.This will result in modernised plant doing more work than both old

    ones can do together right now. The older plant in Colombo will be closed.

    The purpose of this study is to look at how Lewins planned change can be used in CFP to

    manage the new changes thats about to happen.Also the level of intervention and the

    assumptions made in the casestudy will be mentioned.

    Ultimately a strategy to manage the implacations of the organizations development will be


  • 7/28/2019 Lewins planned change model


    2. Lewins planned change model

    2.1 Unfreeze

    This includes in creating a readiness to change among organizational members and helping them

    to overcome resistance to change. CFP top management has made a strategic decision to close

    the Colombo plant and to only operate the Kandy plant with renovations.

    Before moving ahead, a comprehensive organizational wide assessment to determine key areas

    that needs attention is advisable. For CFP factors such as available skills, knowledge, cost of

    VRS scheme, retraining on self managementetc

    Its important that the management effectively communicate the discrepancies between the

    current and desired state.Selecting an appropriate change agent is important. This individual

    needs to be charismatic, respected by the employees and top management and have a keen graspof the workings of the company. He will be first point of contact to communicate.

    CFP need to convey the positive expectations of the change after the modernization process is

    done and how the employees are expected to perform and how they will be compensated e.g.

    Transportation / Food / Accommodation in Kandy

    Ensures that

    employees are

    ready for the



    Execute change

    as intended

    Change Ensures change

    is made



  • 7/28/2019 Lewins planned change model


    Empathy and support - Its important to carefully identify the individual perceptions of

    employees and create a support mechanism to help them deal with their queries and concerns

    Influencing stakeholders - Since the employees are pretty loyal to the company there is a higher

    tendency that they support the change process however its important to get the affected

    stakeholders involved in the process. E.g. The supermarket that CFP supplies to will be

    concerned about delivery on time

    2.2 Change

    Though only 10 jobs are affected, the statement that the HR implications minimal is not correct.

    The cultural, legal and ethical implications are quite significant.Due to strict regulations in

    termination of employment the 10 jobs need to be carefully assessed and decided on before it

    affects the entire transition process. However, during the transition period CFP would definitely

    needs extra manpower to both support the existing process and train others for the new process.

    Timeline- This involves in making a road map for change, citing specific activities andevents that occur if the transition is to be successful with an end date.e.gwhen the

    Colombo plant is to be closed. Production/ demand trends need to be critically identified

    so that the affect on the business would me minimum. The management could

    strategically plan to produce a buffer stock of production to support in an affected


    Execution- this is the stage where the planned modernization occurs and the plant will berenovated with new technology. Concurrently with that change management activities

    will happen such as communicating the OD process, introduce voluntary retirement

    scheme, training needs assessed and planned. The most competent employees could be

    trained first to the new processes while the others focus on delivering the current demand

    in order to create sustainability in the business.

  • 7/28/2019 Lewins planned change model


    Management - There should be a process to include people in order to mobilize powerand resources to gain a solid direction in the change management process.This involves

    identifying key people and groups whose commitment is needed for the change.e.g.

    employee leaders , competent people that will support the new system

    2.3 Refreeze

    As suggested by the name, this stage is about establishing stability once the changes have been

    implemented. The changes are accepted and become the new norm. Employees form new

    relationships and become comfortable with their routines.

    The purpose of Refreeze is to identity what supports the change and maintain them and identify

    barriers to sustaining change and reduce them

    The leadership of CFP needs to support the new plant and the latest computerized equipment and

    the reward system devised by HR need to collaborate the established change. E.g. earlier system

    would have reflected the labourintensive processes such as commission based on number bottled

    per person.

    The organizational structure needs to be aligned to the change and documentation such as JD

    should be coordinated.

    Continue to provide ongoing support and training so that the results are at a satisfactory level