lewis & clark notepages 1

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  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1



    No rt h Dakot a

    Sou th Dakot a

    '----, __ ......._.., NebraskaNevada Utah Colorado


    B ritain , F ra nc e, S pain a nd th e U.S. all own ed d ifferen t p arts o f w hat is n ow our co un try,during the year of 1801. O n the m ap m ark out th e different territories that w ere aroundduring tha t time .B lue - Un ited S ta tes te rr ito riesOrange- Span ish te rr ito riesY ellow- O re gon Country

    Red- F rench te rr ito riesGreen - Ind iana te rr ito ries

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    What was the Northwest Passage?

    Why did the United States want to find the Northwest Passage so much?

    Who did they buy if from?

    How much was it sold for?$-----------------------------Why did France sell it to America?

    The Louisiana Territory would eventually become 13 states.Can list all of the 13 states?

    1. 8.2. 9.3. 10.4 . 11.5. 12.6. 13.7.

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    The Louisiana Purchase made a huge impact on the development of the United states.The Louisiana Purchase did a lot for the United States. List some fo the reasons below.xXXXThe purchase of the Louisiana Territory made a great impact on everyone, not justamericans, but also for the Native American Indians too. For them it would mean thatmassive migration of settlers and the policies of the United States government wouldchange there lives.

    Was it fair for them? Write why or why not.

    ...note t N > 1 I lf,he PHSidenf tJefferson worte a long memo to Lewis detailing the things important objectives he hadfor expedition. What is one of those things Jefferson listed to Lewis?

    The clipart used on this page is from http://etc.usf.edu/clipart

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    In 1803, Captian Meriwether Lewis was preparing to command one of the greatestjourneies. He was sent by President Jefferson to study with the experts of the time.There he would plan, organized and would choose the right peole to go.

    What were some of the things he would learn to do?


    ,,. ...Go outside and collect five leaves or blossoms from different kind of plants. Or you can lookfrom you window at five diifernt kind of animals to observe.

    Look closely at the size, shape and coloration of each item. Is there any details that makeone different from another? Classify each item. Use the next page to classify each items.Make copies when needed.

    shop 1;j1youdN>PLewis buying supplies as well as studying. So what kind of things did he buy? Make a list ofsome of the items he bought.


  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1



    Name of item or what it come from:---------------------------------(If you don't know where the item comes from look up.)

    What is item? (Circle one)Plant Animal

    Write short discription of item. (Don't forget to list the shape, size, and any details of item)

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    ,, a ship ~~ sailTo travel and transport the the men and supplies up the Missouri River, Lewis decidedto use a keelboaat and two pirogues.

    Lewis would designed a large keelboat and a collapsible canoe with and iron frame.The canoe the could be covered with animal skins and he planned to use it later in thetrip. It was called Experiment.

    How would you design your own ship for the expedition? What would it look like? Whatwould it have? Make sure that it is able to travel up on the Missouri River.

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    1;N)uble s1;a~-r,.-n~end deICJy5There was a few things that went wrong when Lewis started on the expedition.Write breifly what happened after each date that delay the trip.July 5, 1803: _

    August 31, 1803: _

    October 15, 1803: _

    On March 31, 1804, Lewis & Clark appo inted th ree men: John Ordway, Cha rles Floyd,and Nathaniel Pryor "Sergents with equal Powers". Then they divided up the men intosquads under the three men that were under them. They would gather and lost peoplealong the way. But in the end there would be 33 people, who would called thePermanent Party.

    Fill in the blank of the some of the members of the Permenent Party.

    t t t t t t t t tt t nnt n

    Captains:Sergeants:Some of the Men & Woman:

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    The men that where apart of the Permanent Party came from all sorts of heritagesand all different background. From German immigrants to French-Canadian Indiansto a black slave. There was even a dog and baby were on the trip.

    Let's meet a few of them. Write some information about a few of the people.Name: Age: _I am------------------

    On the trip 1 _

    Draw a picture of how youthink they looked like.

    Name: Age: _I am------------------

    On the trip 1 _

    Draw a picture of how youthink they looked like.

    Name: Age: _lam ------------------

    On the trip 1 _

    Draw a picture of how youthink they looked like.

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    The expedition finally started after on May 14, 1804. But it wasn't all get up and go.What did Clark write that delayed the trip?

    Where did Clark attending to travel to?

    ...As the expedition went along there was strict rules of conduct that everyone had to fallow.Like not fallowing asleep in gaurd duty and getting drunk. Punishment for many of thesething were flogged with a whip. This is called lashes. Some more harsh punishmentscould even mean death.

    There were a few situations when someone got in trouble. Can you write about one andwhat there punishment was.

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    As the expedition went along everyone got into some kind of daily routine. From thetime they got up to the time they went to bed everyone did something.

    Write breiflyabout what a normal day would be like.

    Here is you chance to decide on what to eat. Just remember that you can only makethings that the expedition could find or have. So make a menu for a meal for theexpedition. And if you can try making it for diner. (Or ask you r parent's if they could doso.)

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    Wh iIe travel ing Lewis and Clark came across so many differnt and new th ings. Theywould collect, draw and write about all the things they saw. Both Lewis and Clarkwould many of the things that they collected back to Washington D.C. to the President.Name and discribe a few of the an imals that saw.

    Name:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Where fou nd: _

    Habitat:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Discri ption : _

    Draw a picture of how youthink they looked like.

    Name:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Where fou nd: _

    Habitat:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    o iscri ption : _Draw a picture of how youthink they looked like.

    Name:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Where found:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Habitat:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Discri ption : _

    Draw a picture of how youthink they looked like.

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    Have you ever gone camping and gotten hurt? Well, its safe to say while theCorps was tramping up the Missouri someone would get hurt. Fill out the formbelow of just one of the cases of someone that got hu rt on the tripPaitent Name:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Who Treated Paitent:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Illness or Injurie(s): _

    d e a t h . N l n a w a y . a n d I~ m a nWh ile the in mid-Augu st there wo uId be trou ble with some of the membe rs of thePermanent Party. There would be one solider who would try to runaway, another onelost, and one would die. Can you fill in the correct information for each.Name of Runaway: _Punshiment: ------------------------------------------------------

    Name of Deadman:---------------Ca use of Death : _

    Name of Lost Man:---------------

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    'Ies__-Sergeant Floyd died on August 20, 1804 on the 99th day of the expedition.Lewis and Clark wou Id bury him on a bluff that is now in Sioux City, Iowa.They gave him aII the hono rs of war and wou Id name the buff after him.

    Pretend you are a close friend of Sergent Floyd, write something about him?Was he brave? A good friend?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "''''''''~~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '~ ~ _ _ : : : : s : : : ~ ~ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

    " , 1 " \ ,

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    It would be sixteen day after Private Shannon disappered the keel's bowman wouldshout 0ut that they fou nd him. Answe r the question s below.

    Where did they find him?

    How did Shannon get lost?

    How did he survived for those sixteen days?

    Why was Shannon sitting down on the bank of the river, when they found him?

    What did Clark fina Ily write abo ut th is situ ation in his jou rnal?

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    On the 109th day of the expedition the Corps of Discover would come across theYankton Sioux. Can you write a short paragraph about what happened when Lewis andClark met them. How did they act? What did they do? What was the reaction of theYankton?

    There are 3 groups that make up the Sioux Nations. Fill in the information of the name ornames of each group and where each can be found.

    Name(s): Name(s):

    Where did they live? Where did they live?


    Where did they live?

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    W ln ~ W I t h t h e m a n d a n a n d h J d a t 5 a sOn October 24, 1804 heavy snow wo uId fall and the Corp wou Id push th rough all thehard consitions to meet up with the Mandans.

    How were they welcomed by the Mandans?

    What did Lewis, Clark and the rest of the Corps do a week after meeting the Mandans?

    r e w n e w t n e t n b e f \ SWhile wintering with the Mandans, Lewis and Clark would meet up with a French-Can adian fu r trade r named Toussai nt Cha rbonnea u and his two wives. Cha rbonnea u andhis wives lived with the Hidatsas, who were allies and traded with the Mandans. Lewis andClark would later hire Charbonneau and one of his wived to be and interpreter.

    Why did Lewis and Clark want Charbonneau as and interpreter?

    Why did they also want one of this wives to come along as well?

    Also who was the wife that they would eventually pick to come?

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    Lewis and Cia rk wou Id bu ild a fort across the river from the fi rst Manda n village. Theywould do this to spend the winter there with them, before they would continue up theMissouri River in the spring.

    How would you design a fort for the winter with the Mandan village? Remember to alsodraw in the Mandan earth lodge village as well.

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    ::l0 - t = . C O ..c 0) _..J +-'_..J +-'C O "'0 +-'ill C O +-' ill ill+-' Vl c illVl ~ "- 2'"- c "'0 5 : illC O C O 0) ..c 0ill "'0 : : : : : l C 0 5 : '+-..c c ~ ill c vi ~+-' C O ..c ill . : : : . : : : +-' cC O : : : : : l0) 2: +-' > Vl 0c . : : : . : : : +-' C O ill +-' 0"'0c t::: "- : : : : : l "- ..c C O 0...C O 0 +-' +-' "'0 "'0: : : : : l 00..0 ill 0 C O c0LL C O ..0 +-' I 2: C O

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    While wintering at Fort Mandan Lewis and Clarks got things ready tosen d back to the President. They sent letters, maps andoth er th ingsthey collected.

    Write a Letter to the President about what is going on in the Fort, whatyour plans will be and include a list of what you are sending back tohim. Don't forget to sign your letter from Lewis or Clark.

  • 8/7/2019 lewis & clark notepages 1


    When April came around Lewis, Clark and all the members of the expedition got ready toset off. Some of the crew where sent back on the keelboat with all the maps, letters andthings that they gathered so far all the journey.

    Without the keelboat the rest of the Permanent Party would travel faster in the piroguesand dugout canoes that were made over the winter. Also over the winter the last memberof the Permanent Party joined the group. Who? Sacagawea's newborn baby.

    Traveling in the canoes and pirogues was more riskier to travel in because they wheremore unstable and there where a few accidents and risks of sinking that happened. Writeabout one that did happen.

    - :_c-

    hun~ ( J n d h u n t e dThere were two animals that the Permanent Party come across; one was grizzly bearsand the other was the gray wolves. Write what they observed when they came acrosseach.GrayWolves: ___

    Grizzly Bear: _