lga 2018 state election agenda so uth australia. … · lga 2018 state election agenda so uth...

dKangaroo IslandKangaroo Island angaroo IslandKangaroo Island garoo IslandKangaroo Island aroo IslandKangaroo Island Kangaroo I nd Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island aroo IslandKangaroo Island Kangaroo d Kangaroo Island YankalillaYankalillaYa YankalillaYankalilla YankalillaYankalil YankalillaYankali Yankalilla Yan tor HarborVicto arborVictor Harb arborVictor Harb or HarborVicto tor Har Victor Har Kangaroo Island Yankalilla Victor Harbor Alexandri exandrina Alexandrina Alex lexandrinaAlexandrina lexandrinaAlexandrina A exanrina Alexandrin xandrinaAlexandrinaAlexa xandrina AlexandrinaAlexand lexandrina Alexandrina Coorong Coorong orong Coorong Cooro orong Coorong Coorong oorong Coorong Cooro rong Coorong Coor ongCoorong Coorong ong Coorong Coorong ong Coorong Coorong orong Coorong Southern MalleeSo allee Southern M lee Southern Ma lee Southern Mallee South Mallee Southern Ma Southern Mallee So outhern Malle allee the Southern Mallee lee Southern Mallee South TatiaraTati atiaraTatiaraTatia atiara TatiaraTati TatiaraTatiaraTatiaraT Tatiara Tatiara atiaraTatiaraTatia atiara TatiaraTati TatiaraTatiaraT atiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiar Tatiara ingstonKing stonKingsto stonKingstonK gstonKingston gstonKingsto onKingstonKing stonKingstonK Kingston Wattle Range Wattle Rang Wattle RangeWattle Wattle RangeWatt ges Wattle Wattle Ran RangeWattle Range W Wattle RangeWattle Range Wattle Range Wattle Range Mount Gambi Mount Gambier GrantMo GrantMount Gam Mount GambierGra Grant Mount M Mount Gambier Grant Naracoorte Lucindale Na NaracoorteLucind NaracoorteLucindaleN Lucindale NaracoorteLu Naracoorte LucindaleN LucindaleNaracoor Naracoorte LucindaleNaraco beRobeRob obeRobeRob obeRobeRob obe Robe Loxton WaikerieLo Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Wa oxLoxton Loxton Waikerie L aikerie Waikerie Waikerie Lo Loxton Waikerie Waikerie Loxton Wa oxLoxton Loxton Waikerie Waikerie Loxton Loxton W Loxton Waiker y Karoonda East M Murray Karoond y Karoonda East Murray K onda East Murray Karo aroonda East Murray Karoonda Karo y East Murray Ea Murray Karoonda E East Murray Karoonda Karoonda East Murray Berri Barmera Berri Berri BarmeraBerri Barmera Barmera Berri Barmera Be Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Barmera Berri Ber Berri Barmera Barmera Berri Barmera Berr Barmera Berri Barmera Be Barmera Berri Ber Berri Barmera Berri Berri BarmeraBerri Barmera Barmera Berri Barmera Be Paringa Renmark P Paringa Renmark Pa Paringa Renmark Paringa Paringa BRenmark Paringa R Renmark Paring Paa Paringa Renmar Renmark Paring Paringa Renmark Paring Paringa Renmark Pa Paringa Renmark Pa Renmark Paringa Murray Bridge Murra Bridge Murray Bridge M Bridge Murray Br urray Bridge Murr Murray Murray Bridge Murray Bridg Murray Bridge Murray B Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna eduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna na Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna na Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna eduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna na Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna na Ceduna Bay Streaky Bay St reaky Bay Streaky Ba y Bay Streaky Bay Streaky aky Bay Streaky Bay S Streaky Bay Streaky Bay S treaky Bay Streaky B eaky Bay Streaky Bay Stre treaky Bay Strea Bay aky Bay Streaky Bay udinna Wuddina Wudinna dinna Wudinna Wudinna Wu udinna Wudinna Wudin nna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinn dinna Wudinna Wud nna Wudinna Wudinna W Wudinna a Kimba Kimba Kimba a Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimb mba Kimba Kimba Kimba K mba Kimba Kimba Kimba K mba Kimba Kimba Kim mba Kimba Kimba Kim Kimba ton Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Ellis n Elliston Elliston Ellis n Elliston Elliston Elliston Ell ton Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Ellis n Elliston Elliston Ellis Elliston ve Cleve Cleve Cle Cleve Cleve Cleve C ve Cleve Cleve C ve Cleve Cleve Cle ve Cleve Cleve Cle Cleve Cleve Cleve C ve Cleve Cleve C Cleve ranklin Harbour Franklin Harbou nklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin bour Franklin Harbour Franklin r Franklin HarbourFranklin bour Franklin Harbour anklin Harbour Franklin Harbour anklin Harbour Franklin Harbou nklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin bour Franklin Harbour Frank bour Franklin Harbour Franklin Franklin Harbour by Bay Tumby Ba y Bay Tumby Bay Tum mby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby ay Tumby Bay Tum ay Tumby Bay Tumby mby Bay Tumby B mby Bay Tumby B Tumby Bay Port Lincoln Port ort Lincoln Port Lincol Port Port Port Lincoln Po ort Lincoln Port Linc Port Lincoln Port ort Lincoln Port Linco Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Po n Port Lincoln Port Lincoln ncoln Port Lincoln Port rt Lincoln Port Lin Port Lincoln Port Lin oln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln incoln Lincoln Port Lower Eyre Peninsula yalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyal lla Whyalla Whyalla W yalla Whyalla Whyalla Wh Whyalla Whyalla Whyall Whyalla Whyalla Wh Whyalla Whyalla Whya yalla Whyalla Whyalla W Whyalla Whyalla Whyall lla Whyalla Whyalla W yalla Whyalla Whyalla Wh Whyalla Whyalla Whyall yalla Whyalla Wh Whyalla Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yo Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Penin Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsu Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsular Yorl Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Penins Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Yorke Peninsula Coast Copper Coast Copper C Coast Copper Coast Co Copper Coast Copper C CoastCopper Coast Cop Copper Coast Copper Coast Co Copper Coast Copper Coa Coast Copper Coast Coppe Copper CoastCopper Coa Coast Copper Coast Coppe Copper Coast Copper Coast C arunga West Barunga est Barunga West Barung unga West Barunga West Ba West Barunga WestBarung West Barunga West Barunga unga West Barunga West Baru arunga West Barung runga West Barunga unga WestBarunga We st Barunga West Barun arunga West Barunga West B unga West Barunga West B arunga West Barunga West B West Barunga West Barunga st Barunga West Barun runga West Barunga West B West Barunga West Flinders Ranges Flinders R Flinders RangesFlinders Rang Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges F Ranges Flinders Ranges F Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Fl Ranges Barunga Flinder Flinders Ranges Flinders Ran Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Fli Flinders Ranges Flinders R Flinders Ranges Flinders Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Fl Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinde Flinders Range Remarkable Mount Rema Remarkable Moun Remarkable Mount Remark Remarkable Moun Remarkable Mount Mount RemarkableMount Mount Remarkable Mount R Remarkable Mount Remark Mount Remark Remarkable Mount Remar Remarkable Moun Remarkable Moun Remarkable Mount Mount Remarkable M Mount Remarkable Moun Remarkable Barun orthern Areas Northern Areas N eas Northern Areas Northe thern Areas Northern Areas N reas Northern AreasNorth reas Northern Areas Norther orthern Areas Nort thern Areas Northern Areas No orthern Areas Northern thern Areas Northern Ar thern Areas Northern Areas N orthern Areas Northern orthern Areas Northe orthern Areas Northern Areas N o Carrieton Orroroo C roo Carrieton ton Orroroo Carrieton O eton Orroroo Carrieto Orroroo Carrieton O roo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton O eton Orroroo Carrieto eton Orroroo Carrieto on Orroroo Ca oo Carrieton Orroroo o Carrieton Orroroo Car ton Orroroo Carr Orroroo Carri Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Po Port PiriePort Pirie Port Pirie Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Po Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Po Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Por Pirie Port Pirie Port Pir Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Po Pirie Port PiriePort Pirie Gilbert Valleys rossa Barossa Baro ossa Barossa Baro arossa BarossaBa ossa Barossa B ossa Barossa Baross arossa Barossa ssa Barossa Barossa B rossa Barossa Baro Barossa Barossa Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Li Light Light Light Light Light Lig Light Light Light LightLight L Light Light Light Light Light Li Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Li Light Naracoorte Lucindale Southern Mallee a Mallala Mallala M ala Mallala MallalaMa Mallala Mallala Ma MallalMallala a Mallala Mallala Ma ala Mallala Mallala M a Mallala Mallala Mal Mallala Mallala M Malla Mallala kefield Wakefield Wakefi kefield Wakefield Wakefi akefield Wakefield Wakefi akefield WakWakefield ke Wakefield Wake akefield WakefieldWak kefield Wakefield Wakefi akefield Wakefield Wakefield akefield Wakefield W akefield Wakefield W akefield Wakefield Wake akefield Wakefield W kefield Wakefield Wak akefield Wakefield Wake Wakefield ge Mid Murray M urray Mid Murray Mid ay Mid Murray Mid Mur urray Mid Murray Mid M ge Mid Murray M urray Mid Murray Mid ay Mid Murray Mid Mur urray Mid Mid Murray ge Mid Murray Mid Mu urray Mid Murray Mid ay Mid Murray Mid Mur urray Mid Murray Mid M Mid Murray Mid Mu rray Mid M Mid Murray Loxton Waikerie Berri Barmera re & Gilbert Valleys Cla ys Clare & Gilbert are & Gilbert Valleys Cl ys Clare & Gilbert e & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gil e & Gilbert Valleys Clare & alleys Clare & Gilbert Valley leys Clare & Gilbe e & Gilbert ValleysClare & alleys Clare & GilbeValleys V lbert Valleys Clare & re & Gilbert Valleys Clare & are & Gilbert Va ert Valleys Clare & Gilbert V Gilbert Valleys Cl ysClare & Gilbert e & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gil are & Gilbert Val Clare & Gilbert Valleys Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyde Goyder Goyder GoyderGo Goyder Goyder Goyder Go Goyder Goyder Goyder Goy Goyder Goyder Goyder G Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder G Goyder Goyder Goyder Go Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyd Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyd Goyder Goyder Goyders Go Goyder Goyder Goyder Goy Goyder GoyderGoyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Go Goyder Goyder Goyder G Goyder Goyder Goyder Goy Goyder Goyder Goyder Go Goyder Goyder Goyder G Goyder Goyder Goyder Go Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyde Goyder Goyder GoyderGo Goyder Goyder Goyder Peterborough Peterborou Peterborough Peterbor Peterborough PeterboroughPe Peterborough Pe Peterborough Peterboro Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Pe Peterborou Peterbor Peterborough Barunga West Flinders Ranges Orrorroo Carrieton Mount Remarkable Northern Areas Port Pirie Copper Coast Mount Barker Mount Ba Barker Mount Ba Mount Barker Mount Bar Mount Barker Mount Barker Mo Barker Mount Bark Barker Mount Barker Mou Barker Mount Ba Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker M Mount Barker Mount Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mo Mount Barker Mount Hills Adelaide HillsAdela aide Hills Adelaide de Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills delaide Hills Adelaide laide Hills Adelaide H ide Hills Adelaide Hill delaide Hills Adela Hills Adelaide Hills Adela aide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Ad Adelaide Hills ayford Playford Playford Playford ord Playford Playford Playford Playford ayford Playford Playford Playford yford Playford Playford Playford Playford yford Playford Playford Playford ordPlayford Playford Playford ord Playford Playford Playford ayford Playford Playford Playford ury Salisbury Salisbury bury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbur Salisbury Salisbur isbury Salisbury Salisbury bury Salisbury Salisbury ury Salisbury Salisbury lisbury Salisbury S isbury Salisbury Salisbu ury Salisbury Salisbury bury Salisbury Salisbury Salis isbury Salisbury Salisbu ea Tree Gully Tea Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tea Tree Gully Tea Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree a Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully ea Tree Gully Tea ea Tree Gully Tea Tree GullyTea Tea Tree Gully Tea e Gully Tea Tree e Gully Tea Tree Gully Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully pbelltown Campbelltown wn Campbelltown mpbelltown n Campbelltown belltownCampbelltown wn Campbelltown mpbelltown n Campbelltown belltown n Campbelltown ide Burnside de Burnside de Burnside urnside Burnside e Burnside ideBurnside Burnside Burnside am Mitcham Mitch m Mitcham MitchamMitch m Mitcham Mitcham Mitcha itcham Mitcham itcham Mitcham Mitcham cham Mitcham Mitcham M itcham Mitcham Mitc cham Mitcham ley Unley Unley y Unley Unley ey Unley Unley on Marion M on Marion Marion Marion M Marion M n Marion Marion M Marion M arion Mario arion Mar oldfast B oldfast B dfast Bay Holdfa ldfast Ba BayHoldfast Ba ast Bay H Holdfas ldfast Ba est Torrens We est Torrens We s West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens W ens West Torrens West Torr Torrens West T s West Torren West Torrens W harles Sturt Charles harles Sturt Charle harles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles St harles Sturt Charle es Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Stu harles Sturt Charle turt Charles Sturt Sturt Charles Sturt C s Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Stu urt Charles Sturt Charles urt Charles Sturt Charles S Port Adelaide Enfie ort Adelaide Enfield Port de Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Ad Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield eldPort Adelaide Enfield Port Adela eld Port Adelaide Enfield P aide Enfield Port Adela Enfield Port Adela de Enfield Port Adelaide Enfie aide Enfield Port A field Port Adelaide Enfie elaide Enfield Port Adelaide ort Adelaide Enfield Por field Port Adelaide Enfie elaide Enfield Po nfield Port Adelaide E t Adelaide Enfi nfield Port Adelaide Enfield ide Enfield Port Adelaide E Port Adelaide Enfiel Prospect Prospe t Prospect Prosp Prospect Pro pect Prospect Prosp rwood Payneham & St Peter eters Norwood Pa St Peters Norwood Payn ood Payneham am & St Peters ayneham & St Pete ers Norwood Payneham & S ga Onkaparinga Onkaparinga paringa Onkaparinga aringa Onkaparinga Onkaparinga paringa Onkaparing ga Onkaparinga Onkaparinga ringa Onkaparinga Onkaparinga ringa Onkaparinga aparinga Onkaparinga aringa Onkaparinga Onkaparinga paringa Onkaparing aringa Onkaparinga ga Onkaparinga Onkaparinga paringa Onkaparinga Onkaparin ringa Onkaparinga Onkaparinga ga Onkaparinga aparinga Onkaparinga Onkaparinga Mitcham Unley Playford Salisbury Tea Tree Gully Holdfast Bay Marion Burnside Campbelltown Adelaide Hills Mt. Barker usta Port August ta Port Augusta Port August ta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Au ugusta Port Aug gusta Port Augusta P Port Augusta Port Aug Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port A Port Augusta Port Aug ugusta Port Augusta Po Augusta Port Augusta P sta Port August ta Port Augusta Port August Port Lincoln Port Augusta Charles Sturt West Torrens Norwood, Payneham & St Peters ela Enfie rt A nfie Port Adelaide Enfield Prospect Walkerville Roxby Downs Coober Pedy LGA 2018 State Election Agenda South Australia. Uncapped potential. Adelaide

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Post on 26-Sep-2018




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Kangaroo Island Kangaroo IslandKangaroo IslandKangaroo Island

Kangaroo IslandKangaroo Island

Kangaroo IslandKangaroo IslandKangaroo IslandKangaroo Island Kangaroo IIsland Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Kangaroo IslandKangaroo Island Kangaroo

Island Kangaroo IslandKangaroo Island

Yankalilla YankalillaYankalilla YankalillaYankalilla

YankalillaYankalillaYankalilla YankalillaYankalillaYankalilla

Yankalilla YankalillaYankalillaYankalillaYankalilla

YankalillaYankalilla YankalillaYankalillaYankalilla

Victor Harbor Victor HarborVictor HarborVictor Harbor Victor HarborVictor HarborVictor Harbor Victor HarborVictor Victor Harbor Victor HarborVictor Harbor

Victor HarborVictor Harbor

Victor Harbor Victor HarborVictor HarborVictor Harbor Victor HarborVictor HarborVictor Harbor

Kangaroo Island


Victor Harbor

AlexandrinaAlexandrina Alexandrina Alexandrina AlexandrinaAlexandrina

AlexandrinaAlexandrina Alexandrina Alexanrina Alexandrina AlexandrinaAlexandrinaAlexandrinaAlexandrina AlexandrinaAlexandrinaAlexandrinaAlexandrinaAlexandrina Alexandrina

Alexandrina Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorongtoorong Coorong Coorong 0CoorongCoorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong Coorong


Southern MalleeSouthern Mallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee Southern MalleeSouthern Mallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee Mallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee the Southern Mallee SouthMallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee Southern Mallee S

TatiaraTatiaraTatiara TatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiara Tatiara TatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiara TatiaraTatiaraTatiara TatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiaraTatiara Tatiara TatiaraTatiaraTatiara



KingstonKingstonKingstonKingston KingstonKingstonKingston KingstonKingstonKingstonKingston Kingston KingstonKingstonKingstonKingstonKingstonKingstonKingstonKingstonKingstonKingstonKingston KingstonKingstonKingstonKingston KingstonKingstonKingstonKingston


Wattle Range Wattle RangeWattle RangeWattle Range

Wattle RangeWattle Range

ges Wattle Wattle Range WattleRangeWattle Range Wattle Range

Wattle RangeWattle Range Wattle Range

Wattle Range Wattle Range

Wattle Range

Wattle Range

Mount GambierGrantMount Gambier GrantMount GambierGrantMount GambierGrant

Mount GambierGrantMount Gambier

Grant Mount Mount Gambier Grant bierGrant GambierGrant

Gambier Grant Mount Gambier Grant

Mount GambierMount Gambier GrantMount Gambier Grant

Mount Gambier Grant

Naracoorte Lucindale NaracoorteNaracoorteLucindale NaracoorteLucindaleNaracoorte

Lucindale NaracoorteLucindale

Naracoorte LucindaleNaracoorte

LucindaleNaracoorteLucindaleNaracoorte LucindaleNaracoorteLucindaleNaracoorteLucindaleNaracoorteLucindale

RobeRobeRobeRobe RobeRobeRobeRobeRobeRobeRobeRobeRobeRobeRobe Robe Robe Robe Robe

Robe RobeRobeRobeRobe


Loxton WaikerieLoxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton LoxLoxton Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Waikerie Waikerie Waikerie Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton LoxLoxton Loxton Waikerie L Loxton Waikerie Waikerie Loxton Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie Loxton Waikerie

Karoonda East MurrayKaroonda East Murray Karoonda East MurrayKaroonda East Murray Karoonda East Murray Karoonda East Murray Karoonda East Murray Karoonda East Murray Karoonda East MurrayKaroonda East Murray Karoonda East Murray Karoonda Karoonda East Murray Karoonda y East Murray East Murray Karoonda East Murray Karoonda East Murray Karoonda East Murray KaroondaEast Murray East Murray East Murray

Karoonda East Murray

Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Barmera Berri Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Berri Barmera Berri Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Berri Barmera Barmera Berri Berri Barmera

Renmark ParingaRenmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa BRenmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paa Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark

Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark

Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa Renmark Paringa

Renmark Paringa

Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Bridge Murray Bridgeurray Bridge Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Murray Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Murray

Bridge Murray Bridge Murray Murray Bridge Murray Bridge Murray BridgeMurray BridgeMurray Murray Bridge


Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna

Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna

Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna

Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna Ceduna

CedunaStreaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky

Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay Streaky Bay

Streaky BayWudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wuddina Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna Wudinna


Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba Kimba

KimbaElliston Elliston Elliston Elliston

Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston Elliston


Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve

Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve

Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve

Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve Cleve


Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour

Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin our Franklin HarbourFranklin

Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour

Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour

Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin

Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin

Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour Franklin Harbour

Franklin Harbour

Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby

Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby

Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay

Tumby Bay Tumby Bay Tumby Bay

Tumby Bay

Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Port Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port

Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln Lincoln Port Lincoln Port Lincoln

Lower Eyre Peninsula

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla

Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla Whyalla


Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yo Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Penin

Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula

Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke PeninsulaPeninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke

Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsular Yorl Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yorke


Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper

Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast

Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper

CoastCopper Coast Copper Coast

Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper

Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper CoastCopper Coast Copper

Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper

Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper

Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast

Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper

CoastCopper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast Copper Coast

Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West

Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga WestBarunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West

Barunga West Barunga West Barunga WestBarunga West Barunga

West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West

Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga West Barunga WestBarunga West Barunga West Barunga West Gilbert Valleys Barunga West

Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders

Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders RangesFlinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges

Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders RangesFlinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges

Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Barunga Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges

Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges Flinders

RangesFlinders Ranges Flinders Ranges

Flinders Ranges Gilbert Valleys Flinders Ranges

Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable

Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount RemarkableMount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount

Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount RemarkableMount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable

Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Barunga Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount Remarkable Mount

Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas

Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas

Northern Areas Northern Areas

Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern

AreasNorthern Areas Northern Areas

Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern AreasNorthern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas

Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas

Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern Areas Northern

AreasNorthern Areas Northern Areas

Northern Areas Gilbert Valleys Northern Areas

Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton

Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton

Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo

Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo CarrietonOrroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton

Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo

Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo

Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo

Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo Carrieton Orroroo

Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie

Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie

Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port

Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port PiriePort Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port

Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port

Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port PiriePort Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port

Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Port PiriePort Pirie Port Pirie Port Pirie Gilbert Valleys Port Pirie

Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa

Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa

Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa BarossaBarossa Barossa

Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa

Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa

Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa BarossaBarossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa Barossa

Barossa Barossa


Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light LightLight Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light

Light Light Light Light Light Light Light

Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light LightLight Light Light Light Light Light Light Light

Light Light


Naracoorte Lucindale

Southern Mallee

Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala

Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala MallalaMallala Mallala MallalMallala Mallala Mallala

Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala

Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala

Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala

Mallala Mallala MallalaMallala Mallala

Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala Mallala


Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield WakWakefield Wakefield

Wake Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield WakefieldWakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield

Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield

Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield

Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield

Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield

Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield

WakefieldMurray Bridge Mid Murray Mid Murray

Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray

Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid MurrayMurray Bridge Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray

Mid Murray Mid Mid MurrayMurray Bridge Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Mid Murray Murray

Mid Murray


Berri Barmera

Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert

Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert

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Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert

ValleysClare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys

Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys

Clare & Gilbert Valleys Clare & Gilbert Valleys

Clare & Gilbert Valleys

Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder

Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder GoyderGoyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyders Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder

Goyder Goyder GoyderGoyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder

Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder

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Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder

Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyders Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder

Goyder Goyder GoyderGoyder Goyder

Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder Goyder


Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough

Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough PeterboroughPeterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough

Peterborough Peterborough


Barunga West

Flinders Ranges



Northern Areas Port


Copper Coast

Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker

Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker

Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker

Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker

Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount BarkerMount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker

Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount

Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker

Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker Mount Barker

Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide

Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide HillsAdelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills

Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide

Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide

Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills

Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford

Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford

PlayfordPlayford Playford Playford

Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford

Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford

Playford Playford Playford Playford Playford

Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury

Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury

SalisburySalisbury Salisbury Salisbury

Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury

Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury

Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury

Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree

Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea

Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree

Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea Tree GullyTea Tree Gully Tea Tree Gully Tea

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Campbelltown Campbelltown

Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

CampbelltownCampbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown Campbelltown

Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside BurnsideBurnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside

Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside

Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside Burnside

Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham MitchamMitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham

Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham

Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham

Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham Mitcham

Unley Unley Unley Unley Unley Unley

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Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion

Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion

MarionMarion Marion Marion Marion

Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion Marion

Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay Holdfast Bay

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West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens West Torrens

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Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles

Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt

Charles SturtCharles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt

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Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt Charles Sturt

Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port

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Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood

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Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham

& St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham

& St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters Norwood Payneham & St Peters

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SalisburyTea Tree Gully







Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta

Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta

Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port

Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta Port AugustaPort Augusta Port Augusta Port Augusta

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Port Lincoln

Port Augusta

Charles Sturt


Norwood, Payneham & St Peters

Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port

Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide

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Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide Enfield Port Adelaide

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Port Adelaide EnfieldProspect



Coober Pedy

LGA 2018 State Election AgendaSouth Australia.

Uncapped potential.


Foreword On behalf of councils and the communities they serve, the Local Government Association of South Australia (LGA) is seeking commitments from all parties and candidates at the 2018 State Election that will ease the cost of living for South Australians, grow the economy and jobs, and support stronger communities.

Councils are more than just another stakeholder – they are an autonomous, democratically elected sphere of government that works closest to communities and are best placed to identify issues and opportunities to progress sustainable economic and social development.

Councils and the LGA partner with the state government on a range of programs for the benefit of South Australians including:

• public health partnership to support community wellbeing;

• delivery of food safety inspections by councils on behalf of the state government;

• contributor to the SA Volunteering Strategy to support volunteers and volunteering;

• assisting with the state government’s waste policy objectives;

• delivery of services relating to the protection of the environment and natural resources, including additional responsibilities for public nuisance and litter;

• co-funding and operation of Community Wastewater Management Schemes in rural areas and management;

• co-funding the State Local Government Infrastructure Fund for $124 million of new council infrastructure projects, supporting 190 jobs a year for the next three years;

• facilities for tourists and infrastructure to support tourism providers; and

• supporting local businesses to engage with China.

The LGA is a strong advocate for policies that achieve better outcomes for councils and the communities they represent. Councils are a partner in government and part of the solution, and our sector could achieve even better outcomes in partnership with the State Government if appropriately resourced. Each election commitment outlined in this document will provide tangible benefits to South Australians in one or more of the following areas:

• improved cost of living • job creation • economic growth • better government • better services • stronger communities

Working together we can pursue South Australia’s uncapped potential and make our State a better place to work, live and visit.

Lorraine RosenbergPresident, Local Government Association of SA

South Australia. Uncapped potential.

Local government is concerned about increases in the cost of living. Increases in electricity, gas prices, and health care are putting significant pressure on budgets and are the critical issues for households and businesses.

The taxation system is an important part of a discussion about cost of living. However, council rates comprise only 4% of the total taxes paid by Australians.

As the only tax available to local government, council rates are set in consultation with local communities to deliver the infrastructure and services that local communities expect.

Rate capping will not provide a significant financial benefit to ratepayers, it will however impact on the services that councils provide and local communities demand.

State governments have continued to place new and more demands on local government often without increasing the revenue available to councils to deliver new responsibilities.

Cost shifting from state to local government adds millions of dollars to council costs, resulting in increases to council rates.

There is an urgent need to reform the state - local government relationship to protect local democracy, financial sustainability in local government and relieve cost pressures on ratepayers.

Rate capping

Rate capping will not ease the cost of living for everyday South Australians, but it will reduce or cut local services that communities expect.

Council services and facilities are determined in consultation with the local community each year, and are subject to ongoing review. All of these services and facilities rely on rates, and councils consult with their communities before determining their rates each year.

South Australian councils receive the lowest total revenue per person in Australia.

Experience interstate has shown that capping rates does not save ratepayers money – it just leads to higher user fees and charges, which often impact disproportionately on vulnerable people in the community.

In other states, rate capping has also cost state governments millions of tax payer dollars to administer.

Rate capping is undemocratic, unwarranted and will reduce the role of local decision makers to determine their annual rate revenues, in consultation with their communities, so as to meet community needs and expectations in a responsible and equitable way.

The LGA calls on the next State Government to:

• oppose the introduction of council rate capping in South Australia.

Cost of living

Cost shifting

Council rates have increased to keep pace with cost shifting – and we look forward to the next State Government taking these costs back.

Councils know the costs involved in providing the infrastructure and services our communities expect. Cost shifting from state government to local government puts significant pressure on council rates, and stopping this cost burden would bring down council rates and ease cost of living pressures.

The LGA calls on the next State Government to:

Address key cost burdens on local government:• Support legislation to remove the 75% rebate on

council rates for community housing providers.• Hold an independent inquiry to determine the

optimal level for the solid waste levy to encourage recycling and resource recovery to maximise net economic benefits to the community.

• Abolish rubble royalty payments charged to local government for essential regional council road works (this is essentially a tax on councils for building and maintaining safe roads).

Review all regulated fees and charges: • Conduct a comprehensive review of local

government fees and charges regulated by the state government to establish modern price setting principles which promote efficiency, flexibility and fairness in service delivery.

Reform governance arrangements:• Update the State/Local Government Relations

Agreement to strengthen engagement with local government on changes to legislation, policies and programs that are likely to have a direct financial impact on councils.

• Establish service level agreements for the delivery of state services by local government including agreed responsibilities, cost sharing and funding arrangements.

• Cease mandating through state laws that local government must perform functions for the state government.

• Amend the Natural Resources Management Act, 2004 to remove the requirement for councils to collect the NRM levy

Local government reformLocal government is the most efficient sphere of government – and we are happy to prove it.

Local government welcomes sensible debate about future reform – one that doesn’t need to include rate capping or forced amalgamations.

The sector has a strong a record of successfully driving its own reform agenda to be the most efficient sphere of government.

The LGA calls on the next State Government to:

• provide $3 million in 2018/19, and $1 million a year for the following 3 years, towards the establishment of a sophisticated database of performance measures to support council planning and community consultation to enable local government to continually improve.

The LGA will provide all parties and candidates with our plan for State - Local Government Reform: your first 100 days in government, ahead of the March 2018 State Election.

AdvocacySupport the financial sustainability of South Australian councils by supporting the Australian Local Government Association’s advocacy to: • Promote the recognition of local government

in the Australian Constitution by supporting legislative or administrative reform to confirm the ability of the Federal Government to directly fund local government.

• Address the imbalance in the Australian taxation system and restore the level of funding provided to councils through untied Financial Assistance Grants to an amount equal to at least one per cent of Federal Taxation revenue.

• Ensure funding programs, including Financial Assistance Grants, Identified Local Road Grants (with the FAGs program); and Roads to Recovery funding are distributed fairly between States.

South Australia. Uncapped potential.

Local government drives economic development and is part of the solution to South Australia’s employment future.

Local government drives economic development, and is well placed to promote the economic transformation needed to create jobs and maintain the living standards of current and future generations. Improving the competitiveness of South Australia as a location for business is critical. Support for the State’s regions which are major contributors to our economy, as well as infrastructure development and promotion of tourism and culture, are priority areas where partnership with local government can deliver economic growth benefits and well as community wellbeing.

The LGA calls on the next State Government to:

BusinessEnhance the competitiveness of South Australia as a place to do business: • Collaborate with the federal government to

provide energy security and reduce the cost of energy.

• Develop and implement a population growth strategy to grow the South Australian economy and change our demographics.

• Increase state government funding for vocational training and skill development in regional South Australia to meet industry needs.

• Provide $25 million a year for the next four years to assist local government to co-invest in priority infrastructure, innovation and technology projects that support productivity and economic growth.

InfrastructureIncrease funding for infrastructure development:• Increase state funding for maintenance of arterial

roads. • Contribute $5 million a year for the next four

years to ensure South Australia gets a fair share of federal funding to address mobile black spots.

Regional planning & developmentSupport regional planning and development:• Increase the Regional Development Fund from

$15 million a year to $45 million a year and provide regional councils with a greater say in how these funds are used.

• Provide funding of $150,000 in 2018/19 to each of SA’s seven local government areas towards the development of a joint state/local government investment plan for each region. This would assist the state and local governments achieve a commitment to:- a goal of 30% of South Australia’s population

to be based outside greater Adelaide, with a particular focus on our regional service centres.

- a goal of 30% of the State’s public service activity to be located outside greater Adelaide.

- a ‘Royalties for Regions’ program that will allocate at least 25% of mining royalty revenue to support new priority investment, innovation and new technologies in regional South Australia.

Tourism & culturePromote tourism and culture:• Make the small venue licence available beyond

the CBD to foster growth opportunities in tourism and to create the right conditions for local businesses to grow employment.

• Partner with local government and provide state funding of $300,000 in 2018/19 to activate live music within local communities.

• Strengthen state/local government collaboration on tourism planning across regions, facilitated by local government representation on the South Australian Tourism Commission Board.

Economic growth & jobs

Local government is the sector closest to communities. Happier, healthier, connected, communities are more productive and resilient communities. At the local level, there are opportunities to work with councils to improve the quality of life of South Australians by better shaping neighbourhood development, improving infrastructure and access to public services, targeting support to vulnerable groups and strengthening partnerships to tackle environmental issues.


Put local planning decisions back in the hands of local communities

People expect planning decisions affecting the future of their neighbourhoods to be made locally. Recent changes to the planning system, while expected to promote growth, have disenfranchised communities. Restoration of local democracy in planning is fundamental to strengthening communities.

The LGA calls on the next State Government to:

Roll-back changes that have diminished the role of local councils in planning:• Reinstate planning assessment powers to all

local councils (excluding major developments), subject to periodic audits against agreed performance standards.

• Repeal the State Coordinator-General’s call-in powers for developments (more than $5 million in metropolitan Adelaide and $3 million outside metropolitan Adelaide).

• Define, as agreed with local government, clear criteria for inclusion of sensible local variations in planning policy in the Planning and Design Code.

• Ensure that development proposals that do not meet the standards outlined in the relevant planning policy are subject to consultation with affected communities and rigorous assessment.

• Provide funding of $300,000 over the next four years for information and training on planning reforms for local government.

• Remove the role of private certifiers to issue planning approvals, beyond minor complying developments.

• Ensure that the State Commission Assessment Panel is transparent in their decision making and consistent with approved planning policies.

Better manage infill development:• In conjunction with local government, undertake

a comprehensive review of the cumulative impacts of infill development, and adjust current policy and funding settings in relation to open space, transport and stormwater to ensure that infill areas are adequately serviced.

Strengthen support for state and local heritage: • Establish a heritage lottery to increase funding for

heritage conservation.• Remove the requirement for 51% of property

owners to agree by a vote to establishment of a heritage conservation zone.

Community wellbeing

Unlock local government’s potential to deliver meaningful outcomes in community wellbeing

Significant community wellbeing issues face South Australia, including youth unemployment, drug use, obesity, mental health and social isolation. Councils are part of the solution to create resilient, vibrant communities, with local knowledge of service gaps and experience in delivering vital community services.

The LGA calls on the next State Government to:

Improve facilities and infrastructure:• Support development of libraries as community

hubs by extending the state government contribution to operating costs beyond 2021 and providing a new capital subsidy program of $3 million a year.

• Provide funding of $20 million a year over the next four years to councils to manage and operate a community led neighbourhood infrastructure program.

• Provide funding of $5.5 million over four years for installation of bus shelters that meet disability standards.

Stronger communities

South Australia. Uncapped potential.

Improve access to services and facilities:• Deliver a state-wide digital inclusion strategy to

address access, affordability and ability.• Provide funding to develop a plan to investigate

the potential for knowledge and capacity sharing between state and local government in regional areas – for example a one-stop-shop co-located facility and staff exchange program.

• Introduce new legislation to facilitate community access to public school sport and recreation facilities.

• Provide more off-street parking and ‘kiss-and-drop’ areas on school land to improve traffic management and road safety around schools.

Strengthen public health partnerships:• Provide $2 million a year for the next ten years

to deliver a state-local Community Wellbeing Alliance for preventative health and public health promotion, as a replacement for the OPAL program.

• Provide funding of $250,000 per year for four years to:

- Maintain the successful public health partnership to integrate a broad range of state and council functions, and

- Establish a joint program to increase the civic engagement of young people in the review of regional public health plans.

Provide targeted financial support for vulnerable groups: • Maintain or increase the state cost of living

concession for pensioners, low-income earners and self-funded retirees holding a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card by indexation to CPI or more over the next four years.

• Maintain Home and Community Care (HACC) funding for ongoing delivery of discretionary council services that support people with a disability.

• Provide $500,000 over the next two years to support local government development and implementation of disability access and inclusion plans.


Sustainability and climate change impact our communities – local government is part of the solution to a global issue

Tackling the impacts of climate change and effectively managing our natural resources requires collaboration between governments to maximise the benefits from public investments. Local government has strong credentials in sustainability and stands ready to partner with the State Government to achieve better environmental outcomes.

The LGA calls on the next State Government to:

Tackle climate change: • Establish a four year, $10 million local government

grant program to support joint implementation of priority climate adaptation actions.

Increase funding for coast and stormwater management:• Increase annual funding for coastal and

stormwater management from $4 million to $12 million.

• Provide $40 million over four years, to address priority coastal management issues and $5 million in 2018/19 for coast-wide strategic assessment and planning.

Promote innovative energy generation and use: • Amend legislation to enable competition in

provision of public lighting services and local government transition to LED lighting.

• Provide $20 million over four years to establish a local government Energy Productivity Program, to help councils lift efficiency of energy use through energy audits and adoption of new energy generation and storage technologies.

Policy and program reform: • Increase spending, through the Green Industry

Fund, by providing greater access to the fund by local government for green industry and disaster recovery initiatives through an uncapped and ongoing application process.

• Reform NRM governance to devolve NRM responsibilities to local communities through NRM Boards and strengthen local council involvement, to deliver stronger local partnerships to manage the state’s natural assets.

• Commit to reviewing coastal management/ protection legislation, guidelines, policies and operational practices including reforming the Coast Protection Act 1972.


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