lhe - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/pdfs/hgstandard/harborgracestandard19070621.pdf · lhe...

lhe VOLUME XLVlII. CLOfr'HINC. Carpeting, Canvas and other Houae-Furni3hlng Goods. Quality Good. Prices moderate. Call and i111pect atook. .. . Nt1KUJH5 Screened North P EiC E. of tu Comolldated &Catam. (8ecoa4 Serla). . ••nm foaod al Jarp b7 •D7 penoD, ma7 be lD tbe aearat com- mon poaDd. Pea&ltf, notezcecdiQ S2 eada for Swble .o impoalldecf. with COStL ALL GOATS runnlnr at larce .... t beJoked, each wltb a l'oOd Hbatallti yoke, of 'Wl}icb tbe lower bar aball be three feet and tbe apper not leu tbu 18 iacbea in lenpll ; otherwise ma7 be impounded lD t common poand ti1 an1 penoa. aa1t1, not exceedia112. with NO DTIBI BOBSB ahall be allowed to co at large or aatra1. Ptoalt1, not $50. CHAPTER 14L BVBBY DQG $6.00 0 ·) k • _..v,... •• i. ..tj, ..tJ. . "1 TO OUR PATRONS. f .. hank tyou , f 01' tJte libwaJ support ...._ { you, kq,vB ,4iven us, a.-; attested by the i' volume, of busi11ess pl<toed with us dur- j i in.t tli'e past si.1 .· m ontlts. We are now fttrnin.t oztt 'Fine Boots and Shoes of all .trades of leather 1 ii style, oombined with thB best -"" mate:r,ia-l and workmanship, <Jannot be Sltrpassed- e"RON, - Water Street. foand at lafF wltboat or other penoD in c:haaye then:of maat hue f&ateaed to ita neck a clog or piece of wood of not len than ? lba. weight and not lua lban 18 incbea In fength. with the name of the owner •lamped or marked or to be etfectaaU1 muzzled : other- wise may be ahot oc destroyed by the police. Tbh ahall not apply to PoinJera, Settera. Spaniels or Tcr· rlerL Soli<Jiting the continu.ance of your :;< valeted support, DAVJD STOTT, Superintendent. -'l'bl! 11-\"ar nl.t d:1u .. bler of )Ir. M. tho pndTc wba. rf 7ee1er. da)· i.1vtnh i::. ll r .:rlu •ura.:f.td tho a\khll< ii ut vna nf tho \ '11\A Rt> 1taff, who. l •rtitl\n::r; lnl" a lJf'AI, ruruod tlao ,( T N ctr., •h11:rt>0r\\.,u1pnjlllon. •:/ ' l WHJ MA -;\fr. l:. JU cnc-l.:'1 a.:hotinl'r fl.'. · { ' 1 wu on 1h1· .. 111\ th•• week rc.r· 10- , , 1 TAILOB, J?•lu 10 her •tvan. h11ttom-C"<)"tlnl{, ctc. rho f:dmuud 11 th""' 1..3nn, one ot -- lb. •1r1H ha.I hv You. ....o.. e and and WorL- .. .,. dall'.t •o. .:--11e r•1"'lred In - 1l' 1 1 - •-...... 1 _ &--· 10ml• 1 hr ycan a,, <1 i.nd h now a 1<1ll d, I - z · - --- ------- -- R. o. · McRae & Sons IMPOBTBRS AND EXPORTERS: Provisions, Cadiz· Salt. Groceries, Tar, Pitch, , , OHOIOESP.EOIAL LINES Penonally Selected in t.he Loudon Market, The St.yle1 of J;adtea' J'uteta, Skirts, Blouses, &c. Pull Lt.Des Jlen'a Clothing, Boots, &c. _. Choice Lot of Ladies' FURS. tr" CALL AND INfiPECT. THE STOCK. AND QUALITY ARB Sull TO SUIT. PRICES G. E. STEVENSON. - ST'RE.E.T. GROCERIES A.ND PROV!SIONS AT J. J. HEN ° NESSY'S. T.ll ;A-A. epeoia.lt.y of all best $rradcs. •ut..1an11a1 1 euawmf,k o1 all kmdl ueou- AotT, n.\:-.l ' rJo:P.t> mnn; Fon t.ed at low prlce1 ud wUh d• - " Bllud, Illef'dlng or l'rolrodln Pllt... 1'rnt;i;l•I• rvfnhll monr'I' It l> A:/. '\.. •• Ol:-OTM r tall• , .., cmruoy .. ._.,no lMflUUl Cardi 1upplled Oll Codfish, llerring, etc. Fruit of all kinds Green Groceries and Pr· duoe uf 11.ll kinda. . Stationery of all kinda. Confationory, wholesale & ret&il. and Crookerywnre. Pain1is of all colours. mai1er or how lonjZ' 11andtn11:, In B 1 <1 H p\ioalioo. day1. 1-'lr•L appllcatloo f!lvo- talle and r Olll. w.-. If yoor1l rui:i;l1t bun'1 l\1,.11d I !Alt'. 111 1111mJ>11 ""d ti ,,..111 toe C!ir• ardtd WATER tJ'f .. BARBOR 98..d a&. "'•,,. i.ct by l'ari. Mtdlolo• Co., lit. - l 7J -"1'he \fanltoulln f:xpo•ltor" of Lit· ,. 11 ... c•nnl'nl, Ontulo, In Ila Inn• ol \l ay t, J1,1b ha lb•· fnllo'l\"IUI ltotn uniter H ono- !tL.N"""DAIMON r11. "\Ir. "llmreon. tb• Pr•bye.trlan 00 \Jill 11 'lucl,.ns a 'frJry . powerful a net 11111 rocth •1-r11100 on Sunday e•t"n· ot _,, llll ud .. lni.: I••" :.-M <! 1111<•ml11nrf'.• ll f.11 IODOOU.....IM..,.._ tbNf' he\"(' gh·t-n h\m II bor11e and r ig. c:iJ ' M'BEUAIN'S. -lfr. t Ki>lly ""' h to lhnnk ::.- L 1 t T'-Ll..1.. Mr1. ,\tr-. 1-. Mr1. ('. "" .ui ai U'Yel' 9U ai. :1 0 11 rth\•, . \1r ... ul \Ir. anti ne1_Wl4_. )lnch-•1111, r.lnh:i Joy, J ,lnle la lbllr Mdoo U4 I' l \'I• r. Oolllf'. llr.llfl "mallr••lllbtl .,.llOt.d&n.r .... _ ! f t•, •1 c• r ,t,. \, l'llllJJ•br"''• 'l'r1.._aadT4*11111 I ,_ •• •1 •n, \1,1.,tnrHlfy be,a-4..a. man hl'r 1 .11 t fr1rn1l1 "ho \be r-ii. ' •• 111 wnalhaar.d lcu.eru , r "Yn 1ntb,\ on Ill• (ICf'HIUllOf tbolad dtalb of 1bolrt00. Painta, Oils, Tobacco and Cigarettes of tho best. frrOOes. Leather and Leatherware. Carriage and Cart Barne88. atld for hire llt all times. Rope and Fishing Implements. Als o, o. good et.ook of patent medicines. Pruasif\D Oil al Wl\ys o.t hand. All in .tock ia markd at lotoeat pricu. No peraon shall bue in bi• poa- acuion any Pointer, Setter, Spaniel or Terrier Dog. wilbout a written license from a Stipe1Jdiary Magi•· trate, under a. penalty not exceed- ing $20. All aucb Dog-s IO licenied ahall wear a collar with the owocr•a oame in full thereon. Police Coastablea are required to carry out the abo•e regulaU0011. Penalty for neglect or duty io re- fuaiog to destroy I)ogs. $4 for first QIJence. A. B. SEYMOUR, Stipendiary Magiatrate. Police Office. Barbor Grace, Ma.1 8. 1907. Victoria Book Store. Now in Stock- Full Line of all Goods kept in anup-to-date Store. Novels from 5 cents up. Sttrionery or all llnds. Special Finey Boxes and Envelopes. Maguines-- Voung L:id ics' J ourna l, Munsey's, Royal, Strand, Argosy, Everybody's, Red Book, Blue Book, Spare Moments. Church and School Books to suit all. Also, GW.S, China and Earthenware. JOHN CODY, .. . -. Manager. PUBLIC NOTICE. A co. ttd. t .x. It .. 1 , \V . JANES, Mahager. ... ._,,. ·- 'i ' .... ,-;- 'Tr ' 'lr -r'\ ...... :. ""T 7'r1 ' I Bu - x: oF A ScoTIA CINCORPORATCD 'N2'J CAPITAL, RESERVE S3,000,000 SS,250,000 .. U nexcelled facilities for the transaction of all kinds of )3anking Business. ' Special attention given to the Saving s Departme nt, depesits received from $1 up. ,, This is the only bank having its head office in Canada that submits its books ·and statements to independent audit. Branches in {Harbor Grace, J. A. Templet.on., Manager. Newfoundland St. John's, W.W. Watson, Manager. BOSTON CLOAK STORE! CLEARING SALE. ALL ' OF OUR WlNTER GARMENTS TO BE SOLD OUT REGARDLE&S OF COST. Children's Coats, regular price $3.00 to S5. oo, sale price ir.70 to.$3.00. Ladies' Blouse, regular price 8 t .-so, sale price 9 5c. Ladies' $1.00 Blo11ses. sale price 65c, and many others too numerous to mention. The public are bereb1 notified that by the provieioo1 of Chapter 36 of the COoaoUdatcd Statutes. Second Seriea. lbe7 are required to keep their · I DON'T FAIL TO LOOK AT OUR 39 CENT WINDOW. YARDS AND PREMISES .,.......,.,..._ ....... ....... _,...._...,.w ______ ...,. ______ ...,._......,_,......_...,._._ ....... ___ ...... w __ w,...._._... ___ ....... __ w...,. ___ ....... _,...._._....,.__ ...... __ w...,. _ _..,_. Crcefromallno.11:iou1 nu iaaoceaandl WATER STREET, HARBOR ' CRACE. filth .. which are Ukel1 to Jojure the ..-Next door to the Nova Scotia Bank. ..... public health. There will be A THOROUG,BINSPECTION *TH 0 MAS R 0 s 8 * of t.he to .. a on the 20th of May. and * * to day until it ia com- FULL STOCKS OF SUMMER COODS Tbe owners of prcmisea found in bad concliUon 1'{ill be liable to a fioe or t TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. A. H. SEYMOUR. Stipenomry Magiatra.te. Po ice Office. B:ubor O race, ,J4•7 81 1907. -SPECIAL LYNES OF-- Furniture llattrasse3 Earthenware Glassware . Hard:.vare Lumber of all kinds. General Provisions and Store Goods. .. . Water Street . . .. .. ..

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Page 1: lhe - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19070621.pdf · lhe VOLUME XLVlII. CLOfr'HINC. Carpeting, Canvas and other Houae-Furni3hlng Goods. Quality


CLOfr'HINC. Carpeting, Canvas and other

Houae-Furni3hlng Goods. Quality Good. Prices moderate. Call and i111pect atook.


. Nt1KUJH5

Screened North

P EiC E. ln~wdca~36 of tu Comolldated &Catam. (8ecoa4

Serla). . ••nm foaod al Jarp b7 •D7 penoD, ma7 be im~ lD tbe aearat com­mon poaDd. Pea&ltf, notezcecdiQ S2 eada for Swble .o impoalldecf. with COStL

ALL GOATS runnlnr at larce .... t beJoked, each wltb a l'oOd Hbatallti yoke, of 'Wl}icb tbe lower bar aball be three feet and tbe apper not leu tbu 18 iacbea in lenpll ; otherwise ma7 be impounded lD the~· t common poand ti1 an1 penoa. aa1t1, not • exceedia112. with •

NO DTIBI BOBSB ahall be allowed to co at large or aatra1. Ptoalt1, not e~ceediog $50.




0 ·) k • _..v,... •• ~ i. ~ ~\J..-~ ~.(. ..tj, • ..tJ. • . ~_i._

"1 TO OUR PATRONS. f .. ~ Jr~ hank tyou, f 01' tJte libwaJ support ...._{ you, kq,vB ,4iven us, a.-; attested by the i ' volume, of busi11ess pl<toed with us dur-

ji in.t tli'e past si.1.· m ontlts.

We are now fttrnin.t oztt 'Fine Boots and Shoes of all .trades of leather1

i i wh~ohfor style, oombined with thB best -"" mate:r,ia-l and workmanship, <Jannot be ~ Sltrpassed-

J~IV\ES e"RON, - Water Street.

foand at lafF wltboat i~a*ur or other penoD in c:haaye then:of maat hue f&ateaed to ita neck a clog or piece of wood of not len than ? lba. weight and not lua lban 18 incbea In fength. with the name of the owner •lamped or marked therco~: or to be etfectaaU1 muzzled : other­wise may be ahot oc destroyed by the police. Tbh ahall not apply to PoinJera, Settera. Spaniels or Tcr· rlerL

~l Soli<Jiting the continu.ance of your :;< valeted support,

DAVJD STOTT, Superintendent. -'l'bl! 11-\"ar nl.t d:1u .. bler of )Ir. M.

~rl11 :~n·oH•r tho pndTc wba.rf 7ee1er. da)· i.1vtnh i::. ll r .:rlu •ura.:f.td tho a\khll< ii ut vna n f tho ~T \ '11\A Rt> 1taff, who. l •rtitl\n::r; lnl" a lJf'AI, ruruod tlao ,( T N mu~ u ctr., •h11:rt>0r\\.,u1pnjlllon. •:/ ' lWHJ MA

-;\fr. l:. JU cnc-l.:'1 a.:hotinl'r ~:Clmnod fl.'. · { ' 1

wu on 1h1· .. 111\ th•• week rc.r· •llsth ~ 10- , , 1 CU~Oll TAILOB, J?•lu 10 her •tvan. h11ttom-C"<)"tlnl{, ctc. rho f:dmuud 11 th• ""' 1..3nn, one ot • • --lb. •1r1H boo11cr~ ha.I hv ~lt"••rs. You. ....o.. -~-~ e and and WorL-.. .,. dall'.t •o. .:--11e w•~ r•1"'lred In Brl~ - 1l'

1 1- •-......1 _ &--·

10ml• 1 hr ycan a,,<1 i.nd h now a 1<1lld, I ~ -· -

z · - --- ------- --


Provisions, Cadiz· Salt.

Groceries, Tar, Pitch,,


OHOIOESP.EOIAL LINES Penonally Selected in t.he Loudon Market,

The Late~ St.yle1 of

J;adtea' J'uteta, Skirts, Blouses, &c. Pull Lt.Des o~ Jlen'a Clothing, Boots, &c. _.

~ Choice Lot of Ladies' FURS. tr" CALL AND INfiPECT. THE STOCK.


G. E. STEVENSON.--w~TE.'R ST'RE.E.T. +-t~'R'BO'R G'R~ee..-


T.ll;A-A. epeoia.lt.y of all best $rradcs. •ut..1an11a1 ~ra11. • 1 euawmf,k o1 all kmdl ueou-A otT, n.\:-.l'rJo:P.t> mnn; Fon t>n,~:i t.ed at low prlce1 ud wUh d•- "

fl~h11111:. Bllud, Illef'dlng or l'rolrodln ~tch. Pllt... 1'rnt;i;l•I• rvfnhll monr'I' It l> A:/. '\. . • •• Ol:-OTM 1 :~ r tall• , .., cmruoy .. ._.,no lMflUUl Cardi 1upplled Oll ·~

Codfish, llerring, etc. Fruit of all kinds Green Groceries and Pr· duoe uf 11.ll kinda. . Stationery of all kinda. Confationory, wholesale & ret&il. ~~rdwe.re and Crookerywnre. Pain1is of all colours. mai1er or how lonjZ' 11andtn11:, In B 1<1 H p\ioalioo.

day1. 1-'lr•L appllcatloo f!lvo- talle and rOlll. w.-. If yoor1l rui:i;l1t bun'1 l\1,.11d I !Alt'. 111 1111mJ>11 ""d ti ,,..111 toe C!ir• ardtd WATER tJ'f .. BARBOR 98..d a&. "'•,,. i.ct by l'ari. Mtdlolo• Co., lit. ::w...--=~~~;;;;;;;;~:==== • ~ • - l 7J

-"1'he \fanltoulln f:xpo•ltor" of Lit· ,. • 11 ... c•nnl'nl, Ontulo, In Ila Inn• o l \l ay t , J1,1b ha lb•· fnllo'l\"IUI ltotn uniter Hono- !tL.N"""DAIMON r11. "\Ir. "llmreon. tb• Pr•bye.trlan 00 \Jill 11 'lucl,.ns htr~. rore-11~bcd a 'frJry . powerful ~ a net 11111 rocth • •1-r11100 o n Sunday e•t"n· ot _,, llll ud .. lni.: I••" :.-M <! 1111<•ml11nrf'.• ll f.11 ~pie IODOOU.....IM..,.._

tbNf' he\"(' gh·t-n h\m II bor11e and rig. c:iJ' M'BEUAIN'S. -lfr. ~n t ~rr1. Ki>lly ""' h to lhnnk ~·o ::.-L 1 t T'-Ll..1..

Mr1. <:r~lcrt. ,\tr-. 1-. ~rarun, Mr1. ('. "" .ui ai U'Yel' 9U ai.

:1 0 11rth\•, .\1r ... ul ~''"· P.1-~. \Ir. anti lalbe~Jlhl'M. ne1_Wl4_. n1~. )lnch-•1111, Ml~H.11 r.lnh:i Joy, J,lnle la lbllr Mdoo U4 I' l\'I• r. l~t'•l" Oolllf'. llr.llfl "mallr••lllbtl .,.llOt.d&n.r ...._ ! f t•, •1 c•r ,t,. \, l'llllJJ•br"''• 'l'r1.._aadT4*11111

I ,_ •• •1 •n, \1,1.,tnrHlfy be,a-4..a. man hl'r 1.11 t fr1rn1l1 "ho \be r-ii. '

• • 111 wnalhaar.d lcu.eru,r "Yn 1ntb,\ on Ill• (ICf'HIUllOf tbolad dtalb of 1bolrt00.

Painta, Oils, Tobacco and Cigarettes of tho best. frrOOes. Leather and Leatherware. Carriage and Cart Barne88. ~Horse• atld Car~ages for hire llt all times . Rope and Fishing Implements. Also, o. good et.ook of

patent medicines. Pruasif\D Oil al Wl\ys o.t hand. All in .tock ia markd at lotoeat pricu.

No peraon shall bue in bi• poa­acuion any Pointer, Setter, Spaniel or Terrier Dog. wilbout a written license from a Stipe1Jdiary Magi•· trate, under a. penalty not exceed­ing $20. All aucb Dog-s IO licenied ahall wear a collar with the owocr•a oame in full thereon.

Police Coastablea are required to carry out the abo•e regulaU0011. Penalty for neglect or duty io re­fuaiog to destroy I)ogs. $4 for first QIJence.

A. B. SEYMOUR, Stipendiary Magiatrate.

Police Office. Barbor Grace, Ma.1 8. 1907.

Victoria Book Store. Now in Stock-

Full Line of all Goods kept in anup-to-date ~k Store.

Novels from 5 cents up. Sttrionery or all llnds. Special Finey Boxes and Envelopes. Maguines--Voung L:idics' Journal,

Munsey's, Royal, Strand, Argosy, Everybody's, Red Book, Blue Book, Spare Moments.

Church and School Books to suit all. Also, GW.S, China and Earthenware.

JOHN CODY, .. . -. Manager.


A Har11aror.JP.~l~n~0S~,,. t'i~l1. co. ttd. t .x. It .. 1 • , \V . JANES, Mahager. ~ ,...,.,.,,,....-=-<t~ ... ._,,. ·-'i ' .... ,-;- 'Tr ''lr -r'\......:.""T 7'r1'




S3,000,000 SS,250,000


U nexcelled facilities for the transaction of all kinds of )3anking Business. '

Special attention given to the Savings Department, depesits received from $1 up. ,,

This is the only bank having its head office in Canada that submits its books ·and statements to independent audit.

Branches in {Harbor Grace, J . A. Templet.on., Manager. Newfoundland St. John's, W.W. Watson, Manager.


ALL ' OF OUR WlNTER GARMENTS TO BE SOLD OUT REGARDLE&S OF COST. • Children's Coats, regular price $3.00 to S5.oo, sale price ir.70

to.$3.00. Ladies' Blouse, regular price 8 t .-so, sale price 9 5c. Ladies' $1.00 Blo11ses. sale price 65c, and many others too

numerous to mention. The public are bereb1 notified

that by the provieioo1 of Chapter 36 of the COoaoUdatcd Statutes. Second Seriea. lbe7 are required to keep their · I DON'T FAIL TO LOOK AT OUR 39 CENT WINDOW. YARDS AND PREMISES .,.......,.,..._ ....... ~,...-...,._._ ....... _,...._...,.w ______ ...,. ______ ...,._......,_,......_...,._._ ....... ___ ...... w __ w,...._._... ___ ....... __ w...,. ___ ....... _,...._._....,.__ ...... __ w...,. _ _..,_.

Crcefromallno.11:iou1 nuiaaoceaandl WATER STREET, HARBOR ' CRACE. filth .. which are Ukel1 to Jojure the ..-Next door to the Nova Scotia Bank. ..... public health. •

There will be •

A THOROUG,BINSPECTION *TH 0 MAS R 0 s 8 * of t.he to .. a on the 20th of May. and * • * ~~~d~ay to day until it ia com- FULL STOCKS OF SUMMER COODS

Tbe owners of prcmisea found in bad concliUon 1'{ill be liable to a fioe or t TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS.

A. H. SEYMOUR. S tipenomry Magiatra.te.

Po ice Office. B:ubor O race, ,J4•7 81 1907.


Furniture llattrasse3 Earthenware Glassware . Hard:.vare

Lumber of all kinds. General Provisions and Store Goods.

TBO~~ss, ..

~ . Water Street

. .




Page 2: lhe - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19070621.pdf · lhe VOLUME XLVlII. CLOfr'HINC. Carpeting, Canvas and other Houae-Furni3hlng Goods. Quality

. 'I





Women Who Wear Well U II uli0tllahln1 bow groat. & ch&np 1

few yean of marrkd Ufa oft.en mek• in tha 1 ppearance and dis potltloD of many women. Tho f re1hn4lll. tho charm. tho brilliance vantsh lllro I.ho bloom 1rom • peach hlch ts nidcly bandlod.. Tho matron II only a dim aha.dow, a f&ln&. echo of tho channlo1 maiden. Thero aro iwo reaaons for tbll chuao. JaDoraneo and neglaeL. Few youn.1 women apprecllllo tho lhoclc a.o tho ay1tcm tbro111h tho cbt.nae which ~mCI with 111a.rrl110 and motherhood. Many m~aled iO deal 'tl'lth tho unpleasant peh1c dntu and weak· ne91e9 whlc.h too of~n co1110 with mar­rtac• and motberhoosl, not 11ndenl&Ddlt11 th• i ibis 1e1:1et drah1 II robblq &.U cheek ot Ila ftt:Shn- ud tho form of Its fatrnca

Al. 111ft1J u tho gcMr&I hoal&b autrcn wbcn there I• d tn\ of tho bealUa of tho dtltc:ac.e woma o..,...., eo 1urel1

.. ...r ....... A- orpna i&hlbbed 1D wluie9 Jimlt


v 1e t H malree weak wom­tn IU'ODI and lick womon well. lnsredl­cnts pn l1bcl-coatat111 no alcohol or hannful babli·fOnlllDI clrgp. Jlad• wbollr of iboeo uaUYe, AJDericu, modlo­tnal roo~ man hlably reoommeadod bf lcadln&.mcdlcal autborlUca of all &.U •!; cral .aioob of prac:Uce for Uie cure .. W'OllllUI .. ~ullar &llmtnt..

.Por numn1 motbcn,or for tboeo brolreo­doW11 In he~\h by too treqotni MlrlDI of chlldftn. alto tor tho upoctan\ mol.tlcn, iO prcp&ro \ho l)'l\Olll for tho comlna or ba\ir and malr1n1 Its Ml'HD~ OU)' Ud a lmi>G p&lnloa, tbcro II no mtd.lclne 4lw c.e so s(!Od as •Fnorl&.o Prelcrf Uoa. U can do no harm to anr concll~OD ol the IJll.eln. IL ls a most. po~i lnYti:or&U~ to1Ue and 1treeathenln1 nenlne ll.lcelr 1d1pt4d r.o wbman•a dtllcato mtem by • phJ&fclan of l~~cncetu thotna&.­mani ot wolDAll I ~ullar allmonta.

Dr. l>klreo may ho cot11ultld !»'. letter

~nie of'chAr1re. Addrea Dr. R. V. ,Pierce. onUds' Jfottl and SIUllcal lmUi111-D1ralo, N. Y. •

JAMES D. MUNN, lJtJa.ler in &al Ea~, lbnm"·

non Ag~, Oon'Oe!Jaf&M"' .A 1/clionur, ac.

~lxl~, • NtJtDfoo,Mlan1.

W.S. Goodwin, D.D.S,



eo.mam 0.A..PJT.u.. ••••• .a,000,000'8'& Toru..l.Jruftm> rtm>t VP- ~

,, ...... 0 .......... - ........ l,7&0,000 8&c .6..sn.UbooJd DPW'DIOF l60,0008e,

The OlJAllDIAB beln1 • An...,_ Ezl1Uah "tmurt.D4e ~pany, ~- r.U tbble &dn.ni&gu moei dea.inble &o I> llU'el'I, ru., a.nCJoabted 1&.abllltyf ~. able temu and promp\ u\tlem~t on c1a.Une for lou.

The Uodenlped baring bee.- •P­polo.t.ed A(eote (Ot Newfoondlt.Dd are pND&red &o U.ae Pollaiett aplnl\ lot1 b1 l'lre. ·

'1\ & M. WIN'J:ER,Sl-. John,4. A.. O. lllJNN, Rileoa O~ W.R. BO'IT.Bnb-~~

ttbe Jltatbot ettact ~tanllltll -•lf"I>- .

OONOEl'TION DAY A.DVERT(S.ER I• J>rin\ed ~nd pnblltbtd ovor;r ~{day ovoning, aL lho ST•~D•ll. l> omco, Vlo­toria St.. If arbor Or~ b.1 Mona ~:oir ..

. Sobeol'lptloo Rai.e~ peranaw:a1 SLOO por flalt year; to toretgo 4'11~1> .,.. tli• ,., .. Will bo $2..00. ., AdnrU.lo~ Rat....-60 ceai. pe~eb

for Orat ln.Mrllr•n; &wonty a.oia pel' cb for eacb OQntlno.aUon. ~peclal n for Ulr" or more mooth1. Tb• aam of t.uo1u.mu of 1wherUffmella. mu' bl •JMIAed 117 U.l lldnrlillel

A New Orleans W-.. .wu.dUa. Becauae ahe did DOt alnd MlfB.:ia

nourishment from her food. She took Scoff .r Emal.sion." ' Result: . She ~eel ~ pound a daJ iJrwlliPi-

. ·

The Seore& of


Now Rnealecl


When You Bav .. e Cold 10\l want to cet dd ~~ but fOU cllaliie takJng medicines. You =r~•tem rt11tored to It.a lion,


"Willer's Balsam·

~- · .:

Wild .

"B ECAUSE you do n.>t h. know ,.,,bat your t:'""' . ·

ma.de ofwbCn you ~cl

DY-0-Lt~ bQt yilu do not want to loM nJU. ble time by a lolw COGrM of trut.-ment. T1le ••• and H D j Olamberlaln's (iouqla Remedy 1uaon» ome ye II wbat fOCl want. It wm ~ COLORS e:ltber Wool, c,,. •' 1

\ tbe co.wn, reline the ,__ eft'ect S"illt or Mixed Goocb I".,.,, t.,,

.,. and ,..,.., and with tho SAME p:u:ku;.<...

~~~~:zit cure !1k 7our Dealer about It. !llli!ll ............. , ... ~~~~-

. '\.. • . ""'\

Page 3: lhe - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19070621.pdf · lhe VOLUME XLVlII. CLOfr'HINC. Carpeting, Canvas and other Houae-Furni3hlng Goods. Quality



(PERRY D.A. tu')


Cramps, Colic, Diarr.hrea, .Chills, Cold-?·


Member·Qf' the 'Muaic. Tradu' .A#OCiation ~ of Great Brilaila,

L:~· ~~ .. ~-...... --CHESLEY

---HAS---The Oldest Established


~Nothing Shoddy kept. ..,,,.,.....~~--~--~~ ........... .-

PIANOS - AND ·ORGANS From the Beat Mauufacrtmen D tile Worlcl.

Leaging Mqaiciana are our f~l'ODI. Th91 lboMld bQw. · W'nte. aa. .

~Woo~wft~ JC. 81UllLll, A,_, for, :lliriol' 6Ntlt.

Worth their D

Dr. lrlorse'a lttdl&D BOOT PILLS

S~ John's Mar:t>l~ WorkS -PERSONS R~~iJIR~fl-:- .

Monuments, Hea~stofies, Tablets anti such l~e :.Work · ·

o'n hi.'"uHetl h .. ddrA~~log th~ Prop e~r or;P,e sbove·named Workl.

• a-Outport li-l.tter11 t>f enqufry pro\bpUy l\nttwered, el!ti It' o~ pri A" 1ui1f "t.y l~11 fun1isbed, "'f · 'Vl.ti11f~io11 ~d . .

• J • /o.[1(ft'~ bopn.ior.

I' • ':t· . ·tl ..


"WaY• JDOmltaUa blgb» 1- a oommoo pbrue. wltbom wblob no dNOripUOD of a 1lorm d eea would

-When a 7oan1 man ie 11Uin1 lo a room wi&b &be u1li•& four­J•r•old bo,7 \bat ner wu olam· berlnR over hle kneee, j,.rkfn1 hie neoklle out of place rumpling hie 1blrt· fron&, pulling ble h&ir, Irick· Ing bi• 1bin1, feeling In all hi• poCketa for co_ppen, while the. Tio· '11D 1mll• all &be lime like &be cOYer ef a comic almanac, you may •fel7 ea7 &ba& &hal boy bu a .Uter wbo la in lbe rooa:1 no& &wenty feel away, aod &ba& &be 1oun1 man doeen'' oome &bm jwi& for \be ran of pla7ln1 wl&ll &he llttle bro"1er.


Conatlpatloil and Bleedl~g Plln

llr. John Bugbee, l>uttl" street, St. C&LbarinH, On~ and wbo bu btto a. "4!dent of tbat clly for fort7·be 7un, 1t&tn: "It la a .. tJ•facUou to 1pttk a word cm behalf or Dr. ChlM'• Olntmcot. and PJ111. For five rura I ,..., 110relJ' allllctcd with cnntUpatlon and II.thing, bleed!Qg piles or hl'morrboldl, which at. thnn m1ulo me unfit for anylblq. I .,., .. In a most. d.istruslng and dJ.cou~· ng condition, as I had taken cozuJd.trablo

A lit" l 1 b ,,_ d d l p.iofculonal trutmt11.t. ln niD. we Jr W 0 a .. n e an n· "Howevrr, the"' came a daf whm my

fan' IOhool wu dllOOHrecl whle· ease eurpr!wl me and a!Ao m7 uelgb· perfn1 In IOboolUme, and the l>ol'I, for I bfgan the 1111 of Dr. ChHe'• £acher ulced: .K idney-I.Iver PUii nd Olntml'nt, and Jn

"Wba& were 700 uylng to the 11 1hort tlme wu greally re~,.ed. I sf1l nex1 to you when I oaugM J>l'r•eYcrel in th~ t.-tment until th'*

J oa wbll~rl~T" ikrlou1 ailment. bad all palled awa7. i 1 rl h b b d cud l wu 1,phl enjoying m7 formtl"

Tbe l l e c P l nt:lg er ea ~iiror badn« obtalntd complete lmmun· for' moment, aod then replied : lty f~om pain, for which l feel nry

"I w.ae only ten.ittg her bow . ihM\kful" blce yQa Jt>Ok In yo'1 ne,,. dreee," Bt't1lu•!' l.'on.tlpatlon 1111tl pllu ao fre.

••Well &bs&.-JM-1 know- but qu•ntly i;o loll:l'lher It It wC!ll to know we muet-!--Tbfl olaM will ple&H <)f thll romblllle'd trtttw111.-l>r. Chue'•

• Ill " • Kldnf'J·l.ITtr PiTI1 to "'plalo the llnr etand up ior lpf nJ. and bowel• end Dr. Cha .... Olntme•t to

-'l'wlee .. .....,_ ~IDIA 11 .. sa u. nn pllll. At ell ctpe.len or ~ uuewwta...,.... -.• • . ao., Tonaco, oat.

r s

Osana San's ·Adventure .. -

., c-...... D'""7......, J ~a. .... -;:;-B~ ..,.._

. It wu a· br!Pt 8Pl'IDS DOOD. ID­

lipt poand do1111 onr tbe.caaalDt l*­tllllDi roor1 ot tlle Uttle tOWll o« Yac­co. lll•b .... aDd ~ from tlM

"O.U I O.U i a1D1 CllU1IJ> at I U .tJrl8IL "ftOP IQI I ftUP llJI IM

tbem ,,-ltb a qUlck bllnk. Wbeo Ille opaued them. Ille ... a tau mllo lo bl11411erp etalldluc lD trout ot her. Be waa boklluc ber paraeoL '

"I think till• la Toon." be .. 1a, 1m1i. IDlf ple1u111ntl7.

"A lbolllllu& tha.u" 7oos. .. murmured Osana &lo lu ber -rl!rt !>Ht En1Ullh. "I rt'ar m1 bumble parasol bu ch··eo roar UlostTlooe 11lt a creat tro1>ble."

"A lf't:l.l pleu11tt, bell'•H me," be aos"'°t'red. i'bea. wllb a lout look at O-U.1111 &lo., be 111IMCJ hll b11t au4 not b;ack lu to the teoc:up lllop. •

"Obi" breathed 0..111 Sau, tubblo1 ber 1moolb ftUCCl'I up llDd dowo tho bamboo bln~dlo wbere ht. bllnc!J bftc! tooclled IL_gow tull aod hau'lllome Ile 1''111 ao4 bow broad lboulderecl I Sbo bad 1ttt1 i'ew Amcrlctu meo 1111'0 Mr. Corrlo(too, ror Yacco, tboucb uot tor frow TollJo, wH b!l' tbe mnln lloo aud eo ln:1~lbl1 that tnarelers 1eldom rnwe UJOre. llr. Can1t1ston. moreonr, "°" old. wltb a wrlo.kled ta~ and \\"bite balr, while thl• 1trno1er w111 11111og~l•l11el7 70001. wllb a 1'"17 of I •okluir. Ttio rot1e dcel)CJle-0 lo her rOe~k RS lb• remembered It. It WRI II d117 ot m11rvela. A.ad th11ro were mol'l! to come, ror, 1taoc!loa oear bJ. IO Ul!llr that It .u a wood4!r Ille blld not oo­tlced It, wu a •tralllll object 1uc)l Ill Oeana Sao ba4 DIYOP -D before. She l'lened It to be ooe or the horseleu rnl"l'lllC" ot wblcb \lrt. CarrW1too b:Jd told ber. 8bt p&ed at It, tHcl· u11te<L And Olen a wild lc!ea took pot.­-100 of btt. lb• wooc!ered bow It would Mem to llt Ob tbe cotbloned l1'8tber sutl 8be pH a borrlec.I clnace up aod c!own tbe 1treet. Tbett IVl\I oo one lo 11-bt. • Io· the teacup •!Joi> tbe 7oon1 Amertet.o wu buall7 aclecUnt cblU. tli1 back WU turoed towonl ber. Be would uever kuow. 8w1ftl7 lbe made 111) her. mind 11od •teppe4 Joto tbe motor.

"Now t icm Ilk• an AmertCAn 1lrl," 11.ae ulc! to benelC. lntoilc:ated wltb tilt ll4!WDHI ot th• thlQI. She bellnl 1 beAV7 ftep In . tbe 1bop bllblod ber 11111.I 1tar\e.a op cunu11. llel" moment o( 1toltn IWfftDea WU o-rer. BDl lllU tor Ouoo Sul lo ber bute Ule wl~t •lee"o or ber klm0oo eaucbt on tbe 19,., eC Ille .,..,...!!-..... llM t«rUta U.

... tllil lllleblet wu jfoa't. QaletJt tbe mae1aJM iltpD rolllns aloq Ult ltnlt. Jror awblle 1be wu too, dued · to ~ aod wblD 1be fOGDd 'olel Ille wu •ire.di on tb• oatat!rtl of IMICIO. Tllo ned 1tntcbed OD mU. llltad, aa etra!Pt aod white .. a &-. rlbboD. A kborw tolt1111 111 tile ~ lelda nJled Jaa. 1184 to look at lier. •·

"O&ll Oall" lbe c:rted ID l&llQIM · "'ltop mel 8CDp mer• Tllo mu ......, at ~ lltvpldJI, too IJllaU4 • ...,., and lbe 11114 put blm. Ber lludl &attend about tlle Dietel plated WOD­

daa ot tllo motar Ob a D9lr ol b'llbt­aed bird&. . Pwbape It lbe pre.o4 8CllHWq It woalcl nopl Ver, ea• UOall7 lbe trted. . Tiie r.ult ... load•'"BllU. llDUI'" W pllrclq ... twrlble. o.u Baa eraa-...• Cllll

. -t 1r10a a -'» ot au .. delPalr na lael,.._._ Ora ... - ... ,.. (IUt rloe lel4a ... low .,... ...... cna.. .... ....... ... ......, l*t l1ttle ..... elleltaN4 ..... ...,. b.r elmDll8 er ............ ~.

Deliberate Case of Grave-Robbing.


~ ~ ............. .,.. UllJP ~ ....... . ..... .,..-. l"i ............. faJtlNI, ..., ......

~~~ .... •.,,•••ttu ea d«iiOCMlrr..a .... wt -n.r.~ _ ... lleart. ooadauW udl I 1iMl:aboaa

- 111 wOltb frOm 8ooU'I DnR aeon, ..,. ., rt ~ ronn.L Jr.• ID •tlDlai Cb• u4 all JOQ"n WI ... m:cit •- f -•.1 9!9cli"" .u I 1acrw ID tlmDler JOG 1184 Wit ....... tD ra .. 0 • .-~ • f. 11DM&

· WeDt Up to 160 ~ llliallJ'l'9-nop tllif •••- 8laee JQa're ..,., gahdog IDJ llr'IDl\b &DC) "l.ellDg taOtlllls .... matten, &Dd 1 b._ all better. I aotaallr ba4 to ba.e m1 t11e .- ce 1apu tbat tbla road 1a u olotbee ... i•-ed, DOl \bron.b &DJ ltrallllt u a atl'tDS- OtblrwUe-..U. MNl!a -

· .. ,....'t tbbat or tbat. Bellcl'9, a.er. oorpallDClf, bQt..owlq to a puUing 11 m1ldl e1ee to taJt of. Do 100 .,. on of good IQlld tleQ all OYer. I une ID loTe at e~t. o..u Baar haH r ... amecl m7 work and ban

Oaaiaa Baa llMM* s'-1 llea4. f one tbroqb tbll Mnre aod -1ok· •"117 PoOr IDtolU doll DOt com- J winter Wltb no&hlng wone tbao prebead JOV 11 wordl," lbe ao a&&aok of grip, whlob my 111\em am~ .../ wu able to throw off. wl&hou& &DJ

Morto11 JaqtieiL • aeriou reeutta. • "l ba'ea't time to pick It oat o« tbe •·I giYe tbla 1tatement for lbe ·

(WtM boolr oow," be II.Id, "bQt ru purpoM ,,f lbowlng bow Pl}ohlne uplllD It later It It tu• me all tlM bu probably 1&'ffld mJ Ille, and In reet ot ID1 ll.r. to Co It. or perlla.. the laope tbat othen ma7 be like-

.Ur. OaniDstoo. tile Amerleo ~ wi1ebene8Uecl by lta nee. wlll uplaJD It for me. Be boWI Da1 11 J. A. G.ALBRAITB." raaa117. aD4 be OGllat to dlr--me • po4 '' Kr.1. A. Galbraith la a proml· turn. Yoa W'OD't be afraid to rlcle beck nen\ member of my oborcb, truaL-wlt.b me. wtll 1oa. OlaDa l&Dt. 'DI• h , 0t0 can't nm awa1 wlUa 100 DOW', 10u ed by bit neighbors and nry hlg • lmow." . ·• , ly rfepeoted tbraugbou& &be enUre

... th t t Yi bJle community. Bl1 cut bu aUrao&-~ ... ct ., wen ° acco, "' ed -~con-1derable &lten&lon. Hla the lbac!on or 1l!Pt d"l>efl-0 amoq • Bl

lbe bamboo, and tbe moon roee. look· wu Uable cue. indeed ; in &be ioi u 1arp &114 nd u a paper Ian· ri~ of lite and wilb tbe brlgbteet tern.. A.Del a week lattr, ID tbe Ou-" Of proapeolll to be lilddenly 1biok· rtQltcla- prett:J ctrawtoa room, Dour· 11n down In the midi& of i& all. 1111 MOrtoo Qrse4 bll (mpetuoae IUlt. VillUng afltr ble pb11lcian1 )lad Wbeo o..oa 8aD. eD&IlJ' Wldentoocl pronounced'° hie oue bopeleee (and, bl• meanJD( lb• rr-w· u pllUt u • Indeed. eet lbe date a\ which be cherry bto.om. would likely paee away), aod ob-

" l be moet atral4 to UH ID 1our boo- eenlng preUy oloeety bil con· orable and lllmtrtoo.a couotrJ, where dltio91 ll o0cuned to me tba\ P17· lt'l'erytb.t.or co eo tut-the motor CU' ~hine, wblc~ I bad ueed ID my on rtarce and lb• 10.emums." amily with wonderful reaulta,

"otaoa Sao. do 7ou qiea.o that 7011 might benefit him. I etrongly re-1'1111 not min)' mer demanded Dool- commended it to him, and he be­·1 11 Morton. gan ill use. Tbe reeuh wu truly

dlmple sllmmtred IA the ?Ole &D4 wooderflll. Almoet Immediately 9C Ouna'•,,cheelr.. · , .... be began to lm"pro'ft and eoon wu .,..t •QIU.It. Ille &D.1Were4. '!ID able to be out...,aln.' Heapparent-

~"'Utt4 l be eo rudel'' -t d c.1..., Id b--'th d "It 11 'Yee' thml'' med Morton JOJ"" ly regMne 11 e o Dal an wu

ru!IJ. · , able \o Lake up once again hie old "It. II 'YM.'" wbllpered little 01411• dutlq..on hie large farm and to per·

Sao. form them with oomparaUn eaae and comron. Tbe · lmpronmen& waa permanent, .aod be ia to-day apparently jua\ u well u enr. Be glne all lbe oredU for ble re­co,ery, under God'-to' P11ohlne.

0••1lla• m..--... Appcall .trom the or,Poised cllartU ..

aro comltl• lA trom all dlrectlODL A.DC! tbere are IO)ll'Cel of •I>~ wtllch are not orpn.IACl, 7et qn.lte worthy. One or the· raae4.t1t, dlrtleet, moet deject· ed or meodJcaot., 11tt1nr on tho curl> 1tot1e. appealed to me b7 hll 11ppe4r­onei!. 1 ·had plllll8d blm In c!tesuat t.beo coneclenc:e dron me back to blm to 1ee It 'be really IV.lfered. "lt ID wont, w~ don't 1ou bef1' I demand· od lo aorer. ''Why doo•t yon 141 10met.blD1?" "SUN It's be"tna 1 am/' be replied. '"But yoo don't litter• a word, IDA.D~' "I c!on'U Look at tbla .. - plcltlnc up bl1 nuey re!DJlllDt ot • coot,.- ·'1.11d can't you - ·tbo sklo apcaklnc tbrouab my troulerl? · An\! &lo~• bonea crrtn' out Ulrouab my ~klu 1 Look at my aun.11.eo ebeekll See tbe ta mtne tha t'I ltutn• 1.11. ml' e.1ee I ~tll.D ollTe, ain't tt becllD' rm c!olo' with a buodred tonru•1''-New Yol"k · Prea.

o ... •Olio•• ol .a...eu1'-n. Du •ll1bod1 l'l'OI' 11.0pped to tbluk

1;,.. miao1 male aod remaJo a11cctton ft- fook to bl-l111t u1 Into th• world'r Flr1t, oC courae, It wu oeceml.l'1 to hue a C1tbtr and moUlel', and our ta· tber a.ncl mother moat"·b&Ye blld • fn· tber and mother, and'° oo l>a.elr. to the time ot Cb.rill. A. CG.l'ftUl ca.lculfUon .,r 1111 tbtso at1ceet0l'I 1boW1 tbat'tbere 1u111t bave been 130.!?3G.017,.st.GM.D'f0 lllrtbl 'to brine ooo ot ~ Into the worllL Aud thla 11 oolJ trom tho time oC qhrt•t 11.nd not trom tbe ~Jtn.nlug or Ole worllL ACCOt'dllll w one JUthl>l'-1~. It trom a 11oglo CCJUPI• ror IS.OQO r~an ee~b buebllnd aod wife bad m1r­rlcd at the are ot tweoc;,-ooe l\lld tbero had been no dcatb8 the- p<>pu!1Uou of the tartb would be 2,19~Jll~. (Ollowed b7 lU elpbl.'TI. To bold iucll a popula· !loo It would~ •t1>ral wotkll Uae

~o_!oon. ~~ '!s ;:-. •

"0. E . .!SURRELL, '' BapU11t Putoi."

"I have read the 1tatemenle made by Mr. 1. I~· Galbraith and .Rev. O. £ . Bar1ell regarding lbere· f!Ulte of the uae of Payobine. I know both g'°tlemen pereonalty and can btartHy endorae all th&\ they have said. Mr. Galbraith ob­tained bie supply of Peycbine at my drug ~tore, saying from timtt to timf! tbal it bad done blm good. I took an lnt.ereat io hie cue, and noted a t leady improvemenl Al­logetber I aold blm about t16 00 "or\b. Peychloe la -buing a big ron'here, aud eo far ae I know la alway11 ueed wllb bene6olal re-1111'1.

II RALPH E. SCOT!', " Foree&, May ht, 100'1." _

-Richmond, Va, 1uoe 1.-Bob­f'rL ADJbler Druce, 107 years old, who 111 Hid lo ban been tbe oldeeL Maeou iQ tbe world, died in the oily 1lm1 booe41 bere yeeterday. He "'11 horn • t W eat Overball, Ao·

'comae County, Va. Be wae a vel· er.o of eevel'lll ware aod boaeted of having 1een Napoleon Booai-arte in 1817, olaimlng that Napoleon pre· eented blm wUb a cro .. of bonorat St. Helena.

-Many drumme~ have received the Vlctoda CroH for gallantry in action, tbe youngl'll on record be­ing Drummer Megner, of the ht Wet-t- Riding. wlao "'" onl,- 1t wben be won the honor at Maa• dal .. Ab711lDla, in 1868.




Page 4: lhe - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19070621.pdf · lhe VOLUME XLVlII. CLOfr'HINC. Carpeting, Canvas and other Houae-Furni3hlng Goods. Quality



Importers of British, American;·ouudian, French and German

Dry 8oods, Pro~i,ions, Groceries, pardware,leatherware --EXPORTERS ot--

Codfl,~. Cod Oil, Codllver Ob, Salmon, perring, lob;ter,. BRANCH 'E s1'.\DL1sm11tNTS AT


Batteaux, Webber's Harbor, .Ol'lieans and Hawk's Harbor. --...--------------:------ --

F ISHlNG OUTFITS Supplied nt ill the 11bove Establishments. HlGH.EST. PRICES P1\l0 for all kinds of Produce.

Jilarhnr ~h81le Standard .L?lb


- We pnbli!lb in Hua is,ue ooe of Rev. C:inon Noct'11 arliclc» on lbe records or SL Paul'• Chur.:h Tbe ar:tic\ci; have been publiebed. ia \be Dicx:ci.an ll:lgOliine for the put roar monlb11. Many of the Tamlly namce wbic)1 the learned Canon au~

-A SENSDlL'& Succl'!STios.-Cnn· to bave d ied out.arc much an eTi· ada and other colonies granting the dcnce iu vnrioaa parts of Concep-: Mother Country a lower rate , of lion and Trinity Bays. For · i~· duties on her goods lban the}' give '4l:iucc. Pinhoro and .Parrott fam11-to outsiders. s hould be compcni.at· ·ie11 are nurueroaa at Scilly Coore aad ed, thiuka Sir W!lfrcd Lantier. ~y other places on the South ~de of 30 Im~rial aubsLdy on atcam11l11p Trinity Bay ; the .name of F1lier ia Jioes. Even without givin~ Ore-at a wcll-kno~n one to-day. Bawco Britai11 any preferential trealment. (or as the right na me ia tboacbt to Newfoundland is co lilied, " 'e ba•e be Ho.rcourt) hue many represent&· long thought. to special conaid~ra- tivc1 in Harbor Main District, ud tion of eome aorl at her bands, for L!Grow o r LcDrew can be foaad ia having so long made her "lbe sport I Port·de-Grne and Bay-de-Verde qf historic misfortune." Districltt. At the time the record•

were llOOktd, people from all tbe Hts Ex~'llency the Go,·eroor Sir r.cltlemcn~ bet~cen Bay-de-Verde

William rtfacGregor. Lad)' :\JacGreg· aud Harbor Mam, n.nd nen farther or, Mi 1 MacGregor and Iqspeclor· n6el~. c:ame to Barbor Grace ~o be

lt General McCowen.: spent part of iriamcd ~r U! ba•ech1ld~en baptized. yesterday in Heart's Content. The Callon ~ocl a letters will be found party droye through the lowu und of, gre::at 1.ntereat . and the STA:MD.&.RD afterwards visited theAnj!'lo-Amcri· w1ll-pubhsh others o f th&&erttl. ~~~~~h~~~ t

·xn the aft.CJaoon. a visit was m:.<te -ACKNOWLEnci:o.-We have o to the pbwec house or the U T-. E. than.k Ml'. O. Byrol" for a &ample. lot co. near Victoria ViUagc, the whole of bis ~atc~t post cards. T~e series

!ant being viewed. especially by co1npn1e •1e1\•~ of St. John a, Har­kis Excellency who takes n. deep in- bor Grace.. Brig1Jt1. Carl>on~ar, &c. tereat in n.11 works o( au industr ial The ~ork 18 11eat and lhc views at· ;md commercial character. Laat t m.chye. We ha.ve a ~OPJ of tl~e evening. the partJ reached tbis town firat issue or the P lain· eal~r, a the mernl>ets beiu~ the gpcsls of !"onthly 12:pag-emapzine 1?ubh1bed JudgcSe,.nour. This morning, the m St. lobn •by Meu ra. W150man & V"isilora left by train for St. John'A, ., Buckley. The P,·D. acknowl;~gea haviiiir spent an agreeable and pica· n' ndht'reo~ to n.ny man. pohtical­sant vllil to thia part of Ilia E.x:- ly or otberw1fc. The Report of C. ccllency's change. I or E. Schools, l~. lat~ hand .. The

\ • Report of the Rcgurat1on of B1rth1, ••


Marriag'.!A and Deaths for 1906. ha• MISS NICHOLL ME:\lORfAL been iasued. and we thank the Reg·

_ . _.,/ -- i -trar Gencrnl for a c:opy. The last ~rcmony or uoTeilJnir Ute two reports will recclv.: attention

• fountain at C:lrbone:ar, in memory later on. of Mias Nicl101l. who 11ome four 1

7cara ago lo"t her life lo the bur'n· ang of the Poat Offii:e Duildin,::- in


that town. was performed \Vcdnes- London, J11nc H.-ForeifD Sec· day n.flernoon by Ri11 Excellency tb~ rclarr Grey recently tubnutted to Governor. Sir Wm. MacGrc~or. Bi11 the American Sc.:Tetary of State E.x:cellency.accomp:anicd'bvLlldyand through the u&u;al diplomatic cban· Min MacGregor and the inspector- nela a plan b1 which bC' ex:prea!ICd General, J. R . McCowcn, arrived hy bope tl:at the ~ewfouodlaud &ah·

it 2 p.m. train. and at 3 p.m .. the cries question micht be acltled, but emony of uattillag took place. nt!gotiatioaa haTe beea diecoa-

- • Excelleacy remoYing the e<>•er· Uuued tempanril1 on accoun• of iag of which rcTealed the fountain ' the m ... of qaeatloaa occap1hll' tbe to the public eye. A 1pcech by Mr: Foreign of&~. partlcatarly wlt11. tbe 1. A. Robinson followed in which conference t.o tbe Barne. Wbile it ia Kr. R. referred to Miu Nlcholt ber aot opealJ stated to be a fact. it la faithful aad loal' aerrice to the Col· Dellewcd tbat tbe n~lona made oay, to her charitable aad ldndly by Sir Edward Gte1-6aYe not uti• aat~ ud to tlie aad ead of her &ed Prfimitt Bond~ wbo aaili for life"• wi>rk. Tbe proYidinc of tbe bomc 1aoe 20lb,1ritboat baYiar Ma• fe>Utala for J"!blic uae wu a m01t Used i\ae bope be upreacd aome 6ttlac tokeo of the cithiea• ttprd week• ago tiat.befotelda departure aad appreciation. lot.oae who had an agreement wo111d be feacbed 1IO long been well and fayoradl7 -with the Im~rial aatboritin with kacnnl to alL rea~ totatare aegoliatioaa with

Bia Bxclllleacy next •poke, aa&t iJle United States oTer tbe Coloa7'a rdened to tbe booor that wu fiYea alfain. him ia asneillac tbe monument to 141 .. Nicholl'• ID9lllOI')'. • • -Ta WUTBER.-Wednesday

Mr. Jo.epb M8ddock. M.B.A..J• nlgbt...,y Tband&J. mornlag ~COpoalnf a 'YOte Of thuka to Jl& there wu,:;C)1lfte & be&YJ fl[Ollt. ROd Exc:elleucy for bis prtaeace, •P,f)lre itJtoretber the aeaaoa le backward. of hi• long acquaintaa ttith Ia Ul91. allhoafh that year tbe aea Miu NicboU, of her Talucd icu wu not a n early one, pc>tatod to tbe commanltf, of.Iler pOI "billeCI" on the lStb June. To-an of&ce of truat aad re1pooa there is hardly a potato plant a nd of her uawuering ap gt"Ound, and the growth all to her duties. Her melanc ad la backward. On the 17th evoked a sympathy in the , 186<?, a heavy snowfall OC· mind. which prompted the , the coaling befog •ufficient ·up of the useful monument low travellcri. from this place lo memory. llf1 rua return by aleigb., the whole

L. !\fackey. ~.. J.P.. M:c:,>ndcd th of the road beiug deeply cov· · ti.le vote o! thankl. Judge ~nncy ereti. p resided on the cx:culou.

The vice-regal party, aCl~r the conclusion of tbeccrcmoo1• ~rbceed· ed by cai:ri:ige to Heart a Co11tent: where a visit was paid to •tbc A. A. Co.'s officca. •


We are informed that two 1Pllid ·

supenisora are in charge of t!ic C, J'.J. E. e:1amination11 at Carbo!\ear. Strange U1:it tbe Council can fiojl the wherewithal to pay lhcacJ men while other centres are called upon to find accrctarica who do. teu limo the work of 1upenleora and r~ceive no rccompcnae whate.er. '!:be C. 11. E. acema to be ~elting mort un­popular, and as far as Harbor Gr;acc 19 concerned. it is aqueatiop wheth­er any committee will voluutecfr for the work next year. ~.

, +-Tn& CITY' CoUNCjr... St. John'•· is~bout to ;appeal to lbe Govern· 1.1)11l for a foan of ::>?5,000 with '" 'ch to proyide part or a new •Y•· ti; of w3ter-pipcs for the city.

Icily, we suppose, ''ill pay the

{ rest on tbis amollbt., except. that i ar at an opportune lime • uc-c In having one milllon 'or so

ara wiped off its debt to the clvernment.

\Vcd11cadat nex:t, 26th inst.. be ob1ened here aa a J!encral

b day t\) commemorate Empire Uiiy and Bis Majuty U1e Kio~·· ~ffthday.

t·· . 0

·• ... ;,m~s l .... D.F-lii .. _ fllUbfalud -Tia• '9POl'la ·~ ... ~~iili11. the ' (ie' ' ~ •KAlllllT AD ID ll'OVJIDLA•D. la IJl&"9 Of .. _19&' ud· dlHearteo.lq,.. tlaa& &wo~ Jill& ~U&IDcf.bom .... ol~ 1a.noe1, ud tb&&imolher ~~ blll&ated wltll 'elalonlo~·~~~ O.rand Lodpll 1~ tlaat II wua~qo. !fwO IMW weN oqaalaed las& wfnn, •• and •• Wabana. TlleM at .. mi. aacl mDOll a. ~Uaem la latuni. A .JIK'...Ue :a'M ~ nlaedlln Barbor 0-10 Tb .. •ff DOW ID~ ... uc11aa 1J ~ ... & Temples. Th• mombilnblp. l.i abolU 1000. Whtie maay_ •""'41 aloof llom Good Tamp1ar7 ID Nawtoomlluad. from wholll wo reuoaabl7 ml1hln:peclbalp. It I• cbareo"rlaecl by ..alou, aolli• er­ror ta &odnolol! tho kmperaaoe pobllo IK'nUmeoa aCl dlelanalnata adla.nUllc faota bearlog on tbe evtl ofttot.I or aloo­hol u~n bcith the bod.Y and mind of ma. lta bMt work 18 done amon1 &ho yODD«. Whtre an tbo 600,000 Good Tolllplan of 11 or !JI year• agot Th•! an IDOllly ID hbmes or tb•lr OWOI aad tho children aro 1avect trom the blight &lcoboll•m, and bl-ocl with olesn do­•lru •ud aa npllflJllfC onvlr0nmoat.

Both on Tadd_,. nigh& ud ID tbe Re­ports of &be Oftlcan ~forence WU IQada to lbe advance la th• 1&ook of Tea1pu­aace Oraaal.qUona. E<ro.n Llqnot Papen In UA.A. ackuoy141dao lha& aa laor .... IDI number of .ftlr •• BIO• _,.10111, moa of bl"Old 'rte~ are look1a1 with dl.tfnor upou &la• bUt•eu ill aleobollo drlnka. :r"o Judi .. la Indiana maln­laln lb•t Ula uaooutUaUoaal to lloenM th• traclo, beoaaH " lelldo to tmmorall· &y. Olber Jndae-stnJadpona._ataet pla.laUft• wbeo suing tor the Pl'lc• of Jlquon eblppad ln&o problbltlo:.!a trrcta. A aamber of htab.olua m .. 1lau rafUM to adnr&IM th• " .," Rob u th• !Ml ... Somo .Journal Mo­Cln ...... Oo1ller'a Weekly.and lb• ltoa· trea1 Wit- U.Sor • ., .. 1a .. ooa· f- that -r.m,.raaoe OraaifaattoH are doing •h'OlllC work la nearly all tho .Nortbens 8Jat.lo of Aaiorloa; aacl In eomo other•;_ sad Ula& tbe retail trad• t. thrMte- wUb uUaotloa. Foar­llflJae of Newtoalldlaad la now undar Loot! ProblbUlon, ..... IOOD .. \ho oU;r of St. lobn•a ... tie carried by tho Toaiporanoa fonl!l9. tbt. mos& aacloat colony wlll baTe 'PliohlbUJon.

A raw olaadsea _,. macl.• In lb• om· oen ol tbe CJrand Lodg• ot Nowtound· lalld1...ancl aew oommhte .. wera •PJICl.lnC.. ed. aev, 4, w. Lewie, O.T.C., ret1ra4 from th• Hrrloo o• eoeoan& of l•'rfng tho Colony In lb• DNr Sotnra. Dl••r­eat omoera epob 1'8'7 appreetatlvr.!I of their Cblaf. A eommUa.. wu •P Dt· eel to draw ap a lqUabla latkr o •­wall; and Uila, wliea 1abmlt~ wu wu aDaDllDoUIJ' aacl -• h•ar= adoDlflt. Amoas o&har •~aaa u • 8liMii ilia ors@batloo of tbla Or Lode• awo y- ago WO b•" ~- t'OD• eoloill of • -tel-11.and 1hapln1 ud saldlllg oar _,.. la tha locla• of tbt. l•acl. Your nal bu baea oar ln1plra· uoa. We !allv• laUfJ to he • man ·-1 ...... oar IUD G• ••IP.fal trlnd aa4 bi'olbw. • • • • bDw la ~raytr­fol aahmlalton to Ute will or tb• DIYln• Fa&!aer, sad pray ~ to ..,.,, oer htarUeU tbanu to. all 1oar M"lee." ReT • .r. Thacke,.y - ananlaoatlJ' o'ecled to the ludenbt~ ot Ua• Grana Loc11e. aa Ora114 Chief Tamplar. Mr. Morrl• I• Grllld OeanML Mr. 8tlr1Jns II 8operlntandeat or Jiivitalla Work. Mr. J. A. Carmichael was •oe~aartll.r r. olitlcted Orand &eoratary, Mr. W . .J. C'lrHn u Treaaorer. Kn. Ina l•Orand \tlce·Ttmplar; Mr. Rober& 81mpaon,, Chaplain; Mr. A. D. Pareon., CJrana Manihall. ThHe oftlcera with th• PaU o. <:.'. T.. con.mote tho .EsacnU•e.

Tho brand Lodao .PlllJlad throattb a Jarso 1moont or ba1rn-.1'tilch ml:;h.l bav, bean spno oot for the w .. t. n wu deolded tbat oast JMr tbe plaoa or mHlhJlf would ba St. John'1. The -­r1lon wu clOIOd In time for the mambar1 to bo pr .. eot at lhe onvelllng or lb• "Oaorao Boyd Ta~lolf' In lbo Hethodltt Chart!& bV' tbo Bon. J. J. Ro1tereon, who wu ohlellT wtrnin10 tal lo 1eourlag tbl• l\Ulng trlbula to • 11oble worlcn Jn th• days tbat are put. It 1bo11ld be an ln•plratloa to tboee oow In tho Miile oobla work. Sborl and exeallont •pooohn 'lV•ra dollHred b.r Iha Pu&or, )Ir. Pincock, b7 !Joa, J . J, Rotforsoo, ltn. J. Tbacko.ray, Mr. MoriU and.M.r. Sllrlln11r. AU rogreltod that tbe arrival of Ibo tralo borriocl Iha buoUfol Mn•lc1t.

So1De of lb• Oraod Lod1e repr .. enta· Uvu ramalned In &owa, knowtn1t wban Ibey had had foond a mtlll• charming· tnwo tor a qolAltootlnjt/ bat lbOH preH· t"d by bu1lnllU carN le c lo the uo train. All 1b"o •ltllore h .. o brough t wltb tbo1n joy ao.d ebHr for lbtt Harbor Or11Clan1, and 1bo1 10 awar. l'fllh th• bteulo.p of lb011e b•l•RIL rb9 cl09ln1 hym" wu noi llghll:r1un1, bat from Uit> heart, "Ood be Wllll 7on IUI 'l{I meet •&•ln."-Com. •

;~Bert Hayward won in lbe walk· >, /: match at St. JQlm's ye.terday,

'Vering the '20·mile courae iu 3 hr. ~ m. 4 8. , tbu8 be:itinl?' Murri•'

-C.001i'l8B.-Boats OD Mood'-Y ' me or las t year by 5 m. 23 .. The . moro1ngllu1d. a good . show of fiah, l followln;r in· ortfer were-S -.~he.town h3d quite a ptbenng-?.oe boat ba.ving ::a 9,U•~t.al ta~n by Ice. J, C:impbcU. P . fl. KnowlinJ!, of v1a1tor11 on Tuc~day, the aea1ioo 31ggt-ra. No caplin Jll to be bad \Va . o. w. Steele. w. Collftld, of .the. Grnn~ Lodge of the I. O.G. T . hereabouts. but h::u.I. the tiah(rmcn J, Mar{in. T. Pottle. w. Biggio·• bc1ng111~ a l:ir(re ou!n ber of pcle· a aupply from the beat! of tht{Bay, I ~ • l gnt,ea lrom St. Joho a. Cart_>ooear the chanc:ca are lb:.tt a goo I !'fart I LTh• hadl" or the n.<'. Cl)n)?rt'gatlon and other pl11c:ea. The v11itora would have been made tbla w~k for ~d a meellnir lu th• Oathl'dn'1 aocrlaty 11pcnt the tintl! pleunnlly. nod the the acaaon '• catch. Sa Imo'"' are t '""ek, tn •rtiuu:r• fM lloldlnit • h3 • 61!1>ai.,n w11a a complete aucc;eas.

~· . a r ftbout next Ohrl•lmu. It WM d&- . . acarce. Tr;apa .bnve been set. tb11 •c~od 10 do,.., llD<I 0i>mu1lllffl we.ro •J>' week but ao catchu are rel'Ofled. 'pi01nte'1 to to~tll• work on root. ' l{~ lti.llard'• LIA.lmY& IA t.11• boau.

~~ I t. I '

1~t: . , ' I'


-S1uova M....,..-llr. Jlobert Clarke. of Tiltoa. met wltb a aerl· oaa iajtie.J lut Thanday~whlle lie wu ~tching Ilia hone oa the Sonib Side hit1a. Tbe bone'• reiaa trip­ped the man, and the anbaal backed. plach~ ita hoof oa tbe lower part o( the man'• abdomen. The blow did UOt aeem to be beayY. bat OD examlaaUon be fonod tat be was all·bat dl1embowelled. Be graaped tbe lacerated _part and reaclaed lilr. Morri-'1'• floaae. wbea a horse waa proalftd from Mr. Sheridan who droye here witb •ll poealble speed. · Dr. Strapp attended to the iajarcd man. and be returned to tbe South Side. where be remained until Monday. ud lc(t here tbat day for bia home. Mr. Clarke man· ages to pt about. bat bis l\Jjury is painful and aerioaa.

-OaiT.-Mr. John Noel, one of the lllOlt ce.oerally known and re­·~ reaid.enta of Soath Side. died there on Monday morning. after a.a illneu of four mootba. fa bi• 93rd year. Up to some twenty ycan ago • .tbe dec:uaed conducted the Labrador 6abery1 and in bi• day. wa• luiowa to ba~ been an up­riJht and iadn1trioaa ma.a. Sta aund .., .. ~t in • •tead7 ·motald. which with a hapJW aatare made him a man who wlille peneYering and ind•• in bl• calling, oevec frowned He worl"l7 affa.ira were not :way• t~onble to h im or hi• aadertili11p. la daily rooad of work, be treated tbOM with wbom he was associated with c:oo­•lderate thought ; oo man wbo work· ed with Ol' for blm could aay OUfhl •gaia1t him; bia uprightneu and

r.1la.lo-dqllng were prominent points a bis cbaractu. Bia pauiog

away remoTca from worldly acenea aaother laadmark - the number dail7· rrowinr leas, a.ad llD aced sojo1trner bu roae to hi• reward. tdr. Noel lea.ore& a Jarire famU1-fonr.. son• and o~ dall(liter, forty· ai.x rruclchildrc.o a.oa.: twenty-one gttat.pndchldre.o. Of the sons, Archibald, Albert a.ad Slmco11 re­side on the South Side, and Joba F. li'e• lo Victoria. .B.C. Mr. Stewart Parsons, of thl• towo. i• a daugh· ter. The , funeral took place on Tuesday la1t. the re1lden{a of the South Side following to the laat reatiair·placc the bo<ty of one who trae looked tip to with respect and ca teem.

-G&Q&O& BoTD Maxoar.u .. -Th• lablol In th• Mothodlat Ohnroh hara In memory ot th• R.v. Oaorse Boyd, wbo wu tor oome, yaan putor of tho oon-1racauon, waa oacovared oa Wed· noeda7 af~noo11. at a.46. AboD& 70 per­IOH were pron al, ~· •t.-llten being th•~ .... lam• Pinoook. twf'· .S. Tlaack· oray1• Dou. J • .S. Bol:oroon aad Kr. W. R. 8urlla1. Th• tablet, wbJClb 18 placacl la l.bo Ohuroh by lbOH who rOCOS11lsod Iba Rev. Mr. Boyd'• NTVIOM ln lha Churob and bit l.Dderau1abl• •ftorta In the oau10 of um~raace, bear• tbo In· 1erlplloo 1-aacrM to tbe memory of tb1 Rev. Oeoriro Boyd, mlnl•ler of lhl1 t:lrcnlUrom Jljtj2 to U!87. Bii .. ai, by tho bl-lng or Ood, carried tho Permlllllvo Diil for lhe Ol1lrlct. 110 died 19 Lon· don, Ontario, 180'l. Tho momory of tho Jull .la blt'llOd." ---

Mr. Jonalban Par.on• bu IO greaU7 lmpJ;ovocl that bo It a'-Jo &o be al)on t bl• bou'• aaato.

Mr. A;odl'ow t>ar.orut, who WM taken Ill la 81. John'• two week.I aso, 11 no,., l1Dprovlnc and wut eooa. bo •bl• to ro­toro. homa. -Mr. Erertoo MM>Nab, reprNontlng

M-rl. T • .\.. ldac.N•b, SLJobo'a. WM In town on Mood&y oo a bualn ... trip.

Mr. Henry Yelmt.n, of Br7an&'• Cove, wu la town on S...torday, aod lofl horo In a bolat tor hoinl', lu company with two of hl4 ~randaoaa. Mr. Yetman I• 91 year. oC ajl[•t!f:lllt WH quite oqual to 1h9 1..,lt of PQUJD!l an uar lU th• boat Sl&lnlt uce 1u11r1, '""41\lllll11Q>wiJaf•

' I ' '"

Local and oiher I tems.

R El 0 N EWFOUNDuA·Nffi COM PANY .. r). ·t

Leaves Pll\Centi' e'.;;;ry ~fon. day and WednesdBy alte r 11r- \

rival of St. John'd tr11in •for following ports:


__ ...... .....,,,. __ ,....,_... ............. ....

lillllard'• LlnJm~borman'\fdo~d -PJCEllD vr.-A t10rao contalnlnit a

1om of money ,....J>lcked up atc.1w days 910 by .a papU of lll&b School. Owaor apply at Bish Sobool.

r;: 64'e;• 6666 6++6· ·'\666666 A >Ae A.AA,ol "

s!:=~SDORP'S Bre!~ast .• ;

-11-Ta. R. D. MoRae & Son•' acbr. Clara, Ca11t.. "Yet.man, arrlTocl on Tuea-day frolll IJ)'da~lbi. ton• coal.

Flaberm.on I Oo t ~t your Frlood In nead-Red. Oroet1 I • Tho Oil hM -ealablJabed a namo tor llN)f, and I• tho beat remady for &II pain• and aahu on Ula mark• L .tt coroe all your aoh .. and palm. :for aalo norywher-Allv.

-A trfend who had a lettor rocootly from Hall'• Bay, Info.rm• • ihat tho pa.el eprhlg Uie w,aihor lbero hu been moat qacltw~, mort! IO than bu boon 1xperJe11.ced ror ~ yaara.

-Tho Danltb IClhoooer Vera, C.plaln Hyglnd, arrlncl hero Wedneldoy wltb 60 tooa ooal, for r.1 .. 1n. Murray~ Oraf­tord. She It 140 ton1 not and will loid wtth Hal oU and 1lrln• lor tbo l)rllltb market.

-Tbe Bon. J. ;r, Rogel'IOo, of Saint .John'" wu • CllOlll tho vl1lton to tow.u daring the woelc. Old trlondo u woll u new 0011 ware ple .. od to •ee Ibo veteran lookhll IO l\alo and hoany. Mr. Roaer· '°" irpeat a IS•Y with a friend golog aroand and aeolog tho old tamUlar Man... •

-RoWlllQ AT 0JtfOllD.-Among th• oar•m•o In th• BerUord CoUt&• crow, Osford Unlr•rellJ', 11 John J>enn:r, .on of John Peony .lublloe Road. B• 11 rowla1 No.$ lo the Hartford olgbl, aird I• on• ot lb• oaadtdatea for next roar'• UnrYoreJty ~w. Ho bu already iirirod In throe r-, and I• to row rn threo mor• thla month. Al~ Peony la • RhodN IObolar f'rolll tho Irl1h Olirlatlao Bl'Qthar1' lahool, SL J oh.n'1, Ntlct..-BaU· I•• paper.

-Mea1ral.R.. D. McRAo & 86na' echr. Olara wUl Ofur again for Sydnoy when b•r oarso oe ~·le dltobarged.

. Jlr. N; Noeewortby bu blracl the llChr. Caber ll'al&la from UourL R. .D. McRae & Sona and wm proeecat• tho fltbe17 al Labrador.

M'r, W. KMfo111Chr. Laodaeor artlvod bar• on Tllo~ from King'• Con, and wlJl loave •horlly for Labridor.


~ J. F.w.oo, }~IQ., Uennlngton, N..B'. hree :V.811' alnoc I WM vary much

rodocod wllb a droadtol cooab, wbloh l'Olloltod ln l)ronohlU.. afrootfng mo eo 10TarolJ{ aa to render It dlmonlt lo epoak lo an aodlblo voice. To thtt ll'M added e•Hra night 1,raata. and I wu toartar of 10Jn1 lo&o a deollno. After r•ooarea to varloD.1 remoclleti to no .PUrpoM, l made qH of Dr, Wl11ar'1 Bdum of WUd''Oheny a fow boUloa of 'Which raUy r11&or&l mo lo health. Slnoo that Umo I have h&d aoversl Mvore allMk• of coogb1 bllt lb• Saturn baa 1lwa:;tr\'&­moved tnoin. I alw1y1 k•Pl It by mt' and aboald not know bow tO do wllhoul ll" ~ 60o. and $1 per bolllo. Sold b.r

daalere s•aarally, and by T. M.o?durlfo & Oo., St. John'1. ---

-Tho Intoxicating J'.;lquor Llceo1lng Board mot lately 10 cooildor lhreo •P· pllcaUon• to ..a lntoxlo•tJU on fbo La.. brldor. ContldatlnR; tho natnro !nd ef. foctl of tho vllo 1tntl' \OOUder u liquor, th• appllean11ml.11h1 u woll havo ukoa tor perml•lon 10 pol•on. The three mombereof tho Board pretont rejected tha appllejlUont, which doc1-lon wu ati.rwardt concuned In by Judflo Coo. roy who wu abont trom 1bo meeting • Tlio Tel~r~m well 1&.f• that the ).loon .. Ing Act fGOIS 1boold be '° amended u to prob bit the Hie on th• f..abrador. Peoplo go lh•r• to catoh II.Ill lh order to provide tor tho wan11 of themaolvoa aod their lllllo ODH, not to .,rail ow Ibo UJJIJ' docootlon• •old to them 1&1 exorbitant price• u 110 on. Tho Telegram la 1lgbt, loo, In ealllnR on tbo aulhorltleti to 111mpout &be llllCllt tramo oa Ibo cout


,_~~~~~~~~~ -~?-~~~~~ i· SOLP BY ALL GROCERS . . ~

··; ·····~ ":t["""" . .. : .. . ····--~t T. A. MacNA°'-&. ., Apntl for Newfoundland. ~

. .... ~~:!:=~:~:1:! ... ~,vl .. Gosse & Currie, Caniage-Bpilden, Painters, Ac., SJmlWIN-WILLIAMS


Having now a first-class~· ter, our 1

.-: PAINT (/) qualicyof work'i1 u good u e best. z I No order too small (or us handle. Stoc:Jc and workmanship gu.rante¢. • ( COVERS MOST ft1 Try us.,.ith your nest order. I ;{J

. . It LOQKS BEST <. R. A. SQUIRES, LL e. , (/) WEARS LONGnsT 5


Ontca, - 1. KIKBBRLBY ROW .J FULL MEASURE -llanT f\naT, ..J - IN- r

(Oppoalte Star of the Bea llal4 - 5 ·GALLON TINS r . Telephone 266. ST. 1omr'a ~ -


. Cabot Buildinf, Water Stzeet I ; 1/2 11 "

St. John's. ::> ~ (Eatablllbacl 1&'7.) ft! J./4 II 11

Full liDCS Granite and l\fa.rble Head- U. stoue;s, Monuments and CCm~tery De- W Cards given on ce~nons now on ~~ Designs and I application. esnmatcs on apphcat.ioo. Best work·


•ti' p :7.

mansbip. Lowest prices. (/) & MUiR'S MARBLE WORKS, -MUNN

~I co .. - · · CABOT BUILDING, Agents.


Spt,cial Offerings This W cc.~: LADIES, TAKE. NOTICE!

25 {;~dies' Cream and Black Silk Blouse11. 36 Ladiei White Lswn a~d Sateen Blouses. 24 Ladiei Black $,teen Blouses

· Ladies' and Children's Black Cashmere Hose. Ladiea' Black Thread Hoee--Lace ankles. Dainty Brown Bolland Skirts. · 80 pieces Plain and Fancy Lawns and Muslins. 6 pieces Dre11 Oraeb in Holland and Blue. Llldie8' Linen Bats. Infante' Lawn Hats. tirSpecial-30 pi~s Floor Canvos, 2 yds wide,

painted both sides-only 38c. per ) d ......... ~ ........ ~ ........ ~........... ~

I l

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