liberty and life

liberty and life The official magazine of PHCC January/February 2013 Naturally Supernatural - Mike Pilavachi on the Holy Spirit An audience with Albert Buckler Coffee & Mars bar with Martin Smith - John Williams Find out how you can help the Black Country Food Bank Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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The Magazine of PHCC


Page 1: Liberty and life

libertyandlifeThe official magazine of PHCC

January/February 2013

Naturally Supernatural - Mike Pilavachion the Holy Spirit

An audience with Albert Buckler

Coffee & Mars bar with Martin Smith - John Williams

Find out how you can help the Black Country Food Bank

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Page 2: Liberty and life

Meet the Senior Leadership Team.....

Life changing faith since 1853.

Sue Williams

Mervyn Willetts

Hayley Ball

Pam Burgess

Andy Davies

John Williams

Edward Willetts

Page 3: Liberty and life






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Our Godat work.

Want FREE copies of theLiberty and Life Magazine?Email us at:[email protected]

The next edition will bepublished in February 2013

Get in Touch

Find us:Primrose Hill Congregational ChurchChapel StreetNethertonDudleyWest MidlandsDY2 9PN


Email:[email protected]

Upcoming Events

Jesus CultureOutpouring Conference -Manchester

What’s happeningat Tuesday Teaand Praise

Lets Talk

The Black Country FoodBank


Naturally Supernatural

Jesus is for lifenot just for Christmas

Page 4: Liberty and life

Then Gideon said to God, “You said you would help me save Israel. I will put some wool on the threshing f loor. If there is dew only on the wool but all of the ground is dry, then I will know that you will use me to save Israel, as you said.” And that is just what happened. When Gideon got up early the next morning and squeezed the wool, he got a full bowl of water from it. Then Gideon said to God, “Don’t be angry with me if I ask just one more thing. Please let me make one more test. Let only the wool be dry while the ground around it gets wet with dew.” That night God did that very thing. Just the wool was dry, but the ground around it was wet with dew. (Judges 6:36-40 NCV)

Andy and myself have just returned from the Jesus Culture Outpouring in Manchester. it was a 3 day conference for leaders and we had an amazingly blessed time. On the second day of the conference I had an experience which has to rank as probably the most surreal thing I've ever experienced.

Let me set the scene, the Jesus Culture guys had arranged for us all to go on a tour of the Manchester United ground, Old Trafford. In my group along with Andy and about 50 other people were our friend Ryan Baker-Barnes (PHCC hosted An evening with Ryan earlier in the year), Chris Quilala (Jesus Culture's

main worship leader) Banning Liebscher (The director of Jesus Culture) and Martin Smith, the lead singer of my all time favourite band Delirious. As we toured with the guide, we were privileged to be able to chat to some of these guys and passed comment on the things we were seeing including the memorabilia on loan from Dudley Museum regarding Duncan Edwards, one of the tragic victims of the Munich air disaster.

After the tour we were free for about an hour to wander around the museum before getting back to the coaches. Andy and I looked round and found ourselves in a remote corner of the exhibition when Martin Smith wandered up to the same exhibition, a virtual video audience with Sir Alex Ferguson! As the presentation finished, Martin turned to me and asked if I knew the way to the exit? I told him I did, but as there was another half an hour until we were due back, that we were heading to the cafe to get a coffee, he said that sounded like a great idea and offered to buy me a coffee. After realising rather embarrassingly that he'd left his wallet on the coach and only had 70p in his pocket, we came to an agreement that I'd buy the coffee's and he'd buy a mars bar for us to share! Over the course of the next hour I chatted about life, family, music and ministry with one of my all

time heroes over coffee and on the journey back to the conference on the coach. I felt so blessed to have the opportunity to spend some time with a guy who has inf luenced me so much over the years.

After the coach journey, things returned to some sense of respective normality as Martin went off to do a TV interview and Andy I and some new friends went of to find somewhere to get lunch. I quickly texted Chris Bennett, a massive Delirious fan, with who I'd been to so many of Delirious gigs up until they finally called it a day 3 years ago.

That evening, we were at the evening meeting at which Martin and Chris Quilala were leading worship with Ryan. During the worship set, something happened which I know will stay with me for ever. Martin had just finished leading one of his new songs and Chris began to strum the chords of the next song. As I looked up, Martin caught my eye and took his guitar off, putting it on it's stand and made his way off the stage and through the crowd toward me. As I worshipped, he laid his hands on me and prayed for the anointing of God on my life. Through teary eyes I worshipped as Martin continued to pray for me and then as he stood and worshipped together with me at his side for a few minutes before returning to the stage to complete the worship time.

Jesus CultureOutpouring Conference


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It wasn't the presence of my hero that brought the tears, or the honour of being singled out of 150 plus leaders to be prayed for, but it was the way that God used the situation to address fears I'd expressed to him about 20 years earlier!

This is where the relevance of the Bible verse at the top of the page comes in! You see I first felt a real calling on my life to be a leader when I was about 14, I felt the call of God, but despite the encouragement of people like my Grandad, and Pete Brownjohn (I still remember meeting as a young teenager at McDonalds with Pete who told me I was a natural leader) and others, I didn't think I was up to the job. I feared that I'd let people down, or become proud, or just be plain rubbish at it! So I kind of challenged God on it, in a way like the whole dry f leece, wet f leece thing, that was so improbable that if it happened I'd know without a shadow of a doubt that I was hearing God right. I prayed this:

"God if you want me to be a leader, you're going to have to send someone down off the stage, stop what they're doing and come and find me!"

Now I know that God calls us to faith and stepping out without the assurance of everything being laid out in order before us.

I believe I have started walking fully in God's calling as a leader over the last 18 months and I firmly believe that what God was doing was showing me that although I'd finally got the message, he could still do the improbable! In fact he could up the stakes by using the single most significant hero in my life of faith to be the man to take up the challenge! Let me finish by encouraging you that you are significant and God want's to speak to you. When you do hear God speak, hold that promise and live it, work towards it and share it with people who can help help you on your journey and keep you accountable.

God bless, John.

New Wine’s vision

To see the nation changed through Christians experiencing the joy of worshipping God, the freedom of following Jesus, and the power of being f lled with the Spirit.

To see churches renewed, strengthened and planted, living out the word of God in every aspect of life, serving God by reaching the lost, broken and poor, and demonstrating the good news of

the kingdom of God to all.

New Wine’s values

Continuity & Change – we want to be faithful guardians of an unchanging message about the person and work of Jesus, and the need for personal

salvation and sanctifcation, while also adapting ways of worship, teaching, being church and doing mission according to culture and context.

Cross & Resurrection – we want to honour all that Jesus has done for

us on the cross, and to embrace the way of the cross for ourse lves, while also knowing the power of his resurrection to set us free.

Gracious & Truthful – we want to be kind and generous in the way we think and speak about others whether they agree or disagree with us, while also clearly communicating what we believe and why we believe it.

Leadership & Every-member Ministry – we want to train and deploy anointed, courageous and missional church leaders, while also equipping every Christian to serve like Jesus in their home, church, work and life-place.

Mission & Community – we want to see the church become a missionary movement to love and reach the lost, to care for the poor and to bring justice to our homes, neighbourhoods, workplaces and nations, while also being a grace-f lled community in which people can fnd relationship, healing, faith, hope and love.

Natural & Supernatural – we want to see every Christian using all the natural reason, wisdom and skill that they can, while also learning to operate in the supernatural gifts of the Spirit to minister to others in love and power as Jesus did.

Now & Not yet of the Kingdom – we want to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God and to see that confrmed by miraculous signs and wonders, while also ministering grace to all, knowing that su!ering will be part of life until Jesus returns and makes all things new.

Transcendence & Presence – we want to live lives that celebrate God’s awesome power, transcendent majesty and sovereign work, while at the same time experiencing his intimate presence as we encounter him in heartfelt worship.

Unity & Diversity – we want to work with everyone who holds these values in open, mutually accountable friendship, while also acknowledging and honouring di!erences in leadership style, church characteristics and denominational emphasis.

Word & Spirit – we want to derive all we believe, teach and do from the Bible as the written word of God, while also learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit speaking to us individually and collectively.

At Christmas time, its vitally important that, children grow up at Christmas with knowing the true Christmas story. The shops, and streets are very focused on Santa Claus, and seasonal weather scenes, therefore Jesus can get pushed to the side sometimes on the high streets of our modern day world. Most families get together and ref lect on memories, from years gone by, providing many a laugh and happy thoughts.Church is one big family and always welcoming to all, the Bible teaches us the very fact that Christian life should be lived within the context of the family of God (Eph. 3:4 -15; Acts 2), and not in isolation. Jesus the gift of Christmas is celebrated all year round at church, not just at Christmas. Its great to see old friends at Christmas, many sharing encouraging friendship words. But an all year round Jesus is Gods gift to you.Fellowship is an integral part of PHCC's faithful church construct, whereby people come to celebrate Christmas day every week, not only by giving, but by using there talents to encourage and equip other people to go out and impact the world for Christ Jesus our Lord. Love in our Lord - Hayley Ball

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2012 has been a very busy time for our prayer line, receiving many requests from Christians and non-Christians who are desperate for God to intervene into their situations. It's been a privilege and sometimes heart breaking to have this responsibility. As always the cost of running the prayer line has increased and it's been decided that instead of a pay & go phone we are to change to a contract phone to reduced costs and maximise the use of this great tool. I want to encourage you to carry on texting your prayer requests to our prayer line. If your prayer request is strictly private then just add the word "Private" at the beginning of your text and only the Senior Leadership Team will pray for you. If you want to be part of our praying community then just send a text to us but don't forget to add your name at the end of your text so we know whom we're dealing with.

Communication is vital whether by telephone; text, letter, facebook, email, video, sign language and even body language there are many more we could mention. As Christians it's vital we communicate with God we call it prayer and without it we will lose touch with God and run the risk of becoming spiritually dead. At PHCC we believe in the power of prayer.James 5:16. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Every second Thursday of each month at 7:30pm is our prayer meeting/bible study group and to bring things up to date it's now called TALK. It's a time for prayer, teaching & sharing. During Easter 2012 we went through Andy Frost's DVD "The Jesus Series" which was amazing. At present we're making our way through the Joyce Meyer DVD series

th"Power Thoughts ". Our next meeting is Thursday 10 January 2013 the title is "I trust God Completely; there is no need to worry" You all need to watch this one I cannot emphasise enough how much this will stir you up and change your way of thinking.I want to encourage all of you just to take time out of your busy schedule to join us once a month. Soak yourself in the word of God and pray so that as a church we grow together and equip ourselves, ready to move out of the four walls of our building and reach out to a hurting, hungry community.

As we look back over 2012 and remember those who are no longer with us and pray for those struggling to come to terms with the loss of a loved one. We remember those nursing/caring for the infirmed and also those in physical and emotional pain. Keep praying for our Senior Leadership Team and those who lead groups at PHCC on a regular basis. We should be a church that is not inward looking but outward looking. Jesus didn't spend all his time in the synagogue he went out into the community seeking those in need, and so should we. One thought to leave you with, when you find yourself in a difficult situation remember "What would Jesus have done" Take a look at the Gospel of John and read about the example Jesus set us.

talkMonthly prayer & bible study

lets talk

We Remember!

Page 7: Liberty and life

NATURALLYarticle taken from:

Are we sacrificing God’s power and grace to be seeker friendly? Mike Pilavachi urges us to unpack our spiritual toolkit

exposing the liesSUPERNATURAL:

I became a Christian 37 years ago. I was quickly introduced to the idea that the healings and miracles that characterised the life of Jesus and the early Church were still available today. I just as quickly discovered how controversial this notion was, and became aware of the battles about cessationalism (the idea that the gifts of the Spirit have now ceased) and emotionalism (the idea that spiritual gifts are just emotional manifestations).Now, there seems to be an acceptancein many churches that charismaticgifts like prophecy and speaking in other languages in the Spirit, or ‘tongues’, are for today. But are we actually seeing the eager desire to exercise them, as urged by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:1? How many of those who believe in the gift of tongues actually pray in tongues every day? How many prophesy? And how many exercise the ministry of healing? I want to suggest that there’s a discrepancy between the New Testament Church and the Church of today, and I believe the reason is we’ve subconsciously believed certain lies.

Optional presence?The first lie is that the manifest presence of God is an optional extra for the people of God.

Moses said to the Lord, ‘If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here… What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on theface of the earth?’ (Ex 33:15-16).The people of Israel regularlyexperienced the presence of God. They called this ‘the glory’. 2 Chronicles 6 and 7 recount how the glory of the Lord filled the temple. God’s presence keptthe priests from entering the temple, and the people knelt, faces to the ground, worshipping and thanking God. To the Israelites the glory was not a theological proposition, it was a happening.They even knew when the glory ofthe Lord had departed – would we?Of course the gospels make clearthat Jesus is the manifest presenceof God. He is the glory, and on the day of Pentecost, he filled his disciples again by his Spirit.All the way through the book of Acts we observe the Holy Spirit falling on people and each time it is a ‘happening’, an experiential event. In Acts 4:31 we read how the meeting room was shaken aspeople were filled with the Spirit. In Acts 8:17 Peter and John placed their hands on new believers so they would receive the Holy

the meeting room was shaken aspeople were filled with the Spirit. In Acts 8:17 Peter and John placed their hands on new believers so they would receive the Holy Spirit. This was seen by others – Peter and John were even offered money to ‘impart the Spirit’. The great promise for the end of the age is that God will make his dwelling with us (Rev 21:3); oneday the Kingdom will come in allits fullness. In the meantime we are meant to be the trailer that makes people want to watch the whole film! So we pray, ‘Your Kingdom come!’ This includes praying, ‘Your manifest presence come.’ The power is in the presence.

Optional gifts?The second lie is that the gifts of the Spirit are optional extras for God’s people. Again we go to Scripture to refute this. The early Church clearly moved in the power and gifts of the Spirit; it was indispensable to their life and witness. They healed crippled beggars (Acts 3), Peter moved in the gift of discernment as he exposed the deceitfulness in Ananias and Saphira (Acts 5),and the apostles performed many miraculous signs among the people (Acts 5:12). This caught people’s attention and even people from outside the area brought their sick and ‘those

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tormented by evil spirits’,looking for healing (Acts 5:15-16).All of them were healed.Crowds gathered because of these miracles. CROWDS GATHERED! We have tried everything to bring crowds to our meetings. We’ve tried everything to get people to listen to us too, but in Acts 8:6-8 we’re told: ‘When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid close attention to what he said. With shrieks, evil spirits came out of many,and many paralytics and cripples were healed. So there was great joy in that city.’ It was when the crowds saw the miraculous signs that they started paying attention. I suspect that when people see miraculous signs today they will listen harder to our words. TheChurch today cannot fulfil its mission without the gifts and power of the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are not badges that we wear or trophies we display, they are tools that we use.They are vital to our mission andwe must eagerly desire them.

Now, and not yetI have met a number of people who once used the gifts of the Spirit but have stopped because they have felt burned by some of the excesses and exaggerated claims they have witnessed. Many have become tired with endless renewal meetings thatgenerate more excitement in strange manifestations than in salvation and, in some cases, have proved a distraction from the task of sharing the gospel.There certainly have been excesses, and some unbiblical and therefore unhelpful theology on the Kingdom has been quite destructive. For example, when we start believing a theology that says all of eternity is to be expected in all its fullness now, we move from trusting in his leading, presence and provision to a humancentred, works-

-based, successdriven Christianity that exaggerateshealings and deliverances and creates a fantasy faith where those who can’t keep up are left by the wayside.The Bible tells us that the Kingdom is ‘here and now’ but also that itis ‘not yet’. We see that we are meant to pray Your Kingdom come’ and expect ourprayer to be answered. And yet we are told to eagerly await his coming in glory, when he will ‘wipe every tear’ from our eyes and make everything new (Rev 21:4-5). Our lives, our prayers, our worship and our witness are to usher in more and more of theKingdom. This side of eternity wewill still only see a ref lection.But this doesn’t mean that weshould settle for ‘charismatic lite’,where we sing modern songs, liftup our hands and have altar callsbut ensure everything is carefullyscripted so that we can be ‘seeker friendly’. By doing this we throw the baby out with the bathwater. Surely the burden of Paul’s message to the Corinthians is that the corrective for misuse is not disuse but proper use.The most excellent thing that could happen in any church service is for the glory to fall on us and for the Spirit to do what he always does: point us to Jesus, convict us of sin, give us power to be witnesses, form us into the image of Christ, illuminate the truth of God’s word and bestow upon us gifts of grace. There is nothing more seeker friendly than this! Religion is the enemy So we need to learn again that the whole ministry of Jesus is for the whole Church of Jesus. We are all anointed. ‘In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on ALL f lesh’, says the Lord in Joel 2:28. We need to find models that are not weird and inaccessible to nonbelievers. In short, we need to cutthe religion. Religion is the enemyof mission. God can be as weird

as he wants; he’s allowed – after all, he’s God. We need to be normal. Then we need to learn to ‘see what the Father is doing’ and join in. The term ‘naturally supernatural’ is the perfect description.I know a few young people who are seeing incredible things happen simply because they are trying to listen to God in their everyday lives. Here’s one example. A guy was having a drink in the pub and felt like he was supposed to pray for a woman there. He asked Godwhat to pray for, closed his eyesand tapped randomly on his phone. When he looked it said ‘toes’, so he approached the woman and asked if there was something wrong with her toes that he could pray for. She gasped and showed him her feet they looked terrible! As he prayed, the blood started coming back into her toes and she could feel them getting better. One of her friends asked for prayer for his arm which had just come out of a cast – God healed that too. The group said, We were all atheists, but we don’t think we’re atheists anymore.’ Being naturally supernatural means we have the humility to give up control of the situation. We look to our Father to lead us, and then we imitate him. I wasted too many years of my life telling God what I was going to do and asking him to bless it. It is so much more fun – and effective – to find out what heis doing and bless that!We need to be constant learners in the things of the Spirit. And finally, we need to persevere, to keep going and not to give up. We need to stay hungry and eager for his presence and his power.Our world is crying out for it.

Mike Pilavachi Mike is the founder of Soul Survivor, which runs events to empower young people all over the world. He is also the Senior Pastor of Soul Survivor Church in Watford.

Page 9: Liberty and life

Since Wendy visited us in September for our

Harvest, and shared with PHCC, the fact that t

here are families, within our community whom use

the food bank on regular basis as a means of

survival, we have experienced an amazing

amount of support, in terms of donations and


Unfortunately due to a lack of space at the

warehouse the Food Bank can no longer take

donated clothes and furniture until at least April

2013. The items that The Black Country Food Bank

require the most are;

·long Life fruit Juices,

·long life milk,



·healthy (children friendly) snacks.

Please keep up the good work and remember the

food bank, when doing your weekly shop. Weekly

updates of what they are most in need of for families

are posted on the PHCC facebook page, however

if your not a facebook user and would like to know

what the food bank are most in need of, let me know

and I can pass my emails on to you.

Netherton is within the 7% most affected by poverty

within Great Britain, so the need is very big.

The statistics from the charity, Shelter, are that 75000

children will be without a place to call home this

Christmas, that’s devastating to hear. But don't feel

that you carn't help, because by donating to the

food bank your helping these very children from the

statistics, in our community, through Jesus Christ

Our Lord Thank You

For any more information on the Black Country

Food bank and Compassion contact Hayley Ball

Around six months ago Compassion informed me that Katya, whom lives in Peru had graduated from the Compassion programme, and we have been allocated a new Compassion child to support. We now have a little girl called Daniela who lives in Ecuador she is 12 years old, we have around 4-5 letters from her per year, the most recent of which can always be read on the compassion notice board, within the front porch of church, and future receive letters can be read in future PHCC newsletters. If anyone would like to send any drawings or items of paper depth such as stickers, photos etc, to Daniela please pass them on to me and I will gladly post them on to Daniela. Below is the information we have on Daniela.

Name; Daniela Rocio Briones SegoviaBirth date; 18 August 2002Country; Ecuador

Daniella lives with her father and her mother, she is responsible for carrying water, buying or selling in the market and making beds. Her father is sometimes employed as a labourer and her mother is sometimes employed as a labourer. There are 3 children in the family. As part of Compassion's ministry, Daniela participates in church activities and Bible class. She is also in Primary school where her performance is average. Playing with dolls and playing group games are her favourite activities. Because of our sponsorship, Daniella will have new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Thank you for your concern and prayers.

Project; Nazareth Student CenterLocation; Northern Guayaquil, Juan Montalvo, Ecuador

Daniella lives in the coastal community of Juan Montalvo, home to approximately 35,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt f loors, brick walls and zinc roofs. The spoken language is Spanish.The regional diet consists of bananas and rice. Common health problems in this area include respiratory infections, dehydration, parasites, malnutrition, dengue fever and malaria. Most adults in Juan Montalvo work as craftsmen and earn the equivalent of £160 per month. This community needs portable water, food, health care and recreation area. PHCC's support allows the staff of Nazareth Student Center to provide Daniella with Christian education, medical checkups, health education and academic support. The centre staff will also provide special celebrations and family recreation trips for the parents of Daniella. Your prayers and financial giving are gratefully receive

Page 10: Liberty and life

During the last few months this Fellowship meeting by the grace of our Lord has achieved the objective we all had in mind and indeed was the reason for the name change all those years ago. That objective was to attract both sexes, we can now report that we have a goodly number of both attending on a regular basis. We also had in mind from the onset that it would become a full team effort with no one person becoming self important, that also has been achieved. The love generated has to be seen and is so central to our meetings which are all about fellowship with our Lord and each other. Not only do we have a long list of visiting speakers who are all willing to address us but also very able people in our midst, the Lord speaks through us all thus we learn from each other. Janice Cole spoke to us recently about the

time that the baby Jesus was presented in the temple, Simeon took the baby in his arms and praised God. At the same time the Prophet Anna also gave thanks, Anna was 84 years of age at the time and a widow who had only enjoyed 7 years as a young bride. At the time of her marriage she must have had her future planned out in her own mind but it was not to be. After the death of her husband she never left the temple and devoted her life to God and became very wise. We can all make plans but the future is in Gods hands not ours. Something else Janice reminded us of is the fact that we older ones are a walking wisdom who have experienced those times when it has not been easy to be a Christian, times when we have found it difficult to show love to someone who does not return that love or in our minds does not

deserve it. Well we are a group of people of different age groups ranging from the sprightly to the I need help to stir my tea, but we have a lot in common, we are indeed the Lord’s people and share his love. We look forward to sharing with you in future editions of this magazine some more snippets from various speakers including our own.

We thank every single one who comes along on Tuesday afternoons each one is equal to each other and share n everything that takes place whether it be speaking, tidying, washing up or just enjoying the time together, the Lord loves you all and so do we. Many blessings. Albert and Cynthia.

Tuesday tea&praise

albert bucklerAn Audience with:

What would be your highlight of Tea and Praise this year?A few weeks ago Sue brought Alma along, which was a great blessing

Who is the best Sunderland player of all time?Jim Montgomery- for his double save in the 1973 cup,and the Niall Quinn, Kevin Phillips pairing in the late90's

What makes PHCC an exciting place to be on a Sunday?On a spiritual level- prayer time, We are so close bothto our savour and each other. I also enjoy the after servicebanter with Ste and am still hopeful to convert him to the red and white stripes of Sunderland.

What are your hopes for Tea and Praise in 2013?To reach out to more people in love, thus enrichingtheir lives as ours have been enriched

What is your favourite Tea and Praise cake?Lesley’s lemon cake, I have even been known to pick through the crumbs

What is the most requested hymn at Tea and Praise?In Christ Alone

What is the joke that Albert has told that has got the biggest laugh?This has to be “How to wash the cat”

Page 11: Liberty and life

A project-based club/hang out for 11-16's Friday 8-10pm

Every Friday 5.30-7.00pm Breathe

see websitefor details

cafechurchTuesday & tea praiseevery Sunday night at 5.40pm

every otherTuesday Nightfrom 5.00pm

4th Thursday of the monthfrom 7.30pm

A bible based class for 0-16 year olds - Sunday Mornings @ 10.45am

A midweek fellowship meetingevery Tuesday at 2.00pm



talkMonthly prayer & bible study

2nd Thursday of the month

Boys Bible Study3rd Thursdayof the month

upcoming eventsSaturday 5th January 2013

Saturday 2nd February 2013

Saturday 9th February 2013

One Heart Sound Prayer BreakfastDudley Church Youth9.00am - 12.00pm

Seniors Meal - from 12.00pm

Church Meeting - 9.00am: breakfast10.00am: meeting

2013 is the 160th Anniversary of PHCCwatch out for special events throughout

the year to celebrate this landmark year in our Church

2013 is the 160th Anniversary of PHCCwatch out for special events throughout

the year to celebrate this landmark year in our Church


The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 1AU.

Primrose Hill Church Holiday 201313th - 15th April

The Hayes, in Swanwick, Derbyshire, has successfully been the market leader as a Christian Conference Centre since 1911, providing residential and day conference facilities for up to 400 delegates. Set in beautiful Derbyshire countryside with easy road, rail and air links, the Centre is well equipped to serve your conference with quality facilities, and friendly, efficient staff.

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